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Transition from Image Deposit Direct (IDD) to Chase Quick Deposit (CQD)
What’s Changing What You Should Do
Your Transition to Chase Quick
Carefully review the enclosed material and visit
www.jpmorgan.com/visit/cqdmigrationspc for important information
about your transition. Please bookmark this site for future reference
and share it with your users.
Your Transition Contact A dedicated transition team will serve as your point of contact for
information, updates and questions throughout the transition. Your
Transition Specialist will contact you to discuss the details of your
Please make note of this number for future reference:
Transition Team (866)
Administration Rights You must be a System Administrator to set up users and locations. If
you are not the appropriate person for this role, please immediately
contact the transition team. Note: You must have administration
rights on your computer to install the scanner.
Review Set Up Information During your scheduled interview, your Transition Specialist will
review your Chase Quick Deposit setup in detail, so that we can
verify that we have the information necessary to facilitate your
The Image Deposit Direct application will be un-installed from your
Transition Process After your transition to Chase Quick Deposit, you will have view only
access to historical images and information in Image Deposit Direct