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2022 Spring Honors Capstone Projects Honors College
Sri Subhash Pathuri
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Copyright © by Sri Subhash Pathuri
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Presented to the Faculty of the Honors College of
The University of Texas at Arlington in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
May 2023
I convey my heartful gratitude to Dr. Shawn Gieser for revising my initial topic and
coming up with a concrete plan for this project. In addition, I am thankful to him for
effectively guiding my team and me patiently throughout the senior design project period.
With all his support, I was able to brainstorm effectively and develop a dynamic feature
that impacted my senior design project to a new level.
The project could not have been completed without the support of my teammates,
Rithik Kapoor and Dhruva Malik. We went through mainly all-nighters and conflicts and
sacrificed other aspects to transform the initial pitch into reality. Even though we could not
meet regularly for a couple of months due to the pandemic, we were able to keep with the
expectations and have detailed documentation with the help of GitHub for tracking our
progress and being compatible with a plethora of android devices.
May 1, 2022
Sri Subhash Pathuri, B. S. Computer Science
The University of Texas at Arlington, 2022
Faculty Mentor: Shawn Gieser
During the pandemic, the majority of the working population spent most of their
time doing sedentary desk jobs. As a result, they may have developed inadequate spine
posture, which can cause profound implications such as back pain if not corrected at an
early stage. Implementation of machine learning and computer vision has allowed us to
capture and analyze video input from the user’s cellphone to remind them whenever they
are not in the correct position. To further support users, a chat feature has been
implemented through which the users can quickly get in touch with orthopedic experts for
evaluation and feedback. With the help of strategies from kinesiology, a comprehensive
analysis has been conducted to find the root cause of abnormality in the spine. As a result,
anyone can instantly monitor their posture and make minute corrections to recover swiftly
after consultation or a medical operation.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ..................................................................................... vii
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Honors Project Responsibilities ...................................................... 2
1.1.2 Honors Project Tools ...................................................................... 2
1.2 Value Proposition..................................................................................... 3
2. TECH STACK ............................................................................................... 4
2.1 Android Studio & Java............................................................................. 4
2.2 Firebase .................................................................................................... 5
3. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................ 7
3.1 Authentication .......................................................................................... 7
3.2 Real Time Database ................................................................................. 9
3.2 Chat Feature Implementation ................................................................... 10
4. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 13
4.1 Android Studio Conclusion...................................................................... 13
4.2 Firebase Conclusion ................................................................................. 13
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 17
BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION ......................................................................... 18
Figure Page
2.1 Firebases removes the need for special servers ............................................. 6
3.1 Login Screen .................................................................................................. 8
3.2 SignUp Screen ............................................................................................... 9
3.3 Functionality of the real time database .......................................................... 10
3.4 Chat feature where a patient can ask about any problem ............................... 11
3.5 A snapshot of how the user list activity is designed ...................................... 12
4.1 Users would populate this way in Firebase when they sign up ..................... 14
1.1 Background
Throughout the pandemic, most of the working population started working from
home remotely. After understanding multiple surveys, it has been proven that people are
more alert and have better composure in the first half of the day, and as the day passes,
these levels begin to drop until they stop working. Many people spent an increasing amount
of time doing desk jobs and have a poor seated posture, which could lead to many health
issues like back pain, headaches, and spine curvature. Bad posture leads to not having
confidence, which further leads to low self-esteem. This decreases the productivity of the
employee, which is a great loss for the organization.
We aim to develop a unique application that will support people in improving their
posture by using the cellphone’s camera to monitor the user while they are seated and notify
them whenever they get into a bad posture. Although there are various other posture
correction applications on the Google play store or iOS application store, almost all of them
involve some expensive tracker placed on the body and do not seem to use the vast
capabilities of machine learning and computer vision. The spine is an essential part of the
body. Without it, we cannot keep ourselves upright or stand up. It provides us the body
structure and support. With the aid of the spinal cord help, we are able to move freely, and
it is designed to protect the central nervous system. Without that, we cannot properly move;
hence keeping the spine healthy is vital to living a happy life. This is the main idea behind
why we wanted to make a profound impact on everyone’s lives by developing a product
that is immensely beneficial.
1.1.1 Honors Project Responsibilities
As a part of the capstone project, additional components that are essential to
provide the users with the best overall experience were worked on. Worked on connecting
the doctors available in the local network to users seeking advice on specific therapy
practices or post-surgery cool-down procedures through chat. Adding medical support with
the help of online physicians can boost the morale of users and serve as an added incentive
to use the platform for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The general tips provided on the
internet may not be suitable for all of us. Hence, its essential to provide users with the
ability to connect with external resources such as doctors to guide them with respect to
their specific health conditions. The real benefit of implementing this feature is that in our
application, doctors can readily view the patient’s history and view all the analyzed metrics
1.1.2 Honors Project Tools
This Honors project utilizes the same tools as the rest of the application. Java was
to develop the application in android studio. Firebase is used as the database for the
backend. Google’s ML Kit Vision Application was used, and it is the backbone of our
application. In Java, I used to recycler view for instantly populating the messages in the
conversation in real-time based on the internet traffic and flow of data through packets. All
the messages would be stored as unique components with their identification tagged with
the user in the cloud platform. Accessing real-time data was efficient by incorporating the
Firebase SDK. Once all the instances of firebase applications were set up, reading and
updating the database was a seamless process.
1.2 Value Proposition
There are various telehealth services available. However, the benefit of
incorporating that feature into our application is that physicians can readily view the patient
history and view the analyzed metrics of his back posture from any period of time, based
on the patient’s consent. This vastly reduces the amount of documentation and evidence
needed for physicians to decide on the treatment right away and solve it in the early stages
itself. Several times in society, the presence of spine and posture problems in younger
people might have incorrect interpretations from their friends and family circle as to not
exercising properly. With the help of this feature, the users can share all their feelings
confidentially. At-home, post-operation therapy has not only proven to be clinically
efficacious, but patients feel more comfortable communicating through the computer
screen and smartphone than in person. Another important aspect is that it is crucial for the
patient to feel at ease in their environment while performing the necessary exercises. And
for that, there is nothing more comfortable than being in the place where you want to be.
Even the expenses for gasoline are reduced with stress from traffic, making it a viable
option to pursue.
2.1 Android Studio & Java
Although many excellent tools are available for mobile application development,
Android Studio and Java stood out for several reasons. Android Studio was used to take
advantage of certain performance advantages immediately. Java is considered one of the
best programming languages for mobile applications. It is an object-oriented language
developed by Sun Microsystem in 1995. In all other coding systems, the code is first
translated by a compiler into instructions. In contrast, Java, on the other hand, turns code
into bytecode, which is then interpreted by Java runtime environment, and is more efficient
than the former. This is an easy-to-learn language with fluent English-like syntax and less
complex jargon. It has a rich API, XML (Extensible markup language) parsing, database
connection, networking, and utilities and provides almost everything that a developer can
expect. This is open source and is also freely available.
Android has succeeded in keeping Java at the forefront in the last couple of years.
For Android applications, you can use android APIs as well as Java to write code. These
applications are called native apps, developed by utilizing native tools. Android Studio is
the official integrated development environment for Android application development. It
is based on IntelliJ IDEA, a Java integrated development for software, and incorporates its
code editing and developer tools. This is much easier compared to cross-platform
frameworks such as React and Angular, where state management becomes extremely
complex. IntelliJ’s company initially developed Android Studio, it offers a diverse set of
features that enhance productivity when building apps, such as the flexible Gradle-based
build system, that is a fast and feature-rich emulator and a unified environment where you
can develop for all varieties of android devices. It has built-in support for the Google Cloud
platform, making it easy to integrate Firebase and Google Cloud Messaging and App
2.2 Firebase
Firebase is one of the optimal services to utilizes in the backend domain due to its
seamless integration and user-friendly interface. This platform provides services at
multiple tiers to support all types of customers. First of all, it has its own proprietary
backend platform to securely store all the user data, and secondly it has multiple services
such authentication to effectively synchronize the backend platform and the application.
This platform supports everything from databases and analytics to crashing reports;
therefore, it is easy to debug applications multiple times to solve all errors. Throughout this
app, Firebase was incorporated into this application, it is being used for secure
authentication, storing chat in a real-time database and storing images in the Cloud Storage
part. The best part is that one can instantly implement all the features in real time by
connecting all data points together with a single unique UserID for each separate entry in
the database.
Figure 2.1: Firebase removes the need for special servers
In addition to utilizing the machine learning models for posture detection, deep
learning and neural networks were used to formulate the various back problems with the
help of Kinesiology and other practices. A variety of situations were researched were where
issues can occur and collect information also to provide the users during the consultation
so that doctors can provide treatments by looking to the resources present from our side,
without any further research and mainly using their profound experience.
Once all the information is collected, a comprehensive analysis was performed and
came up with a well-defined flow as to which problem can lead to other serious issues if
not taken care of and the respective side effects for each circumstance. In this way, we
initially plan to learn and become well-versed with the basics of the various medical
practices so that we can truly understand and build systems suited to those needs.
3.1 Authentication
The authentication part of the application consists of 3 parts, which is the SignIn
page, SignUp page, and the Forget password page. All these pages contain the basic
instances of all the design components, such as buttons from the aesthetic point of view.
The functionality in Android studio works through the way of listening, each component
waits to listen to the user interaction, and we created a step-by-step process informing the
application what to do based on the type of interaction with the user. Hence, once the user
types in all credentials, the application will observe their interaction.
When the submit button is pressed, the Listener function for that button will be
activated. Once the button is activated, it will send a snapshot of the entered credentials
and verify it with already stored details in the cloud and confirms if the user is legitimate
or not. The passwords are not stored, as it is in the application. Every time a new user
creates a password, the application uses an internally modified version of script to hash
account passwords. Even when an account is uploaded with a password using a different
algorithm, Firebase Auth will rehash the password the first time that the account logs
successfully in. Accounts downloaded from Firebase Authentication will only ever contain
a password hash if one for this version of the script is available or contain an empty
password hash otherwise. They have mainly incorporated this to make sure the personal
data of each user is in safe hands. In addition, they have created a progress bar that displays
the loading symbol when the authentication process is going on. This process gets activated
when a user clicks the submit button, and they have programmed it so that it only stops
showing once the entire procedure with Firebase is complete as a way to be transparent
with the user.
Figure: 3.1: Login Screen
Figure: 3.2: SignUp Screen
3.2 Real Time Database
Once the authentication is complete, Firebase stores a copy of the credentials in the
auth section of the platform, however, the central database where all the user and chat data
is stored is the real-time database. This database was chosen because in any chat
application, there is a need for bi-directional transfer of data. Firebase Realtime database
allows applications to approach cross-platform data within real-time after joining NoSQL
cloud-storage. Even piece is data is still being cached in the memory of a device when
offline and start synchronizing after getting into a local café that has a Wireless internet
connection. They can set customized data permissions at different levels so that all the data
points are sealed, to prevent any malicious attacks online. The data in the cloud is arranged
in a JavaScript Object notation (JSON) fashion. The system goes through multiple layers
and obtain the required data by chaining the commands as shown below:
Figure 3.3: Functionality of the real time database
3.3 Chat Feature Implementation
It took an entire week to create a logical flow as to create an initial design of the
software architecture. Once, the flowchart was ready, a development mechanism was
chosen where any two users can stay online in the application at the same time
concurrently. In addition, a couple of design components were created of each populated
message icon and box so that each aligns to the respective edge based on each user’s
perspective. For example, in the first user’s screen, their messages should appear on the
right side of the application and the second user’s messages should appear on the left side
of the screen to differentiate.
Figure 3.4: Chat feature where a patient can ask about any problem
This application used a recycler view in the application, as it is a flexible layout
whenever a user opens the application, all the previous messages need to be re-populated
every time. And this application has a loop such that the text extracted from the cloud will
be enclosed in the message box components, and will be packaged together, to be displayed
sorted by time from the bottom in the descending order. A special library called Picasso is
utilized, to store the images and for downloading and caching library for android. Further,
to update the database each time, a Database Reference instance was created to generate
the most updated snapshot on demand to analyze where to update in the database based on
the local timestamp of the device. To facilitate, the process of each message being properly
arranged, a User class that consists of all the parameters, so that during each cycle, all
essential details such as name, email, age, and all messages are updated together every
To decide which person to chat with, an addition screen was developed which was
called the UserListActivity. This page consists of a Linear Layout which displays all user
profiles and their images as a list of User Cards. In this way, we are able to understand
which all users are online and offline. These cards are designed to appear dynamically if
the number of users does not fit the screen at once, the user will be able to scroll infinitely.
Figure 3.5: A snapshot of how the user list activity is designed
This project allowed me to realize my great potential which was untapped till now.
Honors College faculty played a big role in encouraging me throughout the process.
Android Studio and Firebase are both incredible tools that made this honors project
manageable. The members of our team were quite familiar with the workload required to
achieve all the required goals. We were surprised by our efficient co-ordination. Although,
there was an initial learning curve with syntax and the logic of these tools, this quickly
outweighed its benefits.
4.1 Android Studio Conclusion
The mechanisms of Android Studio are slightly different than the plain Java
programming language. Each visible page of the application is divided into the two
components, which are the functional and design components. This gave us additional
flexibility to create custom connections between components to make the best user
interface for the customers. The Picasso library was useful in easily displaying profile
photos for each message in the chat screen for easy differentiation.
4.2 Firebase Conclusion
Firebase developed by Google is a marvelous product, which was extremely useful for our
team. With other backend platforms, the developer needs to setup the location of the servers
and their maintenance costs, and also mange load balancers. These all are taken care of
automatically in Firebase. Hence, we were able to merge the Firebase Database,
Authentication, and Storage platforms to facilitate in organizing all the messages based on
each pair of users. Firebase authentication empowered our team to develop a unique
project that was not only functional but was also secure and safe. Based on experience,
everyone should kickstart their Cloud journey by taking full advantage of Firebase.
Figure 4.1: Users would populate this way in Firebase when they sign up
1. XML layouts and AppActivity Screens: Creating of mobile applications involves two
steps. The first part is the creation of screen filled with basic components with no
functionality present, such as adding scroll bars, buttons, text views, image views, etc.
The second part, which is the App Activity screens involve the Java code that dictates
all the behavior of the activity screens based on the haptic feedback of the user.
2. OnClickListeners and User Adapter: All applications function based on our touch
response on the screen with respect to the needs on demand. To facilitate the instant
response when the user clicks anything, each widget in Android Studio has a system
similar to a timer, which keeps on listening (waiting) for a specific way of touch. Once
the user touches the button, and if his gesture suits the requirements, then that specific
widget will direct you to the next task. In order to display a list of users, a card-based
system was created whereby all data from Firebase gets downloaded and packaged in
the form of independently combined widgets, which can be stacked side by side in real
time. This flexible card-based system is known as the User Adapter.
Kim, DeokJu et al. “Effect of an exercise program for posture correction on
musculoskeletal pain.” Journal of physical therapy science vol. 27,6 (2015): 1791-4.
Jonaitis, Jenna. “12 Benefits of Good Posture - and How to Maintain It.” Healthline,
Healthline Media, 14 Apr. 2020,
“Why Posture Matters.” Harvard Health, Harvard Medical School, 24 Jan. 2017,
“Why Android Developers Should Prefer Android Studio over Eclipse?” Digital
Transformation Agency,
Sri Subhash Pathuri is an undergraduate student studying Computer Science at the
University of Texas at Arlington. He had participated in two internships throughout his
college career; one at Animal Cloud, which was a startup company, and the second one at
Humana, as a software reliability intern. These internships enabled Sri Subhash to gain
valuable experience and knowledge as how to truly contribute to a company in a healthy
manner. Sri Subhash has also worked as an undergraduate research assistant at the
Innovative Data Intelligence Research Laboratory. Working on multiple projects in the
fields of machine learning, block chain, and computer vision, were useful in improving the
skillsets and helped in winning the HackTX (UT Austin hackathon) in 2021. Sri Subhash
plans to work for a couple of years to explore all areas and find the optimal field of interest.
Further, Sri Subhash would return to obtain a master’s degree in that field and try to
advance further and contribute significantly.