International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 04 | Apr 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2701
Android Based Instant Messaging Application Using Firebase
Anurag Mhatre
, Nitesh Marchande
, Riddhesh Khedekar
, Amruta Sankhe
Dept. of Information Technology, Atharva College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information Technology, Atharva College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
Abstract - Exchange of information for our current
generation is increasing day by day. Terabytes of data is
generated and needs to be stored on a daily basis. Exchange of
information takes place through telephones, mobiles, texting
applications, via social media, etc. But online communication
is an ideal way for communication in a secured and fast
manner. Short messages can be sent within a very small span,
saving an ample amount of valuable time for users thereby
making it the most ideal way for communication. A mobile
application should be able to share information like video,
audio, texts with minimum delay as possible in order to
provide a better user experience. Only then will the user be
comfortable using the application. The information of users
should also be safely stored in a secured region which will
give users the confidence to upload their data freely. Firebase
is therefore used for such purposes. Storage of texts, videos and
files can be achieved using firebase. It is better to use android
for developing mobile applications compared to other
platforms as the UI is simpler as well as easy to understand,
thereby helping the developers. Creating a real time android
application with one-to-one communication between the users
in a safe and secure way is the main objective behind making
the app. This application will help users to communicate
through texts with each other. Storage of files on cloud will be
an added benefit for the users while using the app thereby
enhancing the user's experience. The application needs an
active and stable internet connection between the users for
secured communication to take place.
Key Words: Communication; Firebase; Android; Instant
To overcome geological restrictions, communication plays a
vital role to utilize technology and unite different people of
different cultures. Over the time communication has become
an important and indivisible part of our daily lives . So, from
an unknown time, people have been communicating through
various means throughout their lives. As in the late 2000s,
smartphones began to gain popularity among youngsters
and older people alike and that’s the reason more messaging
systems became available and began to gain popularity
among the common people. Chat applications have improved
social media by being the core component or characteristic
of any medium. Back in older times letters were used as a
medium of communication but the drawback was that for
any small message or any immediate message
communicating through letters was just not the ideal way ,
because it just sometimes took a lot of time for the letter to
even get delivered.
[1]So after the recent growth in the smartphone industry
and it being very popular among both the developers and the
smartphone makers. [2]Therefore a text-based
communication system which would allow instant
communication between the users. Which led to
development of several text-based messaging apps over the
decade ,including WhatsApp, WeChat, hike, Snapchat just to
name a few [4]This was made possible due to the Android
operating system . Android is an open source operating
system which is developed and managed by Google.
[5]In this paper we are developing a similar application
which tries to achieve similar goals of text based
communication and we will also be adding a cloud based
storage solution which will help the users of this application
to store any important documents or images according to
their need .
The basic goal is to create an application which is capable
of creating a chat room according to the users, for the users
and storing the related data at a single place. Implementing
Google firebase, cloud to store the data. The goal of this paper
is to develop a fast, smooth as well as secure application that
allows users to share text, media i.e. pictures and videos, free
of cost.
The feature of authorization allows the user to sign up or
login, anytime, anywhere in the country with the use of any
mobile phones. The user after login can search other users in
the search menu which will then be redirected to the chat
room on selection of the username.
This is an internet based instant messaging android
application, which provides the users to text other users in a
fast, convenient and secure way.
Both users' devices must have an active internet
connection for communication to take place. Numerous chat
applications such as WeChat, Hike, WhatsApp,
Telegram, Facebook messenger, Line etc. are used for
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 04 | Apr 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2702
messaging purposes but this android application is capable of
storing files, images, videos and photos. Thus, the user does
not need to worry about his/her local storage. The users get
their personal information stored on the cloud. Using this
application, users can communicate with any user within the
country who has signed-in the application successfully. The
application uses Google Firebase for storage of files, images
and videos and Google Firestore for the storage of texts. Users
have to register or sign-in through their respective Gmail Id
in order to access the application. When the user signs-in to
the application, the user can search for another user for the
communication to take place.
This application is designed for android mobile users.
Users can respond to the messages received by just typing the
reply message and press the send button. Users can also sign-
out from their present device and can sign- in through
another account if they feel the need to do so.
An online text messaging app that allows the user to
communicate with other users in a fast and easy way. Both
should be having an active Internet connection for
communication. For any day to day activities or needs the app
also features a cloud storage which helps users to store and
retrieve data. The system is divided into different modules,
each module has a different function and works in sync with
other modules without conflicts. Major modules are as
Fig.4.1 Block Diagram
When a new user tries to use the app for the first time
he/she has to sign in using a google account or Gmail id. If
Gmail is not available then the user has to create a new
google account and register using Gmail id.
This module is introduced when a user tries to sign in to
the system. The user must enter the Gmail id and password
and the Firebase system will check whether the account is
correct or not. The password is stored as a hash that ensures
System security.
Fig.4.2 Login module
This is the main program module that will handle the
messaging function of the system. This module starts when a
user chats with other users on the network. The following
flow chart explains the chat room workflow.
Fig.4.3 Chat Module
For messenger application we need to have a real time
cloud database .For this purpose we have used Google
Firebase .
There are various methods available but the firebase is
the easiest and developer-friendly environment to create a
database. To create firebase database and link it with the
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 04 | Apr 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2703
We need to create the project on the firebase. Following
are the steps to create and link the dataset to the android
studio ide: to the android studio ide:
Create Firebase project
Login with your same email id in the Android studio
as the one which you used to create firebase project.
Authenticate your login credentials.
Make sure the package name of the firebase project
and the android applications are the same.
Make sure the name of firebase package is correct in
the file
Now configure database authentication and storage
Enable the google sign in method in the sign in
method tab.
For the database, create the database in test mode.
When done, we can make more rules for the database
in future as per requirement.
This module in the program is used for uploading and
downloading files from the firebase database. The
messenger app has this cloud storage feature which helps
users to store and retrieve data from firebase cloud storage.
So users can store images, documents, videos on the cloud
and download them anytime, saving disk space on local
Following images show different pages and parts of
implemented application . The messenger application has all
the implemented parts including sign in , registration , user
search page , chat room and file upload and download pages
which helps user to store and retrieve files from firebase
cloud .
Fig.5.3 User search screen Fig.5.4 Chat Screen
Fig.5.1 Sign In Screen Fig.5.2 Registration
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 04 | Apr 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2704
The application will be used for users to connect and
communicate with each other . The application has sign up
option by which users can register them using a google
account .Users can search other users by their emails also
and send them requests and communicate with them. The
feature of authorization allows the user to use their account
anywhere anytime with the use of any mobiles phone.
Users have to login to their application with their email id
and password as there is no need for an OTP. There is in
every case some spot for improvements in any product
application, how great and proficient that application might
be. At this moment, we are managing just the texting
between the friends.
In future the application may add more features to
incorporate a few highlights, for example,
1. Voice calling.
2. Video calling
3. Messages auto delete after a certain time.
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Fig.5.5 Upload Files Fig.5.6 Select Files