Learning to Refine with Fine-Grained Natural Language Feedback
Manya Wadhwa Xinyu Zhao Junyi Jessy Li Greg Durrett
The University of Texas at Austin
Recent work has explored the capability of
large language models (LLMs) to identify and
correct errors in LLM-generated responses.
These refinement approaches frequently evalu-
ate what sizes of models are able to do refine-
ment for what problems, but less attention is
paid to what effective feedback for refinement
looks like. In this work, we propose looking
at refinement with feedback as a composition
of three distinct LLM competencies: (1) iden-
tification of bad generations; (2) fine-grained
natural language feedback generation; (3) refin-
ing with fine-grained feedback. The first step
can be implemented with a high-performing
discriminative model and steps 2 and 3 can
be implemented either via prompted or fine-
tuned LLMs. A key property of this approach
is that the step 2 critique model can give fine-
grained feedback about errors, made possible
by offloading the discrimination to a separate
model in step 1. We show that models of dif-
ferent capabilities benefit from refining with
this approach on the task of improving fac-
tual consistency of document grounded sum-
maries. Overall, our proposed method consis-
tently outperforms existing end-to-end refine-
ment approaches and current trained models
not fine-tuned for factuality critiquing.
1 Introduction
Large language models (LLMs) have been ob-
served to display inconsistent behavior such hallu-
cinations, not following instructions, and unfaithful
reasoning (Levy et al., 2021; Ye and Durrett, 2022;
Zhang et al., 2024; Turpin et al., 2024; Shaikh et al.,
2023; Zhuo et al., 2023) One recent strategy to fix
these mistakes is to perform post-hoc refinement of
the response with natural language feedback (Pan
et al., 2024; Madaan et al., 2023). These methods
either use human feedback (Saunders, 2023) or,
Code and models available at:
… has caused controversy since its implementation in 2005.
In response to a lawsuit by 10 students
who failed the exam, a judge has allowed thousands of
students who did not pass to potentially graduate.
Give a summary of the document on the topic “California's
high school exit exam”
The document does not specify the year … error span is:… To fix..
The document does not specify the judge’s … error span is:… To fix..
A California judge has issued a temporary injunction against the
state's high ….. 10th-grade level English, has caused controversy
since its implementation in 2005. In response to a lawsuit by 10
students who failed the exam, a judge has allowed thousands of
students who did not pass to potentially graduate issued a temporary
injunction against California's high school exit exam
A California judge has issued a temporary injunction
against the state's high..
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed DETECT, CRI-
TIQUE, REFINE method. For a document-grounded re-
sponse, DCR first detects if the initial response should
be refined. If so, we critique the response by generat-
ing fine-grained natural language feedback about errors,
then refine by making targeted edits.
more frequently, automated feedback, such as from
self-critiquing (Madaan et al., 2023; Gero et al.,
2023; Shinn et al., 2024; Raunak et al., 2023; Ye
et al., 2023), from a trained model (Xu et al., 2023a;
Akyurek et al., 2023; Paul et al., 2024; Chern et al.,
2024), or from external tools (Jiang et al., 2023;
Olausson et al., 2024; Gou et al., 2024; Chen et al.,
2023; Stengel-Eskin et al., 2024).
Critiques are straightforward to obtain in some
of these settings: for example, verifying that an
acronym starts with the correct letters (Madaan
et al., 2023) or that source code passes test cases
(Olausson et al., 2024). However, in the context
of natural language generation, as opposed to code
generation or math problem solving, notions of
correctness are relatively less well defined. As
a result, substantial prior work has taken a “one-
arXiv:2407.02397v1 [cs.CL] 2 Jul 2024
size-fits-all” approach and either directly refined
responses with an LLM, or generated feedback
across a wide variety of aspects and then used those
for refinement (Wang et al., 2023b; Ye et al., 2023).
Prior work has not studied what happens when
refining for a dimension like factual correctness,
which has the property of not being easily verifiable
with external tools while still being objective.
In this work, we propose a three-stage refinement
framework suitable for tasks like factual correct-
ness. We look at refinement as a composition of
three distinct LLM competencies: DETECT, CRI-
TIQUE and REFINE. Figure 1 shows an example of
this pipeline. We first detect erroneous generations
at a sentence level. Then, if any sentence is identi-
fied to have an error, we proceed to generate fine-
grained natural language feedback describing the
errors and how to fix them. Finally, we refine the
original outputs with the generated feedback. We
show that models of different abilities perform bet-
ter when refining with our proposed decomposition
compared to baselines where the response is either
(a) refined with a general instruction (e.g. improve
factual consistency”) (Saunders et al., 2022) , or (b)
refined with natural language feedback where the
model needs to do verification in the feedback step
(Madaan et al., 2023). This process allows for two
key differences from prior work: first, the use of a
detector to focus the feedback, and second, the abil-
ity to fine-tune models on fine-grained feedback to
enumerate specific errors. This sentence-level ap-
proaches allows for individually enumerating many
errors across an entire LLM output by handling
them in a factored way.
We evaluate our approach on two datasets of
document-grounded LLM outputs: TofuEval (Tang
et al., 2024b) and a subset of UltraChat (Ding et al.,
2023) consisting of queries asking for summaries.
We believe these are representative tasks for a wider
range of such use cases. Across both tasks, we
show that our three-stage approach outperforms
ablations removing or simplifying these stages. In
addition, the form of feedback given by our models
leads to higher factual consistency post-refinement
than feedback from Shepherd (Wang et al., 2023b)
or SelFee (Ye et al., 2023). Finally, we show that
fine-tuning our critique model improves its capabil-
ities over prompting, and our model is able to give
feedback on a variety of factual inconsistencies.
Our main contributions are: (1) we introduce a
novel post-hoc refinement method: DETECT, CRI-
TIQUE and REFINE (DCR), that refines with natural
language feedback to enhance factual consistency;
(2) we fine-tune models to generate fine-grained
factual inconsistency localization, reasoning about
the error, and a suggested fix for the inconsistency;
(3) we show the importance of the DETECT and
CRITIQUE steps in enhancing the post-hoc refine-
ment capabilities of models.
2 Background and Task Setup
We assume we are given an LLM output
, gener-
ated from a document
by prompting a model
this accommodates tasks like traditional summa-
rization, query-focused summarization, document-
grounded question answering, and more. Our goal
is to generate a refinement
ˆr = M
the refinement model, which can be distinct from
in our setting. We have two conditions for refine-
ment to be successful. First, we want to improve
the quality of the response along the desired refine-
ment axis, which in our case is factual consistency.
We define a function
E(D, r )
to score responses.
For the tasks we consider, there is not a firm binary
notion of factual consistency; this follows from
work in NLI showing that entailment judgments are
inherently subjective (Pavlick and Kwiatkowski,
2019; Nie et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2020)). There-
fore, we will evaluate if
E(D, ˆr) > E(D, r)
; that
is, did our refinement successfully improve factual
consistency. Second, we want to edit the response
such the refinement preserves the style, structure
and most of the content from the original response.
We do not want the refinement process to simply re-
place the original response or delete large portions
of it. We evaluate this by quantifying the num-
ber of edits at a word level and doing a qualitative
analysis, but our first priority is to optimize for E.
Relation to past formalizations Prior work like
Self-Refine (Madaan et al., 2023) leverages the
source model to critique and refine its own out-
put, which assumes that the source model has the
capacity to follow a prompt and evaluate its own
generations. These methods evaluate their refine-
ment methods on more structured tasks with auto-
matic metrics, such as solve rate for math reasoning
(Cobbe et al., 2021) and fraction of programs opti-
mized for code optimization (Shypula et al., 2024).
Our work does not constrain the refinement model
to be the same as the source, which changes the
nature of the questions we investigate, and further-
more the factual consistency task has different prop-
erties than logical reasoning problems like math.
Size Factuality
Document grounded “No Error” cases Error localization Eval. on refinement
UltraCM 13B
Shepherd 13B
SelFee 7B/13B
DCR (Ours)
Table 1: Comparison between existing feedback models and our trained model. Our approach focuses on generating
fine-grained feedback for improving factual consistency of document-grounded responses.
In domains like program synthesis, refinement is
often compared with sampling more completions
from the original model (Olausson et al., 2024). In
this work, we assume as part of the problem defi-
nition that we are refining a base response
. This
task is useful when generating the base response
may be expensive, or if it may follow other con-
straints or instructions that make it challenging to
regenerate. Furthermore, this allows us to use past
datasets that annotate errors over responses (Tang
et al., 2024b), which enables us to perform more
fine-grained analyses of fixed and remaining errors.
Prior critiquing methods Table 1 shows a com-
parison of our proposed critique model with prior
approaches like UltraCM, Shepherd and Selfee.
Feedback from these models mostly focus on cri-
tiquing the overall quality of the response without
necessarily verifying whether or not the respose
needs refinement. While UltraCM does not evalu-
ate the effectiveness of its feedback via refinement,
Shepherd and SelFee evaluate on tasks like multi-
ple choice QA (Wang et al., 2023a; Mihaylov et al.,
2018; Lin et al., 2021) where the evaluation objec-
tive is well-defined. Furthermore, current refine-
ment methods often perform the CRITIQUE step
directly on a response without knowing whether or
not it needs to be refined. This approach places the
burden of both verification and critiquing on the
same model, which our pipeline improves upon.
3 Refining with Fine-Grained Feedback
We propose decomposing the task of refining tex-
tual responses using natural language feedback into
three steps: DETECT, CRITIQUE, REFINE. Algo-
rithm 1 concretely shows the cascade of these steps.
Step 1: DETECT with
For a response
grounded in document
, we split the response
into sentences
s =split(r)
using NLTK, and for
each sentence
, we determine if there is an
error by computing
, r, D) {0, 1}
. If
all sentences are correct, we do not modify the
response. If any sentence is marked with an error,
we generate feedback using the CRITIQUE step.
Algorithm 1 Proposed Refinement Algorithm
, Initial Response:
, Models
Output Refined response ˆr
1: s = split(r)
2: F
3: for s
s do
4: if M
,r , D) then Detect
5: f
= M
, r, D) Critique
6: F F f
7: end if
8: end for
9: ˆr = M
(F, r, D) Refine
10: return ˆr
Step 2: CRITIQUE with
Once we have
to have an error, for each sentence
= 1
, we generate a natural language
= M
(D, r, s
that does span
localization, reasons about why the span has an
error and then suggests a natural language fix for
the span. We combine the sentence wise feedback
to create F and use it for the REFINE step.
Step 3: REFINE with
Given the docu-
, the response with errors
and the natural
language feedback
, we use
ˆr = M
(D, r, F )
to generate a response which targets editing er-
ror spans mentioned in
. We refine with com-
bined feedback as opposed to per-sentence to en-
to place edits in context and better
produce a final coherent response.
3.1 Supervised Fine-Tuning
Section 5 shows how our proposed approach gener-
alizes for models of different capabilities, ranging
from LLAMA-2-7B-CHAT to GPT-4. For smaller
models, we explore fine-tuning
to generate natural language outputs for our task at
hand. We train based on distilled critiques and re-
finements from a stronger language model
in our case GPT-4-0613.
Figure 2 gives an overview of the data generation
and fine-tuning process. We first generate natural
language feedback and refinements from
using prompts
. We then fine-tune
Training Data Genera,on
“error_span” : “...”
“feedback”: “...”
“fix”: “...”
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… In response to a
lawsuit by 10 students
who failed the exam, a
judge issued a
temporary injunction…
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<latexit sha1_base64="L1P0xeefYFoKfVLDPm1tCAGJpXY=">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</latexit>
Figure 2: Training data generation pipeline for our pro-
posed models. We first generate structured feedback
, convert it to a natural language form (
and use that to generate a refinement (r
. Notably, we first generate a
structured feedback to induce specific aspects from
that would allow us to obtain training data
for different capabilities.
Training Data Creation We construct our fine-
tuning data over a collection of (document, re-
sponse) pairs
, r
. We discard any re-
sponses for which
) = 0
for all
such that
are only trained on
responses containing errors. For each
detected to
have an error, we prompt a teacher model
to give a structured feedback. This
is a list of objects where each object has an error
span, reasoning as to why the span is an error, and a
suggested fix. We convert this structure to a natural
language form
. The feedback prompt
anchors the feedback in error categories derived
from prior work (Tang et al., 2024b).
We then prompt
to generate
a refinement
. As per our task setup,
contains a minimal editing instruction that
guides the teacher model to make targeted edits.
for training data genera-
tion are given in Appendix B.
Fine Tuning For
, we use document
and a sentence from the response
as input. The model is then optimized to generated
a natural language feedback
for sentence
Note, that we train the model to output a feedback
which has the error span, reasoning for the span
being factually inconsistent, and the suggested fix.
We also fine-tune
in a similar manner.
The input to this model is the document
, re-
and response-level feedback
. The
model is optimized to generate a refinement
Note that the
for data generation and fine-
tuning are different. The prompts for fine-tuning
are in Appendix 4.2. Appendix B describes the
compute and the hyperparameters for fine-tuning.
Subset Dataset
Doc Len Resp Len % Correct
Train MediaSum 1344 1189 43 46.9
UltraChat 1072 486 225 50.0
Val MediaSum 149 1186 45 47.0
UltraChat 124 524 238 50.0
Test TofuEval 267 778 52 56.6
UltraChat 272 497 227 24.2
Table 2: Statistics of training/validation/test split for
MediaSum/Tofueval and Ultrachat.
4 Experimental Setup
4.1 Datasets
We consider two datasets for our task of post-hoc
refinement: UltraChat (Ding et al., 2023) and Me-
diaSum (Zhu et al., 2021), with annotations from
TofuEval (Tang et al., 2024b). In both datasets, we
focus on refining document-grounded summaries
to improve their factual consistency. With Ultra-
Chat, we create a train/val/test set by sampling
summarization instructions from the dataset. For
TofuEval, we use the MediaSum split as the test
set and sample from the original train set of Medi-
aSum to create the train/val set for our task. This
gives us a distinct set of summaries from those in
the TofuEval dataset (derived from MediaSum’s
test set). Appendix A discusses the data creation
process in more detail.
Initial Response Generation We run UltraChat
and MediaSum prompts (source documents +
summarization instructions) through LLAMA2-7B-
CHAT (Touvron et al., 2023) and generate initial
responses. To be consistent with TofuEval’s sum-
mary generation process, we ensure that MediaSum
summaries are restricted to be less than 50 words
(prompt A.2). We combine the train/val splits from
UltraChat and MediaSum for fine-tuning. For eval-
uation we use the MediaSum split of TofuEval, and
the responses generated from Llama2 for UltraChat.
Appendix A.3 shows examples of instructions and
initial responses. Table 2 shows the number of
responses in each set along with their statistics.
4.2 Refinement Strategies: Baselines
One-Step: Direct Refinement (DR) (Welleck
et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2022; Saunders et al.,
2022). We generate a refinement
ˆr = M
by directly prompting (or fine-tuning) the model
with a general refinement instruction to improve
the factual consistency of the initial response. For
for this baseline, we train with a
Strategy M
MediaSum/TofuEval UltraChat
DR - - GPT-4 0.03
0.87 0.0 - 0.01
0.94 0.0
Feed +
GPT-4 GPT-4 0.10 0.49 0.25 0.73 0.01 - 0.09 0.28 0.21 0.74 0.04 -
- GPT-4 0.11 0.47 0.19 0.81 0.0 17.23
0.27 0.19 0.81 0.0 5.51
GPT-4 GPT-4 0.10 0.53 0.21 0.78 0.02 19.85 0.07 0.21 0.18 0.80 0.02 22.79
DR - -
0.88 0.01 - 0.02
0.08 0.06
0.94 0.0 -
Feed +
0.97 0.01 - 0.0
0.02 0.00
1 0.0 -
0.89 0.01 7.49
0.08 0.03
0.94 0.0 4.41
0.08 0.33 0.17 0.82 0.01 22.10 0.06 0.04 0.14 0.82 0.04 23.90
DR - -
0.98 0.0 - 0.00
0.03 0.0
1.0 0.0 -
Feed +
0.99 0.00 - 0.0
0.02 0.00
1.00 0.00 -
0.22 0.07
0.91 0.01 8.24
0.01 0.01 0.02
0.96 0.0 5.88
0.09 0.15 0.13 0.82 0.04 19.10 0.03 -0.10 0.07 0.76 0.09 21.32
Table 3: Downstream evaluation of refinements as generated by our proposed method DCR and various refinement
:Statistically significant gains from DCR over these methods with
p < 0.05
according to a paired
bootstrap test. DCR generally achieves the strongest performance across all base LLMs compared to other
approaches, particularly on LLAMA2-7B-CHAT and LLAMA3-8B-INSTRUCT, and particularly on MCS.
balanced set of factually consistent and inconsistent
responses (to prevent any copying behavior). The
model is optimized to generate a GPT-4 distilled
refinement if the initial response is inconsistent or
simply copy the response if it is consistent.
Two-Step: Refinement with Natural Language
Feedback (Feed+Refine) This approach fol-
lows prior work using a two-step version of our
pipeline (Madaan et al., 2023; Saunders et al.,
2022; Akyurek et al., 2023). We first prompt
the model to generate a natural language feed-
back for all sentences in the initial response
F =
. We then generate a refine-
ment that is on the feedback ˆr = M
(F, r).
We train
with a balanced set of con-
sistent and inconsistent sentences. The model is
optimized to generate ‘no error’ if the sentence is
factually consistent and the GPT-4 distilled feed-
back if the sentence is factually inconsistent. Simi-
is trained with a balanced dataset of
consistent and inconsistent summaries, and the re-
finement is conditioned on the feedback.
optimized to give a GPT-4 distilled refinement if
the initial response is inconsistent or simply copy
the response if it is consistent.
Two-Step: Direct Refinement with DETECT (De-
tect+DR) We modify DR by first determining
if the response is factually inconsistent or not
= M
. If the response is factu-
ally inconsistent, we perform refinement with DR
ˆr = M
= 1
. Note, this baseline does
not use any external or self-generation feedback.
We fine-tune
for this baseline and train it to
generate GPT-4 distilled refinements for inconsis-
tent responses.
DCR (our method) We first filter initial re-
sponses that are factually consistent using
We use
to generate sentence-wise feed-
back for any sentences that were detected to have
an error. We combine this feedback and use
to make targeted changes. Models for this baseline
are trained as described in Section 3.1.
Prompts associated with each of the baselines
are listed in Appendix C. Note, that all refinement
models are prompted (and fine-tuned) with a mini-
mum editing instruction.
4.3 Models
DETECT We use MiniCheck (Tang et al., 2024a)
. MiniCheck performs on par with GPT-4
while being light weight and more cost-friendly.
This model is ideal for our approach since it does
sentence level verification of factual consistency
against a source document.
CRITIQUE and REFINE In order to test the ef-
fectiveness of our proposed method, we experi-
ment with models of different capabilities: GPT-
4, LLAMA-3-8B-INSTRUCT (Meta, 2024) and
LLAMA-2-7B-CHAT (Touvron et al., 2023). We
abbreviate non-fine-tuned versions of Llama as L2
and L3. We fine-tune our Llama models to serve
separately. The resulting
Llama 3 models are referred to as Critique-L3-FT
and Refine-L3-FT for
, and anal-
ogously for Llama 2.
Existing models as
We evaluate how
existing feedback models SHEPHERD (Wang et al.,
, ULTRACM (Cui et al., 2023) and SELFEE
(Ye et al., 2023) perform as
. We run end-
to-end refinements, varying
with GPT-
4, and non fine-tuned versions of LLAMA-3-8B-
4.4 Evaluation Metrics
AlignScore (
) AlignScore (Zha et al., 2023)
scores two texts in terms of general “information
alignment” on a scale from 0-1 using RoBERTa
(Liu et al., 2019) as the base model. We report
the delta in AlignScore which is the difference
AlignScore(document, refined response)
Score(document, initial response).
GPT-4 Factuality Likert Scale Score (
Leveraging GPT-4’s ability to score generations
when given a well-defined rubric (Li et al., 2024)
we prompt GPT-4-0613 to score the factual con-
sistency of a generation on a scale of 1-5 using a
rubric. We score the initial and the refined response
in independent GPT-4 calls and report the delta be-
tween them. The scoring prompt with the rubric is
given in Appendix D.1.
GPT-4 Win-Rate (
) We run pairwise
scoring of the initial response and refinement using
GPT-4-0613 (Chiang et al., 2024; Dubois et al.,
2024) and prompt it to score generations on a scale
of 1-5. We use the scores to determine the win
rate. In each call we randomize the order of the
two responses. We report the fractions of Wins
Note that Wang et al. (2023b) did not open source their
model weights, so we use the model from the community that
has been trained on their data:
), Same scores (
) and Losses (
). The scoring
prompt with the rubric is given in Appendix D.2.
MiniCheck score (
% MCS) We calculate the
difference in the percentage of factually correct
summaries before and after refinement, as detected
i.e., MiniCheck. For fairness, we only
use this metric to compare among methods that
as a part of the refinement process i.e.
DETECT+ DR and our proposed method DCR.
5 Results
Does the three-step refinement help over stan-
dard refinement strategies? Table 3 shows how
our proposed method compares against existing
refinement baselines using the metrics defined in
Section 4.4. DCR gives the largest improvement
when refining with (Critique-L3-FT, Refine-
L3-FT) and (Critique-L2-FT, Refine-L2-FT). We
observe a similar trend for
. When refining with
GPT-4, we observe DCR performing much bet-
ter than DR, and being on par with Feed+Refine
and DETECT+DR. We attribute this to GPT-4 be-
ing a stronger model and achieving closer to ideal
refinement already. DCR also leads to a larger im-
provement in the fraction of summaries improved
) compared to DETECT+DR. This points
to the importance of refining with fine-grained feed-
back beyond the DETECT step. Tables 10 and 11
show the average values for AlignScore, GPT-4
Score and pairwise GPT-4 score for the original
response and the refinement.
Table 18 shows examples of refinements gener-
ated by GPT-4, Refine-L3-FT and Refine-L2-FT
using DCR. The edits are localized to a sentence
or phrase. The changes made are sophisticated
and add the correct information instead of trivially
deleting factually inconsistent information. Fur-
thermore, even our smaller-scale models are mak-
ing similar edits to GPT-4.
How do existing feedback models refine com-
pare to the proposed critic model? Table 4
shows the effectiveness of the DCR-generated feed-
back by comparing it against refining with feed-
back from existing critic models. Using DCR as
the refinement strategy, we vary
and use
Table 9 for LLAMA2-7B-CHAT).
The proposed feedback leads to the highest gains
in refinements across all our metrics, datasets and
models. This is expected since the existing mod-
els were trained to give an “overall” summary
MediaSum/TofuEval UltraChat
Shepherd GPT-4 0.06
0.88 0.03 0.06
0.87 0.02
UltraCM GPT-4 0.05 0.21 0.08
0.91 0.01 0.03
0.13 0.10
0.88 0.02
SelFee 7b GPT-4 0.04 0.17 0.20 0.71 0.9 0.02 0.44
0.21 0.68 0.11
SelFee 13b GPT-4 0.03 0.24 0.19 0.71 0.10 0.01 0.40 0.19 0.71 0.10
GPT-4 GPT-4 0.10 0.53 0.21 0.78 0.02 0.07 0.21 0.18 0.80 0.02
Shepherd L3 0.05
0.90 0.04 0.05
0.00 0.10
0.85 0.05
UltraCM L3 0.03
0.90 0.05 0.05
0.04 0.08
0.84 0.07
SelFee 7b L3 0.04 -0.03 0.15 0.64 0.21 0.00 0.04 0.11 0.74 0.15
SelFee 13b L3 0.02 -0.15 0.12 0.57 0.31 0.00 0.05 0.12 0.71 0.16
L3 L3 0.07 0.27 0.16 0.80 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.08
0.88 0.04
Critique-L3-FT L3 0.10 0.39 0.16 0.82 0.02 0.08 0.19 0.18 0.79 0.04
Critique-L3-FT Refine-L3-FT 0.08 0.33 0.17 0.82 0.01 0.06 0.04 0.14 0.82 0.04
Table 4: Results from DCR while varying the
to evaluate existing feedback models on our task.
: significant
gains by DCR with a
p < 0.05
according to a paired bootstrap test. We see the that our proposed
the largest gains across all metrics when compared to refining with feedback from existing critic models.
level feedback instead of an aspect-specific fine-
grained feedback, which our model learns to gen-
erate. Also, refining with a fine-tuned
and non fine-tuned
gives larger improve-
ments over refining with non fine-tuned
. This shows that smaller models can be
fine-tuned to give more effective feedback which is
useful for refinement. Table 17 shows examples of
feedback generated by different models. The pro-
posed fine-grained feedback does error localization
and also suggests a fix, inheriting such structure
from our structured prompts on stronger models.
In contrast, feedback from existing models, focus
more on the missing details rather than factual con-
sistency even when prompted for the latter.
6 Understanding generated feedback
Is the proposed detailed feedback form helpful?
The feedback used in our proposed method has two
important parts: error localization and a reasoning
for why it is an error with a suggested fix. To eval-
uate the importance of this detailed feedback, we
to generate only the error local-
ization as feedback and refine with a non fine-tuned
. Focusing on LLAMA3-8B-INSTRUCT, we
show in Table 5 that refining with our proposed
feedback form (rows 2 & 3) does significantly bet-
ter than refining with a less detailed feedback i.e.
only error localization. We can particularly see this
. This points to the effectiveness of
using a more detailed feedback for refinement and
validates the usefulness of our proposed feedback.
How does the generated feedback compare
against human-written feedback? The Medi-
aSum split of TofuEval has human-written expla-
Feedback Detail TofuEval UltraChat
Critique w/ A G W A G W
0.08 0.19
0.05 0.04 0.08
+feedback 0.10 0.39 0.16 0.08 0.19 0.18
+fine-tuned M
0.08 0.33 0.17 0.06 0.04 0.14
Table 5: Comparison of refining with our proposed feed-
back form versus refining with just error localization as
:significant with p < 0.05.
nations of why a sentence in the initial response
is factually inconsistent with the source document.
We leverage these to calculate sentence-level recall
statistics by comparing them against the feedback
from Feed+Refine and DCR. We divide these in
the following categories (1) “Error Match”: when
both the human and model generated feedback dis-
cuss the same error (2) “Error, No Match”: when
the human and model generated feedback discuss
different errors (3) “No Error Detected, No Match”:
when the human written explanation talks about an
error but the model generated feedback says no er-
ror. We prompt GPT-4 (GPT-4-0613) with Prompt
F.1 to evaluate the above.
In Table 6 we see the feedback generated from
Critique-L3-FT and Critique-L2-FT using DCR has
a significantly higher match rate compared when to
Feed+Refine. In the latter, we see the model only
learns to say “no error”. We also see how beneficial
fine-tuning is for DCR when using LLAMA3-8B-
; however, LLAMA3-
8B-INSTRUCT (L3) benefits substantially less. Ta-
ble 21 shows examples of human annotation and
Critique-L3-FT feedback on TofuEval.
What kind of edits does the feedback model
suggest and the refinement make? We manu-
ally examine 50 feedbacks generated from GPT-
No Match
No Error
No Match
GPT-4 Feed+Refine 0.76 0.06 0.18
GPT-4 DCR 0.61 0.01 0.38
Feed+Refine 0.01 0.0 0.99
DCR 0.58 0.06 0.36
L3 DCR 0.56 0.08 0.36
Feed+Refine 0.01 0.0 0.99
DCR 0.58 0.06 0.36
L2 DCR 0.1 0.02 0.87
Table 6: Sentence-wise comparison of generated feed-
back against human-written feedback in TofuEval.
CRTQ is prefixed for models trained as M
4, Critique-L3-FT, and Critique-L2-FT when
prompted to refine with DCR. Table 7 shows
the distribution (in percentage) of suggested ed-
its based on error span granularity and edit actions.
We observe variation in granularity of error spans
and the edit actions suggested across all models,
with phrase substitution being the most common.
This is further supported by the breakdown of edit
types in Table 12.
Are the edits made by the refinement model
faithful to the feedback? We manually exam-
ined 50 MediaSum/TofuEval refinements generated
using DCR by GPT-4, Refine-L3-FT. and Refine-
L2-FT. For each instance, we first look at the error
span and the reasoning and then look for evidence
in the refinement for whether or not the error span
was fixed according to the feedback. If the error
span was fixed as per the feedback, we mark the
edit being faithful to the feedback. For each re-
sponse, we calculate the percentage of feedback
points that were incorporated in the refinement and
then average that over the 50 examples for every
model. We find that on average GPT-4 is able to
incorporate 92% of the feedback, where as Refine-
L3-FT is able to incorporate 96% and Refine-L2-
FT is able to incorporate 69%. Table 19 shows
examples of the original response, feedback and
refinements as generated by Refine-L3-FT when
refining with DCR. We see that the feedback ex-
tracts error spans along with reasons for why the
span was an error and a suggested fix. We also see
the refinement incorporating these changes in the
final generation.
7 Related Work
Several recent evaluation datasets in NLP have fol-
lowed the trend of collecting explanations along-
side evaluation scores. This ranges from model
based evaluation datasets (Jiang et al., 2024; Xu
et al., 2023b; Li et al., 2024; Kim et al., 2024b;
Cui et al., 2023; Kim et al., 2023, 2024a) to human
evaluation (Trienes et al., 2024; Wadhwa et al.,
2023; Saunders et al., 2022). In our work, we test
feedback for effectiveness at refinement, which
feedback for evaluation is not always optimal for.
For refinement specifically, Liu et al. (2023) im-
plement a two step refinement pipeline for the task
of improving factual consistency in summarization.
However, their use of the XSum dataset results
in several key differences: the high prevalence of
errors, simple summarization task, and short sum-
maries mean that no “detect” step is necessary. Fur-
thermore, our use of stronger LLMs and factuality
evaluators substantially changes the performance
regime of our base model and evaluator methods,
leading to different conclusions. Xu et al. (2023a)
also compare feedback modalities like in our work.
However, they focus on refining with a general
instruction vs. using scalar feedback vs. using a bi-
nary feedback. Furthermore, they improve overall
quality rather than a specific aspect like factuality.
To refine outputs for factuality, Mishra et al.
(2024) train a hallucination detector and editor by
fine-tuning the model to localize fine-grained hal-
lucination error types by tagging spans and then re-
moving the tagged spans in post-editing. Balachan-
dran et al. (2022); Fabbri et al. (2022); Thorne and
Vlachos (2021) train post-editing models with tech-
niques like infilling and sentence-compression to
train better post-editing models. These approaches
do not use natural language feedback, and are most
optimized for deletion or replacement of simple er-
rors rather than complex rewriting, where feedback
can more clearly articulate a subtle error.
8 Conclusion
In this work, we propose a new post-hoc refinement
We showed that our method performs better than
existing refinement baselines on the task of im-
proving factual consistency in document-grounded
topic-focused summaries. We also showed that
smaller models can be fine-tuned to perform fine-
grained feedback generation for identifying and
reasoning about any factual inconsistency. When
refining with our proposed method, smaller models
perform on par with GPT-4 on our task. We also
show that our critic model produces more effec-
tive feedback for the task of post-hoc refining as
compared to existing models.
Our work is scoped to focus on refining LLM re-
sponses to improve factual consistency. Factual-
ity has two important properties as an evaluation
dimension: (1) it has a mostly objective notion of
correctness (annotators can largely agree on what is
hallucinated or not); (2) refining a response may in-
volve many small corrections to different parts of a
response. Other aspects of LLM responses such as
completeness and stylistic consistency share these
problem features; however, we focus on factuality
due to the existence of models for automatic evalu-
ation. Nevertheless, we believe our approach can
be generalized to other evaluation dimensions as
well, potentially leveraging new models such as
Prometheus (Kim et al., 2024a).
Our work relies on an off-the-shelf and reliable
DETECT model for doing sentence-level factual
consistency detection. We understand that such
a discriminator might not always be available for
different aspects and also that subjective tasks can-
not be classified as correct and incorrect. More
exploration needs to be done on how to effec-
tively choose and train
for tasks other than
document-grounded factuality detection.
We also note that the fine-tuning data comes
from a similar distribution of documents and in-
structions as the test data. It is also limited to En-
glish. It remains to be seen how our work extends
to other languages and general document-grounded
tasks. However, our approach is not fundamentally
restricted to English-language refinement in these
This work was principally supported by a grant
from Open Philanthropy, as well as NSF CAREER
Awards IIS-2145280, IIS-2145479, and the NSF
AI Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning
(IFML). Thanks to Karim Villaescusa F., Kathryn
Kazanas, and Keziah Reina for human annotations
for the task of editing with feedback. Thanks to
Fangcong Yin for help with debugging fine-tuning
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A Dataset Creation
A.1 UltraChat
UltraChat is an open-source, large-scale, and multi-
round dialogue data, released under the MIT Li-
cense. The dataset was constructed with the aim of
constructing powerful language models with gen-
eral conversational capability.
As mentioned in Section 4.1, we use a sub-
set of document-grounded instructions from Ul-
traChat. To guarantee sufficient context, we only
sample instances which are at least 1000 charac-
ters long. Each UltraChat instance has a source
document and the summarization instruction in one
prompt. To insure that the instruction is summa-
rization related, we check for the following list of
keywords: [“can you summarize”,“summarize the
following”,“give a summary”,“can you provide a
summary”,“provide a brief summary”,“summarize
the”,“can you give me a summary”]. This dataset
is in English only. Tables 13 and 14 show examples
of UltraChat instructions.
A.2 MediaSum/TofuEval
TofuEval is a benchmark evaluating factual con-
sistency of document grounded summaries. This
dataset is released under the MIT-0 license.
We use the MediaSum subset of TofuEval as our
evaluation set; but sample from MediaSum’s orig-
inal train set to gather more data for training. We
create a summary instruction process similar to To-
fuEval, where they create topic-focused summaries
by prompting GPT-4 to generate 3 topics being dis-
cussed in the dialogue to be summarized, and then
converting each of those topics to be a summariza-
tion instruction. We follow the same generation
strategy and prompt GPT-4 (Prompt A.1) to give 3
topics under discussion in the sampled dialogues
from MediaSum. We then use topics as separate
summarization instruction and generate an initial
response. Tables 15 and 16 show examples of Medi-
aSum source document along with the instruction.
This dataset is in English only.
Prompt A.1: Zero-Shot prompt used with GPT-4 to
generate topics for MediaSum articles
{{ document }}
Enumerate three main topics that people would like to
know from the provided document. Each topic should be
around 5 words.
A.3 Initial Response Generation
We prompt LLAMA2-7B-CHAT to get responses
for instructions from UltraChat and MediaSum.
Since UltraChat instructions have the source doc-
ument and the summarization instruction, we use
them as is. For MediaSum, we create a summariza-
tion prompt using the topics generated by GPT-4.
The initial response generation prompt for Medi-
aSum is given in prompt A.2. Tables 13 and 14
show examples of the UltraChat prompt along with
the initial response. Tables 15 and 16 show exam-
ples of the MediaSum prompt along with initial
Once we get initial responses for UltraChat, we
filter and only keep instances where the initial re-
sponse length is shorter than the source document.
Prompt A.2: Prompt used with Llama2-7b-chat
to generate the initial summary for MediaSum
{{ document }}
Summarize the provided document focusing on {{
}}. The summary should be less than 50 words in length.
B Supervised Fine-Tuning
In Section 3.1 we outline the creation of the training
data and its use for fine-tuning. The structured feed-
back from GPT-4 has the following components:
error localization in the form of a span, feedback
reasoning for why the span is inconsistent and a
suggested fix. We map this structured feedback to
a natural language form using the following tem-
plate: {feedback} The error span is: ‘{span}’. To
fix this, consider changing the span to ‘{fix}’"
We fine-tune LLAMA-3-8B-INSTRUCT and
LLAMA-2-7B-CHAT for our proposed method as
well as for the baselines. We use SFTTrainer from
TRL (Leandro von Werra, Younes Belkada, Lewis
Tunstall, Edward Beeching, Tristan Thrush, Nathan
Lambert, and Shengyi Huang, 2020) to fine-tune.
All the fine-tuning can be conducted on 3 x A6000
GPU with 48GB of memory. We use LoRA (Hu
et al., 2022) (Rank = 8) with a learning rate of 2e-4
and a warmup ratio of 0.05. We set the per GPU
batch size to 2 and the maximum sequence length
to 2048.
Prompt B.1: p
used to generate feedback
for training data creation from GPT-4
Summarize the following document on the topic: {{
}}: {{ document }}
Summary on topic: {{ topic }}
{{ summary }}
The provided summary is factually inconsistent with
the corresponding document. This implies that there is
information in the summary that is NOT substantiated
by the document. Factual inconsistencies can be of the
following types:
1. Mis-Referencing: a property or an event in the summary
can be found in the document, but are associated with the
wrong entity
2. Stating Opinion As Fact: the summary entails a
proposition that’s mentioned in the document not as a fact,
but as someone’s opinion
3. Reasoning Error: the summary makes one or more
wrong inferences from the information in the document
4. Tense/modality Error: the tense or modal (eg: can,
may, must) used in the summary does not match the
tense/modality of the document
5. Extrinsic Information: the summary contains new
information not grounded in the source document
6. Contradiction: the summary contradicts the document
7. Nuanced Meaning Shift: the summary twists informa-
tion from the document in a subtle way
Identify factually inconsistent information in the form of a
JSON and return a list with the following keys:
1. inconsistency: <span from the summary that is factually
2. inconsistency type: <the inconsistency type from the
above list of types>
3. feedback: <explanation of the error and how it can be
4. fix: <correct span that fixes the inconsistency>
Prompt B.2: p
to generate refinements with
natural language feedback for training data
I summarized the following document on the topic: ’{{
topic }}: {{ document }}
Summary of the above document on topic: {{
{{ summary }}
Feedback for the above summary: {{ feedback }}
Edit the summary such that the refinement doesn’t have
any errors mentioned in the feedback. Make the minimum
number of changes when doing the refinement.
C Refinement Strategies
We list all instructions for the different refinement
strategies described in Section 4.2.
One-Step: Direct Refinement (DR) We prompt
the model with a general refinement instruction
to improve the factual consistency of the initial
response. This strategy does not use any external
or self-generated feedback.
Prompt Instruction:
Prompt C.1: DR Prompt for MediaSum
I summarized the following document on the topic: ‘{{
topic }}’:
{{ document }}
Summary of the above document on topic ‘{{
{{ summary }}
If there are any factual inconsistencies in the sum-
mary then edit the summary such that the refinement
doesn’t have any inconsistencies. Consistency in this
context implies that all information presented in the
summary is substantiated by the document.If the summary
is consistent, then just the copy the same summary with no
changes. When refining, make the minimum number of
Two-Step: Refinement with Natural Language
Feedback (Feed+DR) We first prompt the model
to generate a feedback reasoning about any fac-
tual inconsistencies in the initial response, then we
pass the feedback to the refinement model. The
feedback in this case is generated sentence wise,
combined together and then used for refinement.
Feedback Prompt Instruction:
Prompt C.2: Feedback Prompt for MediaSum For
Two-Step refinement
I summarized the following document on the topic: ‘{{
topic }}’:
{{ document }}
Summary of the above document on topic ‘{{
{{ summary }}
For the following sentence in the summary:
{{ sentence }}
reason if there is any factually inconsistent span in the
sentence. A span is factually inconsistent if it cannot be
substantiated by the document. If there is no inconsistency,
then end your answer with “no error”. Otherwise if there
is a factual inconsistency, then give reasons for it, point
to the error span by stating “The error span: <span from
sentence>” and end your answer with a suggested fix to
the summary
Refinement Prompt Instruction:
Prompt C.3: Refine Prompt for MediaSum For
Two-Step refinement
I summarized the following document on the topic: ‘{{
topic }}’:
{{ document }}
Summary of the above document on topic ‘{{
{{ summary }}
Feedback for the above summary: {{ feedback }}
Edit the user response such that the refinement
doesn’t have any errors mentioned in the feedback.
Make the minimum number of changes when doing the
refinement. Do not include a preamble.
Two-Step: Direct Refinement with DETECT (De-
tect+DR) We first filter any initial responses that
are factually consistent using our
, and then
refine the summaries that have an inconsistency
with a general instruction. This baseline does not
use any external or self-generated feedback.
Prompt Instruction:
Prompt C.4: Refinement prompt for MediaSum for
Two-Step: Direct Refinement with Detect
I summarized the following document on the topic: ‘{{
topic }}’:
{{ document }}
Summary of the above document on topic ‘{{
{{ summary }}
Edit the response such that the refinement doesn’t
have any factual inconsistencies. Consistency in this
context implies that all information presented in the
response is substantiated by the document. When refining,
make the minimum number of changes.
Note: in this baseline we remove the need for the
model to do the detection and refinement together.
Three-Step: DETECT, REASON, FIX: DCR (pro-
posed) We first filter any initial responses that
are factually consistent using the
. We use
to generate a sentence wise feedback for
any sentences that were detected to have an error.
We combine this feedback and generate a refine-
ment using M
Feedback Prompt:
Prompt C.5: Feedback prompt for MediaSum for
Three-Step Refinement:DCR (proposed)
I summarized the following document on the topic: ‘{{
topic }}’:
{{ document }}
Summary of the above document on topic ‘{{
{{ summary }}
reason about the factually inconsistent span in the
sentence. A span is factually inconsistent if it cannot
be substantiated by the document. Give reasons for the
factual inconsistency, point to the error span by stating
“The error span: <span from sentence> and end your
answer with a suggested fix to the summary.
Refinement Instruction:
Prompt C.6: Refinement prompt for MediaSum for
Three-Step Refinement:DCR (proposed)
I summarized the following document on the topic: ‘{{
topic }}’:
{{ document }}
Summary of the above document on topic ‘{{
{{ summary }}
Feedback for the above summary: {{ feedback }}
Edit the user response such that the refinement
doesn’t have any errors mentioned in the feedback.
Make the minimum number of changes when doing the
refinement. Do not include a preamble.
D Automatic Evaluation
D.1 GPT-4 Factuality Likert Scale
Prompt D.1: Zero-Shot prompt used with GPT-4 to
generate a factuality score on a scale of 1-5.
Determine whether the provided summary is consistent
with the corresponding document. Consistency in this
context implies that all information presented in the
response is substantiated by the document. If not, it should
be considered inconsistent.
{{ instruction }}
{{ response }}
The response can have one or more of the following errors:
1. Extrinsic Information: the response contains new
information not grounded in the source material
2. Mis-Referencing: a property or an event in the response
can be found in the source material, but are associated
with the wrong entity
3. Stating Opinion As Fact: the response entails a
proposition that’s mentioned in the source material not as
a fact, but as someone’s opinion
4. Reasoning Error: the response makes one or more
wrong inferences from the information in the source
5. Tense/modality Error: the tense or modal (eg: can, may,
must) used in the response sentence does not match the
tense/modality of the source material
6. Contradiction: the response contradicts the source
7. Nuanced Meaning Shift: the response twists information
from the source material in a subtle way
Given the error categories, rate the above response on a
scale of 1 to 5 based on extent of factual consistency:
5. completely consistent: the response is com-
pletely factually consistent with the source material.
4. insignificant inconsistencies: the response is mostly
factually consistent, with slight inconsistencies not
affecting main points.
3. partially inconsistent: overall factually consistent, with
a few inconsistencies with the source material.
2. severe inconsistencies: nearly half response is factually
inconsistent, with severe deviation from main points.
1. completely inconsistent: the entire response is factually
inconsistent with the source material.
First output a list of errors that the summary makes, then
conclude the response with a score in the following format:
"therefore, the score is:"
GPT-4-Pairwise Evaluation For Win-Rate
Prompt D.2: Zero-Shot prompt used with GPT-4 to
generate pairwise factuality scores on a scale
of 1-5.
Determine whether the provided summary is consistent
with the corresponding document. Consistency in this
context implies that all information presented in the
response is substantiated by the document. If not, it should
be considered inconsistent.
{{ instruction }}
## Response 1 {{ response1 }}
## Response 2 {{ response2 }}
A response can have one or more of the following errors:
1. Extrinsic Information: the response contains new
information not grounded in the source material
2. Mis-Referencing: a property or an event in the response
can be found in the source material, but are associated
with the wrong entity
3. Stating Opinion As Fact: the response entails a
proposition that’s mentioned in the source material not as
a fact, but as someone’s opinion
4. Reasoning Error: the response makes one or more
wrong inferences from the information in the source
5. Tense/modality Error: the tense or modal (eg: can, may,
must) used in the response sentence does not match the
tense/modality of the source material
6. Contradiction: the response contradicts the source
7. Nuanced Meaning Shift: the response twists information
from the source material in a subtle way
Given the error categories, rate each response on a scale of
1 to 5 based on extent of factual consistency:
5. completely consistent: the response is completely
factually consistent with the source material.
4. insignificant inconsistencies: the response is mostly
factually consistent, with slight inconsistencies not
affecting main points.
3. partially inconsistent: overall factually consistent, with
a few inconsistencies with the source material.
2. severe inconsistencies: nearly half response is factually
inconsistent, with severe deviation from main points.
1. completely inconsistent: the entire response is factually
inconsistent with the source material
For each response, first output a list of errors that the
summary makes, then conclude the response with a score
in the following format: "therefore, the score is:"
Output Format:
## Response 1
## Response 2
We use MiniCheck (Tang et al., 2024a) as
To check its performance against ground truth bi-
nary factual consistency labels, we calculate preci-
sion/recall/F1 and balanced accuracy on the Medi-
aSum split of TofuEval which has sentence level
factual consistency labels. MiniCheck achieves
a sentence-level balanced accuracy of 73.6%. It
achieves a precision of 0.54 and recall of 0.64
on the task of detecting factually inconsistent sen-
Prompt F.1: Zero-Shot prompt used with GPT-4
to compare ground truth human written feedback
against model generated feedback
Sentence: {{ sentence }}
For the above sentence, I received the following two
Feedback 1:
{{ feedback1 }}
Feedback 2:
{{ feedback2 }}
Are feedback 1 and feedback 2 talking about the
same error in the sentence? Respond with one of the
(1) same error or mostly the same error, one of them
covers a broader range of errors (2) totally different errors
(3) feedback 2 says there is no error but feedback 1 has an
error mentioned
As mentioned in Section 4.2, we train our baselines
to be comparable to our proposed method. How-
ever, we note that fine-tuning DR baselines leads to
the model learning optimize for the “easy” action
and learning to copy instead of making fine-grained
edits. We observe a similar behavior when train-
with a balanced set of sentences for
Feed+Refine. The model learns the easier gener-
ation and learns to predict “no error”. Prior work
(Tian et al., 2023; Panthaplackel et al., 2021) has
observed this behavior with seq2seq models, and
we leave further exploration of this to future work.
Due to this behavior of our trained baselines,
we observe that the fine-tuned baselines edit fewer
summaries. Table 8 shows the percentage of sum-
maries that remain unchanged in our test set. When
refining with DR, with Refine-L3-FT as
, the
model only edits 20% of the responses and Refine-
L2-FT only edits 5% of responses. Similarly, when
refining with Feed+DR, (Critique-L3-FT, Refine-
L3-FT) edits 26% of the responses while (Critique-
L2-FT, Refine-L2-FT) edits 19% of responses.
Using Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein et al.,
1966), we calculate the number of edits between the
Edit Type
L3-FT %
L2-FT %
Word Delete 4.0 4.0 0.0
Insert 2.0 2.0 4.0
Substitute 0.0 6.0 2.0
Phrase Delete 4.0 6.0 10.0
Insert 2.0 12.0 8.0
Substitute 24.0 40 .0 28.0
Sentence Delete 2.0 2.0 4.0
Substitute 16.0 16.0 38.0
10.0 6.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 2.0
Substitute +
14.0 4.0 0.0
2.0 0.0 0.0
No change 20.0 2.0 4.0
Table 7: Distribution of different edit actions for model
generated feedback. We a variation in the granularity at
which the errors are detects as well as the type of edits
that the model feedback suggests.
refinement and the initial response. We break down
the edit distance by the number of deletes, adds and
substitutions. Table 12 shows the average number
of edits made by different models when refining
with DCR. Note, the number of edits are averaged
over only edited summaries. For each model, we
see that the largest edit is the “substitution (sub)”
operation. While the word level edits are some
times 50% of the original length of the response,
in Table 19 we can qualitatively see that the refine-
ments preserve the semantics, style and structure
of the initial response and follow the feedback.
H Data Release
We will release all our data, code and models under
the MIT License.
/ M
Refinement Strategy GPT-4/ GPT-4 Critique-L3-FT/ Refine-L3-FT Critique-L2-FT/ Refine-L2-FT
TofuEval DR 0.66 0.83 0.95
Feed+DR 0.08 0.74 0.81
Detect+DR 0.49 0.75 0.65
DCR 0.51 0.50 0.50
UltraChat DR 0.87 0.91 0.99
Feed+DR 0.04 0.85 0.91
Detect+DR 0.24 0.84 0.86
DCR 0.25 0.25 0.24
Table 8: Percentage of responses that remain unchanged during the refinement process by different refinement
baselines and DCR.
MediaSum/TofuEval UltraChat
Shepherd L2 -0.01
0.87 0.09 -0.01
-0.03 0.06 0.83 0.11
UltraCM L2 -0.01
0.84 0.12 -0.02
0.04 0.06 0.88 0.07
SelFee 7b L2 0.00 -0.49 0.03 0.55 0.41 -0.01 -0.08 0.08 0.73 0.20
SelFee 13b L2 -0.02 -0.54 0.05 0.55 0.40 -0.01 0.04 0.07 0.79 0.14
L2 L2 -0.03
0.88 0.1 -0.05
0.02 0.65 0.32
Critique-L2-FT L2 0.01
0.75 0.17 0.01 -0.11 0.11 0.81 0.08
Critique-L2-FT Refine-L2-FT 0.09 0.15 0.13 0.82 0.04 0.03 -0.10 0.07 0.76 0.09
Table 9: Continued results with
as LLAMA2-7B-CHAT for comparing feedback from our proposed method
and feedback from existing critic models.
:significant gains by DCR with respect to these methods with
p < 0.05
according to a paired bootstrap test. We see the that our proposed
achieves the largest gains across all
metrics when compared to refining with feedback from existing critic models.
Strategy M
A(r ) A(ˆr) G(r) G(ˆr)
DR - - GPT-4 0.76 0.78 4.47 4.69 4.44 4.69
Feed+DR - GPT-4 GPT-4 0.76 0.86 4.46 4.95 4.33 4.82
DETECT + DR MiniCheck - GPT-4 0.76 0.87 4.48 4.94 4.41 4.88
DCR MiniCheck GPT-4 GPT-4 0.76 0.86 4.44 4.97 4.43 4.88
DR - - Refine-L3-FT 0.76 0.80 4.47 4.67 4.45 4.65
Feed+DR - Critique-L3-FT Refine-L3-FT 0.76 0.77 4.45 4.49 4.49 4.53
DETECT + DR MiniCheck - Refine-L3-FT 0.76 0.81 4.47 4.66 4.45 4.64
DCR MiniCheck Critique-L3-FT Refine-L3-FT 0.76 0.83 4.45 4.79 4.41 4.73
DR - - Refine-L2-FT 0.76 0.77 4.46 4.46 4.48 4.50
Feed+DR - Critique-L2-FT Refine-L2-FT 0.76 0.75 4.47 4.43 4.51 4.52
DETECT + DR MiniCheck - Refine-L2-FT 0.76 0.8 4.48 4.70 4.49 4.62
DCR MiniCheck Critique-L2-FT Refine-L2-FT 0.76 0.85 4.49 4.64 4.43 4.63
Table 10: Absolute metric values for different refinement strategies for TofuEval.
is the original response,
is the
refined response.
is the AlignScore between 0-1.
is the GPT4 likert score on 1-5.
pairwise is the pairwise
score of the original and refined response on a scale of 1-5.
Strategy M
A(r ) A(ˆr) G(r) G(ˆr)
DR - - GPT-4 0.70 0.71 4.51 4.59 4.30 4.39
Feed+DR - GPT-4 GPT-4 0.70 0.79 4.51 4.79 4.21 4.47
DETECT + DR MiniCheck - GPT-4 0.70 0.74 4.54 4.81 4.31 4.60
DCR MiniCheck GPT-4 GPT-4 0.70 0.76 4.53 4.74 4.33 4.58
DR - - Refine-L3-FT 0.70 0.71 4.51 4.59 4.33 4.43
Feed+DR - Critique-L3-FT Refine-L3-FT 0.70 0.70 4.50 4.52 4.33 4.33
DETECT + DR MiniCheck - Refine-L3-FT 0.70 0.70 4.46 4.53 4.27 4.31
DCR MiniCheck Critique-L3-FT Refine-L3-FT 0.70 0.75 4.50 4.54 4.23 4.32
DR - - Refine-L2-FT 0.69 0.69 4.48 4.51 4.30 4.30
Feed+DR - Critique-L2-FT Refine-L2-FT 0.7 0.7 4.51 4.53 4.32 4.31
DETECT + DR MiniCheck - Refine-L2-FT 0.7 0.71 4.54 4.56 4.35 4.38
DCR MiniCheck Critique-L2-FT Refine-L2-FT 0.7 0.73 4.51 4.42 4.27 4.21
Table 11: Absolute metric values for different refinement strategies for UltraChat.
is the original response,
is the
refined response.
is the AlignScore between 0-1.
is the GPT4 likert score on 1-5.
pairwise is the pairwise
score of the original and refined response on a scale of 1-5.
MediaSum/TofuEval UltraChat
/ M
Adds Deletes Subs Len(r ) Len(ˆr) Adds Deletes Subs Len(r) Len(ˆr )
11.8 5.0 15.9 53.3 60.1 11.6 44.1 55.4 234.7 202.2
Critique-L3-FT/ Refine-L3-FT
5.0 7.4 9.3 53.3 50.9 6.6 42.4 13.3 233.5 197.8
Critique-L2-FT/ Refine-L2-FT
18.6 8.4 17.2 53.2 63.3 25.6 42.4 65.0 234.2 216.9
Table 12: Average edit distance broken down by the average number of additions, deletions, and substitutions
between the refinement (
) and original response (
) when refining with DCR. The values are averaged over edited
summaries only. Table 8 shows the % of summaries that remain unchanged by different refinement strategies
including DCR.
UltraChat Instruction - Example 1
Summarize the issues faced by Native American tribes on reservations in the mid-1800s, including lack of medical care
and access to food, and how Indian agents attempted to address these problems. Generate according to: When the tribes
got to the reservation in 1856, the federal Indian agents were then 100% responsible for feeding them and caring for their health
needs. I have documented in numerous essays that the federal government was slow to appropriate funds for the reservation,
even when they had treaties, and that hunger and starvation was a major issue on the reservations. As well, I have documented
that illnesses and diseases were also a major problem on the reservations. For the over 2000 Indians at Grand Ronde, there was
only one doctor, and while there was a hospital it was limited, because in the first few years some 75% of the Indians were sick
in any 6 month period. Many people died on the reservation without any medical attention, either because they did not trust
the “Boston” doctor, or because the doctor was too busy to tour around and check every tent with a sick person. Many deaths
went unrecorded in these first few years. In about 1857, the Indian agents were continually sending letters to the Commissioner
of Indian Affairs asking for more funding, for funds for building dwellings, schools, medical supplies, and food. It was very
apparent that the federal government would not easily change the way it does things, in order to save Indians some 3,000 miles
away from Washington, D.C. The agents began getting creative with their resources. They employed Indian labor in most
projects because they would not have to pay them much, then the Superintendent of Indian affairs for Oregon would apply the
funds from ratified treaties to other reservations where the tribes did not have treaties, like most of the Coast Reservation, just to
pay for the basic needs. But the problem of the need for more medical care, more employees, and more food did not go away, and
throughout the west Indians were starving on reservations. So in 1858, the Commissioner ordered that the tribes produce their
own food and asked for information about the medicines of the tribes. The following letter addresses this request for information
about medicinal plants, in a limited fashion. Its clear that the Native peoples were not trusting of the agent, or the doctor, and
would not reveal much about their plants, and that they were living in an unfamiliar land. about this last, its unclear why the
agent did not talk with the Kalapuyans as the Yamhills could have been more helpful for plants on the reservation, because
this was their original homeland. Those plants revealed are interesting as the agent includes their tribal names in his report. It
remains to be seen what these plants are today. Most of the Indians on this reservation having been brought from a considerable
distance and then medical wants supplied by the Dept. they pretend to but little knowledge of the medical virtues of the plants in
this vicinity. I have however with the assistance of the Physician attached to this Agency been able to obtain the names of a few
plants used by them. The bark of the root of what is known in this country as the Oregon grape is used by them, in the form of an
infusion, as a cathartic. The plant is a shrub with a woody, rough, erect, cylindrical stem, about 20 inches high, covered with a
grey epidermis, has a long horizontal root; ovate, glabrous, quinate radical, acuminate, dentate leaves, dark green above and light
green beneath. The first grows in bunches or raccines, somewhat like the common frost grape, and resembles juniper berries in
size and I think in color. The following plant is considered a good narcotic, – it is known by the Rogue River Indian under the
name of “Yorks.” It has an erect, fibrous, smooth, hollow, yellow stem, about 2 feet high; small, ovate, dentate, glabrous, green
leaves, brownish, knotty root, with numerous long fibres. The roots of the following plants are used as emetics. The first is called
in the Rogue River Language “Penn. It has a root in shape and size precisely like a very small onion, and a flax like stem, about
a foot high, with a bunch of small triangular seed sacks around the top. The second is known in that language as Es-quck. It has a
jointed, branching, smooth, green stem, somewhat trailing, cordate, pubescent leaves, dark green above and light green beneath;
root-stemlike, and gradually tapering. The above remedies are used in most complaints and without much judgment; they are
formed in latitude 45o [North Salem is at 45o ]North; and cannot be obtained in very large quantities; they can be gathered
within 25 miles of Steamboat navigation of the Yamhill River, a branch of the Willamette if not nearer, the facilities for sending
them to that point are good. Unfortunately, no persons are directly identified in this letter. Miller appears to have been taking
with strictly Rogue River informants. If anyone has any ideas what they plants are, I will update the blog with that information.
Llama2-7b-Chat Response: In the mid-1800s, Native American tribes on reservations faced numerous challenges, including
lack of access to medical care and food. Indian agents, who were responsible for providing for the basic needs of the tribes, were
often overwhelmed and underfunded in their efforts to address these problems.
One of the main issues was the lack of access to medical care. Many tribes did not have a dedicated doctor or medical supplies,
and those who were sick often received little to no medical attention. This led to high rates of illness and death, particularly
among children and the elderly.
Another major issue was the lack of access to food. Many tribes were forced to rely on scanty government rations, which often
did not provide enough food to sustain them. This led to widespread hunger and malnutrition, which further weakened the
already fragile health of the tribes.
In an effort to address these problems, Indian agents began to employ Indian labor to build dwellings, schools, and other
infrastructure. They also sought to obtain more funding from the federal government to provide for the basic needs of the
tribes. However, these efforts were often met with resistance and skepticism from the tribes, who had little trust in the federal
government and its agents.
In 1858, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs ordered the tribes to produce their own food, and the agent responsible for the
Grand Ronde reservation in Oregon sought information about the medicinal plants used by the tribes. However, the tribes were
reluctant to share their knowledge with the agent, who they saw as an outsider and a threat to their traditional ways of life.
The agent was able to obtain the names of a few plants used by the tribes, including the Oregon grape (which was used as a
cathartic), “Yorks" (a narcotic), and several emetics. However, the quantities of these plants were limited, and they could only be
gathered within 25 miles of Steamboat navigation of the Yamhill River, a branch of the Willamette River.
Overall, the mid-1800s were a difficult time for Native American tribes on reservations, who faced numerous challenges to
their health, well-being, and way of life. Despite the efforts of Indian agents and the federal government, the tribes continued
to struggle to access basic necessities like food and medical care, and their traditional ways of life were threatened by the
encroachment of European-American settlers.
Table 13: Sample instruction from UltraChat and an initial response from LLAMA2-7B-CHAT.
UltraChat Instruction - Example 2
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extremely compound and wishes complete consciousness and impression. This entry was posted in essays rescue on 30/03/2019
by Rasyidah Kang. Can you summarize the pricing structure of Ultius writing service and compare it to other companies?
Llama2-7b-Chat Response: Sure, I’d be happy to provide you with an overview of Ultius’ pricing structure and compare it to
other writing services. Ultius offers a range of pricing options based on the type of paper, deadline, and level of study. Here
are the basic pricing tiers for each type of paper: * High School: $19 per page for a 10day deadline, $24 per page for a 5day
deadline. * Undergraduate: $24 per page for a 10day deadline, $30 per page for a 5day deadline. * Graduate: $30 per page
for a 10-day deadline, $36 per page for a 5day deadline. * Professional: $36 per page for a 10-day deadline, $42 per page for
a 5day deadline. In comparison to other writing services, Ultius’ prices are relatively high. For example: * PapersOwl offers
prices starting at $14.95 per page for a high school paper with a 14day deadline. * EssayPro offers prices starting at $19.99 per
page for a high school paper with a 10day deadline. * GradeMiners offers prices starting at $12.95 per page for a high school
paper with a 10day deadline. It’s worth noting that Ultius offers a range of additional features and services, such as a “Top 10%
Writer" option, which can increase the cost of the paper. Additionally, Ultius offers a satisfaction guarantee and a free revision
policy, which can provide peace of mind for students who are concerned about the quality of their paper. Overall, while Ultius’
prices may be higher than some other writing services, they offer a range of benefits and guarantees that can make them a more
attractive option for students who are looking for a high-quality writing experience.
Table 14: Sample instruction from UltraChat and an initial response from LLAMA2-7B-CHAT.
MediaSum Instruction - Example 1
CUOMO: All right. If you look at it since the beginning of when Donald Trump, the citizen, became candidate and now president,
first it was Trump is a solo act HARLOW: Yes. CUOMO: nobody can talk to him. He does this own thing. He’s very
instinctive. Then it was Bannon is the man. Now it is blood is thicker than water so Jared Kushner is the inside track to the
president’s fate. Who has his ear, if anyone? Joining us now, CNN political commentator and host of CNN’s ""SMERCONISH"",
Michael Smerconish. And, the CEO and president of ""NEWSMAX"", Chris Ruddy. Chris, you know the president well. You
spend time with him. What is your sense of what his universe is in terms of who he looks to most for counsel? CHRIS RUDDY,
CEO & PRESIDENT, NEWSMAX MEDIA INC.: Well, he has a very large universe. I would say he’s a feedback junkie. I
mean, he’s listen – when I see him – I saw him this weekend, he’ll have 10 questions and ask me things. He’s doing that with a
lot of friends and associates. He’s also using media channels to get information and absorb what people are thinking. It is a myth,
Chris, to believe that a family member alone can influence or make a decision for him. He’ll take into account what they’re
saying. They obviously have a lot of influence because they’re – just because of proximity. But at the end of the day, Donald
Trump always makes the decision, himself. That’s been my experience. HARLOW: So, Michael Smerconish, is this much ado
about nothing? I mean, ""SNL"" had the – you know, the skit this weekend. So many headlines are this is the fall of Bannon, the
rise of Kushner, and the rise of Gary Cohn. Listen to Chris, it sounds like none of that’s true...[....]...HARLOW: Yes. CUOMO: –
that Bannon knew, certainly better than anybody else who’s around the president right now. That’s why he wound up becoming
so essential. How does he hold on to the people who got him there if he loses the man with the actual connection? RUDDY:
Well, the polling data shows the president has held that base pretty strongly. I mean, I’m seeing numbers like 90 percent of his
base still supports him. Where I think he’s showing a lot of weakness is on the Independents, and I think there’s a feeling among
people at the White House they have to moderate a little bit and be a little less controversial. But as Michael says, and as you said
Chris, you really risk losing the base so I think the president has some wiggle room. I think the base is willing to give him a lot
more slack than they might give another person in that – in the Oval Office, but I think we’re going to see – it’s all about results.
Always remember this. With Donald Trump, it doesn’t matter what you’re saying or the Twitter or the various controversies that
flutter around. It’s all about will he bring jobs, will he get things done in Washington, will he clean the place up? If he does some
of those things he’ll easily win reelection. HARLOW: It is interesting, Michael, looking, though, at 2020 and this – what sounds
like an admission, at least, what Chris is pointing to, or an acknowledgment by this team – the Trump team – that they know they
have to win it differently than they did this time around and maybe it isn’t with Bannon the man to win in 2020. Where does
Gary Cohn fit in all this because I find him to be a fascinating character, a former president of Goldman Sachs? A guy who, you
know, has said in this meetings, according to ""The Washington Post"" I’m not a Republican, I’m not a Democrat, I just like to
get things done. He, like the president, has given money to Republicans and to Democrats. What does the rise of Gary Cohn
mean? SMERCONISH: I think it represents pragmatism on the part of the president. There was so much said, Poppy, and we
spent a lot of time on it here at NEW DAY last week about last Wednesday, in particular. Favorable comments about Janet Yellen
– HARLOW: Yes. SMERCONISH: – NATO no longer obsolete, China not a currency manipulator, and people said, oh, look at
the flip-flops of the president. It kind of reinforced to me where I thought he always was. I never bought into 2 Corinthians, if
you remember that – HARLOW: Yes. SMERCONISH: – reference during the course of the primary. I always thought he was
singing a particular tune to placate a base that he needed. And, frankly, this is the Donald Trump, the compromiser in chief, that
I always thought he might be. Now again, it’s still early, we’re not even at day 100, but I think Gary Cohn is more a reflection of
where the president’s mind is on issues than even Steve Bannon. CUOMO: Chris, a quick take. Do you foresee a reality where
Bannon is not in the White House? RUDDY: Oh, it’s so hard for me to predict. Really, the president makes that decision but it’s
very possible he could be a – anybody – you know, the president has a very taut threshold with people if they’re performing
– CUOMO: But only Bannon can hurt him on the outside. HARLOW: Yes, if he – CUOMO: Jared Kushner, I know he’s his
son-in-law. RUDDY: Well – CUOMO: I don’t mean to disrespect the young man but he doesn’t – he’s not a political player. He’s
never even been in anything at all, let alone something like this. Bannon, on the outside, is a dangerous man to President Trump.
RUDDY: Well, I would disagree with that. I haven’t seen him being a problem for the president. In the past, the president has
praised Bannon and – CUOMO: Sure. RUDDY: – Reince Priebus and Jared, so – but look, you know, he keeps – if he thinks that
the results are not there, even Jared’s going to be being watched. Everybody will have a performance mechanism. And I’m
seeing, you know, the jobs issues right now has been number one but if you look at Gary Cohn, I think Gary is an establishment
Wall Street guy and the president’s going to judge him by his results. HARLOW: Gentlemen, thank you very much. Nice to have
you both. Coming up for us, it is called the Super Bowl of White House social events, at least that’s the analogy. CUOMO: Sure.
HARLOW: We’re talking about the annual Easter Egg Roll. It is today. How will it be different, as you look at these live pictures
of the White House as they get ready for their Super Bowl? We’re going to take you there live, next.
Llama2-7b-Chat Response: Bannon and Kushner have different strategies in the Trump White House. Bannon prioritizes
ideological objectives, while Kushner focuses on pragmatism and results. Bannon’s influence may wane as Kushner rises in
Table 15: Sample instruction from MediaSum and an initial response from LLAMA2-7B-CHAT.
MediaSum Instruction - Example 2
JOE JOHNS, CNN ANCHOR: Well, good morning. I saw a bunch of people stumbling around on the streets of New York
holding those little bags full of things for the holidays. I’m Joe Johns in for John Roberts. CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR:
I’m Carol Costello in for Kiran Chetry. Happy day after Thanksgiving. JOHNS: Oh, yes, shop until you drop. COSTELLO:
That’s right. We’re full of turkey. We’ve got to work it up and we’re going shopping. Exactly. There’s a lot going on this morning,
so we want to get right to it. An uneasy peace on the peninsula as enemy armies face each other down this morning. North Korea
warning the neighboring nations are on the brink of war at South Korea. The United States gear up for a joint military exercise
this weekend. We’re live with what the world can do to ease tension. JOHNS: Got your wallet, got your coupons, and don’t
forget the Christmas list. It’s time for the mad dash to the mall for those extreme Black Friday deals. But is it really worth the
hassle? That’s probably up for debate. Nevertheless, we’ll show you where all the action is this morning. COSTELLO: It’s a
tradition, Joe. JOHNS: Absolutely. COSTELLO: An amazing story of survival at sea. Three teenage boys in a tiny boat found
alive after 50 days adrift in the South Pacific. They’ve been given up for dead and actually eulogized in memorial service weeks
earlier. This morning, how they defied death and the lucky break that led to their rescue. JOHNS: That’s really an incredible
story. But first, tensions running dangerously high on the Korean Peninsula. This morning, reports of new explosions as U.S.
warships steam toward the region. Just days after it shelled South Korea, North Korea warns the peninsula is edging closer to the
brink of war. The North seeing red because of America’s joint military exercises with South Korea. COSTELLO: And, of course,
those exercises are nothing new. But the unpredictable North says it’s ready to unleash a shower of fire in order to defend itself.
That has forced South Korea to ramp up security and change defense ministers. Our foreign affairs correspondent Jill Dougherty
is live in Washington. Jill, what in the world can Washington do about this? JILL DOUGHERTY, CNN FOREIGN AFFAIRS
CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, Carol, Joe, it’s a difficult situation because they’re going to go ahead with these military
exercises with South Korea regardless of what the North says, obviously. So what they have to do is be firm, but they can’t –
they also have to be prepared for any type of unpredictable behavior by the North. The North already has shown it. You know,
attacking this week, earlier this week the island without any type of warning whatsoever. Also, during a period where the South
Koreans by themselves were carrying out exercises. So they have to proceed, but they can’t overplay the hand. It’s a very difficult
situation. The one thing about this recent firing, the most – the latest one is that that appears to be live firing exercises by the
North Koreans. They weren’t firing into that area where the encounter took place earlier this week. So that is one good news.
But this starts on Sunday, and we’ll have to see what they’ll do. JOHNS: Jill, what’s the likely scenario here? Does it appear
that the North Koreans are just trying to draw the Chinese in to act as a fair broker? What’s the method behind, if you will, the
madness? DOUGHERTY: You know, sometimes we think it is madness. But if you talk to some experts, they say it’s not really
madness, it’s calculated. And what’s going on right now as we all know, the son of Kim Jong-il is being groomed to take over his
father’s job. His father is very ill. And he’s only 26 years old. So Kim Jong-un is the person in the hot seat. He has to prove that
he’s tough, and they’ve done this before. When his father was going to succeed his grandfather, they were doing the same thing.
Showing that they’re tough, bristling, and telling the world pay attention to us. Some analysts point out, you know, if North
Korea didn’t have nuclear weapons right now, a lot of countries wouldn’t be paying as much attention. So they feel they need that
attention. They want to be taken seriously by the U.S. and this, unfortunately, is the way they’re doing it. COSTELLO: And you
know, just – it’s a game to them then let’s say, but they’re killing people. They’re not just blowing stuff up, they’re killing people.
DOUGHERTY: Well, that’s the problem because this is a very serious incident that happened earlier this week. And you can say,
yes, they want to get a message across, but don’t forget they have a million men – more than a million men army. They are very,
very close to South Korea. If you look at the map where that encounter took place earlier this week, it is not actually that far
from the airport of Seoul, the capital of South Korea. So it’s very serious and very delicate in the way everybody has to play it.
But they do have to show the North that they are intent on going ahead with protecting South Korea and not kowtowing to what
the North Koreans are trying to do. COSTELLO: The military exercises will continue. Jill Dougherty, thanks so much. Stay with
us. Coming up in less than 30 minutes, we’ll go to our Stan Grant. He’s in South Korea. He saw firsthand the devastation from
Tuesday’s attack by North Korea. JOHNS: A developing story this morning. The rescue of three teenage boys after 50 days lost
at sea aboard a six-foot boat. And now, they’re back on dry land, dehydrated and sunburned, but OK. The trio set out in early
October from their tiny South Pacific island for another nearby island. They got lost. The days turned to weeks. Their supply
of coconuts ran out. They survived on rain water and raw fish. Finally, a fishing boat taking a shortcut off the shipping lane
spotted them 800 miles from home. This was two weeks after they’d already been declared dead...[..]...[...]...JOHNS: Well –
COSTELLO: Thanks, Karen. JOHNS: I know. COSTELLO: All we can say is wow. JOHNS: It’s getting started a little too soon
for me. It seems like we just got past last winter with all the blizzards and everything. Yes. COSTELLO: That’s because we’ve
been spoiled because it’s been so warm along the northeast coast. JOHNS: Yes. COSTELLO: Weird. JOHNS: All right. Well,
thanks, Karen. Given up for dead. A few minutes ago, we told you about the three teenage boys who beat the odds, surviving
close to two months at drifted sea. Well, coming up, we’ll hear firsthand how they were rescued from one of the men who found
them. COSTELLO: And start your engines. Hoards of holiday shoppers head to the mall to get their Black Friday hunt ahead.
And look at the early morning madness. JOHNS: How do they do that? So you want to be a sidewalk Santa? There’s more to it
than meets the eye. There’s a right way and a wrong way to wear the red suit, believe it or not. Coming up. It’s 10 minutes after
the hour.
Llama2-7b-Chat Response: North Korea has threatened to attack South Korea and the US, amidst joint military
exercises between the two countries. Tensions are running high on the Korean Peninsula, with North Korea warning of a "brutal
retaliation" and South Korea mobilizing its military. The situation has escalated in recent days, with North Korea firing artillery
into the sea and South Korea responding with live fire exercises. The US has also expressed concern and called for calm, while
China has urged restraint from all parties involved.
Table 16: Sample instruction from MediaSum and an initial response from LLAMA2-7B-CHAT.
Initial LLM Response: The document discusses the role of the Quds Force, a branch of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, in Iraq.
The Quds Force is a highly trained and versatile force that conducts military operations and intelligence gathering. They have
been funding mosques and clinics and building social capital in Iraq to increase their influence. The Quds Force reports to the
Supreme Leader of Iran, but the decision-making process in Iran is dysfunctional and different institutions may act independently.
The Quds Force is also active in Lebanon and has been accused of training Hezbollah.
Critique Shepherd (summary-level): The answer’s summary lacks some key details mentioned in the context; the influence of
Iran in Iraq, and the Quds Force being a branch of the Revolutionary Guard. The correct answer should reflect these details.
Critique UltraCM (summary-level): 8/10 - Your response was quite comprehensive. You adequately summarized the main
points related to “Iran’s Influence in Iraq”. You captured important details such as the description of the Quds Force and
its functions, as well as mentioning its involvement in Lebanon among others. However, you could improve by providing a
more succinct summary while retaining crucial information. Try to avoid redundancy and condense relevant details into fewer
sentences. Also, ensure all key elements are covered, specifically those concerning the operation of Quds Force in Iraq given the
focus on that subject matter. Lastly, watch out for grammatical errors to maintain professionalism, e.g.,“has been accuse” instead
of “have been accuse”. Remember proofreading helps reduce such mistakes. Keep practicing!
Critique SelFee 7B (summary-level): None
Critique SelFee 13B (summary-level): The summary accurately captures the main points of the document, but could benefit
from more contextual information. For example, it would be helpful to explain who President Bush is and why he referenced the
Quds Force in his press conference. Additionally, the summary could discuss the reasons behind Iran’s influence in Iraq and its
impact on the region. Overall, the summary is a 7 out of 10. Revision is needed.
Critique Llama3-FT-Instruct-FT (sentence-wise): The document does not explicitly state that the Quds Force reports to the
Supreme Leader of Iran. Instead, it discusses the hierarchical structure of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the role of the
Supreme Leader in the Iranian Constitution. The summary’s claim about the Quds Force’s reporting structure is inferred but not
directly stated in the document. The error span is: ‘The Quds Force reports to the Supreme Leader of Iran’. To fix this, consider
changing the span to ‘The Supreme Leader of Iran has constitutional jurisdiction over the Revolutionary Guards, and the Quds
Forces are a branch of the Revolutionary Guards’
Initial LLM Response: NASAs Mars rover is set to land on the planet in August, using parachutes and a rocket’s backpack to
slow down enough to make the landing. The rover, named Curiosity, is about the size of a small SUV and will study the planet’s
geology and climate.
Critique Shepherd (summary-level): The answer’s summary lacks some key details mentioned in the context; specifically the
fact that the landing is scheduled for August 6th. Additionally, the answer does not provide a complete summary of the context;
the answer should be longer than 50 words.
Critique UltraCM (summary-level): Your answer provides accurate information about NASAs plan to land their Mars rover in
August. You included important details such as the use of parachutes, the rocket’s backpack, and the name of the rover, which
adds relevance to your response. However, you could have added a bit more excitement to the summarization to capture the
anticipation surrounding the event. Remember, the goal is not just to inform, but to engage as well. You might have briefly
highlighted why this particular mission is significant or interesting. Try to incorporate these elements next time to create a more
captivating summary while still staying within the word limit. Additionally, ensure to check grammar usage and syntax for
accuracy, there was a missing space before the period at the end - “The rover, named Curiosity,” could read better as “- Curiosity”.
Overall, good effort but remember to bring out emotions and implications whenever possible while maintaining brevity for clear
communication in future tasks of similar nature. Keep practicing!
Critique SelFee 7B (summary-level): The answer is concise and covers the main topics of the document. However, it could
benefit from more information on the heated protests against the Boy Scouts’ ban on gays and the impact of the Arab uprisings on
Olympic athletes. Additionally, it would be helpful to provide more context on President Bill Clinton’s visit to Nelson Mandela.
Overall, the answer is a 7/10. Revision is needed.
Critique SelFee 13B (summary-level): None
Critique Llama3-FT-Instruct-FT (sentence-wise): 1. The document does not specify the purpose of the Curiosity rover’s
mission, stating only that it is scheduled to touch down on Mars on August 6th. The summary introduces information about
the rover’s mission that is not present in the document. The error span is:‘study the planet’s geology and climate’ To fix this,
consider changing the span to ‘touch down on Mars on August 6th’
Table 17: Examples of feedback generated by Shepherd, UltraCM, SelFee 7b, SelFee 13b, and Critique-L3-FT for
two ToFuEval instances when refining with DCR using Prompt C.5
Original Response Refinement
The document discusses the role of the Quds
Force, a branch of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard,
in Iraq. The Quds Force is a highly trained and
versatile force that conducts military operations
and intelligence gathering. They have been fund-
ing mosques and clinics and building social cap-
ital in Iraq to increase their influence. The Quds
Force reports to the Supreme Leader of Iran, but
the decision-making process in Iran is dysfunc-
tional and different institutions may act indepen-
dently. The Quds Force is also active in Lebanon
and has been accused of training Hezbollah.
The document discusses the role of the Quds
Force, a branch of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard,
in Iraq. The Quds Force is a highly trained
and versatile force that conducts military opera-
tions and intelligence gathering. They have been
funding mosques and clinics and building social
capital in Iraq to increase their influence. The
Supreme Leader of Iran has constitutional juris-
diction over the Revolutionary Guards, and the
Quds Forces are a branch of the Revolutionary
Guards. The decision-making process in Iran
is dysfunctional and different institutions may
act independently. The Quds Force is also ac-
tive in Lebanon and has been accused of training
The document discusses the role of the Quds
Force, a branch of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard,
in Iraq. The Quds Force is a highly trained and
versatile force that conducts military operations
and intelligence gathering. They have been fund-
ing mosques and clinics and building social cap-
ital in Iraq to increase their influence. The Quds
Force reports to the Supreme Leader of Iran, but
the decision-making process in Iran is dysfunc-
tional and different institutions may act indepen-
dently. The Quds Force is also active in Lebanon
and has been accused of training Hezbollah.
The document discusses the role of the Quds
Force, a branch of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard,
in Iraq. The Quds Force is a highly trained
and versatile force that conducts military opera-
tions and intelligence gathering. They have been
funding mosques and clinics and building social
capital in Iraq to increase their influence. The
Quds Force operates under the constitutional
jurisdiction of Iran’s Supreme Leader as part
of the Revolutionary Guards, yet the decision-
making process in Iran involves a complex and
consensus-driven mechanism that reflects the de-
centralized and sometimes dysfunctional nature
of the regime, allowing for a degree of indepen-
dence among different institutions. The Quds
Force is also active in Lebanon and has been
accused of training Hezbollah.
The document discusses the role of the Quds
Force, a branch of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard,
in Iraq. The Quds Force is a highly trained and
versatile force that conducts military operations
and intelligence gathering. They have been fund-
ing mosques and clinics and building social cap-
ital in Iraq to increase their influence. The Quds
Force reports to the Supreme Leader of Iran, but
the decision-making process in Iran is dysfunc-
tional and different institutions may act indepen-
dently. The Quds Force is also active in Lebanon
and has been accused of training Hezbollah.
The document discusses the role of the Quds
Force, a branch of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard,
in Iraq. The Quds Force is a highly trained
and versatile force that conducts military op-
erations and intelligence gathering. They have
been funding mosques and clinics and building
social capital in Iraq to increase their influence.
The Quds Force reports to the Supreme Leader
of Iran, but their influence and decision-making
often contribute to the dysfunctionality of the
Iranian regime. The Quds Force is also active
in Lebanon and has been accused of training
Table 18: Example of refinements using DCR generated by GPT-4, and fine-tuned versions of LLAMA3-8B-
INSTRUCT and LLAMA2-7B-CHAT. The refinements are generated using the critique prompt C.5 and refinement
prompt C.6 Text in red is either deleted or substituted during the refinement process. Text in blue is added in lieu of
the text removed from the original response.
Original Response Feedback Refinement
The document discusses the role of the
Quds Force, a branch of Iran’s Revo-
lutionary Guard, in Iraq. The Quds
Force is a highly trained and versatile
force that conducts military operations
and intelligence gathering. They have
been funding mosques and clinics and
building social capital in Iraq to increase
their influence. The Quds Force reports
to the Supreme Leader of Iran, but the
decision-making process in Iran is dys-
functional and different institutions may
act independently. The Quds Force is
also active in Lebanon and has been ac-
cused of training Hezbollah.
1. The document does not explicitly
state that the Quds Force reports to the
Supreme Leader of Iran. Instead, it
discusses the hierarchical structure of
the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the
role of the Supreme Leader in the Ira-
nian Constitution. The summary’s claim
about the Quds Force’s reporting struc-
ture is inferred but not directly stated
in the document. The error span is:
‘The Quds Force reports to the Supreme
Leader of Iran’ To fix this, consider
changing the span to ‘The Supreme
Leader of Iran has constitutional juris-
diction over the Revolutionary Guards,
and the Quds Forces are a branch of the
Revolutionary Guards’
The document discusses the role of the
Quds Force, a branch of Iran’s Revo-
lutionary Guard, in Iraq. The Quds
Force is a highly trained and versatile
force that conducts military operations
and intelligence gathering. They have
been funding mosques and clinics and
building social capital in Iraq to increase
their influence. The Supreme Leader of
Iran has constitutional jurisdiction over
the Revolutionary Guards, and the Quds
Forces are a branch of the Revolutionary
Guards. The decision-making process
in Iran is dysfunctional and different in-
stitutions may act independently. The
Quds Force is also active in Lebanon and
has been accused of training Hezbollah.
The gun industry follows the NRAs ex-
treme positions out of fear of consumer
boycotts and because NRA hype benefits
sales. But gun makers likely wouldn’t
oppose background checks if not for the
NRA. The NRA previously organized
boycotts that nearly bankrupted compa-
nies. The industry stays silent to avoid
fighting the NRA publicly.
1. The document does not explicitly
state that the gun industry stays silent to
avoid fighting the NRA publicly. This is
inferred from the context but not directly
stated as a reason for their silence. The
error span is: ‘the industry stays silent to
avoid fighting the NRA publicly’ To fix
this, consider changing the span to ‘the
gun industry is afraid to publicly oppose
the NRAs extreme positions’
The gun industry follows the NRAs ex-
treme positions out of fear of consumer
boycotts and because NRA hype bene-
fits sales. However, gun makers likely
wouldn’t oppose comprehensive back-
ground checks if not for the NRAs oppo-
sition. The NRA previously organized
boycotts that nearly bankrupted compa-
nies, causing the gun industry to be cau-
tious in publicly opposing the NRA’s
An assistant to CBS anchor Dan Rather
was diagnosed with anthrax. She is re-
covering on antibiotics. Although she
handles mail for Rather, no suspicious
envelopes were received. Officials be-
lieve this is an isolated case, though CBS
employees are being tested. Separately,
an NJ postal worker tested positive for
anthrax exposure, one of over 40 cases
1. The document does not state that
no suspicious envelopes were received.
Instead, it mentions that there is no
evidence at this point that any of the
mail or any of the envelopes received
here in the past couple weeks was sus-
picious. The error span is:’no suspi-
cious envelopes were received’ To fix
this, consider changing the span to ’there
is no evidence at this point that any of
the mail or any of the envelopes received
here in the past couple weeks was sus-
picious’ 2. The document does not pro-
vide a specific number of cases nation-
wide. This information is added in the
summary without being grounded in the
document. The error span is: ’one of
over 40 cases nationwide’ To fix this,
consider changing the span to ’over 40
cases nationwide’
An assistant to CBS anchor Dan Rather
was diagnosed with anthrax. She is re-
covering on antibiotics. Although she
handles mail for Rather, there is no ev-
idence at this point that any of the mail
or any of the envelopes received here in
the past couple weeks was suspicious.
Officials believe this is an isolated case,
though CBS employees are being tested.
Separately, an NJ postal worker tested
positive for anthrax exposure, over 40
cases nationwide.
Table 19: Examples of feedback and refinement generated by Critique-L3-FT and Refine-L3-FT. Prompt C.5 is
used to generate the feedback and Prompt C.6 is used to generate the refinement. Text in red highlights the errors
as flagged by the feedback and edited by
. Text in blue highlights the fix suggested by the feedback and
executed in the refinement.
Original Response Feedback
Edit Granularity
and Type
The Quds Force, a branch of the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard, conducts intelli-
gence and military operations in Iraq, us-
ing social capital experiments and fund-
ing mosques and clinics to gain sup-
port. The Quds Forces report to the
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei,
but decision-making is a consensus-
building process in Iran. The Quds
Forces also operate in Lebanon and
have been accused of training Hezbol-
lah. They may have well-placed collabo-
rators in Saudi Arabia’s Shiite-majority
eastern province, and there are concerns
they could make life difficult for Saudi
Arabia in case of conflict with Iran.
(GPT-4) The error span in the sentence “The Quds Forces report to the
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei” might be considered factually
inconsistent. In the document, Karim Sadjadpour explains that while it
makes sense that the Quds Forces would not operate without approval
from top leaders in Tehran, and highlights that constitutionally, the Rev-
olutionary Guards (and by extension, the Quds Force as a branch of
the Guards) are under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Leader Ayatol-
lah Khamenei, he also clarifies the overall decision-making process in
Iran as being very much a consensus-building process among various
personalities and institutions within the government. This explanation
suggests that while the Supreme Leader has constitutional jurisdiction,
the implied direct reporting and operational command might be mislead-
ing without adding the context of Iran’s complex and consensus-driven
decision-making process. The simplification that the Quds Forces report
directly to the Supreme Leader does not capture the nuance of how deci-
sions are influenced by a broader network of power within Iran.
Suggested fix to the summary: The Quds Forces are under the constitu-
tional jurisdiction of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei; however,
the decision-making process in Iran involves a consensus-building ap-
proach among various personalities and institutions.
Phrase Substitute
(Critique-L3-FT) The document describes the Iranian regime as ‘dys-
functional’ and mentions the consensus-building process in Iran, but it
does not explicitly state that decision-making is a consensus-building
process. This is inferred but not directly stated in the document. The
error span is:‘decision-making is a consensus-building process in Iran’
To fix this, consider changing the span to ‘Iran’s decision-making pro-
cess is dysfunctional and involves consensus building among different
Phrase Substitute
(Critique-L2-FT) The document states that the Quds Forces do not
report to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, which contradicts the
summary’s statement that they do. The error span is: ‘The Quds Forces
report to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’ To fix this, consider
changing the span to ‘The Quds Forces do not report to Supreme Leader
Ayatollah Khamenei’
Word Insert
The US and Russia have been engaging
in a tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsion, with
each side expelling 60 diplomats. Russia
is closing the US consulate in Saint Pe-
tersburg and the US is shutting down the
Russian consulate in Washington, D.C.
The White House says it will deal with
the retaliation, while Russian officials
have warned they will take further ac-
tion if the US acts against their interests.
(GPT-4) The error span in the sentence provided in the summary is: ‘and
the US is shutting down the Russian consulate in Washington, D.C.This
span cannot be substantiated by the original document. The document
does mention the expulsion of diplomats by both the US and Russia and
the closure of a consulate, but it specifically mentions the US booted 60
Russian diplomats and in retaliation, Russia is closing the US consulate
in Saint Petersburg. There is no mention of the US shutting down the
Russian consulate in Washington, D.C. in the provided document.
A suggested fix to the summary for accuracy based on the document
would be: Russia is closing the US consulate in Saint Petersburg in
retaliation to the US expelling 60 Russian diplomats.
Phrase Substitute
(Critique-L3-FT) The document does not specify that the US is shutting
down the Russian consulate in Washington, D.C. This information is
not present in the document and thus introduces new information not
grounded in the source. The error span is: ‘the US is shutting down the
Russian consulate in Washington, D.C.To fix this, consider changing
the span to ‘Russia is closing the US consulate in Saint Petersburg’
Phrase Delete
(Critique-L2-FT) The document does not specify that the US is shutting
down the Russian consulate in Washington, D.C. This information is
not provided in the document and thus introduces new information not
supported by the source. The error span is: ‘the US is shutting down the
Russian consulate in Washington, D.C.To fix this, consider changing
the span to ‘the US is shutting down the Russian consulate in Saint
Phrase Insert
Table 20: Examples of feedback generated by GPT-4, Critique-L3-FT and Critique-L2-FT for a sentence in the
original response using DCR (Prompts C.5 and C.6). We observe the feedback generating error spans at a sentence
and phrase level. The feedback also suggests fixes of various types: substitutes, inserts and deletes.
Original Response Human-Written Feedback Critique-L3-FT
A California judge has issued a temporary in-
junction against the state’s high school exit exam,
which critics say is too difficult for some stu-
dents to pass. The test, which was only based
on eighth-grade math and ninth- and 10th-grade
level English, has caused controversy since its
implementation in 2005. In response to a lawsuit
by 10 students who failed the exam, a judge has
allowed thousands of students who did not pass
to potentially graduate.
The source document does not mention
the year the test was implemented or
the fact that it caused controversy since
The document does not specify the year
of the test’s implementation, making this
information extrinsic. The error span
is:‘since its implementation in 2005’ To
fix this, consider changing the span to
‘since its implementation’
The US and Russia have been engaging in a
tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsion, with each side
expelling 60 diplomats. Russia is closing the
US consulate in Saint Petersburg and the US is
shutting down the Russian consulate in Wash-
ington, D.C. The White House says it will deal
with the retaliation, while Russian officials have
warned they will take further action if the US
acts against their interests.
The source document does not mention
which Russian consulate was closed in
the US, so the claim that it is in “Wash-
ington” is not grounded in the source.
The document does not specify that the
US is shutting down the Russian con-
sulate in Washington, D.C. This infor-
mation is not present in the document
and thus introduces new information not
grounded in the source. The error span
is: ‘the US is shutting down the Russian
consulate in Washington, D.C. To fix
this, consider changing the span to ‘Rus-
sia is closing the US consulate in Saint
The document discusses efforts to address sys-
temic inequality, including the importance of un-
derstanding the root causes of inequality and the
need for systemic change to create a more equi-
table society. The author argues that addressing
inequality requires a multi-faceted approach that
includes improving access to education, increas-
ing job opportunities, and providing resources to
marginalized communities. The document em-
phasizes the importance of collective action and
the need for individuals, organizations, and gov-
ernments to work together to address systemic
The text does not discuss systemic in-
equality, including the the importance of
understanding the root causes of inequal-
ity and the need for systemic change.
The document does not explicitly dis-
cuss efforts to address systemic inequal-
ity. The topic is introduced through a
discussion about President Trump’s be-
havior and comments on race, which is
not directly related to efforts to address
systemic inequality. The error span is:
‘efforts to address systemic inequality’
To fix this, consider changing the span
to ‘President Trump’s comments on race
and his behavior towards LaVar Ball’
The U.S. Navy has identified three sailors
who went missing after their plane crashed
off the coast of Japan. They are Lt. Steven
Combs from Florida, Airman Matthew Chialas-
tri from Louisiana, and Airman Apprentice
Bryan Grosso from Florida. All three are as-
signed to the Provider Fleet Logistic Support
Squadron 30 and were among 11 crew and pas-
sengers on the C-2 Greyhound aircraft. The
search for the missing sailors covered over 1,000
nautical miles before being called off.
One is assigned to provider’s fleet of
logistical support squadron 30 and two
are assigned to USS Ronald Reagan.
The document does not specify that
the three sailors were assigned to
the Provider Fleet Logistic Support
Squadron 30. This information is not
present in the document and thus intro-
duces extrinsic information. The error
span is: ‘Provider Fleet Logistic Sup-
port Squadron 30’ To fix this, consider
changing the span to ‘the Provider Fleet
Logistic Support Squadron 30’
Table 21: Examples of human written feedback and Critique-L3-FT generated feedback for a few examples in
TofuEval. The feedback is for a sentence in the original response. The model generated feedback is generated using
Prompt C.6.