Central Wisconsin State Fair
Market Animal Sale
Rules and Guidelines
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market
Animal Sale INDEX
Page #
2021- 2022 Market Animal Sale Committee Executive Board Members ............1
2021 - 2022 Market Animal Sale Committee Members .....................................1
2021 - 2022 Market Animal Sale Committee Meeting Dates.................................1
Market Animal Sale Rules and Guidelines ......................................................... 2 - 4
Educational Requirements ...........................................................................5
2022 Dates To Remember...........................................................................6
2022 Quick Reference Guide ....................................................................7
DNA Collection Dates And Information ........................................................8
Animal Tagging & DNA Guidelines ...............................................................9
Animal ID / DNA Request Sample Form...................................................10
Collecting And Submitting Your DNA Samples ........................................ 11
- 12 Animal ID / DNA Sample Documentation Form....................................13
Sale Standards For Market Sale Animals ...................................................14
Exhibitor And Parent Sample Agreement Form..........................................15
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal
Sale 2021 / 2022 Committee
Executive Board Members
President ----------------Mark Cournoyer
Vice President----------Kelly Aue
Secretary ----------------Ann Lindow
Treasurer----------------George Gilbertson
Member At Large------Jason Bernick
The Market Animal Sale Committee is made up of individuals who are willing and available to assist the
exhibitor and their family with answering any questions or explaining things you may not know or understand.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us. We want to help make this a very positive experience for all
those involved. Good luck with your project.
Committee Members
Dennis Bangart, Kris Kirk, Peggy Pankratz, Jason Bernick, Tammy Kirk,
Neal Potts, Leah Bernick, Josh Klumb, Lori Salzmann, Eric Brock, Dan
Kundinger, Mike Schiferl, Mark Cournoyer, Megan Kundinger, Jim
Schulz, Rod Friedrichsen, TJ Landwer, Paul Sturgis, George Gilbertson,
Ann Lindow, Bruce Thorson, Joyce Karl Matt Lippert, Cheryl Thorson,
Scott Karl, Bruce Pankratz, Mark Zee, Kelly Aue, Virgil Voight, Heather
Interested in becoming a Market Animal Sale Committee Member?
Attend two (2) consecutive committee meetings and show an interest in being involved and
supporting the program with your time and knowledge.
Committee Meeting Dates
All meetings in 2022 will be determined by the Covid Guidelines that are set-forth in
Wood County. Dates, Times and Locations of Meetings will be emailed to Committee
Committee Meetings are open to the public.
We ask that if you are interested in attending, please contact an Executive Board Member
so we can inform you of these meetings as they become scheduled.
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market
Animal Sale Rules And Guidelines
Important Notes:
***Check the General Rules, Judging Schedule and Animal Related Guidelines found in the
beginning sections of the Junior Fair Book, as well as the Animal Health Rules and
Regulations, found online at:
***In addition to this booklet, each exhibitor’s family is given a folder with other pertinent
information that applies to the 2022 Market Animal Sale.
***The following information is published in the Junior Fair Book as well as
on-line at:
General Rules
1. Any exhibitor planning to participate and sell their animal in the Central Wisconsin State
Fair Market Animal Sale, must agree to the rules and guidelines set forth by the Market
Animal Sale Committee. Each exhibitor and their parent/guardian must sign the Market
Animal Sale Agreement Form to be eligible to sell in the sale. By signing this agreement,
the exhibitor and their parent/guardian indicate that they have read and understand the
information provided to them in the “Market Animal Sale Exhibitor Rules And Guidelines”
booklet that is given to each family. A separate signed form is required for each exhibitor
(You may make copies of the agreement form located in your folder) one form per
exhibitor. (Sample form is included at the end of this booklet.) Please note the date that
the form is due. Failure to sign this form and return it on or before the due date will result
in not selling in the Market Animal Sale.
2. Each exhibitor is entitled to weigh-in three (3) animals per species. An exhibitor may only
sell one (1) animal in the Market Animal Sale. All exhibitors must choose which animal
they want to sell by 8:30 p.m. on entry day. All non-sale market animals that are
weighed-in on entry day are to remain on the fairgrounds for exhibit until all Junior Fair
animals are officially released.
3. All animals that are overweight at the final weigh-in are allowed one more time across the
scale. Underweight animals will not be re-weighed.
4. Market animals must be shown by the exhibitor in the market class to be eligible for the
Market Sale. If a replacement exhibitor is needed, that exhibitor must also be exhibiting a
market animal, and be approved by the Market Sale Committee President prior to the
5. Exhibitors must enter their animal in the Junior Fair for a premium. Failure to turn in your
fair entry forms or failure to enter you animal in the following departments will result in not
participating in the Market Animal Sale: 2J (Beef) 3J (Swine) 4J (Sheep)
6. Final determination of sale eligibility for Market Steers and Market Lambs and Market Hogs
will be determined by weight upon final weigh-in on entry day. Grade determination will be
made by the judge at the time of placing during the respective shows. If your animal does
not make weight or grade, you will not be able to sell at the sale.
7. In order to sell a Reserve Champion animal in the “Sale of Champions” group in the Market
Animal Sale, there must be a minimum of six (6) animals shown in each species at the
Central Wisconsin State Fair Junior Show.
8. All Market Steer, Market Hog and Market Lamb Exhibitors shall forfeit the opportunity to sell
in the Market Animal Sale if they fail to be in the sale ring when their number is called.
9. Market Sale Exhibitors are required to sell their own animal. If an exhibitor is unable to
be in the ring to sell their animal, permission for another Market Sale Exhibitor to do so
may only be given by the Market Animal Sale Executive Committee.
10. Exhibitors must attend three (3) educational meetings/events, plus complete the YQCA
certification. The Market Animal Sale committee will sponsor several educational
meetings. Meeting dates will be published in the 4-H Youth Connection and also will be
distributed to exhibitors at all Market Sale sponsored activities. Each exhibitor must
attend at least one (1) educational meeting that is sponsored by the Market Animal
Sale. Refer to the Educational Meeting requirement pages in this booklet for more
information regarding this requirement.
11. Exhibitors must return two (2) signed Bidder Commitment Forms from potential bidders by
July 15
. Failure to do so will result in not being able to sell your animal in the sale.
12. No animal shall be tranquilized or show any sign of any drug use prior to the show or sale.
Any evidence of tranquilizer or drug use will prohibit the animal from selling in the sale. If
evidence of drug use is found in the slaughtered carcass, the exhibitor will forfeit the sale
13. The exhibitor and his/her family of an animal that is condemned at the time of slaughter by
a State/ Federal Meat Inspector will stand the loss. This means that the exhibitor will
reimburse the Market Animal Sale Committee the cost incurred by the committee to
replace the condemned animal’s meat for the buyer.
14. Your Market Animal is to be properly cared for until it leaves the fairgrounds. Once the
animal is sold, it becomes the property of the buyer. However, the exhibitor and/or their
representative will care for the animal until it leaves the fairgrounds. The penalty for not
properly caring for your animal is a $50.00 deduction from your Market Animal Sale
15. A 5% sale commission will be withheld by the Market Animal Sale Committee to offset
costs incidental to conducting the sale and other Market Animal Sale activities throughout
the year.
16. Exhibitors must keep a record book issued by the Market Animal Sale Committee. The
Drug History Sheet must be completed and turned in at the time that your animal is
weighed on entry day or at the Market Animal Check-In Station. Exhibitors must turn
in a completed Market Animal Record Book and also their Thank You note in an
unsealed, stamped and properly addressed envelope (forward and return address) by
Friday at 5:00 p.m. These two items are turned into the Junior Fair Office located in the
Youth Building. A $25.00 late fee will be deducted from your Market Animal Sale Check if
you fail to fulfill either of these requirements on time. Failure to turn in a Record Book or
Thank You card will result in sale checks being withheld until properly completed.
17. Exhibitors selling at any other County Market Animal Sale in the same year will not be
eligible to sell in the Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal Sale. This does not
include the Wisconsin State Fair Governor’s Auction.
18. An exhibitor may switch animals within their chosen species in the event that the judge
selects the exhibitor’s non-designated sale animal as Grand or Reserve Champion. The
winning Champion Animal must have met all of the Market Animal Sale requirements.
19. The Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion animal of each species will stay for
the duration of the Central Wisconsin State Fair. These animals must be cared for by
each exhibitor and his/her representative. Failure to care for your animal when it is
showcased in the Pen of Champions will result in a $250.00 deduction from your
Market Animal Sale check.
20. The Market Animals Sale Committee, along with the owners of the processing facilities will
determine the number of animals that will be in the Carcass Show.
21. The Carcass Show will be held on Thursday following the conclusion of the Central
Wisconsin State Fair. Check the 2022 Sale Catalog for time and location.
22. To be eligible for the 2022 Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal Sale, animals
must have an official CWSF or State Fair RFID tag and must have collected DNA on
file under the exhibitor's name with Animal ID, Inc.
23. If the DNA does not match on an animal, the exhibitors and his/her parents (guardian) will
be contacted by phone and letter by the Market Animal Sale President informing them of
the ruling.
24. The exhibitor has the right to appeal the ruling to the Market Sale Committee Executive
Board. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to contact the Market Animal Sale
Committee President to request a meeting and set up a date. The exhibitor must appeal
no later than one (1) week/seven (7) days after notification by the Market Animal Sale
25. Any exhibitor that has an animal which has a DNA check that does not match may be
banned from selling in the Market Animal Sale for up to three (3) years. In addition, the
exhibitor will only receive the current market price per pound as determined on the day of
sale at Equity Livestock in Stratford, WI. The balance of the original price will be
refunded back to the buyer. The Central Wisconsin State Fair Junior Fair Board and/or
Fair Board may take additional disciplinary actions.
26. The distribution of auction proceeds may be delayed until the laboratory’s DNA
comparison testing is complete.
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market
Animal Sale Educational Requirements
YQCA (Youth for the Quality Care of Animals)
Exhibitors must complete the online certification course. This program is
mandatory for all Market Animal Sale Exhibitors to sell at the 2022 Central
Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal Sale.
Online Session: Visit YQCA.org and click “sign-in or register” to
begin. Online cost is $12.00 per youth.
A copy of your YQCA certificate must be on file with the Market Animal Sale
Committee no later than July 15
. This document must be submitted to the
M.A.S Google Classroom.
In addition to the YQCA Certification, all exhibitors must
complete three (3) educational activities through the
“Market Sale Google Classroom”
Market Animal Sale Sponsored Meetings.
7pm Auburndale High School
Jan 11, 2022
7pm Auburndale High School
Feb 10, 2022
6:30 pm Jer Lang Show Palace CWSF Marshfield
May 10, 2022
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal Sale
2022 Dates To Remember
DNA Sample Collection And Exhibitor & Parent Agreement Form Due Dates
Market Beef and Market Dairy Steers & Heifers Market Hogs & Market Lambs
Saturday, May 21
----------------Richfield Town Hall ----------- 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Noon)
Educational Meetings
Attendance at the January or February Market Sale Informational Meeting
Market Sale Educational Activities will be replacing our normal Market sale
Educational Meetings. - Each exhibitor will be required to complete two (2) virtual
on-line or in person activities which will be made available in the “Market Sale
Classroom” Starting on January 11
. These activities must be completed and the
required documentation must be submitted no later than July 15
YQCA - Youth for the Quality Care of Animals
Mandatory yearly requirement for All Market Animal Sale Exhibitors (No Exceptions)
Central Wisconsin State Fair - Junior Fair Entry Form
Registration is scheduled to open on or around June 1
All exhibitors must enroll online using “Fair Entry” before the July deadline.
Bidder Commitment Forms
Due Date is July 15
- Reference bidder forms for further information / instructions.
Final Weigh-In
Monday, August 22
, ----------Central Wisconsin State Fairgrounds ----------- 4:00 p.m.
- 8:30 p.m. All Market Hogs must be in their respective pens on Monday, by 3:00
Show Day
Market Animals are shown on Tuesday, August 23
Show Times and Schedules will be posted in the respective barns on Monday,
August 22nd and will also be listed in the Central Wisconsin State Fair Junior
Fair Book.
Market Animal Sale
Wednesday, August 24
, --------------Show Palace ------------------- 6:30 p.m.
Record Books/Thank You Notes
A Thank You note neatly written to your buyer, in a properly addressed with
return address, stamped and unsealed envelope along with your completed
Record Book, are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 26
Both of these items must be turned into the Junior Fair Office located in the Youth Building.
Carcass Show
Thursday, September 1
, ------------------------- Check the 2022 Sale Catalog for time
and location. **Attendance at this meeting counts only towards the 2023
Educational Requirements**
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal Sale
DNA Collection Dates And Information
May 21, 2022
Market Beef and Market
Dairy Steers & Heifers
Richfield Town Hall
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 (Noon)
May 21, 2022
Market Hogs & Market Lambs
Richfield Town Hall
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 (Noon)
The Richfield Town Hall is located on the corner of Richfield Drive and County Road A. The exact address
is: 8478 Richfield Drive, Marshfield, WI 54449.
A fully completed Animal ID/DNA Sample Documentation Form is required at the time of DNA Collection. If
any information is missing/omitted on this form, it is your responsibility to either complete the form on the
above specified date or get that information to Mark Cournoyer or Paul Sturgis by the Monday following
your specie DNA Turn-In Date. (Sample form is included in this booklet.
Failure to turn in your DNA on the above date for each species will result in not being able to participate in
the Market Animal Sale for this year.
DNA will not be collected after 12:00 p.m. (Noon) on the date listed above. If you are unable to make
the collection date/place due to a conflict, the following committee members will accept your DNA and be
responsible for turning it in on the above dates. Please call and set up a time that is convenient for the both
of you, should you need to do this. If you give your DNA Samples to other committee members, and it does
not get turned in on the above specified dates, the Market Animal Sale will consider the DNA Samples late
and you will not be permitted to sell at the sale this year.
Authorized DNA Collection Committee Members:
If you wish to turn in DNA before the May 21 Deadline, it can
be turned into the following Market Sale Committee Members
Mark Cournoyer
Neal Potts
Kelly Aue
Anne Lindow
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal Sale
Animal Tagging And DNA Guidelines
To be eligible for the Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal Sale, animals must have an official
CWSF or Wisconsin State FAIR RFID tag and must have collected DNA on file with Animal ID.
Exhibitors/Families will need to purchase CWSF RFID tags and DNA collection envelopes from the
Market Animal Sale Committee.
For the Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Sale, animal tagging and DNA collection will be completed
on a family basis. During final weigh-in, animals will be assigned to specific family members.
Each family must complete and turn in the CWSF Tagging/DNA Collection Request Form at the time of
tag/envelope purchase. This form needs to be filled out completely and legible, please print. All
FFA, 4-H or eligible club members of the family planning to sell, MUST be listed on this form. (Sample
form is included in this booklet.)
The cost is $10.00 per animal/tag. The family's cost will be deducted from your Market Animal Sale
proceeds. There is a limit of nine (9) tags per exhibitor (3 tags per species). RFID tags and DNA
envelopes will be available at the January and February Educational meetings. Other times and
locations may be announced. You may also contact Mark Cournoyer for RFID tags and DNA kits at
Auburndale High School, 715.652.2115 or Mark Zee at Marshfield High School 715.387.8464
Your family will receive the RFID tags and the DNA collection envelopes for use at home. You will also
receive a copy of the CWSF Animal ID/DNA Sample Documentation Form, and directions for effectively
collecting DNA samples which are also posted on the Google Classroom and at shorturl.at/hsyLY on
You will be responsible for providing your own tag applicator. You must use an ALLFLEX UNIVERSAL
TAGGER The Red Tagger. These taggers can be purchased at local farm supply stores or on-line from
various farm supply companies.
Market Animal DNA Sample Collection Date
Saturday, May 21
, 2022
Richfield Town Hall
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Noon)
Central Wisconsin State Fair
Market Animal Sale Animal
ID/DNA Request Form
Parent(s) / Guardian(s) Name:____________________________________________ Family
Exhibitor Names: _____________________________________________________________
Club(s) or Organization(s): ___________________________________________________________
Phone #: __________________ Email Address:__________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City/Town:____________________________________________________ Zip Code: ___________
Fair ID/DNA forms must be submitted to CWSF Market Sale. Upon receipt of this form CWSF Market Sale will
provide you the items selected below with all forms/instruction sheets to use for DNA samples. Please specify the
type of livestock tag you are ordering, be specific on species. If ordering for more than one species, please
fill out a separate form. There will be no upfront charge for tags, family tag fees will be taken from Market sale
Livestock must be identified in the family’s name or in the immediate family member names. If animals are identified
in the immediate family name only one form needs to be submitted along with the correct fees, however all siblings’
names MUST APPEAR on the top of the form. Cousins are not considered immediate family and may not co-identify
with the same animal.
The RFID tag listed on the identification forms MUST be the RFID ear tag in the animal’s ear at the fair’s
weigh-in. DNA Request Forms MUST include completed information, or they will be placed on Hold.
All DNA hair sample envelopes with the white “Animal ID/DNA Sample Documentation Form” must be
returned to the Market Sale Committee by your species deadline date. (Sample form is included in this booklet.)
Please use a separate form for each species
Circle one species BEEF SWINE SHEEP
Tag Numbers Provided
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal
Sale Collecting And Submitting Your DNA
When you are ready to tag and collect DNA samples from your animals, take time to fill out as much of the
following information as possible:
CWSF Fair Animal ID/ DNA Sample Documentation Form. Be sure to state Wood County as your
county & NOT the county you live in. (Sample form is included in this booklet.)
Information requested on the outside of the DNA collection envelopes (Be aware that BOTH the exhibitor
and parent signatures are REQUIRED on each envelope).
Follow the species specific Hair Sample Collection Instructions (located in your folder) to collect DNA
from each animal you tag. Insert the DNA samples into the appropriate envelopes and seal them. Fill
out remaining information on the envelopes and forms as you go.
When all animals are tagged and DNA collected, deliver to the Market Sale Committee members at the
Richfield Town Hall on the date designated for your species listed in this booklet.
A copy of CWSF Animal ID/DNA Sample Documentation Form
Sealed DNA envelopes for each animal tagged.
Make a copy of the CWSF Fair Animal ID/DNA Sample Documentation Form for your records.
We highly suggest that you collect an additional DNA sample for each animal and retain it in your
possession in a separate envelope with the correct ear tag number for your own documentation.
Please keep those samples frozen.
If one of your animals loses a tag...
If your Market Animal loses its official RFID tag that you received from the Market Animal Sale Committee,
contact Market Sale Committee President, Mark Cournoyer 715.305.0385 for a replacement tag.
Replacement tags will be available free of charge until the Saturday before the fair. If replacement tags are
needed, the lost/broken tag number must be replaced with a replacement tag issued by the Market Sale
Committee. Please make sure you replace the new ID tag in the correct animal that was DNA sampled.
The exhibitor/family is responsible to pick up the needed tag(s) while submitting the old tag(s), if available.
If the old tag(s) is/are not available, be prepared to indicate which tag number(s) you are replacing when
you get the replacements.
*****Be aware that any Market Sale Animal that arrives at fair weigh-in without an
official CWSF ear tag in its ear will be required to participate in a DNA test at the
owners expense. The cost of this is approximately $100.00.
The Champion & Reserve Champion Market Sale Animals in each species and several other market sale
animals randomly will be tested at no cost to the exhibitor.
IF the DNA does not match on an animal, the exhibitor will be contacted by phone and letter by the
Market Sale President informing them of the ruling.
Any exhibitor that has an animal which has a DNA check that does not match may be banned from
selling any market animals for up to three (3) years. Also, you will only receive current market price per
pound as determined on the day of the sale at Equity Livestock in Stratford, WI. The balance of the
original sale price will be refunded back to the buyer. The Central Wisconsin State Junior Fair may also
take additional disciplinary action.
The exhibitor has the right to appeal the ruling to the Market Sale Committee Executive Council. It is the
responsibility of the exhibitor to contact the Market Sale Committee President to request an appeal
meeting and set a date. You must appeal no later than one (1) week/seven (7) days after notification by
the Market Sale Committee President of a nonmatch DNA sample.
If Your Market Animal Is Going To State Fair...
You may purchase your DNA kits and RFID ear tags either from WI State Fair or The CWSF Market
Animal Sale Committee.
Collect the DNA according to your species.
Fill out all forms and mail your DNA Sample to WI State Fair on or before the due date required by WI
State Fair.
You must also complete a CWSF Animal ID/DNA Sample Documentation Form. This form and
photos must be turned in via mail, email, or hand delivered to one of the “Authorized DNA Collection
Committee Members” (see page 8) by the CWSF species deadline date. Since the DNA sample has
been sent into the WI State Fair, you will not be turning in an additional DNA sample with this form.
Market Beef and Market Dairy Steers & Heifers --------Bruce Thorson-----------715-570-2037
Market Hogs ------------------------------------------------------Eric Brock-----------------715-459-1563
Market Lambs ------------Jim Schulz--------------------------------------------------------715-459-9399
Overall Questions ----Paul Sturgis ------715-572-3625 Mark Cournoyer-------715.305.0385
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal Sale
Animal ID/DNA Sample Documentation Form
Turn In May 21, 2022 Richfield Townhall 9am-Noon
Family Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Parent(s)/Guardian(s)Name: __________________________________________________________________
Exhibitor(s) Names: _________________________________________________________________________
Club(s)/Organization__________________ Phone#:________________Email Address__________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
City/Town: ______________________________________ State: __________ Zip Code __________________
Wisconsin Premise ID Code: Premise ID# _______________________________________________________
(Location where animals are housed)
City: ___________________________________________ State: __________ Zip __________________Code:
All livestock DNA Identified will be by family, not by individual exhibitor. A family may DNA Identify up to
three animals per species times the number of exhibitors per family. Exhibitors must be immediate family
members. Legal guardianship will define immediate family members. All sibling names MUST appear on
this form. Cousins are NOT considered immediate family and therefore may NOT co-identify the same
Ear Tag Number
RFID Number or Sticker
Livestock Species
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal
Sale Sale Standards For Market Sale Animals
Market Beef and Market Dairy Steers & Heifers:
To qualify for the Market Animal Sale, all Market Beef and Market Dairy Steers & Heifers must weigh a
minimum of 1,050 lbs. and a maximum of 1,600 lbs. regardless of breed.
In addition, all Market Beef types must grade low choice or higher (live grade) to qualify for the Market
Animal Sale. Grade determination will be made by the judge at the time of placing during the Junior Fair
Market Show.
The final weigh-in will be held on entry day from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Market Hogs:
Market Hogs only, may be brought onto the fairgrounds beginning at 10:00 a.m. on fair entry day. All
Market Hogs must be in their respective pens by 3:00 p.m. on fair entry day. Hogs will be dismissed and
weighed individually by club.
To qualify for the Market Animal Sale, all Market Hogs must weigh a minimum of 245 lbs. and a maximum
of 300 lbs.
In addition, all market hogs must grade USDA 1 or 2 to qualify for the Market Animal Sale. Grade
determination will be made by the judge at the time of placing during the Market Hog Show.
The final weigh-in will be held on entry day from 4:00 p.m. to 6pm and from 7- 8:30 p.m.
Market Lambs:
To qualify for the Market Animal Sale, any purebred or crossbred wether or ewe must weigh a minimum of
120 lbs. and a maximum of 160 lbs.
In addition, all market lamb types must grade choice or higher (live grade) to qualify for the Market Animal
Sale. Grade determination will be made by the judge at the time of placing during the Market Lamb
Animals must be weighed in with ¼ inch or less of fleece at the final weigh-in.
The final weigh-in will be held on entry day from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Hog Barn
Central Wisconsin State Fair Market Animal Sale
Exhibitor And Parent Agreement Form
Print Legibly
Exhibitor’s Name: __________________________________________________
4-H Club / FFA Chapter / Other Organization:_______________________________________________
Street Address:_______________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________ State: _________ Zip: _____________________
Home Phone #: _____________________________ Cell Phone #: _____________________________
Grade in School:____________________________
(Grade as of January 1
My parent/guardian and I have read the 2022 Market Animal Sale Exhibitor Rules and Guidelines and we
understand them.
We have read the 2022 Market Animal Sale Exhibitor Rules and Guidelines Booklet. We
understand that not following the rules, will result in not selling in the Market Animal Sale.
If you have any questions, contact a member of the executive committee. Plan accordingly, and do not wait
until the deadline to try to make contact.
Exhibitors Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: __________________________________Date: __________________