CFAES provides research and related educational
programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For
more information: go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.
(These are County requirements. Each club may have additional requirements.)
1. 4-H membership is based on a child’s age AND grade as of January 1 of the
current calendar year. Eligibility for Cloverbud participation begins when a child is
age 5 and enrolled in kindergarten. Eligibility for participation in 4-H projects and
competitive events begins when a child is age 8 and in the third grade. Any youth
age 9 or above is eligible for project membership, regardless of grade level.
Membership requires enrollment in an authorized Ohio 4-H club or group under
the direction of an OSU Extension professional or approved adult leader. A youth’s
4-H eligibility ends December 31 the year he/she turns 19. Joining Ohio 4-H is a
privilege and responsibility and is subject to the Ohio 4-H Code of Conduct and
applicable policies of The Ohio State University.
2. "Cloverbuds" (youth age 5 and enrolled in kindergarten as of January 1 of the
current year) are not eligible to enter competitions. 4-H volunteers lead activities
that explore topics such as health, earth and the environment, citizenship, plants
and animals. Cloverbuds may exhibit what they make in the Junior Fair Building.
Make sure you circle “CLOVERBUD” on the enrollment form and enter project
3. Enrollment: March 15 is the deadline for 4-H enrollment in Wood County. To be
eligible for 4-H membership in competitive classes both at the fair and at judging,
members must be registered by March 15 each year through the Ohio 4-H Online
a. How to register for 4-H: Visit the Wood County 4-H website
https://wood.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development and click on the 4-H
registration page for detailed instructions. You will be directed to 4-H Online, the
web-based system used by all Ohio counties. https://oh.4honline.com Please, be
sure all areas are completely filled out. (i.e. member profile information, 4-H club
or clubs, and 4-H projects) and click submit when completely finished. Be sure to
use an email that you check regularly. This is the email we use to send you
newsletters, and the most up-to-date informations!
b. Clover Bud youth should not enroll in a project. Mark your project as #710.
c. Changes to your enrollment information in the 4-HOnline system,
including project changes, must be made by March 31
. Contact the 4-H Office to
make your changes after this date. Any project change after this date will not be
considered for competition.
d. A boy or girl may join 4-H after March 15
, but he or she is considered
non-competitive due to late enrollment and will not be eligible for awards, trophies,
rosettes, certificates at 4-H judging or at the Wood County Fair. These members
may be judged for an evaluation grade, exhibit projects at the fair, and receive a
premium, but are ineligible for any competition.
Wood County 4-H Rules and Guidelines
4. Youth do not have to be residents of Wood County to participate in the Wood
County Junior Fair; however, boys and girls must be a member of a Wood County
4-H Club or FFA Chapter in order to show in the Junior Fair Shows at the Wood
County Fair. An Across County Lines” form must be filled out for new 4-H
members living outside Wood County. This form only needs to be filled out
once. This is a State 4-H Policy.
5. No individual may be a 4-H member in 2 or more counties simultaneously.
Youth are expected to affiliate with the 4-H program in the county of residence.
However, in instances where youth live out of the county, membership
considerations will be given by the 4-H Educators in the county of residence and
county of participation when a positive educational experience will result. An
Across County Line Form must be on file for 4-H members residing outside of
Wood County.
6. Eligible youth may be members of both 4-H (clubs) and Vocational Agriculture
(FFA Chapters), or of either group. In all cases, separate and different projects
(also different animals and/or products) must be carried in 4-H and in
Vocational Agriculture by a member belonging to both organizations. The
following examples will be considered different and separate projects - dairy herd
management (cows in production) and dairy heifers not freshened; sheep
breeding, commercial and market lambs; beef breeding and market beef (steers);
swine breeding and market hogs; horse production and horse riding; laying flock
and broilers; corn and soybeans; electricity and woodworking; etc. When showing
at fairs or other exhibitions, the same or similar animals and/or products cannot be
shown in both organizations even though they may be carried under different
projects or programs. (Example: farm management type programs where several
individual projects may be included.)
7. Any project made for competition or for a grade in any other activity, such as FFA,
FHA, school, or similar organizations, cannot be taken as 4-H projects.
8. Each 4-H member must carry at least one approved project. Members may exhibit
any number of projects at the fair. All projects taken must be completed through a
county or advisor interview. Only projects that are judged and exhibited at the fair
are eligible for fair premiums. Project guidelines, judging, and some Jr. Fair exhibit
requirements for all 4-H projects are listed in this Handbook. In addition, the
Wood County Fair Book must be referred to for additional fair rules.
9. Although it is expected that most 4-H members will take their 4-H projects to
judging and the fair, 4-H projects can still be considered "complete" even if the
project is not taken to judging and the fair. Only if an advisor designates the project
"incomplete" will a project be considered incomplete. Exhibition at the fair does
not determine whether a project is complete or incomplete. Advisors must notify
the Extension Office of member’s grades prior to fair.
Wood County 4-H Rules and Guidelines
10. All 4-H projects must be the work of the individual 4-H member. Help from parents,
advisors, and other interested adults are encouraged as long as it is of educational
nature. The final exhibit must be the work of the member.
11. 4-H members are required to attend a minimum of five meetings to be a Wood
County 4-H member in good standing. A member must be in good standing
in order to show or exhibit at the fair. It is understood that youth and families
are busy and that excused absences are necessary on occasion. Each 4-H Club
may determine what constitutes excused absences. 4-H advisors must notify youth
and Extension Office of failure on the member’s part to complete. Members will
then be notified of Jr. Fair ineligibility.
12. 4-H clubs are required to hold at least eight educational meetings between
November 1
and Fair of the current year to be considered a bona fide 4-H club.
A party does not constitute an educational meeting.
13. NUMBER OF PROJECTS PER MEMBER: - It is strongly recommended that a
first year 4-H member (8 and in the 3
grade) take only one project. Cloverbud
members do not take projects.
A project must be complete and exhibited to receive fair premiums.
4-H projects may be dropped/or added on or before April 15
. Please
notify your Advisor first.
14. 4-H Clubs are encouraged to purchase all their member’s project books in bulk
through their local club checking account. The charge for most books is $6,
however some project books may cost more. Make checks out to OSU Extension.
15. In case of a dispute over a 4-H member's project grade, the County 4-H Committee
will have the authority to make the final determination of the grade.
16. The penalties for breaking any of the 4-H or Junior Fair rules listed in this book,
the Wood County Fair book, State Fair book, or any other Extension approved
document may consist of disqualification of the member from competition. Member
in question will also forfeit any 4-H or Junior Fair awards or honors won the current
year, and their rating will be incomplete.
17. The Wood County 4-H Committee in consultation with the County and State 4-H
Staff members (and Junior and Senior Fair Boards when appropriate) shall be the
final authority in any controversies arising in any project area of the Wood County
4-H program.
18. If a 4-H’er placed 1
in a clothing project the past year, they cannot compete in the
same project this year.
19. If a 4-H'er placed 1
in a nutrition project the past year, they cannot compete in the
same project this year.
Wood County 4-H Rules and Guidelines
20. All Non-Livestock 4-H projects must be exhibited (photos of projects are not
acceptable) in the Jr. Fair building during the fair to be eligible for premium. Non-
Livestock 4-H project exhibits are ineligible for open fair class entry.
21. Judges will select State Fair Participants according to State Fair Participation
22. The Wood County 4-H Staff reserves the right to break project judging into Junior
and Senior categories depending on the number of members enrolled in a specific
project area.
23. All 4-H members will abide by the approved Dress Code for 4-H and Junior Fair
Additional Junior Fair Rules that Pertain to 4-H Members
1. 4-H participation in the Wood County Fair is a reward for hard work in your 4-H
Club throughout the year. Members must be a member in good standing (rule #11)
to participate in Junior Fair events and activities.
2. No Junior Fair participant may exhibit in more than one Junior Fair unless they
are a member of 4-H in one county and FFA in another. In this situation, they
must exhibit different projects. (Example: market beef in one county and market
swine in another.) A 4-H member is not allowed to be a member of two county 4-
H programs. Youth are expected to affiliate with the youth program in the county
of residence. However, in instances where youth live out of county, membership
considerations will be given by the 4-H Educator/FFA Advisor only when a
positive educational experience will result. An “Across County Lines” Application
Form must be on file for 4-H members residing outside of Wood County. Junior
Fair participants must successfully meet all requirements of their youth
organization before being eligible to exhibit in the Junior Fair.
3. Entries must be made through the local advisor. Deadline for all entries is June
(except rabbits). All FFA and FHA exhibitors must make entries for each
project. Only those taking livestock projects need to make entries for 4-H.
4. There will be no entry fee for the Junior Fair, but there will be a $20 fee assessed
per member for late entries (after June 1
) and $100 late entry fee after July 24
5. Any project made for competition or for a grade in any other activity, such as
FFA, FHA, Wool Contest, school or similar organizations, cannot be used as 4-H
projects. Such projects will be disqualified from judging and fair and be
considered incomplete.
Wood County 4-H Rules and Guidelines
6. Fair Exhibit:
a.) Each Junior Fair organization, club, or chapter wishing to display projects
in the Junior Fair Building will be assigned a fair booth. Depending on the
number of groups, some smaller clubs may have to share a booth.
b.) Although reasonable effort is made to protect exhibits from damage or
theft, neither the Wood County Fair Boards, OSU Extension or 4-H
Committee, are responsible for the safety of any Junior Fair exhibit placed
on display at the Wood County Fair. All exhibits, including livestock, are
placed on display, and each junior fair member is responsible for any
damage or injury
which their livestock may cause to other individuals or property. Parents,
please check your home-owner liability policy to see if it covers your
animals on display at the fairgrounds.
c.) Entries must be in place before 8:00am on the first day of the fair. Junior
Fair Building (booths) is released on Sunday at 9:00 pm. All livestock
projects are released at 9:00 pm on Sunday. Violations of this rule will
result in a forfeiture of any premiums won by the exhibitor and may cause a
member to be banned from the fair. All exhibits must be removed from the
Woo d County Fairgrounds by Monday, at 6:00 pm or they will be disposed
d. All non-livestock junior fair projects must be exhibited in the Junior Fair
Building during the fair to be eligible for premium.
7. Every exhibitor shall hold primary responsibility for their own projects and
individually share the care of group exhibits as directed by their leader.
8. All Junior Fair livestock projects must be completely and fully owned (as
evidenced by bill of sale or registration papers), including all showing rights, and
in complete possession and continual care of the exhibitor. For some reasons, it
may be impossible to gain full ownership of an animal. In this case, Junior Fair
members must enter into a lease agreement with the owner. (Example: 4-H
horse, performance goat, dairy, or any breeding animal may be owned or
formally leased and 4-H members must have complete and exclusive showing
rights during the lease/ownership time.) A copy of the lease documentation must
be on file with the Extension Office by June 1
. Market animals that go through
the sale cannot be leased.
a.) Ownership of breeding stock will be interpreted as:
1.) Owned by Exhibitor
2.) Owned by way of immediate family farm enterprises (parent)
3.) Leased by Exhibitor with proper documentation and agreements.
b.) Registration papers or ownership/lease documents will be checked at the
9. All possession dates for Junior Fair livestock and poultry must be adhered to for
eligibility at the Wood County Junior Fair.
Wood County 4-H Rules and Guidelines
10. Quality Assurance Training:
a.) All Junior Fair market livestock, market fowl and market poultry exhibitors,
and lactating dairy and goat animal exhibitors must participate in a
scheduled Quality Assurance training meeting to be eligible to show at the
Wood County Fair. (Livestock exhibitors to include market steer, market
heifer, market hog, market lamb, market goat, market turkey, market
rabbit, meat chicken (broiler), market ducks, market geese, lactating cows,
and lactating goats)
b.) DUNF: All Junior Fair Market Lamb, Market Steer, Market Heifer, Market
Hog, Dairy Steer, Market Goat, Lactating Cow and Goat, Market Turkey,
Market Duck, Market Goose, Market Rabbit/Fryer, and Meat Chicken
exhibitors are required to complete and sign the ODA provided Drug Use
Notification Form at all Ohio County and Independent Fairs. All Junior Fair
market and lactating exhibitors must legibly complete, sign and turn in one
Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF) per animal at weigh-in of their
respective species at the Wood County Fair. Forms will be reviewed by
the department officials assigned to the task.
c.) The Wood County Quality Assurance (QA) meeting is May 2nd at 7:00 pm
at the Junior Fair Building. All Junior Fair members must have completed
a county or club QA meeting by June 10
. This deadline is firm! After
June 10
, the member is ineligible to exhibit at the Wood County and Ohio
State Fair. This rule is an ODA rule and non-negotiable.
11. Animal Care by Exhibitors
a.) A junior livestock show exhibitor shall be responsible for the continuous
care, grooming, and preparation of the livestock entered in the junior
livestock show.
b.) An exhibitor may receive assistance in the care, grooming, and
preparation of the livestock entered in the junior livestock show, provided
that the assistance shall be limited to explanation or minimal
demonstration provided by the following:
(1) Immediate family members of the exhibitor
(2) County-approved 4-H advisors in good standing or FFA chapter
advisors of
the 4-H club or FFA chapter of which the exhibitor is a current
(3) Veterinarians
(4) Members of the 4-H club or FFA chapter of which the exhibitor is a
current member
c.) Assistance from those listed above must be limited to guiding and
teaching while not doing the actual work.
d.) All members must be present, directly involved, and participating during
any grooming of their animal.
e.) No person is to coach an exhibitor while the exhibitor is showing or fitting an
animal in the show ring.
Wood County 4-H Rules and Guidelines
12. Code of Conduct: All Junior Fair Participants and Family Members will be
expected to abide by the Wood County Junior Fair Code of Conduct. Improper
conduct will result in loss of Junior Fair privileges.
In caring for my livestock I will:
a.) Provide food, water, fresh bedding and care necessary to protect the health and
welfare of my animals.
b.) Make timely inspections of my animals to evaluate the health and ensure
that all basic requirements are being met.
c.) Ensure proper handling techniques are used to eliminate undue stress or
injury to my animals.
13. Sportsmanship Rule: Verbal abuse, physical abuse or harassment toward
directors, judges, ring stewards, superintendents, employees, OSU Extension
staff, junior fair members, club advisors, or volunteers of the Wood County Fair
will not be tolerated. You may be escorted from the fairgrounds; premiums
forfeited and upon Wood County Agricultural Society Rules Committee decision,
the family members may not be able to exhibit at the Wood County Fair for
period of time indicated by the committee based on the severity of the situation.
As a Junior Fair Exhibitor, I will:
a.) Be a member in good standing with the youth organization that I represent.
b.) Conduct myself in a courteous and respectful manner and exhibit good
sportsmanship towards Junior and Senior Fair officials, volunteers, parents
and other members.
c.) Be responsible for the care and fitting of my animals for the duration of the fair
d.) Respect and adhere to the rules, policies and guidelines established by the
Wood County Fair.
e.) Agree to be bound by the decision of the Wood County Junior and/or Senior
Fair Boards in case of any dispute arising from the interpretation or
application of rules and guidelines set forth by Wood County Fair Officials.
f.) Dress for any Junior Fair event or activity must be neat and appropriate and
in accordance with the dress code rule.
14. Horse Helmet Rule:
a.) All youth age 19 and under, participating in any 4-H equestrian activity,
are required to wear properly fitted protective headgear which meets or
exceeds current ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) / SEI
(Safety Equipment Institute) standards with the chin harness securely
fastened at all times while riding or driving an equine. It is the
responsibility of the rider, or the parent or guardian of the youth
participant, to make sure that the headgear worn complies with
appropriate safety standards for protective headgear intended for
equestrian use and is properly fitted and in good condition. The Ohio 4-H
Horse Program, Show Committees, Officials, Extension Personnel and
Volunteer Leaders are not responsible for checking headgear worn for
such compliance. The Ohio 4-H Horse Program, Show Committees,
Officials, Extension Personnel and Volunteer Leaders make no
representation or warranty, expressed or implied, about any protective
headgear, and cautions riders that death or serious injury may result
despite wearing such headgear, as no helmet can protect against all
Wood County 4-H Rules and Guidelines
foreseeable injuries in equestrian activities. The Ohio 4-H Horse Program,
Show Committees, Officials, Extension Personnel and Volunteer Leaders
may, at his/her discretion, check a participant’s protective headgear for
proper standards. If the youth is found to be wearing unapproved,
defective, or improperly fitted headgear, he/she will not be permitted to
participate in riding or driving activities until proper headgear is acquired.
b.) Parents are responsible for the purchase, fit and the certification of the
helmet. Bike helmets are not permitted. Helmets must be worn during
work sessions.
Jr. Fair Guidelines are subject to change until published in the Fair Book.