NIST Special Publication 800-209
Security Guidelines for Storage
Ramaswamy Chandramouli
Doron Pinhas
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NIST Special Publication 800-209
Security Guidelines for Storage
Ramaswamy Chandramouli
Computer Security Division
Information Technology Laboratory
Doron Pinhas
Continuity Software
New York, NY
This publication is available free of charge from:
October 2020
U.S. Department of Commerce
Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Walter Copan, NIST Director and Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology
This publication has been developed by NIST in accordance with its statutory responsibilities under the
Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) of 2014, 44 U.S.C. § 3551 et seq., Public Law
(P.L.) 113-283. NIST is responsible for developing information security standards and guidelines, including
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to national security systems without the express approval of appropriate federal officials exercising policy
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however, be appreciated by NIST.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-209
Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Spec. Publ. 800-209, 79 pages (October 2020)
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There may be references in this publication to other publications currently under development by NIST in accordance
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may be used by federal agencies even before the completion of such companion publications. Thus, until each
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Reports on Computer Systems Technology
The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) promotes the U.S. economy and public welfare by providing technical
leadership for the Nation’s measurement and standards infrastructure. ITL develops tests, test
methods, reference data, proof of concept implementations, and technical analyses to advance
the development and productive use of information technology. ITL’s responsibilities include the
development of management, administrative, technical, and physical standards and guidelines for
the cost-effective security and privacy of other than national security-related information in
Federal information systems. The Special Publication 800-series reports on ITL’s research,
guidelines, and outreach efforts in information system security, and its collaborative activities
with industry, government, and academic organizations.
Storage technology, just like its computing and networking counterparts, has evolved from
traditional storage service types, such as block, file, and object. Specifically, the evolution has
taken two directions: one along the path of increasing storage media capacity (e.g., tape, Hard
Disk Drives, solid-state drives (SSD)) and the other along the architectural front, starting from
direct-attached storage (DAS) to the placement of storage resources in networks accessed
through various interfaces and protocols to cloud-based storage resource access, which provides
a software-based abstraction over all forms of background storage technologies. Accompanying
the architectural evolution is the increase in management complexity, which subsequently
increases the probability of configuration errors and associated security threats. This document
provides an overview of the evolution of the storage technology landscape, current security
threats, and the resultant risks. The main focus of this document is to provide a comprehensive
set of security recommendations that will address the threats. The recommendations span not
only security management areas that are common to an information technology (IT)
infrastructure (e.g., physical security, authentication and authorization, change management,
configuration control, and incident response and recovery) but also those specific to storage
infrastructure (e.g., data protection, isolation, restoration assurance, and encryption).
storage area network; network attached storage; storage array; file storage service; block storage
service; object storage service; storage virtualization; software-defined storage; hyper-converged
storage; data protection; cloud storage; backup; replication.
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The authors like to express their sincere thanks to NetApp, Dell EMC, Storage Networking
Industry Association (SNIA), IEEE, Infinidat, and the Center for Cybersecurity Standards at
NSA for their extensive, insightful feedback. Our special thanks to Yaniv Valik of Continuity
Software for his valuable input during the writing of this document.
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Patent Disclosure Notice
NOTICE: The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) has requested that holders of patent claims
whose use may be required for compliance with the guidance or requirements of this publication
disclose such patent claims to ITL. However, holders of patents are not obligated to respond to ITL
calls for patents and ITL has not undertaken a patent search in order to identify which, if any,
patents may apply to this publication.
As of the date of publication and following call(s) for the identification of patent claims whose use
may be required for compliance with the guidance or requirements of this publication, no such
patent claims have been identified to ITL.
No representation is made or implied by ITL that licenses are not required to avoid patent
infringement in the use of this publication.
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Executive Summary
Storage, computing, and networking form the three fundamental building blocks of an
information technology infrastructure. Just like computing and network technologies, storage
technology has also evolved over the years. Higher capacity storage media and storage system
architecture are the two fronts on which storage technology has evolved. The developments on
the second front have enabled storage services to support many new and evolving computing use
cases but have also introduced storage management complexity and many security challenges.
Just like computing and networking, the current landscape of storage infrastructure consists of a
mixture of legacy and advanced systems. With this in mind, this document provides an overview
of the storage technology landscape, including traditional storage services (e.g., block, file, and
object storage), storage virtualization, storage architectures designed for virtualized server
environments, and storage resources hosted in the cloud. Descriptions of various threats to the
storage resources are also included, as well as an analysis of the risks to storage infrastructure
and the impacts of these threats.
The primary purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive set of security
recommendations for the current landscape of the storage infrastructure. The security focus areas
span those that are common to the entire IT infrastructure, such as physical security,
authentication and authorization, change management, configuration control, incident response,
and recovery. Within these areas, security controls that are specific to storage technologies, such
as network-attached storage (NAS) and storage area networks (SAN), are also covered. In
addition, security recommendations specific to storage technologies are provided for the
following areas of operation in the storage infrastructure:
Data protection
Restoration assurance
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................... v
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Scope .............................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Target Audience.............................................................................................. 3
1.3 Relationship to Other NIST Guidance Documents .......................................... 3
1.4 Organization of this Document ........................................................................ 3
2 Data Storage Technologies: Background ............................................................ 5
2.1 Block Storage Service ..................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Storage Area Network (SAN) ............................................................... 6
2.1.2 Other forms of Networked Block Storage ............................................. 7
2.2 File Storage Service ........................................................................................ 7
2.3 Object Storage Service ................................................................................... 8
2.4 Content-Addressable Storage (CAS) Service ................................................. 8
2.5 Higher-Level Data Access Service .................................................................. 8
2.6 Software-Defined Storage ............................................................................... 9
2.7 Storage Virtualization ...................................................................................... 9
2.8 Storage for Virtualized Servers and Containers ............................................ 10
2.9 Converged and Hyper-Converged Storage (Server-based SAN) ................. 11
2.10 Cloud-Based Storage System ....................................................................... 12
2.11 Storage and Data Management .................................................................... 13
2.11.1 Storage Resource Configuration and Resource Management ........... 13
2.11.2 Data Classification or Categorization.................................................. 13
2.11.3 Data Sanitization ................................................................................ 14
2.11.4 Data Retention ................................................................................... 14
2.11.5 Data Protection ................................................................................... 14
2.11.6 Data Reduction ................................................................................... 16
3 Threats, Risks, and Attack Surfaces .................................................................. 17
3.1 Threats .......................................................................................................... 17
3.1.1 Credential Theft or Compromise ........................................................ 17
3.1.2 Cracking Encryption ........................................................................... 17
3.1.3 Infection of Malware and Ransomware .............................................. 17
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3.1.4 Backdoors and Unpatched Vulnerabilities .......................................... 18
3.1.5 Privilege Escalation ............................................................................ 18
3.1.6 Human Error and Deliberate Misconfiguration .................................... 19
3.1.7 Physical Theft of Storage Media ......................................................... 19
3.1.8 Network Eavesdropping ..................................................................... 19
3.1.9 Insecure Images, Software and Firmware .......................................... 20
3.2 Risks to Storage Infrastructure ..................................................................... 20
3.2.1 Data Breach and Data Exposure ........................................................ 20
3.2.2 Unauthorized Data Alteration and Addition ......................................... 21
3.2.3 Data Corruption .................................................................................. 21
3.2.4 Compromising Backups ...................................................................... 21
3.2.5 Malicious Data Obfuscation and Encryption ....................................... 22
3.2.6 Data Unavailability and Denial of Service ........................................... 22
3.2.7 Tampering of Storage-Related Log and Audit Data ............................ 22
3.2.8 Compromising Storage OS or Binaries, Firmware and Images .......... 23
3.2.9 Mapping of Threats to Risks ............................................................... 23
3.3 Attack Surfaces ............................................................................................. 24
3.3.1 Physical Access ................................................................................. 24
3.3.2 Access to Storage Operating System ................................................. 25
3.3.3 Access to Management Hosts ............................................................ 25
3.3.4 Management APIs, Management Software, and In-Band Management
........................................................................................................... 26
3.3.5 Storage Clients ................................................................................... 26
3.3.6 Storage Network (Tap Into, Alter to Gain Access) .............................. 26
3.3.7 Compute Environment of Key Individuals ........................................... 26
3.3.8 Electrical Network and other Utilities .................................................. 27
4 Security Guidelines for Storage Deployments .................................................. 28
4.1 Physical Storage Security ............................................................................. 28
4.2 Data Protection ............................................................................................. 29
4.2.1 Data Backup and Recovery, and Archiving ........................................ 31
4.2.2 Replication and Mirroring .................................................................... 32
4.2.3 Point-in-Time Copies .......................................................................... 32
4.2.4 Continuous Data Protection ................................................................ 33
4.3 Authentication and Data Access Control ....................................................... 33
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4.3.1 Authentication Recommendations ...................................................... 34
4.3.2 Password Recommendations ............................................................. 34
4.3.3 Account Management Recommendations .......................................... 35
4.3.4 Privilege and Session Management Recommendations .................... 36
4.3.5 SAN-Specific Recommendations ....................................................... 37
4.3.6 File and Object Access Recommendations ........................................ 38
4.4 Audit Logging ................................................................................................ 39
4.5 Preparation for Data Incident Response and Cyber Recovery ..................... 41
4.6 Guidelines for Network Configuration ........................................................... 42
4.6.1 FC SAN and NVMEoF ........................................................................ 42
4.6.2 IP Storage Networking ........................................................................ 44
4.6.3 Protocols ............................................................................................ 45
4.7 Isolation ........................................................................................................ 47
4.8 Restoration Assurance .................................................................................. 50
4.9 Encryption ..................................................................................................... 52
4.10 Administrative Access ................................................................................... 54
4.11 Configuration Management ........................................................................... 58
4.12 Training ......................................................................................................... 60
5 Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................. 61
References ................................................................................................................... 62
Appendix A: Acronyms .......................................................................................... 66
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1 Introduction
Storage, computing, and networking form the three fundamental building blocks of any
information technology (IT) infrastructure. Storage infrastructure has evolved over the years to
become feature-rich in areas such as performance and efficiency due to developments on two
fronts. One is the area of storage media, which features solid-state drives (SSD) with high
capacity and storage efficiency features (e.g., deduplication, compression, etc.) compared to
Hard Disk Drives (HDD). The second is the area of storage system architecture that uses
concepts such as storage virtualization. However, development on this second front has also
introduced a great deal of management complexity, including the task of providing security
Briefly tracing the history of storage system architecture shows that the earliest form of digital
storage infrastructure is direct-attached storage (DAS), where the storage element or device (e.g.,
tape, hard disk) is directly attached to the host server without any intervening network. The next
evolution of storage infrastructure is one where the storage resources are intelligently pooled,
located across the network, accessed through networking protocols, and accessible by multiple
hosts or servers. This type of storage infrastructure is the only way that the data access needs of
distributed systems can be supported, since application components that need to share data are in
different nodes of a network. In this stage of evolution, the storage infrastructure has taken on
two forms, depending on the type of networking protocol. In one form, the storage resource is
simply a node in a network using common networking technology (e.g., local area network
LAN – or wide area networkWAN), while in the other, there is a dedicated network for
communicating with all storage resources. An example of the former is network-attached storage
(NAS), which provides file-level access to heterogeneous clients across a network using higher
level protocols, such as network file system (NFS), or server message block / common internet
file system (SMB/CIFS). The latter is exemplified by the storage area network (SAN), an
implementation of which uses a specialized, high-speed network (e.g., Fibre-Channel) that
provides block-level access to storage. Another implementation of a SAN uses the Internet Small
Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) protocol over a possibly shared LAN/WAN infrastructure.
A variation of the traditional enterprise storage infrastructure is the emergence of converged and
hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI). A converged system involves a preconfigured package of
software and hardware in a single hardware chassis for simplified management. However, with a
converged infrastructure, the compute, storage, and networking components are discrete and can
be separated. Similar to a converged system, an HCI combines storage, computing, and
networking into a single hardware unit or chassis and has built in a layer of abstraction for
managing all three components. Unlike a converged system, HCI does not require discrete
storage. In fact, it includes a common software console or management tool for managing all
three components. It also includes a hypervisor for virtualized computing, software-defined
storage, and virtualized networking bundled together to run on standard, off-the-shelf hardware.
The integrated storage, compute, and networking components are designed to be managed as a
single system across all instances of a hyperconverged infrastructure. Furthermore, each
hardware unit can be configured to be a node of a cluster to create pools of shared storage
resources, thus providing the advantage of a centralized enterprise storage infrastructure.
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The next wave of storage evolution involves the introduction of cloud storage, which offers a
highly scalable and durable set of storage services that are completely software-defined. Cloud
storage services often include:
Block storage services, which expose software-defined block devices that can be
presented to virtual hosts running in the cloud.
Object storage services, which can be mapped to hosts, applications, or even other cloud
services, and allow addressing discrete, unstructured data elements by ID or metadata.
Scalable shared filesystems, which can allow a scalable set of hosts to access the same
file system at a high speed.
A variety of replication, caching, archiving, mirroring, and point-in-time copy services to
all of the above.
Additional cloud services—such as managed database services, data lakes, memory caches, and
messages queuesare also offered, all of which can store stateful and transient data. However,
experts are divided over whether to classify them as storage services in and of themselves.
Another type of storage infrastructure is the one that contains interfaces to support the data
storage needs of emerging stateful applications that are designed using microservices-based
architecture and deployed using containers organized into clusters with container orchestration
platforms. These platforms have a standard plug-in mechanism by way of a container storage
interface (CSI) that connects the clusters configured by them to different types of persistent
storage implementations.
1.1 Scope
This document provides security recommendations for the following storage technologies:
Traditional enterprise storage technologies classified by storage service interface type
(e.g., block, file, and object).
Network-based storage (e.g., NFS, SAN).
Storage systems that have a layer of software abstraction (e.g., software-defined storage
and storage virtualization).
Storage systems designed exclusively for virtualized server environments (e.g., storage
for Virtual Machines (VMs) and containers, converged and hyperconverged storage
Storage systems designed with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for cloud
The security recommendations span the following operations:
Operations that are carried out for other infrastructures (e.g., computing and networking)
where the specific tasks are applicable to storage infrastructure, such as physical security,
authentication and authorization, audit logging, network configuration, isolation,
configuration control, change management, and training.
Operations that are unique to storage infrastructure, such as data protection and
restoration assurance.
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Storage infrastructure for Mainframes is out of scope for this document.
1.2 Target Audience
The target audience for the security recommendations discussed in this document includes:
Chief Security Officer (CSO) or Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of an IT department in
a private enterprise, government agency, or a cloud service provider who wishes to
formulate enterprise- or data center-wide policies for the entire infrastructure, including
storage infrastructure.
System or storage administrators who have to set up specific deployment configurations
for storage, converged, or virtualized systems.
1.3 Relationship to Other NIST Guidance Documents
This guidance document focuses on a particular type of infrastructure that provides access to all
data resources and services, similar to how the computing infrastructure provides access to
computing services and the networking infrastructure provides access to communication
services. Hence, some of the security guidance and recommendations related to computing and
networking are relevant security strategies for the storage infrastructure discussed in this
document. These common recommendations are either included here with a brief description or
incorporated by reference. The relevant NIST documents containing recommendations that span
all infrastructures (i.e., computing, networking, and storage) are:
SP 800-52 Rev. 2, Guidelines for the Selection, Configuration, and Use of Transport
Layer Security (TLS) Implementations.
SP 800-53, Rev. 5, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and
Organizations (2020).
SP 800-57 Part 1, Recommendation for Key Management: Part 1 (2020).
800-63A, Digital Identity Guidelines: Enrollment and Identity Proofing (2020).
800-63B, Digital Identity Guidelines: Authentication and Lifecycle Management (2020).
SP 800-88 Rev. 1, Guidelines for Media Sanitization (2014).
SP 800-125A, Revision 1, Security Recommendations for Server-based Hypervisor
Platforms (2018).
SP 800-125B, Secure Virtual Network Configuration for Virtual Machine (VM)
Protection (2016).
1.4 Organization of this Document
The organization of this document is as follows:
Section 2 provides an overview of traditional enterprise storage technologies, storage
access technologies that provide a level of abstraction, storage architectures tailored for
virtualized server environments, and APIs for accessing storage resources in the cloud.
This section also provides an overview of certain general principles of storage
Section 3 explores the threats to storage infrastructure and the associated risks. Apart
from generic threats (e.g., privilege escalation, credential theft or compromise, cracking
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encryption, malware and ransomware), storage infrastructure-specific threats such as
unauthorized storage configuration changes, media theft, and insecure storage images are
also discussed. The resulting risks to storage infrastructure (e.g., data breach or exposure,
unauthorized data alteration and addition, data corruption, data obfuscation and
encryption, tampering of storage-related log and audit data, and compromising backup
and firmware) are also analyzed based on the possibility of the realization of these threats
and their impacts.
Section 4 provides the core material for the publication. It details security
recommendations for all facets of storage infrastructure management.
Appendix A provides a list of acronyms used throughout this document.
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2 Data Storage Technologies: Background
Data storage technology encompasses the devices, objects (e.g., storage elements, storage arrays,
storage network switches, or storage media), and processes (e.g., protocols and interfaces) used
to store computer data in non-volatile (durable) form. Hence, this technology can be viewed from
the following two taxonomies:
Based on location of storage resource: The storage device is directly attached to the
storage client or host computer, and is called direct-attached storage (DAS), or there is a
network separating the host computer and the storage device (networked storage).
Based on storage type (access type): This classification is based on the service interface
offered by the storage system that is used by the client software. Examples include block-
based storage (block storage service), file-based storage (file storage service), and object-
based storage (object storage service).
In DAS, the storage device can be either an integral part of the computer (attached to the bus) or
external storage (attached to a computer port, such as serial or USB).
Networked storage is broadly classified based on the type of access, such as network-attached
storage (NAS), which provides file-level access across the network, and storage area network
(SAN), whose protocols provide block-level access across the network. Furthermore, in SAN,
either the entire network stack can be comprised of storage-specific protocols (e.g., Fibre-
Channel), or it may consist of storage-specific protocols running over (or encapsulated within)
common networking protocols (e.g., iSCSI by design running over Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), Fibre-Channel over IP [FCIP], Fibre-Channel over Ethernet
(FCoE), cloud block storage). In networked storage, the remote storage devices are presented as
if they are locally attached to the host system on which storage client software is running.
The taxonomy based on storage, access, or service type includes block, file, and object types or
services. Since the choice of a storage service is dictated by the specific IT system use case (e.g.,
volume of data, control required over data, required performance, nature of data representation),
this document will present an overview of storage technology in terms of these services
(synonymous with storage/access types).
The data storage media landscape includes many technologies, and is constantly evolving.
Common technologies include:
Magnetic (e.g., spinning disk drives, tapes).
Optical (e.g., optical drives such as CD-R, DVD-R, Blu-ray), and magneto-optical.
Semiconductor (e.g., SSD, flash drives, persistent memory devices).
Experimental and less prevalent technologies include molecular memory (e.g., polymer-based),
holographic (e.g., crystal-based), DNA-like, and other.
2.1 Block Storage Service
A block storage service offers an interface that reads and writes fixed-size blocks of data,
typically offering high bandwidth, low latency access to storage devices at the block level
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through a SAN. Each storage device in a block-level storage system can be controlled as an
individual hard drive, and the blocks are managed by the host OS.
2.1.1 Storage Area Network (SAN)
The building block of SAN-based systems typically include (a) host computers (clients); (b)
topology, which involves the distribution of switches; and (c) storage devices/arrays, with all
three components interconnected using various network stacks. Since SAN is a specialized, high-
speed network for block-level network access to storage, a more detailed look at its variants is
warranted [1]. The variants are the results of different types of network stacks with different
protocols in certain layers of the stack. There are several SAN protocols. Some of the widely
deployed ones are:
a. Fibre-Channel SAN (FC SAN) [2]
c. Fibre-Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)
d. Protocols of Non Volatile Memory express (NVMe) over fabrics (NVMe-oF)
An FC SAN is a network stack that uses the Fibre-Channel protocol that has five layers (i.e., FC0
through FC4, unlike the seven-layer Open Systems Interconnection (OSI stack)). The logical
storage resource addressed by Fibre-Channel SAN is called the logical unit number (LUN). IP
SAN is a network stack that uses the IP protocol at the network layer. iSCSI [3] is an example of
IP SAN. In FCoE, the Fibre-Channel frame is encapsulated in Ethernet packets.
Although such use is technically inaccurate, a block device in an FC SAN or IP SAN is often
referred to as “LUN”. The historical roots of the term stem from SCSI logical unit numbers, or
LUNs, that got carried along to SANs.
Before we look at the protocols of NVMe-oF, it is necessary to look at NVMe. NVMe is the
standard host controller interface for systems using PCI Express (PCIe)-based SSD. The NVMe
over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) specification defines a protocol interface and related extensions that
enable the NVMe commands to be transmitted over the network. Thus, NVMe-oF extends the
NVMe deployment from a local host to a remote host for a scale-out NVMe storage system.
The protocols of NVMe-oF include Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) (a family of
protocols), Fibre-Channel, and TCP. RDMA [4] enables server-to-server data movement directly
between application memory without any CPU involvement thus allowing a local application to
read or write data on a remote computer's memory with minimal demands on memory bus
bandwidth and CPU processing overhead, while preserving memory protection semantics.
Infiniband [5] is one of the industry standard interconnects that enables RDMA for high
performance computing (HPC) environments.
The topology of the nodes together with the various hardware elements in a SAN system is
called the SAN fabric. For example, a Fibre-Channel SAN fabric consists of a Name Server (NS)
that registers and communicates with switches and end points (Host Bus Adapters – HBAs).
There are two kinds of topologies in FC SAN: point-to-point (two devices are directly
connected), and switched fabric. In switched fabric, there is a set of hardware switches acting as
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one big logical switch that connects the host computer and the storage resources. Security
recommendations in this document cover only this topology, as it is the one commonly deployed.
2.1.2 Other forms of Networked Block Storage
Other forms of block storage that could be presented to hosts over IP networks include:
Hyper-Converged storage service (see 2.9, “Converged and Hyper-Converged Storage
(Server-based SAN)below).
Cloud block storage service, offered in all cloud environments (See 2.10, “Cloud-Based
Storage System” below).
2.2 File Storage Service
This type of service presents storage resources in the form of a file system model with files
contained in directories within volumes. Behind the scenes, files can be replicated by making
redundant copies or be encrypted. The different variations of this service and their associated
protocols are:
Network-attached storage (NAS) with Network File System (NFS) protocol [6] – A module
that is part of the protocol implementation system, called the NFS client driver, mounts the
volumes that are relevant for the client in its environment. The volume can be shared by
multiple clients. The files or folders can also be shared from either a dedicated appliance
(typically referred to as an “NAS deviceor NAS array) or from any host running the NFS
server service.
NAS with SMB protocol connection – This is provided by a LAN-attached file server, like
those that provide NFS protocol connection, but with the standard SMB protocol that is
found in the network stack of operating systems used in personal computers and
workstations, and underlies the CIFS file sharing service.
NAS with multi-protocol support – There are file service storage offerings that support multi-
protocol exports of a folder or filesystem (e.g., both NFS and CIFS, concurrently). Each of
these may have slightly different access control structures (i.e., Access Control List
(ACL)/permissions specifications), and some conflicts in access control rights may have to
be resolved during access requests.
NAS with parallel NFS protocol (pNFS) – This is provided through a clustered collection of
storage servers (instead of a single NFS server) that slices and/or stripes data and metadata at
the back end while providing dynamic, distributed client connections at the front end across
the set of clustered hosts. The pNFS is implemented either by (a) partitioning filesystem
namespace and assigning storage resources (i.e., files) that belong to different namespaces to
different servers (called symmetric clustering) or (b) splitting functionality across servers
(called asymmetric clustering) by having a primary fileserver provide the directory
information for the location of secondary storage servers, the data contained in them, and the
method to access them. This service is used for large-scale content repositories (because of
its scalability), media stores, and development environments [7].
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2.3 Object Storage Service
An object storage service presents data as flexible-size discrete buckets or containers storing
objects. Unlike the fixed-size blocks offered by a block storage service or the directories and
subdirectories of a traditional file system or NAS service, each object can be of arbitrary size and
is assigned a unique identifier (an object ID number or OID), which is compiled with other OIDs
into a flat index that’s used to access the data in each object. In addition, dynamic metadata can
also be attached to an object to facilitate flexible search and addressing.
Technically, an object can be of almost any size and could contain multiple files, or only
fractional files. A common application for object storage is as an archive for unstructured data,
especially large file data such as digital content. But it can be used for more active data as well,
like that stored by an online application provider.
The primary benefit of object storage is scalability, since its flat index is more efficiently
searched than a traditional file system. With only an OID required to search for data (plus an
offset into the object itself), lookups are essentially a two-step process, versus the multiple steps
required to walk the directory tree of a traditional file system. The immediate effect of this is a
reduction in metadata handling by the storage system, which means faster file access, especially
as the system grows to very large proportions.
2.4 Content-Addressable Storage (CAS) Service
This is a specialized form of object-based storage, that is intended for storing the content digests
of documents to enable users to retrieve those documents without having to know the location of
the actual data or the number of copies. Hence, a CAS service exposes the digest generated by a
cryptographic hash function (e.g., SHA-256) that is the identifier of the document it refers to and
is used to retrieve the document.
CAS is used for retrieving documents with short- and medium-term retention requirements and is
not widely adopted.
2.5 Higher-Level Data Access Service
There are data access services that provide data at a higher level of abstraction than that of basic
storage types (i.e., files, blocks, or objects). These services can only be accessed through clients
specifically built to access data at the same level of abstraction (e.g., Structured Query Language
– or SQLdatabase clients). These services are available both in enterprise data centers and in
the cloud. The following are some of these higher-level data access services:
NoSQL database services
SQL database services
Messaging queue storage services
NoSQL database services enable the storage and retrieval of unstructured data, such as images,
videos, documents, and large binary objects. Unstructured data has higher logical structures and
representations than basic storage types in order to facilitate faster storage and retrievals. They
include key-value store, multi-modal database, graph database, and others.
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SQL database services enable the storage and retrieval of structured data that is typically in a
tabular format (also called relational tables). The access is enabled through the standardized
interactive programming language SQL [International Organization for
Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) 9075:2016 Database
languages – SQL]. Current SQL databases can not only store data using relational tables and
views but also other structures, such as eXtensible Markup Language (XML), JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON), and Binary Large Objects (BLOBs).
Messaging queue storage services are specialized for the storage and retrieval of data from
messaging queue infrastructures. These infrastructures are used by distributed applications
whose components communicate asynchronously through subscription to a message queueing
system. In addition to providing access to persistent data, this service also facilitates specialized
operations, such as integration with stream processing, where events related to multiple message
storage and retrieval by distributed system components can be analyzed to discover patterns.
2.6 Software-Defined Storage
Software-defined storage (SDS) includes pools of storage with data service characteristics that
may be applied to meet the requirements specified through the service management interface [8].
Flavors of SDS can be found in private and public cloud environments, HCI, and various
software solutions. It is a storage architecture that separates the storage hardware from the
software that manages the storage infrastructure and automates its configuration. In other words,
the storage capabilities and services are separated from the storage hardware. Advantages of this
separation include:
Flexibility to use heterogeneous storage hardware without the issues of interoperability.
Enabling of functions such as deduplication, replication, snapshots, and thin provisioning
using industry-standard server hardware, though this feature is not unique to SDS.
Automatic and efficient allocation of pooled storage resources to match the application
needs of the enterprise.
Speed of deployment.
The following service capabilities are expected of the software managing the hardware storage
resources in a software-define storage system:
Decouple storage policy management from the storage hardware.
Support heterogeneous storage environments.
Allow for the ability to add new storage capabilities across all platforms and not just to
individual arrays.
Ensure that the storage software understands and leverages the capabilities of storage
2.7 Storage Virtualization
Storage Virtualization is the act of abstracting, hiding, or isolating the internal function of a
storage (sub) system or service from applications, compute servers, or general network
resources, for the purpose of enabling application and network independent management of
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storage or data [9]. Storage virtualization allows the capacity of multiple storage devices or
arrays to be pooled (abstracted) so that they can be managed as one entity. Virtualization can
aggregate and manage storage resources as logical storage across a wide range of physical
storage devices in large networks (e.g., SAN) or data centers. Virtualization also allows
segregating a storage resource, or a resource pool, to multiple virtual representation of such
resources. This technique provides the flexibility to change the logical to physical relationship
over time and mask the details of physical storage resources [10].
The following are some scenarios where storage virtualization is deployed:
Portions of multiple physical disk drives can be presented as a single mirrored logical
volume (using a logical volume manager in a host or storage array). Furthermore, the
composition of physical disk drives in the mirrored volume can be changed, and devices
can be written concurrently on both mirrors (“active-active”).
Sensing changes to access patterns, drives on which data is stored can be changed (e.g.,
store frequently accessed information on high performance drives), thus providing an
automatic tiering functionality.
Large scale data migrations – that need to be performed transparently to hosts and
The benefits of storage virtualization are scalability, performance, redundancy, and increased
storage resource utilization.
2.8 Storage for Virtualized Servers and Containers
A virtualized server is one where a single physical server runs multiple computing stacks (each
consisting of an operating system (OS), storage, network, and applications) called virtual
machines (VMs) with the use of software called the hypervisor. Storage infrastructure
specifically designed for use with virtualized servers is often called virtualization-aware storage
or VM-aware storage [11]. In most environments, this infrastructure is managed together with
the VMs by the hypervisor rather than as separately managed block devices.
A key driver for building this VM-aware storage is to enable policy-based provisioning of
storage resources at the VM-level through the hypervisor (which controls the allocation of all
resources to VMs) so as to meet data access quality of service (QoS) requirements for the
applications hosted on the VMs. For example, since the VM-aware storage system maps storage
to VMs, management tasks like performance monitoring can gauge issues like storage latency to
the VM level. To implement VM-aware storage, the storage management system should
implement APIs callable from a hypervisor. In other words, a hypervisor integration software
layer is placed atop a conventional storage array – where the array itself can use any storage
media such as magnetic and/or flash disk [12].
Since the management functions in a VM-aware storage infrastructure are enabled using
software, they can be looked upon as SDS tailored for virtualized server environments. The key
factor in a VM-aware storage environment is that the storage components are managed together
with the VMs, rather than as separately managed volumes or LUNs [13].
Containers offer a lighter form of packaged compute, network, and storage units. Multiple
containers can run on a server, a VM, or specialized clusters that provide orchestration services.
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Persistent Storage for containers [14] is provided by creating volumes through a newly-created
file directory local to the host where the container is running, or through mapping to an external
SAN or NAS device using plugins. These volumes can be created ahead of time or at the time
the container starts, and can be shared by multiple containers. Plugins are provided by the
storage vendors to facilitate the process of volume creations while conforming to the
specification of the container engine/orchestrator. Plugins automate the process of LUN/volume
creation and mapping to the host and eventually to the container.
2.9 Converged and Hyper-Converged Storage (Server-based SAN)
In a converged architecture, the storage, memory, networking, and virtualization software are
preconfigured and pre-installed for fast deployment in a single box (e.g., a server room rack
containing one or more physical hosts, storage resources [DAS or storage arrays], and network
components). A hyperconverged architecture takes the level of abstraction one step further,
where the individual storage components associated with the physical hosts are virtualized to
build up a common storage pool, which is shared among all of the VMs or containers through the
software-defined storage (SDS) management software [15]. Therefore, a VM or a container
hosted on one physical host, say H(i), may use the storage associated with a different physical
host, say H(j). These capabilities introduce a storage abstraction layer for remote disk access.
In HCI, the hardware required for compute, network, and storage are tightly coupled. All primary
storage management functions—together with other functional capabilities such as backup,
recovery, replication, deduplication, and compression—are delivered via the management
software layer of the HCI vendor and/or hardware along with compute provisioning. Examples
include Nutanix, Scale Computing, Dell (VxRail and PowerFlex Rack), Cisco (HyperFlex), and
SimpliVity [16]. The tight integration of the hardware comes about due to HCI vendors working
with storage device manufacturers to create a storage solution that is tailored to their software
stack as original equipment or as part of an industry accepted reference architecture.
In this system, some of the CPU used for computing may need to be shared to perform storage
access and management functions. The overall management software stack may include a
compute node, a hypervisor, and SDS software, depending on the deployment environment (e.g.,
virtualized infrastructure, virtual desktops, unstructured data stores, high performance
computing) [17]. A common deployment scenario is one where the application environment
consists of microservices-based applications implemented using VMs and/or containers. The
expected features in an HCI solution include [18]:
Optional data reduction features, such as deduplication and compression across primary
storage and backup.
Management control through a single pane of glass or a central dashboard.
Ability to provide QoS storage requirements based on application needs.
Offering application processing capabilities in the storage controller of the storage device (e.g.,
NVMe SSD) using a system on a chip (SoC) is one approach for hyperconverged storage
architecture. Another approach is to provide an add-in storage card (that can provide SSD or raw
flash storage) with an embedded CPU for running applications, with them connected directly to
the hosting server’s PCIe bus and running NVMe protocol [19]. However, commercial
implementations based on this architecture are not currently available.
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2.10 Cloud-Based Storage System
Storage systems in the cloud may be either standards-based or proprietary, and may include
object-, block-, or file-based services. The technical reasons for enterprises using storage systems
in the cloud are [20]:
To accommodate new demand for storage resources without building an additional data
To respond to changes in demand for storage, such as peaks and valleys.
The need for immediate storage capacity.
Increasing management complexity of on-premises storage infrastructure.
Storage systems based in the cloud provide several sophisticated data services [21]:
Collaboration capability – Includes features such as (a) notifications when files are
changed by others, (b) file sharing with the ability to set editing and view-only
permissions, (c) simultaneous editing, and (d) change tracking and versioning.
Data integration and analytics capabilityAbility to integrate data resident on several
cloud sources, perform complex analytics, and either instantly serve the extracted
information or store it in a persistent storage for later access by cloud service customers.
Advanced data protection services, including replication, mirroring, archiving, auditing,
and encryption.
Cloud storage services often include:
Block storage services that expose software-defined block devices that can be presented
to virtual hosts running in the cloud.
Object storage services that can be mapped to hosts, applications, or even other cloud
Scalable shared filesystems that can allow a scalable set of hosts to access the same
filesystem at a high speed.
A variety of replication, caching, archiving, mirroring, and point-in-time copy services to
all of the above.
Additional cloud services (e.g., managed database services, data lakes, memory caches,
messages queues) may also be offered, all of which can store stateful and transient data.
However, experts are divided over whether to classify them as storage services in and of
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2.11 Storage and Data Management
Storage management refers to all activities geared toward ensuring reliability, resilience,
performance, and the security of storage resources through the use of management tools and
processes. Since storage security is the central focus of this document, this section will focus on
all activities not related to security controls (and associated recommendations), which are
deferred to Chapter 4. The non-security control-related activities that are followed as state of
practice are:
Storage resource configuration and resource management
Data Classification or Categorization
Data Sanitization
Data Retention
Data Protection
Data Reduction
2.11.1 Storage Resource Configuration and Resource Management
Storage resource configuration and resource management involve the complete lifecycle
management of storage infrastructure, and include:
Management and control of physical storage devices, such as storage arrays, SAN switches,
including software updates, device configuration (including security aspects), and device
onboarding and disposal.
Change orchestration across multiple assets.
Management of storage resources (e.g., block device, filesystems, pools), including
assignment to hosts, replication, point-in-time copy management, data migration, and
data tiering.
Performance management and optimization.
Capacity management and optimization.
Inventory management.
Event management.
2.11.2 Data Classification or Categorization
Enterprise data can be classified along several dimensions, such as:
Sensitivity (e.g., sensitive vs. non-sensitive)
Frequency (e.g., frequently accessed vs. non-frequently accessed)
Environment (e.g., Production vs. Development vs. Testing vs. Staging)
Sensitivity classification is required to enable provisioning of appropriate security controls (e.g.,
authentication, authorization, encryption, key management, sanitization). Furthermore, the
sensitivity category may require sub-categories based on regulations applicable to the data, such
as personally identifiable information (PII), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA)-related, and Payment Card Industry Digital Security Standard (PCI-DSS).
Frequency classification is required to provision the appropriate storage media (e.g., SSD vs.
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HDD). The environment classification may be required for both media selection and security
controls. Other classification schemes based on project, application, etc. may exist but are not
listed above due to them not necessarily having security control implications.
2.11.3 Data Sanitization
Sanitization is the process of rendering previously written data irretrievable, such that there is
reasonable assurance that the data cannot be accessed or reconstructed [10]. There are three
methods for sanitization:
Clear (e.g., overwriting of the existing data),
Purge (e.g., using a strong magnetic field for magnetic media degaussing, cryptographic
erase for encrypted data), and
Destruct (e.g., physical destruction of the media, such as burning, pulverizing, etc.).
Factors that determine the appropriate type of sanitization include the category of information on
the media, the nature of the media (solid-state, magnetic, or optical), and the reuse plans for the
Sanitization can be applied to individual storage media, or to logical data (e.g., in the cloud). To
achieve its goals, sanitization must consider the type and characteristics of media data. For
example, overwriting data is effective on magnetic disks but not on solid state drives using flash
memory because those devices do not overwrite data in place.
2.11.4 Data Retention
There may be situations where preserving access to particular data is needed for a short-,
medium- (i.e., less than 10 years), or long-term duration. Data retention is usually satisfied by
keeping a copy of data on some backup medium. This may be due to operational, legal,
regulatory, or statutory requirements.
2.11.5 Data Protection
Data protection is an umbrella term for all activities that ensure that data is accessible, usable,
uncorrupted, and available for all authorized purposes with an acceptable level of performance,
and is handled in accordance with compliance requirements, including privacy and all physical,
administrative, and technical means to provide assurance against accidental or unauthorized
disclosure, modification, or destruction.
Data protection involves activities and mechanisms that span the entire storage lifecycle. These
phases include [22]:
Data at rest/at the endpoint – on a server or client device.
Data in transit between storage devices, client to server, or server to server.
Data in use – during viewing, modifying, or synchronizing between devices.
Data traveling outside of the security perimeter – during downloads, physical media
shipping, etc.
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The range of objectives and associated activities provides a taxonomy for classifying data
protection activities under three facets: storage, privacy, and information assurance/security [22].
The activities related to privacy are outside of the scope of this document since privacy-related
laws and regulations differ by countries and communities of interest. The activities related to
information assurance/security are predominantly technical controls, and each of them needs a
dedicated section to discuss their details. Hence, in this section, only storage-related data
protection activities and controls are discussed. This category of controls includes:
Data backup and recovery,
Replication technologies,
Continuous data protection, and
Point-in-time copies and snapshots.
Backup is an operation wherein data stored in storage devices is accessed by production systems
and periodically copied to another set of storage devices (some of which may be offline).
Because of the changing nature of data content, a backup taken at an earlier time is often made
obsolete by a backup taken at a later time. Backups can either be “file backups,” which back up a
select portion of the data in a storage device (often based on logical data structures, such as files,
directories, data under a database schema, etc.), or “image backups,” which contain the entire
content of a particular device (e.g., an individual LUN).
Archiving involves the storage of data for long-term retention. While separate techniques and
solutions may be used for backup and archiving, there is often a close relationship between the
two, as the later frequently involves capturing copies of the former for longer-term storage, and
additional classification. Archiving supports:
Information lifecycle management where different types of records can be captured,
retained, and disposed of, based on organization requirements.
Record search and data discovery (i.e., detection of records based on identifiable
attributes, such as a persons ID).
Meeting regulatory requirements for data protection, retention, and legal preservation.
Data replication is the process of writing the same data to at least two separate locations [20].
Replication is often used as part of the data recovery process and involves copying data from one
site to another. Generally, there are two types of replication: synchronous and asynchronous.
Synchronous replication involves the real-time copying of data from site A (e.g., a production
platform) to site B (e.g., a specially designated disaster recovery (DR) site). Asynchronous
replication involves time delay and may be performed continuously or using a designated
frequency for writing data from site A to site B. The time delay and frequency are dictated by the
enterprise’s disaster recovery policy and are described in terms of specific recovery time
objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) goals.
Immutability involves the ability to lock data after it has been created, thereby preventing it from
alteration or deletion.
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Continuous data protection (CDP) is a form of backup that supports a fine-grained recovery and
improved RPO. Unlike traditional backup, where copies of the data are performed periodically,
changed blocks in CDP are continually transmitted to the target storage environment, which
captures or journals the changes over time. In this respect, CDP resembles replication. However,
unlike replication, CDP will typically allow “playback” of the copied data to previous points in
time using a variety of techniques (e.g., byte-by-byte, pre-determined bookmarks, past versions,
etc.). Additional technologies, such as file and object versioning or journaling (with or without
replication of versioned data copies), database log-shipping and other, can also be considered as
forms of continuous data protection.
Point-in-time copies, are usually created by the immediate element storing the source data (e.g.,
storage array, filesystem, database), and are designated for fast recovery and a wide variety of
other uses, such as cloning production data for testing purposes. Point-in-time copies can also be
taken from remote replicas (and thus can be referred to as “remote Point-in-time copies”).
A snapshot is a storage-efficient form of point-in-time copy, that stores only the individual
portions of the data changed from a given point in time in reference to the source data. This often
means that if the source data is unavailable, the snapshots will not be usable as well.
2.11.6 Data Reduction
Data reduction is the process of reducing the amount of data stored and/or transmitted in an
effort to reduce costs and improve efficiency. The two common approaches to data reduction are
data deduplication and compression. These two approaches can be used together.
Data compression (sometimes performed in hardware) seeks to reduce the amount of data by
encoding it with a known algorithm to produce a representation of data that uses less storage than
the unencoded representation [10]. Data compression can be used in many places, but is most
commonly used as part of tape backups and during remote data replication in network gateways
to reduce the bandwidth requirements for DR and business continuity (BC) operations.
Interoperability is a key requirement for data compression where the compression and
subsequent decompression may be performed by different entities.
Data deduplication attempts to replace multiple copies of data with references to a shared copy.
It works by eliminating identical blocks of storage. For example, if a storage system has 500
identical blocks, the storage array will store just one copy, thereby eliminating the need to store
the other 499 copies [20]. This can take place at the storage device level, the transmission stage,
or the filesystem level.
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3 Threats, Risks, and Attack Surfaces
This section provides background information regarding storage system security threats, risks,
and attack surfaces (where risks are the possible outcomes or goals of threats, and attack surfaces
are the possible means through which threats can manifest).
3.1 Threats
A threat is the potential cause of an unwanted incident, which can result in harm to a system or
organization. The following sections provides a brief overview of storage infrastructure-related
3.1.1 Credential Theft or Compromise
Credentials are used to verify the identity of users, authenticate them, and grant access to storage
systems and tools. Different forms of credentials exist, including physical keys, tokens and cards,
passwords, digital private keys, session cookies, digital certificates on websites, and more.
However, all of them are vulnerable to hackers using the right tools or techniques. The most
widely used and easily compromised are login-password credentials, which generate a significant
amount of risk to any organization. Credential theft is a growing industry within the
cybercriminal ecosystem. Password length and complexity alone are often insufficient protection
against an attack. In fact, almost all effective methods of credential theft (other than password
spray and brute force cracking) involve stealing the user’s exact password rather than randomly
guessing it. Modern ransomware often scrapes passwords from the data sets it has captured.
Along with phishing and list cleaning via ransomware, keystroke logging—in which malware
virtually watches a user type in their password—is another method of credential theft that works
regardless of password complexity [23]. In many cases, login credentials are stored within
storage infrastructure. If this data is not properly encrypted at rest, and the storage infrastructure
is compromised, a hacker can gain access to a multitude of user credentials.
3.1.2 Cracking Encryption
Encryption is used to secure data at rest and in transit, and to protect the sessions in which data at
rest or in transit is managed and controlled. Encryption key-generation algorithms make use of
randomness to create keys or other key components. Encryptions can have a range of
weaknesses, from weak encryption algorithms and weak key generators to server-side
vulnerabilities, leaked keys, fundamental design flaws or bugs, and backdoors [24]. It is not only
important to use strong encryption, but to also properly secure the encryption keys. Changing
encryption keys proactively can be part of a strategy to protect against compromised or
insufficiently strong keys. When it comes to key generation, key strength, quality, and entropy
play important roles, and keys should not be reused. Some attacks are based on exploiting
random number generator weaknesses, including predictability or limited entropy, and the ability
to disrupt it, so that it issues the same random number for key generation twice [25].
3.1.3 Infection of Malware and Ransomware
Malware is the general term for any program that is designed to damage, disrupt, or provide
means to compromise a device. Malware compromises a system, slowing down its basic
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functions and breaching its security. It can be used to steal data, control a device or system, and
harvest the system’s resources for illegal activities. Malware can infect a system in several ways;
it can be transmitted via file sharing, downloading free software, email attachments, using
compromised portable storage devices, and visiting infected websites [26]. Malware can be
mistakenly installed on a storage management host and consequently cause harm such as
credential theft, privilege escalation, data corruption, loss, or alteration, compromise of future
backups, and more. In general, malware will use Operating System (OS) and other software
vulnerabilities to install itself and perform various actions. The more common a software
package, tool, or OS distribution is, the more likely it is that malware kits have already been
published. For this reason, it would be easier to attack the storage management system than the
storage device itself. This is not to say that storage devices are not a target – and indeed, the
threat of using compromised images, firmware or microcode is of growing concern.
Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts the stored data, rendering it unusable. The
attacker then demands a ransom to restore access to the data upon payment. In some cases, the
attacker will publish confidential data that was collected from the storage system to create
3.1.4 Backdoors and Unpatched Vulnerabilities
Backdoors and unpatched vulnerabilities could be used either directly or indirectly to bypass
other security controls.
Backdoors are software mechanisms or capabilities that are intentionally created by vendors or
individual contributors (and, in rare occasions, by nation states or malicious actors) for reasons
often considered legitimate by the author (e.g., to improve support, debugging, national security,
etc.). Given their potential for damage, backdoors are not officially documented and are meant to
be known to a restricted set of individuals. However, over time, their existence could be
intentionally or unintentionally leaked or discovered by the public.
Unpatched vulnerabilities are unintended software side effects or dependencies not caught by
software quality assurance (QA) or testing that, if exploited, present a security risk.
Once vulnerabilities are known – and especially if they are discovered in software versions that
are still publicly supported – vendors typically issue a software fix in the form of a patch or a
new version to close the gap. The timely deployment of such fixes is of paramount importance.
A large portion of successful attacks are based on vulnerabilities for which a fix has already been
3.1.5 Privilege Escalation
Privilege escalation is the act of exploiting a software vulnerability, design or deployment flaw,
or configuration mistake to gain elevated access to resources that are normally protected from an
application or user [27]. It is highly linked to backdoors and vulnerabilities, and some might
even consider it a sub-case. Privilege escalation occurs in two forms: 1) vertical privilege
escalation (also known as privilege elevation), where a lower privilege user or application
accesses functions or content reserved for higher privilege users or applications, and 2)
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horizontal privilege escalation, where a normal user accesses functions or content reserved for
other normal users. In storage systems, this type of threat can result in a wide variety of risks,
including data corruption, data alteration, data loss, and more. For example, an attacker can use
elevated privileges to gain access to a storage system, delete storage volumes, and modify access
configuration. The attack can also compromise backup copies of the data (e.g.,
synchronous/asynchronous copies, snapshots) or the generation of future backups. The privilege
escalation itself can occur on various levels, such as the storage components (e.g., storage array,
host, or client), the networking devices, or management systems.
3.1.6 Human Error and Deliberate Misconfiguration
Even with the existence of security controls, users may end up performing technically supported
storage configuration changes that still present an unacceptable exposure (e.g., mapping a
restricted object storage pool to a public network, stopping replication or backup for maintenance
without reenabling it afterwards). Such omissions could be unintentional (i.e., an error) or
deliberate (i.e., a sabotage).
Human errors take different forms, and some are significantly more difficult to identify or
prevent than others. These include:
Lack of knowledge or an unfamiliarity with internal security baselines and vendor best
Miscommunication between individuals or teams.
Errors related to the orchestration or automation of storage infrastructure:
o Direct, such as flaws in scripts and manifests.
o Indirect, such as unrealized software dependencies.
3.1.7 Physical Theft of Storage Media
All data is ultimately stored in one or more copies on physical media, which is susceptible to
theft. Media, whether online or offline, can be removed from its designated (stationary) location
or while being physically transported between locations (for example, backup media being
transported for archiving, or storage equipment being shipped as part of a datacenter relocation
project). Theft could be opportunistic, where the content of the stolen media is not known in
advance, or targeted where specific data is of interest to the perpetrators, and they have the
means to determine which media to seize.
3.1.8 Network Eavesdropping
Data could be intercepted while being transmitted. Transmission can span many components:
network cards (wired or wireless), cables (carrying electricity or light), repeaters, switches,
routers, etc. Any of these components can be compromised, and many forms of compromise are
difficult or impossible to detect with state-of-the-art tools and methodologies.
While data encryption along the transmission path has an important role in limiting the usability
of intercepted data, it might still be compromised (for example, by managing to intercept data at
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a point prior to its encryption or after its decryption, or by managing to gather enough data to
break the encryption).
Certain transmission compromises can extend beyond just interception of the data (also referred
to as passive eavesdropping), and involve injection, removal, or alteration of transmitted data,
metadata, or control traffic.
3.1.9 Insecure Images, Software and Firmware
Adversaries may attempt to interfere with a storage device’s software distribution, update, or
installation process in order to introduce incorrect, outdated, or maliciously modified code (e.g.,
binaries, images, firmware, drivers, etc.). Affected storage components can include disk drives,
tape drives and libraries, network cards and controllers (e.g., HBAs, network interface cards - or
NICs, FCoE adapters, etc.), switches and other network equipment, storage enclosures and
arrays, Storage OS, Client OS storage components, etc. Software update processes can rely on
complex delivery chains: an issuer (e.g., vendor, third party, open source community), delivery
methods (e.g., transmission or download, shipping of installation media, file copy by vendor
employee), local copies kept by an individual organization (e.g., proxies, internal file-servers),
and other. Each link in the chain could be targeted to introduce tampered software. Issuers, for
example, could be infiltrated to infect source-code libraries, to obtain access to signing software
or equipment, to publish altered signed binaries on their download sites or update servers, etc. A
variety of other strategies could be devised to compromise other links in the chain.
3.2 Risks to Storage Infrastructure
Security risk is defined as:
“…the extent to which an entity is threatened by a potential circumstance or
event. Risk typically is a function of: (i) the adverse impacts that would arise if
the circumstance or event occurs; and (ii) the likelihood of occurrence.
Information system-related security risks arise from the loss of confidentiality,
integrity, or availability of information or information systems. These risks reflect
the potential adverse impacts to organizational operations (including mission,
functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other
organizations, and the Nation.” [28]
3.2.1 Data Breach and Data Exposure
A data breach is an incident that involves sensitive, protected information being copied,
transmitted, viewed, deliberately exposed to the public, or used by individuals or entities
unauthorized to do so. Exposed information may include banking and credit card numbers,
personal information (including health-related, home address, phone numbers, dates of birth),
session tokens, passwords, customer data, company trade secrets, matters of national security, or
any other proprietary or sensitive information.
Data breaches can be exercised by an external source, such as a hacker or cybercriminal, or by an
internal one, such as a malicious insider or disgruntled employee. Data breaches can be
performed in a covert manner with traces being concealed or entirely removed, or in a manner
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that can be easily identified - whether this was deliberate or due to a lack of sophistication. The
impact of data breaches can span a wide range, from inconvenience to users to the devastating
exposure of sensitive or confidential data, resulting in irreparable damage to the reputation and
operational health of the organization.
While certain data breaches involve a high degree of sophistication, many are made possible due
to simple, inadvertent security settings of data assets. Among the many possible root-causes are
weak (or lack of) encryption at rest or in transit, software flaws, loss of custody of removable
media, media theft, incorrect or too relaxed access limitations, improper or incomplete data
sanitization implementation (including deleted objects, retired or repurposed media, etc.),
sending or transmitting information to the wrong recipient, or data being uploaded to an incorrect
location, or in an incorrect manner (e.g., uploading protected data to a public data store).
3.2.2 Unauthorized Data Alteration and Addition
Data alteration refers to the process of modifying data before or after it is entered into the
system. In this case, the attacker gains access to the data storage infrastructure and modifies the
data in a way that will affect future application transactions, or impact other uses of the data.
Data alteration and addition can originate from either an external or internal source in either a
covert or easily identifiable manner. In certain cases, this type of risk is realized using the
salami attackmethod, in which the attacker steals small bits of data or funds over a long period
of time from a large number of transactions. The impacts of data alteration and addition can
range from the loss of funds to permanent damage to reputation and trust.
3.2.3 Data Corruption
Data corruption refers to damage to, or errors in data that occur during writing, reading, storage,
transmission, or processing and which introduce unintended changes to the original data. In
general, when data corruption occurs, the object containing that data will produce unexpected
results when accessed by the system or the related application. Results could range from a minor
loss of data to a system crash. For example, if a document file is corrupted, a user may be unable
to open it, or it might open with some or all of the data rendered unintelligible. Some types of
malware may intentionally corrupt or destroy files as part of their payloads, usually by
overwriting them with inoperative or garbage code, or otherwise securely erasing their content.
While some forms of data corruption will result in storage device, OS, or software errors upon
access, others may be designed to affect data without issuing errors.
3.2.4 Compromising Backups
The backup, or retention and archiving of copies (including replicas and snapshots) of data assets
is important to enable the recovery of said assets when they are damaged or lost. Satisfactory
recovery is possible only if the backup copies are generated correctly with an appropriate
retention and currency, stored in a secure way, and accessible in a manner that supports timely
restoration. Since these prerequisites closely depend on each other, backup is sensitive to
multiple failures. For example, incorrect configuration could involve a live database backup
performed without applying techniques to ensure consistency or write-order fidelity. Insufficient
currency or retention could mean that at least some portion of the data, old or new, will be
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unrecoverable. An attacker, therefore, has a high motivation to target not only a “primary” data
asset but also its backup and copies. When existing copies cannot be compromised, another
viable attack strategy could be to interfere with the backup process itself, thereby gradually
“poisoning” future copies. When enough time has passed, the attacker can return to the original
goal of compromising the primary data assets, knowing that the only available copies for
recovery are too old.
Another type of “poisoning” strategy is to specifically infect backup copies of compute or
application assets, such as OS images, software packages, firmware, or even source code
repositories. This way, when an individual component or even an entire environment is rebuilt in
an attempt to battle an infection, at least some portions of the malware will be included in the
restored environment, allowing the attacker to quickly regain control, or inflict more damage.
3.2.5 Malicious Data Obfuscation and Encryption
The reversable obfuscation and/or encryption of data results in data becoming unavailable to the
user or organization unless it is recovered using a key held only by an attacker. This type of risk
is commonly used in ransomware attacks - a form of malware that encrypts the victim’s data and
demands a ransom to restore access to the data. Although it originally targeted data or files on
users’ computers or enterprise servers, ransomware has evolved to also include other storage
components, such as NAS and backup appliances [30]. Data obfuscation and encryption typically
originate from an external source but could also potentially be inflicted by an internal one. These
attacks are often meant to be identified and are commonly accompanied by a threat and ransom
instructions. The impact of data obfuscation and encryption can range from the loss of funds to
permanent damage to reputation and trust.
3.2.6 Data Unavailability and Denial of Service
In a data availability or denial-of-service incident, the data client cannot gain access to some or
all of their data. A data availability disruption risk can occur due to purposeful or unintended
damage to the communication path or access configuration. The damage can be physical, such as
a disconnection along the communication path, or logical, such as the misconfiguration of an
endpoint of network components. For example, an attacker can modify or remove the SAN
masking settings of a block storage device or suspend the export setting in NFS so that clients
will be unable to access their data. Although the damage may be reversible (e.g., by restoring the
settings that were altered or deleted), it may cause lengthy disruptions and downtime for the
system or service. A denial-of-service (DoS) attack will also achieve disruption to data
availability by flooding the targeted storage devices, management interfaces, clients, or network,
with superfluous requests in an attempt to overload systems and prevent some or all legitimate
requests from being fulfilled. DoS attacks could potentially impact not only individual data
assets and clients but also an entire fabric.
3.2.7 Tampering of Storage-Related Log and Audit Data
The tampering of storage-related log and audit data is where an attacker deletes or modifies log
data to prevent an effective audit trail in an effort to conceal the attack (in real-time or
afterwards) or to mislead the people investigating attacks with false information. The logs can be
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partially modified, such as by modifying the timestamp. The impact of this risk is that the
attacker or attack can remain unnoticed by security systems that rely on log data. During this
period, the attacker can perform additional lateral movements that may jeopardize the data and/or
service. For example, a brute force attack to log into a sensitive system may be concealed by
deleting the login attempts from the logs. Another form of this risk involves tampering with the
logging mechanism itself (e.g., disabling it, filling up all free space with synthetic messages,
convincing clients to send log data to rogue log servers, etc.).
3.2.8 Compromising Storage OS or Binaries, Firmware and Images
Compromise of storage software, including storage device OS, firmware, images, etc., could
produce a wide range of undesirable outcomes: providing attackers with means for remote
access, to read, copy, alter or destroy data and data copies, to change security settings, to expose
data, to alter the behavior of the storage infrastructure and more. Storage behavior alteration is of
particular concern as it can be used to introduce a variety of latent, hard to detect attack
capabilities, including presenting incorrect data to storage clients (even if stored data is intact),
providing incorrect status (e.g., falsely reporting on existence or state of snapshots and security
settings), bypassing environmental safeguards (e.g., thermal, power consumption, speed limits),
stripping or altering encryption, and more.
3.2.9 Mapping of Threats to Risks
The following table provides a mapping of threats discussed in Section 3.1 to the risk outcomes
discussed in Section 3.2.
Threat Potential for Unwanted Incidents Risk - Occurrence Outcomes
Credential theft or compromise Application systemData breach, data
exposure, unauthorized data alteration, data
Administrative system – Compromise of
existing and future backups, ransomware
attack, DoS attack, tamper storage-related log
and audit data, unsafe storage configuration
Cracking encryption Data breach and exposure of (a) data at rest,
(b) data in transit, and (c) user/administrator
session data
Infection of malware and ransomware Malware can enable other threats Privilege
escalation, credential theft
Malware, depending on where it is present
application systems or administrative systems
can impact all risk outcomes in Section 3.2
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Threat Potential for Unwanted Incidents Risk - Occurrence Outcomes
Backdoors and unpatched vulnerabilities Depends on the nature of the vulnerability,
but in many cases, all risk outcomes for
credential theft or compromise apply to this
Privilege escalation Depending on whether user credentials or
administrator credentials are compromised, all
risk outcomes for credential theft of
compromise apply to this threat.
Human error and deliberate misconfiguration Depending on its type and scope,
misconfiguration can impact all risk outcomes
in Section 3.2
Physical theft of storage media Depending on scale of theft, data breach and
data exposure, data corruption, compromising
existing backups, data unavailability and
denial of service
Insecure images, software and firmware Depending on its type and scope,
misconfiguration can impact all risk outcomes
in Section 3.2
3.3 Attack Surfaces
Attack surfaces are defined as the sum of the different points (the attack vectors”) where an
unauthorized user (the “attacker) can try to enter data into or extract data from an environment
[31]. This section will list common digital and physical attack surfaces that are related to storage
3.3.1 Physical Access
Physical access to storage infrastructure involves physical intrusion into the data center, its
perimeter, communication infrastructure (including cabling), or into vehicles transporting
physical objects (e.g., hosts, storage arrays, hard drives, tapes). Such intrusion is performed to
access, steal, damage, or impact availability of data.
The physical intrusion can involve “overt access” in which the attacker will masquerade as
someone who belongs in the situation (e.g., by playing the part of a cleaning employee,
technician, or building maintenance personnel).
Tailgatingis another way to access restricted areas in the data center. For example, an intruder
gains entry to a network operations center by carrying a tray of food. Although the data center is
protected by biometrics, the staff may open the door for the intruder and the food. Other
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intruders may simply follow employees in. Physical access protection is essentially the last line
of defense.
An intruder who gains access to storage infrastructure can ultimately steal, duplicate, harm, or
destroy media and data. In addition, storage OS and access configuration could be modified, and
physical tapping and / or transmission devices could be installed to support later, remote access.
An intruder can attach or remove media, connect to a storage system port, a management port, a
peripheral port that may be used for firmware updates, or to a management terminal. Even if the
central storage systems are well-protected by physical restrictions, an attacker can physically
target additional components of the storage infrastructure that may be less protected, such as
edge switches, exposed network ports, and management workstations. Communication cables are
also a vulnerability. A sophisticated attacker can potentially tap into the storage communication
by physically accessing the cables. Another physical access method involves replacing peripheral
components, such as the keyboard and mouse, with infected components (e.g., infiltrating an
infected keyboard that includes a “keylogger” component that transmits sensitive data, such as
usernames and passwords, or infects the system with malware).
3.3.2 Access to Storage Operating System
This attack surface involves intrusion into a storage device by exploiting operating system
vulnerabilities. The term storage OSrefers to all the operating systems that are related to the
storage infrastructure, including storage arrays, switches, data protection appliances, and storage
virtualization appliances. In many cases, the operating systems running these devices are based
on a proprietary version of the Linux/Unix operating system that is generally more closed or
secure than general-purpose OS distributions. However, all operating systems include security
vulnerabilities and therefore should be regularly kept current with security updates and patches.
In addition, any operating system has configurations that may influence its security. An attacker
can gain access to the storage OS by a variety of methods, from a local login process (using a
standard protocol, such as Secure Shell (SSH), ‘rshell,’ ‘telnet,’ etc.), through remote login using
TCP/IP or by using an OS vulnerability. In HCI the attack surface could be significantly larger,
as multiple host OS instances take part, some of which could run arbitrary compute workloads.
3.3.3 Access to Management Hosts
Most storage components are managed or configured through management hosts, which usually
run on commercial OS. By infiltrating the management host with malware or through an OS
vulnerability, an attacker can, for example, hack an executable, read cached data, install a
memory tap that reads data from the memory, install malware, or gain access to the related
storage array and/or its configuration. Consequently, through the management host, an attacker
can realize most related risks, including data corruption, data loss, data alteration, compromising
of future backups, tampering log and audit data, and more. Access to management hosts provides
the attacker with the ability to cause almost unlimited damage to the entire domain that is being
managed by the management host.
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3.3.4 Management APIs, Management Software, and In-Band Management
Storage infrastructure components expose management software User Interfaces (UI), APIs, and
other in-band or out-of-band management protocols for administering the devices and managing
data storage. In some cases, the device has a management interface (e.g. Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) or Representational State Transfer (REST) API) and, in parallel, management
software that is installed on a management host. Finally, storage systems often interact with
external network services for key management, authentication and authorization, etc. All of these
interfaces create a variety of attack surfaces. For example, an attacker can access a storage
device by impersonating the management host or software through the management API. In this
case, the attacker does not need to infiltrate the management software in order to gain access to
the management capabilities. Some equipment allows in-band access via the data links (e.g.,
Fibre-Channel paths) - the same connection plane used to provide the storage service (see 4.2,
Data Protectionbelow for additional discussion of planes). By doing so, it opens yet another
attack surface, which can be exploited by impersonating a storage client while sending
management commands.
3.3.5 Storage Clients
Storage clients are compute components, or applications installed on compute components, that
use the storage protocol to read/write data from a storage object or network. If a storage client is
compromised, the attacker can potentially read the data that is consumed by the storage client,
write data to the storage device or object, and encrypt data. Additionally, if in-band access to the
storage is enabled, the attacker impersonating the storage client can send management
commands. Archiving systems may sometimes use a storage client to gain access to data in order
to create backups. If the storage client is compromised, the attacker can also harm future
backups. In this scenario, the attacker can then wait for a while, harming the ability of the
organization to defend itself because it will not be able to use its compromised backups.
3.3.6 Storage Network (Tap Into, Alter to Gain Access)
When storage clients consume data from the storage systems, the data is transferred through a
variety of storage network components (i.e., data in transit), such as host adapters, switches,
cables, and extenders. If such components are compromised, the attacker can tap into the data
path and copy, view, reroute, or steal data. In addition, the attacker can read configuration data,
management traffic, or other metadata (e.g., if the data in transit may include user credentials,
encryption keys, and more). By compromising a network component, an attacker can also
potentially perform data corruption, alteration, or addition by modifying the payload. Another
form of attack, “man in the middle(MITM), can apply to a wide range of transport protocols
and media types, including Fibre-Channel, iSCSI, NVMeoF, management, etc. The purpose of
the MITM is to sniff data, alter it, or bypass encryption and authentication mechanisms.
3.3.7 Compute Environment of Key Individuals
Certain key users are granted the privileges and means to perform remote storage infrastructure
management. For example, the storage admin may use one or more workstations to remotely
connect to the storage’s management host. The compute environment of such key individuals
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(e.g., laptop, desktops, home network, home computers) can be exploited to gain access to and
compromise the storage infrastructure. For example, an attacker can install malware on such a
compute environment that will, in turn, install a key logger that allows for the interception of
login credentials. This compute environment is therefore a potential attack surface.
3.3.8 Electrical Network and other Utilities
Since storage infrastructure is connected to the electricity grid, the electrical network may
potentially become an attack surface. A huge spike in electrical current, such as the kind caused
by lightning, can potentially damage and even erase data that is stored on electromagnetic discs.
Voltage fluctuations that correspond to keystrokes create noise in the ground line. The ground
line noise can be intercepted by a hacker connected to a nearby power socket. Another method is
through a malware dubbed PowerHammer, which can stealthily exfiltrate data from air-gapped
computers using power lines. This malware exfiltrates data from a compromised machine by
regulating its power consumption, which can be controlled through the workload of the device’s
CPU. Sensitive pieces of information, such as passwords and encryption keys, can be stolen one
bit at a time by modulating changes in the current flow. In the line level variant of this attack, the
attacker intercepts the bits of data exfiltrated by the malware by tapping the compromised
computer’s power cable. In the phase level attack, the attacker collects the data from the main
electrical service panel. The data can be harvested using a non-invasive tap that measures the
emissions on power cables and then converts them to a binary form via demodulation and
decoding [33].
Other utilities, security, and environmental control systems (e.g., heating, ventilation and air
conditioning – HVAC, fire extinguishing systems, uninterruptible power supply – UPS, sensor
systems, surveillance systems, etc.) can also be used to impact data storage, ranging from risk to
systems (e.g., overheating, flooding, explosion), through risk of data leak (e.g., tapping into the
video surveillance system to intercept password entry, or content of screens, panels, indicator
lights, recording auditory signals), to hijacking internal transmission capabilities of
environmental systems (e.g., WiFi, Bluetooth) in attempts to circumvent air-gaps and network
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4 Security Guidelines for Storage Deployments
The following sections 4.1 through 4.12 provide security recommendations and guidelines for
storage infrastructure. Each section is dedicated to a specific aspect of storage security and
contains a set of recommendations and guidelines, whose naming convention and numbering
scheme is designed to allow uniquely identifying each one. Primary unique identifiers take the
form ‘xx-SS-Ry’, where ‘xx’ is a two-letter combination that relates to the section’s heading,
‘SS’ stands for “Storage Security”, and ‘y’ is a sequential numerical identifier. For example, in
section 4.1, “Physical Storage Security”, primary identifiers are labeled PS-SS-R1, PS-SS-R2
etc. Secondary alphabetical identifiers (‘(a)’, ‘(b)’, …) are sometimes used within an individual
guideline. This allows addressing an entire compound guideline by its primary identifier, for
example PS-SS-R1’ (that addresses media security), and to also address specific portions
thereof, for example ‘PS-SS-R1.a(adherence to NIST SP 800-53, section 3.10), ‘PS-SS-R1.b’
(supply chain protection), etc.
Finally, bulleted lists are sometimes used as part of a specific guideline when there is no need to
address each list item individually.
4.1 Physical Storage Security
Physical security is fundamental to the overall safeguarding of any IT infrastructure. Most
software-based security controls can be compromised if an attacker gains access to the physical
facility and equipment.
In many regards, physical security requirements for storage infrastructure are identical to those
of other infrastructure elements like computers and network equipment (e.g., facility security,
surveillance, transportation, etc.). These are well covered by multiple publications, including
NIST SP 800-53 [28], Rev5 [NIST SP 800-171 [34]. Additional valuable discussion regarding
media disposal and destruction is available in ISO 27040 ([10]), and NIST SP 800-88 Rev. 1
This section provides focused guidance on physical security aspects that are unique to storage
infrastructure or on aspects that are less emphasized in other publications.
PS-SS-R1Media security measures:
(a) Follow general recommendations, NIST SP 800-53, Rev5, Section 3.10 (including policies,
access, marking, storage, transport, sanitization, cryptography, removable media,
confidentiality, and disposal)
(b) Lifecycle management should include purchasing media with an adequate supply chain
(c) For sensitive data, physical media for backup should be stored in a location sufficiently
distant from that in which the primary data is stored.
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(d) For sensitive data, a comprehensive inventory of storage media (cataloging) should be kept,
to track its location, ownership, capacity, and other relevant configuration attributes.
Particular attention should be paid to tracking the actual content of media, including:
Sensitivity level,
Classification (what type of data it stores, what applications and business services it
relates to),
Encryption level,
Potential impact if compromised or stolen (e.g., compromise of financial or medical
information; leakage of passwords, certificates, or encryption keys).
Mitigation/contingency steps or procedures to employ (e.g., changing passwords, re-
issuing keys, re-encrypting data, and notifying relevant stake holders).
Dependencies between the data and other application.
(e) Consider using advanced tracking controls on sensitive removable media, such as Radio-
Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking devices and
tamper protection.
(f) For extremely sensitive information consider the use of self-activated and/or remotely
controlled self-destruction mechanism. When implemented, carefully consider how to protect
such capabilities as they present an attack vector an adversary could use to trigger destruction
of the devices, or to harm nearby equipment, data and personnel.
PS-SS-R2 – Protect all sensitive administrative equipment: Sensitive workstations, which can
be used to obtain administrative access to storage infrastructure, should be managed using
organization-approved security controls for access, surveillance, and auditing, including physical
security. The security measures taken to protect the management workstations should be at least
as strict as those used to protect the data it manages, and the systems that use that data. This
includes workstations located outside of the facility storing the data as well as work-from-home
environments, when used.
PS-SS-R3 – Data sanitization approach should cover storage infrastructure in detail,
including non-obvious storage components: Certain elements capable of storing sensitive
information, beyond the media itself, are sometimes overlooked when disposing of storage
equipment, including non-volatile memory and cache objects (often found in storage arrays,
SAN switches, routers, etc.), firmware/BIOS settings, and HBA-level settings (which can contain
organizationally identifiable addresses, such as IP and SAN Fabric World Wide Names
[WWNs], masking configuration, passwords). Validate that all those elements are considered as
part of the organization data sanitization policy, including policy definition, operations, and
4.2 Data Protection
Section 2.11.4 discusses the objectives and associated activities of data protection, the three
facets based on the range of objectives, and primary controls from the point of the view of the
storage facet. To reiterate, these controls are:
Data backup and recovery,
Replication technologies,
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Continuous data protection, and,
Point-in-time copies and snapshots.
The security recommendations in this section provide the due diligence aspects associated with
implementing each of the controls above. Additional adjacent requirements are included in
sections 4.7, “Isolation”, and 4.8, “Restoration Assurance”.
In discussing various aspects of storage management, access, usage and protection, it is useful to
identify and differentiate between different data planes. A data plane is a loosely grouped set of
access methods, protocols, communication, access control and authorization, and operations that
are applicable to a data object (or a set of related data objects). Note that the provided list is by
no means binding, some of the mentioned aspects could be omitted, and other – such as network
filtering rules, the roles and authorization mechanisms used to allow I/O, etc. can be added. For
example, a block-device could be associated with one or more of the following planes:
“Data consumption plane” - defined in this example as the set of access protocols used to
perform I/O operations, the I/O operations themselves, and the physical and logical
network connections used to perform such operations.
“Data management plane” - includes protocols, operations and network access used to
create and destroy the device, to configure its attributes, to map it to hosts, etc.
“Data protection plane” - includes protocols, operations and network access used to
replicate, snapshot, backup and archive the content of the device.
The chosen design and implementation can greatly influence the degree of separation between
different planes. Separation is a function of multiple variables, including – but not limited to:
Network Layer 2 separation – e.g., using different Virtual Local Area Networks
(VLANs) will increase separation between planes, while using the same ones will
reduce it.
Network logical separation – e.g., using separate IP subnets, will increase separation,
while using the same subnet will reduce it.
Filtering and ACLs – e.g., adding ACLs to prevent management operations on data
consumption planes will increase its separation from the data management plane.
Authorization – e.g., using different users and roles for each plane and restricting each
role permissions only to rights associated with that plane.
As a general rule, increasing granularity and separation of data planes can positively impact
the security of data assets at a potential cost of increased management and administration
overhead, and of additional network-related requirements (additional switch ports, I/O
controllers, etc.). In the above example, poor separation between data consumption and data
protection planes might allow an adversary that gains control over a host that is mapped to
the block device not only to corrupt the content of the device, but also to damage copies and
backups. Poor separation between data consumption and data management planes might
allow the adversary to impact other storage devices.
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4.2.1 Data Backup and Recovery, and Archiving
DP-SS-R1: A data protection plan or policy should be established prior to deployment and
should include, at the minimum, the following:
(a) Tiering, frequency, and number of copies specification, to meet organization recovery goals.
Specification may include more than one tier (e.g., continuous, hourly, daily, weekly, etc.),
and should include for each tier:
a. Frequency and retention - e.g., 48 hourly snapshots, 30 daily backups
b. Type – e.g., full, incremental, continuous (such as file versioning, journal or log
shipping and archiving), replication, point-in-time copies, etc.
(b) Types of media to be used.
(c) Encryption requirements for data at rest (in particular, encryption methods applied to
backup data should be at least as secure as encryption of the protected data), and for data in
transit. Encryption key retention and key rotation should also be considered.
(d) Other protection requirements, such as digital signing, archiving, location, facility security
(including fire, explosion, and magnetic interference protection), immutability and locking,
minimum number of copies per backup set, and the geographic distribution of such copies.
(e) Reference to applicable regulatory frameworks with appropriate controls.
(f) Comprehensive lifecycle management that includes tracking of data copies and backups
against protection and retention policies, including affirmative deletion of no longer needed
(g) Restore procedures.
DP-SS-R2: The data protection plan or policy should be comprehensive enough to:
(a) Cover all data assets of the enterprise irrespective of where they reside (i.e., on-premises or
in the cloud). It is acceptable to refrain from protecting data assets with no significance to the
organization, or that can be re-created from other protected data sources within the required
RTO, but such omissions should be documented.
(b) Be organized by the type of data involved (e.g., Tier 1, Tier 2, etc.).
(c) Consider data integrity at the application and business process levels (e.g., if two components
should be recovered to the same point in time to function properly, then federated
consistency mechanisms or equivalent should be planned and implemented).
(d) Consider the required restoration speed to meet business or regulatory requirements - so that
implementation would be based on technology stacks with appropriate characteristics (e.g.,
disk-based, point-in-time copies such as snapshots or clones, vs. tape or over-WAN
DP-SS-R3: In addition to a backup plan or policy, standard operating procedures relating to the
backup should:
(a) Monitor the execution of backups based on policy and associated notification mechanisms.
(b) Periodically test backups (at least monthly for critical data) to verify their integrity and their
ability to be restored. For applications with strict restoration speed requirements, an end-to-
end test restore should be performed (e.g., a complete recovery of the dataset to a sandbox
recovery environment, simulating real-life restoration scenarios).
(c) An up-to-date recovery catalog should be kept to track each copy (including backup,
replication, Point-in-Time copies, etc.) that records which anti-malware tools it has been
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scanned with and what the results of the scans were. For sensitive data, it is further
recommended to periodically scan at least a subset of past copies with current anti-malware
tools to identify “poisoned” copies. See additional cataloging requirements in CM-SS-R2.
(d) Periodically review (at least annually) the backup plan and operations procedures.
(e) Maintain an audit trail that provides the information necessary to ensure conformance of the
backup operations consistent with the policy.
(f) Employ special controls when necessary (e.g., refreshing old, at risk, or no longer supported
media by copying to new one, etc.).
DP-SS-R4: The data protection configuration management (including backup, point-in-time
copies, and replication) should be centrally managed and separated from the data consumption
plane. In particular, servers and clients should not be allowed to change their own data protection
configuration. This should not be interpreted as excluding redundancy mechanisms that protect
against a single-point-of-failure.
4.2.2 Replication and Mirroring
DP-SS-R5: In both synchronous and asynchronous replication, the same level of data protection
(e.g., encryption of data at rest, access restrictions) that is used in the primary storage should be
carried over to the secondary storage.
AC-SS-R6 – Eliminate unnecessary replication trust between storage devices: When arrays
do not have shared replicated volumes, disable the replication trust relationship between them.
When arrays do have shared replicated volumes, their privileges with respect to one another
should be limited to the volumes they share.
DP-SS-R7: The confidentiality and integrity of data in transit during replication and mirroring
should be protected using encryption. This recommendation can be relaxed when appropriate
mitigating controls exist (e.g., mirroring over short distance within the same enclosure, or server
room, etc.). See also EN-SS-R8.
DP-SS-R8: Automated I/O suspension should be enabled for synchronous replication in all
circumstances where the replica cannot be allowed to fall behind the primary data. Enabling this
feature implies that the primary storage device will disallow any write operations on the data it
stores if its synchronization with the secondary storage server is lost, and it can only resume
processing when synchronization is restored. For this reason, enforcing this feature comes at a
cost of opening an additional attack vector; an adversary that is aware of or suspects that it is in
use, could trigger primary storage denial of service by attacking the replication network paths.
This tradeoff should be carefully weighed.
DP-SS-R9: Obsolete replicas should be removed to reduce the attack surface.
4.2.3 Point-in-Time Copies
The term “Point-in-time copiesshould be expansively interpreted to cover a variety of storage-
technology internal data copy mechanisms that can be used to create a copy of original data as it
appeared at a past point-in-time. This include storage-arrays built-in copy-generation tools (often
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referred to by vendors as “Snapshots”, “Clones”, etc.), filesystem-level copies, database-level
copies, cloud storage pool copies, etc.
DP-SS-R10: When point-in-time copies, such as snapshots, are used as part of the backup
scheme, they should be configured accordingly:
(a) To meet the recovery point objective (RPO) requirements of the target data sets in the
snapshot. For example, if the business or compliance standards require that no more than five
minutes of committed data could be lost in recovery, then the snapshot interval should be five
minutes or less.
(b) To meet retention requirements. For example, if hourly copies are required for at least 48
hours, ensure that a sufficient number of hourly snapshots is preserved.
DP-SS-R11: Obsolete snapshots and clones should be removed to reduce the attack surface.
4.2.4 Continuous Data Protection
DP-SS-R12 – Security considerations for using continuous data protection: Other than the
functional benefits (e.g., improved RPO, finer-grained retention), the use of continuous data
protection techniques (e.g., CDP, versioning of source data or of replicas in cloud file- and
object-storage, and transaction log shipping) can also assist in improving forensics for sensitive
data. While potentially extremely time consuming, replaying to previous versions of data can
help learn more about the attack profile, its timing, etc.
4.3 Authentication and Data Access Control
Storage infrastructure systems are administered by designated users who use various accounts to
access these systems. The administrative users and their management hosts constitute an
important attack surface that can be exploited by attackers. Since the individuals who manage the
storage systems and infrastructure are generally privileged users, the allocation and use of
privileged access rights should be restricted and controlled. Inappropriate use of system
administration privileges can be a major contributing factor to the failures or breaches of storage
A "least privilege model" that leverages specific roles should be implemented. According to ISO
Standard ISO/IEC 27040 [10], the following roles should be implemented and used within
storage technologies:
Security AdministratorThis role has "view” and “modify" rights to establish and
manage accounts, create and associate roles and permissions for all user and
administrative operations, creation of policies regarding all authenticators (e.g., shared
secrets), manage certificate and key stores, manage encryption and key management,
manage auditing and logging, and set access controls.
Storage AdministratorThis role has "view” and “modify" rights for all aspects of the
storage system. No access is granted to security-related elements or data.
Security Auditor – This role has "view" rights that allow for entitlement reviews,
verification of security parameters and configurations, and inspections of audit logs. No
access is granted to the storage, configuration, or data.
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Storage Auditor – This operator-like role has "view" rights that allow for the
verification of storage parameters and configurations as well as inspections of health or
fault logs. No access is granted to security-related elements or data.
4.3.1 Authentication Recommendations
AC-SS-R1 – Unique Identifier for all users: All users (including administrators) should have a
unique identifier for their personal use only. Identifiers assigned to administrators should, at the
minimum, meet the identity assurance level 3 (IAL 3) specified in sections 4.2 and 4.5 of NIST
document SP800-63A [35]. The only exception is emergency-use account, whose secure usage is
outlined in AC-SS-R16. This principle is important for accountability and audit purposes as well
as for the ability to control access on the individual user level.
AC-SS-R2 – A centralized authentication solution: In a large scale environment, a centralized
authentication solution (such as Active Directory, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
[LDAP], single sign-on [SSO], organization approved cloud authentication services) should be
deployed to enable the close monitoring and control of user access to storage resources and to
ensure uniform enforcement of the organization’s authentication policies. The use of built-in
authentication and permissions management capabilities should be avoided and preferably
AC-SS-R3 – Configuration of authentication servers:
(a) The designation of servers to perform authentication services should be strictly controlled,
and their validity should be periodically checked to detect and prevent the introduction of any
rogue or unauthorized authentication servers.
(b) There should be multiple authentication servers to ensure availability and avoid single points
of failure.
AC-SS-R4 – Secure connection to centralized authentication server: All communication
between the centralized authentication server and the authenticating clients should be secured
through state of art protocols such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or higher.
AC-SS-R5 – Use of multi-factor authentication: Access configuration to storage infrastructure
components that store mission-critical data should be protected using a minimum of two-factor
authentication with authenticators, at the minimum, meeting the requirements specified in
section 5.1.9 of NIST document SP800-63B [36]. This requirement should be made mandatory
for access by users assigned to Security Administrator and Storage Administrator roles.
4.3.2 Password Recommendations
AC-SS-R6 – Secure password policies should cover service accounts: The secure password
policies should be applied not only to individual accounts but also to service accounts (e.g.,
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP))
and accounts used by automation tools. The passwords should at the minimum meet the
requirements for memorized secrets as outlined in section 5.1.1 of NIST document SP800-63B
[36]. In addition, the following requirements should be met.
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AC-SS-R7 – Password Length: A good password should have at least 15, preferably 20,
AC-SS-R8 – Password complexity: A good password should combine uppercase and lowercase
letters, digits, and special characters. It should not be similar to usernames and should not
include repeated character sequences.
AC-SS-R9 – Password expiration: Expiry times should be set for all passwords. Expiration for
administrative accounts should be set shorter than for user accounts.
AC-SS-R10 – Password reuse: Users should be prohibited from reusing at least the four
previous passwords (or more) based on organizational risk factors.
AC-SS-R11 – Password caching:
(a) Passwords should not be cached on the server, desktop, or any other system.
(b) Sufficiently short Time to Live (TTL) or an equivalent control mechanism should be
employed so that changes are propagated quickly throughout the network.
AC-SS-R12 – Saving passwords: Passwords should not be saved anywhere in cleartext (e.g.,
not in files) or in scripts. Furthermore, enabling storage management applications to locally
remember users and passwords for automatic login should never be used, even if passwords are
stored encrypted, unless managed through an authorized central authentication service, such as
AC-SS-R13 – Eliminate or change default passwords: The default passwords that come with
system installation or deployment should be immediately changed.
4.3.3 Account Management Recommendations
AC-SS-R14 – Use of accounts not associated with system users: Accounts not associated with
any system user (e.g., not in Active Directory, such as “guest,” “anonymous,” “nobody”) should
be disabled. In situations where they need to be used, they should not be mapped to any system
user, and all of their default configurations (e.g., password, privileges) should be changed to
conform to organization-wide policies.
AC-SS-R15 – Account lockout: Users should be locked out after a certain number of
unsuccessful login attempts. Certain implementations of account locking include automatic reset
(account unlock) after a certain period of time or a power cycle. Automatic reset should not be
allowed on sensitive storage systems.
AC-SS-R16 A local user account for emergency purposes: A single local user account
should be maintained for access to storage resources in order to provide emergency-only access
if the centralized authentication system is down. This account should conform to all
organizational policies (e.g., password length). In addition, its usage should be allowed from a
special physically protected location, and following well documented procedures that include
appropriate approval of relevant stakeholders, and notification of use.
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AC-SS-R17 – Eliminate or disable default user accounts: The default user accounts that come
with the storage system installations should be eliminated or disabled immediately, if the feature
exists. When the feature to disable or eliminate does not exist or there is a justified reason to
keep any of those accounts, the privileges assigned to this account should be kept to the
minimum necessary.
AC-SS-R18 – Limit local and default user accounts: As much as possible, eliminate the use of
local and default accounts. In situations where this is not possible:
(a) Limit the use of such accounts and the privileges they have.
(b) Password policies should apply to all user, local, and default accounts, including those with
administrative rights.
4.3.4 Privilege and Session Management Recommendations
AC-SS-R19 – Roles and responsibilities configuration: At a minimum, the four roles in the
ISO Standard ISO/IEC 27040 [10] should be implemented for all access to storage resources
(i.e., Security Administrator, Storage Administrator, Security Auditor, and Storage Auditor) –
see section 4.2 for more details. Storage products that offer only one or two levels or
privileges, should not be used for storing sensitive information, unless compensating
controls are available to provide equivalent functionality of granular roles. For example, all
management traffic could be routed through a management proxy host, or “command
gateway” with privilege management tools installed to restrict commands available to each
AC-SS-R20 – Adherence to the principle of “Separation of Duty” during assignment of
privileges to roles and assignment of roles to users: A critical aspect of storage security is to
separate administrative control planes (refer to discussion in 4.2, “Data Protectionabove). For
example, if attackers gain control over a host or compromise a host admin role, they should not
be able to trivially compromise its data assets, backups, and replicas. At a minimum, this
(a) The privileges required for data management (e.g., create and map a volume or share) and
data protection (e.g., configure, stop, and delete backup) should be assigned to different roles
and these two roles should not be assigned to the same user.
(b) The privileges required for data management and host administration (e.g., tasks such as
creating/deleting objects in the storage controller) should be assigned to different roles and
these two roles should not be assigned to the same user.
AC-SS-R21 – The privileges assigned to any role should adhere to the principle of least
privilege”: The permissions assigned to a role should be no more than what is required to
perform the functions designated for that role. In the context of the storage, these permissions
pertain to access to storage-specific resources such as block-devices, files, objects, etc.
AC-SS-R22 – Secure Session Management: All sessions between the client and a storage
infrastructure system should be managed based on the required authentication assurance level
conforming to the requirements in section 7 of [63B] – including termination and automated
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AC-SS-R23 – Implement a “message of the dayand “login banner” notice: The message
of the day” or “login banner” notice should appear before every login to any storage
infrastructure component or system via UI, Command Line Interface (CLI), or API (if
applicable). The message should include a legal notice and a warning that the user is accessing a
restricted system with sensitive data, as well as any additional warnings and meaningful
messages according to the organization’s security and privacy policies.
4.3.5 SAN-Specific Recommendations
The topic of SAN-related access control involves multiple aspects. Some overlap with Network
Configuration and Administrative Access, which are covered in other sections.
To eliminate repetition:
Access control recommendations closely related to the network infrastructure (e.g.,
switch, port, HBAs, and NICs configuration; additional zoning guidelines) and protocols
are discussed in Section 4.6. Encryption of data in transit (one of the mechanisms for
access control) is covered in Section 4.9.
Administrative access is discussed in Section 4.10.
Data-related access control is discussed in this section and covers block device-related
access control, implementation of zoning and access control specification for joining the
For a complete appreciation of all access control aspects, please refer to all three sections.
AC-SS-R24 Block-device access control: The set of hosts that can access a set of SAN
storage devices should be restricted through zoning (software or hardware) and masking to the
minimum required access.
AC-SS-R25 Block-device copy and replica access control: The set of hosts that can access a
set of SAN-replicated block-devices, snapshots, and other types of point-in-time copies of such
block-devices should be restricted through zoning and masking to the minimum required access.
In many cases, a host granted access to a device should not be allowed to access a copy.
AC-SS-R26: The permission for default zone (which may be product-specific) should always be
configured as “deny all.”
AC-SS-R27: The zoning should be implemented in a switched SAN fabric based on sound logic
particularly as it relates to the separation of environments and traffic type, which should be
separated to the maximum possible extent, by:
(a) Environment: development vs. test vs. production, etc.
(b) Type of traffic: data access vs. management vs. replication vs. backup
(c) Type of hosts: virtualized vs. physical
(d) Storage device type: tape vs. disk
AC-SS-R28: When software zoning is implemented, hosts should only be allowed to connect to
storage devices provided by the simple name server (SNS) – by looking it up at the software
zoning table – and not directly using device discovery.
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AC-SS-R29 Controlling devices that can join fabric: The policy specification feature in SAN
that enables the creation of an allowable list of switches, arrays, and hosts that can join the fabric
should be leveraged where applicable.
4.3.6 File and Object Access Recommendations
AC-SS-R30 – Restricting access to object storage data of all types (e.g., Files, Objects) to
the minimum possible: Follow the "least privilege" principle, including:
(a) Access to object storage data through any protocol (e.g., CIFS, SMB, NFS, and public
cloud object storage protocols) should be restricted based on client IPs and/or relevant
subnets, and the ports/protocols should be required.
(b) If supported, finer-grained access control mechanisms (e.g., by role, ID, labels, accounts,
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), VPC endpoints, etc.) should also be used.
(c) Access should only be granted to centrally managed users and roles, such as those found
in enterprise directories or approved commercial services, and not to local users of the
specific system.
(d) The default access to any share should be set to “deny all” or equivalent.
(e) The default shares should be disabled or removed. If there is a specific purpose for using
them, the access rights should be restricted to the minimum required.
(f) The access rights (e.g., read, write, execute, modify, delete, view ACLs, change ACLs),
should be individually assigned based on “Need to Know” requirements.
(g) If the feature to define object storage ACLs is available, it should be leveraged in
addition to the use of native OS user, group, or admin permission models.
(h) If a policy definition feature to define file level access patterns is available, it should be
leveraged and the feature to detect violations to the pattern, which sends notifications,
should also be implemented.
AC-SS-R31 Users that do need to authenticate should be disabled (e.g., Anonymous, null,
guest, or “public access”). An exception may be provided to allow organization-critical functions
such as network discovery, but in such cases these class of users should be mapped to the
“nobody” user group and not to "ID 0".
AC-SS-R32 – Regular audits of all the security settings mentioned above for storage data of all
types (e.g., Files, Objects) should be performed to ensure that there are no drifts. Audit results
should be documented.
AC-SS-R33 – Scan files containing sensitive information with anti-malware tools on-access:
Every time a file with sensitive information is accessed, it should first be scanned with
organization approved anti-malware tools to ensure that it has not been compromised.
AC-SS-R34 Granular permission assignment: For file and object sharing systems (e.g.,
NFS, CIFS, cloud object stores), permissions should be granted at a finer level of granularity
rather than a coarser one (e.g., file or object over folder, and label over share or bucket).
AC-SS-R35 – Secure NFS by restricting root access: This includes the use of the “nosuid”
option, and avoidance of use of “no_root_squash” to prevent programs from being executed as a
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root user on the client, and modification of shared files by remote root users. In general, NFS
clients should not be allowed to run “suid” and “sgid” programs on exported file systems.
AC-SS-R36: In NFS, for files that are to be used in the “read only” mode, the mount
configuration for corresponding NFS shares should always have the “noexec” option.
AC-SS-R37 – Export of administrative file systems should not be allowed: This includes the
‘/’ filesystems and restricted OS or storage array system folders.
AC-SS-R38 When CIFS is used, “Full Control” permissions should not be granted to any
user since the recipient can use it to modify the permissions, thus resulting in the leakage of
AC-SS-R39 – Use object protection to prevent unauthorized deletionfor sensitive
information, when supported, use advanced controls to prevent unauthorized object deletion
(such as requiring Multifactor Authentication for object deletion, of locking objects against
4.4 Audit Logging
Storage infrastructure components generate event log entries for a wide range of transactions or
events. These event log entries have to be recorded in some manner for event logging. From a
security or compliance perspective, it is important to capture those event log entries that are
necessary to demonstrate proof of operations (e.g., encryption and retention), enforcement of
accountability and traceability, meeting evidentiary requirements, and adequate monitoring of
systems. This subset of general event logging is commonly called audit logging.
The following audit logging events are relevant for security purposes:
Management Events – e.g., resetting of user passwords, account creation/deletion,
modification of privileges, role changes, group membership changes, privileged actions,
creation of/changes to configuration. These events are always of interest.
Security-Related Events – e.g., changes to user profiles and security configuration,
failed/blocked attempts to storage, blocked logins. These events are most often of
interest, though some of them may overlap with management events.
Data Access Eventsaccess information is of interest for incident response in
monitoring sensitive information (e.g., determining what an adversary may have
Deficiencies in security logging and analysis allow attackers to hide their location, malicious
software, and activities on victims' machines. Even if the victims know that their systems have
been compromised, without protected and complete logging records, they are blind to the details
of the attack and to subsequent actions taken by the attackers. Without solid audit logs, an attack
may go unnoticed indefinitely, and the actual damages done may be irreversible. Sometimes,
logging records are the only evidence of a successful attack. Many organizations keep audit
records for compliance purposes, but attackers rely on the fact that such organizations rarely look
at the audit logs, and they do not know that their systems have been compromised. Because of
poor or nonexistent log analysis processes, attackers sometimes control victim machines for
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months or years without anyone in the target organization knowing, even though evidence of the
attack can be obtained in unexamined log files.
Based on the criticality of event log data for attack detection and forensic investigation, the
following are the security recommendations for implementing audit logging capabilities.
AL-SS-R1Audit logging should be enabled on all storage infrastructure components using
reliable delivery and secure protocols.
AL-SS-R2Reliable, external time synchronization: A Network Time Protocol (NTP)
service is critical for time synchronization. If the NTP service is disabled, dependent systems
may suffer from inaccurate timestamps on messages, events and alerts, inconsistent time across
different devices, and subsequent failure to perform log analysis, correlation, anomaly detection
or forensics. Establishing and using a common, accurate time source across the environment
helps ensure that event records from different sources can be correlated. The following are
recommendations regarding the deployment and integration of NTP with storage-related devices:
(a) The NTP service should be enabled on all devices (including log servers and storage
(b) All devices should be configured to synchronize time with a time source server, such as
an NTP server.
(c) Time synchronization validity should be monitored on all devices (e.g., that the service
remains activated, that organization approved time servers are configured in each device),
and alerts for detected anomalies should be handled at a high priority.
(d) Redundancy for time source servers should be provided by deploying at least three
synchronized time sources that are geographically distributed.
(e) Certificate-based authentication should be used to authenticate time source server.
(f) Access control options, such as ntpdaccess restrictions, should be leveraged to restrict
access to the time source servers.
AL-SS-R3Collect logs in a centralized fashion: By writing logs to central log servers (e.g.,
syslog server, cloud logging services), the risk of those logs being lost or altered is lowered since
they are more secure within the internal network. The following are recommendations regarding
the deployment and integration of central logging with storage-related devices:
(a) Organizational logging standards for storage devices should be defined, to specify
required logging level. Management Events and Security-Related Events (as defined
above) should be logged for all types of data. For extremely sensitive data, Data Access
Events (as defined above) should also be logged. See more specific recommendation in
(b) All devices should be configured to transmit log event data to organization approved
central log servers, according to the applicable organizational logging standard.
(c) Central logging configuration validity should be monitored on all devices (e.g., that the
logging service remains activated, that logging level configuration matches the
organization standards, and that organization approved log servers are configured in each
device), and alerts for detected anomalies should be handled at a high priority.
(d) Multiple syslog servers should be deployed to enable continuous logging and to prevent a
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(e) At least one off-site copy for each log should be maintained.
(f) To prevent the loss of entries in the event that the logging process is stopped and restarted
before all entries are written, logging should be configured to be written to disk in real
time with no buffers in place and sent over reliable protocols.
AL-SS-R4 – Logging level: The following events related to storage protection of all storage-
related objects, sites, and accounts should be included (but not limited to) in the storage audit
(a) Read-only API calls in sensitive environments.
(b) All denied access attempts to services, ports, files, objects, or devices.
(c) Cryptographic key management operations spanning the entire key lifecycle operations
(particularly for encryption keys), such as key generation, key deletion, certificate
management, etc., especially for events such as key shredding.
AL-SS-R5The following measures should be adopted for audit log retention and
(a) Retention of log data for a sufficiently long period of time, as it often takes a while to
notice that a compromise has occurred or is occurring.
(b) Allocation of sufficient storage space and proactive monitoring of free space and unusual
growth rates of log data to prevent log destinations from filling up. A known attack
pattern involves filling up logs first to disrupt forensics, and appropriate monitoring can
help identify such attacks in real time.
(c) Archived log data should be protected from tampering (e.g., using WORM or immutable
storage, object locking, Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) approval for delete). If
supported, the central log servers should also use such storage options.
(d) Restricting access to log data and servers using designated roles and accounts.
(e) Enabling encryption since access to log data can provide attackers with valuable insight
into assets and possible attack vectors.
AL-SS-R6 – SIEM integration: If supported, storage infrastructure logs should be integrated
with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) software for potential threat detection.
4.5 Preparation for Data Incident Response and Cyber Recovery
Incident response planning is an important part of Cybersecurity. Comprehensive discussion of
the role of Incident response in Cybersecurity program management, and guidance to building a
framework for cybersecurity improvement can be found in NIST Framework for Improving
Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity [40]. Storage-related incidents should be handled as an
integral part of the organization incident response process, including aspects such as isolation,
root-cause-analysis, defining and managing a response plan, testing, and periodical process
review and refresh.
The following recommendations incorporate specific aspects that should be considered with
respect to storage infrastructure and data assets.
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IR-SS-R1 – Develop a response plan for storage component compromise: Consider the
following elements in organizational risk analysis, isolation, remediation, restoration, and testing
(a) Compromise of an entire storage array or an entire cloud-based storage asset (e.g., SAN,
NAS, object store, elastic file system)
(b) Compromise of a backup system
(c) Compromise of an individual storage element (e.g., share, block device)
(d) Compromise of an FC SAN fabric (including individual switches and SAN services)
IR-SS-R2 – Recovery assets immutability during incident management: In conjunction with
the recommendations provided in Section 4.7 below regarding the protection of cyber recovery
copies, those copies should remain isolated during incident management.
IR-SS-R3 – Validate the hygiene of recovered compute components: Ensure that recovered
executables, applications, containers, and OS images are free from infection prior to deploying
them in production.
4.6 Guidelines for Network Configuration
As previously mentioned, the topic of storage-related networking involves multiple aspects,
some of which overlap with Data Access Control, Administrative Access, and Encryption, which
have been covered in other sections. To eliminate repetition, this document discusses:
Certain network recommendations closely related to data access control in Section 4.3,
Network- and protocol-related encryption recommendations in Section 4.9,
Certain network recommendations closely related to administrative access in Section
4.10, and,
Network infrastructure (e.g., switch, port, HBA and NICs configuration, zoning
guidelines, etc.) and protocols in this section.
For a complete appreciation of all network configuration aspects, please refer to all sections.
4.6.1 FC SAN and NVMEoF
NC-SS-R1 – Host and switch authentication: Every host and storage switch should have a
unique identity and should be authenticated before joining the network (e.g., FC-SP-2 AUTH-A).
NC-SS-R2 –The use of an approved PKI mechanism: Use an organization approved and
certified centralized PKI system for the management of switch certificates (e.g., Fibre-Channel
Certificate Authentication Protocol or FCAP) rather than the devices’ self-signed certificates.
NC-SS-R3 A blended approach to zoning: Implement a zoning approach that blends
different types of zoning mechanisms. This is preferable to simply zoning using a single type
(i.e., host, switch, and storage device):
(a) Host-based zoning mechanisms control what storage resources or devices are visible to
an application on a host as well as the devices that it can access. At the lowest level, the
masking capability in a host bus adapters (HBA) firmware or driver can be used to
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control whether the host may interact with any storage device. At the next level, OS
capabilities can be used to control which devices the host tries to mount as a storage
volume. Finally, the host centralized management software for volume management (e.g.,
Logival Volume Manager or LVM), clustering tools, and the file system can be utilized
to control device access by applications.
(b) In switch-based zoning, the switches (especially the FC switches) have the capability to
specify which devices on which ports can access other devices or ports. Port-based
zoning uses hardware to enforce zoning and is therefore also called “hard zoning.” In
other words, switches should support zone control at the port WWN's level rather than at
the switch (node) WWN level.
(c) In storage device-based zoning, the storage array is configured with a list that shows
which hosts (even more specifically, which HBA ports) can access which block devices
and on which ports. Access requests from unlisted hosts or HBA ports are ignored or
(d) If the zone set feature is available, it should be leveraged. This will help create multiple
zones dedicated to a particular purpose, such as testing, dynamic reconfiguration, backup,
and maintenance.
NC-SS-R4 – Masking Recommendation: Masking refers to making a block device visible or
invisible to hosts. Prefer masking as close to the data as possible and as far from the data
consumer or client as possible (e.g., favor array over switch masking, core switch over edge
switch, and switch over HBA).
NC-SS-R5 – A backup of switch configuration data: create a backup of the swtches'
configuration data, including zone configuration file. The backup should be kept outside of the
SAN switches to enable redeployment upon erroneous or malicious corruption or deletion.
NC-SS-R6 – Limit switch management capabilities to the minimum necessary:
(a) When implementing the SAN fabric, there should be well-defined policies that specify
and minimize the set of switches that are authorized to distribute configuration data
(while providing acceptable redundancy).
(b) Unnecessary configuration management permissions and services, such as password
distribution, should not be enabled.
NC-SS-R7 – Considerations for using soft vs. hard zoning:
Soft zoning Soft zoning uses filtering implemented in Fibre-Channel switches to
prevent ports from being seen from outside of their assigned zones. The security
vulnerability in soft zoning is that the ports may be still accessible if the user in another
zone correctly guesses the Fibre-Channel address. In this case, the FC switch will place a
host WWN in a zone without evaluating the port numbers in the FC switch, which were
used for connection. Port World-Wide Name (PWWN) identification is considered more
secure than port number identification (used in hard zoning) because any device
physically connected to a port could grant storage access to an unauthorized host. If the
SAN spans across facilities with different physical security controls, and if there is a risk
that physical ports could be accessed by unauthorized individuals, soft zoning may be
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Hard zoning – Hard zoning uses physical port numbers on SAN switches, thereby
physically blocking access to a zone from any device outside of the zone. This type of
zoning protects from WWN spoofing attacks as it does not rely on host identity. If the
organization’s physical access is thoroughly protected (i.e., it is improbable that an
intruder will access a physical port), this method may be preferable.
NC-SS-R8 – Limit which SAN Fibre-Channel physical and logical ports can be used for
management on all SAN switches and storage arrays.
NC-SS-R9 – Limit communication between switches: Limit communication between SAN
switches based on security policies, while ensuring that switches can only communicate with
switches that are necessary.
NC-SS-R10 – Persistently disable unused SAN ports to prevent the accidental or deliberate
connection of unauthorized equipment
4.6.2 IP Storage Networking
NC-SS-R11 IP storage network separation: When it comes to storage-related
communication over IP networks, sound logic should be applied to the separation of
environments and traffic type (at both layer 2 and layer 3 of the network stack). Sensitive
environments should be separated to the maximum possible extent, based on:
(a) Type of traffic: data access protocols vs. management vs. replication vs. backup vs. host
and application networking
(b) In sensitive environments, further separate the management traffic of different solutions,
vendors, and technologies. For example, if two or more storage solutions are in use (e.g.,
different array technologies, Server-Based SAN products, switch technologies, storage
virtualization, or any combination thereof), and each one has a separate set of
management tools, management traffic for each environment should be separated from
the others.
(c) Data access protocols (e.g., iSCSI vs. NFS vs. proprietary vendor protocols, such as
Server-based SAN).
(d) Type of servers or hosts accessing data: virtualized hosts vs. physical hosts
NC-SS-R12 – IP or Ethernet management ports of SAN switches should reside in an
isolated subnet, including separation from subnets used for data access between hosts and
storage and for host-to-host communication.
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NC-SS-R13 – Enable device IP access control: With respect to IP network accessibility,
storage device security features that regulate IPs, ports and protocols should be turned on and
configured on all storage devices, where applicable. This includes but is not limited to built-in
firewall rules, IP filtering, and access lists in order to:
(a) Control and limit data access between only required hosts or applications and the storage
objects they use, and
(b) Separately control management IP traffic between management hosts and management
applications, and the relevant storage management interfaces they use.
NC-SS-R14 – Enable network IP access control: Restrictions should be applied at the network
level (e.g., routing, firewall, access lists, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) security groups, server-
based SAN clients) to restrict all traffic types (e.g., data-access and management traffic) to
allowed IP addresses and TCP/UDP ports and protocols only:
(a) Between hosts or applications and the storage objects they use, and
(b) Between management hosts and applications and the relevant storage management
interfaces of storage objects they manage.
NC-SS-R15 – Block any public access to non-public storage objects, particularly from the
NC-SS-R16 Public access: For storage objects that require public access, sufficient controls
should be implemented, including:
(a) Minimizing access.
(b) Using physically and logically separate storage subnets and, preferably, separate storage
devices and pools from those used for non-public storage objects.
(c) Considering protection from denial-of-service attacks.
Cached copies (e.g., using content delivery network (CDN), replicas, and proxies)
retaining at least the same security characteristics as the source data.
Considering regulatory requirements (e.g., confidentiality, storage location restrictions).
Any additional applicable security controls (e.g., encryption, authentication).
NC-SS-R17 – Control of IP addresses used for SNMP: When configuring SNMP, all traffic
should be directed to valid organization-internal IP addresses as destinations. The validity of the
configuration should be periodically reviewed.
NC-SS-R18 – Consider the use of isolated non-routable VLAN for server-based SAN: For
more information about server-based SAN deployments, see section 2.9 above. To protect the
data storage environment and mitigate security concerns, non-routable VLAN for server-based
SAN should be used.
4.6.3 Protocols
NC-SS-R19 – Disable insecure versions of file access protocols: Outdated, unrecommended,
or unsecured protocol versions, such as SMB v1 or NFS 1 and 2, should be blocked. If possible,
these protocols should be disabled on both the client side and the server side.
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NC-SS-R20 – SNMP security:
(a) If SNMP if not in use, it should be disabled.
(b) Change the default, known community strings, even if SNMP is not enabled. The
configured strings should meet the organizational password policy.
(c) Use different community strings for devices that differ in levels of confidentiality.
(d) Use at least SNMP version 3.
(e) SNMP authentication and encryption (privacy) features should be enforced.
(f) Do not configure SNMP with read-write access unless it is absolutely needed. In this
case, limit and control the use of read-write SNMP.
(g) Use access control lists to control access to devices through SNMP.
(h) Validation that SNMP traps are sent to authorized, intended managers should be
periodically performed.
(i) Refer to Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security
(DHS CISA) TA17-156A [39] for additional guidance.
NC-SS-R21 – The authenticity of directory, domain, and similar services (e.g., AD, Domain
Name System (DNS), LDAP): The service configurations in all storage elements (e.g., devices,
switches, management workstations, management software) should be actively and periodically
reviewed to make sure that the approved ones are used, and for remediating any discrepancies.
NC-SS-R22 – Considerations for using standard and non-standard TCP/IP or UDP ports:
Most applications and services have a default TCP/IP or UDP port that is used to connect to the
application or service. However, since it is usually possible to configure which logical ports will
be used by the various applications and services, the pros and cons of using non-standard ports
should be considered.
Pros – Using non-standard ports helps obfuscate the application or service as hackers
will not know which port to use.
ConsAlternately, using non-standard ports can make it difficult for security scanning
tools to identify suspicious activities since they are designed to expect specific behaviors
on standard ports.
NC-SS-R23 - FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP) snooping filters should be enabled on FCoE
VLANs to prevent unauthorized access to data: FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP) snooping is
a security mechanism that is designed to prevent unauthorized access and data transmission to an
FC network. It works by filtering traffic to permit only servers that have logged in to the FC
network to access the network. FCoE transit switches connect FC initiators (servers) on the
Ethernet network to FCoE forwarders (FCFs) at the FC SAN edge, enabling FIP spoofing on
relevant VLANs.
NC-SS-R24 Limit iSCSI ports: Hosts on the iSCSI network should be prevented from
accessing any TCP ports other than those designated for iSCSI on that network.
NC-SS-R25 – Use iSCSI authentication: Use one of the supported methods to authenticate
iSCSI initiators upon opening a session (e.g., Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
(CHAP), Server Routing Protocol (SRP), Kerberos, Simple Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism
(SPKM)1/2). When using CHAP, prefer using two-way authentication over one-way
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authentication. Note that the use of authentication does not provide encryption or integrity
protection to the channel.
NC-SS-R26 – Use of Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) security features:
NDMP provides means for direct transport between storage arrays and backup devices. When
used the following security features should be configured, including:
(a) Access control over which hosts can initiate NDMP sessions.
(b) The challenge-response authentication (do not use the plaintext authentication option)
(c) Log NDMP connection attempts.
(d) An NMDP password that meets the organizational password policy (e.g., length,
complexity, etc.)
(e) Restricted NDMP-related rights that require user only.
(f) Encrypted NDMP control connections.
(g) NDMP throttling per session or per server.
NC-SS-R27 – Use TLS in LDAP: Use TLS to secure LDAP connections when setting up
Active Directory options for storage systems.
NC-SS-R28 – Additional protocols: When additional protocols such as SymAPI, Storage
Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S), Global Name Server (GNS), and others are used,
consider adapting the recommendations in Sections 4.6.2 and 4.6.3 for their use. In particular:
(a) Isolate traffic for data access and management from other environments.
(b) Limit TCP and UDP ports.
(c) Enable encryption.
4.7 Isolation
When production data is damaged or lost, organizations should be able to recover it using
replicated or backed up data copies. If the damage is the result of a malicious attack, and the
attackers were also able to compromise the backup data copies, the attack on the production
environment can have a devastating effect since the organization will not have the ability to
recover. To improve resilience of backup copies, sufficient isolation should be guaranteed
between data assets and their recovery copies.
In this context, organizations should distinguish between at least two separate data protection
Non-malicious recoveryrequiring data copies that can be used in the event of a natural
disaster, hardware failure, human error, etc. These can include local copies (e.g.,
snapshots taken before performing maintenance), DR copies, backups, and long-term
archives. The “closer” the copy is to the production environment, the more likely it is to
be mapped to compute systems for the purpose of testing and DR.
Cyber-attack recovery requiring data copes that are hardened, locked, and kept in
isolation. The design should strive to achieve a state where these copies could not be
impacted by anything, including scenarios wherein production volumes or other types of
copies they are linked to have been compromised.
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Keeping copies for Cyber-attack recovery that are completely separate from those used for non-
malicious recovery, while recommended for critical and sensitive systems, is not mandatory. It is
important, however, to make sure that the data protection scheme in use is suitable to fully
support the two scenarios. If existing copy retention mechanisms (e.g., DR or BC copies, offsite
archives) are intended to support Cyber-attack recovery, their configuration should be reviewed,
and adjusted if necessary, to facilitate data isolation. This includes verification that at least a
subset of those recovery copies and systems are inaccessible and independent from the
production environment, and that a compromise of production would not allow adversaries to
impact those copies.
The following security recommendations apply to the creation and management of data copies
and the associated management system.
IS-SS-R1Separation of storage systems:
(a) Cyber-attack recovery copies should be created on designated separated storage
environments. In private clouds, this implies physically separated storage systems. In
public clouds, this implies separate accounts (or equivalent).
(b) Long-term archive and backup systems should be separated from production data storage
IS-SS-R2Separation of management systems: Storage systems that store cyber-attack
recovery copies should be managed from designated management systems, which are separated
from the production environment, and any other system connected to production (including data
protection mechanisms). It should not be possible to access such management systems with
regular credentials (including production and regular backup). The system should be hosted on a
dedicated environment that is only connected to an isolated network.
IS-SS-R3Access restriction to cyber-attack recovery system, and long-term archives and
(a) For sensitive information, cyber-attack recovery copies and their systems should not be
accessible to regular IT staff but, only to a single person (e.g. CISO), or a very narrow
group of executives or security managers who use credentials separate from those used
for other day-to-day duties. This ensures that if the credentials of an IT admin are
compromised, the attacker cannot use those credentials to access the cyber-attack
recovery copies. This restricted team can have access to the cyber-attack recovery copies,
but an even smaller subset should have administrative rights that include granting
permissions to other users.
(b) Access rights to long-term archives backups should be separate from those used to
perform other storage administration duties (e.g., SAN management, storage allocation)
and should include the use of separate user IDs, accounts, and credentials.
IS-SS-R4 – Off-site storage: Cyber-attack recovery copies should be stored off-site rather than
where the production data is stored. This ensures that if the attackers have physical access to the
production site or manages to compromise the physical site, they would not be able to access or
compromise the cyber-attack recovery copies.
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IS-SS-R5 – Use of an independent, full baseline copy: Backup systems often make use of
incremental backups that capture changes to the data relative to a baseline copy. These
incremental copies cannot be used during recovery without the baseline copy. For certain types
of backup schemes, such as snapshots, only incremental copies are used (i.e., the baseline copy is
the production data itself).
To handle a recovery scenario properly, dependencies between copies should be accounted for,
and sufficient isolation between different types of copies should be maintained. In particular:
(a) Replicated disaster recovery copies should have no dependency on production baseline
(b) Cyber-attack recovery copies should have no dependency on production baseline data.
Dependency on disaster recovery baseline data is allowed only if those copies are
properly isolated from production baseline data, and meet the recommendation in IS-SS-
R1, IS-SS-R2, and IS-SS-R3.
(c) Long-term archived data should have no dependency on production and disaster recovery
baseline data.
IS-SS-R6Disable all unnecessary services and protocols: Unnecessary services and
protocols should be disabled on cyber-attack recovery storage systems. In environments where
Application Programming Interface (API) or Command Line Interface (CLI) are sufficient for
management, it is recommended to also disable any interactive web interfaces.
IS-SS-R7 – Independence from hosts and applications:
(a) Cyber-attack recovery copies should not be mounted, exported, or mapped to a host or
application, and they should be restored (pushed) onto an isolated staging (or air-gapped)
environment rather than directly onto the target hosts or applications. A less secure option is
to allow the target hosts or applications limited read-only access (e.g., mapping or mounting)
during restore only, and remove such access as soon as restore is complete.
(b) Long-term archived or backed up copies should not be mounted, exported, or mapped
directly to a host or application.
IS-SS-R8Consider setting up an air gap: Organizations should consider setting up an air gap
around the cyber-attack recovery copies of sensitive data. Strict implementations of air-gapping
should provide full physical and network-level separation. Certain storage technologies also
introduce less strict isolation technologies, also referred to as “air-gapping” that enable shutting
down data ports and opening them during a limited time for the periodic sync with the
production system. It is important to weigh the effectiveness of each of those techniques based
on the value of the data and the capabilities of the adversary. When strict implementations are
chosen, attention should be paid to circumventing known vulnerabilities of air-gaped systems
that include:
(a) Preventing visual, audible, and thermal signal transmission between air-gapped systems
and other equipment (e.g., by maintaining sufficient distance, or using dampening and/or
sufficient physical distance).
(b) Preventing any potential wireless transmission capabilities in air-gapped equipment.
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(c) Disabling exposed data ports (e.g., USB, network).
(d) Using power conditioning, or separated power circuits.
IS-SS-R9Perform periodic isolation reviews: The above isolation recommendations should
be checked at least once per year, as part of a periodic audit to ensure that there are no
configuration gaps or drifts that may compromise the isolation of the cyber-attack recovery copy.
Sensitive and high-value storage systems may require at least a quarterly audit, and after every
major change - whichever comes first. Audit results should be documented.
IS-SS-R10Consider the use of immutable storage, which could help further isolate and
protect recovery data (e.g., retention locking, vault locking, immutability policies).
4.8 Restoration Assurance
To ensure successful recovery from BC or DR events, and a cyber-attack, it is not enough to
simply have a process in place. Organizations should also verify that all components of critical
data assets are protected and can be restored faithfully, consistently, and completely and that the
speed and currency of restoration are aligned with business and regulatory requirements. In many
cases, organizations have backups of their critical systems but do not regularly check whether
these backups can actually be used to restore the system. However, due to configuration drifts,
changes in the environment, or even a malicious attack that compromises the backups, they are
faced with a reality in which they cannot use the backed-up data to recover. The following
security recommendations apply for obtaining restoration assurance.
RA-SS-R1 – Ensure the completeness of recovery copies: All storage elements that contain
components of critical data assets should be protected and backed up to support both DR and
cyber-attack recovery. This includes storage volumes, critical file systems, databases, software
images, certificates, encryption keys, startup files, catalog info, ACLs, virtualization settings, and
configuration files.
RA-SS-R2 – Protect all dependent components: Dependent components, such as Active
Directory and DNS, external key management systems should be protected to enable full
recovery. If automated build-processes are used to configure storage, source-code repositories,
build-environment, and build-procedures should be protected as well.
RA-SS-R3 – The availability of all relevant software and hardware components: All of the
relevant software and hardware components (e.g., drivers, firmware) used to run the system
should be backed up, protected, and available for a restore operation.
RA-SS-R4The elected backup and data copies technologies and media should match
organizational RTO requirements: Recovery time objective (RTO), is a Key Performance
Indicator (KPI) used to define the expected recovery speed. The ability to meet RTOs should be
examined holistically, including all dependent and related components (e.g., restoration of data,
configuration files, encryption keys) while also balancing the actual recovery speed that is
required with the cost that it would take to align all of the dependent components to enable this
expected recovery speed.
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RA-SS-R5Test restore to ensure required RTO: Perform a periodic test restore to ensure
that it is completed successfully and that it meets the required timeframe.
RA-SS-R6Meeting RPO requirements: Set a recovery point objective (RPO) for each data
asset, which is the amount of data that can be lost following a failure, expressed in time. The
design and implementation of the backup and data copy technologies should support data
recovery while meeting this objective.
RA-SS-R7Meeting organizational frequency and retention requirements: The data
retention and copy frequency requirements for each data asset (refer to DP-SS-R1 for more
details) should be set. The design and implementation of the backup and data copy technologies
should support the requirements.
RA-SS-R8Ensure that remote replicas backup and data copies are in good health:
Periodically validate that the backup copies are in good health. This includes checking that there
are no relevant logged errors and that the backup and data copy media is in healthy state.
Frequency of validation should match sensitivity and value of protected data, but no less than
once per year. Keeping the sample ratio around 1 – 1.5 orders of magnitude lower than the
frequency of backup could serve as a solid foundation (e.g., hourly copies validated daily, daily
copies by-weekly to monthly, etc.).
RA-SS-R9Enable the separate restoration of data and application: The data should be
separated from the application to allow for the data to be restored without restoring infected code
or software.
RA-SS-R10Document the DR plan, resources, mapping to production, flow, and test
procedures: A disaster recovery plan for storage infrastructure should be written, including all
of the resources, its mapping to production, flows, and test procedures. These documents should
be backed up as well.
RA-SS-R11 – Cyber hygiene of data copies: For mission-critical information, cyber-attack
recovery copies should be scanned with various anti-malware scanning tools for known
vulnerabilities and anomalies. Ideally, all copies should be scanned. If that is not possible, scan a
subset of the copies, and keep a record of those copies scanned and secure. Cyber hygiene tools
include antivirus, anti-malware, vulnerability scanning, and security analytics.
RA-SS-R12Perform periodic audits: The above recommendations should be reviewed as
part of a periodic audit to check completeness of copies, re-evaluate dependencies, software and
hardware requirements, suitability of technology to support recovery speed, RPO, retention,
health-checking, DR plan, and cyber-hygiene. Gaps should be identified, tracked, and
remediated. Frequency of auditing should match sensitivity and value of protected data, but no
less than once per year. Sensitive and high-value storage systems may require at least a quarterly
audit, and after every major change - whichever comes first. Audit results should be documented.
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4.9 Encryption
Encryption is the conversion of data from a readable form (i.e., plaintext) into an unreadable
form (i.e., ciphertext) that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people. In storage
systems, the encryption of sensitive information should be implemented end to end, including:
Data at rest Data that is physically or logically stored in the storage infrastructure (e.g.,
tapes, disks, optical media) should be encrypted. A comprehensive approach should be
taken that incorporates not only the data itself but also metadata, which can include
access permissions, labels, paths, and journaling information.
Data in transit When the data is transferred between storage elements (e.g., read or
written by a client, replicated between storage devices or pools, transmitted in server-
based SAN, Storage vMotion) and in transit throughout the network, it should be
encrypted unless the entire communication media is within a protected environment such
as a data center.
Administrative access This includes connections through standard and proprietary
protocols and APIs to configure or control storage elements, storage networking, and
Encryption relies on the availability and management of cryptographic keys. All communication
parties should have access to the required keys, which need to be generated, distributed, and
disposed of. Key management provides the necessary functionality, and is a fundamental
requirement in most environments. Detailed recommendation for key management is provided in
NIST SP 800-57 Part 1 [41].
The following encryption guidance is applicable to storage infrastructure and should be used:
EN-SS-R1TLS, hashing, and encryption: To support encrypted communication between
storage clients and servers, Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol should be used. To prevent
the use of insecure or outdated configuration, the selection and configuration of TLS protocol
implementations, including the selection of TLS version, and the choice of hashing and
encryption algorithms, should be based on the following guidelines (or more current versions
when published):
Guidelines for the Selection, Configuration, and Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Implementations (NIST SP800-52 Rev2) [37]
SNIA TLS Specification for Storage Systems Version 1.1 [38]
EN-SS-R2 – Cleartext protocols (e.g., HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Telnet, File
Transfer Protocol (FTP), or Remote Shell (RSH)) should not be used: Cleartext protocols are
vulnerable to sniffing, interception, and other attacks as they do not encrypt traffic or logon
details, making it easy for an eavesdropper to intercept this information. In some
implementations, HTTP is supported only for the purpose of redirection to HTTPS to deal with
the case of mistyped URL. This should not be allowed in sensitive storage environments.
EN-SS-R3 Encryption for storage management API sessions: Storage management APIs
and CLIs are used for administrative access to storage systems. All API and CLI client sessions
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should be encrypted leveraging features such as vendor configuration options within the
management software or the API/CLI software component.
EN-SS-R4 Encryption for administrative access sessions: Administrative sessions over
HTTP should use TLS (HTTPS). CLI access should be encrypted using SSH rather than Telnet.
The authentication during API access should not use cleartext, and the session itself should be
EN-SS-R5 Enable FIPS mode for FIPS-based environments: FIPS 140-3 specifies that a
cryptographic module should be a set of hardware, software, firmware, or some combination of
those that implements cryptographic functions or processes, including cryptographic algorithms
and, optionally, key generation, and is contained within a defined cryptographic boundary. FIPS
specifies certain crypto algorithms as secure, and identifies which algorithms should be used if a
cryptographic module is to be called FIPS-compliant. Organizations that are FIPS-compliant
should ensure that FIPS mode is enabled in their FIPS-compliant storage infrastructure
EN-SS-R6 – At-rest encryption of sensitive data: At-rest encryption protects against a variety
of data-related risks (including unauthorized access, compromise in case of media loss or theft,
etc.) and should be enabled for sensitive data. Certain considerations should be applied:
Use of infrastructure encryption: the use of built-in encryption capabilities provided by
a drive, storage array, or cloud storage, whether using the vendor keys or organization-
provided keys can protect against device loss, misplacement, or theft but is not
considered an effective control against:
o In-band attacks When an attacker compromises a host already mapped to the
storage (or when the storage can be mapped using legitimate means to an
unauthorized host).
o Privilege escalation attacks - Administrators or attackers gaining elevated right
can either disable encryption or decrypt the data.
Use of end-to-end encryption: Data is encrypted at its source (e.g., an application,
database, volume), presenting only ciphertext to the storage infrastructure and
administrators. While it significantly increases security, application-level encryption
comes at a cost, which can sometimes be considerable:
o Data-reduction mechanisms are impacted For example, compression and
deduplication can become drastically less effective.
o Management is more complex.
Use of dual independent layers of encryption: should be considered for sensitive data
storage where possible. This configuration improves resilience to key compromise;
especially if diverse crypto services are used.
Data retention requirements should be taken into consideration: If encrypted data is
backed up or archived, relevant keys should be protected for a similar duration.
Alternatively, the backed-up data should be re-keyed. In either case, data and encryption
keys should not be kept together.
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EN-SS-R7 – Data in transit encryption:
(a) Block over Fibre-Channel: Link encryption for FC, while defined in ANSI/ INCITS
545-2019, Information Technology - Fibre-Channel - Framing and Signaling - 5 (FC-FS-
5), is currently not supported by most HBAs and storage vendors. For sensitive
information use of end-to-end (host to storage) encryption.
(b) Block over IP: IP storage traffic is subject to the same security risks as regular IP
networks. By default, block-over IP protocols do not provide data confidentially,
integrity, or authentication per packet. Similar to link encryption, while specifications for
IP storage traffic encryptions exist, current technology does not natively support it.
When using block-over IP protocols (e.g., iSCSI, FCIP, proprietary protocols), consider
using IPsec tunneling for exposed network segments. In addition, for sensitive
information use of end-to-end (host to storage) encryption.
(c) File and object storage access: Data encryption in-flight options should be enabled for
backup systems and for remote replication whenever supported. For file access, sensitive
data should be transmitted and encrypted using mechanisms such as SMB encryption,
and available NFS encryption options such as those offered by cloud vendors, or NFS
over TLS using tunneling (e.g., ‘stunnel’). Ensure that objects are accessed through
(d) Extended network communication beyond the boundaries of a physically protected
domain: Particular attention should be paid to enable encryption on all connectivity
segments that extend network communication beyond the boundaries of a physically
protected domain (e.g., an ISL link between two physically separated datacenters, IP
traffic over WAN or the internet).
EN-SS-R8 Communication between storage system components should be encrypted:
Storage system component interaction should be reviewed, and available encryption options
should be utilized. Encryption should be used to protect communication between storage nodes
and managers, active-active storage nodes with witness devices, communication with policy
servers and antivirus servers.
EN-SS-R9 – Requirements for Encryption key management: Follow general
recommendations in NIST SP 800-57 Parts 1-3 for key management, in particular lifetime,
maximum amount of data that can be protected by a key, key management infrastructure, re-
keying, auditing, and key backup and recovery.
4.10 Administrative Access
Administrative access is required to control and manage almost all types of IT infrastructure.
This section focuses on the of administrative access recommendations for storage elements,
including arrays, network and fabric, management tools, backup, replication, and cloud storage.
Administrative access can be based on a direct connection to the storage component and through
a management software. Both connection types can involve various interfaces, including a
management UI, CLI, and API.
Securing administrative access is critical, as most storage risks discussed in Section 3.2 above,
including the most devastating, could materialize if not well-controlled.
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Certain other sections in this chapter include aspects that overlap with administrative access. To
eliminate repetition, additional relevant recommendations can be found in:
Section 4.9 above, regarding encryption.
Section 4.3 above, regarding data-related access controls, part of which may also apply to
The following security guidelines are recommended for the configuration of administrative
AA-SS-R1 Limit network access to management ports of SAN switches: Network access to
management ports of SAN switches should be limited to devices and administrators specifically
assigned to manage the switches through a mechanism such as an access control list (ACL).
AA-SS-R2 – Control and limit the devices and components that have administrative
capabilities to the minimum required: This includes CLI servers, management consoles, API
gateways, witness hosts, and storage devices with control permissions. In particular:
(a) Actively discover components that have storage administration capabilities to make sure that
only the components that are authorized have them. Remove unnecessary ones, if found, and
(b) Remove unnecessary rights and capabilities from authorized devices.
AA-SS-R3 – Implement the principle of least-privilege: Limit the rights of users with
administrative rights to the minimum required. This includes the minimum actions that the user
can carry out and limiting the scope of these permissions to include only the relevant systems or
regions. Full administrative rights should only be granted to users who require these rights.
AA-SS-R4Limit the access rights of service accounts: Service accounts, such as ones used
by monitoring tools, should be limited to read-only and metadata-only access.
AA-SS-R5Authenticate and authorize all CLI/API access: CLI/API usage should be
subject to authentication and authorization processes. In cases where it is not possible to perform
authentication or authorization, secure the unauthorized access with additional security measures,
such as using privilege management tools to restrict control to the minimum required commands
and objects.
AA-SS-R6 – Favor API access control over CLI/shell access: API access if available should
be used instead of CLI/shell access because of the latter’s ability to access OS and file system
including configuration files. If CLI is the only option available, then it should be used over
secure protocols such as SSH as stated in EN-SS-R4.
AA-SS-R7Restrict management consoles OS privileges: Access to management consoles
should only be provided through designated storage accounts, and not as an OS administrative
account (see also AC-SS-R20).
AA-SS-R8 – Management web user interface: The web service providing access to
management consoles should be hardened to meet or exceed the minimum standards of other
web-application servers in the organization.
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AA-SS-R9Restrict host storage control privileges: In certain shared data compute cluster
configurations (e.g., clusters, geo-clusters, scale-sets, or storage virtualization infrastructure),
hosts are granted administrative access to storage in order to control shared cluster data resource
allocation and behavior. When such administrative access is necessary, restrict the scope and
privileges granted to hosts to:
(a) Only the particular elements (e.g., LUNs, shares, files, objects) that the hosts need to
(b) Only the specific actions that the hosts need to perform.
AA-SS-R10 – Command device or gatekeeper configuration: Certain storage arrays allow in-
band administrative control to hosts that have access to special block devices (e.g., devices
referred to by certain vendors as “command device”, and ”gatekeeper”). Commands are
transferred using I/O operations on those special devices. When used, the following security
guidelines are recommended:
(a) Limit the use of control devices to the minimum possible: If feasible, eliminate the use
of such devices completely (e.g., using API access instead). If not, ensure that they are
mapped to required hosts only (e.g., management hosts).
(b) Scan for control devicesPerform network scanning to discover control devices, and
ensure that they are mapped to the required and authorized hosts only.
AA-SS-R11 – Disable or limit call home or remote access: Storage infrastructure systems may
have the ability to send certain telemetry and diagnostic data back to the manufacturer, such as
logs. In some cases, they even enable remote connection to the system by the manufacturer with
administrative rights. These mechanisms are in place to allow the manufacturer to investigate
and resolve technical issues, and to perform automated software updates. These capabilities
could potentially be exploited by hackers and should be disabled if they are not required.
However, if they are required, they should be limited and controlled by implementing the
following settings:
(a) Change the default credentials – Modify the default credentials used for the remote
(b) Limit permissions – Limit access permissions to only the minimal level required.
(c) Enforce encryption – Secure protocols such as TLS/SSH/IPSEC using FIPS approved
encryption algorithms should be used.
(d) Limit access with an “allow listUtilize an allow list that limits access by specific IPs
and specific users.
(e) Ensure remote access is fully logged All remote access should be fully logged for
auditing purposes.
(f) Enable built-in data obfuscation featuresThis is applicable for those storage devices
that allow the obfuscation of sensitive data, such as IP addresses, WWNs, device names,
and usernames.
(g) Limit the scope of data sent to the minimum required.
(h) Review and approve Periodically evaluate the data that is occasionally or
automatically being sent to the vendor, to ensure that it does not contain sensitive
information, such as IP addresses, usernames, or the actual content of storage devices.
Review that the connection is performed to valid vendor IP addresses.
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(i) Authorize each connection If possible, implement a mechanism that will ask
permission before allowing each connection.
(j) Restrict access to gateway system - When remote access by the vendor is performed
through a gateway device, server, or appliance, take particular care to secure and restrict
access to the gateway system.
(k) Disable software updates over vendor remote access links - In sensitive environments,
download and deployment of software components and updates (manual or automated)
should not be allowed through remote vendor connection links.
AA-SS-R12 – Limit network access for management: In addition to separating management
from other traffic (see Sections 4.6 and 4.7) in sensitive environments, further access control to
management networks is recommended, by using mechanisms such as:
(a) Virtual Private Network (VPN), IPsec, or one or more “jump servers” - Using VPN,
IPsec, or one or more “jump servers” or “login proxies,” which are dedicated servers in the
management network that are the only ones accessible from outside of the network and can
serve to connect to other servers after proper authentication and authorization.
(b) Enhanced logging and tracing - such as session recording.
AA-SS-R13 Secure and protect core storage management files and binaries: Storage
management software often includes configuration files that present various options to control
how the storage system would operate, including undocumented options. Such sensitive
directories and files should be kept with appropriate limited permission and with correct
ownership and group membership. This includes:
Configuration files - outlining users and roles, network settings, consistency groups,
device groups, and other storage options. The configuration files that define consistency
and device groups are often automatically propagated from central management hosts to
other hosts that are attached to the managed storage system. Thus, if compromised, it can
affect multiple systems.
Scripts - to control starting, monitoring, and stopping storage management services and
daemons as well as the binaries themselves should be kept in a secure way.
The following controls should be applied to configuration files, scripts, and any other important
management-related files:
(a) Restrict access and permissions, and control ownership of key folders and files.
(b) For sensitive environments, consider monitoring for content changes in such files to
prevent unauthorized ones.
AA-SS-R14 - The use of an approved PKI mechanism for management access: Use an
organization approved and certified centralized PKI system for the management of storage
device management, and for storage management consoles rather than device or software self-
signed certificates.
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4.11 Configuration Management
The purpose of configuration management is to provide visibility and control over settings,
behavior, and the physical and logical attributes of storage assets throughout their life cycle. In
the context of storage security, this involves:
Maintaining comprehensive and current inventory,
Managing change, and
Ensuring that the configuration continually meets the organization’s security baselines
and current industry best-practices and that it is free of known risks.
To this end, appropriate controls, policies, processes, and tools are required. Comprehensive
guidance for IT configuration management is provided in NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53
[28]. The following paragraphs contain recommendations applicable to storage infrastructure.
CM-SS-R1 – Create a comprehensive inventory of all storage devices: This includes
identifying the name, address, location, and software, firmware, or driver versions for all storage
components, including:
Storage virtualization systems,
Management consoles,
Hosts used to monitor storage remote network connectivity status (e.g. Witness hosts),
Hosts installed with storage management software or plugins,
Data protection appliances,
Backup clients and servers,
Storage network switches,
Storage adapters or “Host-Bus Adapters (HBA)”,
I/O multipathing software,
Pairing of primary and (replication) destination storage systems,
Designated backup servers for hosts or off-site backup,
Tape libraries and drives, and
Disk drives and removable media.
CM-SS-R2 – Create a comprehensive inventory of all data and configuration assets: This
includes identifying logical data components and data access configurations through the
following assets:
Storage pools, LUNs, masking, and zoning
Initiators and initiator groups
File shares and ACLs
Object storage pools, buckets, etc.
Replicas and snapshots.
Backup catalog and access rights.
Backup sets (on-premises, archived, virtualized in the cloud, on tapes, archive appliances,
Users, groups, roles, and rights.
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Host access configuration to storage assets (e.g., LUNs, file shares, global file systems,
object storage).
Images of storage software, virtual appliances, etc.
CM-SS-R3Create a comprehensive storage security policy, either as a dedicated policy or
as part of the organization’s security policy. It should include configuration baselines for storage
systems and could be based on:
Recommendations from this publication and cited sources
Storage-related security standards internal to the organization
Relevant vendor security-best practices
CM-SS-R4Keep the storage security policy current: The storage security policy should be
reviewed and updated periodically (at least annually). The security baseline should be updated
with the latest vendor and industry recommendations available for storage systems and/or
specific storage devices (preferably on a quarterly basis, at least).
CM-SS-R5Periodically and proactively assess configuration compliance to storage
security policy:
(a) Make sure that the actual configuration meets the storage security baselines, and identify
(b) Track the remediation of gaps in a timely manner.
(c) Consider developing KPIs to track the compliance to storage security baselines based on
types of data, their organization function, and their sensitivity.
CM-SS-R6 – Create a storage change management process as a dedicated process or as part
of the organization’s general change management process. It should cover:
(a) Planning, reviewing, and approving storage configuration changes.
(b) Updating environment documentation and inventory (e.g., infrastructure, data,
(c) Assessing compliance to relevant security baselines following any change to the sensitive
storage environment.
CM-SS-R7 – Detect unauthorized storage security changes: There should be a process for
detecting unauthorized changes to storage configuration using logging, comparison of
configuration storage assets to past states, or comparison to organization approved baselines.
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CM-SS-R8 – Software updates and patches:
(a) Ensure storage software release is updated: There should be a process for periodically
updating storage software to the latest stable and secure storage release available. This
includes management software, API and CLI packages, array and HBA firmware
versions, and OS drivers.
(b) Ensure important security updates and patches are installed: There should be a
process to proactively and frequently install important and urgent storage security fixes
and patches.
(c) Mitigation plan for missing patchesstorage components with a critical vulnerability,
for which the vendor has not issued an update or patch, should be suspended from use,
unless an appropriate mitigation plan can be defined.
CM-SS-R9 – Network topology documentation: Maintain current storage-related network
documentation, including drawings (FC and IP).
CM-SS-R10 – Audit FC SAN security configuration: Over time, some security changes might
not be reliably propagated across all switches in the fabric. FC SANs should be periodically
reviewed (Just like IP and Ethernet-based networking), to assess their security, identify and
prioritize gaps, and define a remediation plan. Security review should be performed at least
annually, and in sensitive environments, at least quarterly, or after any major change – whichever
comes first. Audit results should be documented.
4.12 Training
ST-SS-R1 – Storage security training: A storage security training program should be defined,
and incorporated into existing organizational training activities and schedules, to accommodate
the following audiences:
Information Security Professionals – to provide them the fundamental background of
storage security.
Storage administratorsto familiarize them with storage security principles, and
organization policies and security baselines.
Managersto understand the fundamentals of data protection.
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5 Summary and Conclusions
Starting with an overview of the storage technology landscape, this document has discussed the
threats and resulting risks to the safe utilization of storage resources. It has also provided detailed
security recommendations for the secure deployment, configuration, and operation of storage
resources in various security focus areas. These focus areas spanned the following:
Areas that are common to all IT infrastructures, such as physical security, authentication
and authorization, audit logging, network configuration, change management, incidence
response and recovery, administrative access, and configuration management.
Areas that are specific to storage infrastructures, such as data protection and
confidentiality protection using encryption, isolation, and restoration assurance.
Along with compute (encompassing operating system and host hardware) and network
infrastructures, storage infrastructure is one of the three fundamental pillars of IT. However,
compared to its counterparts, it has received relatively limited attention when it comes to
security, even though data compromise can have as much of a negative impact on an enterprise
as security breaches in compute and network infrastructures. The security recommendations for
storage infrastructures in this document provide a basis for securing an important element of IT
Building an effective risk management program for storage infrastructure based on the security
controls described in this document and tightly integrating it with existing cybersecurity
frameworks [40] could significantly improve an organization’s resilience to different kinds of
attacks on data resources.
This publication is available free of charge from:
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[2] Storage Networking Industry AssociationRDMA (2020) Fibre Channel (FC). Available
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[27] Wikipedia (2020) Privilege escalation. Available at
[28] Joint Task Force (2020) Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and
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NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Rev. 5.
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[36] Grassi P.A, Fenton J.L, Newton E.M, Perlner R.A, Regenscheid A.R, Burr W, Richer J.P
(2020) Digital Identity Guidelines: Authentication and Lifecycle Management. (National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication
(SP) 800-63B, Includes updates as of March 02, 2020.
[37] McKay K.A, Cooper D.A (2019) Guidelines for the Selection, Configuration, and Use of
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Implementations (NIST SP800-52 Rev2). (National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication
(SP) 800-52 Rev 2.
This publication is available free of charge from:
[38] SNIA (2020) TLS Specification for Storage Systems Version 1.1. Available at
[39] Department of Homeland Security (2017) Reducing the Risk of SNMP Abuse. Available
[40] National Institute of Standards and Technology (2018) Framework for Improving Critical
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[41] Barker EB (2020) Recommendation for Key Management: Part 1 General. (National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication
(SP) 800-57 Part 1, Rev. 5.
This publication is available free of charge from:
Appendix A: Acronyms
Selected acronyms and abbreviations used in the document are defined below.
ACL Access Control List
API Application Programming Interface
BC Business Continuity
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
BLOB Binary Large Object
CAS Content Addressable Storage
CDN Content Delivery Networks
CDP Continuous Data Protection
CHAP Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CIFS Common Internet File System
CISO Chief Information Security Officer
CSO Chief Security Officer (interchangeable with CISO)
CLI Command Line Interface
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSI Container Storage Interface
CTO Chief Technology Officer
DAS Directly Attached Storage
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service (name of an attack)
DMA Direct Memory Access
DoS Denial of Service (name of an attack)
DR Disaster Recovery
FC Fibre-Channel
FCIP Fibre-Channel over IP
FCoE Fibre-Channel over Ethernet
FCF FCoE Forwarder
FIP FCoE Initialization Protocol
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards
GNS Global Name Server
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GPS Global Positioning System
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HBA Host Bus Adapter
HCI Hyper-Converged Infrastructure
HDD Hard Disk Drives
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HPC High Performance Computing
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
IP Internet Protocol
ISL Inter Switch Link
IS Information Security
IT Information Technology
iFCP Internet Fibre-Channel Protocol
iSCSI Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (IP version of SCSI)
iSNS Internet Storage Name Service
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LAN Local Area Network
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LUN Logical Unit Number
LVM Logical Volume Manager
MAC Message Authentication Codes
MD5 Message-Digest algorithm version 5
MFA Multi Factor Authentication
MITM Man In The Middle (type of attack)
NAS Network-attached Storage
NDMP Network Data Management Protocol (used in backup)
NFS Network File System
NIC Network Interface Card
NS Name Server
NTP Network Time Protocol
NVM Non Volatile Memory
NVMe Non Volatile Memory express (logical-device interface specification for
non-volatile storage media attached via PCI Express bus)
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NVMe-oF NVMe over Fibre
OS Operating System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection (standard for networking and
PBKDF2 Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2
PCI “Payment Card Industry” (in regulatory context) as well as Peripheral
Component Interconnect(as a technical term for a computer system bus)
PCIe PCI express (a more modern evolution of the PCI bus)
PCI-DSS Payment Card Industry Digital Security Standard
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PWWN Port World-Wide Name
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
pNFS Parallel NFS
QA Quality Assurance
QoS Quality of Service
RDMA Remote Direct Memory Access
REST Representational State Transfer
RFID Radio-Frequency Identification
RPO Recovery Point Objective
RSH Remote Shell
RTO Recovery Time Objective
SAN Storage Area Network
SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SDS Software-Defined Storage
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm (a family of algorithms)
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
SMB Server Message Block (Windows native network file access protocol)
SMI-S Storage Management Initiative Specification
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNS Simple Name Server
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SoC System on Chip
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SPKM Simple Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism
SQL Structured Query Language
SRP Server Routing Protocol
SSD Solid-State Drive
SSH Secure SHell
SSO Single Sign On
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
TTL Time To Live
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UI User Interface
USB Universal Serial Bus
VLAN Virtual LAN
VM Virtual Machine
VPC Virtual Private Cloud
VPN Virtual Private Network
WAN Wide Area Network
WORM Write Once Read Many
WWN World-Wide Name (used in FC SAN)
XML eXtensible Markup Language