Please submit to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs using the District of Columbia Short-
Term Rental Licensure platform as part of your Short-Term Rental License application.
Short-Term/Vacation Rental Attestation Form
I, property owner and applicant for a Short-Term Rental (STR) and/or Vacation Rental
(VR) license(s) at the below location, hereinafter the “Owner,do hereby attest the
The bylaws, house rules, or other governing documents of the homeowner/condo/
cooperative governing board or association, hereinafter the “Association,either:
Expressly allow Short Term and/or Vacation Rentals at the below-listed property
that I own; OR
Do not prohibit owners from operating Short Term and/or Vacation Rentals at the
below-listed property that I own; OR
Allow Short Term and/or Vacation Rentals at the below-listed property that I own
pursuant to the following conditions, which I attest that I am in compliance with:
I attest that I have received written permission from the Association to operate a
STR/VR at the below listed property and will maintain that permission in my
records for as long as I hold a STR/VR license and for three years after expiration
of any rental licenses.
I understand that:
While occupied by STR/VR tenant(s), said tenant(s) shall abide by the laws of the
District of Columbia and the bylaws of the Association.
This Agreement does not change the apportionment of responsibility for code
violations between the Owner and Association under District of Columbia law.
The actions of STR/VR tenant(s) may subject either or both parties to liability for
code violations, as provided for in District of Columbia law, the bylaws, house
rules, and governing documents of the Association.
This Agreement shall hold the District of Columbia harmless from any injury,
damage, or negligence due to any actions of the Owner or STR/VR tenants.
Please submit to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs using the District of Columbia Short-
Term Rental Licensure platform as part of your Short-Term Rental License application.
The Owner expressly acknowledges responsibility for Association fees, upkeep,
damage, and any disturbance to neighbors as a result of the actions of STR/VR
I may be requested, at any time, to provide supporting evidence/
documentation for the attestation checked above and failure to provide this
information within 5 business days may result in my license(s) being automatically
I certify under penalty of perjury under the law of the District of Columbia that
the foregoing is true and correct. I understand that false statements on this form
may subject me to civil fines and/or criminal penalties.
Property Address (including, if applicable, unit number)
Owner First and Last name (print legibly or type)
______________________________________________ ____________
Owner Signature Date
Contact Information for Association:
Full Name of Association Contact
Title (e.g., Board President, Management Company)
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Phone Number Email Address