1. Overseas Travel Insurance
a. Included – Complimentary Overseas
Travel Insurance
b. Optional – Upgraded Benets
2. Other Insurances
Included – For purchases made on or
after 3 September 2024
C r e d i t C a r d
Product Disclosure Statement
(PDS) and Information Booklet.
Eective 3 September 2024.
Welcome 4-9
About the credit card insurance 5
Things you need to understand 8
Overseas Travel Insurance overview 10-13
Contact details back cover
Benets Tables 14-19
Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance 14
Upgraded Benets 16
Other Insurances 20
Emergency Assistance and Claims 24-26
24 hour emergency assistance 24
How to make a claim 25
Helpful Tips 27
Safety of your belongings 27
Cruising in Australian waters 28
Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement 28
Important Information 29-58
Who issues and insures these products? 29
Duty to take reasonable care not to make
a misrepresentation 29
Words with special meaning 31
Policy conditions 40
General exclusions 53
Overseas Travel Insurance 59-85
Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance 59
Upgraded Benets 69
Other Insurances 86-97
Interstate Flight Inconvenience 87
Transit Accident 90
Price Guarantee 93
Purchase Security 94
Extended Warranty 95
General Information 98-103
Financial Claims Scheme 98
General Insurance Code of Practice 98
Change of terms and conditions 98
We respect your privacy 99
About the Group Policy 101
Termination of the Group Policy 102
Cancelling your cover 102
Complaints and disputes resolution process 103
Make sure you read this booklet carefully before you make a
decision about the types of credit card insurance explained in
it. It’ll help you decide whether the insurance meets your needs
and can even be used to compare with other options you may
be considering.
Any recommendation or opinion in this booklet is of general
nature only (we can’t take into account your objectives,
financial situation or needs).
This booklet contains important information about the insurer,
Zurich Australian Insurance Limited (ZAIL), ABN 13 000 296
640, AFS Licence Number 232507 (referred to as “we”, “our”
and “us” in relation to the insurance), its agent Cover-More
Insurance Services Pty Ltd ABN 95 003 114 145, AFSL 241713
(Cover-More) as well as Bankwest and other relevant persons.
Bankwest is a division of Commonwealth Bank of Australia
ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL/Australian credit licence 234945
and its successors and assigns. Bankwest is not the insurer of
the insurance referred to in this booklet. It and any of its related
corporations do not guarantee, and are not liable to pay, any of
the benefits under these covers.
About the credit card
This booklet includes every detail of the credit card insurance
available to cardholders, so you know exactly what’s covered,
what’s not covered and what you need to do to get the
The credit card insurance consists of the following:
1. Overseas Travel Insurance which is in two parts:
A. Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance which
has cover for overseas medical and dental expenses,
accidental death, personal liability and baggage and
personal goods.
B. Upgraded Benefits which has cover available for
additional expenses, cancellation costs, baggage and
travel delay, a longer period of insurance, specified
existing medical conditions and rental car insurance
excess if you apply for the cover and pay the premium.
2. Other Insurances
A range of protections included for purchases made using
your eligible credit card.
The cover available to you depends upon the type of Bankwest
credit card you have.
Please note there is limited cover for COVID-19.
Certain words have special meanings and are shown
in bold.
See Words with special meaning, pages 31-39.
For example:
Platinum Mastercard means a current and valid
Bankwest Platinum Mastercard credit card,
excluding Bankwest Platinum Zero Mastercard.
eligible credit card means, unless otherwise
specified, one of the following issued by
a current and valid Bankwest Platinum
Mastercard credit card, excluding Bankwest
Platinum Zero Mastercard
a current and valid Bankwest World
Mastercard credit card
An eligible credit card that is not activated or
that is currently cancelled or suspended is not
current and valid.
1. Overseas Travel
For information and an overview please see pages 10-13.
A. Included – Complimentary Overseas Travel
These benefits are provided to cardholders at no charge unless
otherwise shown.
Eligible credit cards
Overseas Emergency Medical
and Hospital Expenses*
Personal Liability
Accidental Death
Baggage and Personal Goods
Additional Expenses*
Must apply
for and pay
a premium
for Upgraded
Cancellation Costs*
* Persons (cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age or over at
the relevant time are not eligible for medical or health related
cover related to their health under these benefits.
B. Optional – Upgraded Benefits
Cardholders under 80 years of age at the relevant time can
apply for Upgraded Benefits to get the cover shown in the table
under Other Upgrades below and Further Covers on page7.
A premium applies for these benefits.
Other Upgrades
Eligible credit cards
Additional Period of Cover
Existing Medical Conditions Cover
Please keep in mind that the benefits and limits
available depend on the type of credit card you have.
Persons (cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age
or over at the relevant time, if you like, can call
Cover-More on 1300 468 340 to enquire about other
travel insurance options that may be available to you.
Further Covers
Eligible credit cards
Additional expenses
Included in
Overseas Travel
Cancellation Costs
Special Event
Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess
Kidnap and Ransom
Hijack and Detention
Baggage Delay Expenses
Travel Documents, Traveller’s
Cheques, Credit Cards and Cash
Travel Delay Expenses
Domestic Pets Boarding
Overseas Funeral or Cremation, or
Body Repatriation
Travel Services Provider Insolvency
Resumption of Journey
Loss of Income
* Persons (cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age or over at
the relevant time are not eligible for medical or health related
cover related to their health under these benefits.
2. Other Insurances
Other Insurances are included on these eligible credit
Eligible credit cards
Interstate Flight Inconvenience
Transit Accident
Price Guarantee
Purchase Security
Extended Warranty
For an overview please see Other Insurances information,
pages 20-23.
Things you need to understand
– The Included Cover (Complimentary Overseas Travel
Insurance and Other Insurances) is available to
cardholders, who meet the specified eligibility criteria for
these covers, under a Group Policy entered into by us with
Bankwest, not with you. See pages 101-102 for details
of this arrangement.
Persons 80 years of age or over at the relevant time are
not eligible for medical or health related cover under
any part of Benefit 1: Overseas Emergency Medical and
Hospital Expenses.
– Persons (cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age or over at
the relevant time on a World Mastercard are not eligible
for cover under any part of Benefit 5. Additional Expenses
or Benefit 6: Cancellation Costs for claims due to their
– The Upgraded Benefits are not available to persons
(cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age or over at the
relevant time.
– The Upgraded Benefits are a contract of insurance
between us and you. A premium applies. In order to obtain
the extra benefits, cardholders need to apply for Upgraded
Benefits for each journey before commencing the journey.
You can obtain the Upgraded Benefits on the Bankwest
website or App or by calling 1300 468 340. A premium
applies. We will then issue a Certificate Of Insurance to
you. We cannot issue Upgraded Benefits after you have
left Australia.
– If you extend your journey (see page 11) so that it is
longer than the maximum duration shown on page10
applying to the eligible credit card, any additional period is
covered by a contract of insurance between us and you. A
premium applies. We will issue a Certificate Of Insurance
to you.
– If you apply for cover for your existing medical condition
and we approve cover and you pay us the required
premium, this additional cover is a contract of insurance
between us and you. See pages 45-50. We will issue
a Certificate Of Insurance to you.
Terms, conditions, limits and sub-limits apply – that’s why
it is important you read this booklet carefully.
Exclusions apply to restrict, limit and/or exclude cover.
Read the General exclusions on pages 53-58 and
the exclusions under each benefit section carefully to see
what we don’t cover.
Cover is only provided during the period of cover – which
differs for each type of eligible card.
You might notice some words in bold – these have special
meanings. See pages 31-39 for more info.
For example you, your or yourself means any of the following if
they are eligible for the cover:
The cardholder
– The cardholder’s family.
Overseas Travel
Insurance overview
Am I eligible for Complimentary
Overseas Travel Insurance ?
If you have an eligible credit card, you’re eligible for
Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance when you:
a. travel to an overseas destination from Australia, and
b. hold an eligible credit card at the time of loss that has
been activated and is not cancelled or suspended.
eligible credit card means, unless otherwise specified, one of
the following issued by Bankwest:
a current and valid Bankwest Platinum Mastercard credit
card, excluding Bankwest Platinum Zero Mastercard
a current and valid Bankwest World Mastercard credit card
An eligible credit card that is not activated or that is currently
cancelled or suspended is not current and valid.
Spouse and/or accompanied child/children
If you meet all of the above criteria, then your spouse and/
or accompanied child/children are automatically eligible for
Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance as long as each
of them travels with you on the same itinerary for the entire
Persons 80 years of age or over
Persons (cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age or over at
the relevant time are not eligible for medical cover or claims
related to their health under any part of Benefit 1: Overseas
Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses, Benefit 5.
Additional Expenses or Benefit 6: Cancellation Costs.
How long can I be insured for?
Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance covers a maximum
duration per journey of up to:
31 consecutive days for Bankwest Platinum Mastercard
cardholders, or
six consecutive months for Bankwest World Mastercard
Extending the period of cover
If a cardholder is travelling for longer than the maximum
duration per journey applying to the eligible credit card shown
on page 10, the cardholder can apply to extend the period
they are covered for.
This additional cover is a contract of insurance between us and
you. If accepted and the cardholder pays us any premium that
applies, we will issue a Certificate Of Insurance to you. The
cardholder’s Certificate of Insurance will show the extended
The maximum period of cover (from the commencement of
your journey, inclusive of the complimentary duration) cannot
three consecutive months for Bankwest Platinum
Mastercard cardholders, or
12 consecutive months for Bankwest World Mastercard
What that means is:
– if you have a Platinum Mastercard, you can extend your
cover for the relevant journey by up to two months.
– If you have a World Mastercard, you can extend your cover
for the relevant journey by up to six months.
The maximum period of cover can only be extended in the
following ways:
Prior to leaving Australia
You can apply to extend the period of cover through the
Bankwest website or App or by calling 1300 468 340
and pay the required premium before commencing the
If you are overseas
You can contact us prior to the expiry of the maximum
duration shown under How long can I be insured for?
page 10 and pay the required premium for the extended
Please call 1300 468 340 (within Australia) or
+61 2 8907 5061 (from overseas).
Who do I tell that I’m travelling?
You don’t have to tell Bankwest or us that you will be travelling
as you’re automatically eligible for Complimentary Overseas
Travel Insurance, provided you’re a cardholder and meet the
eligibility, definitions, terms and conditions, exclusions and
claims procedures contained in this booklet.
However, if you want to:
apply for Upgraded Benefits, please see the following on
page 12
apply for cover for your existing medical conditions,
please see pages 45-50
travel for longer than the complimentary maximum
duration applying to the eligible credit card, please see
Extending the period of cover page 11.
How do I get the Upgraded Benefits?
If you have a Bankwest Platinum Mastercard or Bankwest
World Mastercard, you’re eligible for optional Upgraded
Benefits when you:
a. travel to an overseas destination from Australia
b. hold an eligible credit card at the time of loss that has
been activated and is not cancelled or suspended
c. apply for Upgraded Benefits before commencing the
journey (see this page for details of how to obtain
Upgraded Benefits) or during the journey if you are
applying for an additional period of cover, and
d. pay the required premium to us.
Platinum Mastercard means a current and valid Bankwest
Platinum Mastercard credit card, excluding Bankwest Platinum
Zero Mastercard.
Spouse and/or accompanied child/children
If you meet all of the above criteria, then your spouse and/or
accompanied child/children are automatically eligible for the
optional Upgraded Benefits as long as:
a. each of them travels with the you on the same itinerary for
the entire journey
b. each of them has been named on the Certificate of
Insurance (see this page for details of how to obtain
Upgraded Benefits), and
c. the required premium has been paid to us for them.
Persons 80 years of age or over
Persons (cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age or over at the
relevant time cannot apply for Upgraded Benefits.
How to obtain Upgraded Benefits
If you want to obtain Upgraded Benefits you need to
tell us that you will be travelling by:
applying through the Bankwest website or App, or
by calling 1300 468 340
before commencing the journey or during the journey if you are
applying for an additional period of cover.
The Upgraded Benefits are a contract of insurance between
us and you. A premium applies. We will issue a Certificate Of
Insurance to you.
Benefits Table
Summary of the benefits and limits
1.1 Overseas Emergency Medical and
Hospital Expenses~ – pages
$Unlimited* $Unlimited*
1.2 Hospital Incidentals~
– page 60
($100 per 24 hours)
($100 per 24 hours)
1.3 Assault Requiring Hospitalisation
– page 60
$500* $500*
1.4 Emergency Dental Expenses~
– page 60
per person
per person
2 Personal Liability – pages 62-63 $Nil
$2,500,000 $2,500,000
3 Accidental Death – page 64 $Nil
$25,000 cardholder
$25,000 spouse
$25,000 cardholder
$25,000 spouse
Baggage and Personal Goods
(Accidental damage, theft and
permanent loss)# – pages 64-68
cardholder only
cardholder with
cardholder only
cardholder with
5 Additional Expenses – pages 70-71 $250
See pages 16-19
for Upgraded Benefit details.
6 Cancellation Costs – pages 71-74 $250
cardholder only
cardholder with
Maximum consecutive duration per journey (from the time of
commencing of the journey)
31 days Six months
#Limits apply for any one item, set or pair of items including attached
and unattached accessories: up to $3,500 for cameras, video cameras,
computers and mobile or smart phones and up to $2,000 for other items.
~ Medical and dental cover and assistance will not exceed 12 months
from onset of the illness or injury.
* Persons (cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age or over at the relevant
time are not eligible for medical cover or claims related to their health
under these benefits.
Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance
This benefits table shows a summary of the benefits and limits
available. These benefits are a limited level of travel insurance
automatically provided to cardholders (for example, there is
no cover for travel delay expenses, delayed luggage or existing
medical conditions).
There is no cost for this cover and no requirement to spend a
certain amount on prepaid travel costs by charging those costs
to your eligible credit card account.
Cover applies for the maximum consecutive duration shown,
for an overseas journey commencing from the departure date
shown on the cardholder’s return overseas travel ticket.
Limits are the combined maximum limit for a cardholder and
their family per journey unless specified otherwise.
Upgraded Benefits
^Included in Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance at no additional
charge for World Mastercard cardholders.
This benefits table shows a summary of the benefits and limits
available. It’s important to note that conditions, exclusions,
limits and sub-limits apply.
If you’re 80 years of age or over at the relevant time, you
cannot apply for Upgraded Benefits.
These benefits are optional and available to cardholders
only when they apply for Upgraded Benefits with us for each
journey. A premium is payable by you to us.
Cardholders cannot apply for Upgraded Benefits after
commencing the journey other than cover for an additional
period of time.
To buy the Upgraded Benefits, go to
You can also get there through the Bankwest website and App
or, call Cover-More on 1300 468 340.
Limits are the combined maximum limit for a cardholder and
their family per journey unless specified otherwise.
Other Upgrades
Benefits Table
Summary of the benefits and limits
Additional Period of Cover – page 83
You can extend your cover by: up to two months up to six months
Existing Medical Conditions Cover – pages 84-85
(Cover for your Existing Medical Conditions, as agreed)
Subject to application Subject to application
Further Covers
Benefits Table
Summary of the benefits and limits
5 Additional Expenses^ – pages 70-71
$250 $Unlimited
Included in Complimentary
Overseas Travel Insurance*
6 Cancellation Costs^ – pages 71-74
cardholder only
cardholder with family
Included in Complimentary
Overseas Travel Insurance*
7 Special Event – page 74
$250 $3,000 $3,000
Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess – pages
$250 $3,000 $3,000
9 Kidnap and Ransom – page 76
$Nil $250,000 $250,000
10 Hijack and Detention – page 77
(up to $100 per person per 24
(up to $100 per person per 24
* Persons (cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age or over at the relevant
time are not eligible for medical cover or claims related to their health
under these benefits.
Continued pages 18-19 ...
Benefits Table
Summary of the benefits and limits
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
Baggage Delay Expenses – pages
$600 cardholder only
$1,200 (up to $600 per person) cardholder with family
Travel Documents, Travellers Cheques,
Credit Cards and Cash – pages 78-78
$600 cardholder only
$1,100 (up to $600 per person) cardholder with family
13 Travel Delay Expenses – page 78
$475 cardholder only
$1,100 cardholder with family
14 Domestic Pets Boarding – page 79
$Nil $1,000 ($50 per 24 hours)
Overseas Funeral or Cremation, or Body
Repatriation – page 80
$15,000 cardholder only
$30,000 cardholder with family
Travel Services Provider Insolvency
pages 80-82
$5,000 cardholder only
$10,000 cardholder with family
17 Resumption of Journey – page 82
$5,750 cardholder only
$15,000 cardholder with family
18 Loss of Income – pages 82-83
$12,000 (Up to $1,000 per week) cardholder only
$12,000 (Up to $1,000 per week) spouse
Other Insurances
This benefits table shows a summary of the benefits and limits
available. It’s important to note that conditions, exclusions,
limits and sub-limits apply.
These covers are provided for the specified type of cardholder
at no additional cost for:
Purchase Security Insurance and Extended Warranty
Insurance: Cover if personal goods are charged to the
cardholder’s eligible credit card account.
Interstate Flight Inconvenience Insurance: Cover if
the cardholder charges the entire cost of their return
interstate flight to their eligible credit card account.
Transit Accident Insurance: the entire payment for the
trip was charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit card
Limits are the combined maximum limit for a cardholder and
their family per journey unless specified otherwise.
Continued pages 22-23 ...
Other Insurances
Summary of the benefits and limits
All ages
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
Interstate Flight Inconvenience – pages 87-90
Flight delay (4 hours or more)
- Meals and refreshments
$100 per person
up to $500 total
12 hour baggage delay
- Essential clothing and toiletries
$100 per person
up to $250 total
2. Loss of, or damage to, personal goods $250
Up to $1,000 per item
Up to a maximum of $3,000 total per trip
Funeral expenses as a result of accidental
$10,000 per person
Up to a maximum of $20,000 total per trip
4. Cancellation of domestic travel arrangements $250
Platinum Mastercard or World Mastercard
$3,000 total per trip
Transit Accident (International trips only) – pages
From $250,000 up to $500,000 per person
depending on the extent of the injury
Injury benefits
Cover for spouse and/or accompanied child only applies
if travelling with the cardholder and their entire trip was
also paid for using the cardholder’s eligible credit card
Aggregate limit for one accident $2,500,000
Other Insurances
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
Price Guarantee – page 93 $Nil Up to $1,000 if difference is >$75
Purchase Security – pages 94-95
Actual amount charged to card.
Market value if purchased through points.
Jewellery, watches and fine arts $3,000
Overall limit in a 12 month period $125,000
Extended Warranty – pages 95-97 $250
Actual amount charged to card.
Market value if purchased through points.
$30,000 Overall limit in a 12 month period
Emergency Assistance
and Claims
24 hour emergency assistance
You can contact our emergency assistance team 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year while you’re travelling overseas.
The team of doctors, nurses, case managers and travel agents
will help you by:
accessing a medical practitioner for emergency medical
passing on messages which need to be passed on to your
family or employer in the case of an emergency
providing written guarantees for payment of the usual and
customary costs of emergency hospitalisation
– arranging your medical transfer or evacuation if you must
be transported to the nearest hospital for emergency
medical treatment or be brought back to Australia with
appropriate medical supervision
– returning your accompanied children to Australia if they’re
left without supervision following your hospitalisation or
contacting the issuer of your passports, travel documents
or credit cards if they’re lost and you need assistance, and
changing travel plans if your travel consultant isn’t
available to assist with rescheduling in an emergency.
Certain services are subject to your claim being approved.
When and what number should you call?
You, or someone on your behalf, should phone our emergency
assistance team as soon as possible if you require
hospitalisation, if your medical expenses will exceed $2,000 or
if you want to return early.
When you call, please have the following information at hand:
Documents to show you are eligible for these insurances.
Please see 1. Documents to take with you (or have access
to) when you are travelling overseas page 40.
A phone number to call you back on.
Please call Australia DIRECT and TOLL FREE from:
USA 1833 567 5339 UK 0808 234 1925
Canada 1833 567 5339 NZ 0800 735 915
Charges apply if you’re calling from a pay phone or mobile
From all other countries or if you experience difficulties with
the numbers above:
Call direct: +61 2 8907 5615
How to make a claim
1. Overseas Travel Insurance
Visit the Cover-More claim portal at
You can also visit the Bankwest website and App.
Follow the prompts online to complete your claim and the
checklist to gather the supporting documents you need to
submit with it.
Submit the claim online
Upload your scanned supporting documents when submitting
the claim online, or
If you can’t upload documents, still submit the claim online,
but post the documents to us. We’ll give you a claim number to
note on the original supporting documents. Post them to:
Bankwest Card Insurances
C/o Cover-More
PO Box 2027
North Sydney NSW 2059, Australia
We need original documents, so please hold on to your
documents as we may request them. If you’re posting them,
keep a copy.
Check that the amount you want to claim is higher
than any excess applicable to your claim.
Helpful Tips
Safety of your belongings
Don’t check in your valuables – keep them with you
as they’re not covered by us when checked-in with the
transport provider (unless security regulations meant you
were forced to check them in).
valuables means articles made of, or containing, gold,
precious metals or stones, semi-precious stones or silver;
binoculars; furs; jewellery; precious metals; precious or
semi-precious stones; photographic, audio, video, tablet
computer, computer and electrical equipment of any
kind (including but not limited to devices such as drones,
computer games, portable navigation equipment or
media); mobile phones; smart phones; telescopes and
Do not leave valuables in any motor vehicle at any time as
they are not covered.
Items left unattended in any motor vehicle (for example,
a car, campervan or motorhome) or towed land vehicle
during daylight hours are not covered, unless they are
stored in the concealed storage compartment of the
locked motor vehicle or towed land vehicle and forced
entry was gained: a maximum limit of $3,000 in total
Don’t leave items unattended in ANY motor vehicle or
towed land vehicle overnight, as they’re not covered.
Don’t leave your belongings unattended in a public place.
Unattended belongings are not covered by us.
Remember to check for your items. We don’t cover items
left behind in any accommodation after you’ve checked
out, left behind in any aircraft, ship, train, tram, taxi or bus,
or left behind, forgotten, misplaced or walked away from in
a public place.
2. Other Insurances
Visit claims.covermore.com.au/bw
Complete a claim form and email or post it to us. Follow the
checklist to gather the supporting documents you need to
submit with it.
Email your claim form and scanned supporting documents to
If you can’t scan documents, post the documents to us. Post
them to:
Bankwest Card Insurances
C/o Cover-More
PO Box 2027
North Sydney NSW 2059, Australia
We need original documents, so please hold on to your
documents as we may request them. If you’re posting them,
keep a copy.
You can also call Cover-More on 1300 468 340 (within
Australia) or +61 2 8907 5061 (from overseas) for help.
Report any loss or theft to the police within 7 days of when
you first become aware of the incident, as a police report
is required so we can validate that the incident occurred.
Also, your belongings may have been handed in and may
be recovered or the police may have a chance to follow up
an alleged crime.
– Additionally, we require the relevant report from the related
party. For example, an Airline Property Irregularity Report
(PIR) is also required if your items were lost or stolen
when travelling with an airline.
• If you are unable to provide us with a copy of the relevant
report, you must provide us with a reasonable explanation
and details of the time and place you made the report,
including their contact details.
Cruising in Australian waters
Cover is included under Complimentary Overseas Travel
Insurance Benefit 1: Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital
Expenses if you’re travelling on a domestic cruise in Australian
waters and are eligible for Complimentary Overseas Travel
Please note: There is no cover for claims arising from, or
related to, COVID-19 whilst travelling on a cruise.
Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement
The Australian Government and the governments of certain
countries have an agreement where Australian residents are
provided with subsidised essential medical treatment (which,
in turn, minimises your claim with us). The agreement is known
as a Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement (RHA). Please visit
humanservices.gov.au/medicare or dfat.gov.au for details of
RHAs with Australia.
Important Information
Who issues and insures these products?
These products are issued by Cover-More on behalf of the
insurer. Cover-More administers the products (including
customer service, medical assessments and claims
management) and arranges the issue of the insurance to:
Bankwest who then provides the cardholder with the
Included Cover under the Group Policy, and
you directly for Upgraded Benefits, including an extended
period of cover, and existing medical condition cover.
Zurich Australian Insurance Limited
ZAIL is the insurer and is part of the Zurich Insurance Group,
a leading multi-line insurer that serves its customers in
global and local markets. Zurich provides a wide range of
general insurance and life insurance products and services in
more than 210 countries and territories. Zurich’s customers
include individuals, small businesses, and mid-sized and large
companies, including multinational corporations.
Zurich Australian Insurance Limited
PO Box 677, North Sydney NSW 2059
Duty to take reasonable care not to make a
This is a consumer insurance contract under the Insurance
Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) (Act).
Under the Act, you have a duty to take reasonable care not to
make a misrepresentation to Us.
This duty applies whenever you enter into, renew, extend or
vary this contract of insurance. In all cases, we will ask you
questions that are relevant to Our decision to insure you and on
what terms.
It is important that you understand you are answering Our
questions in this way for yourself and anyone else that you
want to be covered by the contract.
When you answer the questions you must give a true and
accurate account of matters. Your response should tell Us
everything that you know about the question because your
response is relevant to whether we offer you insurance and the
terms we offer you.
A misrepresentation made fraudulently is made in
breach of the duty to take reasonable care not to make a
Circumstances relevant to your duty
Whether or not you took reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation will be determined with regard to all the
relevant circumstances.
If we know, or ought to know about your particular
characteristics or circumstances, we will consider these
to determine if you took reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation to Us.
We may consider the following matters to determine if you
took reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation to Us:
the type of consumer insurance contract in question, and
its target market
explanatory material or publicity produced or authorised
by Us
how clear, and how specific, the questions we asked were
how clearly we communicated to you the importance
of answering those questions and the possible
consequences of failing to do so
whether or not an agent/insurance broker was acting for
you, or
whether the contract was a new contract or was being
renewed, extended, varied or reinstated.
You are not to be taken to have made a misrepresentation
merely because you:
failed to answer a question, or
gave an obviously incomplete or irrelevant answer to a
Consequences if you fail to take reasonable care and do make
a misrepresentation
If you do not take reasonable care when answering Our
questions and the result is you do make a misrepresentation to
Us, we may cancel your contract or reduce the amount we will
pay you if you make a claim, or both.
If your failure to take reasonable care not to make a
misrepresentation to Us is fraudulent, we may refuse to pay a
claim and treat the contract as if it never existed.
Words with special meaning
In this booklet words in bold have the meanings shown below.
The use of the singular shall also include the use of the plural
and vice versa.
you, your or yourself means any of the following if they are
eligible for the cover:
› The cardholder
› The cardholder’s family.
we, our or us means Zurich Australian Insurance Limited
ABN 13 000 296 640, AFS Licence Number 232507.
accident (in regard to Transit Accident) means any sudden and
unexpected physical force, which occurs on a trip and causes
an injury that is described in the Transit Accident cover’s
Schedule of Benefits.
accompanied child/children means at the time eligibility for
cover is satisfied:
all unmarried children, up to and including 18 years of age,
who the cardholder has sole custody of and who live with
the cardholder
all unmarried children, up to and including 18 years of age,
of whom the cardholder has shared custody
all unmarried children, from 19 years of age up to and
including 21 years of age, who are full-time students
attending an accredited institution of higher learning in
Australia and who the cardholder has/had sole or shared
custody, and who are dependent upon the cardholder for
their maintenance and financial support, or
all unmarried persons who are physically or mentally
incapable of self-support who the cardholder has custody
of and who live with the cardholder.
However, accompanied child/children never means an
infant born on the journey.
act of terrorism means any act by a person, alone or with an
organisation or foreign government, who:
a. uses or threatens force or violence
b. aims to create public fear, or
c. aims to resist or influence a government, or has
ideological, religious, ethnic or similar aims.
additional means the cost of accommodation or transport (and
meals where mentioned) you actually use less the cost of the
accommodation or transport (and meals where mentioned)
you expected to use had the journey proceeded as planned.
Australia means the area enclosed by the territorial waters
of the Commonwealth of Australia (including Norfolk Island)
where Medicare benefits are payable. Australian has a
corresponding meaning.
cardholder means a person residing in Australia to whom
Bankwest has issued an eligible credit card. This includes
additional cardholders. Persons residing in Australia, unless
otherwise approved by us in writing as a cardholder, must
an Australian Medicare card
an Australian issued Temporary Work (skilled) Visa
(subclass 457), or
an Australian Visa that:
authorises them to live and work in Australia, and
requires them to maintain a minimum level of health
insurance coverage as required by the Department of
Home Affairs.
If a cardholder’s family is travelling together, only one person
can claim the benefits payable to the cardholder. The others
can only claim as a spouse or accompanied child.
carrier means an aircraft, vehicle, train, tram, vessel or other
scheduled transport, operated under a licence, for the purpose
of transporting passengers. However, it does not mean a taxi,
limousine or similar service.
Certificate of Insurance means the document we provide to
a cardholder when they have paid the required premium and
have been issued with, as applicable, the Further Covers, an
extended duration or existing medical condition cover and sets
out details of the cover provided.
Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance means the cover
described in Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance.
computer system means any computer, hardware, software,
communications system, electronic device (including, but
not limited to, smart phone, laptop, tablet, wearable device),
server, cloud or microcontroller including any similar system
or any configuration of the aforementioned and including any
associated input, output, data storage device, networking
equipment or back up facility, owned or operated by the coach,
airline, shipping line, cruise line or railway company that you
were due to travel on.
concealed storage compartment means a boot, glove box,
enclosed centre console, or concealed cargo area of a motor
cyber act means an unauthorised, malicious or criminal act
or series of related unauthorised, malicious or criminal acts,
regardless of time and place, or the threat or hoax thereof
involving access to, processing of, use of or operation of any
computer system.
cyber incident means any:
a. cyber act or error or omission or series of related errors
or omissions involving access to, processing of, use of or
operation of any computer system, or
b. cyber act including any partial or total unavailability or
failure or series of related partial or total unavailability or
failures to access, process, use or operate any computer
disabling injury, sickness or disease means a disabling injury,
sickness or disease, which first shows itself during the period
of cover provided for your journey and required immediate
treatment by a qualified medical practitioner.
domestic cruise means a voyage on a foreign-registered
cruise ship from a port in Australia to another port or ports in
Australia without any stopover at a port outside of Australia.
eligible credit card means, unless otherwise specified, one of
the following issued by Bankwest:
a current and valid Bankwest Platinum Mastercard credit
card, excluding Bankwest Platinum Zero Mastercard
a current and valid Bankwest World Mastercard credit card
An eligible credit card that is not activated or that is currently
cancelled or suspended is not current and valid.
eligible credit card account means, unless otherwise specified,
a current, valid and activated eligible credit card with a credit
facility provided by Bankwest to which purchases made by
cardholders are charged. An eligible credit card account that is
not activated or that is currently cancelled or suspended is not
current and valid.
epidemic means a fast-spreading contagious disease or
illness in an area as documented by a recognised public health
existing medical condition means a disease, illness, medical
or dental condition or physical defect that, at the relevant time,
meets any of the following:
a. Has required an emergency department visit,
hospitalisation or day surgery procedure within the last 12
b. Requires:
i. prescription medication from a qualified medical
ii. regular review or check-ups
iii. ongoing medication for treatment or risk factor
control, or
iv. consultation with a specialist.
c. Has:
i. been medically documented involving the brain,
circulatory system, heart, kidneys, liver, respiratory
system or cancer, or
ii. required surgery involving the abdomen, back, brain,
joints or spine that required at least an overnight stay
in hospital.
d. Is:
i. chronic or ongoing (whether chronic or otherwise) and
medically documented
ii. under investigation
iii. pending diagnosis or awaiting a specialist opinion, or
iv. pending test results.
e. Is:
i. pregnancy, or
ii. connected with your current pregnancy or the
conception was medically assisted e.g. using assisted
fertility treatment including hormone therapies or IVF.
The above definition applies to you, your travel companion, a
relative or any other person.
family means a cardholder and their spouse and/or
accompanied children.
Group Policy means the insurance policy issued by us to
Bankwest in relation to Complimentary Overseas Travel
Insurance and Other Insurances.
home means the place where you normally live in Australia.
Included Cover means the cover described in Complimentary
Overseas Travel Insurance and Other Insurances.
injury or injured means bodily injury caused solely and directly
by violent, accidental, visible and external means, which
happens at a definite time and place during the period of cover
provided for your journey (or on the trip in respect of Transit
Accident) and does not result from any illness, sickness or
interstate flight(s) means travel on a registered and scheduled
commercial passenger airline (but not charter trips) from any
Australian state or territory, to another Australian state or
insolvency or insolvent means bankruptcy, provisional
liquidation, liquidation, insolvency, appointment of a receiver
or administrator, entry into a scheme of arrangement, statutory
protection, presentation of a petition for the compulsory
winding up of, stopping the payment of debts or the happening
of anything of a similar nature under the laws of any
legal costs means fees, costs and expenses (including any
applicable taxes and charges) in connection with a legal
action. It also means any costs, which you are ordered to
pay by a court or arbitrator (other than any fine or penalty, or
aggravated, punitive, exemplary or liquidated damages) or any
other costs we agree to pay.
journey means the following:
The journey starts when you leave your home or your place of
business to travel directly to the Australian air or sea terminal
that is the departure point for your journey.
The journey ends when the first of the following occurs:
– For Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance, 31
days after the date of departure shown on a Platinum
Mastercard cardholder’s return overseas travel ticket,
(or six months for World Mastercard cardholders). If you
applied for an extended period of cover, see Upgraded
– For Upgraded Benefits, the travel end date shown on
the Certificate of Insurance subject to a maximum
duration limit of three months for a Platinum Mastercard
cardholders and 12 months for World Mastercard
cardholders, from the date of departure shown on the
cardholder’s return overseas travel ticket
– When you return to your home.
medical practitioner means a doctor, psychiatrist, clinical
psychologist or a dentist, who is not you, your travel
companion or a relative, or an employee of you, your travel
companion or a relative, registered with and accredited by the
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Or, if you are overseas, an equivalent regulatory body in the
country in which they are currently practising and qualified to
give the diagnosis being provided.
natural disaster means a major adverse event resulting
from natural processes of the Earth; examples are bushfire,
hurricane, tornado, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami,
falling object from space (including a meteorite), and in general
any extraordinary atmospheric, meteorological, seismic,
or geological phenomenon. It does not mean epidemic or
on-piste means areas that are groomed terrain, marked slopes,
and open trails maintained, monitored and patrolled by the ski
Other Insurances means the cover described in Other
overseas means outside Australia and its territories.
pandemic means an epidemic that is expected to affect an
unusually large number of people or involves an extensive
geographic area.
period of cover means the time when you are covered.
a. It starts:
i. for Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance
on a Platinum Mastercard, at the commencement
of the journey
on a World Mastercard, as follows
Benefit 6: Cancellation Costs – from the time
you pay the first prepaid travel cost for the
journey that is the subject of this insurance
For the other benefits – at the commencement
of the journey, and
ii. for Upgraded Benefits, as follows
Benefit 6: Cancellation Costs – from the time of
issue of the Certificate of Insurance.
Additional Period of Cover – at the end of the
period of complimentary cover.
For the other benefits – at the travel start date
on the Certificate of Insurance.
b. It ends at the earliest of the following times:
i. At the end of the journey
ii. the travel end date on your Certificate of Insurance
iii. When we determine that you should return to Australia
for treatment.
personal goods means new personal property acquired for
personal, domestic or household use taken with you on your
journey for personal use (including valuables except to the
extent where valuables are otherwise specified as being
excluded). Items not considered personal goods are:
items with an original purchase price over $10,000
items acquired for the purpose of re-supply/re-sale
items acquired to undergo transformation in a business
items purchased in a business name
business owned or business related items
computer software, or information stored on any
electronic device or other media, including digital photos,
downloaded files, electronic applications, programmed
data or non-tangible items
bullion, cash, collections such as stamps, coins and cards,
lottery tickets or other gambling-related items, negotiable
instruments, securities, manuscripts or books of account,
trading cards, tickets of any description, petrol coupons or
travellers cheques
consumable or perishable items (including but not limited
to drugs, food, fuel or oil), animals or plant material
airplanes, automobiles, boats, motorboats or any other
motorised vehicles and their integral parts and installed
second-hand items, including antiques
items of contraband
real estate and movable fixtures or fittings (including but
not limited to dishwashers and fixed air conditioners) that
form, or are intended to form, part of any home, office or
real estate
for Purchase Security pages 94-95, items purchased
by instalment (e.g. mobile phones) prior to the final
payment being made, and
furniture, furnishings or household appliances (unless
covered under Extended Warranty pages 95-97).
Platinum Mastercard means a current and valid Bankwest
Platinum Mastercard credit card, excluding Bankwest Platinum
Zero Mastercard.
premium means the amount payable by you to us in relation
to Upgraded Benefits, including for extending your period of
cover and for existing medical condition cover.
professional means undertaking any activity for which financial
payment is received from another person or party.
public place means any place the public has access to,
including but not limited to airports, bus terminals, buses,
cruise ships, planes, stations, taxis, trains, wharves and
beaches, galleries, hostels, hotels, hotel foyers and grounds,
museums, private car parks, public toilets, shops, streets,
restaurants and general access areas.
relative means a person who is the cardholder’s spouse;
parent, parent-in-law, stepparent, guardian; grandparent; child,
foster child, grandchild; brother, brother-in-law, half-brother,
stepbrother, sister, sister-in-law, half-sister, stepsister; daughter,
daughter-in-law, stepdaughter, son, son-in-law, stepson; fiancé,
fiancée; uncle, aunt; or niece, nephew.
relevant time means:
a. on a Platinum Mastercard:
i. the time you commence the journey that is the subject
of this insurance
ii. where you have a Certificate of Insurance, the time of
issue of the Certificate of Insurance
b. on a World Mastercard the time you pay the first prepaid
travel cost for the journey that is the subject of this
rental vehicle means a campervan/motorhome that does not
exceed 6 tonnes, SUV, sedan, station wagon, hatchback, people
mover, coupe, convertible, four-wheel drive or mini bus rented
from a licensed motor vehicle rental company or agency.
spouse means the partner of the cardholder who travels on
the journey with the cardholder and who is permanently living
with the cardholder at the time the journey starts (or the trip
in respect of Transit Accident) or the time the interstate travel
terminal illness means a medical condition for which a
terminal prognosis has been given by a qualified medical
practitioner and is likely to result in death.
transport provider means a properly licensed coach operator,
airline, cruise line, shipping line or railway company.
travel companion means:
in regard to Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance,
and Upgraded Benefits, a person whom, before the
journey began, arranged to accompany you on your
journey for at least 50% of the time of your journey, and
in regard to Interstate Flight Inconvenience, a person who
is accompanying you for at least 50% of the time of your
interstate travel.
travel services provider means a scheduled services airline,
hotel, accommodation provider, car rental agency, coach, bus,
shipping line or railway company, all of which are licensed.
trip (this definition only applies to Transit Accident) means
an international passage taken by the cardholder (and their
family who are accompanying the cardholder who is also on
the trip), as a paying passenger (not as a pilot, driver or crew
member etc.). This can be in a licensed plane, tourist bus,
train, ferry or other conveyance, authorised pursuant to any
statute, regulation, by-law or the equivalent thereof, for the
transportation of passengers for hire, provided that the cost
of the passage was charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit
card account before the passage commenced.
unattended means not on your person or within your sight and
Upgraded Benefits means the insurance policy described in
Upgraded Benefits and your Certificate of Insurance.
valuables means articles made of, or containing, gold, precious
metals or stones, semi-precious stones or silver; binoculars;
furs; jewellery; precious metals; precious or semi-precious
stones; photographic, audio, video, tablet computer, computer
and electrical equipment of any kind (including but not
limited to devices such as drones, computer games, portable
navigation equipment or media); mobile phones; smart phones;
telescopes and watches.
Policy conditions
1. Documents to take with you (or have access to) when
you are travelling overseas
When you travel overseas, take the following with you (or make
sure you can access them electronically or online):
This booklet as it contains important phone numbers and
details of the insurance provided
Copies of your eligible credit card account statement
If you want to make a claim under Benefit 1: Overseas
Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses while overseas,
Bankwest or its agents will first need to confirm to us or
our agents that you are eligible for the cover. Without this
information, your claim may be delayed and it may not be
possible for us or our agents to give approval for overseas
medical attention.
Where, at our discretion, we honour a claim on the basis that
you will, at a later date, provide proof to substantiate the claim
and you are later unable to do so, you will be liable for any loss
we have incurred on your behalf.
2. Automatic extension of insurance
You are only covered for incidents that occur in the period of
If you find that your return to Australia has been delayed
because of one or more of the following reasons, and you
return home as soon as possible, your period of cover may be
automatically extended for up to four weeks or until you return
to your home (whichever is the earliest) at no extra cost:
Your scheduled transport back to Australia is delayed for
reasons beyond your control
The delay is due to an event for which you can claim.
If, for any other reason, other than as stated above, your
overseas travel is for a period longer than the period of cover,
you will not be covered after the end of that period of cover
unless the cardholder has successfully applied for and paid the
premium for an extended period of cover. See Extending the
period of cover page 11.
3. Excess – what you contribute to your claim
The excess is the first amount of a claim that we will not pay
for. It is deducted from your claim if it is approved by us. The
excess applies per event i.e. If you fall over and need medical
treatment, and smashed your smart phone in the fall, the
excess will be deducted once.
The excess amount and benefits that the excess applies to are
shown in the benefits tables, pages 14-19.
Claim example: If you were under 80 years of age at the
relevant time and made a claim for $2,500 under Benefit1:
Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses, you
already paid the expenses and we approve your claim, we
would deduct the $250 excess from the claim before we paid
you. If, via our emergency assistance team, we approved a
claim directly with an overseas medical provider, we may ask
you to pay the $250 excess directly to the provider at the time
or request you to pay it to us before we can finalise your claim
with the provider. In any event, the total claim we pay is $2,250.
In some circumstances, prior to your entry into the policy or
when you apply for cover for your existing medical conditions,
whichever occurs later, we may impose an extra or increased
excess for claims arising from existing medical conditions. We
will inform you in writing if this applies: These will be set out
in your Certificate of Insurance or in a letter from our medical
assessment team.
4. Claims
You must meet the eligibility criteria and have an eligible
credit card at the time of the loss.
You must report the theft, wilful damage or accidental loss
of your property/personal goods/valuables to the police,
the transport provider or accommodation provider as
relevant within 7 days of you first becoming aware of the
loss or theft. You should obtain a report confirming the
incident to submit to us with your claim.
You must take all reasonable steps to prevent or minimise
a claim. This includes taking adequate and reasonable
precautions to protect your property/personal goods.
You must not make any offer, promise of payment, or
admit any liability without our written consent.
You must advise us of any claim, or occurrence that may
give rise to a claim, as soon as possible and within 60
days of returning home whichever is the latest.
For Price Guarantee claims, you must make a claim with
us within 30 days of the purchase of the personal goods.
If there is a delay in claim notification, or you do not
provide sufficient detail for us to consider your claim, we
can reduce any claim payable by the amount of prejudice
we have suffered because of the delay.
You must, at your own expense, supply any documents
in support of your claim that we may request. This can
include proof of your residential status and age, proof you
are eligible for insurance cover (e.g. your eligible credit
card account statement and credit card receipt to confirm
your eligibility for the insurance), an original police report,
a Property Irregularity Report (PIR), travel documents,
receipts, valuations, a repair quote, a death certificate
and/or medical certificate. If required we may ask you
to translate into English any documents to enable us to
assess your claim.
For claims relating to a mobile phone or device with
phone capabilities you must supply us with the IMEI
(International Mobile Equipment Identity). You must also
block the IMEI number (by Australian telecommunication
providers) of the stolen or lost mobile phone or device.
You must co-operate fully in the assessment or
investigation of your claim.
Please take this booklet and any letter, confirming
approval and payment to cover existing medical
conditions, you have when you travel (or make sure you
can access them electronically or online).
When making a claim, you have a responsibility to assist
us and to act in an honest and truthful manner. If you,
or anyone acting on your behalf, use fraudulent, false or
exaggerated means to make a claim under this policy,
we may not pay the claim in whole or in part. We may
inform Bankwest of the situation and you may no longer
be eligible for any (or all) of the covers in this booklet. We
may also report you to the appropriate authorities and you
may be prosecuted.
– If we agreed to pay a claim under this cover we will base
any claim payment on the Goods and Services Tax (GST)
inclusive costs (up to the relevant limits of liability). If
you are entitled to claim an input tax credit in respect of a
cost for which a claim is made, or would be entitled to an
input tax credit if you were to incur the relevant cost (i.e.
in replacing a lost or stolen item), the amount we would
otherwise pay will be reduced by the amount of that input
tax credit.
– If you are entitled to claim an input tax credit in respect
of your premium, you must inform us of the amount of
that input tax credit (as a percentage) at the time you first
make a claim. If you fail to do so, you may have a liability
for GST if we pay you an amount in respect of any of the
covers provided.
5. Claims are payable in Australian dollars
All claims and amounts payable are paid in Australian dollars
at the rate of exchange applicable at the time the expenses
were incurred. We will pay you, unless you tell us to pay
someone else, by direct credit to an Australian bank account
you nominate. In the case of your death we will pay your
6. If you can claim from anyone else, we will only make
up the difference
In the case that policy condition 8. Other insurance pages
43-44 does not apply, if you can make a claim against
someone in relation to a loss or expense in respect of any of
the covers provided and they do not pay you the full amount
of your claim, we will make up the difference. You must claim
from them first.
7. You must help us to make any recoveries
We have the right to recover, from any other party in your
name, money payable under the policy or to choose to defend
any action brought against you. You must provide reasonable
assistance to us.
We will apply any money we recover from someone else under
a right of subrogation in the following order:
1. To us, our costs (administration and legal) arising from the
2. To us, an amount equal to the amount that we paid to you
in respect of any of the covers provided
3. To you, your uninsured loss (less your excess)
4. To you, your excess.
Once we pay your total loss, we will keep all money left over.
If we have paid your total loss and you receive a payment from
someone else for that loss or damage, you must pay us the
amount of that payment up to the amount of the claim we paid
If we pay you for lost or damaged property and you later
recover the property or it is replaced by a third party, you must
pay us the amount of the claim we paid you.
8. Other insurance
If you are insured, or entitled to receive a benefit or make a
claim, under any other insurance policy in respect of the same
loss as your claim under our covers, then:
you must give us full details of the other insurance policy,
to the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to
provide indemnity until the indemnity amount under any
other policy is exhausted, or
we may seek, from the other insurer, contribution for any
amounts we have paid.
9. Subrogation
We may, at our discretion, undertake in your name and on your
behalf, control and settlement of proceedings for our own
benefit to recover compensation or secure indemnity from any
party in respect of any of the covers provided.
You must assist us and give us permission to do everything
required to recover compensation or secure indemnity from
other parties, to which we may become entitled or subrogated,
upon us accepting your claim in respect of any of the covers
provided. This is regardless of whether we have yet paid your
claim, whether or not the amount we pay you is less than full
compensation for your loss or whether your claim is paid
under a non-indemnity or an indemnity clause.
10. Policy interpretation
All insurance covers will be interpreted in accordance with the
law of New South Wales, Australia.
11. Emergency assistance
Where your claim is excluded or falls outside the coverage
provided, the giving of emergency assistance will not in itself
be an admission of liability.
Medical standards, sanitary conditions, reliability of telephone
systems and facilities for urgent medical evacuations differ
from country to country. Responsibility for any loss, medical
complication or death resulting from any factor reasonably
beyond our control cannot be accepted by our emergency
assistance, Bankwest, Cover-More or us.
12. Sanctions
Notwithstanding any other terms, we shall not be deemed to
provide cover or make any payments or provide any service
or benefit to any person or other party to the extent that such
cover, payment, service, benefit and/or any business or activity
of the person would violate any applicable trade or economic
sanctions law or regulation.
13. Existing medical conditions
Cover is not provided for existing medical conditions unless
we automatically include cover for that condition or you
apply for and obtain existing medical condition cover for that
However, if you are 79 years of age or less at the relevant
time, cover for some existing medical conditions may be
automatically included, as described on pages 46-48;
or where you have applied to cover your existing medical
conditions, the application has been approved by us and you
have paid us the required premium.
If you apply for cover for your existing medical condition
(on Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance or Upgraded
Benefits), and we approve cover and you pay us the required
premium, this additional cover is a contract of insurance
between us and you. We will issue a Certificate Of Insurance
to you.
If you have an existing medical condition that is not covered,
we will not pay any claims which in any way relate to, or are
exacerbated by, that condition. This means that you will have to
pay for any overseas medical emergency and any associated
costs, which can be prohibitive in some countries.
You cannot apply to cover the existing medical conditions of
any relative (other than the cardholder’s spouse if they are
under 80 years of age at the relevant time and the cardholder’s
accompanied children), a travel companion or any other
14. Existing medical conditions we automatically
We automatically include cover for an existing medical
condition shown in the tables following, provided:
you are 79 years of age or less at the relevant time
in the 12 months prior to the relevant time, you have not
been hospitalised (including day surgery or emergency
department attendance) for that condition
prior to the relevant time, you have not had surgery
involving any joints, the back, spine, brain or abdomen
requiring at least an overnight stay in hospital for that
condition, and
your condition meets any criteria shown for that condition.
Acne Eczema
ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder)
Gastric Reflux (GORD)
Bunions Glaucoma
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Gout
Cataracts Hay Fever
Cleft Palate Hormone Replacement
Cochlear Implant Hypothyroidism including
Hashimotos Disease
Coeliac Disease Lipoma
Congenital Adrenal
Macular Degeneration
Congenital Blindness Meniere’s Disease
Congenital Deafness Rhinitis
Conjunctivitis Rosacea
Dengue Fever Sinusitis
Dry Eye Syndrome Tinnitus
Dupuytrens Contracture
Condition Criteria
Anxiety Provided:
you have not been diagnosed with
Depression in the last 3 years
in the last 12 months, your
prescribed medication hasn’t
you are not currently waiting to
see a mental health clinician (e.g.
psychologist or psychiatrist), and
you have not previously been
required to cancel or curtail your
travel plans due to your Anxiety.
Asthma Provided you:
are under 60 years of age
have not smoked for at least the
last 18 months
do not need prescribed oxygen
outside of a hospital, and
have no other lung condition or
(type 1 or type
2) or glucose
you are under 50 years of age
first diagnosed more than six
months ago
no complications in last 12 months
no kidney, eye or neuropathy
complications, and
no cardiovascular disease.
Depression Provided:
you have not been hospitalised for
this condition in the last 2 years.
in the last 12 months, your
prescribed medication hasn’t
you are not currently waiting to
see a mental health clinician (e.g.
psychologist or psychiatrist).
you have not previously been
required to cancel or curtail your
travel plans due to your Depression.
Condition Criteria
Ear Grommets Provided no current infection
Hiatus Hernia Provided no surgery is planned
(High Cholesterol)
Provided no cardiovascular disease
and/or no diabetes
(High Blood
Provided no cardiovascular disease
and/or no diabetes
(High Blood
Provided no cardiovascular disease
and/or no diabetes
Pregnancy If it is a single, uncomplicated
pregnancy – cover up to the 24th week
i.e. up to 23 weeks, 6 days provided:
the conception was not medically
assisted e.g. using assisted fertility
treatment including hormone
therapies or in vitro fertilisation
* These conditions are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
If you have a history of cardiovascular disease, and it is an
existing medical condition, cover for these conditions are
also excluded.
15. If your existing medical condition is not
automatically included
If your existing medical condition is not automatically included
(see policy condition 14. Existing medical conditions we
automatically include on pages 46-48) we will not provide
any cover for any claims which in any way relate to, or are
exacerbated by, that condition.
16. How do I apply for cover for my existing medical
If you have an existing medical condition that:
is not automatically included (see policy condition
14. Existing medical conditions we automatically include
on pages 46-48), or
does not meet the criteria for existing medical conditions
we automatically include
you can apply for cover by completing a health assessment
before you start the journey. Go to the Bankwest website or
App to find out how to complete an assessment online.
If your assessment is approved, to obtain the cover, you must
pay a premium to us before you start the journey. You can
pay the premium required for the cover online too. Please call
Cover-More on 1300 468 340 if you need any help.
This cover is not part of the Group Policy. It is a contract of
insurance between us and you. We will issue a Certificate Of
Insurance to you.
Cover for existing medical conditions must be obtained before
you commence your journey.
You need sufficient knowledge about each existing
medical condition to be able to complete a full declaration
so we can assess the risk.
For example, we need to know the name of the medical
condition you take medication for, rather than the name of
the medication. Check with your doctor first if unsure.
Check all existing medical conditions have been disclosed
to us at the relevant time or, at the latest, before you
commence the journey.
We will provide you with your assessment outcome and
– If we can approve your health assessment, you must pay
us the required premium to cover your existing medical
conditions before you commence the journey.
Note the existing medical conditions we automatically include
are still available to you even if you don’t pay the relevant
premium for cover of any approved existing medical condition
or we have not agreed to provide you with cover for any other
existing medical condition.
17. Medical conditions that are undiagnosed or
awaiting specialist opinion
We are unable to offer cover for medical conditions you were
aware of, or a person in your circumstances reasonably should
have been aware of, or arising from signs or symptoms*
that you were aware of or a person in your circumstances
reasonably should have been aware of, at or before the
relevant time, and for which at that time:
you had not yet sought a medical opinion regarding the
you were currently under investigation to define a
diagnosis, or
you were awaiting specialist opinion.
You will still be eligible for the other benefits provided by the
Overseas Travel Insurance, and you may apply for cover for
other existing medical conditions. However, there will be no
cover for claims which in any way relate to, or are exacerbated
by, any of the above.
*Examples of signs or symptoms include, but are not limited to,
chest pain, shortness of breath, pain or discomfort in any part
of your body, persistent cough or unexplained bleeding.
18. Medical, dental and hospital cover in Australia
We will not pay any benefit or provide cover if the provision of
a payment, benefit or cover would result in us contravening the
Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth), the Private Health Insurance
Act 2007 (Cth) or the National Health Act 1953 (Cth) or any
applicable legislation (whether in Australia or not).
For the purposes of this cover:
travel from Tasmania or mainland Australia to Norfolk
Island, Christmas Island, Lord Howe Island or Cocos Island
is considered overseas travel. It will be covered under
Overseas Travel Insurance however, there is no cover for
medical transfers/evacuations, or medical and hospital
expenses, and
travel from Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, Lord Howe
Island or Cocos Island to Tasmania or mainland Australia
is considered overseas travel and will be covered under
Overseas Travel Insurance however, there is no cover for
medical transfers/evacuations, or medical and hospital
19. Automatically included activities
Flying Fox
Horse Riding
Jet Boating
Jet Skiing
– Kayaking
– Snorkelling
Your participation in any of the activities listed above is subject
to the terms of cover. There is no cover for these activities if
racing, or participating in a professional capacity. There is no
personal liability cover for use or ownership of waterborne
craft or mechanically-propelled vehicles.
*Conditions apply to these underwater activities and to riding
a motorcycle/motorscooter. See exclusion 30 and 34 on
20. About your premium - Upgraded Benefits,
extending the period of cover and existing medical
condition cover
You will be told the premium when you apply for Upgraded
Benefits including if you apply to extend the period of cover
or for existing medical condition cover. We calculate your
premium by taking into account many factors, including your
destination(s), length of journey, the number of persons and
their ages to be covered under the policy. The amount of any
excess and cover for approved existing medical conditions
is also included in this calculation, as are any relevant
government charges, taxes or levies (such as stamp duty or
GST). These amounts are included in the total amount payable
by you as shown on your Certificate of Insurance.
These covers are then not part of the Group Policy. They are
a contract of insurance between us and you. We will issue a
Certificate Of Insurance to you.
Riding a hired motorcycle
or motorscooter up to and
including 250cc*
Underwater activities using
artificial breathing equipment*
Snow skiing/boarding on-piste
21. Cooling-off period - Upgraded Benefits, existing
medical condition cover and extending the period
of cover
Even after you have obtained your Certificate of Insurance
confirming your Upgraded Benefits, including your extended
period of cover or existing medical condition cover, you have
cooling-off rights.
If you decide that you do not want the above, you may cancel
it within 21 days after you are issued your Certificate of
Insurance. You will be given a full refund of the premium you
paid, provided you have not started your journey or you do not
want to make a claim or exercise any right under your cover.
After the cooling-off period ends, you still have the right to
cancel it. However, we may deduct some costs from any
refund, as set out under Cancelling your cover page 102.
General exclusions
With any insurance, some situations aren’t covered.
These exclusions apply to all covers described in this
booklet. They are listed in no particular order.
Common exclusions
We will not pay for:
1. claims for costs or expenses incurred outside the period
of cover. This exclusion does not apply to Benefit 2:
Personal Liability, Benefit 17: Resumption of Journey,
Benefit 12. Travel Documents, Travellers Cheques, Credit
Cards and Cash, Benefit 4: Baggage and Personal Goods
and Benefit 8: Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess.
2. any other loss, damage or additional expenses following
on from the event for which you are claiming that is
not covered under this insurance. Examples of such
loss, damage or additional expense would be the cost
of replacing locks after losing keys, costs incurred in
preparing a claim or loss of enjoyment
3. claims arising from loss, theft or damage to property, or
death, illness or bodily injury if you fail to take reasonable
care or put yourself in a situation where a reasonable
person could foresee that loss, theft or damage to
property, or a death, illness or bodily injury might happen,
except in an attempt to protect the safety of a person or to
protect property
4. claims involving air travel other than as a passenger on a
fully licensed passenger-carrying aircraft operated by an
airline or an air charter company
5. claims arising as a result of war, invasion, act of foreign
enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not),
civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or
usurped power
6. claims which in any way relate to ionising radiation or
radioactive contamination caused by nuclear fuel or waste,
or the radioactive, toxic explosive or other dangerous
properties of any explosive nuclear equipment.
7. claims arising from biological and/or chemical materials,
substances, compounds or the like used directly for the
purpose to harm or to destroy human life and/or create
public fear
8. loss or damage caused by detention, confiscation or
destruction by customs or other officials or authorities, or
any person or organisation
9. claims arising from any unlawful act committed by you
10. claims arising from, or prohibited under, any government
intervention, prohibition, sanction, regulation or restriction
or court order, or
11. claims which in any way relate to circumstances you
knew of, or a person in your circumstances would have
reasonably known or foreseen, at the relevant time, that
could lead to the journey being delayed or cancelled.
Medical and health
We will not pay for:
12. claims which in any way relate to, or are exacerbated by,
any physiological or psychological signs or symptoms
that you were aware of or a person in your circumstances
reasonably should have been aware of at or before the
relevant time, if you:
a. had not yet sought a medical opinion regarding the
b. were currently under investigation to obtain a
diagnosis, or
c. were awaiting specialist opinion.
13. claims arising from travel booked or undertaken by you:
a. even though you knew, or a reasonable person in your
circumstances would know, you were unfit to travel,
whether or not you had sought medical advice
b. against the advice of a medical practitioner, or
c. to seek medical or dental advice, treatment or review
14. claims which in any way relate to, or are exacerbated by,
any existing medical condition you have except:
a. if your condition satisfies the provisions set out in the
section headed 14. Existing medical conditions we
automatically include pages 46-48
b. from the time the premium has been received by us in
respect of the existing medical conditions for which
cover was separately applied for and which were
accepted by us
15. claims which in any way relate to, or are exacerbated
by, any existing medical condition a relative, your travel
companion or any other person has
16. claims arising from you having elective medical or
dental treatment or surgery, a cosmetic procedure or
body modification (e.g. tattoos and piercings) during the
journey, such as any complication, even if your existing
medical condition has been approved by us, or
17. any benefit, or provide cover, if the provision of a payment,
benefit or cover would result in us contravening the Health
Insurance Act, the Private Health Insurance Act or the
National Health Act or any applicable legislation (whether
in Australia or not) or where we do not have the necessary
licenses or authority to provide such cover.
Pregnancy and childbirth
We will not pay for:
18. claims arising from pregnancy of you or any other person
if you were aware of the pregnancy at the relevant time
a. where complications of this pregnancy had occurred
prior to this time
b. it was a multiple pregnancy e.g. twins or triplets, or
c. where the conception was medically assisted e.g.
using assisted fertility treatment including hormone
therapies or IVF.
This exclusion will be waived to the extent that cover is
provided if you applied for, and we accepted, cover and
you paid the extra premium for your pregnancy. The cover
then provided is in respect of your pregnancy (only) for
unexpected serious medical complications arising before
the start of the 24th week of pregnancy.
19. claims arising from:
a. pregnancy of you or any other person after the start of
the 24th week of pregnancy, or
b. pregnancy of you or any other person where the
problem arising is not an unexpected serious medical
complication, or
20. claims arising from childbirth or the health of a newborn
child. This exclusion applies irrespective of the stage of
pregnancy at which the child is born.
Your conduct
We will not pay for:
21. claims which in any way relate to your wilful or self-
inflicted injury or illness, suicide or attempted suicide
22. claims which in any way relate to your:
a. chronic use of alcohol
b. substance abuse, drug abuse (whether over the
counter, prescription or otherwise), or
c. ingestion of any non-prescription drug or substance
(e.g. marijuana, ecstasy, heroin).
23. claims involving, arising from or related to your
impairment due to you drinking too much alcohol:
a. which is evidenced by the results of a blood test which
show that your blood alcohol concentration level is
0.19% or above. (The level of alcohol in your blood is
called blood alcohol concentration (BAC). As a point
of reference, a BAC of 0.19% is almost four times
the legal driving BAC limit range in Australia which is
currently 0.05%), or
b. taking into account the following, where available:
i. the report of a medical practitioner or forensic
ii. the witness report of a third party
iii. your own admission, or
iv. the description of events you described to us or
the treating medical professional (e.g. paramedic,
nurse, doctor) as documented in their records
24. claims involving, or arising from, any event that is
intentionally caused by you or by a person acting with your
consent, or
25. claims involving, or arising from, the conduct of someone
who enters your accommodation with your consent, or
whose accommodation you choose to enter.
We will not pay for:
26. any expenses recoverable by compensation under any
workers compensation or transport accident laws, or by
any government-sponsored fund, plan or medical benefit
scheme, or any other similar type of legislation required to
be effected by, or under, a law.
World events
We will not pay for:
27. any event that is caused by, or arises from, travel to
countries or parts of a country for which:
a. an advice or warning has been released by the
Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade or
any other government or official body
b. the advice or warning risk rating is ‘Reconsider
your need to travel’ or ‘Do not travel’ (or words to
that effect) or the advice or warnings recommend
against all non-essential travel to or in that location
or advise against specific transport arrangements or
participation in specific events or activities
c. the mass media has indicated the existence or
potential existence, of circumstances (including
circumstances referred to above) that may affect your
travel, and
d. you did not take appropriate action to avoid or
minimise any potential claim under these covers
(including delay of travel to the country or part of
the country referred to in the relevant advice(s),
warning(s) and/or mass media statement(s)).
Circumstances, in this case include, but are not
limited to, strike, riot, weather event, civil protest
or contagious disease (including an epidemic or
pandemic), or
28. claims caused by, or claims arising from, an epidemic,
pandemic or outbreak of a contagious disease or any
derivative or mutation of such viruses. Refer to
who.int and smartraveller.gov.au for further information on
epidemics and pandemics.
This exclusion will be waived:
a) to the extent that cover is provided under Benefit 1.1
Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses
if you test positive to COVID-19; and
b) if your destination was not subject to “Do not travel”
advice (due to COVID-19) on the smartraveller.gov.au
website at the time you entered. This exclusion (point
28.b) will not apply if your trip destination is Australia
or NewZealand; and
c) you were not travelling on a multi-night cruise at the
time of testing positive to COVID-19.
Activities, adventure and snow
We will not pay for:
29. claims involving you travelling (during the journey)
in International Waters (meaning waters outside the
jurisdiction territory of any country) in a private sailing
vessel or a privately registered vessel
30. claims involving participation by you or your travel
companion in hunting or using hunting equipment or
projectiles (e.g. shooting and archery), racing (other than
on foot), mountaineering (involving the use of climbing
equipment, ropes or guides), outdoor rock climbing
(involving the use of climbing equipment, ropes or guides),
trekking that reaches an altitude of more than 4,000
metres above sea level, sports activities in a professional
capacity, white water rafting if Level 4 (Class IV) or above,
parachuting, skydiving, hang gliding, paragliding, BASE
jumping, wingsuiting, potholing, canyoning, caving, fire
walking, motocross, freestyle BMX riding, running with
the bulls, rodeo riding, polo playing, tobogganing, scuba
diving or underwater activities that involve using artificial
breathing equipment scuba diving unless you hold an
Open Water Diving Certificate, or are diving with a qualified
and registered diving instructor
31. claims involving participation by you or your travel
companion in any activity that uses an air-supported
device except for parasailing and hot air ballooning
32. claims involving participation by you (during the journey)
in off-piste snow skiing or snowboarding or heli-skiing/
snowboarding, or
33. claims involving you not wearing the appropriate
protective clothing and head protection for the sport or
activity you are participating in.
We will not pay for:
34. claims involving you riding a motorcycle or motorscooter
(during the journey) unless:
it involves a hired motorcycle with an engine capacity
of 250cc or less
while in control of a motorcycle or motorscooter you
hold a valid Australian motorcycle rider’s licence or
Australian motor vehicle driver’s licence
› while you are a passenger the driver holds a valid
licence for riding that vehicle
you are wearing a helmet
you are not participating in a professional capacity
you are not racing, and
you are not participating in motocross.
This insurance cover is subject to the conditions,
exclusions, limits, sub-limits and terms following
and must be read in conjunction with Important
Information pages 29-58.
You must also check General exclusions, pages
53-58, for other reasons why we will not pay.
The benefit limits include family when travelling with
the cardholder unless specified otherwise.
The benefits
Benefit 1: Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital
Benefit 1 is only available if you are under 80 years of
age at the relevant time.
1.1 Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses
If during the period of cover you suffer a disabling injury,
sickness or disease we will pay the usual and customary
costs of medical treatment and ambulance transportation
and emergency dental treatment (required due to an injury)
provided outside Australia by, or on the advice of, a medical
However, if we determine, on medical advice, that you should
return home for treatment and you do not agree to do so,
we will restrict cover to no more than an amount that we
reasonably consider to be equivalent to your medical expenses
and/or related costs incurred overseas to the date we advise
you to return to Australia, plus the amount it would cost us to
return you to Australia. You will then be responsible for any
further costs relating to, or arising out of, the event you have
claimed for.
1.2 Hospital Incidentals
If you are hospitalised for more than 24 continuous hours
while you are overseas and your claim is approved, we will also
reimburse incidental expenses you pay for, such as TV rental,
newspapers and/or hospital phone calls.
1.3 Assault Requiring Hospitalisation
If, during the period of cover, you suffer an injury while being
assaulted and require hospitalisation because of the injury,
we will compensate you, provided the claim is supported by
a medical certificate given by a qualified medical practitioner
and you provide us with a police report of the assault.
1.4 Emergency dental expenses
We will pay up to $2,000 for the cost of emergency dental
treatment incurred, which the treating dentist certifies in
writing is for the relief of sudden and acute pain.
This limit does not apply to dental costs arising from an
injury that is covered under Overseas Emergency Medical and
Hospital Expenses.
Please note:
Cover applies for a maximum of 12 months from the date of
onset of suffering the disabling injury, sickness or disease.
If any costs or expenses are incurred without our approval
and before contacting us, we will only cover any such costs
or expenses or for any evacuation/repatriation or airfares if
we would have approved them up to an amount we would
have otherwise incurred, had contact been made and approval
Overseas emergency medical and dental expenses and
hospital incidentals cover may end less than 12 months from
the date of suffering the disabling injury, sickness or disease
as we do not provide cover if these expenses are incurred
outside the period of cover. In certain circumstances The
period of cover will automatically extend for a period of time –
see Policy condition 2. Automatic extension of insurance page
40 for more information.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
Overseas emergency medical
and hospital expenses
Hospital incidentals
($100 per 24 hours)
Assault requiring hospitalisation $500
Emergency dental expenses
per person
We will not pay for:
1. expenses incurred by a person 80 years of age or over at
the relevant time
2. medical treatment, dental treatment or ambulance
transportation, provided in Australia.
This exclusion does not apply to medical treatment
provided while on a ship (including cruise ship, passenger
ship or passenger ferry) even if that ship is within
Australian territorial waters. However, this additional
benefit does not apply to any medical treatment provided
on Australian inland waterways or while the ship is tied up
in an Australian port
3. expenses arising from any disease that is transmitted
when giving or taking a drug, unless the giving or taking of
the drug is supervised by a medical practitioner and the
disease is not excluded anywhere else in this cover
4. dental expenses involving the use of precious metals,
teeth whitening or involving cosmetic dentistry; or
preventative or routine dental treatment
5. damage to dentures, dental prostheses, bridges or crowns
6. continuation or follow-up treatment (including medication
and ongoing immunisations) you were on prior to the start
of the journey
7. medical treatment, dental treatment or ambulance
transportation, which is provided in your country of
8. claims where you have received medical care under a
Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement
9. expenses if, despite the advice given following your call to
our 24 hour emergency assistance provider, you received
private hospital or medical treatment where public funded
services or care is available in Australia or under any
Reciprocal Healthcare Agreement between the Australian
Government and the government of any other country
10. expenses incurred after two weeks’ treatment by a dentist,
chiropractor or physiotherapist, unless approved by us
11. any claim if you decline to promptly follow the medical
advice we have obtained, and we will not be responsible
for subsequent medical, hospital or evacuation expenses,
12. any expenses for medical evacuation unless it has been
first approved by our emergency assistance team. If your
claim is coverable, we or our emergency assistance team
will not unreasonably withhold or delay our acceptance.
Benefit 2: Personal Liability
We will provide cover if, as a result of an accident (an
unexpected event caused by something external and visible or
a series of accidents arising out of the one event) that happens
during the period of cover, you become legally liable to pay
compensation in respect to damage caused to someone else’s
property or the injury or death of someone else. Cover is for:
1. the compensation (including legal costs) awarded against
you, and
2. any reasonable legal costs incurred by you for settling or
defending a claim made against you, providing you have
our approval, in writing, before incurring these costs.
You must tell us, as soon as you or your personal
representatives are aware, or a reasonable person in your
circumstances should have been aware, of a possible
prosecution, inquest, fatal injury, accident or incident that
might lead to a claim against you.
You must not pay, or promise to pay, settle with, admit or deny
liability to anyone who makes a claim against you without our
written consent.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
We will not pay for liability arising:
1. where you become liable to pay somebody who is a
member of your family or travelling party, your travel
companion or employed by you or deemed to be employed
by you
2. from loss of, or damage to, property belonging to, or in the
care, custody or control of you, your travel companion, a
relative or an employee of any of you
3. from the conduct by you of any profession, trade or
4. out of the use, or ownership by you, of any aircraft,
drone, firearm, weapon, waterborne craft or
mechanically-propelled vehicle
5. out of occupation or ownership of any land, buildings
or immobile property (unless the building is a residence
and you occupy it as a tenant or lessee, or in some other
temporary way)
6. out of any wilful or malicious act
7. out of the transmission of an illness, sickness or disease
8. from punitive, exemplary or aggravated damages or any
fine or penalty
9. out of your liability under a contract or agreement, unless
you would be liable if that contract or agreement did not
10. out of assault and/or battery committed by you or at your
direction, or
11. out of any act intended to cause bodily injury, property
damage or liability done by you or any person acting with
your knowledge, connivance or consent.
It is your responsibility to provide us with evidence to support
your claim for an item. This is ‘proof of ownership’.
We will accept the original or a copy of a purchase receipt,
invoice and/or bank statement showing the purchase, the
date of the purchase and the amount paid
We may consider valuation certificates (issued prior to
the relevant time), ATM receipts and warranty cards with
accompanying bank statement of purchases
We will not accept photographs, packaging or instruction
manuals as proof of ownership.
Single item sub-limit
Our payment will not exceed the original purchase price of an
item with a limit for any one item, set or pair of items including
attached and unattached accessories for personal goods of
up to $3,500 per item for cameras, video cameras, laptop and
tablet computers, mobile and smart phones and up to $2,000
for other items.
Here are some examples of items considered as one item for
the purpose of this insurance (an item limit will apply):
Camera, lenses, tripods and camera accessories (attached
or not)
Smart phone and cover/case
Matched or unmatched set of golf clubs, golf bag and
Necklace and pendant
Charm bracelet and charms.
Reasonable depreciation takes into account the amount paid
originally for the item, its age, wear and tear, and advances in
Where the item is part of a pair or set, you will receive no more
than the value of the particular part or parts lost, stolen or
damaged, regardless of any special value that the item may
have by way of being part of such pair or set.
When taking into consideration the age of an item we will
deduct the following amounts from the replacement cost:
Benefit 3: Accidental Death
If, during the period of cover, you suffer an injury resulting in
your death we will pay your estate the amount shown in the
table below provided your death occurs within one year of the
This benefit is also available if, during your journey, something
you are travelling on or in disappears, sinks or crashes and
you are presumed dead and your body is not found within
12 months, and the Transit Accident in the Other Insurances
section does not provide ‘loss of life’ benefits for your death.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only spouse
$25,000 $25,000
Benefit 4: Baggage and Personal Goods
Accidental damage, theft and permanent loss
If, during the period of cover, your personal goods are lost,
stolen or damaged, after deducting depreciation as shown in
the depreciation table, we will repair the item if it is practical
and economic to do so. If it is not practical and economic
to repair the item and depreciation is not applicable, we will
replace the item or provide you with a replacement voucher if
the item is available from our usual suppliers. If the above do
not apply, we will pay you the monetary value of the item.
If your prescription medication is lost, stolen or damaged
during the period of cover we will also pay up to $500
for medical expenses incurred overseas to replace that
prescription medication.
If your claim for loss or theft can be approved but your items
are found in the meantime and can be posted to you, we will
instead pay up to $500 for postage costs so you can get your
items back.
g. under the supervision of somebody who is not you or
your travel companion, or
h. with a person who steals or deliberately damages
2. loss or theft that is not reported to the:
a. police or security personnel
b. responsible transport provider (if your items are lost
or stolen while travelling with a transport provider), or
c. accommodation provider.
All cases of loss or theft must be reported as soon as
possible and within 7 days. A copy of the relevant report
must be submitted for any claim involving loss or theft.
If you are unable to provide us with a copy of the relevant
report, you must provide us with a reasonable explanation
and details of the time and place you made the report,
including their contact details
3. damage, loss or theft of valuables placed in the care of
a transport provider, including any loss from the point of
check in until collection by you from the baggage carousel
or collection area at the end of your flight, journey or
4. valuables left unattended in a motor vehicle at any time,
even if stored in a concealed storage compartment
5. a mobile phone or device with phone capabilities if you are
unable to supply the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment
6. cash, bank notes, currency notes, cheques, petrol coupons
or negotiable instruments
7. watercraft of any type (other than surfboards)
8. sporting equipment (including bicycles) damaged, lost or
stolen while in use
9. items that are being sent to you, unaccompanied by
you or under a freight contract. This exclusion for
unaccompanied items will be waived if your claim for lost
stolen items can be approved but your items are found in
the meantime and can be posted to you
10. an electrical or mechanical fault or breakdown
11. loss of, or damage to, brittle or fragile items (except
photographic or video equipment), unless the loss or
damage is caused by thieves, burglars, fire, or a collision
involving the means of transport in which you are
Age of item
that applies
watches or
devices, all
electrical devices,
phones, all,
equipment, smart
watches, tablet
Any other
New-24 months 0% 0% 0%
25-36 months 0% 60% 36%
More than 36
0% 60% 60%
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only cardholder with family
$20,000 $30,000
We will not pay for:
1. personal goods left:
a. behind in any cruise cabin, hostel, hotel or motel
room or peer to peer service type accommodation
(including but not limited to Airbnb) after you have
checked out
b. unattended in a public place
c. behind in/on any aircraft, bus, car, cruise ship, peer to
peer service type transport vehicle (including but not
limited to Uber), rental car, ship, taxi, train, tram or any
other vehicle or vessel
d. behind, forgotten, misplaced or walked away from in a
public place
e. unattended in any motor vehicle overnight even if they
were in a concealed storage compartment
f. unattended in any motor vehicle other than overnight,
unless they were stored in a concealed storage
compartment of a locked motor vehicle and forced
entry was gained: cover is limited to a maximum of
$3,000 in total for all stolen items
12. damage caused by atmospheric or climatic conditions;
wear and tear; vermin; or any process of cleaning or
13. consequential damage caused while an item is being
serviced, repaired or restored, unless we have authorised
the work
14. loss of, or damage to, items that are commercial samples,
works of art and antiques, or items you take to sell while
15. deterioration, normal wear and tear, or damage arising
from inherent defects in the personal goods, or
16. any defective item or any defect in an item.
With the exception of Benefit 5. Additional Expenses
and Benefit 6: Cancellation Costs which are included
at no additional charge for World Mastercard
cardholders, to get these optional benefits you
need to have applied for Upgraded Benefits on the
Bankwest website or App or over the phone and paid
the required premium.
You cannot obtain Upgraded Benefits after
commencing the journey other than cover for an
additional period of time.
Persons (cardholder or spouse) 80 years of age or
over at the relevant time cannot obtain Upgraded
This insurance cover is subject to the conditions,
exclusions, limits, sub-limits and terms following
and must be read in conjunction with Important
Information pages 29-58.
You must also check General exclusions, pages
53-58, for other reasons why we will not pay.
The benefit limits include family when travelling with
the cardholder unless specified otherwise.
4. Your scheduled or connecting transport is cancelled,
delayed, rescheduled or diverted because of a strike,
riot, hijack, civil protest, weather, mechanical breakdown,
natural disaster or a collision affecting your mode of
5. You lose your passport, travel documents or transaction
cards (except involving government confiscation or
articles sent through the mail) or they are stolen
6. Your home is rendered uninhabitable by fire, explosion,
earthquake or flood.
In any event, you must take advantage of any pre-arranged
return travel to Australia.
If you did not have a return ticket booked to Australia before
the event that gave rise to the claim, we will reduce the amount
of your claim by the price of the fare to Australia from the
place you planned to return to Australia from. The fare will be
at the same fare class as the one in which you left Australia.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
We will not pay for:
1. your expenses if you are 80 years of age or over at the
relevant time and your claim is caused by your death,
injury, sickness or disease, or
2. claims if you have a Platinum Mastercard and you have
not obtained Upgraded Benefits and paid the required
Benefit 6: Cancellation Costs
If, due to circumstances outside your control and
unforeseeable at the relevant time:
1. you have to rearrange your journey, we will pay the
reasonable cost of doing so (we will not pay more for the
cost of rearranging your journey than the non-refundable
costs that would have been incurred had the journey
been cancelled. The cover is limited to the same or
similar standard of transport and accommodation as was
originally booked), or
Please note:
Benefit 5. Additional Expenses
Benefit 6: Cancellation Costs
Existing Medical Conditions Cover
If you are 80 years of age or over at the relevant time
and your claim is caused by your death, injury, sickness
or disease, you are not covered under these sections.
Further Covers
Benefit 5: Additional Expenses
For medical related claims, cover is subject to the written
advice of the overseas treating medical practitioner and
acceptance by our 24 hour emergency assistance team. If your
claim is coverable, we or our emergency assistance team will
not unreasonably withhold or delay our acceptance.
Cover in any event ceases when you are able to continue your
journey, travel home, or on the completion of the period of
cover, whichever is the earlier.
We will reimburse your reasonable additional accommodation
(room rate only) expenses and additional transport expenses,
at the same accommodation standard or fare class as
originally booked, if a disruption to your journey arises from
any of the following reasons:
1. You or your travel companion cannot travel because of a
disabling injury, sickness or disease in the period of cover
and the treating medical practitioner certifies in writing
that you or your travel companion are unfit to travel
2. You shorten your journey and return to Australia on the
written advice of a qualified medical practitioner.
3. You are required to return early to Australia because
your travel companion or a relative of either of you dies
unexpectedly or suffers a disabling injury, sickness or
disease, which means hospitalisation is required, provided
the claim was not in any way related to, or exacerbated by,
an existing medical condition
We will not pay for claims caused by:
3. or arising from the death injury, sickness or disease of
a relative, your travel companion or any other person in
any way related to, or exacerbated by, an existing medical
4. the disinclination of you or your travel companion to
proceed with the journey or deciding to change travel
plans, or the breakdown or dissolution of any personal or
family relationship
5. any costs or expenses prior to you or your travel
companion being certified by a qualified medical
practitioner as unfit to travel
6. any contractual or business obligation or your financial
situation. This exclusion does not apply to claims where
you or your travel companion are involuntarily made
redundant from permanent full-time employment in
Australia and where you would not have been aware
before, or at the relevant time, that the redundancy was to
7. cancellations, delays, rescheduling or diversions to your
scheduled or connecting transport, unless it is due to
a strike, riot, hijack, civil protest, weather, mechanical
breakdown, natural disaster or a collision affecting your
mode of transport
8. failure by you or another person to obtain the relevant visa,
passport or travel documents
9. errors or omissions by you or another person in a booking
10. the standards and expectations of your prepaid travel
arrangements being below or not meeting the standard
11. the failure of any travel agent, tour operator,
accommodation provider, airline or other carrier, car
rental agency or any other travel or tourism services
provider to provide services or accommodation due to
their insolvency or the insolvency of any other person,
company or organisation they deal with
12. the failure of your travel agent, any tour operator, transport
or accommodation supplier or provider, person or agency
to pass on monies to operators or to deliver promised
13. a request by your or your travel companions employer,
your or your travel companions leave application being
denied, or your or your travel companions leave being
2. you have to cancel your journey (where you cannot
rearrange it prior to leaving home) we will pay you:
a. the value of the unused portion of your prepaid
travel or accommodation arrangements that are
non-refundable and not recoverable in any other way
including the travel agent’s commission (if you used a
travel agent: the travel agent’s commission is limited
to the lesser of $1,000 or the amount of commission
the agent had earned on the prepaid refundable
amount of the cancelled travel arrangements)
b. the value of frequent flyer or similar flight reward
points, air miles, redeemable vouchers or similar
schemes lost by you following cancellation of the
services paid for with those points, if you cannot
recover your loss in any other way.
The amount we will pay is calculated as follows:
i. For frequent flyer or similar flight reward points,
loyalty card points, air miles:
The cost of an equivalent booking, based on the
same advance booking period as your original
booking. We will deduct any payment you made
towards the booking and multiply it by the total
number of points or air miles lost, divided by the
total number of points or air miles used to make
the booking
ii. For vouchers, the face value of the voucher up to
the current market value of an equivalent booking.
The proportion of any trip costs for a travelling companion not
insured on this policy is not claimable. This applies even if the
trip was paid for by someone insured on this policy.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only cardholder with family
$15,000 $20,000
We will not pay for:
1. your costs/fees, or your unused arrangements, if you are
80 years of age or over at the relevant time and your claim
is caused by your death, injury, sickness or disease, or
2. claims if you have a Platinum Mastercard and you have
not obtained Upgraded Benefits and paid the required
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
We will not pay for claims:
1. caused by the financial collapse or insolvency of any
travel agent, tour wholesaler, tour operator or booking
agent, or
2. if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and paid the
required premium.
Benefit 8: Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess
This cover applies if you:
hire a rental vehicle
are the nominated driver on the rental vehicle agreement,
have purchased motor vehicle insurance or a damage
waiver from the rental company or agency you rented the
rental vehicle from.
If the rental vehicle is damaged or stolen while in your control
during your period of cover, we will pay the lower of the rental
vehicle insurance excess or the liability fee you are required
to pay under a damage waiver or the repair costs to the rental
vehicle that you become liable to pay.
This benefit does not cover items such as, but not limited to,
tyres and/or windscreens if they are not covered by the motor
vehicle insurance or damage waiver purchased from the rental
company or agency.
You must provide us with a copy of your rental vehicle
agreement, an incident report that was completed, the repair
account, an itemised list of the value of the damage and
written notice from the rental company or agency advising that
you are liable to pay the excess or liability fee.
If your treating medical practitioner certifies in writing that
you are unfit to return your rental vehicle to the nearest depot
during your journey, then we will pay up to $500 for the cost of
returning your rental vehicle.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
We will not pay for:
1. any damage or theft, arising from the operation of a rental
vehicle in violation of the terms of the rental agreement
revoked. This exclusion does not apply if your or your
travel companion are a full-time member of the Australian
Defence Force or of federal, state or territory emergency
services (e.g. police, fire, ambulance, paramedic) and you
or your travel companions leave is revoked
14. a lack in the number of persons required to commence any
tour, conference, accommodation or travel arrangements
or due to the negligence of a wholesaler or operator. This
exclusion does not apply to prepaid travel arrangements
bought separately to reach the departure point for the tour
or for other travel arrangements
However, if a tour or river cruise, that is prepaid and
overnight, is cancelled due to a lack of numbers we will
pay in respect of your other prepaid arrangements the
lesser of:
a. necessary amendment costs; or
b. the non-refundable unused portion of costs if you
cancel the trip.
In any case the most we will pay is $800 under this section
of the policy.
15. you operating a rental vehicle in violation of the rental
16. you or your travel companion having to sit exams in
regard to studies either of you are undertaking unless the
scheduling was unforeseen
17. the cancellation or postponement of a wedding, funeral,
prepaid conference, prepaid sporting event or prepaid
concert/cultural event, prepaid tour/cruise or prepaid
accommodation. This exclusion does not apply if the
event has been cancelled or postponed due to reasons
unforeseen and outside your control and you had planned
to attend the event before you left Australia, or
18. an act of terrorism.
Benefit 7: Special Event
If, due to an unforeseeable circumstance outside your control,
your journey would otherwise be cancelled, delayed, shortened
or diverted resulting in you being unable to arrive in time to
attend a wedding, funeral, prepaid conference, sporting event
or prepaid travel/tour arrangements, we will pay the reasonable
additional travel expenses to arrive at your destination on time.
Benefit 10: Hijack and Detention
If the plane, bus, train, ferry or taxi you are travelling in
during the journey is seized by force or threat of force by
unauthorised persons and you are detained overseas for
more than 12 continuous hours by those persons or persons
connected with them using violence or the threat of violence,
we will compensate you for each continuous 24hours you are
forcibly detained.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
$20,000 (up to $100 per person per 24 hours)
We will not pay for:
1. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
Benefit 11. Baggage Delay Expenses
If any of your personal goods are delayed, misdirected or
misplaced by the carrier during your journey for more than 12
hours we will reimburse you up to a maximum amount of $600,
per person, for underwear, socks, toiletries, non-prescription
medication and change of shoes and clothing (and a bag) you
bought after a 12 hour delay and before your personal goods
were returned to you.
The original receipts for the items and confirmation of the
length of delay from the carrier must be produced in support of
your claim.
This section does not apply on the leg of the journey that
returns you home.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only cardholder with family
$600 $1,200 (up to $600 per person)
We will not pay for:
1. expenses you incur if you are entitled to compensation
from the carrier you were travelling on for the relevant
amount claimed. However, if you are not reimbursed
the full amount, we will pay the difference between the
amount of your expenses and what you were reimbursed,
up to the limit of your cover, or
2. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
2. you using the rental vehicle without a licence valid for the
purpose that you were using it
3. any damage sustained to a rental vehicle while it is being
driven on an unsealed surface
4. administration costs or loss of use penalties, or
5. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
Benefit 9: Kidnap and Ransom
We will reimburse you for extortion/ransom monies paid to
your abductors, which results in your release, if you are illegally
abducted overseas on the journey and forcibly held hostage
for the purpose of demanding extortion/ransom monies.
We will only pay if you make every effort to:
– minimise your loss
not disclose the existence of this insurance
immediately inform the appropriate law authorities
and conform with their recommendations and
immediately advise us of the situation
keep identifying details of the money (e.g. serial
numbers) or other property handed over to secure
your release, and
– provide us with a police report of the event.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
We will not pay for:
1. any claim if you have previously:
i. been illegally abducted and/or forcibly held hostage
for the purpose of demanding extortion/ransom
monies, or
ii. had an extortion demand made against you or any
member of your family living either in Australia or
2. kidnapping that occurs in the countries or territorial waters
of Mexico, the Philippines, Somalia or in any country (or
its territorial waters) located in Central America or South
America, or
3. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
Benefit 13: Travel Delay Expenses
If the departure of any scheduled transport in which you have
arranged to travel is delayed for at least six hours due to any
unforeseeable cause outside your control (including a cyber
incident), we will reimburse up to $475 for a cardholder only, or
$1,100 for a cardholder with their family, for your reasonable
additional meal and accommodation costs.
This benefit is only payable when you supply receipts for
the expenses incurred and confirmation from the carrier
confirming the period of delay.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only cardholder with family
$475 $1,100
We will not pay for:
1. claims caused by the insolvency of any travel agent, tour
wholesaler, tour operator or booking agent, or
2. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
Benefit 14. Domestic Pets Boarding
If your return to Australia is delayed because of events covered
under this policy, or your scheduled transport back to Australia
is delayed for reasons beyond your control (including a cyber
incident), the period of cover will automatically be extended for
a period of four weeks.
During this period we will pay any additional boarding fees for
your domestic cats and dogs, provided you provide evidence of
the additional fees you incurred.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only cardholder with family
($50 per 24 hours) $1,000 ($50 per 24 hours)
We will not pay for:
1. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
Benefit 12. Travel Documents, Travellers Cheques,
Credit Cards and Cash
a. We will pay you for the cost of replacing travel documents
and credit cards lost or stolen oduring the period of
cover. We will also pay for your legal liability arising from
their illegal use. You must, however, comply with all the
conditions of the issue of the document prior to, and after,
the loss or theft.
b. We will reimburse you for cash, bank notes, currency
notes, postal or money orders stolen from your person or
from a locked safe or safety deposit box during the period
of cover.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder cardholder with family
$600 $1,100 (up to $600 per person)
We will not pay for:
1. loss or theft that is not reported to the:
a. police or security personnel, or
b. issuing bank.
All cases of loss or theft must be reported as soon as
possible and within 7 days. A copy of the relevant report
must be submitted for any claim involving loss or theft.
If you are unable to provide us with a copy of the relevant
report, you must provide us with a reasonable explanation
and details of the time and place you made the report,
including their contact details
2. any amounts covered by any guarantee given by the bank
or issuing company to you as the holder of the transaction
cards or travellers cheques
3. your failure to comply with the recommended security
guidelines for the use of bank or currency notes, cheques,
credit card, postal or money orders or petrol coupons
4. cash, bank notes, currency notes, postal or money orders
not on your person or in a locked safe or safety deposit
box at the time they were stolen, or
5. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
b. the value of frequent flyer or similar flight reward
points, air miles, redeemable vouchers or similar
schemes lost by you following cancellation of the
services paid for with those points if you cannot
recover your loss in any other way. The amount we will
pay is calculated as follows:
i. For frequent flyer or similar flight reward points,
loyalty card points, air miles:
- The cost of an equivalent booking, based on the
same advance booking period as your original
booking. We will deduct any payment you made
towards the booking and multiply it by the total
number of points or air miles lost, divided by the
total number of points or air miles used to make
the booking
ii. For vouchers, the face value of the voucher up to
the current market value of an equivalent booking,
3. you have to incur additional expenses in returning home,
we will pay your reasonable additional accommodation
(room rate only) and additional transport expenses, at
the same fare class and accommodation standard as
originally booked.
You must recover the maximum amount available from any
statutory fund, compensation scheme or any other source. For
example, if you paid for your airline ticket with a credit card and
the transaction meets the card issuer’s terms and conditions
regarding non-provision of services, you need to claim the cost
of the airline ticket through the credit card issuer first.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only cardholder with family
$5,000 $10,000
We will not pay for claims caused by:
1. the insolvency of a travel services provider if the booking
was not made before the start of your journey while you
are still in Australia
2. the insolvency of any travel agent, tour wholesaler, tour
operator or booking agent
3. insolvency of a travel services provider if, at the time
relevant time, the travel services provider was insolvent
or a reasonable person would have reason to expect the
travel services provider might become insolvent
Benefit 15: Overseas Funeral or Cremation, or Body
If you die as a result of a disabling injury, sickness or disease
during your journey, we will pay:
1. the reasonable costs incurred overseas, charged by a
funeral director for arranging your funeral service and
a cemetery for your burial, or a crematorium for your
cremation incurred overseas, or
2. the cost of bringing your remains to Australia, including
from the inbound port or airport to your home or
nominated funeral home.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only cardholder with family
$15,000 $30,000
We will not pay for:
1. the cost of memorialisation
2. funeral or cremation expenses incurred overseas or
bringing your remains back to Australia, unless it has been
first approved by our emergency assistance team, or
3. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
Benefit 16: Travel Services Provider Insolvency
If, due to the insolvency of a travel services provider:
1. you have to rearrange your journey, we will pay the
reasonable cost of doing so (we will not pay more for the
cost of rearranging your journey than the non-refundable
costs, which would have been incurred had the journey
been cancelled. The cover is limited to the same or
similar standard of transport and accommodation as was
originally booked)
2. you have to cancel your journey (where you cannot
rearrange it prior to leaving home) we will pay you:
a. the value of the unused portion of your prepaid
travel or accommodation arrangements that are
non-refundable and not recoverable in any other way
including the travel agent’s commission (if you used a
travel agent: the travel agent’s commission is limited
to the lesser of $1,000 or the amount of commission
the agent had earned on the prepaid refundable
amount of the cancelled travel arrangements), and
c. you lose all your income because you are unable to return
to your usual place of employment in Australia as a result,
we will pay you up to $1,000 per week for your weekly net
of income tax wage for a maximum period of three months,
starting from the 31st day after your return to Australia.
You must be under the regular care of, and acting in
accordance with the instructions or advice of, a qualified
medical practitioner who certifies in writing that the
disablement prevents you from gainful employment.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only spouse
$12,000 $12,000
We will not pay for:
1. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
Other Upgrades
Additional Period of Cover
If a cardholder intends to be travelling for longer than the
maximum duration per journey for complimentary insurance
shown on page 10 applying to the eligible credit card, the
cardholder can apply to increase the relevant period of cover.
If accepted and the cardholder pays us any premium that
applies, the cardholder’s Certificate of Insurance will show the
increased period of cover.
Under this benefit, the cover available to you under
Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance or Upgraded
Benefits will be provided for the added period of time.
The maximum period of cover (from the commencement of
your journey, inclusive of the complimentary duration) cannot
three consecutive months for Bankwest Platinum
Mastercard cardholders, or
12 consecutive months for Bankwest World Mastercard
(This means, if you have a Platinum Mastercard, you can
extend your cover for the relevant journey by up to two months
and if you have a World Mastercard, you can extend your cover
for the relevant journey by up to six months.)
4. accommodation expenses incurred after the date you
originally planned to return to Australia, or
5. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
Benefit 17: Resumption of Journey
Following a valid claim under this policy We will pay the
economy class transport costs you incur to return overseas if
you are required to return home because, during your journey,
your relative died unexpectedly, provided:
1. it is possible for your journey to be resumed
2. you resume your journey within 30 days of your return to
3. there are at least 14 days or 25% of the time of your
journey remaining (whichever is the greater), and
4. the death occurred after your travel was booked.
6. If you are required to return home during your journey,
because your relative died unexpectedly as the result of
an existing medical condition (not a terminal illness), and
the points above are met, we will pay for the economy
class transport costs you incur to return overseas
a. you were unaware of the likelihood of such
hospitalisation or death.
The maximum benefit limit for this section is:
Platinum Mastercard and World Mastercard
cardholder only cardholder with family
$5,750 $15,000
We will not pay for:
1. claims if you were aware of any reason, before your period
of cover commenced, that your journey may be cancelled,
delayed or disrupted, or
2. claims if you have not obtained Upgraded Benefits and
paid the required premium.
Benefit 18: Loss of Income
If, during your journey, you suffer an injury requiring medical
treatment overseas and:
a. you become disabled within 30 days because of the injury
b. the disablement continues for more than 30 consecutive
days from the date of your return to Australia, and
We will not pay any claims which in any way relate to, or are
exacerbated by, your existing medical condition if:
you do not apply for this Upgraded Benefit cover for that
existing medical condition
you apply for this Upgraded Benefit cover for that existing
medical condition and we do not agree to provide cover
for that existing medical condition, or
we agree to provide cover for that existing medical
condition and you do not pay the required extra premium.
This means that you will have to pay for an overseas medical
emergency which can be very expensive in some countries.
You cannot apply for this Upgraded Benefit if:
you have commenced your journey, or
the start date as shown on your Certificate of Insurance
has passed.
If you have any questions about existing medical conditions,
please call Cover-More on 1300 468 340.
Existing Medical Conditions Cover
We cover some existing medical conditions. Please see policy
condition 14. Existing medical conditions we automatically
include pages 46-48 for details.
If cover is needed for conditions outside the specified criteria,
or for other conditions, cardholders 79 years of age or under
at the relevant time can apply for this Upgraded Benefit
by completing a health assessment through the Bankwest
website or App.
Once we have agreed to provide the cover and you have paid
us any premium that applies and we have issued a Certificate
of Insurance confirming this Upgraded Benefit, the benefits
Benefit 1: Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital
Benefit 5: Additional Expenses for Platinum Mastercard
cardholders where you apply for and obtain this cover
(Cover is included in Complimentary Overseas Travel
Insurance for World Mastercard cardholders)
Benefit 6: Cancellation Costs for Platinum Mastercard
cardholders where you apply for and obtain this cover
(Cover is included in Complimentary Overseas Travel
Insurance for World Mastercard cardholders)
Benefit 15: Overseas Funeral or Cremation, or Body
Repatriation where you apply for and obtain this cover
will apply in relation to the existing medical conditions that we
agreed to.
Included at no extra cost upon spend.
A range of protections are included, such as
insurance for Purchase Security, Extended Warranty,
Price Guarantee, Interstate Flight Inconvenience and
Transit Accident.
Insurance will apply for purchases made using your
eligible credit card. E.g. For Extended Warranty
the entire cost of the personal goods item must be
charged to the eligible credit card account.
These insurance covers are subject to the conditions,
exclusions, limits, sub-limits and terms following
and must be read in conjunction with Important
Information pages 29-58.
You must also check General exclusions,
pages53-58, for other reasons why we will not
Interstate Flight Inconvenience
Interstate Flight Inconvenience is a cover available to Platinum
Mastercard and World Mastercard cardholders, subject to the
following terms and conditions and the details in Important
Information pages 29-58.
It covers the cardholder during interstate travel, provided the
cardholder charges the entire cost of their return interstate
flight to their eligible credit card account.
If the cardholder is eligible for this insurance, it extends to
the cardholder’s family, provided they are travelling with the
cardholder and the entire cost of their return interstate flights
were also charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit card
For Benefit 4. Cancellation of domestic travel arrangements
under this section, this cover starts once the entire cost of your
return interstate flight has been charged to the cardholder’s
eligible credit card account and ceases when you commence
your interstate flight.
For all other benefits under Interstate Flight Inconvenience,
cover starts on the earlier of:
the departure date shown on your return interstate flight
ticket, or
the time you leave your home if you travel directly from
that home to the airport shown on your return interstate
flight ticket.
Cover ceases when the first of the following occurs:
14 days after the departure date shown on the
cardholder’s return interstate flight ticket
– When you cancel your interstate flight ticket
– When you return to your home if you travel directly to that
home from the airport shown on your return interstate
flight ticket
1. Delays
a. Flight delay
If the intended interstate flight is delayed by four hours or
more, and no alternative transport is made available, you
are entitled to charge up to $100 for each of you to the
cardholder’s eligible credit card account for meals and
refreshments, up to a total of $500.
b. 12 hour luggage delay
If, following the interstate flight, your luggage containing
clothes and toiletries is delayed in getting to you for over 12
hours, you are entitled to charge up to $100 for each of you
to the cardholder’s eligible credit card account for essential
clothing and toiletries, up to a total of $250.
2. Loss of, or damage to, personal goods
We insure you during your interstate travel, while this cover
is in force, for the theft and accidental loss of, or damage to,
clothing and your personal goods (but not laptop computers
or business items) that you have with you. We will pay up to a
maximum amount of $1,000 for each item to a maximum of
$3,000 in total.
We do not cover your business items or personal goods
under this benefit in any of the circumstances specified in
Complimentary Overseas Travel Insurance, Benefit 4: Baggage
and Personal Goods under ‘We will not pay for’.
If an item is damaged, lost or stolen, after deducting
depreciation as shown in the depreciation table, we will repair
the item if it is practical and economic to do so. If it is not
practical and economic to repair the item and depreciation
is not applicable, we will replace the item or provide you
with a replacement voucher if the item is available from our
usual suppliers. If the above do not apply, we will pay you the
monetary value of the item.
Where the item is part of a pair or set, you will receive no more
than the value of the particular part or parts lost, stolen or
damaged, regardless of any special value that the item may
have by way of being part of such pair or set. Our payment
will not be more than the amount you paid for the item and
depreciation will be deducted in accordance with the table
following (where applicable).
Depreciation table
Age of item
that applies
watches or
devices, all
electrical devices,
phones, all,
equipment, smart
watches, tablet
Any other
New-24 months 0% 0% 0%
25-36 months 0% 60% 36%
More than 36
0% 60% 60%
3. Funeral expenses as a result of accidental death
If, while on interstate travel and while this cover is in force, you
die as a result of injury caused accidentally, directly and solely
by a sudden physical force (but not illness or disease), we will
1. the reasonable costs of returning your remains or ashes to
your home town/city in Australia and/or
2. the cost of the funeral or cremation.
The maximum amount we will pay for this benefit is up to
$10,000 for each of you, to a maximum of $20,000.
4. Cancellation of domestic travel arrangements
Under this benefit, we cover you for your cancelled non-
refundable travel arrangements (but not taxes, airport or travel
agent charges), and additional travel and accommodation
expenses associated with the cancellation, up to $3,000 for
World Mastercard and Platinum Mastercard cardholders. This
applies if travel arrangements you have paid for are cancelled
for any of the following reasons, provided the entire cost of
your return interstate flight has already been charged to the
cardholder’s eligible credit card account:
1. You, your travel companion or a relative unexpectedly:
a. die(s)
b. is seriously injured, or
c. become(s) seriously ill.
We will need to see a medical advice written by a medical
practitioner regarding any of the above events, and be
satisfied that the expenses involved are reasonable
2. Your home is rendered uninhabitable by fire, explosion,
earthquake or flood
3. You are quarantined
4. You are subpoenaed to attend court in Australia
5. Your arranged travel is cancelled or delayed by the
carrier because of an unexpected natural disaster, or the
mechanical breakdown of the aircraft
6. You are involuntarily made redundant from permanent full-
time employment in Australia where you would not have
been aware before the interstate flight was purchased
that the redundancy was to occur.
Transit Accident
Transit Accident is a cover available to Platinum Mastercard
and World Mastercard cardholders travelling internationally,
subject to the following terms and conditions and the details
contained in Important Information pages 29-58.
It provides certain accidental death and injury cover for
cardholders who sustain an injury or die as a result of an
accident on a trip while riding as a paying passenger in (not as
a pilot, driver or crew member), or boarding or alighting (when
you physically get on or off) a licensed plane, tourist bus, train,
ferry or other conveyance as outlined in this cover.
This cover is available on a trip outside Australia where,
prior to the trip, the entire payment for the trip was charged
to the cardholder’s eligible credit card account. In certain
circumstances the benefits also extend to the cardholder’s
family, provided they are travelling with the cardholder and,
before the trip, the payment for their trip was also charged to
the cardholder’s eligible credit card account.
The Schedule of Benefits page 92 will be paid if, while
outside Australia, the cardholder and/or their spouse and/or
dependent children, subject to meeting eligibility and extended
cover above, suffer a loss as a result of an injury incurred in an
accident under the following circumstances:
1. The injury is sustained on a trip while you are riding
as a paying passenger in (not as a pilot, driver or crew
member) or boarding or alighting (when you physically
get on or off) the licensed plane, tourist bus, train or ferry
authorised pursuant to any statute, regulation, by law or
the equivalent thereof for the transportation of passengers
for hire
2. The injury is sustained while you are riding as a paying
passenger in (not as a pilot, driver or crew member)
another conveyance (for example a licensed taxi, bus or
hire vehicle) authorised pursuant to any statute, regulation,
by-law or the equivalent thereof for the transportation of
passengers for hire. This is provided you are travelling
directly to or from an airport, bus depot, railway station or
dock, immediately preceding or following the scheduled
When, due to an accident specified in points 1 or 2
above, you are unavoidably exposed to the elements and,
because of such exposure, suffer an injury for which
indemnity is otherwise payable hereunder, the loss shall be
covered under the terms of this cover
3. If your body has not been found within one year of the
date of your disappearance arising out of an accident,
which would give rise to a loss as specified in points 1
or 2 above, it will be presumed that you died as a result
of injury caused by the accident at the time of your
A benefit payable under this cover will be paid to the
cardholder or spouse. In the event of your death, the benefit
will be paid to your legal representative. In the event of an
injury or death of an accompanied child, we will pay the
When an accident results in any of the injuries, shown in the
Schedule of Benefits on the next page, within one year after
the date of the accident, we will pay the benefit amount shown
according to the injury.
If you sustain more than one injury resulting from one
accident, the Benefit Amount for the greater injury will be paid.
Price Guarantee
Price Guarantee cover is available to Platinum Mastercard and
World Mastercard cardholders, when:
personal goods are purchased in a store (not online) in
Australia, and
the entire cost is charged to cardholder’s eligible credit
card account.
Cover is subject to the following and the details contained in
Important Information pages 29-58.
This cover refunds the cardholder the difference in price if,
within 21 days of the purchase, they advise us that they have,
subsequent to their purchase, received a printed or emailed
catalogue showing the same personal goods for a lower price
from a store within 25 kilometres of the store that the personal
goods were purchased, and the price difference is greater than
To make a claim, you must report the cheaper article and
submit your claim to us within 30 days of the purchase of the
personal goods.
The cheaper personal goods must be: the same model number,
the same model year and produced by the same manufacturer
as the personal goods purchased by you.
What is the cover limit?
Provided the price difference is greater than $75, we will refund
the price difference up to a maximum amount of $1,000 for any
one item, set or pair items (including attached and unattached
What is not covered?
This section does not cover business items or personal goods
purchased or advertised exclusively on the internet.
Schedule of Benefits
Benefit Amount
Injury Per person
(whether a
cardholder, spouse or
accompanied child)
Loss of life $500,000
Loss of both hands or both feet $500,000
Loss of one hand and one foot $500,000
Loss of the entire sight of both eyes $500,000
Loss of the entire sight of one eye
and one hand and one foot
Loss of one hand or one foot $500,000
Loss of the entire sight of one eye $250,000
Please note:
‘Loss of‘, with reference to a hand or foot, means the
complete severance through or above the wrist for the
hand or the complete severance through or above the
ankle joint for the foot
’Loss of’ with reference to an eye, means permanent and
irrecoverable loss of the entire sight of the eye
Limits on what we pay
The most we will pay for all claims that result from the
one incident (e.g. a bus crash) is a maximum amount of
$2,500,000. This is regardless of the number of persons
(whether related or not) eligible for cover who are involved in
the incident.
This means that if, as a result of one accident, a number of
cardholders, spouses and/or accompanied children (whether
related or not) suffer an injury, we would pay each on a
proportional basis (using the Schedule of Benefits above) up to
a total of $2,500,000. For example, if six cardholders lost their
lives in the same bus crash, we would pay $416,667 to each of
their legal representatives.
cardholder who purchased them in accordance with point
1 above. For the purpose of this cover, these persons are
also referred to as cardholder or cardholders.
3. The personal goods are insured anywhere in the world
for 90 consecutive days from the date of purchase in the
event of loss, theft or damage. There is no cover until you
take possession of the personal goods.
4. An excess of $250 applies. The excess is the first amount
of a claim that we will not pay for. It is deducted from your
claim if it is approved by us.
What are the cover limits?
We will pay the lesser of:
the actual amount charged to the cardholder’s eligible
credit card account, or
$3,000 per claim in respect of jewellery, watches and fine
up to a maximum of $125,000 in any 12 month period in
respect of any one eligible credit card account.
Extended Warranty
Extended Warranty is a cover available to all Platinum
Mastercard and World Mastercard cardholders, subject to the
following terms and conditions and the details contained in
Important Information pages 29-58.
The cover extends the manufacturer’s expressed written
Australian warranty on personal goods (the warranty applicable
and able to be fulfilled within Australia, that has been properly
registered with the manufacturer). This is only for purchases
charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit card account.
The personal goods may come with guarantees from the seller
and/or the manufacturer that cannot be excluded under the
Australian Consumer Law or other relevant law, which may
entitle you to a replacement or refund for a major failure and
compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or
damage. You may also be entitled to have the goods repaired
or replaced, if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the
failure does not amount to a major failure.
This Extended Warranty operates alongside, and in addition
to, and does not change or take away any rights you may
have under, the Australian Consumer Law in relation to your
personal goods. So, you can choose to make a claim under
this cover even if you have rights under the law.
Purchase Security
Purchase Security is a cover available to Platinum Mastercard
and World Mastercard cardholders, subject to the following
terms and conditions and the details contained in Important
Information pages29-58.
It provides 90 consecutive days of cover (from the date of
purchase) in the event of loss, theft or damage of a wide range
of new personal goods purchased anywhere in the world, when
those items are charged to the cardholder’s eligible credit card
account. Cover limits and policy exclusions apply.
We do not cover your personal goods under this benefit in any
of the circumstances specified in Complimentary Overseas
Travel Insurance, Benefit 4: Baggage and Personal Goods
under ‘We will not pay for’.
If an item is damaged, lost or stolen we will repair the item if
it is practical and economic to do so. If it is not practical and
economic to repair the item, we will replace the item or provide
you with a replacement voucher if the item is available from
our usual suppliers. If the above do not apply, we will pay you
the monetary value of the item.
Where the item is part of a pair or set, you will receive no more
than the value of the particular part or parts lost, stolen or
damaged, regardless of any special value that the item may
have by way of being part of such pair or set.
Here are some examples of items considered as only one item
for the purpose of this insurance. The appropriate single item
limit will be applied: a camera, camera accessories, lenses
and tripod (attached or not); a smart phone and cover/case; a
matched or unmatched set of golf clubs, golf bag and buggy; a
necklace and pendant; a charm bracelet and charms.
Terms and conditions
1. This cover provides automatic insurance protection
for new personal goods purchased using an eligible
credit card unless the personal goods and/or claims
are excluded by the policy’s terms and conditions, or
the cardholder fails to comply with this booklet’s policy
conditions. Personal goods purchased by instalment
payments (e.g. mobile phone contracts) are not covered
until the final payment is made.
2. Cover extends to permanent Australian residents
who receive the new personal goods as a gift from a
Terms and conditions
1. Only items with a manufacturer’s unique identification
serial number on them are covered under this insurance.
2. The cover provided by this Extended Warranty for personal
goods purchased comes into effect at the end of the
Australian warranty period that applies to those personal
goods and covers the cost to repair or replace the
personal goods.
3. This Extended Warranty period will be for a duration
equivalent to the Australian warranty period, up to a
maximum of one full year, and does not apply if the
Australian warranty exceeds five years.
The table below sets out examples of how extended warranty
periods apply:
Australian warranty
Extended warranty
7 days 7 days
14 days 14 days
1 month 1 month
6 months 6 months
1 to 5 years 1 year
Over 5 years No cover
4. Only covered breakdowns are eligible for Extended
Warranty. A covered breakdown means the failure of
personal goods to operate for the purpose for which
they were designed as a result of a breakdown or defect,
provided the breakdown or defect is covered by the terms
of the Australian warranty.
5. You must take all reasonable care to protect and maintain
the personal goods insured under this cover.
6. If a claim is to be paid under this cover, you must obtain
approval from us prior to proceeding with any repairs or
replacement of the personal goods, which have broken
down, or are defective. You must also retain the personal
goods or parts for our inspection.
7. An excess of $250 applies. The excess is the first amount
of a claim that we will not pay for. It is deducted from your
claim if it is approved by us.
What are the cover limits?
We will not pay more than:
1. the actual Australian dollar purchase price of the personal
goods charged to the eligible credit card account, and
2. up to a maximum in any 12 month period of $30,000 per
eligible credit card account.
General Information
Financial Claims Scheme
If the insurer becomes insolvent, you may be entitled to
payment under the Financial Claims Scheme (FCS). Access to
the FCS is subject to eligibility criteria.
Please visit fcs.gov.au for information.
General Insurance Code of Practice
We are a signatory to the General Insurance Code of Practice
(the Code) and support the Code. The objectives of the Code
to commit us to high standards of service
to promote better, more informed relations between us
and you
to maintain and promote trust and confidence in the
general insurance industry
to provide fair and effective mechanisms for the resolution
of complaints and disputes you make about us, and
to promote continuous improvement of the general
insurance industry through education and training.
The Code Governance Committee is an independent body that
monitors and enforces insurers compliance with the Code.
Further information about the Code or the Code Governance
Committee and your rights under it is available at
insurancecouncil.com.au/cop/ or by contacting us.
Change of terms and conditions
From time to time, and where permitted by law, we may change
parts of the PDS and Information Booklet. We will issue you/
the cardholder with a new PDS or other compliant document,
or summary of material changes to update the relevant details,
except in limited cases.
Any updates, which are not materially adverse to you/the
cardholder from the view of a reasonable person deciding
whether to acquire this insurance, can be found on
bankwest.com.au. You/the cardholder can obtain a paper
copy of any updated information, without charge, by calling
Cover-More on 1300 468 340.
We respect your privacy
In this Privacy Notice the use of “we”, “our” or “us” means both
Cover-More and the insurer, unless specified otherwise.
Why your personal information is collected
We collect your personal information (including sensitive
information) to help us in:
– identifying you and conducting necessary checks
determining what services or products we can provide to
you and/or others
issuing, managing and administering services and
products provided to you and/or others including claims
investigation, handling and payment, and
improving services and products, e.g. training and
developing representatives, product and service research,
data analysis and business strategy development.
Cover-More also collects your personal information to provide
you with special offers of other services and products that may
be of interest to you.
How your personal information is collected
We may collect your personal information through websites,
from data you or your travel consultant input directly, or
through cookies and other web analytic tools, also via email,
fax, telephone or in writing.
We collect personal information directly from you unless:
you have consented to collection from someone else
it is unreasonable or impracticable for us to do so, or
the law permits us to collect from someone else.
We also collect additional personal information from other
third parties to provide you with our services and products. If
you provide personal information to us about another person
you must only do so with their consent and agree to make
them aware of this Privacy Notice.
Who we disclose your personal information to
We may disclose your personal information to other parties
and service providers for the reasons explained above. The
other parties and service providers include:
insurers and reinsurers
medical providers, travel providers and your travel
our lawyers and other professional advisers
our related companies and other representatives or
contractors who we have hired to provide services or to
monitor the services provided by us or our agents, our
products or operations, and/or
other parties we may be able to claim or recover against or
other parties where permitted or required by law.
Additional parties and service providers are detailed in the
Cover-More Privacy Policy and the insurer’s Privacy Statement.
The contractual arrangements that we have in place with these
parties and service providers generally include an obligation for
them to comply with Australian privacy laws.
We may need to disclose personal information about you to
other parties and service providers, some of whom may be
located overseas. Who they are may change from time to
time. Generally these recipients will be located in the overseas
countries you travelled to over the duration of these insurance
covers and your claim. These recipients would usually be
service providers, such as medical providers, providers of
travel-related services, investigators, assessors and facilitators
or our related entities that carry out services on our behalf
in relation to these insurance covers and your claim. Further
details of these types of recipients are set out in the Cover-
More Privacy Policy and the insurer’s Privacy Statement.
We may not always be able to take reasonable steps to ensure
that these recipients comply with the Privacy Act 1988. Some
of the countries where these recipients are based may not
offer the same protection or obligations that are offered by the
Act in Australia. By acquiring the services and products from
us, you agree that you may not be able to seek redress under
the Act, or from us and/or from the recipients in overseas
countries, or to the extent permitted by law.
You and any other traveller included on the policy consent to
these uses and disclosures unless you tell Cover-More, using
the contact details below.
Your choices
If you choose not to provide your personal information and/
or choose not to consent and/or withdraw your consent to the
use and disclosure of your personal information, set out in this
Privacy Notice, at any stage, we may not be able to provide our
services or products or manage and administer services and
products to you and/or others.
If you wish to withdraw your consent, including for things
such as receiving information on products and offers, please
contact Cover-More using the following methods.
More information
For more information about how your personal information is
collected, used or disclosed, how to access or seek correction
to your personal information or how to make a complaint and
how such a complaint will be handled, please contact us or
refer to the relevant website.
Cover-More Privacy Officer
Cover-More Insurance Services Pty Ltd
Mail: PO Box 2027, North Sydney NSW 2059 Australia
Email: privacy[email protected]
Call: 1300 72 88 22
Website: covermore.com.au/covermore_privacy_policy
ZAIL Privacy Officer
Zurich Australian Insurance Limited
Mail: PO Box 677, North Sydney NSW 2059
Email: privacy[email protected]
Call: 132 687
Website: zurich.com.au/important-information/privacy
About the Group Policy
The Group Policy is a contract of insurance between us and
Bankwest who is the insured entity under the policy.
Access to benefits under the Group Policy is provided to
cardholders solely by operation of section 48 of the Insurance
Contracts Act 1984.
Cardholders do not enter into any agreement with us and
cannot vary or cancel the Group Policy, as they are not the
contracting insured. If we or Bankwest cancel or vary the Group
Policy, neither we or Bankwest need to obtain consent to do
We do not provide any notices to cardholders. We only
send notices to Bankwest (to whom we have contractual
You are not obliged to accept any of the cover benefits, but
if you wish to make a claim under the Group Policy then you
have the same obligations to us as Bankwest in accordance
with the Insurance Contracts Act. We have the same rights
regarding cardholders as we have regarding Bankwest.
Neither we nor Bankwest hold anything in trust, for the benefit
of, or on your behalf under the Group Policy.
Bankwest does not act on our behalf or on your behalf in
relation to the insurance.
Any person who may be eligible should consider obtaining
advice as to whether the benefits are appropriate or useful for
their needs, from a person who is licensed to give such advice.
No advice is provided by us, our representatives or Bankwest
that this insurance is appropriate or useful for any person’s
needs. Nothing prevents such persons from entering into other
insurance arrangements.
Termination of the Group Policy
Bankwest may terminate the Group Policy at any time. If
this happens Bankwest will give the cardholder notice of the
termination in writing.
Bankwest may vary the Group Policy at any time. If this
happens Bankwest will advise the cardholder of the variation
by writing to cardholder or on the website bankwest.com.au.
Purchases made in accordance with the existing Other
Insurances before the Group Policy is varied or terminated will
still be eligible for that cover. Any purchases made after the
variation or termination of the Group Policy will not be eligible
for the existing cover.
Cancelling your cover
Where you have paid the required premium and been issued a
Certificate of Insurance for Upgraded Benefits, including cover
for an extended period of cover or existing medical condition
cover, the cover can be cancelled by the cardholder at any
For Upgraded Benefits, including cover for an extended period
of cover or existing medical condition cover that are cancelled
within a cooling-off period of 21 days after you are issued your
Certificate of Insurance, you will be given a full refund of the
premium you paid, provided you have not started your journey
or you do not want to make a claim.
After this period you can still cancel your cover. We may refund
to you a proportion of the premium for the unexpired period of
cover (less any non-refundable government charges and taxes
that we have paid and are not recoverable). You are not entitled
to a refund if you have started your journey, you want to make
a claim, or exercise any other right under your cover.
To cancel your cover please contact Cover-More by phone
1300 468 340 or email [email protected].
Complaints and disputes resolution process
We and Cover-More are committed to resolving any complaint
or dispute fairly.
If you have a complaint about an insurance product we
issued or the service you have received (from us or one of our
representatives), please contact us. We will put you in contact
with someone who can help to resolve the complaint. You can
talk over the phone, email or write:
Call Cover-More on 1300 468 340
Write to the Customer Relations Manager
Post: PO Box 2027, North Sydney NSW 2059
Email: customerrelationsBW@covermore.com.au
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours
or as soon as practicable.
If you are not satisfied with our initial response, you may use
our Internal Dispute resolution process.
We expect that our internal dispute resolution process will deal
fairly and promptly with your complaint, however, you may
take your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints
Authority (AFCA) at any time.
AFCA is an independent dispute resolution scheme. We
are a member of this scheme and we agree to be bound by
its determinations about a dispute. AFCA provides fair and
independent financial services complaint resolution that is free
to you.
Their contact details are:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Call: 1800 931 678
Address: GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Website: afca.org.au
If your complaint or dispute falls outside the AFCA rules, you
can seek independent legal advice or access any other external
dispute resolution options that may be available to you.
Contact details
Overseas Travel Insurance
24 hour emergency assistance
Please call Australia DIRECT and TOLL FREE from:
USA 1833 567 5339 UK 0808 234 1925
Canada 1833 567 5339 NZ 0800 735 915
Charges apply if calling from a pay phone or mobile phone.
From all other countries or if you experience difficulties with
the numbers above:
Call direct: +61 2 8907 5615
Fax: +61 2 9055 3303
General enquiries (non-emergency)
To ask about claims or other details about the insurances
included with your credit card, please call or email:
1300 468 340 (within Australia)
+61 2 8907 5061 (from overseas)
How to make a claim – See page 25
Message us in the Bankwest App
Visit bankwest.com.au
Call 13 17 19
Bankwest, a division of Commonwealth Bank of Australia
ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 234945.
Date prepared: 31 May 2024
Issue 6
BWA-8436 31052024
Call 13 17 19.
Message us in the Bankwest App.
Visit bankwest.com.au.
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