National Center for Health Statistics
Edward J. Sondik, Ph.D., Director
Jack R. Anderson, Deputy Director
Jack R. Anderson, Acting Associate Director for
International Statistics
Jennifer H. Madans, Ph.D., Associate Director for Science
Lawrence H. Cox, Ph.D., Associate Director for Research
and Methodology
Diane M. Makuc, Dr.P.H., Acting Associate Director for
Analysis, Epidemiology, and Health Promotion
P. Douglas Williams, Acting Associate Director for Data
Standards, Program Development, and Extramural Programs
Edward L. Hunter, Associate Director for Planning, Budget,
and Legislation
Jennifer H. Madans, Ph.D., Acting Associate Director for
Vital and Health Statistics Systems
Douglas L. Zinn, Acting Associate Director for
Management and Operations
Charles J. Rothwell, Associate Director for Information
Technology and Services
Division of Vital Statistics
James A. Weed, Ph.D., Acting Director
James A. Weed, Ph.D., Acting Chief, Mortality Statistics
This handbook contains instructions for physicians on cause-of-death
certification. It was prepared by the Department of Health and Human
Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for
Health Statistics (NCHS). These instructions pertain to the 2003 revision
of the U.S. Standard Certificate of Death and the 1992 revision of the
Model State Vital Statistics Act and Regulations. This handbook serves as
a model that can be adapted by any vital statistics registration area.
Other handbooks and references on preparing and registering vital records
are mentioned at the end of the section on Medical Certification of Death
and are listed in the references. For most of these resources, the State vital
statistics office or NCHS can provide as many copies as desired.
For detailed information on completing other items on the death certifi-
cate, refer to the Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death
Registration and Fetal Death Reporting or the Funeral Directors’ Handbook
on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting.
Keywords: medical certification c death certificate c guidelines c handbook
This publication was prepared by staff from the Division of Vital Statistics
led by Donna L. Hoyert, Ph.D., and Arialdi M. Minino, M.P.H. Robert N.
Anderson, Ph.D., also contributed to this effort. Mary Anne Freedman,
M.A., the Director of the Division of Vital Statistics while this publication
was being prepared, reviewed and commented on the contents. Expert
medical review and comments were provided by Randy Hanzlick, M.D.;
Gregory G. Davis, M.D.; and Lillian R. Blackmon, M.D. Additional medical
input was provided by Henry Thiede, M.D.; Kenneth C. Schoendorf, M.D.;
and Sonja Rasmussen, M.D.
This handbook was edited by Demarius V. Miller, typeset by Jacqueline M.
Davis, and the graphics produced by Jarmila G. Ogburn of the Publica-
tions Branch, Division of Data Services.
Preface ............................................................. iii
Acknowledgments ................................................... v
Introduction ........................................................ 1
Purpose .......................................................... 1
Importance of Death Registration ................................. 1
U.S. Standard Certificate of Death ................................ 3
Confidentiality of Vital Records .................................... 4
Physician’s Responsibility ......................................... 4
General Instructions for Completing Death Certificates .............. 7
Medical Certification of Death ....................................... 9
Pronouncing Date and Time of Death ............................. 9
Cause of Death ................................................... 9
Changes to Cause of Death....................................... 12
Instructions ..................................................... 12
Part I of the Cause-of-Death Section ............................. 12
Line (a) Immediate Cause ...................................... 13
Lines (b), (c), and (d) Due to (or as a Consequence of) ........... 13
Approximate Interval Between Onset and Death ................ 14
Part II of the Cause-of-Death Section (Other Significant
Conditions) .................................................... 14
Doubt and Cause of Death ....................................... 15
Other Items for Medical Certification ............................. 15
Completing the Certifier Section ................................. 16
Examples of Cause-of-Death Certification ........................ 17
Common Problems in Death Certification ........................ 31
Additional Resources ............................................ 33
Completing Other Items on the Death Certificate ................... 34
Name of Decedent (Margin) ...................................... 34
Place of Death (Item 14) ......................................... 34
Facility Name (Items 15–17) ..................................... 35
Date Pronounced Dead (Item 24) ................................. 36
Time Pronounced Dead (Item 25) ................................ 37
Pronouncing Physician (Items 26–28) ............................ 37
Date Pronounced Dead (Item 29) ................................. 38
Time Pronounced Dead (Item 30) ................................ 39
Was Medical Examiner or Coroner Contacted? (Item 31) .......... 40
Cause of Death (Item 32) ........................................ 40
Autopsy (Items 33 and 34) ....................................... 41
Tobacco Use Contribute to Death (Item 35) ....................... 42
If Female, Pregnancy Status (Item 36) ............................ 42
Manner of Death (Item 37) ....................................... 42
Accident or Injury (Items 38–44) ................................. 43
Certifier (Items 45–49)............................................ 46
References ....................................................... 49
A. The U.S. Standard Certificate of Death ........................ 52
B. The Vital Statistics Registration System in the United States . . . 54
This handbook is designed to acquaint physicians, medical students, and
others with the vital registration system in the United States and to pro-
vide instructions for completing and filing death certificates. Emphasis is
directed toward the certification of medical information, the primary re-
sponsibility of the physician, and a critical piece of information on the
death certificate.
Importance of death registration
The death certificate is a permanent record of the fact of death, and
depending on the State of death, may be needed to get a burial permit.
State law specifies the required time for completing and filing the death
The death certificate provides important personal information about the
decedent and about the circumstances and cause of death. This informa-
tion has many uses related to the settlement of the estate and provides
family members closure, peace of mind, and documentation of the cause of
The death certificate is the source for State and national mortality statis-
(figures 1–3) and is used to determine which medical conditions re-
ceive research and development funding, to set public health goals, and to
measure health status at local, State, national, and international levels.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for
Health Statistics (NCHS) publishes summary mortality data in the Na-
tional Vital Statistics Report publication ‘‘Deaths: Final data’’ and on the
Internet at (under vital statistics, mortality).
These mortality data are valuable to physicians indirectly by influencing
funding that supports medical and health research that may alter clinical
practice and directly as a research tool. Research topics include identifying
disease etiology, evaluating diagnostic and therapeutic techniques,
Figure 1. Deaths by age
Figure 2. Deaths by cause
Figure 3. Percent of persons born alive in selected years surviving to
specific ages
examining medical or mental health problems that may be found among
specific groups of people (1), and indicating areas in which medical re-
search can have the greatest impact on reducing mortality.
Analyses typically focus on a single condition reported on the death cer-
tificate, but some analyses do consider all conditions mentioned. Such
analyses are important in studying certain diseases and conditions and in
investigating relationships between conditions reported on the same death
certificate (for example, types of fatal injuries and automobile crashes or
types of infections and HIV).
Because statistical data derived from death certificates can be no more
accurate than the information on the certificate, it is very important that
all persons concerned with the registration of deaths strive not only for
complete registration, but also for accuracy and promptness in reporting
these events. Furthermore, the potential usefulness of detailed specific
information is greater than more general information.
U.S. Standard Certificate of Death
The registration of deaths is a State function supported by individual State
laws and regulations. The original death certificates are filed in the States
and stored in accordance with State practice. Each State has a contract
with NCHS that allows the Federal Government to use information from
the State records to produce national vital statistics. The national data
program is called the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) (2,3).
To ensure consistency in the NVSS, NCHS provides leadership and coor-
dination in the development of a standar d certificate of death for the States
to use as a model. The standar d certificate is revised periodically to ensure
that the data collected relate to current and anticipated needs. In the
revision process, stakeholders review and evaluate each item on the stan-
dard certificate for its registration, legal, genealogical, statistical, medical,
and research value. The associations on the stakeholder panel that recom-
mended the current U.S. Standard Certificate of Death included the Ameri-
can Medical Association, the National Association of Medical Examiners,
the College of American Pathologists, and the American Hospital Associa-
tion (2).
Most State certificates conform closely in content and arrangement to the
standard. Minor modifications are sometimes necessary to comply with
State laws or regulations or to meet specific information needs. Having
similar forms promotes uniformity of data and comparable national statis-
tics. They also allow the comparison of individual State data with national
data and of individual State data with national data and data from other
States. Uniformity of death certificates among the States also increases
their acceptability as legal records.
Confidentiality of vital records
To encourage appropriate access to vital records, NCHS promotes the
development of model vital statistics laws concerning confidentiality (4).
State laws and supporting regulations define which persons have autho-
rized access to vital records. Some States have few restrictions on access
to death certificates. However, there are restrictions on access to death
certificates in the majority of States. Legal safeguards to the confidentiality
of vital records have been strengthened over time in some States.
Physician’s responsibility
The physician’s principal responsibility in death registration is to complete
the medical part of the death certificate. In fulfilling the role of the certifier
(i.e., person completing the medical part of the death certificate), the
physician performs the final act of care to a patient by providing closure
with a well-thought-out and complete death certificate that will allow the
family to close the person’s affairs. At the same time, the physician per-
forms a service for the larger community.
The physician is to:
+ Be familiar with State and local regulations on medical certifications for
deaths without medical attendance or involving external causes that
may require the physician to report the case to a medical examiner or
+ Complete relevant portions of the death certificate.
+ Deliver the signed or electronically authenticated death certificate to
the funeral director promptly so that the funeral dir ector can file it with
the State or local registrar within the State’s prescribed time period.
+ Assist the State or local registrar by answering inquiries pr omptly.
+ Deliver a supplemental report of cause of death to the State vital
statistics office when autopsy findings or further investigation r eveals
the cause of death to be different from what was originally reported.
In some States, hospitals and other institutions are authorized to initiate
the preparation of the death certificate when the death occurred in that
hospital or institution. In such cases, the attending physician will usually
complete the cause-of-death section and sign the certificate at the hospital
or other institution. Jurisdictions with electronic registration systems may
have other ways to authenticate the certification than by using a signature
on paper. In a few States, when the attending physician (physician in
charge of the patient’s care for the condition that resulted in death) is not
available at the time of death to certify the cause of death, another physi-
cian on duty at the hospital or other institution may pronounce the dece-
dent legally dead; and, with the permission of the attending physician, the
‘‘pronouncing physician’’ may authorize release of the body to the funeral
director. In such cases, the attending physician will certify the cause of
death at a later time.
In all cases, the attending physician is responsible for certifying the cause
of death. In most cases, he or she will both pr onounce death and certify
the cause of death. Only in the instances when the attending physician is
unavailable to certify the cause of death at the time of death, and State law
provides for a pronouncing physician, will a different physician pronounce
If completed properly, the cause of death will communicate the same
essential information (11) that a case history would. For example, the
following cause-of-death statement is complete:
I a) Septic shock
b) Infected decubitus ulcers
c) Complications of cerebral infarction
d) Cerebral artery atherosclerosis
II Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
If not completed properly, information may be missing from the cause-of-
death section, so someone reading the cause of death would not know why
the condition on the lowest used line developed. For example:
I a) Pneumonia
b) Malnutrition
This example does not explain what caused malnutrition. A variety of
different circumstances could cause malnutrition, so the statement is
incomplete and ambiguous.
In some cases, the physician will be contacted to verify information re-
ported on a death certificate or to provide additional information to clarify
what was meant. The original cause-of-death statement may not be wrong
from a clinical standpoint, but may not include sufficient information for
assigning codes for statistical purposes. Following guidelines in this hand-
book should minimize the frequency with which a physician will need to
spend additional time answering follow-up questions about a patient’s
cause of death.
General Instructions for Completing Death
Death certificates are permanent legal records from which of ficial copies
are made. It is essential that the certificate be prepared accurately. Fu-
neral directors are responsible for completing most of the information on
the death certificate with the assistance of an informant who is usually a
family member.
Completing a death certificate involves the following guidelines:
+ Use the current form designated by the State.
+ Complete each item, following the specific instructions for that item.
+ Make the entry legible. Use a computer printer with high resolution,
typewriter with good black ribbon and clean keys, or print legibly using
permanent black ink.
+ Do not use abbreviations except those recommended in the specific
item instructions.
+ Verify with the informant the spelling of names, especially those that
have different spellings for the same sound (Smith or Smyth, Gail or
Gayle, Wolf or Wolfe, and so forth).
+ Refer problems not covered in these instructions to the State office of
vital statistics or to the local registrar.
+ Obtain all signatures; rubber stamps or other facsimile signatures are
not acceptable. If jurisdiction provides, authenticate electronically.
+ Do not make alterations or erasures.
+ File the original certificate or report with the registrar. Reproductions
or duplicates are not acceptable.
Most States r equire that the death certificate be completed and filed within
a specified time period. Physicians are expected to use medical training,
knowledge of medicine, available medical history, symptoms, diagnostic
tests, and autopsy r esults, if available, to determine the cause of death.
Generally, it is possible to file a certificate with the cause of death listed as
pending or pending further study. This is especially useful when additional
investigation such as autopsy results are expected, but it obligates the
attending physician to update the original information after the additional
information becomes available.
Medical Certification of Death
The physician’s primary responsibility in death registration is pronounc-
ing the death and, when he or she is the attending physician, reporting
cause of death. The medical part of the certificate includes:
+ Date and time pronounced dead
+ Date and time of death
+ Question on whether the case was referred to the medical examiner or
+ Cause-of-death section including cause of death, manner of death,
tobacco use, and females’ pregnancy status items
+ Injury items for cases involving injuries
+ Certifier section with signatures
In most cases, a physician will both pronounce death and certify or report
the cause of death. A different physician will pronounce death only when
the attending physician is unavailable to certify the cause of death at the
time of death and if State law provides for this option. If an inquiry is
required by a State Post-Mortem Examinations Act, a medical examiner or
coroner is responsible for determining cause of death (4).
Pronouncing date and time of death
Items 24 and 25 must be completed by the person who pronounces death.
This may be the pronouncing physician, pronouncing/certifying physi-
cian, or the medical examiner or coroner. For cases involving a pronounc-
ing physician different from the certifying physician, the pronouncing
physician must also complete items 26–28.
Cause of death
This section must be completed by either the attending physician, the
medical examiner, or the coroner. The cause-of-death section, a facsimile
of which is shown below, follows guidelines recommended by the World
Health Organization. An important feature is the reported underlying cause
of death determined by the certifying physician and defined as (a) the
disease or injury that initiated the train of morbid events leading directly
to death, or (b) the circumstances of the accident or violence that produced
the fatal injury. In addition to the underlying cause of death, this section
provides for reporting the entire sequence of events leading to death as
well as other conditions significantly contributing to death (5).
The cause-of-death section is designed to elicit the opinion of the medical
certifier. Causes of death on the death certificate r epresent a medical
opinion that might vary among individual physicians. A properly com-
pleted cause-of-death section provides an etiologic explanation of the or-
der, type, and association of events resulting in death. The initial condition
that starts the etiologic sequence is specific if it does not leave any doubt
as to why it developed. For example, sepsis is not specific because a
number of different conditions may have resulted in sepsis, whereas hu-
man immunodeficiency virus syndrome is specific.
In certifying the cause of death, any disease, abnormality, injury, or poi-
soning, if believed to have adversely affected the decedent, should be
reported. If the use of alcohol and/or other substance, a smoking history,
a recent pregnancy, injury, or surgery was believed to have contributed to
death, then this condition should be r eported. The conditions present at
the time of death may be completely unrelated, arising independently of
each other; they may be causally related to each other, that is, one condi-
tion may lead to another which in turn leads to a third condition; and so
forth. Death may also result from the combined effect of two or more
As can be seen, the cause-of-death section consists of two parts. The first
part is for reporting the sequence of events leading to death, proceeding
backwards from the final disease or condition resulting in death. So each
condition in Part I should cause the condition above it. A specific cause of
death should be reported in the last entry in Part I so there is no ambiguity
about the etiology of this cause. Other significant conditions that contrib-
uted to the death, but did not lead to the underlying cause, are reported in
Part II.
In addition, there are questions relating to autopsy, manner of death (for
example, accident), and injury. The cause of death should include infor-
mation provided by the pathologist if an autopsy or other type of postmor-
tem examination is done. For deaths that have microscopic examinations
pending at the time the certificate is filed, the additional information
should be reported as soon as it is available. If the physician has any
questions about the procedure for doing this, he or she should contact his
or her State registrar.
For statistical and r esearch purposes, it is important that the causes of
death and, in particular, the underlying cause of death be reported as
specifically and as precisely as possible. Careful reporting results in sta-
tistics for both underlying and multiple causes of death (i.e., all conditions
mentioned on a death certificate) reflecting the best medical opinion.
Every cause-of-death statement is coded and tabulated in the statistical
offices according to the latest revision of the International Classification of
Diseases (5). When there is a problem with the reported cause of death
(e.g., when a causal sequence is reported in reverse order), the rules
provide a consistent way to select the most likely underlying cause. How-
ever, it is better when rules designed to compensate for poor reporting are
not invoked so that the rules are confirming the physician’s statement
rather than imposing assumptions about what the physician meant.
Statistically, mortality research focuses on the underlying cause of death
because public health interventions seek to break the sequence of causally
related medical conditions as early as possible. However, all cause infor-
mation reported on death certificates is important and is analyzed.
In the sections that follow, detailed instructions on how to complete Parts
I and II are given. A number of examples of properly completed certificates
with case histories are provided in this section to illustrate how the cause
of death should be reported. Some common problems are also discussed
later in this section.
Changes to cause of death
Should additional medical information or autopsy findings become avail-
able that would change the cause or causes of death originally reported,
the certifying physician should amend the original death certificate by
immediately reporting the revised cause of death to the State vital records
office or local registrar.
The cause-of-death section consists of two parts. Part I is for reporting a
chain of events leading directly to death, with the immediate cause of
death (the final disease, injury, or complication directly causing death) on
line (a) and the underlying cause of death (the disease or injury that
initiated the chain of events that led directly and inevitably to death) on the
lowest used line. Part II is for reporting all other significant diseases,
conditions, or injuries that contributed to death but which did not result
in the underlying cause of death given in Part I.
The cause-of-death information should be the physician’s best medi-
cal OPINION. Report each disease, abnormality, injury, or poisoning that
the physician believes adversely affected the decedent. A condition can be
listed as ‘‘probable’’ if it has not been definitively diagnosed.
If an organ system failure such as congestive heart failure, hepatic failure,
renal failure, or respiratory failure is listed as a cause of death, always
report its etiology on the line(s) beneath it (for example, renal failure due to
Type I diabetes mellitus).
When indicating neoplasms as a cause of death, include the following: 1)
primary site or that the primary site is unknown, 2) benign or malignant,
3) cell type or that the cell type is unknown, 4) grade of neoplasm, and 5)
part or lobe of organ affected. (For example, a primary well-differentiated
squamous cell carcinoma, lung, left upper lobe.)
For each fatal injury (for example, stab wound of chest), always report the
trauma (for example, transection of subclavian vein), and impairment of
function (for example, air embolism) that contributed to death.
Part I of the cause-of-death section
Only one cause is to be entered on each line of Part I. Additional lines
should be added between the printed lines when necessary. For each
cause, indicate in the space provided the approximate interval between the
date of onset (not necessarily the date of diagnosis) and the date of death.
For clarity, do not use parenthetical statements and abbreviations when
reporting the cause of death. The underlying cause of death should be
entered on the
LOWEST LINE USED IN PART I. The underlying cause of
death is the disease or injury that started the sequence of events leading
directly to death or the circumstances of the accident or violence that
produced the fatal injury. In the case of a violent death, the for m of
external violence or accident is antecedent to an injury entered, although
the two events may be almost simultaneous.
Line (a) immediate cause
In Part I, the immediate cause of death is reported on line (a). This is the
final disease, injury, or complication directly causing the death. An imme-
diate cause of death must always be reported on line (a). It can be the sole
entry in the cause-of-death section if that condition is the only condition
causing the death.
The immediate cause does not mean the mechanism of death or terminal
event (for example, cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest). The mechanism of
death (for example, cardiac or respiratory arrest) should not be reported as
the immediate cause of death as it is a statement not specifically related to
the disease process, and it merely attests to the fact of death. Therefore,
the mechanism of death provides no additional information on the cause
of death.
Lines (b), (c), and (d) due to (or as a consequence of)
On line (b) report the disease, injury, or complication, if any, that gave rise
to the immediate cause of death reported on line (a). If this in turn resulted
from a further condition, record that condition on line (c). If this in turn
resulted from a further condition, record that condition on line (d). For as
many conditions as are involved, write the full sequence, one condition per
line, with the most recent condition at the top, and the underlying cause of
death reported on the lowest line used in Part I. If more than four lines are
needed, add additional lines (writing ‘‘due to’’ between conditions on the
same line is the same as drawing an additional line) rather than using
space in Part II to continue the sequence. The following certification is an
example in which an additional line was necessary.
The words ‘‘due to (or as a consequence of),’’ which are printed between the
lines of Part I, apply not only in sequences with an etiological or pathologi-
cal basis and usually a chronological time ordering, but also to sequences
in which an antecedent condition is believed to have prepared the way for
a subsequent cause by damage to tissues or impairment of function.
If the immediate cause of death arose as a complication of or from an error
or accident in surgery or other medical procedure or treatment, it is
important to report what condition was being treated, what medical pro-
cedure was performed, what the complication or error was, and what the
result of the complication or error was.
Approximate interval between onset and death
Space is pr ovided to the right of lines (a), (b), (c), and (d) for recording the
interval between the presumed onset of the condition (not the diagnosis of
the condition) and the date of death. This should be entered for all condi-
tions in Part I. These intervals usually are established by the physician on
the basis of available information. In some cases the interval will have to
be estimated. The terms ‘‘unknown’’ or ‘‘approximately’’ may be used.
General terms, such as minutes, hours, or days, are acceptable, if neces-
sary. If the time of onset is entirely unknown, state that the interval is
‘‘Unknown.’’ Do not leave these items blank.
This information is useful in coding certain diseases and also provides a
useful check on the accuracy of the reported sequence of conditions.
Part II of the cause-of-death section (other significant conditions)
All other important diseases or conditions that were pr esent at the time of
death and that may have contributed to the death, but did not lead to the
underlying cause of death listed in Part I or were not reported in the chain
of events in Part I, should be recorded on these lines. (More than one
condition can be reported per line in Part II.)
Multiple conditions and sequences of conditions resulting in death are
common, particularly among the elderly. When there are two or more
possible sequences resulting in death, or if two conditions seem to have
added together, choose and report in Part I the sequence thought to have
had the greatest impact. Other conditions or conditions from the other
sequence(s) should be reported in Part II. For example, in the case of a
diabetic male with chronic ischemic heart disease who dies from pneumo-
nia, his certifying physician must choose the sequence of conditions that
had the greatest impact and report this sequence in Part I. One possible
sequence that the certifier might report would be pneumonia due to dia-
betes mellitus in Part I with chronic ischemic heart disease reported in
Part II. Another possibility would be pneumonia due to the chronic is-
chemic heart disease entered in Part I with diabetes mellitus reported in
Part II. Or the certifier might consider the pneumonia to be due to the
ischemic heart disease that was due to the diabetes mellitus and report
this entire sequence in Part I. Because these three different possibilities
would be coded very differently, it is important for the certifying physician
to decide which sequence most accurately describes the conditions caus-
ing death.
Doubt and cause of death
In cases of doubt, it may be necessary to use qualifying phrases in either
Part I or Part II to reflect uncertainty as to which conditions led to death. In
cases where the certifier is unable to establish a cause of death based
upon reasonable medical certainty, he or she should enter ‘‘Unknown’’ in
the cause-of-death section. However, this should be shown only after all
efforts have been made to determine the cause of death. An autopsy
should be performed, if possible.
Other items for medical certification
The remaining items that require the physician’s certification relate to
autopsy, manner of death, injury, female decedent’s pregnancy status, if
tobacco use contributed to death, and whether the case was referred to the
medical examiner or coroner.
The physician should indicate whether an autopsy was performed and
whether the findings were available to complete the cause of death. If
additional medical information or autopsy findings are received after the
physician has certified the cause of death and he or she determines the
cause to be different from what was originally entered on the death certifi-
cate, the original certificate should be amended by filing a supplemental
report of cause of death with the State registrar. Information on the proper
form to use and procedure to follow can be obtained from the State regis-
In most cases the manner of death will be checked ‘‘Natural.’’ In those
cases when an accident, suicide, or homicide has occurred, the medical
examiner or coroner must be notified. If the medical examiner or coroner
does not assume jurisdiction, the physician should check the appropriate
manner of death and describe the injury and accident.
Completing the certifier section
Physicians can play different roles in medical certification. A pronouncing
physician is a physician who determines that the decedent is legally dead,
but was not in charge of the patient’s care for the illness or condition that
resulted in death. The attending physician is responsible for completing
the cause-of-death section (item 32). If a pronouncing physician is in-
volved, the attending physician plays the r ole of a certifying physician.Ifno
pronouncing physician is involved, the attending physician plays the role
of both the pronouncing and certifying physician. The medical examiner or
coroner investigates certain types of deaths according to State law and
complete the cause of death for these cases.
The following chart specifies the items to be completed by each type of
medical certifier.
Medical certifier Complete items
Pronouncing physician 24–31
Certifying physician 32–37, 45–49 (sometimes 38–44)
Pronouncing and certifying physician 24, 25, 29–37, and 45–49
(sometimes 38–44)
Medical examiner or coroner 24, 25, 29, 30, and 32–49
The attending physician is usually in a better position than any other
individual to make a judgment as to which of the conditions led directly to
death and to state the antecedent conditions, if any, that gave rise to this
Because the items completed by the pronouncing or pronouncing and
certifying physician, and medical examiner or coroner differ, separate
statements are provided that specify to what information each physician is
attesting. This agreement is denoted when each physician signs the com-
pleted statement, adding his or her degree or title and license number.
Certain jurisdictions may provide for electronic authentication instead of a
signature on the paper document. The date of certification and mailing
address of the physician should also be provided.
Examples of cause-of-death certification
Case history no. 1
Shortly after dinner on the day prior to admission to the hospital, this
48-year-old male developed a cramping, epigastric pain, which radiated to
his back, followed by nausea and vomiting. The pain was not relieved by
positional changes or antacids. The pain persisted, and 24 hours after its
onset, the patient sought medical attention. He had a 10-year history of
excessive alcohol consumption and a 2-year history of frequent episodes of
similar epigastric pain. The patient denied diarrhea, constipation, hemate-
mesis, or melena. The patient was admitted to the hospital with a diagno-
sis of an acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Radiological findings
included a duodenal ileus and pancreatic calcification. Serum amylase
was 4,032 units per liter. The day after admission, the patient seemed to
improve. However, that evening he became disoriented, restless, and hy-
potensive. Despite intravenous fluids and vasopressors, the patient re-
mained hypotensive and died. Autopsy findings revealed many ar eas of
fibrosis in the pancreas with the remaining areas showing multiple foci of
acute inflammation and necrosis.
Notes on death certification:
Duodenal ileus and pancreatic calcification are nonspecific processes and
neither could be listed as an underlying cause of death.
Case history no. 2
A 68-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with progressive right
lower quadrant pain of several weeks’ duration. The patient had lost ap-
proximately 40 pounds, with progressive weakness and malaise. On physi-
cal examination, the patient had an enlarged liver span that was four
finger breadths below the right costal margin. Rectal examination was
normal and stool was negative for occult blood. Routine laboratory studies
were within normal limits. A chest x ray and barium enema wer e negative.
His EKG showed a right bundle branch block. CT scan showed numerous
masses within both lobes of the liver. A needle biopsy of the liver was
diagnostic of moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma, and the
patient was started on chemotherapy. Three months after the diagnosis,
the patient developed sharp diminution of liver function as well as a deep
venous thrombosis of his left thigh, and he was admitted to the hospital.
On his third day, the patient developed a pulmonary embolism and died 30
minutes later.
Case history no. 3
This 75-year-old male was admitted to the hospital complaining of severe
chest pain. He had a 10-year history of arteriosclerotic heart disease with
EKG findings of myocardial ischemia and several episodes of congestive
heart failure controlled by digitalis preparations and diuretics. Five months
before this admission, the patient was found to be anemic, with an hema-
tocrit of 17, and to have occult blood in the stool. A barium enema revealed
a large polypoid mass in the cecum diagnosed as carcinoma by biopsy.
Because of the patient’s cardiac status, he was not considered to be a
surgical candidate. Instead, he was treated with a 5-week course of radia-
tion therapy and periodic packed red cell transfusions. He completed this
course 3 months before this hospital admission. On this admission the
EKG was diagnostic of an acute anterior wall myocardial infarction. He
expired 2 days later.
Notes on death certification:
Acute myocardial infarction, listed in Part I line (a) as the immediate cause
of death, is a direct consequence of arteriosclerotic heart disease, the un-
derlying cause listed in Part I line (b).
Carcinoma of cecum is listed in Part II because it caused anemia and
weakened the patient, but it did not cause arteriosclerotic heart disease.
Congestive heart failure is listed in Part II because it also weakened the
patient. Although it was caused by the arteriosclerotic heart disease, it was
not part of the causal sequence leading to the acute myocardial infarction.
Case history no. 4
A 68-year-old female was admitted to the ICU with dyspnea and moderate
retrosternal pain of 5-hours duration, which did not respond to nitroglyc-
erin. There was a past history of obesity, noninsulin-dependent diabetes
mellitus, hypertension, and episodes of nonexertional chest pain, diag-
nosed as angina pectoris, for 8 years. Over the first 72 hours, she devel-
oped a significant elevation of the MB isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase,
confirming an acute myocardial infarction. A Type II second-degree AV
block developed, and a temporary pacemaker was put in place. She sub-
sequently developed dyspnea with fluid retention and cardiomegaly on
chest radiograph. She improved with diuretics. On the seventh hospital
day, during ambulation, she suddenly developed chest pain and increased
dyspnea. An acute pulmonary embolism was suspected and intravenous
heparin was started. The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism was confirmed
by a ventilation/perfusion scan as well as arterial blood gas measure-
ments. One hour later, she became unresponsive and resuscitation efforts
were unsuccessful.
Notes on death certification:
In this case, noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension,
and congestive heart failure would all be considered factors that contributed
to the death. However, they would not be in the direct causal sequence of
Part I, so they would be placed in Part II.
Case history no. 5
A 78-year-old female with a temperature of 102.6° F was admitted to the
hospital from a nursing home. She first became a resident of the nursing
home 2 years earlier following a cerebrovascular accident, which left her
with a residual left hemiparesis. Over the next year, she became increas-
ingly dependent on others to help with her activities of daily living, even-
tually requiring an in-dwelling bladder catheter 6 months before the current
admission. For the 3 days prior to admission, she was noted to have lost
her appetite and to have become increasingly withdrawn.
On admission to the hospital her leukocyte count was 19,700, she had
pyuria, and gram-negative rods wer e seen on a gram stain of urine.
Ampicillin and gentamicin were administered intravenously. On the third
hospital day, admission blood cultures turned positive for Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, which was resistant to ampicillin and gentamicin. Antibiotic
therapy was changed to ticarcillin clavulanate, to which the organism was
sensitive. Despite the antibiotics and intravenous fluid support, the pa-
tient’s fever persisted. On the fourth hospital day, she became hypotensive
and died.
This case illustrates that additional lines may be added to Part I.
Case history no. 6
A 34-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with severe shortness of
breath. He had a 9-month history of unintentional weight loss, night
sweats, and diarrhea. The patient had no history of any medical condition
that would cause immunodeficiency. An Elisa test and confirmatory West-
er n Blot test for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were positive.
T-lymphocyte tests indicated a low T helper -suppressor ratio. A lung
biopsy was positive for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), indicating
a diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
The patient’s pneumonia responded to pentamidine therapy, and the pa-
tient was discharged. The patient had two additional admissions for PCP.
Seventeen months after the patient was first discovered to be HIV positive,
he again developed PCP but did not respond to therapy. He died 2 weeks
Notes on death certification:
By definition, AIDS is due to HIV infection; even though it may seem redun-
dant to specify HIV infection in the causal sequence death, it is desirable to
do so. HIV infection and AIDS are not synonymous, and there is a variable
clinical course between the time of HIV infection and onset of AIDS.
Case history no. 7
A 75-year-old male had a 10-year history of chronic bronchitis associated
with smoking two packs of cigarettes a day for more than 40 years. When
seen by his physician approximately 2 years prior to his terminal episode,
he had moderately reduced FEV
and FVC with no response to bronchodi-
lators. During his last year, he required corticosteroids to prevent wheez-
ing and coughing at night; however, he was unable to reduce his smoking
to less than one pack of cigarettes per day. When seen 3 months prior to
his terminal episode, he had significantly reduced FEV
and FVC with no
response to bronchodilators. He awoke one evening complaining to his
wife about coughing and worsening shortness of breath. He was taken to
the emergency room where he was found to have an acute exacerbation of
obstructive airway disease. He was admitted to the hospital. At the pa-
tient’s request, no mechanical ventilation was employed, and he died 12
hours later in respiratory arrest.
Notes on death certification:
In this case, respiratory arrest is considered a mechanism of death, and it
would not be listed as the Immediate Cause of Death.
Case history no. 8
A 75-year-old female had a 15-year history of noninsulin-dependent dia-
betes mellitus, a 13-year history of mild hypertension treated with thiazide
diuretics, and an uncomplicated myocardial infarction 6 years prior to the
present illness. She was found disoriented in her apartment and brought
to the hospital. On admission she was noted to be unresponsive, without
focal neurologic signs, and severely dehydrated with a blood pressure of
90/60. Initial laboratory tests disclosed severe hyperglycemia, hyperosmo-
larity, azotemia, and mild ketosis without acidosis. A diagnosis of hyper-
osmolar nonketotic coma was made.
The patient was vigorously treated with fluids, electrolytes, insulin, and
broad-spectrum antibiotics, although no source for infection was docu-
mented. Within 72 hours, the patient’s hyperosmolar, hyperglycemic state
was resolved. However, she remained anuric with progressive azotemia.
Attempts at renal dialysis were unsuccessful, and the patient died on the
8th hospital day in severe renal failure.
Notes on death certification:
In this case, hypertension and a previous myocardial infarction would both
be considered factors that contributed to the death. However, they would
not be in the direct causal sequence of Part I, so they would be placed in
Part II.
Case history no. 9
This 53-year-old male was admitted to the hospital following 2 days of
intermittent midepigastric and left-sided chest pain. The pain radiated to
his left arm and was accompanied by nausea and vomiting. He gave a
history that included 2 years of occasional chest discomfort, a near synco-
pal episode 6 months prior, hypertension, a 30-year history of one-pack-
per-day cigarette smoking, congenital blindness, and insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus. He was noted to be markedly obese and to have severe
At the time of admission, his enzyme studies were normal, but the EKG
suggested myocardial ischemia. Two days later, he experienced an episode
of severe chest pain that did not r espond to nitroglycerin and was accom-
panied by ST-segment elevation. A cardiac catheterization demonstrated
severe multivessel coronary artery stenosis. He underwent quadruple coro-
nary artery bypass surgery. Shortly, after being taken off the cardiopulmo-
nary bypass machine, he went into cardiac arrest. As resuscitation was
being attempted by open car diac massage, a rupture developed in his left
ventricular wall that resulted in rapid exsanguination and death.
Notes on death certification:
In this case, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, cigarette smoking, hyper-
tension, and hypercholesterolemia would all be considered factors that
contributed to the death. However, they would not be in the direct causal
sequence of Part I, so they would be placed in Part II. The surgery probably
played a role in death but did not cause the coronary artery disease, so it is
also listed in Part II.
Case history no. 10
A 1,480-gram male infant was born at 32-weeks gestation to a 20-year-old
primiparous woman. Newborn screening found elevated levels of immu-
noreactive trypsinogen in the blood. The infant developed respiratory dis-
tress syndrome and required mechanical ventilation for 7 days. Despite
receiving adequate calories for growth, the infant gained weight poorly and
had persistent diarrhea. Steatorrhea was confirmed upon microscopic
examination. Results from a sweat chloride test given on the 21st day after
birth were negative, but the patient had an elevated sweat chloride con-
centration of 85 millimoles per liter when the test was repeated at 35 days
of age. On the 37th day after birth, the infant became lethargic and was
noted to be edematous. Escherichia coli was cultured from the infant’s
cerebral spinal fluid, total serum proteins were reported to be low, and
clotting studies were prolonged. The infant died at 45 days of age despite
appropriate life-saving efforts. Gross autopsy confirmed the clinical im-
pression of cystic fibrosis.
Notes on death certification:
In this case, prematurity, malabsorption, respiratory distress syndrome,
and failure to thrive would all be considered factors that contributed to the
death. However, they would not be in the direct causal sequence of Part I, so
they would be placed in Part II.
Case history no. 11
A 30-year-old, gravida-six, para-five, with a history of gestational hyper-
tension, reported to the emergency room at 36 weeks gestation with com-
plaints of abdominal cramping and light vaginal bleeding during the past
12 hours. At time of first assessment, fetal heart tones were detected. The
uterus was tense, irritable, and tender. The mother was hypotensive with
tachycardia. A presumptive diagnosis of abruptio placenta was made, and
an emergency cesarean section was performed under general anesthesia.
The baby was stillborn. The mother continued to bleed from her uterus
and phlebotomy sites and went into profound shock secondary to dissemi-
nated intravascular coagulation. Despite administration of blood and clot-
ting factors, intravascular pressure could not be maintained, and the mother
died on the operating table. Maternal autopsy confirmed the clinical
A death certificate would be completed for the mother and a fetal death
report for the fetus. The cause of fetal death is reported using a different
format. Please refer to the Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on
Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting for further information.
Maternal death certificate:
Notes on death certification:
In this case, gestational hypertension would be considered a factor that
contributed to the death. However, it would not be in the direct causal
sequence of Part I, so it would be placed in Part II.
Fetal death report:
Case history no. 12
A 92-year-old male was found dead in bed. He had no significant
medical history. Autopsy disclosed minimal coronary disease and general-
ized atrophic changes commonly associated with aging. No specific cause
of death was identified. Toxicology was negative.
Note: In some cases, no overwhelming cause presents itself. It is acceptable
to indicate that a thorough investigation was performed; however, no cause
could be determined.
Case history no. 13
A 102-year-old female was brought to the hospital because her word
combinations were not comprehensible. However, at admission, her sen-
tences were lucid. She was placed on blood anticoagulants. She had a
history of arthritis, hypertension, blocked arteries, coronary thrombosis
(25 years before), stroke (10 years before), periodic TIAs (8-year period),
and congestive heart failure (hospitalized 6 years before). On the fourth
day in the hospital, a colonoscopy indicated internal bleeding, so the
anticoagulant was discontinued. She was released from the hospital after
7 days. After discharge, language and motor skills wer e impair ed although
functioning was better earlier in the day; moreover, her leg coloration
started changing. After a week at home, the woman was re-admitted to the
hospital following a spell of vomiting. Vascular imaging indicated that
circulation was blocked at the groin, there was no improvement in lan-
guage, ability to eat and keep food down deteriorated, and heart rate
periodically was arrythmic with periods of third-degree heart block. After a
week of hospitalization, she was sent home under hospice care and died 2
days later. Her attending physician completed the death certificate.
Common problems in death certification
Often several acceptable ways of writing a cause-of-death statement exist.
Optimally, a certifier will be able to provide a simple description of the
process leading to death that is etiologically clear and be confident that
this is the correct sequence of causes. However, realistically, description of
the process is sometimes difficult because the certifier is not certain.
In this case, the certifier should think through the causes about which
he/she is confident and what possible etiologies could have resulted in
these conditions. The certifier should select the causes that are suspected
to have been involved and use words such as ‘‘probable’’ or ‘‘presumed’’ to
indicate that the description provided is not completely certain. If the
initiating condition reported on the death certificate could have arisen
from a pre-existing condition, but the certifier cannot determine the etiol-
ogy, he/she should state that the etiology is unknown, undetermined, or
unspecified, so it is clear that the certifier did not have enough information
to provide even a qualified etiology. Reporting a cause of death as un-
known should be a last resort.
The elderly decedent should have a clear and distinct etiological se-
quence for cause of death, if possible. Terms such as senescence, infir-
mity, old age, and advanced age have little value for public health or
medical research. Age is recorded elsewhere on the certificate. When a
number of conditions resulted in death, the physician should choose the
single sequence that, in his or her opinion, best describes the process
leading to death, and place any other pertinent conditions in Part II.
‘‘Multiple system failure’’ could be included in Part II, but the systems need
to be specified to ensure that the information is captured. If after careful
consideration, the physician cannot determine a sequence that ends in
death, then the medical examiner or coroner should be consulted about
conducting an investigation or providing assistance in completing the
cause of death.
The infant decedent should have a clear and distinct etiological sequence
for cause of death, if possible. ‘‘Prematurity’’ should not be enter ed without
explaining the etiology of prematurity. Maternal conditions may have ini-
tiated or affected the sequence that resulted in infant death, and such
maternal causes should be reported in addition to the infant causes on the
infant’s death certificate (e.g., hyaline membrane disease due to prematu-
rity, 28 weeks due to placental abruption due to blunt trauma to mother’s
When Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is suspected, a complete
investigation should be conducted, typically by a medical examiner or
coroner. If the infant is under 1 year of age, no cause of death is deter-
mined after scene investigation, review of clinical history, and a complete
autopsy. The death then can be reported as SIDS. Refer to the Medical
Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death
Reporting for more information.
Most certifiers will find themselves, at some point, in the circumstance in
which they are unable to provide a simple description of the process of
death. In this situation, the certifier should try to provide a clear se-
quence, qualify the causes about which he/she is uncertain, and be able
to explain the certification chosen.
When processes such as the following are reported, additional infor-
mation about the etiology should be reported:
Abdominal hemorrhage
Adult respiratory distress
Acute myocardial infarction
Altered mental status
Anoxia Anoxic encephalopathy
Atrial fibrillation
Biliary obstruction
Bowel obstruction
Brain injury
Brain stem herniation
Cardiac arrest
Cardiac dysrhythmia
Cardiopulmonary arrest
Cerebral edema
Cerebrovascular accident
Hemothorax Peritonitis
Cerebellar tonsillar herniation
Hepatic failure Pleural effusions
Chronic bedridden state
Hepatitis Pneumonia
Hepatorenal syndrome Pulmonary arrest
Compression fracture
Congestive heart failure
Hypovolemic shock
Pulmonary edema
Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary insufficiency
Renal failure
Hypotension Respiratory arrest
Dementia (when not
otherwise specified)
Increased intra cranial
Intra cranial hemorrhage
Septic shock
Disseminated intra vascular
Malnutrition Starvation
End-stage liver disease
End-stage renal disease
Epidural hematoma
Failure to thrive
Metabolic encephalopathy
Multiorgan failure
Multisystem organ failure
Myocardial infarction
Necrotizing soft-tissue
Old age
Subdural hematoma
Sudden death
Uncal herniation
Urinary tract infection
Open (or closed) head Ventricular fibrillation
Ventricular tachycardia
Volume depletion
Heart failure
Perforated gallbladder
If the certifier is unable to determine the etiology of a process such as
those shown above, the process must be qualified as being of an unknown,
undetermined, probable, presumed, or unspecified etiology so it is clear
that a distinct etiology was not inadvertently or carelessly omitted.
The following conditions and types of death might seem to be specific or
natural. However, when the medical history is examined further it may be
found to be complications of an injury or poisoning (possibly occurring
long ago). Such cases should be reported to the medical examiner or
Drug or alcohol overdose/drug
or alcohol abuse
Epidural hematoma
Hip fracture
Open reduction of fracture
Pulmonary emboli
Seizure disorder
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Subdural hematoma
Thermal burns/chemical burns
Additional resources
In addition to the series of handbooks, additional resources include manu-
als, guidelines, and Web sites (7–15). Resources on completing death cer-
tificates should be kept with or near blank death certificates for easy
reference. Additional copies of government-produced resources are avail-
able from the State vital statistics offices, the National Center for Health
Statistics, and the Internet at (under vital sta-
tistics, mortality, writing cause-of-death statements).
Completing Other Items on the Death Certificate
These instructions pertain to the 2003 revision of the
U.S. Standard Certificate of Death.
NAME OF DECEDENT: For use by physician or institution
The left-hand margin of the certificate contains a line where the physician
or hospital can write in the name of the decedent. This allows the hospital
to assist in completing the death certificate before the body is removed by
the funeral director. However, because the funeral director is responsible
for completion of the personal information about the decedent and be-
cause the hospital frequently does not have the complete legal name of the
decedent, the hospital or physician should enter the name they have for
the decedent in this item. The funeral director will then enter the full legal
name in item 1.
14. PLACE OF DEATH (Check only one; see instructions)
Check the type of place where the decedent was pronounced dead.
Hospital deaths
If the decedent was pronounced dead in a hospital, check the box indicat-
ing the decedent’s status at the hospital: Inpatient, Emergency Room/
Outpatient (ER) or Dead on Arrival (DOA). Hospitals are licensed institutions
providing patients diagnostic and therapeutic services by a medical staff.
Nonhospital deaths
If the decedent was pronounced dead somewhere else, check the box
indicating whether pronouncement occurred at a Hospice facility, Nursing
home/Long-term care facility, Decedent’s home, or other location.
Hospice facility refers to a licensed institution providing hospice care (e.g.,
palliative and supportive car e for the dying), not to hospice care that might
be provided in a number of different settings, including a patient’s home.
If death was pronounced at a licensed long-term care facility, check the
box that indicates Nursing home/Long term care facility. A long-term care
facility is not a hospital, but provides
patient care beyond custodial care
(e.g., nursing home, skilled nursing facility, long-term care facilities, con-
valescent care facility, extended care facility, intermediate care facility,
residential care facility, congregate care facility).
If death was pronounced in the decedent’s home, check the box that
indicates decedent’s home. A decedent’s home includes
independent living
units including private homes, apartments, bungalows, and cottages.
If death was pronounced at a licensed ambulatory/surgical center, orphan-
age, prison ward, public building, birthing center, facilities offering hous-
ing and custodial care, but not patient car e (e.g., board and care home,
group home, custodial c
are facility, foster home), check ‘‘Other (Specify).’’
If ‘‘Other (Specify)’’ is checked, specify where death was legally pro-
nounced, such as a prison ward, physician’s office, the highway where a
traffic accident occurred, a vessel, orphanage, group home, or at work.
If the place of death is unknown, but the body is found in a State, enter the
place where the body is found as the place of death.
15. FACILITY NAME (If not an institution, give street and number)
Institution deaths
If the death occurred in a hospital, enter the full name of the hospital.
If death occurred en route to or on arrival at a hospital, enter the full name
of the hospital. Deaths that occur in an ambulance or emergency squad
vehicle en route to a hospital fall in this category.
If the death occurred in another type of institution such as a nursing
home, enter the name of the institution where the decedent died.
Noninstitution deaths
If the death occurred at home, enter the house number and street name.
If the death occurred at some place other than those described above,
enter the number and street name of the place or building (if at a building)
where the decedent died.
If the death occurred on a moving conveyance, enter the name of the
vessel, for example, S.S. Olive Seas (at sea) or ‘‘Eastern Airlines Flight 296
(in flight).’’
Enter the name of the city, town, village, or location, State, and zip code
where death occurred.
Enter the name of the county of the institution or address given in item 15
where death occurred. If the death occurred on a moving conveyance in
the United States and the body is first removed from the conveyance in
this State, complete a death certificate and enter as the place of death the
address where the body was first removed from the conveyance.
If the death occurred on a moving conveyance in inter national waters,
international airspace, or in a foreign country or its airspace, and the body
is first removed from the conveyance in this State, register the death in
this State, but enter the actual place of death insofar as can be determined.
These items are used to identify the place of death to determine who has
jurisdiction for deaths that legally require investigation by a medical exam-
iner or coroner. These items are also used for research and statistics com-
paring hospital and nonhospital deaths. Valuable information is also provided
for health planning and the utilization of health facilities.
Items on when death occurred
Items 24 and 25 and 29–31 should always be completed. If the facility uses
a separate pronouncer or other person to indicate that death has taken
place with another person more familiar with the case completing the
remainder of the medical portion of the death certificate, the pronouncer
completes Items 24–28. In all other cases, the certifier completes Items 24,
25, 29–37, and 45–49, and Items 26–28 are left blank.
24. DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD (Month, Day, and Year)
Enter the exact month, day, and four-digit year that the decedent was
pronounced dead. Complete this item even when it is the same as Item 29,
the actual or presumed date.
Enter the full name of the month—January, February, March, etc. Do not
use a number or abbreviation to designate the month.
This is used to identify the date the decedent was legally pronounced dead.
This information is very helpful in those cases where a body of a person
who has been dead for some time is found and the death is pronounced by
a medical examiner or coroner.
Enter the exact time (hour and minute using a 24-hour clock) the decedent
was pronounced dead according to local time. If daylight saving time is the
official prevailing time where death occurs, it should be used to record the
time of death. Be sure to indicate the time using a 24-hour clock.
A death that occurs at 2400 or 0000 midnight belongs to the start of the
new day. One minute after 12 midnight is entered as 0001 of the new day.
If the exact time of death is unknown, the time should be approximated by
the person who pronounces the body dead. ‘‘Approx’’ should be placed
before the time.
Items 26–28 are to be completed only when the physician responsible for
completing the medical certification of cause of death is not available at
the time of death to certify the cause of death and when State law provides
for a pronouncing physician. In this situation, a pronouncing physician is
the person who determines that the decedent is legally dead, but who was
not in charge of the patient’s care for the illness or condition that resulted
24-hour clock 12-hour clock
0000 (medical facilities);
2400 (military facilities)
12 midnight
0100 1:00 a.m.
0200 2:00 a.m.
0300 3:00 a.m.
0400 4:00 a.m.
0500 5:00 a.m.
0600 6:00 a.m.
0700 7:00 a.m.
0800 8:00 a.m.
0900 9:00 a.m.
1000 10:00 a.m
1100 11:00 a.m.
1200 12 noon
1300 1:00 p.m.
1400 2:00 p.m.
1500 3:00 p.m.
1600 4:00 p.m.
1700 5:00 p.m.
1800 6:00 p.m.
1900 7:00 p.m.
2000 8:00 p.m.
2100 9:00 p.m.
2200 10:00 p.m.
2300 11:00 p.m
in death. This hospital physician certifies to the fact and time of death
(Items 24 and 25) and signs and dates the death certificate (Items 26–28)
so the body can be released to the funeral director when the attending
physician is not available. The attending physician is still responsible for
completing the cause-of-death section (Item 32). See Part II of this hand-
book for a more detailed discussion of the completion of Item 32.
Obtain the signature and the degree or title of the physician who pro-
nounces death in ink. This physician certifies to the time, date, and place
of death only. Rubber stamps or facsimile signatures are not permitted on
paper certificates. Jurisdictions with electronic death certificates may have
other ways to authenticate the certification than by using a signature.
27. LICENSE NUMBER (Only when applicable)
Enter the State license number of the physician who pronounces death.
28. DATE SIGNED (Month, Day, and Year) (Only when applicable)
Enter the exact month, day, and year that the pronouncing physician
signs the certificate. Do not use a number to designate the month.
This information is useful for the quality control program indicating that the
medical certification was provided by the attending physician.
Items 24 and 25 must be completed by the person who pronounces death—
the pronouncing physician, pronouncing/certifying physician, or medical
examiner or coroner.
Enter the exact month, day, and year that death occurred.
Enter the full name of the month—January, February, March, etc. Do not
use a number or abbreviation to designate the month.
Pay particular attention to the entry of month, day, and year when the
death occurs around midnight or December 31. Consider a death at mid-
night to have occurred at the beginning of the next day rather than the end
of the previous day. For example, the date for a death that occurs at 11:59
p.m. or 2359 on December 31 should be recorded as December 31 while
those occurring the next minute 0000 should be recorded as January 1.
If the exact date of death is unknown, it should be approximated by the
person completing the medical certification. ‘‘Approx’’ should be placed
before the date. If date cannot be determined by approximating, the date
found should be entered and identified as such.
This item is used in conjunction with the hour of death to establish the exact
time of death of the decedent. Epidemiologists also use date of death in
conjunction with the cause-of-death section for research on intervals be-
tween injuries, onset of conditions, and death.
Enter the exact time (hour and minute using a 24-hour clock) of death
according to local time. If daylight saving time is the official prevailing time
where death occurs, it should be used to record the time of death. Be sure
to indicate the time using a 24-hour clock.
24-hour clock 12-hour clock
0000 (medical facilities);
2400 (military facilities)
12 midnight
0100 1:00 a.m.
0200 2:00 a.m.
0300 3:00 a.m.
0400 4:00 a.m.
0500 5:00 a.m.
0600 6:00 a.m.
0700 7:00 a.m.
0800 8:00 a.m.
0900 9:00 a.m.
1000 10:00 a.m
1100 11:00 a.m.
1200 12 noon
1300 1:00 p.m.
1400 2:00 p.m.
1500 3:00 p.m.
1600 4:00 p.m.
1700 5:00 p.m.
1800 6:00 p.m.
1900 7:00 p.m.
2000 8:00 p.m.
2100 9:00 p.m.
2200 10:00 p.m.
2300 11:00 p.m
A death that occurs at 2400 or 0000 midnight belongs to the start of the
new day. One minute after 12 midnight is entered as 0001 of the new day.
If the exact time of death is unknown, the time should be approximated by
the person who certifies the death. ‘‘Approx’’ should be placed before the
This item establishes the exact time of death, which is important in inherit-
ance cases when there is a question of who died first. This is often impor-
tant in the case of multiple deaths in the same family.
Enter ‘‘Yes’’ if the medical examiner or coroner was contacted in reference
to this case. Otherwise enter ‘‘No.’’ Do not leave this item blank.
In cases of accident, suicide, or homicide, the medical examiner or coroner
must be notified.
This item records whether the medical examiner or coroner was informed
when the circumstances require such action. In such cases, the physician
must ensure that this is done.
Detailed instructions for this item, together with case records, are con-
tained in the section on Medical Certification of Death in this handbook.
These items are to be completed by the attending physician or medical
examiner or coroner certifying or reporting his or her opinion on the cause
of death.
Part I. Enter the chain of events—diseases, injuries, or complications—that di-
rectly caused the
death. DO NOT enter terminal events such as cardiac arrest,
respiratory arrest, or ventricular fibrillation without showing the etiology. DO NOT
ABBREVIATE. Enter only one cause on a line. Add additional lines if necessary.
The cause of death means the disease, abnormality, injury, or poisoning
that caused the death, not the mechanism of death, such as cardiac or
respiratory arrest, shock, or heart failure.
In Part I, the immediate cause of death (final disease or condition resulting
in death) is reported on line (a). Antecedent conditions, if any, that gave
rise to the cause are reported on lines (b), (c), and (d). The underlying
cause (disease or injury that initiated events resulting in death) should be
reported on the last line used in Part I. No entry is necessary on lines (b),
(c), and (d) if the immediate cause of death on line (a) describes completely
the sequence of events. ONLY ONE CAUSE SHOULD BE ENTERED ON A
Provide the best estimate of the interval between the onset of each condi-
tion and death. Do not leave the space for the interval blank; if unknown,
so specify.
Part II. Enter other significant conditions contributing to death but not resulting in
the underlying cause given in Part I.
In Part II, enter other important diseases or conditions that contributed to
death but did not result in the underlying cause of death given in Part I.
Cause of death is the most important statistical research item on the death
certificate. It provides medical information that serves as a basis for describ-
ing trends in human health and mortality and for analyzing the conditions
leading to death. Mortality statistics provide a basis for epidemiological
studies that focus on leading causes of death by age, race, or sex (for
example, HIV, heart disease, and cancer). They also provide a basis for
research in disease etiology and evaluation of diagnostic techniques, which
in turn lead to improvements in patient care.
All conditions reported are important and are analyzed. For example, analy-
ses may examine associations between conditions reported on the same
death certificates such as types of conditions reported in combination with
Enter ‘‘Yes’’ if a partial or complete autopsy was performed. Otherwise
enter ‘‘No.’’
An autopsy is important in giving additional insight into the conditions that
lead to death. This additional information is particularly important in arriv-
ing at the immediate and underlying causes when the cause is not immedi-
ately clear.
Enter ‘‘Yes’’ if the autopsy findings were available at the time that cause of
death was deter mined. Otherwise enter ‘‘No.’’ Leave this item blank if no
autopsy was performed.
This information assists in determining whether, for the 9 percent of cases
for which an autopsy is done, the information was available to assist in
determining the cause of death. Knowing whether the autopsy results were
available for determining the cause of death gives insight into the quality of
the cause-of-death data.
Check ‘‘Yes’’ if, in the physician’s opinion, any use of tobacco or tobacco
exposure contributed to death. For example, tobacco use may contribute
to deaths due to emphysema or lung cancer. Tobacco use also may con-
tribute to some heart disease and cancers of the head and neck. Tobacco
use should also be reported in deaths due to fires started by smoking.
Check ‘‘Yes,’’ if in the physician’s clinical judgment, tobacco use contrib-
uted to this particular death. Check ‘‘No,’’ if, in the physician’s opinion, the
use of tobacco did not contribute to death.
If the decedent is a female, check the appropriate box in Item 36. If the
decedent is a male, leave the item blank. If the female is either too old or
too young to be fecund, check the ‘‘Not pregnant within the past year’’ box.
This information is important in determining the scale of mortality amongst this
population and will be of assistance with maternal mortality review programs.
Complete this item for all deaths. Check the box corresponding to the
manner of death. Deaths not due to external causes should be identified
as ‘‘Natural.’’ Usually, these are the only types of deaths a physician will
Indicate ‘‘Pending investigation’’ if the manner of death cannot be deter-
mined to be accident, homicide, or suicide within the statutory time limit
for filing the death certificate. This should be changed later to one of the
other terms.
Indicate ‘‘Could not be determined’’ ONLY when it is impossible to deter-
mine the manner of death.
In cases of accidental death, this information is used to justify the payment
of double indemnity on life insurance policies. It is also used to obtain a
more accurate determination of cause of death.
All deaths due to external causes must be referred to the medical examiner
or coroner. If the manner of death checked in Item 37 was anything other
than natural, Items 38–44 must be completed. If a situation ever arises
where the physician must complete the cause, manner, and circum-
stances (Items 32, 37, and 38–44) of death in an accidental case, please
refer to the Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Regis-
tration and Fetal Death Reporting. Case histories with properly completed
death certificates are also included in that handbook.
The National Association of Medical Examiners have put together a guide
on how manner of death may be determined (6). In certain cases, there is
a conflict between the manner of death preferred by the medical examiner
community and the disease classification. As a result, it is important to
specify the circumstances involved so that both communities are able to
make use of the information.
38–44 ACCIDENT OR INJURY—To be filled out in all cases of
deaths due to injury or poisoning
Complete these items in cases where injury caused or contributed to the
death. All deaths resulting from injury must be r eported to a medical
examiner or coroner, who will usually certify to the cause of death. How-
ever, there may be instances in which a medical examiner or coroner will
not assume jurisdiction and the attending physician will certify to an
accidental death. In these cases when the manner of death is anything
other than natural, the attending physician is to complete Items 38–44.
38. DATE OF INJURY (Month, Day, and Year)
Enter the exact month, day, and year that the injury occurred. Enter the
full name of the month—January, February, March, etc. Do not use a
number or abbreviation to designate the month.
The date of injury may not necessarily be the same as the date of death.
Estimates may be provided with ‘‘Approx’’ placed before the date.
Enter the exact time (hour and minute using a 24-hour clock) when the
injury occurred, according to local time. If daylight saving time is the
official prevailing time where death occurs, it should be used to record the
time of death. Be sure to indicate the time using a 24-hour clock.
If the exact time of death is unknown, the time should be approximated by
the person who certifies the death. ‘‘Approx’’ should be placed before the
The date of injury may differ from the date of death.
24-hour clock 12-hour clock
0000 (medical facilities);
2400 (military facilities)
12 midnight
0100 1:00 a.m.
0200 2:00 a.m.
0300 3:00 a.m.
0400 4:00 a.m.
0500 5:00 a.m.
0600 6:00 a.m.
0700 7:00 a.m.
0800 8:00 a.m.
0900 9:00 a.m.
1000 10:00 a.m
1100 11:00 a.m.
1200 12 noon
1300 1:00 p.m.
1400 2:00 p.m.
1500 3:00 p.m.
1600 4:00 p.m.
1700 5:00 p.m.
1800 6:00 p.m.
1900 7:00 p.m.
2000 8:00 p.m.
2100 9:00 p.m.
2200 10:00 p.m.
2300 11:00 p.m
40. PLACE OF INJURY (e.g., Decedent’s home, construction site,
restaurant, wooded area)
Enter the general type of place (such as restaurant, vacant lot, baseball
field, construction site, office building, or decedent’s home) where the
injury occurred. DO NOT enter firm or organization names. (For example,
enter ‘‘factory,’’ not ‘‘Standard Manufacturing, Inc.’’)
Complete if anything other than natural disease is mentioned in Part I or
Part II of the medical certification (Item 32), including homicides, suicides,
and accidents or if anything other than ‘‘Natural’’ is checked for manner of
death (Item 37). This includes all motor vehicle deaths. The item must be
completed for decedents ages 14 years or over and may be completed for
those less than 14 years of age, if warranted.
Enter ‘‘Yes’’ if the injury occurred at work. Otherwise enter ‘‘No.’’ An injury
may occur at work regardless of whether the injury occurred in the course
of the decedent’s ‘‘usual’’ occupation.
Examples of injury at work and injury not at work follow:
Injury at work
Injury while working or in vocational training on
job premises
Injury while on break or at lunch or in parking
lot on job premises
Injury while working for pay or compensation,
including at home
Injury while working as a volunteer law enforcement
official etc.
Injury while traveling on business, including to or from
business contacts
Injury not at work
Injury while engaged in personal recreational activity on
job premises
Injury while a visitor (not on official work business) to job
Homemaker working at homemaking activities
Student in school
Working for self for no profit (mowing yard, repairing own
roof, hobby)
Commuting to or from work
These guidelines were developed jointly by: The National Association for Public Health Statistics and
Information Systems (NAPHSIS), the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH),
the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), and the National Center for Environmental Health
and Injury Control (NCEHIC). For questions contact the State vital statistics office.
42. LOCATION OF INJURY (Street and Number, City or Town, State,
Apartment No., ZIP Code)
Enter the complete address where the injury took place, including ZIP
code. Fill in as many of the items as is known.
Enter, in narrative form, a brief but specific and clear description of how
the injury occurred. Explain the circumstances or cause of the injury,
such as ‘‘fell off ladder while painting house,’’ ‘‘driver of car ran off road-
way,’’ or ‘‘passenger in car in car -truck collision.’’ Specify type of gun (e.g.,
handgun, hunting rifle) or type of vehicle (e.g., car, bulldozer, train, etc.)
when relevant to circumstances. Indicate if more than one vehicle was
involved; specify type of vehicle decedent was in. For motor vehicle acci-
dents, indicate whether the decedent was a driver, passenger, or pedestrian.
If known, indicate what activity the decedent was engaged in when the
injury occurred (e.g., playing a sport, working for income, hanging out at a
In cases of accidental death, Items 38–43 are used in justifying the pay-
ment of double indemnity on life insurance policies. They are also needed
for a more accurate determination of causes of death. Information from
these items forms the basis of statistical studies of occupational injuries.
Specify role of decedent (e.g., driver, passenger) in the transportation acci-
dent. ‘‘Driver/Operator’’ and ‘‘Passenger’’ should be designated for modes
other than motor vehicles such as bicycles. ‘‘Other’’ applies to watercraft,
aircraft, animal, or people attached to outside of vehicles (e.g., ‘‘surfers’’)
but are not bonafide passengers or drivers.
Details will help assign deaths to categories that may be used to assess
trends and effectiveness of safety programs.
45. CERTIFIER (Check only one)
The Certifying physician is the person who determines the cause of death
(Item 32). This box should be checked only in those cases when the person
who is completing the medical certification of cause of death is not the
person who pronounced death (Items 24 and 25). The certifying physician
is responsible for completing Items 32–49.
The Pronouncing & Certifying physician box should be checked when the
same person is responsible for completing Items 24 through 49, that is,
when the same physician has both pronounced death and certified to the
cause of death. If this box is checked, Items 26–28 should be left blank.
The Medical Examiner/Coroner box should be checked when investigation
is required by the Post Mortem Examination Act and the cause of death is
completed by a medical examiner or coroner. The medical examiner or
coroner is then responsible for completing Items 24–46.
If the attending physician is available to certify the fact of death, Items
26–28 should not be completed; the attending physician should then
complete Items 24, 25, 29–37, and 45–49 as both pronouncing and certi-
fying physician.
The two-physician certifier concept allows a hospital physician to certify to
only the fact and time of death so the body can be released to the funeral
director. The attending physician should complete the cause-of-death sec-
tion. This certification method should result in improved data on cause of
death because the physician having the most knowledge about the case
completes the cause-of-death section.
Signature of certifier
The physician who certifies to the cause of death in Item 32 signs the
certificate in permanent black ink. Jurisdictions with an electronic death
certificate may allow electronic authentication. The degree or title of the
physician should also be indicated. Rubber stamps or facsimile signatures
are not permitted.
Type or print the full name and address of the person whose signature or
authentication appears in Item 45.
This information is used by the State office of vital statistics for querying the
certifier when a question about cause of death arises.
Enter the State license number of the physician who signs or authenti-
cates the certificate in Item 45.
This number assists in State quality control programs when it is necessary
to contact the certifier for additional information concerning the death.
49. DATE CERTIFIED (Month, Day, and Year)
Enter the exact month, day, and year that the certifier signed the certifi-
Enter the full name of the month—January, February, March, etc. Do not
use a number or an abbreviation to designate the month.
These items are of legal value in attesting that the medical certification was
completed and signed within the time limit required by statute.
1. Pates RD, Scully KW, Einbinder JS, et al. Adding value to clinical data by
linkage to a public death registry. Medinfo 2001. London. 2001.
2. National Center for Health Statistics. Report of the panel to evaluate the U.S.
standard certificates. Hyattsville, Maryland. 2000. (Addenda, 2001).
3. Hetzel AM. History and organization of the vital statistics system. National
Center for Health Statistics. Hyattsville, Maryland. 1997.
4. National Center for Health Statistics. Model State vital statistics act and
regulations: 1992 revision. Hyattsville, Maryland: Public Health Service. 1995.
5. World Health Organization. International statistical classification of diseases
and related health problems, tenth revision. Geneva: World Health Organiza-
tion. 1992.
6. Hanzlick R, Hunsaker III JH, Davis G J. A guide for manner of death classifi-
cation. NAME. 2002. Accessed at
of_deathv1.pdf on 4/16/2002.
7. National Center for Health Statistics. Instructions for completing the cause-
of-death section of the death certificate. Hyattsville, Maryland: National Cen-
ter for Health Statistics. Accessed at
dvs/handbk.htm on 4/16/2002.
8. National Center for Health Statistics. Instructions for completing the cause-
of-death section of the death certificate for injury and poisoning. Hyattsville,
Maryland: National Center for Health Statistics. Accessed at http://www.cdc.
gov/nchs/about/major/dvs/handbk.htm on 4/16/2002.
9. National Center for Health Statistics. Possible solutions to common problems
in death certification. Hyattsville, Maryland: National Center for Health Statis-
tics. Accessed at on
10. Hanzlick R. Writing cause-of-death statements. St. Louis, MO: National Asso-
ciation of Medical Examiners. Accessed at
CauseDeath/COD_main_page.htm on 5/7/2002.
11. Hanzlick R (Ed). The medical cause-of-death manual. Northfield, Illinois: Col-
lege of American Pathologists.
12. Hanzlick R (Ed). Cause-of-death statements and certification of natural and
unnatural deaths. Northfield, Illinois: College of American Pathologists. 1997.
13. Texas Department of Health. Online CME medical certification of cause and
manual of death. Accessed at
default.html on 4/20/2002.
14. National Center for Health Statistics. Cause-of-death module. Hyattsville, Mary-
land: National Center for Health Statistics. Accessed at
nchs/data/dvs/edc6.pdf on 4/20/2002.
15. National Center for Health Statistics. Mortality Web page. Hyattsville, Mary-
land: National Center for Health Statistics. Accessed at
nchs/about/major/dvs/mortdata.htm on 4/20/2002.
A. The U.S. Standard Certificate of Death ........................ 52
B. The Vital Statistics Registration System in the United States . . . 54
Appendix A
U.S. Standard Certificate of Death
Appendix B
The Vital Statistics Registration System in the United States
The registration of births, deaths, fetal deaths, and other vital events
the United States is a State and local function. The civil laws of every State
provide for a continuous, permanent, and compulsory vital registration
system. Each system depends to a very great extent upon the conscien-
tious efforts of the physicians, hospital personnel, funeral directors, coro-
ners, and medical examiners in preparing or certifying information needed
to complete the original records. For a graphic presentation of the regis-
tration system, see the accompanying chart, ‘‘The Vital Statistics Registra-
tion System in the United States.’’
Most States are divided geographically into local registration districts or
units to facilitate the collection of vital records. A district may be a town-
ship, village, town, city, county, or other geographic area or a combination
of two or mor e of these areas. In some States, however, the law provides
that records of birth, death, and/or fetal death be sent directly from the
reporting source (hospital, physician, or funeral dir ector) to the State vital
statistics office. In this system, functions normally performed by a local
registration official are assumed by the staff of the State office.
In States with a local registrar system, the local registrar collects the
records of events occurring in his or her area and transmits them to the
State vital statistics office. The local registrar is required to see that a
complete certificate is filed for each event occurring in that district. In
many States, this official also has the duty of issuing burial-transit per-
mits to authorize the disposition of dead human bodies. In many States,
this official is also required to keep a file of all events occurring within his
or her district and, if authorized by State law and subject to the restric-
tions on issuance of copies as specified by the law, may be permitted to
issue copies of these records.
Vital events are defined as live births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, divorces, and induced terminations of
pregnancy, together with any change in civil status that may occur during an individual’s lifetime.
The State vital statistics office inspects each record for promptness of
filing, completeness, and accuracy of information; queries for missing or
inconsistent information; numbers the records; prepares indexes; pro-
cesses the records; and stores the documents for permanent reference and
safekeeping. Statistical information from the recor ds is tabulated for use
by State and local health departments, other governmental agencies, and
various private and voluntary organizations. The data are used to evaluate
health problems and to plan programs and services for the public. An
important function of the State office is to issue certified copies of the
certificates to individuals in need of such records and to verify the facts of
birth and death for agencies requiring legal evidence of such facts.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for
Health Statistics (NCHS) is vested with the authority for administering the
vital statistics functions at the national level (3). Electronic data files
derived from individual records registered in the State offices or, in a few
cases, copies of the individual records themselves, are transmitted to
NCHS. From these data, monthly, annual, and special statistical reports
are prepared for the United States as a whole and for the component
parts—cities, counties, States, and regions—by various characteristics
such as sex, race, and cause of death. These statistics are essential in the
fields of social welfare, public health, and demography. They are also used
for various administrative purposes, in both business and government.
NCHS serves as a focal point, exercising leadership in establishing uni-
form practices through model laws, standard certificate forms, hand-
books, and other instructional materials for the continued improvement of
the vital statistics system in the United States.
The Vital Statistics Registration System in the United States
Person or Birth Death Fetal
Agency Certificate Certificate Death Report
Hospital authority 1. Completes entire certificate using
When death occurs in hospital, may
1. Completes entire report using patient
mother and facility worksheets.
initiate preparation of certificate:
and facility worksheets.
2. Files certificate with local office
Completes information on name, date,
2. Obtains cause of fetal death from
or State office per State law.
and place of death; obtains certification of
cause of death from physician; and gives
3. Obtains authorization for final
certificate to funeral director .
disposition of fetus.
NOTE: If the attending physician is
unavailable to certify to the cause of
4. Files report with local office or State
office per State law.
death, some States allow a hospital
physician to certify to only the fact and
time of death. With legal pronouncement
of the death and permission of the
attending physician, the body can then
be released to the funeral director. The
attending physician still must complete
the cause-of-death section prior to final
disposition of the body.
Funeral director
1. Obtains personal facts about decedent
If fetus is to be buried, the funeral director
and completes certificate.
is responsible for obtaining authorization
2. Obtains certification of cause of death
for final disposition.
from attending physician or medical
examiner or coroner.
NOTE: In some States, the funeral
3. Obtains authorization for final disposition
director, or person acting as such, is
per State law.
responsible for all duties shown above
4. Files certificate with local office or State
under hospital authority .
office per State law.
Physician or other For in-hospital birth, verifies accuracy
Completes certification of cause of death Provides cause of fetal death and
professional attendant of medical information and signs
and signs certificate. information not available from the medical
certificate. For out-of-hospital birth,
duties are same as those for hospital
authority, shown above.
Local office** (may be local
registrar or city or county
health department)
1. Verifies completeness and
accuracy of certificate and queries
incomplete or inconsistent certificates.
2. If authorized by State law, makes
copy or index for local use.
3. Sends certificates to State registrar.
1. Verifies completeness and accuracy of
certificate and queries incomplete or
inconsistent certificates.
2. If authorized by State law, makes copy
or index for local use.
3. If authorized by State law, issues
authorization for final disposition on receipt
of completed certificate.
4. Sends certificates to State registrar.
If State law requires routing of fetal death
reports through local office, the local office
performs the same functions as shown for
the birth and death certificate.
City and county health
1. Use data derived from these records in allocating medical and nursing services.
2. Follow up on infectious diseases.
3. Plan programs.
4. Measure effectiveness of services.
5. Conduct research studies.
State registrar, office of vital
1. Queries incomplete or inconsistent information.
2. Maintains files for permanent reference and is the source of certified copies.
3. Develops vital statistics for use in planning, evaluating, and administering State and local health activities and for research
4. Compiles health-related statistics for State and civil divisions of State for use of the health department and other agencies
and groups interested in the fields of medical science, public health, demography , and social welfare.
5. Sends data for all events filed to the National Center for Health Statistics.
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, National
Center for Health Statistics
1. Evaluates quality of State vital statistics data and works with States to assure quality.
2. Compiles national statistical data file and runs edits to fully process data.
3. Prepares and publishes national statistics of births, deaths, and fetal deaths; constructs the official U.S. life tables and related
actuarial tables.
4. Conducts health and social research studies based on vital records and on sampling surveys linked to records.
5. Conducts research and methodological studies in vital statistics methods, including the technical, administrative, and legal
aspects of vital records registration and administration.
6. Maintains a continuing technical assistance program to improve the quality and usefulness of vital statistics.
7. Provides leadership and coordination in the development of standard certificates and report and model laws.
** Some States do not have local vital registration offices. In these States, the certificates or reports are transmitted directly to the State office of vital
DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 2003-1108
03-0002 (4/2003)