Field Guide
ProSystem fx
Copyright 2009 CCH INCORPORATED. A Wolters Kluwer
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This User Manual and the computer software it describes are
designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in
regard to the subject matter covered. They are distributed with the
understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal,
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Table of Contents
Overview .....................................................................................1
Local File Room .........................................................................2
Client Index View .....................................................................2
Engagement Today View .........................................................3
Binder Window...........................................................................4
Binder View..............................................................................4
Notes Summary View ..............................................................7
Sign Off Summary View ...........................................................8
Current Editor View..................................................................9
Live Editor View .......................................................................9
Engagement Toolbar – File Room ..........................................10
Engagement Toolbar – Binder Window..................................11
Engagement Toolbars in Excel and Word .............................14
Engagement in Office 2007 ...................................................14
Engagement Toolbar – Excel for Office 2003 ........................14
Engagement Toolbar – Word for Office 2003.........................16
Adding Items – File Room.......................................................18
New Client Folder ..................................................................18
New Binder ............................................................................18
Adding Items – Binder Window ..............................................19
New Tab .................................................................................19
New Workpaper .....................................................................19
Understanding the Trial Balance ............................................21
Opening a Trial Balance ........................................................22
Parts of a Trial Balance..........................................................22
Using Trial Balance Functions................................................23
Setting up Trial Balance Views ..............................................23
Converting & Importing Trial Balance Data............................24
Converting Trial Balance Data from ProSystem fx Write-Up or
ProSystem fx Trial Balance................................................24
Converting Trial Balance Data from ATB for Windows, GoSystem
Audit, or an ASCII Text File................................................24
Importing Data from CaseWare .........................................26
Importing TB Data From an Excel File...............................27
Importing TB Data From An Engagement Trial Balance....28
Checking for Changes to the Source Trial Balance ...........28
Chart of Accounts ..................................................................29
TB Edit Mode .........................................................................29
Account Groupings ................................................................29
Journal Entries .......................................................................31
Recording Transactions in Write Up Trial Balances...............31
Reports ..................................................................................32
JE Reports .........................................................................32
TB Reports.........................................................................32
Consolidated Reports ........................................................34
Write Up Reports ...............................................................35
Linking to the Trial Balance....................................................36
Name and Date Links ........................................................36
Linking Trial Balance Data .................................................36
Analyzing a TB Link Formula .............................................38
Drill Down to Trial Balance Accounts.................................38
Advanced Trial Balance Functions ........................................39
Consolidating Trial Balances .............................................39
Consolidating Subsidiary Trial Balances............................39
Write Up Trial Balances .....................................................40
Exporting to Tax Software ......................................................41
Sharing Workpapers ................................................................42
Shared File Rooms ................................................................43
Sharing a Local File Room.................................................43
Stopping File Room Sharing: .............................................43
Editing Workpapers in a Shared File Room.......................43
Synchronize Binder................................................................44
Synchronize Individual Workpapers.......................................45
Express Synchronization .......................................................45
Binder Packages....................................................................46
Creating a Binder Package ................................................46
Receiving a Binder Package..............................................46
Reviewing Workpapers............................................................47
Workpaper Notes ...................................................................47
Creating a Workpaper or Workpaper Tab Note..................47
Responding to, Clearing, or Deleting a Note .....................47
Workpaper Sign Off................................................................48
Lock/Unlock Workpapers .......................................................49
Freeze/Unfreeze Workpapers................................................49
Using the Tickmark Definition List......................................49
Inserting Tickmarks ............................................................50
Workpaper Reference Links ..................................................50
Inserting Workpaper Reference Links................................50
Opening Referenced Workpapers .....................................51
Publishing Workpapers ..........................................................51
Other Common Features.........................................................52
Creating Templates ................................................................52
Trial Balance Templates.....................................................52
Workpaper Templates ........................................................53
Account Grouping Templates.............................................53
Print Group Templates .......................................................54
Tickmark Templates ...........................................................54
Saving TB Link Formulas...................................................54
Renaming Items.....................................................................55
Deleting Items ........................................................................55
Getting More Information ........................................................56
Contacting ProSystem fx Engagement ..................................56
Appendix A – TB Report Sample Settings .............................57
Notes .........................................................................................58
The Field Guide is designed to be used as a quick reference for
experienced users of ProSystem fx
Engagement. This Field Guide is
ideal to use as a supplement to our training courses. It describes the
most common way to perform tasks.
Refer to the ProSystem fx Engagement User Guide for a more
exhaustive explanation of these functions and all of the ways to
perform them. You can access the User Guide from the Help Menu in
ProSystem fx Engagement.
Page 1
Local File Room
There are two views for the local file room: Client Index view and
Engagement Today view.
lient Index View
Client Index Pane
This area of the File Room displays client folder information. The
Client Folders hold your Engagement binders.
Contents Pane
This area displays the contents of the selected item in the Client
Index Pane. These could be client folders or binders. You can sort
items shown in this pane by clicking the column headers.
Remote File Rooms Pane
This area contains three tabs: CFR (Central File Room), Staff, and
Buddy List. If you have logged in from the Field, you will not see
the CFR tab. The CFR tab contains a list of all CFRs set up for the
firm. The Staff tab lists all staff members, and the Buddy List
shows the staff members you have added to your Buddy List.
Page 2
Local File Room
ngagement Today View
Note: Engagement Today is not available from a shared file room.
Engagement Today displays user-level diagnostic information that
summarizes key statistics regarding the binders in your local file room.
Engagement Today also displays the Tip of the Day.
The Engagement Today view displays five panes:
My Recent Binders
Displays links to the last four binders used.
By Lead Partner
Displays a list of binder links sorted by lead partner from the
binder properties.
Other Highlights
Displays a list of binder links sorted by specific criteria.
By Engagement Type
Displays a list of binder links sorted by the categories listed.
Tip of the Day
Displays suggestions for using the program more efficiently. You
can hide the Tip of the Day by clicking Hide Tips. Click Previous
and Next to navigate through the tips.
Page 3
Local File Room
1. 2.
3. 4.
Binder Window
To open a binder, double-click the binder in the file room. The Binder
window is made up of four views: Binder View, Notes Summary View,
Sign Off Summary View, and Current Editor View (or Live Editor View).
inder View
The Binder View displays the contents of the binder and the status of
the workpapers in the binder.
Shortcut Bar
The Shortcut Bar provides quick access to many Engagement
functions, including workpapers, the Binder Snapshot, and the
Trial Balance Snapshot. It also includes links to ProSystem fx Ta x
(if installed), IntelliConnect, Accounting Research Manager, the
CCH Tax Research Network, and FAQs, among other links.
Page 4
Binder Window
Binder Index Pane
The Binder Index Pane includes the following folders:
Binder. The Binder name displays beside one of the
following images, based on the Document Completion Date:
The Document Completion Date is not approaching
and is not past due.
The Document Completion Date is approaching.
The Document Completion Date is past due.
Note: If you are Current Editor of a binder, a current
editor designation arrow displays on top of the
appropriate binder icon above.
Unfiled Workpapers. This folder stores workpapers that
have not been filed yet. Reports generated by ProSystem fx
Engagement originally appear here. You can then move each
report to the desired workpaper tab section.
Conflicts. This folder stores workpapers in conflict after
synchronization or from binder packages that have been
Incompatible Workpapers. This folder displays if you have
Knowledge Coach installed. It stores Knowledge Coach
workpapers that could not be filed in the active binder
because the title version of the workpaper is not compatible
with the title version of the binder.
Published Workpapers. This folder stores copies of Word
or Excel workpapers where the formulas (e.g., trial balance
links) have been automatically converted to values.
Trash. This folder contains the workpapers you delete in
ProSystem fx Engagement. If you have deleted a workpaper
by mistake, you can restore it and it will be filed back to the
appropriate tab.
Page 5
Binder Window
The Binder folder contains tabs that organize the workpapers.
Workpaper properties display in columns to the right of the Binder
Index column and include the following:
Index Number and Name. The alphanumerical index
number is optional. The name is required, and it describes
the content of the workpaper.
Locked. A locked workpaper is read-only.
Frozen Links. If the Engagement links in the selected
workpaper are frozen, this icon displays.
Note. If a note has been created for this workpaper or
workpaper tab, this icon displays.
Modified after Reviewer Sign Off. If the administrator has
chosen to flag workpapers that have been modified after a
reviewer has signed off, this icon displays as appropriate.
Prepared By. When a workpaper is signed off by a preparer,
the date and preparer’s initials display.
Reviewed By. When a workpaper is signed off by a reviewer,
the date and reviewer’s initials display.
2nd Reviewed By. When a workpaper is signed off by a
second reviewer, the date and reviewer’s initials display.
File Modified Date. The date and time the workpaper was
last changed.
Current Editor (if viewing a non-shared file room). The staff
member who has checked out this workpaper.
Live Editor (if viewing a shared file room). The staff member
who has this workpaper open. If no staff member has the
workpaper open, then <Available> displays if the file room's
host is current editor of the workpaper. <Unavailable>
displays if the host is not the current editor.
Assigned To. The team member who the current editor has
assigned the workpaper to prior to synchronizing. (Does not
display in shared file rooms.)
Page 6
Binder Window
Notes Pane
When a workpaper or tab with a note is selected in the Binder
window, information about the following displays: subject, number
of responses, who it is from and assigned to, the date created,
who cleared the note, and the date cleared.
Note: If Knowledge Coach is installed, a Diagnostic pane also
displays above the Notes pane.
otes Summary View
The Notes Summary View displays all of the notes that exist in the
binder. The Notes are broken down into three types: Team Notes,
Open Items, and Notes for Next Period.
Page 7
Binder Window
ign Off Summary View
The Sign Off Summary View displays the level of review for all of the
workpapers that exist in the binder. The level of review is in three
stages: In Process, Ready for Review, and Reviewed. Team members
that have signed workpapers off are listed, with the sign off date,
under each workpaper.
Page 8
Binder Window
urrent Editor View
If you are viewing a non-shared local file room, the Current Editor
View tab is available. The Current Editor View displays all of the team
members assigned to the binder. Displayed under each team member
is a list of the workpapers they have checked out. Any workpaper not
checked out to a team member appears in the Unassigned section.
ive Editor View
If you are viewing a shared local file room, the Live Editor View tab is
available. The Live Editor View displays all the staff members who are
currently working on a workpaper in the binder. Under each staff
member is a list of the workpapers he or she is working on. Any
workpapers that are not being worked on are listed in the Unassigned
Page 9
Binder Window
Engagement Toolbar – File Room
The Engagement toolbar in the File Room window includes the
following buttons:
New Client. Creates a new client folder.
New Binder Wizard. Creates a new binder.
Assign Binder Staff. Adds team members to a
Open. Opens the selected item.
Open Trial Balance. Opens the trial balance in a
selected binder.
Cut. Cuts item(s) to the clipboard.
Copy. Copies item(s) to the clipboard.
Paste. Pastes item(s) from the clipboard.
Expand All. Expands the entire tree.
Collapse All. Collapses the entire tree.
Displays properties of a selected
Refresh. Refreshes the local file room or central
file room.
Create Binder Package. Creates a single
compressed file of a binder.
Receive Binder Package. Receives a binder
Synchronize Binder. Opens the Synchronize
Binder Wizard.
Page 10
Engagement Toolbar – File Room
Express Synchronization. Automatically
synchronizes the binder to the central file room
without opening the Synchronize Binder Wizard.
Tax Software Interface. Exports trial balance
data to tax vendors.
Finalize Binder. Opens the Finalize Binder
Wizard for the selected binder.
Roll Forward. Opens the Roll Forward Wizard
for the selected binder.
Client Inquiry. Opens the ProSystem fx Practice
Client Inquiry Module.
Engagement Today. Displays the Engagement
Today view.
Client Index. Displays the Client Index view.
Client Group Filter. Filters the clients in the file
room by client group.
Engagement Toolbar – Binder Window
The Engagement toolbar displayed in the Binder window has the
following buttons:
New Tab. Creates a new workpaper tab.
New Workpaper from Template. Creates a new
workpaper from predefined templates.
New Workpaper from File. Inserts a new
workpaper from an Excel, Word, or other file type
into a binder.
New Trial Balance. Creates a new trial balance.
Page 11
Engagement Toolbar – Binder Window
New Manual Workpaper. Creates a workpaper
to serve as a placeholder for a physical
workpaper not inserted into the Binder.
New Placeholder. Creates a name and index
number for a workpaper that will be added at a
later date from a file or scanned document.
New Knowledge Tools Workpaper. Creates a
new workpaper from the Knowledge Tools
Workpaper Templates. Requires installation of
Knowledge Tools titles.
New Knowledge Coach Workpaper. Creates a
new workpaper from the Knowledge Coach
Workpaper Templates. Requires installation of
Knowledge Coach titles.
New CCH Workpaper. Creates a new workpaper
from the CCH Workpaper Templates.
New Workpaper from Scanner. Creates a new
workpaper from a TWAIN-compliant scanner.
Open. Opens the selected item.
Open Trial Balance. Opens the trial balance. If
there is more than one trial balance, a list
appears for you to select from.
Print. Prints the selected workpaper or report.
Cut. Cuts item(s) to the clipboard.
Copy. Copies item(s) to the clipboard.
Paste. Pastes item(s) from the clipboard.
Properties. Displays properties of a selected item.
Page 12
Engagement Toolbar – Binder Window
Expand All. Expands Binder Views to show all
Collapse All. Collapses Binder Views to hide all
Refresh. Refreshes and re-sorts Binder tabs and
Publish Workpaper. Publishes a workpaper to
convert formulas to values.
Lock Workpaper. Locks a workpaper as
Unlock Workpaper. Unlocks a workpaper.
Freeze Links. Freezes Engagement links in the
selected workpaper so that links are not refreshed.
Unfreeze Links. Unfreezes Engagement links for
the selected workpaper.
Create Workpaper Note. Creates a note for the
selected workpaper.
Sign Off Workpaper. Signs off the selected
Tax Software Interface. Exports data to tax
Binder View. Displays binder contents and
workpaper status.
Notes Summary View. Displays workpaper and
workpaper tab notes by type.
Sign Off Summary View. Displays workpapers
sorted by level of review.
Current Editor View/Live Editor View. Displays
workpapers sorted by current editor or live editor.
Page 13
Engagement Toolbar – Binder Window
Engagement Toolbars in Excel and Word
ngagement in Office 2007
Engagement takes advantage of the new Ribbon interface in Excel
and Word 2007. The Engagement tab displays all of the functions you
need to complete workpaper tasks. The Workflow group of the
Engagement tab includes the six most recently used tickmarks.
ngagement Toolbar – Excel for Office 2003
The Engagement toolbar that displays in Microsoft Excel for Office
2003 includes the following buttons:
Name Functions. Inserts links to Client,
Engagement, and Firm information.
Date Functions. Inserts links to Current and
Prior date information.
Refresh. Refreshes all links in the workpaper,
including Name, Date, and Trial Balance Links.
Copy TB Link. Links data from your trial balance
to your workpapers or financials. This information
updates with trial balance changes.
Paste TB Link. Links data from your trial balance
to your workpapers or financials. This information
updates with trial balance changes.
Insert TB Link. Creates a link from the trial
balance without opening the trial balance.
Drill Down TB Link. Drills down to the accounts
included in the linked formula.
Create TB Report. Creates reports based on
your trial balance data. See APPENDIX A for
sample report settings.
Page 14
Engagement Toolbars in Excel and Word
JE Summary. Displays current journal entries by
type. You can add, modify, or delete journal
entries from this window.
Account Groupings. Opens the Account
Groupings window.
TB Column Setup. Opens the TB Column Setup
window where you can modify the columns
displayed in the trial balance.
Paste TB Import. Imports data directly from
Excel into the trial balance.
TB Edit Mode. When toggled on, allows you to
make changes to the trial balance directly.
Write Up Journal Entry. Organizes the
transaction data in journals.
Consolidate. Consolidates data from single
company trial balances into a consolidated trial
Tickmark Toolbar. Displays the tickmark toolbar.
Insert Workpaper Reference. Inserts a
reference link to another workpaper in the binder.
Open Workpaper Reference. Opens the
referenced workpaper.
Freeze Links. Freezes Engagement links for the
workpaper so that links are not refreshed.
Unfreeze Links. Unfreezes Engagement links for
the workpaper.
Create Workpaper Note. Creates a note for the
QuikLink. Performs a Quiklink with ProSystem fx
Page 15
Engagement Toolbars in Excel and Word
New Comments. Adds comments in a worksheet.
Show/Hide All Comments. Toggles between
showing and hiding all comments in a worksheet.
Edit Comment. Allows you to edit the selected
Delete Comments. Removes comments from a
Check Source TB for Changes. Checks a
source trial balance for changes, if you have
imported data from a source Engagement trial
balance to a target Engagement trial balance.
ngagement Toolbar – Word for Office 2003
The Engagement toolbar that displays in Microsoft Word for Office
2003 includes the following buttons:
Name Functions. Inserts Client, Engagement,
and Firm information links.
Date Functions. Inserts Current and Prior date
Refresh. Refreshes all links in the workpaper,
including Name, Date, and Trial Balance links.
Paste TB Link. Links data from your trial balance
to your workpapers or financials. This information
updates with trial balance changes.
Insert TB Link. Creates links from the trial
balance, without having to open the trial balance.
Drill Down TB Link. Drills down to the accounts
included in the linked formula.
Page 16
Engagement Toolbars in Excel and Word
JE Summary. Enables you to add, modify, or
delete journal entries.
Account Groupings. Opens the Account
Groupings window, where you group your
TB Column Setup. Opens the TB Column Setup
window where you can modify the columns
displayed in your trial balance. You can set up
Budget, Tax, and Variance columns and more.
Write Up Journal Entry. Organizes the
transaction data in journals.
Consolidate. Consolidates data from single
company trial balances into a consolidated trial
Tickmark Toolbar. Displays the tickmark toolbar.
Insert Workpaper Reference. Inserts a link to
another workpaper in the binder.
Open Workpaper Reference. Opens the
referenced workpaper.
Freeze Links. Freezes Engagement links for the
workpaper so that links are not refreshed.
Unfreeze Links. Unfreezes Engagement links for
the workpaper.
Create Workpaper Note. Creates a note for the
Insert CCH Footnote. Inserts a CCH footnote.
Toggle Field Codes/View Field Codes. Toggles
all links in Word on/off. When on, you can view
and edit Engagement formula links directly.
Page 17
Engagement Toolbars in Excel and Word
Adding Items – File Room
ew Client Folder
1. Click the New Client toolbar button.
2. Enter the client’s information on the Profile tab.
3. Click the Groups tab to assign the client to a client group.
4. Click the Contacts tab to enter contact information.
5. Click OK when finished.
ew Binder
1. Click the New Binder Wizard toolbar button.
2. Click Next on the Welcome dialog.
3. Select the client folder and click Next.
4. Select a central file room and click Next.
5. Select the source for the binder:
Create binder from template
a. Select the tab containing the template.
b. Select a template, and then click Next.
Create blank binder (no tabs or workpapers). Click
Create binder from existing binder in your local file
a. Select client folder that contains the binder.
b. Select the binder to use, and then click Next.
6. Enter the general properties of the binder, and then click Next.
7. Enter period information for the binder, and then click Next.
Page 18
Adding Items – File Room
8. If you selected a template or existing binder with Knowledge
Coach workpapers, the Knowledge Coach options page
displays. Select the needed options, and then click Next.
9. Assign additional teams or staff to the binder by clicking the
Assign buttons.
10. Click Finish.
11. Review the New Binder Summary Report and click Create to
create the binder.
Adding Items – Binder Window
ew Tab
1. In the Binder Index, right-click where you want the new tab.
2. Select New Tab from the list.
3. Enter the Name (required) and Index #.
4. Click OK.
ew Workpaper
1. Right-click the tab where you want the new workpaper.
2. Select the item to insert:
New Workpaper from Template
a. Select the tab containing the template.
b. Select the template to use and click OK.
c. Enter the Name (required) and Index #.
d. Click OK.
New Workpaper from File
a. Choose the location in the Look in field.
b. Select the file to insert and click OK.
c. Enter the Name (required) and Index #.
d. Click OK.
Page 19
Adding Items – Binder Window
New Trial Balance
a. Select the tab containing the template.
b. Select the template to use and click OK.
c. Enter the Name (required) and Index #.
d. Click OK.
New Manual Workpaper
a. Enter the Name (required) and Index #.
b. Click OK.
New Placeholder
a. Enter a Name (required) and Index #.
b. Click OK.
New Knowledge Tools Workpaper
a. Select a title.
b. Select the workpapers from the title.
c. Click OK.
d. If needed, you can do the following for each
workpaper to be inserted:
Enter an index
Change the workpaper name
Select the roll forward options
New Knowledge Coach Workpaper
a. Select an industry.
b. Select the workpapers from the industry.
c. Click OK.
d. If needed, you can do the following for each
workpaper to be inserted:
Enter an index
Change the workpaper name
Select the roll forward options
Page 20
Adding Items – Binder Window
New CCH Workpaper or NewM&P(McGladrey &
Pullen) Workpaper
a. Select the title to use from the Type drop-down list.
b. Select the tab containing the template.
c. Select the template to use and click OK.
d. Enter the Name (required) and Index #.
e. Click OK.
New Workpaper from Scanner
a. Select your scanner from the Scanner menu, and
then click Scan.
b. Adjust any settings as needed, and then scan
according to your scanner's user guide.
c. Review a thumbnail image of each scanned page,
and then click Scan More or Finish.
d. Enter the Name (required) and Index #.
e. Click OK.
Understanding the Trial Balance
While trial balances appear to be normal Excel files, they actually
represent the databases that store all of your data. The three types of
trial balances are as follows:
Standard single company trial balance
Consolidated trial balance
Write up trial balance
Trial balances created with a version of Engagement prior to 6.0 must
be converted to Microsoft SQL Server database files. To do this, select
Start/Programs/ProSystem fx Engagement/Utilities, and then click
ProSystem fx Engagement Trial Balance Conversion Wizard. The
wizard instructions will guide you through the conversion process.
Page 21
Understanding the Trial Balance
If you prefer, trial balances can be converted when binders are
synchronized in ProSystem fx Engagement.
Note: See page 39, Advanced Trial Balance Functions, for details on
creating consolidated and write up trial balances.
pening a Trial Balance
Click the Open Trial Balance button from the Binder window.
This launches Excel, allowing you to view the trial balance.
Note: If you have more than one trial balance in your binder, a window
displays listing all trial balances. Select the appropriate one and click OK.
arts of a Trial Balance
There are three areas in the trial balance that allow you to change the
way information is displayed.
Changing the View. You can switch to any view you created
in your trial balance from the View drop-down menu. The
columns to the right of the Account and Description columns
change based on your settings for that view in the TB Column
Setup. Examples of column descriptions are Unadjusted
Balance, Final Balance, and Prior-Period Final Balance. See
page 23, Setting Up Trial Balance Views.
Changing the Grouping List. You can switch to any grouping
list you created in your trial balance from the Group
drop-down menu. Different groups and sub-groups display in
the Account Group Summary and Account Sub-Group
Summary tabs. See the following section, Changing
Worksheet Tabs, for details on worksheet tabs.
Page 22
Understanding the Trial Balance
The Account column displays the group or sub-group index
numbers you created. The Description column displays the
group or sub-group descriptions. The Grouping lists are
created, modified and deleted from the Account Grouping
window. See page 29, Account Groupings, for further details.
Changing Worksheet Tabs. You can navigate among
worksheets using the following tabs:
Account Detail. This tab displays the trial balance by
account number. Subtotaling cannot be performed on
this worksheet. You can manually add subtotals to TB
Reports generated from the trial balance.
Account Group Summary and Account Sub-Group
Summary. These tabs display the totals for each
group or sub-group in the Account Grouping window.
Change the Grouping List from the Group toolbar
drop-down to change which groups or sub-groups you
want displayed.
Using Trial Balance Functions
etting up Trial Balance Views
1. Select TB Column Setup from the Trial Balance menu in the
Binder window.
2. In the Trial Balance field, select the trial balance with the
columns you want to modify.
3. In the View field, select the view with the column setup you
want to modify.
Note: Click Options to create a new view.
4. In the Available Columns field, select the period that
contains the columns you want to select from. Available
columns are on the left side; click the right-pointing arrow to
add the column to your view.
Page 23
Using Trial Balance Functions
5. To add a variance column, click Add Variance and select
the appropriate information in the Column Properties section.
6. Click Close to save your changes.
onverting & Importing Trial Balance Data
You can convert trial balance data from other supported trial balance
software packages into an Engagement trial balance. You can also
import trial balance data from another Engagement trial balance. For
other cases, import the information using the Paste TB Import function.
Converting Trial Balance Data from ProSystem fx Write-Up or
ProSystem fx Trial Balance
1. Select Import Conversion Wizard from the Trial Balance
menu in the Binder window.
2. Choose the source of your conversion file.
3. Click Next.
4. Select the ProSystem fx Engagement trial balance you want
to transfer the data into from the Select Trial Balance list.
5. Select the ProSystem fx Trial Balance or Write-Up file from
the Select export file list.
6. Select the appropriate current period information, tax
information, chart of accounts settings, and lead
classifications options, as necessary.
7. Click Finish.
Converting Trial Balance Data from ATB for Windows, GoSystem
Audit, or an ASCII Text File
1. Select Import Conversion Wizard from the Trial Balance
menu in the Binder window.
2. Choose the source of your conversion file.
3. Click Next.
Page 24
Using Trial Balance Functions
4. Select the ProSystem fx Engagement trial balance you want
to transfer the data into from the Select Trial Balance list.
5. Select the source file for import.
6. Select the number of prior periods.
7. If importing from and ASCII Text file, select whether the
source file is comma delimited or tab delimited.
8. If importing from GoSystem Audit, select the balance type to
9. Click Next.
10. If importing from GoSystem Audit, do the following:
a. Select whether to convert all groupings, convert all
and map to one Engagement grouping, or map to
one Engagement grouping.
b. If you are mapping groupings, select the GoSystem
Audit grouping to map from (on the left), and select
the ProSystem fx Engagement grouping to map to
(on the right).
c. Select the appropriate options for converting tax
codes, if necessary.
d. Click Next.
11. On the Chart of Accounts screen, click the gray bar at the
top of each column to select the appropriate header
information. You can assign only one trial balance column to
each column of imported data.
12. Select either to append or overwrite the data in the existing
trial balance.
13. Select the appropriate rounding options as necessary.
14. Click Next.
15. Click Yes.
16. Click OK.
17. Click Finish.
Page 25
Using Trial Balance Functions
Importing Data from CaseWare
1. Select Import Conversion Wizard from the Trial Balance
menu in the Binder window.
2. Choose the source of your conversion file and click Next.
3. From the Select Engagement trial balance list, select the
ProSystem fx Engagement trial balance you want to transfer
the data into.
4. Select the client file for import.
Note: Only client files with the extension .ac are accepted.
Compressed files with the extension .ac_ are not accepted.
5. Select the CaseWare entity.
6. In the Chart of accounts information section, select the period
sequence, the current CaseWare period to import into
Engagement, and the CaseWare current period balance type.
7. Select whether to append to or overwrite the existing data in
the Engagement trial balance data.
8. Select the appropriate rounding options as necessary.
9. Select one of the following:
convert all groupings
convert all and map to one Engagement grouping
map to one Engagement grouping
10. If you are mapping groupings, select the CaseWare grouping
to map from (on the left), and select the ProSystem fx
Engagement grouping to map to (on the right).
11. Click Finish.
Page 26
Using Trial Balance Functions
Importing TB Data From an Excel File
1. Open the trial balance.
2. Open the Excel file containing your trial balance data.
3. Do the following to prepare the content for import:
Organize the data so that there are no blank rows in the
data range.
Remove any of the following characters from the
account number and balance columns: ':",|()*?.
Verify that the total of each balance column nets to zero.
4. Select the range of data, excluding any column headers or
balance checks, and select Edit/Copy in Excel.
5. Switch to the trial balance by selecting it from the window
menu in Excel.
6. Click the Paste TB Import button.
7. Define the columns by clicking the gray column header bar
and selecting the appropriate column description from the
menu that appears. Do this for all columns to import. Do not
define the header for those you do not want to import.
8. Choose Append or Overwrite. Select Append to add your
current data to the existing trial balance. Select Overwrite to
destroy all existing account data and journal entries. The
accounts must be regrouped. Overwrite also unassigns all
previous group and sub-groupings.
9. Correct duplicated account numbers, invalid accounts, and
blank fields highlighted during import.
10. To round balances, select the place to round the account
balances to in the Round Balance to Nearest field and
complete the Select Rounding Account field.
11. Click Next, then Yes, and then OK to continue.
12. Review the statistical information and click OK.
Page 27
Using Trial Balance Functions
Importing TB Data From An Engagement Trial Balance
1. Open the trial balance to import data to.
2. Select Engagement/Import from Engagement TB.
3. Select the client name, binder, and trial balance from which
you want to import information.
4. If necessary, check the Import current period balance box
and select the current period balance type to import.
5. If necessary, check the Import prior period balance box
and select the prior period balance type to import.
6. If you selected to import current or prior period information,
select whether to append or overwrite the data.
Note: If you have previously imported data from the source
file, the Import status based on last binder synchronization
section displays the date and time of the last import, the date
and time the source binder was last synchronized, and the
status of the source binder.
7. Click Check for Source TB Changes to determine whether
any balance changes exist between the source trial balance
and the target trial balance.
8. Click OK.
Checking for Changes to the Source Trial Balance
To check for balance differences between a source Engagement trial
balance and a target Engagement trial balance after importing data,
do the following:
1. From the Binder window, select Trial Balance/Check for
Source TB Changes.
2. If more than one trial balance is in the binder, select the
target trial balance and click OK. If there are differences
between the source file and the target file, the Import from
Engagement TB Log File displays. Only accounts with
balance differences display in the log file.
Page 28
Using Trial Balance Functions
hart of Accounts
Use the Chart of Accounts window to add, modify, and delete accounts.
1. Select Chart of Accounts from the Trial Balance menu in
the Binder window.
2. Select the trial balance from the Trial Balance field.
3. Select the balance type from the lower field of the Period
and Balance type group.
4. Do any of the following, as needed:
To add an account to a trial balance, click Add Account
and enter information for each new account. Added
accounts need to be grouped.
To modify account information, click in the cell you want
to modify and enter the change.
To delete an account, click the account row and then
click Delete Account. Deleted accounts remove the
prior year information.
B Edit Mode
Use TB Edit Mode to manually enter current period balances
or to modify prior period amounts. Click the TB Edit Mode
button when the trial balance is open to turn this mode on or off.
ccount Groupings
1. Select Account Groupings from the Trial Balance menu in
the Binder window.
2. Select the trial balance for which you want to group accounts
from the Trial Balance menu.
3. Select the Account Grouping List for which you would like to
group the accounts from the Grouping List.
Page 29
Using Trial Balance Functions
4. Add groups or sub-groups by right-clicking the Groups and
Sub-groups window.
Note: You also can add groups or sub-groups by clicking
Advanced below the window.
5. Click Close when finished.
6. You can assign Account and Ratio Classifications when a
group or sub-group is created, or you can click Advanced to
edit the group or sub-group. These classifications are used to
break down balances and calculate net income or loss for the
period. These classifications may also be used for TB Links.
Note: If Account and Ratio Classifications are assigned, the
Quickview option displays the balances broken down by
assets, liabilities and equity, revenue, expenses, and net
income. Select Quickview from the Trial Balance menu in
the Binder window.
7. Select the account(s) you want to group from the Account
and Description columns displayed on the left. Drag the
account(s) to the group or sub-group folders on the right.
Continue this process until all the accounts are grouped.
Note: Use the Account and Description Filters fields to show
only the accounts you want to group. Use a question mark
(?) as a place holder and an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. For
example, to display all accounts with 5 as the second
character, such as 1500-01-1000, type ?5*.
8. Click the Options button to administer your Grouping Lists.
You can create new groups, delete or rename existing
groups, and export groups from this window. You can also
access standard Tax Line Grouping lists by clicking Import.
9. Click Close when you are finished administering your
Grouping Lists.
10. Click Close when you are finished grouping accounts.
Page 30
Using Trial Balance Functions
ournal Entries
1. Select Journal Entry Summary from the Trial Balance
menu in the Binder window.
2. From the Trial Balance drop-down list, select the trial
balance to which to post the journal entry.
3. In the Type pane, select the type of entry.
4. Click New to open the Journal Entry Detail window.
5. Enter the journal entry number, description and W/P
reference in the appropriate fields.
6. Select the accounts for the entry by double-clicking an
account on the left side.
Note: You can create new accounts by clicking Add
Account. Click Remove JE Line to take the selected
account out of the journal entry field.
7. Enter the amounts in the cells.
8. Select one of the following:
Save and New to record another entry
Save and Close to return to the Journal Entry Summary
Note: On the Journal Entry Summary screen, you can reclassify any
entry to another journal entry type by dragging the journal entry to the
appropriate icon in the left pane. Click Close when done.
ecording Transactions in Write Up Trial Balances
1. Open the write up trial balance.
2. Click the Write Up Journal Entry button.
3. From the Trial Balance menu, select the trial balance you
want to post transactions to.
4. Select the journal to use to enter the transactions.
Page 31
Using Trial Balance Functions
5. Click New to start entering your transaction.
6. Enter the Date, Ref, Transaction, Account #, Account
Description, and Debit and Credit amounts, as needed.
Note: For choices involving dates, reference numbers, or
account numbers, click Options.
7. Click Close to finish entering transactions.
Note: See page 39, Advanced Trial Balance Functions, for
instructions on creating write up trial balances.
There are four types of reports created by Engagement: JE, TB,
Consolidated, and Write Up.
JE Reports
1. Open the trial balance.
2. From the Engagement menu, select Create
Reports/Journal Entry Reports.
3. Select the trial balance from the Trial Balance list.
4. Select the box for each type of JE Report to create.
5. Click OK. The reports are placed in the Unfiled Workpapers
tab in your Engagement binder. You can rename them and
drag them to the appropriate tabs as needed.
TB Reports
1. Open the trial balance.
2. Click the Create TB Report toolbar button.
3. Select the trial balance from the Trial Balance list.
4. Select the Grouping List to generate the report from.
Page 32
Using Trial Balance Functions
5. Choose one of the following in the Account Groups section:
Include selected includes only the groups you select.
Include current and future includes all groups
currently in the selected grouping list and automatically
adds any groups that are created in the future.
Note: If you select Include current and future, you can select
Classified Report to create a report organized by the
account and ratio classifications.
6. In the Report Type field, select the level of detail to display:
Summary – Groups. Summarizes your report at the
group level.
Summary – Sub-Groups. Summarizes your report at
the sub-group level.
Detail. Displays all charts of accounts organized into the
groups and sub-groups. If you select Combine Groups,
the information generates in one report. Otherwise, a
separate report is generated for each selected group.
7. Enter a name in the Report Name Guide field.
8. Select from the following options as needed:
Hide empty groups and sub-groups and Hide
accounts with zero balances. Hides indicated items.
Print as Black and White. Sets the default print
settings to black and white.
Show W/P Ref Columns. Displays workpaper
references created in the trial balance.
Include sum of account groups. Subtotals the groups
within a classified report.
Include net income. Displays net income amount on an
unclassified report.
Note: Net income is always included on classified reports.
Page 33
Using Trial Balance Functions
9. Click Format to select which trial balance columns you want
to include in the report.
Drag columns from left to right to add them.
Drag columns from right to left to remove them.
Add Variance columns as needed.
10. Click OK to save your column setup.
11. Click OK to create the reports. The reports are stored in the
Unfiled Workpapers tab in your Engagement binder.
See Appendix A for sample TB Report Settings.
To modify an existing report setup, open the report and then
select Properties from the Engagement menu. Make your
changes to the setup, and then click OK to save them.
Consolidated Reports
1. Open the consolidated trial balance.
2. From the Engagement menu, select Create Reports/
Consolidated Reports.
3. Select report options, as desired. These options are the
same as those for a regular trial balance.
4. Click OK to create the report. The report is stored in the
Unfiled Workpapers tab of your Engagement binder.
Note: See page 39, Advanced Trial Balance Functions, for instructions
on creating consolidated trial balances.
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Using Trial Balance Functions
Write Up Reports
Engagement provides the following three write up reports:
Write Up Detail. Shows detailed entries from a selected journal.
The report columns are the same as the journal columns.
G/L Current and G/L YTD. Show the accounts in the trial
balance, their beginning balance, transaction amounts, and
ending balance for either the current or YTD period,
whichever you select.
Creating the Write Up Detail Report
1. Select Create Reports/Write Up Reports/Write Up Detail
Report from the Engagement menu.
2. Select the trial balance from the list.
3. Select the specific write up journals you want to create.
4. Click OK to create. The report is stored in the Unfiled
Workpapers tab in your Engagement binder.
Creating G/L Current and G/L YTD Reports
1. Select Create Reports/Write Up Report from the
Engagement menu
2. Select G/L Current Report or G/L YTD Report. The Select
Journal Entry dialog displays.
Important: If you select G/L YTD Report for a non-annual
binder, the Select Journal Entry dialog does not display. The
report is created with only write up journal entries.
3. Select the types of journal entries to include in the report. By
default, Client Journal Entries and Adjusting Journal Entries
are already selected.
4. Click OK. The report is stored in the Unfiled Workpapers tab
of your Engagement binder.
Note: See page 39, Advanced Trial Balance Functions, for
instructions on creating write up trial balances.
Page 35
Using Trial Balance Functions
inking to the Trial Balance
Name and Date Links
Name and date links enable you to insert information about the client,
firm, binder, workpaper, or dates related to the engagement.
Name information comes from the Properties window of the
client, firm, binder, or workpaper.
Date links are calculated from the Periods and Dates tabs in
the Binder Properties window.
To insert name or date functions, do the following:
1. Open the workpaper.
2. Do one of the following:
In Excel, click the cell where you want to insert the link.
In Word, insert the cursor where you want to insert the
link or select the text that you want to replace with a
Name or Date link.
3. Click the Name Functions or Date Functions buttononthe
Engagement toolbar. A menu of name or date functions
4. Select the name or date option you want to insert.
Linking Trial Balance Data
This section explains the two methods for linking trial balance data.
Copying and Pasting TB Links
1. Open both the trial balance and the Excel or Word
workpaper you want to link.
2. Activate the trial balance in Excel by selecting it from the
Window menu, and select the trial balance cell(s) you want to
link to the workpaper. Click the Copy TB Link toolbar button.
3. Switch to the workpaper you want to paste the link(s) to.
4. Select the area you want to paste the links into.
Page 36
Using Trial Balance Functions
5. Do one of the following when pasting a link into one of the
areas listed below:
Excel spreadsheet. Select the cell or the first cell in the
range if you are pasting multiple cells and click the
Paste TB Link toolbar button.
Word Table. Select the entire table cell and click the
Paste TB Link toolbar button.
Word Paragraph. Insert the cursor where you want the
data to appear or select the text to replace, and then
click the Paste TB Link toolbar button.
6. Select the options to use from the window that appears.
7. Click OK.
Inserting TB Link
1. Open the Excel or Word workpaper.
2. Place the cursor where you want to insert the TB Link.
3. Click the Insert TB Link button on the Engagement toolbar.
4. Build a formula using the six parameters: Trial Balance,
Account Grouping, Type, Period, Balance Type, and
Account/Index #.
5. To round the amounts used in the formula, select the Round
box and enter the number of decimal places to round to.
6. Select Sign options in Excel or Word, and select Negative
style, Numeric style, and Zero style in Word.
7. Click the Insert button. The formula displays in the TB Link
Formula box.
8. You can add to the existing formula by selecting the
appropriate parameters again and clicking the Insert button.
9. Click Paste to insert the TB Link into the workpaper.
Page 37
Using Trial Balance Functions
Analyzing a TB Link Formula
To view a TB Link in Excel, click on a cell containing the TB Link. The
formula displays in the formula bar.
In Word, click the Toggle Field Codes or View Field Codes button. A
Word formula has several formatting parameters, but within this
formula you will see the same formula noted in Excel:
TB represents the name of the trial balance database you
linked from.
FINAL[7] represents the trial balance column you linked from.
FINAL shows the Abbreviation you defined in the TB Column
Setup window. [7] is the column ID assigned by Engagement.
4110 represents the index assigned to an account class, ratio
class, account group, account sub-group, or the account
number if linked to the Account Detail.
§ 15 represents the Grouping List ID number.
1 represents the trial balance tab you linked from or the
account type you linked: ”1" = Group Summary tab, “2" =
Sub-Group Summary tab, and ”3" = Account Detail tab, “-1" =
Account Class, ”-2" = Account Type, “0" = Ratio Class.
0 is reserved for future use.
Drill Down to Trial Balance Accounts
To drill down to the accounts that make up the amounts calculated in a
linked formula in an Excel or Word workpaper, do the following:
1. Open the Excel or Word workpaper.
2. Do one of the following:
In Excel, click the cell with the linked formula.
In Word, select the linked field.
3. Click the Drill Down TB Link button.
4. Click Close.
Page 38
Using Trial Balance Functions
dvanced Trial Balance Functions
Consolidating Trial Balances
Consolidations occur at the trial balance level within one Engagement
binder. You will set up a trial balance for each subsidiary and then
consolidate them into a consolidated trial balance.
To create a consolidated trial balance, do the following:
1. Select the tab you want to insert the trial balance into from
the Binder window.
2. Click the New Trial Balance button from the Binder window.
3. Click the Consolidated tab.
4. Select the Consolidated Trial Balance–2Yeartemplate.
5. Click OK.
6. Complete the Index # and Name fields in the Workpaper
Properties dialog.
7. Click OK to create the trial balance.
Consolidating Subsidiary Trial Balances
To consolidate subsidiary trial balances into a blank consolidated trial
balance, do the following:
1. Open the consolidated trial balance.
2. Click the Consolidate button on the Engagement toolbar.
3. From the Consolidated Trial Balance list, select the trial
balance you want to hold the consolidated information.
4. Click the Add button to add a subsidiary trial balance.
5. Select the trial balance from the Trial Balance list.
6. Type the abbreviation you want for the column heading.
7. Select a grouping from the Grouping List field.
Page 39
Using Trial Balance Functions
8. Select Overriding List if you want to take precedence over
the trial balance(s) when there are conflicts with the
description of the grouping basis or grouping codes.
9. Select the balance type to consolidate in the Balance field.
10. To add more subsidiaries, click Add and repeat steps 5
through 9.
11. Select the consolidation basis based on groups, sub-groups
or account detail.
12. Select how you would like numbers to be rounded from the
Rounding list.
13. Select the Number of Prior Periods you want to gather
during consolidation.
14. Click OK to consolidate.
Note: See page 32, Reports, for instructions on creating consolidated
reports. See page 31, Journal Entries, for instructions on eliminating
journal entries.
Write Up Trial Balances
Write up trial balances allow you to enter transactions into write up
journals or book client journal entries. To create a write up trial
balance, follow these steps:
1. Select the tab to insert the trial balance into from the Binder
2. Click the New Trial Balance toolbar button.
3. Click the Write Up tab.
4. Select the Write Up template.
5. Click OK to display the Workpaper Properties dialog.
6. Complete the Index # and Name fields.
7. Click OK to create the write up trial balance.
Page 40
Using Trial Balance Functions
If you prefer to book standard two-sided entries as Client Journal
Entries, instead of the transaction journals, see page 31, Journal
Entries. You can use either methods to enter Client Journal Entries.
The information will display in the CJE column of the write up trial
balance, regardless of which method you use.
Note: See page 32, Reports, for information on creating write up reports.
xporting to Tax Software
Before you can export trial balance data to a supported tax software
package, you must have grouped your accounts to one of the Account
Grouping Lists. See page 29, Account Groupings, for instructions on
grouping accounts.
Follow these steps to export data to tax software:
1. Click the Tax Software Interface buttonintheBinder window.
2. Select the software that you will be exporting to from the Tax
Software list.
3. Verify the appropriate tax Account Grouping List is selected
in the Grouping list.
4. In Configuration information, enter the Tax year, Grouping,
Balance, and Employer ID #.
5. Select the balance you want to export from the Balance list.
The Export Prior Year box is always checked to export that
Note: You must control the import of prior year information in
the tax program.
6. In Export information, Engagement provides default paths
and names for the information you need to export to the
respective tax vendor; however, you may need to browse to
the appropriate directory by clicking Browse .
7. Click OK. If you have any ungrouped accounts, a report
listing them displays. You must group these accounts before
you can successfully complete the export.
Page 41
Using Trial Balance Functions
Tip: When customizing a tax Account Grouping List, you can add
sub-groups to groups that support detail schedules in your tax
software. The sub-group descriptions display as the descriptions on
the detail schedule.
You cannot add groups to a tax Account Grouping List, as they will not
export to your tax software. You can choose groups or sub-groups to
export by selecting Send to Tax in the group or sub-group properties.
Sharing Workpapers
Only the Current Editor (in a non-shared file room) or the Live Editor
(in a shared file room) can make changes to a workpaper. Other team
members can view a read-only copy of the workpaper.
When you check out unassigned workpapers from the central file
room, you become the Current Editor. You remain the Current Editor
until you check in the workpaper to the central file room or assign it to
another team member.
There are five methods you can use to share workpapers:
Shared Local File Room
Synchronize Binder
Synchronize Selected Workpapers
Express Synchronization
Binder Packages
When team is attached to an office network, the central file room is
used to share and distribute binders. When you log in to Engagement
from the Office, the program displays the central file rooms that have
been set up.
When the team is attached to a peer-to-peer network in the field,
its members can share and distribute binders directly with each other.
When you log in from the Field, each staff member assigned to
binders in your local file room displays.
When you are not on a network or you need to email a binder to a
staff member, you do not synchronize to the central file room or to
another staff member’s local file room. See page 46, Binder
Packages, for further details.
Page 42
Sharing Workpapers
hared File Rooms
Shared local file rooms allow multiple Engagement users to work with
workpapers in the same binder without synchronizing with a central file
room, checking out workpapers, or assigning workpapers.
To work with shared file rooms, the option must be enabled for your
firm in Administrator, and you must belong to a staff group that allows
sharing of local file rooms.
A Host selects to share his or her local file room, and then other users
can log in to the shared file room. Users can open any workpaper in
the Host’s file room, as long as the Host is the Current Editor.
Sharing a Local File Room
1. Log in to Engagement as either Office or Field.
2. Right-click within the file room frame.
3. Select Share File Room.
Stopping File Room Sharing:
1. Log in to Engagement as either Office or Field.
2. Right-click within the file room frame.
3. Select Stop Sharing File Room.
Editing Workpapers in a Shared File Room
Working with workpapers in a shared file room is similar to working in
your own local file room. When you open a binder in the Host’s local
file room, the Binder View displays.
The Live Editor column displays the current status of each workpaper.
Page 43
Sharing Workpapers
The following statuses are available:
(User Name). The user whose name displays is currently the
Live Editor of the workpaper. You can view a read-only copy of
the workpaper until the Live Editor closes it.
<Available>. The local file room’s Host is the Current Editor of
the workpaper, and no other users are currently working on
the workpaper. The workpapers are available for you to open
and edit.
<Unavailable>. The Host is not Current Editor of the workpaper.
Click on any workpaper with <Available> displayed in the Live Editor
column to edit the workpaper.
Close the workpaper when you finish editing it. No synchronization or
check-in required.
ynchronize Binder
Synchronizing a binder update changes made to workpapers with
other staff members.
1. Select the binder in the File Room window.
2. Click the Synchronize Binder toolbar button.
3. Click Next on the Synchronize Binder Wizard Welcome screen.
4. Select the Staff or Buddy List member to synchronize with.
If you are synchronizing the binder in the field with a staff
member whose computer is not listed in the Existing
Locations list, browse to the appropriate path in the Alternate
Locations field, then click Next. The Synchronize Entire
Binder or Selected Workpapers dialog displays.
5. Select to either synchronize the entire binder including all
workpapers, or to synchronize only workpapers you select.
6. Click Next. If you have current editor rights for a workpaper,
the Assign Workpapers dialog appears. Select workpapers to
assign to a staff member’s local file room. You will no longer
have current editor rights to them in your local file room.
Page 44
Sharing Workpapers
7. Click Next. If you are synchronizing selected workpapers,
and new workpapers exist in your local file room or the
remote file room, the Synchronize Workpaper from your
LOCAL File Room or Synchronize Workpaper from REMOTE
File Room dialog displays, as appropriate. Select the
workpapers to synchronize.
8. Click Next.
9. Click Synchronize.
ynchronize Individual Workpapers
When logged in from the Field, you can synchronize selected workpapers
with other staff members or a staff member in your Buddy List.
1. Open the binder containing the workpapers to synchronize.
2. Select workpapers to synchronize. Press and hold
k to
select contiguous workpapers, or press and hold
b to
select non-contiguous workpapers.
3. Select Workpaper/Synchronize Workpaper.
4. Select the target to synchronize with.
5. Click OK. A list of workpapers that are available for
synchronization displays.
6. Click Synchronize.
xpress Synchronization
Express Synchronization automatically synchronizes changes from the
local file room to the central file room, and vice versa, without opening
the Synchronize Binder Wizard. You do not have the option to check
workpapers in or out.
To perform an express synchronization, do the following:
1. Select the binder in the File Room window.
2. Click the Express Synchronization toolbar button.
Page 45
Sharing Workpapers
inder Packages
Creating a Binder Package
1. From the File Room, select the binder you want to package.
2. Click the Create Binder Package button.
3. Select the workpapers to include in the package.
4. Select how you want to distribute the binder package.
To save the binder package as a file, select Save
package to a file. Verify the path and file name of the
binder file.
To send the binder package as an email attachment,
select Send package via email.
5. Click OK.
Receiving a Binder Package
After a binder package is created, other Engagement staff members
can receive it. To receive a binder package, do the following:
1. Click the Receive Binder Package button from the File
Room window.
Note: To receive a binder package via Microsoft Outlook,
select Engagement/Receive Binder Package in Outlook.
2. Browse to the package file (with an AZP extension) to receive.
3. When you receive a binder, one of two events will occur:
If you do not have the binder, Engagement locates the
client folder and inserts the binder into it. If the client
folder doesn’t exist, Engagement creates it.
If you have the binder already, Engagement compares
the existing binder to the one sent to determine if there
are any conflicts. If different Current Editors exist for the
same workpaper, you are warned of this conflict when
you open the binder.
Page 46
Sharing Workpapers
Note: During synchronization, a Synchronization Conflicts dialog
displays when there are conflicts between a binder in the local file
room and a binder in the central file room. You must specify whether
the Local copy or the Remote copy (remote local file room, central file
room, or binder package) takes precedence. You can view details of
the conflict by clicking View Details. Click OK to continue.
Reviewing Workpapers
orkpaper Notes
There are three types of workpaper review notes you can use to
electronically communicate during an engagement:
Open Item
Team Note
Note for Next Period
Creating a Workpaper or Workpaper Tab Note
1. Select the workpaper or workpaper tab from the Binder
2. Click the Create Workpaper Note button.
3. Select the type of note from the drop-down list.
4. To address the note to an individual team member, clear the
All Binder Staff box and select a specific staff member.
5. Enter the note’s subject in the Subject field.
6. Enter the note’s text in the Note field.
7. Click OK to save your note. The note information displays in
the Notes pane.
Responding to, Clearing, or Deleting a Note
You can use the Notes pane in the Binder window or the Notes
Summary View to keep track of which notes require response,
clearing, or deletion.
Page 47
Reviewing Workpapers
To clear, delete, or respond to a note, do the following:
1. Click the Notes Summary View tabintheBinder window.
2. Right-click a note and select one of the following:
Respond to Note allows you to reply. Enter a response,
and then click OK to save the text.
Clear Note crosses out content and any replies. A
record of the note remains in the Binder View and Notes
Summary View. The status changes to cleared.
Delete Note erases the note.
orkpaper Sign Off
You can sign off workpapers as the Preparer and/or as a Reviewer. A
workpaper can have multiple Preparers and Reviewers.
To sign off a workpaper, do the following:
1. Select the workpaper in the Binder window and click the
Sign Off Workpaper button.
2. Select your name from the Current User menu.
3. The Date defaults to today’s date. Select a different date if
4. Add or update your sign off signature by clicking the plus
sign (+)inthePreparer field or in one of the Reviewer fields.
Click the minus sign (-) to remove your sign off.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
You can manage the sign-off status of engagement workpapers by
selecting the Sign Off Summary View tab.
Page 48
Reviewing Workpapers
ock/Unlock Workpapers
After the workpaper has been reviewed and signed off, you may want
to lock the workpaper. A workpaper that is locked is read-only. Links
will continue to update provided they are not frozen.
To lock or unlock a workpaper, follow these steps:
1. Select the workpaper you want to lock or unlock from the
Binder window.
2. Click the Lock Workpaper or Unlock Workpaper button.
When the workpaper is locked, the Lock symbol appears.
The workpaper is now a read-only file.
reeze/Unfreeze Workpapers
There may be times when you want to freeze a workpaper.
Engagement links such as name and date links and TB links in a
workpaper that is frozen are not updated if changes are made to the
trial balance.
To freeze or unfreeze a workpaper, follow these steps:
1. Select the workpaper in the Binder window.
2. Click Freeze Engagement Links, represented by a broken
chain, or Unfreeze Engagement Links, represented by a
solid chain.
Note: If you publish a workpaper with frozen links, the published
workpaper will contain the values of the links when frozen.
Using the Tickmark Definition List
The tickmark definition list contains the tickmark symbols (images)
and descriptions. To use the tickmark definition list, follow these steps:
1. Open a report or workpaper in Excel, Word, or Adobe Acrobat.
2. Select Engagement/Tickmark/Tickmark Definition.
Page 49
Reviewing Workpapers
3. To add your own tickmarks to this list, click Add.
4. Type the tickmark name and description. Browse to a
16-color, 16 x 16 pixel bitmap picture and click Open.You
are returned to the Tickmark Definition dialog, and your
image appears in the left-hand column.
5. Click Close.
Note: To delete a tickmark, select the tickmark and click Delete.
Inserting Tickmarks
To insert a tickmark symbol, follow these steps:
1. Open an Excel, Word, or Adobe Acrobat workpaper.
2. Click the Tickmark Toolbar button.
3. Follow these steps if you are working with Excel or Word:
a. Click where you want the tickmark to be placed.
b. Click the tickmark symbol in the tickmark toolbar.
Follow these steps if you are working with Acrobat:
a. Click the tickmark symbol in the tickmark toolbar.
b. Click where you want the tickmark to be placed.
orkpaper Reference Links
Inserting Workpaper Reference Links
1. Open an Excel, Word, or Adobe Acrobat workpaper.
2. Follow these steps if you are working with Excel or Word:
a. Click in the cell (Excel) or place the cursor in the
document (Word) where you want to insert the
workpaper reference link.
b. Click the Insert WP Reference button.
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Reviewing Workpapers
Follow these steps if you are working with Acrobat:
a. Click the Insert WP Reference button.
b. Click the location in the workpaper where you want
the workpaper reference to be placed.
3. Select the workpaper to reference.
4. Click Insert.
5. Click Close.
Opening Referenced Workpapers
To open a referenced workpaper, do the following:
1. Open the Excel, Word, or Adobe Acrobat workpaper.
2. Click in the cell containing the reference (Excel) or select the
workpaper reference (Word or Acrobat) to open.
3. Click the Open WP Reference button.
ublishing Workpapers
To send someone an electronic copy of a Word or Excel workpaper,
you should publish the workpaper. A published workpaper is a copy of
a workpaper in which the formulas (i.e., trial balance links) have been
converted to values. This allows you to share the workpaper with
people who do not have access to the trial balance database.
To publish a workpaper, follow these steps:
1. Select the workpaper to publish in the Binder window.
2. Click the Publish Workpaper button.
A copy of the workpaper is filed in the Published Workpapers tab in
the Binder window. The original name of the workpaper now has
- Published appended to the end. All of the formulas, such as dates,
names, and amounts, have been converted to values. This published
workpaper will not be updated because the formulas no longer exist.
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Reviewing Workpapers
Other Common Features
reating Templates
This section includes procedures for creating the following templates:
Trial Balance
Account Groupings
Print Groups
TB Links
Trial Balance Templates
If there is a trial balance that has a format you use frequently, you can
save it as a template.
Note: Trial balance templates created with a version of Engagement
prior to 6.0 must be converted to a format supported by Microsoft SQL
Server database. To do this, select File/Convert Trial Balance
Templates in the ProSystem fx Engagement File Room.
Follow these step to save a trial balance as a template:
1. Open the trial balance.
2. Select Engagement/Properties.
3. Clear the Hide zero balance groups and sub-groups and
Hide zero balance accounts boxes. The numbers and
groups will display on the trial balance when it is created
from this template.
4. Click OK.
5. Close the trial balance.
6. Right-click the trial balance in the Binder window and select
Save as Template.
7. Select the template folder where you will save the template.
8. Type the file name for the template.
Page 52
Other Common Features
9. Select the Clear chart of accounts box if you do not want to
save the account numbers and descriptions in the template.
10. Select the Save journal entries box to save the journal
entries (accounts and amounts) in the template.
11. Click Save.
Workpaper Templates
If there is a workpaper format you use frequently, you can save it as a
template. Follow these steps to save a workpaper as a template:
1. Select the workpaper in the Binder window.
2. Right-click the workpaper you want to make into a template
and select Save As Template.
3. Keep the default path and name, or browse for the path and
type a name for the template and click Save.
Note: Knowledge Coach workpapers cannot be saved as templates.
Instead, you can copy Knowledge Coach workpapers from one binder
to another.
Account Grouping Templates
To use an account grouping in another trial balance, you can follow
these steps to save an account grouping as a template:
1. Select Trial Balance/Account Groupings from the Binder
2. In the Trial Balance and Grouping List field, click the
Options button. The Grouping List Options dialog displays.
3. Select a grouping from the grouping lists shown.
4. Click Export.
5. Browse for the path and enter a file name.
6. Click Save to create the template, and then click Close to
close the Grouping List Options dialog.
Page 53
Other Common Features
Print Group Templates
To print a group of workpapers and save a print group as a template,
follow these steps:
1. Select File/Print Group in the Binder window. The Print
Group dialog displays.
2. Select the workpapers in the print group from the left side.
3. Click Save Print Group.
4. Enter a name in the File name field and click Save.
Tickmark Templates
Do the following to share tickmarks with other team members and
save them as templates:
1. Open an Excel, Word, or Adobe Acrobat workpaper.
2. Select Engagement/Tickmark/Tickmark Definition.
3. Click Export.
4. Browse for the path and click Save.
For more information, see page 49, Using the Tickmark Definition List.
Saving TB Link Formulas
To save TB Link formulas (e.g., complex ratios) as templates for other
workpapers, follow these steps:
1. Build a TB Link formula using the Insert TB Link function.
See page 36, Linking to the Trial Balance.
2. In the Insert TB Link window, click Save.
3. Type a name and description for your saved TB Link
4. Click Close.
Page 54
Other Common Features
enaming Items
Throughout the system, you can rename items by selecting the items
you want to rename and clicking on the Properties toolbar button.
Make your changes and click OK to save them.
eleting Items
Warning: When a Knowledge Coach workpaper is deleted, it is
removed permanently. It is not sent to the Trash folder and cannot be
In the File Room. Select the item(s) to delete and press i.
These items are permanently deleted.
In the Binder window. Select the item(s) to delete and press
i. The items are now in the Trash.
§ To restore an item deleted from the Binder Window, right-click
the Trash icon and select Restore All, or right-click on
individual workpapers and select Restore.
Depending on the settings in Administrator, upon closing a
binder Engagement will keep the items in the trash, prompt
you to delete the items in the trash, or automatically delete the
items in the trash.
Page 55
Other Common Features
Getting More Information
For more information on these functions, and to better understand
their underlying concepts, you can refer to the following sources:
Tip of the Day
User Guide (see Help menu in Engagement)
Online Help (see Help menu in Engagement)
Technical Support at
CCH INCORPORATED, a Wolters Kluwer business, offers hands-on,
detailed training on the features in this guide. Consulting services are
also available to assist you in the development of procedures and
templates, so you can fully utilize ProSystem fx Engagement.
For more information about Training & Consulting Services, contact
our Customer Training department at (310) 802-8310.
ontacting ProSystem fx Engagement
Technical Support
Hours: 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday
Phone: (800) 739-9998
Fax: (316) 612-3405
Product Updates, FAQs and more
Training & Consulting
Call: Training Coordinator at (310) 802-8310
CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business
Customer Training Department - M/S 21
20101 Hamilton Ave. Suite 200 Torrance, CA 90502
Attention: Engagement Training Coordinator
Page 56
Getting More Information
Appendix A – TB Report Sample Settings
The following table includes TB Report settings for common reports
used in an engagement. You can also customize any report to show
the information you need.
Report Name Account
Group – radio
Report Type Format –
Leadsheet(s) Include selected
(Check boxes as
Working Trial
Include current
and future
Analytical Review
Include current
and future
Summary by
Group or
(Include Net
Final Analytical
Include current
and future
Summary by
Group or
(Include Net
Budget-to-Actual Include selected
(Click Select All)
Book-to-Tax Include current
and future
Page 57
Appendix A – TB Report Sample Settings
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