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CCH Engagement
2018 Audit
Install Guide
CCH Engagement: Knowledge Tools 2018 Audit Installation Instructions
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Contents ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Whats New ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Files Available for Download ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Software Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Recommendations ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Downloading Files from the Website ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Instructions to Download CCH Engagement 2018 Audit ....................................................................................................... 3
Content Update Instructions ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Checklist ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Technical Support ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Content Update Changes .................................................................................................................................................... 6
This document provides step-by-step instructions for installing CCH Engagement 2018 Audit Workpapers.
Please review Appendix; Content Update changes to determine whether or not you wish to perform this update.
Whats New
A change were made to the Knowledge Tools titles from the 2017 Dec17 Audit Workpapers release onwards. This change
consolidates previous titles (Review Engagements, Legal PractitionersTrust, and Dealing with Client Monies) into the Commercial
title. Binder templates will be made available for these Titles however roll-over content from prior years may be affected for these
existing titles. For content that would have previously rolled over for these titles we recommend a manual review and copy/paste.
New Knowledge Tools Workpaper titles have been included as part of the 2018 Audit Workpapers release:
2018 Commercial
New Binder Templates have been created for the 2018 Audit Release for CCH Engagement Version 7.5.
2018 AFS License
2018 Assurance
2018 Commercial
2018 Compliance
2018 Dealing with Client Monies
2018 Due Diligence
2018 Legal Practitioners Trust
2018 Review of Historical Information
2018 Review of Historical Financial Reports
Please Refer to the appendix “Content Update Changes” for detailed changes
Files Available for Download
CCH Engagement 2018 Audit.zip
Software Requirements
Knowledge Tools requires CCH Engagement Version and Microsoft Office 2007 or above.
Upgrade to the latest version of CCH Engagement 7.5 (Refer 7. 5 Installation Notes in the Documents folder on the installation
DVD). If you did not receive this upgrade, please contact our Technical Support on 1300 654 913, Select Option 3, or email
PfxAUSSupport@wolterskluwer.com. Support Hours are 8am to 6pm (AEDST).
To find the version of CCH Engagement, open CCH Engagement and Select
then Select
about CCH Engagement.
The first 2
digits of the CCH Engagement Workpaper Management will indicate the version no.
CCH Engagement: Knowledge Tools 2018 Audit Installation Instructions
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Downloading Files from the Website
Instructions to Download CCH Engagement 2018 Audit
Click on the link below:
http://www.wolterskluwer.cch.com.au/our-products/software-solutions/cch-engagement/audit (Copy this path to your
browser address field if the link is not active)
Download the File
the downloaded file to your local or network drive.
the file and follow the instructions below to ensure the content is placed in the correct CCH Engagement folders.
Important Note:
As part of unzipping the file you will be required to enter a password. This password has been emailed to your firm as
part of the Product Release Notes. If you cannot locate this password please contact our Technical Support on 1300
654 913, Select Option 3 or email Technical support on PfxAUSSupport@wolterskluwer.com. Support Hours are 8am to
6pm (AEDST).
1. Double Click on CCH Engagement 2018 Audit.zip
2. Click on the Actions Tab
3. Select Select All
4. Click on the Actions Tab
5. Select Extract
6. Browse to your desired location
7. Select Extract
8. Enter the Security Password
If the zip file is unzipped successfully the following folder structure should appear
CCH Engagement: Knowledge Tools 2018 Audit Installation Instructions
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Content Update Instructions
Review CCH Recommendation Prior to Update
Download File from the Portal and extract the file
Copy the folders to the Knowledge Tools TemplatesDirectory
Copy Binders to the Binder Templates” / “AuditDirectoryVersion 7. 5 Only
Update Firm Binder Templates with new content
Step 1: Copy New Titles to the Knowledge Tools Template Folder
Note: You may already have 2016 and 2017 Content. Please leave the 2016 and 2017 Knowledge Tools Workpaper
Templates in the location until all binders have been rolled forward. As part of the roll-forward process a comparison
is made between the existing content in the binder and new content.
Note: Please ensure you copy the new Knowledge Tools Templates to each location the machines are using (i.e. server and
laptop). If you require access to the Knowledge Tools Template while you are in the field and do not have access to the server
location you may also need to copy the Workpaper Templates folder to a local location on the laptop.
2018 Commercial
Step 2: Update CCH Binder TemplatesInstructions for Version 7.5 Only
CCH have provided standard Template Binders for CCH Engagement Version 7.5. If you wish to take advantage of these
Binders, you will need to copy the CCH Knowledge Tools Binder Templates to your Binder Template Folder. The available
Binders are as follows:
2018 AFS License
2018 Assurance
2018 Commercial
2018 Compliance
2018 Dealing with Client Monies
2018 Due Diligence
2018 Legal Practitioners Trust
2018 Review of Historical Information
2018 Review of Historical Financial Reports
Note: You may not wish to take advantage of the CCH binder templates, therefore ignore this step.
CCH Engagement: Knowledge Tools 2018 Audit Installation Instructions
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Step 3: Create New Firm Templates to include the 2018 Workpapers
If you are sure your Binder Templates have all the correct roll forward options set to
Replace in roll forward with the latest
Knowledge Tools Template”,
then simply Roll Forward the Binder and rename the Binder.
Note: if you do not rename the Binder at roll forward edit the Binder name in the Binder properties.
1. Open each firm Binder Template (where an update is required)
2. Review the Rollover Options in the Workpaper Properties
3. Close the Binder
4. Right Click on the Binder and select Roll Forward Binder
5. Select Next
6. Rename the Binder Name to the firm identifier of your choice
7. Select Next
8. Select Next (After the Binder has been created we recommend
changing the Year-End Date to for identification purposes only
This is done by right-clicking on the binder, selecting
Propertiesand the PeriodTab)
9. Select Next
10. Select Finish
11. Open the Binder and:
a. Insert any new Workpapers
b. Open each Knowledge Tools workpaper to ensure
the content has updated
12. Close the Binder then Right-Click and select Save Binder as
13. Synchronise the new Template back to the Central File Room
14. Repeat above steps for all Firm binders
Technical Support
Please contact our Technical Support should you have any queries on 1300 654 913, Select Option 3, or
4TU4TUpfxsupport@cch.com.auUU4T4T. Support Hours are 8am to 6pm (AEDST).
CCH Engagement: Knowledge Tools 2018 Audit Installation Instructions
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Content Update Changes
Enhanced audit reportingupdated guidance arising from AUASB Auditor Reporting FAQs
, ¶12-500 and ¶22-900). [May 2018]
Risk management systemsupdated for revision to APES 325 Risk Management for Firms
). [May 2018]
AGM questions for auditorsnew section incorporating guidance from GS 010 Responding
to Questions at an Annual General Meeting and AUASB Bulletin (¶22-300). [May 2018]
Concise financial reports updated guidance(¶23-100, ¶23-110 and ¶23-130) including new
example audit reports (¶23-140) arising from revision of GS 010 Concise Financial Reports
Under the Corporations Act 2001 as a result of enhanced auditor reporting . [May 2018]
Assurance engagementsupdated guidance arising from revision of ASAE 3000 Assurance
Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information as a result
NOCLAR changes to APES 110 Code of Ethics (¶90-100
, ¶90-300, 90-500 and ¶90-530).
[May 2018]
Compliance engagementsupdated guidance arising from revision of ASAE 3100
Compliance Engagements (¶92-100
, ¶92-150, ¶92-300, ¶92-350), revised working papers
(¶92-500, 92-520, and ¶92-530), new engagement letters (¶92-610, 92-620 and ¶92-630)
and new example audit reports (¶92-700, ¶92-710 and ¶92-720). [May 2018]
AFSL auditsupdated guidance arising from the Corporations Act changes and changes to
ASIC regulatory guides (¶95-000
, ¶96-100 and ¶96-600). [May 2018]
Enhanced audit reportingupdated guidance on review reporting for AUASB Bulletin on the
impact on enhanced audit report formats on review engagements (¶64-040
) including an
example format (¶65-650). [October 2017]
APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountantsupdated guidance for revisions
to APES 110 (¶10-100
and ¶10-420). [October 2017]
Non Compliance with Laws and Regulations (NOCLAR) updated for new APES 110
NOCLAR section and revision to ASA 250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of
a Financial Report (¶5-600
and ¶61-100 ). [October 2017]
Audit programs - updated for the impacts of changes in accounting standards (¶56-450 and
). [October 2017]
Financial report disclosure checklists - updated for the accounting standards effective 1
January 2017 (¶24-100
and ¶24-110). [October 2017]
Enhanced audit reportingupdated for additional guidance by ASA 2017-1 Amendments to
Australian Auditing Standards and AUASB Auditor Reporting FAQs (¶22-902 and ¶65-040).