© 2003 International Monetary Fund
September 2003
IMF Country Report No. 03/305
[Month, Day], 2001 August 2, 2001 January 29, 2001
[Month, Day], 2001 August 2, 2001
Nepal: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) are prepared by member countries in broad consultation
with stakeholders and development partners, including the staffs of the World Bank and the IMF.
Updated every three years with annual progress reports, they describe the country's macroeconomic,
structural, and social policies in support of growth and poverty reduction, as well as associated
external financing needs and major sources of financing. This country document for Nepal, dated
May 2003, is being made available on the IMF website by agreement with the member country as a
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International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C.
(Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper)
His Majesty's Government
National Planning Commission
Kathmandu, Nepal
May 2003
The Tenth Plan is government's main medium-term strategic planning document and this
summary provides a sharply focused strategies of the Plan for poverty alleviation. The Plan
has formulated a poverty reduction strategy based on four pillars -broad based high and
sustainable growth, social sector development with emphasis on human development, targeted
programs with emphasis on social inclusion and improved governance.
The Plan is an outcome of extended nation-wide consultation participated in by a large
number of people from all walks of life. The participatory approach adopted in preparing the
Plan, inclusion of the logical framework, identification of prioritized programs and projects
and identification of monitorable indicators are some of the important features. Besides, the
simultaneous preparation of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework has provided an
effective mechanism to link the Plan with the annual budget.
The Plan has emphasized on effective implementation and monitoring mechanism. Some of
the mechanisms formulated include (i) preparation of annual poverty monitoring report
(ii) initiation of special monitoring mechanism for social inclusion and regional development
(iii) development and monitoring of four monthly intermediate output indicators of major
public expenditure components (iv) initiation of immediate action plan-- a list of critical
policies for quick implementation (v) designing of a policy matrix to link priority activities of
the plan with output indicators and (iv) decentralization. The implementation modalities
initiated are expected to succeed particularly in delivering basic services, enhancing the
quality of life of the poor people and promoting economic and social inclusion of deprived
communities and regions.
We would like to express our gratitude to parliamentarians, ministers, educationists, experts,
politicians, members of civil society, and bureaucrats, who have been directly or indirectly
involved in the process of formulating the plan. We are also grateful to the donor
communities for providing cooperation and support in the process of preparing and finalizing
this document.
July 2003
Shankar P Sharma
National Planning Commission
National Planning Commission
Rt. Hon'ble Prime Minister Mr. Surya Bahadur Thapa Chairman
Dr. Shankar Prasad Sharma Vice-chairman
Dr. Yubaraj Khatiwada Member
Chief Secretary Dr. Bimal Prasad Koirala Ex-officio Member
Secretary of Finance Mr. Bhanu Prasad Acharya Ex-officio Member
Mr. Bhoj Raj Ghimire Member Secretary
ADDCN Association of District Development Committees of Nepal
AGO Auditor General's Office
AIC Agriculture Input Corporation
APP Agriculture Perspective Plan
BOOT Build Own and Operate Transfer
BOT Build Operate and Transport
CAAN Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal
CBS Central Bureau of Statistics
CFAA Country Financial Administration Assessment
CIAA Commission of Investigation of Abuse of Authority
CTEVT Center for Technical Education & Vocational Training
DC Dalit Commission
DDCs District Development Committees
DDWSS District Development Water Supply schedule
DIMC Decentralization Implementation Monitoring Committee
DNPWC Department of National Parks & Wildlife Conservation
DOA Department of Agriculture
DOC Department of Commerce
DOE Department of Education
DOH Department of Health
DOHS Department of Health Service
DOI Department of Industry
DOL Department of Labour
DOLIDAR Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agriculture Road
DOR Department of Road
DOSCI Department of Small and Cottage Industries
DPS Department of Postal Services
DWSS Department of Water Supply & Sanitation
ERP Economic Reform Program
FCGO Financial Comptroller General's Office
FPAN Family Planning Association of Nepal
GDP Gross Domestic Product
HDI Human Development Indicators
HHS Household Survey
HRC Human Rights Commission
IAP Immediate Action Plan
ICOR Incremental Capital Output Ratio
INGOs International Non-government Organizations
IPRSP Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
ISDP Internal Security and Development Programmes
JEMC Janak Education Material Center
LBFC Local Bodies Finance Commission
LM Line Ministry
LSGA Local Self Government Act
M1 Narrows Money
M2 Broad Money
MCH Maternity Child Health
MDAC Ministerial Development Action Committee
MIS Management Information System
MLD Ministry of Local Development
MOAC Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
MOCTCA Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation
MOES Ministry of Education and Sports
MOF Ministry of Finance
MOGA Ministry of General Administrative
MOH Ministry of Health
MOICS Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Supplies
MOLJ Ministry of Law and Justice
MOLTM Ministry of Labour and Transport Management
MOPPW Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
MOST Ministry of Science and Technology
MOWR Ministry of Water Resources
MOWSW Ministry of Women and Social Welfare
MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework
NARC Nepal Agriculture Research Council
NDAC National Development Action Committee
NDC National Development Council
NEA Nepal Electricity Authority
NER National/Ecological/Regional
NERG National/Ecological/Regional/Gender
NERGS National/Ecological/Regional/Gender/Social Groups
NERS National/Ecological/Regional/Social Groups
NERUGS National/Ecological/Regional/Urban/Gender/Social Groups
NERUR National/Ecological/Regional/Urban/Rural
NERUS National/Ecological/Regional/Urban/Social Groups
NFC Nepal Food Corporation
NGOs Non-government Organizations
NHRC National Human Rights Organization
NLSS Nepal Living Standards Survey
NOC Nepal Oil Corporation
NPC National Planning Commission
NRB Nepal Rastra Bank
NTB Nepal Tourism Board
NTC Nepal Telecommunication Corporation
NWSSC Nepal Water Supply and Sanitation Corporation
PAC Public Account Committee
PAF Poverty Alleviation Fund
PERC Public Expenditure Review Committee
PIUs Project Implementation Units
PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
PSC Public Service Commission
RDBs Rural Development Banks
RNAC Royal Nepal Airlines Corporation
SAFTA South Asian Free Trade Arrangement
SAPTA South Asian Preferential Trading Arrangement
SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
SOE Statement of Expenditures
TCA Telecommunication Authority
TPC Trade Promotion Center
UNDP United Nations Development Program
VAT Value Added Tax
VDC Village Development Committees
WTO World Trade Organization
WUA Water User's Association
1. IntroductionThe Socio-Political and Economic Context 1
The Tenth Plan's Challenge 2
The Organization of the Summary Paper 3
2. The Tenth Plan Preparation Process 5
Traditional Planning Process 5
The Tenth Plan Preparation 5
3. Review of Past Development Efforts 9
Introduction 9
Economic Reforms in the Early Nineties 9
The Ninth Plan 10
Growth Performance 11
Progress in Poverty Reduction and Human Development 11
Physical Infrastructure 12
Macroeconomic Performance 13
Progress in Policy Reforms 17
Lessons from Past Experience 21
4. The Poverty Situation - Its Key Dimensions And Determinants 23
Introduction 23
Recent Poverty Trends 23
Current Poverty Situation and Its Characteristics 24
Present Social Disorder and Its Implications 34
Conclusion 35
5. The Tenth Plan-Goals, Targets and Strategies 37
Introduction 37
Key Goals and Targets 39
The Tenth Plan's Poverty Reduction Strategy 40
Macroeconomic Stability 42
Structural Reform Agenda 43
Broad-Based Economic Growth 44
Social Sector Development (including Human Development) 52
Social Inclusion and Targeted Programs 56
Good Governance 60
Improving Financial Management and Accountability 61
Decentralization 63
6. Financing The Tenth Plan 64
Introduction 64
Macro-economic Framework 65
The Normal Case 66
The Alternative Case 70
Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) 72
7. Implementation Modalities 77
Introduction 77
Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements 80
Conclusion 84
Annex 1 Policy Matrix 88
Annex 2 Immediate Action Plan 117
Annex 3 Macro-Economic Indicators 118
List of Tables
Table 1: The Ninth PlanGDP and Sectoral Growth Rates.......................................................11
Table 2: Ninth PlanKey Poverty and Human Development Targets and Achievements.....12
Table 3: Vital Physical InfrastructureTargets and Achievements..........................................13
Table 4: Ninth Plan -Macroeconomic Performance, 1996/972001/02....................................14
Table 5: 1995/96 Survey: Income Poverty Indicators .................................................................25
Table 6: Human Development Indicators, 1996 and 2000* ........................................................26
Table 7: Gender Disparities in Key Human Development Indicators, 1996 and 2000...........28
Table 8: Human Development by Caste and Ethnicity, 1996......................................................29
Table 9: Household Distribution by Their Access to Agriculture Inputs, 1996.......................32
Table 10: Sources of Income of Rural Households, 1996..............................................................32
Table 11: Indicative Targets of the Tenth Plan................................................................................39
Table 12: Investment requirements of The Tenth Plan (Normal Case) ......................................68
Table 13: Sectoral Allocation of Development Expenditure- Normal Case ..............................68
Table 14: The Tenth Plan Macroeconomic Projections- Normal Case Scenario ......................69
Table 15: The Tenth PlanMacroeconomic ProjectionsAlternative Scenario .....................72
Table 16: MTEFBudget Allocations for Priority Sectors, 2002/032004/05.........................74
Table 17: Major Poverty Related Development Expenses.............................................................75
Table 18: Key Output/Outcome/Impact and Process Indicators ...................................................85
IntroductionThe Socio-Political
and Economic Context
1 The overriding objective of development efforts in Nepal is poverty alleviation. In spite
of noticeable progress achieved over the past decade, there is still widespread poverty. The
Tenth Plan represents a renewed commitment by His Majesty's Government of Nepal to this
all-important task. Its sole objective is to achieve a remarkable and sustainable reduction in
the poverty level in Nepal from 38% of the population at the beginning of the Plan period to
30% by the end of the Tenth Plan, and to further reduce the poverty ratio to 10% in about
fifteen years' time.
2 The reduction of poverty to 30% by the end of the Tenth Plan is a daunting task by itself.
It has been made even more challenging by several recent developments in the country.
Among these, the following are particularly important:
i) First, poverty in Nepal has persisted for decades, and it is recognized as a deep-seated
and complex phenomenon, for which there are no quick and easy solutions. What has
changed particularly over the last decade is the socio-political situation in the country.
Following the Democracy Movement of 1990, peoples' expectations have risen; but
the economy and government actions, although successful in many areas, have
largely failed to fulfill the expectations of poverty alleviation. Significant progress
that was made especially in the early nineties was also not sustained. Thus, wide
disparities persist in regard to income distribution, social and economic infrastructure
and employment opportunities, particularly for an expanding young population. The
main reasons for these less than expected outcomes with regard to poverty alleviation
are discussed in section IV.
ii) Second, Nepal is currently experiencing complex socio-political situation, which has
intensified over the past few years. It has created considerable insecurity in many
parts of the country, made difficult for the government agencies and development
partners to carry out development activities in such areas. The situation also pre-
empted a significant and rising share of the government's limited financial and
administrative resources for maintaining peace and security in the country. The costs
so far in terms of human lives, destruction of property and infrastructure, increased
security expenditures and foregone development and economic activities have been
considerable. There are many underlying causes for the present situation, some of
which are political and ideological in nature. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that
among others, the underlying causes include poverty and its manifestations, (in terms
of regional, gender, ethnic and caste-related inequalities), as well as poor governance,
and the failure to deliver adequate and essential social services and infrastructure to
rural communities and marginalized groups. To bring about a lasting solution to the
present problem, the nexus of poverty, poor governance, and marginalization need to
be carefully and urgently addressed. A "Ceasefire" in late January and the subsequent
resumption of peace negotiations now provide considerable hope for resolution of
these tensions. However, any serious disruption of the peace process will destabilize
the fiscal situation, severely erode the country's capacity to carry out development
work and pose a major threat to social and political stability in the country. Nepal has
little time to lose.
iii) Third, the Tenth Plan's campaign against poverty reduction is being launched against
the backdrop of a fragile economy. After a decade of fairly robust growth, Nepal's
real GDP growth became negative (-0.6%) in 2001/02, for the first time in nineteen
years. In part, this has been due to: (a) The global recession and the after-effects of
September 11 (2001) events. (b) More importantly, the present turmoil has been an
even bigger destabilizing factor, through increased insecurity, destruction of physical
assets/infrastructure, bandhs (strikes) and loss of working hours and loss of business
confidence, among others. Together, these developments have adversely affected
activity levels in virtually every sector of the economyindustry, trade, construction,
tourism, exports, services etc,as well as savings and investment levels and overall
economic growth. In particular, the effects of the disorder on the government budget
have been disastrous, (due to slowing revenues and a sharp rise in security-related
expenditures) at a time when substantially more (domestic and external) resources are
needed to vigorously implement the development/poverty reduction agenda.
The Tenth Plan's Challenge
3 Nepal is caught up in a vicious cycle of poverty and economic stagnation at present.
Poverty is providing a fertile ground for the disorder, which in turn is pushing the economy
into a downward spiral, undermining its capacity to vigorously pursue the poverty reduction
agenda. The challenge for the Tenth Plan is therefore, to break out of this vicious cycle by
designing and forcefully implementing an appropriate strategy to reduce poverty and to
eliminate the root causes of the disorder.
4 Notwithstanding these constraints, His Majesty's Government stands ready to take on the
challenge of poverty reduction. The Tenth Plan recognizes that, in view of the existing
turmoil, ways and means must be found quickly, despite budget constraints, to effectively
implement the development agenda aimed at addressing the underlying causes of poverty and
regaining public support and confidence, while concurrently pursuing possible approaches to
sustain peace and restore law and order.
5 In this context, as discussed below, the Tenth Plan has formulated an appropriate poverty
reduction strategy based on four pillarsto promote faster and pro-poor economic growth,
equitable access to social and economic infrastructure and resources for the poor and
marginalized groups, social inclusion and targeted programs and improved governance. The
Plan emphasizes effective implementation to ensure better delivery of outputs and services to
rural communities. To do so, within a tight budget constraint, it has adopted cross-cutting
approacheslimiting the role of the public sector and prioritizing public interventions;
enhancing the participation of the private sector, NGOs, INGOs, and community-based
organizations in development activities; developing alternative delivery mechanisms,
particularly through greater devolution of functions, responsibilities and resources to local
bodies; and greater community involvement in the formulation and management of key
programs aimed at meeting the needs of the rural population. The Plan also emphasizes good
governance to minimize leakages and irregularities, and ensure greater accountability through
better monitoring mechanisms. To bring about the necessary changes in these areas, economic
reforms in a broad range of areas and sectors have been formulated, together with a time-
bound plan of critical immediate and medium term actions for their implementation. To
ensure public acceptance of and support for it, the Tenth Plan has been prepared through a
highly participatory and consultative process.
6 The Tenth Plan provides a comprehensive framework, supported by detailed sectoral
programs, to carry out this strategy over the next five years. Given the richness of detail of the
Planover 600 pages in lengtha shorter, more sharply focused summary the PRSPhas
been prepared. The latter, apart from its usefulness to domestic audiences, can be readily used
by Nepal’s development partners as the basis for supporting the Tenth Plan’s implementation.
The Organization of the Summary Paper
7 The Summary Paper begins with a brief discussion of the Tenth Plan's preparation
process and highlights its key elements in this regardcountry ownership, participatory
preparation and the dissemination and feedback process involving virtually all key segments
of the Nepali public (Section II). Section III reviews the development efforts undertaken in
the recent past, particularly through the Ninth Plan (1997/98-2001/02), and the key lessons
learned from this experience. The dimensions of Nepal's poverty problem, its manifestations
and determinants, and its linkages with the ongoing social disorder are then discussed in
Section IV. Section V outlines the poverty reduction strategy of the Tenth Plan, its key
sectoral programs and activities, and complementary policies and reforms, which are deemed
necessary to achieve them. The macroeconomic frameworks within which the poverty
reduction strategy, programs and activities will have to be implemented, and how these
programs will be adjusted from time to time, given the inherent uncertainties of predicting
resources, are then discussed in Section VI. That section also briefly discusses how the
government intends to cope with the inherent downside risks which are difficult to predict at
this stage, and how it will protect priority programs and activities in order to maximize the
poverty-reducing impact of the Plan. The implementation, monitoring and evaluation
modalities that are necessary to ensure effective implementation of the Plan, and key tools
and instruments, which will be used in this regard, are discussed in Section VII. The policy
matrix of the Plan linking the overall poverty reduction strategy with sectoral programs and
activities and the Government's Plan of key Immediate Actions (IAP) are shown as Annex 1
and 2. The macroeconomic framework with projected indicators of the Tenth Plan has been
presented in Annex 3.
The Tenth Plan
Preparation Process
Traditional Planning Process
8 Nepal has a well-established process for preparing periodic development plans, having
prepared nine such plans earlier. Typically, the preparation of the new plan starts with the
mid-term review of the ongoing plan, which serves as a base for the Approach Paper for the
new plan. The Approach Paper, which provides broad guidelines and targets and an indicative
resource framework for the new plan, is approved by the National Development Council
(NDC). The plan is then prepared and finalized by the beginning of the new plan period, after
discussion and approval first by the National Planning Commission and then by the Cabinet.
Traditionally, the plan preparation is led by the National Planning Commission (NPC), which
in consultation with the Ministry of Finance sets out the overall resource framework for the
plan, sectoral allocations and broad guidelines for the preparation of sectoral programs; while
the line ministries themselves are formally responsible for the preparation of sectoral
programs. Although the plan typically focuses on the next five years, the Ninth Plan
(1996/97-2002/03) also included for the first time a long-term (twenty year) perspective.
9 Though well established, this process has been subject to numerous criticisms: (i)
Typically, plan preparation has been a “top down” process, with little involvement of local
governments, beneficiaries, civil society or development partners. (ii) There was little
participation of, and feedback from, the key stakeholders; and wider societal ownership of the
plans was lacking. (iii) While the plans contained overall development and broad sectoral
strategies, they were not often well integrated. (iv) They were ambitious and tried to do too
much, without adequately recognizing resource or implementation capacity constraints. They
also did not adequately focus on implementation, monitoring or evaluation mechanisms. (v)
In addition, the plans were not anchored to a sound fiscal framework; and they did not have
any built-in mechanisms to adjust programs and activities from time to time, as needed. As a
result, there was no clear linkage between resource allocations in the annual budgets and plan
activities and targets. Consequently, they were often viewed as unrealistic from the beginning
and their usefulness as a development tool for poverty reduction was limited.
The Tenth Plan Preparation
10 The Tenth Plan represents a major effort to address these shortcomings. Its distinguishing
features include the following: (i) It has adopted a participatory and relatively more “bottom
up” approach; (ii) It is the product of an extended nationwide consultation process over two
years; and the feedback from the such consultations has been interactively utilized for
finalizing the plan’s objectives, targets, policies; and programs; (iii) It focuses strategically on
the overall poverty reduction strategy and seeks to prioritize sectoral programs and activities
accordingly; (iv) It emphasizes results and effective implementation and monitoring
mechanisms; (v) It incorporates a credible macroeconomic framework by utilizing alternative
scenarios; (vi) The latter is supplemented by a rolling Medium Term Expenditure Framework
(MTEF), which will be updated every year, and provides for the first time in Nepal, an
effective mechanism to link the annual budget with the Five Year Plan and to make periodic
adjustments in programs as needed; and (vii) Finally, as the product of a highly participatory
process, it can claim a far higher degree of national ownership and acceptance than earlier
11 Of particular importance, the Tenth Plan's formulation benefited from the preparation of
additional, closely related, documentsInterim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (IPRSP)
and the MTEF. When the preparation of the Tenth Plan was initiated in mid 2001, the
government decided to prepare an IPRSP, which would be an important input into the
Approach Paper for the Tenth Plan; and that the Tenth Plan itself would be the government's
full Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). A Steering Committee was set up under the
Vice-Chairman, NPC to provide strategic leadership, while technical committees headed by
the Secretaries of the line ministries coordinated the formulation of sector strategies and
programs, leading to strong inter-agency participation and ownership. The MTEF and the
Tenth Plan were prepared concurrently by the same line ministry teams, ensuring close
12 An extensive consultation process was initiated at various levels to discuss, and solicit
feedback on, the ideas and recommendations presented in the drafts of the various papers
IPRSP, Approach Paper, MTEF and the draft Tenth Plan itself.
13 At the time of IPRSP preparation, five consultations were held including two exclusively
with women's groups. Three public consultations held in the months of August and September
2000 in eastern, central and western Nepal included representatives from all 75 District
Development Committees (DDCs), mainly their Chairpersons or Deputy Chairpersons,
representatives from socially backward classes, mayors from municipalities, academia from
campuses and schools, representatives from NGOs and CBOs, representatives from major
political parties and the private sector, women, and ethnic minorities, and participants from
remote areas. About 25% of the participants in these three consultations were women. The
other two consultations exclusively with women's groups one in east Nepal and the other in
west Nepal were held in the months of September/October 2000. Participants were drawn
from members of DDCs/VDCs and municipalities and representatives from NGOs, There
were also significant representations from backward communities, ethnic minorities including
dalits, and remote areas. It is worth noting that women participated actively in both mixed and
exclusive women's group discussions, with forceful opinions provided on different social and
economic issues that need to be dealt with at the national and local levels. In all these
consultations, brief papers were presented, followed by group discussions and additional
feedback provided by participants by filling-up a questionnaire. There were 112 participants
in the three mixed groups and 94 participants in the women only groups.
14 These consultations were characterized by frank discussions on broad features and causes
of poverty, strategies for poverty reduction, reasons for poor implementation, and measures
for ensuring gender equality. Broadly, they emphasized empowering and strengthening local
bodies, empowering women, modernizing and commercializing agriculture, promoting basic
and technical education, providing basic health and drinking water facilities, reducing
corruption, and the need for an efficient and effective bureaucracy. Participants from west
Nepal in particular emphasized the need for infrastructure development in their region.
15 Similar consultations were also organized subsequently to solicit opinions from all
concerned when the IPRSP was developed as the draft Approach Paper of the Tenth Plan.
Thus, in June 2001, five regional consultations were held. Participants numbering between 60
to 80 in each of these consultations in five Development Regions included all
Chairpersons/Deputy Vice Chairpersons of DDCs, representatives from ethnic minorities,
backward communities and areas, government officials, representatives from academia and
private sector, NGOs and CBOs. In view of the need for preparing periodic district plans, and
to identify ways to establish linkages between such district plans and the national plan,
another discussion was organized in October 2001 in collaboration with the Association of
District Development Committees of Nepal with chairpersons and deputy vice chairpersons
from all 75 districts of the country. A separate consultative meeting was also organized for the
parliamentarians of the country.
16 Major recommendations from these consultations included the need for prioritization of
development programs, need for giving greater emphasis to mid and far west regions in
development efforts, modernizing agriculture, more effective coordination of the roles of the
government, private sector and NGOs, promoting eco-tourism, and the development of basic
health facilities and drinking water in rural areas etc.
17 Based on all these consultations, the draft Approach Paper was finalized, and submitted to
the National Development Council (NDC) for its comments and approval. The meeting of this
national body was held in January 2002. The NDC is composed of all the ministers,
representatives from all political parties, chairpersons of different committees of House of
Representatives, Secretaries of line ministries, Vice Chancellors, representatives from private
sector and academia, ethnic minorities, labor unions, women, NGOs and CBOs at the national
level. The Council approved the Approach Paper with some revisions, emphasizing in
particular the prioritization of development programs, and effective monitoring of progress in
program implementation and poverty reduction.
18 In addition to the above, consultations held specifically in the context of the PRSP/Tenth
Plan preparation. The PRSP/Plan also benefited from a large number of consultations
organized from time to time by various agencies (such as the ADDCN, various HMG line
ministries, donor agencies, NGOs and CBOs) for developing key sectoral programs, thematic
chapters and background papers. For example, in formulating the Local Self Government Act
(LSGA), the Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP), Water Resource Strategy, Financial sector
reforms, Long Term Health Plan and programs for decentralization of primary education and
primary health centers, among others, extensive public discussions have been held at national
and regional levels. These have helped to evolve a broad consensus and wide support for the
poverty reduction strategy and structural reforms incorporated in the PRSP/Tenth Plan. While
the conflict may have constrained the consultation process in some parts of the western and
far-western regions at that time, HMG intends to expand the future consultation process to
include all key stakeholders in these areas as an ongoing process.
19 As noted, the Tenth Plan incorporates detailed alternative macroeconomic scenarios,
which is a significant departure from Nepal's traditional plan preparation process. It
recognizes the need for a more realistic and credible framework for guiding resource
allocation decisions in the current environment of social disorder and a fragile economy. It is
also supported by a rolling MTEF, which would be updated and revised annually with strong
monitoring mechanism. The MTEF represents the first serious effort to prioritize the public
expenditure program in Nepal; and provides, in a situation of unpredictable resource flows, an
in-built mechanism to ensure that limited resources would be channeled to the Tenth Plan's
highest priority sectors and activities through the annual budget. The goal of poverty
reduction will be evaluated by monitoring the track record of implementation as well as the
output indicators. The progress of these activities will help in achieving the Millennium
Development Goals. In addition, the Tenth Plan is supported by two other key initiatives: (a)
The Economic Reform Program (ERP) and (b) The Immediate Action Plan (IAP). The ERP
represents the Government's efforts to revitalize a flagging economy and to get the Tenth Plan
off the ground. And closely related to it, the IAP reflects the emphasis, which the Government
places on the quick and effective implementation of the Plan. By identifying critical policies,
programs and activities in key areas, and a specific timetable for their implementation, the
IAP provides a monitorable checklist for the Plan's implementation, which would be updated
on an annual basis as an effective operational tool.
Review of Past
Development Efforts
20 Though poverty has always been an overriding concern of development efforts in Nepal,
it was explicitly stated as an objective only from the Seventh Plan (1985/86-1989/90)
onwards. The latter, however, was the first attempt to formulate a separate plan with a long-
term poverty alleviation perspective. Towards the end of the Plan period, it was derailed by
the Trade and Transit crisis and the resulting economic dislocation in the late eighties. The
transition to democracy in 1990, by raising popular expectations and aspirations, gave a new
impetus to poverty reduction. The development plans which were formulated subsequently
the Eighth Plan (1992/93-1996/97) and the Ninth Plan (1997/98-2001/02)specifically had
poverty reduction as their main objective. The Ninth Plan also established long-term targets
and development indicators for all sectors based on their potential for alleviating poverty.
Economic Reforms in the Early Nineties
21 To reduce poverty by accelerating economic growth and expanding employment
opportunities, the government in the early nineties initiated an extensive economic reform
agenda. Reforms were introduced, for example, to liberalize trade, investment and foreign
exchange regimes, unify the exchange rate, rationalize the tariff structure and the tax system,
promote exports, strengthen financial and capital markets, foster private sector development,
and strengthen public expenditure management.
22 These efforts yielded impressive results early on. They helped to transform the Nepalese
economy from a highly regulated to a more open, market-oriented economy; create an
energetic private sector and expand its role in such areas as manufacturing, industry, exports,
education, health, air transport, finance, and power; and to improve the country's macro-
economic fundamentals. In particular, it helped to accelerate economic growth in non-
agriculture sector (trade, transport, tourism, manufacturing and services); an annual rate of
7.5%, in real terms, in the first half of the nineties; and the share of non-agriculture rose from
51%to 59% of overall GDP in that period. As noted below, this helped to create increased
employment and income-earning opportunities in urban areas, and kept urban poverty at low
levels. According to the 1996 Nepal Living Standards Survey, urban poverty was estimated at
23%, and in the urban Kathmandu Valley at only 4%, compared to overall national poverty
incidence of 42% of the population. However, these early reforms did not touch the important
agricultural sector in a significant way; and consequently had little impact on rural poverty.
The Ninth Plan
23 The Ninth Plan's stated goal was to reduce (income) poverty from 42 percent to 32
percent of the population by the end of the Plan period, and to 10 percent by 2016/17. Several
other indicators of human povertysuch as illiteracy, infant mortality rate, maternal morality
rate, average life expectancy at birthwere also identified and targets set for them (Table 2).
To attain this goal, the Ninth Plan postulated a three-pronged strategy: (i) Achieving a high,
sustainable and broad-based economic growth rate (a minimum of 6% p.a. GDP) through
liberal and market-oriented policies; (ii) Developing social and rural infrastructure; and (iii)
Introducing targeted programs for those communities and areas left behind by the mainstream
development process. The Plan also sought to bring down the unemployment rate to 4% and
underemployment to 35% by the end of the Plan period. The Ninth Plan accorded high
priority to the neglected agricultural sector; and its centerpiecethe Agriculture Perspective
Plan (APP), formulated in 1995 with a long-term visionsought to raise agricultural growth
rate to 4.0 percent for the Plan period and to 4.9% over the next 15 years. The APP envisaged
increasing cereal and cash crop production in the Terai and livestock products and other high
value crops in the hills, through increased use of modern inputs, irrigation, improved research
and extension services, rural roads and marketing network. In the non-agricultural sector,
emphasis was placed in developing tourism, labour-intensive manufacturing, hydropower and
the transport and communications network.
24 The Ninth Plan's implementation, (particularly towards its end), was severely disrupted
by the adverse domestic and external developments noted in para 2 above. The resulting
dislocations in terms of slowdown in economic growth, diversion of resources for security
needs, reduced availability of resources for Plan activities and the difficulties in carrying out
development work in the affected areas severely constrained plan implementation. These
apart, as discussed below, there were other important factors, which hampered the Plan's
25 By and large, the Ninth Plan's performance has been mixed. Given the ambitious nature
of the Plan, achievements generally fell short of targets. Nevertheless, as outlined below,
significant progress was made in some important areas. For example, some key human
development indicators showed notable improvement, while some progress was also made
early on in reducing poverty. Key macroeconomic indicators, such as the balance of
payments, monetary growth, and control of inflation indicate good progress, while some
actions have been taken in implementing policy reforms in key sectors, such as education,
health, power etc. which hold considerable promise for the future. Nevertheless, progress in a
number of areas has been below expectations, for example in reducing poverty and inequality,
in fiscal management, in improving the quality and delivery of essential social services and
rural infrastructure, and the effective implementation of announced policies and programs, all
of which were critical to the attainment of the primary goal of poverty reduction.
Growth Performance
26 Compared to a Plan target of 6.0% p.a, overall GDP growth averaged only 3.6% p.a.
(Table 1). Agriculture grew at the rate of only 3.3% p.a, and non-agricultural sector at 3.9%
p.a, compared to a Plan target of 7.3%. Allowing for population growth, (estimated at 2.25%
p.a), per capita income grew at 1.3% p.a, well below the 3.7% rate envisaged in the plan as
being necessary to make a significant dent on poverty.
Table 1: The Ninth PlanGDP and Sectoral Growth Rates (In percent per annum)
GDP (at factor cost) 6.0 3.6
Agriculture sector 4.0 3.3
Non-agriculture sector 7.3 3.9
• Industry, geology, and mines 9.1 2.0
• Electricity, gas and water 10.4 6.1
• Construction 5.9 4.1
• Trade, hotels and restaurants 7.4 1.4
• Transport and communication 8.7 6.0
• Finance and real Estate 5.8 4.0
• Social services 7.0 6.6
GDP (at market prices) 6.5 3.6
27 Weather-related fluctuations in output in the first and last years of the Plan dampened
agricultural as well as overall economic growth. Agricultural production was also affected by
ongoing social tension, as a result of insecurities that have been created and disruptions in the
supply of key inputs, labour, and marketing and cropping arrangements. Equally important
has been the failure to follow through with the effective implementation of the APP by
providing adequate support for its key elements (see below).
28 Growth in the non-agriculture sector was initially good; but it declined sharply in the last
two years of the Plan due to the deteriorating industrial environment. Initially, Nepal's exports
as well as manufacturing activity had grown strongly in the first three years of the Plan. But,
subsequently the global slowdown and, even more importantly, the deteriorating security
situation at home, have adversely affected virtually all the sectors and activitiesexports,
manufacturing, as well as tourism, commerce, industry, services, construction etc. Investment
levels in both agriculture and non-agriculture sectors also declined. Unplanned cuts in public
investment/development spending (which is an important source of demand for private sector
activities) also affected non-agricultural growth in the last two years.
Progress in Poverty Reduction and Human Development
29 In the absence of recent national level household data, (the last Nepal Living Standards
SurveyNLSSwas carried out in 1996), it is difficult to provide an accurate and up-to-date
measure of the Ninth Plan's progress in reducing poverty. Preliminary estimates made in the
context of the mid term review of the Ninth Plan suggest that the poverty ratio declined
modestly from 42% at the beginning of the Plan to about 38% in 2000/01. This is not
surprising, given the slow growth of per-capita incomes, especially in rural areas, in view of
continued weak agricultural performance. It is also highly likely that since then, given the
sharp decline (by about 3%) in per capita income during 2001-02 and the continued
disruptions to investment and economic activities caused by the violence, that the poverty
situation in rural areas may have deteriorated significantly over the last year.
30 Progress achieved in Human Development as measured by key indicators, though
generally less than the Ninth Plan targets, is commendable in many areas. For example, the
infant mortality rate had been reduced from 75 per thousand at the beginning of the Plan
period to 64 by FY 2002 (Plan target 61.5), maternal mortality rate from 439 per 100,000 to
415 (Plan target 400), and life expectancy rose from 56.1 to 61.9 (Plan target 59.7). Other
notable achievements include: lowering the total fertility rate from 4.6 to 4.1 (exceeding the
Plan target of 4.2) and the overall population growth rate to 2.25 (i.e. below the plan target of
2.38). Largely reflecting these achievements, Nepal has been recognized as one of the
"successes" in terms of its recent progress in moving up the Human Development Indicators
Index. However, it should also be noted that the recent gains have been made from a
relatively low base; and that Nepal will need to continue to improve further to catch up with
other (smaller) South Asian countries. In other areas, progress has been less impressive: for
example, in regard to adult literacy, the Plan achievement is only 49.2% (compared to a target
of 70%), while the women's literacy rate is still low at 35.6%. Similarly, the net primary
school enrolment ratio is 80.4% (Plan target 90%) while the percentage of the population
supplied with drinking water is only 71.6% (Plan target was 100%). In addition, there also
major concerns about the quality and effectiveness of education, health, drinking water and
other social services delivered to communities; and major improvements in these areas are
necessary in order to improve living standards and quality of life, particularly of rural
Table 2: Ninth Plan–– Key Poverty and Human Development Targets and Achievements
Ninth Plan Objectives Base Year
Percentage of Population Below the Poverty Line 42.0 32.0 38.0
Literacy Rate (Age 15+) in percentage 37.8 70.0 49.2
Net Primary School Enrollment 69.4 90.0 80.4
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1000) 74.7 61.5 64.2
Maternal Mortality Rate (per 100,000) 439.0 400.0 415.0*
Total Fertility Rate 4.58 4.2 4.1
Population Growth Rate 2.3 2.25
Average Life Expectancy 56.1 59.7 61.9
Drinking Water Supply (population in percentage) 61 100 71.6
* As estimated by the National Planning Commission. This figure will be revised when actual data
become available.
Physical Infrastructure
31 Progress in providing essential infrastructure, such as roads, irrigation, telephone and
electricity services, to communities has been mixed. In electricity generation, Plan targets
were accomplished. Another major achievement has been the effective implementation of a
framework for the involvement of the private sector in power generation; and a number of
projects involving substantial private investment have been either completed, or are under
construction. In the road sector, a major achievement has been the active involvement of
District and Village Communities in road construction, utilizing development grants from the
central government. However, the quality of construction in these projects is weak; and if
appropriate measures are not taken to improve quality, there is a danger of increasing
environmental problems. Moreover, in the road sector, although the Plan target in terms of
KMs of roads constructed has been exceeded, most of these roads are low priority roads. The
primary objective of linking district headquarters by roads has not been achieved, as only 4
districts were connected during the Plan period. Also, progress with regard to operation and
maintenance of the road systemone of the highest priorities in the sectorshas not been
satisfactory. Progress in telecommunications and irrigation sectors have been behind targets.
Table 3: Vital Physical InfrastructureTargets and Achievements
Units Target Achievement
Total Roads Km 13564 15905
Total Irrigation Thousand hectares 1198 1121.4
Total number of Telephone lines Thousand 643.7 328
Telephone service Per thousand population 25 14
Electricity supply capacity MW) 598 584.5
Population benefiting from electricity Percent 20 40*
* including 7% from alternate energy
Macroeconomic Performance
32 Macroeconomic performance during the Ninth Plan was reasonably good. During most of
years of the Plan period, the balance of payments continued to strengthen, and fiscal,
monetary and price stability was maintained (Table 4). However, in the last year of the Plan
period, weakening global demand and the domestic violence took their toll. Overall GDP
growth, exports and government revenue slowed down, putting pressure on the budget and the
balance of payments. The macroeconomic situation has continued to deteriorate during 2002-
03the first year of the Tenth Plan period (see below).
Table 4: Ninth Plan -Macroeconomic Performance, 1996/972001/02
Annual Data In current Prices
Cumulative Data In 1996/97 Prices
Ninth Plan Period
97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 01/02 Ninth Plan
Ninth Plan
Change (%)
Economic Growth
GDP Growth (real produce price) 2.9 4.5 6.1 4.8 - 0.6 6.0 3.6 - 40.0
Per Capita GDP Growth (Real) p.a. 0.6 2.2 3.8 2.5 -2.9 3.7 1.3 -65.0
Investment and Savings (% of GDP)
Total Investment 25.3 24.8 20.5 24.1 23.8 24.4 372.71a 310.4a -16.1
Private Investment 17.2 16.2 13.0 15.4 14.3 14.8 247.55a 194.3a -20.4
National Savings 16.0 16.2 17.2 18.8 19.0 17.4 16.4 17.8 +8.5
Domestic Savings 14.0 13.8 13.6 15.0 14.7 11.6 14.1 13.2
Government Finances (% of GDP)
Government Revenue 10.8 11.0 10.9 11.3 11.9 12.0 210.84a 172.27a -18.3
Government Expenditure 18.1 18.7 17.4 17.5 19.5 19.3 337.29a 279.49a -17.1
Development Expenditure 9.5 9.6 8.3 8.4 9.0 7.6 189.58a 130.13a -31.4
Government Budget Balance -7.3 -7.8 -6.5 -6.2 -7.6 -7.3 -126.45a 106.43a -15.8
Foreign Aid (Grants and Loans) 5.4 5.5 4.8 4.6 4.6 4.7 111.55a 72.42a -35.1
Domestic Borrowing 1.9 2.2 1.8 1.5 3.0 2.6 14.90a 24.54a +64.6
Balance of Payments (% of GDP)
Export Value 8.1 9.1 10.4 13.1 13.6 11.3 12.5% p.a. 12.2% p.a.
Import Value 33.4 29.6 25.6 28.6 28.2 25.4 8.6% p.a. -2.8% p.a.
Current Account Balance Before Grants -9.3 -8.6 -3.4 -5.3 -4.8 -7.0
Aid disbursements (Net) 6.4 6.9 5.9 5.1 4.2 3.4 111.5a 71.9a -35.5
Gross Foreign Exchange Reserves b 5.5 7.7 9.0 9.2 9.6 10.5 71a 104.3a +46.9
Monetary Data (percent p.a)
Broad Money Growth (M2) 12.0 21.9 20.8 21.8 15.2 5.5 14.8 20.0
Domestic Credit Growth (at current price) 13.1 14.8 16.4 17.2 18.6 9.8 16.1 16.6
Net Foreign Assets (NFA) (at current price) 6.6 38.3 17.0 23.8 9.1 21.6 9.15 21.9
Inflation (percentage p.a.)
Consumer Prices 8.1 8.3 11.4 3.4 2.5 2.9 6.55 5.7
a Rs. billion b In months of imports of goods and services.
33 Why then were these good indicators not translated into better poverty reduction and
development results during the Ninth Plan? A number of factors help explain the Ninth Plan's
modest performance. Following a quick review of the main macroeconomic developments in
the next few paragraphs, the key cross-cutting issues which hampered the attainment of better
development results are discussed briefly below. Reform actions taken by the Government in
the last two to three years in response to the deteriorating economic conditions are then
discussed. A detailed review of performance in the key sectors is made in the respective
sectoral chapters of the Tenth Plan.
34 Saving and Investment. Overall savings performance was reasonably satisfactory. Even
though domestic savings fell somewhat, the national savings rate exceeded the Plan target, as
remittances by Nepalese working abroad more than trebled during the Plan period. However,
the overall investment was significantly (16%) below the Plan target. Private investment fell
even more and reached only about 80% of the Ninth Plan target. Although some areas such as
hydropower, airlines, health, education and tourism initially attracted substantial private
investment, the overall investment climate was affected by weak domestic demand, political
instability, insecurities created by the violence, and administrative/ bureaucratic hurdles.
35 Balance of Payments. A major achievement during the first four years of the Plan period
was (i) the rapid growth of exports from 8% of GDP in 1996/97 at the to nearly 14% of GDP
by 2000/2001. Most of this growth reflected increased exports to Indiavegetable ghee, jute
products and light consumer goods (e.g. toiletries and processed products)as Nepal was
able to take advantage of the 1996 Indo-Nepal Trade and Transit Agreement, under which
India granted duty-free access to certain imports from Nepal. Exports to third countriesin
particularly garments, pashmina products and carpetsalso increased steadily through
2000/2001. However, exports decelerated sharply in 2001/02 due to the global recession,
quota restrictions on Nepal's exports to India, and the deteriorating security situation at home.
Nepal's exports to third countries now face an uncertain future due to possible effects of the
phasing out of the Multi-Fiber Agreement and loss of cost-competitiveness in part due to
domestic disruptions. (ii) The slowdown in the economy, weak public and private investment,
and the deteriorating security situation affected Nepal's imports even more. Imports in
1996/97 prices in fact declined at an annual rate of 2.8%, compared a planned increase of
8.6% p.a.. (iii) With increasing migration abroad of Nepalese workers in recent years,
remittances however have risen rapidly. (iv) Accordingly, the current account
deficit (before grants) improved sharply from around 9% of GDP in 1996/97 to around 3.4 to
8.6% of GDP over the Ninth Plan period. (v) Even though foreign aid inflows (net of debt
repayments) as a percentage of GDP gradually declined from about 6% to around 4% over the
Plan period, (reflecting the poor implementation of development programs), nevertheless,
Nepal's gross foreign exchange holdings rose steadily from about $ 850 million in 1996/97
to about $1.7 billion, (the equivalent of 13 months' imports of goods and services), in
2001/02. However, the sustainability of this position is questionable, given the growing
uncertainties for both exports and the demand for Nepali-workers abroad.
36 Monetary and Price Developments. Based on GDP (at factor cost) growth of 6% p.a.,
an inflation rate of 6.5% p.a. and a monetization rate of 0.5% p.a., the Ninth Plan targeted
Narrow Money (M1) to grow at 13% p.a. and Broad Money (M2) at 14.8% annually. During
the Ninth Plan, M1 actually grew by 16.5% p.a. and M2 by nearly 20% p.a. The faster growth
of money supply was mainly due to the rapid increase in foreign exchange reserves, at an
annual rate of 21.9% (compared with a Plan target of 9.1% p.a.). Domestic credit grew by
16.6% p.a., more or less in line with Plan targets. Credit to the private sector grew less rapidly
than expected, (given the slowdown in private investment and activity levels), offsetting
increased public sector borrowing. A sluggish economy, weak domestic demand, and the free
flow of goods across the open border helped to keep inflation in check, at 6.3% p.a. compared
to a Plan target of 6.5% p.a.
37 Fiscal Performance. The Ninth Plan had envisaged an ambitious development program,
which it sought to finance through large increases in revenue and external aid, while limiting
domestic borrowing in order to maintain macroeconomic stability. While it succeeded in
achieving the latter goal, it failed to effectively implement the development program. This
was due to a number of factors: (i) Although the revenue/GDP ratio rose by one percentage
point from 10.8% to 12.0%, revenue collections fell 19% below Plan targets due to the
weakening of the economy and imports, deteriorating industrial environment and security
situation, and weaknesses in the tax structure. (ii) Regular expenditures rose significantly
faster than revenue growth from 8.6% of GDP to 10.7%, as security expenditures increased
sharply, particularly in the last two years. (iii) Consequently, the revenue surplus available for
financing the development programs, was sharply reduced from a Plan target of Rs.63 billion
in 1996/97 prices, (equivalent to 33% of planned development expenditures), to only about
one-third of that level. (iv) Similarly, disbursements of foreign assistance (grants and loans)
fell far short of the Plan target of Rs. 111.5 billion in 1996/97 prices, to Rs. 71.9 billion, i.e.
35% less than expected. Unrealistic aid targets, counterpart funding shortfalls and poor
implementation of donor-assisted programs were the major reasons for this shortfall. All of
these factors together created a major shortfall in financing the development budget, which
was cut back by two percentage points of GDP over the Plan period. In 1996/97 prices, actual
development spending reached only about two thirds of the Ninth Plan target. Thus, many
programs/activities were significantly under-funded. Agriculture, irrigation and forestry,
which are crucial for the alleviation of rural poverty, were the most severely affected. While
the government was generally able to protect the social sectors’ share in development
spending, the absolute level of spending on these programs still fell far short of Plan targets.
38 Apart from financing shortfalls the Ninth Plan's mixed implementation performance
was also due to several other reasons. First, continued political instability from the mid
nineties onwards created a poor environment for development. With frequent changes of
governments and officials, little attention was given to the effective implementation of the
plan and economic reforms, which were critical to attaining its goals. Second, public
expenditure management itself was poor. Apart from having ambitious targets, the Plan
included too many activities, which were not sufficiently prioritized; and the Plan lacked an
effective mechanism (such as a rolling MTEF), to make adjustments as necessary to the
resource constraints. Third, there were serious governance problems. Corruption and leakages
increased, as did the politicization of the civil service, and misallocation. Fourth, service
delivery by public sector agencies was weak. Although decentralization of central government
functions and responsibilities to local governments and communities was expected to help
improve service delivery, this did not happen as rapidly as envisaged. Fifth, monitoring
mechanisms to ensure effective implementation of programs/activities and accountability
were weak. Sixth, These deficiencies in turn contributed to the unsatisfactory aid
disbursement performance. In many areas even committed aid funds could not be utilized
because of slow progress of projects and programs.
39 Agriculture the major focus of the Plan's poverty reduction strategyis an excellent
typology of, the Plan's mixed performance. There were significant improvements within the
sector: output growth was satisfactory in the middle three years of the Plan, a noticeable shift
to cash crops was taking place, and progress has been made in involving the private sector in
input distribution, among others. But, there were also major shortcomings: (i) Agriculture
sector, as noted, was severely under-funded. (ii) The key inputs, which are central to the APP
strategies were not effectively provided. For example, the groundwater (shallow tubewell)
development program was poorly implemented both because of differing Irrigation sector
priorities and inconsistent subsidy policies. Similarly, the development of agricultural roads
network lagged behind; and the pocket extension and research approach, (which is essential
for developing high value horticultural products in suitable locations in the hills), was poorly
implemented. (iii) In addition, a major problem was the fragmentation of responsibilities for
APP implementation among a number of ministries and departments, and the lack of co-
ordination among them.
40 Private sector development has been an important part of the Ninth Plan Strategy; and
the mixed performance of the Plan also reflects the lack of sufficient progress in this area.
While political instability, attacks on some business establishments and the implosion of some
industrial sub sectors have eroded business confidence; the poor implementation of policies
governing the private sector continues to be an important constraint on private investment. A
survey of private sector firms carried out in 1999 identified several such impediments
including, among others, excessive bureaucratic delays in the provision of government
services, lack of clarity of laws and unpredictability in the enforcement of government
policies, discretionary implementation of tax laws, excessive documentation requirements,
and labour laws that prevent retrenchment of workers (encouraging firms to employ more
casual labour). To address this situation a regulatory framework reflecting clarity of laws and
predictability of government policies, procedural simplification and reduction in discretionary
powers of the authorities will be made the basis for making the private sector vibrant and
Progress in Policy Reforms
41 Although important policy changes were initiated in some areas, by and large, progress in
implementing critical reforms was slow, given the continued political uncertainties and weak
commitment. The Ninth Plan's progress in this regard is discussed briefly below.
Governance, Decentralization and Civil Service Reforms
42 Decentralization was a major thrust of the Ninth Plan. In terms of creating a legal and
institutional framework, considerable progress has been made: For example, the Local Self
Governance Act (LSGA) was enacted in 1999. This was followed up with more specific
recommendations by PERC. A high level Decentralization Implementation Monitoring
Committee (DIMC) was set up to oversee its implementation; and it has approved the fiscal
decentralization framework. Capacity building programs were undertaken with donor
assistance in selected districts to strengthen local bodies; and 45 districts have already
prepared periodic district development plans. However, progress in implementing
decentralization during the Ninth Plan has been limited by : (i) The overall resource constraint
at the national level; (ii) Delays in transferring functions and responsibilities to local
governments, and lack of agreement on operational modalities; and (iii) Institutional capacity
and accountability considerations, among others.
43 Civil service reform. The proposed measures aimed at: (i) right-sizing the civil service
by reducing staff, decentralizing functions and responsibilities, contracting out some
peripheral activities to private sector and streamlining government departments and offices;
(ii) improving incentive structure through wage reforms and merit-based performance and
promotion system; and (iii) improving efficiency and accountability of civil servants. There
has been some progress in implementing the reforms. These include restriction of frequent
transfer of civil servants, computerized data base in the civil service records department,
freezing of more than 12,000 vacant positions, initiation of voluntary retirement scheme and
streamlining of government's central organization and establishment of civil service rewards
and development of evaluation center. A civil service census has been under preparation and
public sector salaries were increased substantially in 2001. In the meantime, the Government
has also initiated a long-term and comprehensive Governance Reform Program (GRP) with
the objective of making the civil service more results and people oriented. Lack of political
commitment and resources, and political changes have hampered effective implementation so
far; but renewed commitment to implementation is necessary to improve public sector
44 Governance has continued to be a persisting problem resulting to inefficiency in
utilization and leakage of public resources. Although Nepal has good public accountability
mechanisms including an active Public Accounts Committee (PAC), an independent Auditor
General's Office (AGO), a Financial Comptroller General's Office (FCGO) and an
independent Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA), follow up actions
to enforce their effectiveness have been limited. Towards the end of the Ninth Plan Period,
four anti-corruption legislation were passed by the parliament, which was a significant step
towards addressing corrupt practices. In addition, a Judicial Property Probe Commission was
also established to address the problem of corruption. Some of the recommendations made by
the Public Expenditure Review Commission (PERC) were adopted and the recommendations
made by a recent Country Financial Accountability Assessment are being implemented. The
CIAA has already initiated actions to combat corruption, which hold considerable promise for
the future.
45 Tax Reform. To improve revenue collection, a major tax reform program was
introduced. Its main elements included: (i) The introduction of a Value Added Tax (VAT) and
extending its coverage to include many small and medium enterprises; (ii) Improving the
import valuation system for customs and requiring payments to be made through banks; (iii)
Revising the Income Tax Act in order to consolidate tax laws and simplify payments
procedures; (iv) Strengthening the tax administration by amalgamating the Departments of
Taxation and VAT into one; and (v) Strengthening anti corruption measures. These measures,
however, had little impact in the short term in improving the Ninth Plan's revenue
performance. But, they should help improve the elasticity and transparency of the tax system
over the medium term.
46 Public Expenditure Reform. Several important steps to strengthen public expenditure
management, in the last two years. A Public Expenditure Review Commission (PERC) was
set up in 2000/01; and its key recommendations have been subsequently implemented. These
included, among others: (i) Streamlining and rationalizing the role of the government,
ministries and departments with a view to improving service delivery; transferring functions
and responsibilities to local governments, and reducing administrative costs; (ii) Prioritizing
the public expenditure program and reducing the number of projects and programs; (iii) Civil
service/governance reforms to improve accountability and right-sizing key government
ministries and departments; (iv) Strengthening cost control, financial management and
internal auditing systems; and (v) Accelerating the decentralization program, especially in
education , health and agricultural extension services. PERC also recommended the
formulation of Medium Term Expenditure Framework, which was subsequently adopted as
the basis of the 2002/03 Budget. The MTEF introduced important reforms, including a more
realistic budget framework, a serious prioritization involving a major reduction in the number
of projects/ programs, greater focus on implementation and monitoring of expenditures, and
linking fund releases to performance. The MTEF is expected to be a regular part of the
budgeting and planning process, and now provides an extremely useful mechanism for
adjusting the Tenth Plan and the budget to the changing resource situation.
47 Financial Sector. Reforms in this sector have been deemed essential for ensuring
solvency of the banking system and for providing adequate and predictable credit flows to
sustain a vibrant private sector. However, for a variety of reasons, the implementation of the
reforms has been slower than expected. A Financial Sector Strategy Statement was prepared
in 2001 and its key recommendations are now being implemented. These include: (i)
Strengthening the autonomy and authority of the Nepal Rastra Bank; (ii) Enhancing its
capacity for supervision and regulation of commercial banks; (iii) Concurrently, the two
major banks (which own nearly 60% of the banking assets) have been placed under external
management in order to address their deep-rooted management and financial problems and
possible restructuring needs. However, much remains to be done to complete the reform
48 Infrastructure Reforms. During the Ninth Plan, important reforms were initiated to
encourage private sector participation in infrastructure, particularly in power,
telecommunications, education, health and rural infrastructure. These hold considerable
promise for the future, even though their impact during the Ninth Plan Period has been
uneven among sectors. The more important initiatives include the following:
Hydropower policy was revised to allow the private sector entry into a full range of
power sector activities i.e. generation, transmission and distribution. Considerable
private investments have already taken place under the previous policy in a number of
power generation projects. But progress has been constrained by the insecurity caused
by the civil disorder.
Telecommunications progress has been made in opening up the sector for private
investment. A new Telecommunications Act was enacted to introduce competition in
basic, cellular and value added services and the private sector is now involved in their
provision. A private operator was also selected to provide basic telecommunications
services to 534 rural communities i.e. roughly one-fourth of the rural communities
which are under-served. Thus the monopoly which the public sector agencyNepal
Telecommunication Corporation (NTC)enjoyed has been broken; and a
Telecommunications Authority has been set up to oversee the sector.
In Education and Health, private sector participation in providing alternative
educational and health care services increased significantly over the plan period.
However, the quality of education services provided particularly through the public
sector needs to be enhanced. But the coverage in health sector has significantly
increased. To improve service delivery through community participation and
management, handover of village level schools and health facilities to communities is
being implemented in a phased manner from 2002/03 in selected districts; and as
experience is gained, it is expected to be replicated in other areas. In education, the
government has also announced new programs to: (i) provide free education upto
tenth grade for all girls and for those boys of oppressed, backward and below poverty
line; (ii) providing education in mother languages (of communities) upto the primary
level: (iii) regulating fees in private schools; (iv) providing scholarship in
private/boarding schools to students from "oppressed and backward communities"
and (v) the setting up Rural Education Development Fund (finance by a levy of 1.5
percent of the income of private/boarding schools) which would be utilized for
funding the education of marginalized communities.
In Transport, new policies initiated to meet the Ninth Plan's goals included the
creation of a separate institutional mechanism (DOLIDAR) for the construction of
agriculture roads, delegation of responsibility and resources to local authorities to
construct local roads; and the formulation of a Public Infrastructure Construction and
Transfer Policy to promote private sector participation. These initiatives so far are yet
to produce the desired results. While there has been considerable progress in terms of
road construction by local bodies, considerable technical support and supervision are
necessary to ensure appropriate planning and road quality in order to avoid
environmental problems.
In Agriculture and Irrigation, as noted earlier, important policy changes have been
introduced to promote private sector participation in input supply and investment,
with mixed results. Private sector participation in fertilizer and seed distribution has
increased significantly with the removal of subsidies (and the monopoly) given earlier
to the Agricultural Inputs Corporation. However, there are a number of problems to
be overcome, (for example, ensuring better quality of private supplies), in order to
effectively implement this policy and increase fertilizer usage.
Lessons from Past Experience
49 The Ninth Plan was not an unqualified failure or a success. As noted, its performance was
mixed. There was some initial good progress in terms of economic growth and
macroeconomic stability, and some promising reform initiatives late in the Plan period.
Nevertheless, the Plan did not achieve good results in relation to its primary goal of
substantially reducing poverty.
50 Some interesting lessons have been learnt from the Ninth Plan's experience, which can be
helpful to make the Tenth Plan successful. These include, among others, the following: (i)
Three essential requirements for ensuring good progress in poverty reduction are (a) political
stability; (b) strong government commitment and political will to effectively implement the
poverty reduction agenda; and (c) good governance, in terms of service delivery, transparency
and accountability. All three are closely inter-connected; and they collectively provide a
conducive environment in which development efforts can produce good results. However,
they could not be realized, (instead, they deteriorated) during the Ninth Plan period. (ii)
Within such an environment, the Plan itself needs to be credible and realistic, and firmly
anchored to the realities of resource availability. Otherwise, a Plan cannot be implementable
and becomes a wish-list of projects and activities. This was also largely the case with the
Ninth Plan. (iii) To make it operational in such an environment, a Plan needs to be well
prioritized and supported by mechanisms (and political will) which would allow the key
priorities to be protected and funded within the resource constraints. This did not happen, and
a considerable part of actual public spending was diverted to lower priority activities in many
sectors. (iv) To ensure progress towards poverty reduction, the Plan would need to be result-
oriented, specify actions to achieve outputs and service delivery targets, and include
mechanisms to monitor progress and ensure accountability. Such mechanisms were weak. (v)
Finally, recognizing that the role of the central government and its agencies would need to be
limited, (if for no other reason than capacity constraints), the Plan had envisaged
decentralization to local governments and the active involvement of communities (as well as
the private sector, INGOs, NGOs and CBOs) in the management and delivery of essential
services. This would have also helped to ensure wider participation in, and ownership of, the
poverty reduction agenda. However, despite the creation of a good legal framework, there was
little progress in effectively implementing these promising approaches.
51 Some further lessons have been learnt from the implementation of the Ninth Plan. First,
broad-based economic growth is a must for poverty reduction; and without reasonable growth
in agriculture and rural economic activities, GDP growth can not be broad based. Second,
liberal economic policies provide opportunities for private sector development; but
appropriate interventions are also necessary for inclusive development, i.e. targeted programs
focusing on the deprived, poor, vulnerable and socially excluded groups. Third, along with
economic growth, access to education, health, safe drinking water and rural infrastructure
(like roads, electricity and irrigation) are important for better human development outcomes.
And fourth, without good governance, these initiatives can not ensure delivery of goods and
services in an equitable, effective and efficient manner. Allocation of resources and creation
of institutions alone have not helped to enhance access of the people to basic services. These
issues have to be adequately addressed to achieve any meaningful reduction in poverty. These
are the reasons why the Tenth Plan builds its poverty reduction strategy on four basic pillars:
(a) broad based economic growth, (b) social sector development including human
development, (c) targeted programs, including social inclusion, and (d) good governance for
effective, equitable and efficient delivery of public goods and services. These are discussed in
detail in the subsequent sections.
The Poverty Situation - Its Key
Dimensions And Determinants
52 Poverty in Nepal is widespread with 38% of the population living below the poverty line.
Segments of the poor are hardcore poor barely eking out subsistence on fragile, vulnerable
ecosystems; and large areas of the country lack even the most basic infrastructure. And there
are wide variations in poverty levels based on rural-urban divide, geography, gender, and
ethnic groups and occupational castes.
53 This section analyses the dimensions of the poverty situation in Nepal and its key
determinants. It begins with a brief discussion of data sources and poverty trends. It then
reviews the poverty situation from a multi-dimensional perspective, including income
poverty, human development indicators, and gender, ethnic and caste-related differences,
which help to bring out the social exclusion aspects of the poverty problem. The major causes
of income and human poverty and exclusion are then discussed. The concluding sub-section
discusses the possible linkages between the poverty situation and the ongoing civil disorder.
54 Most of the data on which the analysis is based are derived from the Nepal Living
Standards Survey (NLSS), which was carried out in 1996. Another NLSS has been recently
carried out in early 2003 but its results will not be available for several months. In the context
of the mid-year evaluation of Ninth Plan, a smaller sample survey was undertaken in 2000;
but it is not comparable with the 1996 survey, nor adequate to provide the basis for poverty
analysis. (Thus PRSP benchmark of 38% poverty head count is not survey based, but
estimated on the basis of economic growth in the last few years relative to the 1996 NLSS
survey data. The poverty benchmark would be revised when the data analysis of the current
NLSS II survey is completed in early 2004). The human development indicators are based in
Nepal Human Development Reports for 1996 and 2001 prepared by the United Nations staff.
Sufficiently detailed published survey data are not available for analyzing gender, ethnic and
caste-related poverty differentials; and the analysis in this section relies on the findings of
researchers who used the 1996 NLSS and other sources.
Recent Poverty Trends
55 Assessing what happened to poverty over time is useful for understanding the current
poverty situation in Nepal. But in the absence of comparable survey data, it is hard to reach
definitive conclusions. There were three nation-wide surveys before the 1996 NLSS. The first
in 1976/77 estimated that 33 percent of the population fell below the poverty line, that poverty
was mostly prevalent in rural areas, and that it was most intense in the Mid Western and Far
Western development regions. The 1984/85 household survey estimated the poverty rate at 42
percent, and concluded that the disparities among geographical and development regions
remained more or less the same as before. The third survey in 1991 covered only the rural
areas. It also indicated widespread rural poverty, and that it was most severe among the
landless and small farmers.
However, these surveys were not directly comparable with the 1996 NLSS, or with each
other, since they all used different methodologies to collect data on incomes and consumption
and to define measures of poverty. But when different methodologies are applied to the 1996
NLSS data to replicate as closely as possible the methodologies used in the earlier surveys in
order to obtain broadly comparable estimates, some tentative conclusions can be drawn: (i)
There is no evidence of a decline in poverty in Nepal as a whole between 1976/77 and
1995/96; and (ii) There is also no evidence of a decline in poverty between 1984/85 and
1995/96. In fact there is some evidence of an increase in poverty during that period, but such
an increase cannot be stated with a high degree of confidence. (iii) There is some evidence of
a decline in rural poverty between 1991 and 1995/96. This suggests that while there may have
been some improvement in rural areas in that period, it was not enough to compensate for the
deterioration that took place in the previous fifteen years.
56 Apart from poverty incidence, a few other conclusions emerge from the Poverty
Assessment with regard to overall trends: (i) The absolute numbers of the poor appear to have
increased sharply. Assuming a constant incidence of 42 percent in both 1976 and 1996 and
with population growing at an average of 2.6% p.a. in the intervening period, the number of
the poor is estimated to have grown from 5.7 million in 1976 to about 9.2 million in 1996an
increase of about 3.5 million. (ii) In regard to urban-rural differentials, urban areas,
particularly the Kathmandu Valley, appear to be better off in 1995/96 than in the earlier
decade. In contrast, rural areas generally appear to have been worse off than in 1984/85, but
better off in 1995/96 than in 1991. This evidence suggests as noted, a significant deterioration
in the late eighties, followed by some improvement in the early nineties. Some rural areas
central hills and central Teraiappear to have benefited from the rise in per-capita incomes in
the Kathmandu Valley. However, other areas, notably the Mid West and Far Western regions,
appear to have become worse off, or least not any better. These areas, the poorest in 1984/85,
also remained the poorest in 1995/96 also. (iii) The Poverty Assessment also indicated that
the distribution of income appears to have become more unequal everywhere between
1984/85 and 1995/96. This was also true of the distribution of consumption, but to a lesser
Current Poverty Situation and Its Characteristics
Income Poverty
57 Apart from its high incidence, poverty situation in Nepal is characterized by wide
variations between urban and rural areas, ecological zones, development regions, gender and
This analysis is based on the 1995/96 NLSS data, as it is the latest nation-wide survey available.
ethnic and caste groups. The 1995/96 Household Survey data provide useful information in
this regard (Table 5). Several important conclusions can be drawn from Table 5.
Poverty in Nepal is largely a rural phenomenon. In 1995/96, 44% of the rural population was
living in poverty. Poverty was significantly lower, only 23%, in urban areas. Indeed in the
Kathmandu Valley, (where the vast majority of the population falls in the upper quintiles of
the national income and consumption distribution), the poverty rate was only 4%; poverty in
other urban areas (excluding the Kathmandu Valley) was about 34%, still significantly lower
than the national average (42%) and rural poverty incidence. Judging by the absolute numbers
of the poor, the predominantly rural nature of the poverty problem is even more striking.
According to the survey data, over 90% of the poor live in rural areas! When ecological zones
are compared, poverty in both the (low land) Terai and the Central Hills is close to the
national average. But poverty in the Mountain region is much higher56%. The survey data
also show wide variations in poverty within rural areas. For example, poverty rate is the
highest in the more remote rural areasthe Mid-Western and Far-Western hills and mountain
regions where it is as high as 72%. The rural Mid-Western and Far-Western Terai regions are
also much poorer (53% incidence) than the national average.
Table 5: 1995/96 Survey: Income Poverty Indicators (Poverty Line: Rs. 4404 per person per
Ecological Zone Poverty Incidence-Percentage of
People Living Below Poverty Line (%)
Poverty Gap-Depth/
Intensity of Poverty %
Severity of
Poverty %
Mountain 56 18.5 8.2
Hill 41 13.6 6.1
Terai 42 9.9 3.4
Urban 23 7.0 2.8
Rural 44 12.5 5.1
Nepal 42 12.1 5.0
Source: World Bank (1999) Nepal; Poverty at the Turn of Twenty First Century.
58 Table 5 also shows the depth/intensity of poverty and its severity. The poverty gap
analysis shows how far below the poverty threshold income/consumption level the poor are
concentrated on average, i.e. whether they are close to, or significantly below, the poverty
line. Thus, larger the poverty gap, greater is the depth/intensity of poverty. The severity
measure is similar to the poverty gap measure in construction, but gives greater weightage to
those who are further below the poverty line (ie, the hard core poor). Again, higher the
numerical value of the index, the deeper and more severe is poverty. The estimates in Table 5
show that while the poverty gap and severity measures are only 7.0% and 2.8% respectively
for urban areas, the corresponding values are over 12% and 5% for all of Nepal, and are far
higher for the Hills (13.6% and 6.1%) and the Mountain areas (18.5% and 8.2% respectively).
Thus, all three estimates (incidence, intensity and severity) suggest that poverty is more
rampant, deeper and severe in rural (as compared to urban) areas, and that it is much worse in
the Hills and the Mountains as compared to both urban areas, as well as the (rural) Terai.
Human Development Indicators
59 Apart from income levels, poverty levels can be measured more broadly in terms of
access to basic social and economic infrastructure, which help improve the quality of life at
various levels of income. Among these, education is by far the most important, since it would
enable the poor to climb out of poverty over time; but others such as access to healthcare, safe
drinking water etc. contribute to improved living standards and life expectancy. Nepal has
made significant progress over the past two decades in terms of such human development
indicators. Table 6 below (derived from Nepal Human Development Reports 1996 and 2001)
shows both the current situation and recent progress in this regard.
Table 6: Human Development Indicators, 1996 and 2000*
Adult Literacy
Rate (above 15
Average Life
Percentage of
Population Having
Drinking Water
Human Development
Indicators (Index
1996 2000 1996 2000 1996 2000 1996 2000
Ecology Zone
• Mountain 27.5 44.5 52.7 49.8 - 79.2 0.271 0.378
• Hill 40.2 55.5 58.0 65.1 - 76.2 0.357 0.51
• Terai 35.9 46.8 59.5 62.4 - 83.4 0.344 0.474
• Urban 63.5 69.0 55.0 71.1 62.0 92.3 0.518 0.616
• Rural 34.5 48.0 53.7 58.7 61.0 78.1 0.306 0.446
• Nepal 36.7 50.7 55.0 59.5 61.0 79.9 0.325 0.466
Dev. Region
• Eastern 43.4 62.0 77.7 0.484
• Central 47.1 61.3 85.1 0.493
• Western 48.3 62.8 83.8 0.479
• Mid-West 50.4 53.2 65.5 0.402
• Far-West 42.6 52.1 82.3 0.385
* As the data for this table was derived from different reports, they may not tally with similar other data
reported in other sections of this document.
Source: Nepal Human Development Reports, 1996 and 2001
60 Despite significant progress in recent years, human development indicators are still low
for Nepal; and they show significant urban/rural and geographical variations which duplicate
the income poverty differentials noted earlier. For example: (i) The HDI for urban areas
(0.616) far outstrips that for rural areas (0.446), because of far better access in urban areas to
services, resources and opportunities. (ii) Similarly, there are significant differences among
ecological zones. HDI for mountains (0.378) is far below that for the hills (0.51). The broad
scattering of communities in the mountains sharply limits access to services and resources and
severely disadvantages people who live there. Human development in the hills is higher than
in the Terai (and the national average), in part because many large towns and cities (including
Kathmandu Valley) are located in the hills. (iii) Among the development regions, HDI is
highest for the central region (0.493), followed closely by the Eastern (0.484) and Western
(0.479) regions. This is largely due to the fact that most of Nepal's trading centers and
productive economic activities are concentrated there. In contrast, the Mid-Western (0.402)
and Far-Western (0.385) regions, far from the center of power, have been traditionally
neglected. Despite recent efforts to include them in the country's modernization process, these
areas (except for Mid-Western Terai) have also made the least progress in terms of the level
of improvement in HDI between 1996 and 2000.
Gender-Based Disparities
61 Spatial disparities in incomes and human development are important elements of the
poverty profile in Nepal; but its complexity cannot be comprehended without looking at
major undercurrents, which cut across spatial patternssuch as gender, ethnicity and caste-
related differentialswhich exacerbate the intensity and depth of poverty for the affected
62 In regard to income poverty, since the NLSS data have been collected at the household
rather than the individual level, it is difficult to establish directly that women as a group are
poorer than men in terms of per capita income. However, NLSS data do show that female-
headed households are poorer than male-headed households. They also spend less on
consumption. While female-headed households constitute 13.2% of all households at the
national level, there are 13 districtsmostly in the mountains and more remote hill areas
(where there is high male migration)in which the ratio is higher than 20%; and this is
probably one of the factors contributing to the higher poverty incidence in the mountain
region noted earlier.
63 Women's active participation in paid employment is limited in Nepal. They currently
account for only a third of the paid labor force. And when they enter the labor market, their
wages even for the same type of work continue to be lower than men's. Adjusting for
differences in hours worked per day, women agricultural workers earn 20 percent less than
64 For the majority of women who live in male-headed households, there are sociological
factors, which constrain their access to household income and resources. Although the
structure of gender relations varies significantly among different social groups in Nepal,
generally it is men who traditionally inherit family land, and who, for the most part control
the allocation of household income and assets. Women's legal right to inherit parental
property is still limited. In addition, in most rural areas customs and social practices can
create greater vulnerability for women than for men. A woman's share in household assets and
income (and even basic food security) is far more uncertain than a man's.
65 Human development indicators show existing male/female disparities clearly. Nepal
has made significant progress in increasing female life expectancy as well as in improving
female literacy levels, and primary and secondary school completion rates. Yet, large gender
gaps remain (Table 7). For example, despite recent improvements, the adult literacy rate for
women in 2000 was just over half that of men. This was also true of the indicator for average
years of schooling. However, in the case of life expectancy at birth, females have finally
caught up with men, reversing an aberration in health statistics which Nepal earlier shared
with a few countries in the world.
Table 7: Gender Disparities in Key Human Development Indicators, 1996 and 2000.
Life Expectancy (years) Adult Literacy (%) Average School Going Years
1996 2000 1996 2000 1996 2000
Male Female Male
Female Male Female Male Female Male
Female Male Female
Mountain 52.7 50.4 48.6 51.1 44.2 11.8 61.9 26.6 2.27 0.71 3.71 1.33
Hill 58.0 55.5 65.4 64.7 58.4 24.3 72.3 39.5 3.42 1.61 3.97 2.18
Terai 59.5 57.0 61.7 63.2 52.3 19.9 60.2 32.5 3.10 1.25 3.71 1.93
Urban 63.2 60.3 71.4 70.8 76.7 51.5 81.2 56.9 5.63 3.88 6.01 3.80
Rural 53.7 51.3 58.2 59.3 52.0 19.5 63.6 32.3 2.93 1.15 3.40 1.66
Nepal 55.0 52.4 59.3 59.8 54.3 21.3 65.8 35.4 2.55 1.13 4.45 2.25
Source: Nepal Human Development Reports, 1996 and 2001.
66 In terms of the empowerment dimension of poverty reduction, Nepali women are still
largely without influence in the public domain. Their representation in Nepal's influential civil
service and in all three levels of elected government lags far behind men. Women make up
only a little more that 7 percent of the civil service and only 4% of the officer level staff. And
for those accepted as officers, progress to the higher levels is evidently slow. As in many
countries throughout the developed and developing world, women are also under-represented
in Nepal's elected government. After the last elections they made up only about 6 percent of
the lower house and 15 percent of the upper house (where some of the seats can be nominated
by the King). In the lower District and Village level bodies, women have even less voice. The
Local Self Governance Act requires a minimum representation of women in the District
Councils and the District Development Committees, most of the women representatives are
those that are nominated by their parties to meet the quota. And, very few of them end up in
the District Development Committees or any of its sub-committees where budgetary decisions
are made; and therefore have little influence on program and expenditure priorities.
Ethnicity and Caste-Based Disparities
67 Nepal is a pluralistic society with diverse ethnic, caste, linguistic and religious
communitiesthe consequence of several waves of migration over 2000 years. Nepal has
about 60 recorded caste and ethnic groups (mostly Indo-Aryan and Mongol) and 70 languages
and dialects (mostly Indo-Aryan and Tibeto-Burman). There are many indigenous ethnic
("Janajaties") and caste ("Dalits") groups who have been historically disadvantaged, and who
continue to lag behind in their income and asset levels, educational achievements and human
development indicators, and to the extent to which they are represented in the power structure.
68 Some of the key data sources, such as the NLSS, aggregate data for groups (such as
Newars and Madeshi) which actually contain different castes and ethnicities. This makes it
difficult to establish accurately income levels of all castes and ethnicities. There does not
seem to be a simple straightforward one-to-one correlation between rank in the traditional
caste system and poverty level; but there are broad linkages. The poverty level among the
upper social castes (Newars, Brahmins and Yadavs) is generally much lower than that of the
groups which are lower in the social ladder. In general the Janajati groups have higher poverty
levels (ranging from 45 to 59 percent) than the national average, while the Dalits have poverty
levels as high as 65-68%. There are some notable deviations from this generalization. The
upper caste Chhetris have an above average poverty rate of 50%, while the Muslims, although
low in the social hierarchy, are relatively better off in terms of poverty incidence. And the
indigenous Limbus have the highest rate of poverty (71%).
69 The data in Table 8 (Human Development Indicators for these different groups) tell a
similar story. For every indicator, Janajati groups fall below the national average and well
below that for the Brahmins, Chhetris and Newars. The situation with the hill Dalits is even
worse. Taking the average Human Development Index for Nepal as 100, the ratio of
Brahmins and Newars is 135.9 and 140.7 respectively compared with 92.2 and 73.6 for hill
Janjatis and Dalits.
70 While most of the Dalits in Nepal can certainly be classified as disadvantaged, there is
considerable variation in the welfare status of different Janajati groups. Janajati groups like
the Gurungs, Limbus and Rais who traditionally went for service in the Indian and or British
army have higher educational and income indicators as do groups like the Thakali and
Sherpas who have done well in trading and other businesses. It is likely that if these groups
were removed from the tabulations in Table 8 above, the HDI indicators for other Janajati
groups would be considerably lower. Among the more disadvantaged Janajati groups with
large populations are the Tharu, Tamang and Kham Magars; along with 16 other smaller
Table 8: Human Development by Caste and Ethnicity, 1996
Human Dev.
Nepal Bahun Chhetri Newar Hill
Madhise Hill
Muslim Other
Life Expectancy (yrs) 55.0
53.0 58.4
Adult Literacy (%) 36.7
35.2 27.5
Mean yrs Schooling 2.3
2.0 1.7
Per Capita Income (NR) 7673
6607 6911
HDI Indices
Life Expectancy Index 0.500
0.467 0.557
Attainment Index
0.280 0.221
Income Index 0.179
0.152 0.160
Human Dev. Index 0.325
0.299 0.313
Ratio of National HDI 100
92.2 96.3
Source: "A Strategy to Empower Nepal's Disadvantaged Groups", Document 1, Page 7 (based on data of the
Nepal Human Development Report, NESAC, 1999.
71 Caste and ethnicity-based disparities in education are also striking. For example, in 1991,
there were 6 ethnic groups and 16 caste groups with adult literacy rates below 25%, compared
to a national average of 39.6% . There are also similar disparities in educational attainments at
the graduate level. According to the 1991 Census data, 89% of the graduate population came
from high and middle ranking castes (including the Newars) from the hills and Terai, while
the traditional ethnic groups accounted for only 6% of the total and Dalits another 3%.It is
likely that with the social awakening following the political changes in 1990 this situation
may have improved somewhat; but more recent information is not available to confirm it.
72 With the restoration of democracy in 1990, efforts were made to assist Janajati groups in
their economic and social development and to voice their concerns. The number of civil
society groups dedicated to welfare, advocacy and political action on behalf of both groups
has grown exponentially. In response to the demands of these groups, the government
established a Dalit Development Commission during the Ninth Plan. Similarly a National
Janajati Development Committee was established in 1997 and recently restructured to a more
powerful and independent Adibasi Janajati Utthan Pratisthan (Indigenous and Ethnic Groups
Upliftment Academy) in 2002.
73 Yet, neither the civil society groups nor the government bodies have yet had much
success in significantly improving the educational, economic or welfare status of the Dalit and
disadvantaged Janajati population. Neither group has had much success in joining the civil
service nor gaining elected office at any level of government. Rough estimates of ethnicity-
wise participation in the civil service, public office and political leadership in the country
show that participation of communities in public office is not reflective of Nepal's caste and
ethnic profile. For example, high caste Brahmins and Chhetris have more than twice the level
of participation in relation to their population share and the Newars nearly three times their
population share. In contrast, the hill Janajati have only 32 percent and Dalits even lessonly
3 percent of the participation they would have if they were represented in proportion to their
population share in the country.
Determinants of PovertyProximate Causes
74 Given its complexity and diversity, it is difficult to find a few simple explanations for
Nepal’s poverty problem. Among the obvious ones which contribute to it are such factors as
limited resource endowment, ill health a land-locked and rugged terrain, and centuries of
political and economic isolation, all of which have kept the economy at a subsistence level
without, (until a few decades ago), even the minimum social and economic infrastructure.
While these factors explain the low initial economic base and its mirror imagewidespread
poverty, they alone cannot explain the lack of progress in combating poverty, particularly
over the past two decades.
75 The experience of other countries which have been successful in substantially reducing
poverty clearly demonstrates that achieving sustainable, high and pro-poor growth is a
necessary condition for poverty reduction. In conjunction with a deceleration of the
population growth rate, (an additional requirement for countries like Nepal which are already
burdened with high population growth), it would help increase per-capita incomes steadily.
This however, has not happened in Nepal consistently across the economy, even though
respectable overall economic growth rates were achieved in the early nineties. As noted, real
GDP at factor cost rose at an annual rate of 4.9% through the early nineties, and at a slower
rate of 3.6% p.a. during the Ninth Plan period. But, notwithstanding recent progress in
reducing birth rates, the population growth rate (2.25% p.a.) still remains high; and
consequently, per capita income has risen at about 1.9% p.a. since the early nineties. This is
still not a poor achievement!
76 From a poverty reduction perspective, however, the pattern of growth has not been pro-
poor. Much of this growth took place outside agriculture, and outside rural areas where 86%
of the Nepali population and over 90% of the poor live. Over the past 12 years, non-
agricultural activities (which in Nepal are primarily centered in urban areas, particularly the
Kathmandu Valley) grew by almost 6% p.a. in real terms even with the recent slowdown. In
contrast, the agricultural sector grew at an annual rate of only 2.3% p.a. on average, about the
same rate as population growth. Thus there was no perceptible improvement in rural per
capita incomes for a long period to make a difference in reducing rural poverty.
77 This differential growth pattern over the last two decades helps to explain the prevailing
urban-rural divide. The non-agricultural sector (manufacturing, trade, tourism and services)
grew rapidly in the early nineties, driven by the growth of exports, public investment and
demand for urban services. Thus, incomes and employment opportunities rose rapidly in
urban areas. This is probably the major explanation for the extremely low poverty rate (4%) in
the Kathmandu Valley, and the glaring poverty disparities between urban and rural areas. In
addition, since the urban areas (particularly Kathmandu) are also viewed as centers of
investment, with rising property values, financial services and infrastructure, most of the
substantial inflows of remittances noted earlier eventually end up in urban, rather than rural
78 Notwithstanding some improvements over the past few years in the use of modern inputs
and some diversification into cash crops, overall agricultural growth has remained low. An
important reason for this is the slow growth, and in the case of some crops even a decline, in
productivity. A review of agricultural data for major food crops from 1985/86 through
1998/99 shows that both production and productivity stagnated or only marginally increased,
except for wheat which showed a modest gain. But over a longer period from 1961-63 to
1991-93, yields actually decreased by 0.07 percent. And, among the three ecological regions,
the yield levels are the lowest in the mountains, followed by the Hills while the Terai has the
highest yield. In the case of major food crops, area expansion has also been quite limited.
79 Several factors have contributed to both these trends: small uneconomical farm sizethe
median land holding in 1996 was only 0.65 halack of progress in providing year-round
irrigation, (only 15% of the cultivated land is irrigated year round resulting in excessive
exposure to the vagaries of the weather), low use of modern inputs (fertilizer and improved
seeds) and extension services, among others. As noted, during the Ninth Plan, the APP sought
to address these constraints, but with little success, as it was poorly implemented.
80 These factors help to explain the poor performance of agriculture and why rural poverty is
worse than urban poverty. But, they by themselves do not explain the disparities within the
rural economy. Table 9, based on the 1996 NLSS data, provide useful insights on rural
income disparities. The poorer households in the rural economy are consistently more
handicapped than others in terms of the quality of the land they cultivate and access to and
use of inputs. For example: (i) The median landholding of the bottom 25 percent of
households is only 0.51ha, only about three-fourth of the rural average; (ii) Within that, the
proportion of ploughed land suitable for growing rice is only about 37%, i.e about one-fourth
less than the rural average; (iii) Year-rounds irrigation is available only for about 11% of the
land, (i.e. about one-third less than the average; and (iv) Their use of modern inputs and
access to institutional credit are substantially less than the rural average. (v) While access to
Extension and Veterinary agents have been limited for most rural households, the poor have
far less contact (less than half) compared to the household average. (vi) Not surprisingly, the
poorer households are located further away from roads, i.e. they have less access to markets
for their products, as well as to all of the inputs noted earlier. (vii) Also, incomes from
agriculture are positively correlated with the level of schooling completed by the head of the
household. And yields are positively correlated with levels of education above primary. In
other words“while the poor do not differ from the rest (in rural areas) in terms of their
dependence on agriculture, they do differ in terms their opportunities to make a living off the
land. Poor land quality and limited access to inputs limit returns from agriculture for the
Table 9: Household Distribution by Their Access to Agriculture Inputs, 1996.
Household Income Ploughed (Khet)
Land as Percent
of Total
Cultivated Land
Land As Percent
of Cultivated Land
Bought from
AIC (in kg/ha)
Percent of
Household with
Bottom 25 Percent 37 11 10 8
25-50 Percent 53 14 19 16
50-75 Percent 57 15 30 16
Upper 25 Percent 54 18 39 16
Average 51 15 26 14
Sample Household (No.) 2550 2550 2679 3373
Source: World Bank (1999): Nepal Poverty at the Turn of the Twenty First Century.
81 All rural households, though deriving much of their household income from agriculture
(including earnings as paid farm labor), also earn from non-agricultural sources through self-
employment and wage employment (Table 10). But the dependence on agriculture is
significantly higher for the poorer households. This is also suggestive of the fact that
opportunities for non-agricultural employment are limited in rural areas; and with their low
educational achievements and skills, it is difficult for the poor to obtain higher-paying non-
farm employment and break out of the poverty cycle.
Table 10: Sources of Income of Rural Households, 1996
Agriculture Non-agriculture
Bottom 25 Percent 50 19 5 16 10
25-50 Percent 48 18 7 12 15
50-75 Percent 49 13 8 13 16
Top 25 Percent 43 7 11 15 23
Average 47 14 8 14 16
Source: NLSS, 1996
82 Despite recent progress, the level of social development in Nepal is low even by South
Asian Standards. This in turn has had a direct impact, (as evident from the human
development indicators noted earlier), on poverty and inequalities in living standards between
different geographical regions and socio-economic groups in Nepal. Inadequate social service
delivery is seen to be one of the primary reasons for the poor to remain poor in the rural areas.
The key social and economic infrastructure such as health, education, drinking water and
energy show the following general characteristics: (a) the poor in general have less access to
social services; (b) except for access to primary schools, no other services are comparable in
terms of rural coverage; and (c) even in the primary schools, accessibility, enrolment rates,
dropout rates, etc, are significantly worse in rural areas. In the like manner, internal efficiency
of social service delivery is also low. Only about 18% of the primary school children
complete the primary cycle on time. The situation is similar in the secondary schools also.
Approximately 60% of primary school teachers are still untrained. School supervision system
is weak and non-wage expenditure in education is extremely low. Similarly, health services at
the rural health institutions are either unavailable, or their quality is very poor, mainly due to
the absence of health personnel and medical supplies.
83 Public expenditure programs have played a key role in most countries in accelerating
economic-growth and addressing poverty incidence. In Nepal, the effectiveness of public
interventions has been undermined by a number of deficiencies: weak prioritization,
inadequate project screening, weak monitoring and supervision and lack of results orientation,
among others. Public resources have not been consistently allocated and spent to support
poverty reduction in rural areas. To the contrary, public expenditure programs have been
generally urban-biased. For example, education sector’s budget that goes in primary
education has remained inadequate and 30 percent of the public expenditure in health was
allocated until recently to urban hospitals. Despite significant growth in the budget for the
social sectors including health and education, per capita expenditures on these sectors is still
low, as compared to most developing countries; and they need to be made more equitable to
address rural needs.
84 Political instability and weak governance have been major impediments to effectively
addressing rural poverty. Frequent changes in governments with short time horizons have
weakened the administration, increased corruption and leakages and lack of accountability,
and undermined the effective implementation of programs. The worst casualties in this
process have been rural communities, who are far removed from the center of power.
Although there have been recent efforts to promote decentralization and community
participation, these are only now beginning to show results.
85 All of these factors which have led to differences in poverty levels between urban and
rural areas apply equally to regional income and human poverty differentials across the
development regions. In addition, a few other factors help explain the depth of regional
variation, particularly in the Mid-western and Far-Western regions:
i) Geography and its consequencesinaccessibility and relative isolationhave been
a primary cause. Until the East-West Highway was completed in the late nineties,
there were no road links with these two regions. Indeed, until that time, access to
them was possible mainly through (north-south road links with) neighboring India.
Even now, within Nepal north-south road links with the mountain areas of both
regions are lacking. The consequences have been continued isolation, lack of
integration with the Nepalese economy, poor access to markets for their limited
products, and little development activities therehence poor infrastructure, education
and health facilities, drugs and medicines and even basic food to ensure food security.
And public sector agencies which have been given the responsibility (and transport
subsidies) for supplying basic food and supplies (NFC) and agricultural inputs (AIC)
have remain highly inefficient. Given the high transport costs, and thinly spread
population lacking resources, the private sector has had little incentive and interest to
operate in these regions. In contrast, the Eastern region is well served with road links
not only with Nepal but also with neighboring countries, facilitating trade, commerce
and industry; and its proximity to relatively developed educational centers in India
has served as a catalyst for social development, and education in particular. As noted
in Table 6, the Eastern region's human development indicators are almost as good as
(and in some respects better than) the Central region's.
ii) The Mid-western and Far-Western regions, being sparsely populated have less
political representation in Parliament, lack sufficiently large power blocks and, being
far removed from the center of power, the ability to influence resource allocation
decisions. It is not surprising that between 1996/97 and 2000/01, these two regions
together received only 11-12% of total government expenditures.
86 These regions thus have been traditionally neglected, and not because of their ethnic and
caste characteristics. In fact, except for ethnic belts in the mountains (Bhotes) and in the Terai
(Tharu), most of the two regions are inhabited by Nepali language speakers, with the upper
caste Chhetris being the most numerous. Thus, all communities in these two regions have
suffered; and this probably is an important factor contributing to the relatively high poverty
incidence in these regions.
87 While all of these factors have equally affected the ethnic and caste-based communities, a
major additional factor contributing to their relative backwardness has been the effects of
social stratification noted earlier. In an isolated and closed society, generally those in the
upper rungs of the social ladder had better access to social and economic infrastructure and
opportunities for economic advancement. Those at the lower levels, particularly the Dalits,
were left behind. And, when the modernization process began in the fifties, the urban-
centered development pattern that emerged left the isolated regions and the socially
disadvantaged communities further behind. A major element of the poverty reduction strategy
of the Tenth Plan is to begin to close this gap as rapidly as possible by mainstreaming the
deprived communities and regions in the development process.
Present Social Disorder and Its Implications
88 The prolonged national crisis has remained as the biggest threat to national development.
Starting in 1996 from Mid-Western districts, the violence spread rapidly to many parts of the
country. Until January 31, 2003, when a truce was arrived at. It severely disrupted economic
activity and development work in many areas. Moreover, a prolongation of the present
situation could seriously impede the government's efforts to substantially reduce poverty over
the next few years. This section briefly reviews the genesis of the disorder, its linkages with
the prevailing poverty and inequalities, and its implications for the Tenth Plan strategy.
89 While there are undoubtedly social and economic grievances contributing to the present
situation of disorder, its causes are far more complex.
90 Whatever the motivation for the beginning of the social disorder, there is little doubt that
persistent poverty and inequalities have provided a fertile breeding ground for the present
crisis. Some of the reasons which helped fuel the crisis could be: (i) Weak impact of various
development activities on some areas of the country; (ii) Inadequate delivery of social
services in some of the remote and isolated areas; (iii) The slow pace of decentralization and
inadequate community involvement; and (iv) Inadequate resource allocation for the remote
areas and regions.
91 The changing social and political situation in the country has enormous implications for
the Tenth Plan. To prevent further turmoil and violence the government is committed to
establish peace and security as its highest priority, and concurrently win back the faith and
confidence of its public. It can do so only by showing that it is trying to be different
efficient, functional and able to deliver basic services to the poor, and that it is trying hard to
meet the expectations of its citizens. It will make special efforts to roll back poverty and
reduce inequalities, and bring the deprived regions and communities into the mainstream of
development. The Tenth Plan provides the government with the means to do soa workable
strategy, modalities to implement it, and the tools to monitor progresswithin the severe
resource constraints Nepal is facing.
92 The foregoing analysis clearly indicates that poverty in Nepal is a widespread, complex
and multi-dimensional phenomenon. Poverty is deeper, more intense, and more severe in rural
(as compared to urban) areas; and even more so in the hills and mountains and in the Western
and Far Western regions. There are also clear gender, ethnic (and regional) disparities. Other
indicators of human poverty (as measured through key socia l indicators) also closely
correspond with, and confirm this rural, gender, ethnic and regionally oriented poverty
pattern. The analysis also shows a clear nexus among the key variables/determinants of
poverty. The level and intensity of poverty is closely linked to the pace and pattern of
economic growth in urban and rural areas and economic/income generating opportunities
associated with such growth. (Rural poverty is worse primarily because agricultural growth
the primary source of income and employment generation in the rural economy has
stagnated in per capita terms over the past few decades). Even within rural areas, the poorer
segments of the population have less access to fertile land, irrigation, modern inputs, credit,
and marketing and road infrastructure. Similarly, a key determinant of the level and intensity
of both income and human poverty is access (or the lack of it) to basic social and economic
infrastructure. The rural areas are badly underserved in terms of quality and coverage of basic
education, healthcare, drinking water, roads and access to other infrastructure and markets.
Poverty is also closely related to the degree of social, political and economic
inclusion/exclusion. Women and ethnic groups by and large are left out of the mainstream of
development, because they lack voice, empowerment, representation and access to economic
opportunities and resources. Similarly the remote districts and regions are further away from
centers of power and influence and are the most neglected. Another key determinant, which
cuts across and exacerbates the impact of these factors on the poverty pattern, is weak
governance, which includes ineffective government, poor resource allocation, week
implementation and service delivery performance, and corruption and leakages, among
others. To effectively address this complex problem and to bring about a significant and
lasting reduction in poverty, a comprehensive well-designed strategy, which will be
effectively implemented and monitored, has been formulated by the Government. This
strategy is discussed in chapter V.
The Tenth Plan-Goals, Targets and
93 The foregoing evaluation of the Ninth Plan and the poverty situation clearly demonstrates
that past development efforts have fallen behind to meet the expectations of poverty
reduction. Poverty is more widespread particularly in rural areas; and that it is deeper and
more severe among women, ethnic groups and Dalits, and those living in backward areas
Mid and the Far Western and Mountain areas. Poverty could not be reduced to a desired level
due to the failure to achieve high and sustained broad-based economic growth particularly in
rural areas; inadequate human development commensurate with heightened desires and needs
of the people, in large part due to less than satisfactory implementation of public actions to
effectively provide essential social and economic services and infrastructure to the poor and
backward communities and areas; poor accountability, economic malpractices, and poor
implementation and monitoring of development programs. The impact of development on the
deprived areas and communities has been limited. In the absence of effective policies for
ensuring social and economic inclusiveness, the poor and deprived communities could not
come to the mainstream of the development process. In addition, the recent spells of violent
activities and disorder have badly slowed down development activity and service delivery by
the government. They have also adversely affected the poor and backward areas and
communities even more than others.
94 In this context, the Tenth Plan's sole objective is to bring about a remarkable and
sustainable reduction in the poverty level in Nepal over the next five years. To this end, His
Majesty's Government has formulated a "four pillar" poverty reduction strategy, which
squarely addresses the main causes and determinants of poverty identified in the preceding
poverty analysis. The strategy, which is discussed in more detail below, is based on four
overarching approaches: achieving sustained high and broad-based economic growth,
focussing particularly on the rural economy; accelerating human development through a
renewed emphasis on effective delivery of basic social services and economic infrastructure;
ensuring social and economic inclusion of the poor, marginalized groups and backward
regions in the development process; and vigorously pursuing good governance both as a
means of delivering better development results and ensuring social and economic justice.
Particularly noteworthy, the Tenth Plan seeks, as an integral part of its poverty reduction
strategy, to bring the marginalized sections of the population and backward regions into the
mainstream of development, and to make visible progress in reducing existing inequalities.
95 In designing and carrying out its poverty reduction strategy, the Tenth Plan/PRSP has
adopted a number of new approaches and initiatives, which represent a radical departure
from past plans and strategies. The more important of these, discussed in greater detail in the
next few chapters, include the following: (a) The poverty reduction strategy itself is
significantly different. (i) While emphasizing sustainable high economic growth as in the past,
the PRSP focuses more sharply on accelerating income and employment growth in the rural
economy where the majority of the poor live. (ii) The emphasis on social inclusion and on
improving governance is altogether new. (iii) So is the commitment to effective
implementation of programs and better delivery of social and economic services and
infrastructure as the primary means of accelerating human development, particularly among
the poor and neglected groups and areas. (b) In carrying out the strategy, the Tenth Plan/PRSP
explicitly recognizes the fiscal and implementation constraints, unlike previous plans, which
sought to do everything. This pragmatic approach has led to the identification of new
modalities of implementation and service delivery for ensuring better development results: (i)
In particular, the role of the Government has been redefined; and public interventions will be
limited and focussed on areas where they can yield the maximum social benefits (ii) The Plan
relies heavily on the private sector, NGOs, INGOs and Community Based Groups (CBOs) for
carrying out economic activities, infrastructure development and service delivery wherever
possible, both in partnership with central and local governments and agencies and to
complement the role of the government. (iii) Strong emphasis is also placed on
decentralization and maximizing the involvement of local governments and community
groups for identifying development activities and allocating resources for them in accordance
with people's needs, for strengthening service delivery and for ensuring better program
management, accountability and transparency through people's participation. (c) The PRSP
also seeks to ensure strict adherence to a sustainable macroeconomic framework, setting
annual budgets and spending plans within realistic levels. For this purpose, alternative
macroeconomic scenarios have been developed as a broad framework to guide future
spending decisions. (d) The PRSP/Tenth Plan also place strong emphasis on prioritizing
resource allocations annually through a rolling Medium Term Expenditure Framework, so
that the key poverty reduction priorities can be protected despite shortfalls in resources. (e) To
bring about the necessary changes in key areas, detailed structural and sectoral reform
programs have been developed, together with a program of key Immediate and Medium Term
reform actions. (f) Finally, reflecting its emphasis on better implementation and service
delivery, the Tenth Plan stresses the need for effective monitoring and evaluation
arrangements, together with appropriate benchmarks and intermediate goals/targets for key
activities, so that performance can be evaluated and monitored on a regular basis.
96 The rest of this Section outlines the Tenth Plan's objectives and targets, the main elements
of its poverty reduction strategy, and policies and programs in key sectors to support this
strategy. Alternative macroeconomic scenarios and mechanisms for adjustment of the public
expenditure program are discussed in Section VI. Section VII outlines the implementation and
monitoring modalities which are necessary to ensure that the Plan will be able to achieve its
goals, outputs and results in reducing poverty.
Key Goals and Targets
97 The Tenth Plan's key goals and targets are set out in Table 11. The Normal Case scenario
aims to reduce the overall poverty ratio from 38% estimated at the end of the Ninth Plan
(2001/02) to 30% by 2006/07. Indicative targets for key human development variables
include: raising literacy to 63 percent, reducing the infant mortality rate to 45 thousand births,
raising life expectancy to 65 years, increasing access to drinking water for 85 percent of the
population, electricity to 55 percent, and telephone facility to almost all village development
committee. If these social and infrastructure goals are achieved, a 10 percent improvement in
the human development indicators is possible. To reduce the overall poverty rate through the
creation of income and employment generating activities in the key sectors, an overall GDP
growth rate of 6.2% p.a. at factor cost is also envisaged, together with a substantial
improvement in agricultural growth to around 4.1% per annum.
98 These should be regarded as indicative targets only. Some of these targets, particularly,
those for education and health, are ambitious. In order to achieve them, much stronger efforts
than in the past will have to be made by providing the necessary inputs and resources.
Nevertheless, the Tenth Plan recognizes that the availability of resources, the extent to which
the planned programs can be implemented and the degree of commitment with which they are
pursued will have an important bearing on whether these targets will be achieved or not.
Given the uncertain fiscal prospects and the security situation, an alternative Lower Case
scenario is therefore assumed in the Tenth Plan. This lower case scenario will be used as the
basis for formulating the budget and the MTEF, and as the resource situation improves, it will
be appropriately adjusted. While every effort will be made during the preparation of annual
budgets and mid year reviews to protect the Plan priorities, nevertheless, it is realistic to
assume that achievements with regard to economic growth, service and infrastructure delivery
and poverty reduction will be lower under the Lower Case (Table 11, column 4). Thus, the
incremental targets in the Lower case are expected to be lowered by about 15% for
infrastructure and by about 10% for the social sectors. This is broadly in line with the reduced
availability of resources under the Lower case and the efforts that will be made to give
priority to the social sectors in resource allocation under such a scenario.
Table 11: Indicative Targets of the Tenth Plan
Tenth Plan End 2006/07 Ninth Plan
End 2001/02
Normal Case
Lower Case
Overall Poverty Level (percent of Population) 38 30 33
Real GDP Growth (at factor cost-percent p.a.) 3.6 6.2 4.3
Agriculture 3.3 4.1 2.8
Non-agriculture 3.9 7.5 5.2
Per-capita Income Growth (percent p.a.) 1.3 4.1 2.2
Social Indicators
Infant Mortality Rate (per thousand) 64.2 45.0 47.0
Total Fertility Rate % 4.1 3.5 3.6
Maternal Mortality Rate (per 100000) 415.0* 300.0 3.5
Rate of Contraceptive Users (in percent) 39.3 47.0 46.0
Obstetric Services by Trained Manpower (percent) 13.0 18.0 17.0
Average Life Expectancy (years) 61.9 65.0 64.0
Population growth Rate (percent) 2.25 2.1 2.1
Net Enrolment in Primary Level (above 6 years,
80.4* 90.0 89.0
Literacy (above 15 years, percent) 49.2 63.0 61.0
Female Literacy (above 15 years, percent) 35.6 55.0 53.0
Drinking Water (population benefited, percent) 71.6 85.0 83.0
Human Development Index (HDI) 0.466 0.517 0.512
Human Poverty Index (HPI) 39.2 34.0 34.5
Physical Infrastructure
Number of districts With Access to Roads 60.0 70.0 70.0
Irrigated Area ('000 of hectors) 1121.4 1417.0 1375.0
Telephones (per '000 of Population) 14.0 40.0 36.0
V.D.C.s with Telephone Facility 1761.0 All 3590.0
V.D.Cs Connected With Computer Networks NA 1500.0 1275.0
Population Having Electricity (percent) 40.0 55.0 53.0
V.D.C.s Having Electricity 1600.0 2600.0 2450.0
Argicultural and Rural Roads (kilometers) NA 10000.0 8500.0
* As estimated by the National Planning Commission. These figures will be revised when actual data
become available.
The Tenth Plan's Poverty Reduction Strategy
99 Given the nature of Nepal's poverty problem and the social/political context, the Tenth
Plan's poverty reduction strategy has been guided by a few key considerations: First, as
noted, the poverty reduction strategy needs to be rural-oriented. While supporting other areas
of the economy with strong potential for income and employment growth, the growth strategy
will need to be broad based and pro-poor, and focus on rural/agricultural growth. Second,
priority should be given to actions and interventions, which can give quick results, as
compared to investments that may take a long time. This requires careful balancing of short
term as well as longer term needs. Third, given the country's limited administrative and
implementation capacity, (as well as implementability of programs in some areas), the Plan
will need to have a strong strategic focus; and concentrate on a few important approaches and
supporting interventions which, if effectively implemented, can deliver quick results to the
rural poor. Fourth, the Plan will need to be interpreted as a strategic and flexible document.
While the overall strategy provides a broad framework and strategic interventions for poverty
reduction, and the key priorities themselves will need to be protected in terms of budget
allocations and funding, such interventions and policies will need to be reassessed from time
to time, and revised if necessary, in order to achieve the poverty reduction goals. A number of
such initiatives have already been taken in the first year of the Plan, such as the MTEF,
education sector reform package and, the emergency relief program, among others.
100 Cognizant of these needs, the Tenth Plan's poverty reduction strategy is built on of four
pillars: (i) Broad based economic growth; (ii) Social sector development including human
development; (iii) Targeted programs including social inclusion, in order to bring the poor
and marginalized groups into the mainstream of development, together with targeted
programs for the ultra poor, vulnerable and deprived groups (who may not adequately benefit
from the first two pillars); and (iv) Good governance. All four pillars are essential for
improving the lives of the poor, and for mainstreaming the very poor deprived groups, and
thus for promoting inclusive development. In implementing the four-pillar strategy, the Plan
also stresses strategic cross-cutting approaches with regard to: (a) redefining the role of the
State, and limiting public interventions; (b) enlisting the private sector to play a leading role
in employment and income generation and together with NGOs, INGOs and CBOs, in
complementing government efforts in service delivery functions in key areas, as well as in
implementing key activities; (c) promoting community participation in and management of
activities at the local levels; and (d) accelerating the decentralization process, which is also a
key element under good governance.
101 These four pillars of the poverty reduction strategy should not be seen as separate and
self-standing. To the contrary, they are closely inter-related. For example, international
experience clearly demonstrates that improvements in literacy and health and nutritional
status, by enhancing skills and productivity and reducing family size, contribute to higher
economic and per-capita income growth. Conversely, without achieving sustainable high
growth rates, it may not be possible for Nepal to undertake the planned levels of public (and
private) spending that are needed to undertake basic social and physical infrastructure
development programs in rural areas. Second, the four pillars address different aspects of the
same problempoverty, broadly defined to include income poverty, human poverty and
exclusion. Thus, while the first pillar tries to address income poverty directly, the second
pillar tries to expand access to basic services and amenities which help to improve quality of
life and human capability at given income levels. Both are equally important for
mainstreaming the poor. The third pillar is not an isolated attempt to address the needs of the
poor and deprived through targeted programs alone. It should be viewed as part of an
integrated approach to bring the poor within the mainstream of development. Finally, the
fourth pillar is essential for ensuring that the programs/activities included under the first three
pillars achieve their intended results. Indeed, without good governance, (control of corruption
and leakages, and mechanisms to ensure accountability), the objectives of other pillars cannot
be really achieved. In addition, the fourth pillar, which also includes participatory
involvement of local governments and communities in the development process, will help
considerably in addressing social exclusion aspects of poverty also. How the four-pillar
strategy will be implemented and their implications for sectoral programs and activities are
discussed in more detail below.
Macroeconomic Framework
102 A poverty reduction strategy emphasizing high and sustained economic growth can be
pursued only if public action can help build policies and institutions needed for higher
growth. Economic growth requires a framework, which can encourage and expand private
investment and activities. In this context, creating an appropriate enabling environment and
incentive framework are the main elements for fostering private sector development. And, to
this end, ensuring macroeconomic stability is of paramount importance. The latter is also
necessary for assuring sustainable levels of public investment to support the key elements of
the poverty reduction strategy, (such as human development and social inclusion programs).
103 The Tenth Plan has been prepared at a difficult time. GDP is estimated to have declined
by 0.6% in the base year of the Tenth Plan 2001/02. Political instability, violence, and social
disorder have challenged the economic situation in the country. External demand for goods
and services and tourist arrivals have remained volatile for Nepal especially after the event of
September 11, 2001. The pace of recovery of the domestic economy will depend on both the
attainment of sustained peace in the country and a rebound in the global economy.
104 Recognizing these constraints and risks, the Tenth Plan has incorporated a sustainable
macroeconomic framework to support high and broad-based economic growth with low
inflation. Two alternative scenarios projecting possible upper and lower boundaries with
regard to resource availability and implementability are discussed in Section VI. These
assume that the Nepalese currency will continue to be pegged to the Indian currency, the
Government's domestic borrowing will be managed conservatively, and that foreign exchange
reserves will be maintained at a level of nine months of merchandize imports. The overall
fiscal deficit is projected to be at around 5% of GDP, financed largely through foreign aid.
Macroeconomic policy will be accompanied by a deepening of structural reforms in key areas
including the financial sector, public enterprises and trade competitiveness which are crucial
for removing constraints to private sector-led growth; and reforms will be undertaken to
improve the efficiency and quality of public administration and services. An integral part of
this macroeconomic framework is the Medium Term Expenditure Framework, which the
Government introduced in FY 2003 (for the first time in Nepal) in order to implement the
Tenth Plan in a difficult macro-fiscal environment. The expenditure prioritization in the
MTEF and how it helps to protect the Tenth Plan's poverty reduction priorities are discussed
in some detail in Section VI below.
105 The importance of macroeconomic stability can hardly be overemphasized for
promoting either economic growth or poverty alleviation. Maintenance of satisfactory
macroeconomic fundamentals is also a necessary precondition for the operation of a market-
oriented economy and also for promoting private investment. The core objectives in this
regard, as outlined in the Tenth Plan, are to maintain fiscal discipline, ensure efficiency of
public resources, sustain monetary and external stability and, as discussed below, strengthen
the financial system.
106 To maintain fiscal discipline, prudent expenditure policies will be pursued and domestic
resource mobilization will be improved. The annual budgets will be set at realistic levels
consistent with implementation capacity and resource projections and borrowing targets
outlined in Section VI. To ensure efficiency of public resources, the MTEF will be widened to
cover all ministries, and the prioritization of projects/programs improved so that the key
poverty reducing pro-poor activities identified in the Tenth Plan/PRSP are indeed given
priority (as P1s) in the expenditure program. The MTEF will be further expanded to cover
regular expenditures (which are currently excluded); and the expenditure classification will be
improved on the basis of recurrent and capital expenditures. To improve domestic resource
mobilization, the recommendations of the fiscal commission for tax reforms will be
implemented, tax exemptions and tax rebates will be reduced, customs valuations will be
revised periodically, and tax administration will be strengthened through a move towards an
autonomous tax administration. Besides, government arrears to/from the public utilities will
be cleared. To maintain monetary and external stability, a prudent monetary policy will be
pursued: (i) Money supply growth will be contained at a desirable level. (ii) Both domestic
borrowing as well as bank financing of the government will be limited in line with the
macroeconomic framework outlined in Section VI. (iii) Open market operations will be used
as a major instrument; and any excess liquidity in the economy due to inflow of foreign assets
will be mopped up by issuing Central Bank bonds. To strengthen the external sector, greater
autonomy of the Central Bank in exchange rate formulation and the management of the
foreign exchange regime will be encouraged.
Structural Reform Agenda
In order to bring about economic transformation, public actions have to be made more
efficient and effective. Constraints which inhibit private sector's competitiveness need to be
removed and programs to improve the conditions of the poor should be given priority. To this
end, the Government will strengthen the reform programs already initiated in many areas and
introduce new reforms geared to supporting rapid growth. Some of these reforms are: (i)
expenditure management, (ii) financial sector reform, (iii) fiscal reform, (iv) measures aimed
at improving the competitiveness of the private sector including foreign trade and labour
reform, (v) governance, including civil service reform and decentralization, and (vi)
promoting private sector's involvement in infrastructure development. These reforms will help
reinforce and strengthen the market-oriented strategy followed by Nepal in the past decade.
They will also help in focusing the role of government on areas where markets function
poorly or would result in inequitable outcomes.
107 Ensuring macroeconomic stability and improving the incentive framework particularly
through reform programs mentioned above will enhance the environment for higher
investment and cost effective service delivery. It will also help increase opportunities for, and
capabilities of, the poor to earn a decent income. A growing economy increases income-
earning opportunities for the poor. The role of the state in fostering an environment
conductive to growth is pivotal in this regard.
108 The government will also promote opportunities for growth through coordinated efforts in
key sectors, such as agriculture, irrigation, tourism and infrastructure development. Rural
infrastructuresuch as roads, electricity, telecommunication facilitiesnot only will help in
improving access to markets and inputs, but also help increase accessibility and the quality of
living and service delivery in the remote areas of the country. The growth of agriculture,
which is the source of livelihood of most of the people in rural areas, will assist the poor by
increasing income generating activities and gainful employment opportunities. The benefits of
eco-tourism are enormous in a country like Nepal, where the potential for tourism is
immense; and accordingly, the Government has given high priority to it.
109 Poverty impact of growth, however, cannot be maximized until the income earning
capabilities of the poor are improved by addressing the deficiencies in human development
such as low education and ill health. The removal of these deficiencies is not only a means of
reducing income poverty, but also of improving their social well-being. Therefore, programs
to support effective delivery of education, primary health, and enhanced access to clean water
have been given priority.
Broad-Based Economic Growth
110 The need for high and broad-based growth does not require much explanation. The
experience of Nepal and other countries shows that growth has a positive impact on poverty
alleviation. Growth that improves income distribution appears to further reinforce the positive
impact of growth on poverty. In this context, a growth strategy that can benefit all income
groups (including poor and deprived segments of society) will have two major components.
First, since more than 80 percent of the population are engaged in agriculture, agriculture
must be made to grow by at least 4 percent p.a.; and second, private sector led non-
agricultural growth must also be emphasized, for the reasons mentioned earlier.
111 The sources of (higher) growth would be increased productivity in both agriculture and
in non-agriculture sectors, and a recovery in manufacturing, exports and tourism, along with
the expected improvement in the domestic and external environment. Similarly, the adoption
of policies to boost trade and industrial sectors and improved public resource management,
among others, would help trigger higher and sustainable growth.
In the case of agriculture, improved irrigation facilities, uninterrupted supplies of chemical
fertilizer and expansion of rural credit, along with the rural roads and higher resource
allocations would help achieve annual agricultural production growth of the order of 4.1
percent. Creating a better environment for private sector development, including
macroeconomic stability, would also help accelerate private sector investment in the country.
Industry, tourism and services activities would also benefit from the improved law and order
situation, increased demand in rural areas (associated with higher agricultural growth), and
higher public investments associated with increased development activities and rehabilitation
and reconstruction needs. In particular, measures to promote domestic and internal trade can
be an important source of non-agricultural growth. These include ongoing initiatives such as:
(i) lowering trade transport costs through developing Inland Container Depots, strategic roads
development, and implementing the multi-modal transport strategy; (ii) improving customs
administration; (iii) developing power for potential exports towards the end of the Plan
period; and (iv) carefully negotiating accession to World Trade Organization to bind Nepal to
the global community in an advantageous manner. Under the normal case, these factors are
expected to raise non-agricultural growth to 7.3 percent per year. Of course, if some of these
crucial assumptions, particularly with regard to the improvement of internal security and the
external environment remained unrealized, the economic growth would turn out to be lower,
as suggested in the Lower Case scenario.
112 Prioritizing and refocusing policies and activities in the agriculture, irrigation, forestry
and power (rural electrification) sectors are crucial for achieving agricultural growth targets.
The major objectives set for the agriculture sector are to increase agricultural production,
productivity and incomes, both to reduce poverty of rural farmers and increase food security.
The Tenth Plan also seeks to promote agro-biodiversity conservation and environmental
protection, in addition to encouraging the adoption of need-based technology. Likewise, one
of the major objectives is to promote domestic agro-products in local as well as in foreign
113 The growth strategies for agriculture are to modernize, diversify and commercialize crop
and livestock production by expanding the use of technology, and increasing the access of
farmers to modern agricultural inputs and credit. Similarly, promoting the participation of
private sector and NGOs/INGOs in service delivery, market promotion and infrastructure
development are other major strategies.
114 The major thrust in the agriculture sector will be directed at ensuring the successful
implementation of the Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP). The APP aims to increase cereal
and cash crop production in the Terai and develop livestock, horticulture and specific high
value crops in the hills. The main activities in this regard include package programs that
promote smooth supply of fertilizers, provision of irrigation facilities, and expansion of rural
agricultural roads, rural electricity and improving the marketing network. Policies and
activities conducive to carrying out research and development will also be adopted.
115 The major outcomes which are expected from the effective implementation of programs
in the agriculture sector are that the production systems will be more diversified and
agricultural growth will increase by 4.1 percent p.a., and livestock by 4.9 percent p.a. Food
insecurity and malnutrition will also be reduced. Market access for agricultural products, as
well as farmers' incomes and consumption levels, will increase.
116 The major objectives in the Land Reform and Management sector are to ensure
sustainable land use and management, update and maintain land records/information, and
increase access of the poor to land resources and ensure effective utilization through
enhancement of their skills. Main strategies that will be pursued to achieve these objectives
are: preparation of land use guidelines and policies; and effectively implementing new land
ceilings, together with resettlement of freed “Kamaiyas” (bonded labor) on surplus land. The
key policies and programs that are envisaged include the following: Prepare integrated land
use policies, guidelines and Acts, (for example, to discourage keeping land fallow, discourage
fragmentation of holdings, developing new legislation to promote co-operative and
contractual farming etc); Develop a national geographic information system, carry out plot
surveys, and establish a computerized land information system; (this would also help
eliminate dual land ownership and prepare the basis for progressive taxation of land); and
Strengthen land management, manpower development and training programs. It is expected
that the implementation of these policies and activities would help strengthen the institutional
basis for agricultural development (by improving land use and management), establish an up-
todate land information and mapping system, and help develop effective land management
117 The core objectives of the Irrigation sector in the Tenth Plan are to promote year round
irrigation in the arable land area of the country and to ensure the sustainable management of
developed irrigation systems.
118 The main strategies adopted by the Plan to achieve these objectives are to expand new
irrigation facilities with focus on APP where year-round irrigation is feasible, and to
rehabilitate and strengthen public and community based irrigation systems, focusing attention
on the preservation and full utilization of the existing irrigation systems.
119 The major policies and activities to achieve these goals include: (i) expanding small
surface irrigation in the hills and surface and ground water facilities in the Terai; and (ii)
repair/rehabilitate and maintain the existing farmer managed and public irrigation systems.
Irrigation laws will be revised to grant WUAs the legal powers to collect irrigation charges. In
the case of large and medium scale public irrigation systems, their management will be
increasingly transferred to the private sector. Increased involvement of NGOs and the private
sector in new irrigation development will also be encouraged.
120 The expected outcomes are that 50 percent of total irrigated land will receive year round
irrigation facilities by 2005, while farmers/WUAs will be able to manage irrigation systems
up to 500 ha during the same period. In the longer run, maintenance, efficiency and utilization
of irrigation facilities are expected to improve significantly.
121 Rural electrification has an important role to play in accelerating both agricultural and
rural development. It could have a catalytic effect on agricultural growth by accelerating
shallow tubewell irrigation. In addition to supporting for the development of agro business,
the extension of rural electrification would also help modernize cottage industries and
improve the living standards of rural households. Accordingly, key programs are aimed at
expanding grid-based rural electrification, promoting small projects where grid-based
expansion is not possible, and enhancing the capacity of cooperatives for management at local
levels. To achieve the objective of increasing rural coverage from 40 to 55% over the Plan
period, the government's strategy envisages internal unbundling of NEA's activities as well as
initiating an explicit subsidy policy for grid-based rural electrification.
122 The development of the forestry sector is especially important for promoting livestock,
making compost fertilizer, conserving environment and for watershed management by
conserving ground water resources. Community and Leasehold Forestry programs have been
very successful in the country in creating income-generating opportunities for the poor. In this
context, the 'user-group approach' is particularly useful in mainstreaming poor and deprived
communities in forestry sector activities. Given its high success, the leasehold programs
would be further expanded. Integration of the concept of sustainable development in all the
development processes for balancing population and environment and identification of
comparatively advantageous areas for achieving high and sustainable economic growth
through adaptation of community-based natural resource conservation, utilization and
improvement are focused in consideration of strategic environment assessment and capability
enhancement. Various program interventions will be carried out so that land use is planned
and managed at the national and local levels such that resource bases and ecosystems are
improved, with complementarity's between high- and low- lands, that forest biomass grows,
that agricultural and forest lands are protected from urban sprawl, and that biodiversity is
conserved at the landscape level by recognizing threats from habitat fragmentation,
unmanaged solid waste and loss of forest cover. Air, solid waste and water quality
monitoring will be maintained to reduce human health hazards.
123 To achieve the desired growth in the agriculture sector, increased investments will be
required from both private and public sectors. In parallel, public expenditure on key sub
sectors and activities will be streamlined and refocused in line with the APP, to ensure
adequate funding. Similarly, improved modalities of implementation will be adopted by
emphasizing polycentric institutional arrangements to ensure greater participation of private
sector and NGOs in activities such as input delivery, marketing, research and extension
services. In this regard, the activities of inefficient public enterprises involved in these areas
such as AIC, will be either restructured or phased out. Also, existing policies which inhibit
agricultural growth, (such as those governing ground water development) will be reviewed, in
order to make appropriate corrections.
124 The non-agriculture sector includes a number of important sub-sectors such as
manufacturing, trade, tourism, transport, construction and financial and social services.
Activity levels in most of these sub-sectors have been depressed in the last 2-3 years because
of the present domestic social disorder, and weak export demand. It is reasonable to expect
that the ceasefire declared in January 2003 would lead to a quick rebound in a number of sub-
sectors, especially tourism, manufacturing, construction and services, where substantial
under-utilized capacity exists. And, a pick up in development activity and rehabilitation and
reconstruction efforts would also help provide a quick stimulus. Over the medium term, a
revival of business confidence and private investment, increased domestic demand (associated
with rural/agricultural growth), continued reasonably high growth in neighboring India, (trade
with India has increased rapidly in the last few years), and the beneficial effects of ongoing
structural reforms, (such as financial sector, trade and institutional reforms), would help to
achieved a growth rate close to the level achieved over the past decade.
125 However, the impending internal security issues and gloomy global economy will have
implications for Nepal’s private sector promotion. In the mean time, Nepal can do a number
of things to promote private sector development, enhance competitiveness and boost the
growth of the non-agricultural sector. The core objective of private sector development is to
enhance the scope for private participation in economic activities through the creation of a
private sector friendly environment, so that the private sector can make a meaningful
contribution to poverty eradication. The major strategies to achieve this objective include: the
acceleration of economic reforms; ensuring policy-wise consistency in order to create an
investor friendly environment; simplifying entry and exit procedures for businesses;
enhancing competitive environment by providing equal opportunities and facilities, and
sectoral reforms. As per liberal economic policy, the government will gradually reduce its
role in economic activities, while private involvement will be encouraged in a wide range of
economic activities, such as investments in social and economic infrastructure and service
delivery. As discussed elsewhere, policies have been already formulated and announced to
facilitate private investment in power, roads, telecommunications and other infrastructure
development. To create a level playing field, the privatization of public enterprises will be
accelerated and those areas will be fully opened to the private sector. The Government intends
to increase the involvement of the private sector in a number of public enterprises including
Nepal Electricity Authority, Nepal Telecommunications Corporation and the Royal Nepal
Airlines, among others. Efforts will be made to streamline the regulatory processes and to
make them more transparent, for example by reducing complicated documentation
requirements for exports; and improving tax administration so as to reduce discretionary
power of tax officials. A fiscal reform commission (which is currently sitting) is expected to
make important recommendations in this regard. Legal reforms will be initiated and new
liquidation, merger and bankruptcy laws will be enacted. Finally, reforms currently under way
in the financial sector (aimed at creating an efficient and competitive banking system and
transferring state-owned banks to private management and ownership, among others), will
help considerably in facilitating private sector development.
126 Nepal’s trade, tourism and industrial regime is quite liberal. However, the size of the
private sector is small and inefficient, and lacks competitiveness. The country needs to
expand output capacity and improve the efficiency of the private sector through the adoption
of appropriate measures. As Nepal is also seeking to join the World Trade Organization, it
needs strong efforts to strengthen its international competitiveness. Therefore, in order to
create a favorable environment to achieve private sector led growth, the government will
focus on removing impediments to private sector development. In this regard, a strong
promotional package especially for export-oriented industries, measures to increase incentives
for investment, and an appropriate technology and information program will be introduced to
enhance competitiveness. Concurrently, steps will be taken to reduce costs of exporting. For
example, as noted earlier, initiatives are underway to reduce trade transport costs (through the
multimodal transport strategy and developing internal container depots); while improving
customs and tax administration and tax policy reforms also will help in this regard. In
addition, programs in the trade sector aim to increase the number of private sector managed
customs terminals, expand technical assistance programs for export commodities and revise
existing Acts and regulations to make them compatible with WTO and SAPTA requirements.
127 In order to provide employers more flexibility to adjust their labour requirements with
due compensation to those affected, the Tenth Plan will take a number of measures to reform
existing labour laws. The major objective outlined in the Tenth Plan for the labour sector is
to ensure a congenial industrial environment by maintaining a flexible labour market while
safeguarding the basic rights of workers. The major strategies adopted in the Plan to achieve
this objective are: the initiation of timely reforms in labour laws to promote private
investment, promotion of better industrial relations, increasing productivity and elimination of
child labour. The Government will also give even greater emphasis to its present policy of
encouraging foreign employment. Similarly, to make Nepal free from child labour, legal
measures would be adopted along with strict monitoring; and the ongoing programs for
rehabilitation of child labour would be strengthened.
128 With the effective implementation of these policies and programs, it is hoped that both
productivity and rights of labour would be enhanced and that industrial relations will
improve. Existing child labour would be eliminated.
129 Infrastructure development has a major role to play in facilitating the development of
the private sector. Despite significant progress in the expansion of road density, penetration of
telephone and electricity is still low. The government will give priority to strategic road
network, maintenance of major roads and highways and expansion of electricity and national
communication infrastructure. The government, however, in the medium term, will gradually
reduce its involvement, especially in the areas where private sector can increasingly take over,
including telecommunications, hydroelectricity and roads, among others. Legislation has
already been enacted for this purpose and encouraging progress has been made to date.
130 The main objectives of the Tenth Plan in the road sector are to develop and manage the
road transport network to support the socio-economic development efforts and to promote
private sector participation in the construction of new road networks and their maintenance.
The major strategies to be adopted in this regard include increased participation of the private
sector in road construction and maintenance, enhancing institutional capacities of both the
roads department and the private sector to ensure cost effective sustainability of the road
network, and transferring to DDCs the responsibility for rural roads. To encourage increased
private involvement in the road sector, legislation will be enacted for the implementation of
BOT and BOOT policies. A framework will be established for improved road maintenance,
the Road Fund Board will be made fully operational and financed by a road levy. Measures to
build capacities of the Department of Roads and the private sector will be undertaken. At the
end of the Plan period, 1025 kms of road will be added. An additional ten district
headquarters will be connected by road, taking the number of HQs having road connections to
70. Private sector will actively participate in the construction and maintenance of roads.
131 The Tenth Plan's key objectives in the power sector include: expanding electricity
coverage in a sustainable and environmental friendly manner by generating low-cost power;
accelerating rural electrification to promote economic growth and improve living standards in
rural areas and to develop hydro power as an important export item. The major strategies of
the sector include promoting private sector participation in power generation and distribution,
unbundling the activities of NEA and improving its financial viability, integrating rural
electrification with rural economic development programs, and strengthening power
Major initiatives/activities to be undertaken to improve power sector development include the
establishment of a Power Development Fund; the creation of an independent regulatory
authority; initiation of an explicit subsidy policy for grid-based rural electrification; and
promotion of small, medium and storage hydropower projects. The major expected outcomes
are that the proportion of population having access to electricity will increase from 40 percent
to 55 percent by the end of the Plan period, and adequate power will be supplied as needed to
support economic growth.
132 In the information and communications sector, the Tenth Plan's main objective is to
improve the access of people to information and telecommunication facilities, facilitating
their participation in economic activities, as well as personal development. The major sector
strategies are to enhance private sector participation in the expansion of information and
communication network and facilities, and clarify the roles and responsibilities of private and
public operators and to give them (as well as the postal service) functional autonomy.
Regarding policies and activities, necessary steps for the promotion of private sector
involvement in telecommunications will be taken. NTC will be converted into a public
company under the Company Act, and general and rural telecom services will be opened up to
the private sector. A policy of expanding broadcasting services will be adopted. A legal
framework for functional autonomy of postal services will be finalized by FY 2004. With the
effective implementation of these policies and activities, it is expected that the telecom market
will be liberal and competitive. All VDCs will have access to telecom services with
penetration rising to 40 lines per 1000 inhabitants. Broadcasting services will be available to
all. Likewise, ICT services will be available in various urban areas.
133 Apart from its contribution to economic growth and the balance of payments, the tourism
sector can be an important instrument of poverty reduction by increasing employment
opportunities directly and indirectly in urban as well as rural areas, particularly in the hills and
mountain areas along trekking trails and tourism sites. A major objective of the Tenth Plan is
to increase the contribution of the tourism sector to the national economy through the
expansion of tourism activities and generation of greater employment opportunities.
Similarly, conservation and promotion of historic, cultural and religious sites, and the
development of a safe reliable and easily accessible air transportation system are other
objectives in the sector. The sector strategy aims to develop and market new tourism products,
and to improve tourism facilities and services for promoting faster growth of the sector.
Accordingly, the ongoing promotional activities will be further expanded, focussing on
regional markets; developing and conserving national heritage/religious sites will be
emphasized; and new areas will be opened up for rural tourism. Developing infrastructure and
institutions particularly for eco-tourism, and solid-waste management will be given priority.
Likewise, RNAC will be divested, measures will be taken to improve air safety, and the
immigration system will be simplified. With the effective implementation of the policies and
activities, it is expected that the total number of tourists coming into the country and the
average length of stay will increase. Thus, the contribution of the tourism sector to the
economy will rise. With effective promotion and the spread of tourism into rural areas, and
resulting increases in incomes and employment generation, tourism will positively contribute
to reducing rural poverty.
134 The core objectives of the Tenth Plan in the industrial sector is to accelerate the pace of
industrialization through increased participation of private sector and to create additional
employment in both rural and urban areas to reduce poverty. The main strategies to achieve
these objectives are: improving policies to attract domestic and foreign investment,
strengthening the role of SMEs in national production and improving the overall industrial
environment. Tariffs will be further rationalized, and existing policies and Acts relating to
foreign investment and industrial development will be revised. Up-gradation process of SMEs
through technological improvements and policy of sub-contracting will be further accelerated.
Incentives to improve backward linkages of industries will be continued; and information
technology development will be given emphasis. The effective implementation of these
policies and activities during the Tenth Plan will help improve industrial competitiveness,
expand industrial production and employment generation, and raise the contribution of the
industrial sector to GDP.
135 The major objective of supply sector in the Tenth Plan is to improve the supply and
distribution of essential commodities throughout the country, to discourage illegal hoarding
and black marketing, and to ensure food security for these purposes. The main strategies
adopted are to improve food availability and supplies in remote areas and promote market
based pricing mechanism for petroleum products. Accordingly, the government will
rationalize the activities of Nepal Food Corporation and focus on enhancing food supply and
distribution, particularly in food-deficit areas. Also, the management capacity of Nepal Oil
Corporation (NOC) will be strengthened, and measures will be introduced to reduce leakages
and to ensure private sector participation in the activities of NOC. The effective
implementation of these policies and activities should help increase food security in deficit
areas, ensure uninterrupted supplies of essential commodities and enable NOC to become
financially viable.
136 Measures will also be taken to attract more foreign investment, along with appropriate
technology, particularly in areas of comparative advantage in order to enhance
competitiveness. As noted, policy and legal framework will be improved in line with the
market economy; administrative mechanisms will be streamlined and made more efficient;
and necessary physical infrastructure and human resource development will be undertaken.
Ensuring macroeconomic stability (thereby assuring repatriatibility of capital and dividends)
and a stable financial system will also help in this regard.
137 In parallel, similar reforms are also needed in corporate and financial governance.
Nepal lacks sound accounting and reporting standards. Disclosure requirements for
companies are inadequate and information available to lenders is incomplete, and sometimes
inaccurate. Similarly, institutional capacity for regulation and supervision is weak.
Improvements in these areas will help increase trust and confidence in the private sector and
in turn reduce bureaucratic hassles.
138 Strengthening the financial system is of critical importance for private sector
development, to ensure that national savings would be mobilized and intermediated at
competitive interest rates to meet the private sector’s financing needs, as its role in the
economy progressively expands. Nepal’s financial sector is in a critical stage. The main
problems of the banking system are inefficiency, inadequate financial discipline, as well as
political and other influences in lending decisions. These have resulted in poor loan quality,
high spreads and high lending rates to borrowers, and increasing non-performing assets. To
address these problems, a Financial Sector Strategy has been prepared and is being
implemented. The reform agenda in the financial sector, currently underway, involves, among
others: (i) restructuring and privatizing state owned banks, (ii) improving auditing and
accounting standards, (iii) strengthening monitoring and regulatory functions and capacity of
the NRB, (iv) strengthening legislative and institutional framework for effective loan
recovery, and (v) improving loan quality and banking discipline. The reform program in the
non-banking sector is expected to include the restructuring of the two government owned
development banks, (Agricultural Development Bank and Nepal Industrial Development
Bank), as well as ensuring healthy growth of the finance companies and the micro-finance
sub-sector. They will be brought under a transparent and more accountable regulatory
framework. And the Government will also reform the rural development banks with a view to
minimizing its involvement in rural finance.
Social Sector Development (including Human Development)
139 The development of human resources is essential for reducing human poverty and
improving the quality of life in rural areas. While human development has many dimensions,
education, health, rural drinking water and sanitation are particularly important. In addition,
basic infrastructure such as access to (even low-quality) roads, electricity and telephone
communications (particularly in remote areas) can help improve living conditions for the poor
in rural areas. As noted above, improvements in these areas are mutually reinforcing, and
have benefits well beyond their direct impact. Ensuring equitable access to these services and
facilities is especially important for mainstreaming the very poor, and deprived communities.
140 Recognizing the importance of ensuring the effective delivery of services (and basic
infrastructure programs), the government has adopted in the Tenth Plan innovative
approaches which cut across all the key social sectors: (i) The role of the government will
continue to be particularly important in the social sectors because there are many programs
where costs of providing services cannot be fully captured by private providers, even though
the social returns from such programs and activities may be high, (for example, preventive
programs). (ii) But, the government is committed to increasingly decentralizing to local
governments the responsibilities for primary education and health care, and involving local
communities in the management of primary schools and health centers. (iii) Greater
involvement of the private sector, INGOs, NGOs and CBOs is being actively promoted in a
variety of activities in these areas, both to supplement existing publicly managed activities
and also to increase the outreach and effectiveness of these programs. In the case of rural
drinking water, the implementation of this approach involving NGOs, CBOs and user groups
is already well advanced and has shown good results; and it will be expanded and extended to
other sectors. (iv) These approaches will be utilized for improving access of the very poor and
deprived communities to social services (mainstreaming), together with better co-ordination,
technical assistance, supervision and funding from the central government agencies to ensure
satisfactory progress.
141 Guided by the objective of 'education for all', the education sector in the Tenth Plan aims
at improving the access to and quality of primary education. The Plan also has among others,
the objective of expanding literacy programs to improve the livelihoods of deprived groups,
especially girls, dalits and disadvantaged children. The Plan objectives also include
development and expansion of secondary education, production of middle-level technical
manpower through the expansion of vocational and technical education and production of
higher level skilled manpower through the development of higher education.
142 The major strategy adopted by the Tenth Plan to fulfill the education objectives is the
decentralization of the management of local schools by handing it over to school management
committees at the local level, and changing the role of district and central level agencies to
that of facilitator, monitor and evaluator. Improving and expanding teacher training programs
to uplift the quality of education and strengthening school monitoring and supervision system,
in addition to mitigating social, cultural and financial barriers in order to ensure easy access to
education are other major strategies. Similarly, promotion of vocational courses and private
sector involvement in extending basic and middle level technical education also from a part of
the Tenth Plan strategies. In higher education, cost recovery would be adopted as a guiding
143 Transferring schools to school Management Committees has already been initiated under
the 7
Amendment to the Education Act; and this policy will be further accelerated and
expanded. School Management Committees will be made responsible for the recruitment of
new teachers. Teacher training at both primary and secondary education levels will be
expanded. The government will also provide partial grants to community schools that do not
receive government funding, and encourage the private sector to undertake production and
distribution of textbooks to ensure adequate supply and timely distribution. The government
will take steps to expand adult literacy by setting up Community Learning Centers with the
increased participation of CBOs, NGOs and local bodies. It will also expand the policy of
granting scholarships to first child or first girl of poor families from which none of the
members have completed primary education. Effective system to provide middle level
technical education for the poor will be introduced. With the effective implementation of
proposed activities in the education sector, the net primary school enrolment is expected to
increase to 90 percent from the existing 82 percent. Accessibility and the quality of education
will improve significantly; while the percentage of primary school repeaters will decline. The
expanded literacy program is expected to increase the adult literacy rate to 63 percent.
Enrolment of girls and disadvantaged children at primary level will increase significantly.
Reforms in higher education with a view to enhance financial sustainability and market
relevance will be supported.
144 Education reforms announced by the government recently will help to expedite the
implementation of this agenda. As noted, the handover of management responsibilities to
School Management Committees together with adequate funding through District
Development Councils has been started initially in selected districts. The government has also
announced a new program to: (i) provide free education up to tenth grade for “oppressed,
backward and below poverty line students”; (ii) providing education in mother languages (of
communities) up to the primary level; (iii) regulating fees in private schools; (iv) providing
basic facilities in private/boarding schools to students from “oppressed and backward
communities” and (v) the setting up of a Rural Education Development Fund (financed by a
levy of 1.5% of the income of private/boarding schools) which would be utilized for funding
the education of marginalized communities.
145 The health sector is of critical importance for human development, improving living
standards in rural areas and for mainstreaming marginalized groups and communities. Despite
significant progress in recent years, service delivery in the health sector remains weak.
Although an extensive network of primary healthcare centers has been constructed nation-
wide, it has not been functioning well in many rural areas due to lack of trained staff, drugs
and medicines, etc. The sector's overall performance has suffered due to inadequate funding
for essential recurrent expenditures, misallocation of resources and limited capacity for
supervision and, for co-ordination of the activities of other agencies providing health care
146 To address the health sector needs, the government formulated a Health Sector Strategy in
August 2002, which provides a coherent strategic framework to involve all the stakeholders.
The key sector objectives are: (i) Extending essential health care services to all, with special
emphasis on the poorer population living in rural areas; (ii) Management of the growing
population by enhancing the accessibility of rural population to family planning services and
expanding maternal and child health services; and (iii) Ensuring effective control of
communicable diseases, such as Malaria, and Tuberculosis, as well as HIV/AIDS.
147 The Tenth Plan has adopted a number of strategies to achieve these objectives: (i)
Expansion of primary health centers and district hospitals, and strengthening out-patient
services in hospitals; (ii) Development and retention of trained health personnel in rural areas;
(iii) Increased supply of essential drugs and vaccines; (iv) Improved delivery of health
services, publicly, through decentralized management/delivery, through increased
participation of the private sector, INGOs and NGOs, or through public-private partnerships;
(v) Improved regulatory mechanisms to ensure the quality and accessibility of health services;
and (vi) improving human resource development and management and health care financing.
148 The major policies and programs to implement these strategies include, among others, the
following: As noted, primary health centers and outpatient facilities in hospitals will be
expanded. In order to mainstream the marginalized groups and regions, efforts will be made
to ensure access to a facility within one hour's walk to all, and to initiate special programs in
the Mid and Far Western regions. Given the inadequate staffing and quality of health facilities
in rural areas, the government will make recruitment and transfer process of health workers
transparent; and adopt an incentive mechanism to encourage them to work in remote areas.
The policy of transferring the management of sub-health posts and health posts to local
communities will be further intensified; and recruitment of health workers and procurement of
drugs will be done at the local level. The community drug program and human resources
development program to produce trained health manpower will be further expanded. Focus
programs particularly for immunization, safer motherhood and control and prevention of
communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, as well as a Health Insurance Scheme will be
initiated. Family planning and nutrition programs will be expanded and made more effective.
MOH is also developing an annual work plan within the framework of the MTEF and the
Tenth Plan that would help implement these key reform actions identified in the Health Sector
Strategy as a part of a sector-wide approach to improve performance. It is expected that with
effective implementation of these policies and programs, the existing infant mortality rate will
come down to 45 and life expectancy will increase to 65 years from the current 61.9 years.
All sub-health posts, some of the health posts, and some hospitals will be managed by local
bodies/communities by the end of the Plan.
149 The new implementation modalities in the education and health sectors should be seen as
a logical extension of the decentralization process. Indeed, they represent the
operationalization of the commitment the government made two years ago to transfer
increased functions and responsibilities to local governments and communities, starting with
education, health, rural roads and agricultural extension services. While the management of
primary schools and primary health centers in specified areas are being transferred to
community management committees, funding for them will be channelled through local
governmentsDDCs and VDCs. The community management committees will be
answerable to, and be monitored by the DDCs/VDCs for ensuring effective use of and
accountability for resources, while technical support for the management committees will be
provided by the district offices of the line departments, since the DDCs and VDCs do not
have sufficient capacity in this regard at present. Moreover, in both education and health, the
pace of transferring management to the communities will be gradual, taking into account the
management capacity and readiness of communities to take on such responsibilities, the
degree of availability of support through NGOs and CBOs, and implementation constraints
created by the domestic disorder. As conditions improve, particularly as peace and a degree of
normalcy return to the affected areas, it would be possible and necessary to develop new
implementation modalities involving local groups, NGOs and CBOs in order expand the
community management approach to those areas also.
150 The core objectives of the Drinking Water supply and sanitation sector are to increase
sustainable access to basic drinking water in rural areas and basic sanitation in both rural and
urban areas. Similarly, upgrading basic drinking water services in urban and semi-urban areas
through private sector involvement and checking water-induced diseases through the supply
of safe drinking water are other major objectives. The main strategies of the sector are to
encourage NGOs, CBOs and the private sector to actively participate in the planning,
designing, implementing, operating and maintaining water supply and sanitation schemes
with the support from NGOs and the private sector and to formulate and implement necessary
legislative reforms and cost recovery policies, among others. Among the major policies and
activities adopted by the Tenth Plan, the government will revise the 1998 rural sub-sector
policy to specify clear roles and responsibilities for the various sector actors. It will also
reform and consolidate the institutional mechanisms and approaches to facilitate the
implementation of demand driven community managed programs and projects by making
operational a sector monitoring and evaluation system within the line ministries. Likewise,
the government will formulate an Act to ensure the autonomy of the RWSS Fund
Development Board. With the completion of proposed activities, about 3.8 million people will
have access to safe and sustainable drinking water services. Girls will have better opportunity
to go to schools due to time saved in fetching water. Incidence of water borne diseases will be
reduced considerably.
Social Inclusion and Targeted Programs
151 As discussed earlier, the Tenth Plan seeks to address gender and ethnic/caste-related
disparities and facilitate social inclusion by mainstreaming such efforts, i.e. by taking actions
under all four pillars of the poverty reduction strategy, instead of simply relying on targeted
programs. Accordingly, in implementing key sectoral programs, attention will be paid to
ensuring equity of access to such programs for all, with special attention (and monitoring of
such actions) to assuring access of women and deprived communities, with the explicit
objective of reducing the existing gaps between these groups and the rest of the population.
The following paragraphs briefly summarize the Plan’s expectations in this regard.
152 Gender mainstreaming will require a shift away from the traditional reliance on welfare
measures to ensuring equal access for women and children to social and economic
infrastructure and income and employment generating opportunities created by the broad-
based growth process. In addition, to ensure equitable access, women will need to be
empowered by removing the social, legal, economic and other constraints, which have
traditionally hampered their access to and use of resources. How the Tenth Plan will try to
achieve these goals is briefly discussed below.
153 The agricultural growth strategy will help landless women (as well as deprived
community groups) through its emphasis on the production of high value crops (horticulture,
bee keeping) and livestock, which require less land. Irrigation policies supporting shallow
tube well development (complemented by strong support to the poor and women) will have
similar effects. In forestry, community and leasehold forestry development based on the user
group approach will help to significantly expand income generating opportunities for women,
as well as for deprived groups. As discussed, the government also will explore the possibility
of helping the poor to acquire land (through a land bank and/or low cost loans or grants), and
improve their access to agricultural inputs and credit. Increased agricultural production and
productivity would also help expand wage employment and improve wage levels in rural
areas. Attention will also be given to reducing wage differentials between men and women
through appropriate revisions in minimum wages. And, ongoing targeted programs for
women (for example, entrepreneurship development and skills training, income generation
programs, production loans and marketing programs) will be expanded, with priority given to
women heads of households, all of which would help increase incomes of women.
154 Similar interventions will be undertaken in the social sectors. In education, literacy
programs for women will be expanded, with the objective of raising female literacy to 55%.
As noted, scholarship programs for girls will be significantly expanded; and measures will be
adopted to increase school attendance by girls and hiring of more female teachers; and the
existing gender bias in the school curricula will be corrected. In the health sector, the major
thrusts of the programemphasis on MCH programs, family planning services, HIV/AIDS
control,should all help women. Mobile clinics will also be used for this purpose. In
drinking water, the community user group and demand based approach will significantly
expand the role of women in this area, through increased voice (minimum 40% representation
in user groups) and influence in decision-making. And the construction of rural roads and
trails, (together with access to drinking water), would contribute significantly to improve
quality of life and increased access to schools, health facilities and markets for women and
155 Other key areas where planned actions will significantly help women include: (i)
Eliminating legal discrimination against women, by revising existing discriminatory laws;
providing legal assistance to women to enforce the provisions of the newly revised Muluki
Ain (inheritance laws); (ii) Affirmative action to increase women’s role in public office,
administration and community level participation and management, all of which will
contribute to women’s empowerment; and (iii) Introducing legal and other changes to prevent
disorder against women, including a social education process, involving information
campaigns and public discussions about the role of women and their rights. Women’s
development will be regarded as a cross cutting theme which runs across the four pillars; and
each of the key ministries which will be responsible for program implementation will be
required to specifically monitor the impact of their sectoral programs on women. In addition,
the Ministry or Women, Children and Social Welfare, and the Poverty Monitoring Unit within
the NPC will also monitor their progress (see below).
156 The approach to mainstreaming the deprived communities will be broadly similar: the
emphasis will be on ensuring social inclusion through normal sectoral programs and
activities, supplemented by targeted initiatives; for example, with regard to service delivery
and infrastructure development, (such as primary schools, health facilities, drinking water
etc.), the respective line ministries will be required to give equal attention to deprived
communities to ensure that they are served as well as others. They will also be required to
monitor and report progress achieved annually. Similarly, in targeted programs, equal
opportunities will be provided for deprived communities (for example, in skills training,
income generation activities, etc.). The Ministry of Local Development, together with Nepal
Dalit Commission and the National Academy for the upliftment of indigenous people, which
will be created, will monitor these activities. At the VDC level, VDCs will be required to
include in their periodic Plans specific measures for meeting the needs of deprived
communities, and report annually on their implementation. Affirmative action in a number of
important areas (such education, health, participation in public service, administration,
political life and at the community level) would be taken to help achieve progressive results in
this regard, until such time as these communities become sufficiently empowered to stand on
their own, and fight for their rights.
157 Targeted Programs. Broad-based economic growth human development and efforts to
achieve social inclusion will benefit the poor. But, despite such efforts, there will be specific
groups of people who may either be unable to escape the poverty trap or take an unacceptably
long time to do so. Many of them lack education, knowledge, skills, and access to resources
and opportunities to benefit from general development programs. These groups can be the
hard-core poor, assetless, disadvantaged groups, indigenous communities, people living in
remote areas, female-headed households and women.
158 In the past, several programs have been started under both Eighth and Ninth Plans to meet
the needs of these diverse groups. However, despite some successes, the plans failed to
achieve the desire results. Too many fragmented interventions, lack of co-ordination and
follow-up, inadequate resources and commitment and lack of poor-targeted programs were
the main deficiencies.
159 Along with efforts to mainstream the poor and deprived communities and areas, the Tenth
Plan is bringing out a number of special programs to meet their needs. The basic objective of
the targeted programs is to design and implement the programs in such a way so that they
benefit the poor. The strategy underlying these programs will be to develop appropriate
modalities for the selection or targeting of the beneficiary groups. The coverage and outreach
will be increased in the case of successful projects. However, various income cut-off points,
geographical targeting, group or self-targeting modalities will be used for various
compensatory, market-based and facilitation programs. These measures will help in
administering safety net and targeted programs fairly and equitably.
160 To improve their effectiveness, the Tenth Plan has adopted some new approaches: (i)
Targeted programs of similar nature, (which were earlier implemented by different agencies
with different modalities), will be merged and implementation modalities will be simplified.
(ii) While central government agencies as Ministries of Local Development, Education,
Health and Agriculture will continue to operate some of the programs, the government has
initiated a Poverty Alleviation Fund (PAF), which will be used as an umbrella program in
order to strengthen target-oriented programs. Proposed poverty interventions will be widely
discussed with the grassroots organizations, local governments and the general public in order
to strengthen ownership of the programs and ensure successful implementation. This will also
help ensure that targeted programs will not undermine local governments and that they will
correctly target the very poor. (iii) The PAF will increasingly utilize NGOs and CBOs as
support groups for the target groups. (iv) Improved modalities will be put in place to ensure
effective monitoring of the mainstreaming efforts by central government ministries, as well as
of targeted programs. Poverty monitoring will be institutionalized; and a central monitoring
unit under a Joint Secretary has been created in the National planning Commission (NPC) for
this purpose. Also, poverty mapping will be initiated to provide a database for both
mainstreaming by the line ministries and targeted programs in order to better identify
beneficiary groups and targeting modalities. (v) Additional resources will be provided to the
backward regions by the adoption of a population-based resource allocation formula, with
possible additional funding to reduce existing disparities. This in turn should enable a number
of programs (such as skills training, literacy etc) to be expanded, in consultation with local
communities. And, (vi) actions will be taken to empower the poorer and deprived groups by
increasing their representation/participation at various levels of public office and political
161 The targeted programs envisaged in the Tenth Plan include (a) multi-
dimensional/integrated area development programs for construction of infrastructures as
drinking water, small irrigation, schools, health posts, and trails in backward areas with the
support of training, credit and technical support activities; as well as (b) group programs,
aimed at improving the access of target groups to resources, skills and opportunities for
income generation. These include programs such as women's group formation and
empowerment, income generation activities, non-formal education, skills training, technology
adaptation and advisory services in agriculture and livestock, food for work in famine-hit
areas, and occasionally cash grants for food and supplies, among others. Many of these
programs already exist, sometimes overlapping and generally not efficiently run. As noted
earlier, they will be streamlined and merged where possible. They will be supplemented by
additional programs to ensure availability of food stuffs (food security) in remote areas,
improved access to education for deprived groups, (through scholarship programs) and to
rehabilitate people suffering from disorder in affected areas.
162 Targeted programs will also help to increase employment opportunities for the poor. For
this purpose, the effectiveness of existing training and skill development programs will be
improved, by making such programs more cost-effective and relevant for acquiring the skills
needed for self-employment and for wage employment. For example, migrant workers who
go abroad as unskilled labor from poor and deprived groups will be assisted to significantly
increase their earning capacity through short duration training in appropriate skills. Other
target groups would include youth, dropouts from schools and colleges and those affected by
the disorder situation needing rehabilitation. Similarly, labor intensive public works and
minimum needs programs using local labor will be utilized to help increase income
generation in rural areas. Reconstruction and rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure and
other structures will provide a major opportunity in this regard when the law and order
situation improves. The Government will also explore the possibility of providing assistance
to the landless poor to acquire land through arrangements such as a land bank or cash
163 Mainstreaming the very poor, deprived communities and backward regions through faster
growth and social and infrastructure development are very essential. However, it will take
time, if only because of limited capacity of central government agencies. Therefore,
alternative ways must be explored to achieve quicker results. A possible approach would be to
involve local governments and community groups in area development efforts and to channel
the additional allocations for "infrastructure development in backward areas" through the
DDCs/Village Committees themselves. This will be accompanied by mobilization of deprived
(beneficiary) groups through NGOs and CBOs, earmarking funds for deprived groups,
involving them and ensuring that they are adequately represented in the decision making
Good Governance
164 The government recognizes that good governance is one area where effective actions
will help to make the Tenth Plan different from previous plans. Indeed, as noted earlier,
without significant progress in this area, it will be virtually impossible to achieve the
objectives outlined under the first three pillars of the poverty reduction strategy. It is worth
noting that Nepal has made significant progress in creating institutional mechanisms and
strengthening procedures to improve key governance aspects; for example, accounting and
auditing functions within the government are clearly separated, an independent Auditor
General's office and an active Public Accounts Committee exist, strong anti-corruption
legislation and institutional mechanisms are in place, and considerable progress has been
achieved in computerizing fiscal accounts and strengthening procurement procedure.
Notwithstanding these improvements however, the effective enforcement of procedures and
institutional arrangements remains weak, and governance problems abound. To achieve good
progress in terms of poverty reduction and development, improvements are necessary over a
broad spectrum of public actions, for ensuring the efficiency of the civil service, assuring
accountability, reducing corruption and leakages, and accelerating decentralization as an
important vehicle for better delivery of services, with greater accountability and
beneficiary/community participation. The key elements of the Tenth Plan's strategies in these
respects are discussed below.
165 Civil service reforms were started two years ago, but as noted, progress to date has been
slow. The Tenth Plan seeks to accelerate reforms in this important area. Its main objectives in
this regard are to: (i) in accordance with the overall strategy of streamlining the role of the
government and transferring responsibilities to local levels, to "right-size" the government
and to reduce the growth of financial administrative overheads; and (ii) to make the civil
service efficient, accountable and transparent. (iii) Related to the last objective is the need to
strengthen institutional capacity to combat corruption.
166 In regard to the first objective, a number of actions have already been taken in the last two
years. On the basis of the recommendation of the Public Expenditure Review Commission
(PERC), a number of offices of line ministries and departments have been merged or closed
down, temporary staff have been eliminated or regularized, and several permanent posts have
been abolished. A policy of utilizing surplus permanent staff in development activities
conducted by other agencies of the government, as well as not creating new posts (hiring
freeze) have been adopted. A civil service census of existing staff to help update personnel
records and to match them with the payroll, as well as computerization of personnel records
by the Ministry of General Administration are under way, while a voluntary retirement
scheme has been initiated. The completion of these activities, together with austerity measures
introduced recently, would also help restrain the growth of current expenditures.
167 The reform program to make the civil service efficient, accountable and transparent will
involve actions on two fronts: (a) recruitment, transfers and promotions will be merit-based,
with transparent criteria (to be finalized by the Ministry of General Administration), backed
up by an annual performance evaluation system. (i) A long-term pay policy will be introduced
together with appropriate decompression of the pay scales, together with additional economic
incentives based on work performance in order to encourage the evolution of a motivated,
honest and independent civil service cadre. The pay structure has already been increased by
50-80% 1999 as a step in this direction. (ii) As a necessary complement to "right sizing",
capacity and skill mix within the civil service will be improved, with a view to enhancing
staff productivity; and adequate training and career development opportunities will be
provided for this purpose. (iii) to ensure adequate representation of women and deprived
groups, affirmative action will be introduced. (b) In parallel, to ensure accountability for work
performance, (i) annual work plans and service standards (for delivery of services/work
performance) will be set for central and local level administrative units, together with the
publication of a Citizens' Charter. (ii) Accountability measures (discussed below) will be
implemented in order to ensure service delivery, and strengthen supervision, monitoring and
compliance with fiscal regulations and standards. (iii) The civil service Act will also be
revised in order to insulate civil servants from political interference and hold them responsible
for matters, which fall under their preview. (c) Finally, as an essential part of civil service
reform, the institutional capacity in the government for effectively carrying out anti-
corruption programs will be significantly strengthened.
Improving Financial Management and Accountability
168 Nepal already has a good institutional framework for ensuring sound financial
management and accountability, including well established regulations and administrative
procedures, institutions for their enforcement, for independent auditing and reporting and for
ultimate review/oversight by the parliament. However, as noted earlier, these arrangements
have not worked well in practice, leading to considerable corruption, leakages and misuse of
resources and poor development results. Correcting these weaknesses is critical to the
effective implementation of the Tenth Plan.
169 Government has taken a number of steps over the last two years to address these issues,
including the formulation of a comprehensive Financial Accountability Regulations Act in
1999, the adoption of the recommendations of the PERC, the Local Self Government Act and
the recent Country Financial Administration Assessment (CFAA); and strict enforcement of
these regulations. These collectively represent a systematic approach to significantly improve
the budgeting, expenditure management and monitoring system. In this regard, some
important measures have already been implemented, while the others are expected to be
enforced over the next 1-3 years. The key reforms include the following: (i) The budgeting
process is being strengthened. The development budget was prioritized in 2002, (as part of a
three year MTEF), and the number of projects/programs was significantly reduced. Priority
projects are required to prepare trimesterly work plans with detailed output/physical
achievement targets and expected results. (ii) Fund releases by the FCGO are being linked
directly to work programs and the provision of expenditure reports (on a trimesterly basis) for
previous releases. Importantly, the discretion previously allowed to line ministries and
agencies to transfer funds between programs and activities will now be restricted. The regular
budget will be integrated with the development budget in 2004 and subjected to the same
prioritization discipline, and the new expenditure reporting and fund release procedures
linking them to performance will be extended to all projects/activities. (iii) Expenditure
monitoring capacity within the government is being significantly strengthened; (iv) Together
with the enhancement of the capacity of internal audit agency (Financial Comptroller
General's OfficeFCGO), external auditor (Office of the Auditor GeneralOAG) and the
Public Accounts Committee. (v) The Government has agreed to the implementation of the
Development Action Plan of the CFAA as per agreed time frame; (vi) Efforts are under way
to reform the public procurement system through the enactment of a new procurement law
and revision of procurement regulations along the lines suggested in the recent CPAR, and to
enhance capacity building in this regard. (vii) Similarly, steps are being taken to ensure
accountability of local governments for activities that will be transferred to them (see below).
(viii) Similarly, to ensure transparency and accountability, information on budget allocations,
expenditures and outputs will be published, and made available to the public. In this context,
a web portal for HMG/N has been created, with links to government departments forms
information on programs and activities; (ix) a Political Party Law was enacted in 2002
requiring the Auditor General to audit the accounts of all political parties; and (x) to create
increased public awareness, FM radio programming has been opened up to the private sector,
while freedom of Information Legislation is expected to be enacted, and the National
Vigilance Center is to be strengthened by mid 2004. Finally, a series of actions have already
been taken to reduce corruption and misappropriation; and a comprehensive Anti-Corruption
strategy have been approved and action plan for the implementation is being worked out.
170 Effective implementation of the government's Anti-Corruption Strategy is important to
ensure good governance. In its drive against corruption, the Tenth Plan's main objective is to
prevent corrupt practices and leakages in order to ensure proper use of public resources and
improved service delivery. The major strategies being adopted for this purpose are to
formulate and effectively implement an anti-corruption strategy, and strengthen the judicial
system and institutional arrangements for prevention of corruption.
171 An important start has been made recently in taking effective actions in this area.
Legislation to strengthen the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has
been enacted, a special court for speedy handling of corruption cases has been established
recently, and a Judicial Commission for investigating into holding of property and financial
assets by politicians and senior government officials was established and the report has been
submitted to the government. An Anti-money laundering Act will be enacted soon to
discourage and control corruption. Similarly, National Vigilance Center will be activated and
strengthened, while the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) will be
strengthened by increasing its budgetary, physical, human and technological resources, and
the establishment of district/regional CIAA offices. With the effective implementation of
these programs, corruption will be reduced considerably leading to efficiency in resource
allocation and service delivery. Delivery of justice will become effective while the integrity of
the public service will also improve.
172 Decentralization is an important means of bringing development closer to the rural
poorby involving local communities in developing appropriate programs which are best
suited to their needs and in implementing them, ensuring greater accountability for use of
public resources, and mainstreaming the poor and deprived groups. The local Self
Governance Act (LSGA, 1999) provides a framework for decentralization, which the
government has agreed to implement in a phased manner. The Local Bodies Finance
Commission (LBFC) has also recently made recommendations for fiscal devolution. A
Decentralization Implementation and Monitoring Committee was also set up to oversee
effective implementation. But progress so far has been hampered by institutional capacity and
fiscal constraints, and more recently by the dissolution of elected local bodies.
173 The main objectives of the Tenth Plan in this area are to ensure greater participation of
people in the governance process to accelerate the development process by implementing
fiscal devolution in a phase-wise manner as envisaged in the LSGA; and creating necessary
institutional mechanisms including the formation of a Local Service Commission. The main
strategies being adopted to achieve these objectives include: the devolution of basic service
delivery functions, capacity building of local bodies and decentralization of certain revenue
mobilization functions to local bodies. The major activities being undertaken to carry out this
strategy include the transfer of the management and operation of DIDO, schools, health posts,
postal service, agriculture and small irrigation projects, as well as rural roads, to local bodies.
The government will constitute local service cadres and enhance the planning, management
and evaluation capacities of the local bodies by providing the necessary training and
equipment. Revenue collection and fiscal management of local bodies will be improved and
auditing and accounting system refined. As a result of these initiatives, it is expected that over
the Plan period, 25,000 primary schools, all sub-health posts and agriculture extension
services will be transferred to local bodies. The share of local revenue in the local bodies'
budget will rise, transparency and accountability will increase and service delivery to
communities at village levels will improve considerably.
The Tenth Plan
174 The formulation of a well-designed strategy through extensive nation-wide consultations
is a major milestone in the drive to reduce poverty and mainstream the poor. The real test of
this strategy, however, depends on: (a) whether it is credible and realistic in relation to the
socio-political challenges and resource constraints facing the nation, and (b) whether it can be
effectively implemented in order to deliver the expected results to the poor. This section
briefly reviews the financing aspects of the Plan, while its implementation and monitoring
aspects are discussed in Section VII.
175 In the present circumstances, it is possible to take different approaches to the (Tenth)
Plan's development strategy and its macroeconomic framework. One could be a “business as
usual” approach, setting higher targets and ambitious goals. However, this is very risky,
because the Plan may not be implementable in the absence of domestic and external resources
that are needed. A second approach would be to be very conservative, even err on the side of
caution, and project the current gloom into the future in the belief that the situation will get
worse before it begins to improve, and that donors' support would gradually erode. Such an
approach based on "low case" projections however is equally undesirable and self-defeating;
they could lead to a self-fulfilling downward spiral, in which poverty may only get worse. A
third would be to chart a course in between: accept fully the current constraints for the short
term, but take the difficult steps that are needed to move the economy on to a higher path as
quickly as possible and win the support of stakeholders in that process. This would require
limiting development activities to resource availabilities right now, but as the situation
improves and more domestic and external resources become available through positive and
pro-active actions, expand development/poverty reduction programs to higher, sustainable
levels. This is what the Tenth Plan tries to do.
176 It is also important to keep the Plan's objectives in perspective. First, the Plan is expected
to meet the needs of multiple audiences. The donor communityNepal's important
development partnersare a vital part of that audience. The Plan is also for domestic
constituents. A Plan which offers only gloom and doom and continued sacrifices for the latter,
without a ray of hope for the future is a recipe for social and political disaster. Second, the
Plan has been under preparation for nearly two years now; and given the rapidity with which
recent events have unfolded, the Plan drafts have already been revised several times. Taking
more time again to revise the Plan in line with the latest developments as they unfold is a "no-
win proposition", because it can be an un-ending process. Third, it is not necessary to do so.
As indicated elsewhere in this report, the Tenth Plan should be seen as a flexible strategic
document, not as an immutable Master Plan. It has built-in mechanisms to adjust its size,
priorities in terms of projects/programs and activities, and resource allocations and
expenditure levels to actual resource availability on an annual basis, (or even more frequently,
if needed). If resource availability is less, budget allocations especially for lower priority
activities can be reduced; and, if the resource situation improves, Plan expenditures can then
be increased accordingly. As discussed below, the Government has already clearly
demonstrated its willingness and ability to adjust the public expenditure program to resource
availabilities and prioritize it to protect the PRSP's key poverty reduction priorities through
the MTEF; and in actual implementation managed it even more tightly during the course of
this fiscal year.
177 Accordingly, the rest of this section briefly reviews the Tenth Plan's strategy with regard
to its financing. It starts with the "normal case"what the government would like to do, if
resources are available. Even here though, the program for the first year has been sharply
reduced, (reflecting the present resource constraints), but picks up quickly thereafter.
Recognizing that the resolution of the present fiscal and socio-political constraints may take
more time and the Plan's targets and expenditure programs may have to be scaled down for a
longer period, a “lower case” scenario, (which is really a base case) is then presented. The
lower case scenario is indeed the operational basis at present, and will be adjusted every year
through the MTEF as resource availabities and development needs change, (for example as
may be required with the progress of the peace negotiation process). And, as and when
resource availabilities improve, the Government will try to move up to the normal case
scenario to the extent possible. The remainder of this section will discuss how future
expenditure adjustments will be made in practice, (through the MTEF, expenditure
prioritization etc); as well as the actual adjustments that have been made so far in this year's
budget to firmly anchor the Tenth Plan to resource availability and to protect its poverty
reduction priorities through the MTEF. A third "low case" scenario is not separately
discussed, because these built-in mechanisms will help reduce the Plan expenditures further in
a systematic way, if needed.
Macro-economic Framework
178 The macro-economic framework of the Tenth Plan has been set taking into account the
economic growth target, the financial resources required to meet that target, and the
incremental capital output ratio estimated at 4.3:1. Given the fact that resource availability,
implementation capacity and Plan outcome will be heavily influenced by the law and order
situation in the country, the macro economic framework has been designed on the basis of
two scenarios for targeted economic growth. The firstNormal Caseassumes that
restoration of peace within the first year of the Plan would provide room for a GDP growth of
6.2 percent per annum. The investment requirement to attain this growth, given the
incremental capital-output ratio, would be about Rs. 610 billion for the entire Plan period. As
private sector is expected to contribute about 72 percent of this investment, the required
government investment for attaining the growth target would be Rs. 170 billion for the Plan
period. The corresponding development outlay by the Government would be Rs. 234 billion.
The annual decomposition of this development outlay is in line with the MTEF, which was
formulated in FY 2003. Starting from Rs. 32.5 billion in the first year of the Plan,
development expenditure would reach Rs. 51.5 billion in the third year of the Plan.
179 In case the restoration of sustainable peace takes a longer time, the 'normal' economic
growth would be difficult to attain. A risky investment climate for the private sector, resource
constraints in the public sector and constrained Plan implementation capacity would hamper
the growth potential. Accordingly, economic growth in the constrained environment is
expected to be confined to only 4.3 percent per annum under this alternative 'low case'
scenario. The investment required to attain the lower growth target would be Rs. 457 billion.
Of this, the investment to be made by the government would be Rs. 129 billion; and the
corresponding development expenditure level would be Rs. 178 billion for the five year Plan
period. Accordingly, from Rs. 29 billion in the first year, the development expenditure will
rise to Rs. 40.5 billion in the third year of the Plan.
180 The key assumptions underlying these two scenarios are discussed in some detail below.
However, it is worth noting that maintaining a sustainable macroeconomic framework and
ensuring macroeconomic stability are built in as key imperatives under both scenarios. The
major differences between the two scenarios are with regard to the scope for mobilization of
government revenue and domestic/national savings, (both of which will be closely related to
the levels of economic activity/growth), and the feasible levels of external assistance inflows.
Under both scenarios, prudent monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policies designed to keep
domestic inflation at around 4.5% p.a. and foreign exchange reserves at comfortable levels
(nine months' imports equivalent) will be pursued; and the overall fiscal deficit (after grants)
is expected to remain at a sustainable level of about 5 percent of GDP throughout the Plan
period. Much of this deficit would be financed by concessional external loans; and domestic
borrowing will average only about 2.0 percent of GDP per annum over the Plan period. Such
a fiscal deficit would not pose any serious threat to price and balance of payments stability of
the country. Financing this defic it through the planned level of domestic borrowing also will
not lead to a substantial rise in the debt burden of the government. Debt servicing will remain
within affordable limits.
The Normal Case
181 The Normal Case Scenario is based on a number of critical assumptions: (i) The security
situation will improve beginning in the second half of 2002/03, helping to bring about a
modest revival in tourism and domestic economic activities. (ii) The agriculture sector is
expected to grow at a modest rate. These will help the economy to achieve a 3.3% growth rate
in 2002/03. (iii) Global economic conditions will also improve in 2003/04, helping to achieve
faster GDP growth from then on-6.1% in 2003/04, rising to 7.5% in 2006/07. (iv) Lower
revenue growth will initia lly constrain development spending in 2002/03 to only about Rs.
32.5 billion; but will recover strongly after that. (The revenue/GDP ratio will rise from 12.0%
in FY 2002 to 14.0% in FY 2007). (v) Savings and investment rates, after a slow start in
2002/03, are expected to grow by 11% and 9% per annum respectively during the Plan period.
(National savings will rise from 17.4% of GDP in FY 2002 to 23.1% in FY 2007). (vi)
Prioritization of projects and improved monitoring will increase the effectiveness of public
expenditure and bring positive results; and (vii) Accelerated reforms will help attract more
foreign assistance and raise growth rates further, especially during the last 2 years of the Plan
182 Investment requirements of the Tenth Plan have been estimated by using the Input-Output
methodology. A number of strategic choices made in the Plan, (for example, the need to focus
on investments which can give quick results, the emphasis on agricultural and social
development as the mainstay of the poverty reduction strategy, and the need to make the
administration efficient and cost-effective), influence these estimates. Similarly, other cross-
cutting themes which run right through the Plan strategy, such as limiting public interventions
and focusing them on critical areas where they can make the most beneficial impact, (such as
social sector development), increasing the reliance on the private sector for the development
of infrastructure etc., also have a significant impact on the pattern of investment. (These, as
well as the prioritizing of activities to be included in the Tenth Plan are discussed in some
detail in the sectoral chapters).
183 The investment requirements for the normal case derived on this basis and their broad
sectoral composition are summarized in Table 12. A few comments help to clarify some of
the numbers presented in that table: (i) The agriculture sector's share of total investment
(13.8%) includes its direct share only. There are additional investments which contribute to
increasing agricultural production and productivity, (such as agricultural and rural roads, rural
electricity etc), which are included under the programs of those sectors. (ii) Similarly, apart
from the social sector investment (of 31.5% shown in Table 13), there are large expenditures
of a recurrent nature in these sectors. (In education, for example, recurrent expenditures
account for nearly 70% of total sectoral expenditures, and in health, about one-half). (iii) The
construction sub-sector's share also represents only its direct investment, since capital
expenditures on large projects (such as those for electricity generation and surface irrigation)
are included under those sectors.
184 Subject to these caveats, Table 12 shows that: (i) total gross capital formation of about Rs.
610 billion would be required to implement the poverty reduction strategy and attain the
targets and goals set under the normal case. (Gross investment, including stock changes,
would be about Rs. 641 billion). This level of investment is equivalent to 25.9% of GDP
projected under that scenario, about two percentage points above the somewhat disappointing
investment/GDP ratio which was actually achieved during the Ninth Plan. (ii) The larger part
of the investment (roughly 72%) is expected to be undertaken by the private sector, with the
public sector undertaking the remaining 28%. This is higher than the past ratio of 63% during
the Ninth Plan; but it reflects the Tenth Plan’s strategy of reducing public interventions except
in critical areas and the increased reliance on the private sector. (iii) The sectoral composition
of proposed investment strongly reflects this structural shift. Public investment is expected to
focus mainly on the social sectors and agriculture-related activities, transport and electricity
and water, where there are still a number of large ongoing public sector projects, (such as
Marsyangdi Hydropower and Melamchi). The private sector, on the other hand, is expected to
contribute the dominant share of investment in finance, services, construction, manufacturing,
trade, tourism, hotels and restaurants etc. Its share in agriculture, electricity and transport and
communications (where the public sector role has traditionally been important) is also
expected to grow rapidly.
Table 12: Investment requirements of The Tenth Plan (Normal Case) (Rs. billion, in 2001/02
Of Which
Government Private Sector
of Total
Amount Percent Amount Percent
Agriculture, Irrigation And Forestry 84.4 13.8 31.8 18.7 52.6 12.0
Non-Agriculture 525.4 86.2 137.9 81.2 387.5 88.0
Social Services 131.3 21.5 64.1 37.8 67.2 15.3
Industry and Mining 36.7 6.0 1.4 0.8 35.3 8.0
Electricity, gas and Water 86.1 14.1 33.3 19.6 52.8 12.0
Construction 13.2 2.2 0.0 0.0 13.2 3.0
Trade, Hotels and Restaurants 44.6 7.3 2.0 1.2 42.6 9.7
Transport and Communication 122.3 20.1 34.4 20.3 87.9 20.0
Finance, Real estate, Services 91.3 15.0 2.7 1.6 88.6 20.1
Total Fixed Capital Formation 609.8 100.0 169.7 100.0 440.1 100.0
185 In accordance with the poverty reduction strategy, pubic sector development expenditures
(Table 13) are expected to focus mainly on agriculture, irrigation and forestry (24%), social
sectors (39%), transport and communications (16%) and electricity and water (15%). The
combined share of agriculture and social services is expected to rise from 55% of
development spending under the Ninth Plan to 63% under the Tenth Plan.
Table 13: Sectoral Allocation of Development Expenditure- Normal Case (Rs billion in 2001/02
Ninth Plan Target Ninth Plan Estimate Tenth Plan Target Sectors
Amount Percent Amount Percent Amount Percent
Agriculture, Irrigation and
67.4 27.1 32.7 19.2 56.2 24.0
Non-agriculture 181.9 72.9 138.2 80.8 177.8 76.0
Social Services
83.0 33.3 61.1 36.0 90.4 38.6
Industry and Mining 2.1 0.8 2.7 1.6 2.3 1.0
Electricity, Gas and Water 46.6 18.7 30.8 18.1 36.0 15.4
Trade, Hotel and Restaurant 3.8 1.5 3.2 1.9 3.5 1.5
Transport and Communication 43.8 17.6 29.8 17.6 36.4 15.6
Finance and Real State
0.3 0.1 6.6 3.9 2.7 1.2
2.1 0.9 2.9 1.7 6.5 2.8
Total 249.3 100.0 169.8 100.0 234.0 100.0
Including targeted programs.
Including financial sector reform program.
Administration reform, plan, statistics, science and technology, labor and supplies are included.
186 Table 14 helps to explain how total investment in the economy and government
development expenditures are expected to be financed under the normal case (Annex 3
provides the annual break-down of these numbers). While total investment is expected to rise
by about four percentage points of GDP between 2001/02 and 2006/07, it is expected to be
matched by a similar increase in domestic and national savings. Higher economic growth
would enable significant increases in both per-capita consumption and domestic savings,
while the continued growth of remittances by Nepali workers abroad would help to further
augment national savings. And, the evolution of a more efficient and dynamic financial
system (as a result of ongoing financial sector reforms) would help intermediate such savings
for private investment. However, it is important to recognize that the assumed ICORs, and the
associated investment and savings estimates, may be too high, if the potential efficiency gains
from the new emphasis on implementation and service delivery, public expenditure
prioritization and greater private involvement are realized.
Table 14: The Tenth Plan Macroeconomic Projections- Normal Case Scenario (In 2001/02
Ninth Plan
End 2001/02
Tenth Plan
End 2006/07
Tenth Plan
Change 2001/02-
2006/07 (% of GDP)
Economic Growth
GDP Growth (real) p.a. -0.6 7.5 6.2 +8.1
Per Capita GDP Growth (real) p.a. -2.9 5.4 4.0 +8.3
Investment and Savings (%of GDP)
Total Investment
24.4 29.0 25.9 +4.6
Gross Fixed Capita formation 23.2 27.7 24.6 +4.5
Private 13.2 19.9 16.7 +6.7
Public 10.0 7.9 8.0 -2.1
Total Consumption 88.4 83.8 86.1 -4.6
Domestic Savings 11.6 16.2 13.9 +4.6
National Savings 17.4 23.1 20.4 +5.7
Balance of Payments (% of GDP)
Exports of Goods & NFS 16.1 17.9 18.5 +1.8
Imports of Goods & NFS 28.9 30.7 30.5 1.8
Factor Income
5.4 6.5 6.5 +1.1
Current Account Balance
-7.0 -5.9 -5.5 +1.1
Government finances (%of GDP)
Government Revenue 12.0 14.0 13.0 +2.0
Government Expenditure 19.3 21.3 20.4 +2.0
Regular 11.7 9.7 11.0 -2.0
Development 7.6 11.5 9.5 +3.9
Government Budget Balance
-7.3 -7.3 -7.4 -
Gross Foreign Aid 4.7 5.9 5.4 +1.2
Grants 2.1 2.0 2.2 -0.1
Loans 2.6 3.9 3.2 +1.3
Domestic Borrowing 2.6 1.4 2.0 -1.2
Inflation (% p.a.) 2.9 4.6 4.5
Includes changes in stocks.
Includes net transfers.
Excluding grants.
187 The Plan strategy recognizes the importance of sound fiscal management for creating a
sustainable basis for continued high economic growth and social development by maintaining
macroeconomic stability and reducing the excessive dependence on foreign and domestic
borrowing in order to mitigate the rising debt burden. To this end, it seeks to accelerate
revenue growth, reduce the growth of current expenditures, and limit development
expenditures to sustainable levels.
Accordingly, under the Normal Case, an early resolution of the conflict, together with efforts
to “right size” the administration and reduced administrative costs, would help to bring down
the regular expenditure/GDP ratio from 12.7% this year (and 11.7% in 2001/02) to the pre-
conflict level of around 10% by 2006/07. Similarly, a recovery in economic activities and
strong efforts to improve revenue collections (for example, by strengthening tax
administration, and making it autonomous, revising and periodically updating customs
valuation, reducing tax exemptions and rebates, widening the tax net etc.) would help raise
the revenue ratio gradually (from 12.0 of GDP in 2001/02 to about 14% by 2006/07. The Plan
also seeks to encourage the donor community to provide more grant funding, and in line with
the government’s Foreign Aid Policy (2002), to invite foreign loan assistance primarily to
support poverty reducing priority activities. While a modest rise in the foreign aid/GDP ratio
to 5.9% in 2006/07 is projected, as a matter of policy, domestic borrowing will be reduced
(from 2.6% of GDP in 2001/02) to about 1.4% of GDP by 2006/07. However, increased
revenue surplus (higher revenues, lower current expenditures) and aid inflows would allow
development spending as a percentage of GDP to rise from 7.6% of GDP in 2001/02 to about
11.5% by 2006/07 under this scenario. During the Tenth Plan period as a whole, foreign
financing would be equivalent to 58% of the development budgetabout the same ratio
(56%) under the Ninth Planwhile domestic borrowing would finance 21%, and the revenue
surplus the remaining 21% (See Table 14).
188 The Tenth Plan recognizes that there are considerable uncertainties with regard to the key
assumptions made in the normal case scenario, and that if these assumptions are not realized,
it would be difficult to attain the poverty reduction targets. The major risks in this regard
include the following: (i) The restoration of internal law and order will take more time. This
will slowdown and prolong the recovery of the economy; and (ii) Resource constraints will
continue to hamper development efforts for a longer period. Revenue growth will be lower
(due to slower economic recovery) and current expenditures cannot be reduced quickly (due
to continuation of the disorder); (iii) The recovery of the global economy may also take more
time, so that external demand for commodity and labor exports from Nepal may remain weak;
and this will lead to slower growth of domestic/national savings. The overall impact of such
developments would be to significantly slow down economic growth, overall investment and
government’s development activities, and consequently development results in terms of
poverty reduction. In such a situation, the government will need to pursue the economic
reform agenda even more vigorously.
The Alternative Case
189 Recognizing that some of these risks outlined above may indeed materialize and constrain
resource availability and the potential for economic recovery and growth, the Tenth Plan
incorporates an alternative lower case scenario to indicate how the government will deal with
such a situation (Table 15). The key assumptions of the lower case scenario include the
following: (i) The security situation will improve late in (beginning in the last quarter of)
2002/03; (ii) The recovery in the domestic economy will be slower and take longer, with a
slower rate of growth in exports and remittances reflecting slower recovery of the
international economy also. (iii) Revenue growth will be slow, reflecting the continuing
weakness in the economy. The revenue/GDP ratio, after an initial decline (from 12.0% in
2001/02) to 11.8% in 2002/03, will rise slowly to 13.0% by 2006/07, averaging only 12.4%
p.a. for the Tenth Plan period. (iv) Current expenditures will decline marginally from 11.7%
in 2001/02 and 12.6% in 2002/03 (reflecting the need to sustain some security-related
expenditure) to 11.1% of GDP by 2006/07, and average 11.9% p.a. of the Tenth Plan period.
(v) Gross aid inflows will increase only modestly (from 4.7% of GDP in 2001/02 to 5.7% in
2006/07); (vi) but, the government will continue to limit domestic borrowing to limit the debt
burden; and such borrowing will fall steadily from 3.2% of GDP in 2002/03 to only 0.8% in
2006/07. (vii) The cumulative effects of these assumptions are that resource availability for
financing development spending by the government will remain very tight. For example, in
2002/03 development spending is assumed to be only Rs. 29 billion (equivalent to 6.5% of
GDP) compared to a budget target of Rs. 38.3 billion and actual spending ratio of 7.6% in
2001/02. Moreover, development expenditure/GDP ratio will rise only gradually to 8.4% by
2006/07, averaging 7.6% of GDP p.a. over the Plan period. (viii) Under this scenario
domestic/ national savings and overall investment levels in the economy will decline below
the 2001/02 levels, reflecting a sharp decline in these variables during the current year
(2002/03), followed by a very modest recovery in the next few years. Thus, national savings
are expected to reach only 16.1% of GDP by 2006/07, and total investment in the economy
only 21.8% by 2006/07 (Table 15). Therefore, to attain a growth rate of 4.3% p.a. over the
Plan period, a significant improvement in the efficiency of the use of resources will be
required. This is of course what the Tenth Plan strategy tries to do by prioritizing
expenditures, focusing on quick returns and results in terms of output and service delivery and
improving accountability and monitoring.
190 Given these assumptions, the economy’s performance in terms of GDP growth, social and
infrastructure development and poverty reduction will be significantly lower under the Lower
Case than under the Normal Case (Table 12, last column). For example, GDP growth will be
only about 2.0% in 2002/03, and rise slowly thereafter to 4.0% and 4.5% in the next two
years, though picking up thereafter to 6.0 % by 2006/07. For the Tenth Plan period as a
whole, GDP growth will average 4.3% p.a., permitting per-capita income growth of about 2.0
% per annum. This is still better than the GDP and per capita income growth rates of 3.6%
and 1.3% respectively achieved during the Ninth Plan, but not good enough from a
macroeconomic perspective to achieve significant progress in poverty reduction. Not
surprisingly, development programs, activities and results in virtually every area would be
However, qualitative improvements in the public expenditure program and supporting private
sector investments can still make a significant difference in terms of development/poverty
reduction results. For example, prioritizing the public expenditure program and directing
limited public resources to the most important areas for poverty reduction, channelling donor
aid and private initiatives to support the same objectives, and focusing intensively on the
effective implementation of these programs to ensure better service delivery will help achieve
better development results from the same resources and growth efforts. Accordingly, the
government has initiated, and begun to vigorously implement, an extensive economic reform
agenda (including the MTEF and related public resource management measures), which is
summarized in the Immediate Action Plan.
Table 15: The Tenth PlanMacroeconomic ProjectionsAlternative Scenario (In 2001/02
Ninth Plan
End 2001/02
Tenth Plan
End 2006/07
Tenth Plan
Change 2001/02-
2006/07 (% of GDP)
Economic Growth
GDP Growth (real) p.a. -0.6 6.0 4.3 +4.9
Per Capita GDP Growth (real) p.a. -2.9 3.9 2.1 +4.9
Investment and Savings (%of GDP)
Total Investment
24.4 21.8 20.8 -2.6
Gross Fixed capita formation 23.2 20.5 19.5 -2.7
Private 13.2 12.0 11.1 -1.2
Public 10.0 8.6 8.4 -1.4
Total Consumption 88.4 90.8 90.9 +2.4
Domestic Savings 11.6 9.2 9.1 -2.4
National Savings 17.4 16.1 15.7 -1.3
Balance of Payments (% of GDP)
Exports of Goods & NFS 16.1 14.8 16.5 -1.3
Imports of Goods & NFS 28.9 27.4 28.2 -1.6
Factor Income
5.4 6.5 6.6 +1.1
Current Account Balance
-7.0 -5.7 -5.1 +1.3
Government finances (%of GDP)
Government Revenue 12.0 13.0 12.4 +1.0
Government Expenditure 19.3 19.5 19.5 +0.2
Regular 11.7 11.1 11.9 -0.6
Development 7.6 8.4 7.6 +0.8
Government Budget Balance
-7.3 -6.5 -7.1 +0.8
Gross Foreign Aid 4.7 5.7 5.1 +1.0
Grants 2.1 2.2 2.2 +0.1
Loans 2.6 3.5 2.9 +0.9
Domestic Borrowing 2.6 0.8 1.9 -1.8
Inflation (% p.a.) 2.9 4.6 4.5 -
Includes changes in stocks.
Includes net transfers
Excluding grants
Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF)
191 Recognizing the fiscal deterioration and the need to revise the Tenth Plan accordingly, the
Government initiated the preparation in parallel of a Medium Term Expenditure
Framework (MTEF) in late 2001. The key objective of the MTEF was to begin to implement
the Tenth Plan from the beginning of the fiscal year 2002/03, without waiting for the formal
finalization of the Plan. Accordingly, the key projects/programs and activities that are
considered essential for achieving the Tenth Plan's poverty reduction goals and their resource
requirements for the next three years were to be identified, and were to be given priority in
terms of budget allocations in the 2002/03 budget. Additional considerations guiding the
MTEF, in view of the fragility of the fiscal situation, were: (i) How to streamline the budget
which was already overextended well beyond resource availability, with over 600 ongoing
activities/budget lines? (ii) How to protect the Tenth Plan's key priorities in the event of
further shortfalls in resource availability? and (iii) How to ensure that the resources allocated
and released for priority activities would be effectively utilized? The MTEF was expected to
be the principal instrument for operationalizing the Tenth Plan, by prioritizing the proposed
Plan activities according to the changing resource situation, and firmly linking the annual
budget process and the Plan.
192 Thus, a three year MTEF was prepared in early 2002 by virtually the same line ministry
teams responsible for Tenth Plan preparation, using similar methodology for ranking and
prioritizing activities, (but with a sharper focus on implementability, short term financing
needs and results). On the basis of the MTEF, (i) the 2002/03 development budget was
initially set at a significantly lower levelRs. 38 billion, compared to Rs. 50 billion in the
2001/02 budget; and the number of budget lines were reduced from over 600 to 430. (ii) Even
more importantly, all activities were classified into three groups according to their priority (P
being the highest priority and P
being the lowest); and (iii) The principle was established that
the priority classification would be strictly followed in releasing funds for development
activities. Thus, P
s will receive first priority in budget releases; and P
and P
will get funded
only if funds are still available after providing for P
s. This has established clear criteria and
methodology for adjusting resource allocations on the basis of Tenth Plan's priorities, in line
with changes in the resource situation. (iv) Finally, resource allocation was linked to
expenditure reporting and performance, in order to ensure satisfactory results. Thus, under the
new system that has been evolved, activities which do not provide statements of expenditures
(SOEs) for the preceding trimester will not be given additional funds, until they provide the
SOE's. (Section VII discusses these in more detail).
193 The MTEF and the associated budget reforms now provide an effective mechanism to
adjust the annual expenditure program to the changes in the government's resource position,
while protecting the Tenth Plan's priorities. For example, the resource position appears to
have become even more difficult during the months following the announcement of the 2002-
03 budget; and accordingly, the MTEF and its macroeconomic scenarios have been further
revised and updated to facilitate expenditure management. As noted above, the Lower Case
scenario assumes development spending of Rs. 29 billion for this year, in line with this fiscal
deterioration, compared with Rs. 32.5 billion assumed in the Normal Case scenario and the
Rs.38 billion in the FY 2003 Budget which was announced last July. The prioritization
classification (P1-P3) has been further sharpened to protect the poverty reduction priorities.
This is summarized in Table 16 below, which shows the MTEF allocations for key priority
sector activities under the revised Normal Case and Lower Case scenarios. Thus, (i) the
budget allocations for the key sectors which are at the center of agricultural/rural development
and human development/service delivery strategies (namely agriculture, irrigation, forestry,
roads, electricity, education, health, drinking water and local development) have been
increasingly protected; and their combined share is projected to rise from 65% of total
expenditures in FY 2003 to 74% in FY 2005 under the Normal case and from 71% to 76%
under the Lower case (Table 16). (ii) Similarly, within these sectors themselves, the key
poverty reducing activities are being increasingly emphasized. Thus, within the key sectors,
P1 activities as a proportion of sectoral expenditures are projected to rise from 62% in FY
2003 to 72% in FY 2005 under the Lower case, and from 64% to 67% under the Normal case.
(iii) Similarly, all P1 activities as a proportion of total development expenditures would rise
from 55% in FY 2003 to 66% in FY 2005 under the Lower case and from 52% to 59% under
the Normal case. (iv) It is also important to note that the actual release of funds is being
managed tightly, with funds being released so far only to P1 activities (186 out of 430 budget
lines in the 2002/03 budget). Others will get funded, as noted, only if there are funds available
after meeting the needs of P
s. This mechanism also provides upside flexibility to the
government to expand the development program if the resource situation were to improve, for
example by releasing such additional funds to the next sub-set of activities in terms of
priorities. This has also obviated the need for another "Low Case" scenario, as discussed
earlier, while considerably strengthening the government’s capacity to control and manage the
development/expenditure program in a difficult environment.
Table 16: MTEFBudget Allocations for Priority Sectors and Activities, 2002/032004/05
2002/03 2003/04 2004/05
Normal Case
Total Development Exp (Rs. billion) 32.5 40.9 51.4
Share of Key Sectors* in Dev. Exps.(%) 65.2 74.5 73.9
Share of P1s in Key Sectors (%) 64.2 62.5 67.2
Share of P1s in Total Dev. Exps.(%) 51.6 55.2 58.5
Lower Case
Total Development Exp (Rs. billion) 29.0 35.0 40.5
Share of Key Sectors* in Dev. Exps.(%) 71.4 73.5 75.5
Share of P1s in Key Sectors (%) 61.6 66.0 71.8
Share of P1s in Total Dev. Exps.(%) 54.9 59.4 66.2
* Includes Agriculture, irrigation, forestry, roads, electricity, education, health, drinking water and local
Source: The Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).
194 Even though the Tenth Plan has been implemented in a difficult period and the MTEF has
been prepared under a resource constraint, it is important that to meet the objective of poverty
alleviation, pro-poor activities are protected and the poverty related expenses are increased.
Table 17 shows the budget estimates of pro-poor activities identified in MTEF. Although, the
given poverty related resource projections have to be reviewed and strengthened, allocation
reflects the commitment of the government for pro-poor economic activities. The table shows
that the percentage of prioritised poverty expenditure will increase from 67.6% in FY 2003 to
80.1% in FY 2005. Emphasis of the poverty focused expenditure has been mainly in
enhancing agriculture focused economic growth, human development and targeted program
for streamlining the deprived communities.
195 Thus, the MTEF represents a major step forward in operationalizing the PRSP/Tenth
Plan. It is an extremely useful instrument for managing downside/upside risks, protecting the
key poverty reduction priorities of the Plan and for ensuring tight fiscal management. Indeed,
Nepal is currently the only country in the South Asia Region, which is rigorously utilizing the
MTEF as an important operational instrument. Notwithstanding the progress, which has been
achieved over the past year, however, there are a number of weaknesses in MTEF
preparation, which need to be addressed: (i) The MTEF at present focuses only on
development expenditures of the Government. To make it more useful, the Government
intends to expand it to include regular expenditures also, and to improve the expenditure
classification to conform with international norms, on the basis recurrent/capital (instead of
regular/development) expenditures. (ii) Unit cost estimates which are used for costing
programs and activities need to be improved. Unit costs can and do vary significantly for
similar activities between urban and rural areas and between regions; but the information
currently available within most sectors are not robust. The government intends to improve
such estimates by undertaking field surveys and developing sector and activity-specific
estimates in the future in order to improve expenditure estimates, as well as monitoring of
progress. In this context, an important start has been already made towards improving
personnel costs through the computerization of personnel records as noted earlier. (iii) The
prioritization of activities needs to be significantly improved by consistent application of the
ranking criteria, so that the MTEF accurately reflects the PRSP/Tenth Plan's poverty
reduction priorities. MTEF developed and implemented in FY 2002/03 was a good start, more
can and will be done on the next round of the MTEF to improve the prioritization/ranking
process. (iv) Finally, to enhance its operational usefulness, the resource estimates
underpinning the MTEF will need to be revised and updated regularly. While this is being
done now, the estimates of aid inflows are still subject to considerable uncertainties; and these
need to be forecasted and monitored better with the co-operation of external donors.
Table 17: Major Poverty Related Development Expenses (Rs. billion)
Projection Sector Budget
FY 2002/03
FY 2003/04 FY 2004/05
Basic and Primary Education, Scholarship and Women's
2.34 2.57 2.83
Basic Health and Family Planning 1.55 1.78 1.97
Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation 3.53 4.74 9.93
Rural Electrification
Rural Electrification and distribution alternate energy 1.47 2.21 2.42
Programs for increasing agriculture productivity, crop
diversification, research, extension and training
2.06 2.44 2.73
Irrigation 2.58 2.35 2.98
Income generating forestry activities 0.15 0.16 0.17
Rural Infrastructure Development 5.20 5.64 6.53
Grant to local communities 2.87 2.96 3.42
Skill Development
(Only of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and
Ministry of Labour)
2.77 3.02 3.28
Poverty Alleviation Fund 0.17 0.5 1.0
Micro Credit 1.47 1.74 2.08
Total 26.16 30.11 39.34
Total Development Budget 38.68 43.07 49.1
(% of Prioritized Poverty -Expenditure) 67.6 69.9 80.1
196 The potential fiscal stress emanating from the current as well as prospective external and
domestic developments even under the Lower Case scenario underlines the need for
continued revisions to and updating of the MTEF. A major potential impact of risk is the Iraq
war, on the global economy and implications both directly and indirectly for Nepal's
commodity and labor exports, remittances, tourism earnings, oil imports and transport costs,
and economic growth, as well as for the mobilization of government revenues and
domestic/national savings. Similarly, a continuation of the domestic conflict, associated high
security spending and constraints on mobilizing adequate domestic revenue for financing
development activities would be even more of a concern. The recent pause in hostilities and
the initiation of peace negotiations however hold considerable promise in this regard; and
over the past two months, there is evidence of some pick up in economic activity, tourism and
revenue collections, as well as considerable optimism for a recovery in economic growth and
development implementation. Nevertheless, there are also significant potential upside risks in
this regard. Even as peace is restored, considerable additional resources than that envisaged in
the initial MTEF would be required for undertaking rehabilitation, reconstruction and
reconciliation activities. Such expenditures could be considerable and would need to be
undertaken as a matter of priority in parallel with the prioritized development activities in key
areas already identified (under P1s) in the MTEF. To finance such activities, considerable
additional external assistance will be needed; and it is reasonable to expect that such
assistance might be forthcoming in the event that the peace process is consolidated.
Nevertheless, it is unlikely that such requirements will be fully covered by external aid alone,
while there will also be uncertainties about the timing as well as the form of such assistance.
More domestic resources will be needed to trigger additional external aid (through counterpart
funding) as well as for undertaking urgent rehabilitation needs by the government itself.
These risks call for continued review of the MTEF to make it a dynamic process whereby the
spending needs coming out of the peace process could be incorporated into it. While
revisiting the MTEF, as noted earlier, efforts will be made to make unit cost estimates of
activities more robust; to build in recurrent expenditures into the MTEF to ensure better
understanding of the expenditure demands and to make the budgetary system more
predictable; and to improve the forecasting of resource availability for development works.
The prioritization of development programs and projects will also be reviewed and low
priority projects will be dropped as needed. For all these reasons, the MTEF process will be
strengthened and institutionalized, and made an integral part of the planning and
implementation process.
Implementation Modalities
197 As noted earlier, the effective implementation of the Tenth Plan's poverty reduction
strategy in an environment of disorder and fiscal stringency is the biggest development
challenge the government has faced in decades. The Tenth Plan will only be as good as its
implementation; and its success or failure will be measured by the extent to which it will
have succeeded in delivering basic services and infrastructure to the poor, enhancing their
quality of life and promoting economic and social inclusion of backward communities and
regions. Accordingly, the Tenth Plan lays strong emphasis on implementation, monitoring
progress towards the attainment of key poverty reduction goals including those in the context
of Millennium Development Goals, and ensuring that the feedback received from intended
beneficiaries and target groups is effectively utilized for improving poverty interventions.
This section discusses the arrangements that are being put in place for the effective
implementation of the Plan's core activities, for monitoring progress and for evaluating their
impact on beneficiaries; as well as the need for capacity building/technical assistance efforts
at various levels. The key actions, (including institutional and policy reforms), which are
required in all these areas, are summarized in the Policy Matrix (Annex 1) and the Immediate
Action Plan (Annex 2), which should be viewed as the implementation strategy of the Tenth
198 The poverty reduction strategy will be implemented by many actors, including the central
government and agencies, local bodies, community groups, the private sector, INGOs, NGOs,
CBOs etc. Among these, the central government and its agencies will have primary
responsibility for carrying out much of the development budget and reform measures. But the
Tenth Plan will also rely on alternative mechanisms to improve service delivery. Major part
of the reform agenda is aimed at facilitating private sector involvement in widening range of
areas and activities. Accelerating the decentralization process by increasingly transferring
additional functions and responsibilities to local governments is one approach. Utilizing the
Fund Board approach (which has proved to be very successful in setting up drinking water
facilities in rural areas), and expanding it to other areas wherever possible is another. Also,
NGOs and CBOs will be enlisted for service delivery functions at the local level, (for example
by contracting out specific tasks in such areas as health and drinking water), and for
community mobilization. Even more important, the local communities themselves will be
directly involved in the management of village level service delivery aspects in key areas (see
below). With regard to the development budget, the major thrust of the implementation
strategy is to, within a sustainable fiscal framework, (i) Identify the priority activities which
are essential for poverty reduction; and (ii) Provide adequate funding for them to ensure their
early completion. (iii) A mid year budget review will be institutionalized so that a sound fiscal
framework will be adhered to; (iv) The MTEF would be annually revised and updated for the
purpose of ranking and prioritizing all budget-financed activities and for ensuring that priority
activities would be protected from funding shortfalls. The scope of the MTEF would be
expanded in 2004/05 to cover both recurrent and capital budgets, so that the resource needs
for service delivery as well as for operation and maintenance can be fully provided for. (v)
Also a project screening system will be introduced to ensure that only those activities with
acceptable rates of return will be included in the development program. (vii) To ensure better
utilization of funds, accountability and development results, procurement system and fund
release procedures have already been changed (see below).
199 The Tenth Plan emphasizes the increased involvement of local bodies - DDCs and
VDCsand communities in the planning, implementation and management of local level
activities for ensuring that public money is spent properly to meet the people's needs, and for
improving service delivery and accountability. Accordingly, more functions, responsibilities
and resources will be transferred to local bodies. Agricultural extension and rural roads
programs will be handed over to local bodies in 2003/04. In addition, each ministry will be
required over the next five months to review their activities, and develop a detailed work plan,
indicating what activities could be transferred to local bodies and when, and what resources
and technical support would be needed to ensure a reasonably smooth transition. Similarly, a
poverty-based formula will be adopted for providing development grants to DDCs and VDCs,
and additional "catch up" grants would be provided to the Mid-Western and Far-Western
regions from 2003/04 onwards. Within these allocations, separate amounts will be earmarked
for deprived communities to ensure that they will have equal access to public resources; and
their representation/participation in community management committees will be assured
through affirmative action. To provide a greater degree of self reliance for local bodies, the
recommendations of the Local Bodies Finance Commission's report will be implemented in a
phased manner, starting with the stronger DDCs in terms of tax potential and management
200 A major recent innovation in this regard is directly involving the communities themselves
in the management of primary schools and health facilities. Community management of
primary schools and primary health centers was started in a few districts this year, by setting
up village level management committees, giving them the responsibility for their operation
and management, and providing funds for them through the DDCs and VDCs and technical
support and supervision through the district offices of the concerned ministries. This approach
will be expanded into other areas and other activities. Programs are underway to transfer all
public primary schools to the communities during the plan period.
201 Related to this issue is the need to similarly co-ordinate the activities of INGOs and
NGOs. Undoubtedly, they play a very useful role in many areas in the rural economy; and the
Tenth Plan, as discussed, intends to involve them even more in service delivery and social
mobilization functions. However, the activities of many such organizations are not
transparent, particularly in terms of their sources of funding and the use of such funds; nor are
they accountable to local communities. They will need to be subject to similar standards of
transparency and accountability as the central and local government agencies and
communities they work with, as indicated in the recent Foreign Aid Policy (2002) of the
202 Although the main objective of the Tenth Plan is to set the overall framework, principles
and main strategies for poverty reduction, the Policy Matrix presented in Annex 1, provides a
more detail view of major strategies activities and outcome. The Matrix also clarifies the
relations between public strategies and actions and poverty reduction. The structure will be
useful in the implementation of poverty reduction strategy of the country.
203 The implementation of the Tenth Plan is not a separate exercise, but will be carried out
primarily through actions in each sector, MTEF and the annual budgeting exercise. An
exercise to develop prioritized through the detailed annual plans within each sector will be
carried out by individual line ministries. The exercise will also refine and sharpen the output
indicators which are indicated in the Policy Matrix. This work of designing the detail action
plans and refinement of output indicators will be completed by December 2003. This action
plan will help to set a good track record on implementation.
204 In order to ensure, good implementation expedite reform programs and improve public
service delivery, HMG/N has started an intermediate implementation modality called
Immediate Action Plan (IAP). The first IAP (Annex 2), which was initiated and implemented
in the FY 2002/03, was well-anchored in the Tenth Plan. The IAP was successfully
implemented and the result was encouraging. The second IAP is being developed to further
strengthen the implementation of the Tenth Plan. Implementation progress is being monitored
by a committee the Reform and Development Group (RDG)comprising representatives
of NPC, MOF and donor agencies. The IAP, in addition to specific actions, sets out the time
frame over which the actions are to be implemented, immediate indicators and expected
outcomes. The IAP has proved to be an unique tool in the effective implementation of the
Tenth Plan.
205 The prevailing disorder situation in the country presents special challenges in terms of
implementation. However, a ceasefire has recently taken place, and peace process is in
progress. There is considerable optimism that a return to a more normal situation will enable
the government to deliver services better and undertake reform measures. Though it seems
unlikely, if the peace process is to be in jeopardy, the government will adopt a multi-pronged
approach to implementation in the disturbed areas: (i) Where important development projects
will need to go on, the government will carry out such activities within “shield and support”
programs, for example, sealing off large project construction sites and carrying out the work.
(ii) A similar approach will be adopted for critical road construction work, (for example,
where explosives will need to be provided and used for rock-blasting purposes). The use of
mobile teams for service delivery and for undertaking repairs are some other examples. (iii)
Where it is possible to carry out development activities in a larger area with security presence,
Integrated Security and Development Programs (ISDP) will be carried out; for example, the
Gorkha district has been selected initially for significant ISDP activities. (iv) In areas where
government agencies will have difficulty in actively engaging in service delivery, but it is
possible to use NGOs and local CBOs to carry out essential development activities (for
example, providing food and medicines to avoid starvation and epidemics), the government
will utilize such channels. (v) In other areas, where there is less problem of security, the
government will make serious efforts to implement programs to deliver quick results, in order
to prevent further alienation and to win public support. In these areas government
interventions will seek to provide employment and income generating activities for the poor,
for example through rehabilitation programs, road construction and work for food programs.
Such interventions will add extra costs to the normal development activities; but they will
have to be accepted (within reasonable limits) to maintain government presence and to
prevent further erosion of public sympathy and confidence.
Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements
206 Traditionally, monitoring of development activities in Nepal has focused largely on
expenditure monitoring only. Although there have been attempts to monitor physical progress
and results, this has not been consistently done. This deficiency inevitably led to leakages and
misuse of public resources and poor development results. Although budget allocations and
releases were spent on activities, their results in terms of outputs and service delivery were
not commensurate with expectations. Ministerial Development Action Committee at the
ministry level and National Development Action Committee at the Prime Ministerial level are
responsible for rectifying development policies and programs based on the monitoring reports
from respective ministries and for some national level core projects from National Planning
Commission. However, due to the absence of effective management information system,
monitoring, the actions from these Action Committees have still to be fruitful. There is a need
for strengthening management information system, and define an integrated frame for
monitoring progress of development programs, link them with resources spent, and evaluating
them for their effectiveness in reducing income poverty and promoting human development.
207 Monitoring capacity within the government has been weak up to now, in part because of
the lack of interest on the part of political leadership in the past and the consequent disuse of
even the existing institutional arrangements. Strong efforts will be made to revitalize and
strengthen monitoring capacity. Rather than creating new institutions for this purpose,
existing arrangements will be reinforced, as necessary, by new initiatives: (i) the primary
responsibility for supervision and monitoring is with the line ministries. The existing Project
Implementation Units (PIUs) within the line ministries will be significantly strengthened for
this purpose. As noted, the line ministries have already been made responsible for monitoring
and certifying both financial and implementation (work program) progress of agencies under
them. (ii) The NPC has an overview supervisory role, if only to carry out crosschecks on the
accuracy of progress certifications by line ministries in order to ensure proper accountability.
More importantly, monitoring progress towards poverty reduction will remain a NPC
mandate. The Central Monitoring Division and recently established Poverty Monitoring
Section of the NPC need to be significantly strengthened to carry out this role and to function
as the servicing body for the higher (national) level supervisory institutions. Members of the
NPC, who are responsible for various sectors, will be given additional responsibility of
monitoring and supervision in one of the Development Regions of the country, (iii) The sector
level and national level review committees will be reinvigorated. Thus the Ministerial
Development Action Committee (MDAC), chaired by concerned Ministers will review sector
progress every two months; while the National Development Action Committee (NDAC),
chaired by the Prime Minister, will review both sector implementation and progress towards
poverty reduction and key human development goals every four months. Key data and
information for poverty monitoring will be derived from surveys to be conducted by Central
Bureau of Statistics for which institutional structure and human resources of the CBS will be
significantly improved.
208 To improve the effectiveness of the existing set-up and new initiatives as noted earlier,
considerable capacity building will be required at all levels of the governmentline
ministries, starting with the NPC, FCGO, as well as the statutory bodies involved in ensuring
public accountability, such as the Auditor General’s Office and the Public Accounts
Committee. This is because the nature of proposed implementation arrangements will be
significantly different from current practice and the scale of monitoring efforts envisaged is
far larger than the existing capacity of the government. Additional staffing, training and
resources therefore will need to be devoted to these activities. Apart from traditional
project/program monitoring, skills will need to be developed in the key ministries for poverty
monitoring. In addition, the co-ordination of sector activities and programs involving the
private sector, NGOs, CBOs etc. in such areas as health, education and drinking water will
demand new management skills from the government staff. An assessment will be undertaken
of the capacity building needs at various levels of the government as an essential part of the
monitoring framework that would be developed by December, 2003 (see below). And,
substantial donor assistance (in the form of technical assistance) as well as the government's
own resources will need to be provided for this purpose, once such a framework is developed.
209 The government has introduced monitoring of both financial and physical progress from
the beginning of fiscal year 2002/03. Fiscal reforms announced in this year's budget require
the implementing agencies, for all priority activities (classified as P1), to (i) prepare detailed
work programs on a trimesterly basis and, on that basis, formulate monitoring/output
indicators for each activity. (ii) Fund releases for priority projects by the Financial
Comptroller General's Office (FCGO) will be directly tied to the submission of statements of
expenditures by the implementing agency, and certification of satisfactory performance of the
agreed work program by the supervising line ministry. This system, though a bit cumbersome
initially, is expected to ensure that actual expenditures on priority activities are matched
reasonably closely with physical progress, or output/service delivery performance. Apart from
providing greater financial discipline, it will also facilitate the preparation of reimbursement
claims to donor agencies and help improve aid disbursements. Eventually, as the monitoring
capacity within the government ministries improves, these monitoring requirements will be
extended to all budgetary activities.
210 For activities undertaken by local governments, similar monitoring arrangements will be
adopted. The Local Self Government (Administration) Rules 1999 provide guidelines in this
regard. The reporting requirements will be simplified and strictly enforced, with the Ministry
of Local Development (MOLD) responsible for overall supervision. The same trimesterly
reporting procedures with regard to expenditure reporting and work programs will be initiated
and applied, with MOLD providing the certification on satisfactory performance to FCGO
before the release of funds can take place. Similarly, for primary schools and health centers
that have been transferred by Ministries of Education and Health respectively to village
communities, the District Offices of these ministries could provide the supervision and
monitoring and the certification that is needed for the trimesterly release of funds by FCGO.
211 Accelerating the decentralization process and ensuring its success will be an important
challenge for both the central government and local bodies. To make the decentralization
process effective, it is necessary not only to transfer functions and responsibilities to local
governments, but also to enhance their capacity building to carry out the delegated functions,
including the provision of requisite technical, management supervision, monitoring, as well as
accounting and reporting skills. Until these capacities are built up at the local levels, technical
support and supervision from central and district level agencies will be essential. While
considerable progress has been made in several districts in building the capacities of DDCs
and VDCs through donor-supported programs, these efforts will need to be deepened and
extended to other districts. This overall capacity building effort in the Government (both
central and local) is one area where donor assistance will be needed to ensure the success of
the Tenth Plan, perhaps even more than traditional project support. Since various technical
assistance programs already constitute a significant proportion of donor aid to Nepal, these
programs will be reassessed in order to re-direct such assistance to the national priorities for
development, as suggested above.
212 Given the record so far with regard to capacity and accountability of some local
government bodies, additional measures will be adopted to ensure greater accountability and
transparency: (i) Access of the public to information is critical for ensuring better service
delivery and accountability. Accordingly, information on resources made available to VDCs,
for what purposes, planned activities, and how the money has been spent so far will be posted
outside each VDC. Also, access of the public to the reports made by VDCs and DDCs on
their trimesterly work programs, SOEs and outputs/service delivery performance will be made
available, so that the communities themselves can act as watchdogs over VDC performance.
(ii) This will be backed by periodic surveys aimed at assessing customer satisfaction with the
functioning of local, as well as, central government agencies (see below). (iii) To ensure
participation of the poorer and deprived groups in decision-making and management
processes at the village level, affirmative action will be taken to ensure their participation.
Citizens’ charters will be posted. Budget and expenditure status will be put in the web to
encourage citizens’ direct involvement in the progress monitoring.
213 Considerable data is being collected at present by various agencies and development
partners for poverty monitoring purposes (including the assessment of income poverty and
human development trends); but there has been no effort to integrate them into a systematic
framework/database for poverty monitoring on a regular basis. Accordingly, efforts will now
be made to develop such a framework for systematically monitoring and evaluating progress
towards the overall goals set for poverty reduction, human development and mainstreaming
the poor and deprived communities. Poverty monitoring will be closely integrated with the
monitoring of the PRSP’s implementation and assessing the country’s progress towards
achieving Millennium Development Goals. Several actions are being taken in this regard: (a)
Establishing a special poverty monitoring system within the government, as distinct from
normal project/program monitoring. For this purpose, a Poverty Monitoring Section has
already been created in the NPC, with the mandate of monitoring and analyzing poverty
trends, progress towards key human development indicators and the implementation of
measures to ensure social inclusion, and undertaking periodic reviews. (b) Efforts are under
way to develop intermediate indicators, with assistance from the line ministries. Indeed, as
noted above, work programs and output targets/ intermediate indicators have been developed
in many areas, to which both fund releases and actual expenditures will be linked. While this
will enable evaluation of short term implementation progress and financial accountability, (c)
considerable work remains to be done to develop a framework for assessing the outcomes and
impacts of development actions over the medium to longer term on the incomes and
livelihoods of people, human development and social progress, among others. This will
require significant efforts to evaluate existing data sources, to collect additional data that will
be needed for poverty monitoring, to decide on institutional responsibilities and the frequency
of collecting such data, and to strengthen institutional capacity, as well as to assess funding
needs for such efforts. As indicated in Table 18, apart from data that will be routinely
collected for MIS purposes, it would be necessary to conduct detailed NLSS surveys every 5-
6 years. These will be supplemented in the intervening periods by household surveys carried
out every 2-3 years. In addition, additional sector surveys (such as those conducted by the
Department of Health Services) will be undertaken from time to ascertain progress in critical
areas, especially the social sectors. Annual surveys will be carried out focusing particularly on
backward regions and deprived communities, to assess year-to-year progress. While these
would help evaluate progress over time in reducing poverty reduction and reaching social
development goals, other efforts will be launched in parallel to improve the effectiveness of
public (and private) programs and activities, for example, through participatory monitoring
exercises, expenditure tracking, and client satisfaction surveys in specific sectors and areas. It
is expected that such a framework for poverty monitoring and tracking PRSP’s progress
would be finalized by December 2003.
214 As an initial step, the NPC will undertake a Poverty Mapping exercise, to identify the
poor and marginalized groups, to provide a good basis for locating basic social sector
infrastructure facilities in backward areas. A new round of the Nepal Living Standards Survey
will be carried out in 2003, and its coverage will be broadened to provide additional
information required for poverty monitoring. To ensure the effective dissemination of poverty
reporting, an annual report on progress on poverty reduction and mainstreaming will be
prepared (drawing also on regular monitoring reports by line ministries), by the Poverty
Monitoring Unit, under the direction of the Vice-Chairman, NPC, for review by the National
Development Action Committee (NDAC). This Annual report will be evolved as a Country
Report on the Progress on Millennium Development Goals. Utilizing available information on
various dimensions of income and human poverty, the first issue of such a report has already
been brought out.
215 Table 18 below summarizes the indicators/key actions that are presently envisaged for
monitoring both PRSP implementation and progress in poverty reduction. The Table focuses
on key areas where progress in effective implementation of the PRSP is critical, but it should
be regarded as preliminary. A more detailed set of indicators to track progress in PRSP
implementation and poverty reduction will be formulated when the work program for setting
up a monitoring framework is completed in December.
216 Recognizing the importance of effective implementation and monitoring of the poverty
reduction strategy, His Majesty's Government is developing a comprehensive participatory
implementation, monitoring and evaluation strategy, with technical support and assistance
from the development partners. The current work program has focussed on the initial
requirements for monitoring the implementation of key work programs and activities and the
intermediate indicators of outputs from such activities, together with specification of
institutional responsibilities and formats and time schedules for reporting. This phase of the
work program including necessary budgeting, planning and procedural changes; the
establishment of a central poverty monitoring unit; and supervisory arrangements at the
national and highest political levels to oversee progress has been largely completed and made
operational. Work is now under way to develop comprehensive institutional arrangements for
measuring and evaluating the impact and outcomes of poverty reduction efforts over the
medium to longer term, to put in place effective arrangements to collect relevant data and
information on a sustainable and regular basis, to analyse and effectively utilize them for
policy purposes, for institutionalizing dissemination and feedback mechanisms and for
developing and strengthening the necessary institutional capacity at all levels to carry out
these tasks. Developing such a comprehensive framework, with donor support, is a major
undertaking; and it is expected that the exercise would be completed by December 2003.
Table 18: Key Output/Outcome/Impact and Process Indicators
Indicators/Key Actions
Levels of
Frequency of
Sources Responsible
Poverty Incidence, Intensity and Severity (poverty threshold,$’day,
consumption basket etc.)
NERUS 5-6 years NLSS CBS
Household Distribution by Consumption Deciles and Share of
Poorest Quintile
NUR 2-3 years Household Survey CBS
Gini Coefficient of Income NERUR 5-6 years NLSS CBS
Labor Participation Rates NERG 5-6 years Labor Force Survey CBS
Poverty Incidence
and Employment
Unemployment/Underemployment rates NERGS 5-6 years NLSS CBS
GDP and Per Capita Income Growth NERS 2-4 years/Annual NLSS/HH Survey CBS
Agriculture GDP and Per Capita Agricultural Income Growth NERS 2-4 years/Annual NLSS/HH Survey CBS
Provision of Key Inputs for Agriculture (fertilizer, extension, irrigation) NER Annual MIS DOA/DOI
Access to Institutional/Micro Credit NERUS 2-4 years/Annual HH Survey/MIS CBS/NRB
Tourists’ Arrivals National Annual MIS DOI
Gross/Net Nepali Workers Going Abroad National Sector Annual National Accounts CBS
Broad-based (pro-
poor) Economic
Employment- Number of Jobs Created National Sector Annual National Accounts CBS
Human Development Indicator NER 2 years Survey UNDP
Literacy Rates (adults and total) NERUGS 2-4 years Annual NLSS/HH Survey CBS
Net Enrollment Rates (primary/secondary) NERUGS 2-4 years Annual NLSS/HH Survey CBS/DoE
Repetition/Failure Rates in Primary and secondary Levels NERUGS 2-4 years Annual NLSS/HH Survey CBS/DoE
Time Taken to Reach a Primary School NERU 2-4 years NLSS/HH Survey CBS
Student Teacher Ratio NER Annual MIS CBS
Proportion of Trained Teachers in Primary School NERU Annual MIS CBS
Proportion of Students in Primary school Getting Scholarship NERUGS Annual MIS CBS
Life Expectancy at Birth NEUG 5 years NLSS CBS
Mortality Rates (infant, child, under 5 and maternal NERUGS 5-6 years HH Survey/MIS DoHS/CBS
Time Taken to Reach the Nearest Health Facility NERU 2-4 years NLSS/HH Survey CBS
One Year Olds (%) fully Immunized Against Target Diseases NERU 2-4 years Annual NLSS/DHS/HH Survey
Diseases Incidence (TB, malaria, HIV/AIDS) NERUGS 5-6 years HH Survey DoHS/CBS
Births (%) Attended by Skilled Health Personnel NERUS 2-4 years/Annual HH Survey CBS/MoHS
Access to Antenatal Care During Pregnancy HERUS 2-4 years/Annual HH Survey CBS/MoHS
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate NERUS 2-4 years/Annual HH Survey CBS
Access to Improved Drinking Water Sources NERUS 2-4 years/Annual NLSS/HH Survey/MIS CBS/DWSS
Access to Adequate Sanitation Facilities NERUS 2-4 years/Annual NLSS/HH Survey/MIS CBS/DWSS
Development and
Access to Motorable All Weather Roads NER 2-4 years/Annual HH Survey/MIS CBS/DoR
Indicators/Key Actions
Levels of
Frequency of
Sources Responsible
Rural Roads Constructed-Kms NER 2-4 years/Annual HH Survey/MIS CBS/DoR
Percentage Served by Electricity NERUS 2-4 years/Annual HH Survey/MIS CBS/NEA
Ratio of Female Literacy to Male Literacy Rate NERUS 2-4 years NLSS/HH Survey CBS
Ratio of Girls’ Enrollment to Boys’ Enrollment Rate (primary and
NERUS 2-4 years/Annual NLSS/HH Survey/MIS CBS/DoE
Proportion of Female School Teachers NER Annual MIS DoE
Percentage of Women in Civil Service National Annual MIS MoGA
Percentage of Women in political Positions National Local 2-4 years MIS Mo
Number of Community/Leasehold Forestry UG’s formed NERS 2-4 years/Annual HH Survey/MIS CBS/MoF
Expenditure and Number of People Receiving Skill Training NERUGS 2-4 years/Annual HH Survey/MIS CBS/MoL
Proportion and budget of Students From Disadvantaged Groups
Awarded Scholarships
Social Inclusion
And Targeted
Number of Mobile Health Camps in Disadvantaged Groups/Areas NERS Annual MIS MoH
Implementation of Development Action Plan for CFAA and CPAR
(financial accountability, procurement, civil service reform)
National Annual MIS MOF, FCGO
and AGO
Implementation of Decentralization (education, health, agri.
extension, rural roads, fiscal devolution)
National Annual MIS MoLD, NPC
Implementation of Anti-Corruption Agenda National Annual MIS MoF, NPC,
Improvement in recruitment and promotion system National 2-4 years MIS MGA,PSC Civil Service
Reduce political interference in civil service functioning National Annual MIS MOGA, PMO
Proportion of Land Area Covered by Forest National Regional Annual MIS MOF
Land Area Protected for Biodiversity National Annual MIS DNPWC
Carbon dioxide Emission Per Capita National Annual MIS DoHM
Gross national Savings and Investment (percent of GDP) National Annual National Accounts CBS
Government Expenditure (regular/dev, current/capital) Percent of
National Annual Economic Survey MoF
Revenue (percent of GDP) National Annual Economic Survey CBS/MoF
Fiscal Deficit as Percent of GDP National Annual Economic Survey CBS/MoF
Domestic Borrowing as Percent of GDP National Annual Economic Survey CBS/NRB
External Assistance as Percent of GDP National Annual Economic Survey CBS/MoF
Balance of Payments (exports, imports, C/A, gross reserves) National Annual Economic Survey CBS/NRB
Price Inflation NER Annual MIS, Price data NRB/CBS
Indicators/Key Actions
Levels of
Frequency of
Sources Responsible
Monetary Growth (broad money, credit to private sector) National Annual MIS NRB
Functional/Economic Classification of Allocations and
Expenditures(by sector)
MTEF-Pro-Poor Expenditures (P1s) Allocations and expenditures by
program/activity and type of expenditures
National Trimesterly,
Management and
Mid Year Review of The Budget National Annual MIS MoF/FCGO
Govt. Review of Implementation Progress (to be shared with Dev.
NR Trimesterly/Annual
NPC/MoF, Line
Review by Auditor General and Public Account Committee National Annual AGO/FCGO Reports AGG/PAC
Reforms and
Overall progress
Review of IAP and Reform Agenda National Annual MIS MoF, NPC, Line
Note NERUS: National/Ecological/Regional/urban/Rural/Social Groups
NERS: National/Ecological/Regional/Social Groups
NER: National/Ecological/Regional
NERUGS: National/Ecological/Regional/Urban/Rural/Gender and Social Groups
NERUR: National/Ecological/Regional/Urban/Rural
NERGS: National/Ecological/Regional/Gender/Social Groups
Annex 1
Macro Economic Stability
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Fiscal deficit remaining
around 5 % of GDP.
§ Revenue GDP ratio
increased to 14 percent
by 2007.
§ Medium Term Expenditure
Framework (MTEF) strengthened
by consolidating regular and
development expenditure and
classifying into recurrent and
capital expenditures (2005
§ Regular expenditure as
percent of GDP declining.
§ Decrease tax arrears by
50 percent by 2007.
§ NPC, MOF § Pursue prudent expenditure
§ Development expenditure in all
sectors widened and deepened
through MTEF (ongoing).
§ Revenue surplus to finance
development spending
improves over years.
§ Actions taken to clear government
arrears to/from the public utilities
§ Annual revenue to grow by
0.4 % of GDP.
§ Revenue surplus to
contribute at least 18
percent of development
expenditure by 2007.
§ Settle tax arrears (ongoing). § MOF
§ Recommendations of the fiscal
taskforce for tax reform
implemented (FY 2004 onwards).
§ Tax exemptions and tax rebates
narrowed downed and tax net
widened (ongoing).
§ Tax administration strengthened
through a move towards an
autonomous tax administration
Maintain fiscal
§ Improve domestic resource
§ Customs valuations revised every
six months based on ASYCUDA
and product (ongoing).
§ Number of tax payers with
PAN increased to 300,000
by 2007.
§ Widen and deepen MTEF to cover
all sectors
§ MTEF extended to all Ministries
§ All priority projects/
programs published in the
Red Book.
§ Improved pro poor
budget allocation.
§ NPC, MOF Ensure efficiency
of public
§ Increase the share of priority
projects (P1) in the budget.
§ Performance based fund release
institutionalized (2003 onwards)
§ Project completion period
§ Improved efficiency of
public spending.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Monitoring and evaluation unit
strengthened (2003 onwards)
§ Time and cost over run
§ Performance of all
projects/programs made available
in the web site (2003 onwards)
§ The new procurement law
implemented (2004).
§ Total share of P1 project
budget in sector ceiling
§ Money supply (M2) contained to a
desirable level (ongoing).
§ Money supply (M2) growing
at the rate of 14.5 percent.
§ Average inflation rate
contained at 5 % per
§ Limit central bank borrowing as
per financial regulation (2003/04).
§ Limit the growth of bank finance to
the government (ongoing).
§ Share of private sector
credit at 76 percent of the
Maintenance of
monetary stability
§ Pursue Prudent monetary policy to
(i) contain inflation and (ii) attain
favorable balance of payments
§ Widen the instruments of open
market operations (ongoing).
§ Favorable balance of
Ensure external
sector stability
§ Diversification of exports. § Promote and divers exportable
commodities (commodity-wise and
country-wise) (ongoing).
§ Balance of payment
§ Promotion of foreign direct
§ Alignment of real exchange rate. § NRB
§ Act, regulation, tariff structure
amended/revised and procedural
simplification initiated.
§ Increase remittance (from
Nepalese working abroad) by
increasing access/quality of
workers into foreign labor markets
§ Current account deficit
contained at less than 4
percent of GDP.
§ Implementation of prudent foreign
exchange rate policy .
§ Foreign exchange regime
rationalized (ongoing).
§ Foreign exchange reserve
to cover minimum of 6
months of imports.
§ International reserves
remains to a
comfortable position.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Strengthen Central Bank's
regulatory and supervisory
§ Implement re-engineering plan of
Nepal Rastra Bank (2005).
§ Reduced NPA of the
banking system.
§ Central Bank's
supervisory and
regulatory capacity
§ Reform state owned commercial
§ Initiate privatization process of
Rastriya Banijya Bank and Nepal
Bank Limited (2005).
§ Establish asset Reconstruction
Company (2003/04).
§ Improved capital adequacy
§ Confidence in the
financial system
§ Strengthen banking and non-
banking financial institutions.
§ Strengthen legislative and
institutional framework for
effective loan recovery (2003/04).
§ Interest rate spread
between deposit and
lending narrowed.
§ Efficiency of the
financial system service
delivery improved.
§ Enact necessary acts for
regulation of local co-operatives
§ Complete audits of two main
development banks ( ADB/N and
NIDC) and develop restructuring
strategy for them (2004).
§ Reform rural development banks
§ Strengthen rural financing system
financial system
§ Widen and deepen the activities of
the stock market.
§ Improve the regulatory framework
and operational efficiency of the
stock market (ongoing).
§ Number of listed
companies and transaction
volume in the stock
exchange increased.
Enhanced role of
private sector in
§ Create conducive and competitive
environment for private sector
§ Review labor act and enact
necessary laws for easy entry and
exit (2004).
§ Increased share of private
sector in total investment.
§ Private sector
investment reached
16.7 % of GDP.
§ Mechanism for improving
accounting, auditing and reporting
system strengthened.
§ Privatize at least three
SOEs annually.
§ Foreign Direct
Investment increased.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Procedural simplification
especially for investment and
§ Continue economic reform to
ensure macroeconomic stability to
increase private sector
§ Continue reform in fiscal,
monetary and financial sectors
§ Restructure/privatize state owned
§ Privatize/corporatize Nepal
Electricity Authority, Nepal
Telecommunication Corporation,
Royal Nepal Airlines.
§ MOF, Line
§ Accelerate the privatization of
state owned enterprises and
complete audits of all state owned
enterprises (2004).
§ MOF, Line
§ Enact liquidation, merger,
bankruptcy acts (2004).
§ Unbundling of NEA and
corporatization of NTC.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Expand the use of available
modern technology
§ Enhanced farmer's group based
technology dissemination system
and capability enhancement of
staff and farmers groups
§ Increased number of
effective farmers groups.
§ Need based location
specific technology
available and
dissemination system in
§ Promote research, development
and extension for food security in
severely food deficit districts
§ Co-ordinated need based
research and extension
programs for severely food
deficit areas (specially
remote) in operation.
§ More diversified
production system and
§ Enhance balanced use of agro-
chemicals (continued).
§ Increase number of
Integrated Pest
Management (IPM) and
other farmers field schools.
§ Overall agricultural
growth by 4.1 percent
§ Increase farmers access to
modern agricultural input and
§ Enhance market based
environment for increasing
fertilizer supply and uses
§ Increased supply and uses
of fertilizer.
§ Crops production
increased by 4.1
§ Enhance rural banking activities
(ADBN/ Rural Banks) for effective
credit delivery (continued).
§ Increased flow of credits. § Livestock production
increased by 4.9
§ Strengthen regional research
farms stations and private sectors
resources for ensured quality
seeds/ breeds / planting materials
production and supply to the local
multipliers/ nurseries (continued).
§ Increased supply of quality
materials to local
§ Enhanced agricultural
productivity and
income for food
security and
poverty reduction.
§ Promote diversification and
commercialization in crops/
livestock production system.
§ Implement intensive agriculture
program in year round irrigated
areas (continued).
§ Increased number and
coverage of intensive
pockets in year round
irrigated areas.
§ Reduced food insecurity
and significant
contribution to income
increases and reduction
in malnutrition and
poverty in rural areas.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Provide Incentive and appropriate
support package for expansion of
ground water irrigation and on
farm water management
§ Increased no of shallow
tubewell and Improved
efficiency of on farm water
§ Increased marketed
volumes of agricultural
products and diversified
agricultural export.
§ Intensify production of high value
crops /livestock commodities in
potential pockets (continued).
§ Increased areas and
coverage of High value
crops/ commodities.
§ Include NGOs / private sector
involvement in partnership and
contract in agricultural service
delivery system.
§ Ensure involvement of private
sector/ NGOs /CBOs and local
bodies in extension service
delivery (continued).
§ Increased involvement of
NGOs/ CBOs / private
sector in service devilry.
§ Improve effectiveness of Planning,
Monitoring and Evaluation (PME)
§ Enhance PME capabilities at all
levels (continued).
§ Improved database and
regularized reporting and
review system in place.
§ Ensure effective, transparent and
timely reporting and review
system (continued).
§ Printed monitoring reports
in regular basis.
§ Decentralize research and
§ Devolve DOA/ DLS extension
activities to local bodies and
ensure operational effectiveness
and technical backstopping to
them (continued).
§ Decentralized extensions
are fully functional by 2004.
§ Decentralize NARC's adaptive and
on farms research activities to
Regional Agricultural Research
Centers (RARCS) (2005).
§ Decentralized NARC's
research to RARCS in
place by 2004.
Develop local and
export market
§ Encourage private and co-
operative sectors involvement for
market promotion and
infrastructure development.
§ Co-ordinate the expansion of
agricultural roads and rural
electrification (continued).
§ Increased investment in
agricultural road and
§ Develop commodity policies for
congenial environment for private
sector investment. (continued).
§ Commodity policies
developed for major
commodities by 2004.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Emphasize on marketing
research, flow of market
information and development of
market infrastructure (Agro
industry, collection center, whole-
sale and retail outlets) (continued).
§ Increased number of
market infrastructures and
continuity in market
research and information
§ Promote conductive tariff rate for
agricultural export and import
§ Conducive tariff policies in
§ Regulate/facilitate agro-
processing and standardization
§ Regulatory services in
§ Promote co-operative and
contractual farming.
§ Facilitate legal arrangements for
cooperative and contractual
farming (2004/05).
§ Legal arrangement for
contractual farming in place
by 2004.
§ Cases of cooperative and
contractual farming in place
after 2004.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Strengthen public and
community based irrigation
§ Increased number of
rehabilitated and handed
over schemes.
§ Enhance maintenance and
rehabilitation of existing farmer
managed and public irrigation
systems (continued).
§ Increased and strengthened
water users' committees
(WUAS) in place.
§ Revise irrigation policy and
regulations to give WUAs legal power
to collect irrigation charges (2004/05).
§ Revised irrigation policy and
regulation in place by 2004.
§ Initiate private sector management of
large/ medium scale of HMG
managed irrigation system (2004/05).
§ Increase number and
hecterage of private sector
managed government owned
large/medium schemes.
§ Expand new irrigation
facilities with focus on APP.
§ Develop and implement small surface
irrigation facilities in the hill and
surface and ground water irrigation
facilities in the Terai (continued).
§ Increased number of STW,
DTW and other irrigation
§ Increase involvement of NGO's and
private sector in the irrigation
development and management
§ Increased number and
hecterage of new schemes
developed and managed by
NGO's and private sector.
§ Adopt co-ordinate approach for timely
supply of irrigation water in intensive
packet areas (continued).
§ Timely supply of irrigation
water in pocket areas.
§ Scale up On Farm Water
Management Program (continued).
§ Strengthen technical support
to farmers.
Promote year
round irrigation
in the irrigable
§ Establish coordination in
intensive agriculture
program formulation and
implementation in year
round irrigated areas at all
§ Ensure irrigation support component
in intensive agriculture program of
MOA (continued).
§ Coordinated intensive
agriculture pocket program in
§ Year round irrigation
increased to 50% of the
irrigated land by 2005.
§ Additional irrigation
facilities developed in
177,600 ha. from new
schemes and
rehabilitation of 64,000 ha.
§ Management transfer to
WUAs in 37,000 ha.
§ Farmers/WUAs become
capable to own and
manage irrigation systems
up to the size of 500 ha by
§ Increased irrigation
charge collection by
WUAs significantly.
§ Private sector and NGO
participation in irrigation
management increased.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Acts/rules compatible with
WTO/SAPTA. (2004 onwards).
§ Accession to WTO/SAFTA. § Trade policy to be made
compatible with regional /
international agreements.
§ Trade diversification
enhanced product wise and
country wise.
§ Enhance
§ Operationalization of ICD, Birgunj.
§ ICD Birgunj operationalized.
§ Technical support service to
enhance competitiveness of exports
§ Exports of supported
commodities increased.
§ Emphasis on quality improvement
§ Quality certification
Increase the
contribution of
trade in the
§ Involve private sector for
export promotion.
§ Introduce selected services in the
management of private sector in
major customs terminal (by 2004).
§ Involvement of private sector
in providing services in
customs terminals.
§ Export GDP ratio increased.
§ Market/product
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Reorient public expenditure to make it more
employment intensive.
§ Employment
§ Make employment
intensive growth
§ Incentives and policies improvement for
private sector to generate employment
§ Streamline present training programs based
on market and demand for such training
identified by CBOs at district level
§ Efficiency of labor
MOICS etc.
§ Reform vocational
training program to link
with employment policy
objectives and labor
§ Consultative process strengthened and
cooperation initiated and institutionalized
with the private sector in making the training
program more demand driven and effective.
§ Make labor laws
§ Reform labor laws by (2004) § Labor law amended. § DOL,
§ Enhance foreign
§ Agreements with labor importing countries
increased/strengthened (continued).
§ Number of laborers
employed oversees
§ Skill development program encouraged for
outward migrants workers (continued).
§ Number of disputes
employment to
reduce poverty
§ Support services for overseas laborers
enhanced (continued).
Ensure congenial
environment for
better industrial
§ Promote industrial
relationship for
increasing the labor
§ Orientation/training on industrial relations
increased and guidelines/regulation
strengthened (continued).
Protect children
from exploitation
§ Eliminate child labour. § Legal measures and strict monitoring for
eliminating child labour and their
rehabilitation (ongoing)
§ Number of child
labour rescued and
§ Underemployment/
Unemployment rates decline.
§ Industrial relations improved.
§ Labor productivity enhanced
§ Rights of labor protected
§ Worst form of Child labor
reduced significantly.
§ Remittance income
Infrastructure Development
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Expansion of road
network to link the
districts without road.
§ 10 Additional District
headquarters connected by
road (by FY 07).
§ Additional 1025 km. to be
constructed by MOPPW.
§ Road access increased to 70
District Headquarters.
§ Encourage private sector
§ Act developed for BOT projects
(FY 04).
§ Detail plan approved enough
and budget allocation.
§ Road length increased by 1025
§ Maintain the road network
in serviceable condition.
§ Rural roads management
responsibility transferred to
DDCs (FY 04 onwards)
§ Rural Roads responsibilities
transferred to DDCs.
§ Reduced transport cost. § MOPPW
§ Road Board operational (FY
§ Full levy collected. § MOPPW § Enhance the institutional
capacity in the context of
liberal economy and
§ Framework planned for road
maintenance system (FY 04).
§ 90 percent of SRN in good / fair
§ Sustainable Road maintenance
fund available in a accordance
with annual maintenances plan
§ Act implemented. § Management efficiency
improved in planning,
procurement, and
§ Annual maintenance plan for
2003/04 received and
approved (2003 April)
§ BOT legal frame finalization.
Develop &
manage road
transport network
in cost effective
way to support
socio economic
§ Capacity building of
Department of Roads in the
context of liberal economy and
decentralization (FY 03
§ Technical auditing agency
§ 90 percent of SRN in good/fair
Power Sector
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Promote private sector
participation in power
§ Establish power
development fund (FY
§ Power Development Fund established. § MOWR
§ Establish an independent
regulatory body (FY 2004).
§ Regulatory Body established. § MOWR
§ Improve financial viability
of NEA
§ "Develop" profit-making
centers within NEA (FY 2003
§ Reduce system losses 1% a year from
23% at the beginning of Tenth Plan.
§ Internal unbundling of NEA
into generation,
transmission, and
distribution units (FY 04).
§ Complete internal unbundling of NEA by
FY 2004.
§ Initiate explicit subsidy policy
for grid-based rural
electrification (FY 2004).
§ Adopt a subsidy policy for grid-based
rural electrification by FY 2004.
§ Integrate rural
electrification with rural
economic development
§ Promote productive end-
uses (continued).
§ Adopt a framework for cooperative
based rural electrification.
§ Promote cooperative
based grid-based rural
§ Capacity building of
cooperatives (continued).
§ Training programs to cooperatives. § MOWR
§ Expand and reinforce
power infrastructure
§ Expand and reinforce
generation, transmission and
distribution (on-going).
§ Increase installed capacity from 527 MW
to 830 MW
§ Increase length of transmission lines
(66, 132 and 220 kV) from 1962 km to
2392 km
Expand electricity
coverage in a
financially and
§ Promote small-, medium-
scale and storage
hydropower projects (on-
§ Initiate construction of a storage project.
§ Increase in percentage
of population with
access to electricity from
40 to 55 percent.
Information and Communication
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Private sector
§ Private sector involvement in
telecom (FY 2003 and onwards).
§ Convert NTC to a Company
under Company Act by 2003/04.
§ Private GSM operator in place. § MOIC, TCA
§ Expansion of broadcasting
services (continued).
§ Private RTS operator in place in
Eastern Region.
§ Clarity on role and
responsibility of public
and private operators
§ Radio and Television service
extension to the whole country
§ Radio Nepal
Improve access of
information and
§ Functional autonomy § Creation of legal frame for
functional autonomy of postal
service (2003/04).
§ Approval of Rules and
Regulation for functional
autonomy of postal service by
§ Competitive and liberalized
market of Telecom service.
§ Access of Telecom service
to all VDCs.
§ Telephone penetration 40
lines per 1000 inhabitants.
§ Radio and Television
service available to all
§ Effective function of postal
§ At least two telephone lines
in all VDCs.
Tourism, Infrastructure, Services and Promotion
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
Expand tourism
§ Promotional activities focused in
regional markets (on-going).
§ Number of promotional activities
§ World heritage guidelines followed. § MOCTCA, DOA
§ Development and conservation of
national heritage/religious sites (on-
§ National heritages developed and
§ Promote eco-tourism (on-going). § Infrastructure and physical structure
§ New destination opened.
§ Tourism promotion/
marketing and
§ Increase tourist activities in National
Parks and Nature conservation areas.
§ Infrastructure
§ Develop Infrastructure and
institutions particularly for eco-
tourism (on-going).
§ Air services at eco-tourism areas
§ Infrastructure and institution for eco-
tourism developed.
§ Manage solid-waste and air
pollution (on-going).
§ Dumping site/incinerators established.
§ Air pollution standard imprinted.
§ Manage air-safety (by 2004/05). § Air safety standard strengthened are
§ Simplify Immigration system (on-
§ Visa issuing simplifiied. § MOH
§ Domestic air services enhanced.
§ Expand transportation facilities for
tourism industry (on-going).
§ Accessibility of information.
§ Number international connection and
briers increased.
§ Tourism facilitation
§ Promote quality of tourism services
§ Tourism service standard
strengthened and monitored.
§ Increase in the number
of tourists to 516,000.
§ Length of stay of tourist
increases to 13 days.
§ Tourism earnings
distributed widely to
rural areas also.
§ Domestic tourism
§ Contribution of tourism
in the economy
enhanced to 3%.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Tariff rationalization (on-going). § Industrial competitiveness improved. § MOICS, MOF
§ Foreign investment policy reform
(by 2004).
§ Foreign investment increased. § MOICS
§ Industrial acts & policies reform (by
§ Labour/company law amended. § MOICS
§ Exit policy introduced.
§ Acts amended according to
§ Strengthened
market oriented
§ Action plan developed according to
Industrial Perspective Plan.
§ Incentive and programs for
technological improvement and
upgrading SMEs. (on-going).
§ Production and productivity
§ Institutional mechanism/acts sub-
contracting to SMEs (2005).
§ Number of trainings/trainees. § DOI, DOSCI
§ Entrepreneurship training, skill
development (on-going).
§ Promotional activities.
§ Incentive for backward linkages to
industries (ongoing).
§ Industrial production expanded. § DOI, DOSCI
§ Strengthening
§ Information technology
development (ongoing).
§ Access to information improved. § MOICS, MOST
§ Improved Industrial
§ Tripartite industrial relationship
improved (on-going).
§ Smooth industrial operation.
§ Contribution of GDP
§ Employment
§ Product expansion.
§ Information
§ Harmonious industrial
§ Industrial production
expanded in average
7.8 percent/annum.
§ SME Additional
employment generated
to 250,000.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Rationalization NFC activities and
strengthen supply system (on-
§ Focus distribution in districts and
strengthened networks.
§ Food security will be
§ MOICS, NFC § Strengthen food
supplies in remote
§ Enhance food supply and
distribution in food deficit areas (on-
§ Supply and distribution of 35000 MT
food per annum mainly in remote
§ Price of petroleum
products competitive.
§ Loss of NOC reduced. § MOICS, NOC § Management of NOC improved,
leakage reduced and private
sector's involvement in NOC
activities initiated (by 2004).
§ Storage capacity of petroleum product
will be increased.
§ Private sector involvement increased. § MOICS, NOC
Improve the
supply and
distribution of
§ Market based
petroleum price.
§ Rationalization of petroleum
product prices (by 2003).
§ Petroleum price will be market based.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Transfer of management of schools to
communities/ local bodies (ongoing).
§ At least 6000 schools transferred
to local communities/management.
§ Framework for the assessment of
students' learning outcome (2004).
§ § DOE
§ Guideline for partial grant for
community schools completed; all
community schools receive grant.
§ Decentralization of school
management to
communities/local bodies
and change in role of
district and central level
agencies from
implementation to
facilitation, monitoring
and evaluation.
§ Promote private sector for production
and distribution of textbooks with a view
to facilitate timely distribution of
textbooks (to be started from 2004).
§ Timely distribution of textbooks.
§ Review and Rationalize
teaching/learning package (FY04)
§ Number of trained teachers in
primary school increased from 52
to 100 percent.
§ New recruitment of teachers done locally
§ Establishment of Child
Development Centers in
§ Teachers' certification process
expanded and strengthened (ongoing).
§ Increase in number of trained
teacher in secondary level.
§ Teachers training facilities for primary
school increased (ongoing).
§ Improve and expand
teachers training program
§ Expand teacher training for secondary
education (ongoing).
§ Framework for school monitoring
mechanism developed and strengthened
§ Schools expansion only on the basis of
mapping and accepted norms (2004).
§ A system of regular school
monitoring in place in all districts.
Improve quality of
and access to
especially primary
§ Strengthen school
monitoring and
supervision system.
§ Partial grant for community schools not
receiving Government funding (ongoing).
§ School-mapping completed.
§ Net primary school
enrollment increased
from 82 to 90 percent.
§ Percentage of the pupil
completing primary level
increases fromto
§ Percentage of primary
school repeaters
§ Drop out rates at the
primary level declines.
§ Expand literacy campaign by increased
involvement of CBOs/NGOs/ local
bodies (ongoing).
§ At least 200,000 out of school
children in the 6-10 and 10-14 age
groups to receive informal
§ Adult literacy rate (+15)
increased from 49 to
§ DOE, , DDC,
§ Expand Community Learning Centers
§ Post literacy skill generating
programs to 20 percent of literates.
Delivery of literacy
programs with
focus on livelihood
§ Integration of literacy
programs with CBO-
based income generation
activities facilitated by
local bodies.
§ Female adult literacy rate
(+15) increased from 34
to 55 percent.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Mitigate social, cultural
and financial barriers for
access to education
§ Enhanced scholarship for children of
poor families (on-going).
§ Enroll all of age 6 children to
primary education.
§ Enrolment rate of girls
and disadvantaged
children increase.
§ Expand school feeding program in
deprived areas (on-going).
§ Number of students for
disadvantaged receiving
scholarship increased.
§ Improvement in the ratio
of girls enrollment rate to
that of boys.
§ Expand secondary scholarships for
children, girl and Dalit/disadvantaged
from poor families (on-going).
§ Increased share of female
teachers in primary schools from
26 to 30 percent.
§ Separate latrines for girls (on-going). § DOE, DDC,
Improve access of
girls, Dalits and
children to
§ Social contracts for
access improvement
§ Incentive grant for schools employing
female teachers (on-going).
§ Share of girls and disadvantaged
children in primary and secondary
levels increase.
§ Vocational courses
attached to existing
secondary school.
§ Initiate and strengthen the program in 25
schools as an annex program (to start
from 2004).
Meet national
demand for basic
and middle level
technical human
§ Promote private provision
of basic and middle level
technical training.
§ Introduction of voucher system targeted
to poor for basic and middle level
technical training (to start from 2004).
§ Short and medium term technical
training to more than 30,000
§ Increase share of semi-
skilled and skilled labour
in the labour force from.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Development and
retention of trained
staff especially in rural
§ Terms and conditions of recruitment
and transfer made transparent (end
§ Sick individuals (%) who visited
rural health centers (during the
past month).
§ Incentive mechanism devised to
encourage health workers to work in
remote and rural areas (FY 2003/04).
§ Number of absentee health
§ Fulfill vacant positions (on-going).
§ Increased availability of Auxiliary
Health Midwife/ nurse in the health
posts especially to address MCH
problems (FY 04 to 08)
§ Women receiving at least 4
alternated visit increased from 14
to 40%.
§ MOH, DOH § Training and
upgrading of health
§ Training programmes strengthen and
manpower production enhanced (on
§ Births (%) attended by skilled
health personnel increased from
13 to 40%.
§ Procurement of drugs and equipment
based on program priorities (on
§ Number of drug outlets where 15
of the most essential drugs
§ Expansion of community drug
program (on going).
§ Number of sub/health posts with
community drug program
§ Increased supply of
essential drugs,
§ Availability of essential and
priority drugs increased to 90%
§ Initiation of health insurance scheme
(FY04 onwards).
§ Population under health
Increase essential
health care
services to all with
special emphasis
to rural/remote/
poor population.
§ Expand
§ One year olds (%) fully
immunized against target
§ Reduction in infant
mortality rate from 64 to
§ Reduction in child
(U5MR) mortality rate
from 91 to 72.
§ Reduction in maternal
mortality from 415 to
§ Life expectancy
increased from 61.9
years to 65 years.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Focus of the program in immunization,
safer motherhood, control and
prevention of communicable diseases,
malaria control, JE, TB and leprosy,
HIV/AIDS and CDP Programmes (on
§ Proportion of
etc. cases detected and
prevention and treatment
measures. Condom use by
14-35 years old men increased
to 35 percent.
§ Accessibility increased on the basis of
mapping (starting from FY04).
§ Population more than hour's
walk or travel to rural health
§ Effective family planning program (on
§ Contraceptive prevalence rate
increase from 40 to 55 percent.
§ Reorientation/refocus of programmes
based on mapping of HDI index
(initiation from FY04).
§ Condom use by 14-35 years old
men increased to 35 percent.
§ Expand nutritional program (on going).
§ Education/awareness (ongoing). § MOH, MOES
§ Up-gradation of
primary health centers
and hospitals.
§ Up-gradation of hospitals/health
centres to manage the increasing
problem of accidents and injuries a
phased manner (FY04 onwards).
§ Number of health centers and
hospitals upgraded.
§ Transfer of sub health post, health
post etc. to local management
committees (on going).
§ All sub health post and more
than 50% of health posts and a
25 hospitals handed over to local
§ Recruitment of health workers at the
local level ((FY04 and onwards).
§ Guidelines/frameworks local
recruitment developed.
§ Decentralized
operation and
§ Procurement of drugs at the local level
(FY 2003/04 onwards).
§ Number of health centers
authorized for procurement.
Promotion and
coordination with
§ Avoid duplication with private sectors
and NGOs.
§ Coordination guideline
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
private Sectors
§ Environmental and occupational
health care and sanitation facilities
provided with inter-sectoral
collaboration (on going)
§ Level of collaboration improved. § MOH,
§ Improved regulatory
§ Strong supervision and monitoring
mechanism devised and implemented
for the availability, quality and
accessibility of health services (private
nursing home/hospitals/colleges).
§ Strong supervision and
monitoring mechanism devised
and implemented for the
availability, quality and
accessibility of health services.
Drinking Water and Sanitation
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Revise the 1998 rural sub-sector
policy to include clear roles &
responsibilities of sector actors
by 2003.
§ A consistent sector policy in
place and implemented
§ Consistent community
driven approach
operational sector wide
§ Reform/consolidate the
institutional mechanisms and
approaches to service delivery to
facilitate implementation by 2003
§ Community driven approach
adopted to provide sustainable
water systems to benefit some
2.0 million additional people.
§ About 3.8 million people
have access to safe
and sustainable
drinking water services.
§ Strengthen autonomy of the
RWSS Fund Development Board
through an Act by 2003
§ Fund Board operational as a
regular sector agency.
§ Increased opportunity
for enrolment of girl
child in schools due to
time saved in fetching
ed access to
sustainable basic
drinking water
services in rural
§ Scale up the demand
driven and participatory
approach to rural water
supply and sanitation
schemes. This approach
involves NGOs, CBOs,
local private sector to
assist communities to plan,
design and implement and
operate and maintain their
own schemes.
§ Rehabilitate rural water supply
schemes for community
management (continued).
§ Sector monitoring system
established; the sector monitored
effectively and regularly and
budget allocations to sector
agencies are performance
§ Reduced water borne
and water washed
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Districts develop/update district
water development plans regular
to improve planning starting 2003
and continuous.
§ About 150 schemes rehabilitated
and community managed.
§ Every new water supply scheme
should include sanitation as a
component of the project and
provide for promotional activities
§ About 4,50,000 households build
and use latrines in rural areas
§ Health and hygiene
§ Promote sanitation activities in
areas that already have water
supply services but no sanitation
facilities (continued).
§ About 150,000 households with
appropriate sanitation services in
urban area
§ Reduction in diarrhoeal
Improve and
expand basic
sanitation facilities
in rural and urban
§ Promote sanitation as an
integral part of water
supply projects through
public education and
awareness campaigns by
mobilizing NGOs, CBOs,
local bodies and the private
§ Promote appropriate sanitation
facilities in urban and semi-urban
areas through users’ participation
§ Implement cost recovery policies
starting 2003
§ A private operator in place by
2004 in Kathmandu Valley towns
§ Arrangements and
regulatory framework
for PSP in urban WSS
services established
§ Develop national water quality
standard/guidelines and
strengthen water quality
monitoring by 2004
§ Create a conducive
environment for private
sector participation & local
bodies involvement in
urban and semi-urban
water supply services by
legislative reforms, cost
recovery policy & a
national water quality
§ Frame legislation, establish and
make operational a regulatory
body by 2003
§ Carry out a study to develop a
strategy for PSP and local body
involvement in the other urban
and semi-urban areas by 2004
§ More efficient and cost
effective services
available to urban and
semi-urban areas
Improved access
to and up-
gradation of basic
drinking water
services in urban
and semi-urban
areas through
involvement of
private sector
and/or local
§ Increased supply in the
valley by reducing
unaccounted for water.
§ Reduce unaccounted-for water in
Kathmandu Valley towns by 4%
§ Unaccounted for water reduced
by 4% annually.
§ Reduction in water
borne and water
washed diseases.
Targeted Programs
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Reorient sectoral
programmes to focus on
targeted groups/areas.
§ Initiate the system of
expanding/developing sectoral
activities based on poverty mapping
(FY04 onwards).
§ Budget allocation for deprived
communities/areas increased.
§ MOLD Bring poor/socially
aged groups out of
poverty trap
§ Framework for addressing the
problem of deprived
communities/regions developed and
implemented (FY 04 onwards)
§ Use decentralize mechanism for
implementation (ongoing).
§ DIDO and service delivery agencies
transferred to local level.
§ Make local bodies more
responsible for designing
and implementing local
poverty programmes
§ Increase grant to local bodies on
the basis of poverty index (FY04
§ Allocation to district with low HDI
§ Number of training program under
LGDP/LGFC/PAF increased.
§ Supplement the targeted
programmes of local
bodies and the
government with the
participation of
§ Train local bodies and make them
accountable for the poverty
reduction program at the local level
(FY04 onwards).
§ PAF guidelines approved. Program
implemented for targeted groups.
§ HDI index of Far-western
and Midwestern increase
by 8% per annum.
§ Literacy rate of dalits and
indigenous people
increases significantly.
§ Life expectancy of
§ Mean years of schooling
of deprived communities
and regions increase.
§ Strengthen social mobilization
§ PAF office established (FY 2003).
§ Use PAF to supplement targeted
programmes, to be carried out
mainly by NGOs/CBOs (FY 2004
§ Reorient and coordinate
NGO/INGOs activities
towards targeted groups.
§ Encourage coordination and
develop partnership with
NGO/CBOs and the private sector
to work in the poorer areas.
§ Mapping of INGOs activities done
and INGOs encouraged to work for
deprived areas/communities
§ Initiate and implement
effective mechanism for
poverty monitoring.
§ Design special mechanism to
monitor outcome and input
indicators for targeted group (FY04
§ Poverty monitoring disaggregated
by gender/social groups/regions.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Initiate and support district level
poverty monitoring mechanism
(FY04 onwards).
§ District poverty monitoring
mechanism assessed and system
§ Encourage philanthropic
organization in expanding
poverty reduction strategy.
§ Enhance public awareness
campaign for voluntary work,
welfare activities and pov erty
reduction programmes to be
generated by philanthropic
organizations and private sector
(FY04 onwards).
§ More resources mobilized by local
NGOs locally.
§ Special programs from
Far-west and Mid-west
regions' poor districts.
§ Assistance for overseas
employment (FY04-05)
§ Assistant to poor people for foreign
§ Micro credit/micro-enterprises
training/education etc and or
§ Asset creating activities increases.
§ ADBN, Rural
Dev. Bank,
§ Special scholarship program for
higher education (FY 2004
onwards) initiated.
§ At least 100 scholarship per annum
for deprived women, dalits and
indigenous people for higher
§ Production loan and social
mobilization (ongoing).
§ Number and volume of loan
§ RDBs Mainstreaming
gender in
§ Women empowered by
removing the social, legal,
economic and other
§ Incentives to increase proportion of
girls in education (2003 onwards).
§ Scholarship to girls.
§ Special health care system to
women to reduce maternal mortality
§ Number of trained Midwives or AHM
or nurses.
§ Economic status of
women improved.
Proportion of women in
socio-economic political
activities and public
positions improved.
Status of women
Coaching classes and alternative
actions to increase females in
teaching and civil service (ongoing).
§ Proportion females in civil service
and teaching.
§ MOES, Pvt.
§ Eliminate legal discrimination
§ Legal ammendment. § MOWSW,
§ Legal and other changes to prevent
violence against women (2003-04).
§ Number of violence cases reported
and mitigation program.
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Action Plan for gender
mainstreaming developed and
implemented (FY onwards)
§ Number of scholarship for higher
education to girls.
§ Special scholarship program for
higher education (2003/04 ongoing).
§ Monitoring reports/analysis.
§ Special monitoring system in
improving gender equality (2004).
§ By removing social legal
and economic constraints.
Credit facility and social mobilization
§ Credit program and number of
§ RDBs
§ Empowerment § Incentives to increase proportion of
deprived children in education
§ Scholarship increased. § MOES
§ Affirmative actions to increase the
proportion of people recruited in
teaching and public service (2004).
§ Number of Dalits in teaching and
public agencies.
§ MOES, Dalit
§ Special emphasis in skill training,
income generating activities and
special scholarship program for
higher education (ongoing).
§ Number of scholarship and training
award to dalits and deprived janajati
§ Legal and other constraints
removed (ongoing).
§ Legal ammendment. § MOEC, CTEVT
§ VDC and DDCs to focus on the
mainstreaming of deprived
communities (2003/04).
§ Training and guidelines for targetting
programs in VDCs/DDCs.
§ MOLD, Dalit
§ Special infrastructure, income
generating and human development
activities for deprived communities
and areas.
§ Monitoring reports/analysis. § MOLD
Mainstreaming the
§ Special monitoring system in
improving the status of derived
community (2004).
§ Proportion of deprived
communities below
poverty line declines
§ Human development
indicators of deprived
communities improvers.
§ Proportion of socially
excluded people
increased in socio-
economic and political
§ Derived communities
Civil Service Reform
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Improvement in recruitment
and promotion system.
§ Curriculum and testing
mechanism for recruitment and
promotion revised and improved
§ Reduce political
interference in civil service
§ Introduce necessary laws (by
§ Revised and improved
curriculum and testing
mechanism developed (by
Civil service
Judiciary) made
accountable and
service oriented.
§ Better and qualified
candidates recruited by 2004.
§ Computerize functions of public
service commission (2007).
§ Governance Act ammended
by 2003.
§ Strengthening Personnel
information system (PIS)
and human resource
§ Institutionalization of the PIS
system in all Ministries (2002-
§ A full fledged PIS system
operationalized by 2005.
§ MOGA/ Line
§ Proportion of women, ethnic
and disadvantaged group in
civil service increased.
§ Coaching classes to perspective
women, ethnic and disadvantage
groups candidates for civil service
facilities (ongoing).
§ Increased percentage of
women and ethnic groups
joining civil service.
§ Motivate women, ethnic and
disadvantage groups to join civil
services (ongoing).
§ Merit based recruitment
and promotion
§ Young graduates
attracted in civil service.
§ Civil Service is
§ Civil service efficiency
and accountability
§ Up to date records.
§ Better pensions
§ Corruption control.
§ Success rates of female,
ethnic and
disadvantaged groups
§ Women, ethnic and
disadvantaged groups
well represented in civil
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Anti-corruption strategy adopted
and implemented (2003).
§ Draft procurement Act prepared
by April 2004.
§ Cabinet
Ensure efficiency
of resources use
and improve
service delivery
§ Preventive actions for anti-
corruption strengthened and
§ National Vigilance Center activated
and strengthened (2003).
§ Technical Audit Agencies
established and made operational.
§ PM's Office
§ Public Department (PWD)
directives implemented 2003).
§ Increased quality of public
construction works.
§ Anti money laundering Act enacted
§ Number of corruption cases
registered in the court increase.
§ Action against corruption
§ CIAA continued to be active
§ More corruption cases prosecuted
and convicted.
§ Prompt decisions by the courts.
§ Judicial system
§ Judicial system strengthened
through training and by improving
management (continued).
§ Number of pending judicial cases
§ Corruption reduced.
§ New procurement
Act effective
§ Resources
efficiency improved.
§ Delivery of services
§ Enhance integrity in
public service.
§ Delivery of justice
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Devolve service delivery
functions to local bodies
§ DIDO transfers to local bodies
§ At least 800 primary schools
handed over to communities
(first year)
§ Education, health, postal service
transfer to local bodies (ongoing).
§ Health post of at least 10
districts each year transferred
to communities
§ Agriculture and small irrigation
services transfer to local bodies
§ Agriculture service centers
transfer to local bodies.
process with the
participation and
empowerment of
people at large in
the governance.
§ Rural roads transfer to local
bodies (2003 onwards).
§ Local road tolls handed over
to Road User Groups in 20
districts for the maintenance
of roads.
§ Service delivery improves
§ Electronic MIS
operational zed in 60
§ Increase share of local
revenue in budget
§ Transparency and
accountability improved
§ Ownership in
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Reconcile conflicting Acts and
Regulations (2003 onwards).
§ Preparations to reconcile
conflicting Acts and
§ Citizen's charter in all the
DDCs and Municipalities
§ Local services cadre constituted
§ Local services cadre designed
in the first year
§ District profile of 20 districts
for DPP completed in the first
§ Enhance planning, management
and evaluation capacities of local
bodies (continued).
§ Electronic MIS operational in
25 districts
§ Capacity building
§ Train and equip local bodies
offices (continued).
§ DPP (districts periodic plans)
all districts brought outs.
§ Fiscal decentralization § Central grants allocated to local
bodies on poverty based formula
(FY 03/04)
§ Central grants allocated to
local bodies on poverty based
formula begins.
§ Improve revenue collection
§ Increase share of local
revenue in budget expenditure
§ Fiscal arrears reduced
§ Fiscal management, auditing
accounting system (ongoing).
§ Transparency, auditing and
accountability improved.
§ Public Audit of development
projects practiced
§ Road map for fiscal
decentralization (2003).
§ Road map for fiscal
decentralization adopted by
FY 02/03
§ Fiscal
§ Fiscal framework introduced in
pilot basis (2003/04)
§ Fiscal framework introduced
in pilot basis in 5 districts by
FY 2003/04
§ Fiscal
§ Preparation of citizen's charter
§ MOH A, Line
§ Citizen Character in 15
districts prepared by mid-July
Human Rights
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible
§ Acts and laws made
compatible with
international conventions.
§ Formulate and amend major Acts
and regulations (continued).
§ Number of human rights
violation investigation cases
§ Human Rights violation
cases decreased.
§ Institutional strengthening. § Strengthen Human Rights
commission , women commission
and Dalit Commission
§ Human rights action plan
prepared by 2003.
§ Reduction in
discrimination violation
and exploitation cases.
Promotion of
human fights for
the dignity of
§ Establish and strengthen human
rights cells in major government
agencies (2003/04)
§ Support the capacity building
of human right cells.
§ Empowerment of people
to exercise their rights.
Integrated Security Development Program
Objective Strategies Activities Intermediate indicators Outcome Responsible Agency
§ Provide security to big projects. § MOHA, MOLD
Enhance security
and expand
activities .
§ Enhance the security umbrella
and the sense of security and
peace to continue and expand
development activities and
service delivery.
§ Enhance internal security and
development program strategic
locations and violence-affected
Rehabilitation of
victims of violence
§ Rehabilitation of the victims of
§ Rehabilitation of the victims of
Annex 2
Key Actions of the Immediate Action Plan, 2002 (IAP)
Prioritizing Public Expenditures
Prioritization of all expendituresespecially development activities to make the budget more realistic
and reflect increased security requirements.
Resource allocations to be made consistent with decentralization by:
1. Allocating block grants to local bodies in FY 03 in an amount not less than FY 02 allocations.
2. Channeling funds to agricultural extension, sub-health posts and basic and primary education
through local bodies.
3. Developing poverty-based formula for block grant allocations to local bodies and implement in FY
04 budget.
Priority projects (P1s) to be assured of full funding, with release of funds to be tied to meeting agreed
performance indicators.
Measures for Improving Service Delivery
§ Formulation of procedures for transferring management of primary schools to communities.
§ Begin the initial phase of transferring public primary schools to community management and block
grants to School Management Committees (SMCs).
§ Recruitment of primary school teachers handed over to SMCs.
§ Freeze on recruitment of primary school teachers by central Government.
§ Management of sub-health posts (SHPs) by Local Health Management Committees.
§ VDC verification of staff attendance at SHPs before issuance of pay checks.
§ Compulsory public notices in SHPs stating the range of services, fees and hours of operation.
Civil Service Reform
4. Gradual elimination of vacant civil service positions.
Measures for Fighting Corruption and Improving Accountability
§ Publish annual budget and report of actual expenditure (by local bodies and by line agencies).
District analysis to be carried out at least quarterly.
§ Make arrangements for posting budget allocations and expenditures at DDC/VDC offices, SHPs
and schools.
§ Carrying out expenditure tracking to establish extent to which public funds are actually reaching the
points of service delivery.
§ No significant increase in the arrears of public utilities (electricity, telecommunications and drinking
§ Adoption of time-bound action plan for implementing major recommendations of Country
Procurement Assessment Review (CPPR).
§ Public Works Guidelines (PWGs) to be made operational.
§ Adoption of time-bound action plan for implementing major recommendations of Country Financial
Accountability Assessment (CFAA).
§ Develop comprehensive Anti-Corruption Strategy (ACS) and make progress in its implementation.
Annex 3
Table A3.1: Growth Rate of GDP and Projection of Annual Macro Economic Indicators of the Tenth Plan (at 6.2 percent economic
growth rate)
2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
1. Growth rate of GDP (%) -0.61 3.3 6.1 6.5 7.5 7.5
2. Fiscal deficit (% of GDP) -5.2 -5.6 -5.3 -5 -5 -5.3
3. Internal borrowing (% of GDP) 2.6 3.1 2.4 1.8 1.6 1.4
4. Revenue ( % of GDP) 12 11.8 12.3 12.9 13.5 14
5. Changes in GDP deflater 3.5 3.7 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6
Table A3.2: Estimates of Projected sources and expenditure of the Tenth Plan (at constant price : for 6.2 percent economic growth
rate) (Rs. Billion)
2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
1. Total Expenditure 81.05 86.31 91.66 98.26 108.45 120.51
Regular 49.15 54.97 54 53 54.06 55.14
Development 31.9 31.34 37.66 45.26 54.39 65.37
2. Sources of financing expenditure 0 0 0 0 0 0
Revenue 50.45 51.11 56.54 63.17 71.08 79.26
Foreign grant 8.7 11.09 10.77 10.6 10.79 11.23
Deficit 21.9 24.11 24.36 24.49 26.58 30.03
3. Sources of financing deficit 0 0 0 0 0 0
Foreign loan 10.95 10.61 13.16 15.9 18.38 22.1
Internal borrowing 10.95 13.5 11.19 8.59 8.2 7.93
Cash balance (-saving) 0.95 0 0 0 0 0
Table A3.3: Estimates of Projected sources and expenditure of the Tenth Plan (at current price : for 6.2 percent economic growth
rate) (Rs. Billion)
2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
1. Total Expenditure 81.05 89.5 99.52 111.7 128.96 149.89
Regular 49.15 57 58.63 60.25 64.28 68.58
Development 31.9 32.5 40.89 51.45 64.68 81.3
2. Sources of financing expenditure
Revenue 50.45 53 61.39 71.81 84.52 98.58
Foreign grant 8.7 11.5 11.69 12.05 12.83 13.96
Deficit 21.9 25 26.44 27.84 31.6 37.35
3. Sources of financing deficit
Foreign loan 10.95 11 14.29 18.07 21.85 27.48
Internal borrowing 10.95 14 12.15 9.77 9.75 9.86
Cash balance (-saving) 0.95 0 0 0 0 0
Table A3.4: Growth Rate of GDP and Projection of Annual Macro Economic Indicators (for 4.3 economic growth rate)
2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
1. Growth rate of GDP (%) -0.61 2 4 4.5 5 6
2. Fiscal deficit (% of GDP) 5.2 5.5 5.2 4.9 4.5 4.3
3. Internal borrowing (% of GDP) 2.6 3.1 2.6 2.1 1.3 0.8
4. Revenue ( % of GDP) 12 11.8 12.1 12.4 12.6 12.9
5. Changes in GDP deflater 3.5 3.7 4.7 4.7 5 5
Table A3.5: Estimates of Projected sources and expenditure of the Tenth Plan (at constant price : for 4.3 percent economic growth
rate) (Rs. Billion)
2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
1. Total Expenditure 81.05 81.58 86.67 91.49 95.45 101.06
Regular 49.15 53.62 54.43 55.86 56.35 57.65
Development 31.9 27.97 32.24 35.63 39.11 43.42
2. Sources of financing expenditure
Revenue 50.45 50.43 53.97 57.62 61.98 67.29
Foreign grant 8.7 7.71 9.49 11.08 11.61 11.58
Deficit 21.9 24.43 23.21 22.78 21.87 22.22
3. Sources of financing deficit
Foreign loan 10.95 9.93 11.6 13.2 15.56 17.93
Internal borrowing 10.95 13.5 11.6 9.59 6.31 4.29
Cash balance (-saving) 0.95 0 0 0 0 0
Table A3.6: Estimates of Projected sources and expenditure of the Tenth Plan (@ current price : for 4.3 percent economic growth
rate) (Rs. Billion)
2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07
1. Total Expenditure 81.05 84.6 94.1 104 113.5 125.7
Regular 49.15 55.6 59.1 63.5 67 71.7
Development* 31.9 29 35 40.5 46.5 54
2. Sources of financing expenditure
Revenue 50.45 52.3 58.6 65.5 73.7 83.66
Foreign grant 8.7 8 10.3 12.6 13.8 14.4
Deficit 21.9 24.3 25.2 25.9 26 27.64
3. Sources of financing deficit
Foreign loan 10.95 10.3 12.6 15 18.5 22.3
Internal borrowing 10.95 14 12.6 10.9 7.5 5.34
Cash balance (-saving) 0.95 0 0 0 0 0
*Share of development expenditure is estimated to be Rs. 205 billion at current price for the plan period.