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Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS
Data Lakes
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Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
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Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
Table of Contents
Abstract and introduction ................................................................................................................ i
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Are you Well-Architected? .......................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Data ingestion mechanisms ............................................................................................................ 2
Purpose-built integration service .............................................................................................................. 2
Amazon AppFlow .................................................................................................................................... 2
Extract, transform and load (ETL) using custom connectors with Apache Spark ............................ 4
AWS Glue .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Data federation using SQL engine ........................................................................................................... 8
Amazon Athena ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Streaming data ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis ........................................ 10
Import/Export using files ......................................................................................................................... 11
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Contributors ................................................................................................................................... 14
Further reading .............................................................................................................................. 15
Document Revisions ...................................................................................................................... 16
Notices ............................................................................................................................................ 17
AWS Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 18
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes
Publication date: March 4, 2022 (Document Revisions)
Today, many organizations generate and store data in Software as a service (SaaS)-based
applications. They want to ingest this data in a central repository (often a data lake) so that they
can analyze it though a single pane of glass and derive insights from it. However, because different
SaaS applications provide different mechanisms of extracting the data, a single approach does not
always work.
This paper outlines different patterns using Amazon Web Services (AWS) services to ingest SaaS
data into a data lake on AWS.
Are you Well-Architected?
The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you understand the pros and cons of the decisions you
make when building systems on AWS. Using the Framework allows you to learn architectural best
practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective systems in the
In the SaaS Lens, we enable customers to review and improve their cloud-based architectures
and better understand the business impact of their design decisions. We address general design
principles as well as specific best practices and guidance in five conceptual areas that we define as
the pillars of the Well-Architected Framework.
With the growing ecosystem of SaaS-based applications, many organizations face the challenge of
collecting all this data into a centralized location for analytics. Often this centralized location is a
data lake, and in AWS Cloud, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) becomes the centralized
storage for this data lake. However, an ingestion mechanism must be in place get all the SaaS data
into Amazon S3. This paper explores different options to use in AWS, along with usage patterns
and considerations to make when selecting a particular ingestion mechanism.
Abstract 1
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
Data ingestion mechanisms
In this section, we'll review the following data ingestion mechanisms: Purpose-built integration
service, ETL using custom connectors with Apache Spark, data federation using SQL engine,
streaming data, and import/export using files.
Purpose-built integration service
Amazon AppFlow: Introduction
Amazon AppFlow is a fully-managed integration service that enables you to securely transfer
data between SaaS applications (such as Salesforce, Marketo, Slack, and ServiceNow) and AWS
services (such as Amazon S3 andAmazon Redshift). With Amazon AppFlow, you can run data flows
at nearly any scale and frequency (on a schedule, in response to a business event in real time, or
on demand). You can configure data transformations such as data masking and concatenation of
fields, as well as validate and filter data (omitting records that don’t fit a criteria) to generate rich,
ready-to-use data as part of the flow itself, without additional steps.
Amazon AppFlow automatically encrypts data in motion, and optionally allows you to restrict
data from flowing over the public internet for SaaS applications that are integrated withAWS
PrivateLink, reducing exposure to security threats. For a complete list of all the SaaS applications
that can be integrated with Amazon AppFlow, refer toAmazon AppFlow integrations.
Architecture overview
The following diagram depicts the architecture of the solution where data from Salesforce is
ingested into Amazon S3 using Amazon AppFlow. Once the data is ingested in Amazon S3, you can
use an AWS Glue crawler to populate the AWS Glue Data Catalog with tables and start consuming
this data using SQL in Amazon Athena.
Purpose-built integration service 2
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
Amazon AppFlow-based data ingestion pattern
Usage patterns
Because Amazon AppFlow can connect to many SaaS applications and is a low-code/no-code
approach, this makes it very appealing for those who would want a quick and easy mechanism to
ingest data from these SaaS applications.
Some use cases are as follows:
Create a copy of a Salesforce object (for example, opportunity, case, campaign) in Amazon S3.
Send case tickets from Zendesk to Amazon S3.
Hydrate an Amazon S3 data lake with transactional data from SAP S/4HANA enterprise resource
planning (ERP).
Send logs, metrics, and dashboards from Datadog to Amazon S3, to create monthly reports or
perform other analyses automatically, instead of doing this manually.
Send Marketo data, like new leads or email responses, in Amazon S3.
If a SaaS application you want to get data from is not supported out of the box, you can now build
your own connector using the Amazon AppFlow custom connector SDK. AWS has released the
Amazon AppFlow 3
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
python custom connector SDK as well as java custom connector SDK for AppFlow. The AppFlow
Custom Connector SDK enables customers and third-party developers to build custom source
and/or destination connectors for the AppFlow service. With the SDK, you can connect to private
APIs, on-premise proprietary systems, and other cloud services by adding to AppFlow's library of
If any of the following scenarios apply, other ingestion patterns discussed in this paper may be a
better fit for your type of ingestion:
A supported application is heavily customized.
Your use case exceeds any of the application-specific limitations.
For every SaaS application that Amazon AppFlow supports, there are a set of limitations included.
For example, if you are transferring more than one million Salesforce records, you cannot choose
any Salesforce compound field. Before using Amazon AppFlow, look for the limitations for the
application that you are planning to connect, evaluate your use case against those limitations, and
see if the service is still a good fit for what you are trying to do.
SaaS applications are sometimes heavily customized, so it’s always good to make sure the
edge cases can be solved with Amazon AppFlow. You can find the list of known limitations and
considerations in the notes section of the Amazon AppFlow documentation. For example, the
known limitations for Salesforce as a source are listed here.
Also, consider the Amazon AppFlow service quotas to ensure your use case fits well within those
Extract, transform and load (ETL) using custom connectors with
Apache Spark
AWS Glue: Introduction
AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it easy to discover, prepare, and
combine data for analytics, machine learning, and application development.AWS Glue provides all
the capabilities needed for data integration so that you can start analyzing your data and putting it
to use in minutes instead of months.
AWS Glue custom connectors makeit easy to discover and integrate with a variety of additional
data sources, such as SaaS applications or your custom data sources. With just a few clicks, you can
Extract, transform and load (ETL) using custom connectors with Apache Spark 4
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
search and select connectors from theAWS Marketplaceand begin your data preparation workflow
in minutes. AWS is also releasing a new framework to develop, validate, and deploy your own
custom connectors (bring your own connectors (BYOC)).
Architecture overview
The following diagram depicts the architecture of the solution where data from any of the SaaS
applications can be ingested into Amazon S3 using AWS Glue. Once the data is ingested in Amazon
S3, you can catalog it using AWS AWS Glue Data Catalog, and start consuming this data using SQL
in Amazon Athena.
AWS Glue 5
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
AWS Glue-based data ingestion pattern
Usage patterns
Because AWS Glue ETL provides the data engineers with flexibility, scalability, and the open-source
distributed computing power of Apache Spark framework, this option is an excellent choice for
ingesting SaaS data into the AWS Cloud ecosystem (including Amazon S3 for data lake operations).
AWS Glue 6
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
Some use cases are as follows:
Enrich internal system data with data from SaaS applications during the ETL process.
Look up transformations with data from SaaS applications during ETL process.
The flexibility can be applicable in multiple places during the ETL process using AWS Glue:
You can either use the existing connectors that can be found in the AWS Marketplace, or if you
don’t see a pre-built connector for the SaaS application you are trying to connect to, then you
can also build your own customer connector and use that in AWS Glue. The process to create
your own connector is documented here: Developing custom connectors.
A connector is just an initial piece of the puzzle which allows you to connect to the source
application. But often, the data that you want from the source may need to be transformed,
normalized, or aligned in a specific format before it can be stored in Amazon S3. This is where
AWS Glue shines: It provides the freedom to data engineers to customize their ETL process to
cater to the complexities as defined by their use cases. The complexities may arise due to heavy
customizations to the SaaS application, they may arise due to limitations of other low-code/no-
code tools, or they may arise due to complex business/technical requirements around how the
data should be persisted in the target storage.
AWS Glue Studio is a new graphical interface that makes it easy to create, run, and monitor ETL
jobs in AWS Glue. You can visually compose data transformation workflows and seamlessly run
them on AWS Glue’s Apache Spark-based serverless ETL engine. Using AWS Glue Studio and AWS
Marketplace connectors, you can create an ETL pipeline with ease. For example, refer to Migrating
data from Google BigQuery to Amazon S3 using AWS Glue custom connectors.
Using custom connectors in AWS Glue Studio has some limitations. However, data engineers have
the option to author jobs using the AWS Glue console and write their code themselves. They can
use the custom connectors or use other open-source/paid connector codes to access any SaaS
application. For example, refer to Extract data using AWS Glue and analyzing with
Amazon Athena.
Also, keep in mind when using the AWS Glue ETL pattern for ingesting SaaS data, the source SaaS
applications may have different limitations built in for bulk data extraction as well as API limits. For
AWS Glue 7
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
example, Salesforce has these limits for bulk data extraction: Bulk API and Bulk API 2.0 Limits and
Data federation using SQL engine
Amazon Athena: Introduction
Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3
using standard SQL. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to manage, and you pay only
for the queries that you run.
Amazon Athena Federated Query is a new Athena feature that enables data analysts, engineers,
and data scientists to run SQL queries across data stored in relational, non-relational, object, and
custom data sources. With Amazon Athena Federated Query, customers can submit a single SQL
query and analyze data from multiple sources running on-premises or hosted on the cloud. Athena
runs federated queries using Data Source Connectors that run onAWS Lambda.
Customers can use these connectors to run federated SQL queries in Athena across multiple data
sources, including SaaS applications. Additionally, using Query Federation SDK, customers can
build connectors to any proprietary data source, and enable Athena to run SQL queries against
the data source. Because connectors run on Lambda, customers continue to benefit from Athena’s
serverless architecture and do not have to manage infrastructure or scale for peak demands.
Architecture overview
Athena Federated query connector allows Athena to connect to SaaS applications like Salesforce,
Snowflake, and Google BigQuery. Once a connection is established, you can write SQL queries to
retrieve data stored in these SaaS applications. To store data in Amazon S3 data lake, you can use
Athena statements Create Table as Select (CTAS) and INSERT INTO for ETL, which then store the
data in Amazon S3 and create a table in the AWS AWS Glue Data Catalog.
Data federation using SQL engine 8
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
Amazon Athena-based data ingestion pattern
Usage patterns
This pattern is ideal for anyone who can write ANSI SQL queries. Also, the Create Table as Select
(CTAS) statement of Athena provides the flexibility to create a table in AWS AWS Glue Data
Catalog with the selected fields from the query, along with the file type for the data to be stored in
Amazon S3. You can do an ETL transformation with ease, and the final datasets can be made ready
for end user consumption. You can also use AWS Step Functions to orchestrate the whole ingestion
process. For details, refer to Build and orchestrate ETL pipelines using Amazon Athena and AWS
Step Functions.
Some use cases are as follows:
Analysts need to create a real-time, data-driven narrative, and identify specific data points.
Amazon Athena 9
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
Administrators need to deprecate old ingestion pipelines, and move to a serverless ingestion
pipeline using just a few SQL queries.
Data engineers do not need to learn different data access paradigms; they can use SQL to source
data from any particular data source.
Data scientists needs to use data from any SaaS data source to train their machine learning (ML)
models, and that helps them to improve the accuracy of their ML models as well.
Some third-party Athena connectors found in the AWS Serverless Application Repository are paid
connectors, so due diligence should be done on the pricing aspect of such SaaS connectors. Also,
SaaS applications may have their own bulk export limits and/or data export charges that need to
be accounted for.
Streaming data
Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis:
Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) makes it easy to ingest and process
streaming data in real time with fully-managed Apache Kafka.
Amazon Data Firehose is an ETL service that reliably captures, transforms, and delivers streaming
data to data lakes, data stores, and analytics services.
Architecture overview
Often, use cases require the source data to be to immediately made available in the data lake for
analytics. Getting the data from the SaaS application in near-real-time lays the foundation for
an event-driven architecture. Start with how Apache Kafka helps with this architecture pattern:
Apache Kafka has a tool called Kafka Connect, which allows for scalable and reliable streaming
data between Apache Kafka and other systems. Many SaaS applications allow for events data to be
published to Kafka topics using Kafka Connect.
Amazon MSK eliminates the operational overhead, including the provisioning, configuration, and
maintenance of highly-available Apache Kafka and Kafka Connect clusters. With Amazon MSK
Connect, a feature of Amazon MSK, you can run fully-managed Apache Kafka Connect workloads
on AWS. This feature makes it easy to deploy, monitor, and automatically scale connectors that
Streaming data 10
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
move data between Apache Kafka clusters and external systems. Amazon MSK Connect is fully-
compatible with Kafka Connect, enabling you to lift and shift your Kafka Connect applications
with zero code changes. With Amazon MSK Connect, you only pay for connectors you are running,
without the need for cluster infrastructure.
Once the data is streamed in Kafka, you can either directly send it to Amazon S3 or you can use
the Kinesis-Kafka Connector to extend the pipeline before the data is pushed into Amazon S3.
The advantage of using Firehose in the streaming data pipeline is that you can now transform/
normalize the events data, buffer it for a specific interval or a specific file size, and finally convert
this data into Parquet file format before it lands in Amazon S3. You can also partition the data in
Amazon S3 prefixes based on rules using Firehose.
Streaming based-data ingestion pattern
Usage patterns
This pattern is handy when you want to stream data changes from SaaS applications into your
Amazon S3 data lake in near-real-time.
Some use cases are as follows:
Real-time analytics dashboards.
External, API-driven applications.
The above architecture pattern adds all records in Amazon S3 as new data. To handle updates and
deletes in the data lake, you may have to use AWS Glue, streaming with Apache Hudi connector, to
correctly identify and update the existing records in Amazon S3.
Import/Export using files
Many SaaS applications allow data to be exported into files. You can use any of the file transfer
mechanisms listed below to move such files into Amazon S3 for further processing:
Import/Export using files 11
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
AWS DataSync is a secure, online service that automates and accelerates the process of moving
data between on premises and AWS storage services. DataSync can copy data between Network
File System (NFS) shares, Server Message Block (SMB) shares, Hadoop Distributed File Systems
(HDFS), self-managed object storage, AWS Snowcone, Amazon S3 buckets, Amazon Elastic File
System (Amazon EFS) file systems, Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file systems, and Amazon
FSx for Lustre file systems.
AWS Transfer Family securely scales your recurring business-to-business file transfers to Amazon
S3 and Amazon EFS using SFTP, FTPS, and FTP protocols.
You can also write your own scripts using AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) or AWS SDK to
transfer the exported files over to Amazon S3 at a regular interval.
Import/Export using files 12
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
In the ever-growing world of SaaS-based applications, the data produced and stored by these
applications will continue to grow exponentially in the future. This paper looked at some of the
mechanisms with which you can ingest this data into Amazon S3, and build a central data lake.
Based on your use case, conduct a proof of concept with the best fitting mechanism listed in this
paper, to make sure all the edge cases can be met and you get a cost effective, agile, and scalable
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
Contributors to this document include:
Behram Irani, Senior Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
Further reading
For additional information, refer to:
Hydrate your data lake with SaaS application data using Amazon AppFlow
Query Snowflake using Athena Federated Query and join with data in your Amazon S3 data lake
Introducing Amazon MSK Connect – Stream Data to and from Your Apache Kafka Clusters Using
Managed Connectors
Developing, testing, and deploying custom connectors for your data stores with AWS Glue
Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
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Initial publication Whitepaper published. March 4, 2022
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this document. This document: (a) is for informational purposes only, (b) represents current AWS
product offerings and practices, which are subject to change without notice, and (c) does not create
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Patterns for Ingesting SaaS Data into AWS Data Lakes AWS Whitepaper
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