Solution Brief
Why Your Choice of Integration and Automation Technology Makes a Difference
As digital transformation sweeps through the business landscape, you may nd yourself immersed in technological
evolution and adaptation. The proliferation of Software as a Service (SaaS) applications is staggering, with an
average of 473 applications now integral to enterprise operations
. This surge is paralleled by the sprawl of APIs,
with over 15,000 APIs facilitating seamless connectivity and functionality
. Notably, there's a signicant shift in
ownership dynamics, with 56% of applications now owned and managed by line of business (LOB) units, marking a
departure from traditional IT governance structures
. All this change is happening because enterprises are rapidly
transforming themselves and moving towards cloud computing.
Your choice of integration and automation technology becomes critical in this dynamic landscape. You need to be
efcient and agile in this fast-moving digital world. You can accelerate innovation by intelligently connecting all your
data, applications and people; enhancing operational efciency through end-to-end business process automation;
and unlocking value by modernizing legacy applications for the cloud.
You may also be actively seeking ways to develop generative articial intelligence (GenAI)-powered applications
without manual coding. This task typically demands specic expertise and a signicant time investment to achieve
enterprise-grade excellence.
The signicance of Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) solutions is pivotal in shaping how you tackle
integration, automation and the development of GenAI applications. The right iPaaS technology choice can make a
critical difference in enabling your enterprise to thrive amidst the relentless pace of technological change.
Informatica iPaaS for Integration, Automation and GenAI App Development
Informatica iPaaS provides enterprise-grade integration, automation and GenAI application development, all
powered by CLAIRE
, our cutting-edge AI engine. As illustrated in Figure 1, the Informatica Intelligent Data
Management Cloud™ (IDMC) showcases robust support for iPaaS services, ensuring streamlined operations and
enhanced productivity across the enterprise ecosystem.
Easy, Efcient, Enterprise-Grade API, App
Integration, Automation and GenAI App
Development with Informatica iPaaS
Productiv, State of SaaS Growth, 2024.
NoName Security, The 2022 API Security Trends Report, 2022.
3 2
Easy, Efcient, Enterprise-Grade API, App Integration, Automation and GenAI
App Development with Informatica iPaaS
Figure 1: Details of the Informatica iPaaS offering.
The Informatica iPaaS offering is:
Easy: It streamlines experiences across various user personas. Whether it's business users or
developers, the design-time interface in Informatica iPaaS provides intuitive low-code/no-code tools
and wizards, empowering your users to seamlessly design integrations, develop GenAI applications and
automate business processes.
Ecient: It enables enterprises to achieve heightened productivity and automation. Through a range
of tools such as wizards, templates and recipes, Informatica iPaaS expedites the integration and
automation of business processes. With out-of-the-box connectivity to hundreds of systems, integration
and automation become effortless.
Enterprise-grade: It provides scalability to manage large transaction volumes, millions of API calls and
tens of thousands of users. Additionally, it assists enterprises in governing, managing and tracking APIs
meticulously throughout their lifecycle, ensuring compliance and security. Informatica iPaaS services
are versatile and accommodate a range of integration patterns, including API, event-driven, B2B,
application, real-time, pub-sub, batch and data. 3
Easy, Efcient, Enterprise-Grade API, App Integration, Automation and GenAI
App Development with Informatica iPaaS
Key Capabilities
Informatica iPaas includes services to help you with:
Application Integration
It allows you to integrate applications, systems, services and data sources in real time to streamline
and automate business processes. It provides pre-built connectors for cloud and on-premises
applications. You can drive integration for virtually all patterns, with real-time latency through a low-
code, no-code design interface suited to your various personas to design integration workflows,
develop GenAI applications, create APIs and orchestrate business processes.
Data Integration
It enables you to move, transform and synchronize structured and unstructured data between various
sources and target systems to create valuable new data sets. It allows data integration on virtually
any cloud with extract, transform, load (ETL); extract, load, transform (ELT); ecosystem ELT; Spark;
or a fully managed serverless option. Your users can also build and run advanced integrations at scale
and handle workloads seamlessly with pre-built templates and reusable mappings.
No-code Enterprise GenAI Applications
It gives you the ability to develop GenAI applications without needing coding expertise. With a user-
friendly drag-and-drop interface, building GenAI applications at scale has never been more accessible.
You can seamlessly deploy and operationalize AI/ML models with out-of-the-box connectors,
facilitating rapid prototyping and development. It supports virtually all popular GenAI frameworks,
such as RAG, AI agents, ne-tuning and many more. You can harness the reusability to modernize your
existing application/API integrations and easily orchestrate LLM calls and RAG pipelines based on
your users' needs.
API Center
It enables you to design, implement, deploy, monitor, deprecate, secure, discover, reuse and retire
APIs spanning multiple clouds and on-premises systems within and outside their rewalls. It also
includes core API management capabilities such as gateway, registry, authentication, versioning
and access control. 4
Easy, Efcient, Enterprise-Grade API, App Integration, Automation and GenAI
App Development with Informatica iPaaS
Orchestration and Human Workow
It empowers you to automate and orchestrate your business processes and workflows by seamlessly
integrating diverse applications, systems and data sources, utilizing drag-and-drop functionalities.
This automation accelerates time to market, diminishes manual errors and enhances resource
allocation efciency. Your users can also eliminate the need for human intervention by automating
human workflows.
INFAConnect for Apps
It provides a connectivity framework that is open, self-service and extensible, facilitating community
adoption by allowing the creation and deployment of connectors to integrate with applications.
Packaged Integration Processes
It boosts implementation speed with single-click reuse of pre-built integrations for the most
common use cases. You can accelerate your implementation timelines, reduce manual effort
and enhance efciency.
API Portal
It provides API consumers with secure access to managed and custom APIs. API consumers can see
details of an API, such as status, authentication type and applicable access control policy. You can
also drill down to further details with Swagger or WSDL. API consumers can use API Portal to generate
software development kit (SDK) packages to facilitate rapid integration of managed APIs and custom
APIs into applications. API consumers can also use the API Portal to interact with managed and
custom APIs and view API usage analytics.
B2B and Industry Solutions
It offers industry-leading data transformation and a gateway for B2B integration and data exchange. It
enables you to streamline data exchange with your B2B trading partners. You are also empowered to
get intuitive and comprehensive end-to-end visibility of each data exchange. Industry-specic solutions
from Informatica provide pre-built data services to simplify and expedite handling industry-specic data
standards, supporting different industries (healthcare; retail and consumer packaged goods; banking
and nance; and insurance) and different patterns (batch, API-driven and real-time). 5
Easy, Efcient, Enterprise-Grade API, App Integration, Automation and GenAI
App Development with Informatica iPaaS
Embedded Guides
It includes design guides that facilitate interactive access to data and can be embedded in
applications or hyperlinked in browser applications. This approach provides your users with
automated and guided workflows, ensuring seamless navigation through complex data sets.
Additionally, interactive access to data is extended to your users and applications via API-enabled
services and data sources, fostering real-time connectivity and enabling dynamic data utilization.
Integration Hub
It gives you the ability to replace messy point-to-point integrations that span multi-cloud and on-
premises systems with a publish/subscribe architecture, where data sources only publish data once
for all subscribers.
AI Engine
It delivers copilot capabilities for intelligent automation using unied metadata intelligence to
drive productivity.
Key Benets
Figure 2: A screen showing how Informatica can connect to any type of patterns, data, and users. 6
Easy, Efcient, Enterprise-Grade API, App Integration, Automation and GenAI
App Development with Informatica iPaaS
A Comprehensive Enterprise-Grade iPaaS Solution
Informatica iPaaS stands out as the most comprehensive enterprise-grade integration and automation
solution due to its extensive range of application integration, data integration and GenAI application-
building capabilities that meet the complex needs of modern enterprises.
Supports Virtually Any Integration Pattern
Informatica iPaaS supports virtually any integration pattern (data integration, application integration,
business process automation, B2B, pub-sub, event-driven, streaming, API lifecycle), virtually any
data (structured, unstructured, locked and unlocked) and various user types (developers, LOB users,
application admins or citizen integrators).
High Throughput and Work at Enterprise Scale
The robust Informatica platform processes 86 trillion transactions a month. This ensures that it can
handle large volumes of data efciently, making it suitable for businesses operating at enterprise scale.
Its optimized processes enable high throughput, allowing organizations to rapidly integrate, process
and analyze data without compromising performance. Additionally, the platform promotes reusability
by modernizing existing app/API integrations with GenAI capabilities. It also offers serverless and on-
premises deployment models to accommodate different deployment scenarios, ensuring flexibility and
scalability for enterprises building GenAI applications.
Govern, Manage and Track APIs Through Their Lifecycle
Informatica iPaaS provides you with comprehensive tools for API governance, management and
tracking throughout their entire lifecycle. This ensures that your APIs are developed, deployed and
maintained according to enterprise standards and compliance requirements, enhancing security,
reliability and consistency.
Contextualize GenAI and LLM Support
Informatica iPaaS enables seamless deployment and operationalization of AI/machine learning
(ML) models at scale, leveraging out-of-the-box connectors for various data sources. Its metadata-
driven intelligence layer empowers AI-driven development by providing insights and facilitating rapid
prototyping, thus accelerating time-to-market for innovative solutions. Informatica iPaaS provides
pre-built recipes for common GenAI patterns like RAG and AI agents, expediting development cycles
and reducing time-to-market. It offers robust support for all popular GenAI frameworks and maintains
platform neutrality to effectively support different LLMs and cater to diverse use cases. 7
Easy, Efcient, Enterprise-Grade API, App Integration, Automation and GenAI
App Development with Informatica iPaaS
Low Latency/Real-Time Response for Time-Sensitive Workloads
Informatica architecture is designed to deliver low latency and real-time response. It is ideal for
handling time-sensitive workloads, facilitated by a low-code, no-code interface accessible to all
user types. Whether processing nancial transactions, analyzing streaming data or powering real-
time business processes that span multiple applications, Informatica ensures that critical tasks are
executed promptly and efciently.
CI/CD and DevOps to Manage, Collaborate and Govern Integrations and GenAI
Application Lifecycle
Informatica recognizes the importance of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)
practices and embraces DevOps principles to effectively manage, collaborate and govern integrations
and the GenAI app lifecycle. By automating deployment pipelines, facilitating collaboration between
development and operations teams and promoting iterative development cycles, Informatica
streamlines the integration process and improves overall efciency.
Facilitates Diverse User Proles
Informatica iPaaS offers comprehensive support for low-code and no-code development. This enables
your users with varying technical backgrounds to participate in the integration design and development
process, such as building GenAI applications, developing APIs, etc. By abstracting complexity and
minimizing the need for manual coding, Informatica accelerates development cycles and promotes
collaboration between business and IT teams.
Platform Security, Worldwide Deployment and Multi-Cloud Support
Security and Compliance
Informatica iPaaS incorporates robust security capabilities, ensuring compliance with regulatory
standards and data protection policies. Informatica has also received multiple third-party attestations,
memberships and industry certications, including GDPR, FedRAMP, HIPAA, SOC, etc. Informatica iPaaS
protects customer data with the most pervasive compliance and security capabilities.
Global Presence
Our worldwide deployment gives Informatica iPaaS presence in 26 countries and includes participation
in Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud and Oracle. 8
Easy, Efcient, Enterprise-Grade API, App Integration, Automation and GenAI
App Development with Informatica iPaaS
Multi-Cloud Support
Informatica iPaaS offers out-of-the-box (OOTB) connectivity to over a thousand systems, applications
and data sources. This broad range of pre-built connectors, accelerators and multi-cloud integration
tools simplies integration efforts, allowing you to easily connect and exchange data between
disparate systems without needing custom development.
AI-Assisted Platform and Flexible Pricing
AI-Assisted Platform
By leveraging unied metadata intelligence, CLAIRE utilizes 40 petabytes of metadata from 86 trillion
customer transactions per month.
CLAIRE Copilot
With CLAIRE Copilot, you can streamline data management and application integration, cutting
complexity, scaling up and accelerating data delivery to teams. It collects rich metadata and user
behavior insights to improve our data recommendations, insights and automation services. It
automatically generates API implementations from API denitions, ensuring seamless matching
and validation of request and response schemas. It can also automatically detect sensitive data
in API interactions using privacy policy guidelines.
Flexible Pricing
Informatica consumption-based pricing is based on the Informatica Processing Unit (IPU), which
allows customers to scale up or down to meet business demands. The IPU model allows you as a
customer to "consume" iPaaS services at your own pace. Small, medium or large-scale initiatives
can be accommodated with a cloud-friendly, usage-based, comprehensive, predictable, flexible and
elastic consumption model that measures "usage" intelligently by integration pattern and established
industry norms. Informatica provides detailed heuristics for accurate forecasting, rich dashboards for
in-depth telemetry and illustrative estimation examples to bolster condence and demonstrate value
to customers. It also provides overage protection, so you are not "nickel and dimed" if you go over
your allotment.
Easy, Efcient, Enterprise-Grade API, Application Integration, Automation and
GenAI Application Development with Informatica iPaaS
© Copyright Informatica LLC 2024. Informatica and the Informatica logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Informatica LLC in the United States and other countries. A current list of Informatica trademarks is available on the
web at Other company and product names may be trade names or
trademarks of their respective owners. The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice
and provided AS IS” without warranty of any kind, express or implied.
Informatica (NYSE: INFA) brings data and AI to life by empowering businesses to realize
the transformative power of their most critical assets. When properly unlocked, data
becomes a living and trusted resource that is democratized across your organization,
turning chaos into clarity. Through the Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud™,
companies are breathing life into their data to drive bigger ideas, create improved
processes, and reduce costs. Powered by CLAIRE
, our AI engine, it’s the only cloud
dedicated to managing data of any type, pattern, complexity, or workload across any
location — all on a single platform.
Worldwide Headquarters
2100 Seaport Blvd., Redwood City, CA 94063, USA Phone: 650.385.5000, Toll-free in the US: 1.800.653.3871
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resources and connect with
our team, visit our website.
Next Steps
Thousands of customers trust Informatica to tackle their toughest integration
and automation challenges — and they've been leveraging all the benets of the
cloud to make their companies thrive. But don't take our word for it. See rst-hand
how Informatica iPaaS solution works and try it free for 30 days by visiting: