CompuScope GPU CUDA Processing
Real-Time High-Speed Digital Signal Processing
All CompuScope Express Digitizers with eXpert Streaming Supported
Stream Acquired Signal Data to GPU for In-Line Processing in Real-Time
Stream GPU Processed Data Results to Storage in Real-Time
Up to 5 GB/s Data Stream Rates via PCIe Gen3 Interface
Supports CUDA Compute Capability 3.0+ GPU Cards
10X ~ 100X Faster GPU Processing Calculation Times vs CPU Processing
Easier & More Transportable C Language Based Programming for GPU
Provided C SDK Sample Programs Illustrate:
o Digitizer Streaming to GPU DSP Algorithms
o Examples Programs such as FFT, Signal Averaging, and More
o Easily Insert User Developed Custom Code for GPU Processing
o Exploitation of GPU Vector Data Processing Capability
o Usage of CUDA Library for Fastest Data Transfer Performance
o Comparative Performance of GPU vs Host CPU Processing
o GPU Streaming of Processed Data Results to Storage
Available Sig-Station Systems for Maximum Performance
Windows and Linux Operating Systems Supported
is a worldwide industry leader
in high speed data acquisition
solutions featuring a portfolio of the
highest performance digitizers, PC
oscilloscope software, powerful SDKs
for custom application development,
and turnkey integrated PC-based
measurement systems.
Wideband Signal Analysis
RADAR Design and Test
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing
LIDAR Systems
Optical Coherence Tomography
High-Performance Imaging
Time of Flight
Life Sciences
Particle Physics
CompuScope GPU CUDA Processing Block Diagram
Performing real-time digital signal processing (DSP) routines
such as Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Signal Averaging, Finite
Impulse Response (FIR) Filtering, Digital Down Conversion
(DDC) and more have traditionally required the use of
dedicated DSP processors, Field Programmable Gate Arrays
(FPGAs), or Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs).
The size of DSP processors, FPGAs, and ASICs are often
resource limited and require significant development with
specialized engineering skills in particular languages and
platform tools that are often native and proprietary to the
targeted device. These solutions are typically expensive in
terms of the physical devices, required software development
tools, lengthy development cycles and expertise resources.
With the evolution of increasing multi-core CPU resources,
developers began to implement DSP routines utilizing the
host CPU. The primary advantage of the host CPU platform is
that it enables faster development utilizing more familiar
programming environments such as C; as opposed to more
complex VHDL based programming that is typically required
for FPGAs. However a disadvantage is that the host CPU
platform may still not be powerful enough to conduct
complex processing routines, especially for real-time
application requirements.
The use of a GPU provides the best of both capabilities, a fast
familiar programming development environment such as C
and more powerful computational capabilities than the host
CPU platform to satisfy demanding real-time application
requirements. GPUs incorporate many more cores with a
high-speed memory bus that can be effectively utilized in
parallel for efficient manipulation of large blocks of data.
The PCI Express (PCIe) interface bus is the key pathway for
transferring data to and from the GPU at very high-speeds.
Taking advantage of the GaGe eXpert PCIe Data Streaming
firmware capability, GaGe CompuScope PCIe Digitizer models
can simultaneously acquire and stream data to the GPU at
sustained rates up to 5 GB/s via a PCIe Gen3 interface.
The Gage CompuScope C Software Development Kit (SDK)
provides ready-made compiled sample programs illustrating
how to configure and use the eXpert PCIe Data Streaming
feature to stream acquired data to the GPU for processing
AND how to effectively exploit the parallelized vector
processing of the GPU to attain processing rates anywhere
from 10X ~ 100X faster than the host CPU for display analysis.
This enables end users to quickly and easily begin working
with GPU cards, focusing on the development of their custom
in-line processing routines that is unique to their application.
Projects can be developed rapidly and are more transportable
working in a C programming environment with the GPU CUDA
The Gage CompuScope C SDK sample programs also illustrate
streaming GPU processed data results continuously to high-
speed storage for real-time data recordings of the processed
output. Utilizing PCIe based storage systems allow for
continuous signal capture and processing recording systems
at high-speed sustained transfer rates at up to 5 GB/s within
a Windows based environment.
GPU processed data can also be optionally streamed to PCIe
Arbitrary Waveform Generators to effectively playback
modified signals back out to the testing environment, suitable
for applications such as Digital Radio Frequency Memory
Input Signal
Display Analysis
Output Signal
Stream to GPU
Digitizer A/D
Stream to Storage
Stream to/from Storage
Stream to AWG
Stream from Storage
GPU CUDA Processing
GaGe supports NVIDIA Tesla, Quadro, and GeForce series of
GPU cards with a CUDA Compute Capability of 3.0+. The
following table provides a general overview of certain
capability ranges of each series for recent 6.0 to 7.5 CUDA
rated models. We recommend checking NVIDIA for detailed
specifications of specific NVIDIA models.
Tesla Series Quadro Series GeForce Series
# of GPU
2,560 – 5,120 256 – 5,120 768 – 5,120
# of Tensor
320 – 640 288 – 576 240 – 544
Clock Rates:
0.585 – 1.59
1.05 – 1.815
1.2 – 1.785
Floating Point
64-bit (FP64)
0.2 – 7
0.02 – 7.4
0.07 – 7.4
Floating Point
32-bit (FP32)
5.5 – 14
0.6 – 16.3
2.3 – 16.3
Floating Point
16-bit (FP16)
0.1 – 28
0.01 – 32.6
0.07 – 7.45
192 – 900
32 – 870
84 – 672
GPUs are particularly efficient in performing floating point
calculations by conducting highly parallel computations
across multiple cores simultaneously.
Applications requiring higher accuracy mathematical
calculations can utilize double-precision 64-bit floating point
for data values twice in size than single-precision 32-bit
floating point. Lower half-precision 16-bit floating point can
be utilized for applications that require even less accuracy
such as neural network training or inference. More recently,
Tensor cores have been introduced into GPUs for accelerating
large matrix based operations utilized in deep learning or
artificial intelligence (AI) operations.
CUDA is NVIDIA’s parallel computing platform and
programming model that allows for the GPU to be utilized for
general purpose computing using familiar software
development environments such as C or C++. The CUDA
Toolkit software is provided directly by NVIDIA at no charge
with detailed documentation and various coding samples to
help with application development.
Sig-Station System Options
Optional Sig-Stations are available for providing complete
turn-key systems for GPU capability working with GaGe high-
speed instruments. Sig-Stations are high-performance PC
workstations that are designed specifically for integrating
advanced instruments and maximizing their operational
For real-time operations, it is critical that the underlying host
platforms are fully capable of sustaining high-speed PCIe data
streaming rates to and from the GPU. Traditional lower cost
desktop based platforms often restrict performance
capabilities by placing multiple PCIe slots behind shared PCIe
switches. Sig-Station systems utilize dedicated bandwidth
PCIe slot architecture for maximum sustained PCIe streaming
rates for multiple cards simultaneously.
Sig-Stations come with all GaGe cards, features, and software
fully tested and installed so that the user can be up and
running with their system solution right out of the box; thus
saving time and minimizing risks of self-integrated systems.
Custom system configurations can be defined to meet specific
customer application requirements.
These systems incorporate the latest in PC-based technology
and utilize workstation class motherboards with multiple
dedicated bandwidth PCIe slots, high multi-core count Xeon
CPUs, and large system memory capacity. Integrated high-
speed data storage systems for real-time signal recording
applications requiring a guaranteed continuous sustained
data streaming rate with no missing data can be included.
Contact us to configure a system tailored for your application.
CompuScope GPU CUDA Processing
Part Number
The CompuScope GPU CUDA Processing package includes the following
bundled items:
1.) eXpert PCIe Data Streaming Firmware (STR-181-000)
2.) CompuScope C/C# Software Development Kit (200-200-101)
NOTE: GPU card is not included.
The eXpert PCIe Data Streaming Firmware is compatible for use with the
following GaGe Digitizer Model Series sold separately:
Please refer to the separate GaGe product datasheets for these digitizer
models for their full specification details and ordering information.
The CompuScope C/C# SDK provides ready-made compiled sample
programs illustrating:
Use of eXpert PCIe Data Streaming feature to stream acquired data
to a GPU for processing.
How to effectively exploit the parallelized vector processing of the
GPU for signal processing routines with various examples.
Optionally stream GPU processed data results continuously to high-
speed storage for real-time data recordings of the processed output.
To maximize performance, customers should take care to select suitable
host systems with dedicated bandwidth PCIe slots with sufficient power
and cooling. High-performance GPU cards typically require dual slot space
with additional power and good cooling air flow.
Optional Sig-Stations are available for providing complete turn-key
systems for GPU capability working with GaGe high-speed instruments.
Contact us to configure a system tailored for your application.
Cobra Express
CobraMax Express
EON Express
Octave Express
Octopus Express
Oscar Express
Razor Express
RazorPlus Express
RazorMax Express
900 N. State St.
Lockport, IL 60441-2200
Toll-Free (USA and Canada):
Phone: 1-800-567-4243
Fax: 1-800-780-8411
Phone: 1-514-633-7447
Fax: 1-514-633-0770
To find your local sales representative or
distributor or to learn more about GaGe
products visit:
Standard two years parts and labor.
Unless otherwise specified, all dynamic
performance specs have been qualified on
engineering boards. All specifications are
subject to change without notice.
Data Sheet Revision 0 – 03/06/2019
GaGe is a product brand of DynamicSignals
LLC, an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Copyright © 2019 DynamicSignals LLC.
All rights reserved.