February 2015 Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 1
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Measures
Lesson 1: Course Introduction
Course Information
Provide a thorough understanding of the types of physical security
measures available to protect DoD assets as well as the uses for
and purpose of each type of physical security measure
Military, civilian, and contractor personnel responsible for physical
Pass/Fail %
75% on final examination
completion time
120 minutes
Course Overview
Physical security measures are security measures employed to prevent or reduce the
potential for sabotage, theft, trespassing, terrorism, espionage, or other criminal activity.
To ensure security, the security measures must provide the capability to deter, detect,
identify, track, assess, record, communicate, delay, and respond to unauthorized access
Security operations and procedures must ensure the effective protection of Department
of Defense (DoD) assets. Security requirements for classified contracts are stated in
DoD 5220.22M, the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM.)
Any additional security requirements levied upon a contractor must be specifically
addressed in the contract.
This course is about the application of active and passive complementary physical
security measures, also known as security-in-depth, to protect DoD assets from potential
Physical Security Measures
Course Introduction Student Guide
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Course Objectives
At the end of this course, you will be able to
Identify key concepts related to security-in-depth
Identify the various types of physical security measures and their uses
Course Structure
Course Introduction
Exterior Physical Security Measures
Security Forces
Security Technology and Equipment
Course Conclusion
February 2015 Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 1
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Measures
Lesson 2: Security-In-Depth
Lesson Introduction
Before you learn about the various physical security measures and their purposes, there
are some concepts related to physical security you should know. This lesson will
familiarize you with these concepts.
The lesson objectives are:
Define security-in-depth
Distinguish between point security and area security
Define enclaving
1. Overview
Security-in-Depth is a determination by the senior agency official that a facility’s security
program consists of layered and complementary security controls sufficient to deter,
detect, and document unauthorized entry and movement within the facility. This is
accomplished through the integration of active and passive complementary physical
security measures.
Think of security-in-depth as integrating layers of security to protect DoD assets. By
layering protection through facility planning, the use of barriers, fencing, signs, site
lighting, and advanced technologies such as intrusion detection systems, closed circuit
television (CCTV) and biometric entry control systems, critical assets can be well
protected against a multitude of potential threats. Security-in-depth employs various
security measures in levels because different assets require different levels of
2. Concepts
Achieving security-in-depth is the goal of the individuals who are responsible for the
security of an installation or activity. To achieve this goal, you must determine the
capabilities available and the requirements and needs for security protection such as
point versus area security. Both are used to protect DoD assets from damage, loss, and
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theft. For example, a small arms storage locker would not be afforded the same degree
of protection as an ammunition depot.
When an individual resource requires individual protection, you would employ point
security to provide that protection. To protect consolidated resources, such as an
installation or facility, you would use area security to provide the best protection.
As a security professional, you should employ both point and area security to protect
DoD assets from damage, loss, and theft. In some cases, security-in-depth can be
obtained by designating islands of extreme or high security within a sea of moderate
security. This is known as enclaving.
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Review Activity
Match each term to its definition. Check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of
this Student Guide.
A. Point Security
B. Enclaving
C. Area Security
D. Security-In-Depth
___ Integrating layers of security to protect DoD assets
___ Guarding a specific asset or resource
___ Protecting an entire area such as an installation or facility
___ Designating islands of high security within a sea of moderate
Lesson Conclusion
In this lesson you learned about key concepts related to physical security, such as
security-in-depth, point security, area security, and enclaving.
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Security-In-Depth Student Guide
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Answer Key
A. Point Security
B. Enclaving
C. Area Security
D. Security-In-Depth
_D_ Integrating layers of security to protect DoD assets
_A_ Guarding a specific asset or resource
_C_ Protecting an entire area such as an installation or facility
_B_ Designating islands of high security within a sea of moderate
February 2015 Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 1
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Measures
Lesson 3: Exterior Physical Security Measures
Lesson Introduction
As you learned previously, security-in-depth occurs when layers of security are used
together to increase the amount of protection provided a DoD asset. This lesson will help
you understand the components used in the outer layers of security-in-depth. These
exterior physical security measures help to deter or delay unauthorized entry into DoD
facilities, installations, and other protected areas.
The lesson objectives are:
Identify the types of protective barriers and the purpose and uses for each type
Identify the types of site lighting and the purpose and uses for each type
Protective Barriers
1. Overview
The first line of defense in any physical security system is usually some form of
perimeter protection system. The perimeter of an installation or facility is the outermost
area of responsibility. Signs, barriers, and fences are integral parts of this protection.
They are used to establish legal boundaries, to deter individuals from attempting
unlawful or unauthorized entry, and to prevent outsiders from being able to view what
may be occurring inside the perimeter. Barriers can also be used to direct traffic flow and
can serve as platforms for sensors and lighting.
2. Signage
Signage serves many purposes on DoD installations and facilities. Signs can be
informational to communicate messages, such as directing individuals to various
locations, or they can be regulatory and serve as a deterrent, such as establishing
boundaries for restricted areas. Signs may be used to identify physical security
boundaries, prohibited and unauthorized material, controlled or sensitive areas, an area
under surveillance, or security force personnel and vehicles. For some types of signs,
specific wording or the sign’s content, color, and size are mandated by regulation. Signs
for other purposes may be locally designed.
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Some factors to consider for effective use of signs are the language on the sign, what
material is used to make the sign, whether the sign is reflective or non-reflective,
placement of the sign, how the sign is mounted, whether the sign is lit or unlit, and what
maintenance will be required for the sign.
3. Fencing
Fencing can be either permanent or temporary.
Permanent fencing is used when a stationary perimeter requires protection. Materials
used are dictated by the degree of protection required. For example, a perimeter may be
defined with a chain link fence. While economical, a chain link fence may not afford the
amount of protection as one equipped with barbed or concertina wire, or reinforced with
steel cables.
Temporary fencing can be used as a temporary perimeter to establish psychological
barriers and to channel pedestrian and vehicle movement. Several temporary fencing
materials are available, including plastic netting, rolled wooden slats or support wire
fencing, and fixed panels of chain link fencing. Additionally, both barbed wire and
concertina wire can be used as temporary as well as permanent fencing.
a. Chain Link Fencing
Chain link is one of the most common types of permanent fencing material. It is
used primarily to define a perimeter, and it may not be the most secure means to
protect an asset. Chain link fences are not resistant to a determined intruder,
who could climb over the fence or use wire or bolt cutters to breach the fence.
Also, chain link fencing does not afford protection against visual observation,
although plastic or wooden inserts can be used to achieve a degree of privacy.
Component-defined specifications may include minimum height, gauge or
thickness of wire, mesh opening size, twisted and barbed ends, method of
fastening to posts, ground requirements, method of installing posts, fence fabric
reinforcement, paint color requirements, top guard dimensions and materials,
and gate considerations.
b. Barbed Wire
Barbed wire can be used as permanent fencing or as a temporary barrier. An
entire fence can be made of barbed wire with posts and used as either a
permanent or temporary barrier. Barbed wire can also be used as a permanent
barrier when it is installed as an outrigger or top guard on top of a chain link
fence. When barbed wire outriggers are used, they may be slanted outward,
inward, or both, depending on the nature of the asset being protected. Barbed
wire can be used as a temporary barrier simply by uncoiling it and laying it on the
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ground, which is most common in a tactical environment. Component-defined
specifications may include overall fence height, wire size, number of barbs, post
spacing, distance between strands, and interlacing requirements.
c. Concertina Wire
Concertina wire, also known as razor wire, is a commercially manufactured wire
coil of high-strength steel barbed wire, clipped together at intervals to form a
cylinder. It is widely used to warehouses, prisons, military installations, and field
locations. Concertina wire can be used as permanent fencing when used as an
outrigger on top of a chain link fence. This is a common use in combat
environments to prevent unauthorized entry into an area or installation. It can
also be used as a temporary barrier by simply uncoiling the wire and laying it on
the ground to create an obstruction. This use of concertina wire typically occurs
in a tactical environment or as a temporary barrier until a permanent one can be
erected. Multiple layers of concertina wire create an even more secure perimeter,
by using two parallel rows with a third row in a pyramid configuration. While
concertina wire is secure and age resistant, it can be difficult to handle and may
hamper ground maintenance. Component-defined specifications for using
concertina wire may apply.
d. Plastic Netting
Plastic netting is commonly used as a temporary barrier around construction
sites and may also be used for crowd control. The netting is a good resource for
clearly identifying areas personnel should not enter. The fencing material is not
very sturdy and is easily defeated. Its primary role is to prevent accidental entry
into a given area, and it should not be relied upon for protection of essential
e. Rolled Wooden Slat Fencing
Rolled wooden slat fencing provides a temporary security barrier and also
prevents observation from outside the protected area. The fencing can be used
in a number of different situations but should not be relied upon as the sole
security measure to protect essential resources.
f. Fixed Panel Chain Link Fencing
Fixed panel chain link fencing is commonly used to provide perimeter security,
crowd control, and identification of area boundaries. This moderate-security
fencing may also be used during construction projects and is often equipped with
a locking gate, further preventing unauthorized access. The fence panels are
generally stable, durable, and relatively easy to install. They may be equipped
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with concrete block foundations or heavy metal footings to prevent them from
falling over.
4. Barriers
After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, you may have noticed more barriers
appearing in front of federal buildings and DoD installations and facilities. These barriers
may have taken up some parking spaces or forced you to walk a longer distance to or
from a building. However, as you can now see they were put in place for a reason, to
protect U.S. personnel and assets from potential terror attacks. Barriers can be used to
channel traffic through designated access control points where pedestrians, vessels, and
vehicles can be monitored and searched for contraband, explosives, or other types of
unauthorized or prohibited items. Barriers may be composed of several types of
material. We will discuss these in broad categories of active barriers, passive or fixed
barriers, and natural barriers.
a. Active Barriers
Barrier systems are considered active if they require action by personnel or
equipment to permit entry. Active barrier systems define the perimeter and
ensure only authorized personnel are permitted access.
Some examples of active barrier systems are gates manually operated by
security forces, hydraulic pop-up vehicle barriers, and electronically operated
gates or turnstiles.
b. Passive Barriers
Barrier systems are considered passive if their effectiveness relies on their bulk
or mass and they have no moving parts. Barrier systems are considered fixed if
they are permanently installed or if heavy equipment is required to move or
dismantle the barriers.
Some examples of passive and fixed barriers are perimeter or vehicle barriers,
temporary barriers, building perimeter barriers, and interior barriers. Perimeter
protection systems can include manmade obstacles such as barricades and
vehicle barriers to provide for difficult approaches or exit routes. Temporary walls
and rigid barriers can be employed to establish barriers against high-speed
vehicle approaches to DoD installations and facilities. These structures can be
installed along approaches within an installation's boundary to force vehicles to
make tight, slow turns before approaching gates or building entrances. These
kinds of barriers include concrete vehicle barriers, called Jersey barriers,
concrete or sand-filled oil drums, concrete bollards or planters, and earthen
excavations such as trenches or berms.
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Perimeter barriers that surround buildings vary from those with industrial-type
perimeter fences to those composed of little more than attractive landscaping.
Considerations in building perimeter barriers include exterior doors, windows,
and utility access.
Barriers may be used inside facilities to accomplish the same functions as an
installation's access barriers. Interior barriers establish boundaries or lines of
demarcation of different activities and differing levels of security within a facility.
They may deter individuals from attempting unauthorized entry. They may also
be platforms on which intrusion detection systems can be mounted. Barriers may
be used within a facility to channel pedestrian and service vehicle traffic.
c. Natural Barriers
Natural barriers can assist in defining boundaries, and may provide adequate
perimeter protection in some situations. Examples of natural barriers include
waterways, forestations, mountains, deserts, and ditches.
5. Clear Zones
A clear zone is an area inside and outside the perimeter fence or barrier of the protected
area. Clear zones provide increased effectiveness of physical barriers, allow security
forces to have unimpeded observation, and prevent intruders from being able to hide.
To be effective, clear zones should be free of all obstacles, topographical features, and
Site Lighting
1. Overview
Site lighting is used for several purposes in support of physical security. Site lighting
supplements other protective measures such as patrols, barriers, and alarms by
illuminating approaches to an area, offering surveillance capability, deterring
unauthorized entry, and enabling guard forces to observe activities inside or around an
installation or facility and enabling them to conduct inspections of personnel and
Good protective lighting is achieved by adequate, even light upon bordering areas,
glaring light in the eyes of an intruder, and relatively little light on security personnel and
patrol routes. In addition to seeing long distances, security forces must be able to see
low contrasts, such as indistinct outlines or silhouettes, and must be able to spot an
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intruder who may be exposed to view for only a few seconds. Higher levels of brightness
improve all of these abilities.
2. Planning and Implementation
In planning site lighting, there are various factors to consider such as contrast between
intruder and background, surfaces to be illuminated, placement of controls and switches,
power sources, wiring, and maintenance.
High-brightness contrast between intruder and background should be the first
consideration. The volume and intensity of lighting varies with the surfaces to be
illuminated. Dark, dirty surfaces, or surfaces painted with camouflage require more
illumination than installations and buildings with clean concrete, light brick, or glass
surfaces. Rough, uneven terrain with dense underbrush requires more illumination to
achieve a constant level of brightness than do manicured lawns.
In planning for placement of controls and switches for protective lighting systems, keep
in mind that they should be inside the protected area and locked or guarded. Or, as an
alternative, locate controls in a central station similar to, or as a part of, the system used
in intrusion-detection alarm central monitoring stations.
The power source for security lighting is normally a public utility company. Site lighting
should have an alternate or emergency source of power such as standby batteries or
generators and they should be located within a controlled area for additional security.
The system should be tested under load frequently. Wiring systems for site lighting
should be implemented and managed to minimize sabotage and vandalism. Protective
lighting is inexpensive to maintain, and when properly deployed, may reduce the need
for additional security forces. Areas to consider for maintenance include bulb
replacement and environmental conditions.
3. Types
There are four types of site lighting used by DoD installations and facilities. They are
continuous, standby, emergency, and movable.
a. Continuous Site Lighting
Continuous site lighting is the most common security lighting system. Continuous
lighting consists of a series of fixed lights arranged to flood an area continuously
with overlapping cones of light during hours of darkness. The advantage of using
overlapping cones of light is if a single lamp fails, the area will still remain lit.
There are three methods of continuous lighting, which are glare projection,
controlled lighting, and surface lighting.
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Glare projection uses lights slightly inside a security perimeter and directed
outward. The glare projection lighting method is considered a deterrent to
potential intruders because it makes it difficult to see the inside of the area being
protected. It is useful when the glare of lights directed across surrounding
territory neither annoys nor interferes with adjacent operations. Glare projection
lighting also protects guard forces by keeping the guards in comparative
darkness and enabling them to observe intruders at a considerable distance
beyond the perimeter.
Controlled lighting is best used when it is necessary to limit the width of the
lighted strip outside the perimeter of a facility or installation so it will not interfere
with adjoining properties, nearby highways, railroads, navigable waters, or
airports. The width of the lighted strip can be controlled and adjusted to fit the
particular need such as illumination of a wide strip inside a fence and a narrow
strip outside, or flood lighting a wall or roof. Unfortunately, this method of lighting
often illuminates or silhouettes security personnel as they patrol their routes.
Surface lighting is used to light the surface of a building to display a silhouette of
any person passing between the light source and the building or show the
contrast of a person inside the building.
b. Standby Site Lighting
Standby lighting is similar to continuous lighting except the lamps are not
continuously lit. They are used when additional lighting is necessary and may be
activated by an alarm or motion detector.
Standby lighting can be very effective in deterring intruders by drawing attention
to an area where an intruder has activated the light.
Lamps with a short strike/restrike time should be used for standby lighting as
they employ lights immediately when needed. In addition to significant deterrent
value, standby lighting also offers economical value in power consumption
c. Emergency Site Lighting
Emergency lighting is used during a power failure or when regular lighting is not
available for any reason. This type of lighting depends on alternative power
sources such as batteries or generators.
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d. Movable Site Lighting
Movable lighting consists of manually operated, movable towers or searchlights
that may be lit during hours of darkness or only as needed. Movable light
systems are typically used to supplement continuous or standby lighting and can
be either portable or stationary.
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Job Aid
Take a moment to review this chart, which summarizes the characteristics of various types of lights used in physical security:
UP TO 3,000 40 TO 215 40 TO 1,000 50 TO 1,000 35 TO 1,000 35 TO 180
750 TO
12,000 TO 20,000 16,000 TO 24,000
6,000 TO
16,000 TO 24,000 18,000 TO 20,000
10 TO 38 67 TO 83 45 TO 63 80 TO 100 80 TO 140 130 TO 183
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Review Activity
Try answering the following questions. When you are finished, see the Answer Key at
the end of this Student Guide to check your answers.
Activity 1
Select True or False for each statement. Check your answers in the Answer Key at the
end of this Student Guide.
True False
Barbed wire and concertina wire may serve as a protective barrier by simply
uncoiling it and laying it on the ground.
Barbed wire is also known as razor wire.
Jersey barriers may be placed around buildings to prevent vehicles from
getting too close to the buildings.
Rapidly flowing rivers are considered active barriers.
Activity 2
Which of the following protective barriers would most likely be utilized for its decorative
appeal? Select the best answer.
Concrete planter
Jersey barrier
Activity 3
To be effective, clear zones should be free of which of the following? Select the best
Trimmed grass
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Activity 4
Match each characteristic to the lighting-related term to which it applies. Check your
answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Characteristics Type of Continuous Site Lighting
A. This method is intended to display a silhouette
of any person passing between the light
source and the building or to show the
contrast of a person inside the building.
B. This method is intended to make the inside of
a protected area difficult to see from outside
the protected area.
C. This method is intended to limit the width of
the lighted strip outside the perimeter of a
protected area so as not to interfere with
adjoining property, nearby highways,
railroads, navigable waters, or airports.
___ Glare Projection
___ Controlled Lighting
___ Surface Lighting
Activity 5
Select True or False for each statement. Check your answers in the Answer Key at the
end of this Student Guide.
True False
When planning protective site lighting, you should ensure that controls and
switches are installed inside the protected area and locked or guarded or
inside a central station such as an alarm monitoring station.
Flashlights are a reliable form of continuous lighting.
Emergency lighting depends upon the power supply of the utility company.
Standby lighting is the type of lighting used when the primary power source
Lesson Conclusion
In this lesson you learned about protective barriers and site lighting, which are both used
as exterior physical security measures by the DoD.
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Answer Key
Activity 1
True False
Barbed wire and concertina wire may serve as a protective barrier by simply
uncoiling it and laying it on the ground.
Barbed wire is also known as razor wire.
Jersey barriers may be placed around buildings to prevent vehicles from
getting too close to the buildings.
Rapidly flowing rivers are considered active barriers.
Activity 2
Although decorative, a concrete planter can serve as a protective barrier by preventing
vehicle access.
Activity 3
A clear zone is an area inside and outside the perimeter fence or barrier of the protected
area. An effective clear zone must be free of visual obstructions such as bushes.
Activity 4
Characteristics Type of Continuous Site Lighting
A. This method is intended to display a silhouette
of any person passing between the light
source and the building or to show the
contrast of a person inside the building.
B. This method is intended to make the inside of
a protected area difficult to see from outside
the protected area.
C. This method is intended to limit the width of
the lighted strip outside the perimeter of a
protected area so as not to interfere with
adjoining property, nearby highways,
railroads, navigable waters, or airports.
_B_ Glare Projection
_C_ Controlled Lighting
_A_ Surface Lighting
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Activity 5
True False
When planning protective site lighting, you should ensure that controls and
switches are installed inside the protected area and locked or guarded or
inside a central station such as an alarm monitoring station.
Flashlights are a reliable form of continuous lighting.
Emergency lighting depends upon the power supply of the utility company.
Standby lighting is the type of lighting used when the primary power source
February 2015 Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 1
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Measures
Lesson 4: Security Forces
Lesson Introduction
An important component of physical security protection for our DoD assets is our
security forces. These security forces are composed of DoD personnel, contractor
personnel, and even trained dogs. They all have the same missionto protect DoD
The lesson objective is:
Identify the types of security forces and the purposes of each type
Use of Security Forces
1. Overview
The majority of DoD installations and facilities maintain a specially identified group of
personnel who serve as the enforcement medium for the physical security program.
Typically, the security force is deployed to support either point or area security.
Whether government, military or civilian, or contract forces are involved, there is a need
to define the criticality of the asset being protected and the jurisdictional authority.
Defining these factors in turn will define the use of force. For example, is use of non-
lethal weapons appropriate? Or would use of deadly force be appropriate and
Once trained and deployed, security forces may require mandatory refresher training to
maintain a level of proficiency.
2. Deployment
Security forces are deployed in various ways. Here are some examples of how they are
Static observation posts, which guard a high priority resource, are used when continuous
surveillance is required. Access control points that monitor entry to a facility or secure
area may be manned continuously or on a part-time basis. Roving patrols ensure the
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safety and security of the installation or facility including personnel, information,
equipment, and other DoD assets. Roving patrols can cover large areas in a timely
manner. Response forces respond to alarms and incidents. Security system monitors
observe alarms and closed circuit televisions. Dispatch control centers dispatch
response forces and mobile patrols, and coordinate activities with other personnel. This
function may be combined with the security system monitor function.
3. Government Security Forces
Government security forces are made of up government employees who are either
military personnel or civilians. Military personnel may either have a full-time job specialty
of security or security may be assigned as an additional duty. Civilian physical security
personnel are considered part of the security force team and may fill positions in any of
the following job series: Security Administration Series, Security Clerical and Assistance
Series, Guard Series, Police Series, General Investigating Series, or Criminal
Investigating Series.
Whether military, civilian, or government contracted, security forces have the same
mission, which is to protect DoD assets.
4. Contract Security Forces
Contract security forces are comprised of non-DoD personnel who are employees of
private or commercial sources contracted by the federal government.
Government representatives perform administrative oversight of contract security forces.
This oversight may include preparation of standard operating procedures, or SOPs,
instructions, or post orders. These all serve the purpose of communicating the
government's requirements to the contractor, so great care must be taken in developing
these documents.
Security personnel sometimes play a role in defining specifications for guard force
contracts. This information is used by contractors to provide cost estimates.
Remember, whether government or contract, all security forces have the same
missionto protect DoD assets.
5. Military Working Dogs
Military working dogs (MWD), also known as K-9s, are an integral part of the physical
security program. Military working dogs enable security force members to enforce laws
and regulations, suppress the use of illegal drugs, detect explosives, and protect DoD
installations, facilities, and resources.
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These dogs can also deter attack and defend their handlers during threatening
situations. Military working dogs may assist in confrontation management, to search for
subjects both indoors and outdoors, and to guard subjects once they are captured. All of
these duties are performed during law enforcement activities as directed by their
Man's best friend is one of our nation's most valuable assets in our physical security
mission of protecting DoD assets.
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Review Activity
Try answering the following questions. When you are finished, see the Answer Key at
the end of this Student Guide to check your answers.
Activity 1
Select True or False for each statement. Check your answers in the Answer Key at the
end of this Student Guide.
True False
Government security forces may be either military or civilian.
Contract security forces may be either military or civilian.
Military working dogs can seek, detect, defend their handlers, and guard
Activity 2
Which statement best describes the mission of security forces? Select the best answer.
To secure Department of Defense buildings inside and out
To monitor facility access in the interest of national security
To protect Department of Defense assets
To protect key Department of Defense officials
Lesson Conclusion
In this lesson, you learned about the use of security forces, the ways in which security
forces are deployed, and the types of DoD security forces. DoD security forces include
government security forces, both military and civilian, contract security forces, and
military working dogs. These security forces all work together to protect our nation's DoD
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Answer Key
Activity 1
True False
Government security forces may be either military or civilian.
Contract security forces may be either military or civilian.
Military working dogs can seek, detect, defend their handlers, and guard
Activity 2
The mission of all government security forces, civilian or military, contract forces, and
military working dogs is to protect DoD assets.
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Course: Physical Security Measures
Lesson 5: Security Technology and Equipment
Lesson Introduction
The final layer of physical security protection covered in this course is our security
equipment and technology. This includes intrusion detection systems and equipment;
closed circuit television, or CCTV; access control systems and procedures; and
screening equipment.
The lesson objectives are:
Identify the types of intrusion detection systems and equipment, as well as the
purposes of and uses for each type
Define closed circuit television (CCTV) and identify the purpose of and uses for
Identify the types of access control systems and the purposes and uses for each
Identify the types of access control procedures and the purposes and uses for
each type
Identify the types of screening equipment and the purposes and uses for each
Intrusion Detection Systems
1. Overview
The purpose of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is to deter, detect, and document
intrusion. The IDS must detect an attempted or actual unauthorized entry into a
protected environment, and is designed to complement other physical security
An IDS does not prevent an intrusion. Rather, an IDS detects a change in the
environment by a change of state of detection devices. This change of state of detection
devices could be the result of an intruder or something else requiring further
These systems are a combination of components, including sensors, control or
transmission units, transmission lines or wireless transmission devices, monitor units,
and computerized monitoring stations. They are integrated to operate in a specific
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manner and can be used indoors and outdoors. With the advent of modern-day
electronics, the flexibility to integrate a variety of equipment and capabilities greatly
enhances the potential to design an IDS to meet specific needs.
2. IDS Selection Factors
Some factors to consider when selecting an IDS include asset criticality, design
considerations, environment, location, and perceived threat. Asset criticality helps define
the degree of protection required, based on the importance of the asset to the mission.
Asset criticality also helps define such factors as communication line security and
security force response time requirements. Design considerations include construction of
the building, room, or area being protected. Environmental considerations include
electromagnetic interference, humidity, saltwater laden atmosphere, dust, weather
conditions, animals, and insects. Location considerations include the geography,
whether the area being protected is inside or outside a government installation or facility,
and whether it is within or outside the continental United States. The perceived threat
factor includes considerations of the degree of protection required to counter the threat
including the level and type of criminal activity.
3. Operational Phases
The operational phases of an IDS are detection, reporting, dispatch, and response and
Detection begins as soon as a detector or sensor reacts to the stimuli it is designed to
detect. The sensor alarm condition is then transmitted over cabling located within the
protected area, called the detection loop, to the Premise Control Unit (PCU). The PCU
may service many sensors. The PCU and the sensors it serves comprise an "alarmed
area." The alarmed area may be reported by zones.
Reporting begins when the PCU receives signals from sensors in a protected area and
incorporates these signals into a communications scheme. The signal is sent by the
PCU via the transmission link to the monitoring station. A dedicated panel or central
processor unit processes the signals and initiates an audible or visible alarm to the
monitoring location. Alarms can result from intrusion, tampering, component failure, or
system power failure, just to list a few.
The dispatch period is the first phase requiring human interaction. When an alarm
condition occurs, the operator initiates the appropriate response such as dispatching the
response force.
Response and assessment is initiated once a response force is dispatched and
continues when they arrive at the scene of the alarm.
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4. Types of IDS Monitoring
When an IDS is triggered, it sends an alarm to a monitoring point. Once the alarm
notification is received, a response is required. You will now explore the three types of
IDS monitoring. They are local, proprietary, and central station monitoring.
a. Local
An IDS with local alarm annunciation results in an audible and/or visual signal in
the immediate vicinity only. Such systems afford limited protection and may be
appropriate for lower priority resources. Response is by local on-site personnel or
security forces notified of the alarm.
Some disadvantages of this type of monitoring system are that intruders know
exactly when the alarm is activated and can easily avoid capture, there is no
central monitoring, it may not provide immediate security force response, and
there is no audit trail unless it is contained in the local PCU memory or on the
local printer.
b. Proprietary Monitoring
A proprietary IDS is directly connected to an on-campus monitoring station.
These systems normally do not transmit outside the campus area or
organization. In these instances, local on-duty personnel receive the
annunciation and initiate appropriate action. In most cases, intruders cannot hear
the alarm, and therefore, are more likely to be captured.
The disadvantages of this type of monitoring system are that the stand-alone
system may not have a back-up power system should the system go down, and
that security force personnel may only become aware of the alarm when notified
by the person monitoring the system.
c. Central Station Monitoring
A central station monitored IDS is remotely monitored by government or
commercial resources. These resources maintain contact with an appropriate
response force. The response force may be internal to the installation or facility,
or a commercial source using local law enforcement personnel or private guards.
Advantages include immediate notification, timely response by security or law
enforcement personnel, and the possibility of back-up capability at the same
location or another location.
Disadvantages include that Central Station Monitoring may involve large
corporate monitoring agencies who do not fully understand the importance of a
rapid response to alarms; the response times may exceed those required for
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certain assets when using commercial response forces; and as the distance from
the protected area to the monitoring station increases, the likelihood of a
communications failure increases, potentially resulting in polling times exceeding
the maximum of six minutes.
Intrusion Detection Equipment
1. Overview
Intrusion Detection Equipment (IDE) is a term used to describe the individual
components of an IDS. These components are sensors and detectors, the Premise
Control Unit (PCU), transmission line security, and a monitoring station, equipment, and
2. Sensors and Detectors
Sensors and detectors are devices that respond to a physical stimulus, such as a
change of state, heat, light, sound, pressure, magnetism, or a particular motion.
Sensors and detectors are installed in various interior and exterior locations at an
installation or facility.
You should take a variety of factors into consideration to select the appropriate sensor or
detector. Exterior sensors or detectors must be reliable to withstand extreme outdoor
temperatures, environmental concerns such as dust, rain, fog, snow, vibration, and
natural debris, among others, and interference from animals or insects. Interior sensors
or detectors must be reliable to withstand adverse effects caused by heating, ventilation,
and air conditioning systems, and interference from animals or insects. Because the
above interior and exterior factors may not be completely unavoidable, redundant
systems using different types of sensors might be warranted to minimize false or
nuisance alarms and promote system integrity.
There are many different types of sensors and detectors in use throughout the DoD. The
table below lists some of the more commonly used types:
Sensor/Detector Description
Balanced magnetic
switch (BMS)/high-
security switch
The BMS comprises a magnet assembly, reed switch, a small
balancing magnet for gap and sensitivity adjustment, a tamper
switch, and a resistor to signal any opens or shorts in that alarmed
zone if that sensor is at the end of the line. The reed switch is held
closed by the forces of a balanced magnetic field created between
the operating magnet on the door and the internal balancing magnet.
Movement of the door or window operating magnet, or moving
another magnet close to the switch, causes it to activate the alarm.
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Buried line sensor
A buried line sensor is, in essence, a disturbance sensor buried in
the ground. A buried line sensor reacts to vibrations or pressures
within a certain perimeter. These sensors are usually placed on the
inside of a fenced area when one fence is used or between two
fences when a double fence is used.
Capacitance sensor
These proximity devices act like antennas. When a person
approaches or touches the object, its electrostatic field becomes
unbalanced and triggers the alarm. Note: Only metal objects isolated
from the ground can be protected this way.
Disturbance sensor
Disturbance sensors do just what their name implies. They are often
used in conjunction with fences and detect any disturbance of the
fence material, within specified parameters.
Electret cables
These cables are similar to coaxial cables, except that the material
that surrounds the center wire has an electrical charge on it. When
the cable is moved, the electrical charge is passed onto the center
wire, thus changing the electrical current that runs through it.
Electric field sensor
An electric field sensor is composed of multiple wires; one has a
current running throughout, and the other acts as a sensing
mechanism. When something enters the electromagnetic field that is
in the wire, the energy in the wire is disturbed and activates an alarm.
These sensors contain either a series of ball-bearings or a liquid
metal such as mercury, which forms a continuous electrical path.
When the switch is moved, the ball bearings or liquid metal moves
and contact with the internal terminals is broken, thus causing a
change in the electrical current that passes through the sensor.
These sensors have a magnet inside a coil. When the sensor is
moved, the magnet moves. The movement of the magnet affects the
current, which passes through the coil that is wound around the
Grid wire lacing
Thin foil or fine brittle wire sensor breaks electrical circuit.
Inertia detector
An inertia detector is attached to a protected surface that detects
shock waves created by a seismic or inertial impact against that
Microwave (high-
frequency radio
This sensor uses microwave energy to perform its job. It has a
transmitter and a receiver. When the receiver detects a change in the
microwave energy it is receiving from the transmitter, the alarm is
Passive infrared
A PIR sensor detects changes of infrared energy in its field of view.
A photoelectric sensor is an instrument consisting of two units in
which a light beam is transmitted from one of the units and is
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received by the other. It activates the alarm only when the beam is
These sensors are composed of a crystalline-type substance whose
electricity-conducting property is changed when the sensor is moved.
Taut wire switch
A taut wire switch is attached to a fence or other type of barrier and
detects a change in the tension of the wire.
Movement through sound waves saturating an area results in an
alarm. These sound waves are above the range of human hearing.
Window break
This sensor is a device bonded to a glass surface or attached to a
window frame that senses an attack on that surface. The sensor may
be either mechanical or audio. Audio glass break sensors may be
installed on ceilings or walls to detect glass breakage within a range
of the device. Window film, blinds, or curtains may reduce or prevent
activation of this sensor.
3. Premise Control Unit (PCU)
The Premise Control Unit (PCU) is essentially the "brain" of the IDS. It is the centralized
device that receives changes of state from IDE sensors, and transmits an alarm or
trouble condition to the monitoring station.
The PCU is located inside the perimeter of the alarmed area. It is secured with a locking
device, and is usually protected by an anti-tamper device.
The PCU should also contain a battery stand-by power source. The duration of stand-by
protection varies depending upon the level of risk or applicable standards.
4. Transmission Security Line
The goal of transmission line security is to adequately supervise and protect the
communications between the alarmed area and the monitoring station to prevent
modification and substitution of the transmitted signal.
In high security areas, 128 bit or higher National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) listed encryption may be required. Transmission line security is determined and
dictated by the type of DoD asset being protected.
The methods used to communicate alarm signals are digital dialer communication over
standard telephone switched network, cellular dialer communication over the cellular
network, two-way radio, direct connect, and data network or the Internet. The first two
methods do not provide any line security. Two-way radio normally provides line security
if polling is employed at least every six minutes. Polling time should be as short as
possible, ideally as frequently as every few seconds. With direct connect, line security or
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encryption may or may not be employed. A data network or the Internet provides line
security when polling is provided at least every six minutes. Encryption of 128 bit or
greater provides increased line security.
5. Monitoring Station, Equipment, and Personnel
A monitoring station is the central point for collecting the alarm status from the PCUs
handling the alarms under the control of an IDS. Some important considerations in
planning for your monitoring station are alarm zones, staffing, and response levels.
Alarms may be grouped into zones based on design or location depending on the
sensitivity of the asset being protected. This is an important consideration during the
design phase of your IDS installation.
Staffing of monitoring stations is another important consideration. Staffing requirements,
such as security clearance, citizenship, and training, will be dictated by the criteria set by
the appropriate authority. The importance of properly trained monitoring station
personnel cannot be overstated. It is essential for these personnel to thoroughly
understand system monitoring and operations to ensure that alarms are properly
activated, areas are protected, and appropriate alarm response is initiated.
All alarms require some level of response. Alarms can be the result of an actual
intrusion, or they may be activated due to a nuisance alarm or false alarm. Nuisance or
false alarms may require a system maintenance, adjustment, or selection of an alternate
sensor or detector. It is equally important for the owner or user of the protected area to
be properly trained on system operations to ensure that alarms are properly activated
and deactivated. Applicable authority will define the owner's or user's responsibilities.
Closed Circuit Television
1. Overview
CCTV plays a very important role in our physical security mission. Using CCTV is an
excellent means for deterring and detecting loss, theft, or misuse of government property
and resources, as well as unauthorized entry.
The recordings on the CCTV may provide evidence of these security breaches.
CCTV is used in a variety of facilities, installations, and activities, in areas ranging from
some of our most sensitive DoD assets, through and including commissaries and
exchanges, where they are used as a means to prevent, deter, and detect pilferage.
Security personnel are able to monitor multiple areas simultaneously, thereby saving
manpower. Through the use of CCTV, we augment our existing security force, rather
than replace it.
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2. Features and Benefits
CCTV is simply a closed circuit television system with a camera that captures a visual
image, converts it to a video signal and transmits it to a central monitoring station. There
it can be received, displayed, recorded, and printed. The camera may record in color or
black and white and may include remote control features such as pan, tilt, and zoom.
The signal transmission may be hard-wired or wireless. The monitoring equipment may
be a single screen or a split screen. The recording equipment may be digital or tape.
However, repeated use of the same tape can degrade the quality of the recorded
CCTV is versatile and can be installed inside or outside. However, you must consider
environmental factors when selecting a system. In some instances, a camera may
capture activity missed by security force personnel or details that guard force personnel
may not be able to readily observe. CCTV enhances security by providing a real-time
video surveillance and a means of video assessment of alarms.
3. Uses of CCTV
When installing an interior CCTV system, consideration should be given to using an IDS
with the CCTV, such as a balanced magnetic switch or a high-security switch on a door
to activate the camera when the door is opened. The IDS notifies the operator to view
the monitor. This may reduce the number of video monitors required to view the
protected areas.
When combined with video motion detection, CCTV can act as an IDS. The system
processes the video signal from cameras and determines if a change has occurred in
the camera's coverage. Video motion detection systems have the capability to mask out
portions of a scene to decrease the number of nuisance alarms.
A CCTV system can also be a key asset in the event of a disaster. It may be used to
show how an area looked before the event as well as after the event. In such cases, it
can document valuable resources that were destroyed and can serve as a deterrent to
The importance of properly trained CCTV monitoring personnel cannot be overstated.
Remember, a CCTV is only as good as the people who operate it. Therefore,
procedures must be in place and personnel must be trained in its use.
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Access Control System
1. Overview
Access control is a process for allowing authorized personnel into a controlled area while
preventing unauthorized personnel from entering the area. Throughout this lesson, the
term "controlled area" may refer to installation, building, or controlled space.
There are different types of access control systems, from very simplistic manual
systems, to more costly automated electronic systems.
The type of access control is usually determined based on risk management. Some
systems, such as metal, radiological, or explosive detectors, are used in conjunction with
manual entry control systems to enhance established security procedures. These
systems serve to provide assurance that only authorized personnel and materials are
introduced into or removed from a protected area.
Note that the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) is not an access control
system; rather, it is a system used to verify the level of access eligibility for specific
individuals. Now let's look at the various types of access control systems.
2. Manual Systems
There are several manual control systems being used for access to various controlled
areas in the DoD. The basic manual access control system is simply personal
recognition. This may be employed where a small number of employees are involved.
These employees must be trained to recognize and respond to the presence of
unauthorized personnel. Another form of manual access control is a person who verifies
an acceptable form of identification such as the Common Access Card (CAC).
Note: The Common Access Card (CAC) is the Department of Defense's implementation
of smart card technology. A smart card is a credit card size device, normally for carrying
and use by personnel that contains one or more integrated circuits and also may employ
one or more of the following technologies: magnetic stripe, bar codes, non-contact and
radio frequency transmitters, biometric information, encryption and authentication, or
photo identification.
The DoD uses the CAC to meet the requirements of Homeland Security Presidential
Directive 12, or HSPD-12. The number of different types of identification media is being
reduced, relying heavily on the common identification criteria mandated by HSPD-12.
Some facilities, depending on sensitivity of the area, may still require additional
enhancement measures for entry.
Issued in August 2004, Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12 (HSPD-12)
mandates a common Federal ID standard for all employees and contractors.
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Note: The Common Access Card (CAC) is a controlled item and shall not be used in
temporary badge issuance exchanges. Use of a badge such as an intelligence
community badge as an identifying badge instead of an access credential is not
prohibited in restricted areas by FIPS 201-1 or this regulation.
Some examples of additional measures are comparing a valid form of identification to an
access roster or JPAS, a badge exchange program whereby one type of identification or
badge is exchanged for one displayed within the controlled area, and a cipher access
control device, which is either manual or electronic. These devices require the user to
know a 3- or 4-digit number in order to gain access. The common forms are the push
button cipher and keypad operated cipher.
One concern with badge systems is the requirement to reissue all badges based upon a
percentage of lost or missing badges. Mass reissuing of badges to all badge holders
incurs a significant cost. This cost must be weighed against the risk of having
unaccounted for badges in circulation. Another concern with badge systems is the
holder's failure to report loss of a badge to the appropriate authority.
If manual access control systems do not meet the appropriate access requirements
based on the sensitivity of the protected area, an automated access control system may
be a better solution.
3. Automated Systems
Technology has provided many options in electronic automated access control systems.
Some employ biometrics and some do not.
Some things to consider when selecting automated access control systems include
reliability, file capacity, resistance to counterfeiting, enrollment time, throughput time,
cost, and technical complexity. A final consideration is that automated control systems
may lead to a false sense of security.
a. Non-Biometric
Card swipe, with or without a personal identification number (PIN) is an example
of a non-biometric access control system. Likewise, in lieu of a card swipe
reader, the same functionality can be achieved with a "proximity" card or key
system. Both of these methods communicate with a computerized system, which
allows for approval or denial of entry, based on programmed information
provided by authorized personnel.
An extremely useful feature of these systems is their ability to enable entry at
specific points for specific periods of time. The same concerns that apply to
manual systems using badges also apply to non-biometric access control
systems. One additional concern associated with PINs is users’ loss or
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compromise of their PINs. Loss of a card plus the loss of its associated PIN
equals a potential breach of area security.
b. Biometric
Biometrics are measurable physical characteristics or personal behavioral traits
used to recognize the identity, or verify the claimed identity, of an individual.
Individually unique characteristics include fingerprints, hand geometry,
handwriting, iris scan, and voice recognition. Technology has provided many
options in biometric automated access control systems.
During the design analysis phases of biometric access control systems, error
rates and cost must be considered. Some concerns associated with biometrics
are that more data is required from the user and the validation time period is
longer. There are also concerns over divulging personal characteristics. The
benefits of biometric systems are a higher level of security and a possible
reduction in security force personnel.
The most common individual biometric characteristics are fingerprints, hand
geometry, handwriting, iris scan, and voice recognition.
Biometrics Description
Fingerprints have been used as a positive personnel identifier for
more than 100 years. The art of processing human fingerprints for
identification has been greatly enhanced in recent years by the
development of automated systems. These systems, which rely on
pattern recognition of either a single finger or several fingers and
computerized data processing, have an application in access control.
All fingerprint identification systems require accurate finger
positioning and pattern measurement for reliable identification. Some
problems occur with individuals who do not have clearly defined
finger ridge patterns or who have had an injury to the identifying
Hand Geometry
The measurement of relative finger length is a unique characteristic.
Hand geometry is a distinct measurable and individual characteristic.
These systems are characterized as having high to medium
resistance to tampering.
Signature verification has been used for many years by the banking
industry. However, signature comparison methods employed are
highly susceptible to forgery. Automated handwriting verification
systems have been developed that use handwriting dynamics such
as velocity, acceleration, and pressure as a function of time.
Statistical evaluation of this data indicates that an individual's
signature is unique and reasonably consistent from one signature to
the next. Systems have been developed that used from one to three
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axes of dynamic measurements. Transducers can be located in
either the writing instrument or tablet. Like hand geometry, signature
verification has a high to medium counterfeiting resistance level.
Iris Scan
Iris scanning systems measure the iris and are very difficult for the
user to circumvent. More advanced systems use a charge-coupled
device camera, which is unobtrusive and requires little action on the
user's part. Because the scan involves shining a light into the eye,
one potential problem with these devices is that they may irritate the
user's eye if used on a routine basis. Employees have shown
resistance to eye scanning systems for this reason.
Speech, or voice recognition, is a useful attribute for identity
verification, and it is well suited to automated data processing.
Speech measurements that are useful for speaker discrimination
include waveform envelope, voice pitch period, relative amplitude
spectrum, and vocal tract resonant frequencies (formats). High-end
systems have a high resistance to counterfeiting; however, some
low-end systems can be fooled with high-quality recordings.
Access Control Procedures
1. Overview
Access control procedures vary greatly among components, installations, and facilities.
Identifying who and what enters the controlled areas is vital to protecting DoD assets.
You just learned about access control systems and now you will learn some procedures
employed in the use of these systems. You will learn about methods of control, use of
escorts, and entry and exit inspections.
2. Methods of Control
When individuals need access to a controlled area, access control is employed by
security force personnel using automated or manual systems, or a combination of both.
With automated systems, the individual has been vetted and receives an appropriate
DoD credential. Local authorities determine the level of monitoring of these automated
systems. Individuals who fail to meet the access criteria will be referred to the next tier of
With manual systems, the individual may or may not have been pre-approved through
an activity's vetting process. Let's look at some examples.
An individual has a CAC that serves as a DoD credential and is commonly used to gain
access to DoD controlled areas. In this case, the individual is authorized unescorted
access to the area.
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An individual has a record in JPAS reflecting the proper level of access eligibility. In this
case, the host may grant access if need-to-know is verified. Although JPAS access is
verified, the individual may still require a visitor badge, either with or without an escort,
as determined by the activity.
An individual does not have an approved DoD credential. However, the individual does
have an official need to gain access in the performance of their duties. In this case, the
individual may require a visitor badge, either with or without an escort, as determined by
the activity.
With either system, follow-on processing and inspection may be required, as determined
by local procedures.
3. Escort Requirements
Another access control procedure is the use of escorts. An escort is required when
individuals visit areas for which they do not have unescorted access, the appropriate
security clearance, and/or a valid need-to-know. For example, visitors may have the
appropriate security levels, but not the need-to-know or access to special types of
information protected within the controlled area. If access is approved, the visitor will
sign in at the visitor center or security force post, show a valid photo identification, be
issued an escort-required visitor badge that must be visually displayed during their visit,
and be assigned an escort.
Escorts play a crucial role in asset protection within the controlled area. Their
responsibility begins when the visitor enters the controlled area, and does not end until
the visitor has departed. Escorts have the ultimate responsibility and must be able to
control the visitor during the duration of their visit. One hundred percent accountability of
visitors is mandatory!
The selected escort should be trained to their escort responsibilities, acknowledge
receipt of training, be reliable, understand and conform to the identified practices and
procedures, and understand the possible consequences if positive control of the visitor is
not maintained.
Local directives will determine and dictate specific procedures that assigned escort
personnel must follow.
4. Entry and Exit Inspections
Entry and exit inspections are an essential component of the physical security program.
They help prevent or deter the introduction of unauthorized or prohibited material into an
installation or facility, and also are valuable in the detection of assets being removed
from an installation or facility without proper authorization. Inspections of vehicles,
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personnel, or their property, conducted either randomly or during periods of increased
alertness, greatly increase the likelihood of detecting unauthorized or prohibited items.
The schedule for conducting these types of inspections should be limited to senior
officials and security personnel. After consultation with legal personnel, installation and
facility authorities determine the criteria for conducting inspections of individuals,
material in their possession, and vehicles, whether random or continual 100% of the
time. Local guidance will dictate the means used to notify individuals that they may be
subject to inspections.
Screening Equipment
1. Overview
Security screening equipment at DoD installations and facilities has become more
common since the terrorist attacks on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in
April 1995 and the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Security screening equipment adds greatly to our ability to protect DoD assets by
screening personnel and property to identify potentially dangerous and unauthorized
items. Detection of unauthorized or prohibited items is enhanced through manufacturer-
required calibration and formal operator training. Realistic refresher training using
simulated unauthorized material also enhances the detection of unauthorized or
prohibited items.
The two types of screening equipment most frequently used by the DoD are fixed and
portable security screening equipment. Let's examine each more closely.
2. Fixed
Fixed security screening equipment includes a variety of types such as conveyor belt
style x-ray machines, magnetometers configured for pedestrian traffic, and emerging
technologies with the ability to detect explosive residue.
X-ray machines have proven to be an effective means to detect and deter the movement
of dangerous or prohibited items into areas like airports, federal buildings, and DoD
facilities, activities, and installations. When employed, this is accomplished by requiring
that hand-carried items be presented for inspection by screening equipment.
Threats to security come in many different forms, and x-ray machines are an effective
way to screen what people bring into a facility. However, not all threats to security are
clearly visible using x-ray machines. Therefore, additional physical screening may be
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Magnetometers, commonly referred to as metal detectors, are a means to screen
personnel for unauthorized or dangerous metal objects. They do this by creating a
magnetic field. When this magnetic field is disturbed by a metal object, it triggers an
alarm. An appropriate response to the alarm is hand screening, using portable screening
equipment, or a manual search. Some harmless medically implanted devices may cause
an alarm and may require hand screening before clearance is granted to enter the
controlled area.
Naturally, placement of the equipment depends on the design of the facility, and the area
or asset to be protected. Various types of channeling or funneling barriers can ensure
screening of all personnel entering the protected area.
3. Portable
Portable security screening equipment can include items such as hand-held
magnetometers, commonly referred to as wands, and vapor trace detectors.
Wands may be used as a back-up for fixed screening equipment to determine the cause
of the alarm. Wands may also be the only screening equipment available at some
facilities or installations. Like all magnetometers, wands use a magnetic field, which
causes an audible alarm when disturbed by a metal object. Based on the size of the
object and the sensitivity setting of the device, there may or may not be a detection.
Vapor trace detectors are extremely sophisticated pieces of equipment used to detect
minute traces of the chemicals associated with explosive materials.
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Review Activity
Try answering the following questions. When you are finished, see the Answer Key at
the end of this Student Guide to check your answers.
Activity 1
Match each description to the type of IDS to which it applies. Check your answers in the
Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Description Type of IDS
A. Responds to a physical stimulus
B. Receives change of state and transmits alarm
C. Central point for collecting alarm status
D. Assures communications between the
alarmed area and the monitoring station
___ Sensor/detector
___ Transmission line security
___ Premise Control Unit (PCU)
___ Monitoring station
Activity 2
Select True or False for each statement.
True False
A CCTV camera may capture activity missed by security force personnel.
A CCTV can act as an intrusion detection system (IDS) when combined with
video motion detection.
An advantage of CCTV is that environmental factors do not affect its
A CCTV is only as good as the people who operate it.
Activity 3
Which of the following are access control systems? Select all that apply.
Closed circuit television
Card-swipe system
Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS)
Badge exchange program
Personal recognition
Iris scanning
Intrusion detection system
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Activity 4
Select True or False for each statement.
True False
Escorts must be able to control the visitor they are escorting throughout the
duration of their visit in a controlled area.
The schedules for entry and exit inspections should be posted in view of all
DoD personnel.
All visitors with the appropriate access level to enter a controlled area are
permitted unescorted entry.
Entry and exit inspections help deter the introduction of unauthorized or
prohibited material into an installation or facility and help prevent the
unauthorized removal of DoD assets from an installation or facility.
Activity 5
Match each description to the type of screening to which it applies. Check your answers
in the Answer Key at the end of this Student Guide.
Description Type of Screening
A. Fixed equipment that detects metal objects
B. Detects traces of explosive material
C. Portable equipment that detects metal objects
D. Detects prohibited items
___ Magnetometer
___ Vapor trace detector
___ Wand
___ X-ray machine
Lesson Conclusion
In this lesson you learned about intrusion detection systems and equipment, closed
circuit television (CCTV), access control systems and procedures, and screening
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Answer Key
Activity 1
Description Type of IDS
A. Responds to a physical stimulus
B. Receives change of state and transmits alarm
C. Central point for collecting alarm status
D. Assures communications between the
alarmed area and the monitoring station
_A_ Sensor/detector
_D_ Transmission line security
_B_ Premise Control Unit (PCU)
_C_ Monitoring station
Activity 2
True False
A CCTV camera may capture activity missed by security force personnel.
A CCTV can act as an intrusion detection system (IDS) when combined with
video motion detection.
An advantage of CCTV is that environmental factors do not affect its
A CCTV is only as good as the people who operate it.
Activity 3
Closed circuit television
Card-swipe system
Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS)
Badge exchange program
Personal recognition
Iris scanning
Intrusion detection system
Physical Security Measures
Security Technology and Equipment Student Guide
February 2015 Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 19
Activity 4
True False
Escorts must be able to control the visitor they are escorting throughout the
duration of their visit in a controlled area.
The schedules for entry and exit inspections should be posted in view of all
DoD personnel.
All visitors with the appropriate access level to enter a controlled area are
permitted unescorted entry.
Entry and exit inspections help deter the introduction of unauthorized or
prohibited material into an installation or facility and help prevent the
unauthorized removal of DoD assets from an installation or facility.
Activity 5
Description Type of Screening
A. Fixed equipment that detects metal objects
B. Detects traces of explosive material
C. Portable equipment that detects metal objects
D. Detects prohibited items
_A_ Magnetometer
_B_ Vapor trace detector
_C_ Wand
_D_ X-ray machine
February 2015 Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 1
Student Guide
Course: Physical Security Measures
Lesson 6: Course Conclusion
Course Summary
Physical security measures are designed to prevent or reduce the potential for sabotage,
theft, trespassing, terrorism, espionage, or other criminal activity. To ensure security, the
security measures must provide the capability to deter, detect, identify, track, assess,
record, communicate, delay, and respond to unauthorized access activities. Security
operations and procedures must ensure the effective protection of Department of
Defense (DoD) assets.
In this course, you learned about the application of active and passive complementary
physical security measures to achieve security-in-depth and to protect DoD assets from
potential threats.
Lesson Review
Here is a list of the lessons in the course:
Exterior Physical Security Measures
Security Forces
Security Technology and Equipment
Course Objectives
You should now be able to:
Identify key concepts related to security-in-depth
Identify the various types of physical security measures and their uses
Congratulations. You have completed the Physical Security Measures Course.
To receive credit for this course, you must take the Physical Security Measures
examination. Please use the Center for Development of Security Excellence Learning
Management System STEPP to register for the online exam.