Exterior Security Lighting
Student Guide
September 2017
Center for Development of Security Excellence
Exterior Security Lighting Student Guide
September 2017 Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 1-1
Lesson 1: Course Introduction
Every day, on our military installations and within DoD facilities, we protect a wide variety of
assets from various types of threats. One way we do this is through the use of exterior
security lighting to deter and detect intruders. In this course, you will learn about the different
types of exterior security lighting. You will also learn about the components that comprise
exterior security lighting and how exterior security lighting is used to protect valuable assets.
Here is the course objective:
Determine the minimum requirements for planning, designing, implementing and
maintaining elements of exterior security lighting that will enhance DoD facilities
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Lesson 2: What Is Exterior Security Lighting?
In this lesson, we’ll explore what exterior security lighting is and what its physical
components are as well as the types of exterior security lighting that exist.
Here are the lesson objectives:
Define the purpose of exterior security lighting
List the physical components of exterior security lighting
List the types of exterior security lighting
On DoD installations and facilities, we use exterior security lighting to illuminate sensitive
areas such as piers and docks, vital buildings, and storage areas. By illuminating these
areas, exterior security lighting aids us in deterring and detecting intruders.
Exterior security lighting serves as a psychological deterrent to discourage intruders from
attempting to enter areas. In tandem with other security measures such as fencing, guards,
and access control systems, exterior security lighting should be placed on boundaries and
approaches to installations and facilities and on specific areas and structures within a
property’s general boundaries. Low level lighting must be used on security forces to
minimize their visibility to intruders.
Exterior security lighting should allow security forces to detect unauthorized persons
approaching an area or attempting malicious acts within an area. Low-level lighting allows
security forces to see for long distances and creates contrasts so they can identify outlines
of silhouettes, and it minimizes the visibility of security forces to intruders. In addition, low
level lighting does not blind security forces with glare or impede the use of automated
monitoring systems such as closed circuit television (CCTV) systems.
Using broad lighted areas allows security forces and others to see intruders in and around
an installation or facility. Creating stripes on walls with lighting provides recognizable breaks
in outlines or silhouettes, which is also helpful to security forces. The volume and intensity of
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lighting can improve visibility of intruders but will vary depending on the types of surfaces to
be illuminated.
Physical Components of Lighting
Light Fixture
A light fixture, also referred to technically as a luminaire, is the complete lighting unit
designed to distribute the light, position and protect the light sources, and connect the light
sources to the power supply. A light fixture consists of a lamp, a ballast, and a lens.
A ballast is a device used with an electric discharge light source to obtain the necessary
circuit conditions of voltage, current, and waveform for starting and operating. The
ballast ensures the lamp stays lit by managing the distribution of energy throughout the
The lamp produces optical radiation. The lamp is also referred to as light source, bulb or
tube. In this course, we will refer to this component as the lamp.
A lens is a glass or plastic element used in a light fixture to change the direction and
control the distribution of light rays.
Types of Lighting
There are four types of exterior security lighting used by DoD installations and facilities:
Continuous Lighting
Continuous lighting is the most common type of lighting and consists of a series of fixed
lights arranged to flood a given area continuously with overlapping cones of light during
hours of darkness. The advantage of using overlapping cones of light is if a single lamp
fails, the area will still remain lit.
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There are three methods of continuous lighting: glare projection, controlled lighting, and
surface lighting.
With glare projection, lamps are mounted on poles inside the protected area and
directed outward to make it difficult to see inside the area. Guards are protected
by being kept in comparative darkness and are able to observe an area without
being seen by intruders.
With controlled lighting, lamps are mounted on high poles and shine down and
out. This lighting is most effective when it limits the width of the lighted strip
outside the perimeter, such as along highways.
With surface lighting, lamps are mounted at ground surface and shine in and up
onto the surface of a building or structure. This lighting illuminates the face of a
building and assists the security force by elongating or exaggerating the shadow
of an intruder who approaches a building.
Standby Lighting
With standby lighting, light fixtures are not continuously lit. Instead they are triggered
automatically by a sensor or manually turned on when suspicious activity is detected or
suspected by the security force or alarm systems.
Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting is used when there is a power failure or other situation that renders
the normal lighting system inoperative. It can be powered by an installed or portable
generator or a battery.
Portable Lighting
Portable lighting consists of manually operated, movable searchlights that may be lit
during hours of darkness or only as needed, such as at construction sites.
Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Why is exterior security lighting necessary on DoD installations and facilities?
Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
To illuminate sensitive areas or structures such as pier and dock areas, vital
buildings and storage areas that are under observation
To discourage or deter intruders from attempting unauthorized entry
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To facilitate the detection of unauthorized persons entering or attempting malicious
acts within an area
Review Activity 2
Question 1 of 3. Which component in a light fixture changes the direction and controls the
distribution of light rays?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Question 2 of 3. Which component in a light fixture is used with an electric discharge light
source to obtain the necessary circuit conditions of voltage, current, and waveform for
starting and operating?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Question 3 of 3. What is the technical term for a light fixture?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
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Review Activity 3
Question 1 of 3. Which type of lighting should you use at a construction site on a DoD
installation or facility?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Continuous lighting Glare projection
Continuous lighting Controlled lighting
Continuous lighting Surface lighting
Standby lighting
Emergency lighting
Portable lighting
Question 2 of 3. Which type of lighting should you use to keep security forces in relative
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Continuous lighting Glare projection
Continuous lighting Controlled lighting
Continuous lighting Surface lighting
Standby lighting
Emergency lighting
Portable lighting
Question 3 of 3. Which type of lighting is triggered manually or automatically when
suspicious activity is detected or suspected by the security force or alarm systems?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Continuous lighting Glare projection
Continuous lighting Controlled lighting
Continuous lighting Surface lighting
Standby lighting
Emergency lighting
Portable lighting
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Lesson 3: Planning Considerations
In this lesson, we’ll explore the policy guidance and planning considerations for the use of
exterior security lighting on DoD installations and facilities.
Here are the lesson objectives:
Recall the policy guidance for the use of exterior security lighting
Identify the planning considerations for the use of exterior security lighting
DoD Requirements for Exterior Lighting
Here are some policies that may help you with your planning considerations with exterior
security lighting:
DoD Manual (DoDM) 5100.76, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms,
Ammunition, and Explosives (AA&E)
o Provides the minimum standards and criteria for the physical security, including
exterior security lighting, of DoD sensitive conventional AA&E
Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-530-01, Interior and Exterior Lighting Systems and
o Meets the current standard of practice for the Illuminating Engineering Society
(IES) of North America and addresses general lighting requirements for DoD
UFC 4-022-01, Security Engineering: Entry Control Facilities/Access Control Points
o Provides requirements for the design of entry control facilities and access
control points for DoD installations and contains a section specifically about
exterior security lighting
Overview of Planning Considerations
When planning for exterior security lighting on DoD installations and facilities, there are
many factors to consider. These include considerations concerning light fixtures, such as the
placement of the fixtures as well as replacing worn or inefficient fixtures, lamps, and costs
related to exterior security lighting as well as a few other considerations that don’t fit neatly
into these three categories.
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Light Fixture Considerations
Placement of Light Fixtures
In planning security lighting, you must consider several factors about the placement and
positioning of light fixtures. These factors include:
Height of the light fixture
Direct glare
Light trespass
Light uniformity
Illuminance is the amount of light falling on a surface. Horizontal illuminance refers to the
amount of light falling on a horizontal surface, such as the ground. Vertical illuminance
refers to the amount of light falling on a vertical surface, such as a wall or a sign. The
most effective surfaces to light are walls and building facades. Vertical illuminance is
more important than horizontal illuminance in many security applications. For example,
vertical illuminance on people’s faces is important for identification at security
checkpoints. Newer commercially-made light meters measure illuminance in units of lux.
Older model commercially-made light meters measure illuminance in units of foot
candles. One foot candle equals lux multiplied by 10.76.
NOTE: The information in the box below will not be on the test but is included here as additional
information that may provide useful background and insight.
One lux is the illuminance at the same point at a distance of 1 meter from the source. One foot
candle is an English measurement and is the illuminance at a point on a surface that is one foot
from and perpendicular to a uniform point source of one candela.
Refer to the job aid in Appendix B of this student guide to review examples of
illuminance level recommendations for specific areas.
Light Fixture Height
The height of a light fixture is important to consider. Light fixtures can be mounted on the
ground, on buildings, or on poles. Increased pole heights allow the use of higher-
wattage, more efficient lamps.
Direct Glare
You probably know what it feels like when you are driving at night and oncoming drivers
forget to turn off their bright lights. You feel momentarily blinded. This is a common
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example of direct glare. Direct glare is caused by excessive light entering the eye from a
bright light source. The potential for direct glare exists anytime one can see a light
source. With direct glare, the eye has a harder time seeing contrast and details, which
can be a problem for security forces when they can’t see contrast and details of
intruders. Effective use of indirect light minimizes the negative effects of direct glare.
Light Trespass
Light trespass occurs when light from one area spills over into an adjoining area. Light
trespass can cause interference with the security of the adjoining area. There are
several ways to minimize light trespass. First, use only shielded light fixtures for area
lighting. When unshielded light fixtures such as wall packs and decorative light fixtures
are used at low mounting heights, reduce the light source brightness to that of a 4200
lumen light source, which is similar to a 55 watt induction light source, or less. Next,
avoid over lighting areas. The reflected light can result in complaints from the adjoining
facility and poor visibility. Dim or turn lighting off when it is not needed. Finally, use
motion sensors or timers as much as possible to activate lighting.
Light Uniformity
Light uniformity refers to the consistency of lighting. It is important to prevent spotty
lighting to allow security personnel to see ahead and to the sides with an absence of
dark areas caused by shadows. Lighting should be brightest in the secure area, with the
light gradually less in the areas adjacent to the high-illumination areas.
Light Fixture Replacement
You should consider replacing light fixtures when certain conditions exist. If the light fixtures
are in poor condition, especially those creating hazardous situations, they should be
replaced. If there are more energy-efficient light fixtures available but the light fixture is not
in poor condition, a cost-benefit analysis is needed. Other reasons to consider replacing
light fixtures include when illuminance levels are too low, if the lighting produces glare, or
when the light fixture layout produces uneven illumination.
Lamp Considerations
Overview of Lamp Planning Considerations
In planning security lighting, you must consider several factors about the lamps you select
for security lighting. Lamps should be as efficient as possible to save costs and energy. This
is referred to as lamp efficacy. Color rendition allows security personnel to identify colors
accurately and confidently. Lamps should also have effective luminance levels. Luminance
refers to the brightness of a light or how bright we perceive a light reflected off of a surface.
You should have provisions, processes, and procedures in place for rapid lamp replacement
in the event that a lamp burns out. Lamps must be compatible with the light fixture in which
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they are being used. The strike or warm-up time of a lamp is the time it takes for the lamp to
light when it is first turned on. The restrike time of a lamp is the time it takes to relight the
lamp after a power interruption.
Lamp Efficacy
Lamp efficacy or efficiency refers to the amount of light produced by a light source for
every watt of energy. Lamp efficacy is measured in output of light, or lumens, compared
to power input, or watts. The lamp output is expressed in lumens per watt. The higher
the efficacy number, the more efficient the lamp. Lamp efficiency degrades over time.
The amount of energy consumed remains constant while the light output slowly reduces.
This is called lamp lumen depreciation. The most energy efficient technologies are solid
state lighting (SSL) light-emitting diode (LED) and induction lighting systems.
NOTE: The information in the box below will not be on the test but is included here as additional
information that may provide useful background and insight.
Luminous efficacy of a source of light is the quotient of the total luminous flux emitted to the total
light source power input. It is expressed in lumens per watt.
Color Rendition
An important lamp consideration is color rendition, which allows security personnel to
identify colors accurately and confidently. Color rendition is determined by the lamp’s
spectral power distribution and illuminance level and is measured by the color rendition
index (CRI). Natural daylight and incandescent lighting have the maximum CRI value of
100. The closer a lamp’s CRI rating is to 100, the more it resembles daylight and is able
to show true colors of an object to the human eye. In these images, notice which one
has good color rendition and which does not.
Cost Considerations
Overview of Cost Considerations
When designing exterior lighting systems on DoD installations and facilities, you must
always consider the costs involved. Use the most efficient and lowest-wattage lamps to
reduce energy use and costs. Minimizing energy consumption results in lower utility bills for
the installation or facility. Also by using more efficient technologies, you will reduce
maintenance costs in fewer lamp replacements. You must also consider other costs you
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might not readily think of, such as the maintenance costs of cleaning fixtures. With new
technologies, you will also need to weigh the costs of operating older lamps and fixtures
versus replacing them with new technologies.
Other Considerations
Before Installation
Besides the more obvious lamp and cost considerations, there are some other equally
important but less obvious factors you should consider when designing your exterior lighting
The design should provide for simplicity and economy in system maintenance and should
require a minimum of shutdowns for routine repairs, cleaning, and lamp replacement. It is
necessary in some instances to install a duplicate wiring system.
You should plan protection for your lighting systems. For example, since bulbs are a favorite
target for vandals, they can be protected from damage by installing wire mesh or some other
substantial material that would not restrict the light beam.
Other considerations include having a manual override provision during a blackout, including
photoelectric controls, which may be desirable during peacetime, but less desirable during a
mandatory blackout. You should also consider the effects of local weather conditions on
lighting systems.
Wiring, circuits and grounding requirements should be arranged so that failure of any one
lamp shall not leave a large portion of the perimeter line or a major segment of a critical or
vulnerable position in darkness.
Connection should be such that fluctuating or erratic voltages in the primary power source
caused by overloads, industrial accidents, and or other incidents should not disrupt the
security lighting system.
Under many circumstances, the primary power source for facilities is the public utility, so
facilities and security management should focus on the point at which the power feeder lines
enter their property. These lines should be located underground, or in the case of overhead
wiring, inside the perimeter to minimize the potential for vandalism to the lines and reduce
the effects from adverse weather conditions.
Regardless of the positioning and protection of these feeder lines, an alternate source of
power should be available to supply the lighting system in the event of interruptions or
You must also think about lighting requirements for adjoining properties and activities and
the requirements for all of your electronic security systems, such as closed circuit television
(CCTV) systems.
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After Installation
Once the lighting system has been installed, you should keep it working as efficiently as
possible by developing a cost effective and practical strategy to replace bulbs, fixtures and
other lighting components.
Plan periodic inspections of all electrical circuits to replace or repair worn parts, tighten
connections, and check insulation. Also implement a planned maintenance program to keep
fixtures clean, properly aimed and in working order, for example, by changing the bulbs
before the burn out date.
Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Which policy document should you consult for specific lighting requirements for areas
containing DoD sensitive conventional AA&E?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
DoDM 5100.76, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition and
Explosives (AA&E)
UFC 3-530-01, Interior and Exterior Lighting Systems and Controls
UFC 4-022-01, Security Engineering: Entry Control Facilities/Access Control Points
Review Activity 2
Question 1 of 3. Your installation is adjacent to a housing complex. Which of the following
would you most likely take into consideration when planning security lighting on the
perimeter of your installation to avoid negatively impacting the adjacent housing complex?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Color rendition
Direct glare
Light trespass
Vertical illuminance
Horizontal illuminance
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Question 2 of 3. Which of these factors allows security personnel to identify colors
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Color rendition
Direct glare
Light trespass
Vertical illuminance
Horizontal illuminance
Question 3 of 3. Which of these considerations do you think would be most important in
ensuring security forces can clearly see the identification of visitors at checkpoints in the
evening hours?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Color rendition
Direct glare
Light trespass
Vertical illuminance
Horizontal illuminance
Review Activity 3
Besides the more obvious lamp and cost considerations, what other factors should you
consider when designing your exterior lighting systems?
Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Design for simplicity and economy in system maintenance
Provide protection for lighting fixtures
Local weather conditions
Wiring and grounding requirements
Alternate power supply for emergencies
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Lesson 4: Types of Light Fixtures and Lamps
In this lesson, we’ll explore the types of light fixtures and lamps used in exterior security
Here are the lesson objectives:
List the types of light fixtures used in exterior security lighting and determine their
Review different types of lamps used in exterior security lighting and recognize their
Light Fixtures
Exterior security lighting serves various purposes, so there are several types of light fixtures
for each of these purposes. They are:
Low-mounted site lighting
High-mast lighting
Floodlight or projector
Refer to the job aid in Appendix C of this student guide to review a complete matrix of the
types of light fixtures and their uses. Let’s take a closer look at each type.
Cut-off Light Fixtures
Cut-off light fixtures are used where control of light trespass and direct glare is important.
Cut-off lighting is used to reduce direct glare in lighting medium-to-large areas often in
parking lots next to residential areas. The pole heights for this type of lighting vary from 30
to 50 feet.
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Refractor Light Fixtures
Refractor light fixtures are used where light trespass and glare control are less important.
They are used on highways, streets, and general areas. Pole heights are 50 feet and higher.
Low-mounted Site Lighting
Low-mounted site lighting provides low-level, glare-free lighting for small areas. This type of
lighting is used on buildings where aesthetic appeal is needed. Pole heights for low-
mounted site lighting are 4 feet and under.
Post-top Light Fixtures
Post-top light fixtures come in two types: controlled and uncontrolled. Controlled post-top
fixtures provide low-to-medium wattage light for medium-to-small areas and pedestrian
walkways. Uncontrolled post-top fixtures provide 360 degrees of low-wattage light
distribution for decorative purposes in the same areas as the controlled post-top light
fixtures. Pole heights for both controlled and uncontrolled post-top fixtures range from 4 to
10 feet.
High-mast Lighting
High-mast lighting is used to illuminate an area with high wattage and good glare control.
Light fixtures are mounted in a fixed orientation at the top of a high mast. High-mast lighting
is used for large areas such as railroad yards, large parking lots, industrial yards, and
highway interchanges. Pole heights range from 60 to 150 feet.
There are two types of floodlight or projector light fixtures: full cut-off and no cut-off.
Full cut-off floodlight and projector light fixtures provide medium-to-high wattage lighting that
controls glare and light trespass with louvers and hoods. Full cut-off floodlights are used for
airport aprons where planes are parked and areas adjacent to residential neighborhoods.
Pole heights can go up to 50 feet.
No cut-off floodlight and projector light fixtures also provide medium-to-high wattage lighting
but with a tight symmetrical beam that does not provide light trespass control. No cut-off
floodlights are used for buildings, sporting venues, and area lighting where light trespass is
not a concern. Mounting heights are dictated by the height of buildings and for sporting
venues, pole heights range from 60 to 150 feet.
Building-mounted Lighting
There are two types of building-mounted light fixtures: cut-off type and refractor type.
The cut-off type of building-mounted light fixtures provides low-wattage lighting with a tighter
beam control and low brightness to control light trespass and glare. These light fixtures are
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used on all types of buildings and the mounting heights are dictated by the building heights
and the desired area of lighting coverage.
The refractor type of building-mounted light fixtures also provides low-wattage lighting but
produces a wide-beam distribution of light where the glare may be objectionable. These light
fixtures are used for general lighting of buildings and the mounting height depends on the
building height.
As with light fixtures, there also are various types of lamps that are used for different
purposes. They are:
High-intensity discharge
Low-pressure sodium
Solid state lighting
Refer to the job aid in Appendix C of this student guide to review a complete matrix of the
types of lamps and their uses. Let’s take a closer look at each type.
Incandescent Lamps
Incandescent lamps generate light when an electric current heats a tungsten filament wire
so that it glows or incandesces. These lamps emit light that is referred to as standard for
daylight which means the light emitted is closest to natural daylight. Incandescent lamps
have good color rendition so they are used in both exterior and interior locations where color
recognition and human appearance are important, such as at security checkpoints.
These lamps range from 15 to 1,500 watts and their initial lumens per watt range from 8 to
24. The average rated life for incandescent lamps is 750 to 3,500 hours.
Fluorescent Lamps
Fluorescent lamps generate light when an electric arc excites the gas in the tube. Mercury in
the gas emits ultraviolet radiation causing the phosphor coating of the lamp to glow, or
fluoresce. The glowing phosphors create white-colored light. Like incandescent lamps,
fluorescent lamps have good color rendition so they are used in both exterior and interior
locations where color recognition and human appearance are important.
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These lamps range from 4 to 215 watts and their initial lumens per watt range from 14 to 95.
The average rated life for fluorescent lamps is 6,000 to over 20,000 hours. Fluorescent
lamps require a ballast as well as special lamp holders in order to operate.
Tungsten-halogen Lamps
Like incandescent lamps, tungsten-halogen lamps emit light when a tungsten filament is
heated sufficiently to emit light. The difference between the two is in the composition of the
glass envelope and the gas inside the envelope. Tungsten-halogen lamps emit a white light
which has good color rendition so they are used in both exterior and interior locations where
color recognition and human appearance are important.
These lamps range from 20 to 1,875 watts and their initial lumens per watt range from 10 to
30. The average rated life for tungsten-halogen lamps is 950 to 6,000 hours.
High-intensity Discharge Lamp
A high-intensity discharge (HID) lamp is an electric discharge light source in which the light
producing arc is stabilized by lamp wall temperature. There are three types of HID lamps:
Metal halide
High-pressure sodium
Mercury vapor
Metal Halide
Metal halide lamps are HID lamps in which the major portion of light is produced by
radiation of metal halides, which are compounds comprised of metals and halogens, and
their products of dissociation, possibly in combination with metallic vapors. Metal halide
lamps emit light with a color closest to daylight. These lamps have good color rendition
so they are used in both exterior and interior locations where color recognition and
human appearance are important, such as with closed circuit television (CCTV) systems.
These lamps range from 70 to 2,000 watts and their initial lumens per watt range from
69 to 115. The average rated life for metal halide lamps is 5,000 to 20,000 hours.
High-Pressure Sodium
High-pressure sodium (HPS) are HID lamps in which light is produced by radiation from
sodium vapor. HPS lamps emit light with a color of golden-white to yellow. The color
rendition of these lamps makes reds appear brown. HPS lamps are used in exterior
locations. However, do not use HPS lamps for new exterior applications or existing
applications unless under special circumstances such as where existing conditions and
continuity of source type make it necessary.
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These lamps range from 35 to 1,000 watts and their initial lumens per watt range from
51 to 130. The average rated life for HPS lamps is 7,500 to over 24,000 hours.
Mercury Vapor
Mercury vapor lamps are a type of HID lamp in which the major portion of the light is
produced by radiation from mercury. However, according to UFC 3-530-01, do not use
mercury vapor lamps.
Low-pressure Sodium Lamps
Like HPS lamps, low-pressure sodium (LPS) lamps emit light produced by radiation from
sodium vapors. LPS lamps emit light that is yellowish, so the color rendition of these lamps
makes all colors appear as shades of yellow-grey. LPS lamps are used in exterior locations.
However, do not use LPS lamps except for unique applications such as sea turtle nesting
These lamps range from 18 to 180 watts and their initial lumens per watt range from 62 to
150. The average rated life for LPS lamps is 12,000 to 18,000 hours.
Solid State Lighting
Solid State Lighting (SSL) lamps generate light through electroluminescence rather than
filaments or gas discharge. Electroluminescence occurs when voltage is applied to
negatively charged semiconductors causing electrons to combine and create a unit of light,
or photon. In simpler terms, an LED is a chemical chip embedded in a plastic capsule.
Electroluminescence occurs when voltage is applied to negatively charged semiconductors
causing electrons to combine and create a unit of light, or photon.
There are three types of SSL lamps:
Light emitting diodes (LEDs)
Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs)
Polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs)
LED lights emit light that is not inherently white but near monochromatic and can be tuned to
any color appearance. SSL lamps have good color rendition. These lamps are used in
exterior locations, and they are more energy efficient than HID lamps.
The wattage of these lamps is equivalent to a 60 watt incandescent lamp and their initial
lumens per watt are 120. The average rated life for SSL lamps is 50,000 hours or more.
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Induction Lighting
Induction lighting is technology that uses an electric current to induce an electromagnetic
field within the phosphor coated lamp. No filaments are used. Induction lighting emits light
that is white, and the color rendition of these lamps is good. Induction lighting is used in
exterior locations. It has instant on/off operation and is very energy efficient.
These lamps range from 40 to 300 watts and their initial lumens per watt are 90. The
average rated life for induction lighting is over 100,000 hours.
Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Question 1 of 3. Which type of light fixture should be used to light an airplane apron?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
High-mast lighting
Floodlight or projector, full cut-off
Question 2 of 3. Which type of light fixture should be used to light large areas such as
railroad yards and large parking lots?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
High-mast lighting
Floodlight or projector, full cut-off
Question 3 of 3. Which type of light fixture should be used to light pedestrian walkways?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
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High-mast lighting
Floodlight or projector, full cut-off
Review Activity 2
Question 1 of 3. Which type of lamps can be used in exterior locations and are more energy
efficient than HID lamps?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
High-intensity discharge (HID)
Low-pressure sodium (LPS)
Solid state lighting (SSL)
Question 2 of 3. What kind of lamps are metal halide and mercury vapor lamps?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
High-intensity discharge (HID)
Low-pressure sodium (LPS)
Solid state lighting (SSL)
Question 3 of 3. Which lamp has an average rated life of over 100,000 hours, which is by far
the highest?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
High-intensity discharge (HID)
Low-pressure sodium (LPS)
Solid state lighting (SSL)
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Lesson 5: Requirements for Outdoor Areas
In this lesson, we’ll explore exterior security lighting requirements for various outdoor areas
on a DoD installation.
Here is the lesson objective:
Determine the appropriate types of exterior security lighting for a given outdoor area
DoD Installation Requirements
Requirements by Area
Let’s take a look at the various areas on this installation to see the lighting requirements for
each of the following areas:
Housing areas
Perimeter fencing
Pedestrian walkways
Open storage spaces
Restricted areas
Arms, ammunition, and explosives storage areas
Aircraft aprons
Vehicle and pedestrian access control points
Building entrances and exits require building-mounted, fully-shielded, or cutoff light
fixtures and fluorescent or light emitting diode (LED) lamps.
Housing Areas
Housing areas require either building-mounted or pole-mounted light fixtures. LED or
fluorescent lamps should be used with building-mounted fixtures. LED, induction,
fluorescent, or metal halide lamps should be used with pole-mounted light fixtures.
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Perimeter Fencing
Perimeter fencing requires controlled post-top light fixtures, pole-mounted floodlight light
fixtures, aimed away from the perimeter, or area light fixtures located opposite the
fencing. LED, induction, or metal halide lamps should be used with these light fixtures.
Different types of lighting are required based on the type of perimeter fencing.
For isolated fence perimeters, which are fence lines that have clear zones of 100 feet or
more on both sides of the fence, use glare projection lighting to keep patrol routes unlit.
Only patrol units use this area.
For semi-isolated fence perimeters, which are fence lines where approach areas are
clear of obstruction for 60 to 100 feet outside of the fence, use controlled lighting to keep
patrol routes in relative darkness. The general public and installation personnel rarely
use these areas.
For non-isolated fence perimeters, which are fence lines immediately adjacent to
operating areas on an installation or public thoroughfares, use controlled lighting. The
width of the lighted strip depends on the clear zones inside and outside the fence. The
general public and installation personnel may move freely in these areas so it may not
be practical to keep the patrol area in the dark.
NOTE: The information in the box below will not be on the test but is included here as additional
information that may provide useful background and insight.
Isolated fence perimeters have 100 foot clear zones on both sides of fence. Semi-isolated fence
perimeters have 60-100 foot clear zone outside fence. Non-isolated fence perimeters have fence
lines next to operating areas of the installation or next to public thoroughfares.
Pedestrian Walkways
Pedestrian walkways require pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or
fluorescent lamps. Plazas require pole-mounted, building mounted, or accent light
fixtures. For pole-mounted light fixtures, use LED, induction, high output fluorescent, or
coated metal halide lamps. For building-mounted light fixtures, use LED or compact
fluorescent lamps. Finally, for accent lights, use LED, compact fluorescent, or metal
halide lamps.
Roads, streets, and driveways require pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or
metal halide lamps.
Open Storage Spaces
In open storage spaces, such as parking lots, motor pools, railroad sidings, and material
storage areas, place light fixtures to allow adequate distribution of light in aisles,
passageways, and recesses to eliminate shadowed areas where unauthorized persons
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could hide. Open storage spaces require pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction,
or metal halide lamps.
Docks, piers, and marinas require pole-mounted high-mast, fully-shielded, light fixtures
with LED or metal halide lamps.
For sensitive environments, such as wildlife habitat or nesting areas, use low-pressure
sodium, or LPS, lamps or approved monochromatic LEDs.
Illuminate water approaches extending to 100 feet from the pier to at least 0.5 foot-
candles, or 5 lux, and decks on open piers to at least 1 foot-candle, or 10 lux.
Illuminate area beneath the pier floor with small-wattage floodlights on the piling.
Minimize obstructions to pier and wharf operations by coordinating quantity, height, and
location of poles and by utilizing movable lighting.
Restricted Areas
Restricted areas require fully-shielded pole-mounted or area light fixtures with LED,
induction, or metal halide lamps, or fully-shielded, building-mounted or area light fixtures
with LED, induction, metal halide, or compact fluorescent lamps.
Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives Storage Areas
Arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E) storage areas require fully-shielded canopy-
mounted or area light fixtures with LED, induction, or metal halide lamps. To ensure that
guards are able to see illegal acts such as forced entry or unauthorized removal of arms,
illumination must be a minimum of 0.2 foot-candles, or 2 lux, measured on the horizontal
plane at ground level.
In Security Risk Category (SRC) I and II storage areas, exterior building and door
lighting must be sufficient to allow detection of unauthorized activity. Install exterior light
switches so that they are only accessible to individuals with authorized access.
Aircraft Apron
Aircraft aprons require pole-mounted, adjustable apron light fixtures with internal and
external louvers. With these fixtures, use LED, induction or metal halide lamps.
Access Control Points
Access control points (ACPs) require a variety of lighting types for drivers and
pedestrians and for security personnel to see vehicles and pedestrians approaching,
verify credentials and inspect vehicles.
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Vehicle and pedestrian approach zones require fully-shielded pole-mounted or roadway
light fixtures with LED, induction, or metal halide lamps.
Vehicle access zones require cutoff lights in the canopy with LED, induction, fluorescent,
or metal halide lamps; indirect uplights or downlights in the canopy with LED,
fluorescent, or metal halide lamps; and surface-mounted low brightness light fixtures
with LED or fluorescent lamps.
Gatehouses require low-level interior illumination to enable guards to see approaching
pedestrians and vehicles.
Under vehicle inspections require ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps.
Semi-active and inactive entrances should have the same degree of continuous lighting
as the remainder of the perimeter and stand-by lighting when the entrance becomes
Review Activities
Review Activity 1
What types of lighting are used in building entrances and exits?
Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Building-mounted, fully shielded light fixtures
LED lamps
Metal halide lamps
Fluorescent lamps
Cutoff light fixtures
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures
Review Activity 2
Which type of pole-mounted lighting is appropriate for a housing area?
Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures
Pole-mounted LED lamps
Pole-mounted fluorescent lamps
Pole-mounted induction
Pole-mounted metal halide lamps
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Review Activity 3
Perimeter fencing required different types of lighting. Match the description with the
appropriate type.
Question 1 of 3. Use glare project lighting to keep patrol units unlit.
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Question 2 of 3. Use controlled lighting to keep patrol routes in relative darkness.
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Question 3 of 3. Use controlled lighting. The width of the light strip depends on the clear
zones inside and outside the fence.
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Review Activity 4
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for pedestrian walkways?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps
Cutoff lights in canopy with LED, induction, fluorescent, or metal halide lamps
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide lamps
Pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or fluorescent lamps
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Review Activity 5
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for roads, streets, and
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps
Pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or metal halide lamps
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide lamps
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
Review Activity 6
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for open storage spaces?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Cutoff lights in canopy with LED, induction, fluorescent, or metal halide lamps
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide lamps
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
Pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or metal halide lamps
Review Activity 7
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used on docks, piers and
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide lamps
Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps
Cutoff lights in canopy with LED, induction, fluorescent, or metal halide lamps
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
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Review Activity 8
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for restricted areas?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps
Cutoff lights in canopy with LED, induction, fluorescent, or metal halide lamps
Building-mounted with LED, induction, metal halide, or compact fluorescent lamps
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
Review Activity 9
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for AA&E storage areas?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Pole-mounted, light fixtures with LED, induction, or fluorescent lamps
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED, induction, or
fluorescent lamps are used for pedestrian walkways
Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps
Review Activity 10
What types of lighting are required for aircraft aprons?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures
Pole-mounted, adjustable apron light fixtures with internal and external louvers
Cutoff light fixtures
Building-mounted, fully shielded light fixtures
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Review Activity 11
What are the different types of access control points requiring unique lighting requirements?
Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Vehicle and pedestrian approach zones
Vehicle access zones
Under vehicle inspections
Semi-active and inactive entrances
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Lesson 6: Course Conclusion
In this course, you learned about the exterior security lighting we use to protect our military
installations and DoD facilities. You learned about what you must consider when planning
exterior security lighting systems, the different types of light fixtures and lamps and their
appropriate uses, and what is required or most appropriate for specific outdoor areas.
Congratulations! You have completed the Exterior Security Lighting course.
You should now be able to perform the listed activity.
Determine the minimum requirements for planning, designing, implementing and
maintaining elements of exterior security lighting that will enhance DoD facilities
To receive course credit, you must take the Exterior Security Lighting examination. Please
use the Security Training, Education, and Professionalization Portal (STEPP)to register for
the online exam.
Exterior Security Lighting Student Guide
September 2017 Center for Development of Security Excellence Page A-1
Appendix A: Answer Key
Lesson 2 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Why is exterior security lighting necessary on DoD installations and facilities?
To illuminate sensitive areas or structures such as pier and dock areas, vital
buildings and storage areas that are under observation (correct response)
To discourage or deter intruders from attempting unauthorized entry (correct
To facilitate the detection of unauthorized persons entering or attempting malicious
acts within an area (correct response)
Feedback: All of these are reasons to have exterior security lighting on DoD installations
and facilities.
Review Activity 2
Question 1 of 3. Which component in a light fixture changes the direction and controls the
distribution of light rays?
Lens (correct response)
Feedback: The lens changes the direction and controls the distribution of light rays.
Question 2 of 3. Which component in a light fixture is used with an electric discharge light
source to obtain the necessary circuit conditions of voltage, current, and waveform for
starting and operating?
Ballast (correct response)
Feedback: The ballast is used with an electric discharge light source to obtain the
necessary circuit conditions of voltage, current, and waveform for starting and operating.
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Question 3 of 3. What is the technical term for a light fixture?
Luminaire (correct response)
Feedback: Luminaire is a common technical term for light fixture.
Review Activity 3
Question 1 of 3. Which type of lighting should you use at a construction site on a DoD
installation or facility?
Continuous lighting Glare projection
Continuous lighting Controlled lighting
Continuous lighting Surface lighting
Standby lighting
Emergency lighting
Portable lighting (correct response)
Feedback: Portable lighting consists of manually operated, movable searchlights and can
be lit as needed, such as to illuminate a construction site.
Question 2 of 3. Which type of lighting should you use to keep security forces in relative
Continuous lighting Glare projection (correct response)
Continuous lighting Controlled lighting
Continuous lighting Surface lighting
Standby lighting
Emergency lighting
Portable lighting
Feedback: Glare projection is a method of continuous lighting that keeps security forces in
relative darkness while illuminating intruders.
Question 3 of 3. Which type of lighting is triggered manually or automatically when
suspicious activity is detected or suspected by the security force or alarm systems?
Continuous lighting Glare projection
Continuous lighting Controlled lighting
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Continuous lighting Surface lighting
Standby lighting (correct response)
Emergency lighting
Portable lighting
Feedback: With standby lighting, light fixtures are not continuously lit, but are triggered
automatically by a sensor or manually turned on when suspicious activity is detected or
suspected by the security force or alarm systems.
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Lesson 3 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Which policy document should you consult for specific lighting requirements for areas
containing DoD sensitive conventional AA&E?
DoDM 5100.76, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition and
Explosives (AA&E) (correct response)
UFC 3-530-01, Interior and Exterior Lighting Systems and Controls
UFC 4-022-01, Security Engineering: Entry Control Facilities/Access Control Points
Feedback: DoDM 5100.76 provides specific lighting requirements for areas containing DoD
sensitive conventional AA&E.
Review Activity 2
Question 1 of 3. Your installation is adjacent to a housing complex. Which of the following
would you most likely take into consideration when planning security lighting on the
perimeter of your installation to avoid negatively impacting the adjacent housing complex?
Color rendition
Direct glare
Light trespass (correct response)
Vertical illuminance
Horizontal illuminance
Feedback: Light trespass occurs when light from one area spills over into an adjoining area.
Question 2 of 3. Which of these factors allows security personnel to identify colors
Color rendition (correct response)
Direct glare
Light trespass
Vertical illuminance
Horizontal illuminance
Feedback: Color rendition allows security personnel to identify colors accurately. Natural
daylight and incandescent lighting have a maximum color rendition index (CRI) value of 100.
The closer a lamp’s CRI rating is to 100, the better its ability to show true colors to the
human eye.
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Question 3 of 3. Which of these considerations do you think would be most important in
ensuring security forces can clearly see the identification of visitors at checkpoints in the
evening hours?
Color rendition
Direct glare
Light trespass
Vertical illuminance (correct response)
Horizontal illuminance
Feedback: Vertical illuminance is usually more important than horizontal illuminance. It is
especially important to have vertical illuminance on people’s faces for identification at
security checkpoints.
Review Activity 3
Besides the more obvious lamp and cost considerations, what other factors should you
consider when designing your exterior lighting systems?
Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Design for simplicity and economy in system maintenance (correct response)
Provide protection for lighting fixtures (correct response)
Local weather conditions (correct response)
Wiring and grounding requirements (correct response)
Alternate power supply for emergencies (correct response)
Feedback: These are all factors you should consider when designing your exterior lighting
Lesson 4 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
Question 1 of 3. Which type of light fixture should be used to light an airplane apron?
High-mast lighting
Floodlight or projector, full cut-off (correct response)
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Feedback: Floodlight or projector, full cut-off, light fixtures are used to light airport aprons
and areas adjacent to residential neighborhoods.
Question 2 of 3. Which type of light fixture should be used to light large areas such as
railroad yards and large parking lots?
High-mast lighting (correct response)
Floodlight or projector, full cut-off
Feedback: High-mast lighting is used to light large areas such as railroad yards, large
parking lots, industrial yards, and highway interchanges.
Question 3 of 3. Which type of light fixture should be used to light pedestrian walkways?
Post-top (correct response)
High-mast lighting
Floodlight or projector, full cut-off
Feedback: Post-top light fixtures are used to light pedestrian walkways and pole heights
range from 4 to 10 feet.
Review Activity 2
Question 1 of 3. Which type of lamps can be used in exterior locations and are more energy
efficient than HID lamps?
High-intensity discharge (HID)
Low-pressure sodium (LPS)
Solid state lighting (SSL) (correct response)
Feedback: Solid state lighting, also referred to as LED lights, can be used in exterior
locations and are more energy efficient than HID lamps.
Question 2 of 3. What kind of lamps are metal halide and mercury vapor lamps?
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High-intensity discharge (HID) (correct response)
Low-pressure sodium (LPS)
Solid state lighting (SSL)
Feedback: Metal halide and mercury vapor are both HID lamps. Metal halide lamps can be
used in both exterior and interior locations where color recognition and human appearance
are important, such as with CCTV systems. Mercury vapor lamps should never be used.
Question 3 of 3. Which lamp has an average rated life of over 100,000 hours, which is by far
the highest?
High-intensity discharge (HID)
Low-pressure sodium (LPS)
Solid state lighting (SSL)
Induction (correct response)
Feedback: The average rated life for induction lighting is over 100,000 hours.
Lesson 5 Review Activities
Review Activity 1
What types of lighting are used in building entrances and exits?
Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Building-mounted, fully shielded light fixtures (correct response)
LED lamps (correct response)
Metal halide lamps
Fluorescent lamps (correct response)
Cutoff light fixtures (correct response)
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures
Feedback: Building entrances and exits require building-mounted, fully shielded light
fixtures, cutoff light fixtures, fluorescent lamps, and LED lamps.
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Review Activity 2
Which type of pole-mounted lighting is appropriate for a housing area?
Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures
Pole-mounted LED lamps (correct response)
Pole-mounted fluorescent lamps (correct response)
Pole-mounted induction (correct response)
Pole-mounted metal halide lamps (correct response)
Feedback: Housing areas require either building-mounted or pole-mounted lighting. If they
choose to use pole-mounted lighting, they should have LED, induction, fluorescent, or metal
halide lamps.
Review Activity 3
Perimeter fencing required different types of lighting. Match the description with the
appropriate type.
Question 1 of 3. Use glare project lighting to keep patrol units unlit.
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Isolated (correct response)
Feedback: For isolated fence perimeters, which are fence lines that have clear zones of
100 feet or more on both sides of the fence, use glare projection lighting to keep patrol
routes unlit. Only patrol units use this area.
Question 2 of 3. Use controlled lighting to keep patrol routes in relative darkness.
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Semi-Isolated (correct response)
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Feedback: For semi-isolated fence perimeters, which are fence lines where approach areas
are clear of obstructions for 60 to 100 feet outside of the fence, use controlled lighting to
keep patrol routes in relative darkness. The general public and installation personnel rarely
use these areas.
Question 3 of 3. Use controlled lighting. The width of the light strip depends on the clear
zones inside and outside the fence.
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Non-Isolated (correct response)
Feedback: For non-isolated fence perimeters, which are fence lines immediately adjacent to
operating areas on an installation or public thoroughfares, use controlled lighting. The width
of the lighted strip depends on the clear zones inside and outside the fence. The general
public and installation personnel may move freely in these areas so it may not be practical to
keep patrol area in the dark
Review Activity 4
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for pedestrian walkways?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps
Cutoff lights in canopy with LED, induction, fluorescent, or metal halide lamps
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide lamps
Pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or fluorescent lamps (correct
Feedback: Pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or fluorescent lamps are used
for pedestrian walkways.
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Review Activity 5
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for roads, streets, and
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps
Pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or metal halide lamps (correct
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide lamps
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
Feedback: Roads, streets, and driveways require pole-mounted light fixtures with LED,
induction, or metal halide lamps.
Review Activity 6
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for open storage spaces?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Cutoff lights in canopy with LED, induction, fluorescent, or metal halide lamps
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide lamps
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
Pole-mounted light fixtures with LED, induction, or metal halide lamps (correct
Feedback: Open storage spaces require pole-mounted light fixtures with LED induction, or
metal halide lamps.
Review Activity 7
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used on docks, piers and
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide lamps
(correct response)
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Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps
Cutoff lights in canopy with LED, induction, fluorescent, or metal halide lamps
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
Feedback: Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED or metal halide
lamps are used on docks, piers and marinas.
Review Activity 8
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for restricted areas?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps
Cutoff lights in canopy with LED, induction, fluorescent, or metal halide lamps
Building-mounted with LED, induction, metal halide, or compact fluorescent lamps
(correct response)
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
Feedback: Restricted areas require fully-shielded pole-mounted or area light fixtures with
LED, induction, or metal halide lamps, or fully-shielded, building-mounted or area light
fixtures with LED, induction, metal halide, or compact fluorescent lamps.
Review Activity 9
Which combination best reflects the lighting that should be used for AA&E storage areas?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Pole-mounted, light fixtures with LED, induction, or fluorescent lamps
Ground-mounted uplights with LED lamps
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures with LED, induction, or
fluorescent lamps are used for pedestrian walkways
Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or metal
halide lamps (correct response)
Feedback: Canopy-mounted, fully shielded or area light fixtures with LED, induction or
metal halide lamps are used for AA&E storage areas.
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Review Activity 10
What types of lighting are required for aircraft aprons?
Select the best response. Check your answer in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Pole-mounted, high-mast, fully shielded light fixtures
Pole-mounted, adjustable apron light fixtures with internal and external louvers
(correct response)
Cutoff light fixtures
Building-mounted, fully shielded light fixtures
Feedback: Aircraft aprons require pole-mounted, adjustable apron light fixtures with internal
and external louvers. With these fixtures, use LED, induction or metal halide lamps.
Review Activity 11
What are the different types of access control points requiring unique lighting requirements?
Select all that apply. Then check your answers in the Answer Key at the end of this Student
Vehicle and pedestrian approach zones (correct response)
Vehicle access zones (correct response)
Gatehouses (correct response)
Under vehicle inspections (correct response)
Semi-active and inactive entrances (correct response)
Feedback: These are all access control points with unique lighting requirements.
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Appendix B: Job Aid: Illuminance Levels
This job aid provides the recommended horizontal illuminance levels for specific outdoor areas.
Illuminance is the amount of light falling on a surface and is measured in foot-candles (unit of
measurement used by older light meters) or lux (unit of measurement used by newer light
Access Control Point (ACP)
Area Foot-Candles Lux
Approach Zone Nighttime 1 10
Response Zone Task Surface 10-20 100-200
Response Zone Roadway 3 30
Parking and Roadways 3 32
Access Zone 1 10
Search Areas (vehicle and ID checking) 10 100
Under Vehicle Inspection 10 100
Vital Locations or Structures 5 53
Building Surrounds 1 10
Pedestrian Entry 2 20
Buildings Floodlighted
Bright Surroundings Foot-Candles Lux
Light Surfaces 15 161
Medium-light Surfaces 20 215
Medium-dark Surfaces 30 322
Dark Surfaces 10 538
Dark Surroundings Foot-Candles Lux
Light Surfaces 5 53
Medium-light Surfaces 10 107
Medium-dark Surfaces 15 161
Dark Surfaces 20 215
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Dark Surroundings Foot-Candles Lux
Gates and Doors 2 21
Office Space 50 538
Self-parking (other than ACP) Foot-Candles Lux
Self-parking 1 10
Attendant Parking 2 21
Covered Parking 5 53
Rail Yards, Marshaling, and Loading Areas Foot-Candles Lux
Loading and Unloading Platforms 20 215
Freight Car Interiors 10 107
Lumber Yards 1 10
Perimeter/Restricted Area/Magazines
Controlled Foot-Candles Lux
Single Fence Line 0.2-4 2-40
Restricted Area 0.2-5 2-50
Magazines 0.2-5 2-50
Ship Yards Foot-Candles Lux
General Work Areas 3-5 30-50
Ways 10 107
Fabrication Areas 30 322
Storage Yards Foot-Candles Lux
Active 20 215
Inactive 1 10
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Appendix C: Job Aid: Lamp Types
This job aid provides the characteristics and uses of different types of lamps for exterior security lighting.
Type of Lamp Wattage
Initial Lumens
Per Watt
Average Rated
Life (Hours)
Color of
Used for
Incandescent 151,500 8–24 7503,500 Standard for
Good Exterior and interior locations where
color recognition and human
appearance are important
Fluorescent 4–215 1495 6,00020,000+ White Good Exterior and interior locations where
color recognition and human
appearance are important
201,875 1030 9506,000 White Good Exterior and interior locations where
color recognition and human
appearance are important
Discharge (HID)
Lamp: Metal
702,000 69115 5,00020,000 Closest to
Good Exterior and interior locations where
color recognition and human
appearance are important
HID Lamp: High-
Pressure Sodium
351,000 51130 7,50024,000+ Golden-white
to yellow
Exterior locations, but do NOT use for
new exterior applications; may be used
under special circumstances in existing
HID Lamp:
Mercury Vapor
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Do NOT use this type of lamp.
Sodium (LPS)
18180 62150 12,00018,000 Yellowish All colors
Exterior locations, but do NOT use
except in unique applications such as
sea turtle nesting areas
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Appendix D: Job Aid: Light Fixtures Types
This job aid provides the characteristics and uses of different types of light fixtures for exterior security lighting.
Type of Light Fixture Purpose Pole Heights Where Used
Used to control glare and light
In medium-to-large areas such as parking lots next
to residential areas
Used where glare and light
trespass are less important
On highways, streets, and general areas
Low-mounted site lighting
Used to control glare and for
aesthetic appeal
In small areas and on buildings
Post-top, controlled
Provides low-to-medium
wattage lighting
In medium-to-small areas and on pedestrian
Post-top, uncontrolled
Provides 360 degrees of low-
wattage lighting for decorative
In medium-to-small areas and on pedestrian
High-mast lighting
Provides high wattage lighting
with good glare control
In large areas such as railroad yards, large parking
lots, industrial yards, and highway interchanges
Floodlight or projector,
full cutoff
Provides medium-to-high
wattage lighting with good glare
and light trespass control
On airport aprons and areas adjacent to residential
Exterior Security Lighting Student Guide
September 2017 Center for Development of Security Excellence Page D-2
Type of Light Fixture Purpose Pole Heights Where Used
Floodlight or projector, no
Provides medium-to-high
wattage lighting with a tight
symmetrical beam and has no
light trespass control
(dictated by
height of
On buildings and in sporting venues and for area
lighting where light trespass is not a concern
Building-mounted, cutoff
Provides low-wattage lighting
with good glare and light
trespass control
heights and
desired area
All types of buildings
refractor type
Provides low-wattage lighting
with a wide beam distribution
and no glare control
General lighting of buildings