Protest Number
Date the Protest was Heard
Date of the Decision
Date Notice of Decision was Mailed to Protestor
Total Land and Buildings
Personal Property
The person filing this protest is the owner of the property or authorized to protest on behalf
of the owner. If the protest is being filed on behalf of the owner,
authorization to do so must be provided with the protest.
Yes No
Street or Other Mailing Address
City, Town, or Post Office State Zip Code
Property Identification Number Phone Number
Email Address
Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest
Property Valuation Protest
File with the
County Clerk
(See Instructions)
County Name
Protested Valuation 20 ____
Requested Valuation (Required)
Total Land and Buildings
Total Land and Buildings
Personal Property
Personal Property
Real Property Description (Include Lot, Block, Addition, Location Address, Section,
Township, Range, and County) and/or Personal Property Description (Required)
Signature of Person Filing Protest
County Assessor’s Recommendation
Basis for Action Taken (County Board of Equalization Chairperson)
Decision of County Board of Equalization for Assessment Year 20 ____
Signature of County Board of Equalization Chairperson
Authorized by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-1502
Nebraska Department of Revenue
96-199-2000 Rev. 2-2022 Supersedes 96-199-2000 Rev. 10-2021
Referee’s Recommendation (If applicable)
Check One:
Attached is a copy of that portion of the property record file which substantiates
the calculation of the protested value. If dissatisfied with the board’s decision, this
report and the property record file may be used to complete an appeal to the Tax
Equalization and Review Commission.
and Report of County Board of Equalization Action
Complete a separate protest form for each parcel.
The county assessor has certified to the county board of equalization that a copy
of that portion of the property record file which substantiates the calculation of the
protested value is maintained in the county assessor’s office in electronic or paper
form. If dissatisfied with the board’s decision, this report and the property record file
may be used to complete an appeal to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission.
Reasons for requested valuation change (Required) (Attach additional pages if needed.)
The undersigned certifies that a copy of this protest and report of the action of the county board of equalization, which has been accepted by the assessor, has
been mailed to the protestor at the above-shown address on ___________________________________, 20____.
County Clerk Certification
Signature of County Clerk
____________________, 20 _____
Dismissal. Failure to adequately identify the property that is being protested, not stating a reason for the protest,
and not including a requested valuation will result in dismissal of the protest.
Where to File.
This form is required to be filed with the county clerk in the county where the property is
located. This form is used to protest the valuation and any penalties assessed on real and/or personal property,
unless the county where the protest is to be filed has its own form, which may include an electronic version of this
form. When completed, this form must be signed either in writing or electronically, dated, and filed with the county
clerk in which the property is located.
Who Can File. The owner of the property can le this form for each property being protested. If the person is ling
this form on behalf of the owner of the property, authorization to do so must be provided with the protest.
If the person ling the protest is not the owner of the property or authorized to protest on behalf of the owner, the
county clerk must mail a copy of the protest to the owner of the property. Complete one protest form for each property
being protested.
Real Property Protest Filing Deadlines. If additional space is needed, attach the additional information to this form.
1. If protesting the valuation of real property as determined by the county assessor, the protest must be led after
the county assessor’s completion of the real property assessment roll required by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77‑1315
and on or before June 30.
2. If protesting a notice of valuation change received between June 1 and July 25 from the county board
of equalization because the real property was undervalued, overvalued, or omitted for the current year’s
assessment, the protest must be led within 30 days of the mailing of the notice.
3. If protesting a notice of omitted property valuation change and penalty received between January 1 and
December 31 from the county board of equalization because the real property was not reported for assessment
or because of a clerical error, the protest must be led within 30 days of the mailing of the notice.
4. If protesting a notice of valuation change received after June 1 from the county board of equalization because
the real property was denied an exemption from real property taxes, the protest must be led within 30 days
of the mailing of the notice.
When applicable, this form may be used for the protest of special valuation for agricultural and horticultural land.
Personal Property Protest Filing Deadlines. If additional space is needed, attach the additional information to
this form.
1. If protesting the valuation as led with the county assessor between January 1 and May 1, the protest must
be led by June 30.
2. If protesting the county assessor’s notice of an additional assessment, notice of failure to le a personal
property return, or the imposition of a penalty, the protest must be led within 30 days of the mailing of
Special Filing Provisions. If a ling deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the ling deadline is the next business day.
If this protest is sent to the county board of equalization through the U.S. mail, the protest is considered led on
the date of the postmark. If this protest is sent through the U.S. mail and either registered or certied, the date of
registration or certication shall be deemed the postmarked date.
Notice. For protests of Real Property, subpart (1), or Personal Property, subpart (1), as stated above, the county
clerk shall notify the protester by August 2 of the county board of equalization’s decision regarding the protest. If the
person ling the protest is not the owner of the property or authorized to protest on behalf of the owner, the county
clerk must send written notice of the county board of equalization’s decision to the owner of the property.
For all other protests, the county clerk shall notify the protester within seven days of the county board of equalization’s
decision regarding the protest.
Appeals. The time allowed to the county clerk to issue notice does not extend the time to le an appeal.
Any decision of the county board of equalization regarding a protest led pursuant to Real Property, subpart (1), or
Personal Property, subpart (1), as stated above, may be appealed to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission
on or after July26 and on or before August 24.
Any decision of the county board of equalization regarding a protest led pursuant to Real Property, subpart (2),
as stated above, may be appealed to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission on or after September 16 and
October 15.
All other decisions of the county board of equalization regarding protests may be appealed within 30 days of the nal
decision to the Tax Equalization and Review Commission.
The report of the county board of equalization decision is available at the ofce of the county clerk or county assessor,
whichever is appropriate.