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Class 06 - Mathematics
Section A
(b) 3000
Explanation: Total number of sheets of paper available for making notebooks = 75,000
Total number of sheets needed for one notebook = = 25
Number of notebooks can be made from the paper available = = 3,000
(d) 9741, 1479
Explanation: The greatest number is 9741. Rearrange the digits in descending order.
The smallest number is 1479. Rearrange the digits in ascending order.
3. (a) 7,452,283
(d) 90500041
Explanation: 9,05,00,041
(c) 8742, 2478
Explanation: The greatest number is 8742. Rearrange the digits in decreasing order.
The smallest number is 2478. Rearrange the digits in ascending order.
(b) 5430, 3045
Explanation: The greatest number is 5430. Rearrange the digits in descending order.
The smallest number is 3045. Rearrange the digits in ascending order. (If there is 0 among the given digits, it is not written at
the extreme left)
(c) one crore
Explanation: 1,00,00,000 = 1 crore
(b) 999999
Explanation: Sum of 765432 and reverse of this number 234567 i.e, 765432 + 234567 = 999999
(c) 2360 kg
Explanation: Weight of apples = 2000kgs
Weight of Oranges = 340kgs
Weight of grapes = 20 kgs
Weight of fruits = Total number of 2000 + 340 + 20 = 2360kgs
(d) 99
Explanation: 100 - 1 = 99
Section B
1. 11. 10
1. 12. 422000
1. 13. Ten
14. (a) True
Explanation: True
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15. (a) True
Explanation: True
(b) False
Explanation: false.
Among kilo, milli, and centi, the smallest one is milli
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Given (A) is true because of the given number in the International System of Numeration. But (R) is also true
but it's not a correct explanation of given (A).
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Both Assertions (A) and (R) are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: 1 kg is equal to 1000 grams. So (A) is true.
1 g = 1000 mg. So (A) is true.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Explanation: 267 is less than 276.So, A is false And reason (R) is true.
Section C
21. Greatest number that can be written using the digits 6, 2, 7, 4, 3 each only once = 76,432.
Least number that can be written using the digits 6, 2, 7, 4, 3 each only once = 23,467.
Difference between the greatest and least numbers that can be written using the digits 6, 2, 7, 4, 3 each only once
= 76,432 – 23,467 = 52,965.
22. Number of shirts produced by the factory = 216315
Number of trousers produced by the factory = 182736
Number of jackets produced by the factory = 58704
Total production of the factory = 216315 + 182736 + 58704 = 457755.
23. Number of tickets sold on the first day = 1094
Number of tickets sold on the second day = 1812
Number of tickets sold on the third day = 2050
Number of tickets sold on the final day = 2751
Total number of tickets sold on all the four days = 1094 + 1812 + 2050 + 2751 = 7707
24. Votes registered by the successful candidate = 5,77,500
Votes secured by the nearest rival = 3,48,700
Margin by which the successful candidate won the election
= 5,77,500 – 3,48,700 = 2,28,800
25. Total distance= 290 km
Total time taken hours= 4.5 hours
Speed km/hour
26. Weight of 1 tablet = 0.25 gm
We know 1 month = 30 days
So, 3 months days = 90 days
i.e. the bottle contains 90 tablets
Total weight of 90 tablets = 90 weight of 1 tablet = 90 0.25gm = 22.50 gm
a. 27. Commas are placed after last 3 digit then after two digit so it is Indian system.
b. Commas are placed each after three digit so it is International system.
28. Sale of books in the first week = Rs.2,85,891.
Sale of books in the second week = Rs.4,00,768
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Sale for the two weeks together = Rs.2,85,891 + Rs.4,00,768 = Rs.6,86,659.
The sale was greater in the second week by Rs. 4,00,768 – Rs.2,85,891 i.e., by Rs.1,14,877.
29. Money which the merchant had = Rs.78,592
Cost of 40 radio sets at Rs.1200 each = Rs.1200 × 40 = Rs.48,000
Money that will remain with the merchant after the purchase = Rs. 78,592 – Rs.48,000 = Rs.30,592.
30. The population of Tripura = 3,199,203 i.e., Three million one hundred ninety-nine thousand two hundred three.
And the population of Meghalaya = 2,318,822, i.e., Two million three hundred eighteen thousand eight hundred twenty-two.
Section D
31. (i) The smallest number is 475320.
(ii) The greatest number is 97645310.
(iii) The numbers arranged in ascending order are as follows :
475320, 9847215, 30458094, 97645310.
The numbers arranged in descending order are as follows :
97645310, 30458094, 9847215, 475320.
32. The given numbers in descending order are :
85400, 7861, 7500, 5000
(b) The given numbers in descending order are :
92547, 88715, 45321, 1971.
33. (i) 95432 is the smallest number.
(ii) 70002509 is the greatest number.
(iii) Arranged in ascending order, these numbers are as follows :
95432, 527864, 18950049, 70002509.
Arranged in descending order, these numbers are as follows :
70002509, 18950049, 527864, 95432.
34. 201 to 209 = 9 times and 210 to 290 = 9 times i.e. total 18 times
a. 35. 12,345
b. 67,834,123
Section E
36. The standard unit of length is metre.
Units of length are- millimetre (mm), centimetre (cm), metre (m), and Kilometre (km)
1 cm = 10 mm and 1 mm
1 m = 100 cm = 1000 mm and 1 cm m
1 km = 1000 m and 1 m
37. 4kg 500g = 4kg + 500g = 4 1,000g + 500g
= 4,000g + 500g = 4,500g
800kg = 800 1,000g = 8,00,000g.
Weight the van can carry = 8,00,000g
Weight of one box = 4,500g
No. of boxes that can be loaded = 8,00,000g 4,500g
Hence, 177 such boxes can be loaded.
38. Total No. of pages in 9 notebook A = 9 192 = 1728 pages
Total no. of pages in 5 notebook B= 5 100 = 500 pages
Total no. pages used by class = 1728 + 500 = 2228 pages
Section F
39. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
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Geeta is trying to understand shifting digits with four tiles on which number 1, 2, 3, 4 is written.
40. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Sohan and Rita went to buy an almirah. There were many almirahs available with their price tags.
1. 1234(i)
(a) 4321
Explanation: 4321
(a) 1234
Explanation: 1234
(b) 4123
Explanation: 4123
(b) False
Explanation: False
1. 1788(i)
(c) ₹ 1897
Explanation: ₹ 1897
(a) ₹ 1788, ₹ 1897, ₹ 2635, ₹ 2854, ₹ 3975
Explanation: ₹ 1788, ₹ 1897, ₹ 2635, ₹ 2854, ₹ 3975
(a) ₹ 3975, ₹ 2854, ₹ 2635, ₹ 1897, ₹ 1788
Explanation: ₹ 3975, ₹ 2854, ₹ 2635, ₹ 1897, ₹ 1788
(a) True
Explanation: True