International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP)
[Vol-4, Issue-5, Sep-Oct, 2020]
ISSN: 2456-866X Page | 92
Open Access
Kaprekar’s Constant 6174 for Four Digits
Number Reality to Other Digits Number
Dr. Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Camellia Institute of Technology & Management, Bainchi, Hooghly, West
Bengal, Pin-712134, India.
Abstract Indian mathematician Kaprekar discovered a constant or dead end 6174 for four digits decimal
number when the digits in the number are not repeated, ascending order digits number is subtracted from
descending order digits number, and the result is further processed likewise till constant 6174 reached. All
the subtraction results are divisible by 9 and 3 without any remainder. In the same way, constant or dead
end is discovered for two digits number as 9, three digits number as 495, ten digits number as 9753086421
and for binary number as 01 or 1.
Keywords Kaprekar’s constant 6174; Two digits number constant 9; Three digits number constant
495; Ten digits number constant 9753086421; Binary number constant 01 or 1.
6174 is the number discovered by an Indian
mathematician, Dattatreya Ramchandra Kaprekar [1] [2].
It is called magic number. By looking at the number you
will not feel anything weird, but has pleasantly mesmerized
several learned mathematicians no ends. From the year
1949 till now, this number has remained a puzzle for all
around the world.
Indian mathematician Dattatreya Ramchandra Kaprekar
loved experimenting with numbers. In the process of one
of his experiments, he discovered a bizarre coincidence and
during a ‘Mathematics Conference’ held in erstwhile
Madras in the year 1949, Kaprekar introduced this number
6174 to the world.
To understand why this number is so magical let’s look at
some interesting facts. For example, choose any decimal
number of four digits keeping in mind that no digit is
repeated. Let’s take 1234 for example. Write the number in
descending order: 4321. Now write in ascending order:
1234. Now subtract the smaller number from the large
number: 4321 1234 = 3087.
Now the result again is arranged in descending and
ascending order. For 3087, place the digits in decreasing
order: 8730. Now place them in increasing order: 0378.
Now subtract the smaller number from the large number,
we get, 8730 0378 = 8352. Repeat the above procedures
with the number found in the result. So, 8532 2358 =
6174. Let us repeat this process with 6174. The result is
given by, 7641 1467 = 6174.
We have reached a dead end and there is no point repeating
the process, since we will get the only one result 6174. If
you think that this is just a coincidence, repeat this process
with any other four digits decimal number. Voila! Your
final result will be 6174. This formula is called Kaprekar’s
constant. Also the subtraction results are completely
divisible by 9 and 3 having no remainder.
In a computer based experiment a gentleman named
Nishiyama discovered that the Kaprekar process reached
6174 in a maximum of seven stages [3]. According to
Nishiyama, If you do not reach 6174 even after repeating
the process seven times, then you must have made a
mistake and you should try again’.
However, almost all renowned mathematicians of the era
mocked his discovery. Some Indian mathematicians
rejected his work and termed his theory childish. In time,
discussions of this discovery slowly started gaining
foothold both in India and abroad. Martin Garder,
America’s best-selling author with deep interest in
mathematics wrote an article about him in “Scientific
America”, a popular science magazine. Today, Kaprekar is
regarded a mathematical wizard and his discovery is
slowly gaining traction. Intrigued Mathematicians all over
the world are engrossed in researching this baffling reality.
International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP)
[Vol-4, Issue-5, Sep-Oct, 2020]
ISSN: 2456-866X Page | 93
Open Access
A decimal number, containing digits 0 to 9 only and having
the base 10, is chosen such that no digit is repeated as
taken in Kaprekar’s procedure. Then digits in the number
are arranged in ascending and descending order.
Thereafter, the ascending order digits number is subtracted
from the descending order digits number, it is seen that the
subtraction results are always divisible by 9 and 3 with no
remainder. We have seen that in any number, if the sum of
the digits is 9, then the number is completely divisible by 9
and 3 without any remainder.
(A) Two Digits Number Subtracted Ascending Order
from Its Descending Order
The following experiments are done on two digits decimal
number, where no digit is repeated.
(i) If two digits number 30 is taken, then 30 03 = 27;
repeating the process, 72 27 = 45; 54 45 = 9; Dead or
last end is reached to 9; all the subtraction results are
completely divisible by 9.
(ii) If two digits number 23 is chosen, then 32 23 = 9,
dead end is reached and the result is divisible by 9.
(iii) If two digits number 48 is selected, then 84 48 = 36.
If continuing the process with the result, 63 36 = 27; 72
27 = 45; 54 45 = 9; i.e., ultimately it is merging to 9.
Therefore, 9 is the dead end for two digits number. All the
subtraction results are completely divisible by 9.
It is also verified that when all two digits number (not
repeating digits) are arranged in ascending and descending
order, thereafter subtracting the ascending order number
from the descending order number, the result must be
divisible by 9 without any remainder, if the process is
repeated, at last we will reach to number 9 which is the
dead end or constant for this system of two digits number
like Kaprekar’s constant 6174 for four digits number.
(B) Three Digits Number Subtracted Ascending Order
from Its Descending Order
Next if the decimal number is chosen for three digits where
no digit is repeated, following results are obtained and all
the subtraction results are completely divisible by 9.
(i) The number is 710, 710 17 = 693; 963 369 = 594;
954 459 = 495; If we repeat, we will get same result as
495; Therefore, 495 is dead end for three digits number.
Again, all the subtraction results are divisible by 9. Also, 4
+ 9 + 5 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9; Thus 495 is completely divisible
by 9.
(ii) The number is 123, 321 123 = 198; If the process is
repeated with the result, then 981 189 = 792; 972 279 =
693; 963 369 = 594; 954 459 = 495; Thus 495 is the
last stage or dead end for three digits number. All the
subtraction results are completely divisible by 9.
(iii) The number is 963, 963 369 = 594; 954 459 = 495;
Thus final stage 495 is reached.
All the subtracting results are completely divisible by 9.
Therefore, for three digits number, the dead end or constant
is 495, i.e., ultimately we will reach to 495 when this
process continues; hence it will merge to 495 as last stage.
(C) Four Digits Number Subtracted Ascending Order
from Its Descending Order
For four digits decimal number, Kaprekar’s constant 6174
is already discovered as a dead end or constant. Therefore,
mathematician Kaprekar revealed a great land mark by
identifying the constant 6174 for four digits number first
(D) Five Digits to Nine Digits Number Subtracted
Ascending Order from Its Descending Order
For five digits to nine digits decimal number, when the
digits are not repeated, and it is seen that an ascending
order digits number is subtracted from the descending
order digits number, in most of the times the some
digit/digits are repeated in the subtraction result (only in
very few subtraction results, the digits are not repeated),
therefore it cannot be continued for further processing, but
all the subtraction results are divisible by 9 without any
remainder. Following examples are mentioned below.
(i) For five digits number 12345, 54321 12345 = 41976,
then continuing, 97641 14679 = 82962; digit 2 is
(ii) For five digits number 12346, 64321 12346 = 51975;
digit 5 is repeated.
(iii) For five digits number 12349, 94321 12349 = 81972;
further continuing, 98721 12789 = 85932; 98532 23589
= 74943; digit 4 is repeated.
(iv) For six digits number 123458, 854321 123458 =
730863; digit 3 is repeated.
(v) For seven digits number 2345678, 8765432 2345678
= 6419754; digit 4 is repeated.
(vi) For eight digits number 12345678, 87654321
12345678 = 75308643; digit 3 is repeated.
(vii) For nine digits number 023456789, 987654320
23456789 = 964197531; digits 1 and 9 are repeated.
International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP)
[Vol-4, Issue-5, Sep-Oct, 2020]
ISSN: 2456-866X Page | 94
Open Access
Hence, it is observed that Kaprekar’s procedure cannot be
continued for numbers having digits from five to nine due
to some digits are repeated. It is a surprising thing that the
subtraction results are always divisible by 9 having no
remainder. Hence, there is no dead end or lock stage, i.e.,
constant found for five digits to nine digits numbers.
(E) Ten Digits Number Subtracted Ascending Order
from Its Descending Order
It is a beautiful thing that ten digits number, in which the
digits are not repeated, dead end or lock stage is obtained
by first subtraction. In decimal numbering system, the ten
digits decimal number is 0123456789 where the digits are
not repeated. Now arranging the ten digits number in
ascending and descending order and then subtracting the
ascending order digits number (smaller) from the
descending order digits number (larger), we get,
9876543210 0123456789 = 9753086421. If we further
continue, the same result will be obtained. Thus the dead
end or constant for ten digits number is 9753086421. It is
amazing fact that adding all digits, 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +
6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 45; 4 + 5 = 9; Hence, it is completely
divisible by 9. Also the ten digits number without repeating
the same digit is the last or end number in decimal
numbering system.
(F) Octal and Hexadecimal Numbering System
Octal number system is taken digits from 0 to 7, and the
base is 8. Hexadecimal number system is same as decimal
number system, only the digits in a number is extended up
to fifteen like 0 to F and the base is 16, where A = 10, B =
11, C = 12, D = 13, E = 14, F = 15. Therefore, for octal and
hexadecimal numbering systems like Kaprekar’s procedure
are adopted as similar to decimal numbering system.
(G) Binary Numbering System Subtracted Ascending
Order from Its Descending Order
A binary number is represented by two digits such as 0 and
1, and the base is 2. If the digits are not repeated, then the
binary number is expressed as descending order 10 and
ascending order 01, then subtracting ascending order
binary number from descending order binary number, we
get, 10 01 = 01, thus 01, i.e., 1 is the dead end or constant
in case of binary numbering system. Moreover, 01 is the
1’s complement of 10. Since, 1 is the highest digit in
binary numbering system, the dead end 1 is divisible by 1
It is an astonishing fact that in decimal number system, the
ascending order digits number are subtracted from the
descending order digits number (where the digits are not
repeated), the subtraction results are always divisible by 9
having no remainder which is the highest digit in decimal
system, and if the process continues like this ultimately we
arrive a dead end or lock stage for two digits to four digits
number and ten digits number. For four digits number, the
dead end is already discovered by mathematician Kaprekar
and it is called Kaprekar’s constant 6174. In this paper, the
dead ends for all other digits numbers are discovered with
proper explanation.
Therefore, it is concluded that like Kaprekar’s constant
6174 for four digits decimal number, the dead end or
constant for two digits decimal number is 9, for three digits
decimal number is 495 and for ten digits decimal number is
9753086421. In binary numbering system, the dead end or
constant is 01 or 1.
Now-a-days for computerised algorithm and manipulation
of huge or big data, this inherent knowledge for decimal
and other numbering systems like binary, octal,
hexadecimal etc. will be useful, and identify a precise way
for mathematical computation.
[1] Kaprekar DR, “An Interesting Property of the Number
6174”, Scripta Mathematica 15: 244-245, 1955.
[2] Bowley Roger, 6174 is Kaprekar's Constant”, Numberphile.
University of Nottingham: Brady Haran.
[3] Nishiyama Yutaka, “Mysterious Number 6174”, Plus
Magazine, 2006.
Dr. Pijush Kanti Bhattacharjee is
associated with the study in Engineering,
Management, Law, Indo-Allopathy, Herbal,
Homeopathic, and Yogic Medicines. He is
having qualifications Ph.D (Engg.), M.E,
MBA, MDCTech, A.M.I.E (B.E or B.Tech),
etc. He worked in Department of Telecommunications (DoT),
Government of India as a Telecom Engineer from 1981 to 2007,
then worked in different Engineering Colleges and Assam
University [Central University], Silchar, India as Assistant and
Associate Professor from 2007 to 2020. He has written fourteen
books and more than hundred research papers. He is a Member of
Hongkong; and IE, ISTE, IAPQR, IIM, India. His research
interests are in Telecommunications including Mobile
Communications, Image Processing, VLSI, Nanotechnology,
Electrical Power Systems, Power Electronics Circuits,
Environmental Pollution, Medicine and Mathematics.