State of Texas
Assessments of
Academic Readiness
U.S. History
Administered May 2022
Copyright © 2022, Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or portions of this work is prohibited without express
written permission from the Texas Education Agency.
State of Texas
Assessments of
Academic Readiness
U.S. History
Administered May 2022
Copyright © 2022, Texas Education Agency. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or portions of this work is prohibited without express
written permission from the Texas Education Agency.
Form 001
U.S. History
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Form 001
U.S. History
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Form 001
Read each question carefully. Determine the best answer to the
question from the four answer choices provided. Then ll in the
answer on your answer document.
1 Which statement describes one reason the year 2008 was signicant?
A First Lady Hillary Clinton testied before Congress on health
care reform.
B Barack Obama was the rst African American to be
elected president.
C Ross Perot was the rst third party candidate to win a
presidential debate.
D President George W. Bush announced a war on terrorism.
2 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Goal 1: Addressing Climate Change and Improving Air Quality
Goal 2: Safeguarding America’s Waters
Goal 3: Cleaning Up Communities and Advancing Sustainable
Goal 4: Ensuring the Safety of Chemicals and Preventing
Which government entity is responsible for achieving these goals?
F National Park Service
G Department of Homeland Security
H Environmental Protection Agency
J Federal Emergency Management Agency
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3 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Nineteenth Amendment
Twenty-Fourth Amendment
Twenty-Sixth Amendment
What was one reason why these amendments were added to
the Constitution?
A To guarantee due process of law
B To expand the authority of the states over the federal government
C To limit the freedom of expression
D To expand the rights of individuals to participate in the government
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4 This newspaper headline describes an event that occurred in 1894.
Source: Hoosier State Chronicles
What was one effect of the event described in this headline?
F Increased support for gender equality in labor union membership
G Decreased support for socialism by labor union members
H Increased federal government involvement in labor union activities
J Decreased federal government surveillance of labor union leaders
5 How did the Great Depression affect American society?
A The price of agricultural goods decreased, causing an increase in
demand for farm labor.
B Manufacturing wages increased, causing businesses to concede to
labor union demands.
C Demand for luxury goods increased, causing overproduction
in manufacturing.
D Businesses were forced to close, causing widespread unemployment.
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6 This is an excerpt from a presidential speech.
The Great Society rests on abundance and liberty for all. It
demands an end to poverty and racial injustice. . . .
The Great Society is a place where every child can nd
knowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents. . . .
It is a place where man can renew contact with nature. It is
a place which honors creation for its own sake and for what
it adds to the understanding of the race. It is a place where
men are more concerned with the quality of their goals than
the quantity of their goods.
President Lyndon B. Johnson, speech at
University of Michigan, May 22, 1964
According to the excerpt, which goal was the focus of the
Great Society?
F To increase taxation
G To privatize education
H To expand voting rights
J To ght social inequality
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7 How did the Battle of Midway alter the course of the war in the Pacic?
A By stopping the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
B By halting the progress of Japanese expansion
C By preventing the continued use of Japanese kamikaze planes
D By defending the Philippines from Japanese conquest
8 This list describes selected features of the Homestead Act of 1862.
Adult citizens were granted 160 acres of public land.
People claiming the land were required to improve
the land by building a home and farming the land.
After 5 years on the land, the person claiming the
land paid a registration fee and ofcially owned
the land.
What was one effect of the act described in this list?
F The population of settlers in the American West increased.
G The debt of the federal government increased.
H The number of conicts with American Indians decreased.
J The demand for natural resources decreased.
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9 This list provides a partial summary of a presidential plan.
Ideas from President Wilson’s Fourteen Points, 1918
1. Open and public peace treaties
2. Freedom of the seas outside territorial waters
3. Removal of trade barriers among all nations
4. Arms reductions
5. An association of nations
Which statement describes the purpose of this plan?
A To establish a new era of isolationism
B To punish countries that are defeated in war
C To prevent multinational countries from breaking apart
D To create conditions that prevent future global conicts
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10 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
We conclude that, in the eld of public education, the doctrine
of “separate but equal” has no place. Separate educational
facilities are inherently unequal. Therefore, we hold that the
plaintiffs . . . are . . . deprived of the equal protection of the
laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment.
Chief Justice Earl Warren, Brown v. Board of
Education, May 17, 1954
Which previous Supreme Court decision had protected the practice
described in this excerpt?
F Sweatt v. Painter
G Hernandez v. Texas
H Plessy v. Ferguson
J Wisconsin v. Yoder
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11 This photograph shows an event that took place in 1997.
President Bill Clinton Awarding the
Medal of Honor to Vernon Baker,
January 1997
Source: Government Printing Office
What was the signicance of the event depicted in the photograph?
A The U.S. government ofcially desegregated the armed forces.
B The U.S. government extended veterans benets to
African Americans.
C The U.S. government honored an African American veteran for
bravery during World War II.
D The U.S. government created a new military commendation for
veterans of foreign wars.
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12 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001
Allows the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to
search for “tangible things” without probable cause
Allows search warrants to be issued for any U.S.
citizen believed to be involved in terrorist activities
This act has caused conict between —
F individual rights and the authority of the government to maintain
national security
G equal protection under the law and protection of minorities against
H economic stability and increased government spending on military
J promotion of free-trade policies and protections for workers in
domestic industries
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13 This list presents the work of a civil rights advocate.
Selected Accomplishments of Dolores Huerta
Secured disability insurance for California
Directed a national grape boycott to protest
the dangers of pesticides for farmworkers
Which accomplishment correctly completes this list?
A Organized armed resistance to protest police brutality
against farmworkers
B Negotiated to secure better working conditions for farmworkers
C Filed a federal lawsuit to ght segregation against farmworkers in
public facilities
D Seized corporate farmland to protest discrimination
against farmworkers
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14 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
China is so large, looms so high just beyond the frontiers,
that if South Viet-Nam went, it would not only give them
an improved geographic position for a guerrilla assault on
Malaya, but would also give the impression that the wave of
the future in southeast Asia was China and the Communists.
President John F. Kennedy, televised interview,
September 9, 1963
Which idea reected in these remarks formed the basis for U.S.
involvement in Vietnam?
F Nuclear deterrence
G Flexible response
H Domino theory
J Iron Curtain
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15 This photograph shows a 1934 painting by an artist with the Public
Works of Art Project during the Great Depression.
“Golden Gate Bridge”
© Smithsonian American Art Museum,
Washington, DC / Art Resource, NY
What is the MOST LIKELY reason the Public Works of Art Project
commissioned this painting?
A To promote optimism for U.S. economic progress during the
Great Depression
B To demand federal worker safety laws during the Great Depression
C To encourage competition for U.S. technological superiority during
the Great Depression
D To question the success of nationalizing industries during the
Great Depression
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16 NATO was created in response to concerns about —
F the Soviet Union and Communism
G Italy and Nazism
H Germany and fascism
J Japan and militarism
17 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Passage of the Clayton Antitrust Act
Ratication of the Eighteenth Amendment
Passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act
In which historical time period were these laws enacted?
A The Great Society
B The Progressive Era
C The Great Depression
D The Jazz Age
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18 This image shows an advertisement from 1920.
Advertisement for the Potomac
Electric Power Company
Theodor Horydczak Collection, Library of Congress,
Prints and Photographs Division
The image supports which statement about U.S. society during the
early 1900s?
F New technologies made daily life easier for consumers.
G Consumers resisted change in favor of traditional products.
H Harmful economic cycles caused consumers to resist
new technology.
J The manufacture of new products encouraged consumers to
stay home.
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19 Study the diagram and answer the question that follows.
Industry in the
late 1800s expanded.
Job opportunities
became available.
Which trend of the late 1800s correctly replaces the question mark in
this cause-and-effect diagram?
A The number of immigrants from Europe declined.
B The government passed laissez-faire laws.
C People moved from rural to urban areas.
D Settlement houses lost federal funding.
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20 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
When Jacob Riis published How the Other Half Lives in 1890,
the U.S. Census Bureau ranked New York as the most densely
populated city in the United States. . . . Disease, sanitation,
garbage and hygiene issues were constant concerns in
crowded impoverished . . . districts, where vital statistics
were alarming. Jacob Riis wrote frequently to urge measures
to protect public health and to alert wealthy residents of the
city to slum conditions that put everyone at risk.
”Jacob Riis: Revealing ‘How the Other Half
Lives’ Writer,” Library of Congress, www.loc.gov
(accessed October 17, 2017)
Which issue was discussed in the writings of Jacob Riis?
F Discrimination against African Americans in U.S. cities
G Harsh conditions of tenement housing in U.S. cities
H Growing conict between rural regions and U.S. cities
J Increasing efforts to reduce Chinese immigration to U.S. cities
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21 The demographic structure of the United States changed in the late
nineteenth century with the arrival of —
A immigrants from southern and eastern Europe seeking
industrial jobs
B political refugees coming to the United States from the former
Spanish colonies
C migrants from Mexico seeking agricultural jobs during a
worldwide depression
D German immigrants eeing Europe prior to the outbreak of the
First World War
22 Which factor has MOST contributed to the improvement of cell
phone technology?
F Competition between cell phone companies to gain new customers
G Government tariffs to reduce sales of imported cell phones
H Sales taxes on cell phone equipment to generate revenue
J Long-term contracts from cell phone service providers to reward
customer loyalty
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2002 2004 2006 2008
Average Monthly Number of U.S. Soldiers
in Afghanistan, 2002–2008
Number of Soldiers
Source: Congressional Research Service
Which option contributed to the trend shown on this graph?
A A military response to a terrorist attack
B A desire to stop the spread of communism
C The development of weapons of mass destruction
D The resurgence of ethnic cleansing policies
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24 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
We have seen something here that overpowers the death
of anyone back home. We have seen what can be called the
living dead. Moving up into a new position we came across a
prison camp. . . . We went out to see what a concentration
camp looked like. . . . As we entered the camp the rst thing
we saw was the burned down buildings, but a little farther on
we got the shock of our lives.
Aaron A. Eiferman, member of the U.S. 12th
Armored Division, letter to his wife, April 27, 1945
Which action did the Allied powers take in response to what was
described in this letter?
F Imposed economic sanctions on Germany
G Began a bombing campaign to destroy key military bases
H Charged Nazi ofcials with war crimes in the Nuremberg trials
J Permitted Nazi ofcials to leave the country
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25 These photographs show protests at different times in U.S. history.
African Americans
Picket Outside of the
White House, 1965
Women Picket Outside of
the White House, 1917
Source: Library of Congress,
Prints and Photographs Division
Source: Library of Congress,
Prints and Photographs Division
What was one result of the activism shown in these photographs?
A It reduced the ability of the courts to decide the constitutionality
of suffrage.
B It prompted lawmakers to reinstate poll taxes for voting.
C It reduced the inuence of special interest groups devoted to
expanding suffrage.
D It brought national attention to problems associated with voting.
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26 Why did the Spanish-American War move the United States into the
position of a world power?
F The United States acquired Spanish territories in the Caribbean and
the Pacic.
G The United States proved its nuclear capabilities against Spain in
Southeast Asia.
H The United States stopped the spread of communism in Spain.
J The United States ended Spanish trade in the Eastern Hemisphere.
27 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
No voting qualication or prerequisite to voting, or standard,
practice, or procedure shall be imposed or applied by any
State or political subdivision to deny or abridge the right of
any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race
or color.
Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, August 6, 1965
Which voting practice requirement was specically targeted by
this act?
A Providing proof of employment
B Proving property ownership
C Passing literacy tests
D Taking religious tests
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28 What is a PRIMARY reason why Hurricane Katrina caused major
destruction to New Orleans in 2005?
F Levees surrounding the city collapsed under pressure from oodwaters.
G Crude oil from offshore drilling platforms sparked res across
the city.
H Citywide pavement prevented oodwaters from soaking into
the ground.
J Mass evacuations left the city without enough volunteers to build
a seawall.
29 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
In fact, U.S. religious pluralism has its origins in America’s
colonial past, when members of persecuted religious
minorities migrated from Europe to the New World so they
could freely practice their faiths. And newcomers still arrive
from every corner of the globe, bringing their unique faith
traditions to towns and cities across the United States.
Lauren Monsen, “The American Religious Landscape,”
March 26‚ 2015
How has this religious pluralism inuenced the national identity of the
United States?
A The government establishes religious schools for immigrants.
B Most Americans live in isolated religious communities.
C The government limits the number of religious community centers.
D Many Americans are tolerant of various religious beliefs.
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30 This poster was published by the Social Security Board in 1935.
Library of Congress
How did the new program described in the poster affect the role of the
federal government?
F It provided the federal government with a role in administering a
retirement fund for workers.
G It limited the federal government’s power to enforce minimum
wage requirements.
H It provided the federal government with a role in managing
workers’ bank accounts.
J It limited the federal government’s power to assist workers in
manufacturing plants.
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31 What is the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission?
A To encourage business practices that promote minority employment
B To maintain fair markets and increase investor condence in
nancial institutions
C To encourage business policies that protect the environment
D To ensure worker safety and protect the public from
hazardous products
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Buying Victory Garden Seeds in New Jersey, c. 1943
Source: Newark Public Library
This photograph shows an example of —
F U.S. citizens contributing to the war effort
G the effects of trade sanctions on enemy nations
H U.S. citizens attempting to follow new dietary guidelines
J the effects of allowing farmland to go unused while farmers were
at war
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33 This diagram shows working conditions during the Second
Industrial Revolution.
Factories begin to
produce more goods
during the Second
Industrial Revolution.
Workers include young
women and children.
Workers work long hours.
Workers earn low wages.
During the early twentieth century, which action was taken to address
the issues shown in this diagram?
A Labor reformers secured better working conditions
through legislation.
B Businesses hired fewer immigrants as laborers.
C Corporations sought greater federal industrial regulations.
D Businesses created monopolies to increase competition
among industries.
34 Which action by the federal government was one cause of the
Great Depression?
F Failing to decrease the reserve requirement
G Refusing to regulate the stock market
H Abolishing the use of the gold standard
J Eliminating tariffs on foreign trade
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Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
What was one effect of this type of advertising during World War II?
A Women’s colleges closed as wartime employment
opportunities grew.
B The number of women in nontraditional roles increased.
C Women’s organizations secured passage of the GI Bill for
returning veterans.
D Congress passed laws guaranteeing equal pay for equal work
for women.
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36 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
On May 17, 1954, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren
delivered the unanimous ruling in the landmark civil rights
case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. . . .
There was considerable resistance to the Supreme Court’s
ruling. . . .
”Brown v. Board of Education (1954),” National Archives
and Records Administration, www.ourdocuments.gov
(accessed February 28, 2018)
How did President Dwight D. Eisenhower respond to “considerable
resistance” in Arkansas?
F By sending soldiers to Arkansas to enforce desegregation
G By closing schools in Arkansas until desegregation was achieved
H By declaring school segregation to be a decision for the state of
Arkansas to make
J By ring public school teachers in Arkansas who supported
37 What was one effect of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT) on the United States?
A Decreased employment opportunities for minorities and women
B Increased availability of foreign laborers in the United States
C Increased access to foreign markets for U.S. businesses
D Decreased funding for the establishment of national parks
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38 Study the illustration and answer the question that follows.
“The First Vote”
Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
Which event led to the action shown in this illustration?
F The revival of nativist policies
G The ratication of the Fifteenth Amendment
H The Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson
J The rise of Social Darwinism
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39 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
Under the act, approximately 2,300,000 attended colleges
and universities, 3,500,000 received school training, and
3,400,000 received on-the-job training. The number of
degrees awarded by U.S. colleges and universities more than
doubled between 1940 and 1950.
The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration,
(accessed September 21, 2017)
Which government action directly contributed to these changes?
A Passage of the Federal Reserve Act
B Passage of the National Security Act of 1947
C Passage of the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944
D Passage of the Central Intelligence Agency Act
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40 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
Navstar GPS is a satellite-based radio navigation system
developed and operated by the US Department of Defense
(DOD). . . . It consists of a constellation of orbiting satellites,
a ground control system and thousands of GPS information
receiver units in aircraft, ships, [and] land vehicles. . . .
“U.S. Military GPS,” www.army-technology.com
(accessed May 7, 2018)
Which military need contributed to development of the technology
described in this excerpt?
F Faster, more accurate responses during combat
G Stronger, more dependable weapons for soldiers
H Lighter, more fuel-efcient cargo planes
J Larger, more powerful nuclear submarines
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41 This poster was designed by Emory Douglas, the Black Panther Party’s
Minister of Culture in the 1960s and 1970s.
Library of Congress
In Revolution one wins, or one dies.
Based on this image, how did the Black Panther Party differ from
Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers?
A The Black Panther Party focused attention only on issues in
southern states.
B The Black Panther Party believed in achieving equal voting rights
for all.
C The Black Panther Party advocated militant action to achieve its goals.
D The Black Panther Party worked willingly with government ofcials.
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42 This excerpt describes a work process established by Henry Ford.
One man ts the parts together, so that the bolt holes come
right. The next man ts the bolt holes into place. The next
has a pan of nuts before him and all day he scoops them up
and with his ngers starts them on the thread of the bolts.
The next man has a wrench and he gives the nal twist that
makes them tight.
John A. Fitch, 1914
Which results did Ford hope to achieve by implementing the process
described in this excerpt?
F Increased productivity and efciency
G Reduced numbers of employees quitting
H Increased labor union membership
J Reduced payroll taxes and employee benets
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Source: NARA
The United States Government requires all aliens of , , or
nationality to apply at post offices nearest to their place of residence
for a Certificate of Identification. Applications must be filed between the period
February 9 through February 28, 1942.
Go to your postmaster today for printed directions.
Which nationalities correctly replace the three question marks on
this notice?
A Polish, Romanian, Russian
B Mexican, Spanish, Portuguese
C Irish, Israeli, Turkish
D German, Italian, Japanese
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44 This excerpt describes a country and western star in the 1930s.
[Gene Autry] got a bit part in [In Old Santa Fe], a Western in
1934, and unbelievably the ideas that came from this Western
. . . pretty much started the template of the musical Western.
Audiences just loved them—they had the music, they had
the comedy and, of course, the action and those great fancy
cowboy outts, too.
”Gene Autry, America’s ‘Public Cowboy No. 1’,”
National Public Radio, www.npr.org
(accessed November 20, 2018)
What was one effect of this new style of “musical Western” on the
United States in the 1930s?
F Country music became more popular than rock and roll music.
G Country music prompted people to move to farms on the
Great Plains.
H Country music transitioned from a regional genre to a
national sensation.
J Country music encouraged Exodusters to migrate from
southern states.
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45 This excerpt describes some court cases about education.
While Brown v. Board of Education is a widely known landmark
Supreme Court case, few can trace its origins to the case of
nine-year-old Sylvia Mendez in Mendez v. Westminster.
Sylvia’s case, which was decided in the federal courts in
California, preceded Brown by about eight years. Thurgood
Marshall represented Sylvia Mendez and Linda Brown. Marshall
used some of the same arguments from Mendez to win Brown
v. Board of Education.
”Background – Mendez v. Westminster Re-Enactment,”
U.S. Courts, www.uscourts.gov
(accessed November 28, 2018)
Why are the court cases described in this excerpt important to
education in the United States?
A The cases reduced racial segregation in schools.
B The cases established the use of quotas in school admissions.
C The cases ordered schools to provide accommodations for students
with disabilities.
D The cases reduced inequities in school district nancing.
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46 Read the excerpt and answer the question that follows.
The whole of our governmental machinery was devised for the
purpose that . . . we give incentive and equality of opportunity
to every individual to rise to that highest achievement of
which he is capable. . . . The spread of government destroys
initiative and thus destroys character. . . . There is an
entirely different avenue by which we may both resist this
drift to centralized government and at the same time meet a
multitude of problems. That is to strengthen in the Nation a
sense and an organization of self-help . . . .
President Herbert Hoover, radio address,
February 12, 1931
How did this response to the Great Depression differ from the ideas of
Franklin D. Roosevelt?
F Hoover wanted to implement social welfare programs to provide for
the poor.
G Roosevelt wanted private charities to take responsibility for
relief efforts.
H Hoover wanted to limit the role of the federal government in
managing the crisis.
J Roosevelt wanted state governments to regulate private
business activity.
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47 How did the National Organization for Women (NOW) affect the
feminist movement during the 1970s?
A By opposing the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision
legalizing abortion
B By opposing laws granting tax credits for stay-at-home mothers
C By supporting scholarship programs available through
beauty pageants
D By supporting the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution
48 Which cause united many college students, civil rights activists, and
labor union members during the 1960s?
F Opposing U.S. participation in the Vietnam War
G Expanding presidential use of executive privilege
H Protecting the world against climate change
J Using détente as a foreign policy with China
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President Woodrow Wilson’s Reasons
for Entering World War I
Assert American rights to “freedom of the seas”
Stop German plans to aid Mexico
Which additional reason BEST completes this list?
A Increase trade with Asian nations
B Assist the Allied powers against German aggression
C Retaliate against Germany for imposing high tariffs
D Prevent fascism from spreading throughout Europe
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50 This excerpt is about the U.S. policy in Lebanon.
From 1981 onward, the Reagan administration feared that
conict between Lebanese factions backed by Syria and
Israel, along with clashes between Israel and the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), could escalate into an
Arab-Israeli war. Yet American policymakers differed over how
to prevent such a conict, especially over whether to commit
troops for that purpose. Following Israel’s 1982 invasion of
Lebanon, the advocates of military intervention won out.
But by 1984, terrorist attacks, a lack of diplomatic progress,
and congressional opposition led President Ronald Reagan to
withdraw U.S. forces from Lebanon.
”The Reagan Administration and Lebanon,
1981–1984,” U.S. Department of State,
history.state.gov (accessed April 17, 2020)
Based on the excerpt, why were U.S. forces initially sent to Lebanon?
F To regain control of vital oil elds
G To provide military support to Syria
H To provide military assistance to Israel
J To help maintain peace between warring groups
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51 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Japan invades Korea and China.
Germany invades Poland.
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor.
Which title correctly replaces the question mark?
A Events That Encouraged the United States to Join NATO
B Events That Inspired U.S. Nationalism during World War I
C Events That Contributed to U.S. Rejection of the League of Nations
D Events That Led to U.S. Involvement in World War II
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52 This table shows the number of civilians employed by the U.S.
government each year from 1915 to 1918.
Number of Civilians Employed by the
Federal Government, 1915–1918
Year Total
1915 395,429
1916 399,881
1917 438,500
1918 854,500
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Based on this table, how did World War I affect the U.S. economy?
F It led to decreased spending in order to conserve resources during
the war effort.
G It led to decreased pressure on private companies to supply the
war effort.
H It increased the economic opportunities available for U.S. citizens.
J It increased the number of immigrants searching for U.S. jobs.
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53 Read the information in the table and answer the question that follows.
In 1922, President Warren Harding’s Interior Secretary
Albert Fall was caught taking bribes from private oil companies
related to oil leases. In 1929, Fall was sentenced to prison.
On June 17, 1972, ve men broke into the Democratic National
Committee headquarters at the Watergate hotel. It was later
discovered that President Richard Nixon had participated in
covering up the White House connections to the break-in.
Nixon resigned the presidency on August 9, 1974.
Which statement explains one effect of these two events?
A They reduced government regulation of the economy.
B They led to an increase in the size of the executive branch.
C They reduced public condence in the federal government.
D They led the president to increase the use of the veto power.
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Osage Indian School Football Team, c. 1910
Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
Which trend of the late 1800s and early 1900s is BEST reected in
this photograph?
F The desire to gain new territories
G The emphasis on cultural assimilation
H The need for urban reform
J The rise of nativism
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There was never the least attention paid to what was cut up
for sausage; there would come all the way back from Europe
old sausage that had been rejected, and that was mouldy
and white—it would be dosed with borax and glycerine, and
dumped into the hoppers, and made over again for home
Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, 1906
What was the immediate response to the practices mentioned in
this excerpt?
A Monopolies formed to control competition in the
meat-processing industry.
B Meat packers developed refrigerated railroad cars to ship
meat nationwide.
C Congress passed legislation to protect consumer health and safety.
D Farmers demanded government regulation of livestock sales
and distribution.
56 Which concern directly contributed to U.S. involvement in the
Korean War during the 1950s?
F Containing the spread of communism
G Improving political relations with China
H Deterring the use of nuclear weapons
J Resisting the rise of fascism in Asia
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57 Read the list and answer the question that follows.
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
National Asian Pacic American Legal Consortium
Which action is a goal of all these groups?
A Promoting nativist policies
B Protecting civil liberties
C Supporting segregation
D Organizing labor unions
58 What was one result of immigration to the northeastern United States
during the early twentieth century?
F Factories experienced labor shortages.
G Cities became more densely populated.
H Fewer people lived in settlement houses.
J Fewer diseases spread among urban populations.
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59 This bar graph shows historical trends in the U.S. work force.
Percent of Men and Women in the
U.S. Labor Force, 1950–2010
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
1950 201019901970
The trend illustrated in this graph led to a demand to pass laws —
A guaranteeing gender equality in the workplace
B limiting the use of merit-based exams in the workplace
C prohibiting union membership based on gender
D supporting federal employee fund-raising efforts
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60 How did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech
affect U.S. politics?
F By increasing pressure on political leaders to form a new
minority-based political party
G By persuading political leaders to introduce literacy tests for voting
H By persuading political leaders to ratify an amendment that extends
voting rights to women
J By increasing pressure on political leaders to pass federal civil
rights legislation
61 This diagram shows events associated with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
U.S. destroyers
stationed in Vietnam
report they were
fired upon by North
Vietnamese forces.
President Lyndon B.
Johnson requests to
increase U.S.
military presence in
Congress passes
the Gulf of Tonkin
How did the events in this cause-and-effect diagram affect the
relationship between the executive and legislative branches
of government?
A By reducing the ability of the House of Representatives to approve
military funding requested by the president
B By giving the president the power to ght a war without getting a
formal declaration from Congress
C By allowing Congress to supersede the president’s role as
commander in chief
D By reducing the power of the president to bypass the Senate’s
treaty-making powers
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed. . . .
Declaration of Independence, 1776
Which phrase from this excerpt is MOST directly related to the
Nineteenth Amendment?
F “We hold these truths to be self-evident”
G “they are endowed by their Creator
H “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”
J “deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
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63 This is a time line of events in U.S. history.
Secretary of NAACP in
Montgomery, Alabama
Arrested for violating
bus segregation laws
Arrested for violating
anti-boycott laws
Part of Freedom Summer
voter registration drive
Participated in March
on Washington, D.C.
Rosa Parks’s Activism
What does this time line imply about Rosa Parks’s activism during the
Civil Rights era?
A Rosa Parks acted independently from civil rights organizations.
B Rosa Parks continued her activism after the Montgomery
bus boycott.
C Rosa Parks completed a large portion of her activism while
awaiting trial.
D Rosa Parks learned of civil rights issues following the Montgomery
bus boycott.
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2016 Series of B-Boy Break Dancing Competition Locations
© iStock.com/parys
The United Kingdom
South Korea
The Netherlands
This information provides the strongest evidence of which trend?
F The increasing reluctance to travel to the United States
G The growing interest in celebrating local cultures
H The expansion of U.S. popular culture
J The increasing rate of international tourism
65 What was one goal of Ku Klux Klan marches held before elections in
the early 1900s?
A To prevent the government from passing voter identication laws
B To warn people about the dangers of voter fraud
C To prevent racial minorities from participating in the political process
D To protest the use of literacy tests in the political process
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66 What is one example of how space exploration and technology have
improved the quality of life?
F By reducing dependence on robotics for performing surgery
G By developing shields to protect homes from meteorites
H By reducing dependence on solar cells and biofuels for energy
J By developing satellites to send communication signals
67 What is one qualication that must be fullled for a person to become
a U.S. citizen?
A Earning an income above the national average
B Earning an advanced degree from an American university
C Demonstrating an understanding of the principles of
American government
D Demonstrating an understanding of the constitutions of each state
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68 This photograph shows a device that was introduced in the 1970s.
Person Using a Bar Code Scanner
© iStock.com/MJ_Prototype
How has the use of the device shown in this photograph affected
business in the United States?
F By improving the efciency of making purchases
G By lowering the quality of merchandise
H By increasing the time needed to produce goods
J By decreasing the number of imported products
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U.S. History
May 2022
U.S. History
May 2022