Karthikeyan .A, Prabhu N. Mohan; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology.
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ISSN: 2454-132X
Impact factor: 4.295
(Volume3, Issue2)
Proactive Measures to Avoid Illegal Construction
A. Karthikeyan
N. Mohan Prabhu
Post Graduate Student
Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department,
Computer Science and Engineering Department,
Mount Zion College of Engg and Tech, Pudukottai.
Mount Zion College of Engg and Tech, Pudukottai.
mohanmecse20[email protected]
Abstract: Focus is to improve transparency between Government and Citizens and to deliver the government rules,
regulations and plans to citizens by using the growth of technology effectively as E-Governance. Especially a proactive
measure to avoid illegal construction of buildings on the dried water bodies, river bank areas and agricultural lands as
plots and apartments due to urbanization. To avoid registration of agricultural land for commercial purpose. To block the
approval of layout of buildings, new electricity (Electricity Board) connection, new water supply connection and loans for
those lands. Brokers can be avoided by this method. We can also avoid corruption. This system will be very helpful on the
time of rainfall season, to avoid flood and also save water by using these dried water bodies which will indirectly reduce
the water scarcity problem for drinking and also helpful to farmers for agriculture. As all of us know that, “Agriculture is
the Backbone of India”. So, we can reduce the price of all the food materials.
Keywords: Data Mining, Social Media Streams, Supervised Learning, Machine Learning, Probability, Sentiment
Analysis, Data Management, Web Services, Smart Phone, Android Phone, Android, Application.
In Chennai, there was a heavy rain on the November and December month of the year 2015 which caused a flood in many
areas of Chennai, Thiruvaloor, Kancheepuram, and Kadaloor. More than 280 peoples died in this disaster. In this disaster
economic loss was measured as 300 crores and property loss was measured as 90,000 crores. So, overall loss by this flood
was measured as 90,300 crores. Major reason for this disaster was identified as the illegal construction of the buildings on the
dried water bodies and river bank areas due to the urbanization. In Chennai, the average measurement of rainfall was about
1218.6 mm. On 2nd December 2015, it raised 294.1 mm of rainfall on the November and December months of the year 2015
by Regional Metrological Centre (RMC) and Indian Metrological Department (IMD) of
Chennai. In National Geographic Channel, these rainfall and flood are ranked as World‘s 8th biggest National Disaster on the
―Mega Floods‖ show. In Chennai, Thiyagaraaya Nagar (T.Nagar) is formed by occupying the dried water bodies. In
Chennai, water bodies are decreased from 650 to 30 water bodies for the last 100 years. It is shown in Fig. 1. In Chennai
alone, there are 15 lakhs buildings constructed by violating the law.
Fig. 1 Map of Chennai in 1909 VS 2015
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A moulivaakam Apartment building collapsed on 24/06/2014. In this disaster, more than 61 peoples died. Overall loss in this
incident was measured as 20.28 crores. Main reason for this incident was the construction of access floors than a number of
floors approved by Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA).
Due to urbanization, Agriculture lands were decreased by 80 % in Chennai and 35 % to 40 % in other districts of Tamil
Nadu for the last 30 years. Agricultural lands were systematically converted into commercial lands. It is estimated that 13.37
lakhs of plots. The areas mostly affected by this conversion are South Chennai, Kancheepuram, Nagercoil, RS Mangalam.
The major reason for this reduction is an extension of city and loss in various forms to the farmers in agriculture.
Tedeschi and F. Benedetto [1] proposed a cloud-based big data sentiment analysis application for brand monitoring and
analysis in social media streams. They have designed and developed a user-friendly application as a cloud-based service
derived from the Platform as a Service (Paas) model. They used this application to get the benchmark of the brand based on
the Reviews, Blog Posts, Tweets by the Consumers in all over the world. They also extracted the sentiment and polarity from
tweets using the SentiWordNet algorithm. They have also used this application to get the customer needs and expectations
and satisfy them. Twitter is the only social network they have considered.
João Rosa, Cláudio Teixeira and Joaquim Sousa Pinto [2] proposed an Information and Communication Technologies
(ICTs) System in Singapore. This Centralized information system is based on multimedia kiosks, named Automated Traffic
Offence Management System (ATOMS) database, which manages the offender's information. This E-Justice system enables
citizens to pay their fines without addressing to the court. The initial architecture is poorly planned. So, the entire project may
be at risk.
Kalliopi Anastasopoulou and Spyros Kokolakis [3] proposed an E-governance system that initiates the collection and
processing of personal data of people‘s financial transactions. The intention of this new service offered b y the Greek
Ministry of Finance calledtax card‘. Tax card is used to collect information about everyday purchases and aims to diminish
tax avoidance. The effect of cultural bias is mostly neglected by policymakers. They fail to address the mindset of specific
cultural groups that object these technologies. Their analysis was limited to the Greek region and only to one specific e-
government initiative, the tax card.
Spyridoula Lakka and Teta Stamati [4] proposed a model, based on three socio-economic theories namely, institutionalism,
endogenous and exogenous growth. Using this framework critical factors are identified, while their impact is evaluated with
an econometric analysis on secondary, country level data. Institutionalism is a focus on establishing structures, rules, norms,
routines, law and political rights as authoritative guidelines for social behavior. Endogenous Growth outlines the potential of
economic growth that is generated within a system, as a result of internal processes, as for example technological
advancements and not external, as for instance through trade. Exogenous Growth is the Trade based on Information and
Communication Technology (ICT). Use of advanced technologies, education, technological openness and institutional
quality in terms of government effectiveness is the driver that led e Gov growth. The increased imports and exports of
technologies positively influence countries to create favourable conditions to use new technologies. It is not merely an
advanced technological tool.
Muhammad Ovais Ahmad, Jouni Markkula and Markku Oivo [5] proposed a plan raises awareness, attracts more citizens
to make use of e-government services and facilitates better understanding and delivery. The goals of the e-government of
Pakistan are to increase efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and accountability in decision making in addition to
enhancing delivery of public services to its citizens both efficiently and cost effectively. The success of e-government
services depends on government support as well as on citizen‘s adoption. It focuses on to fill this gap by exploring the
challenges and barriers of e-government services from the user‘s perspective. The citizens lack knowledge about the new e-
government services. So, The Pakistani government should raise awareness throughout the country regarding their e-services
through different advertising channels.
John C. Bertot, Paul T. Jaeger and Justin M. Grimes [6] proposed a method called ―Using Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)‖ which is cost-effective and convenient means to promote openness and transparency and
used to reduce corruption. They developed the measures for transparency. It is for a long term process to obtain the success.
It evaluates existing systems for portability and expansion. Reuse rather than reinvent. The social technologies available
today are transformative in general and with regard to transparency and anti-corruption in particular.
In the existing system, Government of Tamil Nadu has an online portal of registration department of Tamil Nadu and land
registration e-service which gives a detail by getting the input from user like Zone Name, District Name, Village Name and
Street Name or Survey No. to get the Encumbrance Certification (EC). It displays only informative details but, the
administrative details were not available.
In 2009, Section of Land Act 22-A was published on gazette. But, the implementation date was not mentioned on it. In
21/10/2016, Section of Land Act 22-A was implemented by Tamil Nadu State Government.
In Tamil Nadu, Layouts for Home up to 3 floors (including Ground Floor) for lands within 1000 Sq.m. to be only approved
by Panchayat. In Tamil Nadu, Layouts for Schools, Colleges, Marriage Halls, Hospitals, Clinic, Factory, Industry and other
commercial Buildings on lands above 1000 Sq.m. to be only approved by Department of Town and Country Planning
(DTCP). Similarly, layouts should be only approved by Chennai by CMDA (formerly called MMDA) for Construction on
Karthikeyan .A, Prabhu N. Mohan; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology.
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Chennai. To get New Electricity and Water Supply Connection, Property Tax Receipt is a must. Valuation Report, Legal
Opinion, Layout Approval, and Estimate are the mandatory documents to get the loan for construction of buildings or buying
Pattaa is an important land ownership document issued by the Revenue Department after processing the Land Registration
Document, EC, ID Proofs like Aadhar Card, Voter Identification Card. Pattaa includes the Nature of Land like Agricultural
Land or River Bank Area with its measurements. Partitioned Pattaa is compulsory for every individual of Apartments and
Plots. EC is issued by the Registration Department which gives the list of Owners of the land with the period of their
ownership in descending Order.
3.1 Disadvantages of Existing System
1) Tamil Nadu Government‘s EC portal was not transparent.
2) The system is just informative but not have any proactive measures
3) The online portal provides a lack of information regarding land registration.
4) More delay for the data entry regarding document registration. Because this work is done by using the Compact Disks
(CDs). So, EC obtained by online have not accepted by the registration department due to delay on the data entry.
5) In the Website, It says that it will show all land registration and regard data in EC from the year 1987. But, it shows
only from 1989. It is also not working properly.
6) Most of the real estate fellows are considering the Non-Objection Certificate (NOC) issued by the Village
Administrative Officer (VAO) as the Panchayat approval for their plan to construct the buildings.
7) 8.67 lakhs of farmers changed their occupation from agriculture to others in Tamil Nadu.
3.2 Impact
1) India occupies the 1st position on the 163 worst flood-affected countries list provided by the World Resource Institute
due to this urbanization.
2) In India, Every year 4.85 million Indians are affecting by the flood.
3) Now Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kashmir, and Surat are the cities which are
growing fast due to urbanization. So these are the frequently affected cities by the flood.
The proposed system is derived from the sentiment and polarity analysis of user data retrieved from Facebook posts and
tweets from Twitter. The proposed system will incorporate the nature of land details which will be presented as a web
application and Android Application for online EC administrative purpose.
In proposed system, an attempt will be taken to block the registration of agricultural land for commercial purpose, approval of
plan without following proper rules, getting loans, construction of building on the dried water bodies, river bank area and
agricultural lands, getting new electricity (Electricity Board) connection, getting new water supply connection for the
buildings on the dried water bodies, river bank area and agricultural lands by using rules and regulations as mentioned on
Section of Land Act 22A. Getting loans from the banks for buying and construction of buildings on this kind of agricultural
lands, dried water bodies will also be blocked.
Layouts and plans for apartments and plots without following proper rules as mentioned in the Section of Land Act 22A will
not be approved by DTCP and CMDA. So, we can also avoid damages caused to people and their belongings by the buildings
constructed without proper plan approval at the time of Earthquake.
Brokers can be avoided by using this system. Corruption will also be minimized. Investment of black money on the lands can
also be avoided. This system will also avoid the waste of money on the demolition of buildings constructed on those lands.
Nowadays, many peoples are using the internet. So, it is very easy for them to use this E-Governance website for the land
registration. Now, most of the people are using the Android Smart Phones. So, the users can be very easy for them to use this
E- Governance System for Land Registration through their Android Devices.
4.1 Modules
There are three modules in this Proposed System. There are
1) Module - 1: Data Mining
2) Module - 2: Developing Web Application
3) Module - 3: Developing Android Application
4.2 Module - 1: Data Mining
4.2.1 Architecture
Data Extraction will be used to pull the tweets from R code using Oauth facility by Submitting Twitter credentials. Similarly,
Facebook Posts will be pulled from R code using FBoauth facility by Submitting Facebook credentials. Corpus Cleaning will
be used to clean and present the extracted data to R engine. Lexical Analyzer analyzes the Extracted data as positive or
negative data separately by matching it with words on the positive-words.txt and negative-words.txt files. Machine learning
will take place to project the result. Bayesian Learning will happen. The end result will be projected Sentiment or Opinion
projection, polarity analysis (trend towards positive or negative trait), word cloud most frequent words spoken. The
Architecture of the Data Mining Module is as shown in Fig. 2.
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Fig. 2 Module 1 Architecture
4.2.2 Requirements
1) R Version 2.15.3 with packages like ggplot2, WordCloud, SnowballC, tm, rook, Rstem, facebook, twitteR,
sentiment, NLP, Topic models, RTextTools, e1071, bit64 with all of its dependency packages.
2) R Studio Version 0.99.903.
4.2.3 Hash Tags
Facebook HashTags used are as follows
Chennai rains
Totally, 3303 Posts retrieved from Facebook. But After Cleaning, 387 Facebook posts are only used for analysis. Because
these 387 posts are only posted in the month of November and December 2015.
Twitter Hash Tags used are as follows
Totally, 1574 Tweets retrieved from Twitter.
4.2.4 Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis is also known as opinion mining. Opinion mining works based on natural language processing and text
analysis. Sentiment analysis is widely applied to reviews and social media for a variety of applications, ranging from
marketing to customer service. Sentiment analysis aims to determine the attitude of a writer. Sentiment Analysis works based
on the identified emotions such as "angry", "sad", and "happy".
Sentiment analysis for the Facebook data retrieved by using the Facebook hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 9.
Sentiment analysis for the Twitter data retrieved by using the Twitter hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 10.
4.2.5 Polarity Analysis
Polarity analysis is classifying the polarity of a given text at the document, sentence, or feature/aspect levelwhether the
expressed opinion in a document, a sentence or an entity feature/aspect is positive, negative, or neutral.
Polarity analysis for the Facebook data retrieved by using the Facebook hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 11. Polarity
analysis for the Twitter data retrieved by using the Twitter hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 12.
4.2.6 Word Cloud
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Word Cloud is a visual representation of text data, typically used to depict keyword metadata or tags on websites or to
visualize free form text. A Word Cloud is also called as Tag Cloud. Word Cloud is derived by using the Frequent Words
generated from Document-Term Matrix (DTM). Document-Term Matrix (DTM) is also called Term Document Matrix
Word Cloud derived from the Facebook data retrieved by using the Facebook hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 13.
Word Cloud derived for the Twitter data retrieved by using the Twitter hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 14.
4.2.7 Machine Learning
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides computers with the ability to learn without being
explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can teach themselves to
grow and change when exposed to new data.
4.2.8 Supervised Learning
Supervised learning is the machine learning task of inferring a function from labeled training data. The training data consist
of a set of training examples. In supervised learning, each example is a pair consisting of an input object (typically a vector)
and the desired output value (also called the supervisory signal). A supervised learning algorithm analyzes the training data
and produces an inferred function, which can be used for mapping new examples. An optimal scenario will allow for the
algorithm to correctly determine the class labels for unseen instances.
4.2.9 Bayesian Learning
Bayesian Learning uses Bayesian Theorem. Bayesian means probabilistic. The specific term exists because there are two
approaches to probability. Bayes Theorem provides a direct method of calculating the probability of such a hypothesis based
on its prior probability, the probabilities of observing various data given the hypothesis, and the observed data itself. Bayesian
Learning is used to project the Sentiment and Polarity.
P ( A / B ) = P ( B / A ) * P ( A ) / P ( B )
Where, P ( A ) = prior probability of hypothesis A
P ( B ) = prior probability of training data B
P ( A / B ) = probability of A given B
P ( B / A ) = probability of B given A
P ( B / A ) can be represented as
P ( B / A ) = P ( B ∩ A ) / P ( A )
Maximum Entropy
The Max Entropy classifier is a probabilistic classifier which belongs to the class of exponential models. Max Entropy is
shortly called MaxEnt. MaxEnt does not assume that the features are conditionally independent of each other. The MaxEnt is
based on the Principle of Maximum Entropy and from all the models that fit our training data, selects the one which has the
largest entropy. The Max Entropy classifier can be used to solve a large variety of text classification problems for sentiment
analysis. MaxEnt uses the Document-Term Matrix (DTM) to find the Accuracy of this system.
4.2.11 Classifier Accuracy
The accuracy of the predictor refers to how well a given predictor can guess the value of predicted attribute for a new data.
Accuracy is the percentage of the testing set examples correctly classified by the classifier.
Classifier Accuracy of Facebook Data is 1.29 %.
Classifier Accuracy of Twitter Data is 1.42 %.
4.2 Module - 2: Developing Web Application
4.3.1 Architecture
The developed Web Application will be used on the Web Browser of the Systems. All the operations performed by this Web
Application will send the data to the PHP file on the Server using the POST method. The Architecture of the Web
Application Module is as shown in Fig. 3.
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Fig. 3 Module 2 Architecture
Web Application‘s Sample Screenshots are as shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
Fig. 4 Web Application Services
Fig. 5 Android Application Download
4.3.2 Requirements
1) WAMP Server
2) Database: MySQL
3) Scripts Used: HTML, CSS, Java Script, PHP.
4) Software Required: Adobe Reader.
4.4. Module - 3: Developing Android Application
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4.4.1 Architecture
The developed Android Application will be used on the Android Devices. This Android Application will add mobility to the
system. All the operations performed by this Android Application will send the data to the PHP file on the Server using the
POST method as JSON encoded data. The Architecture of the Android Application Module is as shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 Module 3 Architecture
Android Application‘s Sample Screenshots are as shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8.
Fig. 7 Android Application Splash Screen Fig. 8 Android Application Services Screen
a. The For Developing PC
1) Java Development Kit ( jdk1.6 or above).
2) Java Runtime Environment ( jre1.6 or above).
3) Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with SDK (Software Development Kit).
b. For Mobile
1) Operating System: Android 3.2 (Honeycomb) or above.
2) Apps Required: Browser, PDF Reader.
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5.1 Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis for the Facebook data retrieved by using the Facebook hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 9.
Sentiment analysis for the Twitter data retrieved by using the Twitter hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 9 Sentiment Analysis of Facebook data Fig. 10 Sentiment Analysis of Twitter data
Sentiment analysis for the Facebook data shows the Sadness of the people about the flood in Chennai. Sentiment analysis for
the Twitter data shows the Fear of people about the flood in Chennai.
5.2 Polarity Analysis
Polarity analysis for the Facebook data retrieved by using the Facebook hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 11. Polarity
analysis for the Twitter data retrieved by using the Twitter hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 12.
Fig. 12 Polarity Analysis of Twitter data Fig. 11 Polarity Analysis of Facebook data
Polarity analysis for the Facebook data shows the Negative posts and comments of people about the flood in Chennai.
Polarity analysis for the Twitter data shows the Negative tweets and comments of people about the flood in Chennai.
5.3 Word Cloud
Word Cloud generated for the Facebook data retrieved by using the Facebook hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 13 and
Word Cloud generated for the Twitter data retrieved by using the Twitter hashtags mentioned is as shown in Fig. 14.
Fig. 13. Word Cloud for
Fig. 14. Word Cloud for
Facebook data
Twitter data
Word Cloud for the Facebook data shows that the most frequently used word is ―rain‖ and Word Cloud for the Twitter data
show that the most frequently used word is ―bad‖.
Data about tweets from twitter can get only for the 60 days (2 Months). Facebook data is very difficult to mine between
ranges of dates. Spelling mistake on Facebook and Twitter by the users may cause errors on the Sentiment and Polarity
Analysis. More words to be updated on the positive-words.txt and negative-words.txt frequently to get accurate sentiment
and polarity.
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Based on the Sentiment Analysis, Polarity Analysis and Word Cloud generated by using the data pulled from Social
Medias like Facebook and Twitter the people felt very sad and fear about the flood caused by rain due to the existing
system‘s drawbacks. I considered each and every data extracted from Facebook and Twitter with the Government rules under
the Section of Land Act 22A and developed the best Website and Android Application to solve the found issues.
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[55] Article regarding ―Judgment regarding the Registration of Lands as Agricultural Lands‖ in Dinakaran Newspaper dated
on 28/06/2016.
[56] Article regarding ―Conversion of Agricultural Lands into Housing Plots‖ in Dinamalar Newspaper dated on
[57] Article regarding ―Judgment regarding the Registration of Lands as Agricultural Lands‖ in Maalaimalar Newspaper
dated on 05/08/2016.
[58] Article regarding ―Partitioning Plots without following Rules‖ in Dinamalar Newspaper dated on 21/08/2016.
[59] Article regarding ―Judgment regarding the Registration of Lands as Agricultural Lands‖ in Dinamani Newspaper dated
on 10/09/2016.
[60] Article on Sondha Veedu regarding ―Registration Department‘s E-Services‖ in The Hindu(Tamil) Newspaper dated on
[61] Article regarding ―Angigaaram Illadha 13 Latcham Manaigal Varanmurai Thittam‖ in Dinamalar Newspaper dated on
[62] Article regarding "Vivasaayathai Kaivitta 8.67 Latcham Paer" in Dinamalar Newspaper dated on 29/12/2016.
[63] Article regarding "Manai Virpanai Thadai Vazhakil Kuzhapam Yen, Sikkalai Erpaduthum Adhigaarigal" in Dinamalar
Newspaper dated on 22/01/2017.
[64] Article regarding "E-Sevai Mayangangalilum Min Ennaippu Vinappam" in Dinamalar Newspaper dated on 22/01/2017.
[65] Article regarding "Vivasaaya Nilangalil Angigaaram Podapatta Veetu Manaigalai Virka Vidhikapatta Thadai Neetippu"
in Dinakaran Newspaper dated on 31/01/2017.
[66] Konangal show regarding ―Chennai floods are not a natural disaster caused by unrestrained construction‖ in News7
Channel on the date 20/11/2015.
[67] Mega Floods show regarding ―Chennai Mega Flood‖ in National Geographic Channel on the date 05/05/2016.
[68] ―Chennai - Surviving The Flood‖ show in Discovery Tamil Channel on the date 01/08/2016.
[69] Vivaadha Medai show regarding ―Muraipaduthala Muttukattaiya‖ in Sun News Channel on the date 21/10/2016.
[70] http://www.w3schools.com/
[71] http://developer.android.com/
[72] http://opensourceforu.com/
[73] http://tutorialspoint.com/
[74] http://stackoverflow.com/
[75] http://stackexchange.com/
[76] http://github.com/
[77] http://codersheaven.com/
[78] http://codeproject.com/
[79] http://androidhive.com/
[80] http://www.r-bloggers.com/
[81] http://dni-institute.in/
[82] http://analyticsastra.com/
Karthikeyan .A, Prabhu N. Mohan; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology.
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[83] http://thinktostart.com/
[84] http://www.imdchennai.gov.in/
[85] http://startbootstrap.com/
[86] Videos in TechArt Youtube Channel.
A. Karthikeyan has born in Kalanivasal, Karaikudi, Sivaganga District, Tamil Nadu, India. He has
completed his schoolings in Karaikudi. He has received the Bachelor of Engineering Degree on
Computer Science and Engineering from the Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology,
Pudukkottai under the affiliation of Anna University, Chennai. He is currently pursuing the Master of
Engineering Degree on Computer Science and Engineering from the Mount Zion College of Engineering
and Technology, Pudukkottai under the affiliation of Anna University, Chennai.