P.O. Box 350
Chesterfield Virginia 23832
(804) 748-8480
Forensic & Clinical Psychology
E-mail: lhagan@leighhagan.com
Clinical Psychologist, Virginia Board of Psychology, 0810-001102, 1982
Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Psychology, 04539, 1995
Diplomate in Forensic Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology, 1995
Certification of Professional Qualification in Psychology, Association of State and Provincial
Psychology Boards, 4167, 2009
Ph.D. Counseling Psychology, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1981
APA-Accredited Doctoral Training Program
M.A. Counseling, University of Virginia, 1976
B.A. Psychology, University of Virginia, 1975
Leigh D. Hagan, Ph.D. P.C. Independent Practice of Forensic & Clinical Psychology
Forensic Psychology Services - Case consultation & testimony
Forensic Psychology Examiner - Community Corrections Programs (formerly, CDI), through
Psychology Consultant - Work Evaluation Center, John Randolph Hospital, 1991-96
Medical Consultant - Disability Determination Services, 1986-89
Veterans Administration Medical Center - Richmond, Virginia, 1983-86
Director of Psychology Training & Clinical Psychologist
Alcohol/Drug Dependence Treatment Program
Psychometrics, Inc. and Middle Georgia Pain Clinic, 1981-82
Clinical Psychologist
Psychology Director, Middle Georgia Pain Clinic
Psychological assessment, psychotherapy, substance abuse
Veterans Administration Medical Center - Salem, Virginia, 1980-81
APA-Accredited Predoctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology
University of Missouri-Columbia Employee Assistance Program, 1978-79
Associate Coordinator of Client Services
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Eastern Shore Mental Health Center, 1976-78
Staff Psychologist
Community Faculty, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences, Eastern Virginia Medical School, 2009-2019
Affiliate Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University,
1983-86, 1993-2013
Eastern Shore Community College Instructor - Psychology, 1977
Allied Health Staff, John Randolph Medical Center, 1991-2005
Allied Health Professional Staff, Poplar Springs Hospital, 1998-2001
Consulting & Attendant Staff (Forensics), McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center,
Post-conviction Psychological Evaluator, Henrico Community Corrections Program, 1990-97
Group Counselor, Petersburg Community Corrections Program, 1986-1997
Fellow, American Academy of Forensic Psychology
American Psychology-Law Society
National Register of Health Service Psychologists
Society for Personality Assessment
Capital Defendant Sentencing, Institute for Law, Psychiatry & Public Policy, University of
Virginia, 1995 & 2007
Advanced Forensic Evaluation Training, Institute for Law, Psychiatry & Public Policy,
University of Virginia, 1992
Sex Offender Evaluation Training, Institute for Law, Psychiatry & Public Policy,
University of Virginia, 1994
Basic Forensic Evaluation Training, Institute for Law, Psychiatry & Public Policy,
University of Virginia, 1984
Primary Certificate, Institute for Rational Living, New York, 1977
Outside Reviewer. American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
Psychological Fitness-for-Duty Evaluation Guidelines, 2018
Workgroup Member: Impairment Definition and Application. American Academy of Clinical
Neuropsychology Consensus Conference Statement on Uniform Test Score Labeling of
Performance Tests, 2014-19.
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Consultant, Tennessee Bar Association Family Law Section Mental Health Records Sub-
Committee, 2014-15.
Clinical Chair, Clinical Advisory Group to Virginia Crime Sentencing Commission
Subcommittee concerning development of statutory definition of mental retardation after
Atkins v. Virginia; S. Ct.; 536 U.S. 304 (2002)
Chesterfield Juvenile Court, Citizen Advisory Council, 1997-2004
American Board of Forensic Psychologists, Oral Examiner and Work Sample Reviewer for
psychologists applying for diplomate status, 1996-2006
Drug Court Planning Committee of the Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Community Criminal
Justice Board, 1999-2001
Consulting Forensic Psychologist, Day Reporting Center, Chesterfield Community
Corrections, 1998
Juvenile Trial Competence Workgroup, HJR 69, Commission on Youth, 1998 (Advisory
Task Force to examine state’s policies and to develop statutory guidance to implement
appropriate Code provisions)
Consulting Forensic Psychologist, Richmond and Chesterfield Community Service Boards
for redesign and implementation of procedures for evaluation of juvenile trial competence
and sanity and restoration of incompetent juvenile defendants, 1997-2006
Juvenile Courts Building (Chesterfield), Ad Hoc Committee for Financing and Construction,
Professional Papers & CLE Outlines
Drogin, E. Y., & Hagan, L. D. (in press). Trial consultation. In D. DeMatteo & K. C. Scherr
(Eds.), The Oxford handbook of psychology and law. Oxford University Press.
Conference Participant contributing to: Guilmette, T.J., Sweet, J.J., Nancy Hebben, N., Koltai,
D. Mahone, E.M., Spiegler, B., Stucky, K., Westerveld, M. and Conference Participants.
(2020). American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Consensus Conference Statement
on Uniform Test Score Labeling of Performance Tests. The Clinical Neuropsychologist,
Hagan, L.D. & Drogin, E.Y. (Aug. 2, 2019). Using trial consultants to decipher and demystify
mental health evaluations. Commonwealth AttorneysServices Council Training at 79th
Annual VACA Summer Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Brown, J., Bean, R., Hagan, L.D. & Bailey, W. (June 19, 2019). Threat Assessment of a
domestic abuser: The Great Pretender. 2
Annual Joint Threat Assessment Training,
Association of Threat Assessment Professionals Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Hagan, L.D. & Guilmette, T.J. (2017). The Death Penalty and Intellectual Disability: Not So
Simple. Criminal Justice, 32(3), 21-27.
Drogin, E.Y. & Hagan, L.D. (Jan. 4, 2017). Expiration dates: Can states use superseded
medical standards to establish death penalty eligibility? Harvard Medical School,
Department of Psychiatry, Boston, Massachusetts.
Drogin, E.Y. & Hagan, L.D. (Jan. 4, 2017). Testing with older persons & persons with
disabilities. Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Boston, Massachusetts.
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Drogin, E.Y. & Hagan, L.D. (Jan. 4, 2017). Publishing in the fields of psychiatry, psychology,
and the law: Co-authorship. Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Boston,
Hagan, L.D., Drogin, E.Y. & Guilmette, T.J. (2016). Assessing Adaptive Functioning for ID:
Impact of Hall and DSM-5. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 44,
Hagan, L. D. & Guilmette, T. J. (2015). DSM-5: Challenging diagnostic testimony.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 42-43:128-34, doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2015.08.017
Drogin, E. Y., Hagan, L. D., Guilmette, T. J., & Piechowski, L. D. (2014). Personal injury and
other tort matters. In B. L. Cutler & P. A. Zapf (Eds.), APA handbook of forensic
psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Hagan, L.D. (Sept. 12, 2013). DSM-5 in criminal court: Sword & shield. Virginia Trial
Lawyers Association Criminal Section. Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L.D. & Levine, M.J. (Aug. 18, 2013). Psychological fitness for duty referrals: Clarity,
efficiency & effectiveness. Southeastern Atlantic College of Occupational and
Environmental Medicine Annual Symposium. Virginia Beach, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 13, 2011). Preparing and presenting an Atkins case. In Capital Case
Litigation Conference, Delaware Criminal Justice Council, Dover, DE.
Archer, E., Hagan, L., Mason, J., Handel, R. & Archer, R. (2012). MMPI-2-RF characteristics
of custody evaluation litigants. Assessment. 19(1), 14-20. doi: 10.1177/1073191110397469
Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 29, 2010). Challenging the forensic interview in child sex abuse
cases. In Fall 2010 Annual Meeting and CLE. Virginia Association of Criminal Defense
Lawyers. Portsmouth, VA.
Hagan, L.D., Drogin, E.Y. & Guilmette, T.J. (2010). Science rather than advocacy when
reporting IQ scores. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 41(5), 420423.
Hagan, L. D., Drogin, E. Y., & Guilmette, T. J. (2010). IQ scores should not be adjusted for the
Flynn effect in capital punishment cases. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 28,
474-476. doi:10.1177/073428291373343
Archer, E., Hagan, L.D., Mason, J., Handel, R., & Archer, R. (Mar. 7, 2010). MMPI-2-RF
characteristics of child custody litigants. In 45
Annual Symposium on Recent Research
with the MMPI-2, MMPI-2-RF & MMPI-A. St. Pete Beach, FL.
Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 27, 2009) Mental health issues in capital cases. In Prosecuting Capital Cases.
Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ Services Council. Williamsburg, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (Sept. 23, 2008). After repeal of Section 20-124.3:1 a mental health perspective.
Presented to Advance Family Law and Mental Health Seminar: An Interdisciplinary
Approach To Child Custody Determinations. Virginia Trial Lawyers Association.
Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L.D., Drogin, E.Y. & Guilmette, T.J. (2008). Adjusting IQ scores for the “Flynn
Effect”: Consistent with the standard of practice? Professional Psychology: Research and
Practice, 39(6), 619-625. doi:10.1037/a0012693
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Hagan, L.D., Landry, S.D. & Blanks, M. (2008). Custody and admissibility of mental health
records: Data trumps rhetoric. Virginia Lawyer, 56, 30-33.
Guilmette, T., Hagan, L. & Giuliano, A.J. (2008). Assigning qualitative descriptions to test
scores in neuropsychology: Forensic implications. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 22 (1),
122-139.. doi: 10.1080/13854040601064559
Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 18, 2007). Child Competence in Abuse Complaints. In Addressing
Allegations of Child Abuse in Custody Cases. Deglau, M.W., Icard, G. & Hagan, L.D. 16
Annual Richmond Bench-Bar Conference. Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L.D. & Hagan, A.C. (2008). Custody evaluations without psychological testing: Prudent
practice or fatal flaw? Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 36(1), 67-106.
Hagan, L. (Aug. 15, 2007). § 20-124.3:1: Making the best of an unfortunate statute. Presented
to Mental Health Issues in Family Law Cases: Implications of Virginia Code Section 20-
124.3:1. Virginia Continuing Legal Education. Fairfax, VA.
Hagan, L. (May 3, 2007). Proving detriment and Best Interest in contested cases. Presented to
Annual Conference of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys. Williamsburg
Addison, E., Hagan, L., & Davis, G. (Oct. 11, 2006). Mental health issues in capital litigation.
In Capital Murder Prosecution. Presented to Commonwealth’s Attorneys’ Services
Council. Williamsburg, VA.
Hagan, L. (Aug. 4, 2006). Atkins hearings: Determining who is “mentally retarded.” Presented
to Virginia Association of Commonwealth Attorneys 67
Annual Convention. Virginia
Beach, VA.
Rockwell, F., Hagan, L., Jones, B. & Leiner, H. (Moderator) (Jan. 10, 2006). Addressing
allegations of child abuse in child custody cases. Panel presentation made at the Bar
Association of the City of Richmond (VA).
Davis, B.C., Soden, D., Caudill, L., Nelson, M., Hagan, L. & Powers, C. (Moderator) (Oct. 27,
2005). Cross examination of witnesses in custody cases. Panel presentation made at the
Annual Richmond Metropolitan Area Local and Specialty Bar Association. Richmond,
Hagan, L. (Feb. 10, 2006). Mental health professionals in custody cases:
Revisiting Fundamentals and Updating Developments. Presented to 3rd Annual Advanced
Family Law Custody Retreat. Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, Family Law Section.
Richmond, VA.
Guilmette, T.J., Hagan, L., & Giuliano, A.J. (Oct. 2005). The use of descriptive labels in
reporting neuropsychological test scores: Forensic implications. Poster presentation made
at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology. Tampa, FL.
Hagan, L. (Apr. 1, 2005). Taint in child informants: Criminal, civil & custody cases. Presented
to VA Trial Lawyers Association 46
Annual Convention.
Hagan, L. (Feb. 19, 2005). Taint in child informants: Custody determinations. Presented to 2
Annual Advanced Family Law Custody Retreat. Virginia Trial Lawyers Association,
Family Law Section. Richmond, VA.
Page 6 of 10
Hagan, L. & Blanks, T.M. (2004). Hiding the ball or necessary protection: §20-124.3:1 custody
and admissibility of mental health records. Virginia Lawyer, 53(3), 52-55.
Hagan, L., Jones, B., Coughter, E., Grove, J. and Rogers III, F. (July 13 & 15, 2004). Direct
and cross examination of therapists in a relocation case. Presented to Virginia Trial
Lawyers Association Family Law Seminar. Richmond & Roanoke, VA.
Hagan, L.D., Blanks, T.M., & Rockwell III, F.G. (Mar. 22, 2004). Piercing the veil of §20-
124.3.1 or: My spouse is crazy, but I can’t prove it. Presented to The Richmond Bar
Hagan, L.D. (Feb. 20, 2004). Attacking & presenting mental health testimony in custody cases.
In 1
Annual Advanced Family Law Custody Retreat. VTLA Family Law Section.
Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (Mar. 24, 2003). Mental retardation after Atkins. 2003 Spring Institute Program.
Commonwealth Attorneys’ Services Council CLE. Williamsburg, VA.
Hicks, S., Hagan, L. & Huguley, K. (October, 2002). Parental alienation: How to argue and
defend in custody cases. In 21
Annual Family Law Seminar: Insights on Tough Custody
Issues. Virginia CLE: Richmond & Norfolk, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (2002). Child custody. In K. Heilbrun, G. Marczyk, & D. DeMatteo (Eds.),
Forensic mental health assessment: A Casebook. (pp. 319-335). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Hagan, L. (Mar. 26, 2002). Clinical factors to consider in custody cases. In: Chernau, M.,
Hagan, L., Landry, S., O’Donnell, K. Owens, M. Custody: Legal and Clinical Factors in
Virginia. Lorman Education Services CLE/CEU. Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L. (Jan. 25, 2002). Accessing and interpreting children’s medical records. In: Blanks,
M., Chernau, M., Hagan, L., & Poole, R. Virginia Children’s Records Law. Lorman
Education Services CLE/CEU. Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (Mar. 29, 2001). Clinical factors to consider in custody cases. In: Owens, M.B.,
Hagan, L.D., Landry, S.D., Rockwell, L., Chernau, M.S., Hendrick, J., O’Donnell, J. &
Oxenham, A.E. Custody: Legal & Clinical Services. Lorman Educational Services.
Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 26, 2000). Attention deficit disorder in juvenile proceedings. In Juvenile &
Domestic Relations Practice: “Special Needs - Special Education.” Panel: Taylor, R.,
Hagan, L.D., Block, A., Rockwell, L., & Hoy, M. Moderator: Volenik, A. Presented to
Richmond Bench Bar Conference. Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 13, 2000). Evaluation and development of mental disability claims. Virginia
Trial Lawyers Association. Williamsburg, VA.
Guilmette, T., Hagan, L. & Rockwell, L. (June 2, 2000). Academic re-entry for school age
children with TBI: Law, assessment & intervention. Presented to 24
Williamsburg Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Conference. Williamsburg, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (Apr. 6, 2000). Interpreting children’s medical records. In Barnes, E., Elmore, G.,
Hagan, L., Hegner, R., Owens, M., & Shepherd, R. Virginia Children’s Records Law.
Lorman Education Services CLE/CEU. Richmond, VA.
Page 7 of 10
Hagan, L. D. & Taylor, R.D. (Oct. 22, 1999). Juvenile competency issues. Presented to
Juvenile Law & Practice in Virginia Seminar, Virginia CLE. Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 21, 1999). Juvenile competency & restoration: Process, product &
evaluators. Presented to Richmond Bench-Bar Conference.
Hagan, L.D. (Aug. 17, 1999). Making juvenile competency determinations: Evaluations &
evaluators. Presented to Judicial Conference for District Court Judges. Virginia Beach, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (May 14, 1999). A clinical perspective of assessing juvenile competency.
Presented to Virginia Public Defender Commission’s Juvenile Law and Education
Seminar, Juvenile Competency to Stand Trial.
Hagan, L.D. (1999). Preparation and presentation of juvenile trial competence: A forensic
evaluator’s view. 29
Criminal Law Seminar. VCLE & VSB Criminal Law Section.
Taylor, R.D. & Hagan, L.D. (1999). Juvenile competence to stand trial: Current legal standards
and the proposed new competence statute. 29
Criminal Law Seminar. VCLE & VSB
Criminal Law Section.
Hagan. L.D. (Nov. 16, 1998). Role of mental health expert in mediation process. In Attorneys,
Experts and Resource People in Mediation: Challenges of Complex and Multi-Party
Mediation. Moderated by Harman, T. & Bumbaugh, E. Presented to Virginia Mediation
Network 12th Annual Conference. Richmond, VA.
Rockwell, F.G., Taylor, R.D., Quinn, N. & Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 15, 1998). Custody & visitation:
Use & abuse of experts. Presented to Richmond Metropolitan Bench-Bar Conference.
Richmond, VA.
Guilmette, T. & Hagan, L. (1997). Ethical considerations in forensic neuropsychological
consultation. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 11 (3), 287-290.
Hagan, L. (1994-98). Law update for mental health professionals. (Annual newsletter with
annotation of new legislation and case law affecting mental health professionals and their
clients. Provided as service to professional community.)
Hagan, L. (July 1996). Psychological testing in custody disputes. Presented to VA Trial
Lawyers Association.
Hagan, L. (Apr. 1992-94). Contributing Editor John Randolph Hospital Work Evaluation
Center Progress Note (newsletter). Brief articles: Repetitive trauma & workers’
compensation (6/94), Work hardening abstracts (4/93), Injury duration, Psychological
status & RTW (9/92), Where does it hurt: Survey of presenting complaints in work
hardening (6/92), How your patients rate us (4/92).
Hagan, L. (Jan. 1994). [MMPI: administration and processing for nuclear security clearances.]
Unpublished manuscript.
Hagan, L. (1993). [Custody psychological evaluation guidelines: National survey of state
psychological associations.] Unpublished survey data.
Hagan, L. (1993). [Short-term goal directed problem solving: Effective therapeutic methods for
managed care and EAP clients.] Unpublished manuscript.
Hagan, L. (1992). [Nuclear utility psychological screening for security clearance: National
survey]. Unpublished survey data.
Page 8 of 10
Hagan, L. (Oct. 1992). [Work Transition Group: Program manual.] Unpublished trainer’s
Hagan, L. (June 1992a). [Responsible problems solving: Facilitator’s manual for nonviolent
offender group counseling.] Unpublished manual.
Hagan, L.D. & Beauchamp, J.N. (1991). Fitness For Duty: Annual Retraining Under NRC
Beauchamp, J.N. & Hagan, L.D. (1990a). Fitness For Duty: Policy & Procedures Under NRC
Regulations: Trainer’s Manual.
Beauchamp, J.N. & Hagan, L.D. (1990b). Employee Awareness Handbook.
Hagan, L.D. & Beauchamp, J.N. (1990). Continuous Behavioral Observation Under NRC
Regulations: Supervisors Awareness Handbook.
Hagan, L. (1988). [Job search success: Program manual.] Unpublished manuscript.
Hagan, L.D., & Schauer, A.H. (1985). Assessment of depression in alcoholics: Comment on
Hesslebrock et al. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 53(1), 64-66.
Schauer, A.H., Hagan, L.D., & Viatori, M.S. (1985). Counselor language entry and response
(CLEAR) system: Do you hear what I hear? Psychotherapy: Theory Research & Practice,
22(1), 114-118. doi:10.1037/h0088518
Hagan, L.D., Beck, N.C., Kunce, J.T., & Heisler, G.H. (1983). Facilitating psychiatric patient
follow-up: A study of transfer attrition. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39(4), 494-498.
Hagan, L.D., & Roman, J. (1982). Psychological profile of the CAPD patient. Perspectives:
Journal of the Council of Nephrology Social Workers, 4, 74-82.
Hagan, L.D. (1981). Reducing transfer attrition from psychiatric inpatient status to outpatient
care. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Hagan, L.D. (Aug. 1979). Occupational level, presenting problem, and referral trigger. Service
Technical Report #3, University of Missouri-Columbia EAP. Columbia, MO.
Hagan, L.D. (Apr. 1979). Survey of policies and structures of employee assistance programs in
higher education. Service Technical Report #1, University of Missouri-Columbia EAP.
Columbia, MO.
Hagan, L.D. (July 12, 2017). Fitness For Duty: Security-sensitive Employees. Presented to
XXXVth International Congress on Law and Mental Health. Prague, Czech Republic.
Hagan, L.D. (Aug. 7, 2015). Forensic Psychological Evaluations for Personal Injury: Practice
& Standards. Presented to 2
ASAPIL Practice & Research Conference. Toronto, ON.
Hagan, L.D. (June 24, 2015). Flying Under the Radar Screen: Psychological FFD Evaluations.
Webinar Sponsored by ABA Center for Professional Development.
Page 9 of 10
Hagan, L.D. (Apr. 1, 2015). Psychological Testing for Psychiatrists: Ethical and Diversity
Issues in Testing. Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Boston,
Hagan, L.D. (Apr. 1, 2015). Publishing in the Fields of Psychiatry, Psychology, and the Law:
Dealing with Editors. Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Boston,
Hagan, L.D. (May 21, 2011). DSM-5 in family law disputes: A better idea? Presented to
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Williamsburg, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (June 9, 2003). Evaluation of possible mental retardation in forensic settings. In
Bonnie, R., Snell, M. & Hagan, L.D. Implementation of the Atkins Decision. Adult
Advanced Forensic Evaluation Training. Institute for Law, Psychiatry & Public Policy,
University of Virginia.
Hagan, L.D. (Feb. 2002, Mar. 2001, Apr. 2000, Mar. 1999). Forensic psychological
evaluations: Role, law, illustrative cases. Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Ft.
Gordon. Augusta, GA.
Hagan, L.D. (May 22 & July 17, 2001). Mental health practitioners in the legal system.
Hanover County CSB. Hanover, VA.
Hagan, L.D. & Zerkin, G.T. (Jan. 20, 2001). Dealing with future dangerousness. Presented to
Virginia Death Penalty College, Virginia Capital Representation Resource Center.
Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 6, 2000). Legal issues: Mental health records. St. Francis Hospital, Topeka,
Hagan, L.D. (Dec. 4, 1998; Jan. 28, 1998; Apr. 16, 1999; Aug. 27, 1999; Nov. 5, 1999).
Restoration of incompetent juvenile defendants. In Basic Juvenile Evaluation Training.
Institute for Law, Psychiatry & Public Policy, University of Virginia.
Hagan, L. (Mar. 26, 1998). Juvenile trial competence: Public policy & law. Presented to
University of Richmond Law School & VCU Interdisciplinary Initiative.
Hagan, L.D. (June 1996). Capital evaluation issues. Presented to Institute of Law, Psychology
and Public Policy.
Hagan, L.D. (Mar. 1996). Mitigation expert assistance. Presented to Washington & Lee Capital
Defense Clearinghouse.
Hagan, L. (Oct. 1995). Psychological factors affecting physical rehabilitation. Presented to
John Randolph Hospital Rehabilitation Department.
Hagan, L. (1994-present). Effective use of experts. Presented to Criminal Clinical Placement
Class, University of Richmond Law School (semi-annual presentation).
Hagan, L. (Oct. 21, 1994). Custody disputes: Law & ethics. Presented to MCV Psychology
Internship Seminar, Medical College of Virginia.
Hagan, L. (Aug. 1994). Protection of third parties: Liabilities for court agents and mental health
professionals. Presented to Probation & Parole and Community Diversion & Incentive
Programs. Chesterfield & Henrico, VA.
Kuchinsky, N. & Hagan. L. (June 1994). Duty to protect third parties: New law for mental
health service providers. Presented at John Randolph Medical Center. Hopewell, VA.
Page 10 of 10
Hagan, L., Hendrick, J., Hartmann-Harlan, M. & Shilling, S. (Nov. 1993). Mediator, counselor,
evaluator: One role is enough. In L.D. Hagan (Chair), Domestic Dispute Resolution.
Seminar conducted at the John Randolph Women’s Center. Hopewell, VA.
Hagan, L. (June 1991). Psychological aspects of work hardening. Presented to Work
Evaluation Center John Randolph Medical Center. Hopewell, VA.
Hagan, L. (May 1989). WAIS-R. Presented to Social Security Administration Regional
Symposium. Hampton, VA.
Hagan, L. (Sept. 1987). Psychological evaluation strategy for special education services.
Presented to Diagnostic & Prescriptive Center Richmond Public Schools. Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L. (Nov. 1986). PTSD and personal injury. Presented to the Central Virginia
Chiropractic Society. Richmond, VA.
Showalter, R., Repucci, N. & Hagan, L. (June 1986). PTSD and criminal responsibility.
Symposium conducted at the Institute for Law, Psychiatry & Public Policy. Charlottesville,
Hagan, L. (Feb. 1985a). Integrating objective psychological data. Presented at University of
Virginia Graduate School of Education. Charlottesville, VA.
Hagan, L. (Feb. 1985b). Empirical description of cocaine addiction and psychological factors.
Presented at Grand Rounds, McGuire V.A. Medical Center. Richmond, VA.
Hagan, L. (Mar. 1981). Psychological presentation of medical illness. Presented at Georgia
Psychological Association meeting.
Hagan, L.D., & Weinstein, C. (Nov. 1980). The MMPI as a predictor of psychosocial
adaptation to cancer. Presented at National Forum on Comprehensive Cancer
Rehabilitation. Williamsburg, VA.
Thoreson, R.W., Braunstein, W., Hagan, L.D., & Pascoe, E.A. (Oct. 1979a). Stimulating self
referrals to the EAP from professional and administrative level employees. Presented at
ALMACA 8th Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI.
Hagan, L.D. (Oct. 1979b). Distinguishing features of occupational programs in higher
education. Presented at ALMACA 8th Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI.
Note: Professional credentials are subject to frequent revision. While this curriculum vitae
reflects my best knowledge as of the date of composition (March 2022), I encourage
direct contact regarding any information or questions about changes in the current