Department of Defense
NUMBER 3200.12
August 22, 2013
Incorporating Change 3, Effective December 17, 2018
SUBJECT: DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP)
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This instruction, in accordance with the authority in Section 133a of Title 10
United States Code (U.S.C.) (Reference (a)), DoD Directive (DoDD) 5134.01 (Reference (ar)),
and July 13, 2018, Deputy Secretary of the Memorandum (Reference (as)):
a. Reissues DoDD 3200.12 (Reference (b)) as a DoD instruction (DoDI) to establish policy,
assign responsibilities, and prescribe procedures to carry out the DoD STIP consistent with the
national science and technology policy and priorities described in section 6602 of Title 42,
U.S.C. (Reference (c)).
b. Incorporates and cancels Directive-type Memorandum 17-002 (Reference (d)).
2. APPLICABILITY. This instruction:
a. Applies to:
(1) OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other
organizational entities within the DoD (referred to collectively in this instruction as the DoD
(2) Science and technology programs consisting of basic research, applied research, and
advanced technology development programs, which are identified as budget activities (BA) 1, 2,
and 3, respectively, in Volume 2A, Chapter 1 of DoD 7000 14-R (Reference (e)).
b. Does not apply to:
(1) DoD programs involving day-to-day operations the warfighter uses unless required
for scientific and technical analysis.
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(2) DoD scientific and technical information the intelligence community produces.
(3) Signals intelligence and communications security information as defined in DoDI
O-3115.07 and DoDI 8523.01 (References (f) and (g)).
3. POLICY. It is DoD policy that:
a. The DoD sustains a coordinated program to manage scientific and technical information
created or acquired in the execution of research and engineering activities specified in paragraph
2.a.(2). This program, referred to as the STIP:
(1) Implements a systematic interchange of scientific data and technological findings
developed under DoD programs in accordance with the provisions of Reference (c).
(2) Maximizes resources and eliminates duplication of effort by thorough reuse of DoD
research, development, test, and evaluation investments and assets.
(3) Facilitates rapid technology development, to meet critical warfighter capability needs
through the systematic interchange, of useful scientific findings.
(4) Promotes communication and collaboration among DoD scientists, engineers,
acquisition professionals, other federal agencies, and academic, private sector, and international
(5) Makes publicly releasable peer-reviewed scholarly publications arising from research
and programs funded wholly or in part by DoD available to the public.
(6) Establishes requirements and responsibilities to ensure that:
(a) Scientific and technical information (STI) is a key outcome and record of the
research and engineering (R&E) work conducted.
(b) DoD STI is appropriately identified, disseminated, preserved, and accessible to
policy makers, the scientific community, and the public within the boundaries of laws,
regulations, Executive orders, other requirements, and program needs and resources.
(c) Each project effort includes a data management plan (DMP) in order to document
the decision process for preserving data for potential reuse and the cost of recreating the data.
b. The acquisition, documentation, and dissemination of DoD STI is:
(1) In accordance with this instruction, DoDD 8000.01 (Reference (h)), and Volume 1 of
DoD Manual 3200.14 (Reference (i)).
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(2) Controlled in accordance with:
(a) DoDI 5200.01 (Reference (j)).
(b) DoDIs 5200.39, 5230.27, 5200.44, 5230.24, 5230.29, 8582.01, and 2040.02
(References (k) through (q)).
(c) DoDDs 5205.02E, 5230.09, 5230.11, 5230.25, and 5400.11 (References (r)
through (v)).
(d) DoDD 5400.07 (Reference (w)).
(e) National Security Decision Directive 189 (Reference (x)).
(f) Executive Orders 13526 and 13556 (References (y) and (z)).
(g) Subparts 203, 227, and 252 of Title 48, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
(Reference (aa)).
(h) Parts 120-130 of Title 22, CFR, also known as the “International Traffic in Arms
Regulations,” (Reference (ab)).
(i) Parts 730-774 of Title 15, CFR, also known as the “Export Administration
Regulations” (Reference (ac)).
4. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 2.
5. PROCEDURES. See Enclosure 3.
6. RELEASABILITY. This instruction is available on the Directives Division Website at
7. SUMMARY OF CHANGE 3. The changes to this issuance amend policy directing public
access to publically releasable peer-reviewed scholarly publications, require projects to include
DMPs, and update procedures to gain access to federally funded scientific research results.
Additionally, Directive-type Memorandum 17-002 is incorporated and canceled. Terminology,
organizational titles, and references were also updated for accuracy.
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8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This instruction is effective August 22, 2013.
Frank Kendall
Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
1. References
2. Responsibilities
3. Procedures
DoDI 3200.12, August 22, 2013
Change 3, 12/17/2018 CONTENTS
ENCLOSURE 1: REFERENCES ...................................................................................................6
ENCLOSURE 2: RESPONSIBILITIES .........................................................................................8
TECHNOLOGY (DDRE(R&T)).........................................................................................8
DoD COMPONENT HEADS....................................................................................................8
ADMINISTRATOR, DTIC. ....................................................................................................11
ENCLOSURE 3: PROCEDURES ................................................................................................13
STIP OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................13
PUBLIC RELEASE OF STI ....................................................................................................13
SECURITY AND CONTROLS ..............................................................................................15
STIP FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................................15
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................17
PART I: ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................17
PART II: DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................17
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(a) Title 10, United States Code
(b) DoD Directive 3200.12, “DoD Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program
(STIP),” February 11, 1998 (hereby cancelled)
(c) Title 42, United States Code
(d) Directive-type Memorandum 17-002, “Public Access to the Results of DoD Intramural
Basic Research Published in Peer Reviewed Scholarly Publications,” January 10, 2017
(hereby cancelled)
(e) DoD 7000.14-R, “Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRs),”
Volumes 1-15, date varies per volume
(f) DoD Instruction O-3115.07, “Signals Intelligence (SIGINT),” September 15, 2008, as
(g) DoD Instruction 8523.01, “Communications Security (COMSEC),” April 22, 2008
(h) DoD Directive 8000.01, “Management of the Department of Defense Information
Enterprise,” March 12, 2016, as amended
(i) DoD Manual 3200.14, Volume 1, “Principles and Operational Parameters of the DoD
Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP): General Processes,” March 14,
(j) DoD Instruction 5200.01, “DoD Information Security Program and Protection of Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI),” April 21, 2016
(k) DoD Instruction 5200.39, “Critical Program Information (CPI) Identification and
Protection Within Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E),” May 28,
2015, as amended
(l) DoD Instruction 5230.27, “Presentation of DoD-Related Scientific and Technical Papers at
Meetings,” November 16, 2016, as amended
(m) DoD Instruction 5200.44, “Protection of Mission Critical Functions to Achieve Trusted
Systems and Networks (TSN),” November 5, 2012, as amended
(n) DoD Instruction 5230.24, “Distribution Statements on Technical Documents,” August 23,
2012, as amended
(o) DoD Instruction 5230.29, “Security and Policy Review of DoD Information for Public
Release,August 13, 2014, as amended
(p) DoD Instruction 8582.01, “Security of Unclassified DoD Information on Non-DoD
Information Systems,” June 6, 2012, as amended
(q) DoD Instruction 2040.02, “International Transfers of Technology, Articles, and Services,”
March 27, 2014, as amended
(r) DoD Directive 5205.02E, “DoD Operations Security (OPSEC) Program,” June 20, 2012
(s) DoD Directive 5230.09, “Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release,” August 22,
2008, as amended
(t) DoD Directive 5230.11, “Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign
Governments and International Organizations,” June 16, 1992
(u) DoD Directive 5230.25, “Withholding of Unclassified Technical Data from Public
Disclosure,” November 6, 1984, as amended
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(v) DoD Directive 5400.11, “DoD Privacy Program,” October 29, 2014
(w) DoD Directive 5400.07, “DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program,” January 2,
(x) National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 189, “National Policy on the Transfer of
Scientific, Technical, and Engineering Information,” September 21, 1985
(y) Executive Order 13526, “Classified National Security Information,” December 29, 2009
(z) Executive Order 13556, “Controlled Unclassified Information,” November 4, 2010
(aa) Title 48, Code of Federal Regulations
(ab) Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations
(ac) Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations
(ad) Public Law 103-62, “Government Performance Results Act of 1993,” August 3, 1993
(ae) Public Law 107–347, “E-Government Act of 2002,” December 17, 2002
(af) DoD Instruction 3200.20, “Scientific and Engineering Integrity,” July 26, 2012
(ag) DoD Directive 5105.73, “Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC),” May 2, 2013
(ah) DoD Manual 5200.01, “DoD Information Security Program” February 24, 2012, as
(ai) DoD Instruction 5015.02, “DoD Records Management Program,” February 24, 2015, as
(aj) DoD Instruction 3204.01, “Independent Research and Development (IR&D) and Bid and
Proposal (B&P) Program,” August 20, 2014
(ak) DoD Instruction 5535.8, “DoD Technology Transfer (T2) Program,” May 14, 1999
(al) DoD Instruction 8500.01, “Cybersecurity,” March 14, 2014
(am) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6510.01F, “Information Assurance (IA)
and Support to Computer Network Defense (CND),” February 9, 2011
(an) DoD Instruction 4000.19, “Support Agreements,” April 25, 2013
(ao) DoD Directive 5122.05, “Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
(ATSD(PA)),August 7, 2017
(ap) DoD Instruction 2030.08, “Implementation of Trade Security Controls (TSCs) for Transfers
of DoD Personal Property to Parties Outside DoD Control,” February 19, 2015
(aq) Title 5, United States Code
(ar) DoD Directive 5134.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics (USD(AT&L)),” December 9, 2005, as amended
(as) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "Establishment of the Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Research Engineering and the Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment," July 13, 2018
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TECHNOLOGY (DDRE(R&T)). Under the authority, direction, and control of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)), the DDRE(R&T):
a. Monitors compliance with this instruction and Reference (i).
b. Provides leadership and policy direction for the management of the DoD STIP.
c. Provides policy and guidance for the operation and management of defense industry
information and the DoD technology transfer program.
d. Maintains oversight of the Information Analysis Center (IAC) program.
e. Approves or disapproves all proposals by the Heads of the DoD Components to establish
or disestablish an IAC or make major changes in an IAC’s scope or subject area.
f. Approves service charges DoD technical information dissemination activities collect in a
manner consistent with volume 11A, chapter 4, appendix 2 of Reference (e).
g. Develops, manages, and implements policy to ensure public access to scholarly
publications through the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) databases.
h. Develops, manages, and implements policy to ensure each project effort will include a
2. DoD COMPONENT HEADS. The DoD Component heads:
a. Ensure that STIP matters in their respective areas are consistent with the policy in this
instruction and in Reference (i).
b. Designate a senior-level STI director or manager at the Military Department or the
Defense Agency staff level who serves as the single, authoritative point of contact for managing
and overseeing STIP matters.
c. Integrate STIP objectives into strategic plans, program plans, management, contract
administration, and oversight activities consistent with Public Law (PL) 103-62 (Reference (ad))
and this instruction.
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d. Conduct preliminary and periodic searches of research in progress and completed research
to define the technology baseline, avoid duplication of effort, and justify investment, before
beginning or continuing a technical effort.
e. Report to the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), as prescribed by section
207(g) of PL 107–347 (Reference (ae)), R&E data at the performer level including, but not
limited to, the entity performing the task, performance dates, funding, and technical summary
(1) BA 1 Basic research
(2) BA 2 – Applied research
(3) BA 3 – Advanced technology development
f. Adhere to scientific and engineering ethics to assure the integrity of DoD-sponsored
research pursuant to DoDI 3200.20 (Reference (af)).
g. Ensure that all results, regardless of outcome, of DoD R&E and studies efforts sponsored
in whole or in part by the DoD, are documented and sent to the DTIC in accordance with DoDD
5105.73 (Reference (ag)).
(1) Components ensure that the DoD or extramural organization responsible for each
research effort submits to DTIC, STI data that documents the effort to enable others to
understand the purpose, scope, approach, results or outcomes, and conclusions or
recommendations. The organization may submit any combination of technical reports, technical
papers, journal articles, or other types of STI data.
(2) The organization must submit STI data that are primary sources of the information.
Merely providing citations to where the information may be found is not sufficient to meet this
(3) DoD Component heads, or their designees, will ensure that all publicly releasable
peer-reviewed scholarly publications arising from research and programs funded, wholly or in
part, by DoD are available to the public through the DTIC databases.
(4) DoD Component heads or their designees will establish guidelines on management
and format of DMPs for research projects under their responsibility. A copy of the DMP should
be submitted to DTIC at the start of the research project.
(5) The STI contains a summary of work accomplished, which includes negative and
positive results and describes:
(a) Theoretical studies.
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(b) Experimental work.
(c) Mechanical design.
(d) Theory of operation.
(e) Test procedures.
(f) Test results.
(g) Drawings, charts, graphs, illustrations, or other material needed to clarify the
(6) The STI must contain sufficient detail to allow the methods to be replicated and the
results compared.
h. Determine primary and secondary distribution of STI and apply markings in accordance
with Volume 2 of DoDM 5200.01 (Reference (ah)), References (n), (s) through (u), and
References (v) and (w).
i. Expedite information and technology transfer within the DoD and to the general public, by
presenting STI in an unclassified, unlimited form, in accordance with clearance procedures and
within the limits of law, government data rights, and national security requirements.
j. Certify eligibility for access to DoD technical information for all non-DoD users based on
the determination that the user has a legitimate business relationship with the DoD, and that the
scope of the relationship would authorize access to such technical information. DoD personnel
who certify access for non-DoD users have the technical competence and familiarity with the
user’s needs and intended use for the information to determine that such transactions are in the
best interest of the DoD and in accordance with References (q), (t), (u), other applicable policies
and references in section 3.b.(2) of this instruction, and the Security and Controls Procedures at
Enclosure 3 of this instruction. Promptly report to DTIC any changes of certification status such
as contract termination, revisions to contracts and grants concerning levels of access or
completion dates, and changes of address or organization names.
k. Ensure that all records are maintained and managed in accordance with National Archives
and Records Administration’s approved dispositions to ensure proper maintenance, use,
accessibility, and preservation, regardless of format or medium as directed by DoDI 5015.02
(Reference (ai)).
3. ADMINISTRATOR, DTIC. Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(R&E),
through the DDRE(R&T), the Administrator, DTIC:
a. Collects, indexes, catalogs, and provides storage for STI obtained from DoD Components
and their contractors, non-DoD domestic sources and foreign sources.
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b. Operates a comprehensive preservation program to ensure availability of legacy STI.
c. Maintains and operates centralized databases of technical and management-related
information describing the content and scope of R&E programs, in accordance with DoDI
3204.01 and DoDI 5535.8 (References (aj) and (ak)).
d. Maintains information management systems and web-based databases to enable full use of
DoD-funded STI. Provides a suite of web products and services for publicly releasable STI as
well as systems to manage protected categories of STI in accordance with control or distribution
markings including export control.
e. Provides staff support to DDRE(R&T), on DoD STIP policy formulation, including
development and maintenance of References (i), (l), (n), and (u).
f. Disseminates DoD STI internally to the DoD and other Federal Government agencies
including the legislative and judicial branches, in accordance with Reference (h).
g. Disseminates DoD STI to government contractors, grantees, other governments (local,
State, or foreign) where a DoD Component activity has an established legitimate business
relationship; when the STI falls within the scope of that relationship; and when the STI is
disseminated in accordance with References (q), (t), (u), the Security and Controls Procedures at
Enclosure 3 of this instruction, and other applicable policies and references.
h. Ensures effective access to and reliable preservation of DoD scholarly publications.
i. Maintains an online search engine for metadata and full text of peer-reviewed scholarly
publications in the form of either the author’s final peer-reviewed manuscript or the publisher’s
final copy (as provided by the publishers or authors) for public access and download after a 12
month embargo period, if applicable. This system will provide metadata and abstracts for such
publications in a way that is open and readable, and the metadata will be linked to the manuscript
or published article.
j. Collects and preserves DMPs submitted by researchers. The DMPs will be protected at
the DoD only level.
k. Ensures that all applicable security requirements are addressed, in accordance with DoDI
8500.01 (Reference (al)).
l. Ensures that provisions for input, access, and retrieval are in accordance with the computer
security requirements of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 6510.01F (Reference
m. Operates and maintains a DoD-wide certification and registration system. Maintains a
central authority file of certified and approved users.
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n. Provides coordination, planning, and integration of DoD-funded IACs. Establishes and
sustains a comprehensive IAC program in support of DoD and federal science and technology
o. Supports program-specific STI management efforts through support and inter-service
agreements, in accordance with DoDI 4000.19 (Reference (an)).
p. Sustains a science and technology collaboration and networking environment to enhance
information sharing across the department and with industry partners.
q. Provides training on the principles and procedures of the DoD STIP.
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a. The STIP operates as a coordinated structure of decentralized activities with overall policy
direction and oversight vested in USD(R&E). Its purpose is to ensure that STI is appropriately
managed to enable scientific knowledge and technological innovations to be fully accessible to
the research community, industry, the military operational community, and the general public
within the boundaries of law, regulation, other directives and executive requirements.
b. The DoD STIP consists of many elements that facilitate and contribute to the acquisition,
production, reproduction, and distribution of intellectual property. Additionally, selected STIP
functions provide support to the management of selected Defense acquisition programs and the
DoD studies program.
c. Activities such as DTIC, the IACs, DoD databases, and technical libraries function as
repositories, custodians, and secondary distribution activities that maximize the return on
investment in R&E and studies.
d. Applicable plans and resources are applied to preserve essential STI when organizational
realignments, consolidations, and program cancellations eliminate the STI holdings of such
e. The DTIC provides centralized operation of specific STIP functions such as access and
dissemination of STI and database and reference services; sustains a collaboration and
networking environment to enhance information sharing among scientists, engineers, and the
operational community; and provides direct information system and database support in
coordinating the overall STIP.
f. A principal objective of the STIP is to improve the scope and effectiveness of collecting,
processing, distributing, and applying STI. The STIP applies the latest available technologies
and provides for maximum participation and compatibility among the information programs of
DoD Components, other federal agencies, the private sector, and international partners.
a. All policies and procedures governing the distribution of STI to the public are subject to
review and approval by the Washington Headquarters Services Defense Office of Prepublication
and Security Review or component public affairs personnel in accordance with Reference (s).
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b. Official DoD documents including, but not limited to, audio-visual materials or press
releases which meet the criteria in DoDD 5122.05 (Reference (ao)), are approved for public
release by the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.
a. In accordance with Reference (af), the DoD will maximize the free flow of scientific and
engineering information developed by or for DoD to the public.
b. Publicly releasable results of research arising directly from DoD funding and published in
peer-reviewed publications must be stored for long-term preservation and publicly accessible to
search, retrieve, and analyze in ways that maximize the impact and accountability of the DoDs
research investment. Final peer reviewed manuscripts or final published documents must be
available for reading, download, and analysis in digital form after a 12-month post-publication
embargo period.
c. Data management planning should be an integral part of research planning. The
responsible component will submit a copy of a document describing this plan to DTIC at the start
of the research project. Generally, the data management plan will not exceed 2 pages. It will
conform to a format established by the relevant research discipline or such other format that
meets the requirements of the responsible component, including, but not limited to:
(1) The types of data, software, and other materials to be produced.
(2) How the data will be acquired.
(3) Time and location of data acquisition, if scientifically pertinent.
(4) How the data will be processed.
(5) The file formats and the naming conventions that will be used.
(6) A description of the quality assurance and quality control measures during collection,
analysis, and processing.
(7) A description of dataset origin when existing data resources are used.
(8) A description of the standards to be used for data and metadata format and content.
(9) Appropriate timeframe for preservation.
(10) The plan may consider the balance between the relative value of data preservation
and other factors such as the associated cost and administrative burden. The plan will
provide a justification for such decisions.
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(11) A statement that the data cannot be made available to the public when there are
national security or controlled unclassified information concerns (e.g., “This data cannot be
cleared for public release in accordance with the requirements in DoD Directive 5230.09.”)
a. The overriding priority of the STIP is to ensure timely and effective exchange of all STI
generated by, or needed in, the conduct of DoD R&E programs. The publication and reporting
of such information frequently requires security safeguards or specific limitations on access or
b. Effective coordination is necessary among the STIP and programs involving technical
intelligence; information security management; foreign disclosure and other international
technology transfer activities; intellectual property counsel; technical data management; and
manpower, logistics, and acquisition systems. This coordination ensures maximum
compatibility, interchange of information, and avoidance of duplication of effort.
c. Every effort is made, under the limits of U.S. law, regulations, policy, and national
security requirements, to prepare technical documents and other types of DoD STI in an
unclassified, unlimited form and in accordance with established clearance procedures. Such use
of unclassified STI or of unclassified versions of DoD STI expedites information transfer in the
DoD and to the national scientific and technical community.
d. STI is protected in the interest of national security, in accordance with References (y) and
(j) or other statutory, regulatory, and policy provisions, including but not limited to References
(k), (m), (n), (p), (q), (r), (u), (v), (w), and (z).
e. STIP processes support and incorporate DoD policy to prevent the unauthorized export or
transfer of export-controlled technology and technical data, pursuant to parts 730-774 of Title 15,
and parts 120-130 of Title 22, CFR (References (ac) and (ab)) and as specified in References (q),
(u), and DoDI 2030.08 (Reference(ap)).
f. Proprietary data in which the DoD has less than unlimited rights is appropriately marked
and protected pursuant to subsections 252.227-7013, 252.227-7014, 252.227-7015, and
252.227.7018 of Title 48, CFR (Reference (aa)).
g. Requests for records pursuant to section 552 of Title 5, U.S.C. (Reference (aq)) are
processed in accordance with Reference (w).
a. A set of operational functions are required and are used to implement the policies and
procedures of the DoD STIP. The STIP functions involve recording and transferring STI from
its generator or source to the ultimate user or beneficiary. The STIP functions embrace a broad
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spectrum of activity from generation, publication, distribution, and storage, to access,
assimilation, and analysis of STI.
b. STI functions include, but are not limited to:
(1) The preparation, management, preservation, and distribution of STI.
(2) The provision of STI services, including acquisition, archival functions, repositories,
announcements, and various means of distribution, access, transmission, and analysis.
(3) The operation of data centers, IACs, technical libraries, and other information
activities that collect, store, process, and provide document, data, or information services in
direct support to information seekers or that act as intermediaries between the user and other STI
(4) The implementation and operation of database services, including numeric,
bibliographic, full-text, and management information databases, database processes and
products, and the application of electronic and telecommunications techniques for data entry,
storage, access, search, retrieval, and collaboration.
(5) The provision of information and decision-support systems and services for use in
management of R&E programs.
(6) The operation of directory or reference services to identify and locate available STI
and R&E capabilities and resources.
(7) The conduct and support of technical meetings and conferences.
(8) The provision of information exchange programs to facilitate transfer of technology
from DoD R&E programs to civilian purposes.
(9) The operation of programs to effect exchange of DoD technical planning,
requirements, and acquisition information across the DoD enterprise and with private sector
organizations engaging in DoD programs.
(10) The study of, and experimentation with, new methods and techniques in handling
STI and promoting the communication of new ideas or knowledge among scientists and
(11) The security aspects of information management to include systematic review,
maintenance, and notification of classified and controlled unclassified information.
(12) The development and implementation of mechanisms and techniques to foster the
awareness and use of STI resources, products, and services.
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Change 3, 12/17/2018 GLOSSARY
BA budget activity
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
DDRE(R&T) Director Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology
DMP data management plan
DoDD DoD Directive
DoDI DoD Instruction
DTIC Defense Technical Information Center
IAC Information Analysis Center
PL Public Law
R&E research and engineering
STI scientific and technical information
STIP scientific and technical information program
U.S.C. United States Code
USD(R&E) Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this instruction.
data. The digitally recorded factual material commonly accepted in the scientific community as
necessary to validate research findings, including data sets used to support scholarly
publications. It includes any publicly releasable digital data, algorithms, or other information
central to the conclusions of published peer-reviewed scientific research that would enable an
individual skilled in the discipline to verify or replicate any major claim presented in the
published scientific research. This does not include laboratory notebooks, preliminary analyses,
drafts of scientific papers, plans for future research, peer review reports, communications with
colleagues, or physical objects.
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data management plan. A document that describes which data generated through the course of
the proposed research will be shared and preserved and how it will be done. It may explain why
data sharing or preservation is not possible or scientifically appropriate, or why the costs of
sharing or preservation are incommensurate with the value of doing so.
embargo period. The time during which the publisher’s final copy of the publication is not
openly accessible.
final peer-reviewed manuscript. An author's final manuscript of a peer-reviewed paper accepted
for journal publication, including all modifications from the peer-review process.
final published article. A publisher’s authoritative copy of an article, including all modifications
from the publishing peer-review process, copyediting, stylistic edits, and formatting changes.
legitimate business relationship. When the DoD determines that a need exists to acquire, share,
exchange, or distribute DoD technical information to anyone other than a DoD government
employee for supporting the DoD mission. A legitimate business relationship may be
established by any agreeable means such as a memorandum of understanding, agreement,
contract, or grant. The DoD has the sole responsibility for determining that a legitimate business
relationship exists since the only purpose is to provide access to information created by, or under
the control of, the DoD. Such a relationship may be established with an individual or
organization in another federal department or agency; contractors, grantees, potential DoD
contractors; other branches of the federal government; State and local governments; and foreign
R&E. Includes science and technology programs (consisting of basic research, applied research,
and advanced technology development) programs, which are identified as BAs 1, 2, and 3
respectively, in Reference (e).
STI. Findings and technological innovations resulting from R&E efforts and science and
technology work of scientists, researchers, and engineers, whether contractor, grantee, or federal
staff. STI also conveys the results of demonstration and commercial application activities as
well as experiments, observations, simulations, studies, and analyses. STI is found in many
forms and formats including textual, graphical, numeric, multimedia, and digital data, technical
reports, scientific and technical conference papers and presentations, theses and dissertations,
scientific and technical computer software, journal articles, workshop reports, program
documents, patents, and other forms or formats of technical data. STI may be classified,
controlled unclassified information (including export controlled or personally identifiable
information), or unclassified publically releasable. DoD-funded STI originates primarily from
research and other activities performed by direct DoD-executed prime procurements, DoD-
operated research activities, and financial assistance recipients, as well as DoD employees.
STIP. A coordinated program to identify, assemble, organize, and preserve the results of DoD-
funded R&E and studies in a manner that supports accessibility to the broadest extent possible
within the boundaries of law, regulation, directive, or executive requirement.