A consumers guide to:
Choosing and using your homeowner insurance coverage
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
A message from the Insurance Commissioner:
Your home and personal
belongings are among
the most expensive items
you will purchase in your
lifetime. Make sure you
take the necessary steps to
protect your investment.
As a property owner, you
should prepare for the
possibility of property
loss from fire, lightning,
weather, burglary, theft, or even lawsuits due to
your negligence that cause property damage or
injury to others. Whether your home is a house,
condominium, manufactured home or duplex -- even
if youre a renter -- it is essential you are properly
protected and insured.
There are many factors to consider when you select
an insurer and decide on coverage. This guide can
help you determine what coverage meets your needs.
It includes general information on what homeowner
policies cover, the coverage limits, and tips on filing
a claim.
Please take the time to read through this guide before
you buy a policy.
If you still have questions after reviewing this
information, please call our Insurance Consumer
Hotline at 1-800-562-6900.
Mike Kreidler
Insurance Commissioner
Table of contents
Understanding your homeowner insurance policy Page 1
The declarations page
The policy
Types of coverage Page 2
Dwelling coverage
Coverage for other structures
Personal property coverage
Coverage for loss of use or additional living expenses
Medical payments coverage
Personal liability coverage
Additional coverages
Optional coverage Page 4
Home daycare
Home business
Sewer backup endorsement
Umbrella liability policies
Secondary residence premises endorsement
Watercraft endorsement
Credit card forgery and depositor’s forgery coverage endorsement
Other types of policies Page 5
Renters policy
Condominium owner policy
Mobile homeowner policy
Farm or ranch policy
Shopping for coverage Page 5
How to determine how much coverage you need
Factors that affect underwriting
The cost of homeowner insurance
Reducing your rates
Prepare ahead to ease the claims process
If you experience a loss Page 8
Additional homeowner insurance information Page 9
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Understanding your homeowner
insurance policy
The policy
The second part of your insurance contract is the
policy itself. This includes:
• Insuring agreements
• Definitions
• Conditions
Section one of your policy describes your property
coverages and the losses it covers.
Section two typically includes:
• Liability coverage (protection against claims
someone else makes against you)
• Premises medical coverage or accidental
injury coverage (pays the medical expenses
of others accidentally injured on your
Each section includes coverages, limitations,
exclusions, definitions, and conditions that apply
only to that section.
Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. It spells
out exactly what the company agrees to do in exchange for the premium you pay. It also
describes your responsibilities and the general terms of coverage. The contract is divided
into two basic sections: a declarations page and the policy itself.
The declarations page
This section of the contract includes basic details of
the agreement. Its important you review this page
to ensure that all the information is correct and the
coverages you requested are listed. The declarations
page includes:
• Name of the insurance company
• Name(s) of the person(s) insured
• Location of the insured residence
• The policy number
• Policy period
• Property covered
• Coverages purchased
• Limits of liability for each coverage
• Applicable deductibles
• Your premium
Make sure you review your declarations page
to verify your policy includes the types and
amounts of coverage you requested.
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Types of coverage
occupy, or buildings you use for business. If you
have an unusually large detached garage or several
outbuildings on your property, you may need to buy
additional coverage.
Personal property coverage
This coverage provides for repair or replacement
of your furnishings and personal items, such as
your TV, stereo, clothing, dishes, etc. The coverage
is usually 70 percent of the dwelling coverage for
replacement costs, depending on your insurance
company. Your replacement coverage is based on the
used value until you actually replace the item. This
means your insurance company will initially pay you
for the used value of your item. After you buy the
replacement item, your insurance company will pay
you the difference between the used value and the
actual replacement cost.
This coverage extends worldwide, but usually
provides only up to 10 percent of the personal
property coverage limit for property you keep at
another location. You may be able to buy increased
limits on personal property for an additional cost.
Insurance companies usually offer personal property
coverage on a named peril basis. This means that
the policy will specify and list the perils that trigger
coverage. Commonly covered perils include fire,
lightning, windstorm, hail, explosion, riot or civil
commotion, aircraft, vehicles, smoke, vandalism
and malicious mischief, theft, and damage caused by
falling objects.
Your policy may provide specific coverage limits
for specified property and perils, such as jewelry,
cameras, furs, art, silver, stamp collections, etc. Ask
your agent or insurer if you need to raise those limits.
Homeowner policies do have exclusions. For
example, they do not cover a roommate’s or renter’s
property, autos, and/or damage caused intentionally.
A homeowner policy is a protection package that
provides coverage for your home, personal property,
medical payments for others, and protection against
claims someone else makes against you. This type
of policy is available for primary residence homes
occupied by the owners. Its often referred to as a
package” policy.
There are a wide variety of homeowner policies
available, so be sure to read your policy to find out
what coverage your insurance company provides.
Following are some of the coverages that may be
included in your policy.
Dwelling coverage
This coverage provides for the repair or replacement
of your damaged or destroyed home and attached
structures, such as a garage or deck. Most
homeowner policies provide replacement coverage.
This coverage pays the actual cost to replace your
home up to the limit of your policy.
Some policies offer guaranteed replacement cost.
Under this policy, the company will pay the full
cost to replace your home, even if it is above the
policy limit.
Before you have a loss, discuss with your agent
or company how replacement costs work and the
conditions of the policy limit for your specific
Coverage for other structures
This coverage provides for the repair or replacement
of other permanent, separate, unattached structures
on your property. The limit is typically 10 percent of
the dwelling coverage. This coverage protects against
a loss to a detached garage, personal workshop or
detached fence. It usually will not provide coverage
for other buildings on your property that renters
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Coverage for loss of use or additional
living expenses
This coverage pays for your additional living
expenses if your house is deemed unlivable. For
example, if you cant stay in your home due to a
broken pipe that floods your home or a fire burns
down your house. However, your normal cost-of-
living expenses, such as your house payment or
utility bills, are not covered. Your policy usually will
include the loss of use or additional living expense
coverage at 20 percent of your dwelling coverage
limit without additional premium. Your policy may
include restrictions on this coverage, so check with
your agent or insurance company.
Medical payments coverage
This coverage pays the medical expenses of others
when they are accidentally injured on your property.
Most policies include at least $1,000 of coverage,
but higher limits may be available. Generally, this
coverage is limited to any non-resident on your
property with your permission. The insurance
company does not need to determine negligence
to pay the injured person or their provider. This
coverage also is called “good neighbor” coverage.
Personal liability coverage
This coverage pays expenses for bodily injury and
property damage sustained by others when you are
legally liable. For example, if you knew you had a
loose deck railing and someone leaned on it, and
fell off your deck and was hurt, you would be liable.
Most policies include at least $100,000 of coverage,
but higher limits may be available. When deciding
how much coverage to buy, think about the value of
your total assets, and how much you might lose if
someone successfully sued you for damages.
Personal liability coverage extends beyond your
property location. The coverage goes with you
wherever you go.
Additional coverages
This type of coverage generally provides for debris
removal, damage to trees, plants and shrubs.
Additional coverages also may include credit card
coverage. This protects you if someone steals your
credit card and makes unauthorized charges.
Your policy may cap the amount of coverage in this
category, and it may limit the coverage to specific
perils. Check with your agent or insurer to see what
additional coverages are available.
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Optional coverage
Home business
Your insurance company may offer home business
coverage. Each insurance company defines the
type of home business it is willing to cover on a
homeowner policy.
Umbrella liability policies
These policies extend your coverage above the limits
of the liability coverage you already have through
your homeowner and auto policies. They provide
you with an extra layer of protection. Normally, these
policies pay after you exhaust the liability limit of
your homeowner and auto policies.
Secondary residence premises
This coverage provides protection for a secondary
residence, such as a summer home.
Watercraft endorsement
This endorsement provides coverage for small
sailboats and outboard motor boats. It broadens
personal liability and medical payments coverage.
There are size limitations to watercraft and engine
horsepower, so discuss this with your agent before a
loss occurs.
Credit card forgery and depositor’s
forgery coverage endorsement
This coverage provides protection against loss, theft,
or unauthorized use of credit cards. It also covers
the forgery of any check, draft, or promissory note.
No deductible applies to this endorsement. However,
check with your agent to see if this coverage has
any exceptions.
The following optional coverages or endorsements
(a written form attached to your insurance policy
that alters your policys coverage, terms, or
conditions) will apply to your policy only if they are
listed separately on the declarations page. Generally,
they require an additional premium.
This coverage provides for repair or replacement
of your home following an earthquake. Not all
companies offer this coverage. For those that do,
you may have to meet specific requirements to
qualify. For example, the insurance company may
require you to retrofit your home for earthquakes,
or require you to strap your hot water tank to a
wall. The amount of this coverage will match your
dwelling coverage, but you will have a separate
deductible, usually 10 to 20 percent of the coverage
amount. Your insurance company may offer higher
deductibles. Your policy will define what constitutes
an earthquake, and list any limitations that
may apply.
Your homeowner policy will not cover flooding.
You must buy flood insurance separately. It provides
coverage due to physical losses caused by flood,
flood-related erosion, and abnormal tidal surges
and mudslides. If your property is located in an
area with a high chance of flooding, your lender
may require you to obtain this coverage. Flood
insurance is available through the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP). For more information,
contact your insurance agent, or the NFIP at 1-888
FLOOD29 (1-888-356-6329), or at www.floodsmart.
Home daycare
Home daycare insurance provides liability coverage
for daycare operations you conduct in your home
when you care for a limited number of children.
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Renters policy
This coverage provides protection for personal
possessions and personal liability when you rent an
apartment or house.
Condominium owner policy
If you own a condominium, this policy covers your
internal unit. It covers items, such as your cabinets,
fixtures, flooring, wall coverings, appliances, custom
features, etc. Your condominium associations policy
covers the main portion of the building and the
common areas. You can also buy Loss Assessment
coverage. This coverage helps you pay for an
assessment the association may charge you to help
them pay for covered losses that occur to common
areas. Some condominium owner policies may
Determine how much coverage you need
Insurance companies use established formulas to
help them decide the appropriate limits of dwelling
and structure coverage. These calculations take into
consideration the same type of information used in
real estate appraisals, such as:
• Construction materials
• Type of floor plan (two-story, split level,
ranch, etc.)
• Total square footage
• Number and types of rooms
• Type of garage or carport
• Special features
Your replacement cost of your home may not be
similar to your local governments assessed value for
tax purposes or the current market value. They use
different criteria to establish those values.
Once you establish the appropriate coverage amount
for your home, you should review this information
annually. This will ensure your coverage maintains
pace with inflation and other changes that affect the
cost to repair or replace any damage to your home.
Most policies automatically adjust your dwelling
limit at renewal, so you may want to review it to
make sure you have adequate coverage.
Whenever you make changes to your home, such
as additions or major improvements, notify your
insurance company. This is important — it can affect
the amount of coverage you will need to maintain
full replacement cost coverage should you have a
loss after renovations or improvements. Talk to
your agent before you make major improvements or
Other types of policies
include Loss Assessment coverage in the basic policy.
Be sure to ask your agent or insurer.
Mobile homeowner policy
This is a package insurance policy written
specifically for mobile homes. It includes coverage on
the mobile home and the contents. It also includes
theft and liability protection.
Farm or ranch policy
Coverage for a farm or ranch is similar to a
homeowner policy in many ways. However, due
to the many types of structures and equipment
typically used on farms, the insurer can customize a
farm policy to cover many items and property.
Shopping for coverage
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Factors that affect underwriting
Credit information – Your insurance
company may ask you to provide
information about any bankruptcy,
judgments, or credit problems. They may
also obtain your credit history from one of
the national credit reporting companies.
Your insurance company may also require an
inspection of the property. Once the policy is issued,
they may require a re-inspection prior to a renewal.
The cost of homeowner insurance
State law requires insurance companies to submit
proposed rates and rate changes to our office for
review. These requests must include sufficient
financial information to justify the need for
the requested rate. If we are satisfied with the
justification, we are required by law to approve
the request.
Insurance companies base homeowner rates on a
variety of factors. Your premium consists of a “base
rate” amount the insurance company adjusts up or
down to reflect specific risk factors. While the weight
given to these risk factors will vary by company, the
major factors are fairly universal. They include:
Territory rating – Homeowner rates may
vary according to geographical region.
Some areas are more prone to wind or water
damage. The crime rate and emergency
response time in an area also can impact
your rate.
ConstructionWood frame construction
is at greater risk from fire and other types
of loss than homes built with concrete or
masonry. However, masonry structures are
more susceptible to earthquake damage than
wood structures.
All insurance companies set underwriting and rating
guidelines. They use these guidelines to determine
whether to offer you coverage and how much to
charge you. The factors that affect underwriting may
include, but are not limited to:
Property information – This includes your
street address, the year your house was built,
number of living units, type of construction
material, type of foundation, living space
square footage, number of rooms, age of
the roof, roofing materials, and the age of
heating, plumbing, and electrical systems.
Community fire protection – These factors
include the distance from your home to the
nearest fire department and fire hydrant,
and the fire departments response time.
Prior insurance – Insurance companies look
at your prior insurance history. For example,
if you own an uninsured property for several
years, and then decide to insure it, you will
have a more difficult time getting insurance.
Insurance companies believe this shows a
lack of responsibility by the homeowner.
Claims and occurrence history – Your
insurance company may ask you to disclose
both claims and occurrences from the
past. A claim is a loss you reported to the
company for coverage. An occurrence is
either a loss you did not report, or if you
did report it, it did not result in an opened
or processed claim. Insurance companies
believe this represents the potential for loss,
and may ask you about such events.
Stability – Your insurance company will ask
you for information, such as your occupation
and how long you have worked for your
current employer.
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Reducing your rates
Every insurance company that provides homeowner
coverage uses its own package of “special” discounts
to market its products to particular types of
customers. The following list contains suggestions
on how to reduce your rates. Be sure to ask your
agent about:
Member discount – Some insurers offer
a discount when youre a member of an
affiliated organization.
Long-time customers – Some insurers offer
discounts to long-time customers with no
claims history.
Multiple policies – If you have your home,
auto, liability, and other policies with the
same company, it may offer a discount.
Protection devices – If you have smoke
detectors, burglar alarms, or automatic
sprinkler systems, the company may offer a
In addition to the discounts listed above, you may
want to think about choosing a higher deductible to
reduce your rates. If you have a lien holder, they may
require a minimum deductible amount.
Amount of insurance – Your premium will
vary depending on the replacement cost of
your home. Remember, the cost to actually
rebuild your home may exceed its current
market value or sales price. Talk to your
agent to find out if you have an adequate
amount of coverage.
Credit history – Under federal law (Fair
Credit Reporting Act), insurance companies
can use credit history as one factor that
impacts your homeowner rate. They may
assign you an insurance score based on your
credit history. They use your score as one
factor to decide whether to accept or decline
your coverage, or how much to charge you.
However, the Insurance Commissioner
believes the use of credit information in
insurance is inherently unfair. The law limits
the use of certain information in credit
scoring. For more information, go to www.
Claims history – Some companies may
charge you more based on the number of
claims you have filed. They may even cancel
your coverage if you made several claims.
Every company is different. Talk to your
agent to find out how his or her company
handles claims history.
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Prepare ahead to ease the claims process
Insurance is something you hope you never have to
use, but if you should ever need to file a claim after
experiencing a loss, the following suggestions can
make the process easier:
Written inventory Create and regularly
update a written inventory of your homes
Video/photographic record – Videotape or
photograph the contents of your home,
and the exterior from different viewpoints
and angles.
• Notify your agent or insurance company.
• Ask your agent or insurance company what
documents, forms, and other data you need
to get your claim processed.
If you experience a loss
• Review your policy and ask your agent or
insurance company for an explanation of
what is covered.
Appraisals – Have someone appraise your
jewelry, antiques, stamps, coins, and other
valuable collectibles.
Document security – Keep your insurance
policy, home inventory, appraisals, photos
and video records in a secure secondary
location (such as a safety deposit box or
cloud storage). Update your records and
documentation annually.
• Protect your property from further damage.
Save the receipts for temporary repairs, and
submit them to the insurance company
for reimbursement. You should not make
permanent repairs until after your insurance
company has inspected the damaged
• If you are unable to live in your home, tell
your agent or insurance company where they
can reach you.
• Itemize your losses and include copies
of receipts for larger items, such as large
appliances, furniture, expensive cameras,
and computer and electronic equipment.
If the loss is due to a criminal act, such
as burglary or theft, notify your local law
enforcement agency.
You must prove your loss – and receipts are the
best way to do it. If you dont have receipts, then
photos of the damaged or missing items may help
document the loss. Promotional brochures and
other information may be helpful as well. If your
insurance company requires you to submit a “proof
of loss” form, complete and submit it in a timely
and accurate manner. This will help prevent claim
processing delays. Keep complete copies for your
Additional homeowner insurance
For more information about homeowner insurance, check our homeowner section on the web at www.
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Need more help?
Call our Insurance Consumer Hotline!
Our professional consumer advocates enforce insurance law and can investigate complaints
against insurance companies and agents on your behalf.
We also offer individual counseling and group education on health care issues in your
communities. Our highly trained volunteer Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors
(SHIBA) can help you understand your rights and options about health care coverage,
prescription drugs, government programs, and more.
Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
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