Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Unica Journey.....................................................................1
Features of Unica Journey....................................................................................................1
Benets of Unica Journey.................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2. Getting started with Unica Journey.................................................................. 3
Chapter 3. Entry Sources.................................................................................................. 7
Creating Entry sources..........................................................................................................7
Operations on Entry sources listing page......................................................................... 11
Adding or removing the listed columns in Entry sources......................................... 11
Modifying an Entry source.......................................................................................... 12
Moving Entry sources to another folder.................................................................... 13
Deleting Entry sources................................................................................................ 13
Mailchimp Conguration.....................................................................................................14
Chapter 4. Data Denitions............................................................................................. 17
Creating Data denitions.................................................................................................... 17
Operations on Data denitions listing page......................................................................18
Adding or removing the listed columns in Data denitions......................................19
Modifying a Data denition.........................................................................................20
Moving Data denitions to another folder.................................................................21
Deleting Data denitions............................................................................................. 22
Chapter 5. Journeys........................................................................................................ 23
Creating Journeys............................................................................................................... 24
Designing the canvas..........................................................................................................26
Contents | iii
Conguring an Email Touchpoint............................................................................... 30
Conguring an SMS Touchpoint.................................................................................33
Conguring a Salesforce Touchpoint.........................................................................35
Conguring a WhatsApp Touchpoint......................................................................... 36
Conguring Mobile Push Touchpoint.........................................................................37
Journey controls.......................................................................................................... 38
Additional operations on Journey canvas................................................................. 60
Operations on Journey listing page...................................................................................65
Fields in Journey listing pages...................................................................................65
Adding or removing listed columns in Journeys.......................................................69
Import Journey.............................................................................................................69
Modifying the details of a Journey............................................................................ 71
Moving Journeys to another folder............................................................................71
Export Journey.............................................................................................................72
Deleting Journeys........................................................................................................ 72
Duplicating a Journey..................................................................................................73
Journey Settings or Deduplication.....................................................................................73
Journey Records Validation................................................................................................75
Journey Goals......................................................................................................................76
Journey statistics................................................................................................................ 80
Journey Status.....................................................................................................................83
Viewing published Journeys....................................................................................... 83
Viewing draft Journeys............................................................................................... 84
Viewing paused Journeys........................................................................................... 85
Contents | iv
Viewing completed Journeys......................................................................................85
Chapter 6. Journey chaining........................................................................................... 93
Chapter 7. Journey Template.......................................................................................... 94
Chapter 8. Create Stop Audience.................................................................................... 95
Using Stop Audience to pause the Journey for a few users............................................95
Chapter 9. Offer Integration with Journey....................................................................... 98
Deliver Offer Integration......................................................................................................98
Link Offer Integration........................................................................................................ 103
Interact Next Best Offers (NBO)...................................................................................... 105
Contact History/Response History Tracking...................................................................107
Chapter 10. Settings..................................................................................................... 109
Setting a default email connection..................................................................................109
Setting a default SMS connection................................................................................... 109
Setting a default CRM connection...................................................................................110
Setting a default ADTECH Connection............................................................................111
Setting a default LinkedIn connection.............................................................................111
Setting a default Database connection........................................................................... 112
Manage connections.........................................................................................................112
REST Integration................................................................................................................116
Creating a new REST integration..............................................................................116
Viewing REST integration list................................................................................... 118
Modifying an existing REST integration...................................................................118
Deleting REST integrations....................................................................................... 118
Developer Tools.................................................................................................................119
Contents | v
API Documentation....................................................................................................119
Chapter 11. Basic features............................................................................................120
Help.................................................................................................................................... 121
Prole information.............................................................................................................122
Chapter 12. Common features...................................................................................... 123
Creating a folder........................................................................................................124
Searching a folder..................................................................................................... 124
Editing a folder...........................................................................................................125
Viewing a folder.........................................................................................................125
Viewing artifacts within a folder.............................................................................. 126
Moving a folder or multiple folders..........................................................................127
Deleting a folder or multiple folders........................................................................ 128
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Unica Journey
Unica Journey is a goal-based orchestration solution to craft, execute, and visualize context-
driven, personalized, multi-step omnichannel customer experiences.
Marketers can use Unica Journey to:
Dene goals for customer experience
Easily adjust journeys in real time to achieve them
Craft and visualize entire customer Journey across channels/touchpoints and events
with a sleek and intuitive Journey Canvas
Customer journeys are completely automated and synchronized with every step of your
customer’s brand engagement. Use the real-time Insights within Journey to understand
customer behavior with insights that reect things as they happen in their Journey.
Features of Unica Journey
The features of Unica Journey are as follows:
Goal driven Experiences: Dene goals for your customer experience and easily adjust
your journeys in real time to achieve them.
Orchestration Canvas: Craft and visualize your entire customer Journey across
channels/touchpoints and events with a sleek and intuitive Journey Canvas.
Always on Engagement: Completely automated execution that is in sync with every
step of your customer’s brand engagement.
Real-time Insights: Understand your customer behavior with insights that reect
things as they happen in their journeys.
Choice of Touchpoints: Leverage the out of the box native touchpoints for digital
channels or craft a custom touchpoint and seamlessly orchestrate the journey across
your eco system.
Dynamic Data Framework: Flexible data denition and entry sources to augment
customer journey with contextual data and events from multiple touchpoints and in
variety of formats (File, API, etc.)
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 1 - An Introduction to Unica Journey | 2
Benets of Unica Journey
The benets of Unica Journey are as follows:
Increased Brand Loyalty: Strengthen your brand following with targeted and
automated journeys that acquire, nurture, convert and retain customers.
Amplied Omni Channel Engagement: Deliver a consistent customer experience
across channels with native integration for outbound (Unica Campaign) and inbound
engagement (Unica Interact, Unica Deliver, and Unica Discover).
Shorten your Customer Conversion Cycle: Be a step ahead and drive your customer
to their goals with timely next best actions.
React to the Moment: You will not miss any opportunity to know where your customer
is on their journey and delight them with relevant experience.
Lower Marketing TCO: Reduce your marketing TCO with automated ows and
plug and play integration to your MarTech ecosystem through an open and exible
framework powered by the Unica Link.
Chapter 2. Getting started with Unica Journey
The following sections will explain the basic ow of events in designing Journeys.
Dene the entry source of data coming in to the Journey
The rst step is to in designing a Journey is dening and creating an entry source for
Journey. Unica Journey can receive input data from variety of entry sources. These sources
input data into the Journey application. There are two types of entry sources available in
Journey to support input of audience data into Journey:
1. File-based entry sources - Supported le types are CSV, TSV, and JSON. You can
create this type of entry source if you need to get the static data input in Journey.
Real-time entry sources - Supports the following types of entry source:
REST API entry source - This type of entry source supports input of data, at
runtime, in Journey. You can use the REST endpoint to input data into Journey
from external systems.
Kafka entry source - This type of entry source supports input of data, at runtime,
in Journey. You can input data from the external systems to Journey using the
Kafka entry source. Unica Campaign and Unica Interact also uses the Kafka to
send audience data to Unica Journey. Journey provides a dedicated Kafka topic
for this data input.
Unica Campaign - This type of entry source supports input of data, at runtime,
in Journey. You can input data from Unica Campaign to Journey using Unica
Campaign entry source.
When Unica Campaign entry source is selected, detail of all the Campaign
owcharts sending data to the selected Campaign entry source is
displayed. Information includes Campaign Name, Campaign ID, Flowchart
Name, Flowchart ID, and Last Run Date Time.
Unica Interact - This type of entry source does not require any input for creating
entry source. Once the entry source is created, the unique code is used to send
data from Interact to Journey.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 2 - Getting started with Unica Journey | 4
Unica Discover - This type of entry source does not require any input for
creating entry source. Once the entry source is created, the unique code is used
to send data from Discover to Journey.
Note: The option of Unica Interact and Unica Discover are available from
V12.1 Fixpack3.
Dene the format of data coming in to the Journey
Unica Journey accepts data from variety of sources. Since it accepts data from variety of
sources, it should know the format of the data coming into the entry sources. You should
create a Data Denition in Unica Journey to dene the format of the data. When creating
Data Denitions, specify the Field Names, Data Type, Date format (for date type eld) and
length of the input eld. Journey uses this to identify the format of the data coming in.
Create a Journey with Data Denition and Entry Source
You can create a Journey with multiple Entry Sources. Journey gives you the exibility to
use multiple sources for inputs like Files, Kafka, Unica Campaign, Unica Interact, Unica
Discover, REST etc. You can add an Entry Source or delete an Entry Source during creation
of a Journey or modication of a Journey. Additionally, you must assign a Data denition to
the Journey. Data Denition helps Journey identify the format of the data coming into the
Journey. You can add only one Data Denition in the Journey. Once the data denition is
assigned, and the Journey is published, you cannot change the Data Denition. You can only
change the Data Denition when you are in the draft state, but it can delete the conguration
Touchpoints in the Journey.
Design a Journey
You can design a Journey using the Journey controls and the Touchpoints that are available
in the Palette. The Palette is divided in two categories:
Touchpoints - allows to integrate with delivery channels.
Controls - helps user to design Journey execution logic.
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Journey Touchpoints
The following table lists the Touchpoints and a brief description about it:
Icon Touchpoint Description
Email Sends email communication using Unica
Deliver or Unica Link
SMS Sends SMS communication using Unica
Salesforce Performs CRM operations like add or update
of contacts and leads using Unica Link.
WhatsApp Sends WhatsApp messages using Unica De
AdTech AdTech helps to sync audience from journey
and campaign to the AdTech platforms like
LinkedIn Facebook and Twitter.
Mobile Push Sends Mobile Push messages using Unica
Journey Controls
The following table lists the Journey control and a brief description about it:
Icon Journey control name Description
Decision Allows Journey designer to split the
Journey ow based on configured con
ditions on the audience data.
Engagement Allows Journey designer to split the
Journey ow based on the audience re
sponse to any Touchpoint actions
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Icon Journey control name Description
Join Allows Journey designer to join the da
ta ow from two branches.
Delay Allows Journey designer to introduce a
delay in execution for the Journey audi
ence in a defined stage.
Orchestration Controls
The following table lists the Orchestration control and a brief description about it:
Orchestration control
Publish Allows a designed Journey to output
the Journey data to a at le, a Kafka
topic, or Entry Sources of type Kafka
Database Enable orchestration with other system
by inserting/updating database row or
updating a raw SQL. This will be exe
cuted for every record in the Journey.
Rest API It helps to integrate any available REST
API with Journey.
Chapter 3. Entry Sources
Entry source is the source from which you are providing data for the Journey. A Journey can
have one or multiple entry sources.
Creating Entry sources
To create Entry Sources, complete the following steps.
1. In the Entry Sources menu, click + Entry source.
The Create entry source page appears.
Provide appropriate values for the following elds.
Name- Mandatory
Description- Optional
3. If you want to save the Entry Source in a location different than the root (/) folder, click
Browse and select the required folder.
In the Import data from section, select from one of the following options:
a. Upload File - CSV, TSV, JSON.
b. Real Time - REST API, KAFKA, Unica Campaign, Unica Interact, Unica Discover
Use CSV, TSV, and JSON when you have a static data of customers. Use
REST API, Kafka, Unica Campaign, Unica Interact and Unica Discover
for transactional mode.
In case of CSV, TSV, and JSON, you can add multiple les. If Journey
encounters duplicate data, it will either update the data or discard the
data based on the settings made in Journey Settings or Deduplication
(on page 73). Even if you have not congured Deduplication settings,
Journey accepts the new data and processes the newly added les.
CSV - If you select this option, upload the appropriate CSV data le.
TSV - If you select this option, upload the appropriate TSV data le.
JSON - If you select this option, upload the appropriate JSON data le.
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REST API - If you select this option, you will receive a static URL to which you
can push the data dynamically.
a. Generate REST API keys. For more information, see Creating a new REST
integration (on page 116).
b. Generate the authentication token using the URL http://
c. To authenticate this URL, use the REST API keys, generated in step (a).
d. To send the data to Journey use Rest API mentioned above use the
authentication token and entrySourceCode while sending the data.
e. entrySourceCode is mandatory to send data on REST Entry Source.
Kafka - If you select this option, you will see a dedicated Kafka topic name on
which you can post your data. By default, STREAMING_IMPORT is selected
as Kafka topic name. New Kafka topic name can be added by clicking on the
button. A new topic of the given name will be created on KAFKA. If for any
reason (example server down) the topic is not created on Kafka, then an error
message will be displayed saying Unable to create KAFKA topic ES creation
fails. User will then have to choose a different name or retry after some time.
Note: When user wants to use multiple kafka brokers and they start
their engine with single kafka broker, then topics by default get created
on this single broker. Later, when user updates the broker list then
kafka doesn’t replicate the topics on other brokers because at the
time of installation the replication value was set to one. Hence, during
installation only, user needs to specify whether they want to use kafka
with multiple brokers or with single broker.
Cluster Kafka:
Kafka Broker list: <BROKER_HOST1>:<PORT>,
Information message on the broker list format.
What it shall do:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 3 - Entry Sources | 9
a. Update engine and web application properties with below
JourneyEngine :
We added below property in journey_master_cong.properties
le in Journey Engine. Need to update from installer according to
number of broker.
journey.kafka.replications = <Number of Brokers>
JourneyWeb :
We added below property in JounreyWeb/application.properties
le in Journey web. Need to update from installer according to
number of broker.
journey.kafka.customtopic.replications = <Number of Brokers>
Note: Internal kafka topic name cannot be used for creating the custom
kafka topic ES. Once the topic name is congured and saved, then
topic name cannot be edited. In case of deletion of Entry Source the
underlying KAFKA topic will not be deleted.
User can integrate their choice of external sources without requesting an
enhancement to Unica. They can build this integration with Journey by adding
the plugin in CIF. Please refer the Unica Content Integration Developer Guide for
more information.
Also, we ship integration with mailchimp out of the box, for more information
on how to congure this integration, please refer Unica Content Integration
Installation and Conguration Guide
Users can also add external entry source with the help of Sync external source
button present next to the Kafka Topic Name.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 3 - Entry Sources | 10
a. Click on Sync external entry source
The Add source page appears.
b. Provide appropriate values for the following elds.
Select source repository - Select repository from the dropdown of
the eld.
Select audience or event type - Select audience or event type from
the dropdown of the eld.
Select Journey data denition - click Browse and select the
required data denition.
c. The Field Mapping dialog appears.
Map the Journey data denition elds with the appropriate source
repository elds.
e. Click Save & close
Selected external source along with date and time appears on the create entry
source page. Select the icon for viewing external source details. Select
the icon for editing external source details. Select the icon to delete the
selected entry source.
Unica Campaign - If you select this option, then you can send data from Unica
Campaign to Journey. The token validity of platform should be increased
manually to 10800 seconds (3 hours) because the default token validity of
platform is 15 seconds. Due to this an error message is displayed on the
campaign entry source screen that Campaign login failed OR session expired.
Try Relogin into application.
Platform -> Settings -> Conguration -> General -> Miscellaneous -> Token lifetime
Note: After increasing the validity restart the Campaign application.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 3 - Entry Sources | 11
Unica Interact - If you select this option, then you can send data from Unica
Interact to Journey.
Unica Discover - If you select this option, then you can send data from Unica
Discover to Journey.
Click Create entry source.
Note: For CSV and TSV type le entry source, the rst row in le type entry
source should be the data denition eld names (with exact case and spelling
as mentioned in corresponding data denition). It is not applicable for Json
type le entry source.
Note: Data passed in entry source in case of date elds (if the eld is of
datatype date in data denition to be used in Journeys) should match with
the date format entered in data denition to avoid any inconsistencies in data
Operations on Entry sources listing page
The Entry Sources listing page lists all the entry sources that you have created. You can
customize the view or make modications to the listed entry sources.
You can perform the following operations on the Entry Sources listing page.
Adding or Removing the listed Columns in Entry Sources (on page 11)
Modifying an Entry Source (on page 12)
Moving Entry Sources to another Folder (on page 13)
Deleting Entry Sources (on page 13)
Adding or removing the listed columns in Entry sources
The Entry Source listing page lists the Entry Sources for the specied folder. The default
columns can be customized as per requirement.
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Default elds appear by default and you cannot remove default elds from the view.
The following table lists all the available column elds.
Table 1. Available Column Fields in
Entry Sources Listing
Field Name
Code Yes
Created By No
Created On No
Description No
Entry Source Name Yes
Last Modified By No
Last Modified On Yes
Source Yes
Status Yes
To customize the Entry Source listing view, complete the following steps:
1. Select Add/Remove Column.
2. Select or Deselect the elds that you want to add or remove. Click Reset Default if you
want to view default elds.
3. Click Apply to save the selection.
Modifying an Entry source
You can make modications to Entry Sources that you have created. The modications
are dependent on the status of an Entry Source. An Entry Source status is In Use, if it is
associated with a Journey of any state (Draft, Completed, Paused, or Published). An Entry
Source status is Idle if it is not associated with a Journey. If an Entry Source status is Idle,
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 3 - Entry Sources | 13
you can modify all elds. If an Entry Source status is In Use, you can modify the Name,
Description, and Folder elds, and also add les to the Entry Source.
You cannot modify the value of the Import data from eld. For example, you cannot change
the entry source type from CSV to TSV, or other options.
You can modify the Name, Description, and Folder during modication of an entry source.
To modify an entry source, complete the following steps:
1. Hover the cursor over the required Entry Source.
2. Select > . Alternatively, click the Entry Source Name.
3. Make the required modications. For more information, see Creating Entry sources
(on page 7).
4. To save the modications, click Update entry source.
Moving Entry sources to another folder
You can move a single Entry Source or multiple Entry Sources from one folder to another.
To move an entry source, or multiple entry sources, complete the following steps.
Use one of the following methods:
a. To move a single entry source, you can either hover the cursor over the required
entry source and select > , or select the checkbox preceding the
required entry source and click Move to folder.
b. To move multiple entry sources, select the checkbox preceding the required
entry sources and click Move to folder.
2. Select the required destination folder and click Move here.
Deleting Entry sources
To delete an entry source, you have to access the Entry Source listing page. You can only
delete Entry Sources whose Status is Idle.
You cannot delete an entry source which is in use by a Journey or multiple Journeys.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 3 - Entry Sources | 14
To delete an entry source, or multiple entry sources, complete the following steps.
Use one of the following methods.
a. To delete an entry source, you can either hover the cursor over the required entry
source and select > , or select the checkbox preceding the required entry
source and click Delete.
b. To delete multiple entry sources, select the checkbox preceding the required entry
sources and click Delete.
Mailchimp Conguration
Conguration of Mailchimp as external source with Journey.
Navigate to Unica Platform > Settings > Conguration
From Conguration categories page navigate to Journey > Integration > dataSources
For Adding Journey datasource
1. Click systemcongurationTemplates
The systemCongurationTemplates page appears.
Provide the below information:
New category name: <Journey>
systemIdentier: Journey
userCredentials: Default user
defaultUserCredentials : asm_Admin
dataSourceNameForCredentials : <JOURNEY_DS_1>
AdditionalParameters :
event-publisher-service.kafka.topics: CIFINTEGRATION
event-publisher-service.kafka.topics.CIFINTEGRATION.value.format: Json
3. Click Save.
Expand the Journey node and click httpGateway
The Settings for 'httpGateway' page appears.
Provide below information:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 3 - Entry Sources | 15
baseUrl : http:<hostname>:<port>/journey
Click on Kafka conguration link and add below information
Bootstrap servers (comma separated list of hosts) : <Kafkahost>:<port>
e.g. <IP OR Hostname>:9092
For Adding Mailchimp datasource
1. Click systemcongurationTemplates
The systemCongurationTemplates page appears.
2. Provide the below information:
New category name: <Mailchimp>
systemIdentier: Mailchimp
userCredentials: Default user
defaultUserCredentials : asm_Admin
dataSourceNameForCredentials : <Mailchimp_DS>
3. Click Save.
Expand the Mailchimp node and Click httpGateway
The Settings for 'httpGateway' page appears.
Provide below information
baseUrl : https://<MailchimpHostname>/<Version>/
User needs to add these datasources in Journey. User need to gather below
a. Journey Data Source UserId and password. Navigate to Journey application
> Settings > Rest either create a new Rest Integration or use existing rest
integration. Copy clientid and Client Secret.
Mailchimp data source userid and password. Login to Mailchimp application
and Navigate to Prole > Extra > API keys. Get the api keys and User column
name will be user
In mailchimp a/c add Webhook url as below:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 3 - Entry Sources | 16
Navigate to Platform Settings > Users
Click on Required user e.g. asm_Admin
Click on Edit dataSources link and add below data sources
Mailchimp_DS - user: <user> and password <API key>
JOURNEY_DS_1 - user: <clientid> and password <Client Secret>
Navigate to Unica Platform > Settings > conguration > Unica Platform > Security >
API management > Unica Content Integration
Click API conguration template and add below information
New category name : <Mailchimp>
API URI : /webhook/Mailchimp/events/*
Require authentication for API access - unselected
Click Save
After performing these steps Mailchimp will be added as external source in Journey.
If the user congures an external source in Journey, keep the following
properties as False. This will allow the user to get the data from
external source as per signicant eld congured in Journey data
deduplication settings.
In Platform, navigate to Settings > Conguration >
Journey > Journey Conguration and set the value of the
Validation_On_Journey_Records property to False.
For conguring external source user must install Unica Content
Integration component while installing or upgrading Unica Platform as a
Chapter 4. Data Denitions
Data denitions are the schema of your data.
Data Handling
Data handling processes valid data or invalid data and either accepts it or reject it.
Signicant/Email - Email format should be correct. Any invalid email format will be rejected.
This eld cannot be blank or NULL when being passed from entry source
Signicant/Number - Only numeric values allowed. Non-numeric values, and NULL values or
blank values are rejected.
Required elds - When a signicant eld or a non-signicant eld is marked as Required, its
value cannot be NULL or blank in the Entry Source. The character limit specied would be
the maximum limit of the eld. Any value exceeding the mentioned length will be rejected.
These required eld validations are an addition to the signicant eld validations, in case a
eld is marked both Required and Signicant
Creating Data denitions
To create Data Denitions, complete the following steps.
1. In the Data Denitions menu, click + Data denition.
The Create data denition page appears.
Provide appropriate values for the following elds
3. If you want to save the Data Denition in a location different than the root (/) folder,
click Browse and select the required folder.
For the Field details section, add eld details for contacting the customer in an
automated manner. Each eld detail contains the following combination of values.
Field name- Should match your data.
Signicant eld- The eld Journey uses to communicate with the user.
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Data type- The data type of the eld. For example, String, Numeric, or Date.
If you select the Date datatype, a new eld appears. Type a date format and
suggestions will appear in the dropdown box. Only the values selected from the
dropdown box are valid values. If you enter any invalid format, data denition
gets created but it results in a processing error.
Masked data - Indicates whether to mask the eld information or not. If this
box is checked, then the respective eld details are masked. Box needs to be
checked explicitly. None of the elds are checked by default. For old DD the
elds are unchecked for masking.
Required- Indicates if a eld is mandatory to be passed into the Entry Source.
For more information, see Data Denitions (on page 17).
Character limit- Maximum number of characters allowed in the value when a
eld is marked as Required.
Create single or multiple eld details. To add more eld details, click + Field. To
remove existing eld details, click the icon.
Click Create data denition.
Note: Journey supports all Java Date formats in data denition as free text
eld apart from the available options is dropdown.
Note: Existing date formats available with space as delimiter, Journey data
denition also support date formats with delimiter "/" , " ." , " -"
Operations on Data denitions listing page
The Data Denitions listing page lists all the data denitions that you have created. You can
customize the view or make modications to the listed data denitions.
You can perform the following operations on the Data Denitions listing page.
Adding or removing the listed columns in Data denitions (on page 19)
Modifying a Data Denition (on page 20)
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 4 - Data Definitions | 19
Moving Data Denitions to another Folder (on page 21)
Deleting Data Denitions (on page 22)
Adding or removing the listed columns in Data denitions
The Data Denitions listing page lists the Data Denitions for the specied folder. The
default columns can be customized as per requirement.
The following table lists all the available column elds.
Table 2. Available column elds in Data Denitions listing
Field Name Default Field?
Code Yes
Created By No
Created On No
Definition Name Yes
Description No
Journeys Associated No
Last Modified By No
Last Modified On Yes
Status Yes
To customize the Data Denitions listing view, complete the following steps:
1. Select Add/Remove Column.
2. Select or Deselect the elds that you want to add or remove. Click Reset Default if you
want to view default elds.
Click Apply to save the selection.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 4 - Data Definitions | 20
User can add new elds in Data Denition even if it is in use. Also,
Journey allows adding new elds to Data Denitions even if the Data
denition is in use.
If a Data Denition is in use by a Journey, and if you add any extra
elds to the Data Denition, to see the new data in a Published Kafka
topic, Published CSV le, and Published Kafka Entry Source, pause and
republish the Journey associated with the Data Denition.
In Kafka entry source, if any external source is congured with any data
denition, and if user wants to congure new data denition with the
external source, then some mapping will be shown as congured. User
needs to recongure these Journeys and CIF source mapping elds.
Once an audience type is used for conguration, then it cannot be used
again for other congurations. While conguring CIF if one audience
type is used, then same audience type cannot be used again in the same
entry source.
Modifying a Data denition
You can make modications to Data Denitions that you have created.
A Data Denition status is In Use if it is associated with a Journey of any state (Draft,
Completed, Paused, or Published). A Data Denition status is Idle if it is not associated
with a Journey. The modication rules for Data Denitions whose status is In Use are as
Edit (N/
Add Sig
Add New
ing Da
ta Field
ing Da
ta Field
tion with
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 4 - Data Definitions | 21
Edit (N/
Add Sig
Add New
ing Da
ta Field
ing Da
ta Field
tion with
To modify a data denition, complete the following steps.
1. Hover the cursor over the required Data Denition.
2. Select the > icon. Alternatively, click the Denition Name.
3. Make the required modications. For more information, see Creating Data denitions
(on page 17).
4. To save the modications, click Update data denition.
Moving Data denitions to another folder
You can move a single Data Denition or multiple Data Denitions from one folder to
To move a data denition, or multiple data denitions, complete the following steps.
Use one of the following methods:
a. To move a single data denition, you can either hover the cursor over the
required data denition and select > , or select the checkbox
preceding the required data denition and click Move to folder.
b. To move multiple data denitions, select the checkbox preceding the required
data denitions and click Move to folder.
2. Select the required destination folder and click Move here.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 4 - Data Definitions | 22
Deleting Data denitions
To delete a data denition, you have to access the Data Denition listing page. You can only
delete Data Denitions whose Status is Idle.
You cannot delete a data denition whose status is In Use.
To delete a data denition, or multiple data denitions, complete the following steps:
Use one of the following methods.
a. To delete a data denition, you can either hover the cursor over the required data
denition and select > , or select the checkbox preceding the required data
denition and click Delete.
b. To delete multiple data denitions, select the checkbox preceding the required data
denitions and click Delete.
Chapter 5. Journeys
Unica Journey is a goal-based orchestration solution to craft, execute, and visualize context-
driven, personalized, multi-step omnichannel customer experiences.
Marketers can use Unica Journey to:
dene goals for customer experience
easily adjust Journeys in real time to achieve them
craft and visualize entire customer Journey across channels/touchpoints and events
with a sleek and intuitive Journey Canvas
Customer journeys are completely automated and synchronized with every step of your
customer’s brand engagement. Use the real-time Insights within Journey to understand
customer behavior with insights that reect things as they happen in their Journey.
Integration with Unica Link allows Journey to integrate with third-party vendors. Unica
Journey also has a exible data denition and entry sources to augment customer journey
with contextual data, and events from multiple touchpoints and in variety of formats (File,
API, etc.)
Designing and executing a Journey involves the following procedure:
1. Create Journey (on page 24) - Create a Journey by selecting required Entry
Sources and specifying the Data Denition to be used in Journey.
2. Design Journey (on page 26) - User Journey controls and touch points to design
the Journey.
3. Dene Journey Goals (on page 76) - Dene Journey goals, which helps in
evaluating marketing goals and completing the Journey.
4. Dene Journey Settings (on page 73) - Dene Journey settings for handling
duplicate data entering the Journey.
5. Publish Journey (on page 63) - Publish Journey starts the execution of Journey. By
default, Journey execution never stops. The execution is always ON. You can dene
Journey goals to complete the Journey automatically, or manually mark the Journey
as complete.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 24
6. Pause a Journey (on page 63) - You can pause a published Journey and edit it.
7. Edit a Journey (on page 60) - You can edit the paused Journey and re-publish it.
8. Mark Journey as Complete (on page 65) - You can mark the Journey complete to
stop the Journey execution.
Creating Journeys
To create Journeys, complete the following steps.
1. In the Journeys menu, click + Journey.
The Create new journey page appears.
Provide appropriate values for the following elds.
Name - Mandatory eld.
Description - Optional eld
3. Click Browse and select the required Folder in which you want to save the Journey.
If you want to save the Journey in a new folder, create a folder. For more information,
see Creating a folder (on page 124).
4. To add Regional contact preference, select the checkbox Use Regional contact
preference. After checking the checkbox, the eld Timezone will become Select
region (contact preference). Select the time zone preferences from the select region
(contact preference) dropdown. Time zone preferences set from contact central will
be available in this dropdown. While sending communications, Journey will check for
the time preference dened and will proceed only when the send time falls within the
selected time frame. If the send time does not fall within the selected time frame, then
journey will go in waiting state and will wait for the next preferred time.
Select the required Timezone. If user want to use Journey Time zone without contact
preference user can uncheck the option Use regional contact preferences
You can create Journeys for a different time zone and have them executed on that
time zone. For example, you can be a user in India and schedule a Journey, for US PST
customers, to execute on Dec 25th 00:00.
Note: Journey processes all responses received from HIP and Deliver in UTC
time zone. Even if Journey receives responses in any other time zone than
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 25
UTC, it will process them as per UTC time zone only. Hence, in such cases
there can be time mismatch, which results response count mismatch on Goal
historical and Goal analysis page.
6. Select an appropriate Marketing Stage. The available values are:
7. To add milestone to a Journey, select the checkbox I want to add milestones. After
checking the checkbox, on canvas page congure deduplication settings for update
contact by selecting dont allow duplicate contacts and radio button Update existing
contact. To save the settings, click Save & Close. Journey designed with milestones
will not get published without conguring this deduplication setting.
To select an Entry Source, click Browse.
You can select up to 10 Entry Sources. For more information on Entry Sources, see
Entry Sources (on page 7).
To create an Entry Source, see Creating Entry sources (on page 7).
Note: If the checkbox I want to add milestones is checked, then section select
entry sources is not available. Select entry source option will be available in
the next page.
To select a Data Denition, click Browse.
You can add only one Data Denition to a Journey. For more information on Data
Denitions, see Data Denitions (on page 17).
To create a Data Denition, see Creating Data denitions (on page 17).
To add milestones, enter milestone name click Add
You can add maximum 7 milestones to a Journey.
11. Click Next
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 26
Milestone Details page appears.
Note: Option Next is available only when milestones are added to a Journey.
On Milestone Details page, you can add entry source to the added milestone. To
select an entry source, click Browse
You can add maximum 10 entry sources to a milestone. Milestone condition can be
congured on data denition elds associated with journey. Based on the datatype of
the eld, the operators will be displayed.
Click Save & Proceed.
The Journey creation is successful and the Canvas page appears.
Design the Journey behavior using the Canvas feature. For more information, see Designing
the canvas (on page 26).
Designing the canvas
Design the behavior of a Journey by adding goals, touchpoints, and controls.
By default, a Journey has a start point and an end point. To design a canvas, complete the
following steps:
1. Congure a Touchpoint. For more information, see Touchpoints (on page 26).
2. Congure a Journey control. For more information, see Journey controls (on page
3. Congure a Journey goal. For more information, see Journey Goals (on page 76).
Use Touchpoints to establish a mode of communication with the customers.
In a Journey, you should setup how you would like to communicate with the customer.
You can choose to communicate via Email or SMS. The touchpoint will be deactivated if
the signicant eld for the specic touchpoint is not congured in Data Denitions. For
example, if you want to use the Email touch point, and the data denition that you have
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 27
added has First Name, Last Name, and Mobile Number elds, with Mobile Number as
the signicant eld, the Email touchpoint will be disabled but the SMS touchpoint will be
For more information, see Creating Data denitions (on page 17).
To add touchpoints, complete the following steps:
From the Palette, drag a touch point and place it between the Journey start point and
the end point.
The available touchpoints are:
Users can add Twitter connector via Link. For uploading audiences in twitter for
advertising ability use existing list or create a new List. This is very similar to other
ADTECH integrations. New touchpoint is not needed for this. Existing ADTECH type
with new twitter connector will also be listed.
Audience status - can be Building, Updating, Ready , Archived etc.
Double-click the added touch point to congure it.
a. Enter an appropriate Name. Adding a name is mandatory.
b. Enter an appropriate Description. Adding a description is optional.
c. Select from one of the following options:
Link- Connects to the default connection congured in the Settings menu.
For more information, see Setting a default email connection (on page
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 28
d. To add global preference in touchpoint, while conguring touchpoint select the
checkbox Follow Business hours and channel preferences (Dened in Platform).
When the checkbox is checked, Journey will check for the time preference
dened and will proceed only when the send time falls within the selected time
frame. If the send time does not fall within the selected time frame, then journey
will go in waiting state and will wait for the next preferred time. For Journey in
waiting state when you hover on the touchpoint on Journey canvas screen, the
popup displays waiting option. Click on the waiting option will display Waiting
page. This page will display the following information: Date time , Reason, Entry
Source Name along with data denition elds.
Reasons column will display one of the below reasons for Journey to be in
Waiting State:
INVALID_COMMUNICATION_TIME - This wait reason is displayed when
user try to send communication in non-communication hours dene in
contact central.
CAPACITY_NOT_AVAILABLE - This wait reason is displayed when user try
to send communication but all the capacity dened for the day/week in
contact central is consumed.
displayed when user try to send communication from one of the channel
(email, sms,whatsapp, push) but for that particular channel global
preference is not set.
NA - This wait reason is displayed when journey is waiting for response
from contact central, once journey get the response and any of the above-
mentioned reason come in response it will update to that response.
If user has set capacity for sending communication but no time preferences,
then while sending communications Journey will check for the capacity
available. If the capacity is available then communication will be send, else
Journey will wait for the next available capacity.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 29
Time zone and channel preferences can be set for Email, SMS,
WhatsApp and Mobile push touchpoints.
From Journey version 12.1.3, if the Audience moves to waiting
state due to invalid communication or insucient capacity,
the Audience would remain in waiting state till the next valid
communication time or the next capacity setting is available in
Contact Central. Example:
If capacity is exhausted, audiences will remain in waiting
state. If user increases the capacity, new audience will
proceed but old audiences will remain in waiting state.
These audiences will proceed from the waiting state when
next day/week's capacity is made available.
If audiences remains in waiting state due to invalid
communication time, the audiences will proceed when the
next valid communication time gets available.
e. Click Next.
f. To create a Journey with Email touchpoint, see Conguring an Email Touchpoint
(on page 30).
g. To create a Journey with SMS touchpoint, see Conguring an SMS Touchpoint
(on page 33).
h. To create a Journey with Salesforce touchpoint, see Conguring a Salesforce
Touchpoint (on page 35).
i. To create a Journey with WhatsApp touchpoint, see Conguring a WhatsApp
Touchpoint (on page 36)
Delete Touchpoints
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 30
When you delete a congured touchpoint from journey, the associated Link
action id is also deleted.
If you have multiple congured touchpoints in one journey and you delete the
journey all the associated Link action ids are deleted.
If you delete a congured touchpoint without saving the journey, then the
associated Link action ids are not deleted.
Note: If required we can delete touchpoints.
Understand how to use Journey controls. For more information, see Journey controls (on
page 38).
Conguring an Email Touchpoint
Select an email touchpoint when you want to connect to the customer using email
communication. If you have integrated both Unica Link and Deliver, you will see the options
Deliver and Link as delivery options for the email Touchpoint.
Before you start this procedure, see Touchpoints (on page 26).
To congure an email touchpoint, execute any one of the following steps:
If you have set a default email connection in Setting a default email connection (on page
109), and if the default connection set is Mailchimp, move to Step (4). If the default
connection set is Mandrill, move to Step (5). If you have not set a default email connection,
the Existing Connections dialog opens.
1. Select either Mailchimp or Mandrill and click Next.
The Create New Action dialog appears. In this dialog, you can also switch to a
different connector by selecting Existing Connection.
If the default connection is Mailchimp, complete the following steps:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 31
a. Provide values for the following elds:
Contact Action - Mandatory. The action to be performed on the contacts.
Audience - Mandatory. The list in which you want the audiences to be
New Email Campaign - Mandatory. The name of the new email campaign.
Email Template - Mandatory. The template used for the email.
Email Subject - Mandatory. The subject of the email to be sent to the
Preview Text - Optional. The text that will be part of the body of the email.
Sender's Name - Mandatory. The sender who sent the email to the
Reply to Email - Mandatory. The email address which will be used for a
customer to reply back..
Group Contacts By Tag - Optional.
Fetch Results End Date - Optional.
Click Next.
The Field Mapping dialog appears.
Map the email connector elds with the appropriate Journey elds (coming
from the Data Denition associated with the Journey during Journey creation).
This is essential as the mapping changes the value on runtime.
Note: Journey gives each user a unique id known as audience id. This
id helps in tracking different ongoing events for a particular audience.
It is not mandatory to map Journey audience id eld on Link screen
because Link understands the signicance of audience id eld and
sends audience values for different audiences.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 32
The mapping achieves personalization to the email. In mailchimp, if you map
first_name of mailchimp to fname of Journey and the last_name to lname, the
salutation in the email will be personalized to the value of the eld.
d. Click Save.
If the default connection is Mandrill, complete the following steps:
Provide values for the following elds:
Email Template - Mandatory. Click Fetch to view the available templates.
Sender Email - Optional. The email address of the user sending the
Email Subject - Optional. The subject of the email to be sent to the users.
Reply to Email - Optional. The email address which will be used for a
customer to reply back.
Fetch Results End Date - Optional. Congure a date for accepting
customer responses.
Note: When conguring Mandrill, if you do not provide values for
the optional elds, Mandrill fetches the value from the selected
Mandrill template. Ensure that you provide all the values during
template creation in Mandrill.
Click Next.
The Field Mapping dialog appears.
Map the email connector elds with the appropriate Journey elds (coming
from the Data Denition associated with the Journey during Journey creation).
This is essential as the mapping changes the value on runtime.
The mapping achieves personalization to the email. In Mandrill, if you
map FIRSTNAME of Mandrill to First_Name of Journey and the LASTNAME to
Last_Name, the salutation in the email will be personalized to the value of the
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 33
Note: Mandrill supports up to ve personalization elds in the Field
Mapping dialog.
Click Save.
Note: Email touchpoint can be congured with delivery channels like Deliver
or Link. While the Journey is in draft mode (not published earlier) user would
not be able to change the delivery channels from Deliver to Link or vice versa.
Once you congure one delivery channel you must not change it to another
delivery channel. If there is need then user can remove the email touchpoint
and congure it with new delivery channel.
Journey support unsubscribe events
Journey support Unsubscribe events in Journey through deliver. If a user wishes to
unsubscribe from Journey emails, we will track them through unsubscribe. Email ids
of users will be saved in table EmailUnsubscribedList and Journey will not send any
mails to these users in future.
Conguring an SMS Touchpoint
Select an SMS touchpoint when you want to connect to the customer using mobile
messages. If you have integrated both Unica Link and Deliver, you will see the options
Deliver and Link as delivery options for the SMS Touchpoint.
Before you start this procedure, see Touchpoints (on page 26).
To congure an SMS touchpoint, complete the following steps:
Note: Currently, Unica supports LINK (Twilio) and Deliver for SMS connections.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 34
1. Select Link.
Set the default connection for SMS. For more information, see Setting a default SMS
connection (on page 109).
The Create New Action page appears.
Provide values for the following elds:
Message - Mandatory. This is a free text textbox, where you can add
the personalization elds. For example, Hi <First Name> Welcome to
Journey. Here <First Name> is the personalized eld, which you can map
with Journey elds in the next step. You can add up to ve personalization
elds in one SMS.
Click Next
The Field Mapping dialog appears.
c. Map the SMS connector elds with the appropriate Journey elds (coming from
the Data Denition associated with the Journey during Journey creation). This is
essential as the mapping changes the value on runtime.
d. Click Save.
Select Deliver and complete the following steps to congure Deliver for sending SMS:
If you select Unica Deliver, you are connected to the Unica Deliver execution engine for
sending SMS.
a. Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
Create Unica Deliver SMS Template in Unica Deliver.
Create SMS templates for each SMS touchpoint that you congure using
Unica Deliver. For more information on creating templates for Unica
Deliver, see Unica Deliver User Guide.
b. In the SMS Conguration dialog, select Deliver and click Next.
The Select Template dialog appears.
Select the required template. If there are multiple templates, use the Search bar
to locate the required template. Click Next.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 35
Note: In Unica Deliver, once a template is selected for conguring SMS
Touchpoint, it will no longer be available for conguring other SMS
Touchpoints. This condition applies only if you Publish the Journey
immediately after conguration. If you do not Publish the Journey, and
during that time if another user wants to use the same template, it will
be available for the other user to congure the SMS Touchpoint. If the
other user publishes the Journey, you must recongure using another
The Mapping dialog appears.
Map the Deliver elds with the appropriate Journey elds (coming from the
Data Denition associated with the Journey during Journey creation). This is
essential as the mapping changes the value on runtime.
The mapping achieves personalization to the SMS. In Deliver, if you map
FirstName of Deliver to fname of Journey and the LastName to lname, the
salutation in the SMS will be personalized to the value of the eld.
e. Click Save.
Conguring a Salesforce Touchpoint
Select a Salesforce touchpoint when you want to connect with customers on Salesforce.
When conguring Salesforce touchpoint, the connector to be used will be the Salesforce
Before you start this procedure, see Touchpoints (on page 26).
To congure a Salesforce touchpoint, complete the following steps:
Set Salesforce connector as the default Salesforce connector in Setting a default CRM
connection (on page 110).
The Create New Action page appears.
Provide values for the following elds:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 36
Object Action - Mandatory. Specify if you want to create a new Object or update
an existing Object.
Object Type - Mandatory. Specify if you want to create a new Lead or a Contact.
3. Click Next.
The Field Mapping dialog appears.
4. Map the Salesforce elds with the appropriate Journey elds (coming from the Data
Denition associated with the Journey during Journey creation). This is essential as
the mapping changes the value on runtime.
5. Click Save.
Conguring a WhatsApp Touchpoint
Select WhatsApp touchpoint when you want to connect to the customer through WhatsApp
messages. WhatsApp is integrated with Unica Deliver, so you get connected to the Unica
Deliver execution engine for sending WhatsApp messages.
Before you start this procedure, see Touchpoints (on page 26).
To congure a WhatsApp touchpoint, complete the following steps:
Double click on the WhatsApp touchpoint.
The WhatsApp Messaging page appears.
Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory.
Description - Not Mandatory.
Click Next.
The Select Communication page appears.
4. Select the required template. If there are multiple templates, use the Search bar to
locate the required template.
5. Click Next.
The Mapping page appears.
Map the elds with the appropriate Journey elds (coming from the Data Denition
associated with the Journey during Journeycreation). This is essential as the mapping
changes the value on runtime.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 37
The mapping achieves personalization to the WhatsApp. In Deliver, if you map
FirstName of Deliver to fname of Journey and the LastName to lname, the salutation in
the WhatsApp will be personalized to the value of the eld.
7. Click Save.
Conguring Mobile Push Touchpoint
Select Mobile Push touchpoint when you want to connect to the customer through mobile
push messages. Mobile Push is integrated with Unica Deliver, so you get connected to the
Unica Deliver execution engine for sending mobile push.
Before you start this procedure, see Touchpoints (on page 26).
To congure Mobile Push touchpoint, complete the following steps:
Double click on the Mobile Push touchpoint.
The Push Conguration page appears.
Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory.
Description - Not Mandatory.
Click Next.
The Select Application page appears.
Select the required application. You can use the Search bar to locate the required
Note: Application selection will not have any functional impact because
application selection is handled by Deliver while creating Push Templates.
While sending the notications, the app selection for communication will be
considered by Deliver selected while creating the deliver template.
Click Next
The Select Template page appears.
6. Select the required template. If there are multiple templates, use the Search bar to
locate the required template.
Click Next.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 38
The Mapping page appears.
Map the elds with the appropriate Journey elds (coming from the Data Denition
associated with the Journey during Journey creation). This is essential as the
mapping changes the value on runtime.
Note: XID param is mandatory eld to Map PushId type eld in Journey
associated data denition for Mobile Push.
Journey controls
Journey controls deals with the actions to be performed by conguring conditions before
contacting the customer or after customer response.
After setting up the Touchpoint, you can apply conditions on the Touchpoints or to the
responses of the Touchpoints. Journey controls contain the following actions:
Decision Split
Engagement Split
Loop start
To add Journey controls, complete the following steps:
1. To add a Decision Split control, see Conguring a Decision Split control (on page
2. To add an Engagement Split control, see Conguring an Engagement Split control (on
page 41).
3. To add a Join control, see Conguring a Join control (on page 40).
4. To add a backward Loop control, see Looping in Journey (on page 46).
5. To add a Delay control, see Conguring a Delay control (on page 39).
6. To add a Publish control, see Conguring Publish (on page 55).
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 39
Conguring a Delay control
Adding a delay is similar to scheduling a Touchpoint to a specic date or time.
Delays are dependent on the time zones set during Journey creation. For more information,
see Creating Journeys (on page 24).
To congure a Delay, complete the following steps:
1. From the Journey control panel within the Palette, drag-and-drop the Delay control
before or after the added touchpoint. For information on adding a touchpoint, see
Touchpoints (on page 26).
Double-click the Delay control.
The Set Delay dialog appears.
3. Provide the following values:
a. Enter an appropriate Name. A name is mandatory.
b. Enter an appropriate Description. The description is optional.
c. Either select the Duration or select the Wait till date or select the Wait Till Date
(By Data Denition Field) and provide the appropriate values.
Note: In Data Denition eld if you have date as a required eld then,
delay control can be set on date.
d. If Use Expression checkbox is not checked then only Select eld with dropdown
is available. If the use expression checkbox is checked then along with Select
eld you can also select Operator and No of days for delay conguration.
e. Click Done.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 40
Note: When a Journey is in delay and we update the delay duration then
a warning message saying The change in delay might affect all existing
audiences to wait till new set date, are you sure you want to continue? is
Conguring a Join control
Use the Join control to join or combine one branch of the canvas to another.
Example: You have sent an email and added an engagement control to split users into:
YES - For users who clicked the link.
NO - For users who did not click the link.
If you have already created an SMS engagement control in the same Journey Canvas, to
engage with customers, you can use the Join control to connect the NO ow as an entry
point into an SMS engagement control so that you can communicate with those customers
via SMS.
If a Join ends up in a circular loop, a pop-up appears providing you a warning.
If you drag-and-drop a Join in between a ow, a conrmation pop-up appears
mentioning that the ow below the join will be deleted.
To congure a Join control, complete the following steps:
1. From the Journey Palette, drag the Join control and drop it at the required YES or NO
ow of a control. For information on adding a Touchpoint, see Touchpoints (on page
2. Drag the added Join control from its source to the destination where you want the
ow to merge.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 41
Conguring an Engagement Split control
Use the Engagement split control to engage with customers who have responded. You
can also decide the next course of action for the users who have not responded too. The
customers who have responded as per the events selected in Engagement split, will go in
the YES path and the remaining customers will go in the NO path after the evaluation period
has expired.
To congure an Engagement Split control, complete the following steps:
1. From the Journey Palette, drag the Engagement Split control after the added
touchpoint. For information on adding a Touchpoint, see Touchpoints (on page
2. Double-click the added Engagement Split element.
The Engagement Split dialog opens.
Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory
Description - Optional
4. Select the Touchpoint for which you want to add the Engagement Split control. Only
the Touchpoints above the Engagement control will be available for selection. The
options are:
email- all Email Touchpoints above the Engagement Split control.
sms- all SMS Touchpoints above the Engagement Split control.
push - all Push Touchpoints above the Engagement Split control.
whatsapp - all WhatsApp Touchpoints above the Engagement Split control.
Perform one of the following steps:
For the email Touchpoint, select one of the following events:
Bounce- For email IDs that bounced. A bounce event can be a hard
bounce event or a soft bounce event.
Open- For customers who opened the email.
Link Clicked?- For customers who clicked the link in the email.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 42
If you have selected Mailchimp as the default email connection,
do not select the Bounce option because Mailchimp does not
send Bounce events to Unica Journey. If you want to use the
Bounce option, set Mandril as the default email connection. In
case of Mandrill connector, Journey supports the hard bounce
event and the soft bounce event. For setting the default email
connection, see Setting a default email connection (on page
b. For the sms Touchpoint, select one of the following events:
For the push Touchpoint, select one of the following events:
For the whatsapp Touchpoint, select one of the following events:
For the Response event click the + Path button to add new Path name and
Path values that work as branches on Journey canvas.
6. Track Link - For Deliver when you select the Link Clicked option, then all links present
in template associated with the entered touchpoint are displayed in the dropdown of
the Track link le. For Link, this eld is displayed as a text eld.
Set one of the following evaluation periods for customers to access the
communication message:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 43
Duration - Set the duration in days, hours, or minutes. By default, the minimum
duration for Engagement Split evaluation period is 30 minutes.
Wait till date - Set the duration to a specic future date. By default, the next
day's date is selected.
For Decision split, Engagement split and delay controls, values entered in the property
Max No of days in Delay Evaluation Period governs both Duration and Wait Till date
elds. This property is available in Platform congurations under Journey tab, Journey
> Journey_Congurations > Journey_Waittime_Congurations. Wait days cannot be
less than one. Value supported by duration and Wait till date elds cannot be more
than the value set in property Max No of days in Delay/evaluation Period. For example,
If the 50 days is set as the maximum wait days and user enters 50days and 20 hours
then an error message is displayed. Once the Duration or Wait till date elapses,
Journey will assume that there are no events generated for the selected Touchpoint.
8. Click Done.
Conguring a Decision Split control
Use the Decision control (Decision split) to add conditions to the Entry Source data. The
records which fulll the condition will ow in the YES path and the remaining records will
ow in the NO path.
Use conditions to automate the behavior of touchpoints with some business requirement
conditions. Business requirements can include ltering a list of customers based on age,
salary, etc.
To congure a Decision Split control, perform the following steps:
From the Journey Palette, drag-and-drop the Decision Split control.
Note: If you drag-and-drop the Decision Split between the existing elements
on a canvas, a conrmation dialog appears. Conrm whether you want the
remaining ow to be added in the YES ow or the NO ow.
To congure the Decision Split control, double-click the control on the Canvas.
The Decision Split page appears.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 44
3. To congure the Decision Split control, complete the following steps:
a. Enter an appropriate Name. A name is mandatory.
b. Enter an appropriate Description. The description is optional.
c. Use the toggle button to set the condition as OR or AND. By default, the
condition is set to AND. The selection applies to all the rules within a group. The
selected condition is applicable only if you add more than one rule in a group.
Note: A group contains one or more rules. A rule has a eld, a condition,
and a value for the condition to verify. It is mandatory to congure at
least one group and a group must contain at least one rule.
Create a rule by selecting the data eld (same as the Data Denition eld) in the
rst drop-down box, the condition in the second drop-down box, and entering the
value in the third text box.
When conguring Decision Split, the available operators will be shown based on
the data type of the eld in the data denition. String, Numeric, and Date elds
have different operators.
For conguring a date in Decision Split, the format of date eld should
match the Data Denition date format. Decision Split conguration will be
unsuccessful if the date formats do not match.
e. To add more rules in a group, select + Add Rule. To delete a rule, select the X
succeeding the rule.
To add a group, select + Add Group, and perform Step c to Step e.
A parent group allows ve levels of nesting in the sub-groups. However, any
number of groups can be added at the same level.
g. To delete a group, select Delete Group.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 45
You can delete a group only if there are more than one groups. By
default, Decision split control should contain at least one group
with at least one rule.
When a group has nested sub-groups and if you select the parent
group for deletion, a conrmation box appears warning you that
the sub-groups will also be deleted.
Set one of the following evaluation periods for customers to wait for a condition
to be satised:
Duration - Set the duration in days, hours, or minutes. By default, the
minimum duration for Decision valuation period is 5 minutes.
Wait till date - Set the duration to a specic future date. By default, the
next day's date is selected.
Once the Duration or Wait till date elapses, Journey will assume that there
are no data that satises the congured condition the selected decision
split and the audience in the Journey will move to the NO path.
Audiences satisfying the condition will be moved to Yes path immediately.
i. To save the Decision Split, select Done.
Note: When user input the date in Journey entry source and date - year is
mentioned in two digits then Journey consider this year in the current century,
for example if you send the date as in format DD/MM/YY - 10/12/22 - then
year is considered as 2022. If you need to send any date for processing
Journey from previous century - for example - 04/031982 - then it needs to be
explicitly specied in YYYY format.
Note: Journey is not interpreting the data value for non-required elds and it
is always considered as string for any value. Hence, null will be considered as
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 46
null in the database and is null milestone condition will be evaluated only if
that eld is absent in input. Same is applicable for Milestone and Milestone
Looping in Journey
Looping is a new feature introduced in Unica Journey 12.1.5. It is part of Journey controls
and you can use it to loop parts of a user Journey for a specied number of times.
In the earlier versions, you could create a Journey that could only have a unidirectional ow
from Journey start node to the Journey end node. You could not create a Journey ow that
could move the ow back to a previous operation or operations to repeat it. For example,
if you have congured an Email Touchpoint and an SMS Touchpoint, and if you wanted
to send reminders to the same audience via email and SMS, you had to add an additional
touch points for reminders.
Looping gives you the exibility to loop Touchpoints or Orchestrations, added to the
Journey, for a specied number of times.
Note: Currently, you can create a loop of only nine iterations or lesser.
Conguring a Loop start control
To add a Loop start control to the Journey ow and to congure it, complete the following
Some conditions related to usage of Loop start control are as follows:
In case of Touchpoints or Orchestration, Loop start control will work with Deliver
Looping does not work on any Link Touchpoints.
You can create a loop with up to nine iterations. In the Loop Count eld you can
add numbers from 1 to 9. The system does not accept the value 0. Since Journey
processes at least one pass even without a loop, it becomes redundant if you add 1
for Loop Count. The best practice is to add a number between 2 and 9.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 47
The Loop end node must be cyclic and must not be kept dangling. You cannot save a
Journey with a dangling Loop end node.
If you add Delay controls in the Loop, and if you hover the mouse on these controls,
the system will not show iteration-wise counts.
If you add Publish controls in the Loop, and if you hover the mouse on these controls,
it will not show iteration-wise counts. As this control is added in loop, if loop iterates
ve time for single audience, ve entries will be added in Publish CSV le or Kafka
topic or Publish Kafka Entry source.
You can add more than one loop in a Journey but ensure that different loops do not
share the same Touchpoints or Orchestrations.
If a Loop Count includes a Decision Split or an Engagement Split, the count value after
adding the Yes and No branch is more than the number of audiences. For details, see
Decision Split or Engagement Split Statistics (on page 53).
Implement one of the following steps:
a. Create a new Journey with the appropriate Entry Source and Data Denitions.
Design the Journey with the required Touchpoints, Orchestrations, Goals, etc.
b. Access an existing Journey that is either in Published or Draft status
2. For the newly created Journey or in an existing Journey, open the Journey canvas.
From the Palette drag the Loop start control, from the Journey control section, and
drop it below the Touchpoint or Orchestration where you want the loop to end.
If you just want to loop a single Touchpoint or Orchestration, place the Loop
start control below the Touchpoint or Orchestration that you wish to loop. This
point is called Loop start.
If you want to loop multiple Touchpoints or Orchestrations, place the Loop start
control below the last Touchpoint or Orchestration that you wish to include in
the loop. This point is called Loop start.
Note: This is mandatory step and is needed even if you want to save a
Journey in Draft mode.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 48
On the Journey canvas, drag the Loop end node and connect it to where you want the
loop to begin.
If you just want to loop a single Touchpoint or Orchestration drag and connect
the Loop end node above the Touchpoint or Orchestration that you wish to loop.
This point is called Loop end.
If you want to loop multiple Touchpoints or Orchestrations, drag and connect
the Loop end node above Touchpoint or Orchestration that you wish to include
in the loop. This point is called Loop end.
Double-click the Loop start node.
The Looping Parameter panel opens.
In the Looping Parameter panel, Provide the following values:
a. Name - The name to identify the Loop control.
b. Description - Optional. A description for the Loop control.
c. Loop Count - The number of times the looping iterations must be performed.
This eld does not accept a value less than one or greater than nine.
d. Click Save.
7. Save the Journey and Publish it.
8. Upon successful Publish of the Journey, hover the mouse over the Touchpoints or
Orchestrations within the loop and you will see some statistics. Click Loop details for
additional details. See Statistics generated by Looping (on page 48).
9. Hover the mouse over the repeat/Loop start node to see statistics related to
audiences. See Statistics generated by Looping (on page 48).
10. You can also see the summarized statistics in the Performance tab. From the Journey
canvas, access the Performance tab.
The Performance page appears. For an understanding of Looping performance with
an example, see Looping Performance Statistics (on page 52).
Statistics generated by Looping
Looping Statistics are similar to Journey statistics but it contains additional information
related to Iterations. Looping statistics are added not only to the Touchpoint or
Orchestration but also to the Looping/repeat node in the Journey Canvas.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 49
Touchpoint or Orchestration Statistics
In this example, we will use an Email Touchpoint that has 5 Iterations.
Hover the mouse over the Email Touchpoint within a Loop. You will see a callout with
Journey statistics.
Even though the Touchpoint or Orchestration resides within a loop, the
statistics displayed are only for the rst iteration and not the combined value
after all iterations. Select the value for any statistic, which opens a panel,
and you will see the values for all parameters and values in each iteration.
For example, if an Email Touchpoint resides in a loop, if you hover over the
touchpoint, you may see a value like Sent: 5. The value 5 represents the
5 sent emails in Iteration 1. Select the value 5 to see values for the other
When editing a Journey, if you delete the Loop control, and if the Loop control
has already performed some loops, the statistics for the Touchpoint or
Orchestration shows the consolidated statistics count of all the iterations.
Within the callout, select Loop details. The Loop data panel appears. The data in the panels
appears as follows:
Columns I1 to I5 are Iteration 1 to Iteration 5. In this example, we are assuming an
audience of 50 entered the Journey.
Loops I1 I2 I3 I4 I5
Open 30 25 35 20 15
Link Click 25 20 10 5 9
Bounce Soft 5 5 5 5 5
Bounce Hard 5 5 2 5 5
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 50
Loops I1 I2 I3 I4 I5
Sent 50 50 50 50 50
Error 5 5 3 5 5
Unsubscribe 0 0 0 0 0
ISP Feed
5 5 5 5 5
10 10 10 10 10
Note: If you edit journey design and reduce the loop count, the stats panel will show
maximum available iterations. Example: If you initially congure a Loop for six
iterations, which processes some audiences, and after some time you pause the
Journey and modify the looping count to three iterations, the statistics panel shows
6 iterations (maximum), but the new entering audiences will be repeated as per new
iteration which is set to three.
Let us look at some scenarios with examples.
Scenario 1:
Columns I1 to I5 are Iteration 1 to Iteration 5.
Loops I1 I2 I3 I4 I5
Sent 50 50 50 50 50
In this case there are 50 audiences in each Iteration. The number 50 indicates that the
mailer was sent to all 50 audiences.
Scenario 2:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 51
Columns I1 to I5 are Iteration 1 to Iteration 5. We are assuming an audience limit
of 50.
Loops I1 I2 I3 I4 I5
Open 30 25 35 20 15
In this scenario, there are 30, 25, 35, 20, and 15 audiences who opened the mailer in that
specic Iteration.
When you click the value in each iteration, you will see a panel with audience details for that
iteration. The elds are not xed in this panel as it is dependent on the data denition set
for the Journey. It may be possible that an audience in one iteration might also be present
in other iterations or all iterations. Additionally, in this panel, there is a eld named Accepted
On. The value of this eld will be the Timestamp at which the audience entered the Journey.
This timestamp value will remain xed and not change as per iteration.
Example: If an audience with email ID [email protected] entered the Journey at
25/12/2022 09:00 AM, and if this audience is part of a Loop, the Accepted On value for this
audience will remain the same in each iteration.
Scenario 3:
Columns I1 to I5 are Iteration 1 to Iteration 5. We are assuming an audience limit
of 50.
Loops I1 I2 I3 I4 I5
Link Click 25 20 10 5 9
In this scenario, there are 25, 20, 10, 5, and 9 audiences who clicked the link in the mailer, for
that specic Iteration.
Looping Statistics for Audiences
In the following example we will assume that Journey processed an audience of 10 and the
number of iteration are ve.
Hover the mouse over the repeat/Loop start node to see statistics related to audiences.
Click Loop details and a panel opens with the following details:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 52
Loops I2 I3 I4 I5
Audience pass
through loop
0 5 3 2
Audience loop panel will not list Iteration 1 because by default, the Journey performs at
least one iteration without looping. In the earlier mentioned example, you will see that
Iteration 2 has a value 0 because all 10 audiences have completed two iterations.
Iteration 3 has a value 5 because 5 out of the 10 audiences have completed only three
Iteration 4 has a value 3 because 3 out of 10 audiences have completed four
Iteration 5 has a value 2 because 2 out of 10 audiences have completed ve
Looping Performance Statistics
When you access the Performance tab of a Journey with Looping control, you will see
statistics of the Touchpoints or Orchestration added.
As an example, we will assume that the Journey processed ve audiences and the looping
contained an email touchpoint with three iterations. The Email Performance section will
have the following Performance statistics:
Average Interaction Time
Delivery Total Deliv
ered: 15
Total Sent: 15 This indicates that Journey
sent 15 emails and all 15 were
delivered (for ve audiences
with three iterations)
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 53
Opens Unique Opens:
Total Sent: 15 This indicates that Journey
sent 15 emails and ve of the
15 emails were opened by the
audience (for ve audiences
with three iterations). If an au
dience opens the same email
twice, it will not be counted.
Clicks Unique Clicks:
Total Sent: 15 If Journey sends 15 emails
and each email had 2 links,
the total number of links were
30. If the audiences who
opened the 5 emails in pre
vious row (Unique Opens: 5)
clicked both the links in the
email the number of Unique
Clicks becomes 10.
These numbers are also applicable when setting Goals for Journey. Instead of setting the
Goals based on audiences, for Journeys containing loops, if required, you can set goals
based on the numbers generated in performance.
Decision Split or Engagement Split Statistics
In a Journey, if a Decision Split or an Engagement Split is part of Looping control there are
certain statistics which will be different from a Journey that does not have looping. Let us
understand it with an example.
In a Journey, containing an Engagement Split, where the condition is dened that if an
audience opens the email, we move them to one ow and those who do not open the email
we move them to another ow. In this case, if there are 10 audiences and 5 of them open
the mailer and 5 do not, then the callout would show 10 for engagement split and 5 for each
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 54
But for the same scenario, if we introduce a looping control and a delay, where if an
audience does not open the email we add a delay of 48 hours and add a Loop count of 3,
the numbers will be as follows:
First Iteration
Engagement Split = 10 | Open Email branch = 5 | Not Opened
Email branch = 5.
For the Not Opened Email branch, wait for 48 hours before sending the second
iteration mailer. After sending the mailer, 3 audiences open the email.
Second Iteration
Engagement Split = 10 | Open Email branch = 8 | Not
Opened Email branch = 5.
In the second iteration the Open Email branch has 8 because in the rst iteration
5 audiences had opened the mailer and in the second iteration 3 more opened the
mailer, making the total eight. For the Not Opened Email branch, the value is still 5
because the audiences entering the branch are the same audiences.
After the second iteration, the Not Opened Email branch waits for 48 hours before
sending the third iteration mailer. After sending the mailer, the remaining 2 audiences
open the email.
Third Iteration
Engagement Split = 10 | Open Email branch = 10 | Not
Opened Email branch = 5.
Journey Orchestration deals with the actions to be performed for sharing Journey data with
other applications. .
Journey Orchestration contain the following actions:
Rest API
To congure Journey Orchestration, complete the following steps:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 55
1. To congure Publish, see Conguring Publish (on page 55).
2. To congure Database, see Conguring a Database (on page 57) .
3. To congure Rest API, see Conguring Rest API (on page 58)
Conguring Publish
Use the Publish orchestration to save contact details at a particular stage. You can use
these contact details for analytics, reusing the CSV les and Kafka Entry source in other
Journeys, or other actions.
To congure a Publish control, complete the following steps:
Publish control gathers audience information at a particular stage and posts
this information to a CSV le, a Kafka Entry source, or a Kafka topic. The
le will be saved in the Journey server (engine). The le path is congured
in the spring.entity.files.upload.defaultPath property inside the
application.properties le of the Journey engine and the Journey web, and the paths
should be the same in the Journey engine as well as the Journey web. The default output
location of the Journey les is <JOURNEY_ENGINE_HOME>/Files.
From the Journey control panel within the Palette, drag-and-drop the Publish control
to the required part on Canvas.
The Publish dialog appears.
2. Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory
Description - Optional
Select one of the following options to save the contacts:
CSV - The elds congured in Data Denition is exported to the CSV le. You can
either provide a new CSV le name or type in the name of an existing CSV le. If
you select an existing le, the data will be appended to the existing le.
Kafka > Entry Source - With a single Publish control, you can congure a
maximum of 10 Kafka entry sources. Kafka entry sources, associated with
Journeys, will not be listed while conguring the Kafka entry source on the
Publish journey control. For a Journey, if a Kafka Entry Source is congured with
a Publish Journey Control, and if that same Kafka Entry Source is associated
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 56
with any other Journey, the data gets processed for the selected Journey as per
the congured Data Denition.
Kafka > Topic - Posts audience information on a Kafka topic for use by third-
party applications. Provide an appropriate name for the topic. The topic is
stored on the Kafka server. A Kafka topic name can be up to 50 characters in
length and should have A-Z, a-z, 0-9, period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-).
Note: When user wants to use multiple kafka brokers and they start their
engine with single kafka broker, then topics by default get created on
this single broker. Later, when user updates the broker list then kafka
doesn’t replicate the topics on other brokers because at the time of
installation the replication value was set to one.
Hence, during installation only, user needs to specify whether they want
to use kafka with multiple brokers or with single broker.
4. Add Offers - Check the checkbox I want to associate Offers to this touchpoint
Select Offers button will get enabled.
5. Click on Select Offers.
6. The Offers screen from Centralized Offer Management appears. User can select one
or multiple offers from the list of offers displayed or double click on the offer to select
from the offer variant.
7. From Select Channel of communication dropdown, select the required
communication channel.
Click on Done.
Note: CH will be updated for orchestration point as soon as the record is
outputted into and treatment code can be generated with same attribute.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 57
Note: On Publish Touchpoint, Select Offers button will be enabled only when
user sets the partition setting for the Journey.
Note: User is only able to congure Offer with Publish Touchpoint with CSV
and Kafka Topic. User is not able congure Publish Touchpoint with Kafka
Entry source.
Conguring a Database
Enable orchestration with other system by inserting/updating/deleting database row or
updating a raw sequel. This will be executed for every record in the Journey.
To congure a Database, complete the following steps:
From the Journey control panel within the Palette, drag-and-drop the Database control
to the required part on Canvas.
The Database Conguration dialog appears.
Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory
Description - Optional
3. Add Offers - Check the checkbox I want to associate Offers to this touchpoint
Select Offers button will get enabled.
4. Click on Select Offers.
The Offers screen from Centralized Offer Management appears. User can select one
or multiple offers from the list of offers displayed or double click on the offer to select
from the offer variant.
Note: On Database Touchpoint, Select Offers button will be enabled only
when user sets the partition setting for the Journey
6. From Select Channel of communication dropdown, select the required
communication channel.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 58
7. Click Next.
The Create New Action page appears.
8. Default database connection is reected in the Existing Connection eld. Also, the
dened properties of the database are reected in the respective property elds.
Select the required connection from the available connections.
Click Next.
The Field Mapping page appears.
10. Map the Database Fields with Journey Fields.
11. Click Save.
Conguring Rest API
Use Rest API Orchestration to send Journey elds as payload to other application.
To congure Rest API, complete the following steps:
From the Journey control panel within the Palette, drag-and-drop the Rest API control
to the required part on Canvas.
The Rest API Conguration dialog appears.
Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory
Description - Optional
Rest URL - Provide an API on which you want to receive the data
API Details - Select the API method and the authentication mechanism. There
are three API methods:
GET – It is used to fetch the data from destination endpoint congured in
rest URL
POST - It is used to publish the data.
PUT - It is used for publish/update the records.
There are four Authentication mechanism - Basic, API Key, Oauth and
Based on the selected API method and Authentication mechanism following elds
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 59
If you select Basic Authentication mechanism, then section Enter Credentials to
authenticate appears with elds User name and Password.
If you select API Key Authentication mechanism, then section Enter Credentials to
authenticate appears with elds Key Name and Key Value.
If you select Oauth Authentication mechanism, then section Enter Credentials to
authenticate appears with elds Username, Password, Client ID, Client Secret and
Token URL.
If you select None Authentication mechanism, no authorization details required.
3. Click Next.
The Request Payload page appears.
Select the Rest API type from JSON or XML and add payload. Click on Sample
Payload for reference.
Note: Request Payload screen is available for POST and PUT API methods.
For GET the elds remain disabled.
Click Next.
The Response Fields Mapping page appears.
Select JourneyFields from the dropdown and in the Response Fields mention the
response received from the destination system.
Note: Response Mapping is mandatory for GET API Method but not for POST
and PUT API methods.
Responses are grouped in ve classes:
a. Informational responses (100–199)
b. Successful responses (200–299)
c. Redirects (300–399)
d. Client errors (400–499)
e. Server errors (500–599)
Add Offers - Check the checkbox I want to associate Offers to this touchpoint
Select Offers button will get enabled.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 60
8. Click on Select Offers.
9. The Offers screen from Centralized Offer Management appears. User can select one
or multiple offers from the list of offers displayed or double click on the offer to select
from the offer variant.
10. From Select Channel of communication dropdown, select the required
communication channel.
Click Save
Rest API will be congured and saved in Journey
On Rest API, Select Offers button will be enabled only when user sets the partition
setting for the Journey. CH will be updated for Rest point as soon as the record is
outputted into and treatment code can be generated with same attributes
Additional operations on Journey canvas
You can perform the following actions when you are on the Journey canvas screen:
Viewing or editing a Journey
To view or edit a Journey, complete the following steps:
1. For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click More Actions > View/Edit Details.
You can add or remove Entry Sources and Data Denition of a Journey in Draft
Deleting the Data Denition will erase the canvas.
For a Published Journey, you can only change the Name, Description, and
For a Paused Journey, you can add or remove Entry Sources.
The Details page appears.
2. Make the necessary changes and click Save & proceed. For more details, see Creating
Journeys (on page 24).
3. If required, you can edit or delete the Touchpoints and Control congurations for a
Draft Journey or a Paused Journey and click Save to save the Journey in Draft state.
You can also click Publish to publish the Journey.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 61
Save as template
User can save a Journey as template and create a new Journey from the saved templates.
To save a template, complete the following steps:
For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click More Actions > Save as template.
The Save this journey as a template? dialog appears.
2. Provide a name to the new template.
Click on Save
Saved template will be available under Templates page. For more information, see
Journey Template (on page 94)
Duplicating a Journey
User can also duplicate Journeys from the Journey listing page. For more information, see
Duplicating a Journey (on page 73).
User can duplicate a Journey in any state (Published, Draft, Paused, or Completed). The
newly created Journey, after duplication, will be in Draft state. Since the newly created
Journey is in a draft state, duplicating a Published Journey does not automatically resend
communication to the customer.
To create a copy of an existing Journey, complete the following steps:
For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click More Actions > Duplicate.
The Duplicate Journey dialog appears.
2. Click Copy to create a copy.
All details of existing Journey, which includes Entry Sources, Data Denitions, and
Journey canvas with their congurations, will be copied.
Note: If any goals are congured, they will not be copied.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 62
If required, you can change the Entry Source or Data Denition. Changing the Data
Denition, in a copied Journey, will erase the copied Journey canvas. A conrmation
dialog appears before deleting the canvas.
The newly duplicated Journey will open in Canvas mode.
Exporting a Journey
This functionality helps in deploying Journey from one instance to another. User can export
Journey in any state (Published, Draft, Paused, or Completed).
To export a Journey, complete the following steps:
For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click More Actions > Export Journey.
crc le and zip le will get downloaded.
Note: If user has Journey with CRM touchpoint congured and has goals congured
on it. When Journey is exported in target system, CRM touchpoint needs to be
congured again in target system to access edit goal page without any error.
You can also Export Journeys from the Journey listing page. For more information, see
Export Journey (on page 72)
Deleting a Journey
You can also delete a Journey from the Journey listing page. For more information, see
Deleting Journeys (on page 72).
You can only delete a Journey that is in Draft state.
To delete a Journey, complete the following steps:
1. For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click Delete to delete the Journey.
A conrmation box appears.
Click Yes to delete the Journey.
All details of existing Journey, which includes Entry Sources, Data Denitions, and
Journey canvas with their congurations, will be deleted.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 63
Exiting a Journey
To exit from the Journey canvas page, complete the following step:
For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click Exit to exit the Journey canvas screen.
Saving a Journey
To save a Journey, complete the following step:
For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click Save to save the added or updated
details of Journey.
Publishing a Journey
Publishing a Journey starts the execution of a Journey. Journey execution does not
have options like test run or production run. Publishing a Journey directly executes the
production run. You cannot publish a Journey if any Touchpoint or Journey control is not
congured. You should have appropriate permissions to Publish or Pause a Journey. For
more information, see Assigning permissions to Journey Roles (on page ).
To test a Journey, assign the Entry Source, containing the sample data, to the Journey and
publish the Journey. This helps you to run the sample audience, or test audience, from the
Journey and validate your Journey design. Once you verify the Journey with the sample
data, pause the Journey and change the Entry Source to point to the production Entry
Source. After this, you can republish the Journey with production data.
To publish a Journey, complete the following step:
For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click Publish to publish the Journey.
Pausing and Editing a Journey
You can pause and edit a Published Journey.
The rules for editing a Journey in a Paused state are as follows:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 64
You can only modify the Name eld, Description eld, and the Folder location for
Journeys in Published state.
You can modify the Journey canvas when a Journey is in Paused state.
You can add Entry sources for Journeys in Draft and Paused state.
After editing the Paused Journey, republish the Journey to start the execution.
To pause and edit a Journey, complete the following steps:
1. Select > Published.
Select a Journey for modication. For more information, see Modifying the details of a
Journey (on page 71).
The Journey canvas for the selected Journey appears.
Click Paused and Edit.
A conrmation box appears.
Click Pause.
The Journey is paused and the Journey entry will be moved to the Paused Journeys
listing page.
Stop/Pause the journey for Audiences
On the journey canvas, a new control 'stop audiences' is introduced that allows the user to
create a new rule to stop certain audiences matching the rule. User can view the existing
rules in the paginated grid. Each row on the rules listing page contains the following details.
Rule name
Rule description
Contacts counted
Contacts actually paused
Created by
Created on
Executed by
Executed on
Controls to modify, delete and execute the rule
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 65
Marking a Journey as complete
You can manually mark a Journey as complete or you can automate it by setting goals.
For automating the completion, see Journey Goals (on page 76). You can only mark a
Published Journey as complete.
To manually mark a Journey as complete, complete the following steps:
1. Select > Published.
Select a Journey to mark it as complete. For more information, see Modifying the
details of a Journey (on page 71).
The Journey canvas for the selected Journey appears.
Select More Actions > Mark a Journey as complete.
The Journey is marked as complete.
Operations on Journey listing page
The Journey listing page is split into four tabs:
Fields in Journey listing pages
The Journey listing pages are split into four tabs, where each tab represents the status of a
Journey. Each tab has its own list of elds. Some elds are default elds.
Fields in the Published Tab
The following table lists all the elds available and the customizable elds in the Published
Journeys listing page.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 66
Table 3. Fields in the Published Tab
Field Name
Code Yes
Created by No
Data definition associated No
Description No
Entry sources associated No
Goal progress Yes
Last modified by No
Last modified on Yes
Marketing stage Yes
Name Yes
Published on Yes
Fields in the Draft Tab
The following table lists all the elds available and the customizable elds in the Draft
Journeys listing page.
Table 4. Fields in the Draft Tab
Field Name
Created by No
Created on No
Code Yes
Data definition associated Yes
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 67
Table 4. Fields in the Draft Tab (continued)
Field Name
Description No
Entry sources associated Yes
Last modified on Yes
Last modified by No
Marketing stage Yes
Name Yes
Fields in the Paused Tab
The following table lists all the elds available and the customizable elds in the Paused
Journeys listing page.
Table 5. Fields in the Paused Tab
Field Name
Code Yes
Created by No
Data definition associated No
Entry sources associated No
Description No
Goal progress No
Last modified by No
Last modified on Yes
Marketing stage Yes
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 68
Table 5. Fields in the Paused Tab (continued)
Field Name
Name Yes
Paused on Yes
Published on No
Fields in the Completed Tab
The following table lists all the elds available and the customizable elds in the Completed
Journeys listing page.
Table 6. Fields in the Completed Tab
Field Name
Code Yes
Completed on Yes
Created on No
Data definition associated No
Description No
Entry sources associated No
Goal achieved Yes
Last modified by No
Marketing stage Yes
Name Yes
Published on No
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 69
Adding or removing listed columns in Journeys
You can add or remove columns from listing pages for Published Journeys, Draft Journeys,
Paused Journeys, and Completed Journeys.
For more information on elds in the Published Journeys tab, see Table 3: Fields in the
Published Tab (on page 66).
For more information on elds in the Draft Journeys tab, see Table 4: Fields in the
Draft Tab (on page 66).
For more information on elds in the Paused Journeys tab, see Table 5: Fields in the
Paused Tab (on page 67).
For more information on elds in the Completed Journeys tab, see Table 6: Fields in
the Completed Tab (on page 68).
To customize the elds view in the Journey listing page, complete the following steps:
1. Select Add/Remove Column.
2. Select or Deselect the elds that you want to add or remove. Click Reset Default if you
want to view default elds.
3. Click Apply to save the selection.
Import Journey
You can Import Journey from Journey listing page.
To Import a Journey, complete the following steps:
Click on Import Journey
The search window appears.
2. Select the required crc and zip le to be imported from the system.
Note: If user selects only zip le or only crc le then on Open an error
message is displayed saying Select at least 2 les two proceed .
Click on Open
Journey le imported successfully.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 70
Once the Journey is imported a popup is invoked saying Journey imported
successfully. The popup displays Journey Name and Location. Click on View Journey
button to see the imported Journey. Imported Journey appears on the Journey listing
page under Draft Journey.
On every import, following details will get copied from source Journey into target
Entry Source same as source system will get created with new entry source
Data denition same as source system will get created with new data denition
Journey - Folder structure, Journey details like name, description will be copied.
For All Link and Deliver touchpoints – Name and description will get copied but
touchpoints will remain uncongured as the Link instance can be different on
target environment. Email template will not be assigned for Deliver respectively.
Engagement split - All details will be copied, except for Link click dropdown in
case of Deliver since template will not be assigned to Deliver touchpoint after
Journey Milestones will get copied. Entry Source associated with each
milestone will be copied along with the milestone conditions.
All Journey Goals will get copied. In case of Deliver, Link click dropdown will not
be copied.
Journey De Duplication settings will get copied as it is.
Note: Offer Integration settings or partition settings will not get copied
Only one Journey can be exported at a time. However, same exported le can be
used to import journey multiple times in target system. (This would again create
entry sources and data denition each time journey is imported)
Note: If user has Journey with CRM touchpoint congured and has goals
congured on it. When Journey is imported in target system, CRM touchpoint
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 71
needs to be congured again in target system to access edit goal page
without any error.
Note: For importing Journey, user need to have permission of creating
Modifying the details of a Journey
You can modify the details of a Journey from the Journey listing page.
Editing rules are as follows:
You can modify all elds and the Journey canvas for journeys in Draft state.
You can only modify the Name eld, Description eld, and the Folder location for
journeys in Published state, Paused state, or Completed state.
Journey canvas will be editable for journeys in Draft and Paused state.
Journey canvas will be non-editable for journeys in Completed and Published state.
You can add Entry sources for journeys in Draft and Paused state.
You can also modify Journey Details from inside the Journey canvas. For more information,
see Viewing or editing a Journey (on page 60).
To modify a Journey, complete the following steps.
1. Hover the cursor over the required Journey.
2. Select the > icon. Alternatively, click the Journey Name.
3. Make the required modications. For more information, see Creating Journeys (on
page 24).
4. To save the modications, click Update journey.
Moving Journeys to another folder
You can move journeys only from the listing page. You can only view the journeys in the
Folders page.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 72
To move a journey, or multiple journeys, complete the following steps.
1. Use one of the following methods:
a. To move a single Journey, you can either hover the cursor over the required
journey and select > , or select the checkbox preceding the required
Journey and click Move to folder.
b. To move multiple journeys, select the checkbox preceding the required journeys
and click Move to folder.
2. Select the required destination folder and click Move here.
Export Journey
You can Export Journeys from the Journey listing page. User can export Journey in any
state (Published, Draft, Paused, or Completed).
To Export a Journey, complete the following steps:
Hover the cursor over the required Journey and select >
crc le and zip le will get downloaded.
You can also Export Journeys from the Journey Canvas screen. For more information, see
(on page 60)Exporting a Journey (on page 62)
Deleting Journeys
To delete a Journey, or multiple Journeys, you have to access the Journey listing page. You
can only delete Journeys that are in Draft state.
You can also delete Journeys from inside the Journey canvas. For more information, see
Deleting a Journey (on page 62).
To delete a Journey, or multiple Journeys, complete the following steps.
Use one of the following methods.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 73
a. To delete a Journey, you can either hover the cursor over the required Journey and
select > , or select the checkbox preceding the required Journey and click
b. To delete multiple Journeys, select the checkbox preceding the required Journeys and
click Delete.
Duplicating a Journey
You can either duplicate the Journey from the Journey listing page or from the Journey
canvas page. You can duplicate a Journey in any state (Draft, Published, Paused, or
Completed). A duplicated Journey's status, at the beginning, will be in Draft state.
To create a duplicate of a Journey, complete the following steps:
1. Select one of the following tabs in the Journey listing page:
Hover over the required Journey and select > .
The Duplicate Journey dialog appears.
3. Provide an appropriate name and click Save.
Journey Settings or Deduplication
Unica Journey takes input from multiple Entry Sources like le, REST, Kafka, Unica
Campaign, Unica Interact, Unica Discover etc. Sometimes an existing audience record
might get pushed to the same Journey multiple times. For example, Unica Campaign type
entry sources using Kafka could push the same audience information from each run of
owchart to the Journey. Similarly, REST or le-based Entry Source might also send the
same audience record in to the Journey. You can use Journey Settings to identify the
duplicate records and specify the action to be taken on the duplicate records. The available
actions are deleting the duplicates or updating the existing record with new data.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 74
Deduplication works on the Required elds of Data Denition. This setting can be added to
only to Journeys in Draft state.
To set deduplication of contacts, complete the following steps:
For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click More Actions > Settings.
The Journey Settings page appears.
CAUTION: You cannot change the selected option once the Journey is
Select one of the following options:
Allow duplicate contacts - Select this option if you want to allow duplicate
contacts. This is the default setting.
Example: If an email ID [email protected] already exists, another entry
having the same email ID is considered as a new record.
Dont allow duplicate contacts - Select this option if you do not want to allow
duplicate contacts.
a. In the Select Field option, select any Required eld as mentioned in Data
Denitions (on page 17) to specify the identity for recognizing duplicate
contacts. Click to add an extra eld. Click to remove the added
eld. For more information on Select Field, see Data Denitions (on page
Select one of the following actions on duplicate contacts:
Discard contact - Discards any new duplicates found. For example, if
an email ID [email protected] already exists, it will discard the
new entry if the entry contains the same email ID.
Update existing contact - Updates the existing contact with the
newly found duplicate. For example, if a record has Name, Address,
Email ID, and Gender, with Email ID as the signicant eld and
Gender as the optional eld, and if you update the record by adding
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 75
value to Gender, the system will identify that the Email ID is the
same but the value for the Gender eld did not exist earlier, so the
system will update the existing contact.
c. Click Save & close.
Journey Records Validation
When records enter a Journey, users can set validation on the records.
When the Validations_On_Journey_Records property is set to Yes, the validation is
performed on Email format, Data type on required elds, and minimum and maximum
length of Data Denition for the required elds.
By default, the Validations_On_Journey_Records property is set to Yes.
This property can be handled from Platform side under Platform Conguration. You
can navigate under Platform conguration settings: Settings for Affinium|Journey|
Validations_On_Journey_Records: This ag denes whether to run validation on Journey
Possible values: Yes / No.
If the Validations_On_Journey_Records property is set to No, and the user
adds some elds in data deduplication setting, the empty and NULL data will
not be accepted for data deduplication elds.
After setting the ag, you must log out from Platform and Journey and log
back in to both applications for the changes to reect.
For any reason, if the Validations_On_Journey_Records property is
not accessible in Journey from Platform, you can alternatively set
the journey.journeyrecords.validationrules property in the
application.properties le from Journey web.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 76
Journey Goals
Journey application provides the provision of setting up a Goal/Goals in Journey. Goal
can be of Date based, Contact/responses based or Sales based. You can set either a date-
based, Contact/responses based or Sales based goal for the following Journey stages:
Draft, Paused, or Published. On the add/edit goal page you will see a list of all the email and
SMS touchpoints congured on canvas in 'Select Touchpoint' drop-down list.
For Email - Supports Email sent, Email opened and Link clicked events
For SMS - Supports SMS sent and SMS delivered event
For Push - Supports Push sent , push delivered and Push read events
Note: We can add multiple goals, maximum 15 goals in one Journey. Also, we can
create Sales-based goals.
Date-based goal For date-based goal if target date is
achieved, the Journey will be marked as
Completed. For setting up date based
goal certain validations are provided to
calculate maximum delay configured in
Journey so that the marketer can config
ure target goal date which is higher than
the max configured delay. Once target
date is set as a goal, user cannot reduce
the target date. User can only increase
the target date. User can reset date-based
goal at any point of time and add a new
Note: Only one Date based goal
can be added for a Journey.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 77
Contact/responses-based goal For adding Contact/responses based
goals, touchpoints should be configured
and saved in Journey. If frequency is off
thenMark Journey as complete when
the goal is achieved check box is avail
able. If the check box is checked, then as
the contact/responses based target is
achieved for a touchpoint and its event,
the Journey will be marked as Complete.
If frequency is on then Mark Journey
as complete when the goal is achieved
check box is not available and even after
the contact-based target is achieved for
a touchpoint, the Journey will continue to
run in Published state and will continue to
capture all the events. By default, option
weekly is selected but it can be changed
to Daily, Monthly or Quarterly.
Sales-based goal For adding Sales based goals, CRM/
Salesforce touchpoint should be config
ured and saved in Journey. Sales based
goal is created by setting leads target.
If frequency is off then Mark Journey
as complete when the goal is achieved
check box is available. If the check box
is checked, then as the Sales target is
achieved for a touchpoint and its event,
the Journey will be marked as Complete.
The tracking parameters of Sales-based
goal is same as Date-based and Con
tact/responses-based goals except, the
select object can be either Lead or Con
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 78
tact and Action can be either Created or
If frequency is on then Mark Journey
as complete when the goal is achieved
check box is not available and even after
the Sales target is achieved for a touch
point, the Journey will continue to run
in Published state and will continue to
capture all the events. By default, option
weekly is selected but it can be changed
to Daily, Monthly or Quarterly.
Note: Frequency of goals for Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly basis will be
considered as per the standard calendar. All calculations will happen as per Journey
Timezone settings .
When Journey is in draft stage, user can switch goal from date-based to contact/responses-
based or Sales-based goal and vice-versa.
To add a Journey goal or to edit a Journey goal, complete the following steps:
Note: Before you add a goal, ensure that the Journey canvas has a Touchpoint
congured in it.
For a Journey, on the Journey canvas screen, click Add/Edit Goal.
The Add/Edit Goal dialog appears.
To set your goal based on dates, select Date and complete the following steps:
For the Goal Target Date eld, set a future date and time.
Date-based goal is dependent on the time zone that was set during Journey
creation. By default, the next day's date and time.
To set your goal based on number of contacts that responded, select Number of
contacts? and complete the following steps:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 79
a. Note: You must add a Touchpoint to see values in the Select Touchpoint
eld and the Select Event eld. If you do not add a Touchpoint, the drop-
down will not have any values.
Select a Touchpoint and select the corresponding Event.
b. For Deliver when you select the Link Clicked option, then all links present in
template associated with the entered touchpoint are displayed in the dropdown
of the Select Link eld. For Link, this eld is displayed as a text eld. For
Email touchpoint, options Emails_Open and Email_Sent are available in Event
eld dropdown. For SMS touchpoint, options SMS_Deliver and SMS_Sent are
available in Event eld dropdown.
c. Add a positive number for the Target eld. When the Journey goal meets the
entered value, it will be an indication that the Journey has met the goal. The
Journey can continue or be closed.
d. If you want to mark a Journey as complete, once the Target goal is met, select
the checkbox Mark Journey as complete when the goal is achieved.
View Multiple Goals
While adding a new goal, you can see list of existing goals for a Journey. For each
goal, the name of the goal is displayed on the left side if the screen followed by
other details like goal type, frequency, target and goal achieved. On the right side of
the screen goal tracking details are displayed. Clicking on goal name displays the
goal performance in doughnut chart. Based on goal progress (target achieved), the
doughnut chart is displayed in different colours.
100% - Full dark green
Above 75% - Light green
Above 50% - Yellow
Above 25% - Orange
Below 25% - Red
Edit Goals
When the Journey is in Draft stage, you can edit the entire goal (Goal Name, Goal type,
Frequency and Goal target). When the Journey is in Published or Paused, you can
only edit Goal name and Goal target. In edit mode, for date based goals user can only
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 80
select date greater than the existing date. While editing a non-frequency based goals,
if Goal achieved count is equal to or less than the target value then while checking the
checkbox Mark Journey as complete when the goal is achieved, an error is displayed
saying Goal achieved count and the target value cannot be same. Increase the target
Note: In edit, paused and publish mode for frequency goals the value of Goal
target can be increased or decreased but for non-frequency goals the value of
goal target can only be increased.
Note: You can view Goals' historical performance and can also edit goals.
Data is recorded in the Journey time zone (TZ string).
Journey statistics
You can view Journey statistics when a Journey is Published or Completed.
Journey statistics for Contacts
Hover over the Start point to view the statistics of the contacts that entered the Journey
from various Entry Sources.
Field Description
Contacts The number of contacts, per Entry Source, that
were either Accepted or Rejected by the Journey.
Total The total number of contacts from all Entry
Sources that were either Accepted or Rejected by
the Journey.
Journey statistics for Touchpoints
Once a Journey is Published or Completed, you can open the Journey canvas and hover
over the following Touchpoints to view the Journey statistics
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 81
Touchpoint Statistics provided
Email Journey provides the following statistics
for the Email Touchpoint
Bounce Soft
Bounce Hard
Link Click
SMS Journey provides the following statistics
for the SMS Touchpoint
Link Click
Salesforce Journey provides the following statistics
for the SMS Touchpoint
WhatsApp Journey provides the following statistics
for the WhatsApp Touchpoint
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 82
Touchpoint Statistics provided
Push Journeyprovides the following statistics
Journey statistics for Journey controls
Click on the Journey start point to see total number of audience. Audiences are bifurcated
in both section Accepted (Valid data on which action is taken) and Rejected (Invalid/
incorrect data). Click on Accepted count to view Accepted Contacts details. The screen will
display the following information, Accepted On, CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, Email
etc. Click on Rejected count to view Rejected Contacts details. The screen will display the
following information, Rejected On, Reason, FirstName, LastName, Email etc.
Click on touchpoints to view list of audience entry source wise and total list. Further when
you click on the individual status number a popup is displayed with details of data denition
elds of the records moving in different branches.
When you click on the email icon, then count of emails send through different channels
(Mailchimp and Mandrill) is displayed.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 83
Note: In case of count as 0 this link should be disabled. the page will have no
custom sort, by default they are sorted by descending, date and time of response.
The popup has pagination.
In case of Publish control, hover over the control to see the total number of contacts stored.
In case of Decision Split control or Engagement Split control you see the following numbers:
A callout containing the number of contacts entering the control.
A callout containing the number of contacts in the YES ow.
A callout containing the number of contacts in the NO ow.
Journey Status
A Journey can have one of the four following status: Draft, Published, Paused, Completed.
Viewing published Journeys
The Published Journeys listing page lists all the published journeys from the selected folder.
You can perform a set of operations on the Published Journeys listing page.
1. To view published journeys from a specic folder, see Viewing artifacts within a folder
(on page 126).
2. To add or remove columns from the listing page, see Adding or removing listed
columns in Journeys (on page 69).
3. To modify a published Journey, see Modifying the details of a Journey (on page
To move published journeys from one folder to another, see Moving Journeys to
another folder (on page 71).
From V12.1.4, Publish view feature is introduced for viewing conguration of
published and complete Journeys. On Journey Canvas screen double click on the
desired touchpoint to see the conguration in View only mode (you cannot edit the
conguration). Save button will remain disabled to ensure no modications are made.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 84
For Link touchpoint, a summary page with all conguration details is invoked.
Note: The labels for this connector settings may not be accurate. Please
pause and edit the journey for exact labels.
For Deliver touchpoint, the conguring screen used for conguring journey appears
with all options disabled.
Note: When Journey is published and audiences start entering in the Journey,
then Journey shows statistics of all these audiences at every touchpoint of
the Journey. In between if user updates the Journey by pausing and adds
new touchpoint in the start of the Journey and re-publish it. Then, in statistics
view Journey shows the counts for newly added touchpoint from the time it is
added and user can see different counts owing through this rst touchpoint
(not start) and existing touchpoints. On start and very rst newly added
touchpoint counts will be shown same.
Viewing draft Journeys
The Draft Journeys listing page lists all the published journeys from the selected folder.
You can perform a set of operations on the Draft Journeys listing page.
1. To view draft journeys from a specic folder, see Viewing artifacts within a folder (on
page 126).
2. To add or remove columns from the listing page, see Adding or removing listed
columns in Journeys (on page 69).
3. To modify a draft Journey, see Modifying the details of a Journey (on page 71).
4. To move draft journeys from one folder to another, see Moving Journeys to another
folder (on page 71).
5. To delete draft journeys, see Deleting Journeys (on page 72).
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 85
Viewing paused Journeys
The Paused Journeys listing page lists all the paused journeys from the selected folder.
You can perform a set of operations on the Paused Journeys listing page.
1. To view paused journeys from a specic folder, see Viewing artifacts within a folder
(on page 126).
2. To add or remove columns from the listing page, see Adding or removing listed
columns in Journeys (on page 69).
3. To modify a paused Journey, see Modifying the details of a Journey (on page 71).
4. To move paused journeys from one folder to another, see Moving Journeys to another
folder (on page 71).
Viewing completed Journeys
The Completed Journeys listing page lists all the completed journeys from the selected
You can perform a set of operations on the Completed Journeys listing page.
1. To view completed journeys from a specic folder, see Viewing artifacts within a
folder (on page 126).
2. To add or remove columns from the listing page, see Adding or removing listed
columns in Journeys (on page 69).
3. To modify a completed Journey, see Modifying the details of a Journey (on page
4. To move completed journeys from one folder to another, see Moving Journeys to
another folder (on page 71).
Note: When Journey is completed or ended for some or all audiences,
then such audience data is moved from journeyaudiences table to
endjourneyaudience table.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 86
Note: Publish view feature is introduced for viewing conguration of published
and complete Journeys. On Journey Canvas screen double click on the
desired touchpoint to see the conguration in View only mode (you cannot
edit the conguration). Save button will remain disabled to ensure no
modications are made.
Click on published Journey to view Journey summary, performance, Goals, Audience
Activity/Logs and Milestones.
Note: User can access the Reports page for Journey analysis.
Click on summary tab to view the Journey canvas. At the top of the screen milestone details
are displayed. Click on summary tab to view the Journey canvas. At the top of the screen
milestone details are displayed. Hover cursor over the start icon of Journey canvas, to see
contact names along with the total accepted and rejected count.
Hover on the Email touch points to know the count of Email sent, bounce soft, bounce hard,
open, link click and error.
Note: Email Link click count displayed on mouse hover over email touch point
is different than email link click count displayed in the performance tab. Count
displayed on mouse hover is the total Audience count; however, performance tab
displays the actual count of email link click.
Hover on the SMS touchpoint to know the count of total SMS sent, delivered, link click and
error. When you click on the count, pop-up appears displaying further details related to that
count. This pop-up will not appear for Adtech touch points.
Hover on the Rest API icon to know the count of Sent, Success and Error count. Sent
count will be the sum total of Success and Error count. Click on Sent and Success count
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 87
hyperlink will invoke Sent and Success details pages. The screen will display the following
information, Date & Time, First Name, Last Name, Email address and DOC. Click on
Error count hyperlink will invoke Error details page. The screen will display the following
information, Date & Time, Error Message, First Name, Last Name, Email address and DOC.
Click on performance tab to view Email Performance and SMS Performance.
Note: For performance evaluation data is recorded in the Journey time zone (TZ
Email Performance : To review the performance of Email inside the journey. This section will
give user the information about the over all performance of the Email sent, delivered, and
Delivery – Display counts of total emails sent with any touchpoint versus the emails
successfully delivered.
When you click on Delivery tile, Email performance - Total Delivered pop-up
appears. The pop-up displays the following information, Touchpoint, Template
name, Channel, Sent and Delivered.
Note: For Deliver template name is displayed for all the channels but for
Link, template name is displayed only for emails sent through Mandril.
Open – Display count of total emails sent with any touchpoint and the count of unique
opens, this means total number of people who opened the email but this will count a
person only once even if they have opened the email multiple times.
When you click on Opens tile, Email performance - Unique Opens pop-up
appears. The pop-up displays the following information, Touchpoint, Template
name, Channel and Opens.
Clicks – Display count of total emails sent with any touchpoint and unique clicks, this
means total number of people who opened the email but this will count a person only
once even if they have opened the email multiple times.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 88
When you click on Clicks tile, Email performance - Unique Clicks pop-up
appears. The pop-up displays the following information, Touchpoint, Template
name, Channel, Link and Clicks.
Each of this information has pia chart representation displaying the percentage of
Emails delivered, Unique opens and Unique Clicks.
Average Integration Time – Display the average integration time by recording the
email opens and clicks time.
SMS Performance: To review the performance of the SMS inside the journey. This section
will give user the information about the over all performance of the SMS sent and delivered.
Delivery – Display counts of total SMS sent with any touchpoint versus the SMS
successfully delivered.
Push Performance: To review the performance of Push inside the journey , this section will
give user the information about the overall performance of Push delivered and Push opened
against the total Push sent.
Refresh - See Common Functional Keys (on page 92)
Export Report - See Common Functional Keys (on page 92)
Time Period- See Common Functional Keys (on page 92)
More Actions- Following options are present in the drop-down.
View/Edit Details - See Viewing or editing a Journey (on page 32) (on page 60)
Settings - See Journey Settings (on page 43) (on page 74)
Mark Journey as Complete - See Marking a Journey as Complete (on page 36) (on
page 65)
Duplicate - See Duplicating a Journey (on page 33) (on page 61)
Exit - Click this to exit the performance screen
Add/Edit Goal - To add or edit a goal, see Add/Edit Goal (on page 45) (on page 78)
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 89
Pause and Edit - To pause or edit journey, see Pausing and Editing a Journey (on page 35)
(on page 63)
Click on Goals tab to view Goals progress report. After adding a goal, you can see the
progress of each goal in graphical format. This section gives information about the goal
target, goal completed and the goal complete rate in percentage.
You can select the goal for the dropdown present on the right side of the screen and the
respective progress graph will be displayed. By default, goal at the top will be selected. You
can select the time period and also the frequency from
based on the frequency selected, goals progress graph will be displayed. By default,
monthly is selected.
Note: For daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly goals data is recorded in the Journey
time zone (TZ string)
Graph/charts are displayed based on the goals type, like:
Date-based goal - Donut chart
Frequency-based goals - Bar chart
Non- Frequency based goals - Line chart
Note: This graph is available only if user has created or dened goals in journey.
Click on Audiences tab to view the total number of audiences who became part of the
journey. The graph display total number of audiences and audiences count from different
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 90
entry sources. You can select the entry sources from the Select source drop-down. By
default, all the entry sources are selected. At the top right side of the screen last generated
date and time is displayed. You can also select time period and frequency and accordingly
the audience graph will be displayed. By default, monthly is selected.
Note: Data is recorded in the Journey time zone (TZ string)
Refresh - See Common Functional Keys (on page 92)
Export Report - See Common Functional Keys (on page 92)
Note: Y axis range displayed on the Audiences screen can be different from the one
displayed in the Export report.
Time Period- See Common Functional Keys (on page 92)
More Actions- Following options are present in the drop-down.
View/Edit Details - See Viewing or editing a Journey (on page 32) (on page 60)
Settings - See Journey Settings (on page 43) (on page 74)
Mark Journey as Complete - See Marking a Journey as Complete (on page 36) (on
page 65)
Duplicate - See Duplicating a Journey (on page 33) (on page 61)
Exit - Click this to exit the performance screen
Add/Edit Goal - To add or edit a goal, see Add/Edit Goal (on page 45) (on page 78)
Pause and Edit - To pause or edit journey, see Pausing and Editing a Journey (on page 35)
(on page 63)
V12.1 Fixpack 4 onwards, we can access the Milestones screen. Click on Milestones tab to
view Milestones Analysis report. This section give details related to audience drop between
two milestones and average time for achieve milestones. You can view the progress in
funnel or graph view, with toggle switch the desired option can be selected. If you select the
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 91
graph view then below there is a drop graph available, hover on that graph will display drop
percentage and average time in days (time format is DDHHMM).
Based on milestones achieved, the funnel chart is displayed in different colours.
100% - Full dark green
Above 75% - Light green
Above 50% - Yellow
Above 25% - Orange
Below 25% - Red
Note: Milestone graph is available only if user has dened milestones in journey.
The milestones will be displayed in the same sequence in which they were added.
Average Time - When you upgrade from version to then average time is
displayed as 0. After data refresh the average time displayed will be the difference between
the audience linked with Journey and data refresh.
Funnel View - Click this toggle switch to view the milestones performance in funnel view or
graph view.
Refresh - See Common Functional Keys (on page 92)
Export Report - See Common Functional Keys (on page 92)
More Actions- Following options are present in the drop-down.
View/Edit Details - See Viewing or editing a Journey (on page 32) (on page 60)
Settings - See Journey Settings (on page 43) (on page 74)
Mark Journey as Complete - See Marking a Journey as Complete (on page 36) (on
page 65)
Duplicate - See Duplicating a Journey (on page 33) (on page 61)
Exit - Click this to exit the performance screen
Add/Edit Goal - To add or edit a goal, see Add/Edit Goal (on page 45) (on page 78)
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 5 - Journeys | 92
Pause and Edit - To pause or edit journey, see Pausing and Editing a Journey (on page 35)
(on page 63)
Common Functional Keys
Refresh - Click Refresh button to refresh the data.
Export Report - Click this to export Journey performance report in PDF format. The Export
Report option is available for published and completed Journey. Exported report will have
Journey metadata, performance graphs and selected parameters. Before exporting the
report ensure that the graph is fully loaded.
Time Period- Click this to select the duration for which you wish to see the performance
report. By default Current/This month option is selected, also, you can select any timeframe
from the below mentioned options:
Last 7 days
Last 30 days
Current/This month
Last month
Last 3 months
Last 6 months
Last year
This year
All Time
Custom date range
Chapter 6. Journey chaining
Unica Journey contains capabilities for drip marketing. Marketers can run different
Journeys for a single audience group and serve customers with better communications in
each stage of marketing.
Audience ow from one Journey can easily be triggered to move into a new Journey. Unica
Journey uses Publish control to push data in to another Entry Source. Journeys, using this
Entry Source, triggers the ow of audience in it.
You can output the data from one Journey into at le using the Publish Touchpoint. This
data can be used as a static input for other Journeys.
Chapter 7. Journey Template
Templates page lists all the saved Journey templates. Details like Template Name,
Template ID, create date, Data Denition associated and preview is available on this page.
Click on the Preview hyperlink to see the preview of the Journey template.
Hover the cursor over the required Journey and select > to delete a template.
Hover the cursor over the required Journey and select > to create a Journey using
the template. The Create Journey from this template? dialog appears. Provide a name to
the Journey and click on Create. User is redirected to the Journey canvas page.
Note: Journey template cannot be edited. For any changes in the template, user
need to create a new Journey make the updates and save as template. No user
roles and permissions are attached to Create template. Templates cannot be copied
from one environment to another, user can use Journey import / export functionality
for the same. Journey goals and Journey milestones will not be associated with
template / stored in template.
Note: Journey templates can be stored in a folder structure similar to data denition
and entry sources. Journey templates can also be searched through global search
bar as we have currently for entry sources, data denition and Journeys. There can
be templates with same name but different template IDs. The template will get
saved with data denition details. Entry sources associated with the Journey would
not be saved with the template. Journey settings will be saved in the template.
Chapter 8. Create Stop Audience
From version 12.1.5, we have introduced a new feature named Stop Audience. You can use
this feature to stop or pause the Journey for certain audiences.
The Stop Audience feature is accessible from the Journey Canvas. Use the Stop User
feature to create rules that stops certain audiences matching the rule.
Using Stop Audience to pause the Journey for a few
To stop the Journey or pause the Journey for a few users, complete the following steps:
1. Access the concerned Journey.
2. Click Create Stop Audience.
Click Stop Audience.
The Stop Rules panel appears.
Click + Stop Request.
The New Stop Request panel appears.
Perform the following steps in the New Stop Request panel:
Provide values for the following elds:
Use the following options create or delete a rule or a rule group:
Add Rule - Select Add Rule to add a rule or a criteria that needs to be met.
Use the condition toggle OR / AND to concatenate multiple rules or to
concatenate a rule with a rule group. Select X to remove the rule.
Add Group - Select Add Group to add a rule group. A rule group contains
multiple rules. Use the condition toggle OR / AND to concatenate rules
within a group and to concatenate a rule group with other rule groups or a
rule. Select Delete Group to delete the rule groups. You can also select X
to remove individual rules within a rule group. A rule group should have a
minimum of two rules.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 8 - Create Stop Audience | 96
6. Click Calculate Count.
The Rule appears in the Stop Rules page and the calculation process begins. In the
Stop Rules page you will see the following details:
Rule Name
Executed On
Executed By
Audience Count
Audience Affected
Created By
Created On
7. Post calculation, the Audience Count for the rule is populated.
To execute the rule , click the Execute Rule button preceding the rule. A warning
message appears indicating that once the rule is run , it cannot be reversed.
The rule execution begins. You cannot + Stop Request when a rule is running.
The audiences are stopped in batches. Hence the end result could be a
complete success or partial success.
The actual number of stopped audiences might differ from the number
of audiences calculated as more audiences may have entered the
Journey during rule execution.
Post execution of the Rule, the Audience Stopped (n) panel for the rule appears where
n is the number of audiences that are going to be paused or stopped. Click Export
Stopped Contacts to export the list of audiences to a CSV le.
After executing the rule, you cannot delete or re-execute or modify the rule.
During the execution of the rule, updated stopped audience count in the Stop
Rules. Click the count values to view all the stopped audiences for a given rule.
Audience information is listed in descending order of their pause time on a
separate page.
The Rule page appears showing the rule and the list of audiences stopped. Click
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 8 - Create Stop Audience | 97
The Rule listing page appears with a dialog Stop Contacts?
11. Clicking Yes, Conrm will stop the Journey for the number of audiences mentioned
irrespective of where the audience is in the Journey. If you click Yes, Conrm, the
operation cannot be revered.
Chapter 9. Offer Integration with Journey
Journey support offer from Centralized Offer Management (COM). Offer created in COM can
be directly associated in email touchpoint with Link connectors in Unica Journey.
In Unica Deliver application user can associate offers with Deliver Email communications
and these Deliver Email communications can be congured with Email Deliver touchpoints.
Offers assigned to email communication will get associated with Email touchpoint in Unica
Journey supports offer integration through following channels:
Deliver Offer Integration
Link offer Integration
Interact Next Best Offers (NBO)
Along with this Journey also supports Content History and Response history (CH/RH)
tracking for the offers delivered via Journey.
Deliver Offer Integration
Users create offers in Centralized offer management system and associate those offers
with Deliver Email communication.
Create Offers in Centralized Offer Management (COM)
Create Email communication with Offer in Unica Deliver.
Create Email communication with offers for each email touch point that you congure
using Unica Deliver. For more information on creating Unica Email communications
with Offers for Unica Deliver, see Unica Deliver User Guide.
To congure an email touchpoint with Deliver, complete the following steps:
1. In the Email Conguration dialog, select Deliver.
2. Click on Next.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 99
3. The Select Template dialog appears.
4. Landing page - On Journey canvas, user can congure email with Deliver. If that email
template in deliver has landing page associated with it then user should be able
congure Journey data denition elds with Landing page elds and when end user
provides any input, as per mapping elds user input will be available in Journey. User
can use them in decision split.
5. Offer Conguration - Select the required email communication. If there are
multiple email communication, use the Search bar to locate the required email
communication. Email communication having offers associated will be displayed on
the right side of the screen along with the number of offers congured in that email
communication. Example if one offer is associated with the email communication
then 1 Offer will be displayed. When user hovers on Offer, then offer code and offer
expiry date details appear. When user clicks on the Offer, then Offer details screen
6. Click on Next.
7. The Mapping dialog appears.
8. Personalization Fields Mapping - Map the Deliver elds with the appropriate Journey
elds (coming from the Data Denition associated with the Journey during Journey
creation). This is essential as the mapping changes the value on runtime. The
mapping achieves personalization to the email. In Deliver, if you map FirstName of
Deliver to fname of Journey and the LastName to lname, the salutation in the email
will be personalized to the value of the eld.
Landing Page Response Mapping - Map the Journey elds with the appropriate
Landing Page elds. When user gives the input using Landing page, then based on
mapping elds user input will be available in Journey.
Note: Journey would not be able to recognize the Landing Page form elds
name by its Label Name - Journey can only recognize the Landing Page from
elds by their Report Field Name attribute.
10. Click on Save.
Points to Consider
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 100
If two landing pages attributes mapped in Email communications, one of the Landing
page attributes are not getting in Journey.
If user do modify the Landing page, then for getting these changes available in
Journey user needs to republish the Landing page and Email communication, do copy
of email communication and by pausing the Journey do recongure this copied email
If any change is made in deliver communication, then user needs to recongure email
touchpoint to get the changes reected in Journey.
If an email template having offers assigned is associated in Journey, then Journey will
fetch those offers and the responses received from the emails are captured in Contact
and response history.
User would need to use the offer template which has Offer effective and expiry date
provided as xed dates and not the owchart run date / number of durations after
effective date.
Unica Journey does not adhere to the Effective and Expiry dates while evaluating/
sending offers to the communication channels. User would need to manually remove
the offers expired and assign active offers.
If Journey partition setting for the corresponding Journey is not saved, then in that
case contact history and response history (CH/RH) will not be captured for the
associated offer. If user proceeding without saving the journey partition, then a
warning message is displayed saying You don’t have partition settings saved for
journey. To save the response history and contact history (CH/RH) it is important to
save partition settings in journey. You can save the settings from the settings menu.
For a Journey, if an offer attribute with visibility rule is assigned with deliver email
template, then Journey does not support tracking the CH/RH for the offers with
visibility rules.
If an email template having offers assigned is associated in Journey, then Journey will
fetch those offers and the responses received from the emails are captured in Contact
and response history database tables of Unica Campaign.
If there is any change in offer attribute on deliver side after associating the Deliver
email-communication to Journey touchpoint, then this will not reect in Journey.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 101
Deliver- offer association with Journey is Read Only. Offer attribute mapping is not
supported for data-denition eld screen.
In Journey we are not supporting all the offer functionality, which is supported in
Deliver with batching. The plain vanilla thing for offers supporting in Journey-Deliver.
Journey tracks the link clicks and Linkurl which user clicks in Deliver email. These
links can be used in Journey engagement split and can also be used to track the
goals progress. Unlike Offer click-through links will only be captured by Journey for
response tracking purpose only. These offers click-through urls will not be available
in Journey engagement split and for Journey goals calculations. Links available in
Deliver emails for Offers will not be listed on Engagement split page and Goals page
for link click events. On Goal historical page, for non-frequency based link click goals,
offer links URLs will not be available in Link drop down. Deliver "Link Clicks" count of
offer links will be added as a part of total link click count for non-frequency based link
click goals.
Journey Deliver offer integration is not supporting Offer attribute value modications,
If this offer is in use then these modied offer attribute values will not be available in
Journey allows duplicate records. Whenever an audience enters an email touchpoint
in Journey, it will receive an offer. This offer will be reported as a contact in
Campaign's Contact history tables. When the same audience ID re-enters the same
email touch point, the same offer is presented once again to that audience ID. When
this duplicate contact is posted to Campaign, it discards the duplicate contact record
stating- The contact for same customer with same offer is already reported. In such
case where Journey allows duplicate records to enter Journey, the offers (contacts)
that are presented only for the rst time are captured. Subsequent contacts for
the same audience ID with same offer are discarded. If user does not want same
audience to process multiple times, then it is recommended that user should select
Do not allow duplicate contacts radio button in Journey settings. If user pushes
same audience multiple times in same Journey, then only rst contact is recorded.
Subsequent contacts for the same audience ID with same offer are discarded.
Not all Centralized Offer Management attributes are supported on Deliver side for
offer integration.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 102
Following offer attributes are supported when offers are assigned in Deliver email
communication and responses are recorded in Journey :
Standard Attributes
Average response revenue
Channel type
Cost per offer
Creative URL
Effective date and expiration duration
Fullment cost
Interaction Point ID
Interaction point name
Offer Fixed Cost
Custom Attributes
Text eld – String
Text eld – Numeric
Text eld – Date
Text eld – currency
Select box – String
Following offer attributes are not supported when offers are assigned in Deliver email
Rich Text
Select box- Database
If a user tries to delete an offer for which Contact/Response history is already
populated through Journey-Deliver offer integration, then that offer gets retired in
COM upon deleting. Hereafter, if user pushes new audiences, then Contact/Response
history will be generated for these audiences even though the offer is in retired state.
If a user congures deliver touchpoint with an offer but the Journey is still in Draft
state (not published), then user will be able to delete this Offer from COM. Hereafter,
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 103
user can publish the Journey. Emails will be sent to the audiences but Response
History will not be generated in Campaign.
When you congure Email and SMS deliver touchpoint, you can see the preview of
the communication from Journey. You can access this from the communications list
used for verifying the selected communication. The preview gives you an idea of how
the end-communication looks like before executing the Journey.
Note: Only the communications created in Deliver Quick Builder are rendered
as thumbnails in the communication listing screen.
Journey Deliver offer integration does not support COM offer variations and Offers
without template.
In Journey Deliver offer integration, Journey is not capturing OfferUrl and
OfferstaticAttributejson information hence these columns is shown as Null in Journey
database offermetadata table. Journey is not supporting COM static attributes.
If user is unable to see Offer Code and Offer Expiry on tooltip, then they need to
increase token validity in platform (set validity to 1800 on Platform > Settings >
Conguration > General > Miscellaneous > Token lifetime). After increasing token
validity in platform restart Platform and Offer application.
Link Offer Integration
User can assign offers and offer variations with Journey touchpoints sent across through
Link connectors. For more information, see Centralized Offer Management Administrators
Pre-requisites for Centralized Offers Management and Unica Journey integration.
If user are using Centralized Offers Management (COM) in Unica Journey for Link
connections, user will need to congure Unica Marketing Platform congurations as
mentioned below:
User would need to increase the token validity in Marketing Platform conguration to
10800 seconds (3 hours)
Navigate to Settings for 'Miscellaneous' (Anium|Manager|miscellaneous)
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 104
Set Token lifetime = 10800
Disable Platform ag for single time token usage, by conguring the below settings:
Navigate to Settings for 'API management' (Anium|suite|security|apiSecurity
Enable session-based API authentication – Enabled
Delete security token after a single use - Disabled
3. The above setting should be disabled in Platform for both Campaign and Centralized
Offer Management.
To congure an email touchpoint with Link, complete the following steps
1. In the Email Conguration dialog, select Link
2. Add Offers - Check the checkbox I want to associate Offers to this touchpoint
(template) for associated offer in emails.
Click on Select Offers.
Note: If Journey partition setting for the corresponding Journey is not saved,
then in that case contact history and response history (CH/RH) would not be
captured for the associated offer, then options Select Offers will be disabled.
After the partition setting is saved the Select Offer options is enabled.
4. The Offers screen from Centralized Offer Management appears. User can select one
or multiple offers from the list of offers displayed or double click on the offer to select
from the offer variant.
5. Click on Select Offers.
6. The Offer response mapping page appears. Associate every offer with the link url.
If the URL is not provided then history of CH/RH will be lost. Enter that URL on this
screen for which offer response needs to be tracked (Pre-requisite- the link should be
existing in the email template being used)
7. Click on Done.
Points to Consider
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 105
For Journeys created before versions 12.1.1, existing email touchpoint cannot be
associated with Link Offers.
User would need to use the offer template which has Offer effective and expiry date
provided as xed dates and not the owchart run date / number of durations after
effective date.
Unica Journey does not adhere to the Effective and Expiry dates while evaluating/
sending offers to the communication channels. User would need to manually remove
the offers expired and assign active offers.
When offer integration is done with Link Mailchimp connector, for the rst link click
two responses might be received. Based on the email client behaviour, on how they
handle the link click Mailchimp might receive duplicate link click event - which will
result in duplicate response for the assigned offer to the link.
With Journey when the offer attribute with visibility rule is assigned to Link touchpoint,
then Journey does not support tracking the CH/RH for the offers with visibility rules.
Irrespective of Offer visibility rule all offer attributes are displayed in the dropdown of
Link eld mapping.
Not all Centralized Offer Management attributes supported on Link side for offer
integration. After offer integration attributes not supported on Link side are not
reected. Following attributes are supported by Link:
channel type
Interact Next Best Offers (NBO)
While audience is navigating through the Journey, then Journey can get the best
personalized offers from Interact at runtime and send those offers to audiences via Link
To congure an email touchpoint with Interact NBO, complete the following steps:
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 106
1. In the Email Conguration dialog, select Link
2. Add Offers - Check the checkbox I want to associate Offers to this touchpoint
(template) to associate offers in emails.
3. Click on Next Best Offer
Note: NBO button will be enabled even if partition settings are not saved
for Journey. NBO button will remain disabled if Interact is not installed on
4. The Next Best Offer page appears.
5. Provide appropriate values for the following elds:
Interactive Channel - It is a mandatory eld. Select the Interactive channel
which is deployed on Interact Runtime. If user does not select the
deployed Interactive channel, then test connection will not work.
Note: In certain situations, where Interactive channel (selected in
Journey which is in published state) is updeployed from Interact
runtime, then Journey will not receive any offer for audiences from
Interact and it will show transactions in error state. Audiences will
move to the next touch point without any email send.
Audience level - Mandatory eld
Interaction point - Mandatory eld
Select event - Mandatory eld (Only events associated with contact action
will be available for selection).
Interact Runtime URL - Mandatory eld (Only one runtime URL can be
mapped at a time).
Interact Prole Fields Mapping - Map interact elds with Journey elds.
Click on Done.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 107
a. When user selects the Interactive channel and the audience level,
then only user will get the Interact prole table elds for mapping.
Interact prole table elds can be mapped with Journey audience
(data denition) elds, so when Journey is published audience
information will be passed to Interact runtime as startSession
API call. User should take care while mapping the elds like
string data type of data denition elds should not be mapped to
numeric Interact prole table elds and vice-versa.
b. Currently, Interact next best offer integration is only supported
with partition1.
c. Static/strategic segment when congured in Interact will not work
with NBO.
Contact History/Response History Tracking
Contact history and Response history (CH/RH) for the offers delivered from Journey will
be tracked in Centralised history (CH) table of Campaign. Offer delivered by Delivery Email
channels, Link connectors or by interact, using link delivery channels are recorded for CH/
RH tracking. This tracking is done under respective Campaign Contact history tables.
In Journey when a user assigns an offer with Deliver communication, link connector or
with Interact, they need to specify the partition and the audience level for which the history
will be tracked. Based on the selected partition and audience level, history tables will be
populated in Campaign schema. History related information can be used in Campaign. User
can send this information from Campaign to Journey to verify how customer contact and
responses are working.
Whenever a user adds a new audience level on Campaign settings, please make sure to
restart Campaign web application. Only after starting this, user will be able to synchronize
the contact and response history for newly added audience level.
Journey contact and responses will be synchronized with Campaign contact and Response
history tables via Kafka topic- UNICA_CH_RH. All the contact and responses on this topic
are consumed by Campaign application and they are synchronized in to history tables. Even
though Campaign consumes the history records from kafka, they will continue to display on
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 9 - Offer Integration with Journey | 108
UNICA_CH_RH topic based on kafka conguration, which states how long these messages
would be available on Kafka topic.
If there are multiple kafka consumers to Campaign group, contact history and response
history that get populated might behave inconsistently. To check consumers on a kafka
instance please use below command
kafka-consumer-groups.sh -bootstrap-server <kafka_host>:<port> --describe -group
Chapter 10. Settings
Use the settings menu to manage the Journey integrations like Email connectors, SMS
connectors, CRM connections, and REST integrations.
Setting a default email connection
If you have multiple connectors to Unica Link for sending an email, you can set the default
email connection in the Settings menu.
To set a default email connection, complete the following steps:
Select > Link > Email.
The Email page appears.
From the Available Connections list, select a connection.
The available connection includes Mandril, Mailchimp, etc.
Click Save.
You can also deselect an existing connection and click Save. This ensures that no
default connection is set.
Setting a default SMS connection
If you have multiple connectors to Unica Link for sending an SMS, you can set the default
SMS connection in the Settings menu.
To set a default SMS connection, complete the following steps:
Select > Link > SMS.
The SMS page appears.
From the Available Connections list, select a connection.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 110
Phone number formats should be mentioned as per the specication of the
delivery channel. Journey will send the phone number in the same format to
delivery channel. For example, in reference Twilio connection phone number
format supported with Journey is as follows:
<plus sign><country-code><10-digit phone number> - +15403241212.
<plus sign> <country-code <(area-code)> <three-digit number><four-
digit number> - +1 (540) 324 1212.
<plus sign>-<country-code>-<area-code>-<three-digit number>-<four-
digit number> - +1-540-324-1212.
<plus sign> <country-code>-<area-code>-<three-digit number>-<four-
digit number> - +1 540-324-1212.
Whatever format of phone number you provide, Unica Journey will save
the number in the following format: <plus sign><country-code><10-
digit phone number>. For example, if you provide phone number as +1
540-324-1212,Unica Journey stores the phone number as +15403241212.
If you select Twilio as the default SMS connection, it will accept phone numbers only
in the following format: <plus sign><country-code><10-digit phone number>. For
example, +15403241212.
3. Click Save.
Setting a default CRM connection
If you have multiple CRM connections, you can set the default CRM connection in the
Settings menu.
To set a default CRM connection, complete the following steps:
Select > Link > CRM.
The CRM page appears.
2. From the Available Connections list, select a connection.
3. Click Save.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 111
Setting a default ADTECH Connection
If you have multiple ADTECH connectors, you can set the default email connection in the
Settings menu.
To set a default email connection, complete the following steps:
Select > Link > ADTECH.
The ADTECH page appears.
From the Available Connections list, select a connection.
The available connection includes Mailchimp, Twillo and Salesforce.
Click Save.
You can also deselect an existing connection and click Save. This ensures that no
default connection is set.
Setting a default LinkedIn connection
You can set LinkedIn as a default connection
To set a default LinkedIn connection, complete the following steps
1. Select > Link > Manage connections and click New connection button.
2. On Create New Connection add any Name and click on Next button.
3. Select Choose Connection Type type as LinkedIn Ads and click on Next button.
4. On Connection Properties page, click on Get code button, user will navigate to
LinkedIn login page, add LinkedIn a/c user-id and password
5. After successful login, copy LinkedIn browser url and paste it on Create New
Connection page in text eld Redirect Url response.
6. Click on Get Token button, then click on Test, once Test connection is successful click
on Save button.
Note: LinkedIn responses are modied and following responses are available
on congured LinkedIn touchpoint. Audience size, Matched count and
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 112
Audience status. Unica link sends these responses to Journey and depending
on link response, Audience size, Matched count and Audience status are
available on Linkedin touchpoint.
Setting a default Database connection
If you have multiple Database connectors, you can set the default email connection in the
Settings menu.
To set a default email connection, complete the following steps:
Select > Link > Database.
The Database page appears.
2. From the Available Connections list, select a connection.
Click Save.
You can also deselect an existing connection and click Save. This ensures that no
default connection is set.
Manage connections
You can manage Unica Link connections from this menu.
You can create a connection with Unica Link connectors like Mailchimp, Mandrill,
Salesforce, and Twilio. You can view all existing connections in the Existing Connections (n)
panel, where n is the number of connections.
1. To create a Mailchimp connection, complete the following steps:
Select > Link > Manage Connections > Create New.
The Create New Connection page appears.
b. Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory
Description - Optional
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 113
c. Click Next.
d. From the Choose Connection panel, select Mailchimp.
In the Connection Properties panel, provide values for the following mandatory
Note: To know about the elds and the values to be put, see Unica Link
Mailchimp User Guide.
Base URL
User ID
Activity Fetch Frequency
Activity Fetch Units
f. Click Test to the test the connection. If the provided values are correct, you will
see a success message. If the provided values are incorrect, you will see an
error message.
To save the connection, click Save.
The new connection is successfully saved and it appears in the Existing
Connections panel.
To create a Mandril connection, complete the following steps:
Select > Link > Manage Connections > Create New.
The Create New Connection page appears.
b. Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory
Description - Optional
c. Click Next.
d. From the Choose Connection panel, select Mandrill.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 114
e. In the Connection Properties panel, provide values for the following mandatory
Note: To know about the elds and the values to be put, see Unica Link
Mandrill User Guide.
Activity Fetch Frequency
Activity Fetch Units
f. Click Test to the test the connection. If the provided values are correct, you will
see a success message. If the provided values are incorrect, you will see an
error message.
To save the connection, click Save.
The new connection is successfully saved and it appears in the Existing
Connections panel.
3. To create a Salesforce connection, complete the following steps:
Select > Link > Manage Connections > Create New.
The Create New Connection page appears.
b. Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory
Description - Optional
c. Click Next.
d. From the Choose Connection panel, select Salesforce.
e. In the Connection Properties panel, provide values for the following mandatory
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 115
Note: To know about the elds and the values to be put, see Unica Link
Salesforce User Guide.
Instance URL
Access Token
f. Click Test to the test the connection. If the provided values are correct, you will
see a success message. If the provided values are incorrect, you will see an
error message.
g. To save the connection, click Save.
The new connection is successfully saved and it appears in the Existing
Connections panel.
To create a Twilio connection, complete the following steps:
Select > Link > Manage Connections > Create New.
The Create New Connection page appears.
b. Provide values for the following elds:
Name - Mandatory
Description - Optional
c. Click Next.
d. From the Choose Connection panel, select Twilio.
e. In the Connection Properties panel, provide values for the following mandatory
Note: To know about the elds and the values to be put, see Unica Link
Twilio User Guide.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 116
Base URL
Account SID
Auth Token
From Number
Retry Interval
Retry Attempts
f. Click Test to the test the connection. If the provided values are correct, you will
see a success message. If the provided values are incorrect, you will see an
error message.
To save the connection, click Save.
The new connection is successfully saved and it appears in the Existing
Connections panel.
REST Integration
REST keys are used for third-party login to the application. You can generate key-value pair
and using the key value pair, you can login to Journey using third-party applications.
Creating a new REST integration
To create a new REST integration key pair, complete the following steps:
1. Select > REST.
The REST page appears.
Click + REST Integration.
The New REST Integration page appears.
Provide values for the following elds:
App Name - Mandatory.
Description - Optional.
Click Generate Keys.
The system generates a ClientID and ClientSecret.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 117
5. Use the toggle bar to change the Status to Active or Inactive. By default, the Status
is Active.
6. To save the REST integration, click Save.
To send audience data to Journey, follow the details mentioned on the REST Entry
Source used for conguring the REST end point. Use the ClientID and ClientSecret,
which you received when executing Step (4), for conguring the REST end point on
Entry Source. For more information, see Creating Entry sources (on page 7).
Generate the authentication token using the URL example: "http://
comp-4946-.nonprod.hclpnp.com:80/journey/api/thirdpartylogin". Use this
authentication token and entry source code while sending the data.
Note: Entry source code is mandatory to send data on REST entry source.
8. 8. REST API end point (as available on REST entry source creation page) example -
9. Sample format of JSON that /journey/api/entrysources/rest/data takes as input is as
below -
"entrySourceCode": "ES-00000125",
"data": [
{ "Email": "[email protected]", "FirstName": "Pooja", "LastName": "Sharma", "Age":
30, "Address": 125, "CreatedDate": "15 09 22", "PHONE_NUMBER": "+919623444160",
"DeviceID":"ac79649c-ca1b-4c3f-99ce-56d5ad69fbba" }
Note: The json elds should be changed as per the data denition which is
associated with the journey.
10. Journey should be in published state before pushing the data on REST entry source.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 118
Viewing REST integration list
Unica Journey maintains a list of REST integrations created.
To view a list of REST integrations, complete the following steps:
Select > REST.
The REST page appears.
2. Perform any one of the following operations:
a. To view the list of REST integrations in ascending order or descending order on
the Name eld, click Name.
b. To view the list of REST integrations in ascending order or descending order on
the Description eld, click Description.
Modifying an existing REST integration
You can only modify the description and the status of an existing REST integration.
To modify an existing REST integration, complete the following steps:
Select > REST.
The REST page appears.
2. To modify a rest integration, you can either:
select the required REST integration from the list
select >
The Update REST Integration page appears.
You can update only the following elds:
4. To save the modications, click Save.
Deleting REST integrations
You can only delete inactive REST integrations that are no longer used or needed.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 10 - Settings | 119
To change the status of a REST integration entry, see Modifying an existing REST integration
(on page 118).
To remove existing inactive REST integrations, complete the following steps:
Select > REST.
The REST page appears.
Perform either of the following steps:
To delete a REST integration, select > succeeding the REST integration
in the list.
To delete multiple REST integrations, select the checkboxes preceding the REST
integrations, in the list, that you want to delete and click Delete.
3. A conrmation box appears. To proceed with the deletion, click Ok.
Developer Tools
Displays the list of developer tools.
API Documentation
You can nd the list of API in Journey done though Swager UI. Swagger v3 UI does not
support IE 11.
If AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) is on HTTPS and Journey product is on HTTP, If
Journey Swagger API page is not loading or Swagger API are not executing, user needs
to Congure Tomcat for SSL ooading by adding below parameters connector tag in
Example: /opt/Tomcat/Journey_instance/conf/server.xml
<Connector port="7010" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
scheme="https" secure="true"
redirectPort="9010" />
Chapter 11. Basic features
The basic features are features that are accessible at any time.
The list of basic features are as follows:
Prole information
Use the search feature to nd artifacts like Journeys, Entry Sources, Data Denitions, or
Folders. The Search is placed in the header bar and is accessible at any time irrespective of
the menu you are using.
The Search function contains the following options:
Table 7. Search Options
Search Option Description
Search in Folders Searches for the entered pattern in the
current folder of the active menu.
For example, if the user is on Entry
Sources menu and the current folder
is Files, the option will search for en
try sources matching the pattern in the
Files folder.
Search in Journeys Searches for Journeys matching the en
tered pattern.
Search in Entry Sources Searches for Entry Sources matching the
entered pattern.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 11 - Basic features | 121
Table 7. Search Options (continued)
Search Option Description
Search in Data Definitions Searches for Data Definitions matching
the entered pattern.
Search in All Searches for Journeys, Entry Sources,
and Data Definitions matching the en
tered pattern.
The search results will be displayed in dif
ferent tabs: Journeys, Data Definitions,
and Entry Sources.
Note: The order of the Search Options will change depending on the menu that is
If you want to search a pattern Mailer and your current folder is HolidayMailers, you will
see the following options:
Search in Folder 'HolidayMailers'
Search in Data Definitions
Search in Journeys
Search in Entry Sources
Search in All
You can access Journey documentation at any time using the Help feature.
Click Help to access the Unica Journey User Guide. You can also access additional
documentation from doc.unica.com.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 11 - Basic features | 122
Prole information
View the prole name that is currently logged in. The username of the logged in prole is
You can logout from Unica Journey by clicking the prole name and selecting Signout.
Chapter 12. Common features
Folders contain all the artifacts that you create. Artifacts include Journeys, Entry Sources,
and Data Denitions.
You can access only the folders related to the active menu. For example, if you are viewing
the Journeys menu and you access the Folders feature, you can only view folders containing
Journeys. You cannot view the folders containing Entry Sources, or Data Denitions.
To access Folders, complete the following steps.
Select one of the following menus:
Entry Sources
Data Denitions
2. Click Folders. The Folders panel appears.
You can perform the following operations on Folders.
Table 8. Folder Operations
Folder Operations Reference
Create a folder For more information, see Creating a folder (on page
Search a folder For more information, see Searching a folder (on page
Edit a folder For more information, see Editing a folder (on page 125).
View folders For more information, see Viewing a folder (on page
View artifacts within a folder For more information, see Viewing artifacts within a folder
(on page 126).
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 12 - Common features | 124
Table 8. Folder Operations (continued)
Folder Operations Reference
Move a folder or multiple folders to
another folder
For more information, see Moving a folder or multiple fold
ers (on page 127).
Remove a folder or multiple folders For more information, see Deleting a folder or multiple
folders (on page 128).
Creating a folder
Create a new folder to store artifacts like Journeys, Entry Sources, and Data Denitions.
You can organize the artifacts using folders. To create a new folder, complete the following
Click Folder.
The Folders panel appears.
2. Select All Folders.
Click + Folder.
A new folder appears.
4. Type a relevant name for the folder and click .
Searching a folder
Use the Search function to locate a folder. The Search function is extremely useful when you
have a lot of folders.
To avoid scrolling through a long list of folders, use the Search function to locate a folder.
To search a folder, complete the following steps.
1. Click Folders.
The Folders panel appears.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 12 - Common features | 125
2. Type the name of the folder you want to search in the Search Folder text box and
select .
The folder, or folders, matching the entered folder name appears. You can also search
for a folder using a substring.
Editing a folder
When you edit a folder, you can only change the folder name.
To edit a folder, complete the following steps.
Click Folders.
The Folders panel appears.
2. You can either search for the required folder or select All Folders. To search for the
required folder, see Searching a folder (on page 124).
3. Hover the cursor over the required folder and select .
4. Change the folder name and select .
Viewing a folder
Folders reside in the root folder or within another folder. There are multiple ways to access a
All folders that you create reside in the root folder. The character "/" represents the root
folder. To view a folder. or to view multiple folders, complete the following steps.
1. Click Folders.
The Folders panel appears.
To view folders, perform one of the following steps.
a. To view a specic folder, use the Search Folder function. For more information,
see Searching a folder (on page 124).
b. To view all folders, select All Folders.
c. To view folders that you access frequently, select Frequently Used.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 12 - Common features | 126
Viewing artifacts within a folder
Folders can contain other folders or one of the following artifacts: Journeys, Entry Sources,
or Data Denitions.
See Folders (on page 123).
There are multiple ways to view the contents of a folder. To view the contents of a folder,
complete the following steps.
Click Folders.
The Folders panel appears.
For a quick view of folder details, perform the following steps.
a. If the folder is a frequently accessed folder, select Frequently Used. You can
also select All Folders.
b. Hover the cursor over the required folder. You can view the number of folders
and the number of artifacts within that folder.
For a detailed view of a folder, perform the following steps.
a. If the folder is a frequently accessed folder, select Frequently Used. You can
also select All Folders.
b. Select to open the required folder.
You will see two tabs: Folders(n) and <Artifact>(n), where <Artifact> can either
be Journeys, Entry Sources, or Data Denitions, depending on the menu you are
accessing, and (n) is the number indicating the number of artifacts within the
Example: A folder named Example1 has two sub-folders: Example1.1 and
Example1.2. The Example1 folder has three Journeys, and both Example1.1
and Example1.2 folders have two Journeys each.
If you open the folder Example1, you will see two tabs: Folders(2) and
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 12 - Common features | 127
If you open the folder Example1.1, you will see two tabs: Folders(0) and
If you open the folder Example1.2, you will see two tabs: Folders(0) and
To view the reports of the artifacts, perform the following steps.
a. If the folder is a frequently accessed folder, select Frequently Used. You can
also select All Folders.
b. Select to open the required folder.
Click View <artifact name>, where the artifact name can be Journeys, Entry
Sources, or Data Denitions.
The list appears in the respective menu page.
Moving a folder or multiple folders
All folders need not reside at the root (/) level. You can move some folders within other
folders for better organization.
To move a single folder to another folder, or to move multiple folders to a different folder,
complete the following steps.
1. Click Folders.
The Folders panel appears.
2. Select All Folders.
You can move folders in either of the following ways.
a. To move a single folder, you can either hover the cursor over the required folder
and select , or select the checkbox preceding the required folder and click
Move to folder.
b. To move multiple folders, select the checkbox preceding the required folders
and click Move to folder.
4. Select the required destination folder and click Move here.
Unica Journey V12.1.5 User's Guide | 12 - Common features | 128
Deleting a folder or multiple folders
Delete unwanted folders using the Delete operation. You can delete a single folder or delete
multiple folders at a time.
The delete operation only removes a folder, if the folder does not contain any artifacts
or sub-folders. If a folder contains artifacts or sub-folders, remove the artifacts and sub-
folders rst, before using the delete function.
To delete a folder or multiple sub-folders, complete the following steps:
Click Folders.
The Folders panel appears.
2. Select All Folders.
3. You can delete folders in either of the following ways:
a. To delete a single folder, you can either hover the cursor over the required folder
and select , or select the checkbox preceding the required folder and click
b. To delete multiple folders, select the checkbox preceding the required folders
and click Delete.