Where can I get EC?
• Pharmacies
» Plan B One-Step
and generic brands
are for all ages with no prescription.
» You need a prescription for ella
• Health care providers and family
planning clinics.
• Hospital emergency rooms after rape.
• Call 2-1-1 to find free or low cost EC
and birth control near you.
Portland Women’s Crisis Line:
24 hour resources and support for
survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Toll free 1-888-235-5333 (503-235-5333)
National Sexual Assault Hotline:
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
Dial 2-1-1 for a clinic near you.
Oregon Contraceptive Care:
Find out more about Oregon clinics and
birth control at ccare.oregon.gov.
A free birth control support network
operated by the National Campaign to
Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
This document can be provided upon request in an
alternate format for individuals with disabilities or
in a language other than English for people with
limited English skills. To request this publication
in another format or language, contact the Oregon
Reproductive Health Program at 971-673-0355 or
711 for TTY.
Download this brochure in English and
other languages at www.healthoregon.org/rh.
Funded in part by a U.S. DHHS-OPA grant.
Don’t wait. The sooner
you take EC, the better
it works to prevent
The sooner the better.
You have up to 120 hours
5 days
to act!
(Emergency Birth Control)
Just had sex?
Worried about pregnancy?
Reproductive Health Program
OHA 9850 (rev 12/2015)
Emergency contraception (EC) lowers your
chance of getting pregnant after sex.
Take EC as soon as you can.
EC works better the sooner
you take it, but it can work
up to five (5) days (120 hours)
Use EC if:
You didn’t use birth control.
Your condom broke.
Your partner didn’t withdraw
or “pull out” on time.
You missed using or taking your
birth control on time.
You were forced to have sex
without birth control.
EC does not cause an abortion.
EC does not work if you are already pregnant.
EC does not lower your chance to get
pregnant in the future.
EC is safe and effective.
EC pills:
Are backup birth control to prevent
pregnancy after sex.
Work like birth control pills.
How do EC pills work?
They may:
Keep the egg from leaving the ovary.
Keep sperm from meeting the egg.
Change the lining of the uterus.
After taking EC:
Some women feel dizzy or have stomach
pain, sore breasts, or spotting.
If you vomit within two (2) hours after
taking EC, call your health care provider.
You may have to take the pill again.
If your period is more than one (1) week
late, you may be pregnant.
Use backup birth control, like condoms,
until your next period.
Don’t wait!
Take EC as soon as
possible after sex
without birth control!
What about the IUD?
The IUD (intrauterine device) is a small
piece of plastic with a short string.
IUDs work best for EC. Your health care
provider needs to place it in your uterus
within five (5) days after sex.
Some IUDs work as birth control for
up to 12 years.
3 types of EC are:
(May not work as well if you
weigh more than 193 pounds).
Plan B One-Step
and generic brands
(May not work as well if you
weigh more than 154 pounds).
Copper IUD
(Works the best at any weight).