September Ask employer about tuition assistance,
scholarships and other college enrollment benets
Attend Brown Bag (optional)
October Take the PSAT
Attend Menlos Mini College Fair
Menlo School College Financial Aid & Planning
November Receive your assigned college counselor Read the College Counseling Handbook
Attend 10th Grade Parent College
Counseling Evening
January Attend First Read: A Conversation with Admissions Experts
Attend First Read: A Conversation with
Admissions Experts (optional)
Menlo Alumni Panel of College Athletes (optional) Menlo Alumni Panel of College Athletes (optional)
Menlo Alumni Panel of College Artists (optional) Menlo Alumni Panel of College Artists (optional)
Menlo Alumni Panel of Gap Year Students (optional) Menlo Alumni Panel of Gap Year Students (optional)
Schedule a meeting with you college counselor to start
to get to know each other
February Take the SAT Mock Test on campus (optional) Attend Brown Bag (optional)
March Meet with college counselor to register for courses Attend Course Selection Night
Take the ACT
Mock Test on campus (optional)
Bay Area Annual Case Studies Program at Sacred Heart Prep
Bay Area Annual Case Studies Program at Sacred
Heart Prep
Sign up for AP bootcamp (if applicable) Attend Brown Bag (optional)
June Menlo School College Counseling Recommended
Reading List in College Counseling Files
July Prepare for the SAT or ACT (Advanced Schedule)
Attend Colleges That Change Lives Fair (optional) Attend Colleges That Change Lives Fair (optional)
August Take the ACT or SAT (Advanced Schedule)
September Attend visits by colleges and universities to Menlo School if you have
a free period during the visit
Ask employer about tuition assistance,
scholarships and other college enrollment
Attend evening programs by colleges and universities to Silicon Valley
and the Bay Area
Attend Brown Bag (optional)
Meet with your college counselor to debrief about your summer,
check in about 11th grade courses and discuss extracurricular
If you haven‘t participated in many activities, discuss with your college
counselor options for meaningful involvement
11th Grade Parent Education & College
Counseling Night
October Take the PSAT Menlo School College Financial Aid &
Planning Program (optional)
Attend Menlos Mini College Fair
November Read the College Counseling Handbook
January Attend “First Read: A Conversation with Admissions Experts“ Attend “First Read: A Conversation with
Admissions Experts“
Menlo Alumni Panel of College Athletes Menlo Alumni Panel of College Athletes
Menlo Alumni Panel of College Artists Menlo Alumni Panel of College Artists
Menlo Alumni Panel of Gap Year Students Menlo Alumni Panel of Gap Year Students
Register for a spring oering of the SAT or ACT or SAT subject tests College Visit Planning Session with
College Counselor
Meet with your counselor to discuss summer opportunities
Research summer programs/apply
Plan to visit colleges and universities during Menlo Winter Break,
Spring Break or Summer Break
Research internship opportunities on CBC
February Take the SAT Mock Test on campus (optional) Attend Brown Bag (optional)
March Take the ACT or SAT (Option 1) Attend Course Selection Night
Attend Gap Year Fair at Palo Alto High School (optional)
Meet with College Counselor to develop senior year schedule
If you haven‘t already, begin to look at college and university websites
Take the College Admission Seminar course (Feb-May)
Take the ACT Mock Test on campus (optional)
Bay Area Annual Case Studies Program at Sacred Heart Prep (Optional) Bay Area Annual Case Studies Program at
Sacred Heart Prep (optional)
Sign up for AP bootcamp Attend Brown Bag (optional)
May Take the ACT or SAT (Option 2) Attend Junior Parent Coee (optional)
Meet with college counselor to develop the rst list of schools (~30)
to consider
Ask teachers if they will write letters of recommendation for you
Look at college applications to know what questions schools are
asking in their supplements
Look for nancial scholarships and nd opportunities to apply to for
senior year. You‘ll want to know what they ask of you early so that
you‘ll be prepared to deliver.
Take SAT subject tests and AP exams, if planned
Begin to rene a preliminary college list.
Register for the June ACT.
Continue to meet with your college counselor.
Musicians, thespians, and artists should talk with teachers about CDs
and portfolios.
Take Advanced Placement exams
June Take the ACT or SAT (Option 3) Menlo School College Counseling
Recommended Reading List in College
Counseling Files
Attend Essay Writing Workshop
Take SAT subject tests, if planned.
Plan summer college visits—tours, information sessions, and
interviews; remember that appointments ll early. Try to visit with
professors and/or coaches, if appropriate.
July Visit and tour colleges, interview when possible, and
request supplements.
Take an SAT/ACT preparatory class at home, if you wish.
Register for the September ACT or the October SAT.
Complete Common Application and summer questionnaire.
Attend College That Change Lives Fair (optional)
If you are an athlete who wishes to play in college, try to
attend a camp at a school you are interested in attending or a
recruiting showcase.
Musicians and artists should begin to make portfolios.
September Narrow down your list of colleges to approximately 15 This is your daughters/son's
college process. Let them make
the decisions.
Complete the CSS Prole and FAFSA for nancial aid 12th Grade Parent Education & College
Counseling Night
Hand in your Common Application and fall questionnaire to your
counselor by September 30.
College Counseling Brown Bag:
How the Admissions Process Works
Sign up on Naviance for college visits. Financial Aid Night for Spanish
October Complete and submit REA/EA/ED applications Menlo School College Financial Aid &
Planning Program (optional)
Make sure that testing companies (ACT or SAT) have sent your scores
directly to the colleges to which you are applying
Submit your "Blue Sheet" to the College Counseling Oce
Consider visiting a college or two if you have a day o from class
Mini-College Fair at Menlo School
Some art/music portfolio's are due in October
November Register for the December ACT.
SAT tests are oered. Consider having the scores sent to colleges
on your list.
Early applications are due November 1 or 15.
Continue to meet with your college counselor.
December Submit regular action/decision applications.
January Check your email, voicemail, and mailbox regularly for
pertinent information.
Menlo Alumni Panel of College
Athletes, Artists, and Gap Year
February Check your email, voicemail, and mailbox regularly for
pertinent information.
Submit your mid-year report to all colleges to which you have applied or
to which you have enrolled
March Receive decision letters between mid-March and mid-April.
April Attend admitted student days to the college of your choice;
you may be able to register for classes.
Meet with your college counselor if you plan to stay on a waiting list.
Return all reply cards to colleges, even if you are not attending.
Notify the college counseling oce and your teachers of your enrollment
May Mail deposit to one college on or before May 1
Fill out nal college forms and return to the college counseling oce.
Fill out all forms for housing and classes; research to see if you have
summer reading.
Sign up for orientation programs.
June Graduate! Congratulations!