Portfolio video template
In order to present granted projects on the international MANUNET website we developed a
blueprint for communication. Many of the MANUNET projects are highly technical and not always
easy to present in a clear and easy to understand way. Video is the most eective way to tell your
The Manunet grant requires all project leaders to disseminate their project and their project
results. During and after finalizing the project we publish your video/photos and text on our
website. For this purpose, we highly recommend the use of videos next to other materials and
channels. Producing a short video is not that dicult. Here, we showcase you how you can do it
with a minimum of eort and resources, yet yielding a meaningful communication tool.
The majority of modern smartphones produced since 2016 are suitable for filming. This document
provides some clear instructions on how to shoot footage (video shots), how to edit and create a
fancy video that explains your project, without the use of expensive hardware and professional film
crew. Costs lay in the range of 0 - 1500, depending on the support option provided by external
contractors. In many cases, these costs can be covered by your Manunet budget*. Of course, once
produced, the project members can use this video for commercial purposes as well
(*Please check this option with your corresponding regional/national funding agency.)
Technical requirements
Certainly, you can use professional video equipment and hire an entire filmcrew to produce.
However, without that extensive budget is is also possible to create a simple but eective film. To
shoot a video with minimum amount of hardware by the project-team itself, you will need:
a smart phone with a good camera (eg. iOS of Android both will do)
Using a tripod or a 3 axis gimbal is preferable, in order to smoothen camera movement.
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Portfolio template
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You can use the native camera app of your device to shoot the footage. If you wish to have more
control over the color-balance and focus on your smart phone; you might consider using a 3rd
party app on your smartphone, such as Filmic Pro (https://www.filmicpro.com/) this gives you
more advanced control over the footage you shoot.
For editing on an iOS device you can use the apple native app iMovie or any third party editing
app. On Android devices there is a great number of video editing apps available in the Google
Play store.
If you only shoot the footage and record the voice over yourself (using a ‘dictaphone app’ on
your smartphone such as easy voce recorder on Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/
details?id=com.coeebeanventures.easyvoicerecorder and the native ‘dictaphone app on iOS
devices), you might also upload the raw video to an editing agency, so they prepare the final edit
for you. You’ll find a suggestion for this at the last page of this manual.
No video? Use photography
In some cases it is not possible to shoot video of the project. In those cases you might consider to
illustrate the project using still photo-images. Using high quality photography enables you to use
the so-called Ken Burns eect, turning a still image into a dynamic video image.
When a photo is of good quality and sucient resolution (8 Megapixels and higher) you can zoom
in the picture, using the right software like Adobe Premiere of Filmora (https://
MANUNET Communications
Portfolio template
Technical instructions
In order to shoot the proper quality video, there are some important instructions that improves the
quality of the video you shoot.
Switch your phone to ‘flight-mode’ before starting to shoot a video, this prevents you from
receiving incoming calls and messages, disturbing the recording. This also prevents your device
from using lots of energy for connecting to networks, draining your battery sooner then you
Clean your lens. It sounds simple, but it is a very common mistake to start shooting footage and
discovering that all images are ‘fuzzy’ due to a vinger print that is on the lens surface.
Shoot your footage horizontally! The standard for online video that is still used on the majority of
websites is horizontal.
Use a tripod or a 3-axis gimbal. If you do not have such a device, then hold your smartphone
with two hands and keep your arms tight to your body, preventing shaky images.
Shoot with a light source in your back when filming an object that is not illuminated
Shoot with sucient light, darkness makes the image unclear and ‘grainy’
Film with a minimum of 1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels)
Set the frame-rate of your device to 24fps in the camera settings (24 frames per second)
Make minimal camera movement. When moving the camera, do it slow
Do not zoom in! If you wish to have a closer image, walk closer. Zooming with a smartphone is a
digital eect, lowering the quality of the footage.
Any shot should be at least 5 seconds. When filming an action, hold your camera (smartphone)
still for a few seconds before and after the action. This gives more ‘body’ in the footage, so that
‘cutting’ during the edit is easier.
When filming a person who talks make sure that you use a proper microphone and try to
eliminate background sounds like airconditioning, machines etc. It is best to record a voice over
separately in a silent room. In most cases the build in microphone in your smart phone is
sucient, but there are also external microphones that could be attached to your smart phone
available in the market that are cheap and eective.
Make ‘insert shots’ These are extra shots that shows the use of your project or illustrates the
advantages in a recognizable environment.
When using music, make sure you use ‘free of rights’ music. Youtube oers a great range of
rights free music on https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music
Keep it short! Use the base script for a MANUNET video, in order to keep the presentation short
and powerful.
MANUNET Communications
Portfolio template
5 steps to an eective promotional video for MANUNET:
1. Set the scene and introduce the ‘painpoint’ that the project will solve. (In many cases you can
illustrate this with an ‘as-is’ description.
2. Explain the solution and introduce yourself
3. Give a brief summary of the project’s benefits
4. Put the viewer at ease about concerns or uncertainties
5. Wrap it al up and give a call-to-action
Example video
For the video in the example we used an iPhone for shooting the footage. The voice-over is
recorded in a silent room. The edit has been done using Adobe Premiere. Graphics are produced in
Adobe After Eects. The standard After Eect project for titles is available for free via the Manunet
website as a download. (http://www.manunet.net/images/templates/presentation-assets.zip)
Watch the example video here. (https://vimeo.com/332020103/3a1198c622)
Sample script
For the video in the example we used a simple but eective script, following the basic guidelines as
1. Set the scene and introduce the ‘painpoint’ that the project will solve.
Open with the Manunet logo animation
Closeup of cnc milling, followed by a pile of wasted
Soundtrack: upbeat music
CNC milling and powder bases 3d printing are the
standard for low volume production of high tech
components throughout the industry
The face of a project-leader explains
Using traditional machining, upto 80 to 90 percent of
the base material is wasted. During powder based
3d printing expensive additives are needed. The
machinery for these processes require high
2. Explain the solution and introduce yourself
Images of the R&D team working on prototyping
We are LAC and with this MANUNET project we are
developing a very efficient method to save time
money and raw materials
The face of a project-leader explains
By using new techniques in a smart way, we will be
able to fabricate high tech parts, using Wire Arc
Additive Manufacturing.
We see the map of Europe, involved countries are
highlighted and names appear
In this project LAC works together with Artec 3D
from Luxembourg. Artec 3D is developing a 3D
scanner and software that is used to collect data of
the printed parts.
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Portfolio template
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3. Give a brief summary of the projects benets
Images of the production process (and is not
possible to have them, compare with current
With the development of this new production
method, we are able to use all weldable materials in
a print, enabling fast production of complex
structures for the industry
Images of application possibilities (complex machine
parts eg.)
A fast process, that uses a well known technic. By
reducing the required raw materials and production
methods, the production time is shortened.
We see images of a warehouse
This enables more flexibility in materials, resulting in
less stock of raw materials and finished parts.
4. Put the viewer at ease about concerns or uncertainties
Images of the application itself
This production process is interchangeable with
CNC milled parts.
The face of a project-leader explains
where the most important part of the research
involved the achievement of the mechanical
5. Wrap it al up and give a call-to-action
Standard Manunet background
Bullets with the main benefits appear,
Standard Manunet ender
This project has been granted a commission in the
MANUNET 2017 call. Find other projects on the
MANUNET website and prepare your project for
Alternative ender with the project owners corporate
identity. (For commercial use)
MANUNET Communications
Portfolio template
Assistance options
You can choose to produce the entire production of the presentation video yourself, however our
communications partner Adversa oers a broad range of assistance in the editing process.
Option 1.
create the script
shoot the footage
select and download the background music
record the voice over
select the usable takes and scenes
edit the film
add the leader and graphics
upload the film to YouTube or Vimeo
send us the link
We will:
place it on your portfolio page on the Manunet website
Free of charge
Option 2.
create the script
shoot the footage
select and download the background music
record the voice over
select the usable takes and scenes
Send us all of the above (via WeTransfer)
We will:
edit the film (max. 2 minutes)
add the leader and graphics
upload the film to YouTube or Vimeo
send you a copy of the movie-file
place it on your portfolio page on the Manunet website
- 600,- Excl. VAT* (Charged via our partner adversa)
MANUNET Communications
Portfolio template
Option 3.
create the script (including voice over script)
shoot the footage
Send us all of the above (via WeTransfer)
We will:
select and download the background music
select professional voice over artist and record the voice over
select the usable takes and scenes**
edit the film (max. 2 minutes)
add the leader and graphics
upload the film to YouTube or Vimeo
send you a copy of the movie-file
place it on your portfolio page on the Manunet website
- 1200,- Excl. VAT *(Charged via our partner adversa)
* This reduced rate is only applicable for MANUNET productions.
** If the footage is not suitable or not of sucient quality, we will get back to you to discuss a
The above mentioned rate does not include these optional extra’s, that are available at an
additional cost.
Color grading
Sound processing / noice reduction
Add subtitles (the example film contains English subtitles. When you deliver your film and/or
script in your native language, including the 1:1 translation, we can add a synchronized
subtitling to your film. This is a fast and easy process that normally is done within a budget of
200 - 300 for a 2-3 minute film)
Extensive graphics & animations
Alternate branding (company style)
Questions and interactions
Should you have any questions about how to produce, deliver or upload the raw materials or
finalized film, please do not hesitate to contact us on [email protected]
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