International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016 968
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
Sentiment Analysis in a Resource Scarce
Vandana Jha, Manjunath N, P Deepa Shenoy and Venugopal K R
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India
AbstractA common human behavior is to take other’s opinion before taking any decision. With the tremendous availability of documents
which express opinions on different issues, the challenge arises to analyze it and produce useful knowledge from it. Many works in the
area of Sentiment Analysis is available for English language. From last few years, opinion-rich resources are booming in other languages
and hence there is a need to perform Sentiment Analysis in those languages. In this paper, a Sentiment Analysis in Hindi Language
(SAHL) is proposed for reviews in movie domain. It performs 1) preprocessing like stopword removal and stemming on the input data, 2)
subjectivity analysis on the preprocessed data, to remove objective sentences that are not contributing to opinion of the input data, 3)
document level opinion mining for classification of the documents as positive and negative using two different methods: Machine learning
technique and Lexicon based classification technique. We have used Naive Bayes Classifier, Support Vector Machine and Maximum
Entropy techniques for Machine learning. In Lexicon based classification, adjectives are considered as opinion words and according to the
polarity of the adjectives, the documents are classified, 4) negation handling with window size consideration for improving the accuracy of
The effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed by extensive simulations performed on a large movie dataset.
Index Terms
Bollywood, Hindi, Natural Language Processing, Opinion Mining, Resource Scarce Language, Sentiment Analysis
our opinions on the web has become extremely
easy with Web 2.0. After watching movies or using any
product or visiting some place, we can post movie reviews,
product reviews or tourism related reviews. This opinion-rich
data is of interest to the people in decision making about the
entities in question and to the organizations for improving
their products or services. Rather than media stars speaking
on the behalf of general public, it gives the people a chance to
express themselves. People get an opportunity to be heard by
posting their viewpoint on web. That is the reason behind the
availability of tremendous documents containing writer’s
viewpoint on the web. Now this is a challenge to mine
meaningful information from those documents. This boosts
usage of Sentiment Analysis or Opinion Mining.
“Sentiment Analysis (Opinion Mining) is the process of
computationally identifying and categorizing opinions
expressed in a piece of text,
especially in order to determine
whether the writer’s attitude towards a particular topic,
product, etc. is positive, negative, or neutral.”
It is interdisciplinary and vibrant area of research in the
domain of machine learning and text mining. It’s intention is
to unearth the viewpoint of a writer for finding opinion
orientation with respect to a topic in the document. Hence, it is
a combination of human intelligence and machine intelligence
for text analysis and classifying the sentiments of user into
positive, negative and neutral classes [1]. The word “sentiment
analysis” and “opinion mining” is used interchangeably in
this paper.
The popular and available opinion-rich contents are
movie reviews, product reviews, blogs and posts. Sentiment
Analysis can be performed at three levels: Document level,
Sentence level and Aspect/Feature level. The polarity is
determined for the overall document in Document level
Sentiment Analysis. The polarity is decided for the individual
sentences of the document in Sentence level Sentiment
Analysis. The polarity is decided for the aspects/features of
the document in Aspect level Sentiment Analysis.
Primary methods applied in Sentiment Analysis are:
Using Subjective Lexicon - It is a database of words or
phrases with a score assigned to each word. This
score indicates the features associated with that word
for its classification into positive, negative or neutral
N-Gram Modeling - It is the formation and use of a N-
Gram model (unigram, bigram, trigram or
combination of these) with given training data for
Using Machine Learning - It makes prediction on data
by obtaining the features from the text and
performing supervised or semi-supervised learning.
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016 969
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
1.1 Motivation
Many research works in Sentiment Analysis are available in
English language. Only 28.6% of Internet users understand
so it is essential to focus on Sentiment Analysis in
other languages also. We are performing Sentiment Analysis
for Hindi Movie Reviews. This is selected as dataset because
huge amount of capital is invested on Bollywood movies. The
year 2015 itself saw 204 releases with the cumulative net gross
of over 27.25 billion rupees (US $425.78 million)
. Hindi, the
4th largest spoken language, has 310 million speakers across
the world which is 4.45% of the world population and is the
official language of India
. With the introduction of Unicode
(UTF-8) standards, web pages in Hindi language have
increased rapidly. But it is a difficult task because of the
following challenges:
Hindi is a resource scarce language. Absence of good
Hindi language tagger and annotated corpus makes
sentiment analysis a challenging task.
Standard datasets are not available, which makes
collection/creation of dataset a time consuming task.
In the absence of standard dataset, comparison of
techniques applied and results obtained, is a difficult
We have tried to overcome these challenges in some way and
manage to mine Hindi dataset and extract the information out
of it.
1.2 Contribution
In this paper, Sentiment Analysis in Hindi Language (SAHL)
is proposed for movie reviews. A part of our work is
published in [2]. Here, we extend on that work in several
1) The dataset size, i.e., the number of files containing
movie reviews is increased from 200 to 1000.
2) Preprocessing steps like stopword removal and
stemming is performed on the input data.
Real world data collected from the various internet
sources may not be proper, hence the data needs to be
polished and preprocessed before its use. Here,
stopwords are removed from the initial acquired
Next stemming is performed on the stopwords
removed corpora.
3) Subjectivity analysis is performed on the
preprocessed data.
4) We have used Naive Bayes Classifier, Multinomial
Naive Bayes Classifier, Support Vector Machine and
Maximum Entropy techniques for Machine learning
methods. A comparative analysis is performed
between the results obtained by different methods.
Collection of 1000 movie review dataset (500 positive and 500
negative files) and building a list of stopwords, both in Hindi
language, for this work, is also our contribution and can be
made available and utilized in future for research purposes
1.3 Organization
The organization of the paper is as follows. We first review
related work in section 2. Our proposed work, SAHL is
described in section 3. Simulations performed on real dataset
obtained from various Hindi websites
and the results are
discussed in section 4. The paper concludes in section 5.
In the last few years, researches in the area of opinion mining
and sentiment analysis have shown significant developments.
Papers [3], [4], [5], [6] and [7] provides state-of-art survey on
sentiment analysis/opinion mining and text mining. The
works have been performed in different directions but we are
only citing works in two directions here: Machine learning
techniques and Lexicon based classification techniques.
2.1 Machine Learning Techniques
Machine Learning Techniques are mainly applied in
supervised methods. Supervised methods use pre-
existing/collected opinion corpora. Sentiment analysis could
then be performed by applying popular text mining
techniques, combining linguistic and statistic tools. These
methods, first, automatically learn all types of linguistic
features or attributes and then build a model for each corpus.
This computed model is later used to classify the test corpus.
Table 1 summarizes a few important researches in the area of
sentiment analysis using machine learning classifiers like
Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Maximum
Entropy (ME).
2.2 Lexicon Based Classification Techniques
In Lexicon Based Classification Techniques, classification is
performed by comparing the polarity of a given text with
word lexicons whose polarities are known before their use and
this determines the sentiment orientation of the documents.
Adjectives are recognized as the most important source to
express sentiment orientation in a document by many
researchers [16], [17].
Many works have been done in opinion mining area
in English language. High cost involved in creating corpora
and lexical resources for a new language restricts building
tools to mine opinion for those languages. Regardless of this
condition, works in other languages are increasing: e.g.,
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016 970
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
TABLE 1: Studies Related to Machine Learning Techniques
for Sentiment Analysis in English Language
Chinese dataset is used in [18] and German dataset is used in
Relatively less work is present for Indian languages. By using
English-Bengali bilingual dictionary and publicly available
English Sentiment Lexicons, Paper [20] recommended a
computational approach for evolving SentiWordNet (Bengali).
Paper [21] discussed four computational methods to predict
the orientation of a word. An online intuitive game is
implemented that recognizes the orientation of the words in
their first approach. A bilingual WordNet development is
done using synonym and antonym connections in their third
approach. In their fourth approach, a pre-annotated corpus is
considered for training. Ekman’s six emotion classes (anger,
disgust, fear, happy, sad and surprise) along with three types
of intensities (high, general and low) are considered by Paper
[22] for the process of labelling words.
By employing EnglishHindi Word Net Linking and
English SentiWordNet, Joshi et al. [23] created H-SWN (Hindi-
SentiWordNet). Kim and Hovy [24] presented a system that
automatically identifies the people who hold opinions about a
given topic and the sentiment of each opinion. Hindi WordNet
and Hindi Subjective Lexicon are used by Narayan [25]
for the recognition of orientation of adjectives and adverbs.
Paper [26], implemented the classification of bi-polar nature,
positive and negative. Bakliwal et al. [27] created Hindi
lexicon by using a graph based method. An efficient method
based on negation handling and discourse relation to identify
the sentiments from Hindi content is developed by Namita
Mittal et al. [28]. They included more opinion words into the
existing Hindi SentiWordNet (HSWN) and developed an
improved, annotated corpus for Hindi language. Their work
realized nearly 80% accuracy for classification of reviews. Jha
et al. [2] developed an opinion mining system in Hindi for
Bollywood movie review data set. They achieved an overall
accuracy of 87.1% for classifying positive and negative
documents. Paper [29] performed sentence level subjectivity
analysis. They achieved approximately 80% accuracy in
classification on a parallel data set in English and Hindi
having 71.4% agreement with human annotators. Jha et al. [30]
proposed a sentiment aware dictionary in Hindi language for
multi-domain data. Paper [31] proposed a stopword removal
algorithm for Hindi Language which is based on a
Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA). They achieved 99%
accurate results. Paper [32] proposed a reputation system for
evaluating trust among all good sellers of eBay website and
able to rank the sellers efficiently.
Fig. 1 illustrates the architecture and data flow model of the
proposed work. It is divided into following phases:
Phase 1: Corpora Acquisition phase
Phase 2: Preprocessing phase
Phase 3: Polarity Detection using Machine Learning
Phase 4: Polarity Detection using Lexicon Based Classification
Phase 5: Negation handling
3.1 Corpora Acquisition phase
1) Collection of Movie Reviews: Here, we aim at fishing out
movie reviews from the Web. There are lots of websites
available, containing movie reviews in Hindi. The movie
are crawled from for this
work. Same movie can be rated 2.5 or 3 at one website and 3 or
3.5 at another website, respectively.
Techniques Dataset and its size Accuracy
Pang et al.
Movie reviews
(IMDb)-700(+) and
700(-) reviews
Dave et
al. [9]
Product reviews
Pang et al.
NB, SVM Movie reviews
(IMDb)-1000(+) and
1000(-) reviews
Chen et
al. [11]
Trees C4.5
Books Reviews
Boiy et al.
Movie reviews
(IMDb)-1000(+) and
1000(-) reviews, Car
550(+) and 222(-)
Movie reviews
(IMDb)-1000(+) and
1000(-) reviews
Ye et al.
based N-
Travel blogs
600(+) and 591(-)
Xia et al.
SVM, meta-
Movie reviews
1000(-) reviews,
Product reviews
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016 971
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
To avoid any inconsistency in rating the movies, the
reviews are crawled from only one website. To avoid
reviewer specific biasing, the reviews given by only
designated reviewer are collected. The review ratings are
based on 1-5 scale. On average, each movie review is 50
sentences long with 8 words in a sentence. A movie with
more than 3 rating is considered as positive and less than
3 is considered as negative. A movie with rating 3 is
assumed as neutral and discarded. The corpus is built in
the similar manner as [33] into positive and negative
classes. The dataset size is 1000 movie reviews (1000*50*8
= 400000 words), with 500 positive and 500 negative
documents. These reviews are not randomly selected;
these are collected as it is available. The dataset is still in
the growing phase because movie reviews in Hindi
language are appearing online recently.
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
2) Creation of Stopwords list: Stopwords are frequent,
evenly distributed, function words in any document
corpus which does not add any meaning to the text
content. Information retrieval from the corpus is not
getting affected by removal of these words. It has
been proved that removing the stopwords reduces the
document size to a considerable extent and saves time
in text processing [34] in Natural Language
Processing. There are two sources where hindi
stopwords are available online. First is Kevin Bouge
list of stopwords in various languages including
. Second is list
. Third source can be
translation of English Stopwords available in NLTK
corpus into Hindi using translator
. In this paper, the
Stopwords list is the extended list using all three
resources and contains words as well as phrases. The
combined list is verified by one native speaker of
Hindi language and finalized after necessary
corrections. For the first time, the phrases are also
kept in the list because a word in present continuous
verb form changes to a phrase when written in Hindi.
For example, “Speaking” in English is “
 
” in
Hindi, where “
” is the verb and is stored and “
” is the stopword and removed. The list of
stopwords are futher divided into list of four words,
list of three words, list of two words and list of one
word. For example, List of stopwords,
four : [
   ,…] in English being done
three : [
  ,…] in English regarding
two : [
 ,  ,…] in English above, for
one : [
, ,... ] in English I, Mine
These four, three, two, one lists are used in different ways to
remove stopwords, based on number of words it has.
Stopwords like
, ,  (in English no, not) are not kept in
stopword list because that is required in our work for negation
handling and we do not want to filter it out in the form of
stopwords. The stopwords list has total 265 words and
phrases, where 1 phrase is in the list of four words, 3 phrases
are in the list of three words, 17 phrases are in the list of two
words and 244 words are in the list of one word.
3) Creation of Subjectivity Lexicon: We have used the
subjectivity lexicon created in our previous work [29]
by using English subjectivity lexicon from
OpinionFinder and translating it using translator
well as English-Hindi bilingual online dictionary
The final Hindi subjectivity lexicon consists of 8226
words with both strong subjective type and weak
subjective type. Table 2 shows a sample from Hindi
lexicon along with their English original form.
3.2 Preprocessing phase
1) Stopword Removal: Stopword removal is a very
important type of preprocessing technique in text
processing because it can reduce the length of a
document to 30-40%, without affecting its sentiments.
In this paper, the stopwords are removed in the order
of four words list, three words list, two words list and
then one word list. This order of stopword removal is
explained clearly using variable list n in the Function
1, where n is the number of words in the list. So far as
our knowledge is concerned, this method is used for
the first time for stopword removal. This remove
more words (four, three, two) together at one time,
instead of looking for each as one word stopword.
This increases accuracy and (time) efficiency. When
list of one word is removed as stopwords, some
conditions are considered like stopwords with ‘
’, ‘?’
and ‘,’. These are sentence delimiters in Hindi
language and required to be preserved for
subjectivity analysis.
It is challenging to differentiate between these two
symbols, ‘
’ and ‘|’. First symbol is the delimiter in Hindi
language but in many documents, second symbol has been
used. In the process of removing stopwords and retaining this
symbol, all the review files should have the same symbol but
in reality, it was not the case and consumed a large amount of
time to identify this issue.
TABLE 2: A Sample of Hindi Subjectivity Lexica
English Word Associated attributes Hindi Word
luck strongsubj, noun, positive
renunciation strongsubj, noun, negative
bankrupt weaksubj, adj, negative
exclusively weaksubj, adj, neutral
loot strongsubj, verb, negative
understand strongsubj, verb, positive
2) Stemming: Stemming is the process of removal of the
suffix of a word and reduces it to the root word. For
example, study, studies, studying, all reduce to the
root word study. This is a prerequisite step in text
processing because it helps in getting correct
frequency of the words in the document. Function 2 is
used for stemming in our work and its principle is as
follows: Suffix list is stored in the form of dictionary
of 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 suffix. For example,
5 : [
, 
, 
,…] with length five suffix
4 : [
, 
, ,...] with length four suffix
3 : [
, , ,…] with length three suffix
2 : [
, ,,…] with length two suffix
1 : [
, , , ,,...] with length one suffix
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
Stemming is performed first for length five suffix, then for
length four suffix and so on in the order of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and
based on the concept given by Ramanathan and Rao in [35]
3) Subjectivity Analysis: The steps for this part is given in
Function 3 and its principle is as follows: Hindi input
file, Doc is first parsed at the sentence level and for
each sentence, it is parsed at word level. When the
word is matched with the word present in Hindi
translated OpinionFinder dictionary then its
word_type is checked. If it is strong subjective type,
its strong_subj_words_count is maintained for the
sentence. Similarly weak_subj_words_count is also
maintained. If one strong subjective word occurs, the
sentence is labeled as subjective sentence. For weak
subjective words, sentences are labeled as subjective if
its occurrence is two. Objective sentences are removed
from the input file and only subjective sentences are
retained to perform polarity detection in the next
phase. At a particular time for checking objectivity,
three consecutive sentences are considered together
as previous, current and next sentence and if all three
are objective, only current sentence is considered as
objective and is removed. If in this set of three
sentences, any sentence is subjective, sentences are
retained. This process is applied to avoid the loss of
weak subjective sentences.
3.3 Polarity Detection using Machine Learning
Here, four classifiers from Natural language toolkit (NLTK) is
used for polarity detection. These are NB, Multinomial NB,
SVM and ME. Different classifiers have been used to compare
their performance on Hindi data and specifically these are
selected among many classifiers because according to the
related work studies, these classifiers work better for text
mining and sentiment classification.
Naive Bayes: A NB classifier is used when the input
dimensions are high and is based on Bayes’ theorem. It is a
text classification approach that assigns the class c to a given
document d given in Eq. (1).
C*=argmaxcP(c|d) (1)
where P(c|d) is the probability of instance d being in class c.
Multinomial NB: Multinomial NB is a variant of NB and
is based on NB algorithm for multinomially distributed data.
It is used in text classification where the input data are
represented as word vector counts. The distribution is
parametrized by vectors
= (θ
, , θ
) for each class b, where n is the number of
features in text classification and θ
is the probability P(a
| b)
of feature i appearing in a sample belonging to class b.
The parameters θ
is estimated by a smoothed version of
maximum likelihood, i.e. relative frequency counting:
where N
is the frequency of occurrence of feature i
in a sample of class b in the training set T, and N
is the total count of all features for class b.
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
Support Vector Machine: SVM classifier constructs
hyperplane in a multidimensional space which divides the
input data into different class labels. It applies an iterative
training algorithm to minimize an error function and
constructs an optimal hyperplane. According to the type of the
error function, SVM models can be classified into following
Classification SVM Type 1, C-SVM classification
Classification SVM Type 2, nu-SVM classification
Maximum Entropy: ME classifier uses search-based
optimization to find weights for the features that maximize the
likelihood of the training data. The probability of class c given
a document d and weights is
d, λ
= def
(c, d)
, d)
We have used Unigrams (Uni), Bigram (Big) word features for
finding the accuracy of the system.
3.4 Polarity Detection using Lexicon Based
Classification Techniques
Here, adjectives are considered as opinion-rich text and based
on polarity of the available adjectives in the document, the
document is classified. The principle of lexicon based
classification techniques for polarity detection is as follows:
To find opinionated words in a movie review, Part-
Of-Speech (POS) tagging is a required step. A POS Tagger is a
NLP tool that parse the sentence and assigns tag to each word
in the sentence [36]. For example, the sentence is, “
 
 
” (This film is good), POS tagger gives the output
/DEM /NN /JJ /VM” where DEM is
Demonstrative, NN is Noun, JJ is Adjective and VM is Verb-
finite [37]. The POS tag JJ (adjective) is used to extract “
(in this example) which is an opinionated word. We have used
a statistical POS tagger, Trigrams’n’Tags (TnT) [38] and
extracted adjectives from the documents. TnT tagger is based
on Markov model and performs well on Hindi data. TnT
Tagger is popular for its robustness and speed, however it
initially loads lex and trigram files which take time to load.
Once the loading is finished, we expect the tagger to be very
fast. For each j in adj_extract set, if num be very fast. For each j
in adj_extract set, if number of occurrence of j is more than the
threshold value which is set to 10, it is added to most_frequent
word list. These most_frequent Hindi movie domain words
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
are rated by five human experts. According to their opinion
for the orientation of the word, the word list is divided into
positive and negative seed list words. We have created a
positive and a negative seed list of fifteen words each with
their known polarity. All the adjectives i.e. j in adj_extract set
are matched with the initial words in the seed list. If the match
occurs with positive seed list word (resp. negative), the
positive count (resp. negative) is increased. If the adjective is
not in the seed list and occurring more than the threshold
value, we have incremented the positive seed list (resp.
negative), after considering its polarity. The seed list is also
incremented by adding synonyms of the initial seed list
words. Human experts are used for knowing the polarity of
most frequent words. Only the words with high inter-
annotator agreement (= 0.9 and above) are added in the most
frequent words. The incremented list has twenty five words
each in positive and negative list. The documents are classified
according to the polarity of the adjectives. If positive
adjectives are more in the review, the review is classified as
positive otherwise it is negative.
3.5 Negation handling
In this phase, we have performed negation handling with
window size (WS) consideration. WS corresponds to the
words prior to and after the word with tag “NEG”. Once tag
“NEG” is encountered, the sentence level polarity detection is
performed. We have taken WS = 3 and extracted the words
within this window. If the extracted words are positive
adjectives (resp. negative), it is replaced by negative (resp.
positive) seed list word. For example,
     (This film is not good.)
converted to
“! ! !  !
After negation handling
“! !
 (This film is nasty.)
After this we have repeated the steps of Function 4 and
classified the document.
In this section, we present results after conducting the
simulations to validate our system. The performance of
different machine learning approaches as well as lexicon
based classifier is evaluated under the hypothesis that the
labels assigned after considering the ratings given by reviewer
on 1-5 scale (explained in section 3.1.1) are the accurate
annotations for the classification.
4.1 Machine Learning Results
The proposed system is tested for performance analysis using
the split ratio for selection of the training and test sets. The
results are computed using 10-fold, that is, from 50% training
data and 50% test data to 95% training data and 5% test data
but on average the system is performing better with 75% of the
data set as training data set and 25% as testing data set and
these results are only shown in the paper. First, the results are
computed, after conducting the experiments on 400 positive
and 400 negative documents. Then for every 10 document
increase (5 positive and 5 negative) the model is repeated to
verify its results and there is significant increase in accuracy
till 910 documents size (455 positive and 455 negative). After
that there is insignificant increase in accuracy. Results also
show significant improvement after preprocessing of the
initial reviews, which is supporting already well known
The final results on 1000 documents (500 positive and 500
negative) using Naive Bayes Classifier is shown in table III (a)
and by using Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier is shown in
table III (b). Fig. 2 shows the related graph for their
performance matrics. It is clear from the results that the
system is giving better accuracy using Bigram features than
Unigram features. According to the study of the previous
work, Multinomial NB should be performing better than NB
classifier (as shown in table I) but this is not the case with
Hindi language reviews as both are performing equally good
with 100% accuracy using Bigram features after preprocessing
of the reviews. If Unigram features are used, Multinomial NB
is performing better than NB classifier but this accuracy is
lesser than Bigram features accuracy.
The result using SVM classifier on 1000 documents for the
same split ratio (75% of the data set as training data set
and25% as testing data set) is given in table IV and the related
graph is shown in Fig. 3. The results of SVM classifier are not
improving after preprocessing and it is same as before
preprocessing. Bigram features are giving better accuracy than
Unigram features but the difference in results are minimal.
The results for ME Classifier is shown in table V and its
graph is Fig. 4. ME Classifier is also giving better accuracy
using Bigram features than Unigram features. After
preprocessing of the reviews, the results are better than before
preprocessing with a good difference for Unigram features but
preprocessing does not matter for Bigram features.
Fig. 5 is the accuracy comparison between all the four
classifiers using Unigram and Bigram features. It is clear from
the results that all the classifiers are showing significant
improvement in their accuracy after preprocessing except
SVM classifier for both Unigrams and Bigrams. Bigram
features are performing better than Unigram features for all
the classifiers. According to our results, for Hindi data, SVM
and ME classifiers are giving best results for Bigram features
whereas NB and Multinomial NB are also equally good but
after preprocessing.
4.2 Lexicon Based Classification Results
Initially, we constructed a seed list of 15 positive and 15
negative words. These are the most frequent adjectives in the
movie review domain. A sample is shown in table VI. In the
next step, we have maintained count of each adjective in each
document and matched those adjectives with this seed list.
The adjectives which are not matching with the seed list
words and occurring more than threshold value are added in
the seed list words according to its polarity. By incrementing
the seed list words; final list has 25 words both in positive and
negative list. This list is freezes at 25 counts because no other
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
TABLE 3 : Fea stands for Features. NB and Multinomial NB Classifier is used to classify 1000 documents into Negative (Neg) and Positive (Pos)
class using Unigrams (uni) and Bigram (big) features. The results in the form of accuracy percentage (A%), Precision (P), Recall (R) and F-
measure (FM) is shown for both before and after preprocessing.
Before Preprocessing After Preprocessing
Fea Pos Neg Pos Neg
Uni 84.05 0.933 0.728 0.818 0.783 0.949 0.858 91.5 1 0.83 0.907 0.855 1 0.922
Big 98.31 0.995 0.970 0.983 0.972 0.995 0.984 100 1 1 1 1 1 1
(a) Results of Naive Bayes Classifier on 1000 documents
Before Preprocessing After Preprocessing
Fea Pos Neg Pos Neg
Uni 87.01 0.841 0.907 0.873 0.903 0.835 0.867 97.5 0.952 1 0.976 1 0.95 0.974
Big 97.75 0.968 0.987 0.977 0.987 0.968 0.977 100 1 1 1 1 1 1
(b) Results of Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier on 1000 documents
(a) Naive Bayes Classifier (b) Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier
Fig. 2: NB and Multinomial NB Classifier Results on 1000 Documents
TABLE 4: Results of SVM Classifier on 1000 documents
Before Preprocessing After Preprocessing
Fea Pos Neg Pos Neg
Uni 99.5 0.99 1 0.995 1 0.99 0.995 99.5 0.99 1 0.995 1 0.99 0.995
Big 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 1 1
TABLE 5: Results of ME Classifier on 1000 documents
Before Preprocessing After Preprocessing
Fea Pos Neg Pos Neg
Uni 86.4 0.864 0.858 0.861 0.864 0.869 0.866 100 1 1 1 1 1 1
Big 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 1 1 1 1 1 1
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
Fig. 3: Support Vector Machine Classifier Results on 1000 Documents Fig. 4: ME Classifier Results on 1000 documents
Fig. 5: Result Accuracy of Different Classifiers on 1000 Documents
TABLE 6: A Sample of Positive and Negative Seed list
Positive Seed list
words(translation in
 (good),  (dominate), 
 (best),  (successfull),
 (better),  (positive), 
 (right)
Negative Seed list
words(translation in
 (obscene),  (poor), 
(useless),  (wrong), 
 (nasty), 
(unsuccessful),  ((negative),
 (poor)
Fig. 6: Lexicon Based Classification Results
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
adjective is occurring more than threshold value in movie
review domain except these. We have used both these lists, list
of 15 seed words and list of 25 seed words, for polarity
detection. The results for classifying 1000 documents as
positive and negative using these two lists are shown in table
VII and the generated graph is shown in Fig. 6. Accuracy is
computed under the assumption that reviews classified as
positive and negative using reviewer rating from are
accurate. With the initial seed list, accuracy is low. The
incremented seed list has increased the accuracy of positive
classification by almost 20% but decreased for negative
classification. This is mainly because of the presence of
sentences with positive adjectives preceded/followed with
‘NEG’ tag words like
, ,  (in English no, not). This is
taken care in negation handling and after that step, the
accuracy has increased remarkably.
TABLE VII: Accuracy for classifying 1000 documents using Lexicon
Based Classifier
Initial seed list of 15 words
Incremented seed list of 25 words
After Negation Handling
The accuracy percentage for classification of Hindi movie
reviews into positive and negative classes is higher by
Machine learning techniques than by Lexicon based
techniques but Lexicon based techniques is much more
transparent and the results can be checked/compared at any
inbetween and final stages of processing. If some positive
reviews are classified into negative and same number of
negative reviews are classified as positive, it can be detected
easily by Lexicon based techniques whereas detecting this
situation is difficult by Machine learning techniques.
In this paper, we have proposed a method to determine the
opinion orientation i.e. polarity of the Hindi movie reviews.
There is a need for sentiment analysis in Hindi language
because of the surge in Hindi data on the web. We have used
NB classifier, SVM and ME in Machine Learning and Lexicon
Based Classification Techniques to detect polarity of the
documents. Simulation results show that our approach is
performing well in the domain. We are performing many text
mining approaches like stopword removal, stemming and
subjectivity analysis to minimize noisy text and to improve
accuracy. Future works may be manifold. First, our methods is
not having very large database of movie reviews but we are
increasing it on monthly basis as the new movie reviews are
available. Second, in this work we focused on adjectives POS
tag, we would also like to enhance the extraction task to other
POS tag types. Third, our method is able to handle negative
sentences and can also be extended to handle discourse
relation like
 (but rather),  (but). For example, 
  
(The story is not so good, but
the music is great). This type of discourse relation is able to
change the orientation of the sentence and can be considered
as part of a future work.
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Vandana Jha obtained her Bachelor of
Engineering in Computer Science and
Engineering from Maharshi Dayanand
University, Gurgaon, India in 2003. She
received her Masters of Technology
specialized in the field of Computer
Science and Engineering from Kuvempu
University, Karnataka, India in 2009.
Currently she is working as Research Scholar in the Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, University Visvesvaraya
College of Engineering, Bangalore University, Bangalore, India.
Her research interests include Information Retrieval, Data
Mining, Opinion Mining and Web Mining.
Manjunath Gouda received Bachelor of
engineering from Visvesvaraya
Technological University and Masters of
Engineering from Bangalore university. He
has done work in Natural Language
Processing. His research interests include
Data Mining, Text Analytic and Big Data
Analysis. Currently he is working in
Harman International (India) Pvt. Ltd.
P Deepa Shenoy is currently working as
Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, University
Visvesvaraya College of Engineering,
Bangalore University, Bangalore, India.
She did her doctorate in the area of Data
Mining from Bangalore University in the
year 2005. Her areas of research include
Data Mining, Soft Computing, Biometrics
and Social Media Analysis. She has
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 9, September-2016
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER © 2016
published more than 150 papers in refereed International
Conferences and Journals.
K R Venugopal is currently the Principal,
University Visvesvaraya College of
Engineering, Bangalore University,
Bangalore. He obtained his Bachelor of
Engineering from University
Visvesvaraya College of Engineering. He
received his Masters degree in Computer
Science and Automation from Indian
Institute of Science Bangalore. He was
awarded Ph.D. in Economics from
Bangalore University and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Indian
Institute of Technology, Madras. He has a distinguished academic
career and has degrees in Electronics, Economics, Law, Business
Finance, Public Relations, Communications, Industrial Relations,
Computer Science and Journalism. He has authored and edited 70
books on Computer Science and Economics, which include
Petrodollar and the World Economy, C Aptitude, Mastering C,
Microprocessor Programming, Mastering C++ and Digital
Circuits and Systems etc.. He has filed 100 Patents. During his
three decades of service at UVCE he has over 500 research papers
to his credit. His research interests include Computer Networks,
Wireless Sensor Networks, Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Digital Signal Processing and Data Mining.