Dear Residential Customer,
EDCO is pleased to offer a special discount for nancially challenged seniors! If you are head-of-
household and over the age of 65 with a combined annual income less than $30,000, EDCO offers the
following discount:
Senior DiscountA 20% discount is offered for qualied customers for basic collection service for
trash, recycling and green waste.
If you are interested in this discount, please ll out the Senior Discount Program application on the
back of this notice and mail it to our ofce. You may also email the
application information to [email protected].
Thank you for allowing EDCO to serve you.
Senior Discount Program Application
Name: Account #:
Address: City/Zip:
Home Phone #: E-mail address:
Are you the head-of-household? YES NO Are you 65 years of age or older? YES NO
What is your date of birth? Can you provide proof of age? YES NO
Does your total family income Are you claimed as a dependent
exceed $30,000 annually? YES NO on another person’s tax return? YES NO
Verication of eligibility may be required
Please enroll me in: Senior Discount
I certify under penalty of perjury that the above information is true and correct. If my status changes, it is my responsibility to modify EDCO.
Annual renewal may be required.
Please return application to: EDCO • 6670 Federal Blvd. • Lemon Grove, CA 91945.
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