Real-World Data: Assessing
Electronic Health Records and
Medical Claims Data to Support
Regulatory Decision-Making
for Drug and Biological
Guidance for Industry
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE)
July 2024
Real-World Data/Real-World Evidence (RWD/RWE)
Real-World Data: Assessing
Electronic Health Records and
Medical Claims Data to Support
Regulatory Decision-Making
for Drug and Biological
Guidance for Industry
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE)
July 2024
Real-World Data/Real-World Evidence (RWD/RWE)
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
I. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE ..................................................................................... 1
II. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 3
III. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................... 3
IV. DATA SOURCES ............................................................................................................. 4
A. Relevance of the Data Source ........................................................................................................ 5
B. Data Capture: General Discussion ............................................................................................... 6
1. Enrollment and Comprehensive Capture of Care ............................................................................ 6
2. Data Linkage and Synthesis ............................................................................................................. 7
3. Distributed Data Networks .............................................................................................................. 8
4. Computable Phenotypes ................................................................................................................. 10
5. Unstructured Data ......................................................................................................................... 10
C. Missing Data: General Considerations ...................................................................................... 11
D. Validation: General Considerations ............................................................................................ 12
1. Conceptual and Operational Definitions of Study Variables ........................................................ 12
2. Selection of Study Variables for Validation ................................................................................... 12
3. Validation Approaches................................................................................................................... 13
V. STUDY DESIGN ELEMENTS ...................................................................................... 14
A. Definition of Time Periods .......................................................................................................... 15
B. Selection of Study Population ..................................................................................................... 15
C. Exposure Ascertainment and Validation ................................................................................... 16
1. Definition of Exposure ................................................................................................................... 16
2. Ascertainment of Exposure: Data Source ...................................................................................... 17
3. Ascertainment of Exposure: Duration ........................................................................................... 18
4. Ascertainment of Exposure: Dose .................................................................................................. 18
5. Validation of Exposure .................................................................................................................. 19
6. Dosing in Specific Populations ...................................................................................................... 20
7. Other Considerations ..................................................................................................................... 20
D. Outcome Ascertainment and Validation.................................................................................... 20
1. Definition of Outcomes of Interest ................................................................................................. 21
2. Ascertainment of Outcomes ........................................................................................................... 21
3. Validation of Outcomes .................................................................................................................. 22
4. Mortality as an Outcome ................................................................................................................ 26
E. Covariate Ascertainment and Validation .................................................................................. 26
1. Confounders ................................................................................................................................... 26
2. Effect Modifiers .............................................................................................................................. 27
3. Validation of Confounders and Effect Modifiers ........................................................................... 27
A. Characterizing Data ..................................................................................................................... 30
B. Documentation of the QA/QC Plan ............................................................................................ 33
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
C. Documentation of Data Management Process ........................................................................... 33
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 34
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Real-World Data: Assessing Electronic Health Records and Medical
Claims Data to Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Drug and
Biological Products
Guidance for Industry
This guidance represents the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) on
this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public. You
can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations.
To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA office responsible for this guidance as listed on the
title page.
The 21
Century Cures Act (Cures Act),
signed into law on December 13, 2016, is intended to
accelerate medical product development and bring innovations faster and more efficiently to the
patients who need them. Among other provisions, the Cures Act added section 505F to the
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C. 355g). Pursuant to this section,
FDA created a framework for a program to evaluate the potential use of real-world evidence
(RWE) to help support the approval of a new indication for a drug
already approved under
section 505(c) of the FD&C Act or help support or satisfy postapproval study requirements.
FDA is issuing this guidance as part of its RWE Program
and to satisfy, in part, the mandate
under section 505F of the FD&C Act to issue guidance about the use of RWE in regulatory
The RWE Program will cover clinical studies that use real-world data (RWD)
sources, such as information from routine clinical practice, to derive RWE.
This guidance has been prepared by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) in cooperation with the
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) and Oncology Center for Excellence (OCE) at the Food and
Drug Administration.
Public Law 114-255.
For the purposes of this guidance, all references to drugs include both human drugs and biological products. This
guidance does not apply to medical devices. For information on medical devices, see the guidance for industry and
FDA staff Use of Real-World Evidence to Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Medical Devices (August 2017).
We update guidances periodically. For the most recent version of the guidance, check the FDA guidance web page
See Framework for FDA’s Real-World Evidence Program, available at
. The framework and RWE Program also cover biological products
licensed under the Public Health Service Act.
See section 505F(e) of the FD&C Act.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
This guidance is intended to provide sponsors and other interested parties with considerations
when proposing to use electronic health records (EHRs) or medical claims data
in clinical
to support a regulatory decision on effectiveness or safety of a drug.
For the purposes of this guidance, FDA defines RWD and RWE as follows:
RWD are data relating to patient health status or the delivery of health care routinely
collected from a variety of sources.
RWE is the clinical evidence regarding the usage and potential benefits or risks of a
medical product derived from analysis of RWD.
Examples of RWD include data derived from EHRs, medical claims data, data from product and
disease registries,
patient-generated data including from in-home use settings, and data gathered
from other sources that can inform on health status, such as digital health technologies.
guidance focuses on health-related data recorded by providers that can be extracted from two
sources: EHRs and medical claims data. EHRs and medical claims data are types of electronic
health care data that contain patient health information, and these data are widely used in safety
studies and increasingly being proposed for use in effectiveness studies. EHRs and medical
claims data can be considered as data sources in various clinical study designs.
This guidance discusses the following topics related to the potential use of EHR and medical
claims data in clinical studies to support regulatory decisions:
(1) Selection of data sources that appropriately address the study question and sufficiently
characterize study populations, exposure(s), outcome(s) of interest, and key covariates.
(2) Development and validation of definitions for study design elements (e.g., exposures,
outcomes, covariates).
For purposes of this guidance, the term medical claims data (sometimes referred to as administrative healthcare
claims data) refers to information submitted to insurers to receive payment for treatments (e.g., pharmacy claims
data) and other interventions.
For the purposes of this guidance, the term clinical studies refers to all study designs, including, but not limited to,
interventional studies where the treatment is assigned by a protocol (e.g., randomized or single-arm trials, including
those that use RWD as an external control arm) and non-interventional (observational) studies where treatment is
determined in the course of routine clinical care (e.g., case-control or cohort studies). Throughout the guidance,
FDA uses the terms clinical studies, studies, and study interchangeably.
See Framework for FDA’s Real-World Evidence Program, available at
For additional discussion, see the guidance for industry Real-World Data: Assessing Registries to Support
Regulatory Decision-Making for Drug and Biological Products (December 2023).
For additional discussion, see the guidance for industry, investigators, and other stakeholders Digital Health
Technologies for Remote Data Acquisition in Clinical Investigations (December 2023).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
(3) Data traceability
and quality during data accrual, data curation, and incorporation into
the final study-specific dataset.
This guidance does not provide recommendations on choice of study design or type of statistical
analysis, and it does not endorse any type of data source or study methodology. For all study
designs, it is important to ensure the reliability and relevance of the data used to help support a
regulatory decision. For the purposes of this guidance, the term reliability includes accuracy,
completeness, and traceability. The term relevance includes the availability of data for key study
variables (exposures, outcomes, covariates) and sufficient numbers of representative patients for
the study.
In general, FDA’s guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities.
Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as
recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the
word should in FDA guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but not
The FDA guidance for industry and FDA staff Best Practices for Conducting and Reporting
Pharmacoepidemiologic Safety Studies Using Electronic Healthcare Data (May 2013) focuses
on the use of electronic health care data in pharmacoepidemiologic safety studies. The 2013
guidance includes recommendations for documenting the design, analysis, and results of
pharmacoepidemiologic safety studies to optimize FDA’s review of protocols and study reports
that are submitted to FDA.
This guidance complements the 2013 guidance by expanding on certain aspects of that guidance
relating to the selection of data sources, and provides additional guidance for evaluating the
relevance and reliability of both EHRs and medical claims data for use in a clinical study. This
guidance also provides a broader overview of considerations relating to the use of EHRs and
medical claims data in clinical studies more generally, including studies intended to inform
FDA’s evaluation of product effectiveness.
For all studies using EHRs or medical claims data that will be submitted to FDA to support a
regulatory decision, sponsors should submit protocols and statistical analysis plans before
conducting the study. Sponsors seeking FDA input before conducting the study should request
comments or a meeting to discuss the study with the relevant FDA review division. All essential
elements of study design, analysis, conduct, and reporting should be predefined, and, for each
study element, the protocol and final study report should describe how that element was
For the purposes of this guidance, traceability is the method (e.g., audit trail) that allows for knowledge of data
provenance (i.e., the origin of a piece of data and how it got to the electronic health record or medical claim).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
ascertained from the selected RWD source, including applicable validation studies. More
information about study elements is provided in section V, Study Design Elements.
This guidance provides recommendations on selecting data sources to maximize the
completeness and accuracy of the data derived from EHRs and medical claims for clinical
studies. The use of certain study design features or specific analyses to address misclassified or
missing information, as well as methods to achieve covariate balance are out of scope of this
guidance. Instead, this guidance addresses issues that are essential to determining the reliability
and relevance of the data and that should be addressed in the protocol, including:
(1) The appropriateness and potential limitations of the data source for the study question
and to support key study elements.
(2) Time periods for ascertainment of study design elements.
(3) Conceptual definitions and operational definitions for study design elements (e.g.,
inclusion/exclusion criteria for study population, exposures, outcomes, covariates) and
the results of validation studies. See section V, Study Design Elements, for examples of
conceptual and operational definitions for study design elements.
(4) Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures for data accrual, curation, and
incorporation into the final study-specific dataset.
Protocols submitted to FDA should identify all data sources proposed for the study, as well as
other relevant descriptive information
discussed below). FDA does not endorse one data source
over another or seek to limit the possible sources of data that may be relevant to answering study
Each data
source should be evaluated to determine whether the available information is
appropriate for addressing a specific study question. Given that existing electronic
health care
data were not developed for research purposes or to support regulatory submissions to FDA, it is
important to understand their potential limitations when they are used for that purpose.
Examples of potential limitations include:
(1) The purpose of medical claims data is to support payment for care; claims may not
accurately reflect a particular disease or the comprehensive management of a disease
(e.g., the transcription and classification practices of clinical coders may differ), or a
patient may have a particular disease or condition that is not reflected or well-reflected in
claims data. In addition, medical claims data can change during the run-off period and
claims adjudication process, as initial submissions may be adjusted or corrected, leading
to variations in reported diagnoses and procedures over time.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
(2) EHR data are generated for use in clinical care and may also serve as a basis for billing
and for auditing of practice quality measures. Structured and unstructured data recorded
in an EHR system depend on each health care system’s practices for patient care, the
clinical and documentation practices of its providers, and the functionality and
configuration of the EHR system. In addition, data collection is limited to the data
captured within an EHR system or network, and may not represent comprehensive care
(e.g., care obtained in different facilities in the same or outside of the health care system).
Similar to claims data, EHR data may not accurately reflect the presence, characteristics,
or severity of a particular disease.
(3) For prospective clinical studies proposing to use EHRs, it may be possible to modify the
EHR system for the purpose of collecting additional patient data during routine care
through an add-on module to the EHR system. However, given the limited ability to add
modules to collect extensive additional information, EHR-based data collection may still
not be comprehensive.
(4) Information regarding continuity of care depends on patients remaining within the
specific health care system and engaging with the health care system for continuing care.
Prior use of the selected data source for research purposes (e.g., previous submissions to FDA by
the sponsor or relevant examples in the published literature) should be described in the protocol.
This description should include how well the selected data source has been shown to capture
study variables (e.g., inclusion and exclusion criteria, exposures, outcomes, key covariates) and
how the study variables can be validated for a particular research activity.
A. Relevance of the Data Source
There are differences in the practice of medicine around the world and between health care
systems that may affect the relevance of the data source to the study question. Patients in
different types of commercial or government health care payment programs can differ in a range
of characteristics, such as age, socioeconomic status, health conditions, risk factors, and other
potential confounders. Various factors in health care systems and insurance programs, such as
patient out-of-pocket expenses, formulary decisions, and patient coverage, can influence the
degree to which patients on a given
therapy in one health care system might differ in disease
severity, or other disease characteristics, from patients on the same therapy in
another health care
system. It is also important to identify whether the data sources cover all populations relevant to
the study if those sources are to be used to address the study question. Differences in
terminology and coding systems used in different health care systems should also be considered.
FDA recommends including the following in the protocol:
(1) The reason for selecting the particular data sources, and the time frame of data that are
available, to address the specific study question.
(2) Relevant background information about the health care system(s), including (if available)
any specified method of diagnosis and preferred treatments for the disease of interest, and
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
the degree to which such information is collected and validated in the proposed data
(3) A description of any available information on prescribing and utilization practices (e.g.,
stepped therapy, prior authorizations, formulary restrictions) that may impact feasibility
of the study in the data source or interpretation of study findings.
(4) A discussion on how factors relating to the health care system, including its practices,
might affect the generalizability of the study findings from the selected data sources.
When non-U.S. data sources are proposed, additional explanation (e.g., demographic
factors, standard of care) should be provided to support the generalizability to the U.S.
B. Data Capture: General Discussion
A record in EHR systems or medical claims databases is generated only if there is an interaction
of the patient with the health care system. Because EHRs and medical claims data are collected
during routine care and not according to a prespecified research protocol, information needed to
address certain questions in a proposed study may not be present in EHRs and medical claims
data sources. Sponsors should demonstrate that the proposed data source(s) contain the detail and
completeness needed to capture the study populations, exposures, key covariates, outcomes of
interest, and other important parameters (e.g., time periods) that are relevant to the study
question and design.
1. Enrollment and Comprehensive Capture of Care
The capture of patients’ health care information in a medical claim or EHR data source depends
on continuity of coverage (i.e., enrollment and disenrollment from the health insurance plan) and
continuity of care (i.e., continuous interaction with the health care system). When using medical
claims data sources, continuity of coverage should be addressed, given that patients often enroll
and disenroll in different health plans when they experience changes in employment, or other life
circumstances. When using EHR data sources, continuity of care should be discussed,
specifically, whether patients receive all types of health care services within the same health
system or network of facilities that contribute to the same EHR data source. The validity of
findings from a study using these data depends in part on the documentation of the migration of
patients into and out of health plans and health care systems. Such documentation allows for the
identification of time periods during which data are and are not available on the patients of
interest. Definitions of continuity of coverage and continuity of care should be developed and
documented in the protocol. Of note, information on continuity of care may be difficult to
accurately capture (e.g., data do not differentiate discontinuation of care and lack of encounters
due to worsening or resolution of existing health conditions) and might need to be approximated
in an EHR data source.
FDA recommends addressing the comprehensiveness of the data sources in capturing aspects
of care and outcomes that are relevant to the study question. This information will help
evaluate the likelihood that all exposures and outcomes of interest will be captured for
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
regulatory decision-making. For example, outpatient data sources that do not include
hospitalization data would generally not be appropriate for studying outcomes likely to result
in hospitalization. A second example is a study where an outcome is dependent on a specific
frequency of laboratory tests, and clinicians do not typically order those tests at such a
FDA recommends specifying how all relevant populations, exposures, outcomes, and covariates
will be captured during the study period, particularly in situations where data availability varies
greatly over time. The data sources should contain adequate numbers of patients with adequate
length of continuous follow-up to ascertain outcomes of interest based on the biologically
plausible time frame when the outcome, if associated with the exposure, might be expected to
occur. Information should be provided about the distribution of length of follow-up for patients
in the data sources because the length of follow-up may inform whether the selected data sources
are adequate or whether additional supportive data are needed to ascertain long latency outcomes.
In general, EHRs and medical claims data may not systematically capture the use of
nonprescription drugs or drugs that are not reimbursed under health plans, episodes of medical
tourism outside the U.S., or immunizations offered in the workplace, at pharmacies or public
health clinics, or through government immunization programs. If these exposures are
particularly relevant to the study question, the data source may not be suitable, or the protocol
should describe how this information gap will be addressed (e.g., by building additional
modules into the EHR system, linking, or collecting additional data).
Obtaining comprehensive drug coverage and medical care data on patients with certain types of
privacy concerns (e.g., sexually transmitted infection, substance abuse, mental health conditions)
can be
challenging and failure to do so can result in incomplete or erroneous information.
Patients with these conditions may receive treatment in federally qualified health centers, or in
private clinics where an insurance claim may not be generated if self-payment is used. In
addition, certain populations (e.g., patients with rare cancers) more often enroll in experimental
clinical trials. In such cases, patients’ health data may not be fully captured in electronic health
care data. If these issues are relevant to the study question of interest, the protocol should
describe how the issues will be addressed.
2. Data Linkage and Synthesis
Data linkages can be used to increase the amount of data available to capture the longitudinal
patient journey, increase the amount of data available on individual patients, and provide
additional data for validation purposes. If the study involves establishing new data linkages
within the same data sources (e.g., mother-infant linkages) or across different data sources (e.g.,
vital records, disease and product registries, biobank data), the protocol should describe each
data source, the information that will be obtained, linkage methods, and the accuracy and
completeness of data linkages over time. Probabilistic and deterministic approaches to data
linkage may result in different linkage quality, albeit both approaches can have value
depending on the scenario. The deterministic approach for data linkage uses records that have
an exact match to a unique or set of common identifiers. The probabilistic approach for data
linkage uses less restrictive steps in which the linkage can be established by exact matching of
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
fewer identifiers or matching part of the information on the identifiers (e.g., the first several letters
of a name) (Carreras et al., 2018). When a probabilistic approach is used, the analysis plan
should include testing the impact of the degree of match and robustness of findings. In
addition, if the study involves generating additional data (e.g., interviews, mail surveys,
computerized or mobile-application questionnaires, measurements through digital health
technologies), the protocol should describe the methods of data collection and the methods of
integrating the collected data with the proposed EHRs or medical claims data.
For studies that require combining data from multiple data sources or study sites, FDA
recommends demonstrating whether and how data from different sources can be obtained and
integrated with acceptable sample size and quality, given the potential for heterogeneity in
clinical and coding practices across data sources or systems.
Because patients typically visit multiple health care sites, especially in geographically
contiguous areas, the inclusion of de-identified data from many sites creates the possibility that
there will be multiple records from different health care sites for a single individual. The
existence of multiple records of the same person in different sites can result in overcounts of a
particular data measure or, alternatively, if some site records are not available, can result in a
collection of patient histories that reflect only a fraction of the patient’s total health care
history. Specific attention to data curation
including individual level and population level
linkages and understanding of many-to-one and 1:1 linkage is fundamental to assessing the
appropriateness of a new data linkage. Even where multiple data sources are linked by a
unique patient identifier or where the patient information is coming from only one data source,
there still can be an issue with multiple records or duplicate records. FDA recommends
considering and documenting the type of curation performed to address duplication or
fragmentation issues and documenting approaches taken to address issues that cannot be fully
rectified by curation. See section VI, Data Quality During Data Accrual, Curation, and
Transformation into the Final Study-Specific Dataset.
3. Distributed Data Networks
Distributed data networks (or systems) of EHRs and medical claims data systems, often
combined with the use of common data models (CDM), have been increasingly used for medical
product safety surveillance and research purposes. A CDM standardizes a variety of electronic
health care data sources into a common format to ensure interoperability across all sites
providing data. The primary benefit of using a distributed network in which data from multiple
sites are transformed into a single CDM, is the ability to execute an identical query (without any
or substantial modifications) on multiple datasets. In some distributed data networks, queries
can be run simultaneously at all network sites or at each site asynchronously, with results
combined at a coordinating center for return to the end user. There are a number of the
commonly used operational models employed by distributed data networks. Some networks are
managed by a single business entity using a consistent EHR system or medical claims database
structure and while data are maintained at many locations, they are structured and managed in a
consistent manner (e.g., the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health
For the purposes of this guidance, data curation is the processing of source data through the application of
standards for exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Administration). Another approach is a hybrid distributed model in which a subset of data from
many remote sites is sent to a centralized repository that allows for research to be conducted on a
combined dataset (e.g., U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Syndromic
Surveillance System). A third commonly used approach is seen in networks of data systems with
multiple owners and database structures, with data structured and managed differently from
location to location (e.g., the member sites of FDA’s Sentinel system). In this model, research
queries are sent to the various network member sites and results returned to a central location for
collation and reporting.
The latter type of networks, comprised of disparate data systems such as the Sentinel system, are
facilitated by the use of CDMs. Networks using CDMs also typically provide tools and
methodologies for analysis, a consistent level of data curation, unified QA/QC procedures, and
periodic revision of the data model to incorporate new data concepts as needed. Additionally,
methodologies have been developed that allow the ability to translate data from one CDM to
another, however these involve additional data transformations,
which present added quality
considerations. Data curation and transformation into a CDM, as well as general QA/QC
procedures, are discussed in section VI, Data Quality During Data Accrual, Curation, and
Transformation into the Final Study-Specific Dataset.
Distributed data networks are typically comprised of EHR, medical claim, or registry data.
Nevertheless, combining many data sources, especially with the addition of data transformation
into a CDM, adds a layer of complexity that should be considered. Because there are many
different configurations of distributed health data networks, the configurations discussed in this
guidance should not be considered comprehensive.
Transforming disparate database structures into a common health network with a CDM allows
research across health care sites that would otherwise be more complex and costly. However,
CDMs can introduce additional challenges to consider. Many CDMs, including those developed
for FDA’s Sentinel system, Biologics Effectiveness and Safety Initiative, and the National
Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network, were created to satisfy a specific set of research
purposes; the choice of data captured in a CDM is optimized for the types of data measures and
detail needed for the intended use (e.g., Sentinel system for postmarket safety surveillance to
inform regulatory decision-making, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network for
patient-centered outcomes research). Therefore, data in CDM-driven networks rarely contain all
the source information present at the individual health care sites, and the data elements chosen
for a given CDM network may not be sufficient for all research purposes or questions.
Furthermore, CDMs often have many data elements within the model that are optional—that is,
although the model has such data elements available to be filled with data, the individual sites
can choose whether to put their original data into the optional fields.
Before using a CDM-driven network, data elements collected by the CDM should be
consideredincluding whether needed data elements exist in the model and, if so, whether they
are required or optional elementsto determine suitability for the study and whether identified
deficiencies can be addressed by supplementing with customized study-specific data elements,
For the purposes of this guidance, data transformation is the process of converting data from one format or
structure into another format or structure.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
collecting additional data, or using other data elements present in the dataset that are reasonable
proxies for the missing information. It should be noted, however, that such workarounds involve
additional considerations by the sponsor such as the work involved with validating proxy
endpoints or any human subject research considerations that involve additional data. Suitability
may also be improved with more flexible CDMs that are frequently expanded for new uses. For
information on proxy variables, see section IV.C, Missing Data: General Considerations.
4. Computable Phenotypes
A computable phenotype identifies a clinical condition or characteristic using a computerized
query to an EHR system or clinical data repository (including disease registries, claims data)
using a defined set of data elements and logical expressions. Standardized computable
phenotypes enable efficient selection of study populations and ascertainment of outcomes of
interest or other study variables for large-scale clinical studies across multiple health care
systems. A computable phenotype definition should include metadata and supporting
information about the definition, its intended use, the clinical rationale or research justification
for the definition, and data assessing validation in various health care settings (Richesson et al.
2016). The computable phenotype definition, composed of standardized and mapped data
elements and phenotype algorithm, if applicable, should be described in the protocol and study
report and should also be available in a computer-processable format. Clinical validation of the
computable phenotype definition should be described in the protocol and study report. For
additional information on validation, see section IV.D, Validation: General Considerations.
5. Unstructured Data
Although medical claims data are typically in structured fields, large amounts of key clinical data
are unstructured data within EHRs, either as free text data fields (such as physician notes) or as
other non-standardized information in computer documents (such as PDF-based radiology
reports). To enhance the efficiency of data abstraction, a range of approaches, including both
existing and emerging technologies and strategies, are increasingly being used to convert
unstructured data into a computable format. More recent innovations include technology-
enabled abstraction whereby software provides a mechanism for human data abstractors (e.g.,
tumor registrars) to do their work in a consistent and scalable fashion.
Technological advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) may permit more rapid
processing of unstructured electronic health care data. AI is a branch of computer science,
statistics, and engineering that uses algorithms or models to perform tasks and exhibit behaviors
such as learning, making decisions, and making predictions.
Advances include natural
language processing, machine learning, and particularly deep learning to: (1) extract data
elements from unstructured text in EHRs; (2) develop computer algorithms that identify
outcomes; or (3) evaluate images or laboratory results. FDA does not endorse any specific AI
See IMDRF/AIMD WG/N67 Machine Learning-enabled Medical Devices: Key Terms and Definitions, May 6,
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
All these methods are computer-assisted to various levels but require a significant amount of
human-aided curation and decision-making, injecting an additional level of data variability and
quality considerations into the final study-specific dataset. If the protocol proposes to use AI or
other derivation methods, the protocol should specify the assumptions and parameters of the
computer algorithms used, the data source from which the information was used to build the
algorithm, whether the algorithm was supervised (i.e., using input and review by experts) or
unsupervised, and the metrics associated with validation of the methods. Relevant impacts on
data quality from use of AI or other computerized extraction methods should be documented in the
protocol and analysis plan.
C. Missing Data: General Considerations
There are two broad scenarios in which information may be absent from data sources. The first
scenario is when the information was intended to be collected (e.g., structured field present in
EHRs), but is absent from the data sources. This is an example of traditional missing data.
The second case is when the information was not intended to be collected in EHRs and medical
claims data and is therefore absent. The second scenario affects the relevance of the data source.
Although both can have an impact on study validity, it is helpful to distinguish between these
two scenarios and understand the reasons why information is present or absent in EHRs and
medical claims. For example, lack of information about the result of a laboratory test could be
caused by different circumstances: (1) the test might not have been ordered by the health care
provider; (2) the test might have been ordered but not conducted; (3) the test might have been
performed, but the result was not stored or captured in the data source; or (4) the test might have
been performed and the result was stored in the data source, but data were not in an accessible
format, or lost in the transformation and curation process when the final study-specific dataset
was generated. Because providers might order a laboratory test based on a patient’s
characteristics, the decision not to order the test or a patient’s decision to forgo the test may have
implications on the data’s fitness for use in a proposed study. An understanding of the reasons
for missing data may help assess the impact of missing data on study findings.
As discussed above, data linkage is one way to address certain types of missing data. It may also
be possible to identify a variable that is a proxy for the missing data. An example of a potential
proxy variable includes maternal education as a proxy for socioeconomic status that often is an
important confounder when evaluating child-health outcomes.
The protocol and the statistical analysis plan should be developed and based on an understanding
of reasons for the presence and absence of information. Descriptive analyses should be included
to characterize the missing data. Assumptions regarding the missing data (e.g., missing at
random, missing not at random) underlying the statistical analysis for study endpoints and
important covariates should be supported and the implications of missing data considered in the
design and analysis of the study. Sensitivity analysis should be conducted to evaluate the
robustness of findings.
For the purposes of this guidance, missing data are data that would have been used in the study analysis but were
not observed, collected, or accessible. This refers to information that is intended to be collected but is absent and
information that is not intended to be collected and is therefore absent.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
D. Validation: General Considerations
1. Conceptual and Operational Definitions of Study Variables
Studies using EHRs and medical claims data sources should include conceptual definitions for
important study variables, including study population inclusion and exclusion criteria, exposure,
outcome, and covariates. A conceptual definition should reflect current medical and scientific
thinking regarding the variable of interest, such as: (1) clinical criteria to define a condition for
population selection or as an outcome of interest or a covariate; or (2) measurement of drug
intake to define an exposure of interest.
An operational definition should be developed based on the conceptual definition to extract the
most complete and accurate data from the data source. In many studies using EHRs or medical
claims data, the operational definition will be a code-based electronic algorithm using structured
data elements. In other studies, the operational definition may be derived from extracting
relevant information from unstructured data or constructing an algorithm that combines
structured and unstructured data elements. Operational definitions can also specify additional
data collection, such as a patient survey, when appropriate.
2. Selection of Study Variables for Validation
Given that operational definitions are usually imperfect and cannot accurately classify the
variable of interest for every subject, a resulting misclassification can lead to false positives and
false negatives (Table 1) and may bias the association between exposure and outcome in a certain
direction and degree.
Misclassification may occur in any study variable (e.g., exposure,
outcome, covariate). Understanding the implications of potential misclassification for study
internal validity and study inference is the key step in determining what variables of interest
might require validation and to what extent, based on the necessary level of certainty. For
example, in a study to quantify a drug effect, internal validity should be optimized, and
misclassification of key study variables should be minimized to accurately measure the
association. Some misclassification might be tolerable in some studies when the presence of
misclassification is not expected to change the interpretation of results (e.g., for signal detection,
or when the hypothesized effect size is large and the impact of misclassification on the measure
of association is deemed minimal).
To understand how potential misclassification of a variable of interest (e.g., exposure, outcome,
covariate) might impact the measure of association and the interpretation of results, sponsors
should consider: (1) the degree of misclassification; (2) differential versus non-differential
misclassification (e.g., whether the degree of misclassification of an outcome may differ across
treatment groups being compared); (3) dependent versus independent misclassification (e.g.,
correlated misclassifications of exposure and outcome when both are self-reported in the same
For categorical variables, the performance of operational definitions can be measured by indices such as
sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV). For continuous
variables, indices may be based on the correlation with, or the pairwise comparison to, the reference standard.
These measures inform the presence and degree of misclassification or measurement error of a variable that may in
turn bias the study findings from the truth.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
survey); and (4) the direction toward which the association between exposure and outcome might
be biased.
3. Validation Approaches
Validation refers to the process of determining if a study variable (e.g., exposure, outcome,
covariate) is correctly measured, usually according to a reference standard (Porta, 2014).
Examples of validation approaches include: (1) complete verification
of a key study variable
for all subjects; (2) verification of a study variable for all those identified by an operational
definition as positive (e.g., all those identified as exposed for exposure status, or all those
identified as a case for outcome status), or as negative (e.g., all those identified as unexposed for
exposure status, or all those identified as a non-case for outcome status, but not necessarily all
subjects; or (3) assessing the performance of an operational definition (e.g., internally in a
sample of the study population for the proposed study, or externally in a prior study). The extent
of effort required for validation depends on the necessary level of certainty and the implication
of potential misclassification on study inference. Although complete verification of a study
variable is considered the most rigorous approach, there are scenarios where verifying a key
study variable for every subject might not be feasible (e.g., a very large study population, lack of
reference standard
data for all study subjects) and assessing the performance of the variable’s
operational definition might suffice. Based on the performance measures described in Table 1,
sponsors should consider whether validating the variable to a greater extent (e.g., all positives
classified by the operational definition) is necessary and discuss options with the relevant review
Because the performance of an operational definition is dependent on various factors, such as
data source, study population, study time frame, and choice of reference standard, FDA
recommends assessing the performance of operational definitions in an adequately large and
representative sample of the study population as part of the proposed study, using justified
sampling methods (e.g., random sampling, stratified sampling). If sponsors propose to use an
operational definition that has been assessed in a prior study, ideally, those definitions should
have been assessed using the same data source and in a similar study population as the proposed
study. In addition, secular trends in disease, diagnosis, and coding may necessitate assessment of
the operational definition using more recent data. The quality of prior studies used to establish
sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values should always be evaluated.
Choice of a reference standard may vary by study design and question, variable of interest, and the
necessary level of certainty. For example, subject matter expertsreview of medical records
(including structured and unstructured data) may be a preferred reference standard for validation of
clinical events identified by diagnosis codes or automated algorithms, or drug intake diary may be
For the purposes of this guidance, complete verification involves assigning an accurate value to the variable of
interest for each study subject based on a reference standard of choice. For example, medical record review can be
used in conjunction with a conceptual definition to determine whether a subject meets a critical inclusion criterion or
has experienced the outcome event (adjudication may be involved in this process).
For the purposes of this guidance, reference standard is the best available benchmark, also referred to as a gold
standard. When a gold standard is not clearly identified, validation may indicate concordance between methods
assessed by a Kappa statistic, precent agreement, or other indices.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
used to assess the validity of medication exposures identified in pharmacy dispensing data. Other
examples may include broadly accepted external reference data sources, such as national or state vital
statistics data sources, if appropriate. Sometimes the reference standard of choice itself may have
important limitations and not be entirely valid, in which case caution should be used when
interpreting validation results.
The protocol should include a detailed description of the planned validation, including
justification for the choice of a validation approach, reference standard, methods, processes, and
sampling strategy (if applicable). If a previously assessed operational definition is proposed,
additional information should be provided, including in what data source and study population
and during what time frame the assessment was conducted, the value of the assessed performance
measures, and a discussion of whether the performance measures are applicable to the proposed
study. FDA also recommends using quantitative approaches, such as quantitative bias analyses,
either a priori for feasibility assessment, or to facilitate interpretation of study results, or for both
purposes, to demonstrate whether and how misclassification, if present, might impact study
findings. The protocol should pre-specify the indices (e.g., sensitivity, specificity) that will be used
for quantifying bias and describe how the selected indices will be measured during validation.
For further discussion about the validation of study design elements, see section V.C.5,
Validation of Exposure; section V.D.3, Validation of Outcomes; and section V.E.3, Validation of
Confounders and Effect Modifiers.
Table 1: Schematic Representation of the Calculation of Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive
Predictive Value (PPV), and Negative Predictive Value (NPV) for a Binary Variable
Condition based on
Yes No Total
Yes a (true positive) b (false positive) a+b
No c (false negative) d (true negative) c+d
Total a+c b+d N
Sensitivity = a/(a+c)
Specificity = d/(b+d)
The ascertainment and validation of study design elements are discussed in detail below. The
study questions of interest should be established first, and then the data source and study design
most appropriate for addressing these questions should be determined. The study should not be
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
designed to fit a specific data source, because the limitations of a specific data source may restrict
the options for study design and limit the inferences that can be drawn.
A. Definition of Time Periods
FDA recommends clearly defining the various time periods pertinent to the study design in the
protocol (e.g., time periods for identifying study population, defining inclusion and exclusion
criteria, assessing exposure, assessing outcome, assessing covariates, following up with patients,
“washout” time period if applicable). The focus of the time scale (e.g., calendar time, age, time
since exposure) should be explicitly described with adequate detail on data availability of the
time unit (e.g., year, month, day, hour, minute) required to answer the study question.
The protocol should demonstrate the data availability, accuracy, and completeness for the
proposed time periods and the potential impact on study validity. For example, justification
should be provided regarding how data for the time period before exposure are adequate for
identifying the study population and the important baseline covariates, or for the follow-up
period to consider the biologically plausible time frame when the outcome (e.g., long latency
events), if associated with the exposure, might be expected to occur. When the proposed
outcome definition distinguishes disease onset (e.g., early symptoms) from a confirmed
diagnosis, justification should be provided regarding whether the timing of disease onset can be
accurately captured (e.g., for an insidious disease). In addition, when the study design involves
time-varying covariates, description should be provided regarding the data availability of the
time unit to capture the changes of the variable of interest (e.g., age in month as a time-varying
covariate in a study among infants). The protocol should also address potential temporal
changes in the standard of care, the availability of other treatments, diagnosis criteria, and any
other relevant factors that are pertinent to the accuracy and completeness of data for study
variables. For example, healthcare avoidance or limited access to healthcare during a pandemic
may adversely impact the assessment of patients’ underlying conditions for studies using RWD
during or after the pandemic. Other relevant factors may include payer or provider policies (if
known), such as formulary changes, step therapy, and laboratory assay changes. Before
developing the study approach, sponsors should discuss with the relevant FDA review division
the capability of data to capture such potential temporal changes and the impact of the potential
temporal changes on internal validity.
B. Selection of Study Population
The protocol should include a detailed description of methods for determining how inclusion and
exclusion criteria (e.g., demographic factors, medical condition, disease status, severity,
biomarkers) will be implemented to identify appropriate patients meeting these criteria from the
data source. The protocol should include a detailed description of operational definitions for
inclusion and exclusion criteria to identify the eligible study population from the data source.
The identification of the study population may rely on information recorded in multiple data
fields such as diagnosis and procedure codes (e.g., International Classification of Diseases
(ICD)-9-CM, ICD-10), laboratory tests (e.g., Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes
(LOINC)) and values, or unstructured data (e.g., physician’s encounter notes, radiology and
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
pathology reports). The protocol should address the accuracy and completeness of the
information collected in the proposed data source to fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Operational definitions of key inclusion and exclusion criteria used to select the study population
should be validated. As one example, to assess the drug effect in patients with immune
thrombocytopenic purpura, the disorder ascertained by operational definition ICD-9-CM
diagnosis code 287.31 or ICD-10 code D69.3 should be validated based on the conceptual
definition of the disorder, which includes signs and symptoms, levels of platelets, and exclusion
of other possible causes of thrombocytopenia.
In certain circumstances, key inclusion and exclusion criteria (e.g., gestational age for pregnancy
studies) may be generated by the information recorded at the point of care by the health care
providers. For example, health care providers may enter the calculated gestational age in EHRs
based on patient self-reported last menstrual period, ultrasound dating, and other relevant
information. If such data are used, the protocol should describe the source of information and
the methods health care providers use to generate the data (if known).
FDA also recommends including quantitative approaches, such as quantitative bias analyses, in the
protocol to demonstrate whether and how misclassification of inclusion and exclusion criteria, if
present, might impact study findings. The approach can be applied a priori for feasibility
assessment, to facilitate interpretation of study results, or for both purposes. The protocol should
pre-specify the indices (e.g., sensitivity, specificity) that will be used for quantifying bias and
describe how the selected indices will be measured in key inclusion/exclusion criteria validation.
C. Exposure Ascertainment and Validation
Considerations discussed in this section regarding exposure ascertainment in EHRs or medical
claims data primarily apply to noninterventional studies, given that the assignment of exposure is
documented in interventional studies.
1. Definition of Exposure
For the purposes of this guidance, the term exposure applies to the medical product or regimen of
interest being evaluated in the proposed study. The product of interest is referred to as the
treatment, and may be compared to no treatment, a placebo, standard of care, another treatment,
or a combination of the above. Other variables that could affect the study outcome are
considered covariates and are discussed in section V.E, Covariate Ascertainment and Validation.
The exposure definition should include information about the drug dose, formulation, strength,
route, timing, frequency, and duration of use for the product studied (if relevant). It may also be
necessary to describe the specific manufacturer of a product (e.g., when a proper name for a
vaccine is used by different manufacturers).
The description of exposure should include the intended or prescribed use of the product (e.g.,
the number, frequency, route of administration, and specific doses), the period between initiation
of exposure and the earliest time one might reasonably expect to see an effect, and the expected
duration of effect. This will usually require an understanding of the pharmacological properties
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
(e.g., half-life) and mechanism of action of the drug —for example, that a onetime infusion to
prevent osteoporosis may have an effect for several months. See section V.C.3, Ascertainment
of Exposure: Duration, and section V.C.4, Ascertainment of Exposure: Dose.
2. Ascertainment of Exposure: Data Source
Sponsors should be able to demonstrate an ability to identify the specific products of interest in
the proposed data source, demonstrating that the data source contains data fields and codes that
allow identification of the specific products of interest (e.g., through specific coding). For
example, it is not always possible to infer a specific vaccine formulation from the billing or
diagnostic code alone, such as in systems where a single billing code is used for multiple
vaccines. The protocol should describe the coding system used, the level of granularity
represented (e.g., using RxNorm concept unique identifiers (CUIs) mapped to the National Drug
Code [NDC] codes), and the specificity attained by the coding system.
When relying on coded data, the operational exposure definitions should be based on the coding
system of the selected data source and reflect an understanding of the prescription, delivery, and
reimbursement characteristics of the drug (if applicable) in that data source over time. For
example, in the United States, the operational definition should include the appropriate pharmacy
codes (NDC or Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) or other applicable
codes) to capture the use of the drug in various settings. This approach is particularly important
in the case of non-oral drugs that may be assigned different codes depending on how they are
obtained. For example, patients using an injectable drug can obtain it from the pharmacy, in
which case the NDC code would be recorded, or it can be administered by the provider, in which
case the drug and its administration would be recorded using the HCPCS J code.
It is also essential to report operational definitions and methods when combining information
from unstructured and structured data. Emerging methods may involve review of unstructured
information in medical records combined with pharmacy dispensing and physician prescribing
data and notes to provide an assessment of whether a person was prescribed and received the
medication of interest, as well as whether there are problems with the patient continuing the
medication. An example of such methods is found in ascertainment of aspirin exposure in a
retrospective cohort study of veterans undergoing usual care colonoscopy (Bustamante et al.
When using a medical claims data source, it is important to consider that there could be
dispensed prescriptions that were not associated with insurance claims if these uncaptured
prescriptions are relevant exposures for the study. Uncaptured prescriptions might include low-
cost generic drugs, drugs obtained through discount programs, samples provided by
pharmaceutical companies and dispensed by health care providers, and drugs sold via the internet
or patient out-of-pocket purchases. An individual can seek care outside of the healthcare
system(s), and exposure to medication prescribed by out-of-system providers would not be
captured in the EHR. Lastly, nonprescription drugs and dietary supplements are not generally
A drug’s J code is a Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Level II code used in medical
claims to report injectable drugs that ordinarily cannot be self-administered; chemotherapy, immunosuppressive
drugs, and inhalation solutions; and some orally administered drugs.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
captured, nor well-captured in electronic health care databases. It is important to address the
likelihood of incomplete exposure ascertainment and its effect on study validity, see section
V.C.5, Validation of Exposure.
3. Ascertainment of Exposure: Duration
The data source should capture the relevant exposure duration (anticipated use of a product over
time). Given that some medical products are designed as onetime exposures (e.g., vaccines), and
other products may be intended for use over extended periods of time, the suitability of a data
source will vary with the specific medical product under investigation or the medical conditions
the product is intended to treat (e.g., acute versus chronic conditions, treated daily versus as
needed, or prophylaxis versus active treatment). FDA recommends describing the duration of
exposure as well as the period during which the exposure is having its effect relative to the
outcome of interest. Duration may refer to continuous exposure or cumulative exposure,
depending on the study question. For some products, an immediate or near-immediate effect is
expected; for other products, an effect is expected after a time interval (e.g., drugs that promote
bone strength). FDA recommends considering the duration of continued drug effect after
treatment discontinuation to include the entire period in which the drug effect may occur. For
example, a vaccine effect may persist for years after vaccination, and persons might be
considered exposed during that period. On the other hand, an anticoagulant’s effects may not
extend beyond several hours or days. FDA also recommends justifying the units (e.g., hours,
days) selected for estimating the duration of exposure and ensuring the data are available in those
Because patients may not refill their prescriptions exactly on time or, alternatively, may refill
their prescriptions early, gaps or stockpiling in therapy may exist and may be reflected in the
dispensing medical claims data.20 FDA recommends describing and justifying in the protocol
how the study will measure use, address potential gaps in therapy in the data source, and handle
refill stockpiling if there are early refills. Intermittent therapies (e.g., drugs used to treat pain on
an as-needed basis) and therapies for which samples are often provided to patients (e.g.,
expensive drugs, drugs that are new to the market) present challenges in accurately assessing the
actual exposure and duration of exposure, see section V.C.5, Validation of Exposure
4. Ascertainment of Exposure: Dose
Data about exposure should include information about dosing regimen (e.g., strength, dosing
frequency, route of administration). Depending on the exposure and the question of interest in
the study, it may be useful to describe the dose of each administration or a daily dose, as well as
an estimated cumulative dose (i.e., the total amount of the drug of interest given to a patient over
a specified period of time).
It is reasonable to begin with the dose information provided in the data source, and then discuss
in the protocol or study report the specific assumptions made when estimating the dose of the
exposures of interest, especially for pediatric patients. See section V.C.6, Dosing in Specific
Populations. In addition to the dosing regimen, the data source should provide detailed and
This guidance does not address issues related to medication adherence.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
complete drug description information, including dosage formulation (e.g., oral solution versus
injectable solution) to determine a patient’s total daily dose, especially if the product has
multiple formulations available.
5. Validation of Exposure
Other than for medications administered in hospital settings or infusion settings, electronic health
care data capture prescriptions of drugs and the dispensing of drugs to patients, but generally do
not capture actual patient drug exposure or dose consumption because this depends on patients
obtaining and using the therapy as prescribed. Additionally, medical claims data do not capture
dose adjustment of an existing treatment if the provider instructs patients in a clinic visit or by
phone to adjust the dose without writing a new prescription. Dose adjustment for an existing
treatment can be missed in the EHRs if the change was not noted in the patients record.
Validation ideally involves a comparison of the exposure classification in the proposed data
source with a reference data source,
and produces estimates of misclassification that can be
used in qualitative or quantitative assessments of the impact on study validity. Validation might
begin with defining the conceptual and operational definitions. For example, to define new use
of drug X in a particular study, the conceptual definition may be “initiation of drug X and no
exposure to drug X in the past 365 days,” and the operational definition would be “at least one
outpatient prescription claim for drug X (identified by NDC code xxx), and no claims for drug X
in 365 days before the dispensing date of the prescription.” For prescribed medications used in
outpatient settings, dispensing or billing data would tend to be more accurate than most EHRs in
reflecting exposure to a drug by documenting that the prescriptions were filled. In such cases,
validation of EHRs prescribing data by examining medical claims data may be warranted. For
drugs administered in the health care setting (e.g., vaccines, injectables, blood products),
administration recorded in the EHRs may provide more complete information than is available in
medical claims records. In these cases, it may be useful to validate medical claims data by
examining the EHRs. In certain situations, when reference data sources are not available,
additional studies conducted in the same population or published in the literature can provide
estimates of potential misclassification of exposure status (e.g., survey of study participants to
assess intake of drug, published reports of numbers of people obtaining vaccinations through
FDA recommends documenting the methods used to calculate and validate duration, dose,
product switching, and other characteristics of exposure. Validation and misclassification issues
should be addressed in appropriate study documents. FDA also recommends including in the
protocol quantitative approaches, such as quantitative bias analyses, to demonstrate whether and
how exposure misclassification, if present, might impact study findings. The approach can be
applied a priori for feasibility assessment, to facilitate interpretation of study results, or for both
purposes. The protocol should pre-specify the indices (e.g., sensitivity, specificity) that will be
used for quantifying bias and describe how the selected indices will be measured in exposure
In certain cases, the RWD source may be the only reference. For example, if exposure is defined by whether the
patient paid for the prescription, medical claims data may be used, and this information will be the reference source.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
6. Dosing in Specific Populations
In addition to reporting validated information about the dose prescribed, dispensed, or
administered, additional information may be necessary to permit an assessment of whether
dosing was appropriate for specific populations (e.g., if there was significant underdosing or
overdosing). For example, for patients with compromised renal function, it may be necessary to
have access to measurements of serum creatinine, creatinine clearance, or estimated glomerular
filtration rate to determine whether the recommended dose based on product labeling was used.
Another example is when assessing exposure in pediatric populations where it may be necessary
to obtain the patient’s weight and describe the dose within weight categories. The need for
additional data to permit appropriate assessment of dosing may occur more frequently with
claims data, but can also occur when using EHRs, if necessary, data are absent.
7. Other Considerations
The patients providing comparator data should be defined clearly and with adequate detail in the
protocol. The protocol should discuss the reasoning for selecting the: (1) source of comparator
data; and (2) the time period (if the comparator group is not concurrent with the treatment
group). Because a comparator agent may differ from the product of interest in specific indication
within a disease, contraindication, safety profile, or user’s disease severity or comorbidity, as
well as other patient, physician, and healthcare system characteristics (e.g., timing of exposure
relative to the onset of disease, disease status, prior treatment, patient’s socioeconomic status,
physician’s prescribing behavior, drug availability and treatment guideline based upon particular
healthcare system, etc.), it is important to ensure adequate data are available for FDA to assess
the comparability of the exposed and comparator populations.
Relevant concomitant medication use (e.g., combination therapy components, standard of care
therapy, etc.) should be described and ascertained from the data source. A study’s definition of
concomitant medication use should be described in detail. Definitions of concomitant
medication use might include instances when drugs are dispensed on the same day, when drugs
have overlapping days’ supply, or when patients have filled prescriptions for two or more drugs
during the study period. Limitations to ascertainment of concomitant drugs (e.g.,
nonprescription drugs) should also be described.
D. Outcome Ascertainment and Validation
A crucial step in selecting a data source is determining whether it captures the clinical outcome
of interest. Because electronic health care data typically capture outcomes that are brought to the
attention of a health care professional and documented in the medical record, outcomes
representing mild symptoms or events occurring outside of medical care (e.g., out-of-hospital
death) will not generally be well-captured. Conversely, discrete outcomes or acute events (e.g.,
stroke, myocardial infarction, new infection) are more likely to be captured than worsening of
existing problems (e.g., depression, psoriasis, arthritis) that may not be discerned by a new
diagnosis code. In general, the likelihood of capturing outcomes may vary by disease type and
the extent to which the patient has ongoing encounters with health care professionals that could
lead to additional information being documented in medical records. Unlike traditional clinical
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
trials, studies exclusively using electronic health care data to ascertain outcomes likely do not
have protocol-defined follow-up visits and may not have monitoring of events at intervals
necessary for outcome ascertainment; further, the severity of disease and responses to treatment
may impact the frequency of follow-up visits, and hence the data available. In addition, the
assessment of the outcome of interest is likely more standardized and comprehensive in
traditional clinical trials. Therefore, the availability, accuracy, and completeness of data on the
outcome of interest as well as the need for external data linkage should be carefully considered.
Whether and to what degree a data source captures the outcome of interest should be assessed
before study initiation and be independent of the exposure of interest.
1. Definition of Outcomes of Interest
Many outcomes involve diagnoses recorded by physicians as part of routine care. To minimize
the effect of variability in practice by different physicians and over time (e.g., using different
diagnosis and classification criteria, coding the same event in different ways), FDA recommends
defining an outcome of interest based on the clinical, biological, psychological, and functional
concepts of the condition, as appropriate. The conceptual definition for the outcome of interest
(also referred to as the case definition) should reflect the medical and scientific understanding of
the condition and might vary by study. For example, for anaphylaxis, the conceptual definition
(or case definition) may include the following clinical criteria: sudden onset, rapid progression of
signs and symptoms, ≥1 major dermatological criterion, and ≥ 1 major cardiovascular or
respiratory criterion. The protocol should include a detailed description of the conceptual
definition, including the signs, symptoms, and laboratory and radiology results that would
confirm the outcome status.
Conceptual definitions should be able to be operationalized in RWD sources. For example,
randomized controlled trials in oncology typically use tumor-based outcomes of interest in the
setting of specific timing and frequency of follow-up assessment and often include molecular or
other biomarker testing that may not be standard of care in all clinical practice settings. Since
achievement of an objective response (tumor shrinkage), or the date of tumor progression based
on standardized clinical trial criteria (e.g., RECIST 1.1) is not typically captured in RWD
sources, proxy measures or multi-component definitions may need to be explored and their use
justified. As mentioned above, it is more feasible to capture outcomes that have well-defined
diagnostic criteria that are likely to be consistently captured in RWD. Sponsors should discuss
the proposed outcomes definitions and the appropriateness of proxy measures with the FDA
review division.
2. Ascertainment of Outcomes
To help identify potential cases in the selected data source and study population, operational
definitions using diagnosis and procedure codes (e.g., ICD-9-CM, ICD-10), laboratory tests (e.g.,
LOINC) and values, or unstructured data (e.g., physician’s encounter notes, radiology and
pathology reports) should be developed based on the conceptual definition of the outcome of
interest. If the operational definition includes information abstracted from unstructured data in
the EHRs or another data source (e.g., mention of spina bifida in birth certificate records for the
identification of neural tube defects in infants), the protocol should provide a detailed description
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
and rationale for the methods and tools used to process the unstructured data and the validation
of those methods. See section IV.B.5, Unstructured Data, for additional information on
unstructured data. When patient- or physician-generated data (e.g., data required for subjective
end points) are proposed to assess the outcome of interest or to complement operational
definitions, the protocol should specify how the outcome measure (e.g., sign score, severity
index) will be defined and constructed and validated, if applicable, and how the data will be
The sensitivity and specificity of an operational definition may both be reduced when there is
outcome misclassification. Given that it is usually not possible for sensitivity and specificity to
be perfect (i.e., 100%), outcome misclassification might result in both false positives and false
negatives. FDA recommends considering the potential impact of outcome misclassification on
study validity and inference when developing or selecting an operational definition for the
proposed study. For example, when studying infrequently occurring outcomes in a cohort study,
given the low prevalence of the outcome event, it is important to achieve high specificity to
minimize false positive cases and high sensitivity so that more true cases can be captured. If the
study is designed to estimate a risk ratio, selecting an operational definition with high specificity
may be more important than high sensitivity, because imperfect sensitivity (some false
negatives) may not bias the risk ratio, provided the outcome misclassification is non-differential
and specificity is very high (almost no false positives), regardless of outcome prevalence. Thus,
focusing on very high specificity in this scenario will help ensure the study result is correct even
if data are imperfect, while high sensitivity is still important to ensure the precision of the
Operational definitions developed for one data source or study population might not perform as
well in other sources or populations, due to database-specific sensitivity and specificity as well
as variable disease prevalence. PPV and NPV are functions of sensitivity and specificity as well
as prevalence of the outcome in the population in which the predictive values are measured.
Therefore, PPV and NPV are variable by data source and study population characteristics (e.g.,
demographic factors, underlying diseases, comorbidities, clinical settings).
The protocol should include a detailed description of the operational definition, the coding
system, the rationale, and associated limitations of information selected to construct the
operational definition (e.g., selection of primary or secondary diagnosis codes for which the
order may not correspond to their medical importance), and the potential impact on outcome
misclassification. If the performance of the operational definition has been assessed in prior
studies, the applicability to the proposed study should be discussed. Furthermore, because the
case definition used in prior studies to establish sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values
might include different diagnostic criteria from the conceptual definition developed for the
proposed study, proper use of the performance measures assessed in prior studies should be
carefully considered.
3. Validation of Outcomes
FDA expects validation of the outcome variable to address outcome misclassification. The extent
of validation, such as complete verification of the outcome variable for all subjects, verification
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
of all potential cases (or non-cases) identified by an operational definition, or assessing the
performance of an operational definition depends on the necessary level of certainty and the
implication of potential misclassification on study inference.
Although complete verification of the outcome variable is considered the most rigorous
approach, there are scenarios where verifying outcome for every subject might not be feasible
and assessing the performance of the operational definition of the outcome might suffice.
Outcome validation involves using a clinically appropriate conceptual outcome definition to
determine whether a patient’s status, classified by an operational definition, truly represents the
outcome of interest, typically by reviewing clinical details recorded in the patient’s medical
records in either electronic or paper format.
FDA recommends using standardized medical record review processes, including the use of
standardized tools, documentation of process, and training of personnel. A standard and
reproducible process is critical for minimizing intra- and inter-rater variability, especially for
multi-site studies in which medical records usually cannot be shared across systems and a
centralized medical record review is not possible. Even with a centralized medical record
review, a standardized process helps to ensure that the same criteria are applied by different
adjudicators or a single adjudicator over time. Reporting of comparison metrics (e.g., kappa
statistic) is useful to ensure replicability. An estimated medical record retrieval rate (e.g., when
requesting medical records from health facilities for a study using claims-based databases) should be
justified in the protocol, and the implications for internal and external validity should be
discussed. In addition, because knowledge of a patient’s exposure status may influence the
observer and result in differential misclassification, blinding of the abstractor and adjudicator to
exposure status should be considered by masking the study question or redacting the exposure
information, especially when the abstractor or adjudicator may associate the exposure with the
outcome of interest. The protocol should provide a description of how observer bias will be
Ideally, through complete verification of the outcome variable, the outcome status is accurately
classified for each subject to minimize outcome misclassification and improve study internal
validity. In practice, a more commonly used approach is to assess the performance of an
operational definition in validation studies. Performance measures, such as sensitivity,
specificity, and predictive values, do not accurately classify cases and non-cases; rather, they
inform the degree of outcome misclassification and facilitate the interpretation of results in the
presence of misclassification.
PPV is often assessed in validation studies. PPV is the proportion of potential cases identified
by an operational definition that are true positive cases. Therefore, PPV informs the degree to
which false-positive cases are included among the identified cases. When the concern with
false negative cases is negligible (e.g., when the sensitivity is deemed sufficiently high so that
the number of false-negative cases is minimal), a high PPV might be adequate to provide
confidence in the validity of the outcome variable, whereas a moderate-to-low PPV might
warrant verification of the outcome variable for all potential cases. When the extent of false-
positive cases and the extent of false-negative cases are both of concern, sponsors should
consider assessing all performance measures needed for quantitative bias analysis to evaluate
the impact of outcome misclassification on the measure of association or take a more rigorous
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
approach by validating the outcome variable for all potential cases and non-cases to accurately
classify the outcome variable for each subject. Overall, the required extent of validation
should be determined by the necessary level of certainty and the implication of potential
misclassification on study inference.
In general, sponsors should consider the tradeoff between false-positive and false-negative
cases when selecting an operational definition and identify the proper outcome validation
approach to support internal validity. For example, to identify neural tube defects in infants, an
operational definition that includes a spectrum of inpatient and outpatient diagnosis codes
might have a high sensitivity, low specificity, and low PPV; restricting the operational
definition to inpatient diagnosis codes only or a combination of diagnosis and procedure (e.g.,
surgical repair) codes might increase the PPV but miss a substantial proportion of true cases
(low sensitivity). Because missing true cases is particularly a concern for infrequently reported
outcomes, one approach is to select an operational definition of high sensitivity and perform
verification of the outcome variable for all potential cases identified by the sensitive
operational definition to maximize the likelihood that the true cases are all identified and that
the false-positive cases are minimized through validation. Unlike rare disease outcomes, when
an outcome of interest involves a more common event (e.g., disease-specific hospitalization) or
improvement or worsening of a condition, the operational definitions for common diagnoses
are likely to generate false-positive and false-negative cases to a considerable extent because
both true cases and true non-cases are prevalent. Therefore, it might be difficult to obtain
accurate and complete information (e.g., laboratory test results, functional measures) for the
operational definition to accurately classify cases and non-cases. For such outcomes,
measuring PPV alone will be inadequate to inform outcome misclassification.
In scenarios where complete verification of the outcome variable for each study subject is
infeasible, the performance of an operational outcome definition should be assessed in the
proposed study population using a justified sampling strategy. As stated earlier, use of an
operational definition that has been assessed in a prior study should ideally be in the same data
source and in a similar study population, because the performance of an operational definition
may vary substantially by data source and study scenario, and more recent data may be needed
if there are secular trends in disease, diagnosis, and coding. The quality of prior studies used to
establish sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values should be evaluated. In particular, the
case definition used in the prior study to establish these measures should be compatible with
the conceptual outcome definition developed for the proposed study. The applicability of these
measures to the proposed study should be justified, and sensitivity analyses can be considered.
Without complete patient information and complete verification of the outcome variable,
outcome misclassification remains a threat to the study internal validity, and the impact on the
measure of association between exposure and outcome varies depending on whether the degree
of misclassification differs between the exposure groups. Differential misclassification involves
a complex interplay of differences in sensitivity, specificity, and disease prevalence between the
exposure groups, and thus may bias the association either toward or away from the null.
Because it is difficult to predict the direction of the bias, differential misclassification is a
concern for both safety and effectiveness studies. Unlike differential misclassification, non-
Null refers to no association between exposure and outcome of interest.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
differential misclassification tends to bias the association toward the null; as a result, a true risk
might be missed in safety studies, whereas a larger study population might be needed to
demonstrate the drug effect in effectiveness studies.
Non-differential outcome misclassification might occur when the outcome definition is not
adequately refined and includes conditions that have different magnitude of association with the
exposure of interest. For example, neural tube defects include primary neurulation defects and
post-neurulation defects. Primary neurulation defects are directly attributed to failure of primary
neurulation (i.e., neural tube closure), which occurs between approximately 18 and 28 days after
fertilization. The pathophysiology of post-neurulation defects is less understood. Therefore,
drug exposure during the critical period for primary neurulation in gestation might not affect
post-neurulation in the same manner. When the outcome definition includes both primary and
post-neurulation defects, the risk of primary neurulation defects, if any, is likely not detected.
Differential outcome misclassification might be minimized in studies in which the exposure
status is blinded. However, even when data collection methods seem to preclude the likelihood
of differential outcome misclassification, it is not guaranteed that the only misclassification of
the actual data will be non-differential outcome misclassification. For example, the physician
who observed, diagnosed, and documented whether or not an outcome occurred could have been
the same physician who made a decision as to which patients received the treatment meant to
prevent that outcome, or the physician could have monitored disease progression or treatment
side effects differently, given the knowledge as to which treatment they received. Therefore, the
direction of the outcome misclassification might remain unpredictable when using RWD. In
addition, when more than one misclassification exists in a study, sponsors should consider how
they might be related to each other. For example, whereas non-differential exposure
misclassification and non-differential outcome misclassification each might bias the association
toward the null, when the two misclassifications are dependent, overall it can create a bias away
from the null (Lash et al. 2009). Therefore, when evaluating the implication of potential
misclassification on study inference, sponsors should consider how the individual non-
differential misclassifications are interrelated, rather than assuming that the association is biased
toward the null. Under such circumstances, assessing the performance of the operational
outcome definition according to exposure status in the proposed study population might be
Regarding outcome validation, sponsors should justify the proposed validation approach, such as
verifying the outcome variable for all potential cases or non-cases, versus assessing the
performance of the proposed operational definition; if the latter will be done, justify what
performance measures will be assessed. The protocol should include a detailed description of
the outcome validation design, methods, and processes, as well as sampling strategy (if
applicable). If a previously assessed operational definition is proposed, additional information
should be provided, including: (1) data source and study population; (2) during what time frame
validation was performed; (3) performance characteristics; (4) the reference standard against
which the performance was assessed; and (5) a discussion of whether prior validation data are
applicable to the proposed study.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
FDA recommends including in the protocol quantitative approaches, such as quantitative bias
analyses, to demonstrate whether and how outcome misclassification, if present, might impact
study findings. The approach can be applied a priori for feasibility assessment, to facilitate
interpretation of study results, or for both purposes. The protocol should pre-specify the indices
(e.g., sensitivity, specificity) that will be used for quantifying bias and describe how the selected
indices will be measured in outcome validation.
4. Mortality as an Outcome
In the United States, death and cause of death are generally not included in electronic health care
data, with exceptions being made for death occurring while a patient is under medical care.
Ascertainment of death (fact of death and cause of death) can be accomplished through linkage
with public or commercial vital statistics data sources, to increase the completeness and recency
of the death variables. The use of external mortality data, however, is subject to all of the
limitations of such data and data linkage methods (Haynes 2019; Navar et al. 2019; Curtis et al.
2018). Careful documentation of mortality data quality and its implications should be included
in the protocol.
If the death is not captured in the electronic health care data systems, patients who die after
having been exposed to the study drug might be observed in electronic health care data as either
not filing any further medical claims or not receiving any additional care past a
particular date.
For studies in which the outcome or outcomes of interest (e.g., myocardial infarction or stroke)
include fatal outcomes, either excluding patients who appear to be lost to follow-up at any time
following their exposure to the study drug or classifying patients who are lost to follow-up as
deceased in the absence of data to the contrary, is likely to create bias. Searches of vital statistics
systems may be considered to see whether their absence (disenrollment) from the system is
because of death.
E. Covariate Ascertainment and Validation
For the purposes of this guidance, covariates in a particular study can include two types of
elements: confounders and effect modifiers.
1. Confounders
Information on potential confounders is collected in a nonrandomized study to support
appropriate efforts to balance treatment and comparator groups in the analysis.
After identifying the potential confounders in a study, the proposed data source should be
evaluated to determine whether it is adequate to capture information on important factors which
may contribute to confounding. These include confounders that are well-captured in the
proposed data source (measured confounders) and those that are not well-captured (unmeasured
or imperfectly measured confounders). Examples of confounders that can be unmeasured or
imperfectly measured in electronic health care data, especially in claims data, include
race/ethnicity, family history of disease, lifestyle factors (e.g., smoking, alcohol use, nutrition
intake, physical activity), certain physical measurements (e.g., body mass index), drugs obtained
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
without insurance, and indication for drug use. FDA recommends considering potential linkages
with other data sources or additional data collection to expand the capture of important
confounders that are unmeasured or imperfectly measured in the original data source. The
protocol should clearly disclose all known unmeasured confounders in the proposed data
source(s), as well as approach(es) to supplement information on unmeasured confounders and
justify the appropriateness of any proxy measure(s) for specific unmeasured confounder(s).
2. Effect Modifiers
Studies of drug effectiveness or safety usually report an average treatment effect, even though
the same treatment can have different effects in different groups of people. Information on
potential effect modifiers is used to better understand heterogeneity of treatment effect, the
nonrandom, explainable variability in the direction and magnitude of treatment effects for
individuals within a population (Velentgas et al. 2013). The potential for effect modification by
demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, race, ethnicity) or pertinent comorbidities should be
examined in the study, and relevant effect modifiers should be available in the chosen data
source. The protocol should clearly disclose all known unmeasured effect modifiers, when
relevant, in the proposed data source(s), as well as approach(es) to supplement information on
unmeasured effect modifiers and justify the appropriateness of any proxy measure(s) for specific
unmeasured effect modifier(s).
3. Validation of Confounders and Effect Modifiers
For all key covariates, including confounders and effect modifiers, FDA recommends providing
and justifying the validity of operational definitions in the protocol and study report. Selection
of such covariates depends on the study question, study design, and the impact of
misclassification on study internal validity and study inference. For example, when a genetic
factor is a key confounder for a study question, it may be implicitly adjusted as a time-fixed
covariate in a self-controlled design, even if data are imperfect. If the measured covariates can
change during a patient’s follow-up period (time-varying covariates) and are important to the
analysis, the protocol should describe whether and how frequently the information on time-
varying covariates can be captured, particularly since capture of time-varying covariates in RWD
can be differential by severity of illness (e.g., more testing in more seriously ill patients).
When evaluating the validity of covariate operational definitions, FDA recommends identifying
the best reference data source based on the nature of the covariates. When validating operational
definitions of covariates that are medical events or procedure utilizations (e.g., comorbidities,
past medical history), the same principles apply as in section V.D.3, Validation of Outcomes.
For discussion on validating operational definitions of covariates that are associated with drug
uses, such as concurrent medications or past drug uses, see section V.C.5, Validation of
Exposure. When assessing the validity of other covariate operational definitions, such as family
history of disease, lifestyle factors, or indication for drug use, the appropriate reference may
include a patient or provider survey or appropriate data linkages.
When supplemental information is needed to capture important covariates or is used for
covariate validation, FDA recommends describing the likelihood of obtaining the supplemental
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
information for the overall study population. If this supplemental information is only available
for part of the study population, FDA recommends discussing the potential effect on internal
validity in relevant study documents.
Quantitative approaches, such as quantitative bias analyses, are encouraged to demonstrate
whether and how misclassification of key covariate(s), if present, might impact study findings.
The approach can be applied a priori for feasibility assessment, to facilitate interpretation of
study results, or for both purposes. The protocol should pre-specify the indices (e.g., sensitivity,
specificity) that will be used for quantifying bias and describe how the selected indices will be
measured in key covariate(s) validation.
This section discusses points for consideration when examining the quality of data over the
course of the data life cycle. Although the data life cycle may vary depending on the type of data
and setting (i.e., health care settings such as pharmacies, clinics, emergency departments and
hospitals), in general, the life cycle involves multiple phases: data accrual from the original
source data; curation of data to the clinical data repository; transformation and de-identification
of data where necessary, creation of a data warehouse; and production of a study-specific dataset
for analysis (see Figure 1).
The concept of the data life cycle illustrates the iterative nature of the process for examining the
quality of data. The process is not a onetime assessment; rather, it is an ongoing process in
which data quality checks, cleansing,
and monitoring occur at each phase in the cycle, and
some checks may be repeated (i.e., occur in multiple phases of the cycle).
Data cleansing (sometimes referred to as data scrubbing) is the process of correcting or removing inaccurate data
(or improperly formatted, duplicate data or records) from a database. The data requiring correction/removal is
sometimes referred to as "dirty data." Data cleansing is an essential task for preserving data quality.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Figure 1: Illustrative Example of the Life Cycle of EHR Data
Guidelines that evaluate the quality of EHRs and medical claims data primarily focus on
distributed data networks in which disparate data sources are aggregated, linked, and processed
to create a comprehensive data warehouse (Miksad and Abernethy 2018; Girman et al. 2018;
Daniel et al. 2018; Kahn et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2017; Mahendraratnam et al. 2019). Although
FDA does not endorse any particular set of guidelines or checklists, sponsors should evaluate the
completeness, accuracy, and plausibility of the data, including verifying data against its original
source (e.g., discharge notes, pathology reports, registry records) and conforming to consensus-
based data standards, where applicable. Sponsors should provide scientific justifications for
choosing these standards and should articulate how these standards are adequate to ensure the
completeness, accuracy, and plausibility of the relevant data source.
The study protocol and analysis plan should specify the traceability (curation and transformation
procedures used throughout the data life cycle) and describe how these procedures could affect
the integrity of the data and the overall validity of the study. Below are points for consideration
when examining data at each step in the data life cycle, including (A) characterizing the data
with respect to completeness, conformance, and plausibility of data values, (B) documenting the
This figure illustrates some of the processes applied to EHR data to produce a dataset that may be appropriate for
research use (i.e., steps from original source data through the final analytic dataset). This figure shows processes for
EHR data; the process may differ for claims data. Quality checks for each process step are described in this section.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
QA/QC plan that includes transformation processes; and (C) defining a set of procedures for
ensuring integrity of the data.
A. Characterizing Data
The format and traceability of EHRs and medical claims data can vary significantly across health
care entities (e.g., insurer, practice, provider, data vendor). In general, sponsors should address
the procedures used to ensure completeness and accuracy of study data, as well as processes for
data accrual, curation, and transformation over the data life cycle. The FDA recommends
automated data quality reports that include the following characteristics and processes in a
standardized way, when applicable to the chosen data source:
Data accrual
(1) Methods for data retrieval and processes to minimize missing data extraction,
implausible values, and data quality checks in data captured at the point of care (e.g.,
during clinical practice for manual or automated health care data collection processes)
to ensure accuracy and completeness of data elements.
(2) Traceability of data elements to allow tracking of these elements back to their
respective points of origin, with clear documentation of modifications that may have
(3) Timeliness of data availability, data years spanned, and continuity of coverage (e.g.,
median duration of patient enrollment).
(4) Handling data discrepancies and duplicate records. RWD may stem from multiple
data streams, across various settings and platforms, which may present data
discrepancies for the same variable (e.g., when the information for the same element
is entered differently in different data sources) or even duplicate records for the same
patient within the same data source.
(5) The reason for and timing of data error corrections implemented by data holders
during the relevant period of data collection.
(6) The reason for and timing of changes in processes implemented by data holders
during the relevant period of data collection that may impact data accrual and/or data
quality checks.
(7) Any updates or changes in coding practices and versioning (e.g., ICD diagnosis
codes, Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System codes) across the study period
that are relevant to variables of interest.
(8) Any other changes in the data (e.g., collection, reporting, definitions) during the study
period and their potential impact on the study results.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Data curation
(1) Routine migration of data from various sources over time.
(2) QA testing and data quality checks employed across sites, as well as the criteria used
in determining whether data quality techniques are appropriate for the intended
purpose of the data.
(3) Data elements that are well-defined with consistent and known clinical meaning and
understanding of data traceability, as well as documentation of clinical definitions
(4) Assessment of completeness of data elements including trends over time.
(5) Unstructured and structured data processing (e.g., abstraction and conversion of
unstructured data to structured data), including manual versus automated techniques.
(6) Harmonization of structured data across systems.
(7) Conformance to open, consensus-based data curation standards, when applicable.
(8) Accuracy of mappings (e.g., in the presence of different coding systems, such as
Systematized Nomenclature of MedicineClinical Terms [SNOMED CT] versus
(9) Additional harmonization and mapping considerations, if applicable (if data spans
multiple countries—e.g., U.K. data used in addition to U.S. data).
Data transformation
(1) Implementation of the extract, transform, and load process applied to the whole
repository population as part of data warehouse creation.
(2) De-identification of patient records and any process that could be used to re-identify
unique patients in original source data without losing traceability (e.g., use of linkage
(3) Algorithms used to transform and cleanse the data, as well as availability of standard
operating procedures, including procedures for verifying the data against its original
(4) Data standardization (e.g., data types, sizes, formats) for internal consistency of data
elements and semantics, including semantics of local codes to a target terminology
(e.g., for laboratory data).
For purposes of this guidance, data transformation is the process of converting data from one format or structure
into another format or structure.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
(5) When converting multiple data sources into a CDM, processes used for data
transformation into a CDM (e.g., common terminology and structure), the
comprehensiveness of the CDM (e.g., does the CDM contain the key data elements),
approaches (e.g., algorithms/methods) for identification and handling of duplicate
records within and across data sources, and potential impact of restricting to CDM on
sample size and duration of patient follow-up or duration of drug exposure. See
section IV.B.3, Distributed Data Networks.
(6) Implementation of data checks pertaining to data model conformance errors.
(7) Data transformation processes used in preparation for data linkage. See section
IV.B.2, Data Linkage and Synthesis.
(8) Quality of record linkage (i.e., linking records from multiple datasets) and
deduplication (i.e., finding duplicate records in a dataset) process, which may vary
depending on the accuracy of the data used to perform the matches and the accuracy
of the linkage algorithm.
(9) Quantification of linkage errors (e.g., false matches, missed matches) that may lead to
biased study findings. These are important when evaluating linkage quality (Harron
et al. 2017). It is important to report details of the linkage algorithm and appropriate
metrics (e.g., linkage error rates, match rates, comparison of characteristics of linked
and unlinked data). Additional considerations include whether the error is random or
nonrandom, potential bias, and impact on risk estimates and study findings.
(10) Procedures for adjudicating discrepancies in linked data as well as plans for
handling linkage discrepancies (e.g., adjusting risk estimates for the linkage error).
Sponsors should also consider issues related to the study-specific analytic dataset:
(1) Adherence to data specifications outlined in the study protocol and statistical analysis
plan when compiling the analytic dataset.
(2) Additional study-specific data transformations, such as data transformations that are only
done for a subset of patients of interest and that are not applied to all patient records in
the data warehouse (e.g., manual extraction of data from unstructured textual pathology
(3) Data checks implemented on the final analytic dataset for implausible values for data
elements (e.g., height, weight, blood pressure), how such values are addressed, and the
completeness of data for key analytic variables.
(4) The extent, percentage, and pattern of missingness and implausible data. Depending on
the analysis plan’s proposed method for handling missing data, imputations may be
performed and included in the final analytic dataset and the type of imputation described.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
B. Documentation of the QA/QC Plan
A QA/QC plan for construction of analytical data, the planned approach for handling quality
control issues during analysis, and contemplation of differing levels of data quality by data
element (and the potential implications on study findings) should be described in the study
protocol and analysis plan. In general, activities to ensure the quality of the data before data-
related activities are developed during the design of the study, and such activities, which include
standardizing procedures for how to collect the data, may be regarded as QA (Szklo and Nieto
2006). Quality control consists of the decisions and steps taken from data collection through
compilation of the final analytic dataset to ensure it meets prespecified standards and to ensure
the processes used are reproducible. A multidisciplinary approach that includes clinical input is
necessary to ensure adequate capture and handling of data, particularly for electronic health care
systems, which inherently incorporate nuances and intricacies of health care delivery.
C. Documentation of Data Management Process
All manual and automated data retrieval and transformation processes should be thoroughly
assessed from data collection through writing of the final study report to ensure integrity of the
data. Sponsors should ensure that curation and transformation processes do not alter the
meaning of data or cause the loss of important contextual information. Descriptions of processes
should include safeguards or checks to ensure that patient data are not duplicated or
overrepresented. In addition, documentation of processes used to mine and evaluate unstructured
data should describe the techniques employed (e.g., natural language processing) to abstract
unstructured data (e.g., clinician notes) and supplement structured data (e.g., diagnostic codes).
Processes used for managing and
preparing the final study-specific analytic dataset should be
described in the study protocol or analysis plan. Analysts should have appropriate training or
experience with the data and software used to compile the analytic datasets. To facilitate FDA
review, all submitted programs (e.g., those written by analysts) should be thoroughly annotated
with comments that describe the intent or purpose of each data management and analysis step
written in the program (e.g., annotate each data step in a statistical analysis program).
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Bustamante, R, A Earles, JD Murphy, AK Bryant, OV Patterson, AJ Gawron, T Kaltenbach,
MA Whooley, DA Fisher, SD Saini, S Gupta, and L Liu, 2019, Ascertainment of Aspirin
Exposure Using Structured and Unstructured Large-scale Electronic Health Record Data, Med
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Carreras, G, M Simonetti, C Cricelli, and F Lapi, 2018, Deterministic and Probabilistic Record
Linkage: an Application to Primary Care Data, J Med Sys, 42(5):82.
Curtis, M, SD Griffith, M Tucker, MD Taylor, WB Capra, G Carrigan, B Holzman, AZ Torres, P
You, B Arnieri, and AP Abernethy, 2018, Development and Validation of a High-Quality
Composite Real-World Mortality Endpoint, Health Services Research, 53(6) Part I:4460-4476.
Daniel, G, C Silcox, J Bryan, M McClellan, M Romine, and K Frank, 2018, Characterizing
RWD Quality and Relevancy for Regulatory Purposes, Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy,
accessed January 9, 2019,
Girman, CJ, ME Ritchey, W Zhou, and NA Dreyer, 2019, Considerations in Characterizing
Real-World Data Relevance and Quality for Regulatory Purposes: A Commentary,
Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 28(4):439–442.
Harron, KL, JC Doidge, HE Knight, RE Gilbert, H Goldstein, DA Cromwell, and JH van der
Meulen, 2017, A Guide to Evaluating Linkage Quality for the Analysis of Linked Data, Int J
Epidemiol, 46(5):1699–1710.
Haynes, K, 2019, Mortality: The Final Outcome, Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, epub ahead of
print Jan 31, 2019, doi: 10.1002/pds.4715.
Kahn, MG, TJ Callahan, J Barnard, AE Bauck, J Brown, BN Davidson, H Estiri, C Goerg, E
Holve, SG Johnson, ST Liaw, M Hamilton-Lopez, D Meeker, TC Ong, P Ryan, N Shang, NG
Weiskopf, C Weng, MN Zozus, and L Schilling, 2016, A Harmonized Data Quality Assessment
Terminology and Framework for the Secondary Use of Electronic Health Record Data,
EGEMS, 4(1):1244.
Lash, TL, MP Fox, and AK Fink, 2009, Applying Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic
Data, New York (NY): Springer.
Mahendraratnam, N, C Silcox, K Mercon, A Kroetsch, M Romine, N Harrison, A Aten, R
Sherman, G Daniel and M McClellan, 2019, Determining Real-World Data’s Fitness for Use and
the Role of Reliability, Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy, accessed July 24, 2020
Miksad, RA, and AP Abernethy, 2018, Harnessing the Power of Real-World Evidence (RWE):
A Checklist to Ensure Regulatory-Grade Data Quality, Clin Pharmacol Ther, 103(2):202–205.
Contains Nonbinding Recommendations
Navar, AM, ED Peterson, DL Steen, DM Wojdyla, RJ Sanchez, I Khan, X Song, ME Gold, and
MJ Pencina, 2019, Evaluation of Mortality Data from the Social Security Administration Death
Master File for Clinical Research, JAMA Cardiol, epub ahead of print Mar 6, 2019, doi:
Porta, M, 2014, A Dictionary of Epidemiology, Sixth Edition, New York (NY): Oxford
University Press.
Richesson, RL, MM Smerek, and CC Blake, 2016, A Framework to Support the Sharing and
Reuse of Computable Phenotype Definitions Across Health Care Delivery and Clinical Research
Applications, EGEMS, 4(3):1232.
Szklo, M, and FJ Nieto, 2006, Epidemiology: Beyond the Basics, 2
Edition, Burlington (MA):
Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Velentgas, P, NA Dreyer, P Nourjah, SR Smith, and MM Torchia, editors, 2013, Developing a
Protocol for Observational Comparative Effectiveness Research: A User’s Guide, AHRQ
Publication No. 12(13)–EHC099, accessed January 9, 2019,
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