Service Management –
The Ticket System with
SEAL Systems
Simple, secure and
always quickly informed
JIRA Service Desk – das Ticketsystem der SEAL Systems AG
1 Introduction .............................................................................. 4
One package – The big advantage ......................................................................... 4
The usage – Easy and simple ..................................................................................4
The organization – Only the tickets of your company ....................................... 4
Private Request – Intended for you only .............................................................. 4
Automatic Email – Always informed about changes .........................................4
2 Requirements ...........................................................................5
Internet and Web browser (with Java script execution) ...................................5
3 Let's go! This is how JSM works! ..............................................6
The personal JSM account (your user) ..................................................................6
JSM user already exits – Everything remains as it was ....................................... 6
New JSM User – We already know each other ....................................................... 6
New JSM user – We are just getting to know each other .................................... 6
JSM login .....................................................................................................................6
Enter the Link to the JSM portal in the Web browser .......................................... 6
Login ............................................................................................................................ 7
The Service & Support Center – Your personal home page ...............................8
EU or US support? The right portal is important .................................................. 8
Let's get started with ticket entry .........................................................................9
The ticket type – What can we help you with? ..................................................... 9
Support – The fast line to help ........................................................................... 9
Extended Support – If it may be a little more .................................................. 10
Change Request – If a change is needed ........................................................... 10
Create a ticket ............................................................................................................ 11
Summary – What is it about? ............................................................................. 12
Description – What exactly is it about? ............................................................ 12
JIRA Service Desk – das Ticketsystem der SEAL Systems AG
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
Category – Is it urgent? ....................................................................................... 12
Component(s) – Which component(s) is/are affected? ................................. 12
Attachment – Data, images & co ........................................................................ 12
Share with – Who may see the ticket? .............................................................. 13
Send – The ticket is now created ........................................................................ 13
Edit the ticket ............................................................................................................. 13
Open the ticket ...................................................................................................... 13
Comment – Comment or reply to the ticket ..................................................... 14
All done – Close the ticket ................................................................................... 14
Escalate – In case of ermergency! Now, it has to go fast! .............................. 15
Create and edit a ticket via Email – simply practical ........................................... 15
Requests – Overview of all requests (tickets) ..................................................... 16
The avatar/user button – Open the profile .......................................................... 17
Log Out – and goodbye ........................................................................................ 17
Prole – This is my data ...................................................................................... 17
4 Tips and Tricks ..........................................................................18
Profile ..........................................................................................................................18
Change name, language or time zone .................................................................... 18
Password ..................................................................................................................... 19
Conventions for the password – Not so simple ................................................ 19
Change password, current password is known ................................................ 19
Forgot the password ............................................................................................ 20
Automatic Email notifications ................................................................................21
Share the solution with multiple contacts............................................................. 21
Be notied with every ticket ................................................................................... 22
JSM Emails do not arrive ........................................................................................... 22
1 Introduction
JIRA Service Management (short JSM) is the ticket system used by SEAL Systems. Each customer
request is recorded and processed as a ticket in JSM. In this documentation, we explain the
usage and the most important steps from the customer's point of view.
One package – The big advantage
The main advantage of JSM is that all parties involved can see the current status of your request
at any time. All data, files, information and ultimately the solution to your problem are combined
in one package as a ticket. The ticket is never deleted, but only closed ("Closed"/"Resolved").
Therefore, it is also possible to search for old cases in order to apply a solution again if necessary.
The usage – Easy and simple
JSM is easy, simple and fast to use. You no longer have to worry about anything. Automatic
workflows support you in the communication and control of your requests and in the cooperation
with SEAL Systems.
The organization – Only the tickets of your company
The ticket is created for the specific organization ("Company"). This ensures that you can only
view and edit tickets created with a JSM user assigned to your organization.
Private Request – Intended for you only
Although the ticket is created for the specific organization ("Company"), you can still use the
"share with" function to create a ticket that can only be viewed and processed by you.
Automatic Email – Always informed about changes
New comments or a status change will automatically trigger e-mails providing a link to your
ticket. This way, you are always informed about the current status. Via the JSM user itself, you
specify to which e-mail address the notifications are sent.
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
2 Requirements
Internet and Web browser (with Java script execution)
The JSM portal is accessed via a Web browser. Therefore, a working Internet access and a Web
browser are required. You can choose any Web browser, for example, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla
Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari.
Since JSM is based on Java, the execution of Java scripts has to be allowed in the Web browser.
However, this is normally preset.
3 Let's go! This is how JSM works!
If the requirements are fulfilled, you can use JSM immediately. In the following sections, we
show you to the single functions and steps with a sample user:
E-mail contact [email protected]
The personal JSM account (your user)
JSM user already exits – Everything remains as it was
You know and use the previous Jira software? Very nice, for you almost everything remains the
same! During the implementation of JSM at SEAL Systems, the previously used Jira software
accesses including the login data were transferred.
New JSM User – We already know each other
Your company is already a SEAL Systems customer and has at least one Jira software
access? Perfect! Just send an e-mail (The sender address will be used for the JSM user) to
New JSM user – We are just getting to know each other
Your company is a new customer? Then you will receive all the required information when
concluding a maintenance contract.
JSM login
Enter the Link to the JSM portal in the Web browser
Start a Web browser and enter the link to the central JSM start page (Service & Support Center):
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
Specify your personal login data in the "Login" area:
After clicking "Continue" you will be logged into the central JSM portal.
The Service & Support Center – Your personal home page
After logging you will land in the Service & Support Center.
EU or US support? The right portal is important
Not only legally important, but also crucial for a quick connection to the right SEAL experts.
Select the support team responsible for you by clicking on "Support EU".
Note: Please note that both the contract information and the installation documentation are
only available from the SEAL support team responsible for you (EU or US).
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
Let's get started with ticket entry
The ticket type – What can we help you with?
Support – The fast line to help
Via "Support", you go directly to the ticket creation for all topics covered by the maintenance
Extended Support – If it may be a little more
Do you need help or support for topics that are not covered by the maintenance contract? Then
"Extended Support" is available to you. Examples of this are 1st level support, assistance with
importing packages or support with master data and configuration maintenance.
Change Request – If a change is needed
Do you need a quote for a new requirement? Would you like to expand your SEAL portfolio or do
you have a new idea for a function? Create a change request ticket.
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
Create a ticket
Once you have selected the desired ticket category, the dialog for entering the ticket appears.
Except for the optional attachments, all fields are mandatory. But don't be afraid, there are only
four of them.
Summary – What is it about?
This is the subject line with a short information what the request is about.
Description – What exactly is it about?
Please, enter here as detailed as possible what your request consists of. Nothing is irrelevant,
better too much information than too little.
Category – Is it urgent?
The category describes the impact of the topic on your business processes. Here, you indicate
how urgent your request is, i. e. how severe the impact is on your productive business processes.
Please use the Category 1 and Category 2 really only in case of emergency, because here the
emergency management is triggered at SEAL Systems.
Category 1 “Nothing works anymore“
The software is no longer usable and/or data is corrupt. All users are affected by this
problem. The productive system stands still.
Category 2 “50 % + stands still”
Some functions required for the daily business are partially or completely unusable.
Over 50% of the users are affected by this problem. The daily business has been severely
Category 3 “Annoying … but we know how to help ourselves”
One or more functions of the software are no longer usable. However, the daily business
has not been significantly affected. Users affected by the problem use a workaround.
Category 4 “Would be nice if it works”
Non-critical problems, problems in the test or quality system, requests or suggestions,
as well as update requests and requests for advice.
Component(s) – Which component(s) is/are affected?
Where is the problem? Please select at least one component. The selection is simplified by hit
Attachment – Data, images & co
Give us as much information and data as possible, here is the collection pot as "Attachment"
(log files, erroneous orders, screenshots, etc.)
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
Share with – Who may see the ticket?
You can use this function to define with whom the ticket is shared. If the request is not
shared, only you and SEAL Systems will see the ticket; other users in your company will
not see the ticket.
Send – The ticket is now created
After clicking "Send", the ticket is saved and assigned a unique number (ticket ID SPEU).
At the same time, SEAL Systems is informed about the ticket and the processing starts.
Edit the ticket
Open the ticket
To do so, click on the desired ticket in your request overview.
The ticket will be opened
Comment – Comment or reply to the ticket
Use the comment line at the top to write a comment concerning your ticket. With each
new comment, the status of the ticket automatically changes to "Waiting for Support".
This means for you: SEAL Systems is on the move.
All done – Close the ticket
On the right side, you have two options to close a ticket:
Resolve this issue
The package that has been installed has helped? The proposed configuration has
worked? The request is done? Great! Via „Resolve this issue“, the ticket is closed.
Cancel request
The request was made by mistake? The subject is no longer comprehensible? Via
„Cancel request“, the request is stopped and the ticket is closed.
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
Escalate this issue – In case of ermergency! Now, it has to go fast!
Via the "Escalate" option, you can escalate the ticket at SEAL Systems. This means that the
support team has to act quickly, as the problem has become more urgent. The category of the
request is automatically set to "Category 1" and the status is set to "Waiting for support".
Please consider beforehand if an escalation is really the right way, because in this case the
emergency management will be triggered at SEAL Systems! Perhaps, a comment without
escalation is also sufficient?
Create and edit a ticket via Email – simply practical
You can also create and edit tickets via email and without a password:
To create a ticket, just send an e-mail (subject = Summary, text = Description) to
Please pay attention to the mail text - this is created as the description of the ticket. Long
mail texts (e.g. mail histories) make processing more difficult and make the tickets unclear.
You will be informed about the current status by e-mail during the processing and you can
interact considering the subject (ticket ID SPEU in the reply). Please, make sure that the ticket
ID SPEU remains in the subject! Otherwise, the e-mail cannot be assigned to the ticket.
Hint: Via the link provided in the e-mail, you can log in to the JSM portal at any time and continue
working there. You can switch between the two ways e-mail and JSM portal as you like.
Requests – Overview of all requests (tickets)
To the left of the avatar you will get to the overview page. Here, you see all the requests available
to you.
The filter only shows the open tickets by default. You can use the filter options to limit the hit
list appropriately and trigger a free text search via the search window.
Tip for the free text search: In the search window, you can also search for a ticket transferred
from Jira. To do this, simply enter the ticket number from the Jira software, for example,
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
The avatar/user button – Open the profile
You can use the avatar or user button to customize your profile, set a new password, or
log out from the JSM portal.
Log Out – and goodbye
When you have finished working in the JSM portal, log out via "Log Out". If you "only" close
the Web browser without logging out first, you will remain logged into the JSM portal.
Prole – This is my data
In the profile, you can customize all personal data like the password, the menu language
or the time zone. For more information, refer to Tips & Tricks.
4 Tips and Tricks
In your profile, you manage your personal data and password.
Change name, language or time zone
You want the menu provided in another language? Or you work in a different time zone?
No problem, make the desired changes and save.
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
Conventions for the password – Not so simple
Security is a top priority with JSM. Therefore, the following conventions apply to the password:
At least 8 characters
Three out of the following character specifications have to be included:
Upper case letter
Lower case letter
• Digit
Special character
Change password, current password is known
In the profile, click "Change Password“. In the following dialog, you can specify the new password
for the JSM login.
By clicking "Update", the new password is active..
Forgot the password
In the Web browser, call the JSM portal. On the login page, use the „Forgot your password?“
option and you receive an e-mail providing a link for setting a new password:
JIRA Service Desk – the ticket system with SEAL Systems
Automatic Email notifications
Share the solution with multiple contacts
By default, all requests (tickets) are shared with the company, but other company employees
do not receive notifications about them. Thus, even if the initiator is absent, all tickets are
You can change this on the right side in the request and add an employee of your company via
"Share this request". This person will then also receive notifications.
In the example below, "User1.FirmaABC" is the creator and shares the request with his
organization “Firma ABC EU” and another employee "User2.FirmaABC" was added via the +
Be notied with every ticket
Contact your SEAL Systems contact in order that your user is added in the customer master
record (Organisation) at "Automatic Request Participants".
JSM Emails do not arrive
If you do not receive JSM e-mails, check the permissions in your mailbox. After they are automatic
emails, they are often rejected by the spam filter. Then allow the JSM e-mail address.
© 2024 SEAL Systems AG. Stand: April 19, 2024
SEAL Systems Inc.
7665 Town Square Lane, Suite 2058
Reno, NV 89523
Tel: +1 602 324 9276
SEAL Systems AG
Lohmühlweg 4
91341 Röttenbach
Tel: +49 (9195) 926 0
30, rue de la Varenne
94100 Saint Maur des Fosses
Tel: +33 1 43 97 69 66
Any questions?
Then get in touch with the
JIRA Service Management!
Tell us about your problem – We will be happy to help you!