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MiHIN Customer Help Desk Portal Guide
Table of Contents
How to Log in to Portal .......................................................................................................................2
Submitting an Issue via the Portal ........................................................................................................7
How to View Tickets/Issues via Portal ................................................................................................ 10
How to Use the Search Bar ................................................................................................................ 12
How to Share a Ticket with Someone ................................................................................................. 13
How to Use the Filtering Options Available on the Portal .................................................................... 15
How to Securely Submit PHI .............................................................................................................. 18
Understanding Email Notifications ..................................................................................................... 19
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Benefits of Creating an Account on our Customer Help Desk
Track all of your tickets with us in one location
Communicate directly with our staff through your tickets
Share tickets with your colleagues to keep them up to date on tickets
How to Log in to Portal
1. To login, go to the Portal Link
a. Note: Please bookmark this link for future use.
2. Select log in to be able to easily create, view, and manage your issues.
Note: If you are not already an existing user, you will need to create an account prior to using the help
desk portal.
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3. To register, enter your preferred work email for an account. A help desk portal account will allow
you to create, view, and manage your requests.
4. Click Next
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5. Click Sign up with password.
6. You will receive an email notification to the email address you entered. Navigate to your email
inbox for next steps.
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7. Within the sign-up email, select Sign Up.
8. A new window will open to finish the sign-up process. Enter your Full name and create a
password. When completed, select Sign Up and continue.
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9. The MiHIN Service Desk portal is now available for you to submit and/or view issues.
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Submitting an Issue via the Portal
1. To submit an issue, go to the Portal,
a. Note: Please bookmark this link for future use.
2. Click on MiHIN Help Desk. If sure of the specific help desk that is needed, click on Other Service
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3. Select General Help.
4. Populate the appropriate fields, ensuring enough detail is provided.
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5. Make sure fill any fields with the (*) as they are required.
(If required fields are not filled, there will be highlighted fields indicating what fields are
required to fill)
6. To submit the issue, select Send once the Send button appears black. (Your request will not be
submitted if the Send button appears grey)
Please note, you will receive email notifications anytime a modification is made to your ticket. This
may include a status change, ticket transfer to another queue, a comment left on your ticket, etc.
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How to View Tickets/Issues via Portal
1. The user can view the issue number, the issue details, the status of the issue, and is able to
view/create comments on the issue. To access this information, click the icon on the top right-
hand side of the page and choose “My requests”.
2. Selecting My requests will display issues you have submitted. Selecting All requests will show
issues you have submitted and issues you are noted as a participant.
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3. Click on the ticket to explore its details, including status, assignee, comments, and
attachments Click on the ticket to explore its details, including status, assignee, comments,
and attachments.
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How to Use the Search Bar
1. Utilize the global search bar at the top.
2. Apply filters to refine and narrow down search results.
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How to Share a Ticket with Someone
1. Click on the ticket to explore its details, including status, assignee, comments, and attachments.
2. Click on the "Share" button within the issue.
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3. Enter the email address or Jira username of the person you want to share the ticket with.
4. Click Share.
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How to Use the Filtering Options Available on the Portal
1. Go to My Requests.
2. You can filter requests by the categories in the red boxes in the image below:
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a. Created By
b. Status of the Request
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c. Request Types
d. Utilize the search bar option with keywords to narrow your results.
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How to securely submit PHI
We do not accept PHI submitted via email or through this Help Desk Portal due to security concerns.
Please do not add or upload PHI to a ticket. If you must send us PHI to assist with troubleshooting,
please choose one of these 4 options.
1. Direct Secure Messaging (preferred):
PHI may be sent via Direct Secure Messaging to help@direct.mihin.net with your ticket number included
in the subject line. To send a Direct message to that address, you must have either a MiHIN Diretto account
or else another Direct Secure Messaging account that is compatible with our HISP. Note that this inbox is
not actively monitored. Please let us know if you attempt to send to help@direct.mihin.net and provide
the DSM address from which you sent the message.
2. Encrypted email:
PHI may be sent directly to the assigned agent via Microsoft 365 Message Encryption. Please await
assignment and outreach by a staff member regarding your case before sending PHI via this method and
follow the instructions provided in this article: Encrypt email messages - Microsoft Support. (Note: MiHIN
is not configured for receiving emails via S/MIME encryption at this time.)
3. Phone:
PHI may also be exchanged verbally over the phone with the assigned agent.
4. Other:
The above methods are typically the most efficient and effective means for exchanging the minimum data
necessary to investigate an issue or fulfill a request. Alternatives such as SFTP may be appropriate if
needed to exchange large files or a process has already been established for your organization to exchange
case-related PHI in that way.
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Understanding email notifications
When you receive an email notification from Jira, it contains several important details. Here are some
examples of email notifications and when you would receive them:
1. After submitting the ticket:
2. When the status of a ticket changes:
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3. When a comment is added to a ticket:
4. When the ticket is moved to a different Service Desk note that the Issue ID will change when a
ticket is transfer to a different service desk.