California Public Utilities Commission
Middle Mile Locations
Outreach Briefing
California Public Utilities Commission
California Public Utilities Commission
California has more unserved households
than any other state in the nation.
52.4% of Californians actively use
broadband at the modern benchmark
speed of 100 Mbps.
51.3% of rural households lack any
broadband service at 100 Mbps.
28.4% of households on Tribal Lands lack
any broadband service at 100 Mbps.
Almost half of households without access
at 100 Mbps are in urban areas.
The Solution
Infrastructure, Access, and
California Public Utilities Commission
Middle Mile $3.25 billion
Build, operate and maintain an open access, state-
owned middle mile network.
Last Mile $2 billion
Set up last-mile broadband connections that will
connect homes and businesses with local networks.
Loan Loss Reserve $750 million
Loan loss reserve fund to enable local governments
and nonprofits to secure financing for broadband
Local Agency Technical Assistance $50 million
Technical assistance to local governments to prepare
for broadband implementation.
Governor Newsom Signs Historic Broadband
Legislation to Help Bridge the Digital Divide
California Public Utilities Commission
Statewide Middle Mile $3.75 Billion
“Middle-Mile” refers to
the high-capacity fiber-
optic cables that
traverse long distances
(i.e., 10s-100s of miles) to
connect communities
to the Internet
California Public Utilities Commission
Middle Mile is a Foundational Investment for
Promotes Affordability: Open-access middle-mile
provides more affordable service and reduces the
price of broadband Internet service by encouraging
construction of competitive last-mile networks.
Enables Last Mile Infrastructure: W
ill reduce upfront
infrastructure costs, create new opportunities for
municipal fiber networks, and promote affordability
for consumers.
Economic Development: W
ill create tens of
thousands of good jobs to help the state’s economy
recover from the COVID-19 Pandemic to enable
teleworking, telelearning, and telehealth.
California Public Utilities Commission
Statewide Middle Mile
Network Initial Staff Proposal
8,000 road miles
Within state highways / rights
of way
Uses 100 Mbps as the
unserved definition. An
updated 25/3 Mbps map is
forthcoming to comply with
statutory requirements.
Link to map here
California Public Utilities Commission
Public Engagement and
California Public Utilities Commission
Middle Mile Locations Determination Process
CPUC must solicit and receive public comments within 90 days (before
October 21, 2021). Government Code Section 11549.54(f)
Criteria for identifying locations. Government Code Section 11549.54(b)
Prioritization. Government Code Section 11549.54(c)-(e)
CPUC, in collaboration with the third-party administrator, provides
middle mile network locations in a report to CDT. Government Code Section 11549.54(a)
Locations shall be updated “from time to time”. Government Code Section 11549.54(a)
CDT plans and develops the middle mile network using the above
information. Government Code Section 11549.54(h).
California Public Utilities Commission
Priorities for Middle Mile Locations
SB 156 specifies specific analysis and priorities for the statewide
middle mile network:
Identify Existing Infrastructure
Identify Priority Routes
Identify Network End Users
Network Design and Operation
Priorities help to ensure that rural
and urban areas benefit
California Public Utilities Commission
We want to hear from you!
CPUC is requesting Public Comment on the Middle Mile Locations
Broadband for All, Rulemaking R. 20-09-001
Opening Comments due September 3. Reply comments due
September 21
More comment opportunities in a second ruling, anticipated in
California Public Utilities Commission
Commenting on Locations
Formal Party Comments
Learn how to become a party to a proceeding
Proceeding Website:,57,RIR:P5_PROCEEDING_SELECT:R2009001
General/Informal Public Comment
On Middle Mile
In General
California Public Utilities Commission