A Front Office Users Guide to
Understanding the Applied
Accounting Screens
A Front Office Users Guide
to Understanding the Applied Epic Transaction Screens Part 1
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Prepared for Applied Client Network and Applied
Applied Client Network
330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: 312-321-6833
Fax: 312-673-6645
Applied Systems, Inc.
200 Applied Parkway
University Park, IL 60484
Phone: 708-534-5575
Fax: 708-534-8016
Copyright © 2018 by Applied Client Network, Inc., 330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60611. . Protection claimed in all
forms and matters of copyrightable material and information now allowed by law or hereafter granted including both electronic and
conventional distribution of herein products. Reproduction or transmission unless authorized by Applied Client Network in writing. All
rights reserved. Specific product information regarding Applied TAM, Applied Vision®, Applied Epic® and related products and
services, including any related manuals, documentation, and/or materials prepared by Applied Systems for purposes of Applied Net
2018 or otherwise are the exclusive property of Applied Systems, Inc. Applied Systems retains all right, title, and interest therein,
including copyright interests and other intellectual property rights. Information relating to products and services owned or licensed by
third parties (ex: Microsoft, Excel, etc.) and all interests therein are the property of the respective owners, and no endorsement or
ownership of third party products or services should be implied by their mention and use. All workflows are suggested and common
workflows. Users of this material agree that neither Applied Client Network nor Applied Systems can be held liable for any omissions
or errors within the guide.
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Original Author:
Brenda C. Nevil, AAI, AIS, ITP
Assistant Vice President, Project Manager IT
Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
Updated By:
Organization Affiliation:
Date Updated:
George Vakalopoulos
Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
September 2020
Target Audience:
IT Manager/Systems Coordinator
Other: (describe)
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Table of Contents
Prepared for Applied Client Network and Applied Systems ......................................................... 2
Original Author: ........................................................................................................................... 3
Updated By: ................................................................................................................................ 3
Target Audience: ......................................................................................................................... 3
Seminar Type: Servicing & Workflows ........................................................................................ 6
Understanding the Epic Accounting Screens .............................................................................. 7
Transaction Screen Default ............................................................................................. 7
Transaction Screen Default Options................................................................................ 7
Saving Transaction Screen Search Where Results ........................................................ 8
Configuring Transaction Screen Columns ....................................................................... 9
Selecting Columns .............................................................................................................. 9
Column Review ............................................................................................................. 10
What Can We Do With Transaction Screen Information? ............................................. 12
Left Margin Options ....................................................................................................... 14
Accounts Receivable Balance ....................................................................................... 14
Transactions Details ...................................................................................................... 15
Detail Section .....................................................................................................................16
Receivables Section ..........................................................................................................17
Agency Commission ..........................................................................................................17
Pr/Br Commission ..............................................................................................................18
Premium Payables .............................................................................................................18
Adjust Commission Functionality .................................................................................. 19
After Creating the Transaction .................................................................................................. 22
Configuring and Sorting Columns ............................................................................................. 22
Accessing Transactions from a Policy ....................................................................................... 23
Setting Your Screen Defaults .................................................................................................... 24
Amending Transaction Details .................................................................................................. 24
Transaction Screen Navigation Panel Option ............................................................................ 25
Reviewing Agency Bill Transaction Detail ................................................................................. 26
Detail Section ................................................................................................................ 26
Receivables ................................................................................................................... 28
Agency Commission ...................................................................................................... 28
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Pr/Br Commission ......................................................................................................... 29
Premium Payables ........................................................................................................ 29
Configuring View to Know When Accounting Issued a Carrier Check ....................................... 31
Searching Item Number versus Invoice Number ....................................................................... 32
Agency Configuration, Transactions and Other Actions ............................................................ 32
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Seminar Type: Servicing & Workflows
Seminar Level: Basic: An introductory level course is basic in nature and addresses
fundamental concepts. We expect attendees to have a basic level of insurance knowledge,
have been oriented to an agency or brokerages’ processes. For functional courses, it is not
necessary for the attendee or participant to have previous knowledge of the agency or
brokerage management system or software program.
Class Description: You are new to Applied Epic and have begun creating invoices, now what?
When you look at the Transaction screen do you wonder what you are looking at? How do you
easily identify transactions for specific policies? What kind of information are you seeing in each
column? How can you make a simple correction after you have invoiced? This class will give an
overview of the basic functions in the Trasaction screen.
Learning Outcomes:
Select and arrange Transaction screen defaults.
Review Transaction details.
Demonstrate how to make basic invoice corrections.
Assumptions: This seminar is based on the following
Applied Epic Version 2019
Microsoft ® Word Version 2013
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Understanding the Epic Accounting Screens
Transaction Screen Default
The first time a user goes to the Epic Transactions the screen will be blank. Epic defaults
showing “Invoice # Equals….” In the Search Where bar.
Transaction Screen Default Options
The Search Where bar at the top of the screen provides several filter options in the dropdown.
Accounting Month
A/R Due Date
A/R Balance
Billed #
Bill Mode
Billed From Acct
Billed From Name
Billed To Acct
Billed To Name
Future Items
Invoice #
Invoice Created Date
Invoice Last
Generated Date
Invoice Status
Item #
Late Charges for Item
Payment Date
Payment ID
Policy #
Site ID
Taxable Item #
Transaction Code
I chose the following default options:
1. Amount
2. Does Not Equal
3. $0.00
Using this “Search Where” criteria Epic will show me:
(a) Any debit or credit items
(b) Payments posted
(c) Direct-bill commission
(d) Return premium checks issued
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Default Transaction Screen Columns
By default we see several meaningful columns like:
Item and Invoice #
Transaction Credits and Debits
Transaction Codes
Payments and Balances
Saving Transaction Screen Search Where Results
After determining what you want as your normal Search Criteria for the Transaction screen (e.g.
you went to Search Where and made one or more selection) you can save this information as
your “default” for each client.
1. On the Transaction screen go to Search where and make your selection (e.g. Amount /
Does Not Equal / $0.00) and click Find
2. On the right side of the screen click on Filter Defaults
3. In the pop-up window check the boxes to set your default and override any existing
4. Click OK to save your selection
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Configuring Transaction Screen Columns
Users can (1) choose the columns that will appear on the Transaction screen and (2) change
the order of the columns.
Selecting Columns
1. After locating the Transaction screen click on the Select Columns option on the right side
of the screen
2. The pop-up window shows available columns.
a. Current columns appear at the top of the window representing how they appear
on the screen left to right
3. Use your mouse to mark the checkbox by additional selections
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4. There are two ways to change the order of columns
a. Click on the words for the column in the list to highlight it and use the black up /
down arrows to move the column up or down the list this dictates where the
column will appear on the left from left to right
b. Looking at the Transaction screen users can also click on a column and while
holding the mouse down move the column left or right of the screen to a new
You may find it meaningful to have some columns sit side-by-side:
Amount and A/R Balance
ICO, PPE and PPE Pay Status
Column Review
Column Name
Item #
Every time a transaction is entered by either front office or accounting an
Item # is associated to that item (premium invoiced; taxes and fees;
Insured’s checks posting, etc.)
Invoice #
Epic automatically pre-assigns an invoice number when a debit or credit
transaction or installment is created
Billed From
For Client accounts this will show the Look-up Code for your customer.
Knowing this you might consider pushing this column to the right on the
Trans Eff
When additional or return premium items are entered the effective date of
the transaction will appear (e.g. Policy inception date, Endorsement
effective date, Audit effective date). When direct-bill commissions are
posted the policy inception date will appear by default
This field shows the Transaction Code associated with the item:
1. This will show codes entered by staff on agency-bill items
(new/renewal premium, endorsement, audit, cancellation)
2. Code when a payment has been applied
3. Code when direct-bill premium has been posted
4. Code when return premium check is issued
A/R Due
This shows the date on a transaction when the agency-bill monies are
Policy Number
Policy invoiced
Shows Agency or Direct-Bill
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When your agency-configures Epic they enter “default” descriptions for
transaction codes which staff can either accept or edit when creating a
transaction. It’s typical for these words to appear on an invoice for
reference and on the transaction screen
This shows both the agency-bill additional or return premiums invoiced
and direct-bill additional or return premiums calculated as a result of
posting direct-bill premium
A/R Balance
For agency-bill bill items this shows the original amount transacted.
1. As soon as a payment has been applied or premium financed the
balance is immediately updated
PPE Pay Status
On agency bill items there are three options:
1. O = Open (agency has NOT issued payment to carrier)
2. C = Closed (agency HAS issued payment to carrier)
3. Blank = Agency Fee that you will retain (no “payable”)
Reminder: If your default view “includes” Reversed Items they will
appear as “C”losed items on the Transaction screen (e.g. if you double-
click on an transaction you’ll see that the item had been reversed using
Actions / Reverse Transaction)
Month when the revenue is recognized for reporting purposes
Carrier and payee on the transaction when it was billed
Payment ID
Insured’s check number when a payment has been applied
Check #
Your Agency’s trust check number for Return Premium to Insured
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What Can We Do With Transaction Screen Information?
1. Click on a Column to sort it
a. Low number to high
b. Click on it again to sort it high number to low
c. Sort an alphabetic list A to Z
d. Click on it again to sort it Z to A
2. With a column sorted you can type a letter or number on your keyboard to go to that part
of the list
3. When you roll your mouse over the Search Where area on the Transaction screen a
pop-up will show you your screen defaults.
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Clicking on the funnel icon presents a pop-up showing the same information. If you
made additional “search where” filter results instead of clicking on “Clear Filter” which
takes you back to system defaults showing “Invoice #” “Equals” click on the Filter and
delete the additional search criteria.
Clicking in the Search Where bar users can filter on an existing filter
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Left Margin Options
In the left margin of the Transaction screen we see 3 icons
Add Icon:
Clicking here adds a new Transaction
Edit Icon:
Clicking on this icon provides the same result as double-clicking on a
This will allow users to edit a few key pieces of information and to view
details for an individual Transaction
Printer icon:
Going directly to the Transaction screen and using a filter to show
Amount/Does Not Equal/$0.00 Epic shows us all Transactions for an
If we click on the Printer icon we can print a paper report showing all
transactions seen on the Transaction screen
In the pop-up window we can click on the “print to CSV file” option to
create an Excel spreadsheet
If the view is filtered by either making a selection in the Search Where
bar or starting at the Policy List, selecting a policy and using the
Access/Transaction option where you see a “filtered” view when you
use the printer it will show filtered Transactions
Accounts Receivable Balance
The bottom of the Transaction screen shows the following agency-bill balances for an individual
1. Future Account Balance (e.g. installments that haven’t been processed)
2. Current Account Balance
3. Filtered (value will vary based on your filter criteria e.g. may only show total of open
invoices for a specific policy)
An A/R Report can be configured to show all agency-bill items for a book of business (e.g.
Future, Current, 30, 60, 90 days past-due)
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Transactions Details
Even though the Transaction screen shows a great detail of information it does not show “all”
transaction details.
When we single-click on a transaction the system recaps some of the same information we see
in the columns at the top of the screen (e.g. Invoice number, date invoice was generated, bill to
name and address, accounting month, ICO and PPE)
Double-clicking on a transaction shows all details for a Transaction. For agency-bill items the
following items appear in the Navigation Panel:
There are three (3) areas in Transaction details in the “Detail” section where information for a
transaction can be edited on items that have not been reversed:
1. Transaction section
2. Billing Tab
3. Invoice Tab
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Detail Section
1. At the top of the screen in the Transaction section the “Description” can be edited.
2. Under Detail / Billing tab based on permissions uses potentially can edit the following:
a. Generate Invoice Date
b. A/R Due Date
c. Accounting Month
d. Production Month
3. Under Detail / Invoice tab users could edit:
a. The Send Invoice To
b. Delivery method
c. Invoice Message
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Receivables Section
When users click Finish adding a new Transaction it appears on the General Ledger (no end of
day or overnight processing).
The amount transacted immediately appears in the Receivables view.
Agency Commission
This screen will show the commission on a transaction when it was added.
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Pr/Br Commission
Information appearing here will vary based on configuration by your agency. For a
commissionable producer you could see their portion of the Agency’s commission and
Production Credit
Premium Payables
A common question for accounting have we paid the carrier yet?
Staff can come to the Premium Payables view for a transaction to see if an Agency check has
been issued to a carrier or not.
1. If you only see information at the top of the screen under Payables and nothing at the
bottom of the screen under Reconciled your agency has NOT paid the carrier.
2. If you see information both at the top and the bottom of the screen a check has been
issued to the carrier.
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Adjust Commission Functionality
Double-clicking on a transaction provides us with an option to edit a handful of transaction
fields. Can we edit other information?
Under Actions / Adjust Commission there is the possibility that the following details can be
1. ICO
2. PPE
3. Commission
4. Pr/Br Commission
This functionality is “conditional”. If activity has been performed on the transaction (e.g. payment
posted, premium financing funded, someone already used the Adjust Commission function)
editable fields are limited.
If an activity has NOT been performed the following fields are editable under Actions /
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As soon as any of these items are amended the next time a user goes to Actions / Adjust
Commission for this same transaction the only fields that can be edited are:
1. Commission
2. Existing Pr/Br Commission tab information
1. Editing information on an individual transaction does NOT correct the policy
2. Editing the policy does NOT correct an existing transaction.
Looking at Transaction details (double-clicking on a transaction) we now see under Agency
Commission, Pr/Br Commission and Premium Payables automatic adjustments (ADJO)
amending the commission the agency will retain, portion of commission payable to the producer
and net premium that will be sent to the carrier.
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Agency Commission
Pr/Br Commission
Premium Payables
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After Creating the Transaction
You’ve created invoice transactions. Now what?
Were we paid?
Did we pay the carrier?
Why can’t I use the Actions / Reverse Transaction function?
Has Direct-Bill commission been posted?
Did the Insured cash the Return Premium check we sent?
What commission did we invoice on a specific transaction?
What’s been invoiced on a specific policy?
Did we allocate premium to various Insured entities using the multiple receivable option?
Were there any commission adjustments?
….and many more questions
There are several details on the Transaction screen but it doesn’t tell us the entire story.
When we review the Transaction screen we see things like:
a. Item Number
b. Invoice #
c. Amount Billed
d. A/R Balance
e. ICO/PPE on an individual transaction
f. Transaction description, etc.
Configuring and Sorting Columns
1. You’ve taken the time to Select Columns to supplement the default columns in
2. You’ve put the columns in an order that makes you happy (e.g. ICO and PPE next to
each other; Amount and A/R Balance side-by-side).
3. You know that you can click on a column header once to sort data A to Z or 1 to 9.
4. You also know that you can click on the column header again to sort the data Z to A and
9 to 1.
5. With a column sorted you know that you can type a letter or number on the keyboard
and Epic will go to that item in the list.
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Accessing Transactions from a Policy
When we go to the Transaction screen by default it shows us all transaction detail for a specific
Even though we can use columns to sort data and Search Where criteria to filter details it’s
important to remember that we can do the following from the Policy list:
1. After clicking on Policies in the Navigation Panel
2. Locate and click on a desired policy to highlight it
3. On the Options bar at the top of the screen click on Access / Transactions
a. Epic takes us to the Transaction screen and filters out all other Transaction
details and only shows us invoicing associated with the selected policy.
b. Users can still use Search Where to filter on the original filter, if necessary.
c. If you need something tangible (e.g. you’re reconciling an Account) with your
view filtered you can click on the Printer icon on the left of the screen and
print/export the data to an Excel spreadsheet for further analysis.
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Setting Your Screen Defaults
You can use Search Where to select criteria that will show Transaction results on the screen.
Screen defaults can be set dictating what you see every time you launch a Transaction screen.
For example, if you use “Amount / Does Not Equal / $0.00 and click on Find the system will
show information like:
1. Any debit/credit transacted
2. Payments posted (checks / direct-bill commissions)
3. Return Premium checks issued to the Insured
Amending Transaction Details
You’ve created a transaction and find information that you need to amend. When you double-
click on a Transaction and are on the Details section you can do things like:
1. Edit the description in the Transaction section
2. Edit the Generate Invoice Date for an Installment
3. Amend the Accounts Receivable (A/R) due date
4. Amend the Accounting Month
5. Change the Bill To
6. Add or edit an Invoice Message
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Transaction Screen Navigation Panel Option
When we double-click on an Agency-bill, Direct-Bill, Government Entity or Payment Transaction
the navigation panel response will vary.
Agency Bill Direct Bill
Direct Placement Payment
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Reviewing Agency Bill Transaction Detail
When we double-click on an Agency Bill transaction the navigation panel expands showing us
the following areas for review:
Detail Section
In the Transaction section the Description can be edited
On the Billing tab the Generate invoice date can be amended on future items like
The Accounts Receivable (A/R) due date can be amended
The Accounting Month when revenue is recognized can be amended on future items
On the Invoice tab the “Send Invoice To” can be amended
Delivery options changed
Invoice Message either added or edited
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If the “Send Invoice To” information is changed on an invoice that included multiple items when
Navigation Panel Details are closed by clicking on the “X” Epic will automatically prompt users
asking them to confirm that they want the Bill To information to be updated on the remaining
invoice items.
Click on the Yes response at the bottom of the screen.
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On a newly invoiced item the debit/credit invoiced will immediately appear under
If a payment or adjustment has been applied it will also appear in this view as a new
APCR/PYMT (apply credit / payment)
If premium was allocated amongst various Insured entities (multiple receivables) the first
line will show the total premium and separate lines will show the individual entities and
the amount they were invoiced. The multiple receivable lines show as BTSB
Agency Commission
Commission on the transaction will appear under the Agency Commission option
Any commission adjustments will be shown as separate adjustment lines. In the
example below 10% shows as the original commission which was adjusted to 12.5
(showed 2.5%) and then 15% (another 2.5%) and then corrected to 7.5% (showing a
negative 7.5%).
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Pr/Br Commission
Information showing how the producer will be paid appears on the Pr/Br Commission tab
Any adjustments made to the commission are automatically reflected in this view (e.g.
we amended the policy commission for the transaction and see the result on the Pr/Br
Commission view
Premium Payables
The net premium we’ll send to the carrier appears in this view
Any adjustments made to the Commission or the Pr/Br Commission will be reflected as
separate items in this view adjusting the net we’ll send the carrier
If the Reconciled section at the bottom of the screen is blank accounting has not issued
a check to the carrierno items found” will appear
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If Reconciled shows details a check has been issued to the carrier and if you select
additional columns you can see when the check was issued
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Configuring View to Know When Accounting Issued a
Carrier Check
You see information in the “Reconciled” section of the Premium Payables view letting you know
that a check has been issued to the carrier (Yeah!) but how do you tell “when” the check was
issued this can be important to some work groups.
This section of Transaction Details includes a “Select Columns” option which includes several
additional columns for consideration.
The “Date Entered” and “Entered By” columns will show when the check was issued and the
individual in accounting who processed the payment.
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Searching Item Number versus Invoice Number
Even though the Search Where bar offers robust search and filter options be aware that you can
unintentionally limit” what you see based on your search.
If you search for an Item # and see a result remember that you are potentially NOT looking at
the entire transaction. In the example below we see a search result showing our individual item
When we change our search to locate an Invoice # we see that we invoiced more than just the
premium. The invoice also included three tax/fee lines.
Tip: Did you know that Accounts Receivable staff (individuals posting payments) focus more
on “Item #” and Premium Payables (those retaining commission/paying carriers) focus
more on “Invoice #”?
Agency Configuration, Transactions and Other
When your agency configured Epic they made decisions regarding codes used when invoicing:
1. Do we retain the monies or not? If we retain the monies is it commissionable?
a. Agency fee you retain 100%
b. Company and Surplus Lines fees you retain 0%
c. Premiums you retain commission and send net premium to carrier
When you invoice you make deliberate choices about the correct transaction code:
1. Are you invoicing….?
a. Premium (New business, Renewal business, Endorsements, Audits,
Cancellations, etc.)
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b. Agency fee (Brokerage Services contract, Internal Program fee, Fee in lieu of
commission, etc.)
c. Company fee (Wholesale Broker fee, Policy inspection fee, New York Fire Fee,
Florida Hurricane Fee, Insurance Guarantee Fund fee, etc.)
d. Surplus Lines taxes and fees
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Other actions in Epic create additional codes that we will either see on the (a) Transaction
screen, in (b) Transaction Details or (c) on both screens:
SBWO Small Balance Write-Off appears in Transaction Detail
MSWOMiscellaneous Balance Write-Off appears in Transaction Details
PYMTPayment appears on both the Transaction screen and in Transaction Details
where it will show each item number where monies were applied
RETPReturn Premium check appears on both the Transaction screen and in
Transaction Details showing the check amount and the transaction(s) that provided the
o The Insured called and said that they never received the Return Premium check
you sent. Does Epic show whether the check was cashed or not?
Double-click on the RETP transaction and the Navigation Panel will
default to Detail
In the General Ledger section you will see your Agency’s trust check #
and Cleared will show if the check cleared the bank (Yes) or not (No).
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BTFNPremium Financing appears in Transaction Details. The example below shows
the amount billed ($1,870); a partial payment with Insured’s check #5527 ($1,538.32)
and premium financing of the balance ($331.68). BTFN appears when premium
financing is applied.
DBCMDirect-Bill Commission appears on both the Transaction screen and in
Transaction Details
o Here we can see debits (additional premium Insured paid to carrier) and credits
(return premiums due to the Insured / agency returns commission to carrier)
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Multiple Payablescan be identified by a “Y” in a column on the Transaction screen
and will show individual carrier payables in Transaction Details
1. Navigation Panel shows that the Multi-Carrier Schedule has been activated
for a policy
2. When we click on the policy’s Multi-Carrier Schedule we see the details for
the carriers for this policy
3. When we click on invoice details and go to the Payables view we see the
carriers premium allocations for a Transaction
Multiple Receivablesa single Payable line will appear on the Transaction screen
showing an A/R Balance of $0.00 because the “Receivables” belong to each of the
Insured entities you are invoicing. When each party makes a payment their balance is
updated to $0.00 leaving the remaining entities with an A/R Balance until payment is
made. Transaction details for the Premium shows how the premium was allocated
amongst Insureds.
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The Transaction screen shows a separate line for each item of allocated premium. When you
click on a line item the “Bill To” information appears at the bottom showing the different Insured
ADVCWhen the Insured sends a direct-bill premium payable to your agency payment
to your agency the check is deposited and a check issued to the carrier. This process
creates the ADVC code.
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Government Entity Taxes & Fees If your agency places business directly with a non-
admitted insurance carrier you become responsible for paperwork and for calculating
surplus lines taxes and fees. If you have this scenario selecting columns that will show
you (1) which government entity you used for a transaction and (2) whether the
accounting department has processed a check for taxes and fees will be useful.
Otherwise the PPE for the policy will still appear in the PPE field and NOT show the
Government Entity Vendor.
1. On the Transaction view click on Select Columns
2. Select Govt Entity and Govt Pay Status
3. On the Transaction screen you can clearly see (a) the Government Entity
Vendor and (b) whether they have been paid or not in the Government Payee
Status column