Inclusive UBC:
An Inclusion
Action Plan
In 2018, the University of British Columbia
developed a new strategic plan, Shaping UBC’s
Next Century: Strategic Plan 2018–2028. During the
planning process, the UBC community converged
on three themes: inclusion, collaboration, and
innovation. These three themes are cross cutting,
spanning the core areas of People and Places,
Research Excellence, Transformative Learning,
and Local and Global Engagement.
Two students sitting on the Pride staircase at UBC Okanagan.
GOAL 1.0
GOAL 2.0
GOAL 3.0
GOAL 4.0
GOAL 5.0
Actions 16
Actions 20
Actions 24
Actions 28
Actions 32
Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms and Acronyms ii
Appendix 2: Inclusion Action Plan
Development Process iv
Table of
Our Commitment to Inclusion
Welcome to the Inclusion Action Plan, which operationalizes the theme of
inclusion, and supports the themes of innovation and collaboration in Shaping
UBC’s Next Century: 2018–2028 Strategic Plan. This plan presents an opportunity
for UBC to continue to develop its potential as a groundbreaking 21
institution, including its leadership in creating global influence through its
equitable, diverse, and inclusive campuses.
The emerging research is unequivocal: diversity enhances innovation, and inclusive
spaces are required to ensure that diverse teams are able to collaborate effectively.
As the world becomes more connected, and UBC focuses on contributing to
global citizenship and finding solutions to complex issues, this plan supports our
continuing progress.
The Inclusion Action Plan also supports our commitments to reconciliation, and
recognition of our locations on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories
of Indigenous peoples. This history and relationship with these lands frames our
efforts to understand decolonization in the context of all our inclusion efforts.
Equity, diversity, and inclusion are the conditions for attracting and retaining the best
and brightest students, staff, and faculty from around the world, and understanding
how we best create the environments in which we work, learn, and live. Inclusion is a
commitment for us all, and I look forward to following our progress and learning closely
as we work together to achieve the goals in this plan.
Santa J. Ono
President and Vice-Chancellor
Enhancing Efforts
Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are key to achieving the best learning,
working, and living environments for everyone who is part of UBC. With this
Inclusion Action Plan, UBC can chart a clear course to enable all those who have
made and are making efforts toward greater equity, diversity, and inclusion to see
where there are opportunities to collaborate, learn from each other, and support
greater impact. The groundwork is there in many places across this institution
and with this plan we hope to enhance progress on this important work.
Our location on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the
Musqueam, Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Syilx Okanagan Nations provides
us with guidance and growing relationships to ensure that this Inclusion Action
Plan supports the implementation of the Indigenous Strategic Plan across UBC.
In addition, the Inclusion Action Plan recognizes that it is also developing in the
context of UBC’s Sustainability Strategy, Wellbeing Strategy, and Focus on People
2025 Framework. While these are related in important ways, their different
perspectives provide opportunities for UBC to make progress in a number of
areas that are supportive of the UBC experience and UBC’s impact in the world.
With the alignment to the strategic plan; the sponsorship of UBCs leadership;
and the tools, processes, and EDI education and research support from the
Equity & Inclusion Office, UBC will continue to increase inclusiveness, with all
the institutional and individual benefits that that will bring.
Sara-Jane Finlay
Associate Vice-President, Equity & Inclusion
Working Together to Move Ideas into Action
UBC is committed to inclusion that commitment is clearly set out in this
Inclusion Action Plan, with actions to help us continue to work toward inclusion
for students, staff, and faculty on UBC’s campuses. Equity, diversity, and
inclusion efforts have been underway at UBC for years, and the data shows we
are making steady progress — however, our community members are telling
us they want to see more change. This Inclusion Action Plan represents an
opportunity to create greater impact through clarifying and aligning our efforts
together, and building greater shared responsibility across the institution for
honouring our collective commitment to inclusion.
Inclusion is key to supporting positive engagement among our students, staff, and
faculty increasing engagement in work and learning that affect UBC’s quality of
scholarship and influence in greater society. We recognize that this work can be
difficult, and that leadership needs to come from the ground up, the middle out,
and the top down to ensure that we are supporting each other in our learning and
creating impact across the institution. We also recognize that the commitment
were making together requires critically examining progress and lessons learned
to ensure that resources we’re investing are based on the best available evidence
and contributing to a more inclusive space to work, learn, and live. We look
forward to working and learning with you through the next seven years of
implementing this plan.
Deborah Buszard
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal, UBC Okanagan
Ainsley Carry
Vice-President, Students
Barbara Meens-Thistle
Vice-President, Human Resources
Andrew Szeri
Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver
The purpose of the IAP is to:
Report on the results of an extensive
consultation process to develop goals
and actions on building a more inclusive
Develop a guiding framework that
identifies inclusion goals for UBC and
collaborative institutional actions
needed to advance inclusion at UBC
over the next seven to ten years;
Build on and connect existing equity,
diversity, and inclusion efforts across
UBC’s campuses under a single
high-level framework;
Develop a ‘menu’ of actions to ensure
academic departments and operational
units across UBC can incorporate
inclusive actions into their unit-level
The IAP is grounded in UBC’s location on the traditional,
ancestral and unceded territory of the Musqueam and
Syilx Okanagan Nations. In exploring inclusion, this plan
recognizes Indigenous people and Indigenous concerns as both
within and beyond a conversation on inclusion at UBC. For this
reason, throughout the plan, some actions express direct
linkages between the work of this plan and UBC’s Indigenous
Strategic Plan.
The IAP presents an opportunity to support UBC’s commitment
to Indigenous engagement, including with the Musqueam and
Syilx Okanagan Nations, and with the Indigenous peoples of
Canada more broadly. It respects that the institution’s efforts
in this area, including delineation of strategic actions to advance
this work, are reflected in the Indigenous Strategic Plan.
The strategic plan defines inclusion as
a commitment to access, success, and
representation of historically underserved,
marginalized, or excluded populations.
To operationalize the inclusion theme of
the strategic plan, UBC has developed an
Inclusion Action Plan (IAP).
UBC community members at the Forestry Science Centre.
What the Inclusion Action Plan Achieves
The IAP represents the ideas, suggestions, and expertise of faculty, staff,
students, and alumni from across our campuses. It proposes a high-level
framework for supporting collective action toward advancing inclusion at UBC
over the next seven years. The actions included in this plan reflect promising
practices and suggestions gathered through extensive consultations, and are
considered to be those actions most relevant to UBC’s current context. The
actions cover a wide range of areas and in committing to making progress on
specific actions, the plan proposes that divisions will pick and choose the ones
that are most relevant to them, to their local context, and in areas where there
is the potential for change to be tracked and measured. No one individual,
unit, or department is expected to complete all of these actions. Building an
inclusive campus requires individual and collective responsibility to develop
innovative responses.
The timeline of seven years, with an institutional evaluation at midpoint,
recognizes and is expected to accommodate the iterative nature of
implementation for some of these actions, while still noting annual progress
toward the goals. It also recognizes that the groundwork for accomplishing these
actions has been happening in different spaces across UBC for years. The IAP
presents an opportunity to highlight, coordinate, and amplify many of these
efforts that have been, and are currently, underway throughout the institution,
e.g., the work in the Integrated Renewal Project to ensure WorkDay and its
functions support this IAP, etc. It provides a roadmap for innovating and learning
together about how to continue to develop inclusion across UBC.
Why Do We Need a Commitment to Inclusion?
We have heard from our community UBC’s student and workplace experience
surveys show clear trends of less positive scores for students, staff, and faculty
from most equity-seeking groups. UBCs workforce representation is, in many
occupational groups, not proportional to the available workforce for those
occupations. Bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, and discrimination issues
continue. The progress is there, but it is expected that with the focus provided
by this plan, UBC will be better able to build collaborative efforts across its
departments and units to create inclusive campuses for all our students, staff,
and faculty. UBC, as a world-leading university with influence on society, merits
the excellence of a community of diverse and engaged faculty, staff, and students
to tackle the challenges of the 21
UBC has made great efforts, and good
progress, to increase equity, diversity,
and inclusion over the last 20 years;
however, academic structures, systems,
and processes were designed for a
different time and population.
In the late 20
century, the universitys
doors began to open to new groups of
students, faculty, and staff, while the
systems and structures have not fully
adapted to ensure equitable outcomes
in education and careers.
at UBC
At UBC, inclusion is a commitment to
creating a welcoming community where
those who are historically, persistently,
or systemically marginalized are treated
equitably, feel respected, and belong.
Inclusion is built by individual and
institutional responsibility through
continuous engagement with diversity
to inspire people, ideas, and actions
for a better world.
1.0 Goal:
Retention, and
UBC will actively recruit, support, retain, and
advance students, faculty, staff, and leaders from
systemically marginalized communities.
UBC researcher working in a laboratory.
A. Recruit for EDI Skills
and Competencies
DS: Prooss Senaes P Human esources
Continue to enhance active recruitment
for equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) skills and
competencies, and increase the capability and
capacity to collaborate in a diverse environment
through all searches and in career progression
for leadership, sta, and faculty.
B. Equitable Recruitment
and Admissions
DS: Prooss P Human esources
P Sudens
Revise, renew, and replace recruitment and
hiring/admissions processes to actively take
into account equity issues in the assessment of
merit, through job postings, criteria development,
and selection of students, sta, faculty, and
leadership at UBC.
C. Access through Aordability
DS: Prooss P Human esources
P Sudens
Reduce nancial barriers to studying and working
at UBC, particularly for Indigenous and other
marginalized students, and support aordability
strategies for transit, housing, and childcare for
faculty, sta, and students.
D. Inclusive Spaces and Initiatives
DS:Prooss P Human esources
P Sudens
Support mentorship, peer support, and anity/
resource groupsthat enhance spaces and
initiatives toward inclusion.Promote extra-
curricular programming, professional development
opportunitiesand events that help build
inclusive cultures.
E. EDI in Scholarship
DS: Prooss Senaes
P Human esources
Expand and enhance opportunities for
scholarship rooted in dierences in worldviews
that advances equity, diversity, and inclusion.
F. EDI in Promotion
DS: Prooss P Human esources
Create and embed best practice guidelines for
the recognition and valuing of EDI-related work,
in collaboration with Provosts, Deans, and
collective bargaining units, in scholarship, teaching,
educational leadership, and service for faculty.
G. Enhance Performance Review
Processes and Discussions
DS: P Human esources Prooss
Update performance review processes, discussion
guides, and merit pay policies for sta and
emerging leaders in collaboration with Provosts,
Deans, and collective bargaining units, to include
criteria for recognizing participation in initiatives
and other contributions to advance equity,
diversity, and inclusion.
H. Implement Recommendations of
Systems Reviews
DS: P Human esources
P Sudens Prooss
Implement the recommendations of the 2019
Employment Systems Review that assesses
disparities in experiences for faculty and sta,
and conduct a similar review to examine
any disparities in experiences for students,
including student sta, teaching assistants,
and post-docs.
1.0 Goal:
Recruitment, Retention, and Success
A ctions
2.0 Goal:
UBC will be intentional and proactive in
changing systems, structures, policies, practices,
and processes to advance equity, diversity,
and inclusion.
UBC faculty and staff working in front of the
Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre.
A. EDI Decision-Making Principles
DS: ll Ps Board o oernors Senaes
Develop, consult on, and implement guidelines
for decision-making that incorporate equity,
diversity, and inclusion principles.
B. Indigenous Strategic Plan
DS: Presiden Prooss P Human
esources P ernal elaions
Support understanding and implementation of
the Indigenous Strategic Plan across all units.
C. Inclusion Action Planning
DS: Uniersi ecuie Senaes
Ensure plans that incorporate inclusion actions are
developed by and communicated throughout each
Executive Portfolio and each Faculty.
D. Leadership and Succession Planning
DS: Prooss ll Ps
Develop and implement criteria for advancing into
mid-level and senior leadership that requires that
all leaders demonstrate commitment to principles
of equity, diversity, and inclusion and reect the
diversity of the UBC community.
E. Degree Requirements
DS: Senaes Prooss
Incorporate equity, diversity, and inclusion skills
and competencies into degree requirements.
F. Job Descriptions and
Performance Reviews
DS: P Human esources Prooss
Incorporate equity, diversity, and inclusion skills
and competencies into job descriptions and
provide training in how to assess these skills
and competencies through performance reviews
for sta and evaluations for faculty.
G. Workplace Accommodations
for Disability
DS: P Human esources
P inance  Operaions
Develop and enact an institutional level
accommodation policy for faculty and sta
with disabilities that is supported by a
central accommodation fund.
H. Inclusive Infrastructure
DS: Prooss P Human esources
P Sudens
Develop infrastructures for supporting and
accommodating faculty, sta, and students
with respect to religious, spiritual, and cultural
observances, and exible work, housing, and
childcare arrangements.
I. Accessibility
DS: P inance  Operaions
P ernal elaions
Enhance the accessibility of physical and virtual
spaces on UBC campuses for students, sta,
and faculty.
J. IAP Planning, Implementation
& Reporting
DS: Prooss ll Ps
Provide resources for department, Faculty,
and administrative unit level planning,
implementation, and reporting on
the IAP.
K. Equity Leads
DS: Prooss ll Ps
Appoint a faculty or sta member within
each department or unit who is responsible
for coordinating the implementation of
commitments made in the Executive or Faculty
level plans at the local level, supported by an
Equity Leads Network facilitated by the Equity
& Inclusion Oce.
A ctions
3.0 Goal:
UBC will enhance institutional and individual
capacities and skills to succeed in and advance
inclusive environments and work to sustain and
continually evolve that capacity as skills and
capabilities are increased.
UBC Okanagan students having a discussion.
A ctions
A. EDI Education and Training Programs
DS: Prooss P Human esources
P Sudens P esearch  Innoaion
Resource, develop, implement, and evaluate
comprehensive education and training programs
on equity, diversity, and inclusion for students,
faculty, and sta. Embed this education and
training in recruitment processes, onboarding,
assessment and performance reviews, and
professional development for sta and faculty;
and in curricular and co-curricular contexts
for students.
B. Dialogue and Engagement
DS: Prooss P Human esources
P Sudens P ernal elaions
Facilitate and provide opportunities for dialogue
and conversation around sensitive topics at UBC
and beyond. Build conict engagement skills
and practices among all members of UBC’s
community to equip people for working across
C. EDI Leadership Training
DS: Prooss P Human esources
Develop EDI curriculum and deliver/leverage
training specically for leadership at all levels to
deepen understanding and encourage modelling
of inclusive behavior, with a focus on applied
skills and performance management in diverse
D. EDI Curriculum and Program
DS: Prooss Senaes
Embed equity and inclusion education into
curriculum and program requirements for
all students that incorporates intercultural
understanding, empathy and mutual respect
(see Truth and Reconciliation Commission of
Canadas Calls to Action (iii) and UBC’s Indigenous
Strategic Plan).
UBC instructor teaching at Orchard Commons.
4.0 Goal:
Research, and
UBC will foster environments of learning,
research, and engagement that value building
and exchanging multiple and intersectional
ways of knowing.
UBC instructors and students at the Audain Art Centre.
A. EDI Awards, Funding, and Incentives
DS: Prooss P esearch  Innoaion
Establish awards, funding, and incentives that
recognize outstanding equity, diversity, and
inclusion initiatives and contributions in learning,
research, and engagement, including community-
engaged research and community-led initiatives.
B. Inclusive Teaching and Learning
DS: Prooss Senaes
Encourage and support instructors and teaching
assistants to implement inclusive course design,
teaching practice, and assessments.
C. Funding Applications and
Award Nominations 
DS:P esearch  Innoaion Prooss
Embedequity, diversity, and inclusion principles
in the review processes forall funding programs
and award nominationsincluding VP Research
& Innovation-administered internal funding
competitions, internal research awards,
institutional nominations for external awards and
honours, and funding programs that require
adjudication and peer-review.Equitably support
researchers todevelop funding proposals and
award nominations.
D. Research Funding
LEADS: Provosts, VP, Research & Innovation
Advance the principles and intended outcomes
of the equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives
of the Canada Research Chairs Program and the
Dimensions Charter, as well as other existing
and future government funding programs.
E. Equitable Community
LEADS: VP, External Relations; VP, Finance &
Operations; VP, Research & Innovation; Provosts
Proactively build and strengthen UBC’s
relationships and improve institutional systems
to appropriately recognize and compensate
community members’ engagement, and work
more eectively with communities and
organizations representing those who have
been marginalized.
4.0 Goal:
Learning, Research, and Engagement
F. Student Learning
LEADS: Senates; VP, Students; Provosts
Review and improve mechanisms to ensure that
student perspectives on the inclusiveness of
their learning experiences are integrated into
the improvement of teaching.
G. Indigenous Strategic Plan
LEADS: All VPs; Indigenous Engagement
Committee; Provosts
Work in alignment with the Indigenous Strategic
Plan to support learning, research, and
engagement at UBC that reect the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission of Canadas Calls to
Action, the National Inquiry into Missing and
Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ Calls for
Justice, and are consistent with the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
A ctions
UBC student
working at the
Audain Art
UBC will hold itself accountable to its
commitment to inclusion through clear and
timely processes, thorough evaluation, and
transparent reporting to the UBC communities
on its progress on this action plan.
5.0 Goal:
Staff members from UBC Financial Operations.
A. Mechanisms for Annual Reporting
DS: P Human esources
Prooss P Sudens
Establish mechanisms for annual reporting
on inclusive actions, including plans for future
B. WorkDay Institutional Data
DS: P Human esources P inance 
Operaions P Sudens
Ensure Workday collects institutional data with
appropriate privacy safeguards to enable regular
systematic analyses of access, engagement,
promotion, success, attrition, etc., for students,
sta, and faculty.
C. Enhanced Reporting Mechanisms
DS: P Human esources Board o
Review and enhance streamlined mechanisms
and related policies to better support people
who experience harassment, discrimination,
retaliation, and bullying to report incidents and
policy breaches, and ensure annual reporting
on aggregated incidents.
D. External Contractors
D: P inance  Operaions
Create EDI criteria to engage all external
contractors to work toward supporting an
inclusive environment at UBC, and as a condition
for being added to the preferred list of vendors
or contractors for UBC.
E. External Reviews
DS: Prooss Deans
Create terms of reference for the self-study
document and directions to reviewers for external
department and/or program reviews that includes:
an examination of the diversity of people within
the department and concrete eorts to address
any under-representation;
an analysis of the integration of historically
marginalized forms of knowledge into the
a demonstration within the department of
the fulllment of the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission of Canada’s Call to Action,
particularly Call 63 (iii).
F. Annual Reporting on this Plan
D: qui  Inclusion Oce
Report annually to the campus communities
on the progress of this plan, including actions
planned and undertaken in each division, progress
made, and updated information on changes in
the metrics for each goal.
Staff working at the UBC Farm.
Inside the Earth Sciences Building at UBC Vancouver.
Equity & Inclusion Oce:
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Hisoricall persisenl or
ssemicall marginalied
This language was intentionally and
carefully chosen during the development
of this plan to recognize that:
UBC and other institutions throughout
Canada were created at a time when
societal norms privileged and included
some groups and disadvantaged and
excluded others. In Canada, these
disadvantaged groups have been
dened as Indigenous people, women,
people with disabilities, racialized
people, and 2SLGBTQIA+ people.
This history entrains a legacy of day-to-
day barriers that contributed to past, and
perpetuate current, inequities which
compound over time;
Our systems, in the form of policies,
practices, culture, behaviours, and
beliefs continue to maintain these
barriers in the ways that they continue to
create the institution. It is often not an
individual intentional, systematic, eort
to discriminate. It is an unconscious,
unrecognized practice of doing things as
they have always been done (and
recreating the historical exclusions).
Inclusion Action Plan
Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans,
Queer (or Questioning), Intersex, Asexual (or
sometimes Ally). The placement of Two Spirit
(2S) rst is to recognize that Indigenous
people are the rst peoples of this land and
their understanding of gender and sexuality
precedes colonization. The ‘+’ is for all the new
and growing ways we become aware of sexual
orientations and gender diversity.
Dierences in the lived experiences and
perspectives of people that may include race,
ethnicity, colour, ancestry, place of origin,
political belief, religion, marital status, family
status, physical disability, mental disability,
sex, gender identity or expression, sexual
orientation, age, class, and/or socioeconomic
Recognizing that everyone is not starting from
the same place or history, deliberate measures
to remove barriers to opportunities may need
to be taken to ensure fair processes and
Equity refers to achieving parity in policy,
process and outcomes for historically and/or
currently underrepresented and/or
marginalized people and groups while
accounting for diversity.
It considers power, access, opportunities,
treatment, impacts, and outcomes, in three
main areas:
Representational equity: the proportional
participation at all levels of an institution;
Resource equity: the distribution of
resources in order to close equity gaps; and
Equity-mindedness: the demonstration of an
awareness of, and willingness to, address
equity issues.
Inclusion is an active, intentional, and
continuous process to bring marginalized
individuals and/or groups into processes,
activities, and decision-making toaddress
inequities in power and privilege, and build
a respectful and diverse community that
ensures welcoming spaces and
opportunities to ourish for all.
The interconnected nature of social
categorizations such as race, class,
disability, sexual orientation, and gender
identity as they apply to a given individual
or group.
The term was coined by lawyer, civil rights
advocate, and critical race theory scholar
Kimberlé Crenshaw to describe the
“various ways in which race and gender
intersect in shaping structural and political
aspects of violence against women of
color (1994).
Intersectional identities create overlapping
and interdependent systems of
marginalization, discrimination or
UBC leaders who are accountable for
ensuring progress on the actions.
UBC community members working
in the Ridington Reading Room.
Appendix 2
Inclusion Action Plan Development Process
The Inclusion Action Plan development
process has been underway since the fall
of 2018. In summary, the content of the
IAP was informed by the following:
n IP oring roup comprised of equity
and inclusion experts, community members
with a diverse range of lived experience,
inuencers, and stakeholders from both UBC
Vancouver and UBC Okanagan campuses was
convened to consider previous strategic
planning for inclusion, and to develop a
framework for the IAP. They developed a
denition of what inclusion means at UBC and
articulated the resulting ve goal areas for
advancing inclusion at UBC.
n cions Deelopmen orshop in
May 2019 led a cohort of over 70 students,
sta and faculty at UBC who are champions,
implementers, and/or people with lived
experience, in a series of facilitated exercises
to synthesize and distill action ideas into
preliminary draft actions, followed by
iterative team review and feedback
processes, within the EIO and with UBC
leadership, to rene draft actions and
identify relevant, preliminary high-level
argeed consulaions in the summer and
fall (August through September) of 2019
focused on soliciting feedback on the draft
actions from over 250 students, sta, and
faculty across campuses with lived experience
of being historically, persistently, or
systemically marginalized, and hosting
presentations and consultations with UBC
leadership (Vice-Presidents, Deans, senior
administrative and academic leaders, and
university-wide committees). This feedback
was reviewed and integrated into revisions to
produce the current version of the plan.
and working out
the shared measures
of progress and
mechanisms for
Presenaion o
he Board o
in December
2019 for
Publicaion o he nal
approed IP along with
the “What We Heard”
reports that clarify how
campus consultations
informed the IAP.
Presenaion o
UBC ecuie
in October 2019
for endorsement.
Meeings ih
deelopers o mid-
leel insiuional
plans to develop a
shared understanding
of approaches and
measures and create
synergies where
Campus-ide consulaions guided
by an Inclusion Advisory Committee,
in the spring of 2019, focused on
informing the UBC communities about
the IAP and opportunities to get
These consultations reached 1,600+
individuals and generated 5,400+
ideas for actions that would contribute
to creating a more inclusive UBC.
 broad scan was
undertaken of the
current literature,
and of previous plans
and reports from the
UBC community.