Guristas Epic Arc Guide
by Jowen Datloran
Smash and Grab
This is an epic mission arc mission guide that will take you through the various encounters and
tasks in the Guristas epic arc level 3 mission chain called “Smash and Grab”. While the guide
contains detailed info on encounter opponents and provides hints on trigger spawn mechanics, this
was not been my primary goal. Instead I focused on noting down all mission briefings and
communications to provide clear insight in the ongoing story. I have included mission debriefings
too, when they have contained a little more information than simply a pad on the back for a job well
done. Also, in the end of the guide is an Info onsection where all background info to the various
missions is included.
This particular epic arc has three starting locations, giving a large span of possible standing
requirements to start the arc. The first agent is Arment Caute who is located at the Gallente
Counter-intelligence Center in the Orvolle solar system. Before Arment is willing to hand over her
first mission of the arc (Enemy of my Enemy) you need to have a minimum of 4.35 in effective
standing (skills included) with either the Federal Intelligence Office corporation or the Gallente
Federation faction. The second agent is Atma Aulato who is located at the Counter Intelligence
Center in the Obe solar system. Before Atma is willing to hand over her first mission of the arc
(Turning Coat) you need to have a minimum of 4.35 in effective standing (skills included) with
either the Ytiri corporation or the Caldari State faction. The third agent is Yada Vinjivas who is
located at the Guristas Recruitment Center in the Taisy solar system. Before Yada is willing to hand
over her first mission of the arc (Recruitment Drive) you need to have a minimum of 4.35 in
effective standing (skills included) with either the Guristas corporation or the Guristas Pirates
faction. After having started the arc, it does no longer matter what standings you have with any of
the other corporations or factions that agents in the arc belongs to; you will have access to them as
long as you have managed to start the arc. Though, completing a mission will provide an increase in
standing with the corporation any particular agent belongs to.
There are no time constraints on acceptance and completion of epic arc missions, only on the bonus
rewards. But if you fail a mission or lose a mission critical item you can no longer complete the arc.
An epic arc mission chain can be restarted after every 3 months (90 days), no matter if you failed or
completed it the last time.
Variation in hostile NPC spawns
The composition of hostile NPCs you will encounter in the missions can vary within the ship
classes as well as in numbers of ships within each class. This does not happen in all encounters or
for all ship classes within some encounters. To report this, I list the possible ship type variants and
write the total number of ships.
Important in regard to this particular epic arc
Most important to note for this arc is that nearly all missions take place deep within no security
space (0.0) with all the dangers that provides. Though it is said that these missions are designed to
be handled in an interceptor class starship, they seem more doable for a solo pilot in an assault
frigate class starship. Most of the encounter missions in this arc have strict ship class limitations on
the acceleration gates which only allow the following ship classes through:
•Assault Ship
•Covert Ops
•Electronic Attack Ship
•Rookie ship
•Stealth Bomber
To limit exposure docking at stations, the possibility of accepting and/or completing missions
remotely is highly desirable. I try to list when these options are a possibility for each mission. A
single mission in the arc requires you to have the Hacking skill trained.
The arc offers two item rewards of noticeable interest: 1 Dread Guristas ECM Multispectral Jammer
and 1 one run Gila blueprint copy. The jammer is given by the end of the second chapter of the arc
while the BPC is given in the end of the arc along with a great boost to your Guristas Pirates faction
standing. It does not matter which path you take through the arc; you will always get the same
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Variation in hostile NPC spawns ..................................................................................................... 1
Important in regard to this particular epic arc .................................................................................. 1
Mission Overview ................................................................................................................................ 4
Missions ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Mission name: Brassy Faced Bastard .............................................................................................. 5
Mission name: Culling the Weak ..................................................................................................... 7
Mission name: Dread Pirates ........................................................................................................... 9
Mission name: Foxfire ................................................................................................................... 11
Mission name: Enemy of my Enemy ............................................................................................. 13
Mission name: Fuel Gauge ............................................................................................................ 14
Mission name: Intelligence Mining ............................................................................................... 16
Mission name: Knockout Punch .................................................................................................... 18
Mission name: Miscommunication ................................................................................................ 20
Mission name: Passing the Buck ................................................................................................... 22
Mission name: Planning the Operation .......................................................................................... 25
Mission name: Rabbit Hole............................................................................................................ 27
Mission name: Recruitment Drive ................................................................................................. 29
Mission name: Sabotage 101 ......................................................................................................... 30
Mission name: Smoke and Mirrors ................................................................................................ 32
Mission name: Spy Games ............................................................................................................. 34
Mission name: Threat Assessment ................................................................................................. 37
Mission name: Turning Coat.......................................................................................................... 38
Mission name: Upward Momentum .............................................................................................. 39
Deadspace Complexes ....................................................................................................................... 40
Complex name: Counter Intelligence Center ................................................................................. 40
Complex name: Gallente Counter-intelligence Center .................................................................. 40
Complex name: Guristas Recruitment Center ............................................................................... 40
Info on ................................................................................................................................................ 42
The Guristas Code .......................................................................................................................... 42
Mission Overview
Chapter 1: Probationary
Chapter 2: For Fun and Profit
Chapter 3: Internal Security
Turning Coat
Enemy of my Enemy
Recruitment Drive
Intelligence Mining
Sabotage 101
Brassy Faced Bastard
Upward Momentum
Miscommunication (c)
Fuel Gauge
Knockout Punch
the Weak
Threat Assessment
Dread Pirates
Rabbit Hole
Passing the Buck
Smoke and Mirrors
Spy Games
Reward: 1 one run Gila
blueprint copy + Guristas
Pirates faction standing
Mission requires Hacking skill and a
Codebreaker module.
Mission name: Brassy Faced Bastard
Agent name: Kori Latamaki
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Good. We‟ve got work to do. You should at least be able to get through the first acceleration gate
described by our prisoners, if everything goes according to plan. Which, of course, it will. If not,
you‟ll have a fight on your hands. Good luck.
Objective: Provide 1 Capital Ship Design “Dictator” (0.1 m3) to agent.
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
2 Caldari Cruiser Vessel (cruiser)
8 Caldari Frigate Vessel (frigate)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message:
“We’ve got you on sensors. Power down your engine and stand by.
You’re not the Visage! Unidentified ship, reinforcements are on their way. Power down your
engines and prepare to be boarded, or we will open fire.”
The guards are initially friendly unless fired upon. After getting within 20 km of the acceleration
gate to the next stage they will all turn hostile.
Deadspace stage 2 guards:
3 State Yumi (destroyer)
2 State Shukoro Shinai (frigate)
1 State Shukoro Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Shirasaya (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 1:
1 State Dogo (cruiser)
2 State Shukoro Choji (destroyer)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message:
“How the hell did someone get in here? Scramble! Scramble!”
The Taibu State Shirasaya might web and warp scramble your ship. Destroying all destroyer class
ships from the initial group will trigger spawning of reinforcement wave 1. The capital ship design
blueprint is found inside the Assembly Station DC105-A structure. It has the following description:
“The Caldari Navy have purportedly worked on this project for the past decade, but lack of funding
has kept this new type of capital ship from reaching the pre-production stage. These designs are
deemed highly classified and have been kept under wraps in this remote station.”
Debriefing: I bet they‟ll be more cautious in the future, but it‟s always gratifying to do some high-
level sabotage. And that‟s exactly what you did. I think we can count on you for the future.
As for what they were building, it will be a while before we know. Based on flight recordings, it
looks like they‟re building carriers. That‟s a break from tradition. My team will continue to look
into it.
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Culling the Weak
Agent name: Cilis Leglise
Mission type: Branch point
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: N/A
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
I‟ve come across a problem in my operations. You may have noticed a lot of interloping on the part
of other agents. Whether it‟s Kori trying to get you to show a modicum of mercy to the Navy or, as
I strongly suspect, Irichi leaving those messages, I‟m done with people trying to influence my
business. I can‟t have all this politics messing with my operations, especially not where a valuable
asset like you is concerned.
I want you to choose one of these offenders and follow their activity. They‟re both so eager to take
you off my hands. I suspect one, or both, of them are actively betraying the Guristas in some
fashion. Call me paranoid, but I just don‟t trust them. Thus, you will be my mole and try to
determine who is undermining my operations. This previous operation went well, but I suspect
some tampering from them. Operations like this don‟t normally go this well without a major
disaster occurring directly afterwards. Let‟s try to avoid a fiasco, OK?
Once I have this information, I‟ll be able to send them the appropriate message. No, I‟m not going
to do anything extreme. I‟m not going to do anything as stupid as encourage open infighting while
the Navy is so active. Consider this a setting of boundaries; but yes, I‟m essentially asking you to
help me screw up another agent‟s operation. We‟ll see how they like it.
Branch 1: Threat Assessment
Alright, Irichi. There is a small chance you may have worked with him before. He was a Lai Dai
ordinance engineer who failed one of his annual psychological evaluations. From there, he stowed
away aboard a capsuleer‟s ship heading into lowsec space. His mistake. The capsuleer‟s crew found
him, and he became the capsuleer‟s toy for two years before he escaped, absolutely insane and
missing half of his body parts. We‟ve been taking care of him ever since, and when he‟s lucid,
Irichi is actually quite brilliant. He has made some small recoveries, but we‟re not out to make him
normal. If we did, he might not want to be a pirate any longer. See the problem in that?
The notes you found make a lot more sense under that context, don‟t they? The fact that he‟s
sending you missives on his “transformation”, or whatever the hell he‟s calling it, means you‟re
either his favorite culprit at the moment, as is any capsuleer that he comes across, or he suspects
someone you‟re working with. That worries me.
Any time he becomes particularly active in this sort of way, somebody gets killed. Don‟t believe
anything he says about me unless you think it‟s gonna somehow give you an advantage, okay? He‟s
dangerous, and even if he sees you as some kind of instrument, it‟s not beyond him to kill you for
amusement. Be careful.
Branch 2: Smoke and Mirrors
Kori is one of the reasons I came over to the Guristas. But he‟s become soft, and he meddles. I‟ve
been monitoring his transmissions to you in the field, and I‟m sure he‟s working with the Navy.
He won‟t be willing to with you directly now. I‟ve arranged for you to meet with one of his
operatives, Eroma Eralen. You‟ll meet him in a deadspace pocket at these coordinates. Be careful,
though: Eroma is renowned for his technological ability. He‟s not good at anything else, but he sure
does know his way around illegal pirate tech, especially wavelength and frequency modulation.
Meet with him and see what he knows. He owes me a favor, anyway.
Notes/hints: None.
Missions: Previous, Overview
Mission name: Dread Pirates
Agent name: Irichi Tsunikabda
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: Yes
Mission briefing:
I‟ve been begging my handlers to let me get a hold of you. Just look at you, a genuine capsuleer.
We have a lot of pretenders around here. They‟ll do a few things for us here and there and then
they‟ll blow some of our guys out of the sky for the bounties on their heads.
Have my doubts, but we‟ll see.
I was sent to the Venal region a bit ago. The Navy and other State corps are moving in and trying
clean us honest rouges out, which is why we need to teach them fear.
Ytiri has a base they‟ve build up in HD-JVQ. We‟ll be taking it, but that‟s not where you fit in. It‟s
not enough to simply take the base: We need to curtail their ability to operate in this region. We
need to destroy all of the ships assigned to this base, let them know it‟s not worth the wasted time
and resources in trying to reclaim their property or their territory.
We‟re going to take that station over in the name of Guristas, and I have just the men to do it. I‟ll
hand over a platoon of soldiers, trained professionals within our ranks. They‟re known as the Dread
Guristas, and this is their strike force. Take them to the base, and let them do their magic. Wait for
the strike force to take control while you eliminate any enemies in the sky. Don‟t worry: They know
what they‟re doing.
But so do you, I guess. Well, I‟ll give you the reins on this one.
I‟m feeling better about you already. Maybe all those things Cilis and Kori said about you were true
after all. We‟ll see. It‟s not as though I trust Cilis. Something about her silhouette is familiar, if you
know what I mean? Do you? Come on, you know. You don‟t?
Objective: Deliver 1 Dread Guristas Strike Force (1.0 m3) to given destination.
Notes/hints: You are granted the strike force when accepting this mission.
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
2 Ytiri Light Missile Battery (missile battery) 25000 ISK
Repeating reinforcement wave:
2-3 Ytiri Frigate (frigate)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Irichi
“You won’t be able to gain access to their warehouse until you take out the Ytiri Security Bunker.
Take it out, and that should lower the warehouse’s security systems enough for you to get close.”
After destroying the Ytiri Security Bunker structure you will receive another message from the
agent Irichi Tsunikabda:
“The Warehouse is vulnerable. Drop off the Dread Guristas and let them do their magic. Wait for
their signal that the warehouse has been taken, and keep the space around here clear of any bad
guys. Once we get the all clear from the Dreads, you can get out of there.”
You can no drop off the strike force at the Ytiri Storage Warehouse structure. When getting close to
that structure you will receive the following message:
“Keep the air clear while we take care of these warehouse dogs. Wait for us to give you the signal
before you leave.”
Dropping off the strike force will make an instance of the repeating reinforcement wave spawn.
Destroying all ships in a group will make a new instance spawn. This goes on for 3 minutes at
which all remaining hostile ships will explode and the mission marked as complete.
Debriefing: I‟ll admit I had doubts about you. You think you can do anything you want to anyone
without reason or plan. I think you might be different. Cilis seems to think so. But then again, Cilis
was an egger, too.
Anyhow, smash up job. I couldn‟t be more pleased. I like it when a target is surprised to see death
waiting for him. It‟s one of the most beautiful things you can do as a pirate. The egger who held me
taught me that. Her crew chief helped me get away, but the container I was in busted on impact. In
the madness, I found myself re-forged. Even though I will kill the person who did this to me, I have
to thank them as well for making me what I am.
The recordings you‟ve received in the field are from me. Anyhow, what you did will certainly help,
but there‟s a lot of work to be done, and I can promise that I‟ll pay well. You had better have the
stomach for it.
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Foxfire
Agent name: Cilis Leglise
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: Yes
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Here are the coordinates for the Rabbit Hole. If Kipo is there, get him and bring him back. He‟s
been missing for a long time, and I‟ve had no leads on his whereabouts. I‟ll explain on the way. If
Kori has anything to do with this, I‟ll make sure he pays for his this crime. Go get Kipo!
You will be with me soon, Foxfire. I hope.
Objective: Provide 1 Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira (1.0 m3) to agent.
Deadspace entry point guards:
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Cilis
“This area has been abandoned for years. The Guristas created this as a mockery of the massive
Caldari State landmarks years ago, well before I joined them. They abandoned the project shortly
after I think they got bored, to be honest. Looks like Kori has been using this as a secret base
since then, judging from that acceleration gate over there. That wasn’t there a few years ago.”
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
12 Guristas Sentry Gun (sentry gun) 20000 ISK
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Cilis
“That gate looks like it’s about to cloak! Take out those turrets and see if there’s some way to
bring the gate back online.”
Shortly after entering the stage the acceleration gate to the next stage will disappear. Destroying the
sentry guns will make it reappear.
Deadspace stage 2 guards:
2 Caldari Light Missile Battery (missile battery) 25000 ISK
2 Caldari Point Defense Battery (missile battery) 10000 ISK
1 Caldari Stasis Tower (stasis tower) 35000 ISK
Reinforcement wave 1:
1 Caldari Navy Destroyer (destroyer)
3 Caldari Navy Frigate (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 2:
2 Caldari Navy Cruiser (cruiser)
3 Caldari Navy Frigate (frigate)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Irichi
“Hello Cilis. It’s been a long time. I hope you didn’t mind, but Kori and I borrowed your
lieutenant. Don’t worry, he’s still alive. I just made some modifications to him, much like how you
modified me all those years ago. Consider this my payback to you. And you, egger. I hope you had
fun flying with Cilis. It’s unfortunate that you got dragged into the middle of this. But you’ve been a
good errant boy. That’s what you capsuleers are good for.”
Reinforcement wave 1 will spawn a shortly after you enter the stage. Reinforcement wave 2 will
spawn upon destruction of the Caldari Navy Destroyer from reinforcement wave 1. Destroying one
of the Point Defense Batteries will make the Large EM Forcefield structure disappear and you can
attack the Caldari Navy Storage Bunker structure directly instead. When doing so you will receive
the following message from the agent Irichi Tsunikabda:
“The Navy? What the hell were they doing here? Kori didn’t say anything about them. Unless… He
was using us. That bastard, that traitor. He’s been a spy for the Navy! Oh well. I have my revenge.
Treat your lieutenant well, Cilis. I know I have. This isn’t over between us, though. Watch your
Destroying the storage bunker will make it drop Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira.
Debriefing: Please give me a minute while I go talk to my lieutenant. We still have work to do.
Kori has to pay for this.
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Enemy of my Enemy
Agent name: Arment Caute
Mission type: Courier
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: No
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
You seem like a trustworthy capsuleer, so I have an offer for you. The Federation Navy us working
on a few covert operations against the Caldari in conjunction with a few “unseemly” organizations
in the outer reaches of known space. Our Federation is not the only enemy of the Caldari State.
What‟s that adage? “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.Sometimes you just have to listen to
the proverbs.
To be blunt, you‟ll be flying with the Guristas. Yes, I know. They‟re pirates. However, they‟ve also
been a massive thorn in the Caldari‟s side for years, and we have come to an understanding of sorts
with them. I must emphasize this point though: if you accept this mission, nothing you do will be
recognized by the Federation. You will be flying for the pirates, not for us- We won‟t be bailing you
out, nor will we acknowledge this conversation. Rather, consider this your foot in the door. You‟re
working for pirates now.
Warning: This is a high-level, stealthy operation. You will need to fly an interceptor for these
missions. The journey out into nullsec is a dangerous one, and you must be prepared for interdiction
bubbles and the lawless rabble in that God-forsaken wilderness. Regardless, the Guristas asked that
I send pilots in interceptors, so don‟t go out there without one.
Objective: Report to given agent.
Notes/hints: None.
Missions: Overview, Next
Mission name: Fuel Gauge
Agent name: Cilis Leglise
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: Yes
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Thanks to your work back at the comms tower, we‟ve discovered the locations of a budding Navy
fleet. This Navy group is much larger than the ones we‟ve seen in recent times. It looks like they‟re
trying to weaken our hold on the fringe systems and consolidate power in Venal.
Not quite a bad plan on paper, to be completely honest. But they‟re becoming cocky, expecting to
sneak up on us and take out our forces with ease. We‟ll do them one better, though, and surprise
them. If we strike first, they won‟t be able to muster their forces enough to overwhelm us. And
that‟s where you come in.
The fleet is docked at a fueling station, preparing for their attack. They‟re sitting ducks, or fish in a
barrel, or whatever cliché you want to use. What makes this a great opportunity for us is their
fueling depots. Those silos have enough energy stored in them to take out three fleets, if they
happen to catch on fire. And that‟s what you‟ll be doing. Destroy at least one of the fuel depots,
which will cascade and destroy the surrounding ships. Ignore the big ships and go straight for the
fuel depots. There may be some guards there, but your main targets are the fuel depots. This is way
more bang for your buck than you were expecting, huh?
The Navy has a habit of locking their gates before a big strike so that only smaller ships can get
through. This is a stealth operation: run and gun. You may be flying something small, but you‟ll
take out so much more than your ship should be capable of. Wanton destruction is a rather
satisfying feeling, to be sure.
Objective: Destroy 1 Fuel Depot (Alpha, Beta or Gamma) structure.
Deadspace entry point guards:
2 Fueling Depot Guard (destroyer)
7 Fueling Depot Guard (frigate)
2 Caldari Stasis Tower (stasis tower) 35000 ISK
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Cilis
“We’ve really caught them off guard. There’s just a small group of ships and a couple of stasis
towers guarding the gate. The frigates should be no problem, but you might want to go for the stasis
towers first, as they will make you an easy target.”
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
4 State Tenkyu (battleship)
6 State Utaisho (battleship)
6 State Yojimbo (battleship)
2 State Zen (battleship)
7 Fueling Depot Guard (destroyer)
7 Fueling Depot Guard (frigate)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Cilis
“See? They’re completely unprepared. Look at that: entire groups of ships listless and barely
By my estimations, those depots have enough energy in them to take out the surrounding ships. All
we need is for you to start the fire. Take out the fuel depot’s quickly, before the battleships have a
chance to escape, or worse; shoot back.”
Destroying any of the Fuel Depot structures (Alpha, Beta and Gamma) will make all battleship class
guards near that structure explode. Frigate and destroyer classes are not harmed. Some of the Fuel
Depot Guard frigates might web and warp scramble your ship.
Debriefing: Congratulations. Pound for pound, you‟ve have caused much more destruction than
most pilots of your caliber. We‟ve bloodied their noses with this strike. Now, it‟s time for the
knockout punch.
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Intelligence Mining
Agent name: Kori Latamaki
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: No
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
So you want to fly for the Guristas? Welcome aboard, egger. You get to do some rookie stuff.
We‟ve leaked information on the location of a particular rich group of asteroids within Venal. We
expect a Minedrill expedition to show up soon, and we want someone to be there to greet them. You
can expect their expedition to be made up of several combat escorts and an industrial.
Take out the industrial and grab its crew. Knowing Minedrill, this‟ll just be a research team they
need to test the rocks first before sending in those expensive barges. But once we have their people,
we can mine their personnel for any intelligence on future ops.
If you haven‟t picked up on this already, we‟re a cautious bunch. We like to make sure whatever op
we run goes off right. We have weapon caches, safe houses, and agents everywhere we plan to
operate, even in empire space. The Guristas have contingencies for everything, even dealing with
someone like you.
We‟re not just a bunch of swashbuckling goons. Despite slander from the empires, we know what
we‟re doing, and we‟re damn good at it. Stick with us, egger. You‟ll get rich if you do.
Objective: Provide 1 Minedrill E518 Crew (3.0 m3) to agent.
Deadspace entry point guards:
Reinforcement wave 1:
3 Minedrill Expedition Frigate (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 2:
1 Minedrill Expedition Elite Frigate (frigate)
2 Minedrill Expedition Frigate (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 3:
1 Minedrill Expedition Cruiser (cruiser)
2 Minedrill Expedition Frigate (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 3:
2 Minedrill Expedition Destroyer (destroyer)
2 Minedrill Expedition Frigate (frigate)
1 Minedrill E518 Industrial (industrial)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Kori
“You there? Good. No one’s arrived yet. Take up a position wherever you want, and wait. When
you see the Minedrill expedition, warp to an asteroid near the ships, and take them out. You’re
positioned to get the drop on them, so make sure to take advantage of the situation.”
Each reinforcement wave will spawn with two minutes interval in between after you have entered
the stage. Upon destruction of the E518 Industrial it will drop the crew and you will receive the
following message from the agent Kori Latamaki:
“All right. Bring our new friends back to station. We’ve got some people ready to take them into
our care. Good work out there, rookie. I’m actually impressed.”
Debriefing: Great. We should be getting reliable intelligence from them soon. If I were you, I‟d
take it easy for a bit. Based on Minedrill‟s recent activity, it‟s fair to say they have a major contract
with somebody; probably the Navy.
Missions: Previous (Enemy of my Enemy, Recruitment Drive, Turning Coat), Overview, Next
Mission name: Knockout Punch
Agent name: Cilis Leglise
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes (shuttles only)
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
You have no idea how much you frightened the Navy with the last strike. They‟re completely
demoralized and retreating to a rally point in a nearby deadspace pocket. Turns out, they had a
carrier waiting in their midst to bring extra destruction to our members. Well, we‟ll take care of
The fleet is pinned down, but we‟re having trouble getting to them. Theyve locked themselves in
the pocket, only allowing shuttles to get through their gates. We thought we‟d have a large siege on
our hands, but a rather brilliant idea came to me. I am, of course, a capsuleer like yourself; we think
differently than the mortals we have to deal with.
Time for a suicide run. Doesn‟t that sound like fun? We‟ll give you a shuttle to take specifically for
this mission. (We have quite a stockpile of useless Caldari shuttles, for some reason.) You can join
our talented Guristas Capsuleer Fleet, which specializes in suicide missions. Meet with the fleet at
the deadspace pocket, pick up some of our “dirty” explosives from a fellow fleet member, and fly at
the carrier. You‟ll lose the shuttle, but you‟ll take out that carrier. I wish I could go on this mission,
but I‟ve got my own orders to follow.
I highly recommend that you update your clone in this station. You will lose this shuttle that we
have provided you, but you won‟t get podded. However, you will be a very easy target for wayward
pirates in the area. Not to worry, though: You can minimize the risk for this mission. Besides, I‟ll
make sure that you‟re handsomely rewarded for this effort. Hell, the thrill of the kill should be
enough, right?
This is one of the perks of being capsuleer. When death isn‟t an issue you can let yourself go with
wild abandon. Ok, enough ruminating: Go deliver that knockout punch to the Navy!
Objective: Pick up the Guristas „Dirty Explosive System and bring it close to the Caldari State
Notes/hints: 1 Caldari Shuttle (500.0 m3) will be granted to you when accepting this mission.
Deadspace entry point guards:
18 Guristas Battleship (battleship) 800000 ISK
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Kori
“Rookie, I think Cilis is leading you down the wrong path. This fleet is already down for the count;
do you really need to deliver the killing blow?”
The guards are friendly unless fired upon. When getting close to the acceleration gate to the next
stage you will receive the following message from the agent Cilis Leglise:
“There is no mercy for Navy scum. The bastards locked the gate behind them so that only shuttles
can get through. They thought they were being funny. Luckily, we have our Capsuleer Shuttle Fleet
ready. Get in there and finish the job.”
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
1 State Bushi (cruiser)
1 State Dogo (cruiser)
5 State Bo-Hi (frigate)
2 State Showato (frigate)
11 Captured Caldari State Shuttle (shuttle)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Cilis
“Looks like the fleet got distracted by some frigates and our primary got taken out by that gate over
there. You have to finish the job. Pick up the explosives, go through the gate, and destroy that
Shortly after entering the stage, all guards will explode upon each other. Pick up the Guristas
„Dirty‟ Explosive System from the Damaged Caldari Shuttle.
Deadspace stage 2 guards:
1 Caldari State Carrier (carrier)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Kori
“I’m going to ask you again: don’t do this. We can get intelligence through non-violence. There is
no need for thoughtless slaughter. Cilis is leading you astray -
This is followed immediately by a message from the agent Cilis Leglise:
“There it is. That’s the carrier. Full speed ahead, egger. Don’t worry, it’s not a suicide run if you
can’t truly die.”
When you get within close proximity to the carrier, both it and you will explode and the mission is
marked as completed.
Debriefing: Beautiful. You just brought a tear to my eye. This is poetry in motion. Makes me want
to get back in my pod again.
We took out that Navy fleet, but something isn‟t quite right. I‟ll explain more later. We have a spy
to root out.
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Miscommunication
Agent name: Cilis Leglise
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: Yes
Mission briefing:
I was hoping you‟d contact me. You‟ve made quite the impression among the Guristas ranks, so I
had to jump at the chance of working the hot, new capsuleer.
We‟ve been picking up increased Navy activity in the region. It‟s really gutsy of them to come this
far into Venal. This is our turf, after all. Before we can draw them into an ambush or respond in any
meaningful (and hopefully humiliating) way, we need to know more about their activities. Luckily,
Kori‟s provided me with some rather juicy information on a communications station that the Navy
has erected. I need you to take it out.
According to our intel, the State uses the Venal Regional Comms tower to feed their forces about
our movements within this region. I don‟t know: This is pretty dirty, even by Caldari standards. We
can change this situation, though. If you hack the tower, it‟ll redirect the signal to follow the Navy‟s
movements instead of ours.
Take this codebreaker and hack the tower. You‟ll have to hang around the tower for a bit once
you‟ve successfully hacked the signal. Something may turn up, possibly some more trouble. Roll
with the punches on this one, and think on your feet. I assume you know what you‟re doing. After
all, we capsuleers are invincible warriors, right?
Great. I can sleep a little better knowing you‟re on the case, “name”. Don‟t get killed. Not like
that‟ll matter much, really, but I know how annoying it is to update your clone.
Objective: Hack the Venal Regional Comms Tower structure.
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
2 Caldari Navy Patrol Destroyer (destroyer)
10 Caldari Navy Patrol Frigate (frigate)
2 Caldari Navy Special Operations Patrol (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 1:
2 Caldari Navy Patrol Destroyer (destroyer)
2 Caldari Navy Patrol Frigate (frigate)
Notes/hints: One Codebreaker module will be granted to you when accepting this mission. You do
not need to destroy all guards to complete the mission. Upon a successful attempt using a
Codebreaker module on the Venal Regional Comms Tower structure the mission will be marked as
complete, reinforcement wave 1 will spawn and you will receive the following message from the
agent Irichi Tsunikabda:
“Hey! Look inside the comms tower! I’ve left something for you. Don’t ask how it got there, just
look over it. For now it’s just between you and me, OK? Go ahead and fetch it, then tell Cilis
you’ve completed the mission.”
Inside the comms tower structure you will find 1 Holoreel GRS-81A (0.5 m3) with the following
“The holoreel plays a short message. A man’s voice can be heard:
“I need you to listen very carefully, because I don't have much time. When I was with her, she had a
woman there, as well. I know this to be true because I could hear her interrogating the crew. I
couldn't see her until the last days, but when I got loose and crossed to where they were holding
her, I saw that there wasn't much left. It was like that egger had ordered her face to be burnt away
or removed.
I don't know what she's planning. Since the accident, she could very well have assumed any identity.
It's possible she doesn't even-
The message ends abruptly. There is something scrawled on the back: “Even devils will have their
Debriefing: Goddamnit, what is Irichi doing? That bastard is losing his mind. He hasn‟t been the
same since he lost his legs, and he blames me for that. Well, I guess he should. I was the one who
tortured him when I was working for the Federation. But we‟re Guristas, and we pirates have to
stick together, right? It‟s the pirate‟s code. That, and “every pirate for herself?”
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Passing the Buck
Agent name: Irichi Tsunikabda
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
The transformation is nearly complete. We are on the road to a new future, the fourth stage of
humanity. And it will start with the Guristas.
You have Lt. Kipo, yes? You will deliver him to Cilis. I have let her know that you are en route.
Kori may show up, and if he does, I apologize. He has rejected the future and continues to stumble
in this aimless void.
I forgot one thing. In exchange for the return of Foxfire, Cilis has promised to give me a special
holoreel. This holoreel is very important to my development, and it must be returned to me. Drop
Kipo off at the Cilis‟s headquarters, and then get the holoreel.
Humanity‟s inherent problem is its constant insistence on adhering to the primal instincts of nature,
science, and the hidden rules of the physical world. Once we discover that mind, the inner void of
thought and expression, is the ultimate key to enlightment, then we will become the truly powerful
beings of creation. Until then, all of our feuds, our battles, our quarrels, and our tensions will only
contribute to the persistent nihilism of eternal space. In a way, my brethren in the Guristas have it
right: Nothingness is the way. But they are going about it in the wrong manner. I hope you can help
show them the truth.
Objective: Provide 1 Holoreel Torture Log I15B (0.5 m3) to agent.
Notes/hints: You are granted 1 Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira (1.0 m3) to agent.
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
8 Guristas Battleship Vessel (battleship) 500000 ISK
1 Caldari Cruiser Vessel (cruiser)
1 Gallente Cruiser Vessel (cruiser)
1 Minmatar Cruiser Vessel (cruiser)
5 Gallente Frigate Vessel (cruiser)
5 Minmatar Frigate Vessel (cruiser)
Reinforcement wave 1:
3 State Bushi (cruiser)
2 State Dogo (cruiser)
4 State Shukuro Shinai (frigate)
1 State Shukuro Shuriken (frigate)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Irichi
“I’ve let Cilis know that you are en route, so there should be no resistance to her. Foxfire was her
best lieutenant, and she’ll be glad to have him back. I don’t know how useful he’ll be, though,
especially after the modifications I performed to his body. Revenge is sweet sometimes.”
The guards are friendly unless fired upon. After dropping of Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira at the Cilis
Leglise‟s Headquarters structure the acceleration gate to the next stage will appear and you will
receive the following message from the agent Cilis Leglise:
“You are a bastard, Irichi. I should have finished the job when I had you in my custody. No matter,
you’ll get what you deserve one day. We’re not through with each other. Capsuleer, go through that
gate. You’ll find what you need in the next deadspace pocket.”
Moments after this message the Cilis Leglise‟s Headquarters structure will explode, all guards will
disappear and you will receive another message from Cilis Leglise:
“Kipo? Foxfire?? What just happened? My station!”
This is followed by a message from agent Irichi Tsunikabda:
“I modified Kipo’s body. He took on some extra organs: explosives, warheads, nano-bombs.
Enough to take out your HQ. I may have gone a little overboard, but it was worth it. Too bad you
weren’t there to experience the fireworks. This isn’t over, Cilis. In fact, it will never end.
Caldari ships? What are they doing here? Capsuleer, get through that gate as soon as possible!”
This triggers spawning of reinforcement wave 1 which are hostile ships.
Deadspace stage 2 guards:
3 State Shukuro Shinai (frigate)
1 State Shukuro Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Yari (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 1:
1 State Shukuro Buke (cruiser)
2 State Shukuro Choji (destroyer)
1 State Shukuro Kamikazi (destroyer)
1 State Shukuro Shinai (frigate)
2 State Shukuro Shuriken (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 2:
1 State Kerai (battlecruiser)
2 State Shukuro Choji (destroyer)
2 State Shukuro Shinai (frigate)
1 Tabu State Tachi (frigate)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Kori
“Sorry to break up this lover’s quarrel, but I couldn’t let you two sit there and bicker and not join
the fun. You two have been meddling in my affairs for too long. I’ve worked years on developing
inside relations with the Caldari Navy, and I can’t let that be compromised by you two amateurs.
How do you think I knew where their bases were and what they were doing? Well, I’ve used my
connections to take your operations out. Enjoy your little feud. We’ll see how long it lasts”
Destroying the Tabu State Yari frigate triggers spawning of reinforcement wave 1. Destroying the
State Shukuro Buke cruiser triggers spawning of reinforcement wave 2. Destroying the State Kerai
battlecruiser makes the Caldari Storage Warehouse structure appear in which you will find the
torture log holoreel with the following description:
“The grainy footage on this holoreel depicts a young man standing in a small room, his arms bound
and his legs chained to the ground, spread apart as far as they can go. His face cannot be seen. The
man is bleeding from cuts all across his body. A woman’s voice asks him an inaudible question. He
answers, “No.” The voice asks another question, also inaudible. The man gives the same response.
This repeats for a few more questions. After the last question, a woman dressed in a Gallente
Federation uniform appears. She approaches the man. The man lifts his head, showing his face: It
is Irichi. The woman holds his face in his hands, kisses him softly on the lips, and turns to the
holoprojector: It is Cilis. She reaches off camera for something. Behind her, Irichi’s head drops,
tears streaming down his face. Cilis returns, holding a remote in her hands. She pushes a button.
Mechanical noises reverberate throughout the room. A panel opens beneath Irichi’s feet. He
winces, screams in pain. Loud sawing noises interrupt the scene. The footage goes blank.”
Debriefing: Cilis must have told you that I was crazy. That might be true; who am I to say? You
can judge for yourself, but remember what you have experienced here. I have mastered my
transformation; I am now perfect. Can‟t you tell? Don‟t you understand?
This bickering among us, between Cilis and Kori and me, must come to an end. If they want to
achieve my level of humanity, then this bickering must end, the feuds must stop, and they must trust
in their fellow pirate. That is what I hoped to achieve with Lt. Kipo: He was the impetus for change.
He accepted his mind, rejected his body, and willfully sacrificed himself for the betterment of the
Guristas and humanity.
The holoreel was a reminder of my life before this incarnation, when social interactions, my body,
my loved ones were important to me. A memento mori of a forsaken existence. Thank you; it was
the final piece to true understanding.
I doubt that my efforts were successful today. Cilis and Kori will most likely maintain their blood
feud, their bitter struggle for supremacy in this meaningless void. I will not relent, however: As
long as they continue down that path, I will be there to usher them into a new beginning, the perfect
world, and the true way. This will never end until our bodies wither and our minds burn with truth.
Thank you for your services, capsuleer. I know how you demigods value material possessions, so
please accept this gift. You have been immeasurably helpful in assisting the Guristas. I hope we
may cross paths again in the future. If you ever want to achieve enlightenment, please come find me
Missions: Previous, Overview
Mission name: Planning the Operation
Agent name: Kori Latamaki
Mission type: Branch point
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: No
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Yes, I have something for you. The miners were useful to us; we barely had to use our “persuasion
tactics” on them. Though that didn‟t stop us from going the extra mile for some additional
information, of course. Their stories all seem to corroborate each others' on a few key targets, but
the most interesting one is a secret Navy shipyard operating nearby, right in our backyard.
According to our new friends here, Minedrill is working with the Caldari Navy to build up a sizable
fleet in our territory. From the way these miners have been jumping for rocks, they may even be
building a few Titan-class ships. All we know is that they‟re definitely building something large.
The prisoners‟ stories agreed on that, and not just because we were beating them with jolt sticks.
I believe the Navy is building up to push into Venal, or to create pressure in Okkellen. The Navy
just ought to know better. Regardless, I need someone to find out what they're building there; lucky
for us, I think we can bypass a substantial amount of the security you'd be facing otherwise.
Here are your options:
Either by force or by subterfuge, we need those designs. I don‟t know which is more your style, so
I‟ll let you choose.
Branch 1: Sabotage 101
The Minedrill crew talked about a minefield near a long-abandoned Caldari station. The whole
place dates back to an earlier conflict between us and the Navy. What‟s significant about the station
now is an acceleration gate that should lead you into the heart of the shipyard. However, traversing
the minefield will be difficult. Once inside, you should have access to the shipyard, and from there,
you can sneak up and steal any designs that they‟re working on.
Branch 2: Brassy Faced Bastard
We need someone to get in there, find their assembly station, and take their ship designs. Since you
didn‟t want to go through the minefield, you‟ll be taking a more direct approach. If you can‟t go
around it, then you might as well go through it, right?
We‟ve scrambled your comms signal to a Navy frequency. You should, theoretically, read as one of
them. This is, of course, according to our guests from Minedrill. You should definitely fit your ship
like you‟re expecting a fight. Hopefully you‟ll get past the initial security. If not, then you‟ll have to
do some fighting. But that‟s what you‟re good for, isn‟t it? And if the Minedrill guys were lying to
us, then we‟ll take care of them for good.
You can take a more direct approach. You can approach the shipyard proper and try to either sneak
past the sentry guns, or blast your way through. Sort of a run-and-gun operation. Same deal, though;
once inside, you‟ll grab the designs and get out of there. Guristas Production will examine them
when you return, and we‟ll probably send some folks over there to level the place depending on
what we find. It might even be you.
Notes/hints: None.
Missions: Previous, Overview
Mission name: Rabbit Hole
Agent name: Irichi Tsunikabda
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: Yes
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Cilis Leglise‟s lieutenant has been missing for quite some time, and nobody knows where he is.
Except for Kori Latamaki and me. Kori helped me capture him and offered to hide him from Cilis.
My intentions are pure: I want to cleanse his soul, and by extension, cleanse Cilis‟s as well.
However, that required me to rebuild him, purify him, and make him stronger. You might think I‟m
a monster, but I assure you that I‟m not. Rather, I am here to bring light to the pirates, to show them
the true path, to evolve them. Lt. Kipo is the first step in this metamorphosis. His evolution mirrors
my own; the others will follow suit.
We are holding him at the Rabbit Hole. I‟ll give you the coordinates. Fly there and retrieve them;
Kori should be expecting you.
I‟ll explain more when you get there. The Rabbit Hole is special to the Guristas. It was their first
step to enlightenment. I will show them the rest of the path.
Objective: Provide 1 Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira (1.0 m3) to agent.
Deadspace entry point guards:
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Irichi
“This area has been abandoned for years. The Guristas created this as a mockery of the massive
Caldari State landmarks years ago. They abandoned the project shortly after I think they got
bored, to be honest. Kori has been using this as a secret base since then.”
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
12 Guristas Sentry Gun (sentry gun) 20000 ISK
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Irichi
“Those turrets look like they’re about to fire on you! I told Kori that you’ll be coming. Why aren’t
they holding their fire? Get through that gate as quickly as you can! I think the gate is about to
cloak. What’s going on here?”
Shortly after entering the stage the acceleration gate to the next stage will disappear. Destroying the
sentry guns will make it reappear.
Deadspace stage 2 guards:
2 Caldari Light Missile Battery (missile battery) 25000 ISK
2 Caldari Point Defense Battery (missile battery) 10000 ISK
1 Caldari Stasis Tower (stasis tower) 35000 ISK
Reinforcement wave 1:
1 Caldari Navy Destroyer (destroyer)
3 Caldari Navy Frigate (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 2:
2 Caldari Navy Cruiser (cruiser)
3 Caldari Navy Frigate (frigate)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Irichi
“I think we’ve been set up by Kori. He’s not responding to my messages, and he is not holding his
turrets’ fire. Looks like you’ll have to blast your way to Kipo, either through that force field or by
deactivating it… What’s that? I see Caldari Navy ships coming your way. What the hell are they
doing here?”
Reinforcement wave 1 will spawn a shortly after you enter the stage. Reinforcement wave 2 will
spawn upon destruction of the Caldari Navy Destroyer from reinforcement wave 1. Destroying one
of the Point Defense Batteries will make the Large EM Forcefield structure disappear and you can
attack the Caldari Navy Storage Bunker structure directly instead. When doing so you will receive
the following message from the agent Kori Latamaki:
“Our deal is no longer lucrative for me, so I’m calling it off. You’ve got your lieutenant, and you’ll
get your revenge. But I have bigger plans. You and Cilis can bicker all you want; just remember,
I’ll be watching you from a distance. Don’t try anything funny, or I’ll make you pay. You fly well,
capsuleer. Don’t take this personally: This is entirely between Irichi and me.”
Destroying the storage bunker will make it drop Lieutenant Kipo “Foxfire” Tekira.
Debriefing: I do not understand this betrayal by Kori. Of all me fellow pirates, he was the most
visceral and real of them all. I don‟t know what he‟s planning. Either way, time to return the
lieutenant off to Cilis. Hopefully, she will come to the light afterwards.
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Recruitment Drive
Agent name: Yada Vinjivas
Mission type: Courier
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: No
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Hey, egger, I have an offer for you.
Are you tired of empires and their constant bickering? Do you consider CONCORD to be a
detriment to progress in our modern society? Are you looking for a life of thrills and adventure
among the stars? Do you want to be rich and famous?
If you answered “Yes” to the above questions, then look no further: The Guristas are the
organization for you! From high-stakes operations against the Caldari State, to plundering colonies
and targets of opportunity in Venal, the Guristas will help you get a piece of action. There‟s money
to be made in the furthest reaches of space. Don‟t be left out of being an outlaw!
We‟re looking for a solid capsuleer to aid us in operations against the Caldari Navy. If you are
interested, then accept this mission. You‟ll travel to Venal and work with our best agents.
Warning: This is a high-level, stealthy operation. You will need to fly an interceptor for these
missions. The journey out into nullsec is a dangerous one, and you must be prepared for interdiction
bubbles and the lawless rabble you'll run into on your way to Venal. It‟s high risk, but also high
reward. Either way, an interceptor is an absolute must-have for this operation.
Objective: Report to given agent.
Notes/hints: None.
Missions: Overview, Next
Mission name: Sabotage 101
Agent name: Kori Latamaki
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Normally an op like this would take a quite bit longer to plan, but having a capsuleer on board
makes things a little easier. As I‟ve stated when I told you about your options for this op, you‟ll
need to fly through a mine field to infiltrate the shipyard. Don‟t be afraid to get your hands dirty.
This area might be a little creepy, but there‟s history in that station: For starters, it was one of the
many State-run orphanages established after the exodus from Caldari Prime, focusing mainly on
raising the products of the test-tube birthing program. Later, the Navy requisitioned the area to
combat Gurista encroachment. That‟s when the mines started to show up
Be careful with those mines. Who knows how long they‟ve been there or how effective they still
are. Tread carefully, or shoot them with caution. If er, once you get past the mines, you‟ll see
the station. Inside the station will be some capital ship designs for an upcoming Navy project,
codenamed “Dictator.” Grab those designs and get out of there. You should be able to take them
directly from the assembly station, according to the Minedrill prisoners. That is, unless there are no
Objective: Provide 1 Capital Ship Design “Dictator” (0.1 m3) to agent.
Deadspace entry point guards:
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Kori
“Beyond that gate is a minefield. Fortunate for you, the charges were placed decades ago. I’d also
keep a look out for Navy patrols.
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
None, but will contain 44 Proximity Charge structures instead.
Notes/hints: When warping to the stage you will receive the following message:
Warning! You are entering Caldari Navy space. Only authorized personnel of the Caldari State
may proceed. An escort is being summoned to assess your security clearance…
Error! Transmitter is not connected and/or requires repair. Please contact the nearest Caldari
Navy installation for assistance.
A Proximity Charge structure will detonate and damage anything in its vicinity if you get within 7
km distance of it.
Deadspace stage 2 guards:
3 State Yumi (destroyer)
2 State Shukoro Shinai (frigate)
1 State Shukoro Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Shuriken (frigate)
1 Taibu State Suriage (frigate)
Reinforcement wave 1:
1 State Dogo (cruiser)
2 State Shukoro Choji (destroyer)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message:
“How the hell did someone get in here? Scramble! Scramble!”
The Taibu State Suriage might web and warp scramble your ship. Destroying all destroyer class
ships from the initial group will trigger spawning of reinforcement wave 1. The capital ship design
blueprint is found inside the Assembly Station DC105-A structure. It has the following description:
“The Caldari Navy have purportedly worked on this project for the past decade, but lack of funding
has kept this new type of capital ship from reaching the pre-production stage. These designs are
deemed highly classified and have been kept under wraps in this remote station.”
Debriefing: Good work. We‟ll have Guristas Production have a look at those designs. We should
know what the Navy‟s plans are in short order.
By the way, that was one of the most impressive feats of flying I‟ve seen. Bringing you on board
doesn‟t seem like a mistake, at least right now. Stick around, and those pay days will keep coming.
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Smoke and Mirrors
Agent name: Cilis Leglise
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: Yes
Mission briefing:
Kori‟s aware that the two of you are meeting, though he doesn‟t know what this is about. I don‟t
think he‟s suspicious. He should be. I want you to be careful on this one- Kori‟s operative has heard
of you. He knows you‟ve been working with me, and Kori teaches his people to be meticulous and
paranoid in everything.
It‟s one of the qualities that I used to find so endearing about him.
In any event, all you have to do is meet with Eroma. Actually, though that sounds easy enough,
he‟ll properly have some tricks up his sleeve.
Objective: Meet with Eroma Eralen and follow his instructions.
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
Reinforcement wave 1-3:
1 Pithoriate (cruiser)
5 Pithoriate (frigate)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message:
“Kori said you’d meet me here. He didn’t say what this was about, or what you wanted from him,
but here I am… somewhere. If you really want to speak with me, you’ll have to play my game. I
hear that you’re a good pilot, but we’ll see about that. Fly to that warehouse. Oh yeah, and don’t
mind those satellites.”
When getting within 4 km of the Guristas Warehouse structure, it will disappear and reinforcement
wave 1 will spawn in its place. After destroying all ships in that group another Guristas Warehouse
structure will appear. Get within 4 km of that, it will disappear and reinforcement wave 2 will
spawn in its place. Destroying all ships in that group will make another Guristas Warehouse
structure appear and you will receive the following message:
“You’re good at following orders, just like Kori said you’d be. What a good, little capsuleer.
Did you ever wonder why Kori told you to spare the Navy? We pirates don’t have much mercy,
right? Well, you’re not the only one who can follow orders. Some of us have bigger agendas than
we let on.
Oh look! More things for you to blow up. Go ahead, egger. Do what you do best: wanton
Get within 4 km of the new Guristas Warehouse structure and it will disappear and reinforcement
wave 3 will spawn in its place. Destroying all ships in that group will make another Guristas
Warehouse structure appear and you will receive the following message:
“Kori wants you to work for him again. He sees you as a valuable tool, and he’d rather have you
work for him than with Cilis. She’s dangerous, ambitious, and powerful; she’s rising the ranks, and
she will use any means to do so. Cilis has dirt on Kori, and Kori wants out. You’ve been a pawn in
their game. I hope you’ve had fun.
One more to go! You’ve been patient with me, and that’s good. Now fly to that last structure, and
do your worst.”
Destroy this new Guristas Warehouse structure and Eroma Eralen will spawn in person and you will
receive the following message:
“And then there’s Irichi. Do you remember him? That weird transmission at the Venal Regional
Comms tower? I helped him plan that. He hates Cilis just as much as Kori hates her. In fact, he
really despises Kori, too. See, we’re a big, happy family, aren’t we? You might think we’re all
about loot and plunder, smash and grab tactics, but the Guristas are more than that. We’re about
power, betrayal, and fear. That is our currency, our lifestyle, our credo.
Voila! Here I am. Come closer so I can tell you a secret.”
Move close to Eroma Eralen and you will receive the following message:
“You’re being used, by Kori and Cilis. You eggers aren’t as smart as you think you are. No
worries, though: Elaborate schemes have a tendency to play themselves out. Go with the flow, see
what Cilis does next, and go from there. Give Cilis my regards; I’ll tell Kori that you never showed
up. Good day, egger.
Oh yeah. I forgot. I have something for you to pass along to Cilis. Tell her, “Foxfire is in the Rabbit
Hole.” She’ll know what that means.”
Eroma Eralen will disappear shortly after and the mission is marked as complete.
Debriefing: Kipo? In the Rabbit Hole? Why would anyone go there. I wasn‟t expecting this
information. This must mean that Kori is involved, somehow. Now it‟s personal.
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Spy Games
Agent name: Cilis Leglise
Mission type: Encounter
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: Yes
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Lt. Kipo will never be the same again. He was my best operative, my closest lieutenant, and the best
pirate under my command. He is a shell of a man, a mutilated sack of meat, nearly useless as a
soldier. I‟ll have to take care of him, one way or the other…
In the meantime, Kori must pay. I know he‟s a traitor and has been working for the Caldari Navy.
What I don‟t have is proof, however. Lt. Kipo, though he is mostly unintelligible at this point, was
able to form a coherent sentence or two. And that dumb bastard Irichi told him of some of Kori‟s
future plans. Looks like Kori is sending our old friend Eroma to meet with the Navy very soon, and
Eralen has a special transponder to get through the tough Navy security. Your mission is to ambush
Eralen, grab the transponder, and enter the Caldari base. Once you have this Caldari Navy Overlay
Transponder, the Navy ships won‟t hassle you. I think. I‟m looking for a special dossier,
Correspondence Log KL-513. That should be everything I need to blackmail Kori and get him out
of the Guristas.
Once you‟ve completed this mission, I will reward you handsomely for your services. I may even
have a lieutenant position available soon. We‟ll see how this goes.
Objective: Provide 1 Correspondence Log KL-513 (0.5 m3) to agent.
Deadspace entry point guards:
1 Eroma Eralen (battlecruiser)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Cilis
“There’s Kori’s agent, Eroma Eralen. Take him out and grab his Caldari Overlay Transponder.
With that item in tow, you’ll be able to get past the Caldari guards in the next part of this
deadspace pocket. They will think you’re Eroma. Be careful, though: Eroma is a wild card, and
there’s no telling what he’ll do.”
Eroma only turns hostile when you get closer to him and you will receive the following message:
“Good to see you again, capsuleer. I knew we’d meet again. You caught me without my smoke and
mirrors. Guess I’ll have to take you out the old-fashioned way.”
Eroma will drop 1 Caldari Navy Overlay Transponder upon destruction and you will receive the
following message:
“I’ve been bested. You’ll make a fine Gurista one day, capsuleer. I think it’s about time I retire
from flying. Thank you for giving me a glorious end to my career…”
Deadspace stage 1 guards:
1 Quebec Squadron (cruiser)
1 Romeo Squadron (cruiser)
1 Sierra Squadron (cruiser)
1 Tango Squadron (cruiser)
3 Alpha Squadron (frigate)
3 Bravo Squadron (frigate)
3 Charlie Squadron (frigate)
3 Delta Squadron (frigate)
3 Echo Squadron (frigate)
3 Foxtrot Squadron (frigate)
3 Golf Squadron (frigate)
3 Hotel Squadron (frigate)
3 India Squadron (frigate)
3 Juliet Squadron (frigate)
3 Kilo Squadron (frigate)
3 Lima Squadron (frigate)
3 Mike Squadron (frigate)
3 November Squadron (frigate)
3 Oscar Squadron (frigate)
3 Papa Squadron (frigate)
Notes/hints: The guards are friendly unless fired upon. When getting close to the acceleration gate
to the next stage you will receive the following message:
“Please hold while we scan for your identification.
Vessel registered as Eroma Eralen
AKA Smoke and Mirrors
AKA Rabbit Foot
AKA Sergeant Paken Isurada, 3rd Battalion, 8th Regiment, Caldari Navy
You are free to enter.”
Deadspace stage 2 guards:
Reinforcement waves (each squadron is a wave):
1 Quebec Squadron (cruiser)
1 Romeo Squadron (cruiser)
1 Sierra Squadron (cruiser)
1 Tango Squadron (cruiser)
3 Mike Squadron (destroyer)
3 November Squadron (destroyer)
3 Oscar Squadron (destroyer)
5 Alpha Squadron (frigate)
5 Bravo Squadron (frigate)
5 Charlie Squadron (frigate)
5 Delta Squadron (frigate)
5 Echo Squadron (frigate)
5 Foxtrot Squadron (frigate)
4 Golf Squadron (frigate)
4 Hotel Squadron (frigate)
4 India Squadron (frigate)
4 Juliet Squadron (frigate)
4 Kilo Squadron (frigate)
4 Lima Squadron (frigate)
Notes/hints: When entering the stage you will receive the following message from the agent Cilis
“I’m surprised that worked. The Navy must be getting dumber and more gullible each year. Seems
that ways, at least, since the start of Heth’s rise. Good for business, bad for them. We need that
evidence of Gori’s treason. It must be in that building behind the forcefield. Approach the bunker
carefully and watch out for any Navy ships. Take out the forcefield, grab the evidence and get out of
there as fast as possible.”
This is followed shortly after by a message from Kori Latamaki:
“I got a signal from Eroma’s ship that he went down, but I couldn’t reach my Navy friends in time.
Looks like they’re on their way, though. I should have figured you’d try to meddle in this, Cilis. I’ve
worked on establishing contacts within the Navy for years. How do you think I knew about their
bases, their projects, and their locations? I’m not going to let you ruin this deal like you ruined my
career in the Guristas. No matter, though. I’ll have them take out your capsuleer friend first.
Afterwards, I’ll set their sights on you. This isn’t over, Cilis. Not by a long shot.”
The many reinforcement waves will spawn one by one as you get closer and closer to the Caldari
Bunker structure. You either have to take stops and destroy what waves that have spawned or try to
outrun them and their damage (tricky), blow up the forcefield and the bunker, grab the evidence and
get out of there. The evidence is dropped by the Caldari Bunker structure upon destruction.
Debriefing: We‟re a big, happily family, aren‟t we? You thought a pirate‟s life was all fun and
plunder, profit and murder, the thrill of being an outlaw. We have our own problems, our own
internal strife. Sometimes, I don‟t know why I chose this lifestyle.
But I‟m a capsuleer, and life has a different quality to it. You properly know what I‟m talking
about. All this backstabbing and in-fighting, these land-grabs and territorial bickering. What does
this matter for a demigod? For us, it‟s a matter of attrition: The last clone standing wins all the
worthless, empty space in the universe.
Oh well. It‟s fun while it lasts, right? Kori was right: This isn‟t over between us. It never will be.
But I‟ll win out in the end. He‟ll die, I‟ll die, Irichi‟ll die. But then I‟ll hop into my next clone, and
I‟ll win. That makes it worth it, right?
This feud is between us Guristas; you have your own battles to fight. So fly well, egger. Maybe
we‟ll work together again someday.
Missions: Previous, Overview
Mission name: Threat Assessment
Agent name: Cilis Leglise
Mission type: Courier
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: No
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Good. You‟re proving to be as trustworthy as I was hoping you‟d be. Show up at his base of
operations in PF-QHK. He should be ecstatic to see you.
One last thing: Keep an eye out for my missing lieutenant. I have come to believe that Irichi is
somehow responsible for his disappearance.
Objective: Report to given agent.
Notes/hints: None.
Missions: Previous, Overview, Next
Mission name: Turning Coat
Agent name: Atma Aulato
Mission type: Courier
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: No
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
I don‟t know if you‟re interested, but I need some help. How would you like to help me earn some
money at the expense of the Caldari State? I know what you‟re thinking: I must be crazy. But, to be
honest, the State hasn‟t been too kind to me as of late, and I need to pay them back for their
indiscretions. They‟ve already put some surveillance on my activities, so I need a proxy to aid me in
taking them down. Are you interested in helping me, soldier?
To be blunt, you‟ll be flying with the Guristas. Yes, I know. Theyre pirates. However, they‟ve also
been a massive thorn in the Caldari‟s side for years, and I have to come to an understanding of sorts
with them. I must emphasize this point, though: if you accept this mission, I will not acknowledge
your existence. I won‟t be bailing you out, nor will I admit that this conversation ever took place.
Consider this to be your foot in the door. You‟re working for pirates now. If you are willing to
undermine the Caldari State as much as I want to see them undermined, then this is your
Warning: This is a high-level, stealthy operation. You will need to fly an interceptor for these
missions. The journey out into nullsec is a dangerous one, and you must be prepared for interdiction
bubbles and the lawless rabble in that God-forsaken wilderness. Regardless, the Guristas asked that
I send pilots in interceptors, so don‟t go out there without one.
Objective: Report to given agent.
Notes/hints: None.
Missions: Overview, Next
Mission name: Upward Momentum
Agent name: Kori Latamaki
Mission type: Courier
Acceleration gate restrictions in effect: No
Accept remotely: No
Complete remotely: No
Mission briefing:
Nice work. You‟ve proven yourself to be a competent pilot, and you‟ve garnered some attention
from the higher-ups. Being a capsuleer certainly helps your case. I have requested that another
agent handle your work with the Guristas. I feel that you have the potential to rise in our ranks. One
of my old associates jumped at the chance to have you. One of her lieutenants has gone missing,
and she needs a capable pilot to assist her.
So it‟s done. Consider it a promotion. You‟ll be working with Cilis Leglise. I brought her in,
actually. She was Federation Intelligence before I convinced her to turn against the Empires. I got
her to defect, and she‟s risen through the ranks at breakneck speed.
Cilis and Irichi Tsunikabda are handling our work against the Navy in this section of Venal. The
Navy‟s been making efforts to clean this region up recently. Very operation they attempt against us,
Cilis is there to ruin their mission. Cilis is their unrelenting, ubiquitous scourge.
Objective: Report to given agent.
Notes/hints: None.
Missions: Previous (Brassy Faced Bastard, Sabotage 101), Overview, Next
Deadspace Complexes
Complex name: Counter Intelligence Center
System (security level): Obe (0.3)
DED rating: None.
Ship size restrictions: None.
Beacon description: Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the
entire solarsystem.
Entrance point
Warp-in description: None.
Agents: Atma Aulato
Guards: None.
Destroyable structures: None.
Lootable structures: None.
Notes/hints: This location contains an agent who can start the arc.
Complex name: Gallente Counter-intelligence Center
System (security level): Orvolle (0.7)
DED rating: None.
Ship size restrictions: None.
Beacon description: Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the
entire solarsystem.
Entrance point
Warp-in description: None.
Agents: Arment Caute
Guards: None.
Destroyable structures: None.
Lootable structures: None.
Notes/hints: This location contains an agent who can start the arc.
Complex name: Guristas Recruitment Center
System (security level): Taisy (0.3)
DED rating: None.
Ship size restrictions: None.
Beacon description: Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the
entire solarsystem.
Entrance point
Warp-in description: None.
Agents: Yada Vinjivas
Guards: None.
Destroyable structures: None.
Lootable structures: None.
Notes/hints: This location contains an agent who can start the arc.
Info on
The Guristas Code
The Guristas code is simple: Everything goes.