Princeton University
Graduate Student Handbook
The 2023 – 2024 Edition
DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY – 2023 /2024 Edition
Ph.D. Requirements 1
Breadth Requirement 1
Course Requirements 2
Choosing an Adviser 2
The Advisory Committee 3
Teaching Requirement 4
The General Examination 4
Academic Evaluation 5
Third Year Seminars 5
Original Research Proposal 5
Dissertation 6
Embargo of Dissertation 6
Final Public Oral Examination 7
Vacation Policy 8
International Travel 9
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) 9
Safety 9
Enrollment 10
Readmission/Reenrollment 10
In Absentia Status 11
Leave of Absence 11
Termination 12
Dissertation Completion Enrollment (DCE) 12
Enrollment Terminated/Degree Candidacy Continues (ET/DCC) 12
Outside Funding 13
Departmental Awards 14
University Awards 15
University Funds 15
The Dean's Fund for Scholarly Travel 15
Assistance with Medical Expenses 16
Program in Neuroscience 16
High Meadows Environmental Institute 17
Princeton Materials Institute 17
Graduate Program in Materials 18
Corporate Recruiting 19
Women Researchers in Chemistry (WIC) 19
Queer in Chemistry (QuIC) 19
Graduate Student Organization (GSO) 19
Social Hour 19
Sports Teams 19
Frickmas 20
Fricknic 20
Useful Abbreviations 26
Guidelines for the General Examination 27
Thesis Research Proposal Guidelines 27
Independent Research Proposal Guidelines 28
Guidelines for Preparing the Pre-FPO Original Research Proposal 29
Dissertation & Final Public Oral Examination 30
Degree Deadlines and Conferral Dates 31
Graduate School Alcohol Beverage Policy 31
Event Planning 32
Frick Chemistry Lab Emergency Action Plan 33
Ph.D. Requirements
Qualifying Exams
Course Requirements:
6 graduate-level courses (at least 4 5xx-level courses, up to 2 4xx-level
courses) with a minimum of 3.0 average
Adviser Selection:
Active engagement in adviser selection through individual and group
meetings, acceptance into a lab by the end of the first year of study
General Examination:
Preliminary requirements:
1. overall GPA of 3.0 or better in six courses as described above
2. satisfactory research progress as evaluated by the research
Examination before the Generals Committee:
3. written proposal and oral defense for the chosen area of thesis
4. written independent research proposal and its oral defense
Teaching: two semesters at half-time or one semester at full-time
Third Year Seminar Presentation
Out of Field Proposal: second original research proposal
Thesis Completion: progress overseen by thesis committee
Final Public Oral (FPO): thesis defense
Breadth Requirement
Students are required to demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in the field of Chemistry in at least three of
the following subfields: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, and
chemical physics. The student may fulfill the breadth requirement through their graduate-level
If preferred, the student may instead elect to take qualifying exams in one or more of the subfield areas.
Course Requirements
Students must complete 6 courses in their first year at a B (3.0) average. At least four of these
courses must be at a 5xx-level, and two may be at a 4xx-level. 5xx and 4xx courses cannot be taken
on the same course material.
Students may choose P/D/F enrollment for one of these six courses with their advisers approval.
Courses will be chosen in consultation with the student’s research adviser to best reflect the student’s
academic needs and research interests. Students may enroll in courses outside the department and may
continue to take additional courses after the completion of the six required throughout their five years of
regular enrollment.
Students are strongly encouraged to take one or both of the half-term Writing in Science & Engineering
courses as supplementary classes. These courses are non-graded and do not contribute to the fulfillment of
the six class requirement. These classes may be taken at any time during the five year program.
WRI 501 introduces students to writing about the scientific literature. It explores how scientific articles
are constructed and interpreted, how research findings are presented, and how scientific arguments are
developed. Students learn how to engage scientific literature critically, to read and analyze efficiently, to
distinguish their own work from previous work, and to cite and report the work of others.
WRI 502 is open to graduate students who have completed sufficient research to begin writing an article
for publication. Students develop expertise in scientific writing by drafting a research article based on
their original research. Students learn how to recognize and use the persuasive aspects of conventional
written structure, how to use analysis, feedback, and revision to develop a strong collaborative writing
process, and how to craft clear, concise, and compelling arguments to establish new scientific knowledge.
More information on these classes offered by The Princeton Writing Center and the registration process
can be found at Through drop-in hours or scheduled appointments, The
Writing Center and its Fellows offer resources to assist in all aspects of the writing process as relates to
proposals, manuscripts, developing a thesis and strengthening oral presentation skills.
The completion of the academic course requirement is necessary for attaining the Ph.D. degree.
Students are expected to meet these requirements by the end of the second year.
Choosing an Adviser
Incoming students who wish to participate in the optional summer research program must
contact faculty directly to arrange an early arrival in their lab. That faculty member will serve as
the student’s temporary adviser in the fall unless otherwise noted by the Director of Graduate
Studies (DGS). For students arriving in late August, the DGS will assign a temporary adviser for
the first semester. This adviser will help select fall classes, provide a workspace for the fall
semester, and oversee progress in choosing a research group. Incoming students will choose their
research adviser after they have properly evaluated research opportunities that are available to
them, as described in the following paragraph.
First-year students are required to engage in the adviser selection process which provides the
chance to explore a range of research areas through informal discussions with faculty and their
students. They may also meet with the DGS to discuss their research interests. All students must
select at least three faculty members whom they will engage to discuss research opportunities
over the course of the semester. Students are encouraged to participate in group meetings and
discussion with the group members of the faculty of interest, and then choose a research adviser
before December 15. It is strongly recommended that the student settle on a research
adviser as soon as possible.
With the permission of the DGS, students may choose an adviser from another department,
provided their research project relates to chemistry, and that the adviser outside the department
agrees to supervise the student.
The Advisory Committee
After the student has chosen a research adviser, an Advisory Committee will be assigned in
consultation with the student and his/her research adviser. This committee, consisting of the
adviser and two other faculty members, is designed to follow a student’s progress throughout
their Ph.D. work. Occasionally, a student might include a third “optional” faculty member to
provide scientific insight; however, this optional member is not an official member of the
committee. Official members of the committee must hold the rank of assistant professor or
higher, and at least one member (other than the adviser) must be from the Department of
The Advisory Committee will meet with the student according to the following timeline,
although the student or a member of the committee may initiate additional meetings as needed.
At the end of the first academic year, the Advisory Committee will review the
student’s academic record, ensure that he or she has met the coursework requirements
(and, if not, discuss a plan to satisfy them), and make sure the student is on course for
the General Examination. The meeting may be held with the Committee as a group or
on an individual basis if schedules do not permit.
In the third year, the student will invite members of the Advisory Committee to their
Third Year Seminar. The student will arrange a meeting with the Advisory Committee
or its members individually soon after the third year seminar.
At least one month before the FPO, the student will generate an original research
proposal, not related to thesis research. They will defend this Out of Field Proposal
before their Advisory Committee plus one additional faculty member selected by the
student to serve as a member of the four-person Thesis Committee.
The Thesis Committee will serve as the FPO Committee.
Teaching Requirement
The teaching requirement is two semesters at half time or one semester full time (20 hr/wk). Students
typically satisfy this requirement during the second academic year. International students must
demonstrate proficiency in spoken English before they may teach. All first-time teaching assistants
are required by the Graduate School to attend a training and orientation course given by the McGraw
Center for Teaching and Learning
The General Examination
The Chemistry Department offers the General Examination during October
, January,
and April/May of the student’s second year. The specific timing of each student’s exam will
be determined by the DGS in consultation with the student’s adviser.
The examination consists of four parts, and a student must pass all four. The first part of
the examination are the course requirements undertaken in the first year; specifically, overall
GPA of 3.0 or better in six graduate-level courses. Part two is satisfactory research progress
as evaluated by the research adviser.
Parts three and four consist of seminar-like presentations before the Generals committee.
Part three is a written proposal based on the student’s chosen area of thesis research, and the
oral defense of that proposal. Part four consists of a written independent research proposal
and the oral defense of the work. This proposal is in the student's general area of research,
but not part of the student’s thesis research.
The oral portion of the exam generally proceeds as follows: an oral seminar-like
presentation to the Generals Committee of the proposed thesis research is followed by
questions to test the candidate's preparation to do the thesis research. This part of the exam
lasts for approximately one hour. The second section of the oral exam consists of a
presentation to the committee, again in a seminar-like manner, of the independent research
proposal. Oral examination of this independent proposal will follow. This part of the exam
typically takes about 45 minutes.
Immediately following the two oral defenses, the committee will discuss the performance
and assign a grade for parts 3 and 4 without a vote from the adviser. The committee then
assigns an overall grade of pass, fail, or pass with distinction, for all four parts. Students who
successfully pass the General Examination may advance to Ph.D. candidacy.
It is possible, however, that the candidate will pass the first two components but fail to
successfully meet the criteria for a pass in one or both the proposals. In such instances, the
exam results will be reported to the Graduate School as a failed exam. The committee will
report to the Graduate School an assessment of the student’s performance and selection of
one of the following conditions: a Fail with the recommendation to retake the exam within
one year, or a Fail with the decision to terminate the student’s enrollment.
The October exam period is reserved by the department for exams with special circumstances.
If provided the opportunity to retake the exam, the student must do so during the next
scheduled examination period unless otherwise recommended by the committee. The retake
must be completed by the end of the third year. If he or she fails to successfully pass after one
additional opportunity, the student will be terminated from the Ph.D. program, but may still
be granted a terminal Master of Arts in Chemistry degree from the Department.
Guidelines for the written proposals and oral defense are given in the Appendix to this
Academic Evaluation
Students are evaluated on an on-going basis by their research adviser, their Advisory
Committee, and the Director of Graduate Studies. Reenrollment to a subsequent academic
year is based on progress and conduct during the previous year.
Withdrawal from the graduate program may be required in the following instances:
1. Student has failed to satisfy all four components of the General
Examination by the end of the third year.
2. Student has failed the General Exam twice.
3. Student fails to improve research and/or academic performance despite
repeated warnings.
4. Disciplinary action imposed by the Graduate School or the Department of
Third Year Seminars
In the third year of study, students present a thirty-minute seminar on their research
progress. The focus of the seminar should be on actual research results in the laboratory and
not a history of the project. The seminar should be treated as a formal exercise to enhance
presentation skills and public speaking abilities, through the preparation of a PowerPoint
presentation and the organization of the seminar.
To foster understanding of the different chemical disciplines, third year students are
required to attend all seminars. The two best seminar presentations (as judged by a
committee of 4th year students) are granted the Third Year Seminar Prize & Hubbell *47
Fund Travel Award, consisting of a cash prize plus an allowance for travel to scientific
Original Research Proposal
At least one month prior to the FPO, the student will generate a second original
research proposal, not directly related to the thesis research, and defend it before the Thesis
Advisory Committee.
The proposal must be written and circulated among the Thesis Advisory Committee at
least two weeks before the oral presentation date. The student is responsible for
organizing the committee members to meet for this oral exam and informing the Graduate
Administrator prior to the date agreed upon. The committee records a grade for the written
proposal and its oral defense. Grading is on a scale from Excellent to Fail. All members of
the Thesis Advisory Committee must participate in the OFP, attendance via Skype for up to
one committee member is acceptable.
See the Appendix of this Handbook for preparation guidelines for the original proposal.
Students satisfy the bulk of the formal course and examination requirements for the Ph.D.
by the end of the second year of graduate study. The remainder of the program is devoted to
independent research work leading to the writing of a dissertation.
The dissertation must show that the candidate has technical mastery of the field and is
capable of doing independent research. This study must enlarge or modify current knowledge
in a field or present a significant new interpretation of known materials.
The dissertation is reviewed and approved by at least two principal readers before being
submitted for acceptance to the Graduate School. The thesis adviser and a second committee
member will serve as readers. The dissertation should first be given to the adviser and, once
it has been approved by the adviser, it should be given to the second reader. At least two
weeks are to be allowed for each reader. Time must also be set aside to respond to the readers
suggested changes. At least one of the thesis readers must be from the Department of
The Graduate School requires all readers reports and other documentation be received in
their office at least two weeks before the Final Public Oral examination. Therefore, students
should allow five weeks from the date of giving the thesis to the second reader to the date of
the FPO. A Thesis and FPO checklist can be found in the Appendix of this Handbook.
If the candidate and/or the adviser want the dissertation to be reviewed for possible
patentable results and subsequent patent application either by the University or by a
non-University agent, or have the dissertation reviewed by an outside sponsor for the
proprietary information or results, these processes must be completed before the department
requests to hold the Final Public Oral examination (for more information, contact the Office
of Technology and Intellectual Property Licensing, New South Building.)
In order that certain minimum standards of uniformity are observed in the publishing
process, the University archivist has established a format for the thesis and procedures for its
deposition with the University archives. See the Mudd Library website for specific details:
Embargo of Dissertation
It is recognized by the Graduate School that under certain circumstances, the student
may wish to withhold the publication of the dissertation. This can be achieved during the
dissertation process. The duration of the embargo period is two years and is renewable.
Students who wish to embargo their dissertation must have the approval of their advisor or
Thesis Committee in writing, as well as the approval of the Graduate School. For further
details, see
Final Public Oral Examination
The Advisory Committee (plus one additional faculty member, selected by the student
and his/her adviser) serves as the Thesis Committee and conducts the Final Public Oral
(FPO) examination, the last formal requirement for the Ph.D.
The FPO consists of a public lecture on the thesis research, usually of about one hour in
length. During this presentation, the public and the Thesis Committee may question the
student about the research. Following the thesis presentation, the committee meets to
evaluate the student’s performance. Grading is on a scale from Excellent to Fail. Marks for
the written proposal and its oral defense are combined for an overall Final Public Oral
Examination grade. If the assigned grade is Passing or better, the requirements for the Ph.D.
have been completed and the degree is awarded.
Students who successfully defend the FPO by the date set each year by the Graduate
School in May are invited to participate in Commencement. Students who defend later may
participate in Commencement the following year. See the degree deadline dates here:
If the student does not pass the FPO examination, he or she may request to retake the
examination within one year. If unsuccessful a second time, the candidate is not permitted
another opportunity to retake the examination and Ph.D. candidacy is terminated.
Additional information about the degree application and completion process may be
found in the Appendix of this Handbook and on the Graduate School website.
Chemistry Program Timeline
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
University and
Research Grant Support
Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
Generals Exam
Third-Year Seminars
Second Independent Proposal,
Dissertation, and Final Public Oral
Laboratory Research
Weekly Departmental Seminars
Note: Except for the relatively well-structured Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3, this Program Timeline is intended
only to provide an overview; the actual duration over which a student earns his or her Ph.D. degree is expected
to vary
Vacation Policy
Graduate study is understood to be a full-time commitment on the part of students.
During an academic year, which includes the summer, graduate student degree candidates
may take up to (but no more than) four weeks of vacation, including any days taken during
regular University holidays and scheduled recesses (e.g., the fall- and spring- term breaks and
inter-term break). The specific periods taken as vacation must not conflict with the student’s
academic responsibilities, coursework, research, or teaching, and should be discussed in
advance with one’s director of graduate studies, adviser, or dissertation committee.
If a student is an Assistant in Instruction, they must also secure leave approval
from their teaching supervisor(s). As a general rule, AI’s will NOT be allowed to take
vacation during weeks that classes are in session or during reading period and exam
time. AI’s who take vacation without receiving leave approval from their teaching
supervisor(s), may be considered no longer in good academic standing.
International students who plan to travel abroad must contact the University’s
Davis International Center to ensure that they comply with their visa regulations and
do not experience any difficulty returning to the United States.
International Travel
The Graduate School requires that all graduate students on University sponsored
international travel register their trips in the University’s Travel Registration database. This
applies to all international travels that are funded, entirely or in part, by Princeton funds or
funds processed through University accounts. Students will be asked to submit emergency
contact, transportation and housing information, to complete a “Terms and Conditions” form,
and to obtain an International SOS card.
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
All graduate students are required to complete a course in the responsible conduct of
research as part of their graduate training and professional development. In Chemistry, this is
conducted through CHM 500, a 6-week, 3-hour-per-week course. This mandatory course is
offered three times in both the fall and spring semesters (CHM 500A, CHM 500B, and CHM
500C). In the first 6 weeks of the semester, two sessions will be held concurrently, and the
third session for the final six weeks. The Chemistry Office of Graduate Studies will assign
students to different sections; the occasional conflict of course schedule will be handled on a
case-by-case basis.
The Frick Chemistry Lab Emergency Action Plan can be found in the Appendix of
this Handbook.
It is important that each student read the Frick Chemistry Laboratory manual
All students must take both Fire Safety Training and General Laboratory Safety
Training offered by Princeton’s Offices of Public Safety and Environmental Health
and Safety (EHS) respectively. Students who do not take these courses will not be
permitted to work in a lab or serve as teaching assistants. Visit and “EHS” to view the current fire and lab safety training
schedules and pre-register for class.
Appropriate clothing, footwear and eye protection must be worn in the experimental
labs at all times.
Two lab coats will be provided to each student working in a wet lab and these should
be worn whenever the student is in the lab.
The Department offers coverage for most out of pocket expenses related to the
purchase of prescription safety glasses, reimbursing up to $200 for a single pair of
safety glasses at participating eyewear stores. Please contact Stellios Maroulis at
[email protected] if you plan to participate in this program.
Any student injured while working in a lab must file an injury report with Stellios
Maroulis, the Department Facilities and Safety Manager.
In the event of a lab emergency, costs incurred by graduate students for ambulance
transport will be covered by the University. This policy is in place to ensure that
medical assistance is provided as quickly as possible and to prevent any hesitation in
calling for emergency services if needed.
Students should go to the EHS website,, for further
information on safety issues, hazardous materials, etc.
One’s enrollment status defines their relationship to the Graduate School. By receiving a
University identification card and/or completing semester sign-in, degree-seeking graduate
students are registered as enrolled and will from that point forward hold an enrollment status
with the Graduate School that may allow them to qualify for a degree in the program to
which they were admitted. All former graduate students also hold a status that indicates
either degree completion or a reason for the end of degree candidacy.
Enrolled statuses include regular enrollment, in absentia enrollment, and dissertation
completion enrollment (DCE). Unenrolled statuses include a leave of absence, ET/DCC
(enrollment terminated, degree candidacy continues, or suspension).
Readmission or reenrollment is the annual academic review of current graduate students’
academic progress and the department’s recommendation as to whether students should or
should not continue in their program. The purpose of reenrollment is to give students, their
departments, and the Graduate School a clear picture of student progress toward degree
objectives, to identify and correct problems, and to set or confirm academic goals for each
student in the next year of study.
All students must apply for reenrollment in the spring of each year of the approved
program of study in which they are enrolled. Reenrollment, which must be recommended by
the student's department, entitles students to continue to consult faculty members and to use
laboratories, libraries, computing resources, and other University facilities.
Satisfactory academic progress is measured by the department. For students who have not
yet taken the General Examination, this includes completing high-quality work in courses
and seminars and performing effectively in their advisers research group. For students who
have passed the General Examination, significant progress toward the completion of the
dissertation is the central criterion.
An additional professional development requirement is documented each year in
reenrollment, the annual completion of an Individual Development Plan (IDP). The
department requires completion of the AAAS myIDP ( module
and submission of the summary page each year in reenrollment.
In Absentia Status
Students may be recommended for readmission with ‘in absentia’ status if they need to
use educational resources that are not available in Princeton. In absentia status is granted for
one year at a time, up to two years, to students who have successfully completed their general
Students may be recommended for ‘in absentia’ status for either a term or a year if the
following criteria are met:
a need to use educational resources that cannot be obtained in Princeton;
the work away from Princeton will contribute to the student's progress to the
the student will not physically live in Princeton or the immediate vicinity, i.e. will
not be in residence.
Students in absentia are considered fully enrolled graduate students and enjoy the same
health insurance benefits as students in residence.
In the Chemistry Department, ‘in absentia’ status is typically granted to students whose
academic adviser leaves Princeton for another university. Such students continue to work
with their adviser at the new institution but receive a Princeton degree. Students who wish to
perform research at a national laboratory or other off-site research facility may also apply for
in absentia status.
Leave of Absence
At the recommendation of the Director of Graduate Studies, the Graduate School may
grant a year's leave of absence at any one time to students in good standing. Leaves are
granted for personal reasons, when the student will not be actively pursuing an academic
course of study in fulfillment of Princeton's degree requirements.
Students on leave have withdrawn formally from the graduate program and are not
considered enrolled or registered students. Accordingly, no University student benefits
continue. An extension of up to one additional year may be granted if the student so requests,
but no longer. At that point, if the student does not return to the graduate program, his or her
degree candidacy is terminated; in order to return to graduate work at a later time, the student
must formally reapply. Leaves should be timed, whenever possible, to come at the end of a
term and preferably at the end of a full academic year. Readmission after leave is subject to
confirmation of continued professional suitability and a written request for readmission. As
the student’s original adviser is not required to readmit the student to their research group,
additional terms set forth by a faculty committee within the student’s subfield may be
required for readmission.
Leaves are not granted to students who:
have completed less than one full term of enrollment in residence, OR
are scheduled to take their General Examination in the term for which the leave is
being requested, OR
will be working essentially full time on their Princeton degree requirements,
although away from Princeton (for which in absentia status is normally
The Graduate School may also terminate a student's degree candidacy when, upon the
recommendation of the department, the student has not made satisfactory academic progress
or when a student on leave has not requested reenrollment. In the case of Ph.D. students in
particular, degree candidacy terminates automatically after a second failure of the General
Examination or in cases where the student has not maintained regular contact with the
department and dissertation adviser.
Dissertation Completion Enrollment (DCE)
DCE status carries most of the benefits of enrolled student status and as DCE students
must be working full time on completing their dissertation, they may not enroll in courses.
Students may first choose DCE status in the last year of their regular academic program and
it may then be held continuously for up to two years.
DCE status ends:
when the student successfully completes and defends the dissertation OR
when the student chooses not to apply for reenrollment OR
when the department does not recommend the student for reenrollment OR
when the two-year period of DCE eligibility expires. Non-graduating students
leaving DCE status will be given ET/DCC status as defined below.
Once having left DCE status, the student cannot apply to return to DCE status;
enrollment in DCE status must be continuous, beginning immediately after the department’s
regular program length has ended, up to the two-year limit.
Enrollment Terminated/Degree Candidacy Continues (ET/DCC)
A student enters ET/DCC status if they are beyond the department’s regular program
length, are not in DCE status and have not graduated. ET/DCC is an unenrolled status in
which students are ineligible for the student benefits that come with formal enrollment,
including DCE status. For ET/DCC students, library access and student borrowing privileges
(for those in Princeton or the vicinity), and e-mail and computer account access will continue
for a period of one year after entering ET/DCC status.
If a student presents a doctoral dissertation more than five years after he or she has passed
the General Examination, the department is not automatically obliged to receive it for
Students in the Chemistry department are provided funding for their period of enrollment,
usually 5 years. For the first-year of study, the Graduate School provides fellowship and
tuition payment; in subsequent years, students are funded through department funds,
assistantships in instruction (teaching positions), the third year Taylor Fellowship, research
grants, or a combination thereof.
Students who work as Assistants in Instruction (AI’s) earn slightly more than students
who work in the laboratory as Assistants in Research (AR’s).
Outside Funding
Students are encouraged to apply for outside sources of funding. (The University gives
students who receive outside funding an additional $4,000 above the standard stipend for
each year that they hold the outside funding. If the student already receives additional funds
above the standard stipend through a University or Departmental Award such as a Centennial
Fellowship or a Hugh Stott Taylor Award (HST), no further additional funds will be provided
unless the amount is less than $4,000 in which case it will be supplemented to reach a total of
External funding can be explored in Pivot ( Outside
opportunities include:
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship: National Science Foundation fellowships for
US citizens & permanent residents in their first or second year of graduate study.
Apply in summer/early fall, deadline first week of November.
NDSEG Fellowship: National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate
Fellowships for US citizens/permanent residents; January application deadline.
DOE Computational Science Fellowship: Four-year fellowship for computational
scientists in their first or second year of graduate study. The fellowship includes
research opportunity at a DOE laboratory; US citizens/permanent residents whose
research includes high-performance computing. Application deadline is mid-January.
HHMI International Student Research Fellowship: International students in their
third to fifth year of study are eligible for nomination by faculty and reviewed for
candidacy by the Graduate School to be considered for the Howard Hughes
International Student Research Fellowship.
Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship: For US citizens/permanent residents who
are willing to morally commit to make their skills available to the United States in
time of national emergency. Evidence of exceptional creativity, broad understanding
of physical principles and outstanding potential for innovative research is expected.
Application deadline is the end of October.
Ford Foundation Fellowships: Predoctoral, dissertation and post-doctoral
fellowships for US citizens/permanent residents who are planning careers in
university teaching/research. Deadline is November/December.
Dept. of Homeland Security Fellowship: U.S. citizens may apply in spring of first
year of graduate study. Annual award includes summer internship and probable
employment after degree completion.
Departmental Awards
The Chemistry Department offers numerous fellowships and awards to recognize
outstanding students. These include:
Teaching Awards:
Pickering Teaching Awards – Cash prizes granted each year to superb Assistants
in Instruction, typically those teaching for the first time.
Hubert Alyea ’24 Teaching Award – Recognizes upper-class students who have
excelled at undergraduate teaching throughout their graduate career.
Sokol Fellowship Recognizes superb Assistants in Instruction who are
interested in teaching after degree completion.
Merit Awards:
Badin *45 Graduate Student Prize: Cash award granted every other year to the
department’s top second-year graduate student.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Fellowship in Organic Synthesis: Includes fellowship
support, travel expenses to scientific meetings, a mentor at BMS, and the
opportunity to speak at research symposia at both Princeton and BMS.
Eli-Lilly Edward C. Taylor Fellowship in Chemistry: For outstanding
post-generals graduate students interested in the fields of biochemistry and
organic chemistry.
First Year Fellowships: Awarded to the top first-year students, these fellowships
provide support replacing the First Year Science and Engineering Fellowship.
Patchett Summer Fellowship: Acknowledges outstanding senior graduate
students in organic chemistry.
Third Year Seminar Award & Hubbell ’47 Fund Travel Prize: Granted to the
two highest rated Third Year Seminar speakers each year, includes
educational/travel expense account and cash prize.
Department Travel Grant
The department provides each post-generals graduate student a travel grant of up to
$1,000 to support domestic or international travel to a scientific conference. Funds can be
used for conference registration, travel and lodging with the approval of the student’s adviser
prior to June 30
of the student’s fifth year of study.
University Awards
The Chemistry Department may nominate an outstanding student for a University-wide
award. These honors include:
APGA Teaching Prize Cash award for outstanding AI’s across all disciplines,
relies heavily on recommendations from undergraduate students
Grimm Memorial Prize For outstanding graduate students in computational
Honorific Fellowships The highest honor bestowed by the Graduate School,
these one-year fellowships are awarded to top graduate students across all
disciplines in the final year of enrollment.
University Funds
The University also has limited funds available to assist graduate students with some
travel and medical expenses. These funds include:
The Dean's Fund for Scholarly Travel
The Graduate School offers grants of up to $800 to cover travel costs for students
invited to present a paper at conferences and professional meetings. Students are
encouraged to apply for assistance as soon as they receive an invitation to present a paper.
There are three application deadlines per year, September 1, December 1 and March 1.
Applicants must have been invited to deliver a paper that represents their own work
and must show proof of a papers acceptance at the conference. Giving a poster
presentation, serving as a discussant or respondent on a panel, giving a job talk, etc., do
not qualify for support. Eligibility is restricted to Ph.D. students who are third year
through the first DCE year. Among science and engineering students, preference is given
in higher years of study (e.g., 4
, 5
, and DCE). There is a short application form
requiring the student’s advisers review and approval.
A full description of the Dean’s Fund process, and the application form, may be found
on the Graduate School website:
Assistance with Medical Expenses
The Graduate School offers financial assistance for those facing unanticipated and/or
prohibitive medical expenses, and for cases where out-of-network care is required.
Special funds exist to assist enrolled graduate students with some portion of the
unreimbursed medical expenses that create a financial hardship. Assistance takes the
form of a grant to reimburse some portion of the expenses not covered by insurance;
therefore, you must first submit insurance claims and determine your out-of-pocket
expenses before you can apply for reimbursement through these funds.
More information may be found on the Graduate Student Life website:
Program in Neuroscience
Students may earn a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry and Neuroscience
through the interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience. The program encourages the serious
study of molecular, cellular, developmental and systems neuroscience as it interfaces with
cognitive and behavioral research. Current examples at Princeton include: molecular, genetic
and pharmacologic analysis of learning and memory, the role of neural stem cells in the adult
brain, viral infections of the nervous system, optical and electrical recordings of neuronal
function, brain imaging studies of cognitive functions such as attention and memory in
humans, and mathematical and computational analysis of neural network function.
Upon entering the program, students select an adviser who is normally a member of the
student’s home department and also an affiliate of the Princeton Neuroscience Institute.
Students must satisfy the normal pre-general examination requirements and pass the general
examination of their respective home departments. In addition to meeting their home
department’s Ph.D. requirements, students in the Joint Graduate Degree Program in
Neuroscience must meet all of the following requirements: at least one member of the
student’s thesis committee must be a core faculty member of the Princeton Neuroscience
Institute; the student’s Ph.D. thesis research should have a significant neuroscience
component; and the student must take one of the following four courses: NEU 501a, NEU
501b, NEU 502a, or NEU 502b. Additionally, all students in the joint program are expected
to participate in the neuroscience seminar (NEU 511), which meets several times per
Interested students should register as members of the Joint Graduate Degree Program in
Neuroscience after their general exam. This is done by obtaining approval from (a) their
adviser; (b) the director of graduate studies (DGS) of their home department; (c) the DGS of
the Princeton Neuroscience Institute; and then sending these approvals to the Student
Services Manager for the Princeton Neuroscience Institute.
High Meadows Environmental Institute
The High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI) at Princeton University advances
understanding of the Earth as a complex system influenced by human activities, and informs
solutions to local and global challenges by conducting groundbreaking research across
disciplines and by preparing future leaders in diverse fields to impact a world increasingly
shaped by climate change. Founded in 1994 as the Princeton Environmental Institute, HMEI
was renamed in 2020 in recognition of a transformative gift from the High Meadows
Foundation, a philanthropic organization co-founded by Judy and Carl Ferenbach III, a
member of the Class of 1964, in support of environmental research and educational
initiatives through HMEI.
The HMEI-STEP Graduate Fellowship Program enables Ph.D. candidates in science,
engineering and other academic disciplines to explore the environmental policy dimension of
their doctoral research. Admission to the program is by competitive application taken
annually in the spring semester.
Awarded students receive half support (tuition and stipend) from the High Meadows
Environmental Institute (HMEI) for two years and participate in the Science, Technology,
and Environmental Policy (STEP) program at the Princeton School of Public and
International Affairs (SPI). HMEI-STEP Fellows also receive up to a $3,500 award to
support their graduate research. HMEI-STEP students may apply for teaching assistantships
with the Program in Environmental Studies.
Princeton Materials Institute
Several faculty in the Department of Chemistry are affiliated with the Princeton Materials
Institute (PMI), a multidisciplinary center in the general field of materials science. Research
at the Institute pushes the boundaries of not only the performance of new materials but the
fundamental knowledge that underlies future advances. We integrate academia and industry
and educate the next generation of leaders in the field. We facilitate this work with
world-class facilities for imaging and fabrication and deep expertise in characterizing and
manipulating materials at molecular and atomic scales.
The Princeton Materials Institute offers joint PhD degree programs with participating
academic departments. Through our courses and research opportunities, the Princeton
Institute of Materials strives to give students a deep understanding of fundamental science
and a great appreciation for technology development. Both undergraduate and graduate
students alike are well-prepared for a wide variety of future career opportunities.
Students must apply to and be admitted to a specific academic department and must
fulfill all departmental and joint degree requirements, including a doctoral thesis related to
materials. They may apply to the program at any time after matriculating in their home
department, but are encouraged to do so in their first year; those wishing to pursue the joint
degree should speak to their graduate administrator.
Graduate Program in Materials
The Graduate Program in Materials, an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program, allows students
to pursue materials-related research and education in coordination with engineering and
science departments affiliated with PMI and to receive a Ph.D. in Chemistry and Materials.
The program draws upon the resources of industrial affiliates as well as other
materials-oriented research centers within the University. The breadth and flexibility of the
program accommodate a wide range of interests and give students both the theoretical
foundation and practical knowledge they need to function in the rapidly developing field of
modern materials. The following is from the PMI website as it pertains to Chemistry:
Materials in Chemistry
Chemistry and materials go hand-in-hand in many ways, and materials chemistry is
presently one of the most vital and expanding areas in research and education. Truly
interdisciplinary research is essential for progress in this area, with the resulting discoveries
and insights that such an interdisciplinary approach in science often yields. Research in
academic, industrial, and government institutions is directed towards answering fundamental
questions in chemistry that may lead to new materials, the application of chemical and
materials knowledge for improving the performance of devices and systems, and making
possible the technologies and processes of the future. Materials-related research in chemistry
at Princeton encompasses many of the diverse new paths this type of research presently
Our program ranges from theoretical, through basic science, to more applied areas.
Research in theoretical materials chemistry includes, for example, the molecular dynamics
simulation of materials properties and the electronic structure theory of surfaces, molecular
crystals, and conjugated polymers. There are a wide variety of opportunities to conduct
research on materials surfaces, including the study of the adsorption and spectroscopy of
molecules and chemical reactions on transition-metal surfaces, and the synthesis and
characterization of oxide-supported organometallic complexes. There are also research
efforts in the assembly of biogenic hard materials, photochemical energy conversion, solar
energy conversion and electrochemistry, the synthesis and characterization of solids with
exotic electronic and magnetic properties, optoelectronic properties of organic thin films.
The materials chemistry program provides a unique interdisciplinary opportunity for
students to pursue their interests in this rapidly advancing field. Students may tailor their
program by combining different aspects of education and research in materials and chemistry,
and other areas such as electronics, physics, or biology to create their own interdisciplinary
specialty. Requirements for a Ph.D. in Chemistry & Materials are:
2 or 3 courses in Materials Science & Engineering at the 500 level.
Ph.D. thesis in the area of Chemistry of Materials
A materials science professor from outside the Department of Chemistry must be
on the Thesis Committee.
Corporate Recruiting
Pharmaceutical, chemical and energy companies conduct on-site interviews and
information sessions for interested graduate and postdoctoral students.
Women Researchers in Chemistry (WIC)
Open to all women in the chemistry department (graduate students, post-docs, faculty and staff),
FRIC organizes a variety of events to foster a vibrant and strong community and raise awareness of
the historic and future states of gender relations and work-life balance in the global chemistry
Queer in Chemistry (QuIC)
QuiC is a departmental organization supporting the LGBTQIA+ and allied communities within
Princeton Chemistry. The group offers social events, professional development events and networking
opportunities. Everyone is welcomed to join regardless of identity.
Graduate Student Organization (GSO)
The Chemistry GSO comprises graduate students from all years of study. The GSO
serves as a communication channel between the graduate students and the faculty through
regular meetings with the Graduate Work Committee to discuss graduate student academic
policies and other concerns. The GSO organizes social and outreach activities, and assists
with recruitment and orientation. It sponsors the Student Invited Lecture Series, the Career
Seminar Series, a fall Fellowship Workshop and General Exam Information Session.
Social Hour
Graduate students and postdocs mingle on Friday afternoons in the Atrium or, in nice
weather, in the Frick South Courtyard. Cold drinks, beer, soda and snacks are provided.
Sports Teams
Chemistry graduate students regularly compete against other departments in such sports
as softball, basketball, and soccer. Students play on many University athletic club teams
during intramural season and in informal pick-up games during the summer.
Each December, the third-year graduate students host a holiday party for graduate
students, faculty and staff. The event’s high point is a skit that manages to roast every faculty
member in one light-hearted way or another!
Organized by first-year graduate students, Fricknic is a June picnic for graduate students,
post-docs, faculty and staff which includes a barbecue and a variety of games and activities.
Department Chair: Paul Chirik
292 Frick, 8-4130, [email protected]
Associate Chair: Robert Knowles
188 Frick, 8-7020, [email protected]
Director of Graduate Studies: Erik Sorensen
132 Frick, 8-8135, [email protected]
Graduate Administrator: Patti Wallack
128 Frick, 8-8045, [email protected]
Graduate Program Coordinator:
Administrative Office Staff:
Meredith Lasalle-Tarantin
Department Manager
A24 Frick, 8-3969,
Frank Scalice
Business Manager
A23 Frick, 8-3914,
Shafon McNeil
A22 Frick, 8-5015,
Jeff Goldhagen
Grants Manager
A24B Frick, 8-4515
Stellio Maroulis
Facilities and Safety
189 Frick, 8-3920,
Derrick Rose
Front Office
A25 Frick, 8-3900,
Susan VanderKam
Manager, Diversity
284 Frick, 8-1727
Wendy Arterburn
Financial Administrator
A24A Frick, 8-7663,
Technical Staff:
Patrick Andrae
Laboratory Coordinator
István Pelczer
Sr. NMR Spectroscopist
Venu Vandavasi
Biophysics Core Facility
Ken Conover
NMR Coordinator
John Eng
Chemist/Experimental Design
Hahn Kim
Small Molecule Screening
Ginny Sari
Sr. Laboratory Coordinator
Doug Rosso
Senior IT Manager
William Brown
Computing Systems Specialist
Purchasing & Receiving:
Phil Fairall
Stockroom/Shipping &
Kevin Wilkes
Vicky Lloyd
* denotes faculty not taking graduate student advisees
Andrew Bocarsly
Inorganic materials chemistry, chemistry of alternate energy systems, chemical mitigation of carbon dioxide,
electrochemistry, photochemistry, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry, coordination chemistry. Affiliated with
Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM)
Office: 388 Frick Phone: 8-3888 [email protected]
Roberto Car
Chemical physics and materials science; electronic structure theory and ab-initio molecular dynamics; computer
modeling and simulation of solids, liquids, disordered systems, and molecular structures; structural phase transitions and
chemical reactions. Joint Appointment with Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM)
Office: 153 Frick Phone: 8-2534/ 8-7480 r[email protected]
Jannette Carey
Biophysical chemistry: protein and nucleic acid structure, function, and interactions; protein folding and stability.
Affiliated with Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) and Department of Molecular
Office: 360 Frick Phone: 8-1631 jcar[email protected]
Robert J. Cava
Materials chemistry; synthesis of new oxide, intermetallic, pnictide, and chalcogenide compounds and characterization
of their crystal structures and electronic and magnetic properties. Joint Appointment with Princeton Institute for the
Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM)
Office: A88 Frick Phone: 8-0016 r[email protected]
Paul Chirik
Inorganic, Organometallic, and Organic Chemistry: Base metal catalysis directed toward commodity and fine chemical
synthesis, energy efficient methods for N2 functionalization and understanding electronic structure of redox-active
metal-ligand complexes.
Office: 292 Frick Phone: 8-4130 [email protected]
John T. Groves
The interface of organic, inorganic and biological chemistry. Metalloenzymes and biomimetic redox catalysts, especially
those containing iron and manganese, that can transform C-H bonds. Affiliated with Princeton Institute for the Science and
Technology of Materials (PRISM) and the Center for Environmental Bioinorganic Chemistry (CEBIC).
Office: 231 Frick Phone: 8-3593 jtgr[email protected]
Michael Hecht
Synthetic biology: from protein design to artificial genomes, and Alzheimer's disease: molecular underpinnings and the
search for new therapeutics. Affiliated with Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) and
Department of Molecular Biology.
Office: 330 Frick Phone: 8-2901 [email protected]
Todd Hyster
Catalysis/ synthesis subfield with a focus on new biocatalytic methods that address long-standing reactivity challenges in
organic synthesis.
Office: 285 Frick Phone: 8-5042 [email protected]
William Jacobs
Identifying general principles governing the assembly of complex, molecular-scale structures, investigating how the
heterogeneity of multicomponent systems and the production of entropy by actives processes affect the properties of
self-assembled structures.
Office: 385 Frick Phone: 8-6513 [email protected]
Ralph Kleiner
Chemical biology, biochemistry, and cell biology: investigating the chemical and biochemical mechanisms controlling the
function and integrity of cellular nucleic acids in biological processes of biomedical interest.
Office: 359 Frick Phone: 8-1654 [email protected]
Robert Knowles
Synthetic organic chemistry: development of novel and selective catalytic transformations, unconventional redox processes,
molecular recognition of transition states, complex target synthesis.
Office: 188 Frick Phone: 8-7020 [email protected]
David C. MacMillan
Organic synthesis and catalysis: new concepts in synthetic organic chemistry involving organocatalysis, organo-cascade
catalysis, metal-mediated catalysis, and total synthesis of natural products and pharmaceuticals.
Office: 192 Frick Phone: 8-3916 [email protected]
Tom Muir
Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Cell Biology: Investigating the physiochemical basis of protein function in complex
systems of biomedical interest with new chemical biology technologies
Office: 325 Frick Phone: 8-5778 [email protected]
Joshua Rabinowitz
Biochemical kinetics; cellular metabolism; chemical basis of complex biological processes. Joint appointment with the
Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics.
Office: 285 Frick Phone: 8-8985 [email protected]
Herschel Rabitz
Physical chemistry, biomolecular modeling, laser control of molecular processes, molecular collisions, theory of chemical
reactions, time- and space-dependent molecular manipulation. Affiliated with the Program in Applied and Computational
Mathematics and the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM).
Office: 253 Frick Phone: 8-3917 [email protected]
Jose Roque
Focus on the development of new and sustainable methods for synthesis and catalysis, particularly with Earth abundant
metals such as iron and cobalt.
Office: 188 Frick Phone: 8-8523 jr[email protected]
Gregory Scholes
Physical chemistry studying molecular interaction after the absorption of light, quantum-mechanics, quantum
information science, and organic photovoltaics.
Office: 125 Frick Phone: 8-0729 [email protected]
Leslie Schoop
Research aiming to bridge the gap between chemistry and physics, using chemical principles to design new crystalline
materials that have exotic physical properties.
Office: 353 Frick Phone: 8- 9390 [email protected]
Annabella Selloni*
Theoretical/computational first principles electronic structure and molecular dynamics studies of materials properties,
surfaces and interfaces, nanostructured materials; surface chemistry, heterogeneous catalysis, electrochemistry,
Office: 155 Frick Phone: 8-3837 [email protected]
Martin Semmelhack*
Application of organic chemistry to problems in biology. The chemistry of bacterial signaling. Isolation and structure
determination of new signaling molecules, synthesis of the signals and analog structures, and evaluation of their
biological activity.
Office: 361 Frick Phone: 8-5501 [email protected]
Mohammad Seyedsayamdost
Chemical biology and mechanistic enzymology. Investigation of microbial symbiotic interactions as a means to discover
and characterize new small molecules with potential pharmaceutical value, exploring novel biosynthetic pathways and
enzyme-catalyzed transformations involved in the production of these small molecules to illuminate the chemistry
underlying environmentally important symbioses.
Office: 333 Frick Phone: 8-5941 [email protected]
Erik J. Sorensen
Organic chemistry, chemical synthesis of bioactive natural products and molecular probes for biological research,
bioinspired strategies for chemical synthesis, architectural self-constructions, novel methods for synthesis.
Office: 132 Frick Phone: 8-8135 [email protected]
Erin Stache
Statistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory. Disordered heterogeneous materials, packing problems, colloids,
liquids, glasses and crystals. Optimization in materials science and self-assembly theory. Modeling tumor growth. Joint
appointment with Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM)
Office: 261 Frick Phone: 8-3341 [email protected]
Salvatore Torquato
Statistical mechanics and soft condensed matter theory. Disordered heterogeneous materials, packing problems, colloids,
liquids, glasses and crystals. Optimization in materials science and self-assembly theory. Modeling tumor growth. Joint
appointment with Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM)
Office: 160 Frick Phone: 8-3341 tor[email protected]
Marissa Weichman
Novel spectroscopic tools to examine chemical interactions in nanoscale and hybrid light-matter systems, harness control
of these systems, and exploring both their fundamental properties and broader applications in catalysis, synthesis, and
Office: 229 Frick Phone: 8-0926 [email protected]
Haw Yang
Physical chemistry, reaction dynamics in complex systems; development and application of single-molecule
spectroscopy and methods to elucidate functional consequences in protein conformational dynamics in vitro and in living
cells, self-assembly of biological macromolecules and nanostructures, biofuels and basic sciences in sustainable energy
Office: 225 Frick Phone: 8-3578 [email protected]
Associated Faculty
Bonnie Bassler, Department of Molecular Biology
Cell-to-cell communication in bacteria
Office: 329 Lewis Thomas Lab Phone: 8-2857
Emily Davidson, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Complex materials and processing. Energy and the environment.
Office: A407 Engineering Quad Phone: 8-5416 [email protected]
Kelsey Hatzell, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Materials Science: multifunctional coatings and understanding phenomena at solid|liquid and solid|solid interfaces.
Office: 224 Andlinger Center Phone: 8-2980 kelsey[email protected]
Frederick M. Hughson, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Biochemical and structural methods, including X-ray crystallography, applied to macromolecular assemblies that
mediate complex biological processes (intracellular trafficking, cell-cell communication)
Office: 215 Schultz Lab Phone: 8-4982 [email protected]
Bruce Koel, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Surface chemistry and interfacial processes: heterogeneous catalysis of hydrocarbon conversion; solar photochemistry;
electrocatalytic processes; fuel cells; plasma-surface interactions; environmental remediation by iron nanoparticles
Office: A311 E-Quad Phone: 8-4524 [email protected]
Alexei Korennykh, Department of Molecular Biology
Quantitative mass spectrometry based proteomics for analysis of eukaryotic chromatin structure and function., structural
biology and mechanisms of signal transduction in stress and immune responses
Office: 216 Schultz Lab Phone: 8-6071 akor[email protected]
A. James Link, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Applying the tools of protein engineering and ciovonjugate chemistry to engineer peptides with and proteins with
conformational constraints, looking to nature for inspiration and strategies for conformationally-constraining peptids
Office: 207 Hoyt Laboratory Phone: 8-7191 [email protected]
Cameron Myhrvold, Department of Molecular Biology
CRISPR-based technologies for studying viral and cellular RNA
Office: M161 Guyot Hall Phone: 8-2458 [email protected]
Satish C. B. Myneni, Department of Geosciences
Molecular environmental chemistry, interfacial chemistry of the natural systems, trace element biogeochemistry, and
applications of vibrational, K- and L- edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy & microscopies in probing homogeneous and
heterogeneous reactions.
Office: 151 Guyot Phone: 8-5848
Sabine Petry, Department of Molecular Biology
Molecular architecture and function of the microtubule cytoskeleton
Office: 401 Schultz Laboratory Phone: 8-2664 [email protected]
Michele Sarazen, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Advancing in catalysis science and active site engineering to solve both fundamental and applied chemical engineering
challenges to substantially meet our growing energy and product demands
Office: A221 E-Quad Phone: 8-8331 [email protected]
Jeffry Stock, Department of Molecular Biology
Membrane receptors and signal transduction. Affiliated with Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of
Materials (PRISM) and Program in Neuroscience.
Office: 148 Lewis Thomas Phone: 8-6111
Martin Wühr, Department of Molecular Biology
Understanding how tiny molecules self-organize in to much larger organelles, cells, and organisms. Deciphering the
underlying molecular mechanisms and asking how different nuclear composition affects biological function.
Office: 246 Icahn Laboratory Phone: 8-7653 [email protected]
Teaching Faculty
Sonja Francis
Organic Chemistry
Office: 283 Frick Phone: 8-4980 [email protected]
Michael Kelly
Inorganic Chemistry
Office: 322 Frick Phone: 8-4461 [email protected]
Sandra Knowles
Organic Chemistry
Office: 322 Frick Phone: 8-4461 [email protected]
Robert L’Esperance
General Chemistry, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Office: A89 Frick Phone: 8-1307 [email protected]
István Pelczer
NMR Spectroscopy
Office: B09 Frick Phone: 8-2342
Susan VanderKam
Inorganic Chemistry
Office: 284 Frick Phone: 8-1727 [email protected]
Chia-Ying Wang
Physical Chemistry
Office: 321 Frick Phone: 8-3885 [email protected]
Useful Abbreviations
American Chemical Society
Assistant in Instruction (Teaching Assistant)
Assistant in Research (Research Assistant
Dissertation Completion Enrollment
Director of Graduate Studies
Enrollment Terminated Degree Candidacy
Final Public Oral (oral defense of the thesis)
Graduate Student Organization
Materials Research Science and Engineering
Out of Field Proposal (original research
Program in Applied and Computational
Princeton Center for Complex Materials
Princeton Materials Institute
Visiting Student Research Collaborator
Guidelines for the General Examination
The General Examination Committee will be comprised of a student’s adviser and two in-field
committee members; one of whom interfaces with another subfield. The General Exam committee is
assigned for the purpose of the exam only, and they do not become the Advisory Committee or Thesis
Committee. At the start of the exam, the student will be asked to leave the room for a few minutes so
that the committee can discuss the written proposal and the advisers evaluation letter. Once the
student returns to the room they will present an approximately 20-minute seminar-type talk on their
proposed thesis research using PowerPoint or Keynote. The committee may interrupt the presentation
to ask questions. The student should also be prepared to use the blackboard as necessary. After the
presentation, the exam committee will question the student to get a sense of how prepared they are to
continue doing thesis research at Princeton. The committee might also ask some general chemistry
questions. This part of the exam will take about 30 minutes.
The student will then make a second seminar type presentation of their independent research
proposal. This should take about 10 minutes and will be followed by questions from the committee,
following a format similar to the thesis proposal examination.
When the committee has finished asking questions, the student will leave the room while the
Generals Committee discusses the presentations and responses to questions. When the committee has
decided upon a final Generals Exam grade (Pass, Fail, or Pass with Distinction), they call the student
back into the room to share feedback about their presentation, progress and the examination results.
Thesis Research Proposal Guidelines
The Thesis Research Proposal is a brief document (approximately 15 pages of text and figures
plus reference pages) that provides a basis for the oral portion of the General Examination. It is
recommended that it be organized as suggested below, somewhat on the model of a standard NSF
1. Background and significance - This section should answer the question, “why is the
proposed work important?” Briefly sketch the background to the present proposal, critically
evaluate existing knowledge, and identify gaps in our present understanding. This exposition
is intended to place the proposed work into a broader scientific context, and to provide clear
and logical motivation for both the general approach and the specific aims (point 2 below) of
the present proposal.
2. Specific aims - This section is intended to answer, in very specific terms, the question, “what
do you propose to do?” No background or other narrative material belongs in this section; it is
not meant to stand alone, nor to provide details about the experimental system, but rather to
provide a succinct and specific summary of the planned research. This section could, for
example, consist of little more than a well-organized outline describing questions to be
answered, hypotheses to be tested, and experiments to be conducted. It is probably most
helpful to write this section only after writing the rest of the proposal.
3. Progress report - Describe your thesis project briefly. Provide a progress report on your
work to date, making very clear which contributions are yours and which are not. If you have
made any observations or developments that are new, describe in detail what you did, and
how. Discuss the relationship of your thesis work to the broad, long-term interests and
objectives of your research group and, in turn, relate your thesis topic and your group's
interests to your proposal. It is understood that these relationships vary in different research
groups, and that the thesis work may yet evolve in directions different from those you
envision now. It is understood that individual progress will vary.
4. Planned studies - Describe the overall strategy, methodology and analyses to be used to
accomplish the remaining specific aims of your proposal. Provide appropriate calculations or
cite literature data to support the feasibility of the experiments you propose. Discuss potential
pitfalls of any proposed experiments that lack clear precedent and propose alternative
approaches to achieve the aims.
5. Complete citations - All authors and the titles of research articles or book chapters must be
included in the list of references.
Independent Research Proposal Guidelines
The independent research proposal should be modeled after a standard NSF proposal and
should be no more than 15 pages in length, including figures, with references in addition. However,
before undertaking the writing of the actual proposal, you should prepare a one page summary of your
idea and send it to your Advisory Committee for review. The Advisory Committee will determine
whether this second proposal is sufficiently independent from the thesis research. You should only
proceed with the actual proposal once your committee agrees that your idea is sufficiently
independent and gives you their approval.
The proposal should be organized as suggested below:
1. Background and significance - This section should answer the question: Why is the
proposed work important? Briefly sketch the background to the present proposal, critically
evaluate existing knowledge, and identify gaps in our present understanding. This exposition
is intended to place the proposed work into a broader scientific context and to provide clear
and logical motivation for both the general approach and the specific aims (see below) of the
present proposal. This section may need to occupy as many as 3-4 pages.
2. Specific aims - This section is intended to answer, in very specific terms, the question: What
do you propose to do? No background or other narrative material belongs in this section; it is
not meant to stand alone, nor to provide details about the experimental system, but rather to
provide a succinct and specific summary of the planned research. This section could, for
example, consist of little more than a well-organized outline describing questions to be
answered, hypotheses to be tested, and experiments to be conducted. It is probably most
helpful to write this section after writing the rest of the proposal. It should occupy no more
than one page.
3. Experimental design and feasibility - This section should parallel Specific Aims and should
answer the question: How will you do the proposed work? Describe each experiment you
propose to conduct and how you will analyze the data and interpret the results. Provide
appropriate calculations or cite literature data to support the feasibility of the experiments you
propose. Supporting evidence that comes from unpublished work must be clearly identified
as such and specifically attributed. Discuss potential pitfalls of any proposed experiments that
lack clear precedent, and propose alternative approaches to achieve the aims. Indicate how
each of your proposed experiments will address the gaps in present knowledge and, for any
gaps that will not be addressed, discuss why they are not being addressed. This section may
need to occupy as many as 3-4 pages.
4. References - The list of references must include complete citations, including all authors and
the titles of research articles or book chapters.
Prior to the defense of their thesis at the Final Public Oral, the student will generate an
original research proposal, not related to the thesis research, and defend it before the advisory
committee. It is strongly recommended that this be done well before the FPO so that it does
not conflict with thesis work, preferably during the 4th year so that it does not conflict with
thesis work.
Guidelines for Preparing the Pre-FPO Original Research Proposal
At least one month prior to the FPO, the student will generate an original research proposal,
not related to the thesis research, and defend it before the advisory committee.
The “Out of Field” research proposal (OFP) must be written and circulated among the
Advisory Committee for review at least two weeks before the oral presentation date. The student is
responsible for organizing the committee members to meet for this oral exam and informing the
Graduate Administrator prior to the date agreed upon. The committee records a grade for the written
proposal and its oral defense. Grading is on a scale from Excellent to Fail. Again, this written
proposal is a brief document, modeled after a standard NSF proposal. It should be no more than 15
pages in length including figures, with references in addition.
It should be organized as suggested below:
1. Background and significance - This section should answer the question: Why is the
proposed work important? Briefly sketch the background to the present proposal, critically
evaluate existing knowledge, and identify gaps in our present understanding. This exposition
is intended to place the proposed work into a broader scientific context and to provide clear
and logical motivation for both the general approach and the specific aims (see below) of the
present proposal. This section may need to occupy as many as 3-4 pages.
2. Specific aims - This section is intended to answer, in very specific terms, the question: What
do you propose to do? No background or other narrative material belongs in this section; it is
not meant to stand alone, nor to provide details about the experimental system, but rather to
provide a succinct and specific summary of the planned research. This section could, for
example, consist of little more than a well-organized outline describing questions to be
answered, hypotheses to be tested, and experiments to be conducted. It is probably most
helpful to write this section after writing the rest of the proposal. It should occupy no more
than one page.
3. Experimental design and feasibility - This section should parallel Specific Aims and should
answer the question: How will you do the proposed work? Describe each experiment you
propose to conduct and how you will analyze the data and interpret the results. Provide
appropriate calculations or cite literature data to support the feasibility of the experiments you
propose. Supporting evidence that comes from unpublished work must be clearly identified
as such and specifically attributed. Discuss potential pitfalls of any proposed experiments that
lack clear precedent, and propose alternative approaches to achieve the aims. Indicate how
each of your proposed experiments will address the gaps in present knowledge and, for any
gaps that will not be addressed, discuss why they are not being addressed. This section may
need to occupy as many as 3-4 pages.
4. References - The list of references must include complete citations, including all authors and
the titles of research articles or book chapters.
Dissertation & Final Public Oral Examination
Before Writing
Consult the Mudd Library website. This will provide you with all needed information about
formatting and binding your thesis. You MUST follow the format required by Mudd. Please
make special note of how to format the title page, which much list your adviser’s name. This
site also provides information on publishing your thesis.
For citation styles, follow the standard ACS style, details of which can be found at
At Least Six Weeks Before FPO Exam
Choose one member of thesis committee to serve as second reader of thesis.
Submit thesis draft to adviser.
Find a fourth member to serve on your Thesis Committee. This person must attend both your
Out-of-Field Proposal and your FPO.
Finalize dates, times when committee is available for the FPO and book a room for the exam.
At Least Four Weeks Before FPO Exam
Submit final thesis draft to adviser and second reader.
Incorporate reader comments and proofread!
At Least Two Weeks Before FPO Exam – Advanced Degree Application
A completed electronic ADVANCED DEGREE APPLICATION must be submitted to the
Office of Academic Affairs. This on-line application is available via SCORE. The following
are to be uploaded by the student when submitting the degree application:
TITLE PAGE OF THE DISSERTATION. The correct degree award date must appear at
the bottom of the title page. See below for dates.
DISSERTATION ABSTRACT (Must not exceed 350 words.)
The following should be given to the Graduate Administrator:
TWO (2) READERS’ REPORTS: One from your adviser and one from a second member of
your committee. At least one reader must be a member of the Chemistry Department. (Both
of the above forms are available at
Day of FPO Exam
Arrive 15 minutes early to set up
After FPO Exam
Submit dissertation PDF to Princeton’s to ProQuest ETD site
Complete the Survey of Earned Doctorates: Save an electronic copy of the
"Certificate of Completion" page of the SED to attach to your final paperwork.
Complete the Exit Survey: the electronic copy of the "Confirmation of Completion"
page must be attached to your final paperwork.
Complete the checkout process in TigerHub
Once all actions are complete, graduate students must log in to TigerHub to complete the
submission of the final paperwork process. All final paperwork is normally submitted
immediately following the successful completion of the FPO examination, but in no case later
than two weeks after the defense or by the degree deadline, whichever comes first.
Degree Deadlines and Conferral Dates
Graduate School Alcohol Beverage Policy
(From “Rights, Rules, Responsibilities,” Section 2.6)
Graduate students at Princeton University are expected to be acquainted with and to abide by both
State and University regulations regarding the consumption of alcohol. They are also expected to be
aware of the social, physiological, and psychological consequences of excessive drinking in order to
make responsible and informed decisions about the serving and consumption of alcohol. The
University provides regular educational programs on alcohol and drug abuse, as well as counseling
The University alcoholic beverage policy is designed to be consistent with the laws of the State of
New Jersey that, in general, prohibit the consumption and serving of alcoholic beverages by and to
persons under 21 years of age. The policy also reflects the need for mutual respect and personal
responsibility within a diverse community. Students are responsible for their behavior whether or
not they are under the influence of alcohol. Under no circumstances will the consumption of alcohol
constitute a mitigating circumstance when it contributes to the violation of University regulations.
The University respects the right to privacy: its representatives will not enter dormitory rooms
without substantive cause (i.e., without reasonable suspicion that University policies or regulations
have been violated.) However, those individuals whose behavior infringes on the rights of others
have, in essence, forfeited that privacy.
Alcoholic beverages will not normally be provided at University events where persons under the
legal drinking age for consumption of alcoholic beverages are present. Those who are of legal
drinking age and who wish to sponsor campus events with alcohol must comply with the guidelines
established by the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.
If given approval to serve alcoholic beverages, those organizing the event are responsible for
ensuring that only those of legal drinking age are served. Availability of alcoholic beverages shall not
be the primary focus of advertising for campus social events.
It is the primary responsibility of those in the presence of a severely intoxicated person to contact
appropriate University or local medical or safety personnel (proctors, deans, McCosh Health Center
Staff, Princeton Medical Center Staff, or local police or members of the rescue squad.) Intoxication
will not be grounds for disciplinary action. Contacting the Department of Public Safety for assistance
in transporting a student in need of medical attention will not, in itself, lead to disciplinary action.
Disciplinary action will occur only if other circumstances indicating a violation of University policy
are observed. In such an instance, the fact that students initiated a call for assistance will be
considered a mitigating circumstance.
Event Planning
Graduate student organizations wishing to hold an event on campus, must observe the guidelines for planning
and conducting the event contained in the Events Planning Handbook.
Frick Chemistry Lab Emergency Action Plan