General outline for a cover letter.....................3
Elements of a professional cover letter ............4
Sample application letters..........................5-10
Sample letters of inquiry..........................11-12
Sample mutual friend referral........................13
Sample networking letter...............................14
Career Services, Fort Hays State University
Sheridan Hall 214, (785) 628-4260, c[email protected]
An eective cover letter is as important in the job search as an eective resumé. It serves as an
introduction to your resumé, and no resumé should be sent without one. Studies indicate that your cover
letter has the life expectancy of about 30 seconds, so it must be brief, informative, and hold the reader’s
attention. Employers often use cover letters as the intial screening tool in deciding whom to interview.
Where the resumé is the selling tool, the cover letter or letter of application is designed with the goal of
obtaining an interview. e cover letter allows you to expand on the resumé and personalize your
approach. A good cover letter expresses that you are seeking a more personal conversation about possible
employment. It should draw a connection between the needs of the current job opening and the skills
you can bring to the job. Cover letters are intended to summarize, mention particular points, provide
additional information and ask for an interview. Cover letters follow the same general rules of
resumes–specic, concise and error-free. Always enclose a cover letter when you mail a resumé.
Please remember each cover letter should be individualized to each position you are applying for.
Your Mailing Address
City, State, ZIP Code
Phone Number
Date of Letter
Employer’s Name
Employer’s Title
Organization Name
Mailing Address
City, State ZIP Code
Dear __________:
OPENING PARAGRAPH: State why you are writing, the name of the position or type of work for which you are applying, and mention
how you heard about the opening.
MIDDLE PARAGRAPH(S): Explain why you are interested in working for this employer and specify your reasons for desiring this type
of work. If you have had relevant work experience or related education, be sure to point it out, but do not reiterate your
entire resumé. Emphasize skills or abilities you have that relate to the job for which you are applying. Be sure to do this in a
confident manner, and remember that the reader will view your letter of application as an example of your writing skills.
CLOSING PARAGRAPH: Refer the reader to your enclosed resumé or additional documentation you are using to illustrate your
training, interests and experience. Have an appropriate closing to pave the way for the interview by indicating the action or steps
you will take to initiate an interview date. Indicate you are available for a personal interview at the employers convenience or show
your motivation by telling the employer you will be in contact with them.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
• Your letter should follow the standard personal business
letter format.
• Do not exceed one page of approximately three to four
• Use short words rather than long, complicated words; keep
jargon to a bare minimum.
• Avoid using script, bold fonts and heavy typefaces.
• Strive to keep your cover letters interesting, concise and to
the point.
• Remember to hand-sign your name above your typed name.
COmmunicate your interest
• Identify the desired position or type of position for which you
are applying. Focus on your skills, training or experience that
relate to the position and draw a connection between the needs
of the current job opening and the skills you can bring to the job.
• Make the addressee want to read your resumé. Be personable.
Communicate enthusiasm and motivation.
• Show that you are knowledgeable of the employer and career eld.
• Make sure to refer briey to your resumé or additional enclosures,
e.g., transcripts, application blanks or letters of reference.
• Do not make reference to salary unless requested by employer.
• In closing, request an interview at the employers convenience or
indicate that you will be in contact with the employer.
Write and type each cover letter individually. It should be
personalized to each employer and company.
If possible, address your letter to a specic person in the
organization. You can often nd the employer’s name by
utilizing Career Services resources, researching the company
website or calling the company and asking for the contact
persons name and job title.
Always refer to the employer as either Mr. or Ms., never Mrs.
(unless specied in the vacancy announcement). If you are
unable to identify the gender of the employer, omit the
“Mr./Ms.” title and address correspondence to “First Name,
Last Name.”
VERBS for positions you no longer hold should be past tense.
CREate a professional-looking finished product
If mailing in your documents, match the paper color and
weight of your cover letter with that of your resumé. Use
high-quality bond (at least 20-pound weight). Generally,
employers are conservative, a resumé and cover letter
perpared on white, o-white, light tan or light gray will
receive a more positive response. Additionally, matching
envelopes provide a professional look.
Proofread the letter carefully for spelling, grammatical, and
punctuation errors. It is a sample of your writing and
communciation skills.
If emailing in your documents, or attaching to a job portal,
refer to the job vacancy if they require documents uploaded
in a specic format (ie word, pdf, etc.)
APPLICATION letter for a teaching position
1515 Dogwood Patch
Hays, KS 67601
(785) 625-0000
Mr. David Mickey
Assistant Superintendent
Unified School District 383
2031 Poyntz Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66502
Dear Mr. Mickey:
Career Services at Fort Hays State University has notified me of several openings for elementary teachers in Unified School District
383. I will graduate in May 20__ from Fort Hays State University with a B.S. in Elementary Education and would like to be
considered as a candidate.
My field experience and directed teaching have been an invaluable exposure to teaching. In addition, I have volunteered as a
second-grade tutor and daycare helper. These experiences have made me appreciate children and realize the positive impact I may
have on their future.
I have been involved in several campus organizations in various capacities, which has allowed me to strengthen my communication
skills and organizational abilities. I feel this, along with my student teaching experience, makes me a strong candidate for an
elementary teaching position in the Manhattan school system.
My enclosed resumé further highlights my qualifications. I am interested in joining your faculty and will provide any additional
information you need to consider my qualifications. I look forward to visiting with you during a personal interview.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
333 Tiger Lane
Hays, KS 67601
(555) 123-4567
Ms. Jan Johnson
Manager of Human Resources
Smith Corporation
111 Success Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32803
Dear Ms. Johnson:
I am applying for the accountant position that was advertised with Fort Hays State University Career Services. The position seems to
fit very well with my education, experience, and career interests.
Your position requires skills in various accounting functions, including performing general ledger reconciliations, analysis, and
reporting; ensuring the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the general ledger and internal monthly and quarterly
statements; and making certain of the accuracy and timeliness of various reconciliations. In my experience as a junior accountant
and accounting intern, I handled monthly journal entries, analyzed expenses, reviewed and corrected accounting entries, and
generated reports. Accounting corrections I made as an intern revealed nearly $40,000 in unpaid bills and mislaid funds. My
enclosed resume provides more details on my qualifications.
My background and career goals seem to match your job requirements well. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively.
Furthermore, I am genuinely interested in the position and the working for Smith Coporation. Your firm has an excellent reputation
and comes highly recommended to me.
Please consider my request for a personal interview to discuss my qualifications and to learn more about this opportunity. I will call
you next week to see if a meeting can be arranged. Should you need to contact me, I may be reached at (555) 123-4567 or
[email protected]. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to visiting with you.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
APPLICATION letter for a teaching position
115 West Third
Phillipsburg, KS 67661
(785) 543-0000
Dr. Frank Ybarra
Assitant Superintendent of Personnel
Topeka Public Schools
624 West 24th Street
Topeka, KS 66611-1294
Dear Dr. Ybarra:
In response to the advertisement in the June 26 edition of the Topeka Capital-Journal, I am applying for the Social Studies teaching
position at Topeka High School. In May of this year, I received a B.S. degree in History from Fort Hays State University, and I am eager
to apply my leadership and creativity in the classroom.
My directed teaching experience at Phillipsburg High School heightened my interest in teaching at the high school level. This
rewarding experience gave me an opportunity to utilize a variety of teaching methods to stimulate and interest students in history,
social studies and governement classes. My enclosed resumé further highlights my related teaching accomplishments.
I am also interested in supervising after-school activities or clubs and coaching both volleyball and track. During my directed
teaching, I had the opportunity to assist with the high school volleyball team. Additionally, I have directed after-school sports and
activities sponsored by the local recreation commission for the past three years.
If any additional information is needed, please contact me. I am excited about the opportunity to teach at Topeka High School and
look forward to hearing from you soon.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
P.O. Box 1156
Hays, KS 67601
(785) 628-0000
Ms. Carol Jackson
Personnel Director
ABC, Inc.
2301 Walnut Grove Lane
Dallas, TX 75215
Dear Ms. Jackson:
I am writing in reference to your advertisement for a Personnel Trainee, as listed on I will graduate in May with a
Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology with a minor in Economics. My current cumulative GPA is 3.65/4.0 scale.
As you will note from the enclosed resumé, I have had a one-semester internship at Consumer Counseling Service and have worked
for several summers as a head lifeguard, with responsibility for a staff of 15 other lifeguards. Additionally, I have held leadership
positions in campus activities. I believe my academic background and my work and campus experiences have prepared me for
management training and have helped me to devlop many of the skills required of your training position.
I look forward to visiting with you during a personal interview at your convenience. You may reach me at (913) 628-0000 to set up a
time to further discuss my qualifications. Thank you for your consideration.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
7012 Southway
Hays, KS 67601
(785) 625-0000
Mr. John Smith
District Manager
The Upjohn Company
3500 Sprinkle Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Dear Mr. Smith:
Upon reviewing your posting for a “Pharmaceutical Representative” advertised on, I was compelled to submit
my application for your review. I am confident that with my experience and education I qualify as a competitive candidate and
would like to be considered for the position.
With my position as a surgical nurse and my past retail sales experience, I feel I have the necessary qualifications needed to work in
pharmaceutical sales. I have the ability to perform accurately and quickly when under pressure. This is demonstrated through my
working with doctors and anesthesiologists under stressful conditions. I have developed a sensitivity to the importance of good
communciation skills, and this understanding will benefit me in relating to various medical professionals.
My friendly and outgoing personality has always been a plus in dealing with the public and medical personnel. I also have the
ability to adapt quickly to change. My familiarity with clinical and hospital settings and my technical skills will prove useful to a
career in pharmaceutical sales with The Upjohn Campany.
Would you please consider my request for a personal interview to discuss my qualifications and to learn more about this
opportunity? I will call you next week to see if a meeting can be arranged. Should you need to reach me, please feel free to contact
me at (838) 673-4345 or [email protected].
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to talking with you.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
APPLICATION letter for an internship position
4239 Clinton Street
Wichita, KS 67201
(316) 833-0408
Ms. Elaine Johnson
Vice President and Intern Coordinator
American Creative Advertising
527 Parkway Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66100
Dear Ms. Johnson:
As my senior year at Fort Hays State University rapidly approaches, I am eager to apply and supplement my business administration
and advertising studies through an internship. After researching advertising and public relations firms, I found that you offer an
Advertising/Public Relations internship opportunity–and that many of my qualifications reflect my suitability for this position.
As my enclosed resumé indicates, I have focused my studies and work experience in business areas–particularly marketing and
advertising. On a practical level, as advertising manager of The Hays Daily News, I achieved record sales last year, helping the
newspaper reach a yet unequaled financial security by implementing a unique sales/advertising incentive program. I gained basic
accounting experience as a bookkeeper at JCPenney, and based upon my work record and related interests, was asked to design
seasonal merchandise displays.
I would like to speak with you to learn more about the specifics of the Advertising/Public Relations internship at American Creative
Advertising. I will call you on Monday, Janurary 18, should you not contact me before, so that we might arrange a date to discuss the
details of this position.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
Letter of inquiry
247 South Haven
Pomona, VA 24635
(703) 241-0004
Mr. Michael Kennedy
Personnel Manager
Xerox Corporation
P.O. Box 7777
Rochester, NY 14606
Dear Mr. Kennedy:
In May of this year I will receive my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design from Fort Hays State University. Since I am
interested in the Xerox Corporation, I am inquiring about career opportunities which may exist in your design or advertising
I am very interested and involved in the activity of designing various kinds of items, including products and packaging material. My
enclosed resumé provides a more detailed description of my education, interests and work experience.
I am particularly interested in the Xerox Corporation because of its reputation, the products Xerox produces and the designs used in
your products and advertisements. I feel my qualifications are competitive and my skills would prove to be an asset. I see this
company as being progressive, and look forward to the opportunity of being able to contribute to the company’s continued success.
I would appreciate your consideration of my qualifications. I am available for a personal interview at your convenience, and I will be
in contact with you to arrange for a time to meet with you.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
230 Walnut Road
Hays, KS 67601
(785) 623-0000
Personnel Department
Minneapolis Public Schools
807 N. Broadway
Minneapolis, MN 55413
I am writing to inquire whether there will be fall teaching openings in the Minneapolis Public Schools for which I might be
considered. My B.S. degree will be conferred from Fort Hays State University in May with a double major in Elementary Education
and Special Education.
As you will note from the enclosed resumé, I am currently student teaching in the special education department at Hays Middle
School. Following completion of this eight week, full-day experience, I will be teaching in a third-grade classroom at Harwood
Elementary Magnet School in Kansas City, Missouri. My certification will be in both elementary and special education, and I am
interested in securing a position in either subject area.
I am eager to begin my teaching career and look forward to hearing from you. I have enclosed my resumé for your review. Thank you
for your consideration.
(Handwritten Signature)
389 East 32nd Street
Salina, KS 67401
Mr. Patrick DiLaura
Professional Staffing Representative
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
2501 McGee Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64141-6580
Dear Mr. DiLaura:
Our mutual friend, Mr. Kenneth Rutgers, has suggested that I get in touch with you to learn about business marketing opportunities
with Hallmark Cards, Inc. Because my career interests are in strategic product development and product management, Mr. Rutgers
believes that I could make a positive contribution to your organization.
In December of this year, I will receive a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Marketing from Fort Hays State University.
Throughout my academic career, I have had a special interest in the personal communication industry. My studies of marketing plan
development and design, as well as merchandising and retailing concepts, have been especially rewarding, and now I would like to
expand my abilities as a professional in the field.
As noted on my enclosed resumé, I have gained insight into the operations of the Hallmark Corporation through my three years of
employment at the Hays, Kansas, Hallmark store. This experience has further heightened my interest in the company.
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss how my skills can contribute to the success for Hallmark Cards. I look
forward to hearing from you to schedule a personal interview at your convenience.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
NETWORKING LETTER Email (USED for making a connection between you and the reader)
843 Oak Street
Valley Center, KS 67032
(785) 483-0000
Ms. Jennifer Cartney, Partner
Long and Hower Brokerage, LLP
100 Broad Street
Topeka, KS 65843
Dear Ms. Cartney:
Dr. Alex Jones, Professor of Finance at Fort Hays State University, suggested that I contact you. He thought that, as an alumna, you
would be in an excellent position to assist me with a career decision.
As a finance student, I am exploring which career path to pursue. Securities, trading and investment banking all sound interesting
to me at this point, but I want to go into my campus interviews next semester with a clear sense of direction. I would like to get your
advice on the long-term career implications of each path as well as a better understanding on the day-to-day activities of a broker.
I will call you next week to see if we can arrange a brief meeting at your convenience. Thank you for considering my request.
(Handwritten Signature)
Your Name Typed
DOs and DON’Ts
• Enclose a cover letter when you mail a resumé.
• Use eective formatting rules.
• Follow the standard personal business letter format.
• Keep jargon to a bare minimum.
• Personalize your letter.
• Write and type each cover letter individually for each employer.
• Address your letter to a specic person in the organization.
• Refer to the employer as either Mr. or Ms.
• Communicate your interest.
• Identify the desired position or type of position for which you
are applying.
• Focus on your skills, training or experience that relate to
the position.
• Communicate enthusiasm and motivation.
• Refer briey to your resumé or additional enclosures.
• Request an interview at the employer’s convenience.
• Proofread the letter carefully for spelling, grammar and
punctuation errors.
• Exceed one page of approximately
three to four paragraphs.
• Use long, complicated words.
• Use script, bold fonts and heavy
• Make reference to salary unless
requested by employer.
HAYS, KS 67601- 4099
(785) 628-4260
(785) 628-4260