What is EditGrid?
EditGrid (www.editgrid.com) is a online spreadsheet that allows you to easily share and collaborate with
other web users. Its a fast and efficient way to use spreadsheets in an online or distance learning
environment. EditGrid's personal accounts are free.
More that Spreadsheets
What sets EditGrid apart from the other online spreadsheets
such as Zoho (www.zoho.com) and and Google Docs
(http://docs.google.com) is its advanced feature set and its
unique blend of publishing and sharing options.
Like Excel, Just in the Browser
If you are familiar with Microsoft Excel, you already
know how to use EditGrid. Many Excel features,
including sorting, charts, auto-fill, cell border, number
formatting, cell formatting, import, export, freeze pane,
text overflow, auto-fit row/column size, word warp, and
cell comments, all work the same in EditGrid as they
do in Excel with the exact same keyboard shortcuts.
Advanced features such as auto-sort, cell comments
and named ranges work as well.
Since EditGrid exists online, multiple users can edit a
spreadsheet simultaneously, with changes
synchronized in real-time to all other users opening the
same spreadsheet. Co-editors are always working on
the latest version.
With EditGrid's live chat feature, you can
instant-message with your colleagues on-the-spot -- no
need to switch to another application in order to
discuss changes. To Open the chat widow, simply
click on the users message on the status bar.
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Creating an Account
To get started using EditGrid, You will need setup an account. Go to www.editgrid.com/signup or click
on the "Sign-Up" tab from the the EditGrid homepage
Sign-up for a Personal Account
Click the Sign-Up Button to Create a Personal Account.
Create Username and and Password
Enter your personal information and create a
username and password. You will use this info every
time you use EditGrid.
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The EditGrid Workspace
After signing in to EditGrid, you are directed to the EditGrid Workspace. The workspace is the central
hub of EditGrid and allows you to manage all of your spreadsheets. You can add or change privacy
settings, tag spreadsheets with descriptions
Workspace Overview
(1) The left sidebar controls the file browsing
capabilities. In addition to the All/Active/Archived
spreadsheet views, a tag-list and owner-list view
(sorted alphabetically) can also be found. If you have
tagged a keyword with your spreadsheets, you can
locate it quickly by clicking on the tag. Likewise, if you
are working with your collaborators, you can access
the those spreadsheets by clicking on the owner in the
(2) The filter function is perfect for locating any
spreadsheet in your workspace. If you know the name
of the spreadsheet or partial name of the spreadsheet
you need access to, type it in the filter box and will
display matching results in the books list.
Drop-Down Options
Selecting the drop-down arrow (3) gives you an array of options for
an individual sheet. From here you can rename, share, and
download the spreadsheet to your computer as an excel or .csv file
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Uploading Spreadsheets
No need to re-create the Wheel.
If you already have spreadsheets you have created using Microsoft
Excel, you don't have to start from scratch.
EditGrid can import spreadsheets from/to many popular
spreadsheet file formats, including Microsoft Excel (.xls),
OpenDocument (.ods), OpenOffice.org (.sxc), CSV (.csv), and
many others.
To upload your existing spreadsheets, click the
"Upload/Create" (1) button on the home page or select
"Upload" (2) from the My Spreadsheets Tab
Hit Browse to select a file to upload. In the Upload
Dialog box you can set the initial security setting for
your file. Select "Upload multiple files" (3) if you wish
you upload more than one file at a time
You are able to upload up to files at a time. Click
"Upload" (4) when you have chosen your files and are
ready to being uploading
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Privacy Settings
EditGrid allows a wide array of privacy settings to give you precise control over the access students or
other EditGrid users have to your spreadsheets.
Control Access
To adjust the privacy settings, open your EditGrid
spreadsheet and in the EditGrid menu:
* Click Share --> Share to Public... >
* Choose the above permission setting to apply
There are six permission settings you can apply to your
spreadsheet. They are:
(1) Private -- Public Users have no access to the
(2) Public Read-only -- Public Users can read and
view the spreadsheet but cannot make changes
(3) Public Read/Write -- Public Users can read and
write to the spreadsheet
(4) Protected Read-only -- Public users can view
the spreadsheet with a valid password, but cannot
make changes
(5) Protected Read and Write -- Public users need
a valid password in order to view and make changes
(6) Read and Protected Write -- Public users can
see the spreadsheet but may only edit the spreadsheet
when a valid password is provided
Privacy Settings can can also be made by choosing
your spreadsheet in your My Workspace and click on
the icon and choose Share --> Share with Public.
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Choose a Password
When a password protected privacy is selected, a
dialog popup window will appear. Type the password
twice and share with students you wish to have access
to the spreadsheet.
Protected Spreadsheet
Users/Students will need the password in order to
access the spreadsheet
Cell/Range Lock
Even if you allow unlimited read/write access to other
users, you can still restrict access to a portion of the
If you'd like to prevent others from modifying certain
regions (e.g. regions populated by formulas) of shared
spreadsheets, you can lock it. To lock cells, select the
cell or range and the select " Cell/Range Lock" --->
"Apply Cell/Range Lock" From the Collaborate Menu.
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Publishing in Blackboard
A real benefit of EditGrid is ability to cross-publish your spreadsheets into websites, blogs, or content
management systems. This functionality allows you to publish your spreadsheet directly into
Create a Widget
To publish a a spreadsheet into Blackboard, you first
need to create a widget of your spreadsheet
Click "Publish " --> :Widgets" --> and choose the
widget type. EditGrid offers three varieties of widgets.
(1) HTML table -- An HTML table widget is a static
view which is faster to load and update on reload.
(2) Mini-EditGrid -- A Mini-EditGrid is a dynamic grid
also receiving real-time updates from EditGrid.
(3) Calculator -- A Calculator widget allows editing
your spreadsheets in your blog/website without saving
changes to the original. This is the ideal format if you
want students to use the students to experiment with
the spreadsheet but don't want those modifications to
carry over to your master spreadsheet
Finalize the Widget
To modify widget size, type in the desired dimensions.
Dimensions may be stated in absolute pixel sizes (px)
or as a percentage(% ) of available screen real estate
available to the widget.
Click advanced options for more options, if necessary.
The advance options let you control the appearance of
the sheet and control which toolbars (status bar,
formula bar, etc) appear in the embedded sheet.
Copy the code. High light the code and enter "ctrl-c"
for pc users, "apple-c" for mac users
Publishing in Blackboard - 1 Instructional Design & Developmment / idd.depaul.edu
Find the Content Area in Blackboard
Go to your course in Blackboard and find the content
area or module that you want to place the spreadsheet
in. Enter the the Editing section for that module. Note:
Before you paste the embed code, you must enter the
HTML editing mode of the Text Box. Select "<>" to
enter html editing. They look like a greater than and
less sign facing each other.
Enter HTML Editing Mode
Once you are in HTML editing mode, paste the code
into the text box. Type "ctrl-p" if you are on a pc or
"apple-p" if you are on a mac. After pasting the code,
select "Submit" and then "Ok" to finalize the
embedding and exit the editing tool.
Student View Password-Protected
If the spreadsheet was password protected, students
be asked for the password when they try to view the
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Embedded Spreadsheet
Once the password has been entered, students can
view and edit the spreadsheet based the privacy
settings that have been set-up. If the student has
signed up with EditGrid and has an active account.
They may login and have access to the chat tool.
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Using Remote Data
Since EditGrid is a web app, it’s easy to setup cells that retrieve data directly from the Internet. With
EditGrid's remote data you can retrieve real-time data such as stock quotes, foreign exchange rates
and other web data. Remote data are provided through spreadsheet functions, e.g.
Below are are examples of some of the business and finance data packs that are available via EditGrid:
Yahoo! Finance
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Thomson Reuters
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CIA World Factbook
For More Information on Remote Data Formulas in EditGrid:
Image Data
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Data is more than just raw numbers. Images are also apart of EditGrid's Remote Data Functionality
The image above shows a stock chart of Google over the past two years. This chart is dynamically
generated and will update automatically to reflect Google's stock performance.
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Excel Add-In
EditGrid Excel Plus
Power-up your Excel!
EditGrid Excel Plus is a windows plugin for Microsoft
Excel that brings the power of EditGrid to your desktop.
After installing the plugin, your Excel spreadsheets can
now access EditGrid's versatile feature set and
real-time data capabilities.
Open -- Open your EditGrid workbooks in Excel.
Save -- Save your EditGrid workbook opened in Excel
to EditGrid.
Publish -- Publish data from Excel to EditGrid with one
Subscribe-- Subscribe to an EditGrid worksheet and
receive real-time update in Excel when the online
workbook changes.
Synchronize -- Excel and EditGird real-time update
each other.
Bring in real-time data in Excel
Bring real-time data like user edits and remote stock
quotes right to Excel.
Publish data to EditGrid directly from Excel
Aggregate your data with Excel and publish it directly
to EditGrid without going through the cumbersome
upload process. Then use EditGrid's extensive
publishing features to distribute your data online as you
see fit.
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Access and edit your spreadsheets offline
Download your workbooks, edit them offline in Excel
and save it back to EditGrid when you're back online.
Get the best of both EditGrid and Excel
Let EditGrid works hand-in-hand with other plugins or
macros installed onto your Excel and get the best of
both worlds.
Greater flexibility & enhanced productivity
Don't let a slow internet connection or older browser
(e.g. IE 6) get in the way of your work, you can
leverage EditGrid functionalities directly in Excel
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iPhone Capability
EditGrid is also available for iphone users
Being compatible with Safari, iPhone's default browser,
EditGrid iPhone Edition beta offers you simplified page
flow and workspace, plus tuned browsing and scrolling
Data access anytime anyplace
Keep yourself updated. Monitor your project progress
and all your critical spreadsheets etc., in real-time
Become more productive with your iPhone
Next Step?
Visit iphone.editgrid.com with your iPhone now
With your iPhone, register an account or log in your
existing EditGrid account
iPhone Capability - 1 Instructional Design & Developmment / idd.depaul.edu