Recommended Practices
for Historical Slavery Data
March 2, 2022
By Catherine Foley and Alicia M. Sheill
(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
DOI: 10.25971/5xt9-7x54
Introduction 3
I. Terminology 5
Dataset vs. Database 5
Metadata 6
Linked Open Data and Ontologies 6
II. Managing Digital Data 8
Tooling for Data Collection 8
Digital Files 8
Referencing Digital Files Within a Dataset 9
Digital File Naming 9
File Formats 9
III. Recommended Practices for Historical Slavery Data 11
Defining Metadata 11
Identifying Records 12
Extraction and Recording Methods 14
Applying Controlled Vocabularies 15
IV. Using Key Enslaved.org Concepts 17
Source 17
Create Fields for Citations in Individual Records or Create a Source Record 18
Person 19
Names 19
Age and Age Category 20
Sex 20
Relationships 20
Birthdate and Death Date 21
Person Data Points at Specific Event Dates 21
Differentiate People with Unique Identifiers 23
Connection to Event 24
Event 24
Event Type 24
Single-Person Events and Group Events 24
Dates 25
Connection to Place 25
Place 26
Place Type 26
Coordinates 26
Contextualizing Place through “Located In...” Statements 26
Data connections 27
Acknowledgments 30
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This document explains recommended practices for data collection, metadata creation, data
extraction, and related workflows for Enslaved: Peoples of the Historical Slave Trade
(Enslaved.org). Enslaved.org is a digital platform to learn about the lives of individuals who were
enslaved, owned slaves, or participated in the historical slave trade. A primary goal of
Enslaved.org is to record the names of enslaved women, men, and children of African descent.
This document is a general framework describing how information about the names and lives of
enslaved people and historical slavery can be extracted from archival materials in a way that
acknowledges the humanity of the people described in the documents and structured so that
the data can be understood and used now and in the future.
It is understood that dataset creators extract information from records for their own purposes
and projects, and thus this set of recommendations is not meant to be prescriptive. The guide
has been written with two primary audiences in mind: 1) data collectors starting out in the field
who would like to learn about recommended practices, and 2) seasoned researchers who would
like to enhance their work to make it more shareable and usable by other scholars. It can also be
helpful to those scholars, genealogists, and members of the general public who are doing
research in the field of historical slavery. It can be particularly helpful to those institutions --
libraries, archives, museums, historical sites -- that would like to prepare contributions to
Enslaved.org. Finally, it can help teach students data-informed historical methods.
These recommended practices describe various considerations for specific fields that dataset
creators may capture during data collection. Enslaved.org maintains documentation defining
records and fields that reflect the type of information that the site integrates in its discovery
hub. These documents can be found at docs.enslaved.org/metadata. These are not a definitive
set of fields for a historical slavery data, but a subset of fields used by Enslaved.org to build an
interconnected system of tools to search, browse, visualize, and analyze disparate, previously
siloed datasets in a single location. Enslaved.org developed the records, fields, and controlled
vocabularies it uses to link together historical slavery data in collaboration with a team of
historians of slavery.
Within this recommended practices document, Enslaved.org provides more elaborate
explanations for fields and data extraction processes that have challenged previous
contributors to Enslaved.org. This document and other Enslaved.org materials are guides, not
restrticive blueprints, for designing new historical slavery datasets.
Before jumping into discussing recommendations, it will be helpful to review the ethics of data
curation and key terms used in the document. Enslaved.org’s Statement of Ethics articulates the
importance of and need for an intentional approach to ethically handling historical materials
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that document the lives of enslaved women, children, men, and families. As the statement
Although the historical record and data-driven approaches to history have often rendered
enslaved people as nameless, we aspire to use historical data collections to recover,
aggregate, and make accessible the names and life stories of enslaved people. We
recognize that primary source material reflects the perspectives and biases of the
material’s authors, reflecting the systems of power and racist ideologies of the periods in
which they were written. Most often, they fail to acknowledge the humanity of enslaved
people and instead commodify Black bodies and experiences. We are committed to
identifying by name as many enslaved people as possible and to representing individual
and collective experiences in an intentional, humane, and ethical frame. We seek out
submissions that read against the grain of dehumanizing archival perspectives, pursue
alternative sources, recognize their own positionality within larger systems of power, and
support descendant communities in telling their own histories. We work collaboratively
with researchers and descendant communities to continually develop and follow
practices that respect the lives of enslaved people.
Enslaved.org also encourages data collectors to make their data “FAIR data,” i.e. data that is
findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. Data that is discoverable and open maximizes
the value of the data by making it useful and usable to others. This document is intended to
provide guidance to data creators about how to describe their data so that other users can
locate and reuse the data for purposes not originally envisioned by the data creator. To learn
more about FAIR principles for data management and stewardship, see:
As part of FAIR data principles and with the recognition that any digital project could go dark,
including Enslaved.org, multiple layers of preservation are encouraged. In addition to making
datasets finable and accessible in the Enslved.org hub, Enslaved.org uses Dataverse
(https://support.dataverse.harvard.edu/), a general purpose data repository operated by Harvard
University, where datasets are assigned a DOI, preserved, and made searchable alongside data
produced and shared by researchers from many disciplines. Enslaved.org data is deposited in
its Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation Dataverse
(https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/jsdp) under Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Contributors
are also welcome to propose an alternative data repository; contributors have used the
University of Pennsylvania Scholarly Commons, GitHub, Zenodo, and the UK Data Service,
among others.
Mark D. Wilkinson, Michael Dumontier, IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Gabrielle Appleton, et al. "The FAIR
Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship," Scientific Data 3 (15 March 2016)
160018. doi:10.1038/sdata.2016.18.
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I. Terminology
To better understand the following recommendations, it is helpful to consider key terms, their
definitions, and their uses.
Dataset vs. Database
In the Enslaved.org context, datasets are most often tabular representations of information
extracted from historical documents. In some instances, the dataset is stored in spreadsheets
like Microsoft Excel or in a table. Irrespective of the carrier, the structured data at the center of
Enslaved.org is digital, tabular, and arranged in a series of ordered columns and rows. Each row
contains the same columns in the same order as all other rows (see Illustration 1: Dataset
Components below). Every column, called a field or variable, contains a set of data values that
are all of the same type. For example, the dataset could contain a column of names written out
as text or a column of ages typed as numbers. The label or name of the column describes its
contents. The columns define the structure of the table, while the rows, called records, contain
the entries that make up the dataset.
Illustration 1: Dataset Components
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Although a dataset could be integrated into a database, a database is more complex and is
defined as “an organized collection of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a
computer system. Notice that this specifies a “computer system,” not just a “computer.This is
because databases use database management systems or software to interact with users,
other computer system applications, and the data itself. Oftentimes, researchers refer to their
datasets as databases, but for our purposes one must be running database software to
accurately describe ones dataset as a database. For most purposes when considering the
process of extracting data from historical records, Enslaved.org recommends simply using the
term “dataset.” See the section on “Tooling for data collection” below for additional details.
Metadata is information about the dataset describing its content, organizational structure, and
characteristics, so that the data can be understood, stored, discovered, accessed, used, and
reused. In the context of Enslaved.org, metadata is robust documentation about the data so
that it can be reused and interpreted for purposes not necessarily envisioned by the creator of
the data. There are different types of metadata including (1) descriptive metadata, which
describes information about a resource such as what it is and who created it; (2) structural
metadata, which explains how a resource is organized and relationships between data
elements; and (3) administrative metadata, which records provenance and rights information
describing the origin and intellectual property of a resource. In short, metadata explains how
resources or data are organized, used and managed.
Linked Open Data and Ontologies
Linked open data (LOD) is a method of publishing, sharing, and connecting structured data on
the web. Data from different sources is standardized, aggregated, and formatted in such a way
that it is machine readable and is structured by an underlying ontology. The Enslaved.org
ontology defines concepts (e.g. Person, Event, Place, and Source) within the domain of historical
slavery and relationships between these concepts. The abstract organization of the ontology is
made practical in the Enslaved.org metadata documentation, which describes core data points
expressed in our data model, for example Name, Sex, Occupation, and Freedom Status for
The key point here is that when LOD is generated from the original dataset, it stands as a
separate dataset from the original. Any dataset added to Enslaved.org remains untouched and
in its original deposited state within the data repository (Dataverse or another of the creator’s
William K. Michener, “Creating and Managing Metadata,” in Ecological Informatics: Data Management
and Knowledge Discovery, edited by Friedrich Recknagel and William K. Michener: 71 (Cham, Switzerland:
Springer, 2018), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59928-1_5; William K. Michener, James W. Brunt, John
J. Helly, Thomas B. Kirchner, Susan G. Stafford, “Non-geospatial metadata for the ecological sciences,
Ecological Applications 7 (1997): 331,
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choosing). The extracted LOD collected in the Enslaved.org hub helps to link the user both back
to the original dataset and to other published datasets.
In very simple terms, an ontology defines the concepts, categories, vocabularies, and the
relationships among them in a particular subject area or domain. For example, you can see the
Enslaved.org ontology at https://docs.enslaved.org/ontology/. The ontology helps to make the
LOD more machine readable and make the links and relationships between pieces of data. In
short, computers do not understand what humans take for granted -- i.e., what is a baptism?
who is involved? why is it done? -- thus the ontology helps to make searching and using the data
more successful and effective.
Much more could be said on the topic of linked open data and ontologiest. For more details see
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (https://www.w3.org/wiki/LinkedData) and
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II. Managing Digital Data
Although many aspects of digital data management go beyond the purview of this document,
below are several recommended practices that Enslaved.org have found to be useful to data
Tooling for Data Collection
When choosing a software application for data collection, what you pick is not as important as
how comfortable you are with using it. If you have never used Microsoft Access and don’t own a
computer that runs it, then using it just because you heard it is database software is not setting
yourself up for success. Since most dataset creators Enslaved.org encounters have single table
spreadsheets, they often choose Google Sheets to collect, edit, and manipulate their data.
Projects with multiple tables of data can use spreadsheets with multiple tabs/sheets within a
single file. Often dataset creators leverage “Identifiers” to connect records and data in the
different sheets.
Understanding the limitation of the software you choose is important to maintaining the
integrity of your data. Google Sheets makes it easy to add new records and fields, but they also
make it easy to delete said records and fields along with individual cells of data, so be careful of
making unwanted deletions. Neither Google Sheets nor Microsoft Excel offers a particularly
robust tracking system or history for edits of individual data points. Some general ability to roll
back to previous dates and times (encompassing potentially many untracked changes) is
available. Google Sheets is only available on the web, but also allows for multiple people to
review, edit, and manipulate the data in tandem. Depending upon the nature of your data
collaboration and internet access, this may or may not be appealing.
Many data collectors are familiar with Microsoft Excel, but there are several drawbacks to using
it, described in the “File Formats” section below; finding an alternative to Excel could be
especially important for projects working with sources in languages with special characters.
The most important thing to remember when choosing a data application is having the ability to
export to a properly encoded, non-proprietary file format to ensure transferability of the data and
longevity between platforms. Please see the “File Formats” section below.
Digital Files
Clearly organize your data file(s) in a single directory/folder on your computer or selected cloud
storage system. If you keep the files within a series of directory folders, the exact path to the file
should also need to be included as part of the file name within the data file.
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Referencing Digital Files Within a Dataset
Many digital archive projects include related digital files, whether scans of original documents
from an archive, photographs, or even audio and video files. It is important to manage these
digital files related to the dataset. To accomplish this, include the exact filename in a column
within your record. Persistent identifiers such as URIs or DOIs can also be included within a
column of the dataset.
Digital File Naming
Although often overlooked, clearly naming digital files can make a huge difference in the ease of
sharing and publishing project data on the web. It is strongly recommended to use basic
characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) when generating file names for digital files. Enslaved.org advises
against using 1) special characters (parentheses, commas, other punctuation, etc.), 2) spaces,
and 3) diacritics (a sign added to a basic letter such as an accent or umlaut), as such characters
can hinder or even stop the transfer of files between computers and can render incorrectly on
the web if not encoded correctly. It is better to avoid using these characters altogether within file
File names, including extensions (e.g. .jpg, .gif, .txt, .mov, etc.) must be unique to an individual
file, i.e. no two files can have the same name. Leveraging record identifiers to create a filename
is a good strategy for creating unique filenames (see section on “Identifying Records” above).
Capitalizations count in file naming and must be maintained within a filename but casing should
not be used to create a unique file name.
File names can be versioned by appending a suffix to the end of the file name. This suffix could
be an alphabetical letter or a more robust mechanism, like a date with a timestamp. It is
recommended to use the format of YYYYMMDD for dates, so January 28, 2021 would be
20210128. Formatting dates in this method will allow easier sorting and analyzing of data and
Finally, filenames should include the extension of the file as it is an important part of the file that
sometimes does not display depending upon the setup of ones computer. A jpg image file for
my Newspaper Advertisement Event (referenced in the “Identifying Records” section) created in
February 1835 could have the identifier EVE-ADV-0001-183502.jpg.
File Formats
It is important to have the ability to export your dataset to a properly encoded, non-proprietary
file format to ensure transferability of the data and longevity between platforms. Microsoft Excel
is an example of a proprietary, i.e. paid-for software (a user has to own said software to view
xlsx files). Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice, Google Sheets and other software applications have the
ability to export documents to open formats such as comma separated values (csv) or tab
separated values (tsv), which are the recommended formats for Enslaved.org since they can be
read by multiple programs. (Even if a data collector uses Excel to create a dataset, they can
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submit a csv or tsv export of their data instead of an xlsx file when it comes time for
submission.) The ability to export your data into an open format like csv makes it easier to share
your data, as well as integrate it into other systems, thus increasing the lifespan of the dataset.
Using a file type like csv or tsv is also preferred because they maintain the datas encoding.
Failure to properly encode a dataset may lead to the loss of unique characters such as diacritics
or glyphs, or dates found within the data. For most Roman language script datasets, the use of
the Unicode Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8) encoding often provides a sufficient set of
characters. Encodings are easy to include when saving or exporting data to open formats such
as csv, but be aware that proprietary softwares like Microsoft Excel use their own set of
encoding formats that may not be directly transferable to other systems. Microsoft Excel is also
known to have difficulty with maintaining ISO date formats. Non-Roman scripts such as
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Arabic require additional encoding formats that
should be considered and formatted properly for the data found within the dataset.
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III. Recommended Practices for Historical Slavery Data
Although there are many ways to capture data related to the historical slave trade, Enslaved.org
chooses to focus on People and the recreation of their lives by describing Events that included
them, when and where these life events occurred, and what sources they are documented in.
The inclusion of details pertaining to the historical documents that led to the creation of these
records give integrity to the data that is collected. All of this information is captured within
Enslaved.org’s four record types: Person, Event, Place, and Source.
This section provides recommended practices for the collection and processing of tabular data
for contributors to Enslaved.org. The recommendations include: 1) defining metadata, 2)
identifying records, 3) applying controlled vocabularies, 4) extraction and recording methods.
Suggestions regarding building connections across the data are discussed throughout.
Defining Metadata
Metadata is robust documentation about the dataset so that the data can be interpreted and
reused for purposes not necessarily envisioned by the creator of the data. Metadata includes
detailed descriptions about how the data is collected and processed into a dataset. Contributors
to Enslaved.org describe this process with a description of their data project and an explanation
of their methodology in the short data article that accompanies each dataset, published in the
Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation (JSDP).
Metadata also includes detailed information about each field/column heading in the dataset.
Enslaved.org and JSDP documents often refer to this as a field definitions table; in other
contexts, you might see it referred to as a data dictionary or part of a codebook. In a separate
tab/sheet in your dataset or in a distinct word processing document or spreadsheet,
contributors should clearly list and write a brief definition explaining the fields or column
headings used in the dataset. The definitions need to specify the exact meaning of the data
recorded in the field in plain language. It is helpful not to simply repeat column headers in your
definitions. Column field/column heading definitions should provide context about the extracted
data so that someone who is unfamiliar with the original source document understands what
the data is and how it was extracted. It may be obvious to the data collector that the Date
column refers to the date when an enslaved person took flight and escaped bondage. But there
are many potential dates that could be related to a fugitives life experiences, for example, the
date when another person placed an advertisement in a newspaper, or a date when the
advertiser claimed to have last seen the enslaved person. These nuances should be clarified in
the field/column heading definitions. The most important thing a data collector can do is
robustly document the data as it is being collected.
Recommended practices documentation and definitions should attempt to answer these
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What is the data you are capturing?
How are you recording that data (this could include use of controlled vocabulary terms)?
Are the terms pulled directly from the source document (extracted/verbatim), or did you
interpret content in the source document in order to capture the data point? For example,
did you impute Sex based on the gendered first name of a person, or was it explicitly
noted in the document?
Did you transform abbreviations used in the original document into a set of standard
terms for titles or honorifics?
Did you introduce an identifier for each person in the dataset, one that was not present in
the source document?
Are you recording additional information, such as the order in which data appeared in the
original source (sort order)?
What conventions did you use to convey ambiguous information in the original source?
For example how did you record illegible letters or words using brackets, etc.?
See Enslaved.org’s metadata documentation (https://docs.enslaved.org/metadata/) for a
sample of how contributors can describe their fields with meaningful definitions.
Identifying Records
Enslaved.org recommends every record within a dataset have a unique identifier. This is one of
the most important things a data collector can do at the outset of a new data collection project.
How individual projects implement identifiers will vary based on the goals of the research. Some
projects attempt to unambiguously identify the same person across all of the sources analyzed.
In other cases, the dataset creator might be more interested in precisely recording every detail
of the original source without explicit attention to disambiguating the people described in the
A unique identifier is a string of characters and/or numbers that is unique to one single record
and is not repeated throughout the entirety of the dataset unless it is to connect related records
(more on this later in this document). If unique identifiers are not already present within the
dataset, they can be included as a new field/column. The creation of unique identifiers can be as
simple as numbering your rows starting at “1” or as complicated as adding prefixes before each
number indicating data structure, i.e. differences between record types. For example, if I were to
have Person (PER) 1 and Event (EVE) 1, I may want to use PER-00001 and EVE-00001 to
differentiate between the two records. Enslaved.org recommends that data collectors use a
minimum of 3 characters when identifying record types, i.e. EVE instead of just EV for Event. For
numbers included in an identifier, Enslaved.org recommends always maintaining the same
number of digits, so an identifier number beginning with 00001 would at most have 99,999
entries in that record type. The inclusion of unique identifiers can help with sorting and
analyzing the data as it is developed.
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If data collectors want to provide further indications of record differences within a record type,
they could add Person Role, Event Type, or Place Type to the identifier. For example, if there
were two types of events, e.g., Court Cases (CAS) and Newspaper Advertisements (ADV), our
identifiers would be EVE-CAS-0001 for Court Case 1, and EVE-ADV-0001 for Newspaper
Advertisement 1. (When creating linked open data, Enslaved.org staff will add a prefix to all
records coming into its discovery hub to indicate the project that contributed the record. This
can be a helpful tip for individual data collectors working on more than one data collection
Unique identifiers are a powerful tool that can be very useful for data collectors (and for others
who want to use the researcher’s data). They can be used to make connections between data
points and to other records within the dataset, and make the connections correctly and
effectively. See the “Data Connections” section below for more on this topic.
Another key to good data practices is to consider the full lifecycle of data curation. Enslaved
.org’s four identifier field types (Person Identifier, Event Identifier, Place Identifier, and Source
Identifier) support immediate and long-term data management, including augmenting and
updating records. These fields uniquely reference every single person, event, place, or source
record in a dataset. Existing only once in a dataset, this identifier field is used to disambiguate
one record from all others in a dataset. As such, it allows a dataset creator to make a record for
an event. For example, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database assigned each ship voyage, the
primary unit of analysis in the project, a unique identification number. The project used this
identifier to unambiguously distinguish a single voyage from all others that may have the same
ship name, voyage duration or time frame, or ports of call. As data in a voyage record expands
or gets modified over time, the individual VOYAGEID facilitates precise updating of the correct
record. Unique identifiers are a powerful tool to reduce data duplication and potential recording
Manual creation and maintenance of identifiers is challenging, especially without built in
error-checking. The onus is on the data collector to review the identifiers and guarantee the
uniqueness of each one. Although onerous, many creators consider it valuable work to make
data more shareable and usable.
When combining all of these methods, human readable identifiers will be created that give data
management staff the ability to tell 1) which project contributed the record, 2) the overarching
record type of Person, Place, Event, or Source, and sometimes 3) more specific information
about the record given the complexity of the project such as Person Role, Event Type, or Place
To read more about how other organizations implement identifiers, see Leigh Dodds, “How do
Patricia Harpring, Introduction to Controlled Vocabularies (Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2010), 237.
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different communities create unique identifiers?” Lost Boy blog,
or Victor Chircu, “7 Strategies for Assigning Ids,” Simple Oriented Architecture blog,
https://www.simpleorientedarchitecture.com/7-strategies-for-assigning-ids/. We also
recommend JSDP editor Daryle Williams’s discussion in "Free Africans and Concessionaires, Rio
de Janeiro, 1860," Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation 2, no. 1 (2021),
Extraction and Recording Methods
Depending on the dataset creators research interests, the focus of the project, and the nature of
the source materials analyzed, a dataset creator will likely make decisions about how to extract
and record data. Possibilities include 1) faithfully recording all of the data in a source document
(verbatim capture); 2) inferring additional information from the source material (interpreting or
imputing data); and/or 3) translating some or all data from the source document into another
language (translation). There is no best or right way to make these decisions. Often data
collectors will implement more than one strategy when extracting and recording (i.e., a data
collector may use one data value to record a verbatim term in one column, translate the term in
another column, and/or interpret the term in a final column. The selection of how to extract and
record is completely dependent on the dataset creators research goals. What is important is
that the data collector thoroughly documents the fields and the controlled vocabularies they
are using to structure their dataset at the outset of a project. This documentation should
include names and definitions of the fields, stating if each field appeared in the source
(verbatim, inferred, and/or translated), and how the data was recorded within the field. See the
“Defining metadata” section above.
An example will illustrate the differences between these approaches and the value of careful
documentation. One data collector studying post-mortem inventories of slaveholders’
possessions in Brazil created a dataset with a blended approach. The column headings for the
core part of this dataset were derived from relatively standardized paragraph descriptions of
each enslaved person listed in the inventory. The inventory takers included the same types of
information for each person in the same order across all inventories. The data collector broke
these categories into column headings, which they labeled or named in English even though the
inventories were in Portuguese. For many of the fields, the data collector translated into English
the data included in the Portuguese descriptions: M (for male) and F (for female) were recorded
for male and female in Portuguese. Some data was inferred. When Sex was not explicitly
recorded in the document, for example, the data collector looked to other gendered words or to
the names of the enslaved to determine Sex. Finally, the dataset creator added an entirely new
column found nowhere in the archival document to record their analysis or interpretation of the
“nation” recorded for each enslaved person. The dataset creator defined a standard list of
geographic regions into which they placed the various listed nations, thus identifying the place
of origin for each enslaved person, which was their research focus.
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From this example, it becomes clear that coding data (as in the M for male and F for female
example above) or using other forms of shorthand can lead to confusion for people trying to
read and analyze the data, if the data collector does not document or define the codes. This is
especially true for datasets that are not in the same language as the archival documents or that
use jargon that the data collector added to the dataset, hence the necessity of documenting
ones choices in the field definitions table/data dictionary and the Methodology section of
Journal of Slavery and Data Preservation data articles.
Applying Controlled Vocabularies
Controlled vocabularies are used to standardize data values within like fields and provide
consistency across a dataset. These carefully selected and defined lists of words and phrases
provide a consistent way to categorize data values within a field so that similar data in disparate
datasets can be searched effectively. For example, when describing Sex within the Enslaved.org
controlled vocabulary, the terms “Female,” “Male,” and “Intersex” are used. These controlled
terms standardize words that encompass this category in historical documents such as woman,
man, lady, gentleman, boy, girl, mujer, hombre, niña, niño, or abbreviations like M and F used in
some datasets. Aligning with Enslaved.org’s controlled vocabularies is recommended, but not
required. As in the following example, the key is both to establish a standardized process for
extracting and recording the data for each field and to document the process for each field.
Although controlled vocabularies encourage shared language, the current list of terms will not
be sufficient to accommodate the specifics of every historical example; use whatever terms you
think are best and after initial submission, talk to Enslaved.org staff about the possibility of
adding these terms to the controlled vocabularies to better represent your evidence.
Pro-tip: Specify and define terms appropriate for a category. These terms can be based on the
data in the historical document but standardized so that they can be consistently used across
records in the dataset. You might consider listing specific terms that you mapped to a single
term and/or how you determined the appropriate controlled vocabulary to apply based on other
aspects of the dataset. For the Sex example, you could specify that a historical ledger included a
heading named “Gender” and recorded that data as “M” or “F” but that you decided to record the
data as Male (for “M”) and Female (for “F”). Or that the Sex column you included in the dataset
did not appear in the original document but is data you inferred (or interpreted/imputed) based
on other information in the source document, for example from the first or given name of a
person or gendered phrases in a description field–for example “gentleman,” “boy,” “hombre,” and
“niño,” which you coded as Male, while “woman,” “lady,” “girl,” “mujer,” and “niña” was categorized
Enslaved.org continues to expand and refine the controlled vocabularies as contributors submit new
Six Person fields use a controlled vocabulary: Sex, Age Category, Occupation, Relationships, Person
Status (freedom status), and Role within Event. Event has one controlled vocabulary that categories the
Type of slavery/slave trade event, for example a manumission, marriage, or sale. The Place Type
vocabulary defines terms such as county or parish, domicile, maroon community, plantation, port, etc.
Definitions for all controlled vocabulary terms are located at
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as Female. Maintain documentation about your methods, terms, and controlled vocabularies in
a separate tab/sheet within your data collection or in ancillary files. New terms can be added
over the course of the data collection as the need arises. Be sure to update your documentation
as you make decisions to add or modify terms. Clear delineation of controlled vocabulary terms
allows you and anyone else assisting with the dataset to consistently use terms across all
records during the entire collection period, even when your memory fades about the significance
of including or editing terms. See the “Defining Metadata” section above for further information
on the importance of documentation.
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IV. Using Key Enslaved.org Concepts
This section will describe recommended practices for using Enslaved.org’s four core concepts:
Source, Person, Event, and Place.
On the most basic level, a source is something that contains historical information about a topic
under investigation. Primary sources could include documents, ledgers, municipal records,
diaries, letters, newspaper articles, artifacts, etc. containing historical material or data.
Researchers value being able to examine sources consulted by other researchers to verify the
authenticity and veracity of the source, to learn more about a topic on which the source reports,
to analyze the provenance of the data, and to see for themselves if they agree with another
researcher’s interpretation of the same material. Providing a comprehensive citation for each
source used in the development of a dataset is a straightforward way to document the material
behind the dataset. A robust citation should allow users to go directly to the original material to
examine the quality of the extracted data, to dig deeper, or conduct parallel research on aspects
of the source not included in the dataset.
As researchers know, citing historical sources of the data is one of the most important things to
document. This need is intensified with a dataset. Every row or record within a dataset should
include a reference to the source(s) of the data in that row/record. This allows the data creator
and future users to know the provenance of the data and gives credibility to the overarching
dataset. How a dataset creator records this source information can take one of two paths: a full
citation for each source used in the creation of a single record within a field in that record, or
separate Source Records that connect/link the source to every record derived from that source
through the use of a Source Identifier. The advantages and challenges of these approaches are
discussed in the following section. Irrespective of the approach, records in a dataset should all
point to a complete citation for the source, one that is precise enough to allow an individual to
find the original document, whether it be in a library, archive, museum, personal collection,
website, etc.
Pro tip for archival sources: Include as many of the following pieces of information as possible
to create a full citation for each archival source used in the dataset. A dataset creator can also
collect this information in a series of fields in the dataset, rather than a single field.
Name of repository
Collection name
Collection number
https://www.historyskills.com/source-criticism/analysis/source-kind-and-type/ <Accessed 18 February
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Box number
Page Number
A suggested organization for this is:
Title or description of item. Date of the item. Title of the manuscript collection. Number of the
item. Name of the repository, Location of the repository.
The JSDP data article that accompanies each dataset will require that Sources be listed in the
bibliography format of the Chicago Manual of Style
(https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html); they can be
cited in the same way within the dataset using the guidelines for Manuscript Collections or the
relevant source types.
For example,
The Mayor's Register of Free Blacks in the City of New Orleans from 1840 to 1864.
Volume 4, Book 1, Page 3. Louisiana Division/City Archives and Special Collections at
the New Orleans Public Library.
Inventories of slaveholders’ possessions (1767-1831). Uncataloged box 1767. Arquivo
Judiciário do Estado do Maranhāo, São Luis, Brazil.
Maryland Gazette, June 4, 1770, p. 6.
Create Fields for Citations in Individual Records or Create a Source Record
We recommend using one of the approaches described below to document sources within a
dataset, not in a separate listing (file) alone. Connecting records in a dataset to the source(s)
from which the data was derived will allow others to locate the source, verify the data, and
examine the specific original material informing each point of data. Similar to scientists who
release experimental data collected during their research to facilitate the reproducibility of
research results, dataset creators extracting data from historical documents must provide
robust documentation so that the data can be verified through comparison with the original
The first way to connect source information to records derived from a source document is to
include Source fields within the dataset that would allow a user of the data to form a full citation
for the source material. This row-by-row reference embeds explicit source data in every record.
The provenance of the extracted data can be traced to the original material from a single field in
each record. This may lead to redundant source data in every record; this is fine, as it will be
clear what materials were used to create each and every record in the dataset without having to
consult ancillary documentation files or records. Sensical abbreviations can be used so long as
they are clearly documented in the field definitions table.
Alternatively, a dataset creator can create a separate Source Record to capture information
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about each of the historical documents used to create the dataset. The Source record would
include the same handful of fields describing the nature, location, and provenance of the
historical documents. The Source Record would additionally have a unique identifier for each
source. This identifier would be added into a Source field of every record derived from that
source. An advantage of this method is that the identifier becomes a shorthand way (i.e.
through the source identifier) to reference the source in every record without duplicating the
same lengthy citation in numerous records. Duplicate and redundant data can introduce errors
and make it challenging to implement a small change to the citation across all of the records
with that citation. An edit to a single Source record would be available to all other records that
reference that record via the Source Identifier. More granular citation references like page
number, box, or folder could also be included in other columns within the related record (i.e. in
the Person, Event, or Place) if that level of specificity is desired.
For dataset creators who elect to make a separate Source record for each source used in the
development of the dataset, Enslaved.org recommends that they use the following
columns/fields to record the citation information for each source:
Source Identifier: Create a unique reference for each source in the collection. (See the
section on “Identifiers” for suggestions about how to create identifiers for your Source
records.) Source identifiers indicate the sources from which Person records were
extracted or where data about Events included in the dataset were derived. (Learn more
about the importance of unique identifiers for all types of records in the “Data
Connections” section of this document.)
Document Type: Record the general category describing the historical document from
which the data was extracted. Enslaved.org uses a controlled vocabulary to classify a
wide variety of historical document types. This data conveys the nature of the source
materials in ways that make it easier to search for and browse across similar datasets
and records.
In the Enslaved.org context, a Person has biographical and identifying information about an
individual, organization, or group of people acting as a single entity who participated or were
involved in the historic slave trade. The project promotes the use of controlled vocabularies and
connections to events to show these people within an historical context. In doing so, it both
keeps the ethical focus on people and makes finding and learning about their lives possible on
As good practice, a dataset creator should consider including additional name columns to
provide more granular representations of the data, like Surname, Given Name, Alternate Name,
Honorifics, etc. This can improve searching and findability of the data within the dataset, along
with indicating naming conventions in various cultures. Names can also change over time, so
making a decision on which column of data contains the preferred name to reference should be
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included within the documentation. For example, Samuel Ajayi Crowther was born with the
name “Ajayi” and later in life used the name “Samuel Crowther.” A general name column could
contain the full name “Samuel Ajayi Crowther” and be used for a general reference to this
person without giving preference to one name over another. Given Name could list Samuel and
Surname could include both “Crowther” and “Ajayi.
Enslaved.org uses “Unnamed” for any records where a persons name is not identified. Using
this approach will make it easier for reviewing the data (did I accidentally delete that name
because the cell is blank?), but it will also make it easier to display the person record in any
subsequently created data interfaces and further humanize the person by indicating that
although this persons name is unidentified, the person still existed and is important to record.
Age and Age Category
When recording details about a persons age, consistency continues to be key. It is important not
to conflate various types of information into a single column. When using numerals, have a
column for Age that exclusively includes numerals. When using an Age Category like Infant,
Child, or Adult, data collectors should log these in a separate column and stick to the controlled
vocabulary that have been adopted and documented.
When logging the field Sex, it is critical to stay with the controlled vocabulary so that Sex and
Age are not conflated. Again, the term “boy” can conflate the sex of Male with the Age Category
of Child. While a data collector may want to include the verbatim term “boy” in a column of its
own so as to capture how the information was recorded within the original document,
Enslaved.org does recommend the data collector standardize and interpret/impute further
information into additional columns. Having standardized language goes a long way toward
allowing integration and subsequent discoverability of data when it is added to other platforms
or used for research by others.
Recording relationships between individuals within a dataset means capturing two related data
points and attaching them to each individual record.
Examples of reciprocal relationship types include:
Parent Child
Sibling Sibling
Spouse Spouse
Grandparent Grandchild
Aunt/Uncle Niece/Nephew
Cousin Cousin
Godparent Godchild
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To avoid confusion, Enslaved.org recommends leveraging the unique identifiers already created
to make these connections and using a delimiter, i.e. any character not otherwise included
within the data to differentiate between the identifier and the relationship data points.
Relationship types should be explained in the data documentation.
For example, the record for Josefina, who has person identifier PER-000,1 could have a cell
within a relationships column that contains the following relationships and delimiters:
PER-0002 | Parent; PER-0003 | Sibling; PER-0004 | Child
The pipe “|” denotes a connection between the unique identifier and a relationship type, while
the semicolon “;” denotes a new set of relationship data points. Consistent use of any
characters not found elsewhere within the dataset may be used in place of the pipe and
In this example:
PER-0002 is Josefinas parent
PER-0003 is Josefinas sibling
PER-0004 is Josefinas child
The use of unique identifiers, consistent delimiters, and controlled vocabularies (all described
within your documentation) allows the data to be easily interpreted by others examining the
This method is useful for computational consumption, but it can make the data much less
human readable. People often solve this with a two-columns strategy: relationship text in one
column and relationship id in a separate column afterward.
Birthdate and Death Date
If the only Event information gathered about a person is their birthdate and death date, it makes
sense to include these dates as part of the Person record, as these data points are specific to
the human experience. However, if other information about the birth or death events has been
collected, such as a description, place, other participants in the event, etc., Enslaved.org
recommends that the dataset creator create separate Event records for birth and death.
Person Data Points at Specific Event Dates
Person information collected at a specific date can be represented in one of two ways; this is
especially relevant for data points like Age or even Occupation that will change over the course
of a persons lifetime.
While Option 1 is the more commonly used for most datasets where multiple people participate
in a single event (i.e. a group event), Option 2 may be more practical for datasets where
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individuals have multiple events, i.e., non-group events.
Option 1: The Person data is included within the Person record and linked to the Event through
the Event Identifier. This data would be included within 2 tables or tabs within the same
spreadsheet and are shown together below for comparative purposes.
Illustration 2: Option 1 for recording person data points at specific Event dates
In the example above (Option 1), data for Amando, including his Gender (M), Freedom Status
(Enslaved), and Age (15), are recorded in the Person record. Amandos Person record also
includes a reference to an event, a Registry, through the Event identifier (ENS-EVE-02). More
granular information about the Registry, including the name (Inventory of Hill Plantation), data
about when (1815) and where (New Orleans) the inventory was taken, are represented in the
associated Event record. Additional Event records could be included for Amando by duplicating
his personID and connecting other Event records (ENS-EVE-01).
Option 2: The Person data is included directly within the Event record and linked back to the
Person through a listing of the Person Identifier.
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Illustration 3: Option 2 for recording person data points at specific Event dates
In the Option 2 example above, Lucas participates in multiple Events, including a Birth event
(ENS-EVE-03), a Registry event (ENS-EVE-04), and a Marriage event (ENS-EVE-05). In each
event, which happens on different dates, Lucas has a different age (0 at birth, 15 when he was
registered in the Registry, and 30 years old when he married Francisca). Therefore, capturing
this person data in the event record (instead of in the person record) allows one to collect how
old Lucas was at different life events. This can be accomplished in a similar way using Option 1
by repeating the Person information (like Name, Sex, and Person Identifier) over and over again
in multiple rows.
While no one way is right or wrong, the decision should be made based on what information the
dataset creator is prioritizing in representing historical data. In general, when recording a single
event for a person, including the person data within the Person record (Option 1) probably
makes the most sense. When collecting multiple Events about a person that have multiple data
points within each event, Option 2 should be considered.
Differentiate People with Unique Identifiers
Using a unique Person Identifier goes a long way toward aiding in the creation of a single record
or series of linked records leveraging a single identifier for a Person. It is important that
identifiers be applied to all Person records within a dataset. While the goal of a data collector is
often to record the names of enslaved people, they often capture the names of the persons
enslaver(s), but only identify the enslaver as a datapoint tied to the enslaved individual. This
leaves enslavers without their own identifiers, but adding identifiers for them is beneficial as
well. With the enslaver data embedded in another person's record, it is difficult to answer, How
many people did Thomas Stapleton enslave? An identifier must be specified for each listing of
Thomas Stapleton who is known to be the same person. If an identifier is not specified and
present, it cannot know if the enslaver Thomas Stapleton named in one enslaved persons
record is the same Thomas Stapleton logged in another record. The same concept applies to
any named participants within an Event (Notaries, Judges, Buyers, Sellers, Shippers,
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Concessionaires, etc.). In short, use identifiers to connect the same person to multiple Events
and People.
Connection to Event
There are various ways to connect Person data to an Event record, as discussed in “Person data
points at specific Event dates” above. What is most important is to make sure that the Person
data is linked to or references any related Events. Listing the related Event Identifiers within the
Person record is often the most simple and straightforward way to make sure that the Person
data is tied to a place at a specific period in time as Event records typically include both
temporal (time) and geographic (place) data points (please see Illustrations 2 and 3 above,
along with “Connection to Place” section under Event below).
In the Enslaved.org context, an Event is information about a single incident or occurrence that
led to the recording of information. The project promotes the use of controlled vocabularies
and connections to place and time to locate these events within an historical context and to
make them easier to search and browse across datasets. The full list of event type controlled
vocabularies can be found at https://docs.enslaved.org.
Event Type
The purpose of the Event Type field is to categorize events based on their overarching
characteristics or outcome. Often this field is absent from datasets because information about
the type of event is implied by the type of document from which the data is extracted. When
made explicit in Enslaved.org, event type allows the project to group together all records by type
of event irrespective of originating dataset or contributor. Therefore, users can see all of the
baptisms records for enslaved people, for example, from anywhere in Enslaved.org’s corpus of
datasets. Enslaved.org encourages all dataset creators to consider including the Event field and
using Enslaved.org controlled vocabulary terms for Event Types.
Single-Person Events and Group Events
It can be challenging to decide how many Event records to create for various event types. A
single-person event is an Event where only one person is known to have participated. As
discussed previously, it may be problematic to create an event for a birth or death when one
only has a date. If this is the case, many data collectors include this information in the Person
record instead. When Enslaved.org integrates birth and death dates into its discovery hub, it
creates an event record for each Event and connects the Person to that Event. If a data collector
has Date and Place information for an Event or any other additional Event information,
Enslaved.org recommends creating a separate Event record with an Event Identifier.
Group events are any Events that clearly include multiple participants, like marriages, plantation
inventories, voyages, etc. Details about the event can be recorded one time in an Event record
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and then be referenced (via an Event Identifier) in all of the Person records of people who
participated in the event. In the case of a marriage, the Event Identifier for the marriage would be
added to the Person records for the bride, groom, priest/clerk/officiant, and any other event
participant. (See the section on “Identifying Records” for suggestions about how to create
identifiers for your Event records. Learn more about the importance of unique identifiers for all
types of records in the “Data Connectionssection of this document.)
Date fields are used to express when an event happened. Use one date field for events that
occured at a single point in time. For events like a voyage that occur over a period of time,
Enslaved.org recommends using two date fields, one for the date when the event began (Start
Date) and a second for the date when the event ended (End Date).
Date data should be formatted consistently within a dataset. There are several published date
formats standards you might consider implementing, including ISO 8601-1, W3C Note on Date
and Time Formats, and the Extended Date/Time Format Specification. Enslaved.org
recommends using a string of YYYY-MM and YYYY for incomplete dates and YYYY-MM-DD for
full dates; MM-DD-YYYY and DD-MM-YYYY are not recommended. It is vitally important to
explain date format in the datasets’s field definition table.
Date fields are a good example of when not to mix data types within a field. Dates should not
include non-date data, for example “approximately” or “circa” or “c.” For approximate or
ambiguous dates, you might consider one of the following approaches.
Option 1: Add another field for recording terms that qualify the date, including circa or
approximately for ambiguous dates in the date column. Use the date qualifier field for
even more vague or imprecise dates, for example to note when an event happened
“before” or “after” a date or even a year. Events that are described as having happened
“Before” and “After” other events with specific dates are commonly found in oral
testimony or life histories/biographies, personal narratives, and testimony.
Option 2: Add new date fields to capture data for each ambiguous type of date, for
example Circa Event Date or Occured Before Date. As long as the exact meaning of the
data included in the field is documented, this approach is reasonable. A downside is that
it increases the number of fields in the dataset, which can become unwieldy and cause
confusion about which field is the appropriate one for a specific event.
Connection to Place
There are various ways to make the Event data connect to a Place record, as mentioned in the
“Person data points at specific Event dates,” “Birthdate and Death Date,” and “Connection to
Event” sections above. What is most important for Event is to make sure that the Event data is
connected to any related Place records. Listing the related Place Identifiers (described in the
next section) within the Event record is often the most straightforward way to make sure that
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the Event data is tied to a Place or Places. If an event happened in more than one place -- like a
ship voyage that began in one port and traveled to several other ports before reaching its
destination -- include multiple Place Identifiers in the Place field of the Event record, one for
each of the pertinent places. Document and use a set of standard delimiters between the
multiple Place Identifiers. (Learn more about delimiters in the “Data Connections” section and
see an example of their implementation in the Person record “Relationships” section.)
In the context of Enslaved.org, a Place is information about a location where an Event occurred.
Using controlled vocabularies and connections to date to locate these places within an
historical context and to make them easy to search and browse on Enslaved.org.
Place Type
The purpose of the Place Type field is to categorize a place based on its overarching
characteristics to promote the findability of similarly named places. Often this field is absent
from datasets because information about the type of place is not explicitly expressed within an
original source document or the whole dataset refers to a single place type. Including Place
Type allows Enslaved.org to group together all records by type of place, for example, a court,
irrespective of originating dataset or contributor. Therefore, users can see all of the court
records for enslaved people from anywhere in the Enslaved.org discovery hub. More information
on the controlled vocabularies relating to Place Type can be found at https://docs.enslaved.org.
The inclusion of geospatial coordinates, if knowable, is also useful data to add to your Place
records, though not required. Geospatial coordinates not only allow for better definition of your
Place record, they also allow Enslaved.org to link to other Place databases like GeoNames and
Wikidata. These linked open data points provide further information about places included in
your dataset. Inclusion of these identifiers can be as simple as adding an additional column for
each with the connected identifier. For the example of New Orleans, the Wikidata identifier
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q34404 would be Q34404, and the GeoName identifier
https://www.geonames.org/4335045/ would be 4335045; data collectors should be sure to
document which method is being used. This concept can also be applied to any connections to
other Person or Event records found within Wikibase.
Contextualizing Place through “Located In...” Statements
Enslaved.org recommends that you create a Place record for the most granular level of place
data in your dataset. If, for example, a contributor wanted to state that a baptism or wedding
took place at a specific church, the dataset creator would make a record for that church, using a
unique identifier and a series of additional columns to indicate where that church was located.
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This would take the form of “located in” columns for place data, for example: located in
Oglethorpe (ward), Savannah (city), Georgia (state), United States (country). The dataset would
include columns for each of these data points, i.e. ward, city, state, country, etc.
Data connections
The use of consistently implemented unique identifiers (see “Identifying Records” section
above) not only allows for precise reference to an individual record; it also allows for concrete
linking of records to one another, even if they are in different datasets.
The “Relationships” section above provides a tangible example of why and how to use unique
identifiers along with standardized delimiters (see the consistent use of delimiters “|” and “;” in
the example below).
To restate the relationship example, the record for Josefina, who has person identifier PER-0001
could have a cell within a relationships column that contains the following relationships:
PER-0002 | Parent; PER-0003 | Sibling; PER-0004 | Child
In this example:
PER-00719 is Josefinas spouse
PER-00721 is Josefinas parent
PER-00722 is Josefinas sibling
The pipe “|” denotes a connection between the unique identifier and a relationship type, while
the semicolon “;” denotes a new set of relationship data points.
This method can be put into practice for any type of data connections throughout your dataset.
For Enslaved.org, data connections can be made from Person to Event, Event to Person, and
Event to Place; all data points are connected to Source.
Illustration 3 above (see “Person data points at specific Event dates”) shows how to connect a
Person record to multiple Events records by consistently using Event Identifiers and a delimiter
to specify the boundary between identifiers.
In the illustration, Lucas, who has person identifier ENS-PER-0074, participated in three events,
which are recorded in the following manner in the Event column of the Person record:
In this example
ENS-EVE-03 is Lucas’s Birth event
ENS-EVE-04 is a Registry event that identified Lucas as an enslaved person
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ENS-EVE-05 is Lucas’s Marriage to Francisca
These three events are included in Lucas’s Person record using the unique identifier for each
Event separated by a semicolon “;” and a space. Consistently using a delimiter like a semicolon
followed by a space distinguishes in a standardized way where one Event data point ends and
the next one begins. This can make it easier for the data collector to see that the appropriate
data is recorded and will also allow for the data to be more easily parsed in the future.
The following illustration shows how Enslaved.org makes connections between the different
The arrows in the illustration indicate a connection between two different datasets. There are
arrows pointing from person, event, and place to source, indicating that the information about
people, places, and events come from a source. This source could be the same for all records in
a project or different for the records in different datasets. There are also arrows pointing from
person to event and from event to place. These arrows signify that people participate in events
and that events occur at certain places. While there is no arrow pointing directly from person to
place, these two types of data can be connected through an event. In other words, a person
participated in an event that happened at a specific place.
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Illustration 4: The Scheme Diagram for Enslaved.org.
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Thank you to Kristina Poznan, Sharon Leon, Ryan Carty, Austin Truchan, Marisol Fila, Daryle
Williams, Walter Hawthorne, and Dean Rehberger for their contributions to this guide. We also
thank the contributors to Enslaved.org to date, whose dataset contributions have informed our
practices and helped hone our recommendations.
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