Version: 28.3.2024
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 1
South Australia
Fair Work Act 1994
An Act about the relationship of employer and employee; and other matters.
Chapter 1—Preliminary
1 Short title
3 Objects of Act
4 Interpretation
5 Outworkers
6 Application of Act to employment
Chapter 2Jurisdiction of SAET—special provisions
Part 1—Conferral of jurisdiction, declarations and orders
7 Jurisdiction of SAET
8 Jurisdiction to interpret awards and enterprise agreements
9 Jurisdiction to decide monetary claims under industrial laws or instruments
10 Jurisdiction to hear and determine questions arising under contracts of employment
11 Declaratory jurisdiction
12 Orders to remedy or restrain contraventions
13 Advisory jurisdiction
Part 2—Processes associated with industrial matters and disputes
14 Amendment or rectification of proceedings
15 Power to re-open questions
16 General power of waiver
17 Applications to SAET
18 Advertisement of applications
19 Provisions of award etc relevant to how SAET intervenes in dispute
20 Voluntary conferences
21 Compulsory conference
22 Reference of questions for determination
23 Experience gained in settlement of dispute
24 Costs generally
Part 3—Representation
25 Representation
26 Registered agents
27 Inquiries into conduct of registered agents or other representative
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Part 4—Concurrent appointmentsother industrial authorities
28 Concurrent appointments
29 Powers of member holding concurrent appointments
Part 5—Special provisions relating to monetary claims
30 Interpretation
31 Limitation of action
32 Who may make a claim
33 Simultaneous proceedings not permitted
34 Award to include interest
35 Monetary judgment
36 Costs
Chapter 3—Employment
Part 1General conditions of employment
Division 1Basic contractual features
66 Basis of contract of employment
67 Accrual of wages
68 Form of payment to employee
Division 2Contracts to be construed subject to relevant minimum standards
69 Remuneration
70 Sick leave/carer's leave
70A Bereavement leave
70B Family and domestic violence leave
71 Annual leave
72 Parental leave
72A Minimum standardsadditional matters
72B Special provision relating to severance payments
Part 2Regulation of industrial matters by enterprise agreements
73 Objects of this Part
74 Nature of enterprise agreement
75 Who may make enterprise agreement
76 Negotiation of enterprise agreement
76A Best endeavours bargaining
77 Form and content of enterprise agreement
78 Enterprise agreement has no force or effect without approval
79 Approval of enterprise agreement
80 Extent to which aspects of negotiations and terms of the agreement are to be kept
81 Effect of enterprise agreement
82 SAET's jurisdiction to act in disputes under an enterprise agreement
83 Duration of enterprise agreement
84 Power of SAET to vary or rescind an enterprise agreement
85 SAET may release party from obligation to comply with enterprise agreement
86 Limitation on SAET's powers
87 Representation
88 Confidentiality
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Part 3Regulation of industrial matters by award
Division 1Awards generally
90 Power to regulate industrial matters by award
90A Equity in remuneration
91 Who is bound by award
92 Retrospectivity
93 Form of awards
94 Effect of awards on contracts
95 Effect of multiple award provisions on remuneration
96 Duration of award
97 Effect of amendment or rescission of award
98 Consolidation or correction of awards
Division 1ASpecial provision relating to child labour
98A Special provision relating to child labour
Division 1BSpecial provision relating to trial work
98B Special provision relating to trial work
Division 2Review of awards
99 Triennial review of awards
Part 3AOutworkers
Division 1Preliminary
99A Interpretation
99B Responsible contractors
Division 2Code of practice
99C Code of practice
Division 3Recovery of unpaid remuneration
99D Outworker may initiate a claim against a responsible contractor
99E Liability of apparent responsible contractor on a claim
99F Liability of actual employer to which a claim is referred
99G Recovery of amount of unpaid remuneration
99H Ability of responsible contractor to claim contribution or to make deduction
99I Offence provision
99J Non-derogation
Part 4General principles affecting determination of working conditions
100 Adoption of principles affecting determination of remuneration and working conditions
101 State industrial authorities to apply principles
Part 5Enforcement of obligations arising from employment
Division 1Records to be kept by employers
102 Records to be kept
103 Employer to provide copy of award or enterprise agreement
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Part 6Unfair dismissal
Division 1Preliminary
105 Interpretation
105A Application of Part
Division 2Application for relief
106 Application for relief
Division 4Determination of application
108 Question to be determined at the hearing
109 Remedies for unfair dismissal from employment
Division 5Miscellaneous
110 Costs
111 Decisions to be given expeditiously
Part 7Exemption from employment conditions
112 Slow, inexperienced or infirm workers
113 Non-application of awards
114 Exemption for charitable organisations
Chapter 4—Associations
Part 1Freedom of association
Division 1Preliminary
115 Prohibited reason
Division 2Protection of freedom of association
116 Freedom of association
116A General offences against the principle of freedom of association
116B Dismissal etc for prohibited reason
117 Prohibition of discrimination in supply or purchase of goods or services
118 Conscientious objection
Part 2Locally based associations
Division 1Application for registration
119 Eligibility for registration
120 Application for registration
121 Objections
Division 2Registration and incorporation
122 Registration of associations
123 Registration confers incorporation
Division 3Rules
124 Rules
125 Alteration of rules of registered association
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126 Model rules
127 Orders to secure compliance with rules etc
Division 4Financial records
128 Financial records
Division 5Amalgamation
129 Amalgamation
Division 6De-registration
130 De-registration of associations
Part 3—Federally based associations
Division 1Application for registration
131 Eligibility for registration
132 Application for registration
133 Objections
Division 2Registration and de-registration
134 Registration
135 De-registration
Division 3Federations
136 Federation
Part 4Provisions generally applicable to associations
Division 1Purpose of association
137 Restraint of trade
138 Limitations of actions in tort
139 Industrial services not to be provided to non-members
Division 2Powers of entry and inspection
140 Powers of officials of employee associations
Division 3Records
141 Register of members and officers of associations
142 Rules
Division 4Miscellaneous
143 Certificate of registration
144 Service
145 Saving of obligations
146 Sequestration orders
147 Exercise of powers of SAET
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Chapter 6AAIndustrial Relations Consultative Council
Part 1Establishment of Consultative Council
218 Establishment of Consultative Council
Part 2Functions and powers
218A Functions and powers of Consultative Council
Part 3Composition of Consultative Council
218B Membership of Consultative Council
218C Terms and conditions of office
218D Fees, allowances and expenses
Part 4Proceedings of Consultative Council
218E Meetings
218F Proceedings
218G Conflict of interest under Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability) Act 1995
218H Validity of acts
Part 5Use of staff and facilities
218I Use of staff and facilities
Part 6Committees
218J Committees
Part 7Related matters
218K Confidentiality
Chapter 6—Miscellaneous
219 Confidentiality
219A Who are inspectors
219B General functions of inspectors
219C Powers of inspectors
219D Compliance notices
220 Notice of determinations of SAET
223 Discrimination against employee for taking part in industrial proceedings etc
224 Non-compliance with awards and enterprise agreements
225 Improper pressure etc related to enterprise agreements
225A Use of offensive language against a representative
226 False entries
227 Experience of apprentice etc how calculated
228 No premium to be demanded for apprentices or juniors
229 Illegal guarantees
230 Orders for payment of money
231 Recovery of penalty from members of association
232 General defence
233 Order for payment against convicted person
234 Proof of awards etc
235 Proceedings for offences
236 Conduct by officers etc of body corporate
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236A Offences by body corporate
237 Regulations
Schedule 1Transitional provisions
4 Definitions
5 References to former Court or Commission
6 Awards and other determinations of the former Commission
7 Industrial agreements
7A References to industrial agreements
8 Continuation of part-heard proceedings etc
9 Certificates and licences
10 The President of the former Court
11 Deputy Presidents of the Court
12 Industrial magistrates
13 Other officers of former Court and Commission
14 Inspectors
15 Members of Industrial Relations Advisory Council
16 Registered associations
17 Enterprise agreements and spouses and domestic partners
18 National industrial relations system
Schedule 2Continuity of industrial arrangementsgovernment business
1 Preliminary
2 Operation of federal industrial instruments
3 Ability to carry over matters
Schedule 2AContinuity of industrial arrangementslocal government
1 Preliminary
2 State industrial instruments
3 Federal industrial instrumentsimmediate changeover
4 Federal enterprise agreementslater changeover
5 Ability to carry over matters
Schedule 3Minimum standard for sick leave/carer's leave
1 Definitions
2 Application of standard
3 Accrual of sick leave entitlement
4 Taking sick leave
5 Sick leave to be on full pay
6 Carer's leave
Schedule 3AMinimum standard for bereavement leave
1 Bereavement leave
Schedule 3BFamily and domestic violence leave
1 Definitions
2 Entitlement to family and domestic violence leave
3 Taking family and domestic violence leave
4 Family and domestic violence leave to be at full rate of pay
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5 Confidentiality
Schedule 4Minimum standard for annual leave
1 Definitions
2 Application of standard
3 Accrual of annual leave entitlement
4 Taking annual leave
5 Annual leave to be on full pay
Schedule 5Minimum standard for parental leave
1 Definitions
2 Entitlement to parental leave
3 Maternity leave to start 6 weeks before birth
4 Medical certificate
5 Notice of spouse's parental leave
6 Starting and finishing dates of parental leave
7 Return to work after parental leave
8 Effect of parental leave on employment rights
9 Part-time employment in lieu of parental leave
Schedule 6Equal Remuneration Convention
Schedule 7Termination of Employment Convention
Schedule 8Rules for terminating employment
1 Employee to be given notice of termination
2 Employee to have opportunity to respond to allegations
3 Employer to comply with obligations imposed by regulation
Schedule 9Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 1999
Schedule 10Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention 1981
Schedule 11Workers' Representatives Convention 1971
Legislative history
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PreliminaryChapter 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 1
The Parliament of South Australia enacts as follows:
Chapter 1Preliminary
1—Short title
This Act may be cited as the Fair Work Act 1994.
3—Objects of Act
(1) The objects of this Act are
(a) to promote goodwill in industry; and
(b) to contribute to the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of South
Australia; and
(c) to facilitate industrial efficiency and flexibility, and improve the
productiveness of South Australian industry; and
(ca) to promote and facilitate employment; and
(d) to encourage enterprise agreements that are relevant, flexible and appropriate;
(e) to provide for awards that are relevant, flexible and expressed in
non-technical language; and
(f) to provide a framework for making enterprise agreements, awards and
determinations affecting industrial matters that is fair and equitable to both
employers and employees;
(fa) to establish and maintain an effective safety net of fair and enforceable
conditions for the performance of work by employees (including fair wages);
(fb) to promote and facilitate security in employment; and
(g) to encourage prevention and settlement of industrial disputes by amicable
agreement, and to provide a means of conciliation for that purpose; and
(h) to provide a means for settling industrial disputes that cannot be resolved by
amicable agreement as expeditiously as possible and with a minimum of legal
formality and technicality; and
(i) to ensure compliance with agreements and awards made for the prevention or
settlement of industrial disputes, and to ensure compliance with any
obligations arising under this Act; and
(j) to provide employees with an avenue for expressing employment-related
grievances and having them considered and remedied including provisions for
a right to the review of harsh, unjust or unreasonable dismissals—
(i) directed towards giving effect to the Termination of Employment
Convention; and
(ii) ensuring industrial fair play; and
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Chapter 1Preliminary
2 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(k) to provide for absolute freedom of association and choice of industrial
representation; and
(l) to encourage the democratic control of representative associations of
employers or employees, and the full participation by members in their
affairs; and
(m) to help prevent and eliminate unlawful discrimination in the workplace; and
(ma) to promote and facilitate gender equity; and
(n) to ensure equal remuneration for men and women doing work of equal or
comparable value; and
(o) to facilitate the effective balancing of work and family responsibilities; and
(p) to facilitate the establishment and operation of a national industrial relations
system based on co-operative federalism through—
(i) the use of dual appointments to Commonwealth and State bodies;
(ii) the promotion and facilitation of other arrangements that assist in
integrating State and federal workplace relations systems and
(2) In exercising powers and carrying out functions under this Act, SAET is to have
regard (where relevant) to the provisions of—
(a) the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 1999 (See Schedule 9); and
(b) the Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention 1981 (See
Schedule 10); and
(c) the Workers' Representatives Convention 1971 (See Schedule 11).
(1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears—
adult means a person of or above 21 years of age;
apprentice means an apprentice or trainee within the meaning of the South Australian
Skills Act 2008;
association means
(a) an association, society or body formed to represent, protect or further the
interests of employers or employees; or
(b) an organisation, or a branch of an organisation, registered under the
Commonwealth (Registered Organisations) Act;
award means an order of SAET regulating remuneration or other industrial matters;
child means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years;
Commonwealth Act means the Fair Work Act 2009 of the Commonwealth;
Commonwealth (Registered Organisations) Act means the Fair Work (Registered
Organisations) Act 2009 of the Commonwealth;
Consultative Council means the Industrial Relations Consultative Council;
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PreliminaryChapter 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 3
contract of employment means
(a) a contract recognised at common law as a contract of employment under
which a person is employed for remuneration in an industry; or
(b) a contract under which a person (the employer) engages another (the
employee) to drive a vehicle that is not registered in the employee's name to
provide a public passenger service (even though the contract would not be
recognised at common law as a contract of employment); or
The contract is not a contract of employment if the vehicle is a taxi and the
contract would not be recognised at common law as a contract of employment.
(c) a contract under which a person (the employer) engages another (the
employee) to carry out personally the work of cleaning premises (even though
the contract would not be recognised at common law as a contract of
employment); or
(d) a contract under which a person (the employer) engages another (the
employee) to carry out work as an outworker (even though the contract would
not be recognised at common law as a contract of employment);
decision includes a refusal or failure to make a decision;
demarcation dispute includes—
(a) a dispute within an association or between associations about the rights, status
or functions of members of the association or associations in relation to the
employment of those members; or
(b) a dispute between employers and employees, or between members of
different associations, about the demarcation of functions of employees or
classes of employees; or
(c) a dispute about the representation under this Act of the industrial interests of
employees by an association of employees;
determination means an award, order, declaration, approval or decision;
domestic partner means a person who is a domestic partner within the meaning of the
Family Relationships Act 1975, whether declared as such under that Act or not;
employee means a person employed for remuneration under a contract of employment
and includes a public employee;
employer means
(a) for public employees—the body or person (not being a Minister) declared by
regulation to be the employer of the employees;
(b) for other employees—a person who employs the employees for remuneration
in an industry under a contract of employment;
enterprise agreement means an agreement under Chapter 3 Part 2 of this Act between
1 or more employers and a group of employees regulating remuneration or other
industrial matters (and includes a provisional enterprise agreement);
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Chapter 1Preliminary
4 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Equal Remuneration Convention means the Convention Concerning Equal
Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value set out in
Schedule 6;
Fair Work Commission means the Fair Work Commission established under the
Commonwealth Act (or an industrial authority that takes the place of the Fair Work
Commission under Commonwealth law);
family—the following are to be regarded as members of a person's family—
(a) a spouse or domestic partner;
(b) a child;
(c) a parent;
(d) any other member of the person's household;
(e) any other person who is dependent on the person's care;
group of employeessee subsection (2);
(indexed)see subsection (4);
industrial action means
(a) a work practice, or a way of performing work, adopted in connection with an
industrial dispute, that restricts, limits or delays the performance of the work;
(b) a ban, limitation, or restriction affecting the performance of work, or the
offering or acceptance of work; or
(c) a failure or refusal in connection with an industrial dispute to attend for work,
or to perform work,
but does not include action taken by an employer with the agreement of the
employees, or action taken by employees with the agreement of the employer;
industrial authority means
(a) SAET; or
(b) a commission, court, board, tribunal, or body having authority under the law
of the Commonwealth or another State to exercise powers of conciliation,
determination or arbitration in industrial matters; or
(c) a body declared by regulation to be an industrial authority for the purposes of
this definition;
industrial dispute means a dispute, or a threatened, impending or probable dispute,
about an industrial matter (and an industrial dispute does not come to an end only
because the parties, or some of them, cease to be in the relationship of employer and
industrial instrument means
(a) an award or enterprise agreement under this Act; or
(b) a fair work instrument under the Commonwealth Act; or
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PreliminaryChapter 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 5
(c) an instrument (but not an Australian workplace agreement) given continuing
effect under the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential
Amendments) Act 2009 of the Commonwealth;
industrial matter means a matter affecting or relating to the rights, privileges or duties
of an employer or employers (including a prospective employer or prospective
employers) or an employee or employees (including a prospective employee or
prospective employees), or the work to be done in employment, including, for
(a) the wages, allowances or remuneration of employees or prospective
employees in an industry, or the piece-work, contract or other prices paid or
to be paid for the employment, including any loading or amount that may be
included in wages, allowances, remuneration or prices as compensation for
lost time and the wages, allowances or remuneration to be paid for work done
during overtime or on holidays, or for other special work, and also the
question whether piece-work will be allowed in an industry;
(b) the hours of employment in an industry, including the lengths of time to be
worked, and the quantum of work or service to be done, to entitle employees
to any given wages, allowances, remuneration or prices, and what times are to
be regarded as overtime;
(c) the age, qualification or status of employees, and the manner, terms and
conditions of employment;
(d) the relationship between an employer and an apprentice (and any matter
relating to employment arising between an employer and an apprentice);
(e) the employment of juniors and apprentices in an industry (including the
number or proportion that may be employed);
(f) the employment of any person, or of any class of persons, in addition to those
referred to above, in an industry;
(g) the refusal or neglect, without reasonable cause or excuse, of any person
bound by an award, order or enterprise agreement to offer or accept
employment, or to continue to be employed on the terms of the award, order
or agreement;
(h) any established or allegedly established custom or usage of an industry, either
generally or in a particular locality;
(i) the monetary value of allowances granted to or enjoyed by employees;
(j) the dismissal of an employee by an employer;
(k) a demarcation dispute;
(ka) any matter affecting or relating to the performance of work by outworkers,
(i) the giving out of work which is to be performed (or is reasonably
likely to be performed), directly or indirectly, by an outworker;
(ii) the regulation of any person who gives out work which is to be
performed (or is reasonably likely to be performed), directly or
indirectly, by an outworker;
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Chapter 1Preliminary
6 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(iii) the creation of 1 or more contracts (including a series of contracts)
dealing with the performance of work by outworkers;
(iv) the terms or conditions under which work is performed by
(v) the protection of outworkers in any other respect;
(l) the performance of work nude or partially nude, or in transparent clothing;
(m) a matter classified as an industrial matter by regulation;
(n) all questions of what is right and fair in relation to an industrial matter having
regard to the interests of the persons immediately concerned and of society as
a whole;
industry means a trade, business or occupation in which employees are employed;
inspectorsee section 219A;
junior means an employee under the age of 21 years (but not an apprentice);
legal practitioner means a person admitted to practise the profession of the law in this
order includes direction;
organisation means an organisation registered under the Commonwealth (Registered
Organisations) Act;
outworkersee section 5;
peak entity means
(a) the Minister; and
(b) the United Trades and Labor Council; and
(c) the South Australian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Incorporated; and
(e) any other body brought within the ambit of this definition by the regulations;
place includes—
(a) a building or structure; and
(b) a vehicle; and
(c) a ship or vessel;
President means the President of SAET;
public employee means
(a) a public sector employee, within the meaning of the Public Sector Act 2009,
employed under, or subject to, that Act; or
(b) any other person employed for salary or wages in the service of the State;
registered agent means a person who is entitled to represent a party in proceedings
before SAET by registration as an agent under this Act (See Chapter 2 Part 3);
registered association means an association (which may include an organisation or
branch) registered under Chapter 4 (Associations);
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PreliminaryChapter 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 7
Registrar means the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of SAET;
remuneration means
(a) wages or salary; or
(b) payment to or for the benefit of an employee in the nature of piece-work
rates, penalty rates, shift premiums, overtime or special work rates; or
(c) allowances;
rules means the rules of SAET;
SAET means the South Australian Employment Tribunal established under the South
Australian Employment Tribunal Act 2014;
single business means
(a) a business carried on by a single employer; or
(b) a business carried on by two or more employers as a joint venture or common
enterprise; or
(c) a single project or undertaking; or
(d) activities carried on by
(i) the State; or
(ii) a body, association, office or other entity established for a public
purpose by or under a law of the State; or
(iii) another body in which the State has a controlling interest;
spouse—a person is the spouse of another if they are legally married;
State includes a Territory of the Commonwealth;
taxi means a vehicle
(a) licensed or exempted from the requirement to be licensed under Part 6 (Taxis)
of the Passenger Transport Act 1994; and
(b) with seating accommodation for not more than 12 passengers; and
(c) used predominantly for the transport of passengers rather than the transport of
goods or other freight;
Termination of Employment Convention means the Convention concerning
Termination of Employment at the Initiative of the Employer set out in Schedule 7;
workplace means any place where an employee works and includes any place where
such a person goes while at work but does not include any premises of an employer
used for habitation by the employer and his or her household other than any part of
such premises where an outworker works.
(3) A group of employees cannot be defined by reference to membership of a particular
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Chapter 1Preliminary
8 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(4) If a monetary sum is followed by the word (indexed), the amount is to be adjusted on
1 January of each year by multiplying the stated amount by a proportion obtained by
dividing State average full-time adult total earnings (seasonally adjusted) as at 30 June
in the previous year by State average full-time adult total earnings (seasonally
adjusted) as at 30 June in the year in which the stated amount was fixed by Parliament.
(1) A person is an outworker if—
(a) the person is engaged, for the purposes of the trade or business of another (the
employer) to
(i) work on, process, clean or pack articles or materials; or
(ii) carry out clerical work; or
(b) a body corporate of which the person is an officer or employee and for which
the person personally performs all or a substantial part of the work
undertaken by the body corporate is engaged, for the purposes of the trade or
business of another (the employer) to
(i) work on, process, clean or pack articles or materials; or
(ii) carry out clerical work,
and the work is carried out in or about a private residence or other premises that would
not conventionally be regarded as being a place where business or commercial
activities are carried out.
(2) A person is also an outworker if—
(a) the person is engaged, for the purposes of the trade or business of another (the
employer) to
(i) negotiate or arrange for the performance of work by outworkers; or
(ii) distribute work to, or collect work from, outworkers; or
(b) a body corporate of which the person is an officer or employee and for which
the person personally performs all or a substantial part of the work
undertaken by the body corporate is engaged, for the purposes of the trade or
business of another (the employer) to
(i) negotiate or arrange for the performance of work by outworkers;
(ii) distribute work to, or collect work from, other outworkers.
(3) To avoid doubt, a person who is engaged by another person to clean the private
residence of a third person is not an outworker under this section.
(4) Apart from this Chapter, the other provisions of this Act apply to outworkers if (and
only if)—
(a) a provision of an award or enterprise agreement relates to outworkers; or
(b) a regulation made for the purposes of this subsection extends the application
of this Act to, or in relation to, outworkers,
and then, in such a case, the Act will apply in all respects to the relevant outworkers.
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PreliminaryChapter 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 9
(5) A regulation made for the purposes of subsection (4) cannot come into operation until
the time has passed during which the regulation may be disallowed by resolution of
either House of Parliament.
6—Application of Act to employment
This Act does not apply to—
(a) employment by the employee's spouse, domestic partner or parent; or
(b) employment excluded by regulation from the ambit of this Act.
1.7.2017Fair Work Act 1994
Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisionsChapter 2
Conferral of jurisdiction, declarations and ordersPart 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 1
Chapter 2Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisions
Part 1—Conferral of jurisdiction, declarations and orders
7—Jurisdiction of SAET
SAET has the jurisdiction conferred by this Act—
(a) to adjudicate on rights and liabilities arising out of employment; and
(b) in relation to industrial matters
(i) to approve enterprise agreements regulating remuneration and other
industrial matters; and
(ii) to make awards regulating remuneration and other industrial matters;
(iii) to hear, determine and regulate any matter or thing arising from or
relating to an industrial matter; and
(c) to settle and resolve industrial disputes.
8—Jurisdiction to interpret awards and enterprise agreements
(1) SAET has jurisdiction to interpret an award or enterprise agreement.
(2) In exercising its interpretative jurisdiction—
(a) SAET should have regard to any evidence that is reasonably available to it of
what the author of the relevant part of the award or enterprise agreement, and
the parties to the award or enterprise agreement, intended it to mean when it
was drafted; and
(b) if a common intention is ascertainable—give effect to that intention.
9—Jurisdiction to decide monetary claims under industrial laws or
(1) SAET (constituted as the South Australian Employment Court) has jurisdiction to hear
and determine monetary claims of the following kinds:
(a) a claim for a sum due to an employee or former employee from an employer
or former employer under—
(i) the Fair Work Act 1994, an award, enterprise agreement or contract
of employment; or
(ii) the Commonwealth Act, or an award or agreement under the
Commonwealth Act;
(b) a claim for a sum due to an employer or former employer from an employee
or former employee under—
(i) the Fair Work Act 1994, an award, enterprise agreement or contract
of employment; or
(ii) the Commonwealth Act, or an award or agreement under the
Commonwealth Act;
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Chapter 2Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisions
Part 1—Conferral of jurisdiction, declarations and orders
2 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(c) a claim for compensation to an employee or former employee from an
employer or former employer for failure to make contributions (before or
after the commencement of this Act) for the benefit of the claimant to a
superannuation fund;
(d) a claim for payment of a benefit against the trustee of a superannuation fund
to which contributions have been made.
(2) In this section
Commonwealth Act means the Fair Work Act 2009 of the Commonwealth.
10Jurisdiction to hear and determine questions arising under contracts of
(1) SAET (constituted as the South Australian Employment Court) has jurisdiction to hear
and determine any question, action or claim founded on, or otherwise arising out of or
in relation to, a contract of employment (including a contract of employment that has
been terminated) including (but not limited to)—
(a) a claim for damages with respect to a breach of a contract of employment
(including a claim where the employee under a contract of employment has
been dismissed); and
(b) a claim to recover a liquidated sum or debt under a contract of employment;
(c) an action for an order for specific performance; and
(d) an action for the grant of an injunction.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), the South Australian Employment Court may, in exercising
its jurisdiction under this section
(a) make an order for specific performance against an employer or an employee
under a contract of employment;
(b) grant an injunction, or give equivalent relief, against an employer or an
employee under a contract of employment even if to do so would effectively
require specific performance of a contractual term against the employer or
(c) award damages against a party to a contract of employment on account of the
manner of a breach of the contract (including where the breach constitutes or
gives rise to a termination of the contract);
(d) award damages and also provide a remedy by way of an order for specific
performance or an injunction.
(3) Subject to subsection (4), if the South Australian Employment Court is satisfied that it
would best serve the interests of justice in a particular case, the Court should provide
for specific performance or an injunction as a remedy—
(a) even if such a remedy is in addition to, or in substitution for, an award of
damages; and
(b) even if, but for this subsection, only damages would be awarded.
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Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisionsChapter 2
Conferral of jurisdiction, declarations and ordersPart 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 3
(4) The South Australian Employment Court—
(a) should not, except in exceptional circumstances, in exercising its jurisdiction
under this section—
(i) make an order for specific performance against a natural person; or
(ii) grant an injunction, or give equivalent relief, against a natural person
under a contract of employment,
if to do so would—
(iii) effectively require an employer to reorganise, to a material extent,
his or her undertaking; or
(iv) effectively prevent an employee from obtaining other employment;
(b) in considering the interests of justice under subsection (3), should take into
(i) the length of time that elapsed between the time when the cause of
action in the proceedings arose and the time when the proceedings
were commenced; and
(ii) the extent to which there no longer exists mutual confidence in the
employment relationship between the employer and the employee;
(iii) the extent to which there is evidence that compliance with an order
for specific performance or an injunction would be impracticable or
cause undue hardship, including, in the case of an employer, by
taking into account the size of the employer's undertaking and the
circumstances of the particular employment situation,
and may take into account such other matters as the Court thinks fit.
(5) Subsection (4)(a)(iv) does not apply so as to limit the orders that the South Australian
Employment Court may make in relation to a restraint of trade clause in a contract of
employment that is enforceable at common law.
(6) The costs in any proceedings under this section will be awarded on the same basis
(and in accordance with the same rules) as costs would be awarded in a corresponding
civil action or claim brought in the District Court or the Magistrates Court (as the case
may be).
(7) This section does not limit the operation of section 9.
(8) This section does not limit the operation of the Return to Work Act 2014.
(9) In this section
contract of employment means a contract recognised at common law as a contract of
11Declaratory jurisdiction
SAET has jurisdiction to make declaratory judgments conferred by other provisions of
this Act.
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Chapter 2Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisions
Part 1—Conferral of jurisdiction, declarations and orders
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12Orders to remedy or restrain contraventions
(1) SAET has jurisdiction to order a person who contravenes or fails to comply with a
provision of this Act, an award or an enterprise agreement
(a) to take steps, specified in the order, within a time specified in the order, to
remedy the contravention or non-compliance; or
(b) to refrain from further contravention of, or non-compliance with, the
(2) If there are reasonable grounds to believe that a person is about to contravene or to fail
to comply with a provision of this Act, an award or enterprise agreement, SAET has
jurisdiction to order the person to refrain from the contravention or non-compliance.
13Advisory jurisdiction
(1) SAET has jurisdiction to inquire into, and report and make recommendations to the
Minister on, a question related to an industrial or other matter that is referred to SAET
for inquiry by the Minister.
(2) The jurisdiction conferred on SAET under subsection (1)—
(a) is not to be assigned to the South Australian Employment Court; and
(b) does not extend to inquiring into the South Australian Employment Court or
matters that may be brought before the Court or that are being dealt with, or
have been dealt with, by the Court.
Part 2—Processes associated with industrial matters and
14Amendment or rectification of proceedings
(1) SAET may
(a) allow the amendment of an application, notice, submission, report or other
document associated with proceedings; or
(b) correct an error, defect or irregularity (even though the error, defect or
irregularity may be such as to render the proceedings void).
(2) If SAET exercises its power to correct an error, defect or irregularity under
subsection (1)(b), the proceedings are as valid and effective as if the error, defect or
irregularity had never happened.
15Power to re-open questions
SAET may re-open a question previously decided and amend or quash an earlier
16General power of waiver
(1) SAET may, on conditions it considers appropriate, waive compliance with a
procedural requirement of this Act or the rules.
(2) SAET may punish non-compliance with a procedural direction by striking out
proceedings, or any defence, in whole or in part.
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Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisionsChapter 2
Processes associated with industrial matters and disputesPart 2
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 5
17Applications to SAET
(1) For the purposes of the South Australian Employment Tribunal Act 2014, proceedings
before SAET under this Act are commenced by an application made to SAET—
(a) if, in the Minister's opinion, it is in the public interest that the matter be dealt
with by SAETby the Minister; or
(b) by an employer, or group of employers; or
(c) by an employee, or group of employees; or
(d) by a registered association of employers; or
(e) by a registered association of employees; or
(f) by the United Trades and Labor Council.
(2) A natural person may bring an application as of right if the application is authorised
under some other provision of this Act but otherwise must establish to the satisfaction
(a) that the claim arises out of a genuine industrial grievance; and
(b) that there is no other impartial grievance resolution process that is (or has
been) reasonably available to the person.
18Advertisement of applications
(1) Before SAET deals with the subject matter of an application, SAET must satisfy itself
that reasonable notice of the substance of the application and the day and time it is to
be heard has been given.
(2) The substance of an application and the day and time it is to be heard must be—
(a) advertised in the manner prescribed in the rules of SAET; or
(b) communicated to all persons who are likely to be affected by a determination
in the proceedings or their representatives.
19Provisions of award etc relevant to how SAET intervenes in dispute
If the parties to an industrial dispute are bound by an award or an enterprise agreement
that provides procedures for preventing or settling industrial disputes between them,
SAET must, in considering whether, when or how it will exercise its powers in
relation to the industrial dispute, have regard to—
(a) the procedures contemplated by the parties for preventing or settling
industrial disputes; and
(b) the extent the procedures (if applicable to the industrial dispute) have been
complied with by the parties and the circumstances of any compliance or
non-compliance with the procedures.
20Voluntary conferences
(1) SAET may, if it appears desirable, call a voluntary conference of the parties involved
in an industrial dispute.
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Part 2—Processes associated with industrial matters and disputes
6 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(2) A person who attends a voluntary conference called under this section is, on
application to the Registrar, entitled to be paid an amount certified by the person
presiding at the conference to be reasonable, having regard to the conduct of the
person both before and at the conference and to the expenses and loss of time incurred
by the person.
(3) The amount certified under subsection (2) will be paid out of money appropriated by
Parliament for the purpose.
21Compulsory conference
(1) SAET may, if it appears desirable, call a compulsory conference of the parties
involved in an industrial dispute.
(2) SAET may summon the parties to the dispute and any other person who may be able
to assist in resolving the dispute to appear at the conference.
(3) A compulsory conference may, at the discretion of SAET, be held in public or in
private or partly in public and partly in private.
(4) A person who fails to attend a compulsory conference as required by SAET's
summons or who, having attended, fails to participate in the conference as required by
the person presiding at the conference commits a contempt of SAET.
(5) A person who attends a conference as directed by the person presiding at the
conference will, on application to the Registrar, be entitled to be paid an amount
certified by the person presiding at the conference to be reasonable, having regard to
the conduct of the person both before and at the conference and to the expenses and
loss of time incurred by the person.
(6) The amount certified under subsection (5) will be paid out of money appropriated by
Parliament for the purpose.
22Reference of questions for determination
(1) The person presiding at a compulsory conference may, after giving reasonable notice
to the persons attending at the conference, refer the subject matter of the conference
for determination by SAET (which may be constituted of the person who presided at
the conference under this Part).
(2) A matter may be referred for determination by SAET under subsection (1) orally and
without formality.
(3) An order of SAET on a reference under subsection (1)—
(a) is binding only on persons represented before SAET or summoned to appear
at the conference; and
(b) if the parties to the industrial dispute are bound by an enterprise agreement,
may not affect the terms of the agreement.
23Experience gained in settlement of dispute
After the settlement of an industrial dispute, SAET may invite the parties to the
dispute to take part in discussions with a view to—
(a) improving the process of conciliation and arbitration in accordance with the
objects of this Act; and
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Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisionsChapter 2
Processes associated with industrial matters and disputesPart 2
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 7
(b) encouraging the parties to agree on procedures for preventing or settling
further disputes by discussion and agreement; and
(c) deciding whether it would be appropriate for the parties to regulate their
relationship by making an enterprise agreement or amending the terms of an
existing enterprise agreement to provide more adequate means of dispute
prevention or resolution.
24Costs generally
(1) SAET may only, in the exercise of jurisdiction under this Act, make an order for costs
where specifically authorised to do so under this Act.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to proceedings that constitute an appeal
under the South Australian Employment Tribunal Act 2014 in respect of the exercise
of jurisdiction under this Act.
Part 3—Representation
(1) In addition to section 51(1)(a) and (b) of the South Australian Employment Tribunal
Act 2014, a party to proceedings before SAET under this Act is entitled, without leave,
to be represented by—
(a) in the case of a party that is not otherwise represented by counsel in
accordance with section 51(1)(b) of the South Australian Employment
Tribunal Act 2014—a registered agent; or
(b) an officer or employee of an industrial association acting in the course of
employment with that industrial association.
(2) However, in the case of a voluntary or compulsory conference, a party or intervener
may, subject to subsections (3) and (4), only be represented by a legal practitioner or
registered agent with the permission of the person presiding at the conference.
(3) Permission is not required under subsection (2) if
(a) the legal practitioner or registered agent is an officer or employee of—
(i) an employer who is a party to the proceedings; or
(ii) the United Trades and Labor Council; or
(iii) a registered association of which a member is a party to the relevant
industrial dispute; or
(b) the legal practitioner is acting on behalf of the Minister for the purposes of
the conference; or
(c) in the case of a compulsory conference—the matter has already been referred
to SAET.
(4) Permission will only be granted under subsection (2) if (and only if)—
(a) all of the parties consent to the application for permission; or
(b) another party is represented by a legal practitioner or registered agent; or
(c) another party is a legal practitioner or is legally qualified; or
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Chapter 2Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisions
Part 3—Representation
8 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(d) the person presiding at the conference is satisfied—
(i) the party or intervener would, if permission were not granted, be
unfairly disadvantaged; or
(ii) permission is appropriate in the circumstances.
(5) The costs incurred by a party for representation at a voluntary or compulsory
conference by a legal practitioner or registered agent acting under the preceding
subsections will not be included in any order for costs.
26Registered agents
(1) The Registrar must maintain a register of registered agents.
(2) A person who applies for registration or renewal of registration is entitled to
registration or renewal of registration (as the case requires) if the person—
(a) has the qualifications and experience required by regulation for registration or
the renewal of registration (as the case requires); and
(b) satisfies the Registrar as to any other matter or requirement prescribed by the
regulations; and
(c) pays the relevant fee fixed by regulation.
(3) A person who is not entitled to practise as a legal practitioner because his or her name
has been struck off the roll of legal practitioners in this State or elsewhere or because
of other disciplinary action taken against him or her is not eligible to become or
remain registered as an agent.
(4) Registration will be granted or renewed for a period (not exceeding 2 years)
determined by the Registrar.
(5) The Governor may, by regulation, establish a code of conduct to be observed by
registered agents.
(6) The code of conduct may (for example) deal with the following matters:
(a) it may regulate the fees to be charged by registered agents;
(b) it may require proper disclosure of fees before the registered agent undertakes
work for a client;
(c) it may limit the extent to which a registered agent may act on the instructions
of an unregistered association.
27Inquiries into conduct of registered agents or other representative
(1) The Registrar may inquire into the conduct of a registered agent or other
representative in order to determine whether proper grounds for disciplinary action
(2) Proper grounds for disciplinary action exist if—
(a) in the case of a registered agent
(i) the agent commits a breach of the code of conduct; or
(ii) the agent is not a fit and proper person to remain registered as an
agent; or
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Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisionsChapter 2
RepresentationPart 3
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(b) in the case of another representative—the representative's conduct falls short
of the standards that should reasonably be expected of a person undertaking
the representation of another in proceedings before SAET.
(3) If, on inquiry, the Registrar finds that proper grounds for disciplinary action exist, the
Registrar may—
(a) issue a letter of admonition; or
(b) if the representative is a legal practitioner—refer the matter to the Legal
Profession Conduct Commissioner for investigation; or
(c) if the representative is a registered agent—
(i) suspend the agent's registration for a period of up to 6 months; or
(ii) cancel the agent's registration.
(4) An appeal lies to SAET against a decision of the Registrar under subsection (3)(c).
(5) An appeal must be instituted in accordance with the rules of SAET.
Part 4—Concurrent appointmentsother industrial authorities
28Concurrent appointments
(1) A member of SAET may, with the Minister's approval, be appointed also as a member
of an industrial authority under the law of the Commonwealth or another State.
(2) If the Minister revokes an approval under subsection (1), the member must resign
from office as a member of the other industrial authority.
(3) A member of an industrial authority constituted under the law of the Commonwealth
or another State may be appointed also as a member of SAET (to hold a position
within SAET determined by the President after consultation with the Minister) and, if
such an appointment is made, this Act applies with the following qualifications:
(a) the appointment terminates if the member ceases for any reason to hold office
as a member of the relevant industrial authority;
(b) the member is not entitled to be remunerated as a member of SAET but is
entitled, in circumstances determined by the Governor, to allowances for
expenses at rates fixed by the Governor.
(4) If a member holds concurrent appointments, then—
(a) if the member was appointed first to SAET and subsequently to the other
industrial authority, the extent the member performs the duties of a member
of that other industrial authority will be determined by agreement between the
President and the head of that other industrial authority; or
(b) if the member was appointed first to the other industrial authority and
subsequently to SAET, the extent the member performs the duties of a
member of SAET will be determined by agreement between the President and
the head of that other industrial authority.
29Powers of member holding concurrent appointments
A member who holds concurrent appointments under this Part may, in an appropriate
case, simultaneously exercise powers deriving from both or all appointments.
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Chapter 2Jurisdiction of SAETspecial provisions
Part 5—Special provisions relating to monetary claims
10 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Part 5—Special provisions relating to monetary claims
In this Part—
monetary claim means a claim under section 9 or a claim for a sum or a debt under
section 10.
31Limitation of action
A monetary claim must be made within 6 years after the sum claimed became payable,
but no time limitation applies to a claim for the non-payment of superannuation
32Who may make a claim
(1) A monetary claim may be made on behalf of the claimant by an association.
(2) A monetary claim may be made by a minor as if the minor had attained the age of
(3) A claim relating to money that should have been paid to or for the benefit of a person
who is now dead may be made by the personal representative of the deceased person
or a beneficiary of the deceased person's estate.
33Simultaneous proceedings not permitted
The South Australian Employment Court may not hear a monetary claim if it appears
that proceedings based on the same claim have begun in another court and the
proceedings have not been withdrawn or struck out.
34Award to include interest
(1) Unless there is good reason for not doing so, the South Australian Employment Court
must, on the application of a person to whom it makes an award on a monetary claim,
include in the judgment an award of interest or a lump sum instead of interest.
(2) However—
(a) the South Australian Employment Court may not authorise the award of
interest on interest; and
(b) if interest is payable because of an antecedent right, the award may reflect the
antecedent right but may not create a right to additional interest; and
(c) the South Australian Employment Court may not award interest on an amount
for which judgment is given by consent except by consent of the parties.
35Monetary judgment
(1) The South Australian Employment Court may authorise or direct that a monetary
amount awarded be paid in instalments.
(2) The South Australian Employment Court may direct that compensation for
non-payment of contributions that should have been, but were not, made to a
superannuation fund be paid to a superannuation fund on the claimant's behalf.
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Special provisions relating to monetary claimsPart 5
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 11
(1) The South Australian Employment Court may only award costs in proceedings based
on a monetary claim as follows—
(a) the Court may award costs on a claim for non-payment of superannuation
contributions to cover reasonable expenses incurred by the claimant to
establish the present value of the loss; and
(b) the Court may award costs on an appeal.
(2) In connection with the operation of subsection (1)(b)—
(a) costs need not be awarded so as to follow the event; and
(b) the Court, in considering whether to award costs and, if so, the extent of the
award, must take into account
(i) the conduct of the parties; and
(ii) the relevant positions and circumstances of the appellant and the
respondent (and of the successful and unsuccessful parties); and
(iii) the nature of the question in dispute and whether the proceedings
have a broader impact than simply inter-parte proceedings between
individual parties,
and may take into account such other matters as the Court thinks fit to ensure
a just outcome in the circumstances of the case.
(3) This section does not apply in relation to a claim under section 10.
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
EmploymentChapter 3
General conditions of employmentPart 1
Basic contractual featuresDivision 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 1
Chapter 3Employment
Part 1General conditions of employment
Division 1—Basic contractual features
66Basis of contract of employment
A contract of employment may be for a fixed term, or on a monthly, fortnightly,
weekly, daily, hourly or other basis.
67Accrual of wages
(1) Wages accrue under a contract of employment from week to week.
(2) However—
(a) if an employee is employed on an hourly basis, wages accrue from hour to
hour; and
(b) if an employee is employed on a daily basis, wages accrue from day to day;
(c) if a person is employed on neither an hourly nor a daily basis, but the period
of employment is less than a week, wages accrue at the end of the period of
68Form of payment to employee
(1) If an employee does work for which the remuneration is fixed by an award or
enterprise agreement, the employer must pay the employee in full, and without
deduction, the remuneration so fixed.
(2) The payment must be made—
(a) in cash; or
(b) if authorised in writing by the employee or in an award or enterprise
agreement by an employee association whose membership includes the
employee or employees who do the same kind of work—
(i) by cheque (which must be duly met on presentation at the ADI on
which it is drawn) payable to the employee; or
(ii) by postal order or money order payable to the employee; or
(iii) by payment into a specified account with a financial institution.
(3) However, the employer may deduct from the remuneration—
(a) an amount the employer is authorised, in writing, by the employee to deduct
and pay on behalf of the employee; and
(b) an amount the employer is authorised to deduct and pay on behalf of the
employee under an award or enterprise agreement; and
(c) an amount the employer is authorised or required to deduct by order of a
court, or under a law of the State or the Commonwealth.
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Chapter 3Employment
Part 1General conditions of employment
Division 1Basic contractual features
2 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(4) An employee may, by giving written notice to the employer, withdraw an
authorisation under this section.
(5) Despite the other provisions of this section, remuneration may be paid by the Crown
to an employee by cheque or by payment into an account with a financial institution
specified by the employee, but, if payment is by cheque, there must be no deduction
from the amount payable because the payment is made by cheque.
(6) An employer who fails to comply with a requirement under subsection (2) or (5) is
guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $3 250.
Expiation fee: $325.
Division 2Contracts to be construed subject to relevant minimum
(1) A contract of employment is to be construed as if it provided for remuneration in
accordance with the minimum standard for remuneration in force under this section
(a) a rate that is more favourable to the employee is fixed by the contract of
employment; or
(b) the rate of remuneration is fixed in accordance with an award or enterprise
(2) A rate of remuneration fixed by a contract of employment, or an award or enterprise
agreement, must be consistent with the Equal Remuneration Convention.
(3) The minimum standard for remuneration in force under this section is a standard
established by SAET in accordance with the following provisions:
(a) SAET must establish a minimum standard for remuneration at least once in
every year;
(b) proceedings to establish the standard may be commenced by application by a
peak entity, or by SAET acting on its own initiative;
(c) a minimum standard for remuneration must—
(i) fix a minimum weekly wage for an adult working ordinary hours;
(ii) fix a minimum hourly rate for an adult working on a casual basis;
(iii) fix age-based gradations for juniors having regard to existing award
conditions; and
(iv) cover such other incidental or related matters as should, in the
opinion of SAET, be dealt with in the minimum standard.
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EmploymentChapter 3
General conditions of employmentPart 1
Contracts to be construed subject to relevant minimum standardsDivision 2
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 3
70Sick leave/carer's leave
(1) A contract of employment is to be construed as if it provided for sick leave/carer's
leave in terms of the minimum standard for sick leave/carer's leave in force under this
section unless—
(a) the provisions of the contract are more favourable to the employee; or
(b) the provisions of the contract are in accordance with an award or enterprise
(2) The minimum standard for sick leave/carer's leave in force under this section is
(a) the standard set out in Schedule 3; or
(b) a standard substituted for that standard on review by SAET under
subsection (3).
(3) SAET may, on application by a peak entity—
(a) review the minimum standard for sick leave/carer's leave in force under this
section; and
(b) if satisfied that a variation of the minimum standard is necessary or desirable
to give effect to the objects of this Act—substitute a fresh minimum standard.
(4) An application under subsection (3) must not be made within 2 years after the
completion of a previous review of the standard by SAET under this section.
70ABereavement leave
(1) A contract of employment is to be construed as if it provided for bereavement leave in
terms of the minimum standard for bereavement leave in force under this section
(a) the provisions of the contract are more favourable to the employee; or
(b) the provisions of the contract are in accordance with an award or enterprise
(2) The minimum standard for bereavement leave in force under this section is—
(a) the standard set out in Schedule 3A; or
(b) a standard substituted for that standard on review by SAET under
subsection (3).
(3) SAET may, on application by a peak entity—
(a) review the minimum standard for bereavement leave in force under this
section; and
(b) if satisfied that a variation of the minimum standard is necessary or desirable
to give effect to the objects of this Act—substitute a fresh minimum standard.
(4) An application under subsection (3) must not be made—
(a) within 2 years after the commencement of this section; or
(b) within 2 years after the completion of a previous review of the standard by
SAET under this section.
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Chapter 3Employment
Part 1General conditions of employment
Division 2Contracts to be construed subject to relevant minimum standards
4 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
70BFamily and domestic violence leave
(1) A contract of employment is to be construed as if it provided for family and domestic
violence leave in terms of the minimum standard for family and domestic violence
leave in force under this section unless the provisions of the contract are more
favourable to the employee.
(2) The minimum standard for family and domestic violence leave in force under this
section is
(a) the standard set out in Schedule 3B; or
(b) a standard substituted for that standard on review by SAET under
subsection (3).
(3) SAET may, on application by a peak entity—
(a) review the minimum standard for family and domestic violence leave in force
under this section; and
(b) if satisfied that a variation of the minimum standard is necessary or desirable
to give effect to the objects of this Act—substitute a fresh minimum standard.
(4) An application under subsection (3) must not be made—
(a) within 2 years after the commencement of this section; or
(b) within 2 years after the completion of a previous review of the standard by
SAET under this section.
71Annual leave
(1) A contract of employment is to be construed as if it provided for annual leave in terms
of the minimum standard for annual leave in force under this section unless—
(a) the provisions of the contract are more favourable to the employee; or
(b) the provisions of the contract are in accordance with an award or enterprise
(2) The minimum standard for annual leave in force under this section is—
(a) the standard set out in Schedule 4; or
(b) a standard substituted for that standard on review by SAET under
subsection (3).
(3) SAET may, on application by a peak entity
(a) review the minimum standard for annual leave in force under this section; and
(b) if satisfied that a variation of the minimum standard is necessary or desirable
to give effect to the objects of this Act—substitute a fresh minimum standard.
(4) An application under subsection (3) must not be made within 2 years after the
completion of a previous review of the minimum standard by SAET under this
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EmploymentChapter 3
General conditions of employmentPart 1
Contracts to be construed subject to relevant minimum standardsDivision 2
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 5
72Parental leave
(1) A contract of employment is to be construed as if it provided for maternity, paternity
and adoption leave (and associated part-time work) in terms of the minimum standard
for parental leave in force under this section unless—
(a) the provisions of the contract are more favourable to the employee; or
(b) the provisions of the contract are in accordance with an award or enterprise
(2) The minimum standard in force under this section is—
(a) the standard set out in Schedule 5; or
(b) a standard substituted for that standard on review by SAET under
subsection (3).
(3) SAET may, on application by a peak entity—
(a) review the minimum standard for parental leave in force under this section;
(b) if satisfied that a variation of the minimum standard is necessary or desirable
to give effect to the objects of this Act—substitute a fresh minimum standard.
(4) An application under subsection (3) must not be made within 2 years after the
completion of a previous review of the minimum standard by SAET under this
72AMinimum standardsadditional matters
(1) SAET may, on application by a peak entity, establish a standard relating to paid
parental leave that, subject to this section, is also to apply as a minimum standard to
all employers and employees.
(2) A contract of employment is to be construed as if it incorporated any minimum
standard established under subsection (1) unless—
(a) the provisions of the contract are more favourable to the employee; or
(b) the provisions of the contract are in accordance with an award or enterprise
(3) SAET may, when substituting or establishing a standard under this Division, exclude
an award from the ambit of the standard (or a part of the standard).
(4) Subject to subsections (5) and (6), a standard substituted or established by SAET
under this Division prevails over a preceding award to the extent that the standard is
more favourable to employees than any standard prescribed by the particular award.
(5) A party to an award may, within 28 days after a standard is set by SAET under this
Division, apply to SAET to have the award excluded from the ambit of the standard
(or a part of the standard).
(6) SAET may grant an application under subsection (5) if (and only if) SAET is satisfied
that there are cogent reasons for doing so taking into account matters or conditions
that specifically apply or prevail in the relevant industry or industries.
(7) SAET may grant an application under subsection (5) on such conditions as SAET
thinks fit.
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Chapter 3Employment
Part 1General conditions of employment
Division 2Contracts to be construed subject to relevant minimum standards
6 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(8) SAET, in acting under this Division—
(a) must ensure that each peak entity is notified of the relevant proceedings and
allowed a reasonable opportunity to make representations; and
(b) may (as it thinks fit) receive and take into account oral or written
representations (or both) from any other person or persons who have, in the
opinion of SAET, a proper interest in the matter.
72BSpecial provision relating to severance payments
(1) SAET must establish a minimum standard for severance payments on termination of
employment for redundancy that will apply in the manner contemplated by
subsection (5).
(2) SAET may thereafter, on application by a peak entity
(a) review the minimum standard for severance payments on termination of
employment for redundancy in force under this section; and
(b) if satisfied that a variation of the minimum standard is necessary or desirable
to give effect to the objects of this Act—substitute a fresh minimum standard.
(3) An application under subsection (2) must not be made within 2 years after the
completion of previous proceedings to establish or review the standard by SAET.
(4) SAET, in acting under this section—
(a) must ensure that each peak entity is notified of the relevant proceedings and
allowed a reasonable opportunity to make representations; and
(b) may (as it thinks fit) receive and take into account oral or written
representations (or both) from any other person or persons who have, in the
opinion of SAET, a proper interest in the matter.
(5) SAET may, on application by—
(a) an employee (or a group of employees); or
(b) a registered association acting on behalf of an employee or a group of
make an order applying the minimum standard for severance payments in such
manner as SAET thinks fit.
(6) An application may be made under subsection (5) if (and only if)—
(i) the relevant employee or employees have been given notice of a
pending redundancy or redundancies; or
(ii) the employment of the relevant employee or employees has been
terminated for redundancy; and
(b) the application is made within 21 days after the notice is given or the
employment is terminated.
(7) An order under subsection (5)—
(a) need not be made by SAET; and
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EmploymentChapter 3
General conditions of employmentPart 1
Contracts to be construed subject to relevant minimum standardsDivision 2
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(b) may provide for the variation of the minimum standard for severance
payments in the circumstances of the particular case; and
(c) may be made on such conditions as SAET thinks fit.
(8) SAET must only act under subsection (7)(b) if satisfied that there are cogent reasons
for doing so.
Part 2Regulation of industrial matters by enterprise
73Objects of this Part
The objects of this Part are—
(a) to encourage and facilitate the making of agreements governing
remuneration, conditions of employment and other industrial matters at the
enterprise or workplace level; and
(b) to provide a framework for fair and effective negotiation and bargaining
between employers and employees with a view to the making of such
agreements and to provide for the participation of associations in the process
of negotiation and bargaining; and
(c) to ensure that award remuneration and conditions of employment operate as a
safety net underpinning the negotiated agreements at the enterprise or
workplace level; and
(d) to provide for improved flexibility in conditions of employment at the
enterprise and workplace level with consequent increases in efficiency and
74Nature of enterprise agreement
An enterprise agreement may be made about remuneration and other industrial
75Who may make enterprise agreement
(1) An enterprise agreement may be made between
(a) 1 or more employers;
(b) a group of employees.
(2) A registered association may enter into an enterprise agreement on behalf of—
(a) any member or members of the association who have given the association an
authorisation to negotiate the enterprise agreement on their behalf; or
(b) any group of employees (whether or not members of the association) if the
association is authorised, after notice has been given as required by the
regulations, by a majority of the employees constituting the group to
negotiate the enterprise agreement on behalf of the group.
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Part 2Regulation of industrial matters by enterprise agreements
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(3) A member of an association is taken to have given the association an authorisation for
the purposes of subsection (2) for as long as the member remains a member of the
association unless the member, by written notice given to the association, withdraws
the authorisation.
(4) An authorisation given to an association by an employee who is not a member of the
(a) cannot be given generally but must be specifically related to a particular
proposal for an enterprise agreement; and
(b) remains in force (subject to revocation by written notice given to the
association) until the relevant enterprise agreement is rescinded or
(5) If—
(a) an employer proposes to have an enterprise agreement with a group of
employees who are yet to be employed by the employer; and
(b) the employees
(i) are of a class not currently, or formerly, employed by the employer
or a related employer in South Australia; or
(ii) are to be engaged in operations of a kind that are not currently, and
have not been formerly, carried on by the employer or a related
employer in South Australia,
the employer may enter, on a provisional basis, into an enterprise agreement binding
on the employees who become members of the group (a provisional enterprise
agreement) with a registered association of employees (or both).
(7) A notice under subsection (6) must include details of the group of employees to which
the agreement is to apply.
(9) A person who becomes, or ceases to be, a member of a group of employees defined in
an enterprise agreement as the group bound by the agreement, becomes or ceases to be
bound by the enterprise agreement (without further formality).
76Negotiation of enterprise agreement
(1) An employer must, before beginning negotiations on the terms of an enterprise
agreement give the employees who may be bound by the agreement at least 14 days'
notice, in accordance with procedures prescribed by regulation, that negotiations are
about to begin (but notice is not required if the agreement is negotiated to settle an
industrial dispute, or SAET determines that there is good reason in the circumstances
of the case to exempt the employer from this requirement).
(2) The employer must, before beginning negotiations on the terms of an enterprise
agreement, inform the employees of their right to representation in the negotiation,
and proceedings for approval, of the agreement and, in particular, that an employee
may be represented by an agent of an employee's choice, or a registered association of
(3) If an employer is aware that an employee is a member of a registered association, the
employer must, before beginning negotiations on the terms of an enterprise agreement,
take reasonable steps to inform the association that the negotiations are about to begin.
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(4) An employer who negotiates an enterprise agreement with employees who are subject
to an award must ensure that the employees have reasonable access to the award.
(5) A person involved in negotiations for an enterprise agreement must comply with
procedures and formalities applicable to that person that are required by regulation.
(5a) If an employee involved in negotiations for an enterprise agreement suffers from an
intellectual disability that prevents the employee from having a proper understanding
of the negotiations, then any of the following may negotiate on the employee's behalf
and take any steps that the employee might take if he or she did not suffer from the
(a) a person who is—
(i) a guardian at law of the employee; or
(ii) the donee of a power of attorney from the employee; or
(iii) a substitute decision-maker under an advance care directive (within
the meaning of the Advance Care Directives Act 2013) given by the
employee (being a substitute decision-maker who is authorised to
make decisions relating to the employee's employment); or
(b) a person appointed to represent the employee's interests for the purposes of
this Act by a person within the ambit of paragraph (a).
(6) This section does not prevent employees or a registered association of employees from
initiating negotiations on a proposed enterprise agreement, but in that case, the
employer must, before entering into the negotiations, give the notice and information
required by this section to ensure that the interests of all employees who may be
affected by the proposed agreement are properly protected.
(7) This section does not apply to negotiations on the terms of an enterprise agreement
that is to be entered into on a provisional basis.
76ABest endeavours bargaining
(1) The parties to the negotiations must use their best endeavours to resolve questions in
issue between them by agreement.
(2) In particular, the parties to the negotiations (or their duly authorised representatives)—
(a) must meet at reasonable times, and at reasonable places, for the purpose of
commencing and furthering the negotiations; and
(b) must state and explain their position on the questions at issue to all other
parties to the negotiations; and
(c) must disclose relevant and necessary information; and
(d) must act openly and honestly; and
(e) must not alter or shift the ground of negotiation by capriciously adding
matters for consideration or excluding matters from consideration; and
(f) must adhere to agreed negotiation procedures; and
(g) must adhere to agreed outcomes and commitments; and
(h) if the parties are able to arrive at an agreed timetable for achieving
agreement—must use their best endeavours to meet the timetable.
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Part 2Regulation of industrial matters by enterprise agreements
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(3) SAET may, on the application of a party to any negotiations, give directions to resolve
any dispute as to the composition of the group of employees for negotiating purposes.
(4) An employer cannot be required, as part of any negotiations under this Part, to
produce any financial records relating to any business or undertaking of the employer.
(5) SAET may, on the application of a party to the negotiations, take steps to resolve a
matter by conciliation.
(6) Nothing in a preceding subsection prevents a party to negotiations for an enterprise
agreement deciding to withdraw from the negotiations entirely.
77Form and content of enterprise agreement
(1) An enterprise agreement
(a) must be in writing; and
(b) must
(i) specify the employer to be bound by the agreement; and
(ii) define the group of employees to be bound by the agreement; and
(c) must include procedures for preventing and settling industrial disputes
between the employer and employees bound by the agreement; and
(d) if a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of employees to be
covered by the agreement agreemay include a provision giving an
association of employees that is able to represent the industrial interests of the
employees' rights to represent the industrial interests of those employees to
the exclusion of another association of employees
; and
(e) must provide that sick leave is available, subject to limitations and conditions
prescribed in the agreement, to an employee if the leave becomes necessary
because of the sickness of a child, spouse, domestic partner, parent or
grandparent (unless the agreement specifically excludes the extension of sick
leave to such circumstances); and
(f) must make provision for the renegotiation of the agreement at the end of its
term; and
(g) must be signed as required by regulation by or on behalf of the employer, and
on behalf of the group of employees, to be bound by the agreement.
(2) An enterprise agreement should be submitted to SAET for approval within 21 days
after the agreement is signed by or on behalf of the persons who are to be bound by it.
1 However, the provision must be consistent with section 116(1).
78Enterprise agreement has no force or effect without approval
An enterprise agreement has no force or effect unless approved by SAET.
79Approval of enterprise agreement
(1) Except as otherwise provided, SAET must approve an enterprise agreement if, and
must not approve an enterprise agreement unless, it is satisfied that
(a) before the application for approval was made, reasonable steps were taken—
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Regulation of industrial matters by enterprise agreementsPart 2
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(i) to inform the employees who are covered by the agreement about the
terms of the agreement and the intention to apply to SAET for
approval of the agreement; and
(ii) to explain to those employees, the effect the agreement will have if
approved and, in particular—
to identify the terms of an industrial instrument (if any) that
currently apply to the employees and will, if the agreement
is approved, be excluded by the agreement; and
if the agreement supersedes an earlier enterprise agreement,
to identify the differences in the terms of the agreements;
to explain the procedures for preventing and settling
industrial disputes as prescribed by the agreement; and
to inform the employees of their right to representation in
the negotiation, and proceedings for approval, of the
agreement and, in particular, that an employee may be
represented by an agent of an employee's choice, or an
association of employees; and
(b) the agreement has been negotiated without coercion and a majority of the
employees covered by the agreement have genuinely agreed to be bound by
it; and
(c) if the agreement is entered into by a registered association as representative of
1 or more employees bound by the agreement—SAET is satisfied (in such
manner as it thinks fit) that the association is authorised to act in accordance
with the provisions of this Act; and
(d) the agreement provides for consultation between the employer and the
employees bound by the agreement about changes to the organisation and
performance of work or the parties have agreed that it is not appropriate for
the agreement to contain provision for such consultation; and
(e) the agreement
(i) is, on balance, in the best interests of the employees covered by the
agreement (taking into account the interests of all employees); and
(ii) does not provide for remuneration or other conditions of employment
that are inferior to the standards that apply under Part 1 Division 2;
(iii) does not provide for remuneration or conditions of employment that
are (considered as a whole) inferior to remuneration or conditions of
employment (considered as a whole) prescribed by an award under
this Act that applies to the employees at the time of the application
for approval; and
(f) the agreement is consistent with the objects of this Part; and
(g) the agreement complies with the other requirements of this Act.
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Part 2Regulation of industrial matters by enterprise agreements
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(1a) The agreement of employees to be bound by a proposed enterprise agreement may be
indicated by ballot or in some other way.
(1b) If a ballot of employees is taken—
(a) SAET must be satisfied that
(i) all employees were given a reasonable opportunity to participate in
the ballot; and
(ii) the ballot was conducted in accordance with the rules for the conduct
of ballots (if any) laid down by regulation; and
(iii) a majority of the employees casting valid votes at the ballot voted in
favour of the proposal; and
(b) if SAET is so satisfied, it will be presumed that a majority of the total number
of the employees (including those who did not vote at the ballot) is in favour
of the proposal.
(1c) In deciding whether an agreement is in the best interests of an employee with a
disability, SAET must have regard to the Supported Wage System of the
Commonwealth (or any system that replaces it), and any other relevant national
disability standard identified by or under the regulations.
(2) SAET must refuse to approve an enterprise agreement if a provision of the agreement
discriminates against an employee because of, or for reasons including, race, colour,
sex, sexual preference, physical or mental disability, marital status, family
responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social
(3) SAET must not approve an enterprise agreement if the agreement applies to part of a
single business or a distinct operational or organisational part of a business and SAET
considers that—
(a) the agreement does not cover employees who should be covered having
regard to—
(i) the nature of the work performed by the employees whom the
agreement does cover; and
(ii) the relationship between that part of the business and the rest of the
business; and
(b) it is unfair that the agreement does not cover those employees.
(4) In deciding whether to approve an enterprise agreement, SAET must identify the
employees (if any) who are covered by the agreement but whose interests may not
have been sufficiently taken into account in the course of negotiations and must do
whatever is necessary to ensure that those employees understand the effect of the
agreement and their interests are properly taken into account.
(5) Despite subsection (1)(e)(ii) and (iii), SAET may, on referral of an enterprise
agreement by a member of SAET who considered the agreement in the first instance,
approve the agreement if SAET is satisfied that
(a) a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of employees to be
covered by the agreement is in favour of making the agreement; and
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Regulation of industrial matters by enterprise agreementsPart 2
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(b) the enterprise is suffering significant economic difficulties; and
(c) the agreement would make a material contribution to the alleviation of those
difficulties; and
(d) there are reasonable prospects of the economic circumstances of the
enterprise improving within the term of the agreement; and
(e) having regard to any relevant award under this Act (which should be
considered as a whole) the agreement does not substantially disadvantage the
employees covered by the agreement.
(6) An enterprise agreement must also be referred to SAET for approval if the member of
SAET before whom the question of approval comes in the first instance is in serious
doubt about whether the agreement should be approved.
(7) If an enterprise agreement is to be entered into on a provisional basis—
(a) the prescribed provisions do not apply to its approval under this section; but
(b) the agreement may only be approved on condition that—
(i) the agreement is to be renegotiated between the employer and the
group of employees within a period (not exceeding 6 months) SAET
considers appropriate in the circumstances and fixes on approving it;
(ii) if, in the course of the renegotiation, the employer and the group
reach agreement (either in the same or on different terms), the
agreement is, on its approval under this Part, to take the place of the
provisional agreement and, if agreement is not reached, the
provisional agreement lapses at the end of the period fixed for its
Explanatory note
The prescribed provisions are subsection (1)(a), (b), (c) and subsections (4) and (5).
(9) If SAET is of the opinion that grounds may exist for withholding approval of an
enterprise agreement but—
(a) an undertaking is given to SAET by one or more of the persons who are to be
bound by the agreement (or by a duly authorised representative on their
behalf) about how the agreement is to be interpreted or applied; and
(b) SAET is satisfied that the undertaking adequately deals with the aspects of
the agreement that might otherwise lead SAET to withhold its approval,
SAET may incorporate the undertaking as part of the agreement, or amend the
agreement to conform with the undertaking, and approve the agreement in its modified
(10) Before SAET rejects an application for approval for an enterprise agreement on the
ground that its provisions do not meet the criteria for approval, it should identify the
aspects of the agreement that are of concern to SAET and allow a reasonable
opportunity for the renegotiation of those aspects of the agreement.
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Part 2Regulation of industrial matters by enterprise agreements
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(11) SAET may approve an enterprise agreement without proceeding to a formal hearing if
(a) is satisfied on the basis of documentary material submitted in support of the
application that the agreement should be approved; and
(b) has given public notice of its intention to approve the agreement in
accordance with the rules.
1 The group may, if the appropriate authorisation exists, be represented in the negotiations
by an association or associations of employeesSee section 75.
80Extent to which aspects of negotiations and terms of the agreement are to
be kept confidential
(1) An association that enters into an enterprise agreement as representative of a group of
employees, must not disclose to the employer which employees authorised the
association to act on their behalf.
(2) However—
(a) an association, if authorised in writing by an employee, may disclose to an
employer that the association is authorised to act on behalf of the employee;
(b) an association may be authorised by SAET to disclose to an employer the
identity of employees who authorised the association to act on their behalf
and may be required by SAET to disclose the identity of those employees to
(3) An enterprise agreement, once approved, must be lodged in the Registrar's office and
must, subject to an order under subsection (4), be available for public inspection.
(4) SAET may, if satisfied that an order under this subsection is justified by the
exceptional nature or circumstances of the case, declare that an enterprise agreement
or a particular part of an enterprise agreement is to be kept confidential to the persons
bound by it, and make an order suppressing public disclosure of the agreement or the
relevant part of the agreement.
(5) A person must not contravene an order of SAET under subsection (4).
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
81Effect of enterprise agreement
(1) An enterprise agreement prevails over a contract of employment to the extent the
agreement is inconsistent with the contract.
(2) However, if an employer and employee agree, at or after the time of entering into an
enterprise agreement, that a term of a contract of employment that is more beneficial
to an employee than the corresponding provision of the enterprise agreement is to
prevail despite the enterprise agreement, the contractual term prevails over the
corresponding provision of the enterprise agreement.
(3) An enterprise agreement operates to exclude the application of an award only to the
extent of inconsistency with the award.
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(4) Subject to subsection (5), if
(a) an enterprise agreement applies to the employees or a particular class of
employees engaged in a particular business or undertaking; and
(b) a new employer becomes the successor, transmittee or assignee of the whole
or part of the business or undertaking,
the new employer succeeds to the rights and obligations of the employer under the
enterprise agreement.
(5) If—
(a) an employer is bound by an enterprise agreement (the outgoing employer);
(b) another employer (the incoming employer) then becomes, or is likely to
become at a later time, the successor, transmittee or assignee of the whole or
part of the business or undertaking of the outgoing employer,
SAET may, on application under this subsection, by order—
(c) vary the enterprise agreement; or
(d) rescind the enterprise agreement.
(6) An application under subsection (5) may be made
(a) by the outgoing employer (including such an employer who was previously
an incoming employer), while he or she is still the employer under the
enterprise agreement; or
(b) by the incoming employer after he or she takes over the whole or a part of the
business or undertaking of the outgoing employer; or
(c) by an employee bound by the enterprise agreement (or a group of such
employees) after the incoming employer takes over the whole or a part of the
business or undertaking of the outgoing employer; or
(d) by a registered association acting on behalf of an employee or a group of
employees bound by the enterprise agreement after the incoming employer
takes over the whole or a part of the business or undertaking of the outgoing
(7) SAET may make an order on application under subsection (5) if (and only if)—
(a) the order only relates to provisions that regulate the performance of duties by
employees or that relate to the remuneration of employees; and
(b) SAET is satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist justifying the making
of the order; and
(c) SAET is satisfied
(i) that the order will not disadvantage employees in relation to their
terms and conditions of employment; or
(ii) that the order will assist in a reasonable strategy on the part of the
employer to deal with a short-term crisis in, and to assist in the
revival of, the relevant business or undertaking.
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(8) For the purposes of subsection (7), an order disadvantages an employee or employees
in relation to their terms and conditions of employment if, on balance, its making
would result in a reduction in the overall terms and conditions of employment of that
employee or those employees.
(9) SAET must, in making an order under subsection (5), take into account the length of
time remaining until the end of the term of the enterprise agreement.
(10) An order under subsection (5)—
(a) must not take effect before the transfer of the relevant business or undertaking
to the incoming employer;
(b) may be made on the basis that the incoming employer will only be bound by
the enterprise agreement for a limited period of time (and then the enterprise
agreement will be taken to be rescinded);
(c) may be made on the basis that any variation to the enterprise agreement will
only have effect for a limited period of time.
(11) Nothing in this section limits the ability to vary or rescind an enterprise agreement
under another provision.
82SAET's jurisdiction to act in disputes under an enterprise agreement
(1) An enterprise agreement cannot limit—
(a) SAET's powers of conciliation; or
(b) SAET's powers to settle industrial disputes between the employer and the
employees bound by the agreement.
(2) However—
(a) before SAET intervenes in an industrial dispute between an employer and
employees bound by an enterprise agreement, SAET should ensure that the
procedures laid down in the agreement for settling industrial disputes have
been followed and have failed to resolve the dispute; and
(b) a determination made by SAET in settlement of such a dispute—
(i) must not be made in relation to a condition of employment that is a
subject matter of the agreement (unless the determination is to
correct an ambiguity or uncertainty in the agreement); and
(ii) must be consistent with the agreement.
(3) SAET may, in acting under this section, settle a dispute over the application of an
enterprise agreement.
83Duration of enterprise agreement
(1) An enterprise agreement is to be made for a term (not exceeding 3 years) stated in the
(2) At least 28 days before the end of the term of an enterprise agreement, SAET must
give written notice to the parties to the agreement advising them that the term of the
agreement is about to end.
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(3) After giving the notice, SAET may, on its own initiative or on the application of a
party, invite the parties to an enterprise agreement to a conference to explore the
possibility of renegotiating the agreement.
(4) Despite the expiration of the term stated in the enterprise agreement, the agreement
continues in force until superseded or rescinded.
84Power of SAET to vary or rescind an enterprise agreement
(1) SAET may vary an enterprise agreement—
(a) to give effect to an amendment agreed between the employer and a majority
of the employees currently bound by the agreement; or
(b) to correct an ambiguity or uncertainty in the agreement; or
(c) to bring the agreement into conformity with an undertaking on the basis of
which the agreement was approved.
(2) In deciding whether to vary an enterprise agreement, SAET must (unless the variation
is merely to correct an ambiguity or uncertainty) apply the same tests as apply to the
approval of an enterprise agreement.
(3) SAET may rescind an enterprise agreement during its term if satisfied that the
employer and a majority of the employees currently bound by the agreement want it
(4) A party to an enterprise agreement, an employee bound by the agreement, or a
registered association with at least 1 member who is bound by the agreement, may
apply to SAET for an order rescinding the agreement after the end of the term of the
(5) On receiving an application for rescission under subsection (4), SAET must take such
steps as it considers appropriate to obtain the views of the persons bound by the
agreement about whether the agreement should be rescinded.
(6) If on an application under subsection (4) SAET is satisfied
(a) that the employer or a majority of the employees bound by the agreement
want it rescinded; and
(b) that the rescission of the agreement will not unfairly advance the bargaining
position of a particular person or group in the circumstances of the particular
SAET may rescind the agreement.
85SAET may release party from obligation to comply with enterprise
(1) If an employer or employee bound by an enterprise agreement engages in industrial
action in relation to a matter dealt with in the agreement, SAET may, on application
by another person bound by the agreement who is affected by the industrial action,
order that the applicant be released from the agreement or that the terms of the
agreement be varied in a specified way.
(2) Subject to the terms of an enterprise agreement, SAET may, on application by a
person bound by the agreement, include, omit or vary a term authorising the employer
to stand down an employee.
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(3) SAET may only make an order under this section if satisfied it is fair and reasonable
to do so.
86Limitation on SAET's powers
SAET has no power to vary or rescind an enterprise agreement apart from the powers
expressly conferred on SAET by this Part.
An association of employers or employees may, subject to the provisions of any
relevant enterprise agreement
, represent members of the association in negotiations
and proceedings under this Part.
1 See section 77(1)(d).
(1) If an enterprise agreement prohibits the disclosure of information of a confidential
nature, a person who discloses the information contrary to the agreement is guilty of
an offence.
Maximum penalty: $750.
(2) However, an enterprise agreement cannot prohibit the disclosure of information of a
statistical nature to the Minister.
Part 3Regulation of industrial matters by award
Division 1Awards generally
90Power to regulate industrial matters by award
(1) SAET may make an award about remuneration and other industrial matters
(2) However—
(a) SAET cannot regulate the composition of an employer's workforce except in
relation to the employment of juniors and apprentices; and
(b) if there is an inconsistency between an award and an enterprise agreement,
then, while the agreement continues in force, the agreement prevails to the
extent of the inconsistency.
(3) SAET may provide in an award for remuneration, leave or other conditions of
employment that are more favourable to employees than the standards that apply
under Part 1 Division 2.
(4) SAET may refrain from hearing, further hearing, or determining an application for an
award binding only one employer or two or more employers who together carry on a
single business or for variation of such an award for so long as SAET
(a) considers that, in all the circumstances, the parties concerned should try to
negotiate an enterprise agreement to deal with the subject matter of the
application; and
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Regulation of industrial matters by awardPart 3
Awards generallyDivision 1
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(b) is not satisfied that there is no reasonable prospect of the parties making such
an agreement.
(5) An award may be made on a provisional or interim basis.
(6) In making an award, SAET is not restricted to the specific relief claimed by the
parties, but may include in the award provisions SAET considers necessary or
(7) Before SAET makes an award, it must take reasonable steps to ensure that all persons
who are to be bound by the award have been given a reasonable opportunity to appear
and be heard before SAET.
1 Any of the bodies or persons mentioned in section 194 may bring an application for the
making of an award.
90AEquity in remuneration
In making an award regulating remuneration, SAET must take all reasonable steps to
ensure that the principle of equal remuneration for men and women doing work of
equal or comparable value is applied (insofar as may be relevant).
91Who is bound by award
(1) An award of SAET is binding on all persons expressed to be bound by the award.
(2) If—
(a) an award is expressed to apply to a particular employer, or to an employer
engaged in a particular business or undertaking (the outgoing employer); and
(b) another employer (the incoming employer) becomes the successor,
transmittee or assignee of the whole or part of the business or undertaking of
the outgoing employer,
the incoming employer succeeds to rights and obligations of the outgoing employer
under the award.
(3) Subsection (2) operates subject to any provision made by SAET (on application under
this Act) to vary or rescind the relevant award.
(1) An award of SAET has, if it so provides, retrospective operation.
(2) However, an award cannot operate retrospectively from a day antecedent to the day on
which the application for the award was lodged with SAET unless—
(a) the date of operation is fixed by consent of all parties to the proceedings; or
(b) there is a nexus between the award and
(i) another award of SAET; or
(ii) a fair work instrument under the Commonwealth Act,
and, in view of the nexus, it is imperative that there should be common dates
of operation; or
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Chapter 3Employment
Part 3Regulation of industrial matters by award
Division 1Awards generally
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(c) the award gives effect, in whole or part and with or without modification, to
principles, guidelines or conditions relating to remuneration enunciated or
laid down in, or attached to, a relevant decision or determination of the Fair
Work Commission and there are reasons of exceptional cogency for giving it
a retrospective operation.
93Form of awards
(1) An award must be expressed in plain English and must avoid unnecessary technicality
and excessive detail.
(2) An award must be settled and sealed by the Registrar.
94Effect of awards on contracts
An award prevails over a contract of employment to the extent the award is more
beneficial to the employee than the contract.
95Effect of multiple award provisions on remuneration
(1) If—
(a) an employee is engaged in work of different classes; and
(b) an award or awards fix different rates of remuneration for the different classes
of work,
the remuneration of the employee is to be calculated by reference to the time spent in,
and the rate of remuneration for, each class of work.
(2) However, an award may fix a special rate of remuneration for an employee engaged in
work of different classes.
96Duration of award
An award continues in operation, subject to its terms, and subject to amendment or
revocation, until superseded by a later award.
97Effect of amendment or rescission of award
The variation or rescission of an award does not affect—
(a) legal proceedings previously commenced under or in relation to the award; or
(b) rights existing at the time of the variation or rescission.
98Consolidation or correction of awards
(1) The Registrar must ensure that the text of any award that has been amended by
another award is consolidated to include the amendments at least once in each period
of 12 months.
(2) The Registrar may, at any time, correct clerical or other errors in an award.
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Regulation of industrial matters by awardPart 3
Special provision relating to child labourDivision 1A
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Division 1ASpecial provision relating to child labour
98ASpecial provision relating to child labour
(1) SAET may, by award
(a) determine that children should not be employed in particular categories of
work or in an industry, or a sector of an industry, specified by the award;
(b) impose special limitations on hours of employment of children;
(c) provide for special rest periods for children who work;
(d) provide for the supervision of children who work;
(e) make any other provision relating to the employment of children as SAET
thinks fit.
(2) Subsection (1) does not limit the powers of SAET to make awards that relate to
children under the other provisions of this Act.
(3) Without limiting subsection (1), SAET must, within 1 year after the commencement
of this section, commence reviewing the awards applying under this Act that may be
relevant to the employment of children to ensure that they reflect appropriate
standards with respect to the employment of children (insofar as may be relevant).
(4) SAET must, in acting under subsection (3), give priority to those awards that relate to
industries (or sectors of industries) where the employment of children is most
(5) SAET may, in making an award under this section, make a determination that only
relates to children of a specified age or ages.
Division 1BSpecial provision relating to trial work
98BSpecial provision relating to trial work
(1) SAET may, by award
(a) determine that a person who undertakes a specified category of work (in any
specified circumstances) on a trial basis in an industry, or a sector of an
industry, specified by the award with a view to obtaining employment with
the person from whom the work is performed is entitled to be paid for that
work in accordance with the terms of the award;
(b) impose limitations of the performance of work on a trial basis in an industry,
or a section of an industry, specified in the award;
(c) make any other provision relating to work on a trial basis as SAET thinks fit,
if SAET is of the opinion that action under this section is justified in order to prevent
the abuse of the performance of work on a trial basis in the relevant circumstances.
(2) SAET may, in setting rates of pay with respect to particular work under
subsection (1), specify different rates according to the different levels of skill or
experience that persons undertaking the work may possess.
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Division 1BSpecial provision relating to trial work
22 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(3) Subsection (1) does not limit the powers of SAET to make any award under the other
provisions of this Act.
(4) Subsection (1) applies even though the persons to whom an award will relate will not
be employees for the purposes of this Act.
(5) A person who is entitled to be paid under an award under this section is entitled to
recover the amount that should be paid as if the person were an employee of the
person for whom the work was performed.
Division 2Review of awards
99Triennial review of awards
(1) SAET must review each award at least once in every three years.
(1a) However, in the case of the first review to be conducted after the commencement of
this Act, the period allowed for the review is extended to 31 December 1997.
(2) At least 21 days before it begins a review under this section, SAET must give notice
of the review—
(a) to associations and other persons that appeared in the proceedings in which
the award was made; and
(b) by notice in a newspaper circulating generally throughout the State.
(3) On a review under this section, SAET may vary an award to ensure that the award
(a) is consistent with the objects of this Act; and
(b) affects only to the minimum extent necessary the way work is carried out; and
(c) leaves the practical application of its provisions to be worked out in the
workplace; and
(d) is consistent with industrial, technological, commercial and economic
developments applicable to the relevant industry; and
(e) complies with other requirements prescribed by regulation.
(4) If, on review of an award it appears that the award is obsolete, SAET should rescind
the award.
(5) Before it varies or rescinds an award under this section, SAET must give the parties to
the award a reasonable opportunity to make submissions on the proposed action, and
take any submissions made by the parties into consideration.
Part 3AOutworkers
Division 1—Preliminary
In this Part—
apparent responsible contractorsee section 99D;
code of practice means the code of practice in operation under Division 2 (if any);
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OutworkersPart 3A
PreliminaryDivision 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 23
remuneration includes—
(a) any remuneration or other amount, including commission, payable in relation
to work done by an outworker;
(b) any amount payable to an outworker in respect of annual leave or long service
(c) any amount for which an outworker is entitled to be reimbursed or
compensated for under the code of practice;
unpaid remuneration means remuneration that is the subject of a claim under
section 99D.
99BResponsible contractors
(1) Subject to this section, a person will be taken to be a responsible contractor in relation
to an outworker or a group of outworkers engaged (or previously engaged) under a
contract of employment with someone else if the person is a person who initiates an
order for the relevant work (other than (if relevant) as a purchaser at the point of sale
by retail), or distributes the relevant work (even though there may then be a series of
contracts before the work is actually performed by the outworker or outworkers).
(2) The fact that a person is to be taken to be a responsible contractor for the purposes of
this Part does not affect any obligation of another person as an employer under a
contract of employment.
(3) A person whose sole business in connection with the clothing industry is the sale of
clothing (and associated items) by retail will not be taken to be a responsible
contractor under this section (but may be taken to be an employer under a contract of
employment between the person and an outworker).
Division 2Code of practice
99CCode of practice
(1) The Governor may, by regulation, establish a code of practice for the purpose of
ensuring that outworkers are treated fairly in a manner consistent with the objects of
this Act.
(2) The code of practice may make different provision according to the matters or
circumstances to which they are expressed to apply.
(3) The code of practice may apply, adopt or incorporate, with or without modification, a
standard or other document prepared or published by a body specified in the code, as
in force at a particular time or as in force from time to time.
(4) A code of practice may
(a) require employers or other persons engaged in an industry, or a sector of an
industry, specified or described in the code to adopt the standards of conduct
and practice with respect to outworkers set out in the code; and
(b) make arrangements relating to the remuneration of outworkers, including by
specifying matters for which an outworker is entitled to be reimbursed or
compensated for with respect to his or her work or status as an outworker;
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Chapter 3Employment
Part 3AOutworkers
Division 2Code of practice
24 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(c) make provision to assist outworkers to receive their lawful entitlements; and
(d) make such other provision in relation to the work or status of outworkers as
the Governor thinks fit.
(5) SAET may make an award incorporating any term of the code of practice or make any
other provision to give effect to the code of practice.
(6) Subsection (5) does not limit the powers of SAET to make awards that relate to
outworkers under the other provisions of this Act.
(7) If there is an inconsistency between an award and the code of practice, the award
prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
Division 3Recovery of unpaid remuneration
99DOutworker may initiate a claim against a responsible contractor
(1) An outworker may initiate a claim for unpaid remuneration (an unpaid remuneration
claim) against a person identified by the outworker as the person who the outworker
believes on reasonable grounds to be a responsible contractor in relation to the
outworker (the apparent responsible contractor).
(2) The unpaid remuneration claim may be for all or any of the remuneration that is
payable to the outworker on account of work performed by the outworker that was (or
apparently was) initiated or distributed by the apparent responsible contractor (and it
does not matter that there may be more than 1 responsible contractor).
(3) The unpaid remuneration claim must be made within 6 months after the relevant work
is completed by the outworker.
(4) The unpaid remuneration claim is to be made by serving a written notice on the
apparent responsible contractor that—
(a) claims payment of the unpaid remuneration; and
(b) sets out the following particulars:
(i) the name of the outworker; and
(ii) the address at which the outworker may be contacted; and
(iii) a description of the work that has been performed; and
(iv) the date or dates on which the work was performed; and
(v) the amount of unpaid remuneration claimed in respect of the work.
(5) The particulars set out in the unpaid remuneration claim must be verified by statutory
(6) A claim under this section may only be made in respect of work performed after the
commencement of this section.
99ELiability of apparent responsible contractor on a claim
(1) Except as provided by subsection (4), an apparent responsible contractor served with
an unpaid remuneration claim is liable for the amount of unpaid remuneration
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OutworkersPart 3A
Recovery of unpaid remunerationDivision 3
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(2) An apparent responsible contractor may, within 14 days after being served with an
unpaid remuneration claim, refer the claim to another person the apparent responsible
contractor knows or has reason to believe is the employer of the outworker under this
Act (the designated employer).
(3) An apparent responsible contractor refers an unpaid remuneration claim under
subsection (2) by
(a) advising the outworker who has made the claim, in writing, of the name and
address of the designated employer; and
(b) serving a copy of the claim (a referred claim) on the actual employer.
(4) The apparent responsible contractor is not liable for the whole or any part of an
amount of an unpaid remuneration claim for which the designated employer served
with a referred claim accepts liability in accordance with section 99F.
99FLiability of actual employer to which a claim is referred
(1) A designated employer served with a referred claim under section 99E may, within
14 days after being served, accept liability for the whole or any part of an amount of
unpaid remuneration claimed by paying it to the outworker concerned.
(2) A designated employer who accepts liability under subsection (1) must serve notice in
writing on the apparent responsible contractor of that acceptance and of the amount
99GRecovery of amount of unpaid remuneration
(1) An amount payable to an outworker by an apparent responsible contractor that is not
paid in accordance with the requirements of this Division may be recovered by the
outworker as a monetary claim under section 9.
(3) In proceedings brought under this section, an order for the apparent responsible
contractor to pay the amount claimed must be made unless the apparent responsible
contractor satisfies the South Australian Employment Court that the work was not
performed or that the amount of the claim for the work in the unpaid remuneration
claim is not the correct amount in respect of the work.
99HAbility of responsible contractor to claim contribution or to make
(1) If an apparent responsible contractor pays to the outworker concerned the whole or
any part of the amount of any unpaid remuneration claim under this Division, the
apparent responsible contractor may—
(a) recover the amount paid from a related employer; or
(b) deduct or set-off the amount paid from or against any amount that the
apparent responsible contractor owes to a related employer (whether or not in
respect of work that has been carried out by the outworker).
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a related employer in relation to an apparent
responsible contractor is—
(a) the actual employer of the outworker concerned; or
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Chapter 3Employment
Part 3AOutworkers
Division 3Recovery of unpaid remuneration
26 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(b) another responsible contractor whose contractual relationship with the
outworker concerned on account of the work performed by the outworker is,
when all relevant contractual relationships are considered, closer than the
contractual relationship between the apparent responsible contractor and the
99IOffence provision
A person must not—
(a) by intimidation or by any other act or omission, intentionally hinder or
prevent a person from making an unpaid remuneration claim under
section 99D; or
(b) make a statement that the person knows to be false or misleading in a material
particular in any referred claim under section 99E or any notice served for the
purposes of section 99F; or
(c) serve a referred claim on a person under section 99E that the person does not
know, or have reasonable grounds to believe, is an actual employer.
Maximum penalty: $5 000.
Nothing in this Division
(a) limits or excludes any other right of recovery of remuneration of an
outworker, or any liability with respect to payment of remuneration to an
outworker (whether arising under this Act or any other Act or law or whether
arising by virtue of any award or other industrial instrument or by virtue of an
agreement or otherwise); or
(b) limits or excludes any right of recovery arising under any other law with
respect to any amount of money owed by a responsible contractor to another
Part 4General principles affecting determination of working
100Adoption of principles affecting determination of remuneration and
working conditions
(1) SAET may, on its own initiative, or on the application of—
(a) the Minister; or
(b) the United Trades and Labor Council; or
(c) the South Australian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry
make a declaration adopting in whole or in part, and with or without modification,
principles, guidelines, conditions, practices or procedures enunciated or laid down in,
or attached to, a decision or determination of the Fair Work Commission.
(2) However, a declaration may only be made if the terms of the declaration are consistent
with the objects of this Act.
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General principles affecting determination of working conditionsPart 4
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 27
(3) A declaration under this section may be made on the basis that it is to apply in relation
to (and prevail to the extent of any inconsistency with)—
(a) awards generally; or
(b) awards generally, other than a specified award or awards; or
(c) a specified award or awards (and no other awards).
(4) In addition, a party to an award that is affected by a declaration under this section
may, within 28 days after the declaration is made, apply to SAET to have the award
excluded from the declaration (or a part of the declaration), despite the operation of
subsection (3).
(5) SAET may grant an application under subsection (4) on such conditions as SAET
thinks fit.
101State industrial authorities to apply principles
(1) In arriving at a determination affecting remuneration or working conditions, a State
industrial authority must have due regard to and may apply and give effect to
principles, guidelines, conditions, practices or procedures adopted by SAET under this
(2) However, principles adopted under this Part are not applicable to enterprise
(3) In this section
State industrial authority means
(a) SAET; or
(b) the Remuneration Tribunal; or
(c) the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment; or
(d) another person or body declared by regulation to be a State industrial
Part 5Enforcement of obligations arising from employment
Division 1Records to be kept by employers
102Records to be kept
(1) An employer must, subject to subsections (6) and (7), keep for all employees—
(a) a record of the names and addresses of the employees; and
(b) a record (a time book) in which are entered as far as practicable
(i) each employee's times of beginning and ending work on each day
(including a note of time allowed for meals and other breaks); and
(ii) the wages paid to each employee and the date of each payment of
wages; and
(c) a record of annual leave, sick leave, parental leave and long service leave
granted to each employee; and
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Chapter 3Employment
Part 5Enforcement of obligations arising from employment
Division 1Records to be kept by employers
28 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(d) a record of the date of birth of employees under 21 years of age; and
(e) other records prescribed by regulation.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
Expiation fee: $160.
(2) The records must be kept in the English language.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
Expiation fee: $160.
(2a) The records may be kept in writing or in electronic form.
(2b) The information kept in the time book must be verified as follows:
(a) if the time book is kept in writing, it must, if practicable, be verified by
signature of the employee on, or as soon as possible after, each pay day and
the signature constitutes evidence of the correctness of the entries;
(b) if the time book is kept electronically, a printout of the relevant entries must,
if practicable, be verified by signature of the employee on, or as soon as
possible after, each pay day and the employer must keep the signed printouts
as evidence of the correctness of the entries.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
Expiation fee: $105.
(3) An employer must retain a record kept under this section for 7 years after the date of
the last entry made in it.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
Expiation fee: $160.
(4) An employer must—
(a) at the reasonable request of an employee or former employee, produce a
record relating to the employee or former employee kept under this section
and permit the employee or former employee to make copies of, or take
extracts from, the record; or
(b) at the reasonable request of an inspector, produce a record relating to a
specified employee or former employee kept under this section and permit the
inspector to make copies of, or take extracts from, the record; or
(c) at the reasonable request of an inspector, produce reasonable evidence of the
payment of wages and details of how the amounts of the payments were
calculated and details of any amounts that remained unpaid and how they are
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
Expiation fee: $160.
(5) When a business, or part of a business, is transferred or assigned, the transferor or
assignor must transmit to the transferee or assignee all records referred to in this
section relating to employees who become employees of the transferee or assignee.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
Expiation fee: $105.
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Records to be kept by employersDivision 1
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(5a) On the transmission of the records, the employer's obligations in relation to the
records passes to the transferee or assignee.
(6) An award or enterprise agreement may direct that, in relation to some or all of the
persons bound by the award or agreement—
(a) a time book need not be kept; or
(b) specified information need not be included in the time book.
(7) The requirement to keep a time book does not apply with respect to any employee
who is not paid on an hourly basis, or on a basis under which the employee's
remuneration varies according to the time worked.
(8) When an employer makes a payment of wages, the employer must provide the
employee with a pay slip showing
(a) the name of the employer; and
(b) the amount of the payment; and
(c) the period of employment to which the payment relates; and
(d) if the employee is paid on an hourly basis, or on a basis on which the rate of
pay varies according to the time worked—
(i) the number of hours worked by the employee during the period to
which the payment relates (distinguishing between ordinary time and
overtime); and
(ii) the rate or rates of pay on which the payment is based; and
(e) if the employer has made a contribution to a superannuation fund for the
benefit of the employee—the name of the fund to which the contribution was
made and the amount of the contribution.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
Expiation fee: $105.
103Employer to provide copy of award or enterprise agreement
(1) An employer who is bound by an award or enterprise agreement must, at the request
of an employee bound by the award or enterprise agreement, produce a copy of the
award or enterprise agreement as soon as practicable after the request and allow the
employee a reasonable opportunity to examine it.
Maximum penalty: $750.
Expiation fee: $80.
(2) If an employee bound by an award or enterprise agreement asks the employer for a
copy of the award or agreement, the employer must give the employee a copy of the
award or agreement within 14 days after the date of the request.
Maximum penalty: $750.
Expiation fee: $80.
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Part 5Enforcement of obligations arising from employment
Division 1Records to be kept by employers
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(3) However, an employer is not obliged to comply with a request under subsection (2)
(a) the employer has previously given the employee a copy of the award or
agreement within the preceding 12 months; or
(b) SAET has, on the application of the employer, relieved the employer from the
obligation to comply with the request.
(4) An employer must ensure that a copy of an award or enterprise agreement is exhibited
at a place that is reasonably accessible to the employees bound by the award or
Maximum penalty: $750.
Expiation fee: $80.
(5) However, an enterprise agreement, or a part of an enterprise agreement, that SAET
has suppressed from public disclosure under this Act
need not be exhibited under
subsection (4).
1 See section 80.
Part 6Unfair dismissal
Division 1Preliminary
In this Part—
adjudicating authority means
(a) SAET; or
(b) any other court, tribunal, commission or other authority with power to grant
relief for wrongful or unfair dismissal;
non-award employee means an employee whose employment is not covered by an
industrial instrument.
105AApplication of Part
(1) This Part does not apply—
(a) to a non-award employee whose remuneration immediately before the
dismissal took effect is $100 322 (indexed) or more a year; or
(b) an employee who is an apprentice.
An apprentice may apply to SAET under the South Australian Skills Act 2008
in respect of disputes or grievances involving their employer.
(2) The regulations may exclude from the operation of this Part or specified provisions of
this Part
(a) employees serving a period of probation or a qualifying period providing that
the period—
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EmploymentChapter 3
Unfair dismissalPart 6
PreliminaryDivision 1
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(i) is determined in advance; and
(ii) is reasonable having regard to the nature and circumstances of the
employment; and
(iii) does not exceed 12 months; or
(b) employees engaged on a casual basis for a short period except where—
(i) the employee has been engaged by the employer on a regular and
systematic basis extending over a period of at least nine months; and
(ii) the employee has, or would have had, a reasonable expectation of
continuing employment by the employer; or
(c) employees whose terms and conditions of employment are governed by
special arrangements giving rights of review of, or appeal against, decisions
to dismiss from employment which, when considered as a whole, provide
protection that is at least as favourable to the employees as the protection
given under this Part; or
(d) employees in relation to whom the application of this Part or the specified
provisions of this Part causes or would cause substantial difficulties because
(i) their conditions of employment; or
(ii) the size or nature of the undertakings in which they are employed; or
(e) employees of any other class.
(3) To the extent that a regulation under subsection (2)(c), (d) or (e) is inconsistent with
the Termination of Employment Convention it is invalid.
(4) If a contract provides for employment for a specified period or for a specified task,
this Part does not apply to the termination of the employment at the end of the
specified period, or on completion of the specified task, unless the employee has, on
the basis of the employer's conduct, a clear expectation of continuing employment by
the employer.
Division 2Application for relief
106Application for relief
(1) If an employer dismisses an employee, the employee may, before the end of a period
of 21 days from the date the dismissal takes effect, apply to SAET for relief under this
(2) An employee cannot simultaneously bring proceedings for dismissal before 2 or more
adjudicating authorities.
(3) If an employee takes proceedings for dismissal under this Part or some other law and
the adjudicating authority before which the proceedings are brought considers that the
proceedings might have been more appropriately brought under another law before
another adjudicating authority—
(a) the adjudicating authority may, after hearing the parties, refer the proceedings
to the other adjudicating authority to be dealt with under that other law; and
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Chapter 3Employment
Part 6Unfair dismissal
Division 2Application for relief
32 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(b) the adjudicating authority to which the proceedings are referred must deal
with the proceedings as if they had been commenced before that adjudicating
authority under the relevant law.
Suppose that an employee brings proceedings under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984
seeking relief for dismissal on the ground that the dismissal constitutes an act of
discrimination in respect of which a remedy is available under that Act. The relevant
authorities under that Act might, if of the opinion that the proceedings might have been
more appropriately brought before SAET under this Act, refer the proceedings to SAET.
The proceedings would then proceed in SAET as if they had been commenced by an
application for relief under this Part.
(3a) The period that applies under subsection (1) does not apply in a case involving the
referral of proceedings to SAET under another law.
(4) No fee may be imposed with respect to an application for relief under this Part.
Division 4Determination of application
108Question to be determined at the hearing
(1) At the hearing of an application under this Part, SAET must determine whether, on the
balance of probabilities, the dismissal is harsh, unjust or unreasonable.
(2) In deciding whether a dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable, SAET must have
regard to—
(a) the Termination of Employment Convention; and
(b) the rules and procedures for termination of employment prescribed by or
under Schedule 8; and
(c) the degree to which the size of the relevant undertaking, establishment or
business impacted on the procedures followed in effecting the dismissal; and
(d) the degree to which the absence of dedicated human resource management
specialists or expertise in the relevant undertaking, establishment or business
impacted on the procedures followed in effecting the dismissal; and
(e) whether the employer has failed to comply with an obligation under
section 58B or 58C of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation
Act 1986; and
(f) any other factor considered by SAET to be relevant to the particular
circumstances of the dismissal.
(3) If a redundancy payment is made on the dismissal in accordance with a relevant
industrial instrument, the dismissal cannot be regarded as harsh, unjust or
unreasonable solely on the ground that the payment is inadequate.
109Remedies for unfair dismissal from employment
(1) If SAET is satisfied on application under this Part that an employee's dismissal is
harsh, unjust or unreasonable, SAET may—
(a) order that the applicant be re-employed in the applicant's former position
without prejudice to the former conditions of employment; or
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EmploymentChapter 3
Unfair dismissalPart 6
Determination of applicationDivision 4
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 33
(b) if it would be impracticable for the employer to re-employ the applicant in the
applicant's former position, or re-employment in the applicant's former
position would not, for some other reason, be an appropriate remedy—order
that the applicant be re-employed by the employer in some other position (if
such a position is available) on conditions determined by SAET; or
(c) if SAET considers that re-employment by the employer in any position would
not be an appropriate remedy—order the employer to pay to the applicant an
amount of compensation determined by SAET.
(1a) Re-employment is to be regarded as the preferred remedy, and SAET may only award
an alternative remedy if satisfied that there are cogent reasons to believe that
re-employment would not, in the circumstances of the particular case, be an
appropriate remedy.
(1b) However, SAET need not regard re-employment as the preferred remedy if the
position to which the applicant would be re-employed is in a business or undertaking
where, at the time of SAET's decision on the application, less than 50 employees are
(2) If SAET makes an order for re-employment under this section, then, subject to any
contrary direction of SAET
(a) the employee must be remunerated for the period intervening between the
date that the dismissal took effect and the date of re-employment as if the
employee's employment in the position from which the employee was
dismissed had not been terminated; and
(b) the employer is entitled to the repayment of any amount paid to the employee
on dismissal on account of or arising from the dismissal; and
(c) for the purposes of determining rights to annual leave, sick leave, long service
leave, and parental leave, the interruption to the employee's continuity of
service caused by the dismissal will be disregarded.
(3) SAET must not order compensation exceeding 6 months' remuneration at the rate
applicable to the dismissed employee immediately before the dismissal took effect, or
$33 100 (indexed), whichever is the greater.
(4) An order for the payment of a monetary amount under this section may provide for
payment by instalments if
(a) SAET is satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist justifying the making
of the order; and
(b) insofar as the order compensates loss of remuneration—the instalments of
compensation are at least as favourable to the employee as the payments of
remuneration (to which the order relates) would have been if the employment
had continued.
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Chapter 3Employment
Part 6Unfair dismissal
Division 5Miscellaneous
34 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Division 5Miscellaneous
(1) If an application under this Part proceeds to hearing and SAET is satisfied that a party
to the proceedings clearly acted unreasonably in failing to discontinue or settle the
matter before the hearing concluded, SAET may, on the application of the other party
to the proceedings, make an order for costs (including—if relevant—the costs of
representation) against the party.
(2) If an employee discontinues proceedings under this Part more than 14 days after the
conclusion of the conference of the parties, SAET may, on the application of the
employer, make an order for costs (including—if relevant—the costs of
representation) against the employee if SAET is satisfied that the employee has acted
(3) An application for an order for costs under this section must be made within 14 days
after the determination or discontinuance of the proceedings.
111Decisions to be given expeditiously
(1) SAET must hand down its determination on an application under this Part, and its
reasons for the determination, within 3 months after the parties finish making their
final submissions on the application.
(2) The President may extend the time for handing down a determination, or the reasons
for a determination, but only if there are special reasons in the circumstances of the
individual case for doing so.
Part 7Exemption from employment conditions
112Slow, inexperienced or infirm workers
(1) SAET may, on application by a slow, inexperienced or infirm employee, grant the
employee a licence to work at a wage less than the minimum that would otherwise
apply to the employee under this Act, an award or an enterprise agreement.
(2) If it appears to SAET that an association may have an interest in an application under
this section, it will give the association at least seven days notice of the time and place
at which it intends to hear the application, and the association is then entitled to appear
and be heard on the application.
(3) SAET will not grant a licence until satisfied that the employee is, because of slowness,
inexperience or infirmity, unable to obtain employment at the minimum wage fixed
under this Act, an award or enterprise agreement.
(4) A licence
(a) must specify the wage at which the worker is licensed to work; and
(b) continues in force for 12 months but may be renewed from time to time for
successive terms of 12 months.
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EmploymentChapter 3
Exemption from employment conditionsPart 7
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 35
(5) An employer must not, without the consent of SAET, employ a number of licensed
employees exceeding one-fifth of the total number of persons employed by the
employer in the same class of work (but if the employer employs fewer than five
employees in the relevant class of work, the employer may employ one licensed
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
(6) A person must not pay or offer to pay a slow, inexperienced or infirm employee a
wage lower than specified in the licence.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
(7) If an award or enterprise agreement makes provision for the remuneration of
employees who are under a disability that adversely affects work performance in some
way, the award or enterprise agreement excludes from the ambit of this section an
employee who comes within the terms of the relevant provision of the award or
enterprise agreement.
113Non-application of awards
(1) This section applies to a person (an assisted person)—
(a) who has an intellectual, psychiatric, sensory or physical impairment or a
combination of such impairments; and
(b) who is unlikely to obtain employment at ordinary rates of pay and needs
substantial ongoing support to obtain or retain paid employment; and
(c) who is being assisted or trained by an organisation or body—
(i) that provides employment services to disabled workers; and
(ii) that is declared by regulation to be a recognised organisation for the
purposes of this section.
(2) No award applies to work performed by an assisted person unless the award makes
specific provision for assisted persons.
(3) The regulations may exclude certain industrial matters affecting assisted persons from
regulation by award.
114Exemption for charitable organisations
(1) If the Minister is satisfied that
(a) the objects of an organisation are charitable, religious or non-profit making;
(b) it is in the public interest to grant an exemption under this subsection,
the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, exempt all activities of the organisation, or
specified activities of the organisation, from the operation of awards.
(2) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, vary or revoke an exemption under
subsection (1).
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AssociationsChapter 4
Freedom of associationPart 1
PreliminaryDivision 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 1
Chapter 4Associations
Part 1Freedom of association
Division 1Preliminary
115Prohibited reason
An employer acts for a prohibited reason if the employer discriminates against
another person for one or more of the following reasons or for reasons that include one
or more of the following:
(a) because the other person is, has been or proposes to become an officer,
delegate or member of an association;
(b) because the other person is not, or does not propose to become, a member of
an association;
(c) because the other person—
(i) has one or more employees who are not, or do not propose to
become, members of an association; or
(ii) has not paid, or does not propose to pay, a fee (however described) to
an association;
(d) because the other person has refused or failed to join in industrial action;
(e) because the other person (being an employee) has refused or failed to agree or
consent to, or vote in favour of, the making of an agreement to which an
association of which the employee is a member would be a party;
(f) because the other person has made, proposes to make or has at any time
proposed to make an application to an industrial authority for an order for
holding a secret ballot;
(g) because the other person has participated in, proposes to participate in or has
at any time proposed to participate in a secret ballot ordered by an industrial
(h) because the other person is entitled to the benefit of an instrument dealing
with conditions of employment or an order of an industrial authority;
(i) because the other person has made or proposes to make an inquiry or
complaint to a person or body with power under a law relating to industrial
relations to seek
(i) compliance with that law; or
(ii) the enforcement of rights under an instrument dealing with
conditions of employment;
(j) because the other person has participated in, proposes to participate in, or has
at any time proposed to participate in a proceeding under a law relating to
industrial relations;
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Chapter 4Associations
Part 1Freedom of association
Division 1Preliminary
2 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(k) because the other person has given or proposes to give evidence in a
proceeding under a law relating to industrial relations;
(l) because an association is seeking better industrial conditions for the other
(m) because the other person (being an employee) has absented himself or herself
from work without leave if—
(i) the absence was for the purpose of carrying out duties or exercising
rights as an officer of an association; and
(ii) the person applied for leave before absenting himself or herself and
leave was unreasonably refused or withheld;
(n) because the other person, as an officer or member of an association, has done,
or proposes to do, a lawful act within the officer's or member's authority
under the rules of the association, for the purpose of furthering or protecting
the industrial interests of the association.
Division 2Protection of freedom of association
116Freedom of association
(1) No person may be compelled to become, or remain, a member of an association.
(2) A provision of a contract of employment, or an associated undertaking, to become or
remain, or not to become or remain, a member of an association is void.
116AGeneral offences against the principle of freedom of association
A person must not—
(a) require another to become, or remain, a member of an association; or
(b) prevent another from becoming or remaining a member of an association of
which the other person is, in accordance with the rules of the association,
entitled to be a member; or
(c) induce another to enter into a contract or undertaking not to become or remain
a member of an association.
Maximum penalty: $20 000.
116BDismissal etc for prohibited reason
(1) An employer must not, for a prohibited reason, do or threaten to do any of the
(a) dismiss an employee from employment;
(b) injure an employee in employment;
(c) alter the position of an employee to the employee's prejudice;
(d) refuse to employ a person;
(e) discriminate against a person in the terms or conditions on which the
employer offers to employ the person.
Maximum penalty: $20 000.
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AssociationsChapter 4
Freedom of associationPart 1
Protection of freedom of associationDivision 2
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 3
(2) A court by which an employer is convicted of an offence against this section may, on
application by the employee (or prospective employee) against whom the offence was
(a) award compensation to the applicant for loss resulting from the commission
of the offence; and
(b) if the applicant was dismissed from employment—order the employer to
re-employ the applicant on conditions determined by the court.
117Prohibition of discrimination in supply or purchase of goods or services
(1) A person who carries on a business involving the supply or purchase of goods or
services must not discriminate against an employer by refusing to supply or purchase
goods or services, or in the terms on which goods or services are supplied or
purchased, on the ground that the employer's employees are, or are not, members of an
Maximum penalty: $20 000.
(2) A person must not, on the ground that an employer's employees are, or are not,
members of an association—
(a) attempt to induce a person who carries on a business involving the supply or
purchase of goods or services to discriminate against an employer by refusing
to supply or purchase goods or services, or in the terms on which goods or
services are supplied or purchased; or
(b) attempt to prevent a person who carries on a business involving the supply or
purchase of goods or services from supplying or purchasing goods or services
to or from the employer.
Maximum penalty: $20 000.
(3) This section does not prevent an association from discriminating between members
and non-members of the association.
118Conscientious objection
(1) If a person satisfies the Registrar by the evidence required by the Registrar that the
person has a genuine conscientious objection based on religious belief to becoming a
member of an association, the Registrar must issue a certificate of conscientious
objection to the person.
(2) The Registrar must cancel a certificate of conscientious objection if asked to do so by
the person for whom it was issued.
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Chapter 4Associations
Part 2Locally based associations
Division 1Application for registration
4 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Part 2Locally based associations
Division 1Application for registration
119Eligibility for registration
(1) The following associations are eligible for registration under this Part—
(a) an association formed to represent, protect or further the interests of
employers and consisting of two or more employers who employ, in
aggregate, not less than 100 employees (whether or not the membership of the
association includes persons who are not employers);
(b) an association formed to represent, protect or further the interests of
employees and consisting of not less than 100 employees (whether or not the
membership includes persons who are not employees).
(2) An organisation, or a branch, section or part of an organisation, registered under the
Commonwealth (Registered Organisations) Act is not eligible for registration under
this Part.
120Application for registration
(1) An association eligible for registration under this Part may apply to SAET for
(2) If an application for registration is made, the Registrar must—
(a) publish notice of the application in a newspaper circulating generally
throughout the State;
(b) give notice of the application to any registered association the Registrar
considers to have a proper interest in the subject matter of the application.
(3) The notice must contain a statement of the right of interested persons to lodge
objections to the registration of the applicant association.
A person may, within the time allowed by the Rules, object to the registration of the
Division 2Registration and incorporation
122Registration of associations
(1) SAET may, after considering objections to registration duly made in accordance with
the Rules, register an association under this Part if satisfied—
(a) that the association is eligible for registration under this Part; and
(b) that the rules of the association conform with the requirements of this Part;
(c) that the prescribed conditions have been complied with; and
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AssociationsChapter 4
Locally based associationsPart 2
Registration and incorporationDivision 2
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 5
(d) that the registration of the association would be consistent with the provisions
and objects of this Act; and
(e) that
(i) the association is entirely comprised of employees employed in a
single business; or
(ii) if the association is not an association of that kind—there is no other
registered association to which the members of the association might
conveniently belong; and
(f) that the name of the applicant association would not cause confusion with the
name of another registered association or with the name of an organisation
registered under the Commonwealth (Registered Organisations) Act; and
(g) in the case of an association of employees—that the association is not
dependent for financial or other resources on an employer, employers, or an
association of employers and is, in other respects, independent of control or
significant influence by an employer, employers or an association of
(2) SAET may, in an appropriate case, waive compliance with any of the prescribed
conditions referred to in paragraph (c) above.
123Registration confers incorporation
On registration of an association under this Part, the association becomes a body
(a) with the name stated in its rules; and
(b) with power to acquire, hold, deal with and dispose of real and personal
property; and
(c) with the other powers stated in its rules.
Division 3Rules
The rules of an association registered under this Part—
(a) must state the association's name; and
(b) must conform with the prescribed conditions; and
(c) must prescribe a procedure for resolution of disputes between the association
and its members; and
(d) must not impose on applicants for membership, or members, of the
association conditions, obligations or restrictions that are oppressive,
unreasonable or unjust.
125Alteration of rules of registered association
(1) An association registered under this Part may resolve to alter its rules.
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Chapter 4Associations
Part 2Locally based associations
Division 3Rules
6 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(2) The resolution must be passed in accordance with the relevant rules of the association
unless the purpose of the proposed alteration is only to change the name of the
association in which case a resolution passed by a majority of the members present
and voting at an ordinary meeting of the association is sufficient provided that at least
14 days' notice of the time and place of the meeting was given to the members in
accordance with the association's rules and the notice of meeting contained the
proposed resolution for the change of name.
(3) An alteration of the rules of a registered association does not take effect unless and
until registered by SAET.
(4) If an alteration of the rules of a registered association is of a kind that would or could
affect the composition of the membership of the association, notice of an application
for registration must be given, and objections may be made, in the same way, and on
the same or similar grounds, as if the application were for registration of a new
(5) SAET may register an alteration of rules if satisfied that
(a) the alteration would be consistent with the provisions and objects of this Act;
(b) in the case of a change of name—would not cause confusion with the name of
another registered association or the name of an organisation registered under
the Commonwealth (Registered Organisations) Act.
126Model rules
(1) To the extent the rules of an association conform with model rules published by
regulation, no objection can be taken to the rules.
(2) To the extent a proposed alteration of rules brings the rules into conformity with
model rules published by regulation, no objection can be taken to the proposed
127Orders to secure compliance with rules etc
(1) SAET may, on the application of a member of an association registered under this Part
or a person who has been expelled from membership of such an association, order the
association or specified officers of the association—
(a) to carry out an obligation imposed by the rules of the association;
(b) to make good any contravention of, or failure to comply with, the rules of the
(c) to carry out consequential or related directions SAET thinks necessary or
desirable in the circumstance.
(2) An association or other person who fails to comply with an order of SAET under this
section is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
(3) SAET may, on application by a member of an association registered under this Part or
a person who has applied for membership of such an association, declare a rule of the
association to be invalid on the ground that the rule is inconsistent with this Act.
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AssociationsChapter 4
Locally based associationsPart 2
RulesDivision 3
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 7
(4) SAET may adjourn proceedings on an application under subsection (3) for a period,
and on terms and conditions, SAET considers appropriate, to give the association an
opportunity to alter its rules.
Division 4Financial records
128Financial records
(1) An association registered under this Part must keep proper accounting records of all its
financial transactions.
(2) An association registered under this Part must prepare annually the following
(a) a balance sheet giving a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities of the
association as at the end of the relevant accounting period; and
(b) a statement of receipts and payments over the relevant accounting period.
(3) The association must have the accounts prepared under subsection (2) audited by a
registered company auditor.
(4) The accounts and accounting records to be kept and prepared under this section must
conform with the requirements of the Rules.
(5) An association that fails to comply with a requirement of this section is guilty of an
Maximum penalty: $750.
Division 5Amalgamation
(1) An association registered under this Part may resolve to amalgamate with another
association or other associations registered under this Part.
(2) A resolution to amalgamate—
(a) must be passed
(i) by the executive committee, or committee of management, of the
association; or
(ii) by the members of the association in the same way as a resolution for
alteration of the rules of the association; or
(iii) in some other way provided by the rules; and
(b) must approve the rules of the association to be formed by the amalgamation.
(3) If a resolution to amalgamate is passed by the executive committee, or committee of
management, of an association (and authority to pass the resolution is not conferred on
the executive committee or committee of management by the rules), notice of the
resolution must be given by post to all members of the association.
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Chapter 4Associations
Part 2Locally based associations
Division 5Amalgamation
8 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(4) If, within six weeks of the posting of the notices under subsection (3), the Registrar is
requested by 20 members of the association or 10% of the total membership
(whichever is the lesser) to conduct a ballot—
(a) the Registrar will conduct (at the expense of the association, which may be
recovered as a debt from the association) a ballot of the members of the
association; and
(b) unless the resolution is supported by a majority of the members voting on the
ballot, the resolution will lapse.
(5) The rules of the association to be formed by the amalgamation may provide for
persons holding office in the amalgamating associations to hold office in the new
association for up to four years before an election is held for the relevant offices.
(6) A registered association may use its financial and other resources in support of a
proposed amalgamation if at least 14 days' notice of its intention to do so has been
given to its members (but this section does not limit any other power that the
association may have under its rules to support a proposed amalgamation).
(7) If two or more associations resolve to amalgamate, an application for registration of
the association to be formed by the amalgamation must be made and dealt with under
this Division.
(8) On registration of the new association—
(a) the amalgamating associations are dissolved; and
(b) all property, rights and liabilities of the amalgamating associations are vested
in the new association.
Division 6De-registration
130De-registration of associations
(1) SAET may de-register an association registered under this Part if—
(a) the association applies for de-registration; or
(b) the association contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of this Act or
its rules about the way its affairs are to be conducted; or
(c) the association acts oppressively towards any member or class of members; or
(d) the association, or a substantial number of the members of the association,
has wilfully contravened, or failed to comply with, a determination of SAET;
(e) there is some other substantial reason for de-registration of the association.
(2) An application for de-registration of an association may be made by
(a) the association itself; or
(b) a member or former member of the association; or
(c) the Minister; or
(d) the Registrar.
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AssociationsChapter 4
Locally based associationsPart 2
De-registrationDivision 6
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 9
(3) SAET may, on making an order for de-registering an association, suspend the order
and direct that, if a stated requirement is complied with to SAET's satisfaction within
a stated period, the order will lapse but otherwise will take effect at the end of the
stated period.
(4) If SAET finds that grounds for de-registering an association exist and that those
grounds arise wholly or mainly from the conduct of a particular class or section of the
members of the association, SAET may, instead of de-registering the association, alter
the rules of the association to exclude persons belonging to the relevant class or
section from membership of the association.
Part 3Federally based associations
Division 1Application for registration
131Eligibility for registration
(1) An association that is an organisation registered under the Commonwealth (Registered
Organisations) Act is eligible for registration under this Part.
(2) However, if the rules of the organisation provide for a South Australian branch, the
organisation is not eligible for registration under this Part unless the rules confer on
the branch a reasonable degree of autonomy in the administration and control of South
Australian assets and in the determination of questions affecting solely or principally
members resident in this State.
(3) A branch of an organisation is eligible for registration under this Part if the rules of the
organisation confer on the branch a reasonable degree of autonomy in the
administration and control of South Australian assets and in the determination of
questions affecting solely or principally members resident in this State.
132Application for registration
(1) An association eligible for registration under this Part may apply to SAET for
(2) If an application for registration is made, the Registrar must—
(a) publish notice of the application in a newspaper circulating generally
throughout the State;
(b) give notice of the application to any registered association the Registrar
considers to have a proper interest in the subject matter of the application.
(3) The notice must contain a statement of the right of interested persons to lodge
objections to the registration of the applicant association.
A person may, within the time allowed by the Rules, object to the registration of the
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Chapter 4Associations
Part 3Federally based associations
Division 2Registration and de-registration
10 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Division 2Registration and de-registration
SAET may, after considering objections to registration duly made in accordance with
the rules, register an organisation, or a branch of an organisation, under this Division
if satisfied
(a) that the organisation or branch is eligible for registration under this Division;
(b) that the registration of the organisation or branch would be consistent with the
provisions and objects of this Act; and
(c) that there is no other association registered under this Act to which members
of the applicant organisation or branch might conveniently belong.
(1) SAET may de-register an organisation or branch registered under this Division if—
(a) the organisation or branch applies for de-registration; or
(b) the organisation or branch contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of
this Act or its rules about the way its affairs are to be conducted; or
(c) the organisation or branch wilfully contravenes or fails to comply with a
determination of SAET; or
(d) the organisation or branch is being administered in a way that is oppressive or
unfair to members resident in this State; or
(e) the organisation abolishes its South Australian branch or its rules cease to
confer on the South Australian branch a reasonable degree of autonomy in the
administration and control of South Australian assets or in the determination
of questions affecting solely or principally the members resident in this State;
(f) there is some other substantial reason for de-registering the organisation or
(2) An application for de-registration of an organisation or branch may be made by—
(a) the organisation or branch itself; or
(b) a member or former member of the organisation or branch; or
(c) the Minister; or
(d) the Registrar.
(3) SAET may, on making an order for de-registration of an organisation or branch,
suspend the order and direct that, if a stated requirement is complied with to SAET's
satisfaction within a stated period, the order will lapse but otherwise will take effect at
the end of the stated period.
(4) If an organisation registered under this Division ceases to be an organisation
registered under the Commonwealth (Registered Organisations) Act, its registration
under this Division automatically terminates.
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AssociationsChapter 4
Federally based associationsPart 3
Registration and de-registrationDivision 2
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 11
(5) If a branch of an organisation is registered under this Division, and the organisation
ceases to be an organisation registered under the Commonwealth (Registered
Organisations) Act, registration of the branch under this Division automatically
Division 3Federations
(1) If a federation of organisations is recognised under the Commonwealth (Registered
Organisations) Act, and one or more of its constituent members are registered under
this Part, the federation may, subject to the regulations, act under this Act as the
representative of the registered constituent members.
(2) However, this section does not limit the right of a constituent member of a federation
to represent itself or its members.
Part 4Provisions generally applicable to associations
Division 1Purpose of association
137Restraint of trade
(1) Even though an association (whether registered or not) has purposes in restraint of
trade, its purposes will not, for that reason, be regarded as unlawful.
(2) It follows that an association is not to be regarded as an unlawful association because
it has purposes in restraint of trade, nor are its members liable to prosecution for
conspiracy or any other criminal offence for that reason, nor is any agreement or trust
rendered void by the restraint of trade.
138Limitations of actions in tort
(1) Subject to this section, no action in tort lies in respect of an act or omission done or
made in contemplation or furtherance of an industrial dispute.
(2) This section does not prevent—
(a) an action for the recovery of damages for death or personal injury; or
(b) an action for the recovery of damages for damage to property (not being
economic damage); or
(c) an action for conversion or detinue; or
(d) an action for defamation.
(3) If an industrial dispute has been resolved by conciliation or arbitration and SAET
determines on application under this section that, in the circumstances of the case, the
industrial dispute arose or was prolonged by unreasonable conduct on the part of a
particular person, then the applicant may bring an action in tort against that person
despite subsection (1).
Fair Work Act 19941.7.2017
Chapter 4Associations
Part 4Provisions generally applicable to associations
Division 1Purpose of association
12 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(4) If SAET determines, on application under this section, that—
(a) all means provided under this Act for resolving an industrial dispute by
conciliation or arbitration have failed or there is no immediate prospect of
resolving the dispute; and
(b) having regard to the nature of the dispute and the gravity of its consequences,
it is in the public interest to allow the action,
then the applicant may bring an action in tort despite subsection (1).
(5) SAET must, in hearing and determining an application under subsection (4)(b), act as
expeditiously as possible.
139Industrial services not to be provided to non-members
An association, or an officer or employee of an association, must not, except at the
request of the person, represent a person who is not a member of the association, and
has not made an application to become a member of the association, in proceedings
before SAET.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
Division 2Powers of entry and inspection
140Powers of officials of employee associations
(1) An official of an association of employees may enter any workplace at which 1 or
more members of the association work and—
(a) inspect time books and wage records, at the workplace; and
(b) inspect the work carried out at the workplace and note the conditions under
which the work is carried out; and
(c) if specific complaints about non-compliance with this Act, an award or an
enterprise agreement have been madeinterview any person who works at
the workplace about the complaints.
(1a) The powers conferred by subsection (1) may be exercised at a time when work is
being carried out at the workplace.
(2) Before an official exercises powers under subsection (1), the official must give
reasonable notice to the employer.
(2a) For the purposes of subsection (2)—
(a) the notice must be given in writing; and
(b) a period of 24 hours notice will be taken to be reasonable unless some other
period is reasonable in the circumstances of the particular case.
(2b) An official exercising a power under subsection (1) must not interrupt the
performance of work at the workplace.
(3) A person exercising powers under this section must not—
(a) harass an employer or employee; or
(ab) address offensive language to an employer or an employee; or
(b) hinder or obstruct an employee in carrying out a duty of employment; or
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AssociationsChapter 4
Provisions generally applicable to associationsPart 4
Powers of entry and inspectionDivision 2
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 13
(c) use or threaten to use force in relation to an employer, an employee or any
other person.
Maximum penalty: $5 000.
(4) If SAET is of the opinion that a person has abused powers under this section, SAET
may withdraw the relevant powers.
Division 3Records
141Register of members and officers of associations
(1) A registered association must keep—
(a) a register of its officers; and
(b) a register of its members.
(2) The registers must be kept available for inspection by the members of the association
or the Registrar at the association's registered office.
(3) A registered association must in the month of July in each year furnish the Registrar
(a) a list of the association's officers; and
(b) notice of changes in the officers of the association that have occurred since a
list was last furnished under this section; and
(c) information as to—
(i) the number of financial members of the association; and
(ii) the number of non-financial members of the association,
as at the immediately preceding 30 June.
(3a) A person is entitled to inspect (without charge) a copy of any information provided
under subsection (3) during ordinary business hours at the office of the Registrar.
(4) A registered association must, at the request of the Registrar, furnish the Registrar
with an up-to-date list of the members or officers of the association.
(5) If a registered association fails to comply with this section, or a requirement made
under this section, the association is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $750.
(6) A person employed in duties connected with the administration of this Act who
divulges information about the membership of a registered association except in the
performance of official duties or as may be authorised by the association or the
President is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $750.
(7) If a registered association is an organisation registered under the Commonwealth
(Registered Organisations) Act, a reference to the members of the association in this
section will be construed as a reference to members resident in this State.
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Chapter 4Associations
Part 4Provisions generally applicable to associations
Division 3Records
14 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(1) A registered association must, at the request of any person, furnish the person with a
printed or typewritten copy of its rules as in force for the time being.
Maximum penalty: $750.
(2) The association may charge a fee (not exceeding a limit fixed by regulation) for
supplying a copy of its rules under this section.
(3) A document apparently certified by the secretary or some other officer of a registered
association to be a copy of the rules of the association will be accepted in any legal
proceedings as evidence of the rules and of their validity.
Division 4Miscellaneous
143Certificate of registration
(1) On registration of an association, the Registrar will issue a certificate of registration to
the association.
(2) The registration of an association may be proved, in the absence of evidence that the
association has ceased to be registered, by production of a certificate of registration
issued under this Act or a corresponding previous enactment for the association.
Service of any process, notice or other document may be effected on a registered
(a) by leaving it at the registered office of the association; or
(b) by sending it by certified mail addressed to the association at its registered
address; or
(c) in any other manner directed by the Court or SAET.
145Saving of obligations
The de-registration of an association does not relieve the association, or any member
of the association, from a penalty, liability or obligation imposed or arising before the
146Sequestration orders
(1) If a registered association does not satisfy a judgment for the payment of money on
demand by the judgment creditor, the Court may, on application by the judgment
creditor, make an order for sequestration of the association's property to the extent
necessary to ensure the judgment is satisfied.
(2) The order must—
(a) provide for appointment of a sequestrator; and
(b) confer on the sequestrator the powers necessary to take possession of the
property to which the order relates and realise it; and
(c) provide for the payment of the costs of the sequestration and realisation of the
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Provisions generally applicable to associationsPart 4
MiscellaneousDivision 4
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147Exercise of powers of SAET
(1) Subject to any contrary direction by the President, the powers of SAET under this
Chapter will be exercised by the Registrar.
(2) If the President so directs, the powers of SAET under this Chapter will be exercised
(a) a Presidential Member or Industrial Magistrate nominated by the President; or
(b) SAET.
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Industrial Relations Consultative CouncilChapter 6AA
Establishment of Consultative CouncilPart 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 1
Chapter 6AAIndustrial Relations Consultative Council
Part 1Establishment of Consultative Council
218Establishment of Consultative Council
The Industrial Relations Consultative Council is established.
Part 2Functions and powers
218AFunctions and powers of Consultative Council
(1) The functions of the Consultative Council are—
(a) to assist the Minister in formulating, and advise the Minister on
implementing, policies affecting
(i) industrial relations and employment in the State; or
(ii) work health and safety in the State; and
(b) to advise the Minister on legislative proposals of—
(i) industrial significance; or
(ii) significance to work health and safety; and
(c) to consider matters referred to the Consultative Council by the Minister or
members of the Consultative Council; and
(d) to perform such other functions as are conferred on it by this or any other Act.
(2) The Consultative Council has the power to do anything necessary, expedient or
incidental to the performance of its functions.
Part 3Composition of Consultative Council
218BMembership of Consultative Council
(1) The Consultative Council consists of 13 members of whom
(a) 1 is the Minister; and
(b) 12 are persons appointed by the Governor—
(i) 6 being persons who, in the opinion of the Minister, are suitable to
represent the interests of employers (at least 1 being a person
considered by the Minister to be suitable to represent the interests of
the public sector as an employer), appointed on the recommendation
of the Minister after the Minister has consulted with the South
Australian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc
(trading as Business SA), and with other associations representing
the interests of employers determined to be appropriate by the
Minister; and
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Chapter 6AAIndustrial Relations Consultative Council
Part 3Composition of Consultative Council
2 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(ii) 6 being persons who, in the opinion of the Minister, are suitable to
represent the interests of employees (at least 1 being a person
considered by the Minister to be suitable to represent the interests of
employees in the public sector), appointed on the recommendation of
the Minister after the Minister has consulted with the United Trades
and Labor Council (trading as SA Unions), and with other
associations representing the interests of employees determined to be
appropriate by the Minister.
(2) A member of the Consultative Council may, with the Minister's approval, appoint a
suitable person to act as an alternate member of the Consultative Council and a person
so appointed may, in the member's absence, act as a member of the Consultative
218CTerms and conditions of office
(1) An appointed member of the Consultative Council will hold office on conditions, and
for a term (not exceeding 3 years), determined by the Governor and, on the expiration
of a term of appointment, is eligible for re-appointment.
(2) The Governor may remove an appointed member from office for—
(a) breach of, or non-compliance with, a condition of appointment; or
(b) mental or physical incapacity to carry out duties of office satisfactorily; or
(c) neglect of duty; or
(d) dishonourable conduct.
(3) The office of an appointed member becomes vacant if the member
(a) dies; or
(b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed; or
(c) resigns by written notice addressed to the Minister; or
(d) is found guilty of an indictable offence; or
(e) is removed from office by the Governor under subsection (2).
(4) On the office of an appointed member of the Consultative Council becoming vacant, a
person must be appointed, in accordance with this Act, to the vacant office.
(5) The Minister must ensure that a vacant office is filled within 6 months after the
vacancy occurs.
218DFees, allowances and expenses
A member of the Consultative Council (other than the Minister) is entitled to fees,
allowances and expenses approved by the Governor.
Part 4Proceedings of Consultative Council
(1) The Consultative Council must meet at times appointed by the Minister.
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Industrial Relations Consultative CouncilChapter 6AA
Proceedings of Consultative CouncilPart 4
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 3
(2) The Minister must convene a meeting of the Consultative Council if requested to do
so by 4 or more of its members.
(1) The Minister must chair meetings of the Consultative Council.
(2) A quorum of the Consultative Council consists of 8 members of whom—
(a) 1 must be the Minister; and
(b) at least 3 must be members appointed to represent the interests of employers;
(c) at least 3 must be members appointed to represent the interests of employees.
(3) A telephone or video conference between members of the Consultative Council
constituted in accordance with procedures determined by the Consultative Council
will, for the purposes of this section, be taken to be a meeting of the Consultative
Council at which the participating members are present.
(4) The Consultative Council must cause an accurate record to be kept of its proceedings.
(5) Subject to this Act, the proceedings of the Consultative Council will be conducted in a
manner determined by the Consultative Council.
218GConflict of interest under Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability)
Act 1995
(1) A member of the Consultative Council will not be taken to have a direct or indirect
interest in a matter for the purposes of the Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability)
Act 1995 by reason only of the fact that the member has an interest in a matter that is
shared in common with employers or employees generally, or a substantial section of
employers or employees.
(2) Despite the Public Sector (Honesty and Accountability) Act 1995, a member of the
Consultative Council who has made a disclosure of an interest in a matter decided or
under consideration by the Consultative Council may, with the permission of a
majority of the members of the Consultative Council who may vote on the matter,
attend or remain at a meeting when the matter is under consideration in order to ask or
answer questions, or to provide any other information or material that may be relevant
to the deliberations of the Consultative Council, provided that the member then
withdraws from the room and does not in any other way take part in any deliberations
or vote on the matter.
218HValidity of acts
An act or proceeding of the Consultative Council is not invalid by reason only of a
vacancy in its membership or a defect in the appointment of a member.
Part 5Use of staff and facilities
218IUse of staff and facilities
(1) The Consultative Council may, by agreement with the Minister responsible for an
administrative unit in the Public Service, make use of the services of the staff,
equipment or facilities of that administrative unit.
Fair Work Act 19941.7.2017
Chapter 6AAIndustrial Relations Consultative Council
Part 5Use of staff and facilities
4 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(2) The Consultative Council may, by agreement with the relevant agency or
instrumentality, make use of the services of the staff, equipment or facilities of any
other agency or instrumentality of the Crown.
Part 6Committees
(1) The Consultative Council may establish such committees as it thinks fit to advise the
Consultative Council on, or to assist it with respect to, any aspect of its functions
under this or any other Act.
(2) A committee established under subsection (1)—
(a) must consist of at least 2 members of the Consultative Council; and
(b) must be chaired by a member of the Consultative Council; and
(c) must be established to consider a specific issue or range of issues; and
(d) must be established for a specified duration determined by the Consultative
Council (but may then be re-established if the Consultative Council thinks
fit); and
(e) must report to the Consultative Council as required by the Consultative
Council; and
(f) may invite persons with experience or knowledge relevant to a matter to be
considered at a meeting of the committee to attend and participate in the
(3) The procedures to be observed by the committee will be—
(a) as determined by the Consultative Council; or
(b) insofar as the procedure is not determined under paragraph (a)as
determined by the committee.
Part 7Related matters
(1) A member of the Consultative Council who, as a member of the Consultative Council,
acquires information that—
(a) the member knows to be of a commercially sensitive nature, or of a private
confidential nature; or
(b) the Consultative Council classifies as confidential information,
must not divulge the information without the approval of the Consultative Council.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
(2) Subsection (1) extends to members of a committee established by the Consultative
Council as if—
(a) the committee were the Consultative Council; and
(b) a member of the committee were a member of the Consultative Council.
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MiscellaneousChapter 6
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 1
Chapter 6Miscellaneous
(1) A person employed or formerly employed in an office or position under this Act, or
authorised under this Act to enter a workplace or inspect an employer's records, must
not divulge—
(a) information acquired through the employment, or the exercise of the
authorised powers, about the contents of records kept by an employer under
this Act; or
(b) information of a confidential nature acquired through the employment, or the
exercise of the authorised powers, about the conduct of an employer's
business; or
(c) information acquired through the employment, or the exercise of the
authorised powers, about the persons bound by enterprise agreements.
Maximum penalty: $5 000.
(2) However, this section does not prevent
(a) the disclosure of information in the ordinary course of employment; or
(b) the disclosure of information to SAET; or
(c) the disclosure of information required by law; or
(d) the use of information for the purpose of compiling statistical records; or
(da) the disclosure to an employee or former employee of information required to
be kept under this Act in relation to the employee or former employee; or
(e) a disclosure of information required by the Minister.
219AWho are inspectors
(1) The following are inspectors for the purposes of this Act:
(a) persons appointed by the Minister to be inspectors;
(b) persons appointed under the Commonwealth Act who are, under an
arrangement between the Minister and the Minister responsible for
administering the Commonwealth Act, authorised to exercise the powers of
an inspector under this Act.
(2) Each inspector must be furnished by the Minister with an identity card.
(3) An inspector must produce the identity card for inspection by a person who questions
the inspector's authority to exercise powers under this Act.
219BGeneral functions of inspectors
(1) The functions of the inspectors are—
(a) to investigate complaints of non-compliance with the Act, enterprise
agreements and awards; and
(b) to conduct audits and systematic inspections to monitor compliance with this
Act and enterprise agreements and awards; and
Fair Work Act 19941.7.2017
Chapter 6Miscellaneous
2 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(c) to conduct promotional campaigns to improve the awareness of employers
and people within the workforce of their rights and obligations under this Act,
and under enterprise agreements and awards; and
(d) to do anything else that may be appropriate to encourage compliance and, if
appropriate, take action to enforce compliance.
(2) The powers of an inspector under this Act extend to acting in relation to persons who
are no longer engaged in the performance of work.
(3) An inspector, or a person assisting an inspector, who—
(a) addresses offensive language to any other person; or
(b) without lawful authority, hinders or obstructs or uses or threatens to use force
in relation to any other person,
is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $5 000.
219CPowers of inspectors
(1) An inspector may at any time, with any assistance the inspector considers necessary,
without any warrant other than this section—
(a) enter any workplace; and
(b) inspect and view any work, process or thing in the place; and
(c) question a person in the place on a subject relevant to employment or an
industrial matter.
(2) An inspector must, when entering or as soon as practicable after entering a place under
this section, produce his or her identity card for inspection by the occupier or person
in charge of the place.
(3) An inspector may require the production of a time book, paysheet, notice, record, list,
indenture of apprenticeship or other document required to be kept by this Act or any
other Act and may inspect, examine and copy it.
(4) In addition to the powers set out in subsections (1) and (3), if an inspector has reason
to believe that a document required to be kept by an employer under this Act or any
other Act is not accessible during an inspection under subsection (3), the inspector
may, by notice in writing to an employer, require the employer to produce the
document to the inspector within a reasonable period (of at least 24 hours) specified
by the inspector.
(5) A document produced under subsection (3) or (4) may be retained by the inspector for
examination and copying (and, accordingly, the inspector may take it away), subject to
the qualification that the inspector must then return the document within 7 days.
(6) However—
(a) the inspector may not retain an original document if the employer supplies a
copy of it to the inspector for the inspector's own use; and
(b) the inspector may not retain the original of a document that is required for the
day-to-day operations of the employer (but the inspector may copy it at the
time of its production).
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(7) It is the duty of an employer at all reasonable times to facilitate, as far as practicable,
the exercise by an inspector of powers under this section.
(8) If an inspector puts a question to a person through an interpreter, the question will, for
the purposes of this Act, be taken to have been put to the person by the inspector and
an answer to the question given by the person to the interpreter will be taken to have
been given to the inspector (and in any legal proceedings it will be presumed that the
interpreter's translation of the answer is the person's answer to the question as put by
the inspector unless it is shown that the interpreter mistranslated the question or the
(9) A person must not—
(a) hinder or obstruct an inspector in the exercise of a power conferred by or
under this section; or
(b) refuse an inspector entrance to a place the inspector is authorised to enter
under subsection (1); or
(c) refuse or fail to answer truthfully a question put under subsection (1); or
(d) fail, without lawful excuse, to comply with a requirement of an inspector
acting under this section.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
219DCompliance notices
(1) If it appears that an employer has failed to comply with a provision of this Act, or of
an award or enterprise agreement, an inspector may issue a compliance notice
requiring the employer, within a period stated in the notice—
(a) to take specified action to remedy the non-compliance; and
(b) to produce reasonable evidence of the employer's compliance with the notice.
(2) An employer who fails to comply with a compliance notice within the time allowed in
the notice is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $3 250.
Expiation fee: $325.
(3) The following applications may be made to SAET for a review of a notice issued
under this section:
(a) an employer may apply to SAET on the ground that the employer has in fact
complied with this Act, or the relevant award or enterprise agreement (as the
case may be);
(b) an employee may apply to SAET on the ground that the employer's failure to
comply with this Act, or an award or enterprise agreement, is more extensive
than stated in the notice.
(4) SAET may, at the conclusion of the review—
(a) confirm the notice; or
(b) confirm the notice with such modification as it thinks fit; or
(c) cancel the notice.
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4 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(5) A reference in this section to this Act includes a reference to a code of practice made
under this Act.
220Notice of determinations of SAET
(1) Notice of a determination of SAET (unless of an interlocutory nature or affecting only
parties who are represented before SAET) must be published, in accordance with the
Rules, in a newspaper circulating generally throughout the State.
(2) Copies of all determinations of SAET must be kept available for public inspection at
the office of the Registrar unless—
(a) the determination is of an interlocutory nature; or
(b) the determination relates to an enterprise agreement or part of an enterprise
agreement that has been suppressed from public disclosure under this Act
1 See section 80.
223Discrimination against employee for taking part in industrial
proceedings etc
(1) An employer must not discriminate against an employee by dismissing or threatening
to dismiss the employee from, or prejudicing or threatening to prejudice the employee
in, employment for any of the following reasons—
(a) because of the employee's participation in proceedings before SAET; or
(b) because of anything said or done, or omitted to be said or done, by the
employee in proceedings before SAET; or
(c) because of the employee's participation in an industrial dispute; or
(d) because the employee is entitled to the benefit of an award or enterprise
agreement, or has participated, or declined to participate, in negotiations or
proceedings intended to lead to the formation of an award or enterprise
Maximum penalty: $20 000.
(2) However, discrimination against an employee on the ground that the employee has
contravened a determination of SAET or has committed an offence is not made
unlawful by subsection (1).
(3) A prosecution for an offence against this section may be commenced by the employee
against whom the offence is alleged to have been committed, or an inspector.
(4) A court by which an employer is convicted of an offence against this section may, on
application by the employee against whom the offence was committed—
(a) award compensation to the applicant for loss resulting from the commission
of the offence; and
(b) if the applicant was dismissed from employment—order the employer to
re-employ the applicant on conditions determined by the court.
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224Non-compliance with awards and enterprise agreements
If a person who is bound by an award or enterprise agreement contravenes or fails to
comply with a provision of the award or agreement, the person is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
225Improper pressure etc related to enterprise agreements
(1) A person must not harass an employer or employee, or apply improper pressure to an
employer or employee
(a) to prevent, or discourage the employer or employee, from supporting or
entering into an enterprise agreement; or
(b) to induce the employer or employee to seek variation or rescission of an
enterprise agreement.
Maximum penalty: $20 000.
(2) The provision of advice in a reasonable manner to an employee about issues
surrounding an enterprise agreement (or potential enterprise agreement) cannot be
regarded as improper pressure under subsection (1).
(3) A person must not coerce an employee to enter into an enterprise agreement.
Maximum penalty: $20 000.
(4) A person must not state that an employee has voluntarily supported or entered into an
enterprise agreement knowing the statement to be false.
Maximum penalty: $5 000.
225AUse of offensive language against a representative
An employer, or an officer, employee or representative of an association of employers,
must not address offensive language to a duly authorised representative of an
association of employees (insofar as the person is acting as such a representative).
Maximum penalty: $5 000.
226False entries
A person must not—
(a) wilfully make a false entry in a time book, notice, certificate, list or document
required by this Act to be kept, served or sent; or
(b) wilfully make or sign a false declaration under this Act; or
(c) make use of any such entry or declaration, knowing it to be false.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
227Experience of apprentice etc how calculated
For the purposes of an award or enterprise agreement under which wages are to vary
in accordance with experience in an industry, a period of employment as an apprentice
or junior in the industry will be brought into account.
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228No premium to be demanded for apprentices or juniors
(1) A person must not ask for, or receive, any consideration, premium or bonus for
engaging or employing a person as an apprentice or junior.
Maximum penalty: $2 500.
(2) However, this section does not prevent the payment or receipt of a consideration,
premium or bonus under an arrangement approved by the Minister.
(3) A person who gives a consideration, premium or bonus to a person who is, because of
this section, not entitled to receive it may recover it as a debt.
229Illegal guarantees
(1) A person must not require or permit another—
(a) to pay a sum of money; or
(b) to enter into or make a guarantee or promise to pay a sum of money,
in the event of the conduct of an apprentice, junior or employee not being satisfactory
to the employer.
Maximum penalty: $1 250.
(2) However, this section does not invalidate, or render unlawful, a guarantee entered into
on terms approved by the Minister.
(3) A sum paid in contravention of this section is recoverable as a debt.
230Orders for payment of money
(1) If SAET makes an order for the payment of a monetary sum, the Registrar may issue a
certificate under the seal of SAET, certifying the amount payable and the persons by
whom and to whom it is to be paid.
(2) The certificate may be filed in a court that has civil jurisdiction up to, or exceeding,
the amount of the certificate and it will then be enforceable as a judgment of that
231Recovery of penalty from members of association
(1) If an association is ordered to pay a penalty or other monetary sum under this Act and
the penalty or other sum is not fully paid within one month after the date of the
(a) the persons who were members of the association when the order was made
are jointly and severally liable to pay the penalty or other sum as if the order
had been made against them personally; and
(b) proceedings to enforce the order may be taken against them, or any of them,
(2) However, a person's liability on an order to which this section applies is limited to
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232General defence
(1) In proceedings against an employer for an offence against this Act, it is a defence to
(a) that another person was responsible for the act or omission constituting the
offence; and
(b) that the defendant employer used all due diligence to prevent the commission
of the offence; and
(c) that the offence was committed without the knowledge of the defendant
employer and in contravention of the employer's orders.
(2) If a defence is made out by an employer under subsection (1), the person responsible
for the act or omission alleged to constitute the offence may be prosecuted and
convicted of the offence as if that person were the employer.
(3) In proceedings against an employee for an offence against this Act, it is a defence to
show that the defendant used all due diligence to prevent the commission of the
233Order for payment against convicted person
(1) If an employer is convicted of an offence against this Act, the court may, on
application by an employee in respect of whom the offence was committed, order the
convicted person to pay to the applicant an amount due from the convicted person to
the applicant.
(2) On an applicant under subsection (1), an inspector's certificate will be accepted, in the
absence of proof to the contrary, as proof of an amount due from the convicted person
to the applicant.
(3) An amount that a convicted person is ordered to pay under this section may be
recovered in the same way as a fine.
234Proof of awards etc
(1) A copy of a determination under the seal of SAET and certified under the Registrar's
signature, is admissible in all courts and tribunals and before all persons as evidence
of the determination.
(2) A copy of an enterprise agreement certified under the Registrar's signature to be an
enterprise agreement approved by SAET, is admissible in all courts and tribunals and
before all persons as evidence of the existence of the enterprise agreement and its
(3) It is not necessary to prove the seal of SAET or of the signature of the Registrar.
235Proceedings for offences
(1) An offence against a provision of this Act lies within the criminal jurisdiction of
(2) A prosecution for an offence against this Act must be commenced within 2 years after
the date on which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
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Chapter 6Miscellaneous
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236Conduct by officers etc of body corporate
(1) If it is necessary to establish, for the purposes of this Act, the state of mind of a body
corporate in relation to particular conduct, it is sufficient to show—
(a) that an officer, director, employee or agent of the body corporate engaged in
the conduct within the scope of his or her actual or apparent authority; and
(b) that the officer, director, employee or agent had the state of mind.
(2) Any conduct in which—
(a) an officer, director, employee or agent of the body corporate engages within
the scope of his or her actual or apparent authority; or
(b) another person engages at the direction or with the consent or agreement
(express or implied) of an officer, director, employee or agent of the body
corporate, who gives the direction, consent or agreement within the scope of
the actual or apparent authority,
is, for the purposes of this Act, conduct of the body corporate.
(3) A reference in this section to the state of mind of a person extends to the knowledge,
intent, opinion, belief or purpose of the person and the person's reasons for the intent,
opinion, belief or purpose.
236AOffences by body corporate
(1) If—
(a) a body corporate commits an offence against this Act; and
(b) a member of the governing body of the body corporate intentionally allowed
the body corporate to engage in the conduct comprising the offence,
that person also commits an offence and is liable to the same penalty as may be
imposed for the principal offence.
(2) A person referred to in subsection (1) may be prosecuted and convicted of an offence
against that subsection whether or not the body corporate has been prosecuted or
convicted of the principal offence committed by the body corporate.
(1) The Governor may make such regulations as are contemplated by this Act or as are
necessary or expedient for the purposes of this Act.
(1a) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), regulations may make provision for
any matter, including matters of a saving or transitional nature, relevant to the
interaction between this Act and an Act of the Commonwealth.
(2) The regulations may impose fines not exceeding $2 500 for offences against the
(3) A regulation under this Act
(a) may make different provision according to the matters or circumstances to
which it is expressed to apply;
(b) may be of general or limited application;
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MiscellaneousChapter 6
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(c) may provide that any matters or thing is to be determined, dispensed with,
regulated or prohibited according to the discretion of the Minister or any
other person or body prescribed by the regulations.
1.9.2023Fair Work Act 1994
Transitional provisionsSchedule 1
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 1
Schedule 1Transitional provisions
In this Schedule—
former Act means the Industrial Relations Act (S.A.) 1972;
former Commission means the Industrial Commission of South Australia established
under the former Act;
former Court means the Industrial Court of South Australia established under the
former Act.
5—References to former Court or Commission
A reference in an Act or other instrument to the former Court or the former
Commission must, where the context admits, be read as a reference to the Court or the
Commission under this Act.
6—Awards and other determinations of the former Commission
(1) An award in force under the former Act immediately before the commencement of
this Act continues in force, subject to this Act, as if it were an award of the
Commission under this Act even though the award makes provisions for conditions of
employment that cannot be made by award under this Act.
(2) However—
(a) a provision of an award that continues in force under subsection (1) providing
for preference to members of an association lapses on the commencement of
this Act; and
(b) a right of entry and inspection conferred by an award that continues in force
under subsection (1) must be read down so as to be consistent with this Act.
(3) All other determinations of the former Commission in force immediately before the
commencement of this Act continue in force subject to this Act as if they were
determinations of the Commission under this Act.
(4) If a recommendation was made before the commencement of this Act by the
Commission or a member of the Commission for the prevention or settlement of an
industrial dispute, the recommendation continues in effect as if it had been made by
the Commission or a member of the Commission under this Act.
7—Industrial agreements
(1) An industrial agreement in force under the former Act immediately before the
commencement of this Act continues in force under this Act, unless earlier superseded
by an enterprise agreement, until 31 December 1996.
(2) However—
(a) a provision of an industrial agreement that continues in force under
subsection (1) providing for preference to members of an association lapses
on the commencement of this Act; and
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Schedule 1Transitional provisions
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(b) a right of entry and inspection conferred by an industrial agreement that
continues in force under subsection (1) must be read down so as to be
consistent with this Act.
(3) The Commission—
(a) must take reasonable steps to ensure that the parties to industrial agreements
are aware that the agreements will lapse on 31 December 1996; and
(b) must, as far as practicable and appropriate, encourage the renegotiation of the
agreements as enterprise agreements.
(4) The provisions of the former Act apply, with adaptations and modifications prescribed
by regulation, to an industrial agreement that continues in force under this section.
7AReferences to industrial agreements
(1) A reference to an industrial agreement in an Act or statutory instrument extends to an
enterprise agreement under this Act.
(2) However, this section does not apply to references to an industrial agreement in the
Long Service Leave Act 1987 or a statutory instrument under that Act.
8—Continuation of part-heard proceedings etc
(1) The jurisdiction of the Court and the Commission under this Act extends to causes of
action that arose before the commencement of this Act.
(2) Any proceedings that had been commenced before the former Court or the former
Commission may be continued and completed by the Court or the Commission under
this Act.
(3) The Court or Commission will apply the substantive law in force when the cause of
action arose, or if proceedings relate to the making or variation of an award, when the
application was made.
(4) However, if an application for an award or variation of an award is made after 14 May
1994, the application is to be determined in accordance with this Act.
9—Certificates and licences
(1) A certificate under section 144 of the former Act (a "section 144 certificate")
continues in force (unless cancelled by the Registrar at the request of the person for
whom the certificate was issued) as a certificate of conscientious objection under this
Act and a reference in an award or agreement to a section 144 certificate will be
construed as a reference to a certificate of conscientious objection under this Act.
(2) A certificate under section 167 of the former Act continues in force as if it were a
certificate under section 230 of this Act.
(3) A licence in force under section 88 of the former Act immediately before the
commencement of this Act continues in force, subject to this Act, as if it were a
licence under section 112 of this Act.
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Transitional provisionsSchedule 1
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10The President of the former Court
(1) The person holding office as President of the former Court immediately before the
commencement of this Act
(a) becomes on the commencement of this Act the Senior Judge of the Court (and
is entitled while continuing in the office to the title of President of the Court);
(b) continues, while holding that office, to have the same rank, status and
precedence as a Judge of the Supreme Court and to be entitled to be styled
"The Honourable Justice …".
(2) The person to whom subsection (1) applies is, while continuing to hold office as the
Senior Judge of the Court under this section, a member of the principal judiciary of
the Court.
(3) The provisions of the former Act about salary, tenure and conditions of office relating
to the office of President of the former Court apply (with the necessary modifications)
to the office of Senior Judge of the Court for as long as the person to whom
subsection (1) applies continues to hold that office.
(4) Other provisions of this Act that are inconsistent with this section must be read subject
to this section.
11Deputy Presidents of the Court
(1) Each person who held office as a Deputy President of the former Court immediately
before the commencement of this Act becomes, on that commencement, a judge of the
(2) A person to whom subsection (1) applies is, while continuing to hold office as a Judge
of the Court under this section, a member of the principal judiciary of the Court.
(3) The provisions of the former Act about salary, tenure and conditions of office relating
to the office of Deputy President of the former Court apply (with necessary
modifications) to the office of a judge to whom subsection (1) applies for as long as
the judge continues to hold office in accordance with those provisions as a judge of
the Court.
(4) Other provisions of this Act that are inconsistent with this section must be read subject
to this section.
12Industrial magistrates
(1) Each person who held office under the former Act as an industrial magistrate
immediately before the commencement of this Act becomes, on the commencement of
this Act, a magistrate under the Magistrates Act 1983.
(2) A magistrate to whom subsection (1) applies will, for so long as he or she continues to
hold office under the Magistrates Act 1983, continues to be an industrial magistrate
and a member of the principal judiciary of the Court unless he or she resigns the office
of industrial magistrate.
(3) A person may resign the office of industrial magistrate under this section without
resigning as a magistrate under the Magistrates Act 1983.
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Schedule 1Transitional provisions
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(4) The accrued and accruing rights in respect of employment of a magistrate to whom
this section applies are unaffected by this section.
(5) Other provisions of this Act that are inconsistent with this section must be read subject
to this section.
13Other officers of former Court and Commission
(1) A person who held office as a commissioner under the former Act immediately before
the commencement of this Act becomes, on the commencement of this Act, unless the
Governor otherwise determines, a commissioner under this Act as if appointed on the
commencement of this Act as a commissioner under this Act.
(2) The commissioner will be taken to have been appointed for a term of six years (which
may be renewed once for a further term of six years) but if the commissioner is over
60 at the time of the appointment or renewal, the term will end when the
commissioner reaches 65 years of age.
(3) The Registrar and other staff of the former Court and the former Commission (other
than those specifically mentioned above) are, on the commencement of this Act,
transferred to corresponding positions on the staff of the Court or the Commission (or
both) under this Act.
(4) The salary and accrued and accruing rights to annual leave, sick leave, family leave
and long service leave of persons who are transferred by this section to offices and
positions under this Act are not to be prejudiced by the transfer.
(5) However, a salary difference that exists between a transferee and another person in the
same office or position, and in favour of the transferee, is not preserved beyond the
point when the salary of the other person reaches or exceeds the level of the
transferee's salary at the time of transfer.
A person who was an inspector under the former Act continues, subject to this Act, as
an inspector under this Act.
15Members of Industrial Relations Advisory Council
A person who held office as a member of the Industrial Relations Advisory Council
immediately before the commencement of this Act continues in office, subject to this
Act, as a member of the Committee.
16Registered associations
(1) An association that was, immediately before the commencement of this Act, a
registered association under the former Act continues as a registered association under
this Act.
(2) No objection of a kind that was prevented by section 133(1) of the former Act
immediately before the re-enactment of Part 9 of that Act pursuant to section 41 of the
Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration (Commonwealth Provisions) Amendment
Act 1991 (and then prevented by section 55 of that Amendment Act) may be taken in
relation to an association registered under this Act immediately before the
commencement of the Industrial and Employee Relations (Registered Associations)
Amendment Act 1997.
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Transitional provisionsSchedule 1
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1 Section 133(1) of the former Act provided as follows:
133(1) The legal existence or registration of an association, the membership
of any member or any person claiming to be a member of an
association, the validity of the appointment or election of any officer
of an association or of any action or decision of such an officer, or
the validity of any resolution passed or decision made at any meeting
of an association or of any committee of the association, cannot be
challenged, impugned or in any way affected, nor can the compliance
of any rule or rules of an association with the prescribed conditions,
or the observance or validity of any such rule or rules or the
operation of any award or order made under this Act, be challenged,
impugned or in any way affected by reason only that
(a) the association is also registered as an organization
pursuant to the Commonwealth Act, or is a branch or forms
part of an organization so registered;
(b) members of the association are also members of an
organization registered under the Commonwealth Act, and
no register of members separate and distinct from the
register kept by the organization registered under the
Commonwealth Act is kept by the association, or no
application for membership or membership fee separate
from the application or fee made and paid to the
organization registered under that Commonwealth Act has
been made or paid to the association by any member;
(c) the association keeps and maintains no or insufficient
books, accounts, records or rules which are separate and
distinct from any books, accounts, records or rules kept and
maintained by an organization registered under the
Commonwealth Act, of which some or all of its members
are members;
(d) officers or the association have been elected or appointed
by or are also officers of an organisation registered under
the Commonwealth Act; or
(e) any matter consequential upon or arising out of the matters
referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d).
17Enterprise agreements and spouses and domestic partners
From the commencement of this clause, an enterprise agreement that provides that
sick leave is available to an employee if the leave becomes necessary because of the
sickness of a spouse, will be taken to provide that sick leave is available to an
employee if the leave becomes necessary because of the sickness of a spouse or
domestic partner (whether the agreement was entered into before or after the
commencement of this clause).
18National industrial relations system
(1) In this clause—
designated day means the day on which a Commonwealth law in the terms, or
substantially in the terms, set out in the tabled text under the Fair Work
(Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009 comes into operation.
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(2) This Act will operate in relation to
(a) any matter arising under this Act before the designated day (including a
matter that is not in the nature of a right or that is procedural in nature); and
(b) any matter arising, directly or indirectly, out of such a matter,
insofar as the matter is not dealt with under the Fair Work Act 2009 of the
Commonwealth on or after the designated day.
(3) Nothing in this clause is intended to limit or affect the operation of this Act—
(a) in relation to industrial or other matters that are not affected by a law of the
Commonwealth relating to matters referred to the Parliament of the
Commonwealth under the Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009; or
(b) in any other respect (except to the extent that this Act cannot apply by virtue
of a law of the Commonwealth).
Schedule 2Continuity of industrial
arrangementsgovernment business enterprises
In this Schedule—
federal industrial instrument means any award, agreement determination, order or
other form of instrument that relates to 1 or more industrial matters under the National
Fair Work legislation, other than an Australian workplace agreement, a pre-reform
AWA or an Individual Transitional Employment Agreement;
GBE means an agency or instrumentality of the Crown declared by proclamation to be
a government business enterprise for the purposes of this Schedule;
GBE employee means a person employed or appointed by a GBE;
National Fair Work legislation means
(a) the Commonwealth Act; or
(b) the Fair Work (Transitional and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 of the
relevant day means, in relation to each GBE, a day fixed by the Governor by
proclamation as being the relevant day for the purposes of the application of this
Schedule to the GBE.
2—Operation of federal industrial instruments
(1) A federal industrial instrument that, on the relevant day in relation to a particular
GBE, relates (or purports to relate) to the GBE employees of that GBE (being a
federal industrial instrument in operation (or purportedly in operation) immediately
before the relevant day), will, on the relevant day, be taken to be an award or
enterprise agreement (as the case may require in order to achieve the greatest degree
of correspondence) under this Act (insofar as it relates to those employees and any
other relevant parties)—
(a) with the same terms and provisions as the relevant instrument under the
relevant Act of the Commonwealth; but
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Continuity of industrial arrangementsgovernment business enterprisesSchedule 2
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 7
(b) subject to any modification or exclusion prescribed by regulations made for
the purposes of this subclause and subject to the operation of subclauses (2),
(3), (4) and (5).
(2) The regulations may prescribe rules that are to be applied for the purposes of
achieving the greatest degree of correspondence envisaged by subclause (1).
(3) If an award or enterprise agreement is taken to exist under this Act by virtue of the
operation of subclause (1)—
(a) the award or enterprise agreement will be taken to be made or approved under
this Act on the relevant day; and
(b) this Act will apply in relation to the award or enterprise agreement subject to
such modifications or exclusions as may be prescribed by regulations made
for the purposes of this subclause; and
(c) SAET may, on application by the Minister, or on application by a person or
body recognised by regulations made for the purposes of this subclause, vary
or revoke any term or provision of the award or enterprise agreement if SAET
is satisfied that it is fair and reasonable to do so in the circumstances.
(4) SAET may, in varying an award or enterprise agreement under subclause (3)(c) (after
taking into account what is fair and reasonable in the circumstances), confer an
exemption from the operation of any provision of this Act (being an exemption that
has effect subject to such conditions (if any) as SAET thinks fit to impose).
(5) Despite a preceding subclause, if an award or enterprise agreement taken to exist
under this clause would, but for this subclause, provide for remuneration or other
conditions of employment that are inferior to the standards that apply under Chapter 3
Part 1 Division 2, the award or enterprise agreement will be taken to be modified to
the extent necessary to meet those standards.
(6) An award or enterprise agreement taken to exist under this clause will, unless it has
been superseded or rescinded in the meantime, expire at the end of the period of
2 years from the relevant day.
3—Ability to carry over matters
SAET may, in connection with the operation of this Schedule, or any matter arising,
directly or indirectly, out of the operation of this Schedule—
(a) accept, recognise, adopt or rely on any step taken under, or for the purposes
of, the National Fair Work legislation; and
(b) accept or rely on any matter or thing (including in the nature of evidence
presented for the purposes of any proceedings) that has been presented, filed
or provided under, or for the purposes of, the National Fair Work legislation;
(c) give effect in any other way to any other thing done under, or for the purposes
of, the National Fair Work legislation.
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Schedule 2AContinuity of industrial arrangementslocal government sector
8 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Schedule 2AContinuity of industrial arrangementslocal
government sector
In this Schedule—
designated day means the day on which this Schedule comes into operation;
federal enterprise agreement means an enterprise agreement under the
Commonwealth Act;
federal industrial instrument means any award, agreement determination, order or
other form of instrument that relates to 1 or more industrial matters under the National
Fair Work legislation, other than an Australian workplace agreement, a pre-reform
AWA or an Individual Transitional Employment Agreement;
local government sector employee has the same meaning as in the Fair Work
(Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009;
National Fair Work legislation means
(a) the Commonwealth Act; or
(b) the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments)
Act 2009 of the Commonwealth;
State industrial instrument means
(a) an enterprise agreement approved (or purportedly reached) under this Act; or
(b) an agreement reached (or purportedly approved) as a result of a referral of a
matter to SAET under Schedule 1 of the Commercial Arbitration and
Industrial Referral Agreements Act 1986.
2—State industrial instruments
A State industrial instrument
(a) that relates (or purports to relate) to local government sector employees; and
(b) that is in operation (or purportedly in operation) immediately before the
designated day,
is to be taken to be, and to have always been, valid and effectual for the purposes of
the law of the State.
3—Federal industrial instrumentsimmediate changeover
(1) A federal industrial instrument—
(a) that relates (or purports to relate) to local government sector employees; and
(b) that is in operation (or purportedly in operation) immediately before the
designated day; and
(c) in the case of an award—that is brought within the ambit of this clause by
1.9.2023Fair Work Act 1994
Continuity of industrial arrangementslocal government sectorSchedule 2A
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 9
will, on the designated day, be taken to be an award or enterprise agreement (as the
case may require in order to achieve the greatest degree of correspondence) under this
Act (insofar as it relates to those employees and any other relevant parties)
(d) with the same terms and provisions as the relevant instrument under the
relevant Act of the Commonwealth; but
(e) subject to any modification or exclusion prescribed by regulations made for
the purposes of this subclause and subject to the operation of subclauses (2),
(3), (4) and (5).
(2) The regulations may prescribe rules that are to be applied for the purposes of
achieving the greatest degree of correspondence envisaged by subclause (1).
(3) If an award or enterprise agreement is taken to exist under this Act by virtue of the
operation of subclause (1)—
(a) the award or enterprise agreement will be taken to be made or approved under
this Act on the designated day; and
(b) this Act will apply in relation to the award or enterprise agreement subject to
such modifications or exclusions as may be prescribed by regulations made
for the purposes of this subclause; and
(c) SAET may, on application by the Minister, or on application by a person or
body recognised by regulations made for the purposes of this subclause, vary
or revoke any term or provision of the award or enterprise agreement if SAET
is satisfied that it is fair and reasonable to do so in the circumstances.
(4) SAET may, in varying an award or enterprise agreement under subclause (3)(c) (after
taking into account what is fair and reasonable in the circumstances), confer an
exemption from the operation of any provision of this Act (being an exemption that
has effect subject to such conditions (if any) as SAET thinks fit to impose).
(5) Despite a preceding subclause, if an award or enterprise agreement taken to exist
under this clause would, but for this subclause, provide for remuneration or other
conditions of employment that are inferior to the standards that apply under Chapter 3
Part 1 Division 2, the award or enterprise agreement will be taken to be modified to
the extent necessary to meet those standards.
(6) An award or enterprise agreement taken to exist under this clause will, unless it has
been superseded or rescinded in the meantime, expire at the end of the period of
2 years from the designated day.
4—Federal enterprise agreementslater changeover
(1) If—
(a) an application for approval of a federal enterprise agreement that relates to
local government sector employees has been made under section 185 of the
Commonwealth Act before the designated day but not approved by Fair Work
Australia by that day; and
(b) Fair Work Australia then approves the federal enterprise agreement under the
Commonwealth Act on or after the designated day,
then the federal enterprise agreement will, on its approval by Fair Work Australia, be
taken to be an enterprise agreement that has been approved by this Act—
Fair Work Act 19941.9.2023
Schedule 2AContinuity of industrial arrangementslocal government sector
10 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(c) with the same terms and provisions as the federal enterprise agreement; but
(d) subject to any modification or exclusion prescribed by regulations made for
the purposes of this subclause and subject to the operation of subclauses (2),
(3) and (4).
(2) If an enterprise agreement is taken to be approved under this Act by virtue of the
operation of subclause (1)—
(a) this Act will apply in relation to the enterprise agreement subject to such
modifications or exclusions as may be prescribed by regulations made for the
purposes of this subclause; and
(b) SAET may, on application by the Minister, or on application by a person or
body recognised by regulations made for the purposes of this subclause, vary
any term or provision of the enterprise agreement if SAET is satisfied that it
is fair and reasonable to do so in the circumstances.
(3) SAET may, in varying an enterprise agreement under subclause (2)(b) (after taking
into account what is fair and reasonable in the circumstances), confer an exemption
from the operation of any provision of this Act (being an exemption that has effect
subject to such conditions (if any) as SAET thinks fit to impose).
(4) Despite a preceding subclause, if an enterprise agreement taken to be approved under
this clause would, but for this subclause, provide for remuneration or other conditions
of employment that are inferior to the standards that apply under Chapter 3 Part 1
Division 2, the enterprise agreement will be taken to be modified to the extent
necessary to meet those standards.
(5) An enterprise agreement taken to be approved under this clause will, unless it has been
superseded or rescinded in the meantime, expire at the end of the period of 2 years
from the date of approval of the federal enterprise agreement.
5—Ability to carry over matters
SAET may, in connection with the operation of this Schedule, or any matter arising,
directly or indirectly, out of the operation of this Schedule—
(a) accept, recognise, adopt or rely on any step taken under, or for the purposes
of, the National Fair Work legislation; and
(b) accept or rely on any matter or thing (including in the nature of evidence
presented for the purposes of any proceedings) that has been presented, filed
or provided under, or for the purposes of, the National Fair Work legislation;
(c) give effect in any other way to any other thing done under, or for the purposes
of, the National Fair Work legislation.
1.9.2023Fair Work Act 1994
Minimum standard for sick leave/carer's leaveSchedule 3
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 11
Schedule 3Minimum standard for sick leave/carer's leave
In this Schedule—
continuous service means continuous service under a contract of employment and
includes a period of paid leave taken under this Act or under an award or enterprise
full pay means remuneration for ordinary hours of work (not including payments in
the nature of penalty rates, overtime, allowances or loadings).
2—Application of standard
This Schedule does not apply to a person who is engaged and paid as a casual
3—Accrual of sick leave entitlement
(1) An employee's entitlement to sick leave accrues as follows—
(a) for the first year of continuous service—entitlement to sick leave accrues at
the rate of
of one day for each completed week; and
(b) for each later year of continuous service—an entitlement to 10 days' sick
leave accrues at the beginning of each year.
(2) An employee's sick leave credit is worked out by adding any unexpended sick leave
entitlement that had accrued to the employee before the employee became subject to
this Schedule and any unexpended entitlement that accrues under this Schedule.
(3) Any sick leave taken by the employee is deducted from the employee's sick leave
4—Taking sick leave
(1) An employee who has a sick leave credit is entitled to take sick leave if the employee
is too sick to work.
(2) An employee who has a sick leave credit, and who is on annual leave, is entitled to
take sick leave instead of annual leave if the person is too sick to work for a period of
at least three days.
(3) However, the employee is not entitled to take sick leave unless—
(a) the employee gives the employer notice of the sickness, its nature and
estimated duration before the period for which sick leave is sought begins
(but if the nature or sudden onset of the sickness makes it impracticable to
give the notice before the period begins, the notice is validly given if given as
soon as practicable and not later than 24 hours after the period begins); and
(b) the employee, at the request of the employer, provides a medical certificate or
other reasonable evidence of the sickness.
(4) Sick leave taken during a period of annual leave does not count as annual leave.
(5) An employee may take sick leave for a part of a day in a block of 1 or more hours.
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(6) The following provisions apply in connection with subsection (5):
(a) if a period of sick leave exceeds 1 hour but does not equal a whole number of
hours, the fraction of an hour will be taken to be a whole hour; and
(b) when the number of hours taken as sick leave under subsection (5) equals the
number of hours usually worked by the employee in a day, then the employee
will be taken to have taken 1 day's sick leave.
5—Sick leave to be on full pay
(1) A full-time employee is entitled to full pay for a period of sick leave.
(2) A part-time employee is entitled to pro-rata pay for a period of sick leave.
6—Carer's leave
(1) An employee with an accrued entitlement to sick leave under a preceding section may
use up to 5 days of that entitlement in each year to care for and support members of
the employee's family when they are sick.
(2) The employee must, if practicable before taking leave under this section, give the
employer notice of—
(a) the employee's intention to take the leave; and
(b) the reason for the leave; and
(c) the name of the person requiring the care and that person's relationship to the
employee; and
(d) the time the employee expects to be absent,
but if it is not possible to give the notice before commencing the leave, the employee
must give the notice as soon as practicable in the circumstances.
(3) The employee must, if required by the employer, produce reasonable evidence of the
sickness and the need for the employee's care.
(4) An employee is, while taking leave under this section, entitled to pay at the same rate
as if he or she was on sick leave.
Schedule 3AMinimum standard for bereavement leave
1—Bereavement leave
(1) An employee is entitled to 2 days bereavement leave in the case of the death of a
member of the employee's family.
(2) The leave may be taken
(a) at a time of the employee's choosing within a period commencing on the date
of death of the family member and ending 2 days after the funeral; or
(b) at some other time agreed with the employer.
(3) The employee must, if required by the employer, produce reasonable evidence of the
death and of the relationship of the deceased to the employee.
(4) A full-time employee is entitled to full pay for a period of bereavement leave.
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Minimum standard for bereavement leaveSchedule 3A
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(5) A part-time employee is entitled to pro-rata pay for a period of bereavement leave.
Schedule 3BFamily and domestic violence leave
In this Schedule—
family and domestic violence means domestic abuse within the meaning of the
Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009.
2—Entitlement to family and domestic violence leave
(1) An employee is entitled to 15 days family and domestic violence leave from the
beginning of each year of their employment.
(2) Family and domestic violence leave that has not been taken by an employee will not
accrue into a subsequent year of their employment.
3—Taking family and domestic violence leave
(1) An employee is entitled to take family and domestic violence leave for any of the
following purposes arising from or in relation to family and domestic violence
experienced by the employee:
(a) to attend medical appointments of any kind, including appointments relating
to mental and emotional health;
(b) to seek and receive legal advice or assistance in relation to proceedings or
potential proceedings of any kind;
(c) to attend or otherwise make arrangements for proceedings of any kind;
(d) to relocate residences or make other safety arrangements of any kind;
(e) for any other purpose relating to the employee dealing with the impact of
family and domestic violence;
(f) for any other purpose prescribed by the regulations.
(2) The employee must, if practicable before taking leave under this section, give the
employer notice of—
(a) the employee's intention to take the leave; and
(b) the purpose for which the employee intends to take the leave; and
(c) the time the employee expects to be absent,
but if it is not possible to give the notice before commencing the leave, the employee
must give the notice as soon as practicable in the circumstances.
(3) The employee must, at the request of the employer, provide evidence that would
satisfy a reasonable person that the leave is for 1 of the purposes listed in
subclause (1).
(4) In relation to the provision of evidence under subclause (3), the employer must not
request, and the employee is not required to provide, information relating to the
details, nature or extent of the family and domestic violence experienced by the
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Schedule 3BFamily and domestic violence leave
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(5) An employee may take family and domestic violence leave for a part of a day in a
block of 1 or more hours.
(6) The following provisions apply in connection with subclause (5):
(a) if a period of family and domestic violence leave exceeds 1 hour but does not
equal a whole number of hours, the fraction of an hour will be taken to be a
whole hour;
(b) when the number of hours taken as family and domestic violence leave under
subclause (5) equals the number of hours usually worked by the employee in
a day, then the employee will be taken to have taken 1 day's family and
domestic violence leave.
4—Family and domestic violence leave to be at full rate of pay
(1) If an employee takes a period of family and domestic violence leave in accordance
with this Schedule, the employee is entitled to the following in relation to that period:
(a) for an employee other than a casual employee—the employee's full rate of
pay (including overtime, allowances, loadings or any other separately
identifiable amount), worked out as if the employee had not taken the period
of leave;
(b) for a casual employee—the employee's full rate of pay (including overtime,
allowances, loadings or any other separately identifiable amount), worked out
as if the employee had worked the hours in the period for which the employee
was rostered.
(2) Without limiting subclause (1)(b), an employee is taken to have been rostered to work
hours in a period if the employee has accepted an offer by the employer of work for
those hours.
(3) Subclause (1)(b) does not prevent a casual employee from taking a period of family
and domestic violence leave that does not include hours for which the employee is
rostered to work, however the employer is not required to pay the employee in relation
to such a period.
(1) Information obtained under this Schedule in relation to an employee's experience of
family and domestic violence must not be disclosed, except—
(a) with the consent of the person to whom the information relates; or
(b) for the purposes of referring the matter to a law enforcement agency, or a
person or agency exercising official duties under an Act relating to the care or
protection of a child; or
(c) if the disclosure is reasonably necessary for the protection of the lawful
interests of the person disclosing the information.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
(2) Subclause (1) does not prevent disclosure of statistical or other data that could not
reasonably be expected to lead to the identification of any person to whom it relates.
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Family and domestic violence leaveSchedule 3B
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(3) Information that has been disclosed under subclause (1) for a particular purpose must
not be used for any other purpose by—
(a) the person to whom the information was disclosed; or
(b) any other person who gains access to the information (whether properly or
improperly and whether directly or indirectly) as a result of that disclosure.
Maximum penalty: $10 000.
(4) A pay slip provided by an employer to an employee must not include any of the
following information:
(a) information indicating that leave taken by the employee was family and
domestic violence leave;
(b) information indicating that an amount paid to the employee was payment in
respect of family and domestic violence leave;
(c) information relating to the balance of the employee's entitlement to family
and domestic violence leave.
For example, a pay slip may, in respect of an amount paid to an employee for
any family and domestic violence leave taken, describe the leave taken as
"special leave", "miscellaneous leave" or "other leave".
Schedule 4Minimum standard for annual leave
In this Schedule—
continuous service means continuous service under a contract of employment and
includes a period of paid leave taken under this Act or under an award or enterprise
full pay means remuneration for ordinary hours of work (not including payments in
the nature of penalty rates, overtime, allowances or loadings).
2—Application of standard
This Schedule does not apply to a person who is engaged and paid as a casual
3—Accrual of annual leave entitlement
An employee's entitlement to annual leave accrues as follows—
(a) an employee is entitled to 4 weeks' annual leave for each completed year of
continuous service; and
(b) if an employee's employment comes to an end and the period of service is not
exactly divisible into complete yearsthe employee is entitled to of one
week's annual leave for each completed month of the remainder.
4—Taking annual leave
(1) Annual leave is to be taken at a time agreed between the employer and the employee.
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(2) However, an employer may require an employee to take annual leave by giving the
employee notice of the requirement at least 2 weeks before the period of annual leave
is to begin if
(a) the employer and the employee fail to agree on the time for taking the annual
leave; or
(b) the taking of the leave is necessary to facilitate a temporary shut-down of part
or all of the employer's business operations.
(3) If an employer determines the time for taking annual leave under subsection (2)(a), the
leave must begin within 12 months after the entitlement to the leave accrues.
5—Annual leave to be on full pay
(1) A full-time employee is entitled to full pay for a period of annual leave.
(2) A part-time employee is entitled to pro-rata pay for a period of annual leave.
(3) If an employee's employment comes to an end before the employee has taken all the
annual leave to which the employee is entitled, the employee (or the employee's
estate) is entitled to the monetary equivalent of that leave.
Schedule 5—Minimum standard for parental leave
In this Schedule—
adoption means the adoption of a child who is not the natural child of the employee or
the employee's spouse or domestic partner, who is less than five years of age, and who
has not lived continuously with the employee for six months or longer;
continuous service means continuous service under a contract of employment and
includes a period of paid leave or absence taken under this Act or under an award or
enterprise agreement;
expected date of birth means a day certified by a medical practitioner as the expected
date of birth;
employee does not include a person engaged and paid as a casual employee;
parental leave means unpaid leave under this Schedule.
2—Entitlement to parental leave
(1) Subject to this Schedule, an employee is entitled to take parental leave for a period of
up to 52 weeks for—
(a) the birth of a child to the employee or the employee's spouse or domestic
partner; or
(b) the placement of a child with the employee with a view to the adoption of the
child by the employee.
(2) An employee is not entitled to take parental leave unless the employee—
(a) has, before the expected date of birth or placement, completed at least
12 months' continuous service with the employer; and
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(b) has given the employer at least ten weeks' written notice of intention to take
the leave.
(3) An employee is not entitled to take parental leave at the same time as the employee's
spouse or domestic partner apart from one week's parental leave taken by the
employee and the employee's spouse or domestic partner immediately after the birth
of the child or the placement of the child for adoption with the employee and the
employee's spouse or domestic partner.
(4) Apart from the period of one week referred to above, an employee's entitlement to
parental leave is reduced by a period of parental leave taken by the employee's spouse
or domestic partner for the same child.
3—Maternity leave to start 6 weeks before birth
A female employee who has given notice of her intention to take parental leave for the
birth of a child must start the leave 6 weeks before the expected date of birth unless a
medical practitioner has certified that the employee is fit to work closer to the
expected date of birth.
4—Medical certificate
An employee who has given notice of intention to take parental leave for the birth of a
child must provide the employer with a certificate from a medical practitioner
certifying that the employee or the employee's spouse or domestic partner is pregnant
and the expected date of birth.
5—Notice of spouse's parental leave
(1) An employee who has given notice of intention to take parental leave or who is
actually taking parental leave must give the employer notice of periods of parental
leave taken or to be taken by the employee's spouse or domestic partner for the same
(2) A notice given under subsection (1) must, if the employer requires, be verified by
statutory declaration.
6—Starting and finishing dates of parental leave
(1) The starting and finishing dates for a period of parental leave must (subject to this
Schedule) be agreed between the employer and the employee.
(2) However, parental leave may not extend more than one year after the date of the birth,
or placement for adoption, of the child to whom the leave relates.
7—Return to work after parental leave
(1) On finishing parental leave, an employee is entitled to the position the employee held
immediately before starting parental leave.
(2) However
(a) if the employee was temporarily acting in, or performing the duties of, a
position immediately before starting parental leave, the entitlement under this
section relates to the employee's substantive position; and
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(b) if the former position is no longer available, the employee is entitled to an
available position for which the employee is qualified and suited nearest in
status and remuneration to the former position.
8—Effect of parental leave on employment rights
Absence on parental leave does not break an employee's continuity of service, but is
not to be taken into account in calculating the employee's period of service.
9—Part-time employment in lieu of parental leave
An employee who is entitled to parental leave may, by agreement with the employer,
reduce the employee's hours of employment to an agreed extent in lieu of taking
parental leave.
Schedule 6Equal Remuneration Convention
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour
Office, and having met in its Thirty-fourth Session on 6 June 1951, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the principle of
equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value, which is the
seventh item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an International
adopts this twenty-ninth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and
fifty-one the following Convention, which may be cited as the Equal Remuneration
Convention, 1951:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Convention—
(a) the term "remuneration" includes the ordinary, basic or minimum wage or
salary and any additional emoluments whatsoever payable directly or
indirectly, whether in cash or in kind, by the employer to the worker and
arising out of the worker's employment;
(b) the term "equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of
equal value" refers to rates of remuneration established without
discrimination based on sex.
Article 2
1. Each Member shall, by means appropriate to the methods in operation for determining
rates of remuneration, promote and, in so far as is consistent with such methods,
ensure the application to all workers of the principle of equal remuneration for men
and women workers for work of equal value.
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2. This principle may be applied by means of—
(a) national laws or regulations;
(b) legally established or recognised machinery for wage determination;
(c) collective agreements between employers and workers; or
(d) a combination of these various means.
Article 3
1. Where such action will assist in giving effect to the provisions of this Convention
measures shall be taken to promote objective appraisal of jobs on the basis of the work
to be performed.
2. The methods to be followed in this appraisal may be decided upon by the authorities
responsible for the determination of rates of remuneration, or, where such rates are
determined by collective agreements, by the parties thereto.
3. Differential rates between workers which correspond, without regard to sex, to
differences, as determined by such objective appraisal, in the work to be performed
shall not be considered as being contrary to the principle of equal remuneration for
men and women workers for work of equal value.
Article 4
Each member shall cooperate as appropriate with the employers' and workers'
organisations concerned for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this
Article 5
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 6
1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International
Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with the
2. It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the ratifications of two
Members have been registered with the Director-General.
3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve months after
the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 7
1. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office
in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 35 of the Constitution of the International
Labour Organisation shall indicate—
(a) the territories in respect of which the Member concerned undertakes that the
provisions of the Convention shall be applied without modification;
(b) the territories in respect of which it undertakes that the provisions of the
Convention shall be applied subject to modifications, together with details of
the said modifications;
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(c) the territories in respect of which the Convention is inapplicable and in such
cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable;
(d) the territories in respect of which it reserves its decisions pending further
consideration of the position.
2. The undertakings referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this
Article shall be deemed to be an integral part of the ratification and shall have the
force of ratification.
3. Any Member may at any time by a subsequent declaration cancel in whole or in part
any reservation made in its original declaration in virtue of subparagraphs (b), (c) or
(d) of paragraph 1 of this Article.
4. Any Member may, at any time at which the Convention is subject to denunciation in
accordance with the provisions of Article 9, communicate to the Director-General a
declaration modifying in any other respect the terms of any former declaration and
stating the present position in respect of such territories as it may specify.
Article 8
1. Declarations communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office
in accordance with paragraphs 4 or 5 of Article 35 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organisation shall indicate whether the provisions of the
Convention will be applied in the territory concerned without modification or subject
to modifications; when the declaration indicates that the provisions of the Convention
will be applied subject to modifications, it shall give details of the said modifications.
2. The Member, Members or international authority concerned may at any time by a
subsequent declaration renounce in whole or in part the right to have recourse to any
modification indicated in any former declaration.
3. The Member, Members or international authority concerned may, at any time at which
this Convention is subject to denunciation in accordance with the provisions of
Article 9, communicate to the Director-General a declaration modifying in any other
respect the terms of any former declaration and stating the present position in respect
of the application of the Convention.
Article 9
1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of
ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an act
communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for
registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on
which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year
following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for this Article, will be bound
for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention at the
expiration of each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this Article.
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Equal Remuneration ConventionSchedule 6
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Article 10
1. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of
the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all ratifications,
declarations and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of the second
ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw the attention of the
Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the Convention will come into
Article 11
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article
102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all ratifications,
declarations and acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding articles.
Article 12
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this
Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the
Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 13
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or
in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides—
(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure
involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding the
provisions of Article 9 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall
have come into force;
(b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force this
Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for
those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 14
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
The foregoing is the authentic text of the Convention duly adopted by the General
Conference of the International Labour Organisation during its Thirty-fourth Session
which was held at Geneva and declared closed the twenty-ninth day of June 1951.
IN FAITH WHEREOF we have appended our signatures this second day of August
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Schedule 7Termination of Employment Convention
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Schedule 7Termination of Employment Convention
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour
Office, and having met in its Sixty-eighth Session on 2 June 1982, and
Noting the Existing international standards contained in the Termination of
Employment Recommendation, 1963, and
Noting that since the adoption of the Termination of Employment Recommendation,
1963, significant developments have occurred in the law and practice of many
member States on the questions covered by that Recommendation, and
Considering that these developments have made it appropriate to adopt new
international standards on the subject, particularly having regard to the serious
problems in this field resulting from the economic difficulties and technological
changes experienced in recent years in many countries,
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to termination of
employment at the initiative of the employer, which is the fifth item on the agenda of
the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international
adopts this twenty-second day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and
eighty-two the following Convention, which may be cited as the Termination of
Employment Convention, 1982.
Article 1
The provisions of this Convention shall, in so far as they are not otherwise made
effective by means of collective agreements, arbitration awards or court decisions or
in such other manner as may be consistent with national practice, be given effect by
laws or regulations.
Article 2
1. This Convention applies to all branches of economic activity and to all employed
2. A Member may exclude the following categories of employed persons from all or
some of the provisions of this Convention:
(a) workers engaged under a contract of employment for a specified period of
time or a specified task;
(b) workers serving a period of probation or a qualifying period of employment,
determined in advance and of reasonable duration;
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(c) workers engaged on a casual basis for a short period.
3. Adequate safeguards shall be provided against recourse to contracts of employment
for a specified period of time the aim of which is to avoid the protection resulting
from this Convention.
4. In so far as necessary, measures may be taken by the competent authority or through
the appropriate machinery in a country, after consultation with the organisations of
employers and workers concerned, where such exist, to exclude from the application
of this Convention or certain provisions thereof categories of employed persons whose
terms and conditions of employment are governed by special arrangements which as a
whole provide protection that is at least equivalent to the protection afforded under the
5. In so far as necessary, measures may be taken by the competent authority or through
the appropriate machinery in a country, after consultation with the organisations of
employers and workers concerned, where such exist, to exclude from the application
of this Convention or certain provisions thereof other limited categories of employed
persons in respect of which special problems of a substantial nature arise in the light
of the particular conditions of employment of the workers concerned or the size or
nature of the undertaking that employs them.
6. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall list in the first report on the
application of the Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organisation any categories which may have been excluded in
pursuance of paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Article, giving the reasons for such exclusion,
and shall state in subsequent reports the position of its law and practice regarding the
categories excluded, and the extent to which effect has been given or is proposed to be
given to the Convention in respect of such categories.
Article 3
For the purpose of this Convention the terms "termination" and "termination of
employment" mean termination of employment at the initiative of the employer.
Article 4
The employment of a worker shall not be terminated unless there is a valid reason for
such termination connected with the capacity or conduct of the worker or based on the
operational requirements of the undertaking, establishment or service.
Article 5
The following, inter alia, shall not constitute valid reasons for termination:
(a) union membership or participation in union activities outside working hours
or, with the consent of the employer, within working hours;
(b) seeking office as, or acting or having acted in the capacity of, a workers'
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(c) the filing of a complaint or the participation in proceedings against an
employer involving alleged violation of laws or regulations or recourse to
competent administrative authorities;
(d) race, colour, sex, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, religion,
political opinion, national extraction or social origin;
(e) absence from work during maternity leave.
Article 6
1. Temporary absence from work because of illness or injury shall not constitute a valid
reason for termination.
2. The definition of what constitutes temporary absence from work, the extent to which
medical certification shall be required and possible limitations to the application of
paragraph 1 of this Article shall be determined in accordance with the methods of
implementation referred to in Article 1 of this Convention.
Article 7
The employment of a worker shall not be terminated for reasons related to the
worker's conduct or performance before he is provided an opportunity to defend
himself against the allegations made, unless the employer cannot reasonably be
expected to provide this opportunity.
Article 8
1. A worker who considers that his employment has been unjustifiably terminated shall
be entitled to appeal against that termination to an impartial body, such as a court,
labour tribunal, arbitration committee or arbitrator.
2. Where termination has been authorised by a competent authority the application of
paragraph 1 of this Article may be varied according to national law and practice.
3. A worker may be deemed to have waived his right to appeal against the termination of
his employment if he has not exercised that right within a reasonable period of time
after termination.
Article 9
1. The bodies referred to in Article 8 of this Convention shall be empowered to examine
the reasons given for the termination and the other circumstances relating to the case
and to render a decision on whether the termination was justified.
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2. In order for the worker not to have to bear alone the burden of proving that the
termination was not justified, the methods of implementation referred to in Article 1
of this Convention shall provide for one or the other or both of the following
(a) the burden of proving the existence of a valid reason for the termination as
defined in Article 4 of this Convention shall rest on the employer;
(b) the bodies referred to in Article 8 of this Convention shall be empowered to
reach a conclusion on the reason for the termination having regard to the
evidence provided by the parties and according to procedures provided for by
national law and practice.
3. In cases of termination stated to be for reasons based on the operational requirements
of the undertaking, establishment or service, the bodies referred to in Article 8 of this
Convention shall be empowered to determine whether the termination was indeed for
these reasons, but the extent to which they shall also be empowered to decide whether
these reasons are sufficient to justify that termination shall be determined by the
methods of implementation referred to in Article 1 of this Convention.
Article 10
If the bodies referred to in Article 8 of this Convention find that termination is
unjustified and if they are not empowered or do not find it practicable, in accordance
with national law and practice, to declare the termination invalid and/or order or
propose reinstatement of the worker, they shall be empowered to order payment of
adequate compensation or such other relief as may be deemed appropriate.
Article 11
A worker whose employment is to be terminated shall be entitled to a reasonable
period of notice or compensation in lieu thereof, unless he is guilty of serious
misconduct, that is, misconduct of such a nature that it would be unreasonable to
require the employer to continue his employment during the notice period.
Article 12
1. A worker whose employment has been terminated shall be entitled, in accordance with
national law and practice, to
(a) a severance allowance or other separation benefits, the amount of which shall
be based inter alia on length of service and the level of wages, and paid
directly by the employer or by a fund constituted by employers' contributions;
(b) benefits from unemployment insurance or assistance or other forms of social
security, such as old age or invalidity benefits, under the normal conditions to
which such benefits are subject; or
(c) a combination of such allowance and benefits.
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2. A worker who does not fulfil the qualifying conditions for unemployment insurance or
assistance under a scheme of general scope need not be paid any allowance or benefit
referred to in paragraph 1, subparagraph (a), of this Article solely because he is not
receiving an unemployment benefit under paragraph 1, subparagraph (b).
3. Provision may be made by the methods of implementation referred to in Article 1 of
this Convention for loss of entitlement to the allowance or benefits referred to in
paragraph 1, subparagraph (a), of this Article in the event of termination for serious
Article 13
1. When the employer contemplates terminations for reasons of an economic,
technological, structural or similar nature, the employee shall:
(a) provide the workers' representatives concerned in good time with relevant
information including the reasons for the terminations contemplated, the
number and categories of workers likely to be affected and the period over
which the terminations are intended to be carried out;
(b) give, in accordance with national law and practice, the workers'
representatives concerned, as early as possible, an opportunity for
consultation on measures to be taken to avert or to minimise the terminations
and measures to mitigate the adverse effects of any terminations on the
workers concerned such as finding alternative employment.
2. The applicability of paragraph 1 of this Article may be limited by the methods of
implementation referred to in Article 1 of this Convention to cases in which the
number of workers whose termination of employment is contemplated is at least a
specified number or percentage of the workforce.
3. For the purposes of this Article the term "the workers' representatives concerned"
means the workers' representatives recognised as such by national law or practice, in
conformity with the Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971.
Article 14
1. When the employer contemplates terminations for reasons of an economic,
technological, structural or similar nature, he shall notify, in accordance with national
law and practice, the competent authority thereof as early as possible, giving relevant
information, including a written statement of the reasons for the terminations, the
number and categories of workers likely to be affected and the period over which the
terminations are intended to be carried out.
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2. National laws or regulations may limit the applicability of paragraph 1 of this Article
to cases in which the number of workers whose termination of employment is
contemplated is at least a specified number or percentage of the workforce.
3. The employer shall notify the competent authority of the terminations referred to in
paragraph 1 of this Article a minimum period of time before carrying out the
terminations, such period to be specified by national laws or regulations.
Article 15
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 16
1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International
Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with the
2. It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the ratifications of two
Members have been registered with the Director-General.
3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve months after
the date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 17
1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of
ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an act
communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for
registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on
which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year
following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be
bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention
at the expiration of each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this
Article 18
1. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of
the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all ratifications and
denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the Organisation.
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of the second
ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw the attention of the
Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the Convention will come into
Fair Work Act 19941.9.2023
Schedule 7Termination of Employment Convention
28 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Article 19
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with article 102
of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all ratifications and acts of
denunciation registered by him in accordance with the provisions of the preceding
Article 20
At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this
Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the
conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 21
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or
in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides—
(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure
involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding the
provisions of Article 17 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall
have come into force;
(b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force this
Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for
those members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 22
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
The foregoing is the authentic text of the Convention duly adopted by the General
Conference of the International Labour Organisation during its Sixty-eighth Session
which was held at Geneva and declared closed the twenty-third day of June 1982.
IN FAITH WHEREOF we have appended our signatures this twenty-third day of June
Schedule 8Rules for terminating employment
1—Employee to be given notice of termination
(1) An employer must not terminate an employee's employment unless—
(a) the employee has been given either the period of notice required by
subsection (2) or compensation instead of notice; or
(b) the employee is guilty of serious misconduct, that is, misconduct of a kind
that makes it unreasonable to require the employer to continue the
employment during the notice period.
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Rules for terminating employmentSchedule 8
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 29
(2) The required period of notice is worked out as follows—
(a) if the employee's period of continuous service with the employer is not more
than 1 year—the period of notice is at least 1 week; and
(b) if the employee's period of continuous service with the employer is more than
1 year but not more than 3 years—the period of notice is at least 2 weeks; and
(c) if the employee's period of continuous service with the employer is more than
3 years but not more than 5 years—the period of notice is at least 3 weeks;
(d) if the employee's period of continuous service with the employer is more than
5 years—the period of notice is at least 4 weeks,
but if the employee is over 45 years old and has completed at least 2 years continuous
service with the employer, the period of notice is increased by 1 week.
(3) The regulations may prescribe events or other matters that must be disregarded, or
must in prescribed circumstances be disregarded, in ascertaining a period of
continuous service for the purposes of subsection (2).
2—Employee to have opportunity to respond to allegations
An employer must not terminate an employee's employment for reasons related to the
employee's conduct or performance unless—
(a) the employee has been given the opportunity to defend himself or herself
against the allegations made; or
(b) the employer could not reasonably be expected to give the employee that
3—Employer to comply with obligations imposed by regulation
(1) An employer must comply with the rules and procedures prescribed by regulation
under subsection (2).
(2) Regulations may be made prescribing rules and procedures to be observed by
employers in relation to the termination of employment for the purpose of giving full
effect to the provisions and intendment of the Termination of Employment
Schedule 9Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 1999
C182 Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999
The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its 87th Session on 1 June 1999, and
Considering the need to adopt new instruments for the prohibition and elimination
of the worst forms of child labour, as the main priority for national and
international action, including international cooperation and assistance, to
complement the Convention and the Recommendation concerning Minimum Age
for Admission to Employment, 1973, which remain fundamental instruments on
child labour, and
Fair Work Act 19941.9.2023
Schedule 9Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 1999
30 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Considering that the effective elimination of the worst forms of child labour
requires immediate and comprehensive action, taking into account the importance
of free basic education and the need to remove the children concerned from all
such work and to provide for their rehabilitation and social integration while
addressing the needs of their families, and
Recalling the resolution concerning the elimination of child labour adopted by the
International Labour Conference at its 83rd Session in 1996, and
Recognizing that child labour is to a great extent caused by poverty and that the
long-term solution lies in sustained economic growth leading to social progress, in
particular poverty alleviation and universal education, and
Recalling the Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the United
Nations General Assembly on 20 November 1989, and
Recalling the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and
its Follow-up, adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 86th Session
in 1998, and
Recalling that some of the worst forms of child labour are covered by other
international instruments, in particular the Forced Labour Convention, 1930, and
the United Nations Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the
Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery, 1956, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to child
labour, which is the fourth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international
adopts this seventeenth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and
ninety-nine the following Convention, which may be cited as the Worst Forms of
Child Labour Convention, 1999.
Article 1
Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall take immediate and effective
measures to secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour
as a matter of urgency.
Article 2
For the purposes of this Convention, the term child shall apply to all persons under the
age of 18.
Article 3
For the purposes of this Convention, the term the worst forms of child labour
(a) all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and
trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory
labour, including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in
armed conflict;
(b) the use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution, for the production of
pornography or for pornographic performances;
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Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 1999Schedule 9
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 31
(c) the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, in particular for
the production and trafficking of drugs as defined in the relevant international
(d) work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is
likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children.
Article 4
1. The types of work referred to under Article 3(d) shall be determined by national laws
or regulations or by the competent authority, after consultation with the organizations
of employers and workers concerned, taking into consideration relevant international
standards, in particular Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Worst Forms of Child Labour
Recommendation, 1999.
2. The competent authority, after consultation with the organizations of employers and
workers concerned, shall identify where the types of work so determined exist.
3. The list of the types of work determined under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be
periodically examined and revised as necessary, in consultation with the organizations
of employers and workers concerned.
Article 5
Each Member shall, after consultation with employers' and workers' organizations,
establish or designate appropriate mechanisms to monitor the implementation of the
provisions giving effect to this Convention.
Article 6
1. Each Member shall design and implement programmes of action to eliminate as a
priority the worst forms of child labour.
2. Such programmes of action shall be designed and implemented in consultation with
relevant government institutions and employers' and workers' organizations, taking
into consideration the views of other concerned groups as appropriate.
Article 7
1. Each Member shall take all necessary measures to ensure the effective implementation
and enforcement of the provisions giving effect to this Convention including the
provision and application of penal sanctions or, as appropriate, other sanctions.
2. Each Member shall, taking into account the importance of education in eliminating
child labour, take effective and time-bound measures to:
(a) prevent the engagement of children in the worst forms of child labour;
(b) provide the necessary and appropriate direct assistance for the removal of
children from the worst forms of child labour and for their rehabilitation and
social integration;
(c) ensure access to free basic education, and, wherever possible and appropriate,
vocational training, for all children removed from the worst forms of child
(d) identify and reach out to children at special risk; and
(e) take account of the special situation of girls.
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Schedule 9Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 1999
32 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
3. Each Member shall designate the competent authority responsible for the
implementation of the provisions giving effect to this Convention.
Article 8
Members shall take appropriate steps to assist one another in giving effect to the
provisions of this Convention through enhanced international cooperation and/or
assistance including support for social and economic development, poverty
eradication programmes and universal education.
Article 9
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 10
1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International
Labour Organization whose ratifications have been registered with the
Director-General of the International Labour Office.
2. It shall come into force 12 months after the date on which the ratifications of two
Members have been registered with the Director-General.
3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member 12 months after the
date on which its ratification has been registered.
Article 11
1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of
ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an act
communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for
registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on
which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year
following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be
bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention
at the expiration of each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this
Article 12
1. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of
the International Labour Organization of the registration of all ratifications and acts of
denunciation communicated by the Members of the Organization.
2. When notifying the Members of the Organization of the registration of the second
ratification, the Director-General shall draw the attention of the Members of the
Organization to the date upon which the Convention shall come into force.
Article 13
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations, for registration in accordance with
article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, full particulars of all ratifications and
acts of denunciation registered by the Director-General in accordance with the
provisions of the preceding Articles.
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Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention 1999Schedule 9
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 33
Article 14
At such times as it may consider necessary, the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this
Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the
Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 15
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or
in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides—
(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure
involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding the
provisions of Article 11 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall
have come into force;
(b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force, this
Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for
those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Article 16
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
Cross references
Conventions: C029 Forced Labour Convention, 1930
Conventions: C138 Minimum Age Convention, 1973
Recommendations: R035 Forced Labour (Indirect Compulsion) Recommendation,
Recommendations: R036 Forced Labour (Regulation) Recommendation, 1930
Recommendations: R146 Minimum Age Recommendation, 1973
Supplemented: R190 Complemented by the Worst Forms of Child Labour
Recommendation, 1999
Constitution: 22: article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour
Schedule 10Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention
C156 Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office and having met in its Sixty-seventh Session on 3 June 1981, and
Noting the Declaration of Philadelphia concerning the Aims and Purposes of the
International Labour Organisation which recognises that "all human beings,
irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the right to pursue their material
well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity,
of economic security and equal opportunity", and
Fair Work Act 19941.9.2023
Schedule 10Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention 1981
34 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Noting the terms of the Declaration on Equality of Opportunity and Treatment for
Women Workers and of the resolution concerning a plan of action with a view to
promoting equality of opportunity and treatment for women workers, adopted by
the International Labour Conference in 1975, and
Noting the provisions of international labour Conventions and Recommendations
aimed at ensuring equality of opportunity and treatment for men and women
workers, namely the Equal Remuneration Convention and Recommendation,
1951, the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention and
Recommendation, 1958, and Part VIII of the Human Resources Development
Recommendation, 1975, and
Recalling that the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention,
1958, does not expressly cover distinctions made on the basis of family
responsibilities, and considering that supplementary standards are necessary in
this respect, and
Noting the terms of the Employment (Women with Family Responsibilities)
Recommendation, 1965, and considering the changes which have taken place
since its adoption, and
Noting that instruments on equality of opportunity and treatment for men and
women have also been adopted by the United Nations and other specialised
agencies, and recalling, in particular, the fourteenth paragraph of the Preamble of
the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women, 1979, to the effect that States Parties are "aware that a change in
the traditional role of men as well as the role of women in society and in the
family is needed to achieve full equality between men and women", and
Recognising that the problems of workers with family responsibilities are aspects
of wider issues regarding the family and society which should be taken into
account in national policies, and
Recognising the need to create effective equality of opportunity and treatment as
between men and women workers with family responsibilities and between such
workers and other workers, and
Considering that many of the problems facing all workers are aggravated in the
case of workers with family responsibilities and recognising the need to improve
the conditions of the latter both by measures responding to their special needs and
by measures designed to improve the conditions of workers in general, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to equal
opportunities and equal treatment for men and women workers: workers with
family responsibilities, which is the fifth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international
adopts the twenty-third day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and
eighty-one, the following Convention, which may be cited as the Workers with Family
Responsibilities Convention, 1981:
1.9.2023Fair Work Act 1994
Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention 1981Schedule 10
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 35
Article 1
1. This Convention applies to men and women workers with responsibilities in relation
to their dependent children, where such responsibilities restrict their possibilities of
preparing for, entering, participating in or advancing in economic activity.
2. The provisions of this Convention shall also be applied to men and women workers
with responsibilities in relation to other members of their immediate family who
clearly need their care or support, where such responsibilities restrict their possibilities
of preparing for, entering, participating in or advancing in economic activity.
3. For the purposes of this Convention, the terms dependent child and other member of
the immediate family who clearly needs care or support mean persons defined as such
in each country by one of the means referred to in Article 9 of this Convention.
4. The workers covered by virtue of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article are hereinafter
referred to as workers with family responsibilities.
Article 2
This Convention applies to all branches of economic activity and all categories of
Article 3
1. With a view to creating effective equality of opportunity and treatment for men and
women workers, each Member shall make it an aim of national policy to enable
persons with family responsibilities who are engaged or wish to engage in
employment to exercise their right to do so without being subject to discrimination
and, to the extent possible, without conflict between their employment and family
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1 of this Article, the term discrimination means
discrimination in employment and occupation as defined by Articles 1 and 5 of the
Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958.
Article 4
With a view to creating effective equality of opportunity and treatment for men and
women workers, all measures compatible with national conditions and possibilities
shall be taken
(a) to enable workers with family responsibilities to exercise their right to free
choice of employment; and
(b) to take account of their needs in terms and conditions of employment and in
social security.
Article 5
All measures compatible with national conditions and possibilities shall further be
(a) to take account of the needs of workers with family responsibilities in
community planning; an
(b) to develop or promote community services, public or private, such as
child-care and family services and facilities.
Fair Work Act 19941.9.2023
Schedule 10Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention 1981
36 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Article 6
The competent authorities and bodies in each country shall take appropriate measures
to promote information and education which engender broader public understanding
of the principle of equality of opportunity and treatment for men and women workers
and of the problems of workers with family responsibilities, as well as a climate of
opinion conducive to overcoming these problems.
Article 7
All measures compatible with national conditions and possibilities, including
measures in the field of vocational guidance and training, shall be taken to enable
workers with family responsibilities to become and remain integrated in the labour
force, as well as to re-enter the labour force after an absence due to those
Article 8
Family responsibilities shall not, as such, constitute a valid reason for termination of
Article 9
The provisions of this Convention may be applied by laws or regulations, collective
agreements, works rules, arbitration awards, court decisions or a combination of these
methods, or in any other manner consistent with national practice which may be
appropriate, account being taken of national conditions.
Article 10
1. The provisions of this Convention may be applied by stages if necessary, account
being taken of national conditions: Provided that such measures of implementation as
are taken shall apply in any case to all the workers covered by Article 1, paragraph 1.
2. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall indicate in the first report on the
application of the Convention submitted under article 22 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organisation in what respect, if any, it intends to make use of the
faculty given by paragraph 1 of this Article, and shall state in subsequent reports the
extent to which effect has been given or is proposed to be given to the Convention in
that respect.
Article 11
Employers' and workers' organisations shall have the right to participate, in a manner
appropriate to national conditions and practice, in devising and applying measures
designed to give effect to the provisions of this Convention.
Article 12
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 13
1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International
Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with the
2. It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the ratifications of two
Members have been registered with the Director-General.
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Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention 1981Schedule 10
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 37
3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve months after
the date on which its ratifications has been registered.
Article 14
1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of
ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an Act
communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for
registration. Such denunciation should not take effect until one year after the date on
which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year
following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be
bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention
at the expiration of each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this
Article 15
1. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of
the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all ratifications and
denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the Organisation.
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of the second
ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw the attention of the
Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the Convention will come into
Article 16
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with
Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all ratifications and
acts of denunciation registered by him in accordance with the provisions of the
preceding Articles.
Article 17
At such times as may consider necessary the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this
Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the
Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 18
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or
in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides:
(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure
involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding the
provisions of Article 14 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall
have come into force;
(b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force this
Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for
those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
Fair Work Act 19941.9.2023
Schedule 10Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention 1981
38 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Article 19
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
Cross references
Conventions: C100 Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951
Recommendations: R090 Equal Remuneration Recommendation, 1951
Conventions: C111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958
Recommendations: R111 Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)
Recommendation, 1958
Recommendations: R150 Human Resources Development Recommendation, 1975
Recommendations: R123 Employment (Women with Family Responsibilities)
Recommendation, 1965
Constitution: 22: article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour
Schedule 11Workers' Representatives Convention 1971
C135 Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,
Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office, and having met in its Fifty-sixth Session on 2 June 1971, and
Noting the terms of the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention,
1949, which provides for protection of workers against acts of anti-union
discrimination in respect of their employment, and
Considering that it is desirable to supplement these terms with respect to workers'
representatives, and
Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to protection
and facilities afforded to workers' representatives in the undertaking, which is the
fifth item on the agenda of the session, and
Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international
adopts the twenty-third day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and
seventy-one, the following Convention, which may be cited as the Workers'
Representatives Convention, 1971:
Article 1
Workers' representatives in the undertaking shall enjoy effective protection against
any act prejudicial to them, including dismissal, based on their status or activities as a
workers' representative or on union membership or participation in union activities, in
so far as they act in conformity with existing laws or collective agreements or other
jointly agreed arrangements.
Article 2
1. Such facilities in the undertaking shall be afforded to workers' representatives as may
be appropriate in order to enable them to carry out their functions promptly and
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2. In this connection account shall be taken of the characteristics of the industrial
relations system of the country and the needs, size and capabilities of the undertaking
3. The granting of such facilities shall not impair the efficient operation of the
undertaking concerned.
Article 3
For the purpose of this Convention the term workers' representatives means persons
who are recognised as such under national law or practice, whether they are—
(a) trade union representatives, namely, representatives designated or elected by
trade unions or by members of such unions; or
(b) elected representatives, namely, representatives who are freely elected by the
workers of the undertaking in accordance with provisions of national laws or
regulations or of collective agreements and whose functions do not include
activities which are recognised as the exclusive prerogative of trade unions in
the country concerned.
Article 4
National laws or regulations, collective agreements, arbitration awards or court
decisions may determine the type or types of workers' representatives which shall be
entitled to the protection and facilities provided for in this Convention.
Article 5
Where there exist in the same undertaking both trade union representatives and elected
representatives, appropriate measures shall be taken, wherever necessary, to ensure
that the existence of elected representatives is not used to undermine the position of
the trade unions concerned or their representatives and to encourage co-operation on
all relevant matters between the elected representatives and the trade unions concerned
and their representatives.
Article 6
Effect may be given to this Convention through national laws or regulations or
collective agreements, or in any other manner consistent with national practice.
Article 7
The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the
Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.
Article 8
1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International
Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with the
2. It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the ratifications of two
Members have been registered with the Director-General.
3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve months after
the date on which its ratifications has been registered.
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40 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Article 9
1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of
ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an Act
communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for
registration. Such denunciation should not take effect until one year after the date on
which it is registered.
2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year
following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be
bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention
at the expiration of each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this
Article 10
1. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of
the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all ratifications and
denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the Organisation.
2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of the second
ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw the attention of the
Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the Convention will come into
Article 11
The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall communicate to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations for registration in accordance with Article
102 of the Charter of the United Nations full particulars of all ratifications and acts of
denunciation registered by him in accordance with the provisions of the preceding
Article 12
At such times as may consider necessary the Governing Body of the International
Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this
Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the
Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.
Article 13
1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or
in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides:
(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure
involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding the
provisions of Article 9 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall
have come into force;
(b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force this
Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.
2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for
those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.
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Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 41
Article 14
The English and French versions of the text of this Convention are equally
Cross references
Conventions: C098 Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 1
Legislative history
Industrial and Employee Relations Act 1994
This version is comprised of the following:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6AA
Chapter 6
Amendments of this version that are uncommenced are not incorporated into the text.
Please note—References in the legislation to other legislation or instruments or to
titles of bodies or offices are not automatically updated as part of the program for the
revision and publication of legislation and therefore may be obsolete.
Earlier versions of this Act (historical versions) are listed at the end of the legislative
For further information relating to the Act and subordinate legislation made under the
Act see the Index of South Australian Statutes or
Legislation repealed by principal Act
The Fair Work Act 1994 repealed the following:
Industrial Relations Act (S.A.)
Industrial Relations Advisory Council Act 1983
Legislation amended by principal Act
The Fair Work Act 1994 amended the following:
Courts Administration Act 1993
Principal Act and amendments
New entries appear in bold.
1994 52 Industrial and Employee Relations
Act 1994
16.6.1994 8.8.1994 except Sch 1 (s 3)1.11.1994
(Gazette 4.8.1994 p328)
1995 39 Public Sector Management
Act 1995
4.5.1995 17.7.1995 (Gazette 13.7.1995 p54)
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
2 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
1995 67 Industrial and Employee Relations
(Miscellaneous Provisions)
Amendment Act 1995
17.8.1995 31.8.1995 (Gazette 24.8.1995 p498)
1995 84
Statutes Amendment (Courts)
Act 1995
30.11.1995 21.12.1995 (Gazette 21.12.1995 p1759)
1996 57
Industrial and Employee Relations
(Miscellaneous) Amendment
Act 1996
8.8.1996 8.8.1996
1996 74
Industrial and Employee Relations
(President's powers) Amendment
Act 1996
14.11.1996 14.11.1996 except s 2—8.8.1994: s 2
1996 86
Industrial and Employee Relations
(Transitional Arrangements)
Amendment Act 1996
12.12.1996 12.12.1996
1997 48
Industrial and Employee Relations
(Registered Associations)
Amendment Act 1997
31.7.1997 31.7.1997
1997 68
Industrial and Employee Relations
(Harmonisation) Amendment
Act 1997
21.8.1997 4.9.1997 (Gazette 21.8.1997 p408)
1998 10
Industrial and Employee Relations
(Disclosure of Information)
Amendment Act 1998
2.4.1998 2.4.1998
1999 33 Financial Sector Reform (South
Australia) Act 1999
Sch (item 30)1.7.1999 being the date
specified under s 3(16) of the Financial
Sector Reform (Amendments and
Transitional Provisions) Act (No. 1)
1999 of the Commonwealth as the
transfer date for the purposes of that
2003 36 Statutes Amendment (Honesty and
Accountability in Government) Act
31.7.2003 Pt 3 (ss 6 & 7)29.4.2004 (Gazette
29.4.2004 p1173)
2005 3
Industrial Law Reform (Fair Work)
Act 2005
31.3.2005 Pt 2 (ss 4—80) & Sch 1—16.5.2005
(Gazette 28.4.2005 p1073)
2006 17 Statutes Amendment (New Rules of
Civil Procedure) Act 2006
6.7.2006 Pt 33 (ss 121125)4.9.2006 (Gazette
17.8.2006 p2831)
2006 41 Statutes Amendment (Public Sector
Employment) Act 2006
14.12.2006 Pt 11 (s 45)1.4.2007 (Gazette
29.3.2007 p930)
2006 43 Statutes Amendment (Domestic
Partners) Act 2006
14.12.2006 Pt 34 (ss 98102)1.6.2007 (Gazette
26.4.2007 p1352)
2008 30 Training and Skills Development
Act 2008
10.7.2008 Sch 2 (cll 29)1.9.2008 (Gazette
24.7.2008 p3465)
2009 58 Statutes Amendment (National
Industrial Relations System) Act
26.11.2009 Pt 4 (ss 7—30) & Sch 1—1.1.2010
(Gazette 17.12.2009 p6351)
2009 84
Statutes Amendment (Public Sector
Consequential Amendments) Act
10.12.2009 Pt 61 (ss 125137)1.2.2010 (Gazette
28.1.2010 p320)
2013 12 Advance Care Directives Act 2013 18.4.2013
Sch 1 (cl 15)1.7.2014 (Gazette
6.2.2014 p546)
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 3
2013 26 Magistrates (Miscellaneous)
Amendment Act 2013
27.6.2013 Sch 1 (cl 3)4.7.2013 (Gazette
4.7.2013 p2970)
2013 44 Legal Practitioners (Miscellaneous)
Amendment Act 2013
3.10.2013 Sch 2 (cl 1)1.7.2014 (Gazette
5.6.2014 p2241)
2015 1 Fair Work (Miscellaneous)
Amendment Act 2015
26.3.2015 10.4.2015 (Gazette 9.4.2015 p1446)
2015 36
Statutes Amendment (Industrial
Relations Consultative Council)
Act 2015
5.11.2015 Pt 2 (ss 48)19.11.2015 (Gazette
19.11.2015 p4976)
2016 63
Statutes Amendment (South
Australian Employment Tribunal)
Act 2016
8.12.2016 Pt 4 (ss 5169)1.7.2017 (Gazette
16.5.2017 p1221)
2020 40
Training and Skills Development
(Miscellaneous) Amendment
Act 2020
19.11.2020 Sch 1 (cll 3 & 4)1.7.2021 (Gazette
24.6.2021 p2260)
2023 10
Fair Work (Family and Domestic
Violence Leave) Amendment
Act 2023
30.3.2023 1.9.2023 (Gazette 13.7.2023 p2192)
2024 2
Statutes Amendment (Industrial
Relations Portfolio) Act 2024
29.2.2024 Pt 2 (ss 3 to 5)28.3.2024 (Gazette
28.3.2024 p510)
2024 20 Work Health and Safety (Review
Recommendations) Amendment
Act 2024
13.6.2024 Sch 1 (cl 1)1.9.2024 (Gazette
22.8.2024 p2871)
Provisions amended
New entries appear in bold.
Entries that relate to provisions that have been deleted appear in italics.
How varied
substituted by 3/2005 s 4
s 2 omitted under Legislation Revision and
Publication Act 2002
s 3 amended by 68/1997 s 3
s 3 amended and redesignated as s 3(1) by
3/2005 s 5(1)(5)
amended by 58/2009 s 7
amended by 63/2016 s 51(1)
amended by 10/2023 s 3
inserted by 3/2005 s 5(5)
amended by 63/2016 s 51(2)
substituted by 3/2005 s 6(1)
amended by 30/2008 Sch 2 cl 2
amended by 40/2020 Sch 1 cl 3
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
4 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
amended by 58/2009 s 8(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 52(1)
inserted by 3/2005 s 6(2)
substituted by 3/2005 s 6(3)
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(2)
deleted by 36/2015 s 4(1)
substituted by 68/1997 s 4(a) 4.9.1997
substituted by 58/2009 s 8(2)
deleted by 58/2009 s 8(3) 1.1.2010
Organisations) Act
inserted by 58/2009 s 8(2) 1.1.2010
inserted by 36/2015 s 4(2) 19.11.2015
contract of
amended by 68/1997 s 4(b) 4.9.1997
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(3)
Deputy President
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(4)
domestic partner
inserted by 43/2006 s 98(1)
deleted by 1/2015 s 4(1) 10.4.2015
amended by 39/1995 Sch 5
amended by 67/1995 s 3(a) 31.8.1995
amended by 3/2005 s 6(4)
agreement matter
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(5) 1.7.2017
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(6) 1.7.2017
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(7) 1.7.2017
Fair Work
inserted by 58/2009 s 8(4) 1.1.2010
deleted by 2/2024 s 3
Fair Work
inserted by 2/2024 s 3 28.3.2024
inserted by 3/2005 s 6(5)
amended by 43/2006 s 98(2)
Full Commission
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(8)
Full Court
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(9)
inserted by 67/1995 s 3(b)
amended by 58/2009 s 8(5) 1.1.2010
amended by 63/2016 s 52(10)
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 5
inserted by 68/1997 s 4(c) 4.9.1997
amended by 58/2009 s 8(6)
amended by 3/2005 s 6(6)(8)
Registrar or
amended by 58/2009 s 8(7) 1.1.2010
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(11)
substituted by 63/2016 s 52(12)
amended by 3/2005 s 6(9)
amended by 58/2009 s 8(8)
inserted by 3/2005 s 6(10)
(d) deleted by 1/2015 s 4(2)
substituted by 63/2016 s 52(13)
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(14) 1.7.2017
amended by 36/2003 s 6
amended by 84/2009 s 125
amended by 63/2016 s 52(15)
inserted by 63/2016 s 52(16)
substituted by 63/2016 s 52(17)
inserted by 63/2016 s 52(17)
inserted by 43/2006 s 98(3)
inserted by 68/1997 s 4(d)
deleted by 3/2005 s 6(11)
inserted by 3/2005 s 6(11)
deleted by 3/2005 s 6(12)
amended by 3/2005 s 6(13)
inserted by 67/1995 s 3(c)
inserted by 3/2005 s 6(14)
deleted by 63/2016 s 52(18)
amended by 3/2005 s 7(1)(3)
substituted by 3/2005 s 7(4)
inserted by 3/2005 s 7(4)
amended by 43/2006 s 99
Ch 2 before substitution
(d) deleted by 1/2015 s 5(1)
amended by 36/2015 s 5(1)
substituted by 36/2015 s 5(2)
amended by 1/2015 s 5(2)
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
6 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
Ch 2 Pt 2
Ch 2 Pt 2 Div 2
s 12
amended by 3/2005 s 8(1), (2)
s 15A
inserted by 3/2005 s 9
Ch 2 Pt 2 Div 4
amended by 84/1995 ss 10, 11
substituted by 57/1996 s 2
Ch 2 Pt 3
Ch 2 Pt 3 Div 2
deleted by 3/2005 s 10
Ch 2 Pt 3 Div 3
s 26
amended by 3/2005 s 11
amended by 30/2008 Sch 2 cl 3(1), (2)
Ch 2 Pt 3 Div 4
s 29
s 29(2)
amended by 84/2009 s 126
s 29(4a) and (4b)
inserted by 58/2009 s 9(1)
s 29(6)
inserted by 58/2009 s 9(2)
s 30
s 30(2)
amended by 84/2009 s 127
s 32
substituted by 3/2005 s 12
s 33
s 33(5)
amended by 3/2005 s 13
Ch 2 Pt 3 Div 5
s 34
s 34(2)
amended by 84/2009 s 128
s 34(3)
substituted by 3/2005 s 14
s 34(4) and (5)
deleted by 3/2005 s 14
s 35
substituted by 3/2005 s 15
s 36
s 36(1)
amended by 36/2003 s 7
amended by 84/2009 s 129
s 36(4)
amended by 3/2005 s 16
s 36A
inserted by 74/1996 s 2(1)
Ch 2 Pt 3 Div 6
s 37
s 37(3a)
inserted by 58/2009 s 10
Ch 2 Pt 3 Div 7
s 39
s 39(3)
amended by 1/2015 s 6
s 39(4)
substituted by 68/1997 s 5
deleted by 3/2005 s 17
s 40
s 40(1)
amended by 30/2008 Sch 2 cl 4(1)
s 40(2)
substituted by 68/1997 s 6
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 7
deleted by 3/2005 s 18
inserted by 30/2008 Sch 2 cl 4(2)
amended by 41/2006 s 45
inserted by 3/2005 s 19
Ch 2 Pt 5 Div 2 before
amended by 84/2009 s 130
amended by 84/2009 s 131
amended by 84/2009 s 132
Ch 2 Pt 5 Div 3 before
amended by 84/2009 s 133
inserted by 84/2009 s 134
deleted by 36/2015 s 6
Ch 2 Pt 6 Div 1 before
amended by 3/2005 s 20
amended by 84/2009 s 135
inserted by 3/2005 s 21
deleted by 1/2015 s 7
(a) deleted by 1/2015 s 8
s 65(1) s 65 amended and redesignated as s 65(1) by
3/2005 s 22(1) and (2)
inserted by 3/2005 s 22(2)
substituted by 63/2016 s 53
heading inserted by 3/2005 s 23
amended by 33/1999 Sch (item 30)
inserted by 3/2005 s 24
heading inserted by 3/2005 s 25
amended by 3/2005 s 26(1)
inserted by 3/2005 s 26(2)
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
8 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 70
s 70(1)
amended by 3/2005 s 27(1)
s 70(2)
amended by 3/2005 s 27(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 70(3)
substituted by 3/2005 s 27(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(2)
s 70(4)
inserted by 3/2005 s 27(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 70A
inserted by 3/2005 s 28
s 70A(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 70A(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(2)
s 70A(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 70B
inserted by 10/2023 s 4
s 71
s 71(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 71(3)
substituted by 3/2005 s 29
amended by 63/2016 s 54(2)
s 71(4)
inserted by 3/2005 s 29
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
Ch 3 Pt 2
s 72
s 72(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 72(3)
substituted by 3/2005 s 30
amended by 63/2016 s 54(2)
s 72(4)
inserted by 3/2005 s 30
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 72A
inserted by 3/2005 s 31
s 72A(1) and (3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(2)
s 72A(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 72A(6)(8)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1), (2)
s 72B
inserted by 3/2005 s 31
s 72B(1) and (2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(2)
s 72B(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 72B(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1), (2)
s 72B(5)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3), (4)
s 72B(7)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1), (3)
s 72B(8)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 75
substituted by 67/1995 s 4
s 75(1)
amended by 3/2005 s 32(1)
s 75(2)
substituted by 3/2005 s 32(2)
s 75(5)
amended by 1/2015 s 9(1)
s 75(6)
deleted by 1/2015 s 9(2)
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 9
deleted by 1/2015 s 9(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 3/2005 s 33(1)
amended by 1/2015 s 10
amended by 3/2005 s 33(2)
inserted by 3/2005 s 33(3)
amended by 12/2013 Sch 1 cl 15
inserted by 67/1995 s 5
amended by 3/2005 s 33(4)
inserted by 67/1995 s 5
inserted by 3/2005 s 34
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
amended by 43/2006 s 100
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 67/1995 s 6(a), (b)
amended by 68/1997 s 7(a)(c)
amended by 3/2005 s 35(1), (2)
amended by 58/2009 s 11(1)
amended by 1/2015 s 11(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
inserted by 68/1997 s 7(d)
inserted by 68/1997 s 7(d)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 35(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3), (4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 68/1997 s 7(e)
amended by 58/2009 s 11(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1), (3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1), (3)
inserted by 67/1995 s 6(c)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
inserted by 67/1995 s 6(c)
deleted by 1/2015 s 11(2)
inserted by 67/1995 s 6(c)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 35(4)
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
10 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3), (4)
s 80
s 80(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 80(4)
amended by 1/2015 s 12
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 80(5)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 1
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 81
s 81(4)
inserted by 3/2005 s 36
s 81(5)
inserted by 3/2005 s 36
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 81(6)
inserted by 3/2005 s 36
s 81(7)
inserted by 3/2005 s 36
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3), (4)
s 81(8)
inserted by 3/2005 s 36
s 81(9)
inserted by 3/2005 s 36
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 81(10) and (11)
inserted by 3/2005 s 36
s 82
s 82(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(5)
s 82(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 82(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 37
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 83
substituted by 68/1997 s 8
s 83(1)
amended by 3/2005 s 38
s 83(2) and (3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 84
s 84(1)
amended by 3/2005 s 39(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 84(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 84(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 84(4)
substituted by 3/2005 s 39(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 84(5)
inserted by 67/1995 s 7
substituted by 3/2005 s 39(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 84(6)
inserted by 3/2005 s 39(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 85
s 85(1) and (2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 85(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 86
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3), (4)
s 88
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 11
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 2
deleted by 3/2005 s 40
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
substituted by 3/2005 s 41
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3), (4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 42
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 91 redesignated as s 91(1) by 3/2005 s 43
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 43
inserted by 3/2005 s 43
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 58/2009 s 12(1), (2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 2/2024 s 4
substituted by 3/2005 s 44
inserted by 3/2005 s 45
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3), (4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
inserted by 3/2005 s 45
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3), (4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
heading substituted by 67/1995 s 8
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
inserted by 68/1997 s 9
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 46
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
12 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
s 99C(6)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 99G
s 99G(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 55(1)
s 99G(2)
deleted by 63/2016 s 55(2)
s 99G(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 55(3)
Ch 3 Pt 4
s 100
s 100(1)
amended by 58/2009 s 13
amended by 63/2016 s 54(2)
amended by 2/2024 s 5
s 100(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 47
s 100(4)
inserted by 3/2005 s 47
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 100(5)
inserted by 3/2005 s 47
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1), (2)
s 101
s 101(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(1)
s 101(3)
State industrial
amended by 84/2009 s 136 1.2.2010
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
Ch 3 Pt 5
Ch 3 Pt 5 Div 1
s 102
s 102(1)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 3
amended by 3/2005 s 48(1)
s 102(2)
substituted by 3/2005 s 48(2)
s 102(2a) and (2b)
inserted by 3/2005 s 48(2)
s 102(3)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 4
amended by 3/2005 s 48(3)
s 102(4)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 5
amended by 10/1998 s 2
amended by 3/2005 s 48(4)
s 102(5)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 6
s 102(5a)
inserted by 3/2005 s 48(5)
s 102(7)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 7
substituted by 3/2005 s 48(6)
s 102(8)
inserted by 3/2005 s 48(6)
s 103
s 103(1)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 8
s 103(2)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 9
s 103(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 103(4)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 10
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 13
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
Ch 3 Pt 5 Div 2 before
amended by 3/2005 s 49(1)
substituted by 3/2005 s 49(2)
substituted by 3/2005 s 49(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 49(3)
amended by 3/2005 s 49(4), (5)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 11
inserted by 3/2005 s 50
deleted by 63/2016 s 56
amended by 67/1995 ss 9, 10
substituted by 68/1997 s 10
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3) 1.7.2017
amended by 30/2008 Sch 2 cl 5
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 40/2020 Sch 1 cl 4
amended by 3/2005 s 51
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
substituted by 3/2005 s 52(1)
substituted by 3/2005 s 52(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 52(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
substituted by 3/2005 s 52(2)
deleted by 3/2005 s 53
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 3/2005 s 54
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 55
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3), (5)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
14 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
s 109(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 109(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
Ch 3 Pt 6 Div 5
s 110
s 110(1) and (2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 111
s 111(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
Ch 3 Pt 7
s 112
s 112(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 112(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 111(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 54(4)
s 112(5)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 12
amended by 63/2016 s 54(3)
s 112(6)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 13
s 112(7)
inserted by 3/2005 s 56
Ch 4
Ch 4 Pt 1
amended by 67/1995 s 11
substituted by 68/1997 s 11
Ch 4 Pt 2
Ch 4 Pt 2 Div 1
s 119
s 119(2)
amended by 58/2009 s 14
s 120
s 120(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1)
Ch 4 Pt 2 Div 2
s 122
s 122(1)
amended by 58/2009 s 15
amended by 63/2016 s 57(2)
s 122(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(2)
Ch 4 Pt 2 Div 3
s 125
s 125(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1)
s 125(5)
amended by 58/2009 s 16
amended by 63/2016 s 57(2)
s 127
s 127(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1), (2)
s 127(2)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 14
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1)
s 127(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(2)
s 127(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1), (2)
Ch 4 Pt 2 Div 4
s 128
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 15
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 15
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1), (2)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(2), (3)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1)
amended by 58/2009 s 17
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1), (2)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(2), (3)
amended by 58/2009 s 18(1)
amended by 58/2009 s 18(2)
amended by 58/2009 s 19
amended by 63/2016 s 57(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(5)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 16
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1)
amended by 3/2005 s 57(1)(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 57(4)
amended by 3/2005 s 57(5)
inserted by 3/2005 s 57(6)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 17
amended by 3/2005 s 57(7), (8)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1)
inserted by 3/2005 s 57(9)
deleted by 58/2009 s 20
amended by 3/2005 s 58(1)
inserted by 3/2005 s 58(2)
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
16 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
s 141(5)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 18
s 141(6)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 19
s 141(7)
amended by 58/2009 s 21
s 142
s 142(1)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 20
Ch 4 Pt 4 Div 4
s 144
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1)
s 147
s 147(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1)
s 147(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 57(1), (4)
Ch 5 before deletion by
Ch 5 Pt 1
Ch 5 Pt 1 Div 1
s 148
s 148(3)
substituted by 67/1995 s 12
s 150
s 150(3)
amended by 1/2015 s 13
Ch 5 Pt 1 Div 2
s 151
substituted by 67/1995 s 13
s 151(1)
amended by 3/2005 s 59
s 151(2)
amended by 30/2008 Sch 2 cl 6
s 152
s 152(2)(5)
substituted by 3/2005 s 60
s 152(6)
inserted by 3/2005 s 60
s 152A
inserted by 3/2005 s 61
s 152A(3)
amended by 44/2013 Sch 2 cl 1
Ch 5 Pt 1 Div 3
s 153
s 153(2)
amended by 17/2006 s 121
s 153(3)
amended by 1/2015 s 14
Ch 5 Pt 1 Div 4
s 155
s 155(1)
amended by 30/2008 Sch 2 cl 7(1)
s 155(3)
amended by 30/2008 Sch 2 cl 7(2)
Ch 5 Pt 1 Div 4A
inserted by 3/2005 s 62
s 155A
substituted by 30/2008 Sch 2 cl 8
s 155B
s 155B(2)
amended by 26/2013 Sch 1 cl 3
Ch 5 Pt 1 Div 6
s 167
s 167(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 63
amended by 58/2009 s 22
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
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Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 17
amended by 17/2006 s 122
inserted by 3/2005 s 64
inserted by 3/2005 s 65
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 21
inserted by 3/2005 s 66
s 185 redesignated as 185(1) by 58/2009 s 23
inserted by 58/2009 s 23
s 187 redesignated as s 187(1) by 3/2005 s 67
inserted by 3/2005 s 67
amended by 3/2005 s 68
amended by 17/2006 s 123(1)
amended by 17/2006 s 123(2)
s 194 redesignated as s 194(1) by 3/2005 s 69
inserted by 3/2005 s 69
amended by 67/1995 s 14
substituted by 68/1997 s 12
deleted by 3/2005 s 70
amended by 17/2006 s 124(1)
amended by 17/2006 s 124(2)
amended by 17/2006 s 124(3), (4)
amended by 35/2008 Sch 2 cl 9
amended by 17/2006 s 125(1)
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
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18 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
s 207(3)
amended by 17/2006 s 125(2)
s 207(4)
amended by 17/2006 s 125(3)
s 208
s 208(3)
amended by 3/2005 s 71
s 210
s 210(3)
inserted by 58/2009 s 24
s 213
s 213(1)
substituted by 68/1997 s 13
s 213(1a) and (1b)
inserted by 68/1997 s 13
Ch 5 Pt 4
s 215
s 215(3)
amended by 58/2009 s 25(1)
s 215(4)
amended by 58/2009 s 25(2), (3)
s 216
s 216(1)
substituted by 58/2009 s 26(1)
s 216(2)
amended by 58/2009 s 26(2)
s 216(3)
amended by 58/2009 s 26(3)
s 216(4)
amended by 58/2009 s 26(4)
s 216(5)
amended by 58/2009 s 26(5)
Ch 5
deleted by 63/2016 s 58
Ch 6AA
inserted by 36/2015 s 7
Ch 6
s 218
deleted by 84/2009 s 137
s 219
s 219(1)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 22
s 219(2)
amended by 10/1998 s 3
amended by 1/2015 s 15
amended by 63/2016 s 59
ss 219A219D
inserted by 63/2016 s 60
s 220
s 220(1) and (2)
amended by 63/2016 s 61
s 221
deleted by 63/2016 s 62
s 222
deleted by 58/2009 s 27
s 223
s 223(1)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 23
(e) deleted by 1/2015 s 16
amended by 63/2016 s 63(1)
s 223(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 63(2)
s 224
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 24
s 225
s 225(1)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 25
s 225(3)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 26
s 225(4)
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 27
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 19
inserted by 3/2005 s 72
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 28
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 29
amended by 68/1997 Sch cl 30
amended by 63/2016 s 64
amended by 63/2016 s 65(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 65(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 65(3)
substituted by 63/2016 s 66
amended by 3/2005 s 73
inserted by 3/2005 s 74
substituted by 58/2009 s 28(1)
inserted by 58/2009 s 28(1)
substituted by 68/1997 Sch cl 31
inserted by 58/2009 s 28(2)
ss 1—3 omitted under Legislation Revision and
Publication Act 2002
substituted by 57/1996 s 3(a)
substituted by 57/1996 s 3(b)
inserted by 67/1995 s 15
substituted by 86/1996 s 2
substituted by 48/1997 s 2
inserted by 86/1996 s 2
deleted by 48/1997 s 2
inserted by 43/2006 s 101
inserted by 58/2009 s 29
deleted by 3/2005 s 75
inserted by 58/2009 s 30
amended by 63/2016 s 67(1)
amended by 63/2016 s 67(1), (2)
amended by 63/2016 s 67(2)
inserted by 58/2009 s 30
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
20 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
State industrial
amended by 63/2016 s 68(1) 1.7.2017
cl 3
cl 3(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 68(1)
cl 3(4)
amended by 63/2016 s 68(1), (2)
cl 4
cl 4(2)
amended by 63/2016 s 68(1)
cl 4(3)
amended by 63/2016 s 68(1), (2)
cl 5
amended by 63/2016 s 68(2)
Sch 3
heading substituted by 3/2005 s 76
s 4
s 4(5) and (6)
inserted by 3/2005 s 77(1)
s 6
inserted by 3/2005 s 77(2)
Sch 3A
inserted by 3/2005 s 78
Sch 3B
inserted by 10/2023 s 5
Sch 4
s 5
s 5(3)
inserted by 3/2005 s 79
Sch 5
s 1
amended by 43/2006 s 102(1)
deleted by 43/2006 s 102(2)
s 2
s 2(1), (3) and
amended by 43/2006 s 102(3) 1.6.2007
s 4
amended by 43/2006 s 102(4)
s 5
s 5(1)
amended by 43/2006 s 102(5)
Schs 911
inserted by 3/2005 s 80
Transitional etc provisions associated with Act or amendments
Industrial and Employee Relations (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 1996
4—Transitional provision
An assignment made under the principal Act before the commencement of this Act—
(a) assigning a District Court Judge to be the Senior Judge, or a Judge, of the
Court; or
(b) assigning a magistrate to be an industrial magistrate,
continues in force, subject to the principal Act, as an assignment under the
corresponding provision of the principal Act as amended by this Act.
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 21
Industrial and Employee Relations (President's powers) Amendment Act 1996
3—Cancellation of appointment
The purported appointment of the President of the Industrial Relations Commission of
South Australia as a Commissioner is cancelled and is taken never to have been made.
Industrial Law Reform (Fair Work) Act 2005, Sch 1—Transitional provisions
(1) In this Schedule—
principal Act means the Industrial and Employee Relations Act 1994.
(2) Unless the contrary intention appears, terms used in this Schedule have meanings
consistent with the meanings they have in the principal Act.
2—Enterprise Agreement Commissioners
A person holding office as an Enterprise Agreement Commissioner immediately
before the commencement of this clause will continue as a Commissioner appointed to
the Commission for the balance of his or her term of appointment as an Enterprise
Agreement Commissioner (and is then eligible for reappointment under the principal
Act as amended by this Act).
3—Term of office of other members of Commission
The amendments made to the principal Act by sections 12 or 15 of this Act do not
apply to members of the Commission appointed before the commencement of this
clause (and accordingly such a member of the Commission will cease to hold office at
the end of the term for which he or she was appointed (unless the term comes to an
end under the principal Act sooner) but the member will then be eligible for
reappointment under the principal Act as amended by this Act).
4—Enterprise agreements
(1) The amendments made to the principal Act by section 32(2), 33(1), (2) and (4) and
35(1) of this Act do not apply with respect to any negotiations or proceedings to enter
in an enterprise agreement being conducted or undertaken by an association that is not
a registered association if the association was, before the commencement of this
subclause, authorised to negotiate the agreement on behalf of a group of employees in
accordance with section 75(2) of the principal Act (as in existence immediately before
the commencement of this clause).
(2) The amendment made to section 81 of the principal Act by this Act does not apply
with respect to the transfer of a business or undertaking that takes effect before the
commencement of this subclause.
The amendment made to section 91 of the principal Act by this Act does not apply
with respect to the transfer of a business or undertaking that takes effect before the
commencement of this clause.
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
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22 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
6—Registered agents
The term of registration of a person holding a registration as an agent immediately
before the commencement of this clause will be taken to be 2 years from the date of
that commencement.
7—Minimum standards
(1) Schedule 2 of the principal Act (and any determination of the Full Commission under
that Schedule) will, despite the repeal of that Schedule by this Act, continue to have
effect until the Full Commission establishes a minimum standard under subsection (3)
of section 69 of the principal Act (as enacted by this Act).
(2) The President of the Commission must take reasonable steps to ensure that the first
determination of the Full Commission under subsection (3) of section 69 of the
principal Act (as enacted by this Act) is made as soon as is reasonably practicable
after the commencement of this subclause.
(3) The President of the Commission must take reasonable steps to ensure that the Full
Commission establishes the minimum standard contemplated by section 72B of the
principal Act (as enacted by this Act) as soon as is reasonably practicable after the
commencement of this subclause.
(4) Proceedings for the purposes of subclause (2) or (3) may be commenced by
application by a peak entity, or by the Full Commission acting on its own initiative.
8—Other provisions
(1) The Governor may, by regulation, make additional provisions of a saving or
transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act.
(2) A provision of a regulation made under subclause (1) may, if the regulation so
provides, take effect from the commencement of this Act or from a later day.
(3) To the extent to which a provision takes effect under subclause (2) from a day earlier
than the day of the regulation's publication in the Gazette, the provision does not
operate to the disadvantage of a person by—
(a) decreasing the person's rights; or
(b) imposing liabilities on the person.
(4) The Acts Interpretation Act 1915 will, except to the extent of any inconsistency with
the provisions of this Part, apply to any amendment or repeal effected by this Act.
Statutes Amendment (Public Sector Employment) Act 2006, Sch 1—Transitional
Also see Statutes Amendment (Public Sector Employment) (Transitional Provisions) Regulations
In this Part, unless the contrary intention appears—
Commonwealth Act means the Workplace Relations Act 1996 of the Commonwealth;
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
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Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 23
employing authority means
(a) subject to paragraph (b)—the person who is the employing authority under a
relevant Act;
(b) in a case that relates to employment under the Fire and Emergency Services
Act 2005—the Chief Executive of the South Australian Fire and Emergency
Services Commission, or the Chief Officer of an emergency services
organisation under that Act, as the case requires;
Industrial Commission means the Industrial Relations Commission of South
prescribed body means
(a) the Aboriginal Lands Trust;
(b) the Adelaide Cemeteries Authority;
(c) the Adelaide Festival Centre Trust;
(d) the Adelaide Festival Corporation;
(e) SA Ambulance Service Inc;
(f) the Minister to whom the administration of the Children's Services Act 1985
is committed;
(g) the Minister to whom the administration of the Education Act 1972 is
(h) the Electricity Supply Industry Planning Council;
(i) a body constituted under the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005;
(j) the History Trust of South Australia;
(k) the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science;
(l) a regional NRM board constituted under the Natural Resources Management
Act 2004;
(m) the Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia;
(n) the South Australian Country Arts Trust;
(o) the South Australian Film Corporation;
(p) the South Australian Health Commission;
(q) an incorporated hospital under the South Australian Health Commission
Act 1976;
(r) an incorporated health centre under the South Australian Health Commission
Act 1976;
(s) the South Australian Motor Sport Board;
(t) the South Australian Tourism Commission;
(u) The State Opera of South Australia;
(v) the State Theatre Company of South Australia;
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
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24 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(w) the Minister to whom the administration of the Technical and Further
Education Act 1975 is committed;
relevant Act means
(a) in a case that relates to employment with a prescribed body established under
an Act being amended by this Act—that Act;
(b) in a case that relates to employment with a prescribed body who is a Minister
to whom the administration of an Act being amended by this Act is
committedthat Act;
(c) in a case that relates to employment with a body constituted under the Fire
and Emergency Services Act 2005that Act.
2—Transfer of employment
(1) Subject to this clause, a person who, immediately before the commencement of this
clause, was employed by a prescribed body under a relevant Act will, on that
commencement, be taken to be employed by the employing authority under that Act
(as amended by this Act).
(2) The following persons will, on the commencement of this clause, be taken to be
employed as follows:
(a) a person who, immediately before the commencement of this clause, was
employed under section 6L(1) of the Electricity Act 1996 will, on that
commencement, be taken to be employed by the employing authority under
that Act (as amended by this Act);
(b) a person who, immediately before the commencement of this clause, was
employed by the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission
will, on that commencement, be taken to be employed by the Chief Executive
of that body;
(c) a person who, immediately before the commencement of this clause, was
employed by an emergency services organisation under the Fire and
Emergency Services Act 2005 will, on that commencement, be taken to be
employed by the Chief Officer of that body;
(d) a person who, immediately before the commencement of this clause, was
employed by an incorporated hospital or an incorporated health centre under
the South Australian Health Commission Act 1976 will, on that
commencement, be taken to be employed by an employing authority under
that Act (as amended by this Act) designated by the Governor by
proclamation made for the purposes of this paragraph.
(3) Subject to this clause, the Governor may, by proclamation, provide that a person
employed by a subsidiary of a public corporation under the Public Corporations
Act 1993 will be taken to be employed by a person or body designated by the
Governor (and the arrangement so envisaged by the proclamation will then have effect
in accordance with its terms).
(4) Subject to subclause (5), an employment arrangement effected by subclause (1), (2) or
(a) will be taken to provide for continuity of employment without termination of
the relevant employee's service; and
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
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Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 25
(b) will not affect
(i) existing conditions of employment or existing or accrued rights to
leave; or
(ii) a process commenced for variation of those conditions or rights.
(5) If, immediately before the commencement of this clause, a person's employment
within the ambit of subclause (1), (2) or (3) was subject to the operation of an award
or certified agreement (but not an Australian Workplace Agreement) under the
Commonwealth Act, then, on that commencement, an award or enterprise agreement
(as the case requires) will be taken to be created under the Fair Work Act 1994
(a) with the same terms and provisions as the relevant industrial instrument under
the Commonwealth Act; and
(b) with any terms or provisions that existed under an award or enterprise
agreement under the Fair Work Act 1994, that applied in relation to
employment of the kind engaged in by the person, immediately before
27 March 2006, and that ceased to apply by virtue of the operation of
provisions of the Commonwealth Act that came into force on that day,
subject to any modification or exclusion prescribed by regulations made for the
purposes of this subclause and subject to the operation of subclause (6).
(6) Where an award or enterprise agreement is created by virtue of the operation of
subclause (5)—
(a) the award or enterprise agreement will be taken to be made or approved (as
the case requires) under the Fair Work Act 1994 on the day on which this
clause commences; and
(b) the Fair Work Act 1994 will apply in relation to the award or enterprise
agreement subject to such modifications or exclusions as may be prescribed
by regulations made for the purposes of this subclause; and
(c) the Industrial Commission may, on application by the Minister to whom the
administration of the Fair Work Act 1994 is committed, or an application by a
person or body recognised by regulations made for the purposes of this
subclause, vary or revoke any term or provision of the award or enterprise
agreement if the Industrial Commission is satisfied that it is fair and
reasonable to do so in the circumstances.
(1) If a prescribed body under a relevant Act is, immediately before the commencement
of this clause, a party to an arrangement relating to the superannuation of one or more
persons employed by the prescribed body, then the relevant employing authority under
that Act will, on that commencement, become a party to that arrangement in
substitution for the prescribed body.
(2) Nothing that takes effect under subclause (1)—
(a) constitutes a breach of, or default under, an Act or other law, or constitutes a
breach of, or default under, a contract, agreement, understanding or
undertaking; or
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
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26 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(b) terminates an agreement or obligation or fulfils any condition that allows a
person to terminate an agreement or obligation, or gives rise to any other right
or remedy,
and subclause (1) may have effect despite any other Act or law.
(3) An amendment effected to another Act by this Act does not affect a person's status as
a contributor under the Superannuation Act 1988 (as it may exist immediately before
the commencement of this Act).
4—Interpretative provision
(1) The Governor may, by proclamation, direct that a reference in any instrument
(including a statutory instrument) or a contract, agreement or other document to a
prescribed body, or other specified agency, instrumentality or body, will have effect as
if it were a reference to an employing authority under a relevant Act, the Minister to
whom the administration of a relevant Act is committed, or some other person or body
designated by the Governor.
(2) A proclamation under subclause (1) may effect a transfer of functions or powers.
5—Related matters
(1) A notice in force under section 51 of the Children's Services Act 1985 immediately
before the commencement of this clause will continue to have effect for the purposes
of that section, as amended by this Act.
(2) A notice in force under section 28 of the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science
Act 1982 immediately before the commencement of this clause will continue to have
effect for the purposes of that section, as amended by this Act.
(3) A notice in force under section 61 of the South Australian Health Commission
Act 1976 immediately before the commencement of this clause will continue to have
effect for the purposes of that section, as amended by this Act.
(4) A notice in force under section 13(6) of the South Australian Motor Sport Act 1984
immediately before the commencement of this clause will continue to have effect after
that commencement but may, pursuant to this subclause, be varied from time to time,
or revoked, by the Minister to whom the administration of that Act is committed.
(5) The fact that a person becomes an employer in his or her capacity as an employing
authority under an Act amended by this Act does not affect the status of any body or
person as an employer of public employees for the purposes of the Fair Work
Act 1994 (unless or until relevant regulations are made under the provisions of that
6—Other provisions
(1) The Governor may, by regulation, make additional provisions of a saving or
transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act.
(2) A provision of a regulation made under subclause (1) may, if the regulation so
provides, take effect from the commencement of this Act or from a later day.
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Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 27
(3) To the extent to which a provision takes effect under subclause (2) from a day earlier
than the day of the regulation's publication in the Gazette, the provision does not
operate to the disadvantage of a person by—
(a) decreasing the person's rights; or
(b) imposing liabilities on the person.
(4) The Acts Interpretation Act 1915 will, except to the extent of any inconsistency with
the provisions of this Schedule (or regulations made under this Schedule), apply to
any amendment or repeal effected by this Act.
Statutes Amendment (National Industrial Relations System) Act 2009, Sch 1
1—Transitional provisions
(1) A reference in any Act or statutory instrument to the Australian Industrial Relations
Commission will be taken to be a reference to Fair Work Australia.
(2) A reference in an Act or statutory instrument to the Industrial Relations Act 1988 or
the Workplace Relations Act 1996 of the Commonwealth, insofar as the reference
relates to associations or organisations registered under either Act, will, unless the
contrary intention appears, be construed as a reference to the Fair Work (Registered
Organisations) Act 2009 of the Commonwealth.
Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 2015
17Transitional provision
The person holding office as the Employee Ombudsman will cease to do so on the
commencement of this section.
Statutes Amendment (Industrial Relations Consultative Council) Act 2015
8—Transitional provision
A member of the Industrial Relations Advisory Committee established under the Fair
Work Act 1994 ceases to hold office on the commencement of this section.
Statutes Amendment (South Australian Employment Tribunal) Act 2016
69Transitional provisions
(1) In this section
determination has the same meaning as in the principal Act;
industrial authority means the Industrial Relations Court of South Australia or the
Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia;
principal Act means the Fair Work Act 1994;
relevant day means the day on which this section comes into operation;
Tribunal means the South Australian Employment Tribunal.
(2) The Industrial Relations Court of South Australia and the Industrial Relations
Commission of South Australia are dissolved by force of this subsection.
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
28 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002
(3) The commencement of this subsection brings to an end the appointment of a person as
a member of the Industrial Relations Court of South Australia or the Industrial
Relations Commission of South Australia (as the case may be).
(4) No right of action arises, and no compensation is payable, in respect of an
appointment coming to an end by virtue of the operation of subsections (3) and (4).
(5) However—
(a) subsections (2) and (3) do not affect appointment of a person as a member of
the Tribunal before the relevant day; and
(b) in the case of a member of the Industrial Relations Commission of South
Australia who, immediately before the relevant day, was not a member of the
Tribunal—the person will be taken to have been appointed (by force of this
subsection) as a Commissioner under the South Australian Employment
Tribunal Act 2014 subject to the following provisions:
(i) the person's term of office will (subject to section 17 of that Act) be
taken to be a period of 5 years from the relevant day;
(ii) the person's appointment will be on any conditions determined by the
Governor and specified in an instrument executed by a Minister
acting under this provision within 14 days after the relevant day.
(6) The salary and allowances of a person to whom subsection (5)(a) applies will not be
reduced during the person's term of office as a member of the Tribunal.
(7) A person to whom subsection (5)(b) applies is not entitled, after the relevant day, to
any salary, benefits or allowances on account of the person's position as a member of
the Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia before the relevant day.
(8) However, the salary payable to a person to whom subsection (5)(b) applies as a
member of the Tribunal cannot be less than the salary payable to the person as a
member of the Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia immediately
before the relevant day (unless the person requests or agrees to a change to the number
of hours to be worked or to work on a sessional or other basis).
(9) In addition, a person to whom subsection (5)(b) applies will be taken to have
continuity of service in all respects and will not be taken, for the purposes of any Act
or law, to have resigned or to have ceased to hold any office for the purposes of any
accrued or accruing rights or entitlements to any pension.
(10) Nothing in a preceding subsection is, in the case of a member of the Industrial
Relations Commission of South Australia who, immediately before the relevant day,
held an appointment as a member of an industrial authority under a law of the
Commonwealth, intended to affect the person's position or status for the purposes of
continuing to hold the appointment under that law of the Commonwealth.
(11) A determination of an industrial authority under the principal Act in force
immediately before the relevant day will, on and from the relevant day, be taken to be
a determination of the Tribunal.
28.3.2024Fair Work Act 1994
Legislative history
Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002 29
(12) A right to bring proceedings before an industrial authority in existence under the
principal Act before the relevant day (but not so exercised before that day) will be
exercised as if this Part had been in operation before the right arose, so that the
relevant proceedings may be commenced before the Tribunal rather than the industrial
(13) Any proceedings before an industrial authority under the principal Act immediately
before the relevant day will, subject to such directions as the President of the Tribunal
thinks fit, be transferred to the Tribunal where they may proceed as if they had been
commenced before that Tribunal.
(14) The Tribunal may
(a) receive in evidence any transcript of evidence in proceedings before an
industrial authority, and draw any conclusions of fact from that evidence that
appear proper; and
(b) adopt any findings or determinations of an industrial authority that may be
relevant to proceedings before the Tribunal; and
(c) adopt or make any determination in relation to proceedings before an
industrial authority before the relevant day (including so as to make a
determination in relation to proceedings fully heard before the relevant day);
(d) take other steps to promote or ensure the smoothest possible transition from
1 jurisdiction to another in connection with the operation of this section.
(15) Nothing in this section affects a right of appeal to the Supreme Court against a
decision, direction or order of the Full Court of the Industrial Relations Court of South
Australia made or given before the relevant day.
(16) A reference in any instrument or enterprise agreement to the Industrial Relations
Court of South Australia or the Industrial Relations Commission of South Australia
will, unless the context otherwise requires, be taken to be a reference to the Tribunal.
Historical versions
Reprint No 117.7.1995
Reprint No 231.8.1995
Reprint No 321.12.1995
Reprint No 48.8.1996
Reprint No 514.11.1996
Reprint No 612.12.1996
Reprint No 731.7.1997
Reprint No 84.9.1997
Reprint No 92.4.1998
Reprint No 101.7.1999
Fair Work Act 199428.3.2024
Legislative history
30 Published under the Legislation Revision and Publication Act 2002