Blecker, Thorsten (Ed.); Kersten, Wolfgang (Ed.); Ringle, Christian M. (Ed.)
Operational Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chains:
Optimization Methods, Data-driven Approaches and
Security Insights
Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), No. 22
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(2015) : Operational Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chains: Optimization Methods, Data-driven
Approaches and Security Insights, Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of
Logistics (HICL), No. 22, ISBN 978-3-7375-4058-2, epubli GmbH, Berlin,
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Proceedings of the Hamburg Inte
Thorsten Blecker, Wolfgang Kersten and
Christian M. Ringle (Eds.)
Operational Excellence
and Supply Chains
and Supply Chains
national Conference of Logistics (HICL) – 22
in Logistics
Editors: Kersten, W., Blecker, T. and Ringle, C.M. 2015
Innovations and Strategies for Logistics and Supply Chains.
ISBN 978-3-7375-6206-5
Sustainability in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
ISBN 978-3-7375-4057-5
Operational Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chains.
ISBN 978-3-7375-4056-8
Editors: Kersten, W., Blecker, T. and Ringle, C.M. 2014
Innovative Methods in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
ISBN 978-3-7375-0341-9
Next Generation Supply Chains. ISBN 978-3-7375-0339-6
Editors: Kersten, W., Blecker, T. and Ringle, C.M. 2013
Pioneering Solutions in Supply Chain Performance Management.
ISBN 978-3-8441-0267-3
Sustainability and Collaboration in Supply Chain Management.
ISBN 978-3-8441-0266-6
Editors: Kersten, W., Blecker, T. and Ringle, C.M. 2012
Managing the Future Supply Chain. ISBN 978-3-8441-0180-5
Pioneering Supply Chain Design. ISBN 978-3-8441-0181-2
Editors: Blecker, T., Kersten, W. and Jahn, C. 2011
Maritime Logistics in the Global Economy. ISBN 978-3-8441-0072-3
International Supply Chain Management and Collaboration Practices.
ISBN 978-3-8441-0071-6
…find more proceedings on
Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL)
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Blecker
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Kersten
Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle
Operational Excellence in
Logistics and Supply Chains
Optimization Methods, Data-driven
Approaches and Security Insights
Edition 1st edition, August 2015
Publisher epubli GmbH, Berlin,
Editors Thorsten Blecker, Wolfgang Kersten and
Christian M. Ringle
Series Proceedings of the Hamburg International
Conference of Logistics (HICL)
Volume 22
Series Editors Wolfgang Kersten and Thorsten Blecker
Coverdesign Moritz Petersen
Coverphoto Nick Scheerbart /
ISBN (print) 978-3-7375-4056-8
ISBN (online) 978-3-7375-4058-2
ISSN (print) 2635-4430
ISSN (online) 2365-5070
Layout Pascal Freigang, Beverly Grafe, Julian Schäfer and
Henning Schöpper
Cover Nick Scheerbart /
Contents The contents (pages 1 to 582) of this book are licensed under
the Creative Common Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
This book can be downloaded at HICL ( or at the TUBdok Publication
Server of the Hamburg University of Technology
(, ISBN (online): 978-3-7375-4058-2
The HICL-Conference celebrates its 10th anniversary, indicating major in-
terest in the research fields of supply chain management and logistics.
Thanks to the large number of outstanding research contributions to this
year’s conference, the proceedings comprise of three volumes. They are
dedicated to make recommendations for new approaches and solutions
that enable companies to cope with current and future challenges in supply
chains and logistics.
The contributions of the third volume of the 2015 conference focus on in-
novative models to optimize logistics and supply chains at an operational
level. They address process efficiency and data-related aspects. Supply
chain security insights are also given.
We would like to thank the international authors for making this volume
possible. Their research papers significantly contribute to logistics and sup-
ply chain management research. This book would not exist without good
organization and preparation. We would like to thank Niels Hackius and
Irene Sudy for their efforts to prepare, structure, and finalize this book. We
would also like to thank Pascal Freigang, Beverly Grafe, Julian Schäfer, and
Henning Schöpper for their contributions to the print layout.
Hamburg, August 2015
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Blecker
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kersten
Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle
Table of Contents
Preface ......................................................................................................... VII
I. Optimized Logistics and Supply Chain Operations 1
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains ........................... 3
Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers ................................ 31
Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
A New Product Driven System Concept for the Replenishment Process ... 55
Najlae Alfathi, Abdelouahid Lyhyaoui and Abdelfettah Sedqui
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions ................. 73
Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
Approach for Complexity Management in Variant-rich Product
Development ............................................................................................... 97
Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis ............ 141
Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques for Uncertain Conditions ......... 171
Taiba Zahid, Mathias Kühn, Michael Völker and Thorsten Schmidt
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems........ 203
Isidro Ramos Torres, Luis Felipe Romero Dessens, José Luis Martínez Flores
and Elías Olivares Benítez
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains ..... 233
Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models ............................................. 267
Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 295
Muhammad Iman Santoso, Bernd Noche, Asep Ridwan, Achmad Bahauddin,
Ratna Ekawati and Muhammad Indrahanif
II. Data-driven Approaches for Efficient Process Management 329
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains: Opportunities for Increased Food
Security...................................................................................................... 331
Dimitrios Tsiolias, Christos Keramydas, Eleftherios Iakovou and Dimitrios
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains .. 355
René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
Optimisation of Intermodal Transport Using Satellite-based Services ... 379
Nils Meyer-Larsen, Rainer Müller and Timo Köhler
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback ....................................... 391
Dalicia Bouallouche, Jean-Baptiste Vioix, Stéphane Millot and Eric Busvelle
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport ......................... 419
Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
III. Supply Chain Security Insights 441
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight ................................ 443
Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
Supply Chain Security: Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training
Needs ......................................................................................................... 473
Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
Supply Chain Security Related Services ................................................... 505
Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management ...................................... 535
Sangeeta Mohanty, Elise Vermeersch, Juha Hintsa, Vittoria Luda Di Cortemi-
glia and Mary Liddane
List of Authors ........................................................................................... 563
Optimized Logistics and
Supply Chain Operations
Modelling Complex Planning Processes
in Supply Chains
Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
Demand planning has become a key issue for the performance of supply chains.
However, the right quantity is dependent on many factors. Besides market influ-
ences, like changing demands, there are also inner-company variables such as the
availability of resources. Decision makers often lack a clear picture of what influ-
ences their decisions and perceive a state of complexity.
There are several theoretical models for managing complexity, but they are not de-
signed to identify the complexity in demand planning. The aim of this paper is to es-
tablish a methodology for visualizing and reducing the complexity in the demand
planning process.
The first result is a model for visualizing the complexity in the planning process. The
model shows the factors which influence planned quantities in a chronological or-
der, and, makes cause-effect relations regarding time, responsibility and system
support visible.
The second result is a structured compilation of methods and tools to actively influ-
ence the complexity in the demand planning process. The identified approaches are
either assigned to complexity design reducing complexity by simplifying the supply
chain or complexity control reducing complexity by decreasing the uncertainty in
Keywords: Complexity Management, Demand Planning, Supply Chain Manage-
ment, Visualizing Complexity
4 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
1 Complexity in Supply Chains
Within the last decades, markets for products and services have undergone
profound changes. New product features and design variations have in-
creased the variety of offers visible on traditional and electronic markets.
Sophisticated technologies have driven the need for specialization and
thus, the division of work. Supply chains have come to span more players
in the processes of value creation, with a need for more coordination, and
they have become more globally connected.
Links between businesses have changed from simple transactions to much
more sophisticated collaborative relationships. Suppliers are becoming
strategic partners who are fully integrated in their customers' develop-
ment. Processes cross company borders and thus have to connect technol-
ogy and people in multiple enterprises.
The reasons for the growing complexity of products, structures and pro-
cesses are manifold. From a demand perspective, heterogeneous customer
preferences, variety-seeking and transaction cost minimizing efforts drive
the complexity of market offers. From a supply-side view, the trend towards
more complexity is motivated by technology innovation, globalization, and
the attempt of keeping new entrants out of the market.
We will not discuss whether a certain degree of variety is efficient or useful.
The question whether there can be too much choice in buying or other de-
cision processes is investigated by Iyengar (2011), among others. Here, we
take the present complexity on markets, within and between enterprises as
a fact.
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 5
The large and steadily increasing variety of product offers and the resulting
complexity of organizational structures and processes pose strong chal-
lenges on the effective planning and control of supply chains.
The majority of businesses is suffering from the complexity, not only in
terms of technical complexity of the products and the variety of products
offered, but also in terms of internal processes, organizational structures
and production facilities. As an example, a large-series manufacturer of
high-tech products needs more than 40 different process chains to ensure
the material supply to a production area.
This diversity is expensive and neither wanted nor documented in the pro-
cess standards; it has simply grown over time. This results in production
processes with different manufacturing technologies and orders, fluctuat-
ing production times, complex provisioning processes and sophisticated
internal and external control requirements. Mastering the complexity of the
supply and manufacturing processes is the key challenge to internal oper-
ations and supply chains. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, logistics in
many cases has to deal with the effects of increased complexity, without
being able to influence their causes directly.
Variant management is aiming to manage and control diversity in products
and processes. This means to reduce the company's internal diversity
which is a cost driver, while increasing external diversity which creates cus-
tomer value. Variant-related costs are a significant portion of "complexity
costs". The methods of variant management are aimed at prevention, con-
trol and reduction of diversity.
Complexity has monetary and non-monetary consequences on all pro-
cesses, in all phases of the product lifecycle. The following table gives an
6 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
overview of the effects of increased variety on development, procurement,
manufacturing, sales and service processes. Some of these occur in the
product market cycle (i.e. from product introduction to product phase-
out), but also the effects in the pre-market and after-market phase have to
be taken into account.
Higher product variety increases costs in all these phases. This increase of-
ten cannot be fully compensated via higher sales prices. So, there should
be a methodological approach to all the planning and control processes of
logistics in order to handle complexity, aiming to improve efficiency and
eliminate waste of any kind.
Table 1 Effects of higher product variety on supply chain processes
Market Cycle
Additional engi-
neering draw-
ings, BOMs,
Adaptation of
variants due to
Additional sup-
pliers, selection
Reduced order
Loss of price re-
Additional tools
Additional work
More complex
tools disposal
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 7
Market Cycle
Increased setup
Higher inven-
tory levels (WIP)
Quality control
Staff training
More sophisti-
cated pricing
Higher inven-
tory levels (fin-
ished goods)
quency of errors
in order man-
Service docu-
Staff training
Lower customer
first-time rate“)
Provision of
spare parts
over 5 to 10
2 Complexity Drivers in a Supply Chain
Regarding the need for a methodology to manage complexity in demand
planning, certain complexity drivers within a supply chain lead to planning
problems. In order to provide a more structured approach, the complexity
8 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
drivers are divided into internal and external complexity drivers influencing
the demand planning process.
Based on a literature research, the drivers were categorized after the afore-
mentioned structure. This was done in case internal complexity drivers
could be compared with structural complexity drivers (Denk/Pfneissl, 2009,
p.22 and Kirchhof, 2003, p.62-64) and external complexity drivers could be
transferred from economic trends and challenges (Brunner/Schweiger,
2014, p.308), which are connected to supply chain management.
For a common understanding of the complexity drivers and their influence
on demand planning it is necessary to discuss them in detail. To support
managers, this section also provides an evaluation of the complexity driv-
er's relative influence.
2.1 Internal Complexity Drivers
Internal complexity drivers can directly be influenced from the company.
The complexity roots in the various operations that support the business
model. The most apparent internal drivers are outlined in the following ta-
Table 2 Internal complexity drivers
Complexity driver
Product/Customer structure
Lot size
Customer structure
Production structure
Brand policy
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 9
Complexity driver
Supplier structure
Number of suppliers
Value added depth
Supplier contracts
Supply chain responsibility
Process structures
2.1.1 Product/Customer Structure
Lot sizes are extremely relevant for demand planning. Nearly every indus-
trial enterprise tries to optimize lot sizes in production and along the supply
chain and that causes a long-term goal conflict between production and
sales managers. An integrated, but independent logistics department
could try to balance the different objectives in their role as production plan-
ners. In addition to lot sizes, the customer structure itself influences the de-
mand planning process. The more customers you have, the more orders
you need; the smaller order sizes there are, the more complex is the de-
mand planning process. This also interferes with the product structure,
when standardized mass products could be planned more clearly than in-
dividualized products in a serial or single-item production (production
structure). Moreover, the brand policy of a company could indirectly influ-
ence demand planning. If more brands need to succeed on the market,
there is a wider range of products (materials/articles) each requiring indi-
vidual management.
10 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
2.1.2 Supplier Structure
Demand planning is not only focused on the customer side of the supply
chain, it also correlates with supplier aspects. The more suppliers a com-
pany has, the more consideration must be given towards different delivery
dates and differences in quality. Companies with a deeper value-added
depth can more easily plan their production, because they merely have to
coordinate internal suppliers and do not require a multitude of external
suppliers for a lot of items, which must be purchased. Additionally, some
standardized supplier contracts for material supply could give a company
an opportunity to decrease the complexity in planning.
2.1.3 Organization
First it is important to know who is really responsible for the logistics pro-
cesses. The main issue is, if there is a Supply Chain Manager with an overall
responsibility for all logistics processes. Only an overall responsibility of the
supply chain processes in a company could lead to excellence in supply
chain and demand planning. In practice some companies have developed
their former transport or logistics departments into real supply chain de-
partments. For example, there are companies, in which the production de-
partment as part of the general supply chain reports to the supply chain
department. This possibly represents the future of organizational integra-
tion. And this leads to optimized processes with an ideal process structure.
However, no company can possibly perfect all processes, and, hence con-
tinuous improvement has to be implemented.
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 11
Table 3 External complexity drivers
Complexity driver
Price fluctuations
Demand fluctuations
Optimization n
Lead time variances in SC
Stock level vs availability
Appropriate IT for planning
2.2 External Complexity Drivers
External complexity drivers root in market dynamics and can only be indi-
rectly influenced by a company. The table below contains the most appar-
ent drivers.
2.2.1 Market
The market is the most important complexity area regarding the field of de-
mand planning. Demand fluctuations are very common in economically
and politically uncertain periods, the reasons for which are manifold and
diverse. One such reason could be price fluctuations on the market itself.
There are products which are more price sensitive than others. As an exam-
ple from the field of logistics, the prices for diesel in recent years have
shown that price fluctuation only has a minimum impact on the current
12 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
consumption for trucks and vehicles, because they are needed, and equiv-
alent alternatives in terms of cost and availability were rare. Other exam-
ples show that there are products with more sensitive market reactions.
And also other factors than price may lead to demand fluctuations. The
construction industry provides yet a further example. If there is an eco-
nomic crisis and the government must save money, public spending will
decrease with a parallel strong impact on the construction business.
Urbanization as a global megatrend influences the demand situation. Fu-
ture city centers will be places to live and work at the same time. This will
have a big impact on supply strategies. Companies need to adapt their city
logistics concepts.
2.2.2 Optimization Needs
The last subset of complexity drivers deals with the extended needs for op-
timization in the last years. Companies were forced to decrease their stock
levels although the lead time variances in the supply of a company were
still high. This happens especially due to high imports of products from
countries with lower salary costs, mainly situated in Asia. A company there-
fore has to decide about the appropriate stock levels to be available on the
market. Customers very easily intend to change the supplier or source.
The last aspect of external complexity is found in corporate IT systems. The
main issue is to check, if the "appropriate" IT systems are used for the de-
mand planning. There are a lot of systems available on the market, but not
every system is ideal for planning. In business there are a lot of examples,
in which complex planning situations are covered via an isolated Microsoft
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 13
Excel toolset. Excel in general could be an excellent tool, but not in the case
of complex planning.
2.3 Evaluation of Influence
All these factors are generally important for a company, yet all companies
are unique and therefore the complexity drivers must be evaluated by the
respective management team. To see how strongly the complexity drivers
could influence demand planning, an expert group has conducted a neutral
evaluation to give managers an indication of their relative influence (see
figure below).
Regarding internal complexity "Production structure", "Lot sizes", "Value-
added depth" and "Customer structure" are the main complexity drivers.
These factors are closely related to the product and the general business
model of the enterprise in question.
For the external complexity "Price fluctuation", "Demand fluctuation",
"Stock level vs availability" and "Appropriate IT for planning" are the main
complexity drivers. These are factors which are mainly driven by the market
and its uncertainty.
14 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
Having clarified the root causes for complexity in demand planning pro-
cesses the next chapter will provide a methodology to make this complex-
ity visible, and consequently manageable.
gure 1 Evaluation of complexity drivers (relative influence)
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 15
3 Visualizing Complexity
Through visualization the complexity of a planning problem becomes un-
derstandable for the decision-making managers (Schwinghammer, 2011,
p.112). Thus, gathering the required information to feed a model is often
the first step in reducing the (perceived) complexity (Meyer, 2007, p.35).
This chapter will explain the logic of building the model.
3.1 Methodology and Model
The model in figure 2 is designed to visualize the complexity in a demand
planning process, but can identically be applied to other processes. The
layout is based on the precedence diagram method (PDM). PDM connects
activities and events in processes in chronological order and also reflects
on the relationship of activities (Leutert, 2007, p.24-26). There could be ar-
rows indicating variants to a path, for example.
In detail, the model shows the flow of decision-making processes. The ver-
tical axis (from left to right) represents the chronology of the process split
into planning phases (columns), each containing one or more decisions.
The horizontal axis (from top to down) contains information that is relevant
for decision-making.
The grid system enables the allocation of decisions to mutually exclusive
planning phases. Decisions are either in sequence or happen simultane-
ously, there are no overlaps. The coordinates help reference identified po-
tentials for improvement. The markers (e.g. "1") highlight the parts of the
model that will be explained in detail.
16 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
Figure 2 Visualizing complexity in demand planning
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 17
Besides PDM, the model also has strong influences from Systems Engineer-
ing, a methodology for (re-)designing systems in a project approach. In the
following list selected recommendations are outlined (Geiger et al., 2009,
Analyze the system step-by-step (project management)
Take care of formal logic (notation)
Use appropriate tools (for modelling)
Make system borders visible (e.g. between departments)
Visualize only essential cause-effect relations
Identify interplays and system patterns
Consider subjectivity
A single phase (When?) contains one or more decisions (What?) that are
taken in this phase. Besides the chronology of decisions the model also
shows the decision-makers (Who?), relevant resources (With?) and the re-
lationship of the decisions (Dependence).
The dependence visualizes two kinds of information. On the one hand, it
shows the relationship of a decision to its predecessor(s) and its succes-
sor(s) by arrows, and, on the other hand, the decision's deadlines indicated
by a change in the timeline of each decision (strokes change from dotted to
full) become visible.
Table 4 contains a detailed description of the model's components and ref-
erences the markers set in figure 2. The circle arrow highlighted with "X"
indicates that this very phase has several iterations. This could be true for
marketing campaigns with weekly controlling updates.
18 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
Table 4 Description of the model
Point of time
Horizontal Swim-
Responsibility for
resources (With?);
color coding
Responsibility for
decisions (What?);
color coding
Software, Tool, Key Fig-
Horizontal Swim-
Decisions and de-
Predecessor(s) and Suc-
cessor(s), Deadlines
Deadlines; change
in stroke style
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 19
3.2 Analysis
The structure of the model enables various possibilities for visual analysis.
The visual identification of irregularities is the first step in managing com-
plexity. The main levers are presented here.
3.2.1 Identification of Gaps
As presented in figure 3, there are two possible directions for identifying
gaps: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal gaps (1) could reveal that a decider
is not taking part in a certain decision, but then again in the following. Ver-
tical gaps (2) could show if a phase misses resources or maybe uses too
Figure 3 Identification of gaps
20 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
Figure 4 Identification of redundancies
3.2.2 Identification of Redundancies
Redundancies are another key aspect of visual analysis. The model shows
(see figure 4) if a decision is over- or understaffed (1) and if a planning phase
unnecessarily uses two resources of the same type (2). It also reveals incon-
sistencies between official responsibility and the role in decision-making
3.2.3 Chronological Allocations
In figure 5 the arrows (1) indicate if decisions considering their
deadlines can be moved to another phase; or even excluded.
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 21
Figure 5 Chronological allocations
4 Methods to Reduce Complexity
This chapter provides methods to reduce complexity in a supply chain. The
characteristics of complexity are plurality, variety, ambiguity and variabil-
ity (see table 5). Additionally, the table identifies appropriate strategies to
change or reduce complexity (Betge, 2006, p.80-81).
22 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
Table 5 Characteristics of complexity and appropriate strategies
Number of system elements and re-
Different types of system
and relations
Different interpretations of system
elements and relations
Frequency, strength and continuity
of changes of system elements and
As a result of their focus, the strategies are either assigned to complexity
design or complexity control (table 6). Complexity design leads to a sub-
stantial change in the supply chain, Complexity control aims for the most
efficient way to manage it. The assignment is based on a doctoral thesis
about managing complexity in the automotive industry
(Maune, 2002, p.14-42). The methods will be explained in detail in the fol-
lowing two sections of this chapter.
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 23
Table 6 Methods to change/reduce complexity
Complexity design
Complexity control
Product/value analysis
Project planning
Equal parts management
Changing demand
Classification and prioritization
IT as an enabler
Order penetration point
Logic of communication
Supply chain design
4.1 Complexity Design
The goal of complexity design is to (re-)design the objects in a supply chain.
In detail, the plurality and the variety of objects shall be reduced.
4.1.1 Product/Value Analysis
Value analysis is an effective method to reduce complexity in products or
processes. Its goal is to improve the ratio of cost and function, defined as
value. To gain a higher costumer value, either improve the function or re-
duce the costs (Arnolds et al., 2013, p.120-123). If there is a predefined level
24 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
of maximum costs, the method enhances to Target Costing (Schröter, 2011,
p.17). In the context of complexity the value of process steps is in scope.
Failure to pass on information in an early phase may lead to unnecessary
4.1.2 Equal Parts Management
Equal parts are components of a product, which are used in not only one
product (individual parts), but in several (Thonemann, 2010, p.444). A
higher usage of equal parts directly affects supply chain complexity; mean-
ing less customized interfaces, templates, processes etc. Equal parts can
be established through the integration of functions (Maune, 2002, p.24)
e.g. TV power adapters that can switch between 110 and 230 volts or by
(industry-wide) standardizations (Ehlers, 2006, p.140).
4.1.3 Classification and Prioritization
The classification or prioritization of products or processes e.g. based on
their value added indicates if they have a proper level of complexity. Im-
portant methods are ABC analysis, for prioritizing objects from A to C
(Zsifkovits, 2013, p.187), CONJOINT analysis, for evaluating multiple attrib-
utes of a product (Scholz, 2009, p.160), and Portfolio analysis, for clustering
objects in two dimensions (Gärtner, 2013, p.253).
4.1.4 Order Penetration Point
The order penetration point (OPP) splits orders along their value chain re-
garding several aspects and therefore has direct impact on supply chain
processes and their complexity. Two important aspects are the change
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 25
from push- to pull-production and the change in optimization targets
(Schönsleben, 2011, p.41-43). Everything upstream from the OPP will be
pushed as lean as possible. The products can run through highly standard-
ized production processes without considering the specific order. Down-
stream from the OPP the customers will pull individual products that meet
their specific needs (e.g. a car with outsize rims); the processes have to be
4.1.5 Supply Chain Design
Supply Chain Design (SCD) focuses on the (re-)design of supply chains in
terms of efficiency and effectiveness (Hoppe, 2007, p.21). A simple map vis-
ualizing all stakeholders, resources and their associations could give valu-
able feedback on critical paths, potentials for IT and business models
(Kummer et al., 2009, p.339). The display format and the level of detail de-
pend on the desired outcome of the analysis.
4.2 Complexity Control
Complexity control aims for improving the planning and controlling of a
supply chain. The main focus is on defining clear directions for communi-
cation to prevent or reduce ambiguity. Furthermore, it provides methods
for avoiding temporal changes in planning objects.
4.2.1 Project Planning
Projects are time-limited and unique assignments (Burghardt, 2013, p.19).
The planning characteristics and restrictions established on top-level are
transferred to the associated work packages. The complexity is mainly
26 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
driven by the interplay between different planning and control layers. Mile-
stones are effective control mechanisms to address this complexity and
should be planned according to the costs-by-cause principle (Schreck-
eneder, 2010, p.64).
4.2.2 Changing Demand
Little changes in demand can have unpredictable effects on the scaling of
a supply chain. For example, if the forecast predicts a certain rise in sales
all stakeholders involved could dependent on their planning algorithms
order a different quantity (including safety stock). Multiplying this effect up-
stream the supply chain could lead to large swings in inventory. Because of
its characteristic curve the effect is also known as Bullwhip Effect
(Zsifkovits, 2013, p.91-93). Information policies and technologies can re-
duce the implied complexity (misunderstandings, misinterpretations, lack
of data etc.). A smart way to ensure forecast data feed from the customer is
to provide incentives for sharing i.e. better payment conditions.
4.2.3 IT as an Enabler
Many modern business processes are exclusively enabled by the usage of
information technology (IT). This leads to substantial business process
reengineering, often referred to as Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) in
the context of supply chain management (Corsten/Pötzl, 2002, p.7). ECR's
main goal is to have common standards and processes for controlling and
optimizing the supply chain (Kummer et al., 2009, p.341-342). By integrat-
ing big data from social media like Facebook or Google, forecasts can im-
mediately be readjusted according to the latest sales data (Schmarzo,
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 27
2013, p.167). Faster data access and integration are a key issue in prevent-
ing and controlling complexity. The degree of integration depends on the
performance requirements of the supply chain (Melzer-Ridinger, 2007,
4.2.4 Logic of Communication
The quality of shared information is one of the most significant factors of
complexity. It is of essential importance that receiver's understanding and
interpretation of information is equivalent to the sender's (Ostertag, 2008,
p.49). This requires mandatory regulations. The SUCCESS rules of Hichert
provide clear instructions for data structure and display (HICHERT FAISST,
05.05.2015). The rules are also relevant for the model in this paper, since
every project regarding Complexity Management begins with the visualiza-
tion of complexity.
5 Concluding remarks
The model for visualizing the complexity in demand planning processes
was applied to an industrial company. This was done parallel to literature
research and helped understanding practical implications.
The model improves employee understanding and supports innovation
processes. Like mentioned before, the visualization of complexity is often
the first step of reducing it. The employees have a common process struc-
ture available and that makes discussions about improvement a lot easier.
A very important aspect is to have a systematic approach. The project
should start by analyzing systemic interfaces at a top level and gradually
28 Martin Wallner, Uwe Brunner and Helmut Zsifkovits
move to the details. This also supports understanding cause-effect-rela-
In future Knowledge Management could play an important role in complex
processes, because they often require a lot of collaboration. Appropriate IT
systems will enable people to share their ideas in an organized way and the
system will also "remember" what happened in the past.
Modelling Complex Planning Processes in Supply Chains 29
Arnolds, H., Heege, F., Röh, C., Tussing, W., 2013. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf.
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Kirchhof, R., 2003. Ganzheitliches Komplexitätsmanagement: Grundlagen und Me-
thodik des Umgangs mit Komplexität im Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: DUV.
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chen: Oldenbourg.
Meyer, C.M., 2007. Integration des Komplexitätsmanagements in den strategischen
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Ostertag, R., 2008. Supply-Chain-Koordination im Auslauf in der Automobilindustrie
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Zsifkovits, H. E., 2013. Logistik. Konstanz/München: UVK.
The Total Landed Cost Concept
Begging for Answers
Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
The Total Landed Cost (TLC) often comprise a large share of the total international
sourcing cost and thereby determine the cost-saving potential. Therefore, the TLC
must become an integral part when making international supplier selection deci-
sions to be able to make deliberate choices on a case-by-base base. The literature
proposes a number of frameworks to evaluate the TLC, but the ordinary way has not
been examined satisfactorily.
In this research, an online survey was conducted and the importance-performance
analysis (IPA) was applied. IPA is an effective tool that simultaneously analyses qual-
ity attributes of the two dimensions performance and importance to identify areas
needing improvement as well as areas of effective performance. The sample in-
cluded 264 valid and usable respondents.
As a result, reasons for an overall performance in need of improvement are the ac-
cessibility of required information and the duration of the TLC evaluation process.
Based on a comprehensive literature review, this is probably why TLC frameworks
with sufficient detail to prompt effective decision-making are not present in re-
search. The authors discuss the resulting, derived research needs to enable an ap-
propriate TLC evaluation in international supplier selection decisions.
Keywords: Total Landed Cost, International Sourcing, Supplier Selection,
Importance-performance Analysis
32 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
1 Introduction
Several researchers have mentioned that international sourcing is typically
driven by cost considerations. Lower factor costs, fewer regulatory control
and several other factors could lead to considerable savings (Trent and
Roberts, 2010). However, the Total Landed Cost (TLC) often comprise a
large share of the total international sourcing cost and complicate the
profit picture (Zeng and Rossetti, 2003). In this study, TLC is seen as the
“sum of all costs associated with obtaining a product, including acquisition
planning, unit price, inbound cost of freight, duty and taxes, inspection and
material handling for storage and retrieval” (Trent and Roberts, 2010, p.67).
It also includes hidden costs; for example, uncertainty in supply is often ac-
companied by additional inventory (Young, et al., 2009). Therefore, TLC
must become an integral part of every international sourcing analysis
(Hausmann, et al., 2010; Kamann and van Nieulande, 2010; Trent and Rob-
erts, 2010) to be able to make deliberate choices on a case-by-case base.
Different studies clearly show that companies often underestimate the true
costs of international sourcing, with the consequence of yielding less than
expected savings or in fact uneconomical results (Holweg, Reichhart and
Hong, 2011; Schiele, Horn and Vos, 2011; Bygballe, Bø and Grønland, 2012).
Accordingly, the TLC evaluation is particular important but unfortunately
not costless. The evaluation requires employment of skilled and costly la-
bor, information system support, etc. For this reason, an efficient proce-
dure with a favorable ratio between effort and benefit is needed. The more
complex and important the decision, the more effort has to be invested (Ei-
senführ, et al., 2010; Trent and Roberts, 2010).
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers 33
Up to now, the TLC evaluation for international supplier selection decisions
is unexplored and hence the focus of this research. The main research ques-
tions are the following:
How do companies do the evaluation of the Total Landed Cost to support
international supplier selection decisions?
How is the perceived performance of the Total Landed Cost evaluation pro-
This paper is organized in the following manner. The next section contains
a review of existing literature relating to TLC in international sourcing. In
section 3, a brief description of the importance-performance analysis
method (IPA) is given, followed by a detailed description of the survey re-
sults in section 4. This paper concludes in chapter 5 by discussing the con-
tribution of this study and questions that could be addressed in future re-
2 Literature Review
The following comprehensive literature review of TLC in international
sourcing is structured according to the main phases in the supplier selec-
tion process: from the formulation of criteria, over the pre-selection, to the
final choice among the preselected suppliers. The framework of Levy and
Ellis (2006) and vom Brocke, et al. (2009) was applied.
A number of studies about the considered cost criteria as well as their pro-
portion of the total international sourcing costs have been identified. For
example, Young, et al. (2009) analyzed if the landed cost models are ade-
quate in that they take into consideration all relevant costs. Ferrin and
34 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
Plank (2002) developed a comprehensive categorization of cost drivers, as
a checklist to consider all possible cost factors when sourcing internation-
ally. In contrast to this, Platts and Song (2010) focused on the amount of
the costs. They found out that storage costs are on average 8.9%, transport
is 5.7%, and inspection of the goods is 5.4% for sourcing from China. Fur-
ther research has been carried out in this field but most of these studies are
based on survey data from purchasing managers which may measure their
expectations rather than actual costs (Platts and Song, 2010; Horn, Schiele
and Werner, 2013). The TLC evaluation procedure is unknown, and a vali-
dation of these self-reported costs data did not take place. The number of
cases is mostly too high, and/ or getting access to carry out detailed costing
within companies is not possible.
Besides the formulation of the relevant cost criteria, a procedure for an ap-
propriate assessing of the TLC is required to support the pre-selection and
final supplier selection phase. Frameworks could meet this challenge; they
describe a procedure in an abstracted, model-like way. They can be under-
stood as normative references to manage the complexity and to be appli-
cable in a wide range of individual cases (Stahlknecht and Hasenkamp,
2005; Wasson, 2006; Adaev, 2015). However, frameworks are not a stand-
alone solution, because available methods are included (Balzert, 2005; Per-
nice, 2010; Ebel, 2012). Frameworks represent a structure intended to serve
as a guide for solving a special problem, whereas methods are in general
transferable, like the famous ABC analysis (Beller, 2009). Against the back-
ground of the research problem, the existing frameworks are divided into
two groups: On the one hand, those frameworks that support the develop-
ment of an individual TLC model with recommended methods, and, on the
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers 35
other hand, those frameworks which provide a selection of the most appro-
priate methods.
Frameworks of the first group use, adapt and combine existing methods to
develop a specific TLC model in a structured way. For example Rennemann
(2007) developed a model for the automotive industry which used mathe-
matical algorithms for a quantitative part and a scoring model for difficult-
quantifiable elements. Further frameworks were developed by Zeng (2003),
Weber, et al. (2010), Cagliano, et al. (2012), Johnson, Sawaya and Nataraja-
rathinam (2013), which differ in the use case, level of detail, generalizabil-
ity, underlying assumptions, and, of course, the applied methods. Never-
theless, the frameworks of the second group will show that not all methods
are equally useful in every possible supplier selection situation. The specific
industry in which a method has been empirically tested does not determine
the usefulness of certain procedures. More generic, situational characteris-
tics like the importance of the purchase are determinatives for the suitabil-
ity of a certain method. However, these frameworks do not sufficiently ad-
dress this contextual issue.
Frameworks of the second group are not developing a TLC model, but ra-
ther focus on the selection of the right method based on situative context
factors. For example, the meta-model of Masi, Micheli and Cagno (2013) al-
lows the choice of the most appropriate method in relation to a specific
purchasing situation. A scoring model is the optimum method if the impact
of the purchase on the project is low and the degree of difficulty in manag-
ing the purchase is high. Further approaches can be find by Boer, Labro and
Morlacchi (2001), Weber and Wallenburg (2010), Arnolds, et al. (2013),
Schuh (2014). These frameworks confirm the necessity to apply certain
36 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
methods depending on the decision type. Nevertheless, these are just
meta-models, without application guideline, method combination, recom-
mended criteria, etc. Focus on TLC is also lacking. Besides this, the pre-se-
lection phase has received far less attention from all researchers, whereby
the quality of the supplier selection largely dependends on the quality of
the previous step.
Nevertheless, the literature also proposes different transferable methods,
which could be part of a TLC framework. They range from verbal and graph-
ical methods, rating/ linear weighting methods (e.g. Janker, 2008), over
standard cost allocations (e.g. Kumar, Andersson and Rehme, 2010) and
classification approaches (e.g. Zeng and Rossetti, 2003), to mathematical
algorithms (e.g. Rennemann, 2007), special accounting systems (Clemens,
1995), and different process costing methods (e.g. Meinke, 2007). These
methods have different degrees of accuracy and complexity, since a higher
level of accuracy generally implies greater complexity of the method.
In conclusion, several cost criteria, frameworks and methods have been
proposed and tested, but the ordinary way and especially the perceived
performance has not been examined satisfactorily. The TLC literature in in-
ternational sourcing is prescriptive rather than descriptive. The next step is
to conduct a survey where companies are asked concerning the TLC evalu-
ation utilized when making international supplier selection decisions. In
this research, the importance-performance analysis technique (IPA) is ap-
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers 37
3 Methods
The IPA was introduced by Martilla and James (1977), originally developed
for marketing purposes, and has now been applied in diverse research set-
tings (Azzopardi and Nash, 2013), including e-business (Levenburg and Ma-
gal, 2005), supplier`s performance evaluation (Ho, et al., 2012), and risk as-
sessment (López and Salmeron, 2012). IPA is an effective tool that simulta-
neously analyses quality attributes of the two dimensions performance and
importance to identify areas needing improvement as well as areas of ef-
fective performance (Skok, Kophamel and Richardson, 2001). After obtain-
ing the scores for each attribute, the attributes are plotted on the IPA grid
(figure 1). The quadrant method splits the plots into four areas, which are
identified as ‘Possible overkill’ (Q1), ‘Keep up good work’ (Q2), ‘Low Prior-
ity’ (Q3) and ‘Concentrate here’ (Q4).
Quadrant 1
Possible overkill
Quadrant 2
Keep up the good work
Quadrant 4
Concentrate here
Quadrant 3
Low priority
Figure 1
Importance-performance analysis grid
38 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
Quadrant 1 contains attributes that are insignificant strengths of the TLC
evaluation procedure and suggests areas where resources could be with-
drawn and better used elsewhere: ‘possible overkill’. Quadrant 2 contains
attributes that are strengths of the procedure and calls for ‘keep up good
work’. Attributes positioned in Quadrant 3 are not performing exception-
ally well, but are considered to be relatively unimportant. They do not rep-
resent a threat to the TLC evaluation: ‘low priority’. Attributes located in
Quadrant 4 represent key challenges that require immediate corrective ac-
tion and should be given highest priority: ‘Concentrate here’ (Bacon, 2003;
Matzler, Sauerwein and Heischmidt, 2003). This research was based on the
framework of Lai, Ivan Ka Wai and Hitchcock (2015) to ensure a reliable and
valid way of research.
3.1 Questionnaire Design
This paper is applying the updated DeLone and McLean model for evaluat-
ing information systems' (IS) success as a framework to guide the identifi-
cation of the critical attributes to be evaluated. It was selected because it
is well validated and its six interrelated dimensions (figure 2) ensure a
multi-dimensional identification of attributes. This model has been suc-
cessfully applied in diverse research settings, including beyond the IS do-
main (Wang, 2008; Baraka, Baraka and EL-Gamily, 2013; Bossen, Jensen
and Udsen, 2013).
The success of IS (‘Net benefits’) depend on the intervening variables (‘Use’
and ‘User satisfaction’), which in turn depend on the quality of ‘Infor-
mation’, ‘System’ and ‘Service’ (Eom, et al., 2012). The initially broad eval-
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers 39
uation model was subsequently developed to focus on the relationship be-
tween the three quality dimensions and ‘use’ on the one side, and ‘user sat-
isfaction’ on the other side (highlighted arrows in figure 2). In this work, the
relevant dimensions of the DeLone and McLean IS success model can be
applied to the TLC evaluation environment as follows: ‘Information quality
is concerned with whether the data are relevant, complete, accurate, etc.
'System quality' addresses the performance in terms of functionality, flexi-
bility, ease of use etc. ‘Service quality’ addresses the support of users (e.g.
user training). ‘User satisfaction‘ measures the level of acceptance by the
users (DeLone and McLean, 2003, 2004).
Within this conceptual framework, specific attributes were identified from
a comprehensive literature review concerning TLC in international sourc-
ing. 830 identified articles have been reviewed to identify a comprehensive
set of attributes, which have been clustered and afterwards mapped to the
relevant dimension. Service quality attributes were not discussed.
to use
to use
Figure 2
Updated IS Success Model (based on DeLone and McLean, 2003)
40 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
Due to survey length restrictions, a high level of abstraction rather than
specific attributes is recommended (Oh, 2001; DeLone and McLean, 2003,
2004). The number of attributes was reduced to nine through expert inter-
views with purchasing and supply chain managers as well as logistics con-
sultants. All interviewees had more than five years of work experience. Ta-
ble 1 presents the complete list of relevant attributes.
Table 1 Questionnaire Attributes
Brief description
Information quality
Development of TLC
Cost development because internal
(e.g. purchasing volume) and/ or exter-
nal factors (e.g. oil price) change
Accessibility of cost
Effort for data collection and data
Up-to-dateness of
cost information
Appropriate updating of evaluation
base, surcharge rates etc.
Plausibility of TLC
Amount and composition of the costs
can be understood
Documentation of
Appropriate documentation of the re-
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers 41
Brief description
System quality
Flexibility of TLC
Easy adaptable evaluation e.g. change
of Incoterm, transport mode
Transparency of TLC
Cost methods, assumptions etc. are
sufficiently well-known
Quick TLC evaluation
Sufficient responsive decision support
Controlling of TLC
Comparison of actual and estimate
How frequently is the
TLC evaluation
for international supplier
selection de-
cisions used? for nearly every
for a few important decisions; for some
selected decisions
User satisfaction
Overall perceived performance
The next step was to conduct an online survey. To avoid a parallel set of
repetitive questions to measure performance and importance within the
same questionnaire, a statistically inferred method based on correlation
estimation was applied (indirect importance measurement). It reflects the
causal relationships between the importance of the attributes and the
overall performance (Gustafsson and Johnson, 2004; Matzler, et al., 2004).
The questionnaire’s length could be significantly curtailed to benefit from
less fatigue and higher respondent involvement. Based on discussions by
42 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
Preston and Colman (2000) as well as Lai, Ivan Ka Wai and Hitchcock,
(2015), a seven-point Likert scale, ranging from performance 'very bad' (1)
to performance 'very good' (7), has been adopted.
Because of a cross-border Dutch/ German research project, a specialist
with economics background and fluent language skills translated the Ger-
man questionnaire into Dutch. The questionnaire was pre-tested in both
countries and has been adapted to minimize the possibility of misunder-
standing and misinterpretation.
3.2 Participants
Of the 264 valid and usable respondents, 201 (76.1%) were German and 63
(23.9%) were Dutch companies. The sampling frame used for the German
part was a list of randomly selected enterprise representatives from pur-
chasing and logistics/ supply chain management (Hoppenstedt database).
201 of 1,883 mailed surveys were completed, representing a response rate
of 10.7%. In the Netherlands, 255 mailed surveys, one stand at the Business
Meets Twente Exhibition, and the usage of two association newsletters
(World Trade Center Twente, VNO NCW Midden) led to 63 completed sur-
veys. The largest company size group was the large-enterprises (41.7%), as
defined by EU law, while the smallest group was that of micro-enterprises
(5.3%). Small-enterprises were represented by 51 (19.3%) and medium-en-
terprises by 89 surveys (33.7%). The mean international sourcing share by
company size was between 21% and 27%. Approximately 70% of the re-
spondents were manufacturing companies (155), whereby trading compa-
nies (69) had a substantially higher inter-national sourcing share, with
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers 43
33.6% (SD = 34.6) in comparison to 19.5% (SD = 21.8). 188 respondents are
involved in international sourcing and form the basis of this analysis.
3.3 Statistical Analysis
The data derived from the survey was systematically coded and analyzed
using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software. The per-
ceived performance of the different attributes was obtained through the
average ratings of the respondents, while correlation coefficients were
used to implicitly measure the related relative importance. According to
Matzler, Sauerwein and Heischmidt (2003) and Homburg and Klarmann
(2012), the relative percentage importance (
) is determined as the ratio
of the squared correlation coefficients of the attribute (
) to the sum of
the squared correlation coefficients of all attributes (). This ‘powerful’
method has three main advantages: (1) relative simple and comprehensi-
ble; (2) high popularity; (3) no negative correlations and other implausible
results (Homburg and Klarmann, 2012; Azzopardi and Nash, 2013; Sever,
Preliminary reviews of the data suggested that the distribution of it might
not be normal (Kolmogorov-Smirnov method), and thus non-parametric
correlation coefficients were used (Kendalls Tau). To verify construct valid-
ity of the questionnaire, an exploratory factor analysis with varimax rota-
tion, eigenvalue exceeding 1, and factor loadings exceeding 0.5 was con-
ducted. The test value of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test was 0.904, and the p-
value of the Bartlett`s test was zero (Lai, Ivan Ka Wai and Hitchcock, 2015).
The questionnaire has also acceptable reliability with a value of
44 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
Cronbach`s alpha for each attribute greater than 0.60, except for ‘Develop-
ment of TLC’ (1).
4 Results
4.1 Total Landed Cost Evaluation
Related to the first research question, a descriptive analysis concerning the
TLC evaluation was conducted. 176 respondents answered the question
when they evaluate the TLC for international supplier selection decisions:
50% for nearly every decision, 32% for a few important and 18% just for
some selected decisions. Especially for geographically distant regions like
China, more respondents evaluate the TLC for nearly every decision. In con-
trast, the frequency of use is independent of the Incoterm. It thus makes no
difference if the delivery term is ex works, free on board, or any other. Fur-
thermore, the scale of the TLC evaluation differs significantly. The respond-
ents have been asked per TLC cost category if and how they evaluate them.
The options have been exact evaluation, differentiated and lump sum sur-
charges, included in purchasing price and no evaluation. Surprisingly, sev-
eral TLC elements are not considered by the respondents at all. As example,
29% do not consider costs for inspection and material handling for storage
and retrieval, 36% storage costs, 29% capital commitment cost and even
41% administration costs. On the contrary, especially customs are mainly
accurately calculated (41%). More than half of the respondents are not us-
ing any information system for TLC evaluation, which include integrated
systems as well as application software. All in all this study has found out
that the TLC evaluation is rarely used and the scope is often insufficient for
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers 45
international supplier selection decisions. In the following, the overall per-
ceived performance of the respondents is analyzed.
4.2 Overall Performance
Based on the survey data, the mean and standard deviation of overall per-
ceived performance was 4.5828 and 1.34. This value was obtained through
the average rating of the respondents. Consequently, the respondents
ranked the overall TLC evaluation between ‘mediocre’ and ‘rather well’,
which indicates that room for improvement exists. It should be noted that
a higher frequency of use let to a statistically significant (p=0.0005) higher
overall performance. Experiences, standardized processes, and increased
number of software system users could explain the better performance. In
order to find out the reasons for an amendable overall performance of
4.5828, the performance and importance of the individual attributes are
4.3 Importance-Performance Analysis Grid
The average performance ratings for the nine attributes ranged from a high
of 5.1 to a low of 4.5. All attributes had standard deviations below 1.7 and a
positive impact on the overall performance, with a significant level of cor-
relation. The implicitly derived relative importance of the attributes ranges
between 3% and 15%, which is described in the following section. The re-
sult of a factor analysis was that all attributes are performance factors
(Matzler, et al., 2004; Homburg and Klarmann, 2012).
After obtaining the scores of importance and performance for each attrib-
ute, the nine attributes were plotted on the IPA grid (figure 3). The quadrant
46 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
method splits the plots into four areas by using the often applied ‘data-cen-
tered quadrants approach’, where the empirical mean values obtained
from the data determine the cross-hair point of the IP matrix (Martilla and
James, 1977; Sever, 2015). As already explained, the four quadrants are
identified as ‘Possible overkill’ (Q1), ‘Keep up good work’ (Q2), ‘Low Prior-
ity’ (Q3) and ‘Concentrate here’ (Q4).
The matrix in figure 3 shows that four attributes were identified in the ‘keep
up good work’ quadrant (Q2), indicating that these attributes were per-
ceived to be very important, and at the same time were rated as having a
high level of performance. These attributes are ‘Up-to-dateness of cost in-
formation’ (3), ‘Plausibility of TLC’ (4), ‘Flexibility of TLC evaluation’ (6) and
‘Transparency of TLC evaluation’ (7). Even though all of these attributes ap-
pear in the ‘keep up good work’ quadrant, it was shown that performance
scores were not rated very highly (i.e., all are less than 6). Some of these
attributes were also at a close distance to the performance axe, especially
‘Transparency of TLC evaluation’ (7). According to Bacon (2003) as well as
Eskildsen and Kristensen (2006), borderline attributes are not to be inter-
preted in the same way as attributes that fall clearly within a quadrant.
“Discontinuity in the inferred priority” has to be considered (Bacon, 2003,
p.58). As a consequence, more efforts could be necessary to improve these
attributes. The attributes ‘Development of TLC’ (1) as well as 'Controlling of
TLC’ (9) fall within the ‘low priority’ quadrant (Q3). These attributes are not
performing exceptionally well, but are considered to be relatively unim-
portant. The attribute in the upper left-hand quadrant (Q1) should com-
mand the lowest priority for improvement: ‘Documentation of TLC’ (5). Re-
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers 47
sources could be withdrawn and better used elsewhere. Especially the at-
tributes in quadrant 4 are considered problematic, because the TLC evalu-
ation fails to satisfy the users` perceived level of performance in relative
important areas. The attributes in this quadrant are ‘Accessibility of cost
information’ (2) and ‘Quick TLC evaluation’ (8). These attributes require im-
mediate action with highest priority.
Figure 3 Importance-performance analysis grid
5 Conclusion
As international sourcing is an important business strategy, evaluating the
TLC has to be seen as increasingly critical and important. The first contri-
bution of this research was the result that just 50% of the respondents eval-
uate the TLC for nearly every international supplier selection decision. The
fact that several TLC elements are not considered by the respondents
Q1 Q2
Q3 Q4
48 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
makes matters worse. An IPA with a unique set of attributes has been de-
veloped to shed light on the reasons of an amendable overall performance.
The IPA grid provided detailed insight into the importance and perfor-
mance of the selected attributes, as areas of weakness were easily identi-
fied. To summarize, reasons for an amendable overall performance are es-
pecially the attributes ‘Accessibility of cost information’ and ‘Quick TLC
The sample included 264 valid and usable respondents, of which 188 re-
spondents are involved in international sourcing. This research involved
German and Dutch enterprises representing multiple industries; however,
it was geographically limited, which limits the generalizability of the re-
search findings from the current study.
A comprehensive literature review identified several cost criteria, frame-
works and methods, which have been proposed and tested. However, the
review suggests that the TLC evaluation is not presented with sufficient de-
tail to prompt effective decision-making. An appropriate framework has to
differentiate between consecutive supplier selection phases, select and
perhaps combine the situationally best fitting methods, and additionally
guide the application of them. Therefore, the amendable TLC evaluation in
practice is also due to insufficient frameworks in research.
For this reason, the TLC concept is begging for answers and it is hoped that
this research will stimulate the development of an appropriate framework
that overcomes the limitations. An important need for action has been
identified to enable companies to choose the right supplier in an interna-
tional context.
The Total Landed Cost Concept Begging for Answers 49
However, the applied IPA grid clearly sacrifice depth for breadth and con-
venience; it is unlikely to provide the detailed insights (Skok, Kophamel and
Richardson, 2001). The IPA grid also rely on the respondent’s perception of
satisfaction and not on objective values. The inability to account for such
metrics should be a recognized weakness. The indirect measures are also
limited by the assumptions underlying the statistical procedure. Indeed,
the IPA grid is used as a preliminary research to identify attributes requiring
more detailed analysis to improve the TLC evaluation in international
sourcing decisions.
Financial Disclosure
The project "ReCoLo" was funded as part of the INTERREG IV A-programs
50 Andreas Pumpe and Franz Vallée
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A New Product Driven System Concept for the
Replenishment Process
Najlae Alfathi, Abdelouahid Lyhyaoui and Abdelfettah Sedqui
The product driven system improves the reactivity and flexibility of production sys-
tems. However, these requirements cannot be achieved without an availability of
quality and quantity of raw materials; as a result, the optimization of raw material
replenishment system is essential.
We present in this paper, the use of product driven system concept for the replenish-
ment process.
The integration of infotronic technology makes the product smart and able to com-
municate with its environment, so the product ”being smart” decides the appropri-
ate time for its replenishment.
The modeling of this proposal is performed by the Business Process Model Notation
"BPMN", having regard to the capacity of this tool to model at the same time, the
process of making decision of replenishment by product and the treatment, and the
follow-up of the order by the procurement department, as well as the exchange of
information between the two collaborators, product and procurement department.
To validate the modeling of the replenishment process, an experimental application
is simulated by activiti modeler; as a result the stock out rate and the overstocking
are minimized.
The replenishment triggered by the product performs the role of the product driven
system for the control of production.
Keywords: Product Driven System, Smart Product, Infotronic Technology, BPMN
(Business Process Model and Notation)
56 Najlae Alfathi et al.
1 Introduction
The growing competition between industrial companies and the emer-
gence of information and communication technologies have made the ap-
pearance of mass customization concept. This concept leads to a high di-
versity of products and production processes, which requires reactive and
flexible piloting systems to better satisfy customers and ensure the sustain-
ability of companies.
The systems of piloting and decision-making have evolved from a central-
ized architecture, where all decisions are taken by the superior level of the
system, to a distributed control architecture that relies on the principle of
distribution of all decisions, also it consider that each inferior level has a
controller which is autonomous and cooperate with all the other levels.
Hence its flexibility and its relative tolerance to disturbance.
While the centralized architecture provides a robust and stable piloting,
distributed architecture guarantees flexibility and responsiveness of the pi-
loting system. The hybridization of these two approaches gave birth in 2003
(Morel, 2003) the paradigm of product driven system.
The concept of product driven system takes into account the capabilities of
the product to play an active role to synchronize the exchange between var-
ious company processes. This synchronization requires knowledge of accu-
rate data in real-time, it requires integration of infotronic technology,
which is carrier of data.
After the use of this concept in projects relating to the management of the
rescheduling of product (Noyel, 2015), hospital logistics (Huet, 2011), in-
dustrial processes in enterprises (Elhouazi, 2009). We propose in this paper
A New Product Driven System Concept for the Replenishment Process 57
a replenishment system triggered by product to ensure a robust, flexible
and reactive procurement system.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Product Driven System
The product driven system concept considers that the product is the main
actor in decision making and the exchange of data in real time with other
business processes. In the literature the researchers gave several defini-
tions and characteristics to the concept. While authors introduced the con-
cept as a derivative of the Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMS), which the
originality is to combine the centralized decisions on a priori means hori-
zons to long term, with decentralized or distributed decisions make at the
execution on short- term horizons (Elhouazi, 2009). Other authors in addi-
tion to the definition of the concept as a hybridization of two piloting ap-
proaches, they recalled the product capabilities, to play an active role of
synchronization of exchanges between different enterprise systems (Noyel,
Of all the different definitions cited in the literature, one can define a prod-
uct driven system, as a piloting architecture considering the product as an
intelligent entity capable to communicate with its environment and make
decisions that affect its flow.
58 Najlae Alfathi et al.
2.2 Smart Product
The product seen like well by the production system, and as provider of in-
formation and services by the management system, ensures consistency
between physical and information flows (Gouyon, 2009).
Several studies have provided definitions of this concept and have detailed
these features. We find in (Cardin, 2013), and (Gouyon, 2009) the definitions
of products intelligence levels, since the consideration of the product as ac-
tive during production leads to impart technical intelligence capabilities to
the product. These capabilities are:
1. owning a unique identifier
2. be able to communicate with its environment
3. be able to store its data
4. deploy a language to display its characteristics, its production re-
5. be able to provide or participate in a decision on its future.
Based on these five capacities, they are two technical product intelligence
- Product with level 1 intelligence is able to communicate it state
(form, composition, location, and key criteria). This level 1 is ori-
ented to the product information’s, it covers items from 1 to 3 de-
scribed above;
- Product with a level of intelligence 2 is able not only to communi-
cate it condition, but also to influence the decisions that are
taken against it. This second level is oriented to the decision; it
covers items 1 to 5 described above.
A New Product Driven System Concept for the Replenishment Process 59
The Simplest structure of a smart product consists of the product itself dur-
ing the manufacturing process and a base associated, such as a pallet car-
rying this product. It is the whole product + basic information which is the
product oriented (Cardin, 2013).
In general, there is no stable definition, of the concept of product "smart /
active ". So, we must define the aspects of intelligence and interaction with
the environment.
2.3 Infotronic Technology
The intelligence characteristic associated with the product, to ensure a pi-
loting by product, is feasible by integrating infotronic technology carried by
the product to store and manages data.
There are several types of infotronic technology from the barcode to active
RFID. These types differ in the informational functions that each technology
can guarantee, which influence on the level of intelligence of the product.
Several studies in the literature have conducted a comparison of the fea-
tures offered by the infotronic technology. The studies of (Gaudreau, 2009)
compared the informational functions that can guarantee each type of in-
fotronic technology. They conclude that the smart sensor technology en-
sures at the same time identification of an element, information transport,
the localization of a given element, the data acquisition, their processing
and analysis and the decisions and reactions. While other studies (Thierry,
2009) presented the active RFID as a technology provides to the product a
single identification and a processing capacity, localization and the deci-
sion making.
60 Najlae Alfathi et al.
3 Replenishment Trigged by Product
We propose in this paper a driven product system at the raw material re-
By integrating infotronic technology that makes the smart product capable
of making it own decisions, the product triggers its supply by sending a re-
quest to the responsible of procurement. The request sent contains the
amount of product to be procured and the time not to exceed.
As every procurement process, we consider three threshold of storage for
each product reference. The green threshold is the maximum amount of
product that must be stocked; the yellow line is the replenishment point,
while the red line is the safety stock.
We present a mapping of the visual monitoring of stock status at Figure 1.
Figure 1 Storage threshold
A New Product Driven System Concept for the Replenishment Process 61
The objective of the proposed solution is to avoid a stock out or a over-
stocking, thereby the monitoring of the stock state is essential.
3.1 Replenishment Stages Triggered by Product
3.1.1 Send the Request
The products on stock communicate and count each other, the moment
when the quantity of remaining products in stock is equal to the yellow line,
one of the smart products sends to the Smartphone, Tablet or Computer
(NFC standard) of the responsible of procurement a replenishment demand
including the quantity and the time not to exceed.
3.1.2 Receipt and Processing of the Request
At the receipt of the product request, the procurement department sends a
command including the amount and time previously defined by the smart
3.1.3 End of the Deadline
At the end of this period two cases are possible:
First case: If the requested amount is received before the deadline, in which
case the replenishment process started with the request of the smart prod-
uct is completed
Second case: The smart product awaits the arrival of the requested amount
since the red threshold is not reached.
62 Najlae Alfathi et al.
3.1.4 Red Threshold Reached
The red threshold corresponds to the safety stock identified for each refer-
ence; this threshold is achieved because the delivery period is exceeding by
the supplier. If this threshold is reached the product triggers and sends a
warning to procurement responsible for the latter warns the supplier or
search the requested quantity from other suppliers.
4 Modeling of the Proposal
For the system design, we present a methodology to validate the specifica-
tions set of a technological system. The figure 2 shows the steps of this pro-
cess. The modeling step should be preceded by a study and selection of the
most suitable tool to satisfy the criteria that the resulting model must meet.
A New Product Driven System Concept for the Replenishment Process 63
Figure 2 Method to validate process specifications
To validate our solution specifications, we have to model the interactions
between the smart product and procurement department, the different
flow control points, the execution of a condition or the passage from a spot
to another, at end the points of synchronization between the process of re-
questing product by the smart product, and the treatment of the request
by the procurement department.
64 Najlae Alfathi et al.
(Verane, 2006) provides a comparison of several modeling tools according
to their performance criteria. According to (Verane, 2006) the tool that
meets most of these criteria and which can model the interactions between
the processes is the “Busines Process Model and notation” BPMN.
4.1 Busines Process Model and Notation
BPMN provides a standardized representation of the process flow for busi-
ness analysts, who produce the first draft, technical staff, which imple-
ments the technology solution running the process, and the business users
that manage and control the processes.
BPMN 2.0 is the latest and advanced version of BPMN, thus we model ac-
cording this version. In the notation BPMN2.0 there are four categories of
orchestration diagram (process private and public process)
collaboration diagram
choreography diagram
conversation diagram
In table 1 we present the different criteria which every type of diagram can
A New Product Driven System Concept for the Replenishment Process 65
Table 1 Criteria answered by different types of diagrams
of process
interaction be-
tween process
identify the ac-
tors of process
process private
public process
collaboration di-
choreography di-
In our case, we'll use a collaboration diagram because it allows to model:
decision making process by the smart product,
receiving and treatment process of the request at the procure-
ment department.
various data exchange and interactions between two collabora-
different synchronization points between the two processes.
66 Najlae Alfathi et al.
4.2 BPMN Deployment Software
There are many BPMN modeling software, the table 2 shows some software
that implement BPMN 2.0.
Table 2 BPMN Deployment Software
Oryx Modeling Platform
Oryx is a web
-based, extensible
modeling platform, lic
ensed un-
der open source terms.
Activiti BPM Platform
Activiti is a light
-weight workflow
and Business Process Manage-
ment (BPM) Platform targeted at
business people, developers and
system admins. Its core is a super
fast and rock
-solid BPMN 2 pro-
cess engine for Java. It’s open
source and distrib
uted under the
Apache license.
In this paper we will use “Activiti Modeler” because of its compatibility with
BPMN 2.0.
A New Product Driven System Concept for the Replenishment Process 67
4.3 Modeling of the Proposal
After modeling our process with “Activiti Modeler”, we give the result pre-
sented in the figure 3.
Figure 3 Modeling of new replenishment system performed by Ac
68 Najlae Alfathi et al.
Figure 4 The model of the Case 1
To validate the proposal model, we simulate three scenarios by “Activiti Ex-
1. Case 1: we receive the amount requested on or before the dead-
line. The figure 4 presents the model of this case.
2. Case 2: we receive the products after the deadline and before
reaching the red line. We find in the figure 5 the modeling of the
second case.
3. Case 3: we reach the red line before the arrival of the requested
products. In this case the model presented in the Figure 1 is the
executed model.
A New Product Driven System Concept for the Replenishment Process 69
Figure 5 The model of the second case
4.4 Results
4.4.1 A Proactive and Reactive Procurement Process
The decision making of procurement at the moment when the quantity of
remaining products in stock is equal to the yellow line, make the procure-
ment process more reactive, which reduces the possibilities of stock out to
reach the red line. Thus, the proposed solution makes it possible optimiza-
tion of stock out rate.
4.4.2 An Advanced Monitoring of the Quantities of Products in
The smart products of each reference of product’s control the outgoing
quantities from the stock and the received quantities. So at any time the
70 Najlae Alfathi et al.
product know the level of its stock and have to never exceed the red (safety
stock) and green (overstocking) thresholds.
5 Conclusion
The mass customization requires a reactive and flexible piloting system. In
this context we proposed an improvement of the procurement process to
optimize the out stock rate and the overstocking. Therefore, increasing the
reactivity and flexibility of the production piloting system. The use of the
concept of product driven system for the improvement of other processes
such as delivery will make the companies more intelligent and efficient.
A New Product Driven System Concept for the Replenishment Process 71
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Material Requirements Planning under
Phase-out Conditions
Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
In today’s production environment with shortened product lifecycles, phase-outs,
i.e. product elimination from production, become regular events. Badly planned
phase-outs lead to high remaining stock levels after end of production, causing im-
mense sunk costs. Previously performed 26 interviews revealed that this is a major
challenge in current production (Grussenmeyer and Blecker, 2014; Grussenmeyer,
Gencay and Blecker, 2014). Therefore, the objective of this paper is to develop a ma-
terial requirements planning focusing on remaining stock induced costs during
phase-out to plan optimal phase-out quantity and phase-out date. The research is
conceptually driven and proposes an example of the methodology.
Keywords: Phase-Out, Product Elimination, Production Planning and Control,
Remaining Stock Costs
74 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
1 Introduction
Shortened product life cycles are significant current trends of supply net-
works (Bakker, Wang, Huisman and den Hollander, 2014, p.10). They lead
to frequent product changes in order to satisfy customer’s demand
(Slamanig, 2011, p.46).
Enabling successful product’s ramp-ups requires production capacities
availability. Since 80% of the new products are symmetrical replacements
(Saunders and Jobber, 1988), companies use the old generation’s produc-
tion plant as well for the replacement’s manufacturing, implying an equip-
ment change. Thus, the old product needs to be eliminated in order to re-
lease the demanded production capacity (Vyas, 1993, p.68). Product elimi-
nation implementations mostly are realized as phase-outs (Avlonitis, 1983;
Mitchell, Taylor and Tanyel, 1998; Baker and Hart, 2007), and their success
depends on phase-out’s process quality (Prigge, 2008). The need of having
good phase-out processes is also described by practitioners (Holzhäuer
and Riepl, 1996, p.49). Still, very few research deals with phase-out and its
Phase-out can be described in a four-stage process, starting after product
elimination decision-making. The two main stages are planning and imple-
mentation, framed by definition and finalization, describing the actual
dealing with phase-out in the production department.
To successfully produce products, and therefore, as well to phase-out prod-
ucts, companies use production planning and control (PPC). Adopting this,
especially the material requirements planning is a key issue in phase-out
planning for not having any remaining stock after end of production
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 75
(Holtsch, 2009; Hertrampf, 2012). To appropriately plan material require-
ments, this publication presents a methodology to estimate remaining
stock costs.
The outline of this publication is as follows. After reviewing literature in
chapter 2, equations to calculate remaining stock costs are elaborated in
chapter 3. The following chapter 4 presents a phase-out example to
demonstrate the methodology’s functionalities. Chapter 5 summarizes the
2 Literature Review
Eliminating products from the company’s portfolio is considered as an un-
inspiring and depressing task (Eckles, 1971, p.72) Nevertheless, in today’s
competitive environment, it is becoming more and more important (Prigge,
2008, p.100). After elimination decision-making, the implementation strat-
egy needs to be determined (Avlonitis, Hart and Tzokas, 2000, p.54). From
marketing point of view, five options are available, namely drop immedi-
ately, phase-out immediately, phase-out slowly, sell-out and drop from
standard and re-introduce as special strategies (Baker and Hart, 2007,
2.1 Product Phase-Out
From a production point of view, only the phase-out strategies are interest-
ing to investigate due to several reasons. The drop immediately strategy
implies a direct machine stop, without any potential for improvement. The
sell-out and drop strategy only induce marketing activities. In cases of plant
76 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
sale, production does not change, while when product’s rights are sold by
ending production, a phase-out takes place. The situation is similar to the
drop strategy. Even though the product might be re-introduced as a special
after its normal end of production, it necessarily has to be phased-out be-
fore. Thus, this paper deals with the planned phase-out of a product.
In literature, product phase-out definitions are not clear. Apart from the
fact that many authors use the term without defining it before (e.g. Inness,
1994; Holzhäuer and Riepl, 1996; Aurich, Naab and Barbian, 2005; Kotler
and Armstrong, 2010) other definitions only include the production reduc-
tion from full capacity run to end of production (e.g. Kirsch and Buchholz,
2008; Ostertag, 2008; Scholz-Reiter, Baumbach and Krohne, 2008; Elbert,
2011) without considering any planning. Therefore, we define the product
phase-out as “process, enabling companies to eliminate a product. The
phase-out is subsequent to the phase-out decision and starts with the plan-
ning. The phase-out ends with the finalization after the end of production”
(adopted from Grussenmeyer and Blecker, 2014, p.185).
Several authors assume a correlation between the market’s decline phase
and product phase-out (e.g. Aurich and Naab, 2006; Hertrampf, Nickel and
Nyhuis, 2010) even though Avlonitis (1990, pp.5560) detected that prod-
ucts are eliminated irrespective of their position in the product life cycle.
Consequently, a phase-out may also take place at any time during the prod-
uct’s life.
2.2 Planning and Controlling Product Phase-Outs
Holtsch (2009, pp.5460) described that previous publications do not deal
with phase-out PPC. He then developed an 8-phase phase-out reference
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 77
process intending to give industry a guideline to plan and control phase-
out (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Phase-out Control Process; Source: Holtsch (2009, p.62)
The phase-out PPC process presented by Holtsch is limited to phase-out
induced remaining stock costs without referring to any further phase-out
aspects. In addition, he does not follow any of the existing PPC models (e.g.
Hornung, 1996; Hackstein, 1989; Lödding, 2005; Schuh, 2006) which he an-
alyzed in his work. Holtsch (2009, p.111) only adds four activities to produc-
tion plan generation and one function to make-or-buy decision-making to
the Aachener PPS Modell (Aachen PPC Model Hornung 1996).
In his first process stage phase-out decision-making he aggregates re-
quirements of different stakeholders without giving any elimination deci-
sion-making model on how to decide to phase-out, and without referring
to any product elimination literature. For the second process stage com-
ponent identification he develops a phase-out cube, with the three di-
mensions (ranging from N via O to P) phase-out coefficient, normative
range of stock and normative stock value (as described in Holtsch (2009,
p.74)). The cube’s axes seem to have different relevance (e.g. NPO = neutral
/ OPN = dispositive adoption / PNO = phase-out relevant), where the phase-
out coefficient is the main influence factor, but no justification is given.
Phase-out decision
Identification of
relevant components
Calculation of
expected remaining
stock costs depending
on phase-out day
Definition of phase-
out day (incl. costs
and other limitations)
Definition of adequate
means for the cost
Definition of final
activities catalogue
Phase-out steeringDocumentation
78 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
The third process stage is to calculate the expected remaining stock costs
(inventory multiplied by unit costs) for all product components. This for-
mula does not include multi-variant phase-outs where there might not only
be one optimum phase-out day. At this stage, only unit costs are consid-
ered, i.e. remaining stock handling costs are entirely neglected. Further-
more, the amount of items or parts expected to become remaining stock is
considered as input variable, obliging the companies themselves to de-
velop calculation models. Process stages four and five summate all part’s
costs during phase-out (inventory costs, remaining stock costs, process
costs, as well as income or losses from remaining stocks options) in addi-
tion to general phase-out management costs. In the sixths process stage,
all options are then balanced to obtain the maximum profit. Process stage
seven, i.e. phase-out control, is described as standard control loop without
detailing any methodologies applicable. The author also describes how to
perform multi phase-outs (subsequent or parallel) by adopting the control
loop, but he does not include multi phase-outs into his planning process
(Holtsch, 2009, pp.61109). Therefore, it is necessary to develop a phase-
out PPC model complying with specific phase-out objectives.
To close the first part of this gap, a methodology how to really calculate the
expected remaining stock at end of production and its induced costs is pre-
sented in the following chapter.
3 Expected Remaining Stock
Material requirements planning can follow stochastic, deterministic and
heuristic approaches. In general, stochastic models are applied for high
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 79
volume, low cost products, while deterministic models are used for high
costs, low volume products. New products or products with unknown de-
mand are calculated with heuristic models; which are therefore not rele-
vant for phase-out. All models include decisions on production and inven-
tory quantities and the identification of relevant costs, e.g. variable produc-
tion costs, setup costs, and inventory costs. Similar to standard production
planning, a phase-out plan is created in a rolling horizon fashion, to be up-
dated after implementing the first decisions. The revised plan minimizes
demand forecast and production uncertainties (Graves, 2001, p.730). Pro-
duction planning figures are non-negative integers (
The first planning step is to determine the amount of lots for every part j to
be purchased during phase-out for producing all phase-out items i follow-
ing the standard deterministic approach. The result then needs to be com-
pared to existing contract limitations, e.g. lot sizes, which lacks in existing
literature. For example. Hertrampf (2012) only reduces lot sizes by incorpo-
rating risk costs and Holtsch (2009) does not consider lot size limitations.
80 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
+ 
0 
amount of items i ordered in period t [pcs]
amount of procurement lots of part j in period t [u/m]
amount of part j required for item i [pcs/pcs]
production lot size of item i in period t [pcs/(u/m)]
need of item i in period t [pcs], i.e. 
procurement lot size of part j in period t [pcs/(u/m)]
repair parts order quantity [pcs]
spare parts need of part j in period t [pcs] (equation (2))
stock of item i at the beginning of period t [pcs]
stock of part j at the beginning of period t [pcs]
subject to
To determine the spare parts order quantity
() and the spare parts need
, please consult the publication of Sahyouni et al (2010, p.794) who pre-
sent a deterministic optimization model.
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 81
Equation (1) calculates the ceiling of the necessary procurement lots of
part j, i.e. the smallest integer greater or equal to the equation. The equa-
tion combines information of the quantity bill of materials with the existing
demand subtracted by items i on stock. The division by the procurement
lot size directly links the calculated need to procurement limitations. It is
necessary to summate over all items i to obtain the parts’ need for all
phase-out items. For any situation where the amount of orders can already
be covered by the stock on hand, the procurement lot size decreases to
zero. Multiplying the amount of procurement lots with the lot size gives the
stock level of part j, as given in equation (3).
amount of procurement lots of part j in period t [u/m] (eq. (1))
procurement lot size of part j in period t [pcs/(u/m)]
stock of part j at end of period t [pcs]
stock of part j at the beginning of period t [pcs]
The amount of stock serves to calculate the amount of lots that can be pro-
duced, taking now into account the given production lot size which is de-
termined by the company and its suppliers. To do so, equation (4) divides
the not-blocked stock of part j by the amount of parts j required to produce
one item i and by the production lot size (part consumption). To not obtain
half lots, the largest integer less than or equal to the equation is calculated
(floor calculation), thus differing from the ceiling calculation in equation
(1). The company needs enough parts procurement lots to produce (=
82 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
rounding up), leading to a limited amount of item’s production lots (=
>0 ,,
amount of production lots of item i in period t with given part j
amount of part j required for item i [pcs/pcs]
production lot size of item i in period t [pcs/(u/m)]
stock of part j at end of period t [pcs] (eq. (3))
spare parts need of part j in period t [pcs] (eq. (2))
Since all different parts j have different procurement lot sizes and different
consumptions per item i, equation (4) will provide several solutions for the
amount of production lots for item i and period t; one value for every part j.
To include all parts j given in the bill of materials to produce item i only the
smallest number of lots as calculated in equation (4) may be produced with
the given stock of materials. The necessary calculation is formulated in
equation (5).
= 
amount of production lots of item i in period t with given part j
[u/m] (eq. (4))
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 83
minimum amount of production lots for item i in period t [u/m]
The expected item’s i remaining stock needs to be calculated despite the
fact that the calculation started with the initial amount of orders, due the
rounding procedures in equation (1) and (4) leading to additional items i
produced, that cannot be sold. Equation (6) calculates the item’s i remain-
ing stock, i.e. maximum amount of items i available at the end of period t
(from stock or production), considering production and procurement lot
size constraints leveraged by the amount of items ordered. When the time
period t corresponds to the time between phase-out beginning and end of
production, the amount of production lots times the production lot size is
the phase-out quantity.
minimum amount of production lots of item i in period t [u/m]
(eq. (5))
amount of items i ordered in period t [pcs]
production lot size of item i in period t [pcs/m/u]
stock of item i at the beginning of period t (t-1) [pcs]
remaining stock of item i at the end of period t [pcs]
In addition to the item’s i remaining stock, the remaining stock amount of
every part j is a set of stock balance constraints that equate the supply of
all parts j in a period with its demand for producing item i. In any period t,
a certain amount of parts is ordered, while others are already stocked. The
available parts are then consumed to produce the item or to store them as
84 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
spare parts. Due to the fact that normally more parts are procured than
sold, stock remains (equation (7)).
+ 
minimum amount of production lots for item i in period t [u/m]
(eq. (5))
amount of procurement lots of part j in period t [u/m] (eq. (1))
amount of part j required for item i [pcs/pcs]
number of phase-out items using part j
production lot size of item i in period t [pcs/(u/m)]
procurement lot size of part j in period t [pcs/(u/m)]
amount of remaining stocks of part j at the end of period t [pcs]
stock of part j at the beginning of period t [pcs]
spare parts need of part j in period t [pcs] (eq. (2))
The calculated remaining stock from equation (7) is multiplied with the
sum of the unit price per part j (i.e. the purchase price) and the remaining
stock costs (equation (8)). The latter costs depend on the chosen remaining
stock handling option chosen for part j (e.g. sale, recycle, or scrap). For sale
situations where some income is generated, the cost is negative to reduce
the expected remaining stock costs.
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 85
+ 
 
>0 ,
0 
Source: Adopted from Hertrampf (2012, p.37)
unit costs for the remaining stock handling option according
to the existing remaining stock option of part j (Holtsch, 2009,
p.95) [€/pcs]
expected remaining stock costs for remaining stock of part j at
the end of period t [€]
unit price per part j in period t [€/pcs]
amount of remaining stocks of part j at the end of period t [pcs]
(equation (7))
At this point it is reasonable to estimate a valuation at the part’s replace-
ment costs for pu
, for two reasons. First, following the first-in-first-out
(FIFO) principle will in many situations reduce previous period’s stock (s
to zero. Second, planning periods should be relatively short so the differ-
ence between procurement costs of two subsequent periods is neglectible.
For an entirely exact calculation, the procurement costs need to be dis-
counted together with the storage costs that emerged by that date depend-
ing on the time every part j was bought (also not specified by Hertrampf
The phase-out coefficient represents the usage degree of one part j in the
phase-out item i and in other items l (Holtsch, 2009, p.74). A coefficient of
less than one indicates a further use of part j in other items l and that any
part’s remaining stock can be “sold” to another product, thus, generating
86 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
a revenue the the unit price to eliminate the part from calculation 
. Those parts j do not create any loss for the remaining stock costs
calculation. Equation (9) shows the phase-out coefficient.
>0 ,,,
Source: Holtsch (2009, p.74)
amount of phase-out items i ordered in period t [pcs]
amount of orders of alternative item l in period t [pcs]
amount of part j required for item i [pcs/pcs]
amount of part j required for item l [pcs/pcs]
phase-out coefficient of part j [0;1]
number of phase-out items i
number of alternative use in other items l
number of time periods until end of planning horizon
Parts j that might be used in next generation versions of item i might also
be sold in future, which is not considered in equation (9). In those cases the
expected remaining stock handling option would be storage and positive
revenue after item’s i end of production at the level of the unit price per
part j. Similar to calculating the part’s remaining stock costs in equation (8)
also the remaining stock costs of the surplus items is calculated in equation
(10), following an identical assumption. It is highly likely that companies
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 87
sell remaining stock to at least obtain a lower-than-normal revenue (i.e.
negative cRS
), such as IBM who in 1998 generated a loss of $1 billion due
to excess PC inventory at their dealers which were sold at low special offer
prices (Bulkeley, 1999).
+ 
 
>0 ,
0 
Source: Adopted from Hertrampf (2012, p.37)
unit cost of production for item i in period t [€/pcs] (in general:
material procurement costs, manufacturing costs and related
unit costs for the remaining stock handling option of item i
expected remaining stock costs for remaining stock of item i at
the end of period t [€]
amount of remaining stock of item i at the end of period t [pcs]
(eq. (6))
Equation (11) gives the total expected remaining stock costs for all parts j
and the phase-out item i for every period t over the planning horizon of T
periods until end of production.
Concluding, equations (1) to (11) calculate the company’s total remaining
stock costs at the end of any period with a given amount of orders. For sit-
uations with only one phase-out item, the index i becomes 1.
88 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
+ 
expected remaining stock costs for remaining stock of item i
at the end of period t [€] (equation (10))
expected remaining stock costs for remaining stock of part j at
the end of period t [€] (equation (8))
number of phase-out items
number of parts
total remaining stock costs of all parts in period t [€]
number of time periods
4 Phase-out Example
To better understand the equations described above, this chapter offers an
example to calculate remaining stock costs for one phase-out item i con-
sisting of five parts j (j1-j5). Production lot sizes is LS
= 45, and s
= 50
items are already on stock. Let us assume the following further values:
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 89
Table 1 Input Variables for Phase-Out Example
Input variable
Table 2 Amount of Items Ordered in Periods t1-t6
Table 3 Amount of Items Ordered in Periods t7-t12
90 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
Figure 2 Expected Remaining Stock Costs per Period
Figure 2 shows a sample calculation of the expected remaining stock costs
over 12 periods of the phase-out item i.
As given in the formulas above the remaining stock costs depends on the
demand, the procurement and production lot sizes, the inventory at hand,
as well as costs for remaining stock handling and procurement / production
unit costs.
In the given example the company will need to pay ca. €6.000 of remaining
stock costs at the end of period t12, consisting out of €4.200 for handling
the remaining stock of the item itself and €1.800 for handling the parts’ re-
maining stock.
Figure 2 clearly shows that remaining stock costs differ strongly from pe-
riod to period. The lowest amount may be achieved at the end of period t2;
1.000 €
2.000 €
3.000 €
4.000 €
5.000 €
6.000 €
7.000 €
8.000 €
9.000 €
Amount of items i ordered [pcs]
Remaining Stock Costs [€]
Periods [months]
Item i
Part j1
Part j2
Part j3
Part j4
Part j5
Items i Ordered
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 91
the highest amount needs to be paid at the end of period t7. The latter costs
are more than twice times period t2 costs.
5 Summary and Conclusions
This research introduces a methodology to calculate expected remaining
stock costs at end of production as add-on to material requirements plan-
ning within PPC. After a brief literature review, eleven equations are pre-
sented which serve to calculate first, the expected remaining stock quan-
tity, and second, resulting costs. An example shows the methodology’s
This paper closes the gap in research by addressing the missing link of
quantity and cost calculation in remaining stock investigations. By now,
only costs were analyzed, expecting remaining stock quantity as given in-
Using the presented equations supports companies first of all in knowing
the expected remaining stock costs level. In a further step companies may
now decide basing on the new information to take different means for re-
ducing the expected stock. One option is to end production earlier, i.e. to
not meet the entire demand. In the example, period t2 is the month with
least remaining stock costs. Yet, the company most probably will need to
offer a penalty payment or a replacement product to the customer. This
makes choosing period t2 less likely, but period t9 could then become in-
teresting. But a further aspect changing the situation is that at the end no
remaining stock of the item itself will be available (it is not reasonable to
scrap remaining stock and pay penalty for unmet demand at the same
92 Regina Wagner and Thorsten Blecker
time), so only the parts’ remaining stock will be regarded, which would shift
it to period t10 in the given example. Yet, also the amount to be paid for not
meeting the demand needs to be considered, which consists of penalty
costs and lost profit.
Alternatively, companies might try to reduce item’s stock by selling them
to a lower (cost-covering) price and to reduce part’s stock by reducing pro-
curement lot sizes where possible. Calculating appropriate lot size
amounts is presented in Hertrampf’s (2012) publication.
The next steps in research are therefore to include unmet demand (lost
sales) and additional production runs to consume remaining parts into the
methodology. Then, companies are enabled to thoroughly decide which re-
maining stock reduction measure is the most appropriate for their given
Material Requirements Planning under Phase-out Conditions 93
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Approach for Complexity Management in
Variant-rich Product Development
Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
During the last years, companies in high-technology marketplaces were confronted
with technology innovations, dynamic markets, changing customer requirements
and uncertainty. Manufacturing companies can’t escape these trends. To cope with
these trends, companies try to develop new product variants, which lead to in-
creased complexity. Product development is characterized by different factors such
as product, product portfolio and the development process. Complexity manage-
ment in product development is a strategic issue for companies to be competitive. A
systematic literature review was performed to identify and analyze the existing ap-
proaches for complexity management in all fields. Based on this, a new approach for
managing complexity in variant-rich product development was developed. It en-
courages the reader to manage product development’s complexity. In this approach,
complexity is systematically analyzed and evaluated to create conditions for a target
oriented managing and controlling of complexity in product development.
Keywords: Complexity, Complexity Management, Approach,
Product Development
98 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
1 Introduction
Developing and producing individual and complex products for diversified
marketplaces at minimum cost is the challenge of the 21st century. Within
the last decades, complexity in the company has increased continuously in
many industries (Schuh, Arnoscht and Rudolf, 2010, p.1928; Lübke, 2007,
pp.2-4; Krause, Franke and Gausemeier, 2007, pp.3-4; ElMaraghy, et al.,
2012, p.797). Companies in high-technology marketplaces are confronted
with technology innovation, dynamic environmental conditions, changing
customer requirements, market globalization and uncertainty. These are
trends that manufacturing companies can´t escape (Miragliotta, Perona
and Portioli-Staudacher, 2002, p.382; Gerschberger, et al., 2012, p.1016). In
today's highly competitive environment it is fundamental for a company's
success to bring new products to the market quickly and with customized
settings (Augusto Cauchick Miguel, 2007, p.617; Lübke, 2007, pp.2-3). As a
reaction, the companies are present in the market with a diversified prod-
uct portfolio (Haumann, et al., 2012, p.107; ElMaraghy and ElMaraghy, 2014,
pp.1-2). Product development is one of the most complex and nontranspar-
ent tasks and uncertain processes in the company (Bick and Drexl-Witt-
becker, 2008, p.20; Davila, 2000, p.386; Specht and Beckmann, 1996, p.25-
26). Product development process is confronted with several complexity
factors such as demand variety, uncertain objectives, environmental dy-
namics, high time pressure and restricted resources (Wildemann, 2012,
p.202). Dehnen (2004, pp.33-35) argues that complexity in product devel-
opment comes generally from a variety of internal and external sources,
called complexity drivers. Complexity drivers describe a system's complex-
Approach for Complexity Management 99
ity and help to evaluate and handle it. Complexity management is a strate-
gic issue for companies to be competitive (Miragliotta, Perona and Portioli-
Staudacher, 2002, p.383).
The purpose of this paper is to present a praxis-oriented approach for man-
aging complexity in variant-rich product development. The approach was
developed based on literature and encourages the reader to manage prod-
uct development's complexity. Section 2 gives a literature overview about
complexity management, their properties, requirements and objectives.
Furthermore, an overview of existing complexity management approaches
in different fields is presented. As a result of the existing complexity man-
agement approaches, a new approach for complexity management in var-
iant-rich product development is described in section 3 and is applied on a
recent development project in the automotive industry. Section 4 and 5
conclude the paper and close the research gap with implications for future
2 Literature Review
2.1 Complexity Management
The origin of the term complexity comes from the Latin word "complexus",
which means "entwined, twisted together" (Miragliotty, Perona and Porti-
oli-Staudacher, 2002, p.383). Based on systems theory, complexity is char-
acterized by the amount and diversity of a system's elements, the amount
and type of dependencies and the variation of the elements and their de-
pendencies over time (Kersten, 2011, p.15). Thus, complex systems are
characterized by the variety of their states (Schuh, 2005, pp.34-35).
100 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
Generally in literature, increasing complexity is related to increasing costs
(Meyer, 2007, p.94). For example, modifications in product design or pro-
cess are responsible for product or process variety and generate additional
costs. Furthermore, such modifications may have unpredictable effects on
the whole development process (Aggeri and Segrestin, 2007, p.38).
Managing a system's complexity requires an optimum fit between internal
and external complexity. Managing complexity comprises designing the
necessary variety, handling variety-increasing factors, reducing variety and
controlling complex systems (Schuh, 2005, pp.34-35). Generally, complex-
ity management has several objectives. In literature, the main objectives
are reducing, mastering and avoiding complexity (Wildemann, 2012, p.69;
Lasch and Gießmann, 2009a, p.198; Schuh and Schwenk, 2001, pp.32-40;
Kaiser, 1995, p.102). Wildemann (2012, p.69) defines these objectives as the
three main strategies for complexity management. In addition to the three
complexity strategies, Krause, Franke and Gausemeier (2007, pp.15-16) ar-
gue that complexity identification, complexity evaluation and the determi-
nation of the optimum complexity degree are also important objectives for
complexity management and to improve transparency.
Complexity management requires approaches for understanding, simplifi-
cation, transformation and evaluation of complexity (Hünerberg and Mann,
2009, p.3). A successful complexity management approach enables a bal-
ance between external market's complexity and internal company's com-
plexity (Rosemann, 1998, p.61; Kaiser, 1995, p.17). Therefore, it is necessary
to implement complexity management in company's management process
as an integrated concept (Kersten, 2011, pp.17-18).
Approach for Complexity Management 101
Product development is mainly characterized by three categories: product,
product portfolio and product development process. Based on these cate-
gories, the complexity drivers product complexity, product portfolio com-
plexity and process complexity are derived. Complexity drivers are factors
or indicators, which influence a system's complexity (Puhl, 1999, p.31; Pe-
rona and Miragliotta, 2004, p.104). Thus, managing complexity in product
development requires a detailed complexity analysis in these categories
(Dehnen, 2004, p.9). Beyond the mentioned categories, Ponn and Linde-
mann (2008, p.7) argue that the applied methods and instruments in prod-
uct development are also important aspects.
Product complexity is characterized by product design, the number of ele-
ments or materials and their interdependencies as well as the dynamics of
products activity. Product activity consists of the rate at which new prod-
ucts are introduced or existing products are changed (Edersheim and Wil-
son, 1992, pp.27-33; Kirchhof, 2003, p.40). Product portfolio complexity is
determined by the product range or the variant range, the number of their
elements and the dynamics of product portfolio's variability (Kirchhof,
2003, p.40; Lübke, 2007, p.173; Schoeller, 2009, p.50). Process complexity is
mainly characterized by process design, process dynamics and multidi-
mensional target expectation. Process design contains of the number of di-
rect and indirect process steps, their interdependencies, the design of pro-
cess interfaces, the level of difficulty as well as the controllability and con-
sistency of each step. Process dynamics refer to the rate at which processes
or product design and operational parameters are changing. Operational
parameters could be tolerances (Edersheim and Wilson, 1992, pp.28-34;
102 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
Klabunde, 2003, p.8; Kirchhof, 2003, p.40). Furthermore, process complex-
ity describes the multidimensional demand for a structural coordination
between different interfaces (Dehnen, 2004, p.34). According to complexity
management's objectives and product development's characteristics, the
requirements for a complexity management approach in variant-rich prod-
uct development must be defined. In literature, several requirements for a
complexity management approach exist. According to Lasch and
Gießmann (2009a, pp.203-206), we defined eleven main requirements and
assigned them to the following three main categories:
¾ Structural: Recurring cycle, modular structure.
¾ Functional: Practicability and transparency, identifying the com-
plexity problem, methods for complexity management, applica-
tion of key figures, approach for capability planning.
¾ Cause related: Identifying complexity drivers, identifying com-
plexity drivers' interdependencies, evaluation of complexity driv-
ers, evaluation of complexity (degree).
2.2 Research Methodology and Results
This paper's purpose is to develop a praxis-oriented approach for manag-
ing complexity in variant-rich product development. Before developing a
new approach, existing literature must be identified, analyzed and evalu-
ated. For this literature review, we determined two research questions:
RQ1: What different approaches currently exist in scientific literature?
RQ2: What structure and focuses do the existing approaches have?
The first step in conducting a literature research is to define the right search
terms based on the research questions. In literature, the terms "approach",
Approach for Complexity Management 103
"model", "method", "concept", "procedure" and "framework" are often
used synonymously for describing a complexity management approach.
Thus, all terms were used for this literature research. Furthermore, to ex-
tend the results and to prevent the elimination of important articles, the
research was performed in English and German by using the following six
databases, specialized in science and economics: Emerald, ScienceDirect,
IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, GENIOS/WISO and SpringerLink. No re-
strictions were made regarding the research period. The researched litera-
ture sources were synthesized based on the aforementioned research
questions. This resulted in forty-seven relevant approaches in the time pe-
riod between 1992 and 2014 (see Table 1 and 2). Fifty-seven percent of the
existing approaches are focused on general in manufacturing companies.
The remaining forty-three percent are separated in other fields such as
product development (6.1 percent), procurement (2.0 percent), production
(10.2 percent), logistics (4.1 percent), internal supply chain (16.3 percent)
and distribution (4.1 percent). Only three approaches are focused on prod-
uct development. In the next step, the identified approaches are analyzed
and described according to their structure and targets (see Table 1 and 2).
Furthermore, the existing approaches are evaluated based on the de-
scribed requirements to identify deficits (see Table 3 and 4). The evaluation
is based on the following three criteria:
¾ Fulfilled (+ +): Content and precise methods are described
¾ Partial fulfilled (+): Content are described without precise meth-
¾ Not fulfilled (-): Content and methods are not described
104 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
Table 1 Overview about existing approaches (Part 1)
G General in manufacturing companies
PD Product Development
PC Procurement
PR Production
L Logistics
SC Internal Supply Chain
D Distribution
+ + fulfilled
+ partial fulfilled
- not fulfilled
Grossmann (1992) G
- - -
Wildemann (1995) PR -
- -
Fricker (1996) G -
- -
Warnecke and Puhl (1997) G - + -
Bliss (1998) G + + - -
Bohne (1998) G - - -
Rosemann (1998) G - - -
Puhl (1999) G - + -
Wildemann (1999) PC - - -
Bliss (2000) G + + - -
Westphal (2000) L - - -
Miragliotta, Perona and Portioli-Staudacher (2002) G - - -
Kim and Wilemon (2003) PD - - -
Kirchhof (2003) G - - -
PD + + + + + +
Hanenkamp (2004) PR + + -
Meier and Hanenkamp (2004) SC - - -
Perona and Miragliotta (2004) PR, L - - -
Blecker, Kersten and Meyer (2005) G - - -
Geimer (2005) SC - - -
Geimer and Schulze (2005) SC - - -
Anderson et al. (2006) G - - -
Greitemeyer and Ulrich (2006) G + + -
Denk (2007) G - - -
Explanation for evaluation criteria:
Complexity controlling
Product complexity
Implement complexity management
Process complexity
Explanation for focus:
Approach's structure
Complexity analysis
Complexity evaluation
Determine complexity strategy
Determine complexity instruments
Complexity planning
Product protfolio complexity
Dehnen (2004)
Approach for Complexity Management 105
Table 2 Overview about existing approaches (Part 2)
General in manufacturing companies
PD Product Development
PC Procurement
PR Production
L Logistics
SC Internal Supply Chain
D Distribution
+ + fulfilled
+ partial fulfilled
- not fulfilled
Marti (2007) G
+ + - -
Meyer (2007) D
- - -
Bick and Drexl-Wittbecker (2008) G
+ + + + -
Schuh et al. (2008) G
+ + - -
Denk and Pfneissl (2009) G - - -
Lasch and Gießmann (2009b) G + + +
Lindemann, Maurer and Braun (2009) PD + - -
Blockus (2010) G - - -
Warnecke (2010) G - - -
Isik (2011) SC - - -
Kersten (2011) SC - - -
Schawel and Billing (2011) G - - -
Fabig and Haasper (2012) G
+ - +
Koch (2012) G - - -
Lammers (2012) D - - -
Aelker, Bauernhansl and Ehm (2013) SC - - -
Boyksen and Kotlik (2013) G - - -
Jäger et al. (2013) PR, SC - - -
Meier and Bojarski (2013) G + + + + -
Serdarasan (2013) SC
- - -
Grimm, Schuller and Wilhelmer (2014) G - - -
Schöttl et al. (2014) PR - + -
Wassmus (2014) G
+ + - -
Explanation for focus:
Approach's structure
Complexity analysis
Complexity evaluation
Determine complexity strategy
Determine complexity instruments
Complexity planning
Implement complexity management
Explanation for evaluation criteria:
Complexity controlling
Product complexity
Process complexity
Product protfolio complexity
106 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
Table 3 Overview about existing approaches (Part 3)
+ + fulfilled
+ partial fulfilled
- not fulfilled
Grossmann (1992)
- - + + + + + + + + - - - - -
Wildemann (1995) - + + - - - + + - - - -
- + +
Fricker (1996)
- - + + + + + + + - - + - - -
Warnecke and Puhl (1997) + + + + + + - + + - - + + - + + + +
Bliss (1998) + + - + + + - + + - - - - - +
Bohne (1998) + - + + + + + + - - - - - -
Rosemann (1998) - - + - - + + - - - - - -
Puhl (1999) + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + +
Wildemann (1999) - - + + - - + + - - - - - -
Bliss (2000) + + - + + + - + + - - - - - +
Westphal (2000) - - - - - + + - - - - - -
Miragliotta, Perona and Portioli-Staudacher (2002) + - + + + - - - - + + - +
Kim and Wilemon (2003) + - + + + + - + - + - + -
Kirchhof (2003) + + - + + - + - - + + + + + -
- + + - - + - - - - - +
Hanenkamp (2004) + + - + + - + - - + + + + + -
Meier and Hanenkamp (2004) + + + + + + - + + - - + + - + + -
Perona and Miragliotta (2004) - - + + + - - - - - - - -
Blecker, Kersten and Meyer (2005) + + + + + + - - - - + + + + - -
Geimer (2005) - - - + + + + + - - + - - -
Geimer and Schulze (2005) - - + + + + + + - - + - - -
Anderson et al. (2006) - - - + - - - - - - - -
Greitemeyer and Ulrich (2006) - - + + + - - + - - - - +
Denk (2007) - + - + + - - - - - - - -
Identification of complexity drivers
Complexity drivers' interdependencies
Evaluation of complexity drivers
Evaluation of complexity (degree)
Dehnen (2004)
Recurring cycle
Modular structure
Identifying the complexity problem
Methods for complexity management
Application of key figures
Approach for capability planning
Explanation for evaluation criteria:
Evaluation criteria
Approach for Complexity Management 107
Table 4 Overview about existing approaches (Part 4)
+ + fulfilled
+ partial fulfilled
- not fulfilled
Marti (2007) - - + + + + - + - - - - - +
Meyer (2007) + + + + + + + + - + + + - + + + + + -
Bick and Drexl-Wittbecker (2008) - - + + + + - - - - - -
Schuh et al. (2008) - + - + + - - - - - - -
Denk and Pfneissl (2009) - + - + + - - - - - - - -
Lasch and Gießmann (2009b) + + - + - + + + + - + + + + + +
Lindemann, Maurer and Braun (2009) - - - + + + - - - - - -
Blockus (2010) - - + + + - + + - - - - -
Warnecke (2010) - - + + - + - - - - - +
Isik (2011) - - + + + + - - - + + - -
Kersten (2011) - - + + - + - - + + + - -
Schawel and Billing (2011) - - + + + - + + - - + + + + + -
Fabig and Haasper (2012) + - - - - + - - - - - -
Koch (2012) - - - + - - - - - - - -
Lammers (2012) - - + + + + + + - - + + + + + + -
Aelker, Bauernhansl and Ehm (2013) - - - + - - - - + - - +
Boyksen and Kotlik (2013) + + - + + - - - - + - + +
Jäger et al. (2013) + - - + - - + - + - - +
Meier and Bojarski (2013) + + + + + - + - - - - - -
Serdarasan (2013) + + + - + - - - - + - - +
Grimm, Schuller and Wilhelmer (2014) + - + + + - - - + - - -
Schöttl et al. (2014) - - + + + + + - - + - + + -
Wassmus (2014) + + + - + - + - - - - - -
Identifying the complexity problem
Methods for complexity management
Application of key figures
Explanation for evaluation criteria:
Evaluation criteria
Recurring cycle
Modular structure
Approach for capability planning
Identification of complexity drivers
Complexity drivers' interdependencies
Evaluation of complexity drivers
Evaluation of complexity (degree)
108 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
In the first step, the structure and the targets of all identified approaches
are analyzed to identify commonalities and differences. Based on this anal-
ysis, seven stages of complexity management can be identified and were
applied in literature: complexity analysis (N: 36; 77%), complexity evalua-
tion (N: 19; 40%), determination of complexity strategies (N: 38; 81%), de-
termination of appropriate complexity instruments (N: 10; 21%), complex-
ity planning (N: 6; 13%), complexity management's implementation (N: 9;
19%) and complexity controlling (N: 11; 23%). The most applied stages are
determination of complexity strategies, complexity analysis and evalua-
tion. Thus, these stages are very important. However, there is no approach,
which consists of all stages.
Complexity management in product development is determined by prod-
uct complexity, process complexity and product portfolio complexity. This
is the reason why we analyzed the literature according to these categories.
Most of the existing approaches have no explicit target or focus. Only one
approach exists with a focus on all mentioned complexity categories.
In the next step, the identified approaches are evaluated based on the de-
fined eleven main requirements. As a result, there is no approach, which
fulfills all requirements in total or partial. The evaluation criteria practica-
bility (N: 31; 66%), transparency (N: 40; 85%) and methods for complexity
management (N: 31; 66%) are the most fulfilled or partially fulfilled require-
ments. Thus, the existing approaches are mostly focused on these criteria.
They can be defined as the approach's objectives.
In summary, an approach which consists of all stages and categories and
fulfills all requirements in total or partially does not exist yet. With our com-
plexity management approach we cover this research gap.
Approach for Complexity Management 109
3 Complexity Management in Variant-rich Product
In our literature review, we identified seven stages, which were applied for
complexity management in the company.
Product development is characterized by variety, dynamics, complex and
nontransparent tasks and uncertain processes (Wildemann, 2012, p.202;
Bick and Drexl-Wittbecker, 2008, p.20; Davila, 2000, p.386; Specht and Beck-
mann, 1996, pp.25-26). This leads to an increasing risk in product develop-
ment (Specht and Beckmann, 1996, p.25). For risk management, four
stages are described in literature: analysis, evaluation, regulation and con-
trolling of risks (Ahrendts and Marton, 2008, p.14; Schawel and Billing, 2011,
p.165). Complexity and risk are closely connected because of their charac-
teristics (Specht and Beckmann, 1996, pp.25-26). Thus, risk management's
four stages can also be applied for complexity management.
Considering product development's characteristics, we developed a four
stages complexity management approach for variant-rich product devel-
opment based on the existing literature and the risk management strate-
gies (see Figure 1). The approach is focused on product development's
three main dimensions product complexity, product portfolio complexity
and process complexity (Dehnen, 2004, p.9) and comprises the seven
stages. The approach is designed as a recurring cycle with a modular struc-
ture to fulfill the structural requirements of a complexity management ap-
proach. Furthermore, different methods and tools for complexity manage-
ment are described to gain practicability.
110 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
Figure 1 Four stage complexity management approach
The new approach was applied on a recent development project in the au-
tomotive industry to verify the scientific results. Cars are probably the most
complex mass-produced industrial products in the market, because they
combine many different parts, components, technologies and functions.
The development process takes between three to four years and involves
hundreds of engineers, technicians and partners (Moisdon and Weil, 1996,
cited in Aggeri and Segrestin, 2007, p.38). In the last years, automotive com-
panies increased their product portfolio successively to gain market shares
and to be competitive. Complex products such as cars consist not only of
mechanical and electrical parts and components but also of software, con-
trol modules and human-machine interfaces (ElMaraghy, et al., 2012,
p.793), which influence each other and lead to an increasing complexity.
Application of
Complexity Strategies
Planning& Controlling
Approach for Complexity Management 111
3.1 Complexity Analysis
Complexity in a project, especially in product development, requires a de-
tailed complexity analysis (Warnecke, 2010, p.640) to increase transpar-
ency and to fulfill the functional requirements (see chapter 2.1). The first
step is to formulate and distinguish the tangible problem and to derive the
demand for action (Grossmann, 1992, p.209; Fricker, 1996, p.113; Schöttl,
et al., 2013, p.258). Hauschildt (1977, p.127) argues that problem complex-
ity is related to a problem's structure, its parts and uncertainty. For analyz-
ing the complexity problem, Schöttl, et al. (2013, p.258) use individual ques-
tionnaires. The second step is to identify and analyze the complexity driv-
ers. Complexity driver's analysis and understanding is the basis for devel-
oping a clear strategy for managing complexity (Serdarasan, 2013, p.533).
In literature, several approaches for complexity driver's identification exist.
The most applied approaches are expert interviews, process or systems
analysis and influence analysis. In the third step, product variants are ana-
lyzed in detail to identify product's commonalities and differences and to
identify the main attributes, which characterize a product variant. Variant's
analysis and the main attributes are the basis for generating a variant der-
ivation matrix in terms of an effective variant management (Nurcahya,
2009, pp.59-68). Variants are products with a high proportion of identical
components in the categories geometry, material or technology (Lingnau,
1994, p.24). DIN 199 (1977 cited in Schwenk-Willi, 2001, pp.22-23) defines
variants as objects with similar form or function and a high proportion of
identical groups or components.
In our case study, the investigated object was the powertrain of a car. To
identify the complexity problem in the product development department,
112 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
we used expert interviews and questionnaires. The result was that the
product portfolio increased in the last years continuously to gain market
shares. However, the available budget and the development time for pro-
jects are decreasing successively. Another problem is that the variants are
characterized by different complexity levels. Thus, the management is
faced to develop an increased powertrain product portfolio in less time
with the same or less input and resources.
For a detailed problem and complexity analysis, the powertrain was ab-
stracted to a product model (see Figure 2) (Nurcahya, 2009, pp.59-62). The
product model is an abstraction of a real product and contains all relevant
elements or modules for product's characterization (Nurcahya, 2009,
pp.54-61). This model is the basis for complexity driver's identification,
analysis and evaluation. In our case study, the product model of a power-
train is divided into five main modules (engine, induction system, fuel in-
jection system, exhaust system and drivetrain) and contains forty-eight rel-
evant elements (turbocharger, injection valve, catalytic converter, etc.).
Product: Powertrain Product Model
Figure 2
Powertrain product model
Approach for Complexity Management 113
Next, the complexity drivers were identified and analyzed by using different
approaches in the three categories product, product portfolio and process.
¾ Product: Literature, expert interviews, questionnaires, workshop,
influence analysis.
¾ Product portfolio: Expert interviews, workshops, variant tree
¾ Process: Process analysis, expert interviews, workshops
In the third step, the product portfolio is analyzed to identify commonali-
ties and differences. Based on product and complexity driver's analysis, the
main attributes, which characterize a product variant, were defined.
Product portfolio can be divided in reference variants, product variants,
product groups and product families. The reference variant is the most
complex variant within a product family and the basis for variant's deriva-
tion. Product variants are derived from reference variants and clustered
within the product family. A product group consists of several product fam-
ilies. Within a product family, the variants are similar with respect to speci-
fied criteria (Nurcahya, 2009, pp.52-55). Next, all reference and product var-
iants within a product family are compared according to their characteris-
tics to identify commonalities and differences (Nurcahya, 2009, pp.66-67).
Nurcahya developed a matrix for variants' comparison. The matrix shows,
which variants have the same characteristics and can be derived from an-
In our case study, a powertrain variant can be described by twenty different
attributes (e.g. engine; transmission; time to market; etc.). Within the at-
tributes, different product variants exist (e.g. 3.0l, 2.5l or 2.0l engine; auto-
114 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
matic or manual transmission; etc.). According to product complexity, de-
velopment effort and time to market, the most complex and expensive
product in the product portfolio, launched first in market is the reference
variant, called lead. Product variants which can be derived from a lead-var-
iant are called derivates. According to their complexity, development effort
and time to market, derivates can be further separated in different sizes
such as large, middle and small. As a result of this classification, a product
portfolio can be clustered into four different groups: lead, derivate large,
derivate middle and derivate small. Based on the described attributes, we
analyzed and evaluated the product portfolio to identify commonalities
and differences. Furthermore, we clustered the variants according to the
product classification and developed a derivation matrix with expert's co-
operation. Basically, the derivation matrix is similar to an influence matrix
and shows, which variant can be derived from another. Figure 3 shows a
derivation matrix for the main attributes "engine" (3.0l, 2.5l or 2.0l) and
"transmission" (automatic or manual) and an example for clustering a
product portfolio consisting of five variants with different market launches.
With the derivation matrix, the powertrain portfolio can be analyzed and
clustered into the four different groups. In the example, the reference vari-
ant, called lead variant (L), is the powertrain with a 3.0l engine and an au-
tomatic transmission. The lead is the most complex variant, launched first
in the market at the time of T0. All other variants are derivates from the lead
with different sizes and launched after T0.
Approach for Complexity Management 115
Figure 3
Derivation matrix and example
AT: Automatic
MT: Manual
Time to Market
Product Classification
DL Derivate large
DM Derivate medium
DS Derivate small
- - - No Derivation
Direction of
#1 3.0l
#2 2.5l
#3 2.5l
#4 2.0l
#5 2.0l MT T3
T0 T1 T2 T3
116 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
3.2 Complexity Evaluation
The second stage of our complexity approach comprises the complexity
evaluation in the three categories product, product portfolio and process.
The objective of evaluation in general is to emphasize commonalities and
differences between relating object's properties (Kieser and Kubicek, 1983,
p.174). Beyond, complexity evaluation is the basis for application of the
right complexity strategy in the next stage of our approach.
Complexity management's objective is to achieve a company's optimum
complexity degree, where internal and external complexity are equal
(Schuh, 2005, p.43; Boyksen and Kotlik, 2013, p.49; Reiß, 1993, pp.133-134).
In product development, internal complexity is characterized by product,
product portfolio and process complexity (Dehnen, 2004, pp.33-35). Exter-
nal complexity is characterized by environmental, demand and competi-
tive complexity (Dehnen, 2004, pp.33-35). Thus, company's optimum com-
plexity degree can be achieved by evaluating and managing internal com-
plexity. According to systems theory, a system's complexity degree is char-
acterized by the amount of elements, their dependencies and the amount
of system's conditions, so called variety (Curran, Elliger and Rüdiger, 2008,
p.162; Malik, 2002, p.186). Malik (2002, p.186) argues that complexity can
be quantified by variety. In literature, no uniform definition and measuring
scale for a complexity degree exists. Höge (1995, pp.31-32), Greitemeyer
and Ulrich (2006, p.8) state that the optimum complexity degree and meas-
uring scale must be planned company-specific according to each compa-
ny's strategy. To achieve a company's optimum complexity, internal com-
plexity must be analyzed and evaluated. In our case study, we developed
Approach for Complexity Management 117
three complexity indices on the basis of variety to evaluate product devel-
opment's internal complexity in the categories product, process and prod-
uct portfolio. According to Kieser and Kubicek, the objective is to compare
different development projects in the categories to identify complexity
trends over time.
3.2.1 Product Complexity Index (PDCI)
ElMaraghy and ElMaraghy (2014, p.5) described a product complexity index
to characterize a product and to measure, how complex a product is. The
measurement is based on variety. According to ElMaraghy and ElMaraghy,
we also developed a PDCI, based on the product and the difference of vari-
ety () within the identified product complexity driver's categories. In
our evaluation, the complexity drivers were weighted according to devel-
opment effort, costs and time (
), because some drivers are more com-
plex than others. The most complex drivers have the weighting factor 1.0.
The weighting factors of other drivers are defined in comparison to the
most complex driver.
The PDCI is formulated as the weighted average of variety difference in all
product complexity driver's categories (). N is the maximum amount of
product complexity driver's categories and n is the category's number.
The PDCI represents the percentage increase or decrease of development
effort or costs, in comparison to the basis. Figure 4 shows an example for
calculating a PDCI of two powertrain development projects. Project #1 is
118 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
already completed while project #2 is currently developed. For compari-
son, we use seven complexity driver's categories (C1-C7): engine (C1), tur-
bocharger (C2), valve controlling (C3), fuel injection system (C4), ignition
system (C5), catalytic converter (C6) and transmission (C7). In the first step,
the variety in the categories C1-C7 is identified for project #1 and #2. Next,
the differences of variety () between project #1 and #2 are calculated,
using project #1 as the basis. Then, the PDCI is calculated percentual con-
sidering different weighting factors. As a result, the new project #2 has a
complexity increase of forty percent in comparison to project #1. In cate-
gory two (C2) the variety of turbochargers in project #1 and #2 is identified.
The finished project #1 had one turbocharger and the current project #2 has
two different turbochargers. The difference () between project #2 and
#1 is one. The basis is project #1, thus the variety in project #2 increased by
100 percent. The categories turbocharger (C2) and valve controlling (C3)
have a weighting factor of 1.0, because they are the most complex drivers.
Product Complexity Driver‘s Categories Cn
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
in Cn
Project #1
2 1 1 2 1 2 1
in Cn
Project #2
2 2 3 1 1 1 2
factor WF
0.8 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.6
PDCI: +40%
Figure 4
Example PDCI
Approach for Complexity Management 119
3.2.2 Process Complexity Index (PRCI)
In literature, no process complexity index exists. Thus, we developed a PRCI
analogously to PDCI. PRCI is based on the development process and the
difference of variety within the identified process complexity driver's cate-
gories (). The complexity drivers were also weighted according to
development effort and time (
). The PRCI is formulated as follows:
Figure 5 shows an example for calculating a PRCI of two powertrain devel-
opment projects. In this case, the process complexity drivers are the
amount of different process steps (PrC1) and their conjunctions (PrC2) and
the amount of interfaces to other subsections within the value chain (PrC3).
The PRCI is calculated analogously to PDCI. As a result, the development
process of project #2 has a complexity increase of twenty-six percent in
comparison to project #1.
Complexity Driver‘s Categories
PrC1 PrC2 PrC3
in PrCn
Project #1
6 2 5
in PrCn
Project #2
7 3 6
+17% +50% +20%
Weighting factor WF
0.7 1.0 0.8
PRCI: +26%
Figure 5
Example PRCI
120 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
3.2.3 Product Portfolio Complexity Index (PPCI)
Product portfolio complexity is another important part when evaluating
product development's complexity. However, in literature no index for
measuring product portfolio complexity exists. Based on product attrib-
utes (e.g. engine or transmission), product classification (e.g. lead or deri-
vates) and derivation matrix, the product portfolio can be analyzed and
clustered into different groups (leads and derivates) according to their
characteristics. Next, the groups with equal product classifications are
evaluated by the assignment of weighting factors. The weighting factors
are also defined according to development effort, costs and time and rep-
resent single efforts. The lead variant is the most complex and expensive
variant with the highest single effort and has the weighting factor 1.0. The
weighting factors of the derivates (large, medium and small) are defined in
comparison to the lead variant.
The PPCI is calculated by summing up the weighting factors (
which were assigned to all variants in the product portfolio. N is the total
amount of product variants in the product portfolio and n is the product
variant's number. PPCI's unit are effort points (EP).
= 
PPCI facilitates product portfolio's standardization to one measured value
under consideration of product and process complexity and provides an
overview about complexity in the product portfolio. Furthermore, PPCI de-
scribes the total effort, which is dedicated to develop a specific product
portfolio. To quantify product portfolio complexity in our case study,
Approach for Complexity Management 121
we developed four weighting factors for our product classifications accord-
ing to their complexity, development time and effort. The Lead-variant is
the most complex variant in the portfolio and has the highest factor 1.0. The
Derivates have weaker factors. Figure 6 shows an example for calculating
the PPCI for a product portfolio with five powertrains.
In the next step, the product's development effort is identified and evalu-
ated over product's launch time. The PPCI and the evaluated product port-
folio are the basis for calculation. Therefore, the development efforts over
time for the different product classifications (Lead or Derivate) were de-
scribed. In our case study, the development efforts of a Lead-variant was
separated consistently over a period of three years. The time period is de-
termined by the company's experts. They divide the development efforts in
different periods according to their development plan. The development
efforts for our derivates were specified analogously. However, the periods
were one year for small and two years for medium and large derivates. For
calculation of the total development effort in a period, the particular efforts
were summed up. Figure 7 shows an example for calculating the develop-
ment effort over time for a product portfolio consisting of five powertrains.
Figure 6
Example PPCI
#1 3.0l
#2 2.5l
#3 2.5l
#4 2.0l
#5 2.0l MT T3
T0 T1 T2 T3
PPCI: Σ 2.4 EP
122 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
It can be seen that the maximum is achieved in period D because of the
amount of variants, which were developed simultaneously. Furthermore,
the PPCI can also be calculated as a number, called effort points.
3.3 Application of Complexity Strategies
In the third stage, the complexity strategies are presented for a company's
complexity optimization. In literature, a vast number of different single ap-
proaches for managing complexity are described (Gießmann, 2010, pp.57-
70). However, there is no specific instruction which approaches are the
most effective for managing a specific complexity problem. An approach's
application depends on the particular situation and must be planned com-
pany-specific. Generally, the approaches can be divided in four categories
according to their focus: product, product portfolio, process and organiza-
tion (Gießmann, 2010, pp.57-70).
#1 3.0l
#2 2.5l
#3 2.5l
#4 2.0l
#5 2.0l MT T3
T-3 T1 T2 T3
PPCI: 2.4 EP
T0T-2 T-1
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.65 0.50 0.25
Figure 7
Calculating project's development effort over time
Approach for Complexity Management 123
Table 5 Applied single approaches for complexity management
The approaches were mainly used for complexity reduction, mastering and
avoidance. Table 5 presents an overview about the different approaches
and their main purposes. The basis for Table 5 was our literature analysis.
In our research project we applied different single approaches for complex-
ity reduction, mastering and avoidance in the categories product, product
portfolio and process. The effects resulting of an approach's application
are evaluated with our three indices to identify the approach's effectivity.
The Figures 8-10 show three examples from our research project. In the first
example (Figure 8), we use product standardization to reduce the variety in
the categories turbocharger (C2) and valve controlling (C3) in project #2.
Focus Approaches Reduction Mastering Avoidance
Modular concept
Modular system
Using same parts
Platform concept
Differential construction
Integral construction
Reducing product range
Reducing of customers
Postponement concept
Standardization of
Modularity of processes
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
124 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
Figure 8 Application of product standardization
Figure 9 Application of process standardization and modularization
After product standardization the current development project has one tur-
bocharger and two valve controlling systems. Thus, the PDCI was reduced
from forty to twelve percent.
Next, process standardization and modularization was applied in category
PrC1 (see Figure 9). Different process steps were standardized and modu-
larized to reduce the number from seven process steps to five. The PRCI was
reduced from twenty-six percent to eighteen percent.
In the third example, we reduced product portfolio's complexity, develop-
ment efforts and costs by reducing the product range (see Figure 10). Based
on a cost-benefit analysis, company's experts decided to remove the vari-
ants #3 and #4 with weighting factors of 0.5 and 0.2 from the portfolio. The
PDCI Product Complexity Driver‘s Categories Cn
Product standardization
in C2 and C3
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
in Cn
Project #1
2 1 1 2 1 2 1
in Cn
Project #2
2 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2
0% 0%
PDCI: +40% è +12% ComplexityReduction
Complexity Driver‘s Categories
Process standardization
in PrC1
PrC1 PrC2 PrC3
in PrCn
Project #1
6 2 5
in PrCn
Project #2
7 5 3 6
-17% +50% +20%
PRCI: +26% è +18% ComplexityReduction
Approach for Complexity Management 125
PPCI was decreased from 2.4 to 1.7 effort points. In period D and E, the de-
velopment effort also decreased from 0.65 EP (period D) and 0.5 EP (period
E) to 0.20 EP (period D) and 0.25 EP (period E).
3.4 Complexity Planning and Controlling
Complexity planning and controlling are important elements for a target
oriented complexity management. They provide a leverage point for an ac-
tive complexity adjustment and help the company to prevent costs (Kirch-
hof, 2003, pp.166-167). Company's capacity planning contains of planning
of resources (Schuh, Millarg and Göransson, 1998, p.49) and is an important
factor for company's competitiveness (Krüger and Homp, 1997, p.10). Fur-
thermore, it is the basis for complexity controlling (Jania, 2004, p.16). Re-
#1 3.0l
#2 2.5l
#3 2.5l
#4 2.0l
#5 2.0l MT T3
T-3 T1 T2 T3
PPCI: 2.4 EP
T0T-2 T-1
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 0.25 0.25
Reducing productrange
∑ 1.7 EP
e 10 Application of reducing product range
126 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
sources can be separated in tangible (e.g. equipment, facility) and intangi-
ble (e.g. technology, image) resources (Hungenberg, 2001, p.116). To re-
duce costs and time, it is necessary to apply the resources effectively. In
product development, resources have a particular relevance, because the
amount of available resources is restricted. Based on our research, product
development's complexity has a high influence on the required resources
and their planning. A detailed complexity planning increases transparency
and enables the management to simulate different development scenarios
to identify the optimum.
Complexity costs can be separated into direct and indirect costs. Direct
costs consist of continuous (e.g. costs for serial supervision) and nonrecur-
ring costs (e.g. test vehicle, test engine). Indirect costs are costs which gen-
erate no benefit growth (e.g. costs for increasing product range have no
benefit because of product cannibalization) (Gießmann, 2010, p.39).
In our research project, we developed a complexity planning model based
on literature and the results of complexity analysis and evaluation. The
complexity indices are particularly important for this.
Kersten, Lammers and Skirde (2012, pp.28-30) developed a complexity vec-
tor with two dimensions for complexity driver's visualization and opera-
tionalization. The dimensions describe different points of view regarding
complexity's occurrence and can be weighted. Different complexity drivers
can be visualized in the vector space and thereby they can be compared
with each other. The visualization can be used as a starting point for differ-
ent strategies in complexity management. According to Kersten, Lammers
and Skride, we developed a complexity vector 
with the two dimensions
Approach for Complexity Management 127
product (PDCI) and process complexity index (PRCI). The two dimensions
have the same weighting.
Vector 
is visualized in the vector space. The vector's length 
sents development's project complexity. The distance between two com-
plexity vectors describes the proportion for complexity reduction. The dis-
tance is calculated with Pythagoras' theorem.
In the first step of our complexity evaluation, we identified a 
forty percent and a 
with twenty-six percent (see chapter 3.2) and
generated the vector 
(see Figure 9). After complexity evaluation, we ap-
plied different single approaches to reduce the complexity indices (see
chapter 3.3). 
(twelve percent) and 
(eighteen percent) are the
basis of vector 
. The distance between 
and 
is the proportion of
complexity reduction. In our case study, the application of different single
sources resulted in a complexity reduction of twenty-nine percent in total.
For complexity planning, the length of 
is important, because it is di-
rectly associated to development project's complexity, development ef-
forts and the amount of required resources (see Figure 11). Thus, the
amount of required resources is directly proportional to the length of 
and the PPCI. The length of 
is twenty-two percent, thus the amount of
resources in the periods A until F is also increased by this percentage.
128 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
Figure 11 Complexity vector's influence on development effort
For calculating the precise amount of required resources (e.g. test vehi-
cles), we determined a resource factor (RF) based on process analysis, ex-
pert interviews and workshops (e.g. 7 test vehicles per effort point). The re-
source factor represents the amount of resources which are required for a
specific development effort. With the resource factor, the development ef-
forts (EP) in each period can be translated in a precise amount of required
resources. In Figure 12 we calculated the amount of test vehicles in period
A based on the amount of effort points in period A and the RF for test vehi-
cles. Calculation is based on Figure 11. This procedure was used analo-
gously to develop cost factors for calculating development costs.
= 0.22 = 22%
Resources +22%
T-3 T1 T2 T3T0T-2 T-1
0.33 0.33
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 0.25 0.25
∑ 1.7 EP
: ∑ 2.1 EP
Approach for Complexity Management 129
Figure 12 Calculating required resources based on resource factor
In product development, complexity controlling enables the management
to compare the actual development efforts or costs of different projects
with the planned values to identify weakness, potentials, and to influence
company's development activities. The objective is to develop a complex-
ity controlling system to fulfill this requirements and to provide a method-
ically principle (Jania, 2004, pp.15-17). For complexity controlling, key per-
formance indicators (KPI) were used to gain transparency and to apply spe-
cific strategies in product development. KPI in different projects or function
levels can be compared with reference values to identify discrepancy and
increasing complexity (Gleich and Klein, 2013, pp.49-53). Furthermore, KPI
are used to achieve company's objectives and are defined company spe-
cific (Kersten, 2011, p.17). KPI can be defined by comparison of costs and
benefits (Gleich and Klein, 2013, p.53). Based on Kersten, Gleich and Klein,
we developed project KPI (
) by comparing the applied amount
of resources (
 
) and project's PPCI. KPI are compared
with reference values to identify discrepancies.
3 3 3 2 2 20.40 0.40 0.40 0.24 0.31 0.31
Effort Points [EP] in period n Amount of Test Vehicles (N)
x [EP]
 
 
130 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
 
Figure 13 shows an example with two projects (A, B) in period A. The pro-
jects have different PPCIs, but the amount of applied resources (test vehi-
cle) is equal. To compare the projects, the project KPIs for A and B are de-
termined and compared with the reference value. In our case study, the ref-
erence is the resource factor for test vehicle. As comparison's result, project
A is more efficient than project B (
). However,
both projects show differences according to the reference. If the reasons
for the differences are unclear, a further complexity analysis in stage one
can be started. With this method, other KPIs can be developed analogously,
such as for test engines or development costs.
 
Project A - PeriodA
: 0.40 EP)
N: 3
Planned Applied
N: 4
N: 2
Planned Applied
N: 4
Project B -Period A
: 0.30 EP)
Figure 13
Calculating KPIs and comparison with planned values
Approach for Complexity Management 131
4 Results and Discussion
The result of this paper is a four stage praxis-oriented approach for manag-
ing complexity in variant-rich product development. The approach was de-
veloped based on a detailed literature analysis and applied on a recent de-
velopment project in the automotive industry. This paper describes the ob-
jectives and requirements of complexity management approaches and
characterizes product development by three categories: product, product
portfolio and process. Based on these categories, the complexity drivers
are derived and described. For this research paper, we determined two re-
search questions, which will be answered in the following manner. Before
developing a new approach, the existing literature must be identified, ana-
lyzed and evaluated systematically. The identified approaches are ana-
lyzed according to their structure and focuses. In literature forty-seven
complexity management approaches exist. However, an approach which
fulfills all requirements in total or partially does not exist yet.
In summary, our approach applies all steps and categories and fulfills all
requirements in total (see Table 6). In all stages we described different
methods, which can be applied easily by the user. The new approach con-
sists of a modular structure and a recurring cycle. The approach is focused
on the three categories product, product portfolio and process and enables
a detailed complexity analysis by identifying the complexity problem, the
complexity drivers and their interdependencies (see chapter 3.1). After
complexity analysis, complexity is evaluated and optimized by applying
different complexity single approaches (see chapter 3.2 and 3.3). In the last
stage, we developed an approach for capability and resource planning as
well as complexity controlling by application of key figures (KPIs).
132 Wolfgang Vogel and Rainer Lasch
Table 6 Evaluation of our new complexity management approach
5 Conclusion
This paper's purpose was to close the research gap by analyzing existing
literature and developing a praxis-oriented complexity management ap-
proach for variant-rich product development. In literature, such an ap-
proach does not exist yet. The existing approaches are focused on specific
issues and do not fulfill all requirements in total or partial. This paper co-
vers this literature gap. It provides a four stage complexity management
approach and encourages the reader to manage product development's
complexity. The approach was first applied in the automotive industry and
verified in toy industry. Future research may include other sectors.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Identifying the complexity problem
Methods for complexity management
Application of key figures
Approach for capability planning
Identification of complexity drivers
Product protfolio complexity
Modular structure
Recurring cycle
Complexity drivers' interdependencies
Evaluation of complexity drivers
Evaluation of complexity (degree)
Approach's structure
Evaluation criteria
Complexity analysis
Complexity evaluation
Determine complexity strategy
Determine complexity instruments
Complexity planning
Implement complexity management
Complexity controlling
Product complexity
Process complexity
Approach for Complexity Management 133
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Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Re-
gression Analysis
Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
Inventory management is essential for satisfying customer demands and reducing
logistics costs. Extensive material portfolios, balancing inventory costs versus cus-
tomer service levels as well as fluctuating demand are factors that influence inven-
tory levels. Inventory management is often considered as inventory reduction; quick
reduction activities are carried out without knowing the exact root causes of non-
target inventory levels. A sustainable and comprehensive approach could be, to con-
sider those factors which have a strong impact on inventory and to use this infor-
mation for further inventory optimization activities. This paper therefore gives an an-
swer to the question, how to systematically identify main drivers on inventory, using
multiple linear regression analysis and how to quantify their impact considering
company-specific data and structures. The described approach is applied in a case
study at a company in the commercial vehicle industry. Data sets from different lo-
cations are analyzed and compared. It will be shown in a methodical way that few
factors have a strong linear influence on inventory level and differ depending on the
characteristics of the respective location. Companies can thereby analyze main driv-
ers on inventories e.g. per location, region, sales channel or company-wide, depend-
ing on the chosen data set. The results can be used to identify root-causes for non-
target inventory levels and form the basis for company-specific inventory optimiza-
tion activities.
Keywords: Inventory Management, Regression Analysis, Main Drivers,
Root Cause Analysis
142 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
1 Introduction
Inventory management is a large research field with high practical rele-
vance. It includes many functions, such as demand planning, inventory
controlling and inventory planning. It determines all decision-related facts
which have an influence on inventory level (Pfohl, 2000). Inventory optimi-
zation refers to the reduction of stock in warehouses, production and the
entire supply chain while ensuring high material availability (ten Hompel
and Weidenblut, 2011). Furthermore, it is a cross-sectional function that
optimizes inventory and material flow within all functional areas. Inventory
management also includes integration and coordination functions, since
upstream and downstream processes are coordinated (Stadtler, 2002).
Many approaches describe how to calculate inventory levels, with the aim
of meeting customer demand with minimal inventory costs and stock out
costs, also called inventory trade-off. In order to achieve defined inventory
strategies, targets and handling this trade-off, it is important to understand
pre-defined parameters and factors which influence stock level.
Many approaches addressing, how to identify main drivers on inventory ex-
ist in literature. Also qualitative factors and parameters are mentioned that
affect inventory to a large extent. However, the interaction of all factors and
their effect on inventory level have not been analyzed and quantified in an
integral approach. In particular, it is possible that parameters, which have
not been considered for optimization activities have a major impact on in-
ventory. Company specific structures and organizational set-ups might
also affect inventory at a certain stage.
In order to proactively avoid non-target inventory levels, it is essential to
identify the root causes of the non-target inventory level. These root causes
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 143
may appear along the entire supply chain and within different depart-
ments. Non-target inventory levels might be generated actively by wrong
planning decisions, parameter settings and human influences or indirectly
through interactions with other parameters. As a result, non-target inven-
tory levels may arise without knowing which parameter, decision or set-up
has the biggest influence on inventory. This problem is neither sufficiently
considered by practical approaches nor by theoretical methods.
This paper therefore presents an approach to identify those factors that in-
fluence inventory the most and have led to non-target inventory levels in
the past. We will present a method to analyze whether categorical and met-
ric factors have the same impact on inventory or how a potential difference
may be quantified. In addition, we will examine whether different plant
structures and characteristics have an effect on the main drivers on inven-
tory. The approach presented in this paper was undertaken, based on real
data provided by a company in the commercial vehicle industry. For this
purpose, we formulate the following research questions:
1. How can main drivers on inventory be identified in an analytical
2. How can main drivers' impact on inventory level be quantified?
3. How can company-specific structures be considered in determin-
ing main drivers on inventory?
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section two provides
an overview of standard definitions and current approaches to inventory
driver's analysis. In section three, we describe how potential influencing
factors were collected and classified, based on literature research. Section
144 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
four describes a method for analyzing the collected drivers on inventory us-
ing multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis results are outlined in
section five. Section six contains an interpretation of the results and section
seven concludes the paper.
2 Literature Review
Inventory levels are affected by a large number of factors. These factors
may be internal or external and appear along the supply chain. Demeter
and Golini (2013) consider this aspect and cluster drivers on inventory into
four categories: Market factors, internal operations, supply chain charac-
teristics and business strategy. Cachon and Fisher (2000), Lee, Pad-
manabhan and Whang (1997) as well as Lee, So and Tang (2000) described
information sharing within and between companies as vital for efficient in-
ventory management. However, they also analyze that external infor-
mation sharing using computer-based technologies such as collaborative
planning and forecasting or vendor-managed inventory can reduce supply
chain costs up to 35%. Information flow between participants within the
supply chain has been identified as a driver on inventory: Van Ackere,
Larsen and Morecroft (1993) run a simulation study to quantify this impact.
Companies also pushing inventory holding responsibilities to suppliers in
order to reduce capital lockup and own stocking expenses (Fazel, 1997).
The impact of outsourcing of inventory was shown by Kakabadse and Ka-
kabadse (2002): Based on a survey applied by Cranfield School of Manage-
ment this driver was identified. D'Aveni and Ravenscraft (1994) stated that
inventories can be better managed applying internal rather than external
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 145
communication and coordination. In addition, long lead-times due to long
distances, lead to higher inventory levels (Golini and Kalchschmidt, 2011;
Kouvelis and Gutierrez, 1997). Long distances between customers and sup-
pliers, especially in global supply chains, lead to an increase in inventories
to guarantee flexibility and variability (Golini and Kalchschmidt, 2015;
Stratton and Warburton, 2006). Lieberman, Helper and Demeester (1999)
analyzed this correlation using standard inventory models as well as em-
pirical studies. Inventory levels also depend on material costs. Beamon
(1998) showed that inventory costs increase if material costs exceed other
logistics costs. This approach is based on Porters correlation analysis be-
tween material costs and market characteristics (e.g. suppliers' number
and bargaining power) (Porter, 1980). Furthermore, the customer order
penetration point, or decoupling point, has a huge impact on inventory lev-
els (Olhager, 2003; Naylor, Naim and Berry, 1999). Naylor, Naim and Berry
(1999) differentiated between the different inventory types, such as buy-to-
order (suppliers stock), make-to-order (raw and semi-finished stock), as-
semble-to-order (WIP stock), make-to-stock (finished goods stock) and
ship-to-stock (customers stock). Depending on the inventory policy, a de-
coupling point can be set (Naylor, Naim and Berry, 1999). Olhager (2003)
explained that WIP stock and risk of obsolete stock can be reduced, setting
the decoupling point close to the beginning of a supply chain. A forward
shifted decoupling point increases WIP stock because of forecast-based
materials (Olhager, 2003). Demeter and Matyusz (2011) ran an empirical
study in the manufacturing industry on the correlation between decoupling
points and inventory levels. According to their study, assemble-to-order
companies have lower input inventories and WIP inventories compared to
146 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
make-to-order companies are showing higher input inventories and make-
to-stock companies with higher finished goods inventories. Moreover, they
also showed how the type of production process impacts inventory levels.
Companies organized in job-shops show higher WIP stock, compared to
companies with dedicated lines. Companies with cellular layout show no
empirical trend of higher inventories (Demeter and Matyusz, 2011).
Literature review shows that inventory levels may be affected by a large
number of factors, such as communication, production processes, and lot
sizes. Those factors are included and combined in the aforementioned ap-
proaches, may correlate with each other, and are in different causal loops
with respect to inventory management. They do not have the same level of
impact on inventory. The impact may be linear and/or non-linear. Produc-
tion leveling activities potentially explain inventory levels at a higher stage
than purchasing volumes. The level of impact plays an important role in
terms of inventory optimization: The higher a factor’s impact on inventory,
the greater the opportunity to control inventory by adjusting the factor un-
der consideration of its interaction with other parameters. Depending on
the factors considered in the supply chain, the factor-specific impact on in-
ventory may vary. This leads to the following hypothesis:
Factors influence inventory level with a different intensity and in an either
direct or indirect way.
Therefore, a more efficient way to control inventory could be to preven-
tively avoid high inventory levels by optimizing the main drivers with regard
to their correlation with other material planning parameters. There are
many opinions and approaches with respect to which factors influence in-
ventory the most, however, an analytical analysis is missing, considering
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 147
the described approaches without a pre-selection. Analyzing all potential
drivers on inventory in an analytical way allows an objective identification
of the main drivers. Adjusting factors showing a heavy linear impact should
also affect the amount of inventory and lead to smaller differences be-
tween actual and target inventory levels. These drivers may differ between
companies and industrial sectors. It is therefore essential to identify the in-
fluencing factors on inventory on a company-specific basis and optimize
them continuously. This allows a proactive inventory control and manage-
ment. The identified main drivers on inventory can accordingly be used as
variables within optimization models.
In order to substantiate this research gap, an analytical procedure will be
developed in the following.
3 Collection and Classification of Potential Drivers on
Many potential factors influencing inventory were collected through litera-
ture research. The identified factors can be found on different levels within
a company and are connected to different processes. Since each factor’s
influence should be connected to the causal part within the supply chain, a
factor structuring according to the various parts of the supply chain was
chosen. The SCOR model is one way to structure the factors (SCOR, 2015).
SCOR aims to analyze and configure supply chain processes according to
the following supply chain segments: Source (S), Make (M), Deliver (D) and
Plan (P). A structuring based on SCOR allows the factors to be allocated to
the segment in the supply chain where they appear. They affect inventory
148 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
in both the short and long run. Some factors can easily be quantified, others
are human or strategic factors, such as communication and coordination,
which can hardly be quantified. In order to better derive at actions for im-
provement regarding inventory management, the identified factors were
classified. Such a classification allows differentiation, amongst others be-
tween quantifiable and non-quantifiable factors. Factors can be divided
into categorical or metric scales (see Table 1). To quantify the influence of
factors with the greatest effect on inventory, metric data is needed in order
to apply arithmetical operations.
In total, 111 internal and external factors, split into 58 metric and 53 cate-
gorical factors, were gathered.
Now, the question is how to identify the main drivers on inventory. There
are many methods for analyzing the predominant influencing factors. To
identify the main drivers on inventory, we use multiple linear regression
analysis. Compared to other methods, it is a clear mathematical approach
to objectively describe the dependency between one target variable and
one or several independent variables based on empirical data. All of the
collected factors can be combined with each other in order to determine
the strongest influence on inventory. Moreover, categorical factors can also
be analyzed using this mathematical method. Using this approach, quali-
tative factors such as communication, standards or processes collected
during the literature research can also be included in the analysis as a
coded variable. As a last step, all identified main drivers on inventory must
not correlate with each other, so a correlation matrix needs to be analyzed.
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 149
Table 1 Excerpt of factor structuring based on SCOR
Order quantity
Deliveries from
Product mix
Prime material
Delivery qty. to
Deliveries to
Delivery per-
4 Data Based Analysis using Multiple Linear Regres-
sion Analysis
Multiple linear regression analysis is often deployed as part of a general re-
gression analysis. Multiple indicates that more than one describing variable
150 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
is analyzed, linear means the focus is on linear relationships between the
describing variables and the target variable.
In this case, the target variable is inventory, the describing variables are all
of the aforementioned 111 collected factors. For these 111 factors, the mul-
tiple linear regression analysis is applied in order to identify the combina-
tion of factors having the strongest influence on inventory.
The theoretical test run was as follows:
Describing factors: 111 collected factors (e.g. minimum order
quantity, lot size, communication, etc. with either semi-annual
mean values, cumulated absolute values or binary-coded varia-
Target value: Inventory level
Scope of study: 6 months of arithmetic mean of describing factors
Dimension of area of study: Quantity of collected describing fac-
Test run: Linear, logarithmic and squared model
The describing values refer to the collected factors. The area of study con-
tains the average values of all describing factors to explain the target value
which is the inventory level. The dimension of the scope of the study is de-
fined through all collected factors which impact on the target value shall
be identified. A linear model is chosen in order to identify the target values’
linear dependency on the describing factors. A linear model reveals the di-
rect impact on the expected target value if describing values are changed.
To identify the impact of variables which influence inventory, five statistical
key figures with the following ranges are used (for a detailed description of
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 151
the below mentioned key figures, please refer to Backhaus et al. (2011),
Hornig, Hatzinger and Nagel (2011) and to Crawley (2007)):
the adjusted R squared (R²) with adj. R² ≥ 0.7,
the F-test and/or p-value with p < 0.001,
the normal probability plot (Q-Q plots),
the AIC (An Information Criterion), with the AIC as small as possi-
ble, and
the variance inflation factor (VIF), with VIF close to 1.
Real data from a company in the commercial vehicle industry was used for
the regression analysis and to accomplish the described test runs. Materials
(e.g. their inventory levels) and factors (e.g. their levels per material) from
three different production locations of commercial vehicle companies in
the USA, France and the Czech Republic were analyzed. Each location has
a different characteristic within the supply chain. Table 2 shows the attrib-
utes and location specifications:
152 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
Table 2 Plant characteristics
Product portfo-
lio (number of
Sales channels
IAM, Reman
Location struc-
Inventory space
(x) [m²]
x > 10,000
2000 < x ≤
1,000 < x ≤
Analyzed part
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 153
In Table 2, the abbreviations get the following definitions: OE thereby de-
scribes Original Equipment Manufacturer, OES represents Original Equip-
ment Manufacturer Service, ICO refers to Intercompany, IAM is the abbrevi-
ation for Independent Aftermarket and Reman represents Remanufactur-
Analyzing different locations with different characteristics allows us to ob-
tain a more complete picture of potential drivers on inventory and to check
whether influencing factors vary depending on location. In total, data was
collected for 31,000 materials.
The analyzed material types were finished goods, semi-finished goods, raw
materials and spare parts. For each factor, data was taken from an enter-
prise resource planning (ERP) system as well as from a product lifecycle
management database (PLM database) on a part number level. Due to data
availability issues and data quality, values for only 46 metric factors (e.g.
safety stock, lead time, throughput time, etc.) and 10 categorical factors
(standards, structures, organizational impacts, etc.) for all 31,000 materials
were collected. For this reason, not all 111 factors and their combinations
could be modeled using regression analysis.
Before modeling all factors, it is helpful to plot the data in a scatter plot. A
linear trend of the data might indicate a linear dependency between the
dependent and describing variables. If no linear trend is visible, it is possi-
ble to transform the variables. In our models, we used linear, logarithmic
and squared transformation. Figure 1 shows two plots of the linear depend-
ency. Each dot represents one material the y-axis represents the depend-
ent variable (average inventory) and the x-axis represents the describing
154 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
variable (in this example, order size). The two plots can be described as fol-
lows: The optimal linear dependency (left plot) and the real data based plot
(co-variable order quantity), but logarithmically plotted (right plot).
Transforming the data set, in this case using the logarithm transformation,
provides the opportunity to summarize the data set and analyze trends.
The influence of only one factor on inventory was analyzed, as was the in-
fluence of combinations of factors. In order to include all factors in the
model, the forward selection technique was applied: Variables are included
sequentially in the regression model, if they lead to an increase of the ex-
pected target value. In a first step, only two factors were combined with
each other, followed by the combination of three factors, four factors, etc.
Altogether, nearly one billion test runs were analyzed in order to determine
the factor combination with the greatest influence on inventory with re-
spect to different model transformations (lin, log, sqrt). The aforemen-
tioned test runs yield to the following regression models:
Target variable
Log (Target variable)
Figure 1
Optimal and transformed data plot showing linear trend
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 155
+ +
+ +
and root
+ +
  
,… ,
 
1 56
Each data set yields one linear, logarithmic and root regression equation
and provides a mathematical expectation for the inventory level
5 Results
The combination of multiple factors, considering different data transfor-
mation can be seen in Table 5: Depending on the factor combination, the
156 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
inventory’s linear dependency varies. This excerpt only shows those mod-
els having an adjusted higher than 0.9, a p-value smaller than 0.001, also
all other aforementioned statistical key figures are fulfilled. No concrete
threshold values are defined for adjusted values in the literature. Accord-
ing to Groß (2010) guidelines, an adjusted R² of greater than 0.7 can be in-
terpreted as relatively high, whereby an adjusted value of less than 0.3
is considered less suitable. An adjusted R² between 0.3 and 0.7 describes a
linear connection between the depending and describing variable, how-
ever according to Groß (2010), more describing should be added in order to
analyze changes in the linear connection.
The “x” in a row indicates those factors which combination has a high linear
influence on inventory. This linear influence is indicated through the statis-
tical criteria described above. Each row stands for one regression equation
that describes a strong linear dependency between the marked factors (“x”
) and inventory (inventory Y). It is evident that some factors appear
in more regression equations than others. As all combinations listed in Fig-
ure 2 describe a high linear influence on inventory, the main drivers can be
indicated as those appearing in many regression equations with more than
10 x’s per column. This implies that identified main drivers do not have one
bijective beta factor, as they appear in different regression equations. The
regression equations for the first and fourth row are as follows:
=65.7 + 2.5
+ 38.3
+ 3.2
=0.92 + 2.5
+ 38.5
+ 3.2
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 157
 
 
 
  
Figure 2 does only show an excerpt of 10 factors analyzed applying a linear
Furthermore, four graphical plots were analyzed, if they fulfilled the re-
quirements to consider the respective factor as the main driver on inven-
tory. Figure 3 shows the plots representing the example of the factor batch.
158 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
Figure 2 Excerpt of regression results per factors combination
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 159
Figure 3 Excerpt of four graphical plots for driver batch
The picture on the top left plots the residuals versus the fitted values. If the
residuals' spread (solid line) differs significantly from the dotted line, the
linear relation will not be explained sufficiently. The top right picture shows
the residuals normal distribution: This is a precondition for applying linear
regression, otherwise the F-test will not be valid. Significant discrepancies
between the normal distribution (dotted line) and the data points show an
160 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
unreliable model. The third plot at the bottom left uses the same data as
the first plot to analyze the scale location. Crawley (2007, pp.402) states: "If
there was a problem, such as the variance increasing with the mean, then
the points would be distributed inside a triangular shape, with the scatter
of the residuals increasing as the fitted values increase.“ The fourth plot at
the bottom right reveals the influence of data points. If one data point is
outside the so called Cook's Distance, a strong impact on the model can be
interpreted (Groß, 2010). If those data points are taken out of the model, a
different linear model might result.
The regression analysis was applied to each location data set as well, as to
the whole data set (USA plant + France plant + Czech plant). Table 3 shows
the main drivers per data set:
Table 3 Main drivers on inventory per different data set
Czech Republic
All Locations
Order quantity
from supplier
Order quantity
from supplier
Order quantity
from supplier
Order quan-
tity from sup-
Product portfo-
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 161
Czech Republic
All Locations
Number of sup-
pliers’ ship-
Customer de-
livery perfor-
Number of
prime materi-
Number of
prime materi-
Quantity issued
to customer
Quantity issued
to customer
Quality related
Internal de-
livery perfor-
Number of
Number of
shipments to
Number of
shipments to
Customer de-
livery quantity
Customer de-
livery quantity
Customer de-
livery quan-
Number of sup-
pliers’ ship-
The difference in the number of main drivers on inventory per location is
related to the number of x’s per column, as shown in the excerpt in Figure 2.
162 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
This allows a comparison of the plants’ specifications with the set-up of an
entire network. According to Table 3, the factors showing the greatest lin-
ear influence on inventory, taking into consideration the whole data set
and structured according to Table 1 into Source, Make, Deliver, Plan, are as
Order quantity (S): The average order quantity of a material. This
factor takes every order of a material into account, and calculates
an average, based on these individual amounts.
Product Portfolio (P): Product assortment depth. Describes how
many components belong to the same “product family”.
Number of shipments to customer (D): Total number of customer
deliveries. The total number of deliveries of a material to the end
customers, in a specific time period.
Customer delivery quantity (D): The average quantity of a compo-
nent delivered to the customer.
Internal delivery performance (S, M): This factor calculates the in-
ternal delivery performance level, also referred to as “ICO delivery
Prime material (M): Proportion of use of products from the same
product family. The percentage of usage of a component with re-
spect to materials from the same product family.
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 163
6 Interpretation of Results
The previously listed research questions were answered: The main drivers
on inventory were identified analytically, quantified and company-specifi-
cally analyzed, using multiple linear regression analysis. Furthermore, the
analysis supports the aforementioned hypothesis: Only a few factors ex-
plain inventory level to a great extent. The identified factors may vary de-
pending on industry, material portfolio, data quality, fixed period, etc.
However, multiple linear regression analysis can be used to identify the
main drivers on inventory on a company-specific basis and among others
explain their level of influence on inventory through the adjusted R².
The six main drivers appear at different stages along the supply chain. Ear-
lier studies focused on optimizing specific inventory related areas within
the supply chain, e.g. only procurement parameters, or based their ap-
proach on empirical studies, without quantifying the drivers' impact on in-
ventory and correlation with other factors. Assigning the main drivers on
inventory for Source, Make, Deliver or Plan, the results of this study reveal
that inventory management has to consider all parts of the supply chain,
since they interact with one another throughout the course of the supply
chain without correlating with each other. In addition to other aforemen-
tioned literature approaches, also qualitative factors were analyzed, using
coded variables. They were not identified as main drivers on inventory in
the application of this data set. However, multiple linear regression analy-
sis allows for their consideration.
Figure 3 shows further statistical criteria which have to be fulfilled: If the
normal distribution of residuals is not given, a factor will automatically be
excluded as main driver. However, combining it with other factors it may
164 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
lead to a normal distribution of the residuals and improve the model. It is
thereby possible to consider drivers on inventory that might have been de-
leted because of data issues. All identified main drivers on inventory fulfill
these requirements: There are no main drivers present, outside the Cook's
Distance, the residuals fit the expected values and data points are not
spread in a triangular form.
Depending on the plant’s characteristic, the factors show a different linear
influence on inventory. Many identified factors can be explained by these
characteristics. The Czech plant, for example, is distinguished by high re-
plenishment times, because suppliers are situated far away from the plant.
This also leads to higher order quantities from suppliers in order to guaran-
tee that customer demand is met. The identified main drivers “Order quan-
tity from supplier”, “Replenishment time” and “number of suppliers’ ship-
ments” affect inventory at the Czech plant due to the procurement struc-
ture. The opposite situation can be found at the French plant: there are long
delivery times from the plant to the customers due to long shipping dis-
tances. The identified outbound-related main drivers on inventory, such as
“quantity issued to customer”, “number of shipments to customer”, “cus-
tomer delivery performance” and “delivered quantity to customer” can
thus be attributed to the French plant’s distribution network.
The USA plant has a high product portfolio and high focus on product vari-
ants, which explains the strong linear influence arising from the “product
portfolio” and “number of prime materials” factors. Due to the USA plant’s
geographical location, there are long delivery distances both from suppli-
ers and to the customers. The other identified main drivers on inventory
therefore also affect the procurement and distribution part of the USA
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 165
plant’s supply chain. Overall, the identified main drivers on inventory on a
plant level can be attributed to the plant’s structure, or supply chain set-
up. Furthermore, factors that cannot be directly related to this structure or
organizational set-up, provide transparency about other effects on inven-
tory which might not have been realized in the past. In addition, the regres-
sion analysis revealed that main drivers on inventory vary, depending on
the plant’s location and structure and need to be identified separately.
7 Conclusion and Further Steps
The regression analysis is based on historical data, thus the identified driv-
ers explain inventory levels in the past. A more efficient way to plan inven-
tory could be, to use these results in order to proactively control the inven-
tory level. These factors relate to inventory in a linear way, their optimiza-
tion will therefore automatically affect the inventory level. Varying these
factors continually reduces the risk of creating a non-target inventory level.
An improvement measure within the scope of inventory management de-
pends on the kind of factor and may be a defined standard process or a
calculation method. The derivation of actions for reacting to inventory level
deviations as well as for preventing such deviations in the future is a next
step in completing this systematic approach.
Among other aspects, factors were structured according to their appear-
ance within the supply chain (see Table 2). The findings in this study sup-
port this type of structuring, since the identified main drivers appear at dif-
ferent points along the supply chain. Based on these results, improvement
166 Steffi Hoppenheit and Willibald A. Günthner
measures can be focused on the relevant department as a clear allocation
to the appropriate supply chain part.
In addition, analyzing the data set on a location-wide basis allows identifi-
cation of the location-specific main drivers on inventory and allows for tak-
ing location-specific issues into account. Furthermore, analyzing all data
sets at once provides an overall picture of the main drivers on inventory
within the network of a company and helps create a common understand-
ing as to where the biggest potentials for inventory optimization measures
exist in the supply chain.
One next step is to include the valuation class per material and inventory
level in the regression analysis. It shall be shown whether "Source" factors
have a stronger impact on raw material inventory levels than on e.g. fin-
ished goods inventory levels.
As market and other external factors change over the time, the main drivers
on inventory may vary. One next step is therefore to define a regulatory
framework where responsibilities and regularities are described. This
would allow an inventory improvement process that considers the actual
internal and external situation within the supply chain.
Identifying Main Drivers on Inventory using Regression Analysis 167
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Investigation of Scheduling Techniques for
Uncertain Conditions
Taiba Zahid, Mathias Kühn, Michael Völker and Thorsten Schmidt
The traditional methods and techniques employed in operational management
seem unable to provide solutions that can be actually practiced. This insufficiency is
caused by the uncertainties and delays which are faced in practice. The potential
causes of these uncertainties are usually internal (inadequate resources, faults and
breakdowns) and external (material shortfall or low quality) environment. These re-
alizations have forced researchers in the past decade to find stable solutions which
have ability to remain insensitive to these disturbances and provide solutions which
can be practiced.
The present study investigates the methods adopted to provide such flexible and ro-
bust solutions. The aim is to identify and categorize the methodologies in this non-
deterministic field and compare their performance with the static ones. In addition
to that, a detail analysis of techniques proposed in the literature is delivered, which
implies their limitations, assumptions and applications areas in scheduling.
Keywords: Scheduling, Uncertainty, Robustness, Stochastic
172 Taiba Zahid et al.
1. Introduction
The global trend towards product customization and diversification led to
new requirements in production planning and control. With the conse-
quent increasing of product complexity and variety, combined with shorter
product life cycles, the uncertainty of the planning data and the frequency
of disturbances increases. These fluctuations further complicate the sched-
uling problem which is already categorized as a NP-hard problem (Lee,
2003). Another consequence of individualization is higher product cost. To
offer these products at no extra cost for the customer, improvement in
planning and control is necessary. According to a recent study reported by
Pekny (2005) an effective planning and scheduling system leads to a de-
crease in process costs as well as an increase in process throughout, imply-
ing an improvement of about 5% to 15%.
Due to increased uncertainties and disruptions along with a rise of produc-
tion costs, the interest of methods for effective scheduling methods in-
creases. In order to make the plans effective and applicable, these fluctua-
tions at various levels of operations management need consideration at in-
itial decision phases.
In the past decade, various researches have been conducted focusing on
non-deterministic strategic analysis. We do not claim to provide an all-in-
clusive literature on this rapidly expanding research area, but the focus is
to equip reader with a methodological investigation. This investigation
summarizes the taxonomy of modelling strategies proposed in scheduling
and operations management in the context of various types of fluctuations.
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 173
2. Classification of Uncertainty
The conviction of uncertainty about future is the notion known with cer-
tainty. As Hurley (1996) argued “Why is that such a vast amount of research
is being conducted and financial and intellectual resources being wasted
generating useless solutions to unrealistic problems?” There can be multi-
ple causes of a disturbance with various effects resulting in the direct or
indirect addition of non-value quantities. The structure of decision making
typically observed in operations management (as described follows) repre-
sents a hierarchical structure characterized by distinct management re-
quirements and thus, may exhibit peculiar reasons of disturbances.
Strategic Level: This level comprises of decisions at the earliest stage,
meant for longer time horizons at managerial level. The decisions made at
this level are mainly concerned with business planning. The examples can
be selection of factory site, suppliers, client handlings and order collection
Tactical Level: This level aims for long to midterm planning decisions. Pro-
cesses are actually defined at this level and guidelines are composed. The
example decisions at this stage can be budget allocation, inventory and re-
source distribution etc.
Operational Level: Detailed management of activities and resource alloca-
tion at production floor level is the target of operational level. This involves
daily and weekly planning and management of processes.
Naturally, cause and effects of disturbances at each decision level will vary.
The differentiation among these uncertainties regarding hierarchy of such
decision levels helps decision makers to concentrate on specific disturb-
ances and to model uncertainties at each specific level. Landegham and
174 Taiba Zahid et al.
Vanmaele (2002) summarized sources of fluctuations and their influence at
each decision level in the context of demand chain planning. The final ef-
fect of disturbances although is the same i.e. a negative addition in the
overall objective value of the company. However various the causes of
these disturbances should be considered separately at each decision level.
For example, the cause of an activity delay at operational level can be ma-
chine breakdown but the same effect of activity delay can happen due to
delay in material supply at tactical level. Thus, while scheduling at opera-
tional level, decision makers need to be concerned more with the scenario
of machine break down. Table 1 summarizes possible sources of uncer-
tainty of a disturbance and their influence on various decision making lev-
els. For example, the source of an activity delay can be caused by a delay in
material supply. Although, this will affect the whole project to be delayed
and will effect activities at all decision levels, but it will influence the deci-
sion making process at tactical level the most since as previously ex-
plained, this level is concerned with resource and inventory allocation de-
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 175
Table 1 Influence of plausible sources of disturbances on various deci-
sion making levels
Machine Break-
Resource una-
Delay in mate-
rial supply
Labor strike
Limited Re-
Low Quality
Supply mate-
rial error
Process ineffi-
176 Taiba Zahid et al.
Inflation in ma-
terial rates
Resource cost
Order delay
Customer Re-
Various criteria for classification of uncertainties have been proposed by
researchers in order to separately identify them for modelling purposes.
Subrahmanyam, Pekny and Reklaitis (1994) divided them into short term
and long term uncertainties. Short term uncertainties basically comprised
of shorter planning horizons and need to be dealt with on daily basis. Long
term uncertainties regarded disturbances effecting decisions at strategic
level such as demand fluctuations and inflation rate.
Yadegari (2013) in his work summarized the uncertainties into three types
based on their frequency of occurrence named as periodic (P), sporadic (S)
and unique/random (R). Periodic ones occur at regular intervals while
unique occur rarely and are related with disaster management. Sporadic
are the ones which occur due to the faults and errors in production plan-
ning which can be of humans as well as of machines.
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 177
In regards with supply chain problems, Geary, Childerhouse, and Towill,
(2002) segregated uncertainty into process, demand, supply and control.
Process uncertainties referred to the estimation of processing times for dif-
ferent activities. These disturbances were mainly related with the internal
capacity of company to meet due dates. Fluctuations regarding delays and
errors in external resources such as machinery and material were included
in supply while demand uncertainties represented difference in end market
demand and the orders placed by the customer. Control uncertainties
spanned entire network and observed the disturbances during the entire
feedback loop and information flow such as material shortage, machine
breakdown, order variation and process inadequacy.
3. Modeling Strategies for Scheduling under Uncer-
Based on these various categorizations, a number of solution strategies
have been proposed for such non-deterministic scheduling strategies.
Since the problems in this area are declared as NP-hard (Alcaraz, Maroto &
Ruiz, 2003), researchers have focused to provide computationally effec-tive
solutions. The hierarchical tree of these strategies was created after thor-
ough investigation of literature in this area and can be visualized in figure
1. This was done in order to facilitate reader in providing a compre-hensive
overview of the scattered numerous modelling strategies for this NP-Hard
Broadly classifying, strategies proposed in the literature can be catego-
rized into two major groups of proactive and reactive techniques.
178 Taiba Zahid et al.
Figure 1 Taxonomy of Non-deterministic Modelling Strategies
3.1 Reactive Techniques
Reactive techniques are based on stabilizing the base line schedule in case
of disturbances. A base line schedule based on deterministic information is
formulized and in case of any external disruption, reactive heuristics react
in such a way so as to repair the base line schedule in order to minimize the
difference between base line and new schedule (minimum regret based
methods). Since this technique do not requires rescheduling, the computa-
tion cost for repairing is low but results in poor results in many cases. Since
reactive scheduling tend to repair the base line schedule and minimize its
differences from the base line schedule, it will be more beneficial in the
cases where disturbances are human based or in cases where activities can
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 179
be crashed at the expense of cost, hence in short can be summarized as
Another variation of reactive scheduling is dynamic scheduling which is fur-
ther divided into two sub-strategies. As the name suggests, dynamic strat-
egies tend to start with a feasible baseline schedule that tends to change
with time to cope with disturbances caused by uncertain situations. One
way is to create a feasible schedule that spans a time horizon of a year and
then implement it monthly while changing the schedule of next
month/time period according to the feedback of first period/month. This is
known as rolling time horizon while contingent scheduling relies on creat-
ing multiple baseline schedules and shifting from one to another in case of
Contingent scheduling is basically a combination of reactive and proactive
techniques. It focuses more towards providing flexibility rather than ro-
bustness by creating various scheduling options and adjusting the plan af-
ter realization of any disruption. This technique relies on the assumption
that in a production environment, one comes across with unexpected but
anticipated disruptions. Drummond, Bresina and Swanson (1994) pre-
sented way of just in case scheduling in this domain. In case of each antici-
pated disturbance, the schedule breaks and reschedules the rest of the ac-
tivities to accommodate disturbance. Another recommendation in devel-
oping multiple baseline schedules was proposed by Billaut and Roubellat
(1996). They recommended creation of groups for every renewable re-
source and to consider all the possible options for schedules. This was done
in the hope of switching from one schedule to other in case of uncertain
event. But the approach was applied on a small job shop problem and once
180 Taiba Zahid et al.
the problem is extended even to medium sized problems having two or
more renewable resources, the number of possible options will increase to
a large amount making it difficult to adopt this method.
Sensitivity analysis is mainly characterized as a post optimal tool. It mainly
focuses on what-if questions from the production floor for example what is
the effect of a certain parameter on optimal schedule or which data sets do
not have an impact on base line schedule. Researchers mostly perform
these tests on a polynomial solvable scheduling problem and then gather
this data for larger scale NP-Hard problems. Hall and Posner (2004) de-
scribed a detailed systematic study on the literature found on sensitivity
analysis for scheduling problems. They proposed that robustness of a
schedule can be improved by change of selection method for robust sched-
ule. Apart from focusing on the best objective function value, attention
should be given in selecting the schedule from the pool of near optimal
schedules, which is least sensitive to external disruptions.
3.2 Proactive Techniques
Proactive techniques have been further classified into sub categories. The
most popular one are stochastic techniques. Pinedo (2005) provided an
overview of stochastic scheduling problems. Stochastic techniques tend to
capture the uncertainties which occur periodically in the system. They re-
quire knowledge from the past and based upon this knowledge, it develops
probability curves for disturbances. The quality of the solution depends
upon these curves. Herroelen and Leus (2004) have given a comprehensive
overview of project scheduling techniques used under uncertainty. The
study mainly focuses stochastic models.
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 181
Another class of proactive scheduling is fuzzy based scheduling. These
fuzzy variables are used when imprecision is observed in place of uncer-
tainty. Mostly in case of project durations, when there is possibility of dif-
ferent activity durations, researchers tend to use fuzzy variables that make
use of membership functions rather than probability curves. It allows man-
agers to consider multiple possible scenarios rather than single one.
State-of-the-art literature widely discusses robust scheduling in the con-
text of proactive strategies. But the numerous definitions and criteria of ro-
bustness have been defined which makes it difficult and rather confusing
for the readers to actually state its taxonomy.
Many researchers have defined robustness in context of flexibility and qual-
ity and most of these definitions are published in machine scheduling area.
Davenport and Beck (2000) defined robustness as “schedule that is able to
absorb some level of unexpected events without rescheduling”. Kouvelis,
Daniels and Vairaktarakis (2000) depicted robustness as “the determina-
tion of a schedule whose performance (compared to associated optimal
schedule) is relatively insensitive to the potential realization of job pro-
cessing times.
Besides robustness measures, terms like quality robustness, solution ro-
bustness or stability of robustness and flexibility are often used while de-
scribing this proactive technique. In general, term quality robustness is
used where sensitivity of the schedule performance is tested regarding tar-
get function while stability or solution robustness refers to the insensitivity
of the schedule with respect to objective function. Robust results are not
the optimal results. Many ideas have been presented to control degree of
conservatism searching for the optimal one.
182 Taiba Zahid et al.
Through these various definitions, it can be concluded that robustness ac-
tually defines the strength or ability of a proactive schedule to be realized
successfully in case of uncertainties. Hence, it is suitable to consider it in
structural randomness (paper title: robust optimization of uncertain logis-
tics networks) which can be modelled as either a possibility (fuzzy model-
ling) or a probability (stochastic models) depending on the data available.
As a conclusion, if input data has been analyzed well enough to assign
probability functions with knowledge based data, then stochastic models
can be constructed, otherwise, fuzzy models are suggested to be more ac-
curate for linguistic variables.
4. Scope of the Study
As noticeable, literature presents various approaches for optimized or fea-
sible solutions with different solution strategies. Among all of the solution
approaches (despite considering reactive or proactive strategies) meta-
heuristics special genetic algorithm seems to be the most popular choice
for obtaining optimal results.
However up to the knowledge, no such specific criterion has been sug-
gested, nor any systematic study has been conducted that can help deci-
sion managers for practical applications of these techniques. The literature
lacks in providing comparison of solution strategies with respect to the pro-
duction environments and their layouts such as job shop or assembly lines
production systems.
Moreover, problem datasets which have been utilized for evaluation vary
which makes it difficult to compare the efficiency of provided techniques.
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 183
Also, datasets are based on different assumptions which make these da-
tasets suitable for limited production examples.
The current investigation provides state-of-the-art literature review in the
light of following research questions:
What are the most widely proposed solution techniques for vari-
ous modelling strategies?
Which types of uncertainties are considered?
Comparison of data sets (limitations and application)
Solution strategies w.r.t production layout
5. Literature Investigation
In the recent decade, a wide range of research is being carried out in the
area of operations and research management for finding practical solu-
tions for scheduling. In the following sub sections, a literature review of
such methods has been provided in reference to the research questions de-
scribed in section 4. Additionally, an analysis of various datasets used for
benchmarking is performed to identify their limitations and applications in
the industry.
5.1 Literature Review
As described in section 3, a wide spread of modelling and solution strate-
gies is exhibited in the area of non-deterministic scheduling practices. Ta-
ble 2 provides a comparison of notable researches in this area.
184 Taiba Zahid et al.
In Table 3, an investigation of some recent works was made on objective
functions, typically being considered in the area of operations manage-
ment. It was realized that most of the works focused on makespan minimi-
zation to test their respective proposed strategies. This trend is widely seen
because of the fact that as a regular objective function, the quality of pro-
posed algorithm can be better evaluated through benchmarking and sen-
sitivity analysis. In comparison, research work that adopts time/cost trade-
off as an objective is more suitable for production layouts where crashing
of an activity is directly proportional to the increase in cost, mostly meas-
ured by resource utilization. Such trade-offs strategies should be evaluated
through case studies.
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 185
Table 2 Literature review
Author (Year)
Dataset Level Layout Comments
Lambrachts, O.
& Herroelen, W
Expert based
knowledge heu-
ristics, lacking
Sireesha, V. &
Ravishankar, N
Only prece-
dence con-
straint, Con-
struction pro-
jects suited
H. & Roghanian,
E (2014)
S, R
Random dura-
tions based on
knowledge, Po-
sition based
Perez, M. and
Kuhl, M.E.
tion op-
via simulator
186 Taiba Zahid et al.
Author (Year)
Dataset Level Layout Comments
Ramkumar, R.,
Tamilarasi, A., &
Devi, T (2011)
Fuzzy In-
Due dates and cus-
tomer preferences
assign via priori-
Grey, J.R. (2007) P
tic Task
Time re-
Modification of Ex-
treme Buffer Siz-
ing approach by
probability distri-
Helen, R. & Su-
mathi, R (2013)
TCTP assuming
decrease of activ-
ity duration with
increased cost
Petrovic, S.,
Fayad, C. & Pe-
trovic, D. (2007)
ity anal-
Knowledge based
heuristics for
PERT, Analysing
impact of an activ-
ity delay on pro-
ject makespan
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 187
Author (Year)
Van de Vonder,
S., Ballestin, F.,
E. & Herroelen, W
Priori heu-
Minimum devia-
tion from base-
line schedule,
Multiple sched-
ules creation for
each disturb-
ance, Computa-
tionally intracta-
Cheng, J., Fowler,
J. & Kempf, K
tic task
Simulation based
makespan opti-
mization, Nor-
mally distributed
task durations
Hong, T.P., Yu,
K.M. & Huang,
C.M. (1998)
Variable activity
durations with
Fuzzy priority
188 Taiba Zahid et al.
Author (Year)
Archer, S., Arma-
cost, R.L. & Arma-
cost, J.P.(2009)
tic Task
Repair heu-
Left/Right shift
scheduling heu-
ristics, Proposing
partial buffer ad-
dition CPM analy-
sis tool
Fallah, M.,
Ashtiani, B. Ary-
anezhad, M.
Project & Feeding
buffers assigned
in proportion
with risk scale of
Lee, D.E. (2003) S
tic Mod-
Carlo Sim-
effort reduced via
reducing non-de-
terministic varia-
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 189
Author (Year)
Dataset Level
Umang, N., Erera,
A.L. and Bierlaire,
M. (2002)
Minimization of
difference be-
tween optimal
and robust solu-
tion, using CPLEX
, I.G.,
Puente, J., Varela,
R. & Vela
, C.R.
Hybrid approach
with GA, com-
pared with
jobshop in-
Gomes, M.C.,
Póvoa, A.P.B. &
Novais, A.Q.
P Reactive
ling &
cal (Or-
der var-
LP model,pro-
posed for predic-
scheduling for
fresh orders
190 Taiba Zahid et al.
Table 3 Literature analysis in regards with objective function
Author (Year) Objective Layout Solving Scheme Comments
Gerchak, Y. (2000)
Single, Mini-
mum Penalty
Not Defined
Stochastic/ Lin-
ear preserving
Task duration pro-
portional to Pro-
duction cost, Lim-
ited application
Gutjahr, C. and
Wegner, S.E.
trade off
None specified, suita-
ble for single resource
constrained schedul-
ing problems for ex-
ample flow lines
Stochastic Opti-
mization, Heu-
ristic Branch &
Bound method
Comparison of vari-
ous scenarios for
cost efficient sched-
Atli, O. and Kahr-
ahman, C. (2012)
None Specified,
RCPSP , suitable for
construction projects
Fuzzy Activity
Durations, Tabu
search algo-
rithm with pri-
ority heuristics
Knowledge based
estimates of activ-
ity’s durations
Chen, R.M., Wub,
C.L., Wang, C.M.
and Lo, S.T. (2010)
article Swarm
Deterministic Varia-
bles, Random selec-
tion of parameters
for PSO is applied to
escape local optima
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 191
Author (Year) Objective Layout Solving Scheme Comments
Afshar-Nadjafi, B.,
Karimi, H.,
Rahimi, A. and
Khalili, S. (2013)
cess layout
Heuristics with
differential evo-
Deterministic variables,
Differential evolution
based on stochastic opti-
mization proves to pro-
vide comparative results
for Patterson’s test sets
Andreica, A. and
Chira, C. (2014)
Genetic Algo-
Two loop optimization for
two decision variables i.e.
mode selection & deter-
ministic start time of tasks
Coelho, J. and
Vanhoucke, M.
SAT (Boolean)
Utilizes SAT solver for
mode assignment prob-
lem which resembles
branch and bound algo-
rithm, deterministic, lim-
ited usage due to compu-
tational complexity by in-
creased decision varia-
192 Taiba Zahid et al.
5.2 Dataset Comparison
To test one’s solution strategy, a few benchmark data sets have been pro-
posed in literature. These datasets libraries are created through project
generators having some fixed defined parameters. Most widely used library
for benchmarking is PSPLib based on ProGen. However, there are certain
limitations of network instances created via ProGen that limits its usage for
practical applications. A new dataset library i.e. MMLib created by RanGen
has recently become more popular as benchmarking. A detail comparison
between these datasets can be studied in table 4. Renewable (R), Non-re-
newable (NR) and human (H) resources are categorized for input details of
various datasets.
Each dataset has some parameters that make it suitable for particular ap-
plications. For example, it was realized that among all, only NSPLib pro-
vides the option of personal scheduling which makes it suitable for appli-
cations where managing human resources is of foremost priority. Moreo-
ver, every production layout has specific type of input data available.
Hence, a choice has to be made in selection of a particular dataset for test-
ing purposes. However, state-of-the-art literature provides no means of
comparison among these various problem generators, which makes it dif-
ficult from users point of view to decide which particular dataset would be
the most suitable in a particular layout with available data information.
For the problem of job shop scheduling or for a make-to-order type envi-
ronment, some special instances have been proposed by researchers. The
most commonly used are Fischer & Thompson instances. A detailed com-
parison of these instances particularly created for such environment can be
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 193
found in (Behnke and Geiger, 2012). Following observations were made af-
ter comparing these various datasets:
It can be perceived from gathered information that so far, there is
a lack of project generators that combines personal scheduling
required for special shift plans for resources and network sched-
The area concerning multi-project environment requires more at-
tention. The dataset libraries available use the concept of dummy
activity for combining multiple projects that can only be applied
when every project has the same start point.
The concept of multiple modes is directed in two ways. One is
multi-skilled, where an activity can be performed with different
resources defined as mode options. However, datasets with alter-
native paths for activities (i.e. variable precedence constraints)
has not been investigated so far.
194 Taiba Zahid et al.
Table 4 Comparison of Available Datasets
PG Creator
MP Comments
meester, E.,
M. & Herro-
, W.
Yes R No Yes
Two different
libraries avail-
able,single &
multimode op-
Kolisch, R.
and Spre-
cher, A.
No Yes
Generator not
available da-
taset library
with bench-
marks, most
widely used
T.R. &
A.A. (2010)
No R No No
To study the ef-
fect of individ-
ual projects in
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 195
PG Creator
MP Comments
data set
No R No Yes
strength is very
low provided
almost no re-
source limits
test set
son, J.
No R No No
problems by
Patterson for
exact heuris-
tics compari-
P2 En-
er, E. &
cke, M.
R, NR No No
Several criteria
available for
defining net-
work complex-
196 Taiba Zahid et al.
6. Conclusion & Future Recommendations
The current study indicates that as competitiveness at technological, qual-
itative and cost level acts as the main driving force, research in the area of
operations management aims towards providing flexible solutions; insen-
sitive to disruptions. The main disturbances considered in the state-of-the-
art literature are activity durations and addition of tasks and are mostly
dealt at operational level. The area of research, which considers the effect
of possible external contributors to disturbances e.g. quality of supplies,
environment and customer’s demands, seems void. Moreover, it was seen
that literature on periodic task insertion uncertainties prefers the utiliza-
tion of reactive techniques over proactive techniques. For examining the
quality of solutions, various benchmarks based on different project gener-
ators are available. However, the link between theories and industrial prac-
tices was found to be missing. Benchmarks available suggest no measures
on dealing with personal scheduling problem within the context of manu-
facturing environment. A separate dataset named as NSPLib, specifically
deals with staff scheduling problem.
Future studies in the working group of facility planning under the chair of
logistics engineering at Technical University of Dresden are to be extended
in a direction that provides measures to model these solutions for indus-
trial practices. Research is being conducted for agent based optimization
and robust solutions. The facility planning team focuses on implementa-
tion of efficient scheduling schemes which involve inventory management,
resource allocation and plant planning. This requires the extension of re-
source scheduling problem (typically personal scheduling) in parallel with
Investigation of Scheduling Techniques 197
production requirements. Additionally, proposal of techniques for quanti-
tative measure of external disturbances would be beneficial in order to
have better practical solutions.
198 Taiba Zahid et al.
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Review of Comprehensive Approaches in
Optimizing AGV Systems
Isidro Ramos Torres, Luis Felipe Romero Dessens, José Luis Martínez Flores
and Elías Olivares Benítez
This paper shows how researchers have focused their optimization studies in AGVs
design and control optimization. This article discusses comprehensive approaches
identified in other research papers. The four features examined were: focus-prob-
lem, solution methodology, manufacturing environment, and metrics. The five dif-
ferent optimization environments recognized and used to explore the AGV’s perfor-
mance were: facilities design, production planning, scheduling of machines, manu-
facturing system and design-control. Based on statistical tools, trends are identified
in integrated approaches and maps of the conditions of the approach and solution
Keywords: Material Distribution, Comprehensive Approach, Operational Control,
AGV System
204 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
1 Introduction
Material Handling (MH) is a set of activities that has important implications
on the performance of a manufacturing plant, warehouse, distribution cen-
tres, and container terminals. MH is composed of activities of distribution,
storage, packaging and Control of materials (ASME; IMMS, 1985).Tompkins,
et al., (2003) highlight the importance of MH, which represents between
30% up to 75% of the cost of manufacturing a product, MH utilizes around
25% of the total staff, uses up to 55% of the total space and uses up to 87%
of the time of all activities.
Materials distribution (MD) is considered a relevant source of opportunities
that provides important challenges to industry (Anbuudayasankar, et al.,
2014). The dynamic conditions of the technological environment and com-
petitiveness in the industry have added new elements to the problems
mainly derived from the application of new technologies such as: the elec-
tronic data exchange (EDI), Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic
Information System (GIS), Intelligent vehicles-Systems of roads (IVHS)
(Psaraftis, 1995).
The technological innovation in AGVs (Automatic Guided Vehicles), AGCs
(Automatic Guided Cars) and hybrids Fork Lift Truck systems has been
growing since year 2005 (Vis, 2006). It has made available increasingly au-
tonomous vehicles equipped with better communication, liaison and infor-
mation processing systems. These increased capacities facilitate dynamic
operation of problems of AGVs in MD (Psaraftis, 1995). The MD using AGVs
has additional features to the classical problem of distribution VRP (Vehicle
Routing Problem), mainly derived from a dimensional scale; among these
features are included: the possibility of collisions of AGVs, the need for
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 205
routes design, for determining the frequency of travels, and for design of
load capacity, among others (Qiu, et al., 2002).
The ways to address MD problems also evolve given the greater demands
of the competitive environment and the innovation in the aforementioned
technologies. The evolution of research approaches in this field changed in
several areas, in some with more advances than others. This research is lim-
ited to 49 articles published in the last ten years related to the optimization
of AGVs systems in different manufacturing environments. Also, this paper
characterises the used approaches in design and control AGVs systems in
MD through the identification of 4 features: Approach, Solution Methodol-
ogy, Manufacturing System and Metrics. The incidence of various compre-
hensive approaches and their relationship with the other attributes are ex-
plored as the main issue here.
This article is organized in sections as follows: Section 1 describes the
model used for the literature characterisation, Section 2 shows the main
approaches characteristics found in the literature, Section 3 contains a dis-
cussion of the statistic results and summary of single and comprehensive
approaches and finally, Section 4 presents the study conclusions.
2 Characterisation Model
The Problems about optimizing design and control of AGVs systems are re-
lated with operational and tactical decisions (Vis, 2006). Often these deci-
sions are taken to solve different problems and are treated jointly since
206 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
they have an interactive relationship. Sequenced or simultaneous treat-
ments with one or more matching objectives of tactical/operational prob-
lems are referred here as comprehensive approaches.
Each item of literature was characterized in a binary table of occurrences
recorded in the form of the attributes: 1) Specific types of problems treated,
2) solution methods, 3) manufacturing environment and 4) metrics. The
first attribute element contains the focus of each article, which is the ele-
ment that identifies and groups the revised papers.
The occurrence proportions of each element's attributes were obtained,
and Pareto charts were used to identify usage trends. Once grouped, pro-
portions for each approach were calculated.
3 Identification of Simple and Comprehensive Ap-
Four types of problems associated to the Design and Control of AGVs sys-
tems were found in this review: designing AGVs systems, controlling AGVs
systems, Scheduling of Machines, Production planning and Design of Facil-
ities, all in a given manufacturing environment. The Comprehensive ap-
proaches are graphically represented by intersections as shown Figure 1.
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 207
Figure 1 Associated problems to the Design and Control of AGVs systems
(source: own contribution)
The literature characterization allowed the identification of comprehen-
sive approaches as shown in Figure 1; the comprehensive approaches are:
C-D: Control and Design of AGVs systems,
C-DF: Control of AGVs systems and Facilities Design,
C-D-FD: Control and Design of AGVs systems and Design of facilities,
C-FD: Control of AGVs and Design of facilities,
C-PP: Control of AGVs systems and Production Planning,
C-MS: Control of AGVs systems and Scheduling of Machines,
208 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
D-FD: Design of AGVs and Design of Facilities,
D-PP: Design of AGVs systems and Production Planning.
Figure 2 shows the comprehensive approaches that were found and their
classification as tactical and/or operational problems in a cross table.
Figure 2 Comprehensive approaches found (source: own contribution)
Tactical problems
Design (D)
Control (C)
Not found Out of interest range
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 209
4 Essential Features of Approaches of Papers
This section describes the single and integrative approaches identified in
the literature and their relationship with solution methodologies.
4.1 Single Approaches
4.1.1 AGVs Systems Control
The AGVs systems design includes problems of: routes design, traffic man-
agement, determination of Pick-up and Drop-off points (P/D), number and
location of points, fleet size determination, idle points number and loca-
tion, battery management and fault management. AGVs control issues can
contain activities such as: dispatching of loads, route choice and AGVs
scheduling (Vis, 2006).
4.1.2 AGVs Dispatching
Dispatching can be done in two ways: 1) Assign the AGV charge (WorkCen-
tre-initiated) or 2) Assign an available AGV load (Vehicle-initiated) (Vis,
2006). The WorkCentre-initiated for the study of dispatching is used by Bin
Md Fauadi, et al. (2013), in addition they investigate the effect of multi-
loads using an integer programming model. Moreover Confessore et al.
(2013), treat the dispatching strategy vehicle-initiated using a minimum
cost flow network model and obtain solutions by linear programming and
210 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
4.1.3 AGVs Scheduling and Routing
Lin, et al., (2006) analysed the Scheduling and routing of AGVs using an evo-
lutionary algorithm called i-awGa. Aized, (2009) studies the impact of the
route flexibility using Petri nets.
4.1.4 AGVs scheduling and routing dynamic features
Some researchers added elements of the AGVs dynamics such as traffic
conflicts and route flexibility. Strategies to avoid these difficulties are dif-
ferent, some use mathematical models through heuristic and meta-heuris-
tic algorithms and/or with exact solutions. Duinkerken, et al. (2006), stud-
ied the scheduling and free of conflicts short route allocation problem.
Also, Strap, et al. (2007) solved this problem by mixed integer program-
ming. Kesen & Baykoc (2007) dealt with the allocation problem under a Just
in Time (JIT) philosophy where bi-directional route flow was allowed. Nishi,
et al., (2009) raise the problem of routing using a timed Petri nets model
whose solution is optimized by heuristics. Nishi & Tanaka, (2012) use a Petri
net model combined with evasion of conflict rules.
Ghasemzadeh, et al. (2009) addresses the free bi-directional conflict in a
network topology problem proposing a heuristic algorithm. Liu & Ku-
latunga (2007) studies the same case using a Simulated Annealing (SA) and
an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm; Likewise Udhayakumar & Ku-
manan (2010) propose a GA and ACO algorithm to optimize workload bal-
ance, minimising transportation time and maximising the AGVs use. In or-
der to avoid traffic conflicts, Chiew & Qin (2009) address the problem on a
large scale by proposing a concurrent bi-tonic algorithm. Other research
predicts possible collisions, such is the case of Nishi, et al. (2007), which
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 211
added a sequence of re-routing and predicts the probability of collisions
through Markov Chains. Fazlollahtabar & Mahdavi-Amiri, (2013) add the un-
certainty of machines, operators and products in a genetic algorithm con-
trolled by fuzzy logic.
Real-time data allows greater dynamism in the decisions under this envi-
ronment. Nishi, et al., (2006) dealt with the problem of routing under an en-
vironment of real time requirements (dynamics). The developed algorithm
is based on mathematical programming in a strategy of parallel computing.
4.2 Comprehensive Approaches of Papers
4.2.1 Design & Control of AGVs systems (D-C)
The design and control of AGVs systems have a mutual relationship due to
the effect of the decisions of one over the other and their effect on the over-
all system performance (Vis, 2006). This interaction makes it necessary to
use integrative approaches, not only between design and control problems
but also with other collateral problems.
4.2.2 Scheduling and Routing
Xidias & Azariadis, (2011) studied the sequencing and routing of autono-
mous vehicles considering the restrictions of space available for move-
ments, which suggests a bounded surface genetic algorithm.
4.2.3 Forming Tandems and Independent Zones
Tandem formation consists of partition in materials demand areas. This
suggests the circuit formation with non-overlapping routes which allow
212 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
material transfer points. Tandem formation is a form of establishing con-
trol through the design of circuits and P/D points and that the vehicles are
commonly exclusive for each tandem.
In this review numerous approaches based on tandems and independent
zones were found, such is the case of Shalaby, et al. (2006) who present a
two-way route tandem formation approach in which a binary programming
and a probabilistic model are combined to estimate the amount of empty
travel. Ho & Liao (2009) propose the formation of zones of load sharing and
dynamic control whose objective is to determine the amount and area size
of each zone; it uses procedures of partition and Simulated Annealing algo-
rithm (SA). ElMekkawy & Liu (2009) dealt with the same case by adding the
problem of AGVs programming using two-way route tandems, used a mi-
metic algorithm Genetic Algorithm (GA) and local search. Rezapour, et al.
(2011) designed Tandems and assign bi-directional paths to unique vehi-
cles: the solution model proposed integrates (SA) and tabu search (TS).
Multiple load strategy is used by Kim & Chung (2007) in addition to the ap-
proach by Tandems and sequencing of AGVs using Traveling Sales Problem
(TSP) and Markov chains.
Definition of independent zones differs slightly from the tandems, since a
zone does not use material transfer points. This criterion is used by Namita,
et al. (2011), who proposed the partition of exclusive areas of demand to
avoid traffic conflicts. The proposal is based on heuristic rules that include
a simulation model. Zheng, et al. (2013) proposed the formation of non-ex-
clusive areas, which was conducted by simulation test bench.
In an effort to design a system of AGVs and evaluate control, Kahraman, et
al. (2008) dealt with the problem viewing the load capacity of the AGVs.
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 213
The proposed model evaluates performance through Markov Chains to
avoid the uncertainties of the AGVs operation.
4.2.4 Control of AGVs Systems & Scheduling Machines (C-MS)
Integration of programming AGVs and machines is a very common ap-
proach in AGVs system optimization. The synchronization of both activities
has been found to allow the manufacturing system to work better.
In this review we found similar approaches with a diversity of solution pro-
posals. The most common is the use of genetic algorithms, such is the case
of Kumar, et al., (2011), which proposes a GA integrated into a computer
system. Jerald, et al., (2006) propose an Adapted GA (AGA). Reddy & Rao,
(2006) create a GA hybrid with ordering non-named (NSGA-II). In a multi-
objective study, Chen, (2008) proposes a (MOGA) Mimetic algorithm that
considers operation machining times, balancing workload of machining
and ability of inheritance (MEFI) is used in a multi-agent approach. Erol, et
al., (2012) used artificial intelligence to generate solutions in real-time.
4.2.5 Control AGVs & Production Planning (C-PP)
When manufacturing system elements operate asynchronously, to obtain
an adequate operation is more complicated. The synchronization strategy
is used for production planning, machine programming sequences and ma-
terial handling activities. Fazlollahtabar et al., (2010) propose a mathemat-
ical programming model which considers demand fluctuations and re-
strictions of machines integrated to AGVs programming. Using mixed inte-
ger programming Khayat, et al., (2006) developed a production and dis-
patching model of AGVs programming. Nishi, et al. (2011) addressed the
214 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
same problem adding free of conflict traffic and bi-directional ways routing
using a mixed integer programming model.
Sequencing of AGVs and production scheduling is integrated by Udhaya-
kumar & Kumanan, (2012), using a model based on ACO and PSO; their al-
gorithm considers the number of AGVs empty returns. Tuma, et al., (2013)
used Buffers flags and a genetic algorithm model (AGA + TS) for production
and AGVs programming. They considered the demand variability as a sto-
chastic element. The model is optimized using Response Surface Method-
ology (RSM).
4.2.6 Design AGVs Systems & Design of Facilities (D-FD)
The inside distribution formation and determination of each tandem is an
issue addressed by Salehipour & Aloha, (2014) using an integer program-
ming mixed model. Gamberi, et al. (2009) approached the buffers space re-
quired model (ILFA) and used the Hillier’s rules based on a linear program-
ming model. Ventura & Rieksts, (2007) focused in a dynamical approach to
locate idle points in the P/D. A non-linear integer programming model was
proposed to solve this approach.
4.2.7 Control of AGVs Systems & Facilities Design (C-FD)
Some elements of the facilities design were found in an integrated way,
they are: the P/D point’s location, idle/ dwell and supply sources as well as
the inside tandems layout. The following subsections show the description
of the integration of Facilities Design into AGVs control systems problems.
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 215
4.2.8 P/D (Pick-up and Drop-off Points)
Lee & Srisawat, (2006) investigated the effect of heuristic rules in the dis-
patching and P/D location points, under a strategy of multiple-load using
simulation models. Also Asef-Vasiri, et al. (2007) integrated the determina-
tion of routes and P/D location points, on one-way circuits that uses heu-
ristics and binary integer programming for neighbourhood search. The
route planning is also treated by Nishi & Maeno, (2010) modeled by Petri
nets decomposition with several independently created subnets to locate
the delivery places for each subnet. The algorithm for the shortest path has
a time penalty function.
4.2.9 Location of Idle/dwell (I/D) AGVs Points
Location of the (I/D) points is treated in Ventura & Rieksts (2009) by inte-
grating the dynamic programming routing in a model restricted by AGVs
time availability.
5 Statistical Results
To determine the approach trends and their relationship degree, the pa-
pers were examined to identify their manufacturing environment, solution
methods and used metrics, using counting techniques, Pareto charts and
proportion estimates
216 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
5.1 Statistics of Single Approaches
Tables 1, 2 and 3 show the estimated incidence rate p ̂ of individual ap-
proaches, manufacturing systems, solution methods and metrics, respec-
tively. Table 1 shows that studies dealing with AGVs Control issues (individ-
ual and integrated) have a use proportion of at least 80%. Also FMS envi-
ronments are used in 85% of cases, as shown in table 2. Table 3 shows that
solution methods have a more homogeneous proportion use. However, the
most recurring methods are integer programming, heuristics, genetic algo-
rithms (including evolutionary) and simulation.
Table 1 Incidence ratio for single approaches
± (%)
MS 9 0.184 0.108
* Frequencies are not mutually exclusive
**Sample size n=49
Table 2 Incidence ratio for manufacturing systems
± (%)
FMS 42 0.857
Job Shop
Flow Shop
* Frequencies are not mutually exclusive
**Sample size n=49
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 217
Table 3 Incidence ratio for Solution methods
5.2 Trends of Single Approaches
Figure 3, shows that the most commonly integrative approaches used are:
C, D-C, MS-C, and C-PP. This is not surprising since in terms of absolute fre-
quencies, at least 80% of the articles address independent or combined
control problems.
Int. Programing 17
Genetic Algorithm 13 0.265 0.124
Petri Nets 5 0.102 0.085
Tabu Search
Dyn. Programing
Flow nets 3 0.061 0.067
Annealing Simul.
Ant Colony (ACO)
Fuzzy logic 3 0.061 0.067
Markov Chains
Particle (PSO) 1 0.02 0.039
Parallel Comp
* Frequencies are not mutual
ly exclusive, **Sample size n=49
218 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and Job Shop (JS) are a main trend.
FMS is used almost twice as often as any other system approached (see Fig-
ure 4). The solution methods used are homogeneous, however; we can
identify four methods: integer programming (Int-Pr), heuristics (HE), ge-
netic algorithms (GA) and simulation (see Figure 5).
Figure 6 shows the proportion of use of the metrics, which shows a greater
uniformity than the use of the solution methods, however we can identify
metrics whose use frequencies can be twice as much as the rest of the met-
rics, and these are: time of computational processing, makespan and
time/distance travelled.
Figure 3 Pareto chart for comprehensive approaches (source: own contri-
Comprehensive approaches
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 219
Figure 4 Pareto chart for Manufacturing systems (source: own contribu-
Figure 5 Pareto chart for Methods of solution (source: own contribution)
Methods of solution
Manufacturing System
220 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
Figure 6 Pareto chart for Metrics (source: own contribution)
5.3 Trends of Comprehensive Approaches
As shown in table 5, FMS has the greatest relative occurrence in approaches
that include control problems (C, C-FD, D-C-FD, C- MS, C-PP) except in D-FD
and C-MS. The trend toward Job-Shop (JS) and Flow-Shop (FS) is higher in
the D-FD approach.
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 221
Table 5 Relative ratios for manufacturing systems
Comprehensive Ap-
222 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
Table 6 Relative ratios for Solution Methods
*Ant Colony Optimization
**Particle Swarm Optimization
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 223
Table 7 Relative ratios for Metrics
224 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
6 Conclusions
This paper was conducted to learn about the state of the art regarding the
orientation of the approaches of researchers associated to operational
control of AGVs in the last ten years. It is useful to know the integration de-
gree of approaches and advances in the use of solution methods to visual-
ize the different approaches to develop an improved method to solve a sim-
ilar problem.
For the above, forty nine papers reviewed related to AGVs design and con-
trol systems were characterized by four factors: approach, manufacturing
environments, solution methods, and metrics used as a performance eval-
uation for AGV proposed system models. Six comprehensive approaches
were identified: 1) machine scheduling -control (C-MS), 2) production plan-
ning- AGVs design (D-PP), 3) production planning- AGVs control (C-PP), 4)
AGVs design-facilities design (FD-D), 5) AGVs control-facilities design (C-FD),
6) AGVs design-AGVs control-facilities design (D-C-FD).
From general statistics:
The most frequently four integrative approaches used were iden-
tified: C, D-C, C-SM and C-PP.
At least 80% of the papers are related to control problems.
The FMS and JS are above 70% of manufacturing environments
Solution methods that show increased frequency of use are: Inte-
ger programming, heuristics, genetic algorithms and simulation
(in the range of 15% - 19% each one).
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 225
The most commonly used metrics are: Computational processing
time, makespan time/ travelled distance and whose frequencies
of use very similar (around 18% each one).
From relative statistical information (inside comprehensive approaches):
In C-MS approach, genetic algorithms are used as solution
method in almost 9 of 10 cases.
Approaches C-PP and C-MS tends to use makespan (100% and
89% respectively) as a performance metric.
It can be said that this indicates that researches are currently oriented to-
wards issues of AGVs control systems and that classical methodologies
such as (integer and dynamic programming, and flow networks), adaptable
heuristic and meta-heuristics algorithms and simulation models prevail.
The computational processing time used for information and processing
technologies, is still the most important performance variable. The pro-
posed solution methods usually are compared against other models de-
pending on performance variables, such as processing time of AGVs system
and/or methodology performance.
Some trends of integrated approaches are very strong, as in the AGVs con-
trol and machines scheduling approach (C-MS), which are used at a high
89% rate of occurrence. Genetic algorithms and makespan are among the
most mentioned. The makespan use is also very recurrent in the focus of
AGVs control of and production planning (C-PP).
The dynamic elements found in the characterization of integrative ap-
proaches were not considered in the purpose of this paper. Nevertheless,
226 Isidro Ramos Torres et al.
studying this subject carefully to find out if there is any relationship be-
tween this dynamic elements and the attributes described in this work
would be interesting.
Review of Comprehensive Approaches in Optimizing AGV Systems 227
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Freight Transport Modelling of Container
Hinterland Supply Chains
Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
Macroeconomic freight transport models serve as decision support for transport pol-
icy development. To evaluate infrastructure investments or policy measures these
tools need to capture the underlying complexity of freight transport networks in a
sufficient way. Recent developments in this field outline possibilities to combine ag-
gregated and disaggregated approaches in freight transport modelling in order to
integrate more realistic freight agent behaviour. In contrast to aggregated models,
disaggregated approaches are able to simulate the decision behaviour on the micro-
level of an individual decision maker.
In maritime container supply chains liner carriers or their brokers/agents and freight
forwarders face a variety of interconnected logistical choices such as carrier, port,
mode, route, shipment, or inventory choice. Modelling at least parts of these choices
in disaggregated way could be of high value for adequate maritime hinterland policy
This paper provides both an overview of present freight transport models with and
without a logistics step and applied methods to study maritime supply chain freight
agents’ behaviour. A summarizing framework for behavioural freight transport mod-
elling in maritime container supply chains is introduced. Finally, the framework is
applied to a container freight transport model under development.
Keywords: Freight Transport Modelling, Maritime Container Supply Chain,
Choice Modelling
234 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
1 Introduction
Simulating present and forecasting future freight transport flows with
macro-economic freight transport models serves as a strategic decision
support for infrastructure investments or the evaluation of new policy
measures. These models need to capture the underlying complexity of the
examined freight transport networks at least in parts to present an accu-
rate as-is situation. Recent developments outline possibilities to combine
aggregated and disaggregated approaches in freight transport modelling.
The objective is to obtain a more realistic representation of freight flows
and underlying freight agent behaviour. In contrast to aggregated models,
disaggregated approaches are able to simulate the decision behaviour on
the micro-level of an individual decision maker (or rather firm level).
In maritime hinterland supply chains various decision makers interact (see
figure 1). The market power has shifted from shippers being responsible for
organising maritime and hinterland transport to liner carriers and freight
forwarders. For instance, 60 percent of all liner carrier freight loaded or un-
loaded in German ports is controlled by sea freight forwarders (DSLV, 2015).
Fransoo and Lee (2010) identify that in the Asia-Europe container trade
even around 70% is contracted with carriers through freight forwarders.
Notteboom (2008) agrees by asserting that on the European continent mer-
chant haulage has the higher market share with approximately 70-90% of
landside sea container transports. Thus, it can be assumed that 30-40 per-
cent of German container hinterland transport is controlled by liner carri-
ers/their agents and shippers with own transport departments, and 60-70
percent of German container hinterland transport is controlled by sea
freight forwarders.
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 235
Economic choice situations in this environment are multifaceted and vary
in terms of dependency, or frequency. Typical choices involve carrier and
port choice but also mode and route choice. Decisions also vary in regard
to one-time strategic or repetitive operational perspectives. In order to an-
alyse these decisions different modelling and analysing methods are avail-
able. It can be argued that choices are too much simplified in order to apply
rational method. The decision problem is not structured in a process-ori-
ented way and connected situations are limited to a single decision. Con-
sidering this, one might also criticize that research stops prior to transfer-
ring new insights from the micro-level to macro-economic decision support
This paper provides both an overview of present freight transport models
with and without a logistics step and applied methods to study maritime
supply chain freight agents’ behaviour. Aim is to introduce a summarizing
framework for behavioural freight transport modelling in maritime con-
tainer supply chains. Finally, the concept is applied to a container hinter-
land transport model under development.
The paper is organised as follows. First, a literature review of present
macro-economic freight transport models is performed. This is followed by
a critical review of choice research in maritime supply chains. Second, a
framework for container hinterland freight transport modelling is derived.
Third, the framework is conceptually applied to a container freight
transport model under development. Finally, the paper concludes with a
discussion section.
236 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
Figure 1 Maritime container supply chain
2 Literature Review
The literature review is twofold. Initially, it draws the attention to selection
and classification of macro-economic freight transport models. Then,
choices in maritime container supply chain research are reviewed.
2.1 Selection of Macro-Economic Freight Transport
Previous reviews on macro-economic freight transport models by de Jong
et al. (2013), Tavasszy et al. (2012), Chow et al. (2010), Abdelwahab (1998),
and on urban and metropolitan freight transportation by Taniguchi et al.
(2014), Zhou and Dai (2012) guide the selection of models and classification
Pre-carriage of
container load
by truck, train,
barge from the
shipper to the
exporting port
handling at
terminal in
by container
ship between
exporting and
handling at
terminal in
On-carriage of
container load
by truck, train,
barge from the
importing port
to the container
perspective of the maritime
hinterland supply chain
perspective of the maritime
hinterland supply chain
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 237
criteria. Besides, the authors performed a review of scientific articles on
freight transport models and identified 111 articles published from 1970 to
February 2015. These articles were scanned concerning new model devel-
Worldwide there are various transport models or separate (sub-) modules
in operation. Developers are either academics and/or work for public or-
ganisations or private industries. As a result, model details can be confiden-
tial and are not published rigorously. Thus, selecting established and re-
cent regional and national macro-economic freight transport models for
this review requires some limitations:
Sub-modules are not extra highlighted, e.g. models on mode and
shipment choice.
Only models developed between 2005 and 2015 or earlier models
which are named in previous reviews are chosen.
Freight transport models listed in past reviews and journal arti-
cles are only selected if information on classification criteria is re-
garded to be sufficient.
Finally, 14 macro-economic freight transport models are selected for re-
2.2 Classification of Macro-Economic Freight Transport
Figure 2 summarizes the 14 different macro-economic freight transport
models according to the following classification criteria: client, geograph-
ical study area, years of development, modes, number of zones, number of
commodities, modelling steps (generation G, distribution D, modal split M,
238 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
logistics L, assignment A), perspective (aggregated A, disaggregated D), and
Clients of the macro-economic freight model developers are national
transport authorities or the European Commission. The study area mainly
corresponds to the authority’s’ geographical area of responsibility or inter-
The basic model takes at least one to two years to develop but this period
may be extended to up to five years depending on the model’s features. All
14 models consider the modes road and rail, nine models add inland wa-
terway, and seven models integrate sea, compared to six models including
air. SCENES and SMILE+ contain all available transport modes including
The number of geographical zones varies from 69 in BASGOED to 3101 in
the NGVM. The average number of zones is about 650. The number of com-
modities ranges from five to 542 with 10 as the most frequent.
The modelling steps differ but except WFTM all follow in essence the classi-
cal 4-step approach which was originally developed for passenger
transport. Building on this, several models replace the modal split step with
a logistics step or add an additional logistics step between modal split and
Logistical choices diverge and may comprise shipment size choice, port
choice, distribution centre choice, mode choice, vehicle type choice, or in-
ventory choice. De Jong and Ben-Akiva (2007) refer to the number of legs in
the transport chain, the use of terminals, and the mode used for each leg
(including choice of vehicle/vessel type and loading unit) as ‘transport
chain choice’.
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 239
Figure 2 Overview of macro-economic freight transport models
model for
3 G erman
F lemish
M inistry
M inistry
funding of
S wedis h
A dmin.
M inistry
Study area
F landers ,
G ermany
Norway S witzerland
2010-2011 Unclear 2008
2004 2004-2009 2009-2011
Road, rail,
sea, air
Road, rail,
Road, rail,
Road, rail Road, rail
Road, rail,
sea, air
Road, rail
Zones 332 69 Unclear
296+ 267 536 3101
Commodities 9 10
20 Unclear 5 32 118
Steps G, D, L, A
G, D, M, A G, D, M, A Unclear G, D, M, A G, D, L, A G, D, L, A
ADA A AD ADA Unclear
O wn
O wn
V isum Unclear Unclear
O wn
E xcel, M uuli,
V isum
13 UK
E uropean
C ommission
M inistry
E uropean
C ommission
E uropean
C ommission
W alloon
Study area Sweden E urope
E urope EU + 8
E urope
Years 2004-2009 Unclear 1998-2005 2005-2009
Prior to 2001 2006
Road, rail,
sea, air
Road, rail,
sea, pipeline
Road, rail,
sea, pipeline
Road, rail,
Road, rail,
Road, rail,
sea, air
Road, rail,
Zones 464 261+ 117
1737 265 152 850+
Commodities 35
Unclear 542 10 Unclear 9 10
G, D, L, A G, D, M, A
G, D, M, L,
G, D, M, L,
G, D, M, A G, D, M, A
M, A
ADA AD Unclear AD AD ADA Unclear
O wn
O wn
V arious G ams Unclear Nodus
240 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
The majority of models show a disaggregated perspective. Especially, ADA
models are established. In principal, aggregation refers to zone-to-zone
flows and disaggregation to firm-to-firm flows. But the term disaggregation
also relates to the conversion of shipment flows into vehicle flows, or the
split of commodity groups into single commodities. ADA is applied by the
ADA model for Flanders, SAMGODS, the NGVM and others.
Modelling steps and perspective are the logic behind the freight transport
flow simulation. To integrate modelling steps and logic into geographical
simulation different software tools are in available. Own programs are used
frequently but also commercial freight transport modelling software like
Visum and Nodus are deployed. Besides, commercial transport modelling
software may be extended by own programs in external environments.
2.3 Choices in Maritime Container Supply Chain Research
Economics is about the choices individuals make, and micro-economics is
the branch of economics that studies choice making (Krugman and Wells,
2013). Mathematical models as simplified representations of reality sup-
port this social research field heavily.
The root of choice modelling and analysis lies in two different decision the-
ories. Descriptive decision theory concentrates on the psychology of indi-
viduals. It is also named empirical or behavioural decision theory and an-
swers questions related to ‘what people do’. It is concerned with people's
beliefs and preferences as they are, not as they should be (Kahneman and
Tversky, 1984). Central research themes concentrate on how human
choices derivate from rules of rationality. In contrast, normative or rational
decision theory focusses on minimizing costs and maximizing benefits. It is
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 241
concerned with the nature of rationality and the logic of decision making
(Kahneman and Tversky, 1984). Rational decision theory answers ques-
tions related to ‘what people should do’. Especially after the findings of
Kahneman and Tversky (1979) a rethinking of normative models of rational
choice for analysing decision making under risk took place.
Today, rational choice models may be adapted to capture differences in
decision weights and preferences of decision makers. Durbach and Stewart
(2012) distinguish between analyses based on: probabilities, decision
weights, explicit risk attributes, fuzzy numbers, and scenarios. To bridge
the gap between micro-economic research and model application in the
maritime transport business, the following questions guide the upcoming
literature review:
What is the decision problem?
Who is the decision maker?
Which main method is used for data collection?
Which main method is used for decision modelling and data
95 journal articles published between 1973 and 2014 are identified.
2.3.1 Decision problem
Dominant decision problem in maritime supply chain research is port
choice (55 publications), followed by liner carrier choice (18 publications)
and mode choice (six publications). Table 1 gives an overview of all articles
and the decision problems. Starting point in theory is a well-structured de-
cision problem.
242 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
Table 1 Overview of decision problems in maritime supply chain research
Port choice
Anderson et al., 2009; Bird and Bland, 1988; Bird, 1988;
Brooks and Schellinck, 2013; Chang et al., 2008; Chou,
2007, 2009; Chou et al., 2010; Chou, 2010; de Langen,
2007; Ffrench
, 1979; Fleming and Hayuth, 1994; Foster,
1978; Garcia
-Alonso and Sanchez-Soriano, 2009; Guy
and Urli, 2006; Ha, 2003; Itoh et al., 2002; Kim, 2013; Lam
and Dai, 2012; Lee et al., 2010; Lirn et al., 2003; Lirn et
al., 2004; Loon Ching Tang et al., 2011; Ma
gala and Sam-
mons, 2008; Malchow and Kanafani, 2001; Malchow and
Kanafani, 2004; Mangan et al., 2002; McCalla, 1994; Mur-
phy et al., 1992; Murphy and Daley, 1994; Ng, 2006; Nir et
al., 2003; Notteboom, 2011; Saeed, 2009; Sanchez et al.,
2011; Seo and Ha, 201
0; Song, 2004; Starr, 1994; Steven
and Corsi, 2012; Tavasszy et al., 2011; Tongzon and
Heng, 2005; Tongzon and Sawant, 2007; Tongzon, 2009;
Tran, 2011; Ugboma et al., 2004; Ugboma et al., 2007;
Ugboma et al., 2006; van Asperen and Dekker, 2013;
Veldman et
al., 2011; Veldman and Bückmann, 2003;
Wiegmans et al., 2008; Willingale, 1981; Yeo et al., 2014;
Yeo et al., 2011; Yuen et al., 2012
(liner, 18)
Brooks, 1984; Brooks, 1985; Brooks, 1990, 1995; Chen et
al., 2010; Chou and Liang, 2001; Colli
sion, 1984; D'Este,
1992; Gibson et al., 1993; Kannan, 2010; Kannan et al.,
2011; Kent et al., 1999; Lobo, 2010; Lu, 2003b; Nind et
al., 2007; Pedersen and Gray, 1998; Saldanha et al.,
2009; Wen and Huang, 2007
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 243
choice (6)
Brooks et al., 2012; Feo et
al., 2011; Feo-Valero et al.,
2011; Reis, 2014; Winston, 1981; Wong et al., 2008
Other (16)
Carrier choice (liner), port choice: D'Este and Meyrick,
1992; Murphy et al., 1991; Slack, 1985; Tiwari et al., 2003;
Freight transportation choice (land): Mangan
et al., 2001;
McGinnis, 1979; Wang et al., 2014; Freight transportation
choice (maritime): Talley and Ng, 2013; Talley, 2014;
Thai, 2008; Carrier choice (land): Bardi, 1973; Murphy et
al., 1997; Carrier choice (liner, air): Matear and Gray,
1993; Carrier c
hoice (liner, land), mode choice: Meixell
and Norbis, 2008; Logistics service choice: Lu, 2000; Mar-
itime firm choice: Lu, 2003a
In practice, port and/or carrier choice problems are difficult to construct in
a chronological and independent way due to, e.g. longer-term agreements,
preferences of shippers, or different product life cycle stages (Flitsch and
Jahn, 2014). Only three sources start their analysis by visually structuring
the decision problem first. Mangan et al. (2002) highlight port choice as de-
cision making 'process model'. Brooks (1990) introduce a 'decision flow di-
agram' named as ocean carrier selection model, and Brooks (1984) display
the decision process in liner carrier choice as ‘decision tree’.
2.3.2 Decision Maker
Historically, the shipper was the main decision maker in maritime supply
chains. With 17 publications it is still a highly researched area starting with
244 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
Bardi (1973) up to van Asperen and Dekker (2013). In addition, the shipper’s
agents carriers with 16 publications (Yeo et al., 2014; Willingale, 1981), car-
riers and freight forwarders with 14 publications (Chen et al., 2010; Brooks,
1984), and freight forwarders with 9 publications (Reis, 2014; Bird and
Bland, 1988) are important research objects.
In 11 articles also shipments serve as a proxy for the group of all decision
makers (Steven and Corsi, 2012; Winston, 1981). This refers to a revealed
preference context where analysis of past choice and historical data takes
Other decision makers are named as carrier-shipper (Lobo, 2010), carrier-
freight forwarder-shipper (Brooks and Schellinck, 2013), carrier-shipper-
port (Talley, 2014), or as other actors and combinations (Sanchez et al.,
2.3.3 Data Collection
Either no empirical data is collected or a questionnaire survey is conducted.
Gathering statements of decision makers with (semi-) structured question-
naires is by far the most widespread main empirical data collection method
with 37 papers, for instance see Brooks and Schellinck (2013) or Foster
15 articles concentrate on interviews for getting data (Yuen et al., 2012;
Willingale, 1981), five current publications use discrete choice experiments
(Brooks et al., 2012; Feo et al., 2011; Feo-Valero et al., 2011; Nind et al., 2007;
Wen and Huang, 2007).
Kannan et al. (2011) and Kannan (2010) organize focus groups. No empirical
data collection takes place in 36 papers (see Reis, 2014; Ffrench, 1979).
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 245
2.3.4 Decision Modelling and Data Analysis
Table 2 lists the main methods for decision modelling and data analysis ap-
plied in maritime supply chain research. Statistical analysis (descriptive, in-
ferential) directed towards the identification of main decision attributes is
applied in 37 publications. Theoretical contributions are made in 18 pa-
pers. Discrete choice models are of relevance in 16 articles. Additionally,
the Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is a popular analysis method applied
in 8 publications.
Prior to 2003 research concentrated mainly on decision attribute identifi-
cation and weighting with descriptive statistical analysis methods. Since
2003 further application of identified decision criteria and preference
weights takes place, e.g. to estimate market share changes of carriers (Wen
and Huang, 2007; Tiwari et al., 2003), to derive a demand function for traffic
forecasting (Veldman and Bückmann, 2003), to formulate a optimization
programming model for the port choice of shippers (Chou, 2009), or a com-
bined fuzzy MCDA / optimization programming model (Chou et al., 2010),
and to propose a web-based decision support system for port selection
(Lam and Dai, 2012).
246 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
Table 2 Overview of main method for data analysis in maritime supply
chain research
Bardi, 1973; Brooks, 1984; Brooks, 1985; Brooks, 1990,
1995; Brooks and Schellinck, 2013; Chang et al., 2008;
Chen et al., 2010; de Langen, 2007; D'Este and Meyrick,
1992; Foster, 1978; Gibson et al., 1993; Ha, 2003; Kent
et al., 1999; Kim, 2013; Lee et al., 2010; Lobo, 2010; Lu,
2000, 2003a, 2003b; Mangan et
al., 2002; Matear and
Gray, 1993; McGinnis, 1979; Murphy et al., 1991; Mur-
phy et al., 1992; Murphy and Daley, 1994; Murphy et
al., 1997; Ng, 2006; Pedersen and Gray, 1998; Saeed,
2009; Sanchez et al., 2011; Slack, 1985; Thai, 2008;
Tongzon, 2009; Ugboma et
al., 2004; Ugboma et al.,
2007; Yeo et al., 2011
Chou, 2007, 2009; Chou et al., 2010; Chou, 2010; Chou
and Liang, 2001; Ffrench, 1979; Loon Ching Tang et al.,
2011; Magala and Sammons, 2008; Notteboom, 2011;
Seo and Ha, 2010; Talley and Ng, 2
013; Talley, 2014;
Tavasszy et al., 2011; Tongzon and Heng, 2005;
Tongzon and Sawant, 2007; Tran, 2011; Wang et al.,
2014; Yeo et al., 2014
Anderson et al., 2009; Brooks et al., 2012; Feo et al.,
2011; Feo
-Valero et al., 2011; Garcia-Alonso and
-Soriano, 2009; Itoh et al., 2002; Malchow and
Kanafani, 2001; Malchow and Kanafani, 2004; Nind et
al., 2007; Nir et al., 2003; Steven and Corsi, 2012; Tiwari
et al., 2003; Veldman et al., 2011; Veldman and Bück-
mann, 2003; Wen and Huang, 2007; Winston, 1981
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 247
Kannan, 2010; Kannan et al., 2011; Lirn et al., 2003; Lirn
et al., 2004; Song, 2004; Ugboma et al., 2006; Wong et
al., 2008; Yuen et al., 2012
Descriptive analysis: Bird, 1988; D'Este, 1992; Wieg-
mans et al., 2008; Willingale, 1981; Simulation: Guy and
Urli, 2006; Reis, 2014; Saldanha et al., 2009; van
Asperen and Dekker, 2013; Literature review: Mangan
et al., 2001; Meixell and Norbis, 2008; Market analysis:
McCalla, 1994; Starr, 1994; Case stu
dy analysis: Colli-
sion, 1984; Conceputal analysis: Lam and Dai, 2012;
Content analysis: Bird and Bland, 1988; Spatial analy-
sis: Fleming and Hayuth, 1994
3 Framework for container hinterland freight
transport modelling
It can be stressed that a long experience in passenger transport modelling
in academia is a good starting point for modelling freight transport flows.
Modelling practices are transferred. However, freight transport is far more
complex than passenger transport. Decision makers and their power to act
vary due to contractual and non-contractual relationships, e.g. freight for-
warders may chose a port corresponding to a shipper's preference or be-
cause they have long-term volume agreements with liner carriers departing
from that port. Transported goods differ in volume, urgency, or value.
Empty loading units and vehicles require capacity, too. Further, container
248 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
hinterland transport and mainland transport face different risks; say ship
delays are not in the forwarders sphere of influence. In summary, it is pos-
sible to transfer passenger modelling practices to container hinterland sup-
ply chains. But realistic models of the as-is situation need to be capable to
consider at least parts of the system's complexity.
The main research objective is to determine (1) how decision problems in
container hinterland supply chains can be structured according to decision
maker and freight category, (2) how identified decision problems may be
modelled and analysed, (3) how to apply the results in a freight transport
model under development and, (4) how the final freight transport model
output may be validated.
By taking the literature review of both macro-economic freight transport
models and choices in maritime container supply chain research into ac-
count, a simple framework for container hinterland freight transport mod-
elling is proposed (see figure 3).
... ...
Soft system
Case study
Figure 3
Framework for container hinterland freight transport modelling
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 249
3.1 Structure
Graphical representation of decision situations is an accepted method for
problem structuring and segmentation of decision makers.
As highlighted previously, three publications in supply chain choice re-
search start their analysis by visually structuring the decision problem first.
Mangan et al. (2002) depict a process model, Brooks (1990) introduces a de-
cision flow diagram, and Brooks (1984) applies a decision tree.
Apart from this, the business process modelling method is selected in sev-
eral PhD dissertations in maritime logistics research. Advantage is that not
only choice dependencies but also decision makers can be visualised. Wolff
(2014) models different business processes in empty container logistics.
Will (2011) concentrates on RFID implementation to maritime container lo-
gistics and transshipment process optimisation. Zuesongdham (2010)
models a reference process for project and heavy-lift cargo. Schwarz (2006)
simplifies process models in tri-modal hinterland transport chains.
Other advanced problem structuring methods have been developed prag-
matically and are own research fields in operations research (Mingers and
Rosenhead 2004). Potential drawback is that in contrast to business pro-
cess modelling decision makers in maritime supply chains are usually not
acquainted to methods like soft system methodology, or system dynamics.
This could hinder empirical data collection.
3.2 Model & Analyse
After reviewing the literature on methods to model and analyse choices in
maritime container supply chain research, the acceptance of discrete
250 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
choice models and the AHP in empirical research became apparent. Espe-
cially, after 2003 research moved further than identifying significant deci-
sion attributes to calculating preference weightings of rational decision
The AHP is rooted in multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) which is a sub-
discipline of OR. Main idea is to aid subjective decision making by integrat-
ing objective measurement with value judgement (Belton and Stewart,
2002). The AHP is a structured MCDM technique for organizing and analys-
ing complex decisions quantitatively based on qualitative human judg-
ment (pairwise comparison of choice attributes). It supports the identifica-
tion of the relative value of a previously identified choice attribute set in
hierarchical order to reach a final decision.
By contrast, discrete choice models calculate choice probabilities derived
from utility maximizing behaviour of the decision maker. Different models
(e.g. the most popular multinomial logit MNL) start their analysis with an
underlying rational decision process displayed in a functional form - the
utility function consisting of a value function and an error term. Key
thoughts are that the decision maker tries to maximize the individual value
function, makes trade-offs between attributes and that an error term cap-
tures all other influences.
3.3 Apply
Results of the AHP are absolute values of preference weights for single de-
cision attributes which can be ranked accordingly. Previously AHP helped
to explore the relative importance of factors that determine container port
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 251
competitiveness and to rank them (Yuen et al., 2012), to examine predomi-
nant factors for port choice (Ugboma et al., 2006), or to assist ocean con-
tainer carriers in benchmarking their service quality (Kannan, 2010).
The outcomes of discrete choice analysis are preference estimates of the
choice attributes and corresponding probability weights of two or more
choice alternatives. Both help to predict future choice behaviour. Ben-
Akiva and Lerman (1985) introduced the method to travel demand analysis.
Today, discrete choice analysis assists to model the modal choice between
door-to-door road transport and short sea shipping (Feo et al., 2011), to es-
tablish a demand function for container port services (Veldman et al.,
2011), or to estimate market shares of freight agents (Wen and Huang, 2007;
Tiwari et al., 2003). Additionally, discrete choice analysis may result in ded-
icated cost functions for transport flows which also include a quantification
of qualitative choice criteria (see most comprehensive values of time and
values of reliability for shippers and freight forwarders determined by de
Jong et al. in 2014).
3.4 Validate
Sensitivity analysis and case studies supported by historical data analysis
are possible methods to validate container hinterland freight transport
model outputs. Changes in variable levels on output impact may be exam-
ined to adjust the model design in an iterative way. A prevailing risk is that
data to validate the model cannot be or has not been collected by the re-
searcher/others or that access to historical data is denied (confident, or no
interest to share).
252 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
4 Application of the Framework to a Container
Freight Transport Model
Client of the macro-economic container freight transport model under de-
velopment is the Ministry of Science and Research of the City of Hamburg.
Study area is the regional, national and international hinterland area of the
Port of Hamburg. For the base model a two year development period with
start in 2014 is anticipated. All modes of relevance for container hinterland
transport are considered, thus, road, rail and inland waterway. The classi-
cal 4-stage model of transport modelling (generation, distribution, modal
split, assignment) is enlarged by transferring the modal split choice into a
combination of supply chain choices under the umbrella term 'logistics
choice'. The previously proposed framework for behavioural freight
transport modelling sets in here. Figure 4 displays the methods which are
considered for application based on the previous framework.
Main parts of the model’s logic are supported by the software environment
Visum but the disaggregation logic of the followed ADA perspective is pro-
grammed externally. These external calculations are passed back to Visum
for final simulation of freight transport flows onto the geographical road,
rail and inland waterway network.
Input data consisting of structural data, transport networks, and produc-
tion/distribution/consumption figures is enlarged by the generated deci-
sion process models of the maritime hinterland supply chain. The process
models are essential for modelling and analysing freight agents' prefer-
ences in different maritime hinterland supply chains with discrete choice
models. Altogether, the steps 'structure' and 'model & analyse' are key for
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 253
integrating behavioural differences of freight agents container hinterland
transport flows.
The model's output comprises transport matrices and network loads. In or-
der to validate the quality case studies with freight agents enable the re-
searcher to compare results with historical data.
On the one hand, further research relates to base model extension. On the
other hand, model application stimulates further research, exemplary, in
the domain of transport forecasts and scenario analysis, location and po-
tential analysis, environment and safety analysis as well as infrastructure
and policy measure planning.
254 Verena Flitsch and Katrin Brümmerstedt
Figure 4
Conceptual representation of the container freight transport
Modelling of
spatial design and
choice behaviour
Business process
models of
hinterland supply
chain choices
- Transport
- Network load
- Structural data
- Transport
- Production/
segmentation with
value functions
1. Activity choice
2. Destination
4. Route choice
Discrete choice
models of freight
agents‘ stated
preferences in
different maritime
hinterland supply
Case studies with
freight agents
Further research
- Base model
- Transport
forecasts and
scenario analysis
- Location and
potential analysis
and safety analysis
- Infrastructure
and policy
measure planning
3. Supply chain
Freight Transport Modelling of Container Hinterland Supply Chains 255
5 Discussion and Conclusion
Compared to the sophistication of passenger transport models, their un-
derlying decision logic and supporting practices, freight transport models
lag behind. This paper does not strive for radical innovations but for stress-
ing the importance to combine established methods in a structured way.
Apart from high demands on mathematical choice models to consider un-
certainty, risk and decision power other issues complicate research pro-
gress. Getting data access is one major hindrance in the logistics environ-
ment and collecting the data can be costly. If decision makers do not un-
derstand why or how to supply their input for freight transport modelling
projects the validity of realistic transport flows is likely to be low.
To conclude, this paper provides an overview of both recent freight
transport models, and on accepted methods for choice analysis in mari-
time supply chain research. As a next step the researchers have the oppor-
tunity to use and evaluate the framework while working on the container
transport freight model under development. By this, research would not
stop prior to transferring new insights from the micro-level to macro-eco-
nomic decision support tools.
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Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models
Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
Freight transport models are used to estimate the expected impact of policy
measures and are a necessary input for the justification of infrastructure invest-
ments. Seaport hinterland models can be used to forecast future hinterland traffic
and modal split development. For the impact assessment, most freight transport
models use a generalized cost approach for the purchasers’ costs which amount the
operators’ costs passed on to the users of transport services and the actual users’
costs (e.g. time costs). At present, no comprehensive model exists for the Port of
Hamburg. Consequently, it is difficult to estimate the expected impacts of infrastruc-
ture measures for the Port of Hamburg’s hinterland accessibility. The aim of this pa-
per is to give an overview over the research field of freight transport modelling and
to develop an approach for comparing the Port of Hamburg's hinterland connections
taking into consideration different types of costs. Finally, the cost functions are ap-
plied to the use case “Port of Hamburg” on a macroscopic level.
Keywords: Freight Transport Modelling, Port of Hamburg, Hinterland Traffic,
268 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
1 Introduction
The international freight transport market grew almost steadily in the last
decades, with a sharp decrease during the global financial crisis and stag-
nation at below crisis levels since then (OECD 2014). Nevertheless, different
studies promise a positive outlook for future freight transport develop-
ment. The current German sea traffic forecast forecasts an overall increase
of volumes handled in the German seaports of 63 percent between 2010
and 2030 (MWP et al. 2014). Container handling volumes are expected to
increase steeper in German seaports than conventional cargo volumes
(MWP et al. 2014).
For foreign trade-oriented countries like Germany an internationally com-
petitive maritime industry is of high economic significance. The maritime
industry plays a key role in the competitiveness of the business location
Germany and for securing growth and employment. Competitive seaports
form the connector between seaside and landside transport modes and are
indispensable for functioning international transport chains and foreign
trade. However, their competitiveness depends on port efficiency. Accord-
ing to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD) the doubling of port efficiency of two countries results in a 32 per-
cent increase of their bilateral trade volume (Merk 2013). One factor influ-
encing the efficiency of seaports is their landside accessibility and thus, the
quality and number of available hinterland connections (Merk 2013). Con-
sequently, future increase of freight on hinterland transport modes de-
mands sufficient capacities of corresponding transport infrastructures
(Ben-Akiva et al. 2013).
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 269
Freight transport models are used to estimate the expected impact of pol-
icy measures and are a necessary input for the justification of infrastructure
investments. Seaport hinterland models can be used to forecast future hin-
terland traffic and modal split development. At present, no comprehensive
model exists for the Port of Hamburg. Current forecasts are based on sur-
veys, e.g. on the Container Traffic Model ‘Port of Hamburg’, by the Institute
of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL). For that reason, it is difficult to
estimate the expected impacts of infrastructure measures for the Port of
Hamburg’s hinterland accessibility.
The aim of this paper is to give an overview over the research field of freight
transport modelling and to develop an approach for comparing the Port of
Hamburg's hinterland connections taking into consideration different
types of costs. Currently, a macroscopic freight transport model for the Port
of Hamburg is under development. This work forms a first step within the
development of a freight transport model for the Port of Hamburg.
In order to narrow the scope of transport modelling this paper focusses on
freight transport models only. Cost functions will cover containerized cargo
only. Finally, because most hinterland transport flows are long distance
transport flows this paper will only take into consideration macroscopic
freight transport models.
Section 2 gives a brief introduction to the fundamentals of freight transport
modelling. A selection of existing freight transport models is presented in
section 3. The differences between these freight transport models are high-
lighted by using differentiation criteria defined by the researcher. In section
4 the seaport hinterland model currently under development is described.
Special focus is given on the underlying logic in order to highlight the role
270 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
of cost functions as part of the freight transport model. In section 5 cost
functions for containerized seaport hinterland traffic are derived and also
applied to the use case “Port of Hamburg”. Finally, a discussion and con-
clusion are provided in Sections 6 and 7. The chapter ends with a conclu-
sion in section 8.
2 Introduction to Freight Transport Modelling
There are a lot issues in freight policy that demand the modelling of freight
flows, such as the increase of freight volumes, pricing, logistics perfor-
mance, changes in vehicle types or external effects of transport. Amongst
others the following modelling needs are linked to current key issues in
freight policy: forecasting international freight growth, differentiating be-
tween goods with different logistic backgrounds, forecasting (cause and
impacts of) choice of vehicle type, modelling critical global movements
(containers, oil, dangerous goods, food) (Tavasszy 2006).
Transport modelling distinguishes between passenger transport modelling
and freight transport modelling. Concerning methodology passenger
transport models have achieved a high degree of specialization and are es-
tablished as tools in strategic transport planning processes. In contrast to
this freight transport models have evolved and methodologically devel-
oped only since the shorter past (Tavasszy 2006).
First of all, freight transport flows form a relatively small part of total
transport flows. In addition, access to necessary data is difficult because of
commercial interests of freight transport market actors that want as least
transparency (of e.g. costs) as possible (de Jong et al. 2004). On the other
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 271
hand, due to the high number of different actors involved, such as con-
signors, shippers, freight forwarders, liner carriers and terminal operators,
and their partly conflicting interests, the organization of international
freight transport chains is very complex. As passenger transport models
only have the passenger as decision maker, they are far less complex than
freight transport models (Karafa 2010).
Nevertheless, in the early days of freight transport modelling the develop-
ers of these models used the scientific findings of passenger transport mod-
els and adopted the concepts, methods and tools to the specific require-
ments of freight transport. However, by now freight transport modelling
has developed its own stream of methods and techniques inspired by dis-
ciplines such as economic geography and supply chain management
(Tavasszy, de Jong 2014).
A widely spread model structure for passenger transport models is the
‘Four-Step Model’. Other models like activity based models and land use
models can also be used to fulfil functions similar to those of the Four-Step
Model (Transport and Infrastructure Council 2014). The steps of the Four-
Step-Model are illustrated in Figure 1.
272 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
Within the first step ‘Trip generation’ it is estimated how many person trips
are produced within and attracted to each zone (incoming and outgoing
passenger trips). The second step ‘Trip distribution’ determines the desti-
nations and origins of the passenger trips. The result is an origin-destina-
tion matrix. The ‘Mode choice’ (step three) allocates the origin-destination-
trips from step 2 to the available transport modes (mode-specific trip ma-
trices). Finally, the mode-specific trip matrices are assigned to alternative
routes or paths (step four, ‘Trip assignment’).
Figure 1
Steps of the Four-Step-Model (author based
on Transport and In-
frastructure Council 2014)
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 273
A significant feature of this model is the iterative feedback of costs arising
from trip assignment to trip distribution and mode choice. The iteration be-
tween the last three steps enables the replication of impacts of congestion
on travel costs (Transport and Infrastructure Council 2014). It is generally
accepted that the Four-Step Model of passenger modelling can be applied
to freight transport as well. However, due to the complexity of the freight
transport system, the individual steps of the Four-Step Model need to be
adapted to the requirements of the freight transport system (de Jong et al.
Figure 2
Comparison of Four-Step Models
(author based on de Jong et al. 2004)
274 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
A number of transformation modules are usually required (de Jong et al.
2004). An example for this is the converting of trade flows in monetary units
into physical flows in tons for the first step of the Four-Step Model. As trade
forms the basis for freight transport flows this is an inevitable step. For this
Tavasszy (2006) enhances the Four-Step Model by a fifth step ‘Trade’ after
the first step that includes the conversion of monetary units into tons. As
passenger transport does not relate back to monetary units no such trans-
lation has to be carried out in passenger modelling. The following elements
of freight transport models are necessary to carry out the illustrated model:
Table 1 Components of freight transport models (author)
Model Component
Demand model
Different regional areas; Origin-destination data
for different commodity groups as well as vehi-
cle types
Network model
Different networks for transport modes; Termi-
nals for transfer between transport
modes or the
integration of logistics processes
Cost model
Fixed and variable costs related to transport
modes, vehicle types and commodity groups (or
loading units)
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 275
The cost model is an essential component of freight transport models. In
most models the costs are linked to the network as part of a resistance
function. Freight transport models use costs in order to differentiate be-
tween different transport modes (and vehicle types) as well as commodity
groups (Müller et al. 2012). Costs occur at different stages of the transport
chain and can be found as resistors for the mode and route choice during
freight transport modelling. As part of common freight transport models
the transport mode, transport chain (incl. changes of transport modes) as
well as transport route are selected under the principle of minimization of
total costs of transport. The cost model is therefore a deterministic model
of cost minimization. Consequently, for freight transport models to be as
exact and realistic as possible, it is of special importance that the overall
costs of possible elements of logistical alternatives are calculated with suf-
ficient accuracy.
3 Macroscopic Freight Transport Models
Existing freight transport models do not only differ in terms of their inter-
national, national or regional perspective but also in relation to the data
used and their depth of aggregation, corresponding measurement varia-
bles used, or their scale of analysis named as aggregated or disaggregated.
Examples for macroscopic freight transport models are e.g. the Swedish
National Model System for Goods Transport (SAMGODS) and the Swiss Na-
tional Freight Transport Model (NGVM). Both models cover different
transport modes and commodity groups and consider all processes of tra-
ditional freight transport chains (transport, handling, storage). SAMGODS
276 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
and NGVM are selected for further analysis because they can be considered
to belong to the best documented freight transport models. Table 2 com-
pares the two models with each other.
Table 2 Comparison of SAMGODS and the NGVM (author based on Vierth
et al. 2009 and ARE 2011)
Development period
Number of regions
290 in Sweden;
outside Sweden
2.945 in Switzerland;
156 outside Switzer-
Level of aggregation
Aggregated and Dis-
Aggregated and Dis-
Transport modes
Road, rail, sea, air
Road, rail
Logistics processes
Transport, handling,
Transport, handling,
Number of freight
Own programming
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 277
Both freight transport models are similar concerning the considered crite-
ria. Nevertheless, they differ from each other in their level of detail in terms
of the number of freight categories as well as the geographical coverage.
The level of aggregation of the NGVM is named as ‘Aggregated’ and ‘Dis-
aggregated’. Aggregated freight transport models do not take into consid-
eration flows between individual firms and logistics decisions but between
regions or zones. Disaggregated means, that logistics decisions (e.g. use of
consolidation and distribution centers, shipments sizes or loading units)
are included. For this, the NGVM includes so called logistics systems (e.g.
full truck load, pallets) (ARE 2011). Due to the fact that the information per
shipment is finally aggregated to origin-destination flows for the network
assignment the NGVM can be described as an aggregate-disaggregate-ag-
gregate (ADA) freight model system.
SAMGODS can also be understood as an ADA freight model system as illus-
trated in Figure 3.
Thus, ADA freight model systems model the generation of trade flows and
assignment to networks in an aggregate way and simulate logistics deci-
sions at the level of individual firm-to-firm flows (Ben-Akiva, de Jong 2013).
According to Ben-Akiva, de Jong (2013) the different logistics decisions
could be:
Frequency/shipment size (incl. inventory decisions)
Choice of loading unit (e.g., containerized)
Use of distribution centers, terminals and the related consolida-
tion and distribution of shipments
Mode/vehicle type used for each leg of the transport chain
278 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
These logistics decisions are made with the overall objective of minimizing
total logistics costs. ADA freight model systems also have been developed
for Norway and Flanders and are currently under development in Denmark
and for the European Union (Ben-Akiva, de Jong 2013).
The development of a seaport hinterland model for the Port of Hamburg
will follow the underlying logic of the ADA freight model system.
Figure 3 Structure of SAMGODS model (author based on Karlsson et al.
4 Development of a Seaport Hinterland Model for the
Port of Hamburg
The macroscopic freight transport model currently under development is
funded by the Ministry of Science and Research of the City of Hamburg. The
model follows the logic visualized in Figure 4.
In step 1, the transport networks as well as origin-destination matrices for
different commodity groups (according to value and density) are created in
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 279
the software environment Visum. This step comprises the first two steps of
the Four-Step Model as illustrated in Figure 2. The model includes road, rail
and inland waterway networks. These networks connect in total 380 de-
mand zones and 237 terminal zones across the whole of Europe. As part of
this first step, origin-destination, distance and time matrices between the
demand as well as terminal zones are calculated. These matrices form the
input for the second step.
280 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
Figure 4
Traffic systems, modes, demand segments and demand matri-
ces of the freight transport model under development (author)
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 281
The second step is carried out outside of the Visum environment by using a
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro in Microsoft Excel. In this step the
least expensive transport chain for each origin-destination relation is cho-
sen by passing the following process:
1. Select the cheapest path between origin and destination without
2. Is there a cheaper path between origin and destination with one
transshipment move? If yes, select this path - If no, select path be-
tween origin and destination without transshipment.
3. Is there a cheaper path between origin and destination with two
transshipment moves? If yes, select this path - If no, select path
between origin and destination with one transshipment.
The total number of transshipments is limited to two transshipments and
distinction is made between different traffic systems (vehicle types). The
step complies with the third step of the Four-Step Model (modal split). The
result of this step is a certain path with a fixed modal split for each origin-
destination relation and commodity group.
The final step consists of the transfer of goods flows in tons into vehicle
flows and the assignment to the network. This step is again carried out in-
side the software Visum and complies with the fourth step of the Four-Step
Modal (assignment).
As described, especially the second step of the new model logic bases on
cost functions taking into consideration different transport modes, vehicle
types as well as commodity groups.
282 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
5 Derivation of Cost Functions
In this section cost functions are derived and also applied to the use case
of the Port of Hamburg. For this, characteristics of the Port of Hamburg's
hinterland connections are presented first. Afterwards, cost functions im-
plemented in the ADA freight model system are analyzed and adapted to
the requirements of the model under development. Finally, the cost func-
tions are tested taking into account a transport chain significant for the
Port of Hamburg.
Total volumes handled in the Port of Hamburg amount to 145.7 million tons
in 2014. This means an overall increase of 4.8 percent compared to 2013.
Containers form about 70 percent of total throughput (9.7 million TEU
(Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) in 2014, +5.1 percent compared to 2013 (HHM
2015a). According to the current German sea traffic forecast the relatively
high degree of containerization in the Port of Hamburg relates back to the
NST-2007 commodity group ‘not identifiable goods’, which amounts to 20
percent of all hinterland volumes. Relevant hinterland regions for this com-
modity group are especially Bavaria, the Czech Republic, Baden rttem-
berg, Bremen as well as North Rhine-Westphalia (MWP et al. 2014). How-
ever, the relevant hinterland regions for all freight categories handled in
the Port of Hamburg are different to that. Around 59.8 percent (5.8 million
TEU) of all containers handled in the Port of Hamburg are transported into
hinterland regions, most of them via the transport modes road (59.4 per-
cent, 3.4 million TEU) and rail (38.6 percent, 2.2 million TEU) (HHM 2015b).
Hinterland transport of containerized cargo via inland waterways forms a
negligible low part of all containerized hinterland transports (only 2.0 per-
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 283
Due to the Port of Hamburg's high degree of containerization and the sig-
nificance of the transport modes road and rail the development of cost
functions for transport chains in the hinterland of the Port of Hamburg will
focus on containerized cargo into relevant hinterland regions and road only
as well as rail-road transport chains.
ADA freight model systems include freight flows between zones or regions
as well as individual firms. The basic model for decision-making on the dis-
aggregated level (logistics decisions at the level of individual firm-to-firm
flows) is the minimization of total logistics costs. According to Ben-Akiva,
de Jong (2013) the disaggregated level consists of shipments of goods in
number of shipments, tons, ton-kilometers, vehicle-kilometers and vehi-
cle/vessels per year, by
commodity type
transport chain type (number of legs, mode and vehicle/vessel
type used for each leg, terminals used, loading unit used)
sending firm (located in zone r)
receiving firm (located in zone )
shipment size
As stated by Ben-Akiva, de Jong (2013) and Vierth et al. (2009) the total an-
nual logistics costs G of commodity k transported between firm m in pro-
duction zone r and firm n in consumption zone s of shipment size q with
transport chain l (including number of legs, modes, vehicle types, loading
units, transshipment locations) are:
284 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
Cost of deterioration and
damage during transit
Total annual logistics costs
Inventory costs (storage costs)
Capital costs of inventory
Order costs
Transport, consolidation and distribution costs
Capital costs of goods during transit
Stockout costs
As can be taken from equation 1 the cost functions of ADA freight model
systems take into account the costs of all transport, handling and storage
processes within a transport chain (logistics costs). The cost function in-
cludes operators' as well as so-called senders' costs. According to Vierth et
al. (2009) senders' costs include costs that are related to the transported
good itself, as well as a certain risk (e.g. risk of delay or damage) cost. These
costs are represented by the capital costs of the goods and the cost of de-
terioration and damage that are included in the equation above.
However, this equation is not focusing on containers as loading unit only.
Some characteristics of container transports allow a reduction of the com-
plexity of equation 1: First, goods are not likely to change loading units in
long-distance hinterland transport chains. According to the definition of in-
termodal transport it is even forbidden (Tsamboulas et al. 2007). Most
transport chains end in a logistics center. Second, once loaded on trucks it
is unlikely that containers switch from road to other transport modes. Fi-
nally, transshipment terminals (rail-road) aim at reducing the dwell-time of
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 285
containers in order not to lose too much time and to increase the competi-
tiveness of intermodal transport compared to road container transport.
A possible cost function representing containerized cargo is developed by
Jourquin, Tavasszy (2014). According to Jourquin, Tavasszy (2014) inter-
modal container transport is an alternative to road container transport
when the internal costs of the intermodal trip are competitive in compari-
son to the internal costs of trucking. Internal costs of moving a container
cover the sum of costs incurred by the various parties responsible for the
movement of the container (Black et al. 2003).
Following the authors argumentation the attractiveness of the intermodal
chain depends on the level of transshipment costs and on the length of the
pre- and post-haulages to and from the intermodal terminals. The authors
define the cost functions for road (Equation 2) and intermodal container
transport (Equation 3) as follows:
+ 
286 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
Generalized costs for road and rail
-road transport,
per loaded ton
Truck-only and rail-only distances
Post-haulage distances for rail-road transport
Transshipment times for rail-road transport
Transshipment costs for rail-road transport
Transport costs for road and rail-road transport
Transport speeds for road and rail-road transport
Post-haulage cost
Value of time
Again, these equations integrate the purchase costs of the goods inside the
containers by introducing the variable h (value of time). Due to the fact that
this approach fits better to the specific characteristics of containerized sea-
port hinterland traffic it will be used to calculate the costs of selected hin-
terland transport chains of the Port of Hamburg. The following transport
chains are analyzed:
Figure 5 Analyzed transport chains (author)
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 287
As illustrated in Figure 5 the above described cost functions are applied to
two possibilities to transport containers from the Port of Hamburg into its
hinterland zone Fürstenfeldbruck (logistics center): First, as a unimodal
transport chain by truck or second, as a multimodal transport chain by rail
and truck.
Fürstenfeldbruck was selected as hinterland zone because Bavaria is the
Port of Hamburg's most important hinterland region for containerized
cargo (HHM 2013). Further, it is located within a radius of about 50km
around the intermodal terminal Munich-Riem which is the most important
intermodal terminal for containers in the Port of Hamburg's hinterland re-
gion Bavaria (HHM 2013). The radius of 50 km relates back to the assump-
tion that the catchment area of intermodal terminals can be described as
an ellipse around the terminal with a radius of at maximum 50 km (HHM
2013). In the analyzed intermodal transport chain, the transport mode rail
is used for the main haulage. Road transport is only used for post-haulage.
Hence, it can also be described as a combined intermodal transport chain
(Destatis 2013).
288 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
Table 3 Input used in the cost functions for the transport of a 40-foot
container (author based on Jourquin, Tavasszy 2014 and HHM
: Main distance (km)
: Post-haulage distance (km)
: Transshipment time (hours)
: Transshipment costs (€/Cont.)
: Transport tariff (€/
: Transport speed (km/hour)
: Post-haulage tariff (€/
: Value of time (€/Cont./hour)
The results of the research carried out in terms of the quantification of the
internal costs are summarized in Table 3. The costs for the transport chains
have been determined and quantified empirically by carrying out desk re-
search as well as interviews with freight forwarders in 2015. Different origin-
destination relations have been taken into account. Accordingly, the values
listed in Table 3 are average figures for the analyzed transport chains. The
variable transport tariff includes time-dependent (e.g. capital costs of the
vehicle, administrative costs and personnel costs) and distant-dependent
costs (e.g. operating and maintenance costs or energy costs) for the chosen
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 289
transport modes. Using the input data the costs for the different transport
chains are
949.62 €/40-foot container for road only container transport and
707.14 €/40-foot container for intermodal container transport.
The transport costs of a 40-foot container with an average load capacity of
30.40 tons from Hamburg to the logistics center in Fürstenfeldbrück
amount to 0.039 €/ for the road only transport and 0.029 €/tkm for the
intermodal transport. The intermodal option turns out to be significantly
cheaper than the road only alternative. This corresponds to observations
made by Ricci (2003) or Black et al. (2003).
6 Discussion and Further Research
The chosen transport tariff for road transport is based on the assumption,
that the average cost of movement by road amounts to 1.19 €/km for a 40-
foot container. This value corresponds to the figures published in Black et
al. (2003). As reported by them the value for moving a 40-foot container in
Germany is 1.14 €/km. According to HHM (2012) the cost of moving a 40-
foot container between Hamburg and Bavaria amounts to 1.17 €/km.
For intermodal transport it is assumed that the average cost for moving a
40-foot container amounts to 0.89 €/km. Again, this figure lies within a
range that can be found in different studies. Within the project Hafen Ham-
burg 62+ systematic comparisons of costs have been carried out for differ-
ent transport chains between Bavaria and Hamburg. Within the project, rail
haul unit costs of roughly 0.79 €/km per 40-foot container were identified
for container transports between Hamburg and Munich (HHM 2012).
290 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
Following this argumentation, the achieved results are in conformity with
the current state of practice. However, several aspects have been neglected
so far:
1. Different vehicle types. The calculation does just take into consid-
eration one vehicle type (long-distance truck). But, operational
costs can be different for different vehicle types.
2. Different commodity groups with different logistics backgrounds.
The variable 'value of time' has not been quantified so far. Conse-
quently, the purchaser's costs of the content of containers are not
integrated. Neither are the specific requirements of different
commodity groups, e.g. urgency of transport.
3. Different network types. The cost function calculates with aver-
age speeds and considers only one possible route.
4. Capacity restrictions. The interdependencies of different
transport chains as well as capacity restrictions have been ne-
glected so far. The attractiveness of a transport chain is depend-
ent on the degree of utilization. The more containers are assigned
to a transport chain (and route) the less attractive it will be be-
cause of an increasing probability of congestion.
Consequently, the described cost function can only be seen as a first ap-
proach towards the development of a cost function usable in the model un-
der development.
Cost Functions in Freight Transport Models 291
7 Conclusion
Freight transport models are a useful tool for estimating the expected im-
pacts of policy measures and are a necessary input for the justification of
infrastructure measures. Based on cost functions transport demand is as-
signed to the transport network and different transport modes.
When intermodal transport competes with road transport, trucks are used
in two different ways: Either they are used as a substitute for or as a com-
plement for the rail. Nevertheless, for the analyzed Origin-Destination rela-
tion (Hamburg-Munich) the intermodal option turns out to be significantly
cheaper than the road only alternative (707.14 €/Cont. for intermodal con-
tainer transport compared to 949.62 €/Cont. for road only container
The described cost function can be seen as a first approach to calculate the
total costs of the Port of Hamburg's containerized hinterland transport
chains. It needs to be extended by a quality variable that integrates the in-
terdependencies of different transport chains as well as the probability of
congestion in order to describe the transport market in a more realistic
way. The sensitivity to cost changes or situational responses because of in-
terdependencies as well as the differentiation between goods with differ-
ent logistics backgrounds are challenges that need to be integrated into
cost functions of an appropriate seaport hinterland model for the Port of
292 Katrin Brümmerstedt, Verena Flitsch and Carlos Jahn
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Formal Specification, Testing and Verification
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Muhammad Iman Santoso, Bernd Noche, Asep Ridwan, Achmad Bahauddin,
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Truck operation for the fertilizer handling in the one of Indonesia's Port turned out
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mum number of trucks, i.e. 30 units - 30 tons load capacity per unit. This paper pre-
sents a simulation-based optimization for scheduling quantity and capacity of the
fertilizer trucks to achieve handling-target within 24 hours and reduce queue. New
procedural technique that combine statistical, modeling, simulation and verification
have been developed employing several tools and managed in a structural way using
formal specification. Those techniques optimize the truck operation turn into 8 units
and also decrease the round trip operation from 220 rounds into 217 rounds. It gen-
erates a daily productivity of 6516 tons and minimize truck queue until 0.14 hour.
The reduction of resources utilization and queue time will diminish the total fertilizer
handling cost.
Keywords: Fertilizer Truck, Formal Specification, Simulation, Verification
296 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
1 Introduction
The Port is a critical facility that supports economic activities, particularly
for Indonesia, an archipelago country. Delays of the service in the port, no-
tably in the high-volume goods loading/unloading will affect the profit.
Therefore, the necessity of quality enhancement in terms of time and opti-
mum resources becomes very urgent.
This paper presents a joint research between the University of Duisburg-
Essen (Germany), the University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (Indonesia) and
one of the Port Services Company located in Banten - Indonesia. This part-
ner-port is established in the strategic geographic position on the western
side of Java that connects the Indian Ocean to South-China Sea and the
Pacific Ocean. The most benefit of the area is that location proven as the
deepest port in Indonesia. The port customers are multi-enterprises lo-
cated in Cilegon, Jakarta, and the surrounding area. Their services are
docking ships, loading/unloading of goods and warehousing. Particularly,
their business core is focusing on the dry bulk products such as fertilizer
(FZ), corn, soy, salt, and sugar. The loading and unloading processes have
the same pattern, starting from fetching products using the crane toward
the hopper (HP), transporting to the tailgate (TG), and then weighing.
Afterward, the product is either unloaded from the truck, then relocated
into a temporary warehouse (WH) in the port or directly going to customer
warehouse. The loading and unloading activities are addressed as the ma-
terial handling process. Material handling is an activity of lifting, transport-
ing, and put the material by using means of transportation (Purnomo,
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 297
According to the partner-port experience, fertilizer is one of the products
that are sensitive to be handled. It particles are small, lightweight, and eas-
ily mixed with water. Fertilizer ship comes to the port jetty in a large capac-
ity, typically taken by more than 10,000 tons. The customers are always ask-
ing very quick fertilizer handling time. Due to this demand, the port oper-
ates the maximum number of trucks (i.e. 30 units - 30 tons capacity per unit)
to perform handling process faster.
In fact, a maximum truck operation becomes counterproductive. It gener-
ates a new problem in the truck queue, particularly in the weighing process.
This issue is getting worse by back/forth trucks that carry other dry/liquid
bulk operated by many forwarders.
The model that built in this paper simulates the existing productivity of fer-
tilizer handling process and then optimizes it. More than calculate the effi-
cient truck capacity, the author also validates the optimum productivity of
24 hours fertilizer unloading.
2 Port Simulation Model for Bulk-Cargo - The State of
the Arts
Small paper simulates bulk cargo operation in the port. Utmost studies are
usually model bulk cargo services in macro-perspective. Scientists are try-
ing to improve efficiency when the cargo unloaded goods, bulk-port expan-
sion plans and discuss the parameters/values characteristic of port simula-
tion using specific tool or software. Such procedures found in
(Agerschou & Sørensen, 1983) (Bugaric. U, 2007) (Cassettari, 2012) (Dahal,
2007) (El Sheikh, J.R. Paul, S.A. Harding, & Balmer, 1987) (Esmer, 2010)
298 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
(Kondratowicz, 1990) (Park & Noh, 1987) (Pjevčević D., 2013). Nevertheless,
those papers have not verified the data, model and the simulation results
in a structural way. (Harrell, 2000) examines data and conducts verifica-
tion/validation but only dependent on the ProModel. In this paper, (Harrell,
2000) theory and simulation method are extended by implementing multi-
variate tools and techniques that customizable.
The documentation of all procedures is written as clear as possible before
running the simulation. Furthermore, the simulation procedures are man-
aged thoroughly by a strict control mechanism of adequacy as well as veri-
fication tests. The tests are performed both manually (hand-calculations)
and automated taken by some tools.
3 Research Methodology
This paper enhances several procedures and techniques in the field of ma-
terial handling process and simulation that are initially invented by (Har-
rell, 2000). The following methods are carried out to pursue the research
objectives: 1) Observation and Interview, 2) Problem identification and
Scope, 3) Data Collection and Analysis, 4) Model Design, 5) Model Verifica-
tion and Validation, 6) Simulation Development and Validation, 7) Running
Simulation and Experiment, 8) Output testing and Alternative Comparison
Figure 1) The authors present the procedures more flexible using diverse
(alternative) tools and introduce the set of “formal-specifications” to con-
duct the simulation better.
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 299
Figure 1 Flowchart of the Research Methodology
Formal Specification (FS) is defined as a systematic and procedural tech-
nique that specifies terms/vocabularies of the system and then verifies that
design specification through the planning and construction phase. Com-
monly, FS used to guide the developer (in the field of computer science)
during the design, testing and implementation of the systems or software
as stated by (Sargent, 2005) (Zengin & Ozturk, 2012) (Zhao & Rozier, 2014)
(Navimipour, 2015). Anyone can overview the milestone of FS various tech-
niques in (Edgar & David, 2014).
This paper employs such technique to enhance simulation in the field of
operation research instead of computer science.
300 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
4 Result and Discussion
This section provides all results obtained from the research. Ultimately, the
discussion and analysis are given to deliver a scientific judgment of the re-
4.1 Result
4.1.1 Observation, Interview and Problem Identification
The company has found a problem in the weighbridge (WB). There are
many queues of the truck and the peak traffic increase when many ships
from other Forwarder unloaded various dry bulk products (e.g. sugar, corn,
salt, soy, etc.) at the same time. Such situation will later multiply the num-
ber of trucks that exist in the system and causing long queues of vehicles
around the WB.
4.1.2 Scope and Conceptual Model
The author set boundary of the research (scope) and the conceptual model
in the form of entity diagram (see Figure 2 and 3).
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 301
Figure 2 The Boundary of the Research
Figure 3 The Entity Diagram of the Process
4.1.3 Data Collection, Facts, Assumptions and Analysis
The research area coverage from the fertilizer discharges out of the ship
and transfers it using the truck into the warehouse. The simulation stops
when the model mimics the fertilizer handling for 24 hours. Each process
302 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
employed 50 data samples, which has been collected during the March-
2013 to January-2014.
The result of data collection is documented on the following formal speci-
fication (see Table 1,2,3).
Table 1 List of Requirements
How to model and simulate existing fertilizer handling
system in the partner-port?
How many quantity and optimal truck capacity should
be operated to improve quality of the actual process?
How to set optimum productivity of fertilizer-handling in
24 hours that could reduce queue time?
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 303
Table 2 List of Facts
The simulation entities: Fertilizer (FZ) in a unit of tons
and Dummy (used to model empty truck)
Dynamic-Resources: Truck that is currently carrying 30
tons capacity of FZ in amount of 30 units and Grab which
is transporting FZ from the ship into the Hopper (HP).
Station: Ship, HP which has 50 ton capacity (2 units),
Weighbridge (WB) that can only weighing 1 truck (1 unit)
and the warehouse (WH).
Arrival: The fertilizer capacity per ship-arrival, i.e. 12992
tons, and it should unloaded in 2 (two) days. Thus, daily
unloaded target is 6496 tons.
Simulation: It is started from 07:00 at March, 5th 2014
and considers four breaking-times in the port, i.e. 12:00
13:00, 18:00 19:00, 00:00 01:00 and 05:00 07:00
The processing-time series: 1) Time to fetch FZ from the
ship towards the HP using the grab. 2) The travel-time of
FZ from the HP into the TG. 3) The travel-time of the FZ
truck from the dock into WB. 4) Weighing-time. 5) The
travel-time of the FZ truck from the WB into the WH. 6)
The unloading time of FZ in the WH. 7) The travel-time of
the FZ truck from the WH into the WB. 8) The travel-time
of the FZ truck from the WB into the dock.
304 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
Table 3 List of Assumptions
The simulation is started after the fertilizer freighter-ship
has come (to jetty) and fertilizer ready to be released
There are three kinds of ships loaded a different number
of fertilizers.
The ship has two hatches.
The weather influences are not considered
The break-time during unloading operations is calcu-
Weighing process-time whether full-load or empty-load is
assumed equal.
Grab capacity is 12 tons, and the number of grabs is con-
sidered to be equal to the number of hatches, i.e. two
The decision variables are set to be truck quantity (units)
and truck capacity (tons).
The facts and assumptions are then verified using ProModel 7.5 feature
called "stat-fit". This feature determines the statistical data distribution.
Hence, data collection and assumptions were valid, and available to be
used directly in the next step of simulation. Furthermore, the input data
have to pass adequacy test prior the "stat-fit" calculation.
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 305
The adequacy test data is needed to verify the validity of sample data.
Adequacy Test Data (Harrell, 2000) formula:
N’ = The number of observations should be done.
= The level of confidence in the observations. (k = 2, 1-=95%)
= The degree of accuracy in the observation (5%)
= The number of observations that have been made.
 = Observation Data
The adequacy of the data achieved if qualifies: > N’
The data have to be "fit a theoretical distribution", such as normal distribu-
tion or beta, etc. There are specific tests (see Figure 4,5,6,7,8) that can be
performed to determine whether the data is independent and identically
distributed (Harrell, 2000).
Figure 4
Data Independency and Distribution Test: (a) Descriptive Statis-
tics (b) Scatter-Plot
306 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
5 Data Independency and Distribution Test: Correlation of Input
6 Data Independency and Distribution Test: Input Data Testing
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 307
Figure 7 Data Independency and Distribution Test: Fit of Data Distribution
Figure 8 Data Independency and Distribution Test: Fitted Density
The next operation is fitting a theoretical distribution of the data. This step
is important to identify which is the most suitable distribution of the sam-
ple data. In Promodel 7.5., this basic procedure is divided into three steps
checkpoint: (1) One or more distribution selected as a suitable candidate
to represent the data samples; (2) Calculate the estimation of the parame-
ters on each distribution (3) Goodness of fit (virtue the data-distribution).
The results of input data statistical test are reported in the Table 4.
308 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
Table 4 Examination of Data Distribution using Stat Fit
Input Data
The ship towards the hopper
Normal (1.27, 0.141)
The hopper into the truck-tailgate
8.68 seconds/ton
Lognormal (2.63, 0.35)
The Warehouse unloading
Uniform (3.32, 3.82)
Transport from the Hopper to the Weigh-
Lognormal (6.42, 1.17)
Transport from the Weighbridge to the
Lognormal (4.33, 0.65)
Transport from the Warehouse to the
Uniform (5.02, 7.9)
Transport from the Weighbridge to the
Dock Uniform (7, 10) minutes
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 309
4.1.4 Model Design
The modeling phase is conducted using ARENA 14. The model divided into
four main modules of data, i.e., entities, resources, schedule and transport-
ers. Besides that, there are also two panels of flowchart modules, namely
the Basic and Advanced Process Transfer. Samples of those models are de-
picted in Figure 9.
310 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
Figure 9 Sample of Arena Modules, (a) Module Data Entities (b) Module
Data Transporter (c) Module Data Schedule (d) Module Data
4.1.5 Model Verification, Simulation and Validation
This section simulates the actual operation of the partner-port using the
designed model. Then, simulation is executed by a replication for 10 times.
Replication also named as “several randomized runs” to get accurate esti-
mates because each run varies statistically. Harrell equation (Harrell, 2000)
is employed to calculate adequate replication. The result of this calculation
is shown in Table 5.
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 311
Table 5 Adequate Replication Test
Unloaded Level (Xi)
4 6570 -30 900
then, n’=
n = replication number
312 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
Consider Table 5:
= (6660 + 6570 +… + 6570)/10 = 6600
= 6660 6600 = 60
)2 = (60)2 = 3600
Total =
= 45000
= 70.71
. .
= 50.58
n’ =
, .
7.51 ≈ 8
The minimum required of replication is equal to 8. Thus, 10 replications
tested in Table 5 are more than enough.
After the replication has confirmed, the simulation performance is com-
pared to the field data. The authors conduct this step using SPSS which per-
form the Paired Sample T test (see Table 6).
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 313
Table 6 Pair Sample T test Result using SPSS
Paired Differences
Std. Error Mean
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pair 1
Real Simu-
Consider Table 6:
The 2-tailed significance value (0.722) is larger than the significance
(0.05), and its confidence interval exceed 0. It can be concluded that H
initial hypothesis) accepted. Thus, fertilizer-handling model is nearly iden-
tical with the field data that manually calculated. Hence, it is stated that
the model of existing fertilizer-handling in the partner-port has already ap-
proached the target. The summary of the simulation outcome of this model
is given in the Table 7.
314 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
Table 7 The Simulation of the Existing Fertilizer Handling in Partner-Port
Total Unloaded Fertilizer
Per 24 hours (Tons)
The Average Queue Time (Hours)
4.1.6 Scenarios and Experiments
Experiments are conducted by adjusting decision variables, i.e. the number
of trucks and truck capacity. While, the response variable is the target
amount of fertilizer unloaded within 24 hours, i.e. 6496 tons. The current
number of trucks available is 30 units. Each truck has a minimum allowed
capacity in the amount of 28 tons and the maximum allowed capacity in
the amount of 30 tons.
Furthermore, scenario is set to minimize the amount of truck in duty with-
out additional costs.
Set Scenario-1: 8 units operation, capacity of each truck is 30 ton.
Set scenario-2: 25 units operation, capacity of each truck is 29 ton.
Those two scenarios simulation-result is reported in Table 8.
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 315
Table 8 Scenarios 1 & 2 Execution Summary Compared to Existing Oper-
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
8 6570 6510 6525
316 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
4.1.7 Scenarios and Output Testing
The scenarios and output are then compared using one-way_ANOVA. This
technique is conducted to check the difference between the outputs of the
existing fertilizer models with the proposed scenarios.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) separates the total variability in the data sam-
ple into two parts. Then, hypothesis is tested to compare two independent
estimation of the population variance. The total variability in the data is
described as a total sum of squares (Montgomery, 2003). The author em-
ploys SPSS to manage such test and the result is reported in the Table 9.
Table 9 One-Way-ANOVA-test using SPSS 16
Sum of
Mean Square
35597.400 2 17798.700 8.551 .001
Within Groups
56196.900 27 2081.367
91794.300 29
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 317
Consider Table 9, the significance value is less than the value of (<0.05).
Thus, the H0 (the initial hypothesis) is rejected. It means that the result of
scenario 1 and 2 have the significant difference value with the value of ex-
isting operation. Then, examine those differences by Least Significance Dif-
ference (LSD) method (Harrell, 2000), and the result is given by the follow-
ing calculation:
=2.05 ×
2 × 208136
Furthermore, the authors calculate the absolute value of the difference be-
tween two compared models. The significant value is achieved when:
318 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
Table 10 Least Significance Difference Test Result (manual-calculation)
Scenario 2
Scenario 1
Existing Operation
1 = 6600
3 = 6551.1
x1 - x3 = 48.9
(48.9 > 41.86)
2 = 6516
x1 - x2 = 84
(84 > 41.86)
Scenario 1
2 = 6516
x2 - x3 = 34.9
(34.9 < 41.86)
According to the Table 10, it can be concluded that the existing models in
compare to the both scenario 1 and 2 have significant different, but be-
tween scenario 1 and scenario 2 itself does not have a significant distinc-
tion. Afterward, SPSS 16 is employed to confirm the manual-calculation.
The SPSS performance is given in the Table 11.
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 319
Table 11 SPSS Performance of LSD - Calculation
(I) Model (J) Model
(I-J) *
Std. Er-
ror Sig.
95% Confidence Interval
Scen. 1
Scen. 2
48.9* 20.402 .024 7.0370 90.7630
Scen. 1
Scen. 2
Scen. 2
Scen. 1
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level
SPSS performance of LSD-calculation in Table 11 shows the same results
with the prior manual calculation. It is seen that each model has a signifi-
cant difference in the value = 0:05. However, the comparison between the
model of scenario 1 and scenario 2 has no significant difference. So, it can
be concluded that the result of scenario 1 and 2 have a prospective contri-
bution to produce a better operation and productivity since it has signifi-
cant difference values to the existing operation. The summary of all simu-
lation results is presented in Table 12. It also considers the average queue
320 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
time that occurs in the system. This queue time is calculated from a simu-
lation of processing time which is provided in Table 4.
Table 12 The Summary of All Simulation Results
Truck Ca-
Average Fertilizer
Unloaded in 24
Hours (Ton)
Existing Op.
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
4.2 Discussion
There are six stages have to be performed in this study. These stages de-
clared beforehand using formal specifications. Set of orders and perfor-
mance-indicators are stated per stage in a matrix-form in order to conduct
the research in a structural way (see Table 13, 14).
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 321
Table 13 Matrix of Research Stages I IV
Test & Verification
Observation, Interview &
Problem Identification
Conceptual Model Veri-
Scope (Research-
Conceptual Model
Data Collection
Data Testing
Data-adequacy Test
Data-fit Test (ProModel)
Order Model Design (ARENA)
Model Verification (Pro-
Determine the modules
Replication Adequacy
Model the Existing Oper-
Order Simulation (ARENA)
Simulation Verification
322 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
Table 14 Matrix of Research Stages V VI
Test & Verification
Scenarios Design and
Output Testing (SPSS)
Set Scenario 1
Set Scenario 2
Least Significance
Set Scenario n
Order Presentation
Discussion & Final Veri-
Determine the Best
Judgement from Expert
/ Community
The research stages have to be well documented. All detail occurs during
preparation, research and experiments must record. The study is executed
in a structural way using formal specification that has been defined earlier.
Authors also practice simulations and verify using several tools, i.e. Pro-
Model, ARENA and SPSS. Moreover, several verifications, e.g. data-fit test,
replication test, One Way ANOVA and Least Significant Difference are dou-
ble checked by manual calculation as well.
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 323
4.2.1 Simulation of the Actual Case
According to the existing-operation, it is noticed that the average queue
time experienced by one truck in 24 hours is 1.3 hours.
Thus, it can be analyzed as follows:
*) The existing operation is handling 6600 tons per day.
*) 6496 tons / 30 tons = 220 rounds, carried by 30 trucks
*) 220 rounds / 30 trucks = 7.33 rounds ≈ 8 rounds
Therefore, in average 1 truck takes 3 hours to complete one round:
24 hours / 8 rounds = 3 hours per truck.
This calculation has proven that the existing operation meet the target
(6496 tons) even by practicing waste of resources and time.
4.2.2 Simulation of the Proposed Scenario
The actual operation, Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 have unloaded 6600 tons,
6516 tons and 6551.1 tons respectively (see Table 9). All states meet the fer-
tilizer handling target, because the firm only expects at least 6496 tons re-
leased per 24 hours.
The next performance should be considered is the queue time. Refers to the
summary (see Table 9), the minimum queue time is produced by Scenario
I. It uses 8 trucks in capacity of 30 tons per truck during 24 hours operation.
Scenario 1 has able to handle fertilizer in average of 6516 tons during 24
hours and produce average queuing time only 0.14 hours. Eight trucks op-
eration would not consume a lot of waiting time and keep transport round
324 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
by round without significant queue time. Such scenario could only be ap-
plied at the following assumptions: there is no down time; fair weather; and
the truck driver breaks on the certain-schedule. Simple analysis of the sce-
nario can be directed by the following calculation.
*) The scenario 1 is handling 6516 tons per day.
*) The laps made by 8 trucks are 6516 tons / 30 tons = 217.2 rounds. *) Each
truck duty within 24 hours: 217.2 rounds / 8 trucks = 27.15 rounds.
Therefore, in average 1 truck takes 0.884 hours to complete one round: 24
hours / 217.15 rounds = 0.884 hours per truck.
There is a decreasing number of a round trip that performed by scenario 1.
The actual operation creates 220 rounds and the scenario 1 only 217
rounds. The comparison becomes expressive when it is viewed from the re-
duction of the truck used, where the existing operation employ 30 units of
trucks and the scenario 1 only use 8 trucks. The proposal of 8 trucks opera-
tion is significantly reduce 22 trucks utilization per day. These 22 trucks can
be more productive to be used for another duty. The other significant im-
provement is that the Scenario 1 reduces the queue time on the weigh-
bridge until 0.14 hours. Consequently, the reduction of resources utilization
and queue time will diminish the total fertilizer handling cost in the Part-
ner-Port Exactly at a certain point, a reduction in the waiting time and the
cost of resources will produce the optimal total cost (see Figure 10).
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 325
Figure 10 Cost vs Resources Relationship
5 Conclusion
The study of fertilizer handling process in the partner-port has been con-
ducted. A new procedural technique that combines statistical, modeling,
simulation and validation have been developed employing several tools
and managed in a structural way using formal specification method.
Conceptual entity diagram, data collections - assumptions following by fit-
ting a theoretical distribution of the data are demonstrated to models fer-
tilizer handling. The handling process can be sequenced as handling ferti-
lizer from the ship towards the hopper, from the hopper into the truck tail-
gate, weighing procedure, the warehouse unloading, transport from the
Hopper to the Weighbridge, transport from the Weighbridge to the Ware-
house, transport from the Warehouse to the Weighbridge and transport
from the Weighbridge to the Dock.
326 Muhammad Iman Santoso et al.
In the last stage, all data that are resulted from the experiments are calcu-
lated. The outputs are then compared using ANOVA test group to examine
the significant contribution of the alternative scenarios. Furthermore, the
Least Significance Difference (LSD) used to review a significance difference
value of that contribution.
The actual fertilizer handling has been simulated. It is found that the aver-
age productivity of the current system is 6600 tons using 30 units of trucks
and generates average queue time of 1.3 hours. It is also reported that in
the actual case, every truck takes 3 hours to complete one round.
After several experiments and validations, it can be reported that optimal
truck to serve the daily fertilizer handling is eight units in the capacity of 30
tons per unit. The optimum productivity of daily fertilizer handling in the
partner-port based on the best simulation result (scenario 1) and validation
is 6516 tons. This operation reduces average queue time until 0.14 hours.
Formal Specification, Testing and Verification on the Truck Simulation 327
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Data-driven Approaches
for Efficient
Process Management
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains:
Opportunities for Increased Food Security
Dimitrios Tsiolias, Christos Keramydas, Eleftherios Iakovou and
Dimitrios Vlachos
Today’s interconnected digital world with its multitude of data-collecting devices
and means along with augmented data processing capabilities has unlocked new
possibilities for increasing the efficiency of contemporary agricultural supply chains,
including production, processing and distribution operations. Furthermore, issues
such as climate change, global population increase, the rise of alternative energy
sources, agricultural technological advances, and shifting consumer dietary prefer-
ences have been reshaping the global contemporary food management landscape.
These factors, in conjunction with the limited availability of arable land, present
challenges regarding the availability, accessibility, utilization, and stability of food
worldwide. We present an up-to-date critical synthesis of the most acute challenges
of food security and provide a first effort at identifying ways in which big data could
help alleviate them. Specifically, satellite imagery and data, groundwater monitor-
ing, the Internet-of-Things (IoT), viewing advantages through the use of drones, up-
dated global atlases, as well as regional and crop yield mapping, precision agricul-
ture, demand prediction accuracy, and the ease-of-use of terminals such as
smartphones and tablets are some of the tools of the information age that demon-
strate great potential towards increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of food
chains worldwide and, ultimately, ensuring food security.
Keywords: Big Data, Food Security, Agricultural Supply Chains, Sustainability
332 Dimitrios Tsiolias et al.
1 Introduction
According to the Declaration of the World Summit on Food Security (Food
and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2009), food secu-
rity exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access
to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their needs and food prefer-
ences for an active and healthy life (FAO, 2009). Nowadays, in the develop-
ing world, lack of food security, i.e. food insecurity, is primarily related to
chronic hunger, while the main concerns in the developed world are obe-
sity, and micronutrient deficiencies. Furthermore, four dimensions of food
security emerge through the aforementioned definition, i.e. food availabil-
ity, physical and economic access to food, food utilization, and their stabil-
ity over time, while food security also embraces energy, protein and nutri-
ent needs for life, activity, pregnancy, growth and long-term capabilities of
both individuals, and population as a whole (FAO, 1996). Although food
availability is historically a vital key-pillar of food security, mainly through
domestic agricultural production, access to food arises as a pivotal concern
for achieving food security in modern societies. Of course, food security has
also an intrinsic relation to sustainability and sustainable agriculture, i.e.
the capacity of agriculture over time to contribute to the overall welfare by
providing sufficient food and other goods and services in ways that are eco-
nomically efficient and profitable, socially responsible, and environmen-
tally sound (United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development,
Despite the progress being made during the last two decades through the
actions developed within the first of the Millennium Development Goals
(MDG), i.e. towards the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger that
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains 333
were established through the Millennium Declaration following the Millen-
nium World Food Summit (WFS) of the United Nations in 2000, there is still
a long way to go. Indicatively, although the MDG of halving the prevalence
(proportion) of hunger up to 2015 will be mostly achieved, falling from
23.4% in 1990 to 12.8% in 2015 (projection), the more ambitious target set
by the World food Summit of halving the number of undernourished peo-
ple, will actually be far from being met (missing the target by almost 300M
people, FAO-IFAD-WFP, 2014). Although people chronically undernourished
declined by approximately 100M during the last decade, the total number
of people suffering from chronic hunger is still high estimated to approxi-
mately 805M people. Additionally, there are also about 2,000M people suf-
fering from micronutrient deficiencies (hidden hunger) (von Grebmer et al.,
2014), and more than 600M people suffering from obesity (Ng et al., 2014).
Additionally, in the foreseeable future, external forces such as, indicatively,
climate change, the global population increase, the rise of alternative en-
ergy sources, the agricultural technological advances, the existing high vol-
umes of food waste, and the changes of the dietary preferences underline
the global contemporary food management landscape by directly threat-
ening food security. Furthermore, the recent food security crisis of 2007-
2008 brought food insecurity to the forefront of the global sustainable de-
velopment agenda highlighting the need to reconsider the structure and
operations of international agrifood supply networks, and to streamline
the relevant policy-making. In terms of availability, domestic food agricul-
tural production remains the main source of food, income, and employ-
ment in rural areas. However, the access to food is becoming a major con-
cern for the global community, as there are increasing difficulties regarding
334 Dimitrios Tsiolias et al.
access to food for net buyers and other vulnerable groups that require pol-
icy interventions e.g. strengthening safety nets, social protection, etc., in
order to be tackled. Additionally, the stability of the global food system is
under threat, as conflicts, natural disasters, price hikes, and even poor gov-
ernance usually trigger prolonged crises with severe impacts on food secu-
rity. Moreover, regarding the utilization dimension, inappropriate diet
changes over time give rise to obesity and diet-related non-communicable
diseases, while in those countries undergoing rapid transformations, un-
dernutrition and overnutrition coexist resulting in the double burden of
On the other hand, the ongoing advances in the field of Information and
communications technology (ICT) that is widely known as “big data” ap-
pear as a promising contribution in mitigating the aforementioned chal-
lenges. Big data refers to the availability of large amounts of different types
of data produced with high velocity from a high number of various types of
sources, as well as the new tools and methods, such as powerful proces-
sors, software and algorithms that are required in order to handle today's
highly variable and real-time datasets (EC, 2014). In terms of food security
and agriculture, the potential advances in weather prediction (including se-
vere and unseasonal weather), food security tracking, real-time monitoring
of dietary habits, precision agriculture, field mapping and soil manage-
ment, crop yields assessment, pinpoint irrigation and application of nutri-
ents demonstrate great potential towards establishing a sufficient and bal-
anced food supply for earth’s growing populace.
In this context, food security is considered to be one of the most promising
sectors, where leveraging the potential of big data advances in near future
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains 335
could prove to be a literally life-changing step towards reinforcing agricul-
tural production, and eliminating undernourishment and poverty within a
sustainable development context (EC, 2014). Furthermore, big data has
been recognized to have a pivotal role in increasing the efficiency of plan-
ning and operating the global food system, as well as in supporting policy
development and strategic decision-making on the external factors driving
its change at national and global level (Foresight, 2011). Moreover, the
MDG’s Report in 2014 accepts the critical role of data in global sustainable
development and policy-making, as it recognizes that reliable and robust
data are critical for devising appropriate policies and interventions for the
achievement of the MDGs and for holding governments and the interna-
tional community accountable (UN, 2014).
This paper aims to investigate the potential of big data tools, methodolo-
gies, and practices that could be employed in order to reinforce global food
security, or, alternatively, to control and efficiently manage global food in-
security, and the ways that this goal could be achieved. Specifically, the
major food challenges that stakeholders, such as citizens, governments,
and national and international organizations, will have to cope with in the
immediate future within a sustainable food security framework, are identi-
fied. Moreover, the contribution of big data in mitigating these challenges
is also captured and discussed.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the future
challenges regarding food security are identified, while the big data poten-
tial in efficiently managing these challenges is discussed in Section 3. Fi-
nally, pivotal conclusions and meaningful insights are drawn in Section 4.
336 Dimitrios Tsiolias et al.
2 Food Security Future Challenges
The main characteristic of modern food security crises is that despite the
fact that the world community has sufficient food to nourish the entire
global population, as well as the means to substantiate it, a significant frac-
tion of the overall global population is still living in poverty, lacking access
to vital food products (FAO, 2011). To that effect, the overall problem of
food insecurity appears to be a lack of systemic interdisciplinary policy-
making schema of the globalized food markets and supply networks, where
critical stakeholders such as domestic governments and international or-
ganizations have the responsibility to guide the world towards food secu-
rity in a resource efficient and sustainable manner.
Increasing world population seems to be the main threat to food security
in the next 35 years. Although the population growth rate seems to be re-
ducing, FAO projects that global population will increase to 9.15 billion
people by 2050, nearly 2 billion more than today (Alexandratos and Bru-
insma, 2012). At the same time, arable soil is becoming scarcer every year,
mainly due to urbanization and agriculture intensification. These factors
will bring a gross mismatch between food demand and supply: there simply
will not be enough land to produce the food required for the world popula-
tion’s sustenance, given today’s land utilization, crop yields and food pro-
duction and processing techniques. Therefore, agriculture in general will
inevitably have to become more efficient to overcome this conundrum (Na-
tional Geographic, 2015); an additional increase of 50% in food production
is required in order to sustain the soaring demand (Charles et al., 2010).
Increasing food consumption per capita exerts further pressures on global
food availability. The global GDP is expected to be 2.5 times of what it is
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains 337
today by 2050, while per capita income will also increase by 80% (Alexan-
dratos and Bruinsma, 2012). This, in turn, will cause the average per capita
food consumption to increase in terms of kcal/person/day, driving the de-
mand for agricultural products to increase by 60%, more than twice the
population rise, which is expected to be about 25%.
Fluctuation of global food prices (Gandhi and Zhou, 2014; Lawrence, Lyons
and Wallington, 2010) is another critical factor that affects food security
and was the main cause that brought food insecurity to the forefront in the
recent past (2007-2008). In general, higher food prices significantly limit the
purchasing power of consumers in developing countries, where 60%-80%
of the household spending is directed to food products (10%20% in devel-
oped countries) (UNCTAD, 2009), imposing critical limitations to food ac-
Food waste is another open issue that critically affects food security. It is
estimated that up to one third of all food produced never reaches the con-
sumers’ plates. This in turn, means that a staggering 250 cubic kilometers
of water are used and 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases are produced per
year for no reason, inducing an annual cost of 750$ billion to the world
economy (FAO, 2013). These facts greatly highlight the need for interven-
tions targeted towards the improvement of the production, collection, pro-
cessing and distribution of food worldwide.
Changes in dietary preferences from traditional foodstuff towards higher
consumption levels of meat, soya, bread, and processed foods in tandem
with the high level of diversification of urban diets have significantly altered
the global food production and distribution landscape (Gandhi and Zhou,
2014). “Western-type” diets, which are based more on livestock, rather than
338 Dimitrios Tsiolias et al.
raw fruits and vegetables, put a strain on agricultural production, because
of the increased need for animal feed and fertile grazing land. Animal hus-
bandry is inherently more resource-heavy than crop raising; about one
third of the world’s crop calories are fed to livestock, of which the conver-
sion rate to consumable calories varies from 3% to 40% (National Geo-
graphic, 2014). On the other hand, population in many developed and even
developing countries suffer from overnutrition, e.g. overweight, obesity,
and other chronic diseases related to dietary preferences, (Foresight, 2007).
Urbanization, including human settlement and urban infrastructure (e.g.
roads, housing, etc.), plays also a key role in cropland reduction (Porter et
al., 2014). It is estimated that the ratio of built-up area to cropland area will
double by 2050 (from 3.5% in 2000 to 7.0% in 2050), creating an additional
threat to food availability and accessibility. Moreover, urban markets pro-
vide a fertile ground for the establishment of global supermarket chains,
with important implications on food supply chains, while urbanization con-
tributes also in altering consumer preferences towards urban diets of high
diversification, and strengthens the gaps between urban and rural popula-
tions in terms of transportation, prices, and market homogeneity.
The decline in agricultural investments and lack of sufficient infrastructure
is another factor that prevents increase in crop yield around the globe
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2009; World Bank, 2008). At the
same time, lack in relevant investments further inhibits the growth of do-
mestic production, mostly in developing countries, while the existing fund-
ing schemes aim only at fostering self- sufficiency of domestic populations
(Anderson, 2010).
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains 339
Technological advances in agriculture, including seed technology (hybrids
and genetically modified crops), fertilizers, and farm machinery, have a
critical contribution in the increase of crop yield and agriculture productiv-
ity (Dobermann and Nelson, 2011). On the other hand, these beneficial ef-
fects are also debatable regarding the way that they are achieved in prac-
tice, as they allow for the concentration of economic and decision-making
power to just a few agrochemical companies and grain traders (Branford,
Environmental concerns raised globally during the last decades, regarding
greenhouse effects and climate change in general, triggered significant
changes in the energy landscape (Porter et al., 2014). In this context, the
perception that biofuels, e.g. biodiesel and ethanol, could potentially play
a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially in the field of
transportation (EU target: 10.0% share of the fuel mix by 2020), led to a
rapid increase in their production and demand (FAO, 2006), thus rivaling
agricultural production in terms of cropland use, which potentially could
have critical implications on food availability.
Global climate change directly affects food production, mainly in terms of
crop yield, imposing a great degree of variability (Pangaribowo, Gerber and
Torero, 2013). Specifically, storms of high intensity, forest fires, droughts,
floods and heat waves occur more frequently, while still difficult to be pre-
dicted, thus threatening food stability around the globe, especially in de-
veloping countries which are more vulnerable due to their agricultural-
based economies. Also, given that agriculture accounts for 70%-85% of the
total global water consumption, it is unnecessary to mention that the im-
340 Dimitrios Tsiolias et al.
peding threat of water scarcity endangers health, mainly of rural popula-
tions, and farmer productivity (United Nations Environment Programme,
2009). Melting glaciers in Central Asia and droughts in Africa are just two
examples that highlight the importance of water availability on farm pro-
duction and livestock breeding.
Trade is another critical factor that determines global food security (Pya-
kuryala, Roy and Thapa, 2010). In the current food trade terrain, developed
countries and a few international corporations exert control either over
food consumption in developing countries, through their export policies, or
food production, through the purchase of cropland (Branford, 2011). As a
consequence, developing countries are gradually becoming more vulnera-
ble in terms of domestically produced food quantities, high prices, and land
ownership. Furthermore, trade is also a factor that shapes consumer pref-
erences and diets around the globe (United Nations Environment Pro-
gramme, 2009).
International wars, internal conflicts, and economic embargoes introduce
crucial uncertainties to global food supply networks by vitally undermining
their stability performance in terms of supply capacity and continuity
(United Nations Environment Programme, 2009).
Governance plays also a key role in food security issues, given that policy-
making and diplomacy are among the core factors that shape the global
food security landscape (Branford, 2011), while they are crucial for the suc-
cess of both policies and programmes that are formulated and imple-
mented in the complex modern social, political and economic environ-
ments (FAO-IFAD-WFP, 2014). Issuing protective trade regulations, main-
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains 341
taining beneficial international affairs, protecting domestic cropland prop-
erty rights, and ensuring food self-sufficiency are a few of the most chal-
lenging decision-making fields where governments have to take targeted
action in the near future.
Monitoring of the global food system in general is a prerequisite in order to
achieve efficient policy-making. The United Nations have recognized the
need for improving food security monitoring and metrics, and thus, the re-
quirement for stronger systems of assessment, monitoring and surveil-
lance, as one of the aims of their Comprehensive Framework for Action
(High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis, 2010). Towards
this direction, the role of big data is identified to be more than critical (Fore-
sight, 2011).
3 Big Data Solutions
Accurate weather predictions are of pivotal importance on a strategic and
tactical planning level for agricultural production. Besides the obvious im-
portance of temperature and rainfall, environmental conditions affect a
number of relevant parameters, such as pests and diseases, carbon dioxide
and ozone concentrations, and sea level. Additionally, the shifting climate
has been the source of many extreme weather events, such as hurricanes,
extreme droughts or floods and heat and cold waves (IPCC, 2014).
The ability to forecast weather conditions and to foresee extremes can be
greatly augmented both in terms of range and accuracy through the collec-
tion and processing of weather data on a massive scale. The consolidation
of weather data collection systems and the building of larger and more
342 Dimitrios Tsiolias et al.
complex models backed up both by past observations and real time infor-
mation can vastly improve meteorological reports. A key observation is
that data collection does not necessarily require the installation of specific
and expensive equipment. Ever since 2013 with Samsung’s introduction of
the Galaxy S4 phone model, smartphones have slowly started to include
more advanced sensors such as barometers, hygrometers, ambient ther-
mometers and light meters, all of which provide key meteorological data
(Johnston, 2013). Additionally, other methods have been put forth, such as
correlating a phone’s battery temperature with the ambient temperature
(Overeem et al., 2013) and collecting Twitter users’ own reporting of the
weather conditions in their respective areas through monitoring trending
weather-related words (commonly known as “hashtags”, for example
#rain, #sunny, or #humid) (Henschen, 2014).
Precision Agriculture (PA) has been used in practice since the late 1980s,
following the commercial availability of the Global Positioning System
(GPS). PA consists of observing and analyzing the variability of crops in a
field or between fields to aid Site Specific Crop Management (SSCM). In
practice, devices ranging from traditional photographic cameras to infra-
red cameras and sensors that detect the amount of reflected light from
plants are mounted on a tractor or similar farming equipment and with the
help of satellite-based positioning a map of the field can be designed; this
can be used to make decisions about soil treatment, irrigation, and fertili-
zation. However, variables affecting crop yield exhibit both spatial and
temporal variations. Therefore, defining specific management zones within
a field of a particular crop can prove troublesome (McBratney et al., 2005),
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains 343
while tracking changes over time requires constant or often repeated mon-
itoring, which is often proven to be expensive and time consuming.
The emergence of big data can usher a new era of PA. The commercial avail-
ability and ease of use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), commonly re-
ferred to as “Drones”, greatly augments a farm’s data collecting capabili-
ties. Additionally, sensors monitoring variables such as moisture, nutrients
and pests are now commonplace in most farms. All this massive amount of
data can be collected wirelessly and then fed through cloud technology to
processing systems specialized in handling such data, far away from the
farm itself, the result being accurate field mapping, both spatially and tem-
porally. The ultimate goal of big data-fueled PA is building and maintaining
a real-time decision support system for farm-wide management aimed to-
wards the optimization of returns on inputs while preserving resources.
Careful and precise application of all factors that go into agricultural pro-
duction can maximize crop yields, minimize waste, pesticide, and water us-
age and, ultimately, provide more and cheaper produce.
One key aspect demanding further scrutiny is minimizing water usage.
Today, 18 countries containing almost 4 billion people are overpumping
their water reserves to the point of exhaustion in order to produce grains
(Brown, 2013). In a world where drought and desertification consume 12
million hectares of arable land each year (United Nations), managing water
is one of the key challenges for sustainable agriculture. A big data sup-
irrigation system can dynamically evaluate moisture content and dispense
water as needed, cutting down on the excess use of this valuable resource.
344 Dimitrios Tsiolias et al.
Figure 1 A data-governed farm management system (adapted from Porter
and Heppelmann, 2014)
Ultimately, with the emergence of concepts such as the “Internet-of-
Things” (IoT - connected devices and components communicate with other
devices and the Internet, Morgan, 2014) and the wide adoption of cloud ser-
vices, all farm functions will become part of a larger ecosystem. Such a dig-
ital superstructure will be able to collect and analyze vast amounts of data
and adjust the allocation of resources dynamically and efficiently, while
simultaneously providing useful insights and communicating information
throughout the agrifood value chain (Porter and Heppelmann, 2014).
Another aspect of the big data era that agriculture can benefit from is its
interlaced existence with “Web 2.0”. Web 2.0 refers to the modern era of the
World Wide Web that centers on user-generated content, usability, and in-
teroperability, its byproducts being social networks, forums, message
boards, wikis, video sharing sites, etc. Previously, the world’s agricultural
knowledge was segmented, leaving producers with their own intuition or
the expertise loaned from seed companies or third-party consultants. As a
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains 345
consequence, up to 70% of agricultural production costs are focused on de-
cisions of seed selection, fertility, and land access (Darr, 2014). Today,
booming communities exist online where they can easily be accessed by
individual producers through the widespread adoption of smartphones
and tablets and serve as a place to exchange advice and crop management
techniques, “dos and don'ts” and information about pricing and commod-
ities values. Additionally, initiatives towards publicly available community-
based knowledge databases are emerging trends. The vast amount of in-
formation about seed and crop varieties is collected and enriched by indi-
viduals, systematically categorized and easily accessed by producers, aid-
ing them in the relevant decision taking. Open Data knowledge bases such
as the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (,
the Plantwise Knowledge Bank (
Bank/home.aspx), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations’ own statistical service, FAOStat (, have be-
come useful tools in the hands of producers worldwide in their effort to-
wards more efficient production (van Vark, 2013).
The collection and processing of vast amounts of data from various
sources, which is at the heart of the big data concept, has made techniques
such as genomic selection possible. Genetic modification has made an
ever-increasing assortment of plant varieties available, each with its own
characteristics and trade-offs (e.g. water requirements, resistance to ex-
treme weather conditions and/or pests etc.) (Kinver, 2014). Genomic selec-
tion utilizes statistical modelling to forecast how a specific variety of plant
will perform, well before it has to be field tested. An example of this is Cor-
346 Dimitrios Tsiolias et al.
nell University’s Nextgen Cassava project (http://www.nextgencas- The cassava crop serves as the main calorie source for more
than 500 million people in the world. The project evaluated and catego-
rized the results of multitudes of breeding projects, with the end result be-
ing an open access database containing all the information about cassava
breeds and their cultivation (
Summing up, the contribution of big data in this aspect is twofold: On one
hand, paired with improved weather forecasts, the accuracy of yield pre-
dictions can be significantly boosted. Ultimately, producers take a huge
gamble each and every year concerning their choice of what to grow and
how to treat it, and being able to better foresee the outcome of their efforts
leads to informed decision-making, optimizing both the production of food
worldwide and the state of agriculture as a whole. On the other hand, the
public availability of information eliminates margins of market manipula-
tion, prices inflation and other shadowy dealings responsible for the high
prices both in agricultural production inputs (seeds, fertilizers, chemicals,
etc.) and in the food produced. This will fundamentally lead to fair pricing
and, subsequently, improved access to food worldwide.
Food traceability has been a major concern for the past years. As early as
2000, the European Commission adopted a consolidated approach to food
safety, covering all stages of the food chain, “from farm to table”. (Euro-
pean Commission, 2000) in which “the ability to track any food, feed, food-
producing animal or substance that will be used for consumption, through
all stages of production, processing and distribution” (European Commis-
sion, 2007) serves as a cornerstone. Traditionally though, traceability has
been mainly implemented as tags containing basic information such as
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains 347
country of origin, destination, and production date in the form of barcodes
or even handwritten labels. Firstly, it is obvious that this information can
easily be manipulated, and secondly it is missing vital characteristics of the
product pertaining its processing, storage and transport (appropriate tem-
perature, humidity etc.). In the US, 48 million people get sick annually from
eating tainted food, of which 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die (CDC,
2011). In response, the US government signed The Food Safety Moderniza-
tion Act (FSMA) into law (to be enacted within 2015), which mandates trace-
ability from-farm-to-fork across the entire lifecycle from source to fin-
ished product. A big data-powered solution could take the form of micro-
sensors in food lots measuring all the relevant information that ensures its
quality and storing them in advanced tags, which could be either Quick Re-
sponse (QR) codes, or Near Field Communications (NFC) cards. By reading
these tags through easy-to-use terminals (smartphones and tablets) both
food handlers and consumers can have an instant view of everything that
led a particular product to them. Simultaneously, and with the combina-
tion of cloud technology, agrifood supply chains can have real-time visibil-
ity of their products and their condition throughout their every stage. This
will ultimately lead to improved efficiency of food chains worldwide and
significantly less food waste that could be otherwise used to feed starving
4 Conclusions
Food security is undoubtedly one of the most pressing matters of sustaina-
bility for the future, with practical, as well as humanitarian implications. Its
348 Dimitrios Tsiolias et al.
major challenges include adequately feeding the world’s expanding popu-
lation, while simultaneously closing the gap between the epidemic of obe-
sity in the western world and hunger in developing countries. Considering
the world’s limited resources, the path to food security lies through the en-
hancement of agriculture’s efficiency throughout all of its stages: planting,
growing, collecting, processing and transporting. Agrifood chains will have
to ameliorate their capabilities to turn production inputs into food and feed
to keep up with growing demand, by cutting down improvidence, extrava-
gance and misuse, or, as the old adage goes, “waste not want not”. Luckily,
the Information Era and the explosion of big data can provide with a multi-
tude of readily available or in development solutions aimed at enabling
growth and productivity in all of agri-production’s strata.
The amalgamation of Agriculture and big data has been heralded as the
greatest advance in food production technology since the Green Revolu-
tion between the 1940s and the late 1960s when one of the biggest waves
of research and technology transfer spurred the growth of agricultural pro-
duction around the world, especially in developing countries (Hazell, 2009).
The ability to collect and process vast amounts of observations pertaining
to food production and the ease of presentation and manipulation of the
results can support the relative decision-making process and facilitate effi-
cacy, competence and growth. In this article, we presented anecdotal ref-
erences from big data applications in the real-world and further presented
opportunities for further unlocking its potential in order to boost the per-
formance of agricultural production. There is strong evidence suggesting
that harnessing the capabilities that big data has to offer can be of great
service towards securing adequate and nutritious food in the future. It is
Big Data and Agricultural Supply Chains 349
our hope that this work will spur further research, both qualitative and
quantitative, into this promising subject matter.
This research has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1) under Grant Agree-
ment No. 316167, Project Acronym: GREEN-AgriChains, Project Full Title:
“Innovation Capacity Building by Strengthening Expertise and Research in
the Design, Planning and Operations of Green Agrifood Supply Chains”,
Project Duration: 2012-2016. All the above reflect only the authors’ views;
the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the infor-
mation contained herein.
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Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in
Multimodal Supply Chains
René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
The prototype ORFE of an Online Rail Freight Exchange was developed as part of the
CODE24 project. It demonstrates functionalities for a more transparent communica-
tion of available transport services and also supports the configuration of multi-
modal supply chains. The paper describes the efforts and research outcomes of the
implementation of ORFE as well as problems that emerged after its finalization.
These problems led the authors of this paper to the draft of a new market place con-
cept: Agent-based Freight Exchanges (AFEX). These yet to be implemented, highly
automated and interconnected market places are designed to provide autonomous
software agents with the infrastructure to perform contractually binding auctions of
multimodal freight transport services utilizing a combinatorial exchange model
while addressing problems commonly associated with existing market places.
Keywords: Intermodal Transports, Logistics Modelling, Multi-Agent Systems,
Combinatorial Auctions
356 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
1 Online Freight Exchanges
Organizing freight traffics more efficiently and sustainably has been an im-
portant topic for decades, not only for supply chain managers but the lo-
gistics community at large. One idea emerging in this context is the more
efficient configuration and coordination of supply chains with the help of
freight exchanges.
Freight exchanges are marketplaces where offers for and demands for
transport services find one another. Contrary to forwarders, which consti-
tute the classic form of freight mediation between shippers and carriers,
they themselves are no participants in the processing of transport services.
The majority of the companies specializes in the mediation of truck
freights. By contrast, multimodal transports are being mediated fewest of
all (Merkel and Kromer, 2002).
Since their origination in the 1970s and 1980s the freight exchanges con-
ducted their business primarily via telephone and telefax. With the advent
of the internet in the 1990s and 2000s and the rise of e-commerce plat-
forms, new sales channels opened up and provided a more transparent and
comprehensive offer for demanders.
2 Establishment of an Online Freight Exchange
within the Framework of the CODE24 Project
The joint project CODE24 has been started in the year 2010. For an overview
of the project within the INTERREG-IVB-NWE program of the European Un-
ion (EU), it is being referred to Brenieck (2014).The primary goal of the pro-
ject consists in the integration and advancement of the activities on the
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 357
transport axis no. 24, the main railroad line through the Swiss Alps, which
connects the harbors of Rotterdam and Genoa.
The challenges here are manifold: Comprehensive and publicly accessible
information on how many freight trains will use the corridor is currently
missing. It is also uncertain how much this capacity can be improved
through a higher utilization of the existing infrastructure. Finally, a consid-
erable market non-transparency exists for forwarders that take a transport
by rail into consideration, especially regarding the connection possibilities
to freight transports (Endemann and Kasper, 2012).
As a result, a central component of the project is the conception and imple-
mentation of an online freight exchange (Endemann and Kasper, 2011). As
a first step towards this goal, the Institute for Production and Industrial In-
formation Management of the University Duisburg-Essen systematically as-
certained the requirements for an online rail freight exchange by analyzing
the relevant literature as well as interviews and workshops with industry
experts (Bruns et al., 2010, Habib and Bruns, 2012, Klippert et al., 2013). Fur-
ther research results regarding user requirements were contributed by pro-
ject partners (Dörr and Endemann, 2014, Endemann and Kasper, 2012). One
of the most important conclusions was that a freight exchange which only
supports rail freight traffic has no realistic market potential. A detailed mar-
ket analysis consequently showed that no such online freight exchange
could establish itself on the European transport market in the long term
(Klippert et al., 2013). Especially the transport carrier road has to be in-
volved in order to be able to exhaust the potential of multimodal transport
358 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
The software prototype ORFE (“online rail freight exchange”) was imple-
mented based on this research. It demonstrates functionalities for the fa-
cilitation of contact between potential business partners and the configu-
ration of multimodal supply chains. Since the interviewed experts con-
cluded that future users would hesitate to enter any monetary information,
the prototype was built to support the pure mediation between potential
business partners. As a consequence, it cannot guarantee contractually
binding business transactions as these have to take place outside of the
online platform after the contact initiation. For detailed overviews on the
concept and development it is being referred to Bruns et al. (2012b) and
Föhring and Zelewski (2013).
After the conceptualization and implementation of the ORFE prototype, the
project consortium agreed that the final version of the prototype would
have to be reimplemented into a commercial software product. Addition-
ally, a viable business model would have to be developed for its operation.
For an early review of this work it is being referred to Dörr and Endemann
It was very important for all questioned project partners and also for other
interviewed experts that the future operator of the online freight exchange
behaves in an economically impartial way towards all exchange users. This
demand can be attributed to the high intensity of competition and mutual
distrust in the railway sector (Dörr and Endemann, 2014, Klippert et al.,
Currently there are two potential operators trying to establish themselves
on the market (Dörr and Endemann, 2014): “Railcargo-Online”
(, which since its launch has been integrated
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 359
into “Cargo Platform” (, and “Freit-One”
Both companies were given access to the ORFE prototype as a working ba-
sis and have started operations in late 2013.
3 Real Problems in Operating an Online Freight Ex-
The research around the CODE24 project revealed further obstacles to the
successful establishment of an online freight exchange: If the virtual mar-
ketplace fails to reach the critical mass and provide a sufficient mediation
rate, forwarders and transport carriers will keep settling their transactions
the traditional way. Furthermore, freight exchanges are primarily suited for
the mediation of transport services that are dealt with through spot mar-
kets, but many transports carried out within Europe are still bound to con-
tracts. Therefore a potential exchange has to either control the existing
spot market or strengthen the “spot character” of transport services in gen-
eral (Merkel, 2002).
The requirement analysis for the ORFE prototype showed that the estab-
lishment of an online freight exchange in general meets four central real
The first problem is the need for a business model that enables at least the
loss-free operating of the marketplace and specifies a fee for every user of
the online freight exchange (Bruns et al., 2012a).
The second problem is the disclosure of competition-sensitive data to the
future operator. All participants of a centrally organized marketplace are
360 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
required to submit their data to the central operator in order for him to be
able to perform his function as an intermediary. This requires a high confi-
dence in the discretion of the operator.
The third problem is the demanded industry experience of the future oper-
ator. The role of the operator of an online freight exchange requires inti-
mate knowledge of the respective transport sector. Yet at the same time
the potential marketplace members will question his neutrality. It is there-
fore difficult to find an operator that has the necessary expertise but is not
at the same time a participant of the market in any form (Bruns et al.,
The fourth problem is the consideration of multimodal transports. The abil-
ity to configure transports across different carriers is a requirement which
can be found regularly in publications on the requirements for an online
freight exchange (Endemann and Kasper, 2012, Habib et al., 2012).
The challenge in solving the first three problems lies in the minimization of
the costs of operation and participation and the believable guarantee of
the neutrality, discretion and expertise of the operator. It becomes appar-
ent that any future online freight exchange should support multimodal
freight traffic by taking several traffic carriers into consideration for any
given transport. Furthermore, it becomes clear that the first three problems
can be attributed to the centralized nature of the marketplace. A single op-
erator has to bear the costs for the provision of the infrastructure and will
dispose of the data of all members. Moreover, he would have to reassure
potential users about his expertise for the purpose of customer acquisition.
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 361
It should therefore be researched if an automated and decentralized ap-
proach would be an economically attractive alternative to the so far pur-
sued centralized approaches. The basic premise of this idea is that a net-
work of agents can form an interconnected marketplace in which they par-
ticipate as equal trading partners. The agents are provisioning the compu-
tational infrastructure through the combination of their individual compu-
ting power where all agents share the same set of data amongst them-
selves. A single, central operator would not be needed, alleviating the first
three real problems. The support of multimodal traffics would be easier to
realize in an automated freight exchange than in an exchange organized in
a central and purely contact mediating way, since the coordination could
be left to the agents. Finally, an agent-based system could even strengthen
the “spot character” of multimodal transport services.
In the following chapter chosen aspects and requirements for the develop-
ment and implementation of such an agent-based freight exchange are
4 A Concept for Agent-based Freight Exchanges
4.1 State of Research
There are not many publications on the topic of online freight exchange for
transport services in the rail freight and online freight exchanges for the
configuration of multimodal supply chains, respectively. The majority of
the publications on this topic were published by researchers of the Institute
for Production and Industrial Information Management of the University
Duisburg-Essen (Föhring and Zelewski, 2013, Klippert et al., 2013, Föhring
362 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
et al., 2012, Habib et al., 2012, Bruns et al., 2012b, Bruns and Zelewski, 2011,
Bruns et al., 2010). Beyond that, only few publications exist and from these
many merely assert the need for such an exchange (Endemann and Kasper,
2011, Scheck and Wilske, 2011).
As a consequence, while there are many publications about electronic mar-
ketplaces, the literature about electronic freight exchanges and logistics
marketplaces is scarce (Wang et al., 2007). Most publications on multi-
modal transports do not focus on the trading of freight transports, but ra-
ther deal with their efficient routing and handling (SteadieSeifi et al., 2014).
The usage of double-sided combinatorial auctions is discussed elaborately
in specialized literature for different markets (Ackermann et al., 2011,
Parkes and Ungar, 2001). The same can be said for the usage of multi-agent
systems (Davidsson et al., 2005, Fox et al., 2000, Jennings, 2000) and, de-
spite not being the primary focus, the utilization of agent technology for the
auction-based negotiation of transport contracts has also already been dis-
cussed in the literature (Van der Putten et al., 2006).
The paper at hand suggests the merging of these findings on the require-
ments for an online rail freight exchange, on the usage of double-sided
combinatorial auctions as well as on the organization of autonomous
multi-agent systems in order to enable the conception and prototypical de-
velopment of an intelligent, agent-based freight exchange (or AFEX for
The proposed design is an automated exchange in the form of an electronic
marketplace. It is organized as a decentralized system which is able to func-
tion without a central marketplace operator. The autonomous trade be-
tween equal actors is being enabled by the usage of agents that form a
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 363
multi-agent system and employ double-sided combinatorial auctions in or-
der to perform auctions of multimodal transport services.
The subsequent prototypical implementation of AFEX will have a graphical
user interface through which each human user can control his instance of
the agent software. This way, e.g. forwarders can start the software, enter
their preferences regarding a freight transport and let the exchange deter-
mine the “best deal” in an automated process, which requires no further
user interaction.
The following chapters describe chosen aspects and requirements for the
development and implementation of such an AFEX system.
4.2 Multi-Agent Systems as Decentralized Electronic Mar-
An AFEX-system, contrary to traditional electronic marketplaces, will not
require a single operator as central authority. Therefore the system has to
be able to organize itself in a decentralized way. This means that, while in
case of the central solution all market activity is coordinated by the mar-
ketplace operator, the configuration and coordination of the activities in
the decentralized version happens by the actors themselves. The market-
place operator is no longer needed as an intermediary; a disintermediation
of the trade chain occurs.
In order to develop a multi-agent system that is capable to coordinate itself
without a central node, the first requirement is that agents have to be able
to locate trade partners. This is a nontrivial problem, as a central authority
for mediating the contact between the agents is missing. This “contact
problem” can, however, be solved if the agent software enables the manual
364 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
entry of agent addresses. These describe the necessary information for
making contact with another agent through the internet (i.e. an IP address
and a port number).
Every time an agent contacts another agent they exchange all contact in-
formation known to them. Through this approach each agent gets to dis-
cover the whole network known to the other agent. The agent software
then has to save the gathered contact information in a way that enables it
to contact the known agents again after a restart.
The contact problem can be solved substantially more user-friendly if other
software agents can be discovered without requiring user interaction. For
this purpose there should be one or more predefined agent instances on
the internet whose fixed contact information is embedded in the agent
software. These predefined agents have no trading preference but serve as
a kind of beacon, i.e. their sole purpose is to answer contact requests. If a
list of these “beacon-agents” is going to be embedded in all agents and
stands at their disposal after installation, they can be contacted without
intervention of the human user.
Figure 1 illustrates this process: Agent A does not yet know other agents
beside the beacon-agent B.
Agent B Agent A
Send all
contacts to
Agent A
Save contact
of Agent A
Contact known
<Handshake> <Contacts>
Figure 1
Contact initiation between agents
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 365
He contacts agent B and gets further agent addresses from him. Agent A
saves the received contacts and can recall them again at the next start and
approach them without being dependent on the beacon-agent as a contact
The advantage of this method is that beacon-agents can be operated, com-
municated and used independently of each other. They support the decen-
tralized organization of the AFEX marketplace since they solve the contact
problem without requiring a user interaction. They are, however, not nec-
essary for operating the decentralized network (as the human users could
always build up their own “contact networks” with the manual entry
4.3 Capturing Trading Preferences
The agent software has to be usable by a human user. For this purpose an
agent’s user can use input masks provided by the user interface to either
capture his preferences for an offer or demand for a transport service. This
way he specifies similar transport-related preference data (for loading and
unloading location, timeframe, etc.) that has also been captured in the
ORFE prototype. Figure 2 illustrates this process schematically.
Figure 2 Input process for a demand for a transport service
Interacting user
Load input
+ +
Define timeframe
Define loading/unloading
Define freight description
Define transport details
366 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
The difference between the ORFE prototype and AFEX becomes apparent
afterwards: The AFEX system does not need further user interaction after
the preferences are entered.
4.4 Coordinating Group Formation
Once started with a set of preferences, agents will always advertise the
transport services their human user offers and try to buy those transport
services which their user demands. For the sake of simplicity, agents that
are offering transport services will be called “suppliers” in this paper (and
agents that are demanding transport services “demanders”).
All agents know the preferences of all other agents in their network and all
preference data is exchanged in a unified format. Therefore it is possible for
demanders to determine whether or not the transport services offered by a
subset of suppliers can be combined in a way to accommodate at least one
of their demands. If this is the case, the demander in question will contact
the relevant suppliers and look for a “group” in which the demanded
transport services are advertised (which will be called "goods" for the rest
of this paper to be consistent with the literature on auctions). If no such
group can be found, the demander will ask the suppliers to form one. In this
group the agents will be able to submit bids for the demanded goods in an
auction. Other agents can find and join the group. A demander might con-
clude that two groups would have to combine their auctioned goods to be
able to accommodate one of his demands. In these cases he can ask both
groups to merge in order to form a larger group which addresses more sup-
pliers and demanders. This way, the demanders in a network assist the sup-
pliers in forming the right groups to ensure constant trading.
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 367
Figure 3 Group formation
Figure 3 shows a schematic representation of a small AFEX system.
In Figure 3, two groups have formed:
In group 1 two suppliers are offering two goods to one demander, in group
2 four suppliers are offering six goods to four demanders. The necessary
coordination steps as described above are shown as edges between the
This group concept not only enables agents to frame the coordination of
their efforts but also ensures that all participants in a group are interested
in the offered goods. These aligned interests are a perquisite for the nego-
tiation of prices.
Supplier A
Supplier A
Supplier A
Supplier A
Market participant Demanding for a good
Offering a goodZ
Offering of a
combination of goods
Demanding for a
combination of goods
368 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
4.5 Using Double-sided Combinatorial Auctions for Price
The pricing between buyer and seller is a challenge any marketplace faces.
Three pricing models can be made out (Grieger, 2003):
The bulletin board model that serves primarily for the publication of adver-
tisements and as a pure information and contact platform (this variation
was implemented in the ORFE prototype).
The fixed price model in which case the supplier and demander specify the
final price for the service being in demand or offered.
Virtual exchanges made possible by the internet that offer its members a
dynamic pricing with the help of auctions.
For the design of an AFEX system, the chosen concept should ensure an ef-
ficient auction of the traded transport services. From the three mentioned
alternatives, this requirement can be only met by the dynamic pricing
through auction. The choice of auction form is crucial for the efficiency of
the auction execution (Ausubel et al., 1998, Krishna and Perry, 1998). There
are two reasons why the employment of the double-sided auction form, in
which case the auction participants can appear as buyer and as seller, is
reasonable: Firstly, many exchanges and resource markets in the real world
are organized as double-sided auctions (Yang, 2003). Secondly, the partici-
pants are not assigned dedicated roles (“supplier” or “demander”) but can
act as both, demanding and offering goods according to their preferences.
In order to be able to depict multimodal transport services in an auction,
other dimensions next to the price have to be taken into account when
computing the optimal allocation of goods. Multidimensional auctions
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 369
promise a high allocative efficiency despite the possibly complex prefer-
ences of the participants concerning the traded dimensions. Combinatorial
auctions, sometimes also called combinatorial exchanges, are very well re-
searched multidimensional auctions that make it possible for participants
to submit bids for indivisible combinations of goods and only win the bid if
they receive exactly the desired combination (Bichler et al., 2005).
Resulting from these considerations it becomes clear that a double-sided
combinatorial auction model meets the previously mentioned require-
ments. But while double-sided combinatorial auctions have major eco-
nomic advantages, their computational complexity is a well-documented
challenge that can be seen as a disadvantage (Sandholm et al., 2002). This
complexity largely stems from the fact that each participant in a combina-
torial auction has to submit bids for all relevant combinations, which
means that the number of bids grows exponentially as the number of par-
ticipants increases.
An AFEX system mitigates this issue by pre-selecting the participants of
each auction through the previously described formation of groups and the
concept of “ad hoc auctions”.
4.6 Ad hoc Auctions
The auctioneer plays an important role in the trading process as he per-
forms the auction and decides on the final allocation of goods. The fact that
an autonomously coordinated exchange without a central operator lacks
this central figure constitutes a design challenge: The agents do not only
have to find each other and form groups based on their preferences but
370 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
also have to coordinate the initiation and implementation of auctions by
After a group has formed and a sufficient number of suppliers and demand-
ers have joined, the group is declared “complete” and the auction starts.
For this purpose the agents carry out a spontaneous “ad hoc auction”.
The difference between ad hoc auctions and “normal” auctions in central-
ized marketplaces is that the auctioneer is dynamically selected from the
crowd of suppliers in a group. The role of the auctioneer falls to the supplier
that tries to sell the highest number of goods or, if several suppliers make
an equal number of offers, that supplier which entered the group first.
The auctioneer carries out a double-sided combinatorial auction according
to the auction model and subsequently specifies the final allocation of
goods within the group. After all participants agree to this new distribution
the group dissolves.
This approach pairs well with the concept of loosely-coupled groups de-
scribed before: Groups are not only a way to frame the context of an auction
by ensuring that all participants are interested in the offered goods but also
limit its complexity by limiting the number of participants. Handing the
computationally expensive calculations needed to perform the auction to
the supplier side is a design decision based on the assumption that suppli-
ers have a natural interest in providing a solid technical foundation in order
to enable auctions of the goods they offer.
Figure 4 depicts an AFEX system of 24 agents, six of which formed a group
based on the principles described above.
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 371
Figure 4 Ad hoc auction inside an AFEX system
The dotted circle in the middle indicates that the group currently performs
an ad hoc auction. The figure also illustrates that not all of the agents are
maintaining an active connection to each other all the time, e.g. agents cur-
rently participating in an active auction are not maintaining any active con-
nections except the one with the auctioneer.
4.7 Critical Reflection
The outlined marketplace concept AFEX should provide three implicit ad-
vantages in contrast to conventional approaches:
Equality all members of the market are subject to the same rules of action.
Although agents are started with individual preferences, they cannot devi-
ate one-sidedly regarding their strategy, which is deposited in the software.
Efficiency the usage of the double-sided combinatorial auctions allows
for optimal solutions for pricing through the deployment of mathematical
D Demander active connection
inactive connection
372 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
models. The efficiency criteria can be specified in a goal-oriented way dur-
ing the design phase.
Transparency from the point of view of the software agents the conditions
of the market and the market activity are completely transparent: all
agents make contact among themselves and exchange their trading pref-
In addition, the described approach provides a realistic modeling of the
roles played by the members of the marketplace. Agents do not only act
explicitly as supplier or demander but also play either the role dependent
on the context. However, the described concept also has implications
which can be seen as disadvantages:
Transparency – in traditional negotiations, there are often information
asymmetries that benefit one or more participants. Therefore, while also
an implicit advantage, this aspect can be a disadvantage regarding the ac-
ceptance of a completely transparent marketplace.
Social norms automated negotiations lack the personal element that
face-to-face business provides. The world of logistics is just slowly discov-
ering the advantages of automated negotiations and decision support sys-
The kind of automation AFEX aims to provide should therefore not be ex-
pected to establish itself in the short-term, but rather seen as a major trend
shaping the next decade.
Intelligent Exchanges and Coordination in Multimodal Supply Chains 373
5 Summary and Outlook
This paper described the efforts to establish an online freight exchange for
the mediation of multimodal transport services within Europe. The re-
search on online freight exchanges, the development of the prototype
ORFE and the challenges that any new freight exchange will face have been
The investigation of these problems resulted in the draft of an innovative
marketplace concept: AFEX, an online freight exchange that is based on au-
tonomous software agents. Selected requirements for the development of
these decentralized and autonomously trading agents have been outlined.
It has been described, how these proposed multi-agent systems differ from
existing solutions in that they will form intelligent exchanges, which will be
decentrally organized, i.e. not require a central authority or operator, and
utilize two-sided combinatorial auctions to perform fair, efficient and
transparent auctions of transport services within an automated market-
place environment.
The next steps are the development of an adaptive agent behavior that is
able to adjust to different situations, a generic traffic route notation for the
description of transport routes and a description language for the offer and
demand for transport services within auctions.
The last step will be the combination and implementation of all mentioned
aspects into a prototypical agent software.
374 René Föhring and Stephan Zelewski
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Freight Logistics. In: Böse, J. (Ed.): Computational Logistics, Second Interna-
tional Conference, ICCL Proceedings 2011, pp. 1-17.
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lichen Beschaffung Eine Analyse grundlegender Probleme. In: Wirtschaftsin-
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Optimisation of Intermodal Transport Using
Satellite-based Services
Nils Meyer-Larsen, Rainer Müller and Timo Köhler
The European Space Agency (ESA) is currently funding a number of projects in order
to develop services for the optimization of transport and logistics processes using
satellite assets. One of these projects is I-PORT, especially addressing intermodal
container transportation through European ports. In this context, one of the major
challenges is the alignment in planning the arrival and departure of different modal-
ities, e.g. vessels and trucks, such that the containers can be transferred without
delays. In addition, unproductive waiting times of transport vehicles should be
To support this, an integrated solution was defined and developed, which utilizes
the added value of satellite assets, in particular GPS and Satellite-based AIS (Auto-
matic Identification System). By using these services, the positions of transport vehi-
cles are tracked and the estimated time of arrival (ETA) is calculated and regularly
updated. If the I-PORT system detects a deviation from the planned schedule, e.g. a
delay in arrival of a vessel, all involved actors are informed pro-actively. Conse-
quently, the related vehicles can be re-scheduled at an early stage and waiting times
and unsuccessful attempts to deliver or pick up a container can be reduced. The I-
PORT solution was developed based on the elaboration of user needs as well as ex-
isting technologies and services.
Keywords: Intermodal Container Transport, Satellite-based Services,
Optimisation, ETA Prediction
380 Nils Meyer-Larsen, Rainer Müller and Timo Köhler
1 Introduction
Intermodal container transport today still suffers from various bottle-necks
(Witte, 2012), which are often caused by the intransparency of logistics pro-
cesses and the fact that information is not forwarded to all relevant part-
ners in the supply chain. The efficiency of transport processes can primarily
be enhanced by a more intelligent disposition of vehicles (ten Hompel,
2014). In addition, it is one of the challenges for container ports to optimize
their facilities in order to be prepared for the growing demands concerning
the spatial and time aspects of cargo handling related to the increase in
vessel size (UNCTAD, 2014). Especially in case of modal changes, e.g. the
pick-up of an import container by a truck in a sea port terminal, avoidable
delays occur. If the vessel which delivers the container has a deviation in its
arrival time from the planned schedule, this information is in general not
forwarded to the haulier, who is scheduling the container pickup according
to the planned arrival time. If the vessel arrives late, the truck has to wait
accordingly or has to leave without the container.
The I-PORT project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) aims at im-
proving this situation by developing a system for end users which optimises
the handling of intermodal freight transport through European ports. The
optimisation is realised by providing more visibility to the different actors
involved in freight transport. One of the project's key issues is the manage-
ment of access to ports, which in general have limited information about
arrival of trucks, barges and vessels, inhibiting the ability to optimize port
throughput. In addition, I-PORT addresses the topic of schedule reliability.
Vessels currently use weather-routing systems and sophisticated naviga-
Optimisation of Intermodal Transport Using Satellite-based Services 381
tion equipment, but not earth observation equipment or techniques to as-
sist in vessel routing optimization. Furthermore, inland transport move-
ments can be better predicted by using satellite-based services as the or-
ganisation of hinterland transports relies on sharing information across
many organizations and processes which can be optimized. The latter will
also lead to predictable turnaround times as access to ports especially in
the UK is managed by a vehicle slot booking process; transport providers
can only access those ports if they have booked a respective time slot. This
is likely to become a more rigid process, as ports strive to manage internal
Besides I-PORT, a project named Smart SC (e-business standardisation in
the maritime supply chain) (Smart SC, 2015) is currently funded by the Ger-
man Ministry of Economics and Technology as part of the German govern-
ment initiative on e-business standards. Smart SC looks at the improve-
ment of the data visibility along the container supply chain and includes
support systems for truckers for the truck/sea port interface with a regional
focus on the German sea ports of Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven. Within
I-PORT, a link between the Smart SC and I-PORT platforms was developed,
enabling the use of synergies between the two projects and establishing
added values from interoperability and data exchange between these two
382 Nils Meyer-Larsen, Rainer Müller and Timo Köhler
2 Users and Their Needs
A study addressing the optimization potentials through more intelligent
disposition processes of vehicles enabled by an improved visibility (IN-
FORM, 2012) identified the following key benefits: decreased congestion of
access roads, reduced unproductive waiting times, improved utilisation of
resources, and reduced transport costs. The users targeted in this demon-
stration project are those which could benefit from optimising intermodal
freight transport, including e.g. shipping lines, ports, container terminals,
hauliers, railway operators, inland waterways, and storage facilities. In ad-
dition, stakeholders include (local) authorities, Customs, Port Community
Systems, and other partners who benefit from an optimised visibility of the
logistics and transport processes. The users have expressed a number of
high level needs for improving freight transport through ports. For in-
stance, hauliers expressed a need to have further information on deviations
from the vessels' schedules, which results in early or delayed release of im-
port containers or changes in cut-off times for export containers. Further-
more, there is a need to remove the paper side of vehicle slot bookings in
ports to improve efficiency. In addition, ports and terminals expressed a
need to improve the visibility of incoming vehicles, e.g. by geofencing.
3 Space Added Value
Space technologies, and above all satellites, have an enormous potential
in many areas such as logistics, amongst others. Currently the respective
potentials are still underestimated and largely underutilized (Perrin, 2013).
Optimisation of Intermodal Transport Using Satellite-based Services 383
Consequently, I-PORT can be seen as a pioneer project in this area. It inte-
grates space-based information delivered by satellites into an intermodal
freight transport system. The use of navigational systems enables im-
proved visibility of the truck fleet by using respective GPS signals. The visi-
bility of vessels is improved by using the vessels' AIS (Automatic Identifica-
tion System) data which is captured by respective receivers which are both
shore-based and satellite-based. Merging these data sources together
leads to improved synchronisation between port and supply chain actors,
reduces delays and waiting times and thus optimises the throughput and
the efficiency of sea port terminals and hinterland transport. Because it is
not feasible to equip the complete vessel and truck fleets with additional
technology, it is critical for the proposed services to exploit existing tech-
nologies to integrate diverse information sources and provide a unified in-
terface to improve visibility and standardise communication. Most im-
portantly, the location data must be used to provide estimated time of ar-
rival (ETA) information of vessels and trucks to the relevant stakeholders.
The service must be able to capture the location data from existing tracking
systems and/or mobile devices and mobile applications, e.g. using
4 Technical Background
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) was developed in the 1990s as a
short range identification and tracking system for seagoing and inland ves-
sels (Easyais, 2015). It is a maritime transponder/receiver system defined
by the IMO (international maritime organisation) and operates in the VHF
384 Nils Meyer-Larsen, Rainer Müller and Timo Köhler
frequency band. The purpose of AIS is to assist identifying vessels when not
in sight (e.g. at night, in radar blind arcs or shadows or at distance) by trans-
mitting and receiving vessel ID, position, course, speed and other relevant
data to and from other nearby ships. During the time of development, it was
not foreseen to be detectable from space. Nevertheless, since 2005, exper-
iments were performed detecting AIS signals using satellite-based receiv-
ers. Since that time, several commercial companies have started to offer
respective services which in combination with the terrestrial AIS receiver
network will allow a truly global AIS coverage. The latest development are
very little satellites like AISSat-1 which is a nano-satellite measuring only
20 x 20 x 20cm (Norsk Romsenter, 2015) or the 1U cubesat AAUSAT3 weigh-
ing only 800 grams (AAUSAT3, 2015). These satellites can carry AIS receivers
at very limited costs for construction and launch, which makes the installa-
tion of an adequate fleet of AIS satellites feasible.
Figure 1
Interaction between the Smart SC and I-PORT systems
Optimisation of Intermodal Transport Using Satellite-based Services 385
5 System Concept
As mentioned above, within I-PORT a link between the Smart SC and I-PORT
platforms was developed, establishing added values from interoperability
and data exchange between these two platforms. The combination of these
two systems as shown in fig. 1 addresses the information requirements of
the receivers of containers routed through the ports of Bremerhaven and
Wilhelmshaven. These stakeholders need to be informed pro-actively
about delays in vessel arrival and receive an updated estimated arrival time
of the vessel in order to re-schedule the on-carriage supply chain.
In addition, ports and Shipping Companies require as accurate vessel ETA
data as possible; within 2 hours tolerance if practical. However, the current
situation is that ETA information (plus destination) contained in a ship’s AIS
message transmissions is manually entered by a crew member; i.e. it is not
derived automatically from the ship’s navigation equipment. As well as po-
tential inaccuracies in a crew member typing in the ETA information, it is
often also not subsequently updated once the ship is underway. Its entry is
also solely at the Captain’s discretion, i.e. it is not mandatory. All of this
means that any additional information on potential ETA that is derived sep-
arately from the AIS message content will be of benefit to ports and Ship-
ping Companies and as such, I-PORT end users.
Shipping companies would ideally like to have any changes reflected in es-
timated ETA updated in a real time basis. The port companies need to plan
in relation to tidal windows (6 hours) and in relation to shift work patterns.
The ports would need to know from 24 hours in advance of any changes to
the scheduled ETA.
386 Nils Meyer-Larsen, Rainer Müller and Timo Köhler
In Smart SC a component named “SCEM (Supply Chain Event Management)
tool” was created aiming to compare plan and schedule data with actual
status messages (such as vehicle positions) automatically detecting devia-
tions from the plan at an early stage.
The following scenario describes the linking of the Smart SC and I-PORT
platforms in detail. The basic precondition is that the I-PORT platform pro-
vides the vessels’ AIS location data and ETA to the Smart SC system. In the
case of importing containers to the ports of Bremerhaven and Wilhelmsha-
ven, the receiver of the goods enters the shipping order into the Smart SC
system, which provides the relevant container number(s) and the port of
destination (Bremerhaven or Wilhelmshaven). Based on the data available
in Smart SC, the information about the vessel transporting the container(s)
is derived from the container number(s). The planned date and time of ar-
rival of the vessel at the port of destination, obtained from the SIS system
operated by the port community system dbh, serves as to-be data for the
SCEM module of the Smart SC system. Based on the AIS vessel tracking data
and ETA provided by the I-PORT system, the SCEM module will compare it
with the planned time of arrival. In case of deviations from the plan, the
SCEM module will pro-actively inform the relevant partners involved in the
on-carriage of the container about the delay in order to allow an efficient
re-scheduling of the supply chain processes.
Hauliers who deliver export containers to the ports of Bremerhaven and
Wilhelmshaven require to automatically receive updates of the closing time
for container delivery in order to be in time for the booked vessel. This is
especially important in case of deviations from the plan, e.g. delayed arrival
Optimisation of Intermodal Transport Using Satellite-based Services 387
of a vessel. For this case, it was investigated whether the calculated estima-
tion of the vessel arrival time at the port of destination can be used to pre-
dict an updated closing time for container delivery, i.e. the time from which
on delivered containers are considered as delayed and will not be loaded
on the vessel. The updated closing time will be provided back to the I-PORT
platform to be made available to I-PORT users.
6 Conclusions
The I-PORT project demonstrates the expected benefits of utilisation of
new satellite technologies within freight transport, providing better visibil-
ity of a freight's positioning, to all stakeholders. This clarity and precision
allows for accurate status of delivery through the duration of the process
and greater security, because all freight is traceable at all times. This allows
for greater optimising when utilising resources and alleviating congestion
at the busiest periods. Considering traffic data and live positioning of
freight allows for live updates of ETAs and live scheduling and optimisation
of hauliers' processes.
With the specified linkage between the I-PORT system and the Smart SC
system, the following benefits are anticipated:
Better utilisation of port resources, optimisation of efficiency (as
an example, between 5%-20% of booking slots are currently
wasted due to delays);
Better planning of truck resources with ETA data available in real
time, leading to a reduction of unproductive waiting times and
388 Nils Meyer-Larsen, Rainer Müller and Timo Köhler
unsuccessful attempts to deliver or pick up a container and con-
sequently to a reduced impact on the local community and the
environment (reduced emissions and reduced traffic on access
Automatic rebooking of slots and advise to the driver in the event
of late or early arrival, saving wasted journeys and/or waiting
Reduced administration time managing slots and missed slots;
React to the growing demands concerning spatial and time as-
pects of cargo handling related to the increase in vessel size;
More capacity for growth.
The systems were developed and are currently in the phase of implemen-
tation and integration in the port community system. The expected bene-
fits mentioned above will be validated during the subsequent demonstra-
tion phase in a real-life environment.
Optimisation of Intermodal Transport Using Satellite-based Services 389
AAUSAT3, 2015, Available at <> [Accessed 25
June 2015]
Easyais, 2015, What is AIS?, Available at <
mation/what-is-ais/> [Accessed 25 June 2015]
ten Hompel, M. et al., 2014, Logistik und IT als Innovationstreiber für den Wirt-
schaftsstandort Deutschland, Positionspapier, Bundesvereinigung Logistik,
INFORM, 2012, Optimierungspotenziale in der Lkw-Zulaufsteuerung bei Industrie-
unternehmen, Institut für Operations Research und Management, Aachen, 2012
Norsk Romsenter, 2015, Norway's Satellites, Available at <http://www.rom-> [Accessed 25 June 2015]
Perrin, Sarah, 2013, Tapping into the vast potential of satellites, Available at
<> [Accessed 26
June 2015]
Smart SC, 2015, Available at <> [Accessed 20 June 2015]
UNCTAD, 2014, Review of Maritime Transport 2014, United Nations, New York and
Geneva, 2014
Witte, Patrick A. et al., 2012, Chokepoints in corridors: Perspectives on bottlenecks
in the European transport network in: Research in Transportation Business &
Management Volume 5, December 2012, p. 5766
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback
Dalicia Bouallouche, Jean-Baptiste Vioix, Stéphane Millot and Eric Busvelle
When researchers or logistics software developers deal with vehicle routing optimi-
zation, they mainly focus on minimizing the total traveled distance or time of the
tours, and maximizing the number of visited customers. However, in real transporter
situations, the actual data received is often of bad quality, particularly the irrele-
vance of addresses and address geocoding errors. Therefore, trying to optimize tours
with impertinent customers' GPS-coordinates, which are the most important input
data for solving a vehicle routing problem, will lead to an incoherent solution, espe-
cially if the locations of the customers used for the optimization are very different
from their real positions.
Our work is supported by a logistics software editor Tedies (2013) and a transport
company Upsilon (2009). We work with the company's real truck routes data to carry
our experiments. The aim of this work is to use the experience of the driver and the
feedback of the real truck tours to validate and correct GPS-coordinates to the next
tours. Our method significantly improves the quality of the geocoding.
This study shows the importance of taking into account the feedback of the trucks to
gradually correct address geocoding errors. Indeed, the accuracy of customer’s ad-
dress and its GPS-coordinates plays a major role in tours optimization. This feedback
is naturally and usually taken into account by transporters (by asking drivers, calling
customers, …), to learn about their tours and bring corrections to the upcoming
tours. Hence, we develop a method to do most of that automatically.
Keywords: Driver Experience Feedback, Geocoding Correction, Real Truck Tours,
Address Matching
392 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
1 Introduction
Our study is in the context of a project of route optimization of collec-
tion/delivery vehicles. We work with a software development company that
proposes transport and logistics software keys for transporters. During the
development of this project, we noticed an important problem which does
not fall in the scope of the vehicle routing optimization. However, it is an
issue that has much impact on the quality of the optimization in real world
situations. The problem is the inaccuracy of the customers' positions (GPS
coordinates). The optimization of the vehicle tours, and other studies,
strongly depends on the location of customers on the map. Indeed, trans-
porters and transport and logistics software developers complain about
the fact that geocoders do not always give pertinent address geocoding.
Geocoding is a crucial step ahead many GIS (Geographic Information Sys-
tem) projects. Hence, transporters have to hire employees to check or cor-
rect all GPS coordinates of their customers’ addresses. This takes a big part
of their time. Transporters and transport & logistics software editors assert
that geocoding errors coming from automatic geocoders and human errors
could lead tours optimization or any other GIS project to failure.
A related problem is the address writing errors issue. Hence, a badly writ-
ten, incomplete, or inaccurate (human errors) address, necessarily implies
geocoding errors.
As well, an obvious geocoding issue is that the mapping used by the geo-
coders is not uploaded regularly. Also, in the case of larger companies or
shops, their geocoding positions are usually different from the place where
the vehicle should make its deliveries. For instance, in airports, a geocoder
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 393
returns GPS coordinates which do not necessarily indicates the freight
Clearly, the correctness of upstream customers' addresses and a rigorous
address geocoding are crucial conditions to carry out the vehicle routing
optimization and other GIS projects. Benefits resulting from optimization
may be transformed in extra costs, painful for the driver, and may lead to
give up the optimization software assistance. Foote and Huebner (2000,
sec.1), claim that spatial data errors, inaccuracy, and imprecision can
"make or break" a GIS project.
The aim of this work is to use the experience of the driver and the feedback
of the real truck tours in order to first validate the GPS coordinates of an
address which were pretty well geocoded, and, second, bring a geocoding
correction to the rest of badly geocoded addresses. To achieve this, we rely
on the real truck tours of the transporter. We retrieve tours data from truck
GPSs to use the feedback of the trucks for validating/correcting our spatial
data. Obviously, any GPS with data logging capabilities, including
smartphones, may be used for this application.
In the next session, we will discuss on related works treating our problem-
atic. In section 3, we will state the required tools to carry out our experi-
ments. We will, thereafter, explain our algorithm in section 4. In section 5,
we will present some results of our method. Finally, we will give in section
6 a conclusion and a preview of the further work of this paper.
394 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
2 Background and Discussion
Address geocoding is considered in many fields. There is an increasing
number of applications that rely on GIS. For instance, transport and logis-
tics field, the field of health (Lewis-Michl et al., 1996; English et al., 1999;
Rushton and Lolonis, 1996; Anselin, 1995; Geschwind et al., 1992; Kulldorff
and Nagarwalla, 1995), etc.
Cayo and Talbot (2003, para.10) assert that very limited published infor-
mation exists on address geocoding errors in automated street level ge-
ocoding. In the context of our work, no published papers were found about
the problem that we had noticed in transporters real case situation. Espe-
cially, the problem of geocoding errors in the context of vehicle routing
problem optimization, traveling salesman problem or other studies related
to the transport and logistics field were not raised. Researchers of this field,
mostly, consider that all the upstream data (in our case, customers posi-
tions on the map, or spatial data in general), are free from errors and all
their optimization methods might work and give the same results as in the-
oretical case simulations.
Furthermore, we found some related research in other fields (different from
transport and logistics). Most of them are related to the environment and
health areas. Cayo and Talbot (2003) studied positional error in automated
geocoding in the field of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology.
Authors match between geocoded points and true known locations. Au-
thors acquired residential addresses from the NYSORPS (for New York State
Office of Real Property Services) and evaluate GPS coordinates errors
caused during automated address geocoding. Authors use the distance be-
tween each geocoded point and its true location, and then measure the
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 395
variation of these errors depending on population densities (urban, subur-
ban and rural). Their conclusion is that errors increase as population den-
sity increases. Our method, also, deals with matching geocoded points with
customers' addresses. However, in contrast to the study of Cayo and Talbot
(2003), we do not rely on the true locations of these addresses because we
don't know them. Instead, we construct them according to the real path of
the truck tour. In the same paper, the authors use a method of geocoding
using property parcel data (NYSORPS) instead of the traditional linear in-
terpolation method. In this last, the interpolation error increases as the
street segments are longer. In fact, Levine and Kim (1998, p.563) conclude
that geocoding errors of interpolation algorithms vary with the street seg-
ment length and urban areas typically contain shorter segments compared
to rural areas. Also, the geocoding software that uses interpolation algo-
rithms supposes uniform intervals between street numbers along a street
segment (Telogis, 2015; Google Maps, 2015; Cayo and Talbot, 2003,
para.30), which is not the case in reality. Indeed, when addresses are not
evenly spaced along a street, the probability to get an interpolation error
An alternative solution is possible when the traditional geocoding methods
do not give expected results. The use of property parcel points provides
greater positional accuracy and reduces geocoding errors. In fact, individ-
ual house locations and separations are more accurate in property parcel
data than in TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Ref-
erencing System) based files, where parcel centroids are rarely at the exact
locations of the houses (Cayo and Talbot, 2003). In addition, parcel data is
updated annually for tax purposes, so match rates are improved, unlike
396 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
with commonly used street centerline files which are less regularly updated
(Cayo and Talbot, 2003, para.34).
Various researches are based on match rate statistics (Gregorio, Cromley,
Mrozinski and Walsh, 1999; Howe, 1986; Levine and Kim, 1998; Yu, 1996).
Authors found a positive dependency between computerized geocoding
rates and population size and urbanity (Howe, 1986, p.1460). This could be
justified by the fact that address information, in more densely populated
areas, is often more complete in street reference and commercially en-
hanced files (Gregorio et al., 1999, p.177). Hence, geographic differences
can alter study results.
Zinszer et al. (2010) examine the impact of address geocoding errors
through the estimation of the spatial distribution of the disease. The au-
thors evaluate address geocoding errors for a selected reportable disease
in a large urban center in Canada (Zinszer et al., 2010, p.163). Researchers
use an address verification algorithm on extracted data for all notifications
of campylobacteriosis from the Montreal public health department to de-
termine the accuracy of the residential address for each case and to sug-
gest corrections for invalid addresses. Authors estimate address errors
types as well as the resulting geocoding errors. For this, researchers calcu-
late the distance gap between the original address and the correct address,
like in Cayo and Talbot research (2003, para.2 and 11), as well as changes
in disease density (Zinszer et al., 2010, p.164).
Communicable disease surveillance in public health practice has an equiv-
alent problem with transporters on the received IDE (Information Data Ex-
change). Many errors are introduced on the informed addresses. Indeed,
the way information (addresses and medical information) is carried from
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 397
diverse sources (hospital registries, laboratories reports, physical offices…)
to the central databases of the public health department varies. It goes
from a fully automated transmission to a fax to which manual data entry
are added (Zinszer et al., 2010, p.164). The objective of the study is to exam-
ine address errors for a selected reportable disease in a large urban center
in Canada and to assess the impact of identified errors on the estimation of
the spatial distribution of the disease. To do that, Zinszer et al. (2010, p.164)
compare the collected addresses of the public health dataset to the PCAD
(the Postal Code Address Data) file of Canada Post. The authors determine
if the street name, street number and postal code of an address from the
public health data correspond to a correct street segment in the PCAD file.
The resulting matchings between the public health dataset addresses and
the PCAD are classified as exact matches, recoverable addresses or unpro-
cessable addresses (Zinszer et al., 2010, p.165 and 166). The researchers
based their study on an official file of good quality addresses.
The difficulty in our study is that we only work with data (addresses) re-
ceived from the IDE. Thus, customers requesting the delivery/collection
services write the received addresses. Then, we build our customers' ad-
dresses real positions based on the real trucks data tours to compare with
the received customers addresses from IDE.
A recently opened project, named BANO (for Base Adresses Nationale Ou-
verte) (2014), shows the importance of handling the problem of poor qual-
ity addresses and inaccurate geocoding. It is an open source project of
OpenStreetMap® (2015) France. The objective of this project is to collect
data (addresses) from hundreds of contributors, opendata sources, land
398 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
registry, etc., to construct from these gathered addresses the most com-
plete and correct version of each address, then, match each address on the
corresponding street in the map.
3 Experimentation Tools
3.1 The Context of our Study
The transporter includes all transport (collections and deliveries) of goods
that require at least one stop on a platform to a sorting operation, collect-
ing, or unbundling. It receives the packages to deliver from other transport-
ers early in the morning, between 2:00 and 4:00AM. Meanwhile, received
packages have to be sorted and dispatched after their recipients' addresses
are geocoded and validated/corrected. Transport operators must do it very
quickly so the drivers can make their deliveries, generally between 5:00 and
6:00AM. In average, the vehicles delivers 305 packages per day for 110 ad-
dresses, among them 30% of new addresses, with a fleet of 10 vehicles. The
customers have to be delivered as soon as possible, by taking into account
their collection/delivery constraints (time windows, collection/delivery
equipment, etc.). Practically, the covered region by the transporter is
within a radius of 100 km around the freight center. Each truck delivers
some cities along its route. The addresses may vary from day to day and
drivers may spend a lot of time with unknown addresses (especially new or
inexperienced drivers).
The transport company performs other kind of transportations, like batch
transport. However, a batch of packages is carried out permanently from a
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 399
single source to a single customer, so we are not interested in this simpler
Our tool helps the transport operators in the address geocoding phase (af-
ter receiving the addresses of delivery and before dispatching the corre-
sponding packages). The validation and correction of address geocoding is
done automatically in upstream. Thereby, it saves time for transport oper-
ators, and they can focus on the remaining tasks of the transport opera-
3.2 GPS Data Retrieving
The vehicles fleet of the transporter is equipped with TomTom® GPS units
(2015) that continuously send trucks data to a remote database. It sends
around one data message every 10 seconds. This message includes data
related to the message (id, recording time and type, …), data related to the
truck (vehicle registration number, driver id, driver name, latitude, longi-
tude, speed, odometer, ), data related to the tachograph, FMS (Fuel Man-
agement System), vehicle order messages, etc. We recover these data from
the database through TomTom Web Service. We select data which would
be useful for our research and process it before being stored in a local da-
tabase for use.
3.3 The Road Network
To carry out our work, we lean on OpenStreetMap® (2015) road network of
the region of Burgundy (France). We only select this region because the
transporter performs its collections/deliveries within this area. The road
network is mainly composed of ways and nodes. We must know the
400 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
topology of the road network graph to, particularly, get the road intersec-
tions that will be used to identify the stops at intersections and differenti-
ate them from the stops for deliveries/collections. For more details, refer to
section 4.
3.4 Details on Address Geocoding
The company uses Google geocoding API and Bing Map Geocode Service
API to geocode customers' addresses of its transporters. The geocoding
precision is returned with each address geocoding request (Google Maps,
2015; Bing Maps, 2015). These geocoding precisions are saved in the soft-
ware database and indexed in order to be used for our work. Values are
given to addresses according to the precision of their geocoding. Ge-
ocoding precision 1 is the “ROOFTOP” geocoded addresses. It indicates
that the GPS coordinates returned by the geocoding API are precise. Here,
we have an accuracy down to the street address level precision. It is the
best geocoding precision. Address geocoding of precision 2 is the
“RANGE_INTERPOLATED” address geocoding precision. Here, the geocoder
does not know the precise location of the address but knows the location
of the street address and two precise points of addresses on the same
street address. Hence, the geocoding of our address is done by interpolat-
ing between these two precise points. It is a geocoding of medium quality.
Precision of geocoding 3 is the “GEOMETRIC_CENTER” precision. It returns
GPS coordinates of the center of a region (the city of the address) or the
middle of the street of the address (if the street is known). This geocoding
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 401
precision is bad. Finally, address geocoding of precision 4 is the “APPROXI-
MATE” precision. It returns an approximate geocoding result. It is often of
very bad quality.
We introduced another address geocoding precision, we denote it ge-
ocoding precision 0. It is not returned by any geocoder. It indicates that the
geocoding is corrected or done manually by the user (transport operator).
In fact, an address could be not geocoded at all if it is not understandable
by the geocoder (incorrect, incomplete or badly written address). It is
equivalent to geocoding of precision 1 because the user must be very accu-
rate in searching for and assigning GPS coordinates to a customer's ad-
We use these precisions to give priorities for validating and correcting ad-
dress positions on a map (matching between addresses and real delivery
points). Indeed, an address with a geocoding precision of 1 (accurate ge-
ocoding) and an address with a geocoding precision of 3 or 4 could not be
matched with delivery points in the same manner. More details are given in
the next section.
4 Algorithm
Before starting to explain the algorithm, some definitions of basic aspects
we use in this work are required. The matching is done between GPS coor-
dinates of customers' addresses (geocoded using geocoders) and their real
positions on the map. We recover the vehicle's path during its tour. The re-
quired data for our work are the speed of the vehicle and its GPS coordi-
nates along its way. We use these data to determine the vehicle's delivery
402 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
points. In fact, to deliver a customer, the vehicle needs to stop. Hence, we
detect all the vehicle breakpoints (zero speed). They could be stops on road
intersections, biological breaks or delivery/collection services. We suppose
that, to deliver a customer, a vehicle takes at least a minimum period of
time. Therefore, to determine delivery points on a tour, we select all the
breakpoints where the vehicle is stopped at a location for a specified period
of time. This downtime is the minimum delivery time (time threshold). It is
a non deterministic parameter, hence, we can't entirely rely on this value.
A way to select the good breakpoints that we search for, namely, the deliv-
ery points, is to get rid of other vehicle breakpoints of a different kind, es-
pecially the road intersection stops. Indeed, we identify all the intersec-
tions of the road network and eliminate all the breakpoints where the vehi-
cle is close to the intersections. The breakpoints for biological breaks will
not disturb us because they are relatively very few.
The matching is done route by route. For each route, we require addresses
of the customers we had planned to deliver, the vehicle's breakpoints and
the road intersections of the area where the vehicle made its trip. Vehicle
breakpoints are unique to every real route, unlike customers' addresses
where two planned routes (with different vehicles or with the same vehicle
on different dates) might have customers' addresses in common. For in-
stance, a customer can be delivered everyday by the same vehicle or with
different vehicles, hence on the same area and, then, the same road inter-
The general scheme of the Algorithm is shown on figure 1. For each vehicle
route of the transporter, we select all the vehicle delivery points and their
closest road intersections.
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 403
For each delivery/collection point and its closest road intersection, we
search for all the closest customers' addresses within a specified radius
(also stated as distance threshold). We store them in a list and in an increas-
ing order of their distance to the delivery point. Initially, a delivery point is
unmatched. While the delivery point has not been matched and we have
not covered all the list of its closest customers (selected before), we search
for the best customer's address to match with the delivery point. We first
choose the first customer of the list (the closest one). If it does not comply
404 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
the conditions to be matched with the delivery point, we move to the next
customer of the list, and so on.
Figure 1 General algorithm scheme
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 405
The selected customer's address is likely to be matched with the delivery
point if the delivery point is closer to the customer than to its closest road
intersection. There are cases where the selected delivery point and the cus-
tomer's address could, pretty well, be matched, even if the precedent con-
dition fails. This often happens in situations where the customer position is
very close to the road intersection of the breakpoint. To relax our condition,
we shorten the distance threshold. Thus, if the distance between the deliv-
ery point and the customer's position does not exceed a smaller distance
threshold (by multiplying the last specified distance threshold by , with
]0,1[ ), which means that the delivery point is very close to the cus-
tomer, therefore, the matching is possible.
Before matching, we have to ensure that the delivery point and the address
have not been matched yet. Also, if the customer address is already
matched with another delivery point, we check if the customer is closer to
this new delivery point than to its precedent delivery point. In this case, we
update the matching of the customer's address with the new delivery point.
Consequently, this will give delivery points that will be free again (not
matched). These latter should be matched at the forthcoming matching
rounds, with other close and not yet matched customer addresses.
The matching round between delivery points and customers addresses of
a route is done until there is no change in the situation of the selected de-
livery/collection and customers' addresses points, like new or updated
matching between a delivery point and a customer's address position.
Our matching algorithm is first applied on customers' addresses that have
been geocoded with precision 1 and 0. We prioritize them compared to
406 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
other address geocoding precisions because their geocoding is more accu-
rate. After that, we move to match customers' addresses of geocoding pre-
cision 2. For matching these addresses, we give a slightly greater value for
the distance threshold parameter. In fact, the positions of addresses could
be somewhat far from their true location. Then, with a greater value, we
can achieve matching these addresses with their corresponding delivery
points. Finally, we try to match the rest of potential delivery points with
customers' addresses geocoded with precision 3 and 4. Since these latter
have bad geocoding precisions, they will be, mainly, far from the truck tra-
jectory. So, matching rate will be very low.
The delivery points that have been matched with addresses with a ge-
ocoding precision of 1 or 0 will not be candidates for matching with cus-
tomers' addresses of other geocoding precisions. Those that have been
matched with addresses geocoding precision 2 will not be available for
matching with customers addresses with a lower geocoding precisions, etc.
Our method is used to automatically validate a big part of the customers'
GPS coordinates. This was done manually by the transporter, before imple-
menting our algorithm. In fact, after each back from tour, transport opera-
tors check the real delivery points of their customers and ask the drivers to
validate or indicate the locations of the customers' addresses with which
they had trouble. Generally, drivers have experience and could easily spot
the real locations of the customers. At worst, they could ask the way to the
customer if they have trouble with finding a customer's address location
(they are on the field!).
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 407
To release transport operators from this heavy task, we develop our algo-
rithm to do that automatically by detecting the potential delivery/collec-
tion points (breakpoints) of the vehicles. However, not all customers' ad-
dresses are matched with delivery/collection points. Indeed, for the re-
maining unmatched customers' addresses, this could be justified either by
the fact that a service cancellation order has occurred during the path of
the vehicle (the customer's position would be far from all delivery points or
the whole ride of the vehicle), but this is still uncommon, or the customer's
address point is simply unmatched because of a distance bigger than the
fixed threshold. For precautionary measure, these unmatched points have
to be matched manually by the transport operators. The rates of the re-
maining unmatched customers' addresses and delivery points are rather
weak. The manual matching is, thus, not really constraining.
5 Results and Discussions
In our experimentations, there are some parameters to initialize. Namely,
the maximum distance for choosing the closest customer's address to a de-
livery point (distance threshold) and the minimum delivery time. The dis-
tance threshold is set to 300 meters. In fact, it depends on the area of the
deliveries. In urban areas, addresses are near each other, therefore, the de-
livery/collections points could be also near each other. Then, the distance
threshold should be small enough to avoid matching confusion. In contrast
to rural areas where addresses are spaced each other. Then, the distance
threshold could be big enough not to miss matchings.
408 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
Figure 2 Example of a truck route with addresses, breakpoints and
Considering the driver experience, we suppose that the minimum delivery
time takes at least 70 seconds. This value might seem to be low but deliv-
eries/collections could be very fast for small packages.
To display our vehicle tours, address points and vehicle breakpoints in an
map, we use QGIS® (2015) (a free and open source geographic information
system), in which we integrate OpenStreetMap® (2015) electronic map.
Figure 2 shows a vehicle real tour on the map. The solid line is the route
crossed by this vehicle. This route line is composed of sequential line seg-
ments called Ways in the road network. We construct the path of the vehicle
by selecting the Ways where the GPS of the vehicle has sent a data message
(including its GPS coordinates) during its tour. We can observe missing seg-
ments (ways) on the truck path route. It is explained by the fact that the
GPS had missed sending messages when it had passed on these Ways
(short way, loss of GPS signal,…). The triangles are the potential truck de-
livery points (or breakpoints in a general way). As explained in section 4,
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 409
they are points belonging to the truck route where the vehicle downtime
exceeds a minimum delivery/collection service time. The circles are the
customers' addresses positions as they are geocoded and used in the soft-
ware. For clarity reasons, we select only addresses with geocoding preci-
sion 1 and 0. For other precisions, the procedure is the same. The only dif-
ference is the parameter settings as stated in section 4. Small circles are the
matched addresses and big circles are those that are unmatched. The stars
indicate that matching is done between a customer address and a deliv-
ery/collection point.
We run our program for matching customers' addresses of precision 1 and
0, with delivery/collection points of a route in figure 2. For this last, we
achieve 75% of matched addresses with geocoding precision 1 or 0. We
have 9 matched customers' addresses over 12 addresses of geocoding pre-
cisions 1 or 0.
Figure 3 An example of a perfect address matching
410 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
Figure 4 An example of an address matching near a road intersection
In figure 3, we show an example of a perfect matching on the route in figure
2. The vehicle has joined the customer at his exact delivery location.
In figure 4, we see that the matching is done between the customer's ad-
dress and the delivery point, even if the delivery point is very close to a road
intersection. It is stated in section 4 that we relax our matching condition
when a breakpoint is very close to the customer's address (refer to section
4 for more details).
Figure 5 shows the matching of a customer address of geocoding precision
1 and 0. We see that the position of the customer's address on the map is
not precisely positioned because it is a bit far from the breakpoint of the
truck (delivery/collection point). This is justified by the fact that the delivery
is for this customer, but the freight area is in another special building. In
this case, the delivery point and the customer's address are close enough
to be matched.
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 411
Figure 5 Another example of address matching
Figures 6 and 8 show two unmatched addresses. In figure 6 we have an un-
matched address and a breakpoint at 238 meters from this customer's ad-
dress. However, the matching is prevented because the nearest breakpoint
is closest to a road intersection (87.5 meters far from it) (see figure 7).
Hence, it is not considered as a delivery point but as an intersection stop.
In figure 8, we see that the customer's address is far from the whole vehicle
trajectory and at more than 2 km far from the closest breakpoint. The rea-
son why the addresses of figures 6 and 8 are unmatched could, also, be ex-
plained by the fact that the addresses of the customers are not accurately
geocoded. Indeed, geocoders are not exempt from errors (even with a ge-
ocoding precision 1) and human error can't be completely avoided (ge-
ocoding precision 0).
412 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
Figure 6 Example of avoided address matching because of the closeness
of an intersection to a potential delivery point (breakpoint)
We have selected tours of a vehicle over a month, on which we had run our
matching program. We achieve an average of 75% address matching per
tour, including all addresses geocoding precisions. We have a total of 122
different delivered addresses by these tours and 60% of them were vali-
dated after running our program. Each pair of the vehicle tours could have
common customers to deliver. Otherwise, we have 40% unmatched ad-
dresses per tour. This remains a rather high rate. It is mainly because of the
address geocoding precisions 3 and 4. In fact, geocoding of these precisions
are often far outside the vehicle path. Hence, matching could be unsuccess-
ful at this stage. Each matched customer address will be positioned on its
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 413
corresponding delivery/collection point. It is considered as the real posi-
tion (freight area) for serving the customer. The more we have matched
good quality addresses (precisions 0, 1 and 2), the easier it would be to
match the remaining few bad quality addresses (precisions 3 and 4).
The transporter delivers an average of 110 addresses per day, the transport
operators have to check the validity of all the real position (GPS coordi-
nates) of these addresses before sending the drivers to deliver them. To ge-
ocode, validate or correct an address, an experimented user spends 3
minutes in average (from 1 minute for a clear and quite simple address,
Figure 7
Example of a breakpoint near road intersection
414 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
Figure 8 Customer's address out of vehicle path.
to 5 minutes for an unclear (badly written) and difficult to geocode address.
It could be more if the transport operator have to ask an experimented
driver to help him to find the real location of an address). As we correct an
average of 75% of addresses for each tour in upstream, we save for the
transporter 75% of the total time of address geocoding correction, in aver-
age. Precisely, if the users spend 3 minutes for geocoding each of the 110
addresses, instead of taking 5.5 hours for address geocoding correction,
they will take only 1 hour and 22 minutes.
6 Conclusion and Future Work
We have emphasized an important issue that could break a vehicle routing
optimization or any other GIS project. In fact, geocoders are not exempt
from errors and they can give impertinent GPS coordinates. Also, even with
a good geocoding, a poorly written, wrong or inaccurate address (human
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 415
errors) can lead to a bad or completely incorrect geocoding. We work with
a company of editing transport and logistics software and a transport com-
pany. Both assert that they encounter big problems because of this address
geocoding issue. We propose a method that takes into account the reality
of the ground to correct address geocoding, and this, by means of the real
truck routes feedback. Indeed, the best way to have the correct information
is to go on the field. This is done manually and unconsciously by the
transport operators before implementing our algorithm. In fact, the reflex
to seek information from drivers after the return of the vehicles has always
existed among transporters employees. Manually considering the feedback
of the truck routes for address geocoding correction could become a heavy
task. This is why having a tool for doing that automatically is of great use.
Our collaborators confirm that.
Our algorithm achieves to match 75% of addresses per tour, in average.
Transport operators will do the remaining unmatched addresses manually.
Since we have identified the delivery/collection points on the vehicle path,
the manual matching remains a fairly simple task.
With our geocoding validation and correction method, when a vehicle
makes its tour, for each visited customer, it might have trouble with finding
this customer’s address (or the good warehouse entry of the customer) at
most once. In other words, the vehicle would be wrong at most once for
each customer’s address (the first time the truck delivers it). As the vehicle
stops near the customer for a delivery time, we will have the good GPS co-
ordinates for this address at the next matching round.
We are currently working on enhancing the matching rates, especially for
addresses with low geocoding precisions (3 and 4), with which we still have
416 Dalicia Bouallouche et al.
matching difficulties. Also, setting the distance matching threshold and the
minimum delivery time parameters to fixed values is not appropriate. In
fact, if the distance between the customer and the breakpoint is one centi-
meter greater than the distance threshold, matching will not be done. We,
then, develop a method to adapt these parameters depending on the ge-
ocoding precision, the position of each customer's address compared to
the breakpoints, the intersection, etc., in order to make matching decision.
Address Matching Using Truck Tours Feedback 417
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Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight
Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
Urban transport in cities is composed of many micro-transport systems. Each one of
these has negative effect on the urban mobility. The study and analysis of one of
these micro-transport systems is an effective way to understand the problem and
consequently to propose new solutions, as well as a source of information to im-
prove the urban transport system. In this paper we focus on the urban goods
transport system that emerges from a particular supply chain, we support on a GIS
(Geographic information system) computer simulation model to understand and an-
alyze a case study. The simulation model developed is an example on how the ab-
straction approach of agent-based modeling (ABM) integrated with GIS can be used
to represent the complexity inherent in the urban transport system. The novelty of
our approach lies mainly in the fact of being able to analyze the combined effect be-
tween supply chain management and transportation system. The use of ABM allow
us to model behaviors, negotiations and other social properties of the system’s enti-
ties represented as agents, it can also help with understanding the emerging sys-
tem’s behaviors from an independent level. As a result of our study, the conceptual
multi-agent model is presented and implemented in JAVA programing language,
which is used for simulation experiments on the analysis of routing and departure
time choice, with the goal to propose a plan to improve the micro-transport system
under study.
Keywords: Supply Chain, Transport, Agent-based, GIS
420 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
1 Introduction
Today, 54 per cent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, it is esti-
mated that by 2050 two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities.
Projections show that urbanization combined with the overall growth of
the world’s population could add another 2.5 billion people to urban pop-
ulations by 2050, United Nations Development Programme (2014). In a
world of rapidly increasing urbanization, with an unprecedented transition
from rural to urban areas, urban transport is at risk of collapsing in the next
years, with a panorama that it can affect the quality of life of hundreds of
thousands of citizen, it is not surprising that the urban transport must be
high on the plans for politician, city planners and other specialists, as well
as researchers.
Owing to their large and densely urban populations and widespread com-
mercial activities, urban areas require the distribution and collection of
large quantities of goods and the provision of a wide range of services for
commercial and domestic use, resulting in considerable freight activity.
However, in spite of its importance, lately politician and researchers have
paid relatively very little attention to urban freight in contrast to passenger
transport. Again like in the industrial revolution, urban freight transport
pose us new logistical challenges, there is a need to contemplate how best
to tackle urban freight transport logistics because it is vital to achieve the
ultimate objective for urban areas: mobility and accessibility for both
freight and passenger, efficiently supporting commercial transport with
high quality of life for his citizens.
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 421
One approach regarding to the issue of urban freight that it has great po-
tential despite still, it is in development process. It is related with the simu-
lation models, decision makers trust on models, abstractions of the real
world to test a number of scenarios before implementing a chosen scenario
in practice. It make sense because, it is excessively costly and risky to per-
form scenarios in reality, it may then sound evident that, if the models are
used to test decisions that will have an impact on the real world, they
should be good representations and precise reflections of that same real
world for which the decisions are intended. Unfortunately, transport mod-
els are more often than not poor representations. Consequently, they result
in bad.
There have been numerous attempts to improve the performance of urban
freight while simultaneously reducing its negative environmental impacts.
The results, however, have been disappointing, and most pilot projects
have not survived. This may be due to the fact that the solutions have been
designed and evaluated without taking into account the particular charac-
teristics of different city areas. A supply chain management approach may
be applied to urban freight transport where the complete process is taken
into consideration, emphasizing the role of customers as well as transport
In contrast, we propose a model for urban freight transport, in which the
behavior of freight agents and their relationship in supply chains are inte-
grated, the model covering all links in the supply chain from supply through
production up to the distribution and his transport until the final consumer.
The approach aims assess the isolated impact of one supply chain on the
urban transport.
422 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
This document summarizes the work done by the authors during three
year, it aims to propose a decision support platform for urban freight
transport and to show his application to analyze the urban freight move-
ment in the Palmira city area. In the next pages, a brief introduction to sim-
ulation and agent-based modeling (ABMS), the main concepts and applica-
tion areas are illustrated, a review of some previous work on the subject is
done, and a review is made of existing methodologies to model agent-
based systems. The proposed platform is discussed and the details on
model formulations are provided. A practical application around the mod-
eling and simulation based on agents (ABMS) in the supply chain related to
the baker sector of the city of Palmira, Valle Colombia. The final section pro-
vides conclusions and recommendations on the proposed model.
2 Agent-based modeling (ABM)
Agent-based simulation has proven to be a very useful technique for mod-
eling complex systems, especially social systems, Gilbert (2004). Using
agent-based simulation, the modeler explicitly recognized the actors that
make up complex systems, and in particular the social relationships be-
tween these, which are the product of individual behaviors and their inter-
actions. The main difference between the agents and other modeling tech-
niques-based simulation is the way to build the abstraction of the real sys-
tem and consequently, the formal model is built.
On formal models built using agent-based simulation, the basic compo-
nents of the real system are explicitly and individually represented in the
model, Edmonds (2001). In this sense the organizational boundaries that
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 423
define the fundamental components of the real system correspond to the
boundaries of the model agents and interactions that take place among the
fundamental components of the real system correspond to the interactions
that take place between the agents of the model. In this sense the organi-
zational boundaries that define the fundamental components of the real
system correspond to the boundaries of the model agents and interactions
that take place among the fundamental components of the real system cor-
respond to the interactions that take place between the agents of the
model. This direct correspondence is precisely the main attraction of the
agents modeling since it is capable of increasing the realism and the scien-
tific rigor of formal models thus constructed.
Agent-based systems are characterized by understanding various agents
that are in greater or lesser degree heterogeneous, autonomous and inde-
pendent, showing everyone their own goals and objectives, and are gener-
ally able to interact among themselves and with their environment, Torsun
(2010). Often, but not always, they are systems characterized by the exist-
ence of large numbers of relatively simple agents, which can evolve over
time to adapt to new conditions or new goals. In particular, agent-based
simulation is particularly important in complex systems with the following
Systems in which the geographical space can have a significant
influence. In many systems, the fact that two individuals are sep-
arated in space means a probability of lower interaction. Agent-
based modeling facilitates the representation of physical space in
which they move and interact agents.
424 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
Systems where there is social interaction networks. Interactions
between system components can be influenced by several fac-
tors in addition to the physical space. Agent-based modeling fa-
cilitates social interaction networks that are not necessarily
structured spatially explicit representation.
Systems in which the individual components of the system are
able to learn, and it is convenient to represent explicitly and indi-
vidually each component of the system.
Agents-based methodology has been widely used to model systems in a
wide range of scientific disciplines: for example, economy, Tesfastion
(2002), finances Lebaron (2000), management of natural resources
Bousquet (2004), political sciences Axelrod (1997), anthropology Kohler
(2000), sociology Conte (1997), biology Paton (2004), supply chain and
medicine Mansury (2002), where on the basis of rules which determine the
individual behavior of the agents intends to infer the global properties of
the entire system. Agents-based methods facilitate the study and modeling
of complex systems from the units that compose them, allowing us to build
experimental models of reality from a different from the traditional point
of view: from the most simple to the complex, from the particular to the
more general.
Since the emphasis on agent-based simulation is to find appropriate ab-
stractions that describe the basic components of the system and their in-
teractions, rather than seeking abstractions that handled directly on the
global dynamics of the system, this modeling technique is particularly use-
ful to model macroscopic processes that arise from interactions between
actors in a system.
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 425
There are various research contributions that seek to assess the true value
of the application of this approach in decentralized supply chains around
the theme of ABMS, Borshchev and Filippov (2004) explains that the ABMS
is by nature decentralized, since the overall behavior of the system is never
defined, on the other hand the model defines individual behaviors allowing
the behavior of the global system to emerge from individuals, also known
as simulation, Arango Serna, Serna Uran, and Alvarez Uribe (2012), in de-
centralized chains however the overall behavior of the system is difficult to
measure, because of the dispersion in terms of topological, functional, ad-
ministrative, etc., of different organizations.
2.1 Methodologies
In the context of the ABMS have been proposed different methodologies,
however very few focus on the supply chain (SC), Hernández, Alemany,
Lario, and Poler (2009), some of these appear in the review made by Lab-
arthe, Espinasse, Ferrarini, and Montreuil (2007) where needs to incorpo-
rate elements of complexity to modelling and go into detail on specific
methodological elements are explicit. For the development of this work,
three contributions were taken into account in particular:
Initially, Labarthe, Espinasse, Ferrarini, and Montreuil (2007) it proposes a
methodology based on agents applied to the case of a SC of the industry of
golf clubs, includes an experimental analysis by means of simulation, the
authors propose a methodology comprised of three levels (i) a conceptual
level, in which the real SC is modelled by means of domains and then refor-
mulated to agents approach resulting in a conceptual model, (ii) an
426 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
Figure 1 Palmira's baker supply chain
operational level which is developed a computational model known as op-
erational model, (iii) a level of exploitation, in which the simulation is car-
ried out based on scenarios.
Hernández, Alemany, Lario, and Poler (2009) presents the implementation
in a case study on one car CS, proposes a nine phased methodology that
considers the modeling AB and linear to support programming operational
planning in SC nine phrases are developed through three blocks of action
that are similar to those proposed by Labarthe, Espinasse, Ferrarini, and
Montreuil (2007): (i) conceptualization that corresponds to the identifica-
tion of the problem, conceptualization, and obtain parameters, (ii) model-
ing AB: beginning with the identification of main and intermediate agents
representation of behaviors and the conceptual model AB, (iii) the
application considers the development of the application and the final val-
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 427
Finally, Ivanov, Sokolov, and Kaeschel (2010) combined application of the
control theory, operations research and modeling AB on a methodology for
Adaptive SC. The authors consider different types of structures for decision-
making is the SC: products, functions, organization, technology, topology,
information and finances, the importance of this approach is the identify
relationships in operations resulting from the different types of structures.
The authors also present a methodology based on three phases: concep-
tual modeling, mathematical modelling and validation in simulation envi-
3 Case Study
The case study that analyzed in this work is composed of 80 companies in
the planning sector of the city of Palmira, Valle. The characterization of this
supply chain was carried out by members of the Group SEPRO (Society
Economy and Productivity) in previous stages of the research. Below I pre-
sent a summary of the current situation of these previous research-based
supply chain.
3.1 Description
Following is the supply chain based from three points of view, as it pro-
poses, (Cardenas, 2013) in its methodology.
3.1.1 Normative View
Organizational structure: From the raw material production to the final
consumption, the Palmira’s baker subsector supply chain is composed of
428 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
four levels: Supply, Distribution, Manufacture and Consumption; each level
conformed by only one actor (Figure 1), these actors interact with each
other with the goal to transform the resources into goods, and finally, dis-
tribute them to consumers.
Functional Structure: Based to the SCOR model the functional structure of
Palmira’s baker subsector supply chain is illustrated in the (Figure2), the
production process is simple, initially the suppliers supplied the input ma-
terials to produce the bread, this materials are dealer to the distribution
centers, later the bakeries buy these materials to the distribution centers
or directly to the suppliers, and then the bakers make bread and await that
the customers will buy bread.
Decisional Structure: In accordance with the classification of Chu and Leon
(2008), the Palmira’s baker subsector supply chain is a “private information
Figure 2 SCOR Model
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 429
system” in other words a system where the decision-making authority is
“decentralized” since no actor has authority to make decision for other ac-
tors in the system, and the access to information is “partial” because the
decision-makers has access to only limited information of the system (pri-
vate information). In this case there are no any decision structure, the deci-
sions are taken individually by each actor of the supply chain, and the par-
ticular benefit governs the system. This is related to the fact that neither
exists any informational structure.
General Polities: Although the decisions are taken individually by each ac-
tor of the supply chain, the suppliers have more influence than all other ac-
tors in the chain, because of them depends the supply of raw materials to
the other actors.
Applicable laws: The main control institution is the Secretary of Health,
who is responsible to inspect, evaluate and enforce the GMP (Good Manu-
facturing Practice) based on the decree 3075 of 1997.
3.1.2 Infrastructure View
The study area is located in Palmira, it is a city and municipality in south-
western Colombia in the Valle del Cauca Department, located about 30 km
east from Cali, the department's capital. The city covers an area of 1.160
square meters, and have about of 296.200 habitants, Chamber of Com-
merce (2011) distributed on 16 comunas of which 7 comunas are located in
the urban area. According to the official data supply by the Palmira’s Cham-
ber of Commerce, the city have 204 bakeries of which 80 bakeries partici-
pated in the study. We have the geographic position of each of the bakeries.
430 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
The suppliers and the distributors have wineries where they stored his
products; these wineries generally are leased by other people. The main
transportation means used in the supply chain are bike and motorcycle
however the suppliers and the big distributors use tucks.
Studied bakeries are located within the urban area of the city of Palmira,
where 96% are in the lower middle strata (2 and 3) and plants which de-
velop their activities are rented by 82%. However this sector providers,
have different locations designated as local, regional and national.
Transport of inputs and distribution of the finished products are made only
by land; for the transport of inputs used bicycle, motorcycle and bike trailer
for small distributors, while producers or larger distributors used vans for
transportation of inputs. Used labor is essentially technical.
Information infrastructure is basic, is limited to the use of means of tele-
phone communication between bread and distributors or producers, with-
out registration or support of such communication, use of additional media
such as the use of email, software or fax is not recorded.
Financial structure, within the supply chain transactions, there are basi-
cally two methods of payment. Cash payment and payment on credit, the
latter with greater presence in the bakeries of small size. There is no evi-
dence of electronic payments, or any other transaction.
3.1.3 Logistic View
Physical flow: The logistic flow from the raw materials to his transformation
in final product, happens from suppliers to the customers (see Figure 1), the
flow of raw materials begins with the producers, inputs flow water down
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 431
through dealers, to converge in bakeries, and finally reaching the final con-
sumer in the form of cakes and pastries from this level. There is no surge
while raw materials flow down the chain.
Information flow: The information flow about to the logistic operation be-
tween actors of the chain supply is completely null, the only information
that flows through the chain is related to the commercial exchange be-
tween the actors in the chain.
Financial flow: Opposite of logistic flow the financial flow happens from the
customers to the suppliers, the flow of money begins with the commercial
exchange between consumers and the bakery: consumers buy bread at the
bakers products, then money flows between the bakery and the distribu-
tors and sometimes between bakeries and producers: bakeries use part of
their profits in the purchase of the necessary inputs for manufacturing their
products to distributors or directly to producers Finally the money flows
between distributors and producers since distributors buy inputs to pro-
3.2 Results
The simulation platform is still a prototype. All the modules are pro-
grammed but still is phase of validation and verification. The next step is to
compare the simulated trip patterns with actual data from field research.
The results look very reasonable and promising. The model is capable of
describing trip patterns, predicting route choice and calculating effects on
accessibility and environment.
432 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
4 Computational Platform
In the last few years, the agent-based modeling (ABM) community has de-
veloped several practical agent based modeling platforms that enable in-
dividuals to understand each individual system separately supply chain or
transport system. However, real life does not works in this way, our ap-
proach is develop a platform that enable to logistic analyst to understand
the complete system.
4.1 Modeling
The platform proposed uses the multi-agent paradigm to model a supply
chain and her emerging transport system, in order to apply multi-agent sys-
tem tools to simulate supply chain management. A supply chain may be
defined as an integrated process wherein a number of various business en-
tities (suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers) work together
in an effort to: (1) acquire raw materials, (2) convert these raw materials
into specified final products, and (3) deliver these final products to retail-
ers. Following, we describes each one of the agents proposed to model un-
der study system.
4.1.1 Agent 1: Supplier
The objective of this agent is supply the demand of raw material of the pro-
ducer's agents, it only have direct relation with agents type 2. With the idea
of simplify the model, this agent is modelling like supplier with endless sup-
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 433
4.1.2 Agent 2: Producer
The objective of this agent is supply the demand of final product efficiently,
always with the idea of maximize its own profit, it is customer of agent 1 at
the same time it is supplier of the agent 3.
4.1.3 Agent 3: Retailer
The objective of this agent is supply the demand efficiently, at the right
time, in the required quantity and required quality. It is customer of agent
2 at the same time it is supplier of the agent 4.
4.1.4 Agent 3: Distributor
The objective of this agent is the keep finished product available for sale,
while it has already set a frequency with which the batches of production
will be carried out, must calculate how many products must be built and
put on sale, why it should consider the expected demand, available inputs
and the current inventory of finished product.
The assumptions that are handled for this agent are mainly three: (i) the
agent has a daily frequency of fixed and known production, (ii) the produc-
tion of finished products (breads) time is deterministic and known, (iii) the
agent boasts a daily demand according to the day and month.
4.2 Implementation
The computational framework for implementing the proposed strategy
consists of the following components: the computation control module,
434 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
Figure 3 Computational components
three models for exporting, scheduling and simulation, and the static data-
base feeds the system, as shown in (Figure 3). The computational control
module provides centralized computation management and control of in-
teractions with the other computational components. Its various func-
tional roles include:
1. Generation of deterministic demand forecasts and demand sce-
2. Generating/updating and releasing commands for executing the
planning, scheduling and simulation models.
3. Issuing commands for retrieving/recording in the databases.
4. Re-processing the outputs of planning and scheduling models as
inputs to scheduling and simulation models respectively.
5. Reporting the computation results.
The static database contains the information defining the case problem.
The data is saved in a Microsoft Excel Workbook file. One spreadsheets for
agent and inside of each spreadsheets, the data is categorized based on
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 435
their relevance and saved in its corresponding spreadsheets. The catego-
ries of the static data are as follows:
1. Quantities related: number of agents of each type, number of
product types, number of grades, number of packages, and num-
ber of processing units in each production facility, production ca-
2. Time related: length of simulation horizon, length of the horizon
and of each period in the planning and scheduling models.
3. Demand related: demand proportion of each product type, pack-
age ratio, proportion of regional demands, parameters for de-
mand patterns of each product.
4. Analysis related: number of iterations for the outer optimization
loop, convergence tolerance.
5. Extras: inventory cost, backlogging cost, safety stock shortage
cost, transportation cost, transportation time, initial safety stock
The output data records the computational results and provides the up-
dated output data. The following summarizes the information kept in this
the output database:
1. Current time related indices: current iteration number of the
outer loop, current iteration number of the Monte Carlo loop, cur-
rent simulation clock (date and time of the current point at a sim-
2. State variables: on-hand inventory levels, WIP at each processing
units at each agent, demands backlogged and products in transit,
436 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
which are updated at each scheduling time period as the simula-
tion proceeds.
3. Demand data: the deterministic demand forecast and the de-
mand scenarios.
The GIS and agent based simulation model is fully written in JAVA language
and support by different open source frameworks.
5 Conclusion
Transport and urban development projects are often a source of major con-
troversy, as they can generate significant benefits as well as difficulties for
various local actors. Methodologies are needed that can incorporate differ-
ent points of view in order to find sustainable solutions for transport, mo-
bility and logistics. Computational models can be used in the context of
complex transport-policy decisions, allowing all of the different stake-
holder perspectives to be taken into account and structuring the discussion
by assessing the relative weights of all the factors involved.
In urban contexts, freight transport is an important part of the local econ-
omy and employment and, at the same time, one link in a larger supply
chain. It is therefore important to look for solutions that fit in with urban
policy objectives and the commercial model of the supply chains. There-
fore, solutions require a combination of local policy, new technology and
varied logistics solutions.
There have been numerous attempts to improve the performance of urban
freight while simultaneously reducing its negative environmental impacts.
The results, however, have been disappointing, and most pilot projects
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 437
have not survived. This may be due to the fact that the solutions have been
designed and evaluated without taking into account the particular charac-
teristics of different city areas. A supply chain management approach may
be applied to urban freight transport where the complete process is taken
into consideration, emphasizing the role of customers as well as transport
The proposed model is a comprehensive approach to model freight trans-
portation in a way that systematically reflects the individual behavior of
freight agents. The model incorporates individual behaviors by considering
the largest influence of each freight agent at each stage. The model takes
into account the fundamentals of goods transport, which is consequence
of goods flowing through supply chains. Each agent is assumed to behave
rationally in freight transport activities (such as goods purchasing, carrier
and vehicle size selection, and vehicle routing) by trying to minimize his
own total costs in each activity. The proposed model was applied to ana-
lyze the freight transport in the Palmira city area. The results of model ap-
plication suggest the need follow working for models reflect reality more
accurately, this concept is very promising.
The proposed model for vehicle routing is still rather simple and considers
only the distribution purpose while pick-up purpose is not yet incorpo-
rated. Vehicle routing with time window constraint is also suggested for an
improvement of the model. The variations in the pattern vehicle routing are
needed to be considered in the future.
Multi Agent-based models in traffic and transport planning are still rela-
tively new, but have proven to provide more accurate and richer result sets,
although currently somewhat slower. That is, they are better reflections of
438 Pedro David Gutierrez Quijano
reality. Also, they are much more intuitive to understand and to validate,
an aspect often over looked in evaluating the quality of a model’s output.
Decision Support Platform for Urban Freight Transport 439
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in a mass customization context. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory(15),
Lebaron, B. (2000). Agent based computational finance: suggested readings and
early research. 1-20.
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Mansury, Y. (2002). Emerging Patterns in Tumor Systems: Simulating the Dynamics
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Supply Chain Security
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security
Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
This study characterizes and synthetizes reports that the US Government Accounta-
bility Office (GAO), an independent government watchdog organization, has pub-
lished on supply chain security (SCS) since 2005. The study follows a systematic and
transparent protocol for examining the 25 identified GAO documents. The document
review reveals benefits and drawbacks of US SCS policies, initiatives and regulations.
The findings allow contrasting of the US government’s approach to SCS to the one of
the European Commission. This comparison reveals differences and similarities in
supply chain security policies both sides of the Atlantic and allows the policy makers
to benchmark their approaches to supply chain security. The comparative analysis
also paves the road for further EU-US harmonization and mutual recognition of the
SCS programs. The study is part of European FP7-Project CORE.
Keywords: Supply Chain Security, Government Accountability Office,
Customs and Border Protection, FP7-CORE
444 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The terrorist attacks of September 11 in 2001 started a new era in the secu-
rity management and control of international trade and logistics networks.
The tragic events raised concerns, particularly among the policy and law
enforcement circles, about the possibility that terrorist organizations could
exploit global supply chains to move tools, materials and operatives across
borders. In the most alarming scenario, the terrorists would hide a weapon
of mass destruction in a shipping container and detonate it at its destina-
tion. Soon after the September 11 tragedy, the focus on supply chain secu-
rity shifted from theft prevention towards counter-terrorism (Lee and
Whang, 2005, pp. 289), and this change in the general mindset eventually
lead to introduction of a large number of new supply chain security (SCS)
programs, laws and regulations (Hintsa et al., 2009, pp. 346). However, the
problem with the new SCS initiatives was that they tended to disrupt free
trade and international flow of goods. In other words, due to the new secu-
rity regimes, it took now more time for shipments to travel through the
global supply chain. What is more, the delivery times did not only get longer
but also less reliable. And perhaps most importantly, the extra security in-
creased shipping costs.
Governments and the trading community soon recognized that securing
the supply chain without disrupting the cross-border flow of goods is to a
large extent a matter of regulatory harmonization and mutual recognition.
Back in early 2000’s and still today, incompatible security regimes force
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 445
traders and logistics actors to comply with a broad disarray of security re-
quirements (Grainger, 2011, pp. 39-40). In some cases, security controls are
redundant: even if security checks are done in one country, the same con-
trols must be redone in one or more countries along the international sup-
ply chain. The regulatory harmonization and recognition of one another’s
security controls would help to rationalize security processes throughout
the international supply chains.
1.2 Post-2001 Supply Chain Security in the US
Ever since 2001, the US government has taken strong efforts to strengthen
the security of the US-bound supply chain. The US Customs and Border Pro-
tection (CBP) launched a voluntary Customs-Trade Partnership Against
Terrorism (C-TPAT) to engage the business community in the fight against
terrorism. Not long after this precursor program, a stream of other SCS ini-
tiatives followed, most notably the Container Security Initiative (CSI) and
the Known Shipper Program. At the same time, the US government mod-
ernized its regulatory framework in areas of air cargo security, maritime se-
curity and customs security.
The US government has naturally been very interested in monitoring effec-
tiveness and efficiency of its SCS initiatives, and the impact of the security
initiatives on the cross-border flow of goods. The US Government Account-
ability Office (GAO) has taken a major role in overseeing the US SCS initia-
tives. On its website, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) char-
acterizes itself as “an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Con-
gress.” Colloquially speaking, GAO is a government watchdog organization
with a mission of ensuring efficient use of US taxpayers’ dollars. In fiscal
446 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
year 2014, GAO had a budget of $543,6 million, and it employed around
3000 people. The organization proclaims that at every dollar invested in
GAO saves 100 dollars of the US taxpayers’ money. Indeed, over the past
ten years, GAO has produced a rather impressive library of independent,
objective and open reports and testimonies on various US SCS initiatives.
The quality of the GAO documents appears high: each report draws on the
best possible information set available, whether it is a set of interviews, sta-
tistics or survey data.
The GAO reports comprise a unique body of SCS knowledge and experience
that helps us to understand many benefits, drawbacks and development
opportunities of most of the SCS initiatives that the US government has in-
troduced. This information also allows foreign governments to better un-
derstand innovations and mistakes of the US programs and apply the les-
sons’ learned when they launch or update their own SCS programs. The
GAO information is especially useful for the European Union (EU) that runs
many similar SCS programs than the US government. Besides, the GAO re-
ports’ detailed descriptions of the US SCS initiatives help policy-makers in
other countries to see what it takes to align and harmonize requirements
of their own and the US initiatives. Understanding the similarities and dif-
ferences between the programs set the basis for mutual recognition of SCS
Given the uniqueness and relevance of the GAO information for the policy-
making in the EU, this study reviews reports that the US Government Ac-
countability Office has published on supply chain security since 2005. This
review seeks to identify drawbacks and benefits of the US SCS programs,
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 447
and contrast them against their counterparts in the EU. Formally stated,
this study addresses following research question.
RQ: What can the EU supply chain security learn from the GAO’s publica-
2 Research Methods
To carry out this review study, our research team respected the two main
principles of the so-called systematic literature review (SLR) methodology:
transparency and accountability (Tranfield et al. 2003). Our analysis, how-
ever, differed from the purist approach to the systematic literature review
by focusing only on one body of literature, the GAO reports and testimo-
nies, instead of exploring the full range of academic, governmental and
business studies on the topic. Before engaging in the document reviews,
our team devised an eight-step analysis procedure to extract relevant in-
formation from to-be-reviewed GAO documents. The team also agreed on
system for documenting and archiving the review findings.
Next, after defining the common rules for doing the review, the team
searched for suitable GAO documents to be reviewed by executing online
inquiries with major academic and non-academic search engines and by
visiting the GAO’s official website. The team applied two inclusion criteria
for the candidate GAO publications, which number totaled around 300 tes-
timonies and reports. The documents had to discuss supply chain security
or closely associated themes such as trade facilitation, and they had to
been published in 2005 or later. The reason why we did not consider docu-
ments, that were older than ten years, was our intention to avoid reviewing
448 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
obsoleted documents and outdated information. After the team had iden-
tified the initial pool of documents, individual members of the team had an
opportunity to suggest some additional GAO documents for the review that
had escaped the initial search. The final sample of GAO documents ended
up being 24 reports and testimonies.
The research team also agreed on an eight-step protocol for describing and
analyzing the review documents (table 1 below). Besides basic citation in-
formation, the protocol instructed document reviewers to summary the
document, examine the document using the common SWOT strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats framework, and to link review find-
ings with the FP7-Project CORE work packages and demonstrations. In es-
sence, the protocol guided the document reviewers to pay attention to the
same issues, and facilitated the team to produce consistent and compara-
ble document reviews that later enabled writing of quality cross-analyses
and summaries.
Table 1 The 8-steps of the review protocol
1. Basic citation of the document; and document availa-
2. Summary of the document, including overall relevance
for CORE
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 449
3. Classification / keywords / navigation / tags for the
4. Brief analysis, e.g. in “SWOT
-style” (strengths, weak-
nesses, opportunities,
threats) if available either in lit-
erature or in your own work
If available
5. More detailed analysis of relevance for CORE, on WP /
Task / Deliverable level
Nice to
6. Cross
-referencing between two or more documents
Nice to
7. Anticipation
whether CORE could have an impact on
the future versions of this document
Nice to
8. Full citation of the document, following Emerald
Nice to
The document reviews produced 24 written document summaries, each of
which follows the structure of the 8-step review protocol. As most of the
reviews are too long to be included in this paper, the table 2 below presents
a three-step excerpt of one GAO document review. The headline of the table
shows the full citation details of the reviewed document. The main body of
text summarizes the document (step 2) and elaborates its relevance to the
CORE project (step 3). In particular, the analysis highlights that CORE’s
450 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
work on risk management and awareness building benefit from the insights
the reviewed GAO document describes. The full, eight-step analyses are five
pages long on average, so due to the space constraints, we illustrate only
the protocol’s three most consequential steps in the table below.
Table 2 Example of two first steps of a GAO document review
SUPPLY CHAIN SECURITY - DHS Could Improve Cargo Security by Period-
ically Assessing Risks from Foreign Ports, GAO
This GAO report reviews maritime supply ch
ain security programs
that the Department of Homeland Security and its component
mainly the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the
Coast Guard
have implemented since 2001. The report examines (1)
the extent to which DHS has assessed ris
k levels of foreign ports and al-
located security resources accordingly and (2) activities DHS has taken
to monitor and improve efficiency and effectiveness of its security initi-
atives. Drawing on numerous interviews of key stakeholders and exam-
ination of k
ey documents, the report recommends CBP to consider ex-
pansion of its Container Security Initiative (CSI) into new ports based on
a periodic risk assessment of foreign ports. The report also highlights
opportunities for further harmonization of the US marit
ime security ini-
tiatives with their foreign counterparts through mutual recognition
agreements. Since this report contains fundamental information about
the US maritime security programs, many CORE work packages are
likely to benefit from the insights this
report provides. Especially, the
demonstrations, which involve ocean shipping, as well as the risk clus-
ter, can use this information to support and guide their work.
Detailed analysis of relevance for CORE: The report provides a compre-
hensive outlook on
the US maritime supply chain security initiatives that
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 451
the DHS and its component agencies mainly CBP and Coast Guard
have implemented since 2001. The report features some interesting fig-
ures that map the security initiatives on the global supply chain
and that
illustrate current solutions the US government employs to screen and
examine US
-bound shipping containers. The CORE’s demonstrations
that involve maritime shipping are likely to benefit from the information
this report provides. Also the risk clus
ter can use the information, and
especially the mapping of the US maritime security initiatives over the
global supply chain, to design risk
-based, layered approaches to mari-
time supply chain security. The education cluster can also reuse the con-
tents of t
his report to produce relevant and informative training mate-
rial for various supply chain stakeholders that are involved in the sea-
borne trade and logistics.
3 Analysis
3.1 Descriptive overview of GAO reports
The final review sample comprises 24 GAO documents. Of these docu-
ments, nine are testimonies (37,5%), and the remaining fifteen are reports
(62,5%). The testimonies are formal statements addressed to one or more
Congressional policy-making bodies, and which contents and recommen-
dations are based primarily on earlier, more technical GAO reports.
Each of the GAO documents has a headline theme that is announced in the
document’s name with capital letters. The headline themes, as illustrated
in the Figure 1 below, give a general summary of the topics that the GAO
documents address, and they also indirectly hint about priorities of the US
452 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
government's SCS priorities. The most significant themes are supply chain
security (38%), maritime security (33%) and aviation security (13%). More
narrow topics transportation security administration, transportation se-
curity, and transportation security information sharing and port security
grant program were the headline themes in one reviewed GAO document
only. It is surprising, however, that none of the GAO documents discuss se-
curity in the context of road or rail transport. It would be reasonable if fu-
ture GAO research or studies by other organizations addressed also these
currently neglected modes of transport. Also, the existing GAO reports
largely overlook important supply chain security themes such as cyber se-
curity and supply chain resilience. This statistics is visualized in figure 1 be-
Figure 1 Statistics on the GAO document headline themes
0.0 %
5.0 %
10.0 %
15.0 %
20.0 %
25.0 %
30.0 %
35.0 %
40.0 %
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 453
The GAO documents are often addressed to a particular policy-making au-
dience. Most of the reviewed GAO reports were addressed for “Congres-
sional Requesters” in general. Testimonies, in turn, were often addressed
for specific working groups and committees of the U.S Senate and the
House of Representatives, for example the Committee on Homeland Secu-
rity, the Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Com-
mittee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.
Table 3 Recommendation type
Information management
Risk assessment
Performance monitoring
Cost-benefit analysis
Resource planning
Feasibility assessment
Compliance monitoring
Updating of plans
Improved scanning
454 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
The GAO reports and testimonies give many recommendations for various
US government agencies. These recommendations are the key instruments
for GAO to promote its mission that is to “the audit, evaluation, and inves-
tigative arm of Congress, exists to support Congress in meeting its consti-
tutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and account-
ability of the federal government for the American people.” The table 3 lists
main types of recommendations that the GAO provide. Most often, the re-
ports urge the US agencies to improve their processes for collecting, re-
cording, analyzing and making use of information. The recommendations
on information management also urge the agencies to collaborate more
actively with one another and with their foreign fellow organizations. The
second most common theme of the GAO recommendations is the risk as-
sessment that includes identification of risk, evaluation of their likelihoods
and impacts and assessment of overall vulnerabilities in the supply chain.
Many of the reviewed reports also highlight the need to establish and im-
prove indicators, measurements and procedures for monitoring perfor-
mance of security initiatives. Related to the overall performance monitor-
ing, many of the reports urge the US agencies to carry out cost-benefit and
feasibility analyzes of governmental security investments. Resource plan-
ning and periodic revision of plans was also considered important area of
improvement by the GAO documents. Important yet less commonly pro-
posed recommendations consider calls for improved scanning technolo-
gies and more stringent and common compliance monitoring.
When the research team selected the GAO reports for this review, they de-
cided to include all supply chain security reports that the organization has
published in 2005 or later. Despite this scoping decision, in the final sample
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 455
of 24 articles, all reports and testimonies have been published after 2006.
The oldest article dates back to 2007, and the newest one has been pub-
lished in January 2015. Otherwise, the rest of the articles have been pub-
lished relatively evenly over the years. The figure 2 below illustrates the dis-
tribution of the 24 reviewed articles over the past ten years. We see that
many of the GAO documents are relatively old. Therefore, the SCS commu-
nity would benefit from a more recent, up-to-date analyses of the initia-
tives. Therefore, EU funded supply chain security projects, such as the FP7
CORE, might choose to update the obsoleted documentation and this way
increase the project’s impact on SCS policy making and practice.
Figure 2 Publishing years of the 24 reviewed articles
456 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
3.2 Analytical Findings
The 24 reviewed GAO documents discuss a broad variety of US SCS initia-
tives. Many of these initiatives share similarities with the equivalent EU ini-
tiatives, and thus the EU policy-makers and authorities should at least con-
sider whether the GAO recommendations could be applied in the EU con-
text as well. This section shows connections between equivalent SCS pro-
grams in the US and in the EU and summarizes main recommendations that
might be reasonable to put into effect on the both sides of the Atlantic.
Readers who are interested in learning more about technicalities of the dis-
cussed SCS programs are advised to visit online sites of the US homeland
security and European Commision. These online sources provide a large ar-
ray of documentation on past and ongoing SCS initiatives.
Ocean-going vessels carry around 80% of the world’s cargo by volume and
70% by value (UNCTAD, 2014), so it is not a surprise that the importance of
the sea transport for the global cargo flows has attracted wide interest in
maritime supply chain security both in the US and in the EU. Today, the US
maritime security scheme comprises a set of security layers that are de-
signed to mitigate the risk of maritime-related terrorist attacks. One key
component in the US maritime security is the Advanced Targeting System
(ATS), a risk assessment tool that calculates risk scores for US-bound mari-
time shipping containers and selects those containers that should be in-
spected for contraband at foreign ports or at the US destination upon arri-
val. The ATS uses an advance cargo information data (ACI), that carriers and
importers submit to the CBP according to the 24-hour rule and 10 + 2 Im-
porter Security Filing requirement, to calculate the risk levels. The equiva-
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 457
lent risk assessment scheme is in place in the EU as well, though the target-
ing is carried out by member states and the ACI dataset is submitted as part
of the entry (or exit) summary declarations, before the goods enter (or
leave) the EU customs security area (EU-28, Switzerland and Norway). The
GAO reports suggest that the US CBP should update the weight set that the
organization uses to calculate the risk scores, periodically, based on results
of the most recent risk assessment. The reports also proposes that the CBP
would create performance metrics to check effectiveness of the risk target-
ing efforts and to clarify rules that lead to waiving of container inspections
at foreign ports. The table 4 below illustrates the US and EU programs on
advance cargo information and targeting and related GAO recommenda-
Table 4 Advance cargo information and targeting
US program
EU program
Main GAO
Advance Targeting
System (ATS)
based on 24
rule and 10 + 2
porter Security Fil-
National risk as-
sessment sys-
tems based on
Entry summary
Ensure that future updates to the
weight set are based on assess-
ments of its performance
Establish targets for performance
measures and use those
measures to regu
larly assess ef-
fectiveness of the weight set
Clarify, harmonize and enforce
the rules and the procedures for
waiving the high
-risk containers
from examination
458 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
The advanced cargo information and the targeting highlights those ship-
ping containers that require scanning with non-intrusive imagining tech-
nologies (colloquially referred as “X-rays”), radiation detection measures,
or both. This scanning targets primarily radioactive and radiological weap-
ons or material that could be used for terrorism on the US soil. The US has
been rather active in setting up new counter-terrorism maritime security
programs that involve scanning of shipping containers. The CBP did launch
its first counter-terrorism container screening program, the Container Se-
curity Initiative, in January 2002. The vision of this program was to screen
high-risk US-bound shipping containers for terrorist threats already at for-
eign ports. The US Department of Homeland Security also rolled out the
Secure Freight Initiative (SFI) to screen a higher percentage of US-bound
containers with the non-intrusive imagining technologies and the radiation
detectors at foreign ports. SFI has been operational in six foreign ports
since early 2007. At the ultimate program, as part of the “Implementing rec-
ommendations of the 9/11 Commission act of 2007,” the US Congress re-
quired scanning every US-bound maritime container at the last foreign
port. This 100% scanning legislation has been considered unfeasible by the
trading community and by many foreign governments, and the Congress
has already postponed its implementation two times. It is important to
note that while the US has been active in promoting their maritime security
scheme internationally, the EU has not established any major programs for
screening EU-bound containers in foreign ports. To sum up, the table 5 be-
low summarizes the US container screening programs and recommenda-
tions that the GAO reports propose to improve them.
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 459
Table 5 Maritime container screening
US program
EU program
Main GAO
Secure Freight In-
Conduct periodic risk assess-
ment in foreign ports
Container Secu-
rity Initiative
Revise staffing model
Improve collection of process
information (e.g., performance
of scanning teams)
performance criteria
Conduct periodic risk assess-
ment of foreign ports
100% scanning
Conduct feasibility study
Another important theme in the GAO documentation is air cargo security.
The reviewed documents highlight the importance of establishing volun-
tary secure supply chain programs, which would allow air cargo operators
to move security screening away from congested airports towards the up-
stream of the air cargo supply chain. The US Known Shipper and Certified
Cargo Screening Programs (CCSP) are fundamentally similar to the Euro-
pean Known Consignor (KC), Account Consignor (AC) and Regulated Agent
(RA) air cargo security programs. The both concepts aim to ensure that air
460 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
cargo originates from a trusted source and it travels to the airport through
trusted logistics middlemen and that the cargo gets screened by certified
screening operators. The GAO documents recommend (GAO, 2007; GAO,
2008b) US air cargo operators to improve security screening through better
technology and procedures and to step up compliance monitoring of certi-
fied air cargo operators.
Another topical theme in the air cargo sector is the security of inbound
cargo that comes from foreign countries. The problem in ensuring ade-
quate security for the inbound cargo is that authorities cannot easily verify
and enforce that security procedures are being carried out up to a satisfac-
tory standard in foreign jurisdictions. To remedy this problem, both the US
and EU legislators have been introducing new legal frameworks that force
airlines, that operate from abroad into their jurisdictions, to comply with
their security rules. Regulating the airlines avoids the problem of imposing
rules directly on sovereign governments and meddling with their national
legislations. In the EU, the law for ensuring adequate security of inbound
air cargo is called ACC3 (Air Cargo or Mail Carrier operating into the Union
from a Third Country Airport), and this piece of legislation was introduced
as part of the amendment Regulation 1082/2012 of the EU Regulation
185/2010. The legal basis of the equivalent US legislation for screening in-
bound air cargo is the “Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Com-
mission Act.” The GAO reports recommend the US authorities to establish
a risk-based air cargo screening strategy that would facilitate screening op-
erators to identify high-risk shipments and assign them to more thorough
screening. The reports also propose that the US authorities would increase
both frequency and stringency of compliance monitoring activities that
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 461
seek to ensure that the air cargo industry complies with the legal require-
ments. The table 6 below lists the main air cargo security programs and
presents recommendations that the GAO documents propose to improve
Supply chain security is fundamentally about collaboration between gov-
ernment agencies and the trading community. Put it simple, companies
generally ship and move cargo, and the governmental actors enforce that
the companies comply with necessary security and other regulations.
Table 6 Secure supply chain programs
US program
EU program
Main GAO
Known Shipper /
Certified Cargo
gram (CCSP)
Known Con-
signor (KC) /
Account Con-
signor (AC) /
agents (RAs)
Improve screening
Step up compliance monitoring
100% screening
of inbound air
Establish a risk
-based air cargo
security strategy
Improve interagency communi-
tion nationally
Step up compliance monitoring
of foreign air cargo industry’s
462 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
Especially the US government has been very active in encouraging the busi-
ness sector to strengthen voluntarily the security of their supply chains. The
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has been running its security-cen-
tric AEO program, Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT),
since November 2001. As part of the program, the CBP promises faster and
simpler customs formalities for companies that agree to implement a set
of voluntary security controls. Being the first operational AEO program, the
C-TPAT has been an example for many subsequent AEO programs: for ex-
ample, the EU AEO, the Canadian Partners In Protection (PIP), Secure Ex-
ports Scheme in New Zealand, and the Jordanian Golden List Programme.
The GAO reports essentially recommend that the US CBP would improve its
processes for validating and revalidating C-TPAT applicants and current
members of the program. The reports also highlight the importance of set-
ting up formal performance measures for assessing the degree of compli-
ance with the C-TPAT requirements. The Table 7 below shows recommen-
dations that GAO documents (GAO, 2008a; GAO, 2008d) propose for improv-
ing the C-TPAT government-business supply chain security program.
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 463
Table 7 Authorized Economic Operator programs
US program
EU program
Main GAO
Improve the process of validat-
ing security practices of C
Develop performance
4 Discussion
The GAO reports raise many concerns regarding performance monitoring
and auditing of the US SCS initiatives, and this emphasis could be seen as
an incentive for the EU officials to check their approaches in these critical
areas. Moreover, the information of the GAO documents set a solid basis for
transatlantic harmonization of SCS regulations and programs. There are
many SCS initiatives both sides of the Atlantic that seek to achieve the same
security objectives. For example, both the European Commission and the
US government run their own security-centric authorized economic pro-
grams, EU AEO-S and C-TPAT respectively. There are also quite similar se-
curity programs on air cargo security, and the US and EU authorities could
look for ways to align these programs in terms of security requirements,
renewal periods and training to align their Known Shipper, Known Con-
signor and Certified Cargo Screening programs.
464 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
The GAO reports highlight the importance of avoiding certain mistakes that
the US SCS initiatives have made in the past. Most important lesson to learn
is that it is often critical to involve relevant industries when designing new
regulations and to get their buy-in, at least at some level, before forcing
companies to comply with new security requirements. The US 100 percent
scanning requirement is an archetypal example of a security regulation to
which the US government has been spending a great deal of money and
effort only to achieve mediocre impact: the legislation is still pending, and
most likely, it will never become operational due to the fierce criticism from
the trading industry, port operators and foreign governments.
The thoroughness of the GAO analyzes imply that the recommendations
that the reports suggest are reliable and justified. These recommendations
highlight issues that the US SCS programs have encountered, and thus the
recommendations might prove useful also for EU authorities that run simi-
lar SCS programs than their US colleagues.
Having said all this, the EU policy-makers should still remain skeptical
about the applicability of the GAO recommendations in the EU context.
Sometimes differences between seemingly equivalent security programs
exist, and these differences justify if not require different approaches to
managing the programs. For example, the EU member states do not always
share the US views on security risks and threats. From the European per-
spective, some of the US counter-terrorism initiatives, most notably the 100
percent scanning legislation, seem excessive and disproportionate to the
risks they seek to address. Besides the perceptual differences, also the re-
view methodology sets some limits to the validity and the generalizability
of the findings. First of all, many of the GAO documents are relatively old,
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 465
and they thus may contain obsolete information about the US SCS initia-
Bottom line, the review team found that the GAO documents are not only
highly relevant for SCS management and governance but also of high qual-
ity. In the EU, there are no similar independent watchdog organizations
that would review SCS practices across the member states and suggest im-
provements for more efficient and effective use of government spending on
SCS. Given the high relevance of the GAO reports, we therefore recommend
the EU to consider establishing a quality assurance body equivalent to the
GAO and to mandate this body to undertake periodic reviews on the EU’s
SCS programs. If this new auditing body had qualified experts onboard, it
could also take care of evaluation of scientific quality of the many SCS re-
search projects that the European Commission is funding. The table 8 sum-
marizes the key findings and arguments of this discussion section.
466 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
Table 8 Summary of discussion
What GAO reports
and testimonies offer
How EU policy mak-
ing can benefit from
the GAO reports and
Possible benefits
Detailed analysis of
US SCS initiatives
and programs
Understand similari-
ties and differences
of SCS programs
both sides of the At-
Alignment of C
and EU AEO
Further harmoniza-
tion of air cargo secu-
rity regimes
for improving SCS
Consider relevancy
of the recommenda-
tions in the EU con-
Learn from US mis-
takes and successes
Evidence of high
quality government
Consider establish-
equivalent qual-
ity assurance body in
the EU
Periodic, independent
assessments EU’s se-
curity programs
Better oversight of
EU’s research projects
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 467
5 Conclusions and recommendations
The review of the GAO documents leads to some interesting findings. We
found that the reviewed documents focus primarily on maritime and air
cargo security, and that they largely overlook rail and road modes of
transport. The air and maritime domains no doubt merit a great deal of at-
tention, but we nevertheless recommend future GAO studies to investigate
security challenges in road and road transportation, as well. The reviewed
sample of GAO documents also neglects cyber security and supply chain
resiliency, two increasingly relevant themes in the practice and theory of
the modern-day SCS. We therefore recommend that GAO researchers and
political entities, that assign studies to GAO, would address these themes
in more detail in near future. Many GAO documents have also been pub-
lished years ago, so there is an apparent need to update the contents of
many GAO reports, especially in the area of air cargo security, a domain that
has been subject to a relatively recent regulatory reforms (e.g., the regula-
tion 185/2010 of the European Commission).
Moreover, given the high quality and relevancy of the GAO documentation
to the SCS practice and theory, the EU might consider establishing a similar
watchdog organization to assess effectiveness and efficiency of the SCS
programs and SCS projects in the EU. The GAO documents provide, at least
for the most part, first class analysis and propose warranted recommenda-
tions for improving US SCS programs. Because many of the US programs
have their counterparts in the EU (e.g., the EU AOE is the equivalent of the
US C-TPAT), and because similar programs most likely encounter similar
problems at the both sides of the Atlantic, it would be useful for EU officials
to study recommendations that the GAO reports propose and consider
468 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
whether it makes sense to put some of the recommendations in practice in
the EU. The recommendations urge authorities, for example, to improve
their information management practices, compliance monitoring, perfor-
mance monitoring and risk-based decision-making. For instance, stepping
up the compliance monitoring of the EU Authorized Economic Operator
(AEO) program would allow border control agencies to put more trust on
certified AEO companies and facilitate their cross-border trade. The risk-
based decision-making holds a great promise for improving air cargo secu-
rity screening without slowing down the speed of this time-critical mode of
transport: if we were able to identify high-risk cargo, based for example
analysis of rudimentary shipping information (e.g., sender, receiver and de-
clared contents), we could subject high-risk shipments to stringent security
controls and facilitate screening of low-risk cargo. Most importantly, under-
standing the GAO description of the US programs and the associated rec-
ommendations is crucial for a variety of EU regulators and policy-makers
so that they can pursue further US-EU regulatory harmonization and mu-
tual recognition of SCS programs. In particular, further harmonization
could be achieved in air cargo security domain between the US certified
screening program and the EU’s security supply chain concept (covering
Known Consignors, Account Consignors and Regulated Agents), at least in
the areas of compliance monitoring and training. Also further harmoniza-
tion of trusted trader programs, the US C-TPAT and the EU AEO, would
lower security-related red tape and barriers for trade and logistics.
The review findings have some implications to the FP7-CORE. By address-
ing the overlooked themes and updating the obsolete GAO documenta-
tion, the CORE consortium could increase the project’s impact on the SCS
A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 469
policy making and practice. Those reviewed documents that deal with cy-
bercrime and cyber security, clearly indicate that supply chain actors
should pay more and more attention on the security of their ICT-based sys-
tems and communications. For this apparent reason, the CORE demonstra-
tions might choose to include more elements of cyber security.
This paper results from the CORE Project, which has received funding from
the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission, under
Grant Agreement No. 603993. Ideas and opinions expressed by the authors
do not necessarily represent those of all partners.
470 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
Government Accountability Office, 2007. Federal Efforts to Secure U.S.-Bound Air
Cargo Are in the Early Stages and Could Be Strengthened, Aviation Security.
Washington: GAO.
Government Accountability Office, 2008a. CBP Works with International Entities to
Promote Global Customs Security Standards and Initiatives, but Challenges Re-
main, Supply Chain Security. Washington: GAO.
Government Accountability Office, 2008b. Transportation Security Administration
Has Strengthened Planning to Guide Investments in Key Aviation Security Pro-
grams, but More Work Remains, Aviation Security. Washington: GAO.
Government Accountability Office, 2008c. Examinations of High- Risk Cargo at For-
eign Seaports Have Increased, but Improved Data Collection and Performance
Measures Are Needed, Supply Chain Security. Washington: GAO.
Government Accountability Office, 2008d. U.S. Customs and Border Protection Has
Enhanced Its Partnership with Import Trade Sectors, but Challenges Remain in
Verifying Security Practices, Supply Chain Security. Washington: GAO.
Government Accountability Office, 2009a. Vessel Tracking Systems Provide Key In-
formation, but the Need for Duplicate Data Should Be Reviewed, Maritime Secu-
rity. Washington: GAO.
Government Accountability Office, 2009b. Feasibility and Cost-Benefit Analysis
Would Assist DHS and Congress in Assessing and Implementing the Require-
ment to Scan 100 Percent of U.S.-Bound Containers, Supply Chain Security.
Washington: GAO.
Government Accountability Office, 2010a. DHS Progress and Challenges in Key Ar-
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Government Accountability Office, 2011a. Risk Model, Grant Management, and Ef-
fectiveness Measures Could Be Strengthened, Port Security Grant Program.
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A Decade of GAO’s Supply Chain Security Oversight 471
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Needed to Secure the Maritime Energy Supply, Maritime Security. Washington:
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472 Toni Männistö and Juha Hintsa
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Supply Chain Security: Survey on Law Enforce-
ment Agencies' Training Needs
Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
This paper studies of the types of training material which needs to be developed to
order to help law enforcement fight crime more effectively in the context of interna-
tional supply chains. The research is based on a survey of law enforcement officials
and policy makers, concerned education and training matters. The results of this
study highlight areas of supply chain security where the global law enforcement
community may need new training material and information most urgently. Despite
the fact that the relatively small and diverse sample size limits the validity and gen-
eralizability, the findings of this study help to design priorities, methods and target
audiences for future law enforcement training programs. Over time, addressing
these identified training needs makes the law enforcement community more able to
prevent, detect and investigate supply chain crimes such as cargo theft, trafficking,
and terrorism. The study also complements the limited body of empirical research
on supply chain security and contributes to the theory of supply chain security by
showing how law enforcement agencies perceive supply chain crime and the types
of security solutions which they consider most useful for fighting it.
Keywords: Supply Chain Security, Law Enforcement Agencies, Training Needs,
474 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
1 Introduction
This paper describes the design and piloting of a training needs survey for
law enforcement on the topic of supply chain security. It took place in rela-
tion to the CORE Project, the world's largest supply chain security research
project, funded through the European Unions' Seventh Frame-work Pro-
gram. One aspect of the CORE Project seeks to disseminate its findings to
key stakeholders by way of the development of education and training ma-
Knowing that law enforcement authorities are potentially important stake-
holders in supply chain security matters, the project proposes to develop
tailored training materials for this audience. The overall aim of this exercise
is to enhance law enforcement capacity to prevent and investigate crimes
linked to global supply chains.
First, we review the available literature on the subject of adult learning gen-
erally, and then on adult learning in law enforcement contexts in particular.
We then provide a brief overview of the literature available on the subject
of supply chain security. We explain the ways in which these bodies of work
influenced the design of the survey.
The paper then discusses in detail the survey design, explaining in turn
each question which was included in the survey. Subsequently, we dis-cuss
the results of the survey based on the responses derived from con-ducting
the survey at the LE TrainNet Meeting (Networking Meeting of the Law En-
forcement training institutions) which took place in Baku, Azerbaijan, 28-
29 April 2015.
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 475
2 Literature Review
2.1 Adult Learning
The study of adult learning as an academic discipline has gained increased
interest in recent decades.
Knowles (1973), a key proponent of adult learning theory, is credited with
revitalizing the use of the term 'andraogy,' as the equivalent of pedagogy
for adults, revived from a term employed in Germany as early as 1833.
Working within a humanistic framework, Knowles' work around andragogy
revolves around the notion of adults as being autonomous, self-directed
learners whose acquisition of knowledge is facilitated by teachers or train-
ers. Knowles put forward a number of principles of adult learning, stating
that: adults are self-motivated and self-directed, adults bring their life ex-
periences and knowledge to their experiences of learning, adults have a
readiness to learn, and are relevancy-oriented and practical in terms of
their learning.
Fidishun (2000) further put forward the premise that adult learners have a
great deal of agency in their learning, and that they are resistant to learning
when they feel that the information is being imposed on them. The Baku
survey takes heed of this principle, by asking the audience to identify their
own precise training needs.
Brookfield (1995) explored four key areas of research in adult learning
which together compose a central body of work for adult learning theory.
Firstly, the notion of self-directed learning is critical to adult learning the-
ory, whereby adult learners seek out their own learning goals and resources
and play an active part in evaluating their progress. Secondly, he raises the
476 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
point of critical reflection, knowing that adults approach learning with crit-
ical thinking, paying careful attention to context. Thirdly, Brookfield notes
a convergence towards establishing experiential learning as a central tenet
of adult learning, given that making reference to real-life adult experiences
give meaning to the processes of learning. Finally, he consolidates the lit-
erature around the process of 'learning to learn' in adults. This focusses on
the notion that adult learners take ownership and interest in the process
by which they acquire knowledge, such as taking the time to understand
their own learning styles and patterns, with a view to optimizing their own
cognitive acquisition of knowledge.
Houle (1961) developed a typology for different kinds of adult learners, ar-
riving at three broad categories: goal-oriented (those seeking to achieve
specific objectives), activity-oriented (those who partake in learning in or-
der to derive meaning from the social circumstances) and learning-ori-
ented (those who seek learning for the sake of learning). The main impact
of this for the Baku survey was that there is clearly no 'one-size-fits-all' so-
lution for adult learning, just as there is no single profile for an adult
learner. Thus, in Q4 of the survey (which addresses learning methods) it was
important to suggest a range of options and not privilege one type of
learner over another.
2.2 Adult Learning, for Law Enforcement Authorities
There exists a great deal of literature on the topic of effective strategies for
adult education, and a smaller but consolidated body of literature on effec-
tive training for law enforcement authorities.
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 477
In applying Knowles principles of andragogy to police training concepts,
Vodde (2012) establishes six constructs for structuring effective police
training, as follows:
1. Institutional and instructional philosophy - should reflect the mis-
sion statement of the police institution.
2. Affective orientation: climate, tone and environment - creating a
learning environment which challenges yet nurtures police train-
3. Self-concept and self-directedness - recognizing the role of indi-
vidual autonomy in police training activities.
4. Integration and facilitation of curriculum - training curricula
should respect the interlinked and inter-related nature of the sub-
jects it covers.
5. Application and integration of experiential learning - police train-
ing should provide opportunities for exercising new skills in prac-
tical environments.
6. Stress and discipline - principles of accountability and hierarchy
should be worked in to training activities, whilst still fostering an
environment of mutual trust and respect.
Thus when devising the Baku survey, it was important to select learning
methods which work within these themes and are accepted to be effective
for law enforcement training generally. The main themes which were
picked up on were: constructivism and problem-based learning, lifelong
learning and flexibility, and construction of knowledge as a social process.
Each of these will be detailed below, with an explanation of the way in
which they were incorporated into the Baku survey.
478 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
2.2.1 Constructivism and Problem-based Learning
Firstly, it is widely established that training for law enforcement is most ef-
fective when it is hands-on, practical and with direct applications to the
daily work of officers. Working within this framework, the value of using
constructivism to view police training and education can be underscored.
Constructivism, whereby meaning is generated from interactions with oth-
ers, can be a useful lens through which to view police training, as it implies
the effective identification of problems whilst planning for the resolution of
these problems in real-life environments. According to Goldstein (1990,
quoted in Glasgow and Lepatski, 2012): effective policing consists of proper
recognition and research of "problems" and planning to try and solve those
problems. Problem-based learning is thus a highly-effective strategy for
use in police training.
Constructivism and problem-based learning centralises the learner as the
makers of meaning and knowledge, and brings together problem solving
and free discovery in order to assist in the development of a learners' ability
to solve real-life problems. For this reason, the Baku survey invoked the
possibility of using problem-based learning, practical exercises and
2.2.2 Lifelong Learning and Flexibility
The importance of lifelong learning, closely correlated with the knowledge
and skills needs of the workplace has been underscored by a number of
theorists. Lieb (1999) noted that training programmes for adults should
take into account the fact that, unlike child learners, train-ing constitutes a
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 479
commitment of time and/or resources, knowing that adults are often heav-
ily committed elsewhere in terms of their profes-sional and family lives. As
a consequence, a number of theorists have cautioned that programmes for
adult learning must be flexible, adaptable and sensitive to the particular
needs and constraints of the adult learner. Davis et al (2004) outlined an
infrastructure for online learning: "once developed, any infrastructure
must be able to evolve in order to accommodate changing student needs,
technologies and curricula."
In the case of law enforcement, there is a strong potential for the applica-
tion of lifelong learning as there is a clear need for training to be frequent,
repeated and constantly updated in order to match the ever-evolving
needs of the profession. Working within this framework, the Baku survey
recognised that e-learning, distance, blended learning, or mobile phone
application solutions may be of value in transmitting knowledge on sup-ply
chain security to a global law enforcement audience, in addition to propos-
ing the traditional Socratic methods. According to Lieb (1999) and others,
adult educators notice that learning happens in each individual as a con-
tinual process throughout life.
Training solutions thus need to be flexible and adaptable, and envisage
modalities other than the traditional classroom-based ones so that they
can be taken up, in theory, by any officer at any time. For this reason, some
of the suggested outcomes (Baku survey Q4) include e-Learning, mobile ap-
plications, blended learning and case studies.
480 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
2.2.3 Construction of Knowledge as a Social Process
A number of theorists underline the construction of knowledge as a social
process, particularly in the constructivist tradition. Jonassen (1999) pos-
tures that constructivism creates a highly-fruitful learning environment in
which students become actively involved in the creation of their own
knowledge. Socialisation is key to this process, as the constructivist envi-
ronment encourages learners to 'bounce' ideas off one another. Indeed, in
this school of thought learning occurs best within a social group (Karagiorgi
and Symeou, 2005), where there are some elements of the real-world envi-
ronment, which replicate the workplace.
Collaborative groups can be used in police training to "test [their] own un-
derstanding and examine the understanding of others as a mechanism for
enriching, interweaving, and explaining [their] understanding of particular
issues or phenomena." (Savery and Duffy, 2001, quoted in Glasgow and Le-
patski, 2012).
Therefore in designing the survey, we placed an emphasis on learning mo-
dalities which were interactive and with a strong social dimension includ-
ing: collaborative problem-based learning, debates, practical exercises,
role playing and serious games.
2.3 Supply Chain Security
Supply chain security management aims at mitigating the likelihood and
consequences of intentional acts meant to cause harm in the supply chains
(e.g., Pfhol, Köhler and Thomas, 2010; Nagurney, Manuj and Mentzer, 2008;
Closs and McGarrel, 2004).
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 481
According Männistö (2015) the main goals of supply chain security solu-
tions are discouragement and opportunity reduction, protection of cargo
integrity, detection and interception, and investigation. Discouragement
and opportunity reduction includes increasing efforts needed to commit
crimes (e.g. strengthening targets with security locks and controlling ac-
cess to accounting systems), increasing risk to be arrested and convicted
(e.g. strengthening formal surveillance such as police and guard patrol-
ling), and reducing rewards (e.g. using product authentication technolo-
gies, licensed customer care). Protection of cargo integrity means
measures which prevent motivated offenders to bring valuable assets in
their possession. These measures encompass structures that give resistant
against manual, electronic or electromagnetic efforts to break-in (burglar
resistance doors and windows, tamper proof containers) and security tech-
nologies and services that detect intruders and alert people who are capa-
ble to intercept intrusion. Männistö includes here also security screening
and vetting aimed at detecting dishonest employees and business part-
ners. Detection and interception means security solutions which prevent
the escalation of security incidents while offenders have already succeeded
to initiate criminal acts, such as the concealing of contraband in transpor-
tation units. These security solutions include scanning of containers and
risk assessment techniques that help to detect dangerous or contaminated
containers and consignments. Investigative measures come into a play
when the adverse consequences materialize. They aim at limiting the ex-
tent and duration of supply chain breach and assessing financial losses or
482 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
personal injuries and casualties. Investigations can also shed light on cur-
rent supply chain vulnerabilities that can be mitigated and prevented in the
The main goal of the FP7-CORE project is to develop and test technologies
which facilitate legitimate trade and minimize disruptions due to inefficient
customs processes and other law enforcement controls. Consequently, the
survey focuses on technologies, methods, tools and databases which im-
prove detection and interception, and public-public and public-private
data sharing and collaboration. Data sharing encompasses both multi-
agency collaboration on national level and international level, and includes
improved data sharing between customs and police. The questionnaire in-
cludes tools and databases that enable to assess, screen and inspect the
cargo traffic focusing on specific crime types, trade lanes, transport sys-
tems or commodity types. Overall threat and vulnerability assessments are
also included. In addition, tools to assess compliance with compulsory and
voluntary supply chain security programs and initiatives were assessed in
the questionnaire. The last group contains different cargo screening and
scanning technologies, electronic seals and transport vehicle track & trace
The findings of the literature review provided us with a basis from which to
develop a survey which was both sensitive to the realities of education and
training in a law enforcement context, and to contemporary issues in global
supply chain security.
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 483
3 Baku Survey Design
This survey gathers information with the aim of determining the types of
training materials which need to be developed in order to help police and
customs law enforcement agencies to better combat crime in the context
of international trade lanes. The survey features five survey questions with
five Likert scale response options, as below: 1. Not at all useful / important
/ effective, 2. Not very useful / important / effective, 3. Somewhat useful /
important / effective, 4. Very useful / important / effective or 5. Cannot say.
The five questions are listed below and explained in turn.
Question 1. How useful would it be for your organization to access new and
enhanced training materials with regard to the following crime areas?
This first question identifies the key crime areas relevant to police and cus-
toms law enforcement work, where there is a need for new and enhanced
training materials. Some of the crime areas proposed are: cigarette and to-
bacco trafficking, corruption, cybercrime, financial crime & tax evasion,
maritime piracy, pharmaceutical crime and terrorism.
Question 2. How useful is it for your organization to learn about advance-
ments in the following areas of supply chain security methods, tools, pro-
grams and datasets?
Here we have collected a list of technologies, tools, practices and pro-
grammes such as tracking and tracing technologies, anti-tampering tech-
nologies, risk management tools for overall threat and shipment, data-
bases with intelligence on criminal acts and trends, collaboration practices
among governmental agencies on national and international level. These
options are derived from technologies, tools, practices and programmes
484 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
which will be demonstrated over the CORE Project, currently being funded
by the European Union.
Question 3. How important do you consider it to be that the new training
materials on supply chain security include the following types of content?
The contents of this list are derived from the discussions of a workshop in
the framework of the CORE Project, which aimed at identifying approaches,
aspects and perspectives which could be of use in developing new training
materials. We listed items such as case study approaches, collaborative ap-
proaches, assessment of negative consequences and impacts, cost-benefit
analyses, human factors and proactive approaches instead of reactive
Question 4. Please rate each of the following learning methods, based on
how effective you think they are for your law enforcement training activi-
Similar to Question 3, we created a list of training and learning methods
and asked the audience to assess them according to their potential effec-
tiveness. Learning methods proposed here included blended learning,
classroom lectures, debates, e-learning, practical exercises, and role play-
Question 5. How would you assess your expectations with regard to the
benefits of new supply chain security training materials for your organiza-
We were also interested to learn what kind of outcomes police law enforce-
ment agencies could envisage for new education and training material on
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 485
supply chain security from the perspective of their organisations. We com-
piled options such as better use of organizational resources, improved effi-
ciency and increase of successful prosecutions, seized goods and arrests.
4 Baku Survey Results
The research is based on a the responses of 16 law enforcement officials
and policy makers, who took part in the LE TrainNet Meeting (Meeting of
Networking of the Law Enforcement training institutions) which took place
in Baku, Azerbaijan, 28-29 April 2015.
4.1 Target Population
The UNODC's LE TrainNet meeting seeks to promote closer cooperation be-
tween various organizations and institutions engaged in law enforcement
training. Specifically, its key aims are to establish an inter-regional network
of training entities encompassing all manner of law enforcement authori-
ties, whilst establishing focal points within this network to facilitate the ex-
change of information of best practices in law enforcement training. A fur-
ther aim is to explore the establishment of a common database of law en-
forcement training materials, using secure access procedures to restrict ac-
cess to a law enforcement audience. Central to the LE TrainNet approach is
the inclusion of law enforcement entities with varying mandates. It
acknowledges that there are a number of topics and challenges relating to
training for law enforcement globally, which are common to police, cus-
toms, specialised law enforcement units and border agencies. Those in at-
486 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
tendance therefore represented agencies from a variety of law enforce-
ment backgrounds, with a common interest in topics of capacity building
and training.
The interagency and inter-regional nature of this audience created a useful
environment for the piloting of this survey, knowing that the aim of the ex-
ercise was to identify training needs for law enforcement in the framework
of global supply chain security, to enable them to better combat criminal
intrusions in the supply chain.
4.2 Profile of Respondents
The survey was shared with the attendees of the LE TRAIN-NET Meeting in
Baku, Azerbaijan. A total of 16 responses were received, which reflects a re-
sponse rate of 23.2%, given there were 69 delegates registered from the
conference. However, based on an assessment that approximately 15 del-
egates were listening to an interpretation track when English was spoken,
we can estimate that the response rate amongst English speakers was
closer to 42.3%.
Of the respondents, the largest group came from governmental organisa-
tions (56%), with the remainder coming from inter-governmental organisa-
tions (25%) and academic institutions, (6% of respondents indicated 'oth-
er' or did not give a response.)
Of those who came from government, 44% identified as coming from police
authorities, 12% identified as coming from customs authorities, and 6%
from border guard authorities. The remaining 38% of respondents did not
identify with one of these groups in particular, suggesting that more than a
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 487
third of respondents came from organisations with a broader law enforce-
ment profile.
Geographically, respondents came largely from Europe and Asia, including
the Middle East. Some countries of the Americas, namely Jamaica and the
USA, were also represented in the respondents.
4.3 Limitations of the Survey
It is important to note that the relatively small sample size may limit the
implications of the survey. However, an advantage of this sample is that
those in attendance were representatives from various law enforcement
training institutions, or of the training departments of major law enforce-
ment organizations, often with a broad oversight of law enforcement train-
ing needs. Thus, where possible, the members of the audience were able to
assess from an organization-wide perspective a number of the questions
posed, and were often able to correlate their responses with their acute un-
derstanding of law enforcement training.
4.4 Results of the Survey
When the participants of the conference were asked to identify the crime
areas which could be addressed through new and enhanced training mate-
rial following areas were valuated the highest: corruption, narcotics and
drug precursor trafficking, financial crimes and tax evasion, trafficking in
human beings, trafficking in counterfeit goods, terrorism and cybercrime
(Table 1). The participants had lowest interest in maritime piracy and ex-
port violations of dual use and strategic goods. The lesser interest in these
488 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
areas may be explained by the fact that these areas are clearly more closely
correlated with customs authorities.
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 489
Table 1 Question 1. How useful would it be for your organization to ac-
cess new and enhanced training materials with regard to the fol-
lowing crime areas?
Crime Area
Narcotics and drug precursor trafficking
Financial crime & tax evasion
- including fraud in cus-
toms duties, sales tax, excise tax etc.
focus in trafficking of chemical, biological,
radioactive, nuclear or explosive weapons
Trafficking in human beings
Trafficking in counterfeit goods
Pharmaceutical crime
Cultural heritage & works of art trafficking
490 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
Crime Area
Firearms & light weapons trafficking
Cigarette and tobacco trafficking
Natural resource trafficking - timber, fish etc.
Waste trafficking - hazardous & electronic waste etc.
Stolen vehicles
Wildlife trafficking - CITES violations
Dual use / strategic goods export violations
Maritime piracy
The survey then asked respondents to rate the extent to which a number of
advancements in supply chain security methods, tools, programs and da-
tasets would be of use for the work of their organisation (Table 2). The ad-
vancements in multi-agency collaboration including improved data shar-
ing between customs and police were seen the most useful (if they focused
on national agencies). Governmental agency collaboration on global level
was assessed much lower. In the context of international supply chain
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 491
crimes the difference is quite surprising. The present study doesn’t give an
answer for this difference, but previous studies imply that lack of trust is
possible factor which prevents sharing information among agencies (Urci-
uoli, 2013). When this situation is expanded to a global level, distrust often
increases, leading to a reluctance to share information among agencies on
an international level.
Table 2 Question 2. How useful is it for your organization to learn about
advancements in the following areas of supply chain security
methods, tools, programs and datasets?
Supply chain security methods, tools, programs and da-
-agency collaboration on national level, including im-
proved data sharing between customs and police
Databases with
intelligence on criminal acts and trends
across the global supply chain
Tools for risk management, focusing on overall threat and
vulnerability assessment
Tools for risk management, focusing on a specific shipment
/ movement risk profiling and targeting
492 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
Supply chain security methods, tools, programs and da-
Technologies for screening & scanning cargo containers
and other transport units
Tools to improve x
-ray image interpretation among the
front-line government officers
Governmental agency collaboration on international level,
improved data sharing between customs in two
or more countries
Databases in international trade, supply chains and
transport systems
with information on countries, export
products, trade lanes, supply chain actors etc.
Databases to exchange x-ray images between agencies
Electronic seals and other anti
-tampering technologies for
cargo & transport vehicles
Tools for systems based security controls and audits, focus-
ing on company processes and IT systems
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 493
Supply chain security methods, tools, programs and da-
Databases with intelligenc
e on cyber threats and cyber
criminals specific to global supply chains
Due-diligence tools for companies
Databases on commodities
with information on re-
strictions and prohibitions, tax rates, dangerous goods,
standard quality controls etc.
Automated license plate recognition tools
Cargo and transport vehicle track & trace technologies
Synergies between supply chain security and global trade
Trusted trader certification programs (AEO, C
-TPAT etc.; in-
cluding benefits for the companies)
Tactical, operational and strategic intelligence are key methods in the
toolbox of police law enforcement officers. Tactical intelligence provides
494 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
analytical support for crime investigation and prosecution processes. Op-
erational intelligence stands to benefit from a closer link to real-time infor-
mation which describes present location and current or following move-
ments of suspect consignments. The latest advancements in tools focusing
on a specific shipment movement, using risk profiling and targeting were
also assessed as useful. Also, x ray interpretation tools, screening and
scanning technologies were assessed valuable for their potential to provide
learning materials. They make it possible to accurately time operations and
the seizure of the goods.
Strategic intelligence focuses on criminal trends and new patterns, such as
shifts in criminal markets and changes in organized criminal structures. It
is therefore not surprising that databases with intelligence on criminal acts
and trends in the global supply chain were assessed as valuable in the
Methods, tools, programmes that are most commonly affiliated with cus-
toms matters were rated lowest; for instance, trusted trader certification
programs are based on customs laws. The programs are fully managed by
different customs authorities. Similarly, global trade performance param-
eters were not assessed as pertinent to police law enforcement work.
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 495
Table 3 Question 3. How important do you consider it to be that the new
training materials on supply chain security include the following
types of content?
Training content
Human factors in crime and security covered
Collaborative approaches and best practices, both public
public and public-private
Consequences / negative impacts of illegal activities ex-
plored and explained
Case studies on security in global supply chains
-to-end supply chain thinking - from sourcing, manu-
facturing & transport; to distribution, retail & reverse logis-
Proactive approaches and global best practices
in terms
of crime prevention, risk mitigation etc.
Benchmarking with world-class organizations
Cost-benefit analysis included
496 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
Training content
-disciplinary approaches - e.g. operational, economic
and legal aspects covered in parallel
Training materials grounded on solid theories in crime pre-
vention, security, supply chain management etc.
Quantitative / numeric data included
We used the survey to explore which aspects the respondents wished to
emphasize in training and education (Table 3). The audience aimed to high-
light collaboration with other public and private stakeholders. They also
wanted to see the role of human factors in often very technology-oriented
security training.
The survey results highlight the importance of practical approaches in
training and education methods. Case studies, practical exercises and role-
playing were assessed the most useful methods (Table 4). Interactive ap-
proaches to the creation of learning materials, such as blended learning
(combining classroom-based learning and e-learning) fits best with the re-
quirements of the survey participants. This is perhaps unsurprising, given
the established links between problem-based learning and effective learn-
ing outcomes for law enforcement.
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 497
Table 4 Question 4. Please rate each of the following learning methods,
based on how effective you think they are for your law enforce-
ment training activities.
Learning methods
Blended learning (combines classroom and e-learning)
Case studies
Practical exercises
Role playing
Collaborative problem
based learning
Serious games
Shadowing / monitoring / learning by observing others
498 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
Learning methods
Classroom lectures
Mobile phone / mobile device learning applications
Textbook reading
Modular learning
The final question of the survey addresses the potential organizational ben-
efits of developing supply chain security training materials (Table 5). From
the results of this question, it becomes clear that police organizations are
goal-oriented. In this question, improved use of resources was evaluated
higher than direct performance indicators such as increases in the number
of seizures, arrests or successful prosecutions.
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 499
Table 5 Question 5. How would you assess your expectations with regard
to the benefits of new supply chain security training materials for
your organization?
Increase in number of successful prosecutions
Better use of organizational resources in intelligence
Better use of organizational resources in crime detection
Increase in number of seizures of illicit goods
Increase in number of arrests
Better use of
organizational resources in crime investiga-
Improved efficiency in processes & cost reductions
Increase in number of detection of serious offences
500 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
5 Summary and Conclusions
Whilst the small sample size limits the significance of results, some im-
portant trends emerge which concur with major themes in literature
around adult education and law enforcement education. Practical ap-
proaches to learning, as well as an emphasis on human factors and intelli-
gence-led policing stand out as important considerations when developing
training materials for law enforcement on the topic of supply chain secu-
rity. We have preliminary plans to replicate this exercise with a broader law
enforcement audience, to be disseminated via electronic channels (such as
email and Survey Monkey), with the option of translating it into other lan-
guages to expand its reach.
Of crucial importance during the Baku pilot was the fact that respondents
acknowledged the possible added-value of supply chain security training
for law enforcement, meaning that enhanced capacity in this area could
lead to optimal direction of resources in intelligence-gathering exercises.
This could clearly lead to greater organizational efficiency. Acknowledge-
ment of this point is a promising sign of recognition from the law enforce-
ment agencies themselves that supply chain security training is a worth-
while investment for their organizations.
This exercise equally underscores the importance of conducting thorough
training needs assessment activities before developing training materials.
A comprehensive training needs assessment phase is a vital aspect in this
exercise, as it ensures that the resulting material can be and will be used by
the people for whom it was designed.
Survey on Law Enforcement Agencies' Training Needs 501
This paper results from the CORE Project, which has received funding from
the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission, under
Grant Agreement No. 603993. Ideas and opinions expressed by the authors
do not necessarily represent those of all partners.
502 Juha Hintsa, Juha Ahokas, Rosie Gallagher and Toni Männistö
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learning. Athabasca: Athabasca University, pp. 97-114.
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(eds), Police Organization and Training: Innovations in Research and Practice.
New York, NY: Springer, pp. 27-44.
Supply Chain Security Related Services
Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
Since the terrorist attacks in 2001 the security issue has become an important topic
for the companies involved in international trade. It has been confirmed in numerous
studies that the companies became more interested in conducting risk assessment
or introducing supply chain security management. Although not all the companies
are interested in enhancing security of their business, and often supply chain secu-
rity is not their main concern, the security industry based on B2B services is growing.
There are numerous new companies offering security related services such as moni-
toring of shipments, video monitoring, physical security, cyber security, consulting,
and advisory. Also existing companies, especially in the area of logistics, consulting
and physical security have started to offer supply chain security services.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the supply chain security industry, categorize
the services offered by the companies and to determine the advantages and disad-
vantages of outsourcing security related processes to other parties. The methodol-
ogy involves analysis of business offers of companies representing the industry from
several countries. The paper analyses also potential for future growth of the industry
and its place in international supply chains.
Keywords: Supply Chain Security, Security Industry, Private Security,
Supply Chain Security Management
506 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
1 Introduction
Since 2001 security sector has been one of the fastest growing industries.
The growth on a year to year basis reached 10% between 2001 and 2011. It
is characterized by great advances in technology and growing number of
security product manufacturers and security service providers.
Supply chain security (SCS) and the decisions whether to introduce any se-
curity measures, and whether to outsource them or not, became very im-
portant for many companies. Some managers still believe that supply chain
security should be provided by governments (Jażdżewska-Gutta, 2014),
however more and more companies decide to introduce private security
measures and outsource security services.
The aim of this study is to analyze the supply chain security industry, cate-
gorize the services offered by security companies and to discuss the poten-
tial for future growth and the role of the sector for the companies involved
in the supply chains. The first section contains a brief description of SCS
sector and explains the motivation for the research. This is followed by lit-
erature review presenting theoretical and practical background for further
analysis. This chapter defines SCS and its role for the companies, as well as
provides an analysis of the nature of supply chains and SCS measures. The
next section presents the findings from desk research which involves anal-
ysis of business offers of companies representing the industry from several
countries. It contains the analysis of the sector both from demand and sup-
ply perspective. The aim of the last section is to discuss the trends in the
security market.
Supply Chain Security Related Services 507
2 Theoretical Background and Literature Review
The aim of this section is to present review of the academic and industry
literature on SCS and security sector. By integrating different areas and per-
spectives of research it sets background for further analysis of supply chain
security industry.
2.1 The Nature of a Supply Chain
For the purpose of discussing supply chain security the most simple defini-
tions of a supply chain can be applied. According to Lambert et al., supply
chain is an alignment of firms that brings product or services to the market
(Lambert et al., 1998). The Glossary of Council of Supply Chain Management
Professionals states, that supply chain consists of "material and informa-
tional interchanges in the logistical process stretching from acquisition of
raw materials to delivery of finished products to the end user, where all ven-
dors, service providers and customers are links in the chain" (CSCMP, 2013).
Supply chains, especially those of international range, are often character-
ized by long and complicated processes, and involvement of many actors.
These actors are not limited to suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and
retailers, but also involve public authorities, service providers in the area of
logistics, transportation, finance, security etc.
508 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
Figure 1 Elements of a supply chain
There are three types of flows in a supply chain (see figure 1) - flow of goods
(materials and products), flow of information and financial flow, however
the latter is often omitted in the analysis (Christopher, 2005; Harrison and
van Hoek, 2008). From the perspective of supply chain security, the finan-
cial flow are also important, but in most cases, excluding cash transit, this
is an area of interest for financial institutions and financial management.
For this reason, the analysis of security of financial flows has been excluded
from this study. All the above mentioned flows can be analyzed both in in-
ter-organizational and intra-organizational dimension.
SCS covers not only aforementioned flows but also elements of transport,
logistics or IT infrastructure, transport nodes, companies' fixed and mova-
ble assets (including inventories, vehicles, terminals, production sites) and
Supply Chain Security Related Services 509
people. It includes elements of corporate security, facility protection or crit-
ical infrastructure protection. The security of the entire supply chain will
depend on security of the least secured element. For that reason, all links
in the supply chain should be involved in the process.
Usually the suppliers, manufacturers or retailers are the actors who are the
most interested in enhancing security. Some companies protect their as-
sets, people and information with their own resources but the protection
of all aforementioned elements can be as well outsourced to specialized
security companies.
2.2 Supply Chain Security
The term 'security' has a lot of meanings. The origin of this word is in Latin
'securus' (from se- meaning 'without' and cura meaning 'care'), which
means 'feeling no apprehension' (Oxford). Based on that, Oxford dictionary
defines 'security' as 'a state of being free from danger or threat'. In supply
chain and business context, this definition can be developed into the safety
of a company, organization or supply chain against criminal activity such
as terrorism, theft, or espionage. Security thus implies a safe and predicta-
ble environment in which an organization can achieve its goals without dis-
ruption or fear of disturbance (Fischer et al., 2013) thanks to its ability to
defend against threats. In a similar way supply chain security is defined as
“general system property characterizing uninterrupted performance of a
supply chain functioning to achieve its goals under protection against ex-
ternal purposeful threats” (Ivanov and Sokolov, 2010).
510 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
Security can also be interpreted trough dynamic approach as it changes
over time according to two factors: threat and vulnerability, and can be pre-
sented as a function (Hofreiter, 2012):
- security, - threat, - vulnerability, - time
Threat is an incident caused by human forces that makes sense of security
decrease or disappear, and that may cause losses to the company if oc-
curred. Vulnerability reflects the sensitivity of a company or supply chain to
disturbance resulting from external or internal risks (Christopher and Peck,
2003; Waters, 2007). It may be interpreted as a combination of disruption
probablility and the scope of its possible consequences (Sheffi, 2007; Tan-
dler and Essig, 2013). Wagner and Bode suggest that vulnerability depends
on specific supply chain characteristics (Wagner and Bode, 2006). Svensson
argues that preventive actions may reduce the likelihood of disturbances
(Svensson, 2002). These actions should be aimed at reducing the probabil-
ity of intentional disruption which will lead to increased security (Sheffi,
2007). These findings indicate that applying security measures by govern-
ments or companies may lead to higher level of security.
SCS measures can be proactive or reactive. Proactive measures include ac-
tivities that are targeted at minimizing the risk of disruption. Reactive
measures are, in turn, a reaction to a disruption. Proactive measures are
thus more favorable for security and uninterrupted supply chain perfor-
mance (Briano et al., 2009; Knemeyer et al., 2009; Craighead et al., 2007;
Gould et al., 2010). The private security measures are believed to be more
Supply Chain Security Related Services 511
proactive than reactive. For that reason they are regarded by companies as
more efficient.
2.3 How, for Whom and at What Cost?
In order to determine the role of security industry for the corporations, their
supply chains and for public security, some important issues have to be
considered. Salter raises three major questions regarding security (Salter,
1. How is supply chain security assured?
2. For whom?
3. At what cost?
The first question refers to the choice between public and private security
(SCS measures applied by public and private entities). Moreover, corpora-
tions have to decide whether to outsource or insource security activities.
Insourcing (also called "proprietary services') would mean hiring in-house
security personnel, such as CSO (Chief Security Officer) and security forces,
while outsourcing (using contract services) would involve using services of
outside companies representing security industry. Both activities fall under
the definition of private security which is described in detail in the next sec-
tion (Purpura, 2011; de Waard, 1999).
The application of SCS measures and the decision whether to outsource or
insource security is in the area of interest of supply chain security manage-
ment (SCSM), which can be defined as the application of policies, proce-
dures, and technology to protect supply chain assets from man-made
threats (Closs and McGarrel, 2004). There are three layers of SCS activities
within SCSM: strategic, tactical and operational (see figure 2). Activities at
512 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
operational level are most common for outsourcing. More and more com-
panies are offering also SCS related services at tactical level, i.e. consul-
tancy or developing security plans. The most advanced SCS service provid-
ers can also manage all of their customers’ operational, tactical and strate-
gic SCS activities, as the 4PL providers do in the area of supply chain man-
Figure 2 Layers of SCS outsourcing,
adapted from Tsiakis and Tsiakis (2013)
Supply Chain Security Related Services 513
Companies may thus choose to design their security strategy on their own
or to outsource the entire SCSM. After 9/11 many companies created the
positions of CSOs at the level of senior managers (Ritchey, 2011), that were
responsible for development and implementation of security strategies
and security programs within the organization. Even if the risk assessment
and development of security plans is the responsibility of the CSO, the com-
pany may still outsource such activities as technology design and imple-
mentation as well as training of the personnel.
The second question draws the attention to actual beneficiaries of security,
and the problem of external benefits and public good. The last question
concerns financial motivation for introducing supply chain security
Although over many years the security issue has been in the area of interest
of governments and public authorities, one can observe a clear trend to-
ward privatization of security and growth of private companies represent-
ing security sector. Nowadays the security measures can be undertaken
and financed either by public institutions or by private entities.
When it comes to public security it is usually the government who takes re-
sponsibility for introducing security measures. If, due to security measures,
a disruption does not occur, the society will benefit from higher security
level. In this context, security can be considered as an external benefit be-
cause it affects also third parties, not only those directly involved in the
supply chain (Button, 2012). Supply chain security has also some features
of public good (Dulbecco and Laporte, 2005; Button, 2012) which is charac-
terized by non-excludability, (no one can be excluded from consuming this
514 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
good once it is produced) and non-rivalry, (it can be consumed by several
individuals without diminishing its value) (Holocombe, 2007).
The public good approach to supply chain security is mostly relevant in
case of low-probability, high-impact events, such as terrorism or WMD
smuggling as they mostly affect the society. In case of these threats, the
governments impose obligatory regulations for protecting the state, soci-
ety, transportation networks from intentional criminal activity, that will af-
fect companies and result in additional costs for supply chains. Other
threats, such as thefts in transit or taking over the cargo by false carriers,
affect companies and their supply chains rather than their environment.
When security is financed by private sector (due to other than obligatory
reasons), the effect for the society and surrounding are not so obvious.
2.4 Security Industry
The security industry represents private as opposed to public security. It is
known also as corporate, organizational and commercial security, loss pre-
vention or security management (Smith and Brooks, 2013; Fischer et al.,
2013). Private security can be defined as a "profit-oriented industry that
provides personnel, equipment and procedures to prevent losses caused
by human error, emergencies, disasters or human actions" (Hess, 2009). Re-
port of the Task Force on Private Security defines it as "self-employed indi-
viduals and privately funded business entities and organizations who pro-
vide security-related services to a restricted clientele group for a fee, for the
individual or entity that retains or employs them, or for themselves in order
to protect their persons, private property, or interests from varied hazards"
Supply Chain Security Related Services 515
(NCJRS, 1976). According to these definitions, private security must be per-
formed for a fee.
There are some more significant differences between private and public se-
curity. The tasks of public security are mainly to provide security to state
and society, which is in line with the public good approach, whereas private
security concentrates its efforts on protection of assets, people and infor-
mation of its customer, who can be an individual or an organization (Smith
and Brooks, 2013; Fischer et al., 2013, Cook and MacDonald, 2011).
Some researchers argue that private security (both outsourced and in-
sourced), as opposed to public security, can only redistribute crime, in-
stead of enhancing security through preventing crime. There are two basic
effects of private security: diversion and deterrence, depending mainly on
whether the implemented security measures are observable or not (Cook
and MacDonald, 2011; Shavell, 1991; Zimmerman, 2014). Researchers sug-
gest that observable security precautions might possibly displace crime to
unprotected targets. In the scope of supply chain security such situation
might take place when criminals move from protected truck parking spaces
to unprotected sites, or from a fenced, guarded and monitored production
site or warehouse to less secured locations. Such tendencies may be seen
as negative externalities of private security. The situation is slightly differ-
ent when it comes to unobservable precautions. If they are implemented,
criminals are not sure which facility or element is protected so they might
resign, causing the crime rates fall. This might be interpreted as a positive
externality of private security. The use of private guards on board of com-
mercial vessels (complemented by military efforts) led to minimizing the
516 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
number of pirate attacks in the Gulf of Aden. The pirates might resign as
they are not sure which vessel is protected or not.
Cook and MacDonald also point out that remunerative opportunities need
better protection (Cook and MacDonald, 2011). More valuable assets (from
the point of view of possible thefts) and critical industries or infrastructure
(from the point of view of terrorist activity) should be better protected than
other venues as they are attractive targets for criminals and terrorists. This
means that several industries such as energy sector, oil extraction and re-
fining or pharmaceutical industry are more likely to become customers of
security industry.
Security industry is not well and clearly defined. The main obstacle is the
fact, that goods and services delivered by this sector are not easily separa-
ble from statistics based on the NACE classification, where they are com-
bined with data on such industries as defense and private security activi-
ties, IT services and different areas of manufacturing (Directorate-Gen-
eral…, 2009). Security sector can be defined as the industry delivering
goods and services required to protect people and property from insecurity
(Martí Sempere, 2010). Due to the specific nature of supply chain, SCS in-
dustry provides not only a range of goods and typical security services, but
would also management services i.e. risk and security assessment, plan-
ning, implementing and controlling security measures, required to protect
supply chain flows, assets and people from crime and terrorism. Although
this paper is concentrated on services, it includes also the analysis of ma-
terial goods market, as usually the goods delivered by the sector are com-
plemented by several services, such as design, assembly, maintenance,
training and advisory.
Supply Chain Security Related Services 517
European Commission in Action Plan published in 2012, distinguishes eight
sectors of EU security industry (European Commission, 2012): aviation se-
curity; maritime security; border security; critical infrastructure protection;
counter-terror intelligence; crisis management/civil protection; physical
security protection; and protective clothing. Not all these sectors relate to
supply chain security. Moreover, this list does not include security manage-
ment which is also a part of SCS industry. The more appropriate classifica-
tion distinguishes 18 core elements of security (ASIS Foundation, 2009): 1/
physical security, 2/ personnel security, 3/ information systems security, 4/
investigations, 5/ loss prevention, 6/ risk management, 7/ legal aspects, 8/
emergency/contingency planning, 9/ fire protection, 10/ crisis manage-
ment, 11/ disaster management, 12/ counterterrorism, 13/ competitive in-
telligence, 14/ executive protection, 14/ violence in the workplace, 16/
crime prevention (general), 17/ crime prevention through environmental
design and 18/ security architecture and engineering.
Both classifications are however for the entire security sector and not all
the activities will be valid for supply chain security. For SCS analysis, at
least the following sectors should be excluded - event security, custody of
detainees and prisoners, supervision of apartment blocks, and all security
services provided to individuals. In turn, other services such as security cer-
tification and supply chain security management should be added.
3 Costs and Benefits of Outsourcing Security
Many companies decide not to outsource security services because of fear,
trust and loyalty issues or prestige associated with own security resources
518 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
(Hess, 2009; Fischer et al., 2013). There are some areas in the business ac-
tivity that are not prone to outsourcing, such as management and formu-
lating strategy and policy of the company. All other activities, including risk
and security analysis and management, security planning, monitoring etc.
can be outsourced.
3.1 Benefits
3.1.1 Reduced Cost
Most experts agree that the use of outside resources leads to greater effi-
ciency and minimizing the cost of a certain activity. The same situation
would apply to security services.
The external security providers, due to economies of scale, are able to
spread the total cost over several customers lowering the unit cost per cus-
tomer. The outsourced service becomes therefore more competitive than
executing security through company's own resources. What is more, in-
house corporate security officers tend to expect higher wages from the
companies that hire them, which makes insourcing even more expensive
(Fischer et al., 2013). By outsourcing security companies can also lower ad-
ditional costs of insurance, equipment, training and holidays.
Moreover, outsourcing security allows to cover a broad range of supply
chain activities which would be extremely costly if done with own resources
Supply Chain Security Related Services 519
3.1.2 Expert Knowledge
Security industry experts usually possess in-depth knowledge on all as-
pects of security as well as on recent trends and newest technology. Train-
ing in-house staff to the same level of expertise would be very time and
money consuming. Also hiring and keeping trained personnel is often very
costly. What is more, security experts working for several customers usually
have a broader view and fresh perspective on supply chain security issues
than officers working in-house. Having access to expert knowledge is also
useful in the certification processes.
3.1.3 Concentrating on Core Business
The companies that decide to outsource supply chain security can focus
their attention and expenditures on other activities within the organiza-
tion. They are able to reduce their administration efforts thanks to resigna-
tion from recruiting, training and supervising security personnel, especially
when it comes to guards. Some expenditures for equipment can be also re-
duced through outsourcing.
3.1.4 Flexibility
Outsourcing allows the company for greater flexibility in staffing or replace-
ment of technology. In case of technological changes, outsourcing of inte-
grated security solutions might give the access to recent technical solu-
tions without the need to replace all systems and equipment in-house.
Problems with staffing can be solved due to no need to deal with trade un-
ions' expectations, or with excessive or insufficient number of employees
520 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
during irregular seasons such as production shutdowns, rush seasons or
holidays (Fischer et al., 2013).
3.2 Costs
3.2.1 Loss of Internal Control for the Organization
Outsourcing security activities such as monitoring or guards may lead to
loss of control over several processes within the company. This is particu-
larly evident when it comes to hiring new personnel as the process is usu-
ally more detailed and careful when performed for in-house employees.
3.2.2 Trust and Partnership
When leaving some functions to be performed by outside company, there
is a need to establish trust between cooperating partners. The companies
tend to hire trusted and approved security providers. This might explain the
popularity of outsourcing security to market leaders and the existence of
several security industry associations. However, even well-established
partnership might fall apart when some communication problems occur
and the vision of the service provider proves to be inconsistent with the
plans of its customer.
3.2.3 Unexpected Costs
Whitworth names some hidden costs that can arise from outsourcing and
which should be taken into consideration in decision-making process
(Whitworth, 2005). This is basically the cost of switching to a new provider
when the contract period ends or when the security provider goes out of
Supply Chain Security Related Services 521
business. The cost might be also higher than expected due to poor service
or increase of costs compared to the initially planned amount.
4 Supply Chain Security Sector Results of Research
4.1 Characteristics of the Sample
The offers of supply chain security service providers were subject of desk
research. The number of analyzed offers reached 70 companies from differ-
ent countries. Almost 76% of the companies declared exporting their goods
and services, of which 46% were present in the global market. The coun-
tries were thus aligned on the basis of origin of the company.
The choice of the companies was random, based on their presence in in-
dustry trade shows and on the Internet. The original intention was to inves-
tigate offers from the major security markets i.e. United States, which is
global leader of security industry, United Kingdom, which is a European
leader and some Polish companies. Due to required country adjustments,
the sample of the countries is different than expected. The sample contains
30 companies from United Kingdom, 18 from the US, 6 from Poland, 4 from
Germany, 2 from Switzerland and one firm from the following countries:
Sweden, Spain, Taiwan, Romania, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Italy, Canada,
Australia and UAE.
Most of the companies were established before 2001. The foundation of
only 27% of the companies took place in 2001 or later and the major part of
them (42%) is represented by consultancy firms. This sector of supply chain
security was characterized by great growth potential after 2001 as more
522 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
and more businesses were interested in implementing supply chain secu-
rity management practices into their operation and strategy. However, also
other segments developed after 2001, by expanding their range of products
and/or services with new SCS solutions. One company grew out of aviation
industry magazine into a big security consultancy group. Also some
transport and guarding companies as well as manufacturers of monitoring
and scanning equipment started to offer new services.
The sample contained companies of different size, from SMEs to big glob-
al companies hiring more than 10 thousand employees (see table 1). The
small companies represented mainly consultancy and new technologies
segment. The companies with more than 10 thousand employees are
global players in labor-intensive guarding sector, or parts of bigger capital
groups (i.e. in telecommunications sector), where only one branch of the
company is involved in the security industry.
Table 1 Size of the companies
Number of employees
Number of
Supply Chain Security Related Services 523
Number of employees
Number of
More than 10000
4.2 Main Segments of the Market Supply Side
Some segments of the market can be distinguished on a basis of services
offered by the analyzed companies. Due to a small sample the results can-
not be generalized to the entire population. The most represented sectors
were consultancy, video monitoring, scanning, screening and detection,
guards, IT communication systems, seals, customized security and inte-
grated supply chain security solutions, fences and other security technolo-
gies. Other segments were represented by counter-espionage, engineering,
inspection, maritime security (Private Maritime Security Company), pack-
aging, security training and radar technology. The most strongly repre-
sented sectors are presented in table 2.
524 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
Table 2 Segments of security sector
Segment of
the market
of compa-
Average number of
offered products
and/or services
of the size of
65% companies
having less than
50 employees
Video monitor-
50% companies
having more
than 50 employ-
screening and
Varied size
100% companies
having more
than 10000 em-
Varied size
Varied size
IT and com-
Varied size
Supply Chain Security Related Services 525
Consultancy companies usually offer wide range of security services and
integrated security solutions. Apart from advisory, management and certi-
fication, they offer security architecture and engineering and some techno-
logical solutions. For example, many consulting firms are dealing also with
CCTV and IP video monitoring, which used to be typical for manufacturers
and distributors of equipment. Similar trend, but on a lower scale is observ-
able in guarding sector.
The sample revealed that typical technology manufacturing firms usually
offer only some complementary advisory services, so their portfolio is not
as rich as in the case of consulting sector.
Most companies from the sample offered the following goods and services:
training - 20 companies, risk assessment - 19, risk and security manage-
ment - 18, consultancy - 17, developing security plans, programs and pro-
cedures - 16, video monitoring - 15, physical access control - 10, scanning
and detection - 9, security software - 9, crisis management - 9, secure com-
munication - 8, guards - 7, ISO 28000 certification - 7. The analysis of the
sample reveals that SCS sector's focus is on implementing technology and
supply chain security management practices.
4.3 Types of Customers Demand Side
Almost 89% of the companies supply their goods and services to business
sector. The rest is targeted towards government sector and public institu-
tions or critical infrastructure (ports and airports). Only a few companies
offered their services to the transport sector only.
526 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
Around 16% of those companies that were focused on business customers
dedicated their services particularly to exporters and importers. Such com-
panies usually offered certification and advisory for ISO 28000, TAPA, C-
TPAT and AEO. The focus on AEO was typical for Polish companies, alt-
hough it has a little in common with real supply chain security, as most of
the companies are interested in the Customs and not in Security certificate.
It is also important to mention that the business customers in general rep-
resent specific industries, which are more prone to terrorist or criminal ac-
tivities. The analyzed companies' offers were usually customized according
to different industries. Most of them concerned transport companies, en-
ergy sector, oil extraction, pharmaceuticals or industry in general. These
are the most remunerative industries mentioned in the previous section,
that are more likely to become a target of criminals. In order to protect sup-
ply chains, the companies decide to introduce private security measures.
5 Trends in Supply Chain Security Market
Several trends can be identified in supply chain security market:
1. The growth of the sector will be very dynamic. In some regions,
mainly due to terrorist and other security threats, the growth will
be relatively higher.
2. Human work in many sectors will be replaced by technology.
3. There will be greater demand for well-educated security
4. Integration of services and companies will be progressing.
Supply Chain Security Related Services 527
In 2011 the security industry was ten times bigger than in 2001. Then the
value of the market reached approximately EUR 10 bn, while in 2011 secu-
rity goods and services accounted for around EUR 100 billion. The growth
of security sector has shown such dynamics that it many countries it out-
paces the economic growth. ADS Industry Outlook states that the sector in
United Kingdom grew in 2013 five times faster than the country's economy
(ADS, 2014).
According to several industrial analyses, the security market will be dynam-
ically growing over the following years. The industry is expected to reach
around EUR 300 billion in annual revenues at the end of the period (Risk UK,
Industry forecasts predict that the share of European security industry in
the global security market will drop by 5 percentage points to 20% between
2010 and 2020. This is mainly caused by rapid growth of the industry in
other locations such as Middle East, India, Kenya and Horn of Africa. G4S, a
global security company, predicts high (at 10% on an annual basis) growth
of security market in Egypt and Gulf States (FM World, 2015). The rise is
driven predominantly by the need to protect from risks involved in extrac-
tion of natural resources.
As for human involvement in security sector, guarding services are still one
of the most important segments of security industry. However in many lo-
cation they are replaced by recent technological advancements such as au-
tomated monitoring or CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear,
and Explosive) Detection systems. Even with such equipment, there is still
need for a human that would supervise all the processes. The trend might
be towards better trained security personnel, as well well-educated CSO,
528 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
who will be experts in security assessment, planning, architecture and en-
Another trend is towards the integration of security services. As a result of
growing market potential, many security providers started to add new se-
curity services to their portfolio. For example, companies that started in the
guarding sector, are offering broad range of consulting services and spe-
cialized security management. The companies that started with selling se-
curity equipment expand the scope of their services with security architec-
ture and engineering. The other way of expansion is through mergers and
acquisitions. As a result, the industry may see a new type of External Secu-
rity Providers (ESP) - major security integrator. Such a service provider
might be called Lead Security Integrator (LSI) or Lead Security Provider
(LSP). Similarly to Lead Logistics Providers, such company can offer com-
plete management of Security or Supply Chain Security, including plan-
ning, implementing, controlling and coordination of all security aspects
within the company or supply chain. Security might be fully outsourced to
LSI, however the control should always stay within the commissioning
6 Conclusions
The above analysis shows that SCS services sector is very diverse in terms
of size, offered services or year of establishing. The common feature is that
it started to grow after year 2001 and one can predict that in the increas-
Supply Chain Security Related Services 529
ingly turbulent environment, it will continue to grow. Due to lack of harmo-
nization of public authorities' efforts, companies will continue to turn to
private security in order to minimize the vulnerability to disruption.
SCS sector is a vital component of SCSM. An important decision in this area
that has to be made by the management is whether to outsource supply
chain security or not. The benefits of using outside resources, a wide range
of available security services and trends towards more integrated security
services may encourage companies to outsource even more security activ-
530 Magdalena Jażdżewska-Gutta
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Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management
Sangeeta Mohanty, Elise Vermeersch, Juha Hintsa,
Vittoria Luda Di Cortemi-glia and Mary Liddane
Illegal exports of waste electrical and electronic equipment – WEEE – from industrial
to developing countries is a growing criminal phenomena posing serious threats to
the human health and the environment. Several loopholes in the current jurisdic-
tional systems along the supply chain in the European Union; deficiencies in law en-
forcement capacity, knowledge and training; and other supply chain related weak-
nesses prevent an effective response to such criminal activity. This paper identifies
the vulnerabilities along the supply chain, the shortcomings in the legislative frame-
work around WEEE, and its limited implementation and enforcement that facilitate
leakages from the legal WEEE streams. An understanding of the weaknesses will en-
able the governmental bodies to develop appropriate counter-measures to improve
the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of WEEE violations. This pa-
per presents a comprehensive gap analysis across the EU member states, Norway
and Switzerland. It focuses on the key issues surrounding the international and na-
tional legislative frameworks and the implementation thereof, law enforcement ca-
pacity, knowledge and training, information management, and penalties and prose-
cution. The study helps to identify the underlying problems and the key concerns
faced by national authorities - and, this information will lead to a set of recommen-
dations for the European Commission and the EU member states to address the
problem of illegal e-waste exports.
Keywords: WEEE Supply Chain, Illicit Trade, Supply Chain Security, FP7-CWIT
536 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
1 Introduction
The exponential growth of the global electrical and electronics equipment
(EEE) market and shorter lifespan of consumer electronics have resulted in
one of the fastest growing waste streams worldwide, including in and out-
from Europe (Eurostat, n.d.). Some 9 million tonnes of e-waste were gener-
ated in 2005 in the EU, which is expected to grow to 12 million tonnes by
2020 (EC, 2015). The rising volume of waste electrical and electronic equip-
ment (WEEE) in Europe contributes to the increasing number of illegal ex-
ports to less developed nations, particularly in Asia and Africa. Evading high
disposal and recycling costs is the main incentive for businesses to dump
WEEE overseas. The increase in domestic demand for used electronics,
used parts and materials in the developing world facilitates the illegal trade
activities. A robust regulatory and enforcement regime along with a tightly
controlled supply chain are necessary to thwart such unlawful acts. How-
ever, a number of structural, administrative and procedural weaknesses
mark the existing legislative framework and supply chain system. This pa-
per carries out a gap analysis to identify commonalities and discrepancies
across Europe with specific focus on jurisdictional loopholes, penalties and
prosecution; law enforcement capacity, knowledge and training; and sup-
ply chain weaknesses.
Following a brief literature review and a methodology chapter, the three
sub-topics - jurisdictional loopholes, law enforcement capacity and supply
chain weaknesses - are presented, providing information on various EU
countries. The current situation in legislation and enforcement are exam-
ined in details and then wrapped up with a brief discussion on the main
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 537
challenges faced by European countries with some high-level improvement
2 Literature Review on WEEE Legislative, Law En-
forcement and Challenges in Supply Chain
Just like in the rest of the world, there are two main basic streams of e-
waste in the European Union: Business to Business (B2B) and Business to
Consumer (B2C) chains. B2B waste arises, for instance, when companies
discard old IT equipment, typically handing it over to recyclers. Unscrupu-
lous recycling companies, as observed for example in the UK, sell it off to
smugglers, instead of performing recycling activities themselves. The other
source of e-waste are the consumers, who take the obsolete equipment to
designated collection facilities. Local recycling sites are often found to be
the source of illegal e-waste. Investigations have shown that the material
passes through many brokers and middlemen between collection and des-
tination. Some companies are directly exporting and some are selling off to
exporters. The European Union Network for the Implementation and En-
forcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL) has estimated that approximately
1.5 million waste-loaded containers are shipped illegally every year (IMPEL,
2012, p. 6).
A lack of oversight by compliance schemes frequently allows leakages of e-
waste from the civic amenity sites. Some compliance schemes sub-con-
tract the collection and recycling of select categories of e-waste. The large
number of Producer Compliance Schemes further complicate the control
538 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
mechanism for example in the UK. According to industry experts, this com-
petitive system drives down the price paid for recycling to such levels that
responsible recyclers are displaced from the market (EIA, 2011, pp. 2-11). In
the Netherlands, retail collection points are identified as vulnerable points
for illegal exports. Fridges, televisions and smaller equipment are dis-
patched to developing countries from these facilities (Wang, 2009, p. 70).
Prosecution related to violations is a problem in many countries: prosecu-
tions are infrequent or too late, and the fines imposed too low. Many envi-
ronmental inspectorates are not empowered to impose administrative
fines, or are given have the powers of the criminal police - necessitating
good collaboration with the police, which is often missing, as exemplified
by Italy. The judicial police usually have insufficient human capacity to deal
with these issues (EC, 2011, p.54). As an illustrative example, in the Nether-
lands, around 30% of Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR) cases are not pros-
ecuted (Geeraerts, Illes and Schweizer, 2015, p. 26).
Recent research has identified several weaknesses in the Netherlands. In
terms of human capacity, severe limitations were noted. Apparently, only 4
inspectors were employed in Rotterdam harbour, where 6 million contain-
ers were shipped each year, 15 percent being waste. Only 14 inspectors
were in charge of inspection activities all over the Netherlands. Only a lim-
ited number of customs and police officers were involved in daily activities,
without having received adequate training on the enforcement of the WSR
(Wang, 2009, pp.68-69). Lack of coordination between competent authori-
ties and the destination countries is another missing element in that is im-
portant in tacking e-waste crimes.
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 539
There is also limited assessment on the impact of enforcement activities
and the effectiveness of the WSR enforcement due to weaknesses in the
registration systems in the environmental inspectorate and customs, and
due to the lack of systematic reporting by the police and customs (Geera-
erts, Illes and Schweizer, 2015, pp.25-26). Moreover, gaps exist in electronic
data interchange within the enforcement network, in general information
management, and in the customs ICT systems where customs data does
not accurately reflect the compliance rate and customs control strategy
(Algemene Rekenkamer, 2012, pp.7, 10, 35 and 38).
Two recent studies report a number of deficiencies existing in many of the
EU member states. Limited personnel and financial capacity appear to be
a general problem preventing better export controls. There are huge dis-
crepancies in the number and the nature of inspections; enforcement or-
ganisations involved; available resources; and penalty and prosecution
systems across the EU countries. The notable gaps identified include the
lack of inspection planning and risk assessments;
insufficient provisions on the burden-of-proof;
lack of "up-stream" inspections (of waste producers, collection
points, interim storage, recovery and disposal operators);
lack of targeted training for waste authorities;
incompleteness of existing guidelines;
shortage of technical equipment;
incompleteness of existing guidelines;
practical difficulties arising from the broad definition of waste in
the WSR, and the existence of two different code systems (the
540 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
WSR/Basel codes and the international tariff codes used by cus-
toms authorities);
inadequate system of receipt and processing notifications; and
insufficient coordination and cooperation across competent au-
thorities-- (Geeraerts, Illes and Schweizer, 2015, pp.26-27 and Re-
cast Directive, pp.15-19).
3 Study Methodology
Building on the literature review findings, three sets of questionnaires fo-
cusing on different target groups were produced by partners within the
CWIT (Countering WEEE Illegal Trade, FP7-project) consortium and sent
to experts in the 28 EU countries, Norway and Switzerland covering law
enforcement and environmental authorities as well as industries. The fol-
lowing subset of questions is related to the information analyzed and pre-
sented in this conference paper:
1. Has your country transposed the WEEE Directive re-cast into the
national legislation?
2. Does your country have any actual or future program to exchange
information on inspections carried out?
3. Under your national legislation, what are the measures imple-
mented/planned to monitor shipments of used EEE?
4. Is there a template available in your country for the declaration
made by the holder who arranges the transport of the EEE that
none of the material or equipment within the consignment is
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 541
5. In your country, is there a protocol or guidelines available for a
used EEE functionality test?
6. Under your national legislation, are exporters of used EEE obliged
to provide a certificate of functionality of the appliances trans-
7. Is there a guide or set of criteria available in your country to define
appropriate protection of the goods against damage during
8. Under your national legislation, are there reporting requirements
for e-waste? If yes, what?
9. 9. What criteria are used to distinguish used electrical and elec-
tronic equipment (second-hand equipment) from WEEE?
10. Is there any specialised training for the detection, investigation
and prosecution of illegal trade in waste and related offences in
your country?
11. Under your national legislation, what are the specific WEEE re-
lated penalties for collection and trading offenses?
12. Who should be prosecuted with regard to the illegal trade of e-
13. Is liability with regard to the illegal trade of e-waste considered to
be criminal, civil or administrative?
14. In your view, is your national legislation adequate to prosecute
offenses related to trade of e-waste?
15. In your view, what kind of additional provisions should be in-
cluded into your national legislation for enhanced prosecution of
such cases?
542 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
16. In your view, what kind of additional provisions should be in-
cluded into the international legislation for enhanced prosecu-
tion of such cases?
17. Please provide any additional information you may deem im-
portant in relation to the illegal trade of WEEE.
We received written responses from 17 countries out of the 30. The main
outcomes are shared in the next three chapters of this paper.
4 Jurisdictional Loopholes Along the Supply Chain
Despites some improvements made by European regulations, violators of
WEEE regulations take advantage of the legislative loopholes for their per-
sonal gain. The recast WEEE Directive (Directive 2010/19/EU of the Euro-
pean Parliament and the Council of 4 July 2012) builds upon the original
WEEE Directive by providing a better regulatory environment and further
limiting the negative externalities of improper WEEE disposal.
4.1 Legal Challenges and Loopholes
A couple of European countries have not yet completed the transposition
of the recast WEEE Directive in their national legislation within the agreed
deadline. As of the time of writing of this paper, the recast WEEE Directive
was not yet transposed in Germany, Poland, and Slovenia - as well as in the
non-EU country of Norway (see Figure 1).
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 543
Figure 1 Overview of recast WEEE Directive across Europe
Discrepancies in the definition and classification of WEEE have a consider-
able impact on the illegal trade. In particular, Belgium showed concerns
about the national differences in the classification of WEEE. For instance,
the same material is considered green listed in one member state and am-
ber in another. Consequently, offenders may try to export waste from those
countries with the most flexible classification. Offenders also capitalize on
the differences in classification to avoid prosecution in the case of detec-
Ireland refers to the ambiguity in international legislations, specifically the
differences in the wording between the WEEE Directive and the Basel Tech-
nical Guidelines regarding the inclusion of components, such as a mother-
board or a printed circuit board.
544 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
Another frequently mentioned issue is the lack of strategy and guidance for
the law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and transporters on how to distin-
guish between WEEE and UEEE (used electrical and electronic equipment).
In fact, one of the most common modus operandi to illegally trade WEEE is
to declare the goods as UEEE instead of WEEE.
Some countries including Austria, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and the
UK have prepared guidelines for LEAs and transporters. However, such
guidelines, including an inspection strategy, were missing in a number of
countries like Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain.
The implementation of a ban on cash transactions in the scrap metal trade
in France resulted in an increase in the quantities collected at the national
level indirectly pointing to a reduction in thefts or other illicit activities for
valuable components of e-waste (ADEME and OCAD3E, 2013, p.28). But, it
was observed that in due course it led to a higher incidence of theft from
collection points in border areas. The analysis also revealed a shift in illegal
activities to neighboring countries where such a ban does not exist, under-
lining the necessity for further harmonization of regulations at the Euro-
pean level.
4.2 Penalties and Prosecution
There are considerable differences in the penalty systems for illicit WEEE
activities across the EU. Collection and trading offences can be prosecuted
through the administrative or the criminal procedure, and liability may be
considered as administrative, civil or criminal, depending on the country.
While this offers wider options for addressing violations, resorting to civil
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 545
or administrative fines may give the impression that the offence is not seri-
ous. For instance, in the UK, the penalties for waste offences (up to 2 years
imprisonment) are significantly lower than for other illegal trade offences,
like illicit narcotics (up to 10 years imprisonment.)
While some fines apply in all EU member states, imprisonment is not appli-
cable everywhere. Other sanctions, such as confiscation of assets; tempo-
rary or permanent, total or partial closing of facilities; suspension/revoca-
tion of license; temporary disqualification from the executive offices of le-
gal entities and enterprises and from public offices; publication of the crim-
inal judgment of conviction; and fees on return shipments, may also apply.
As opposed to other countries such as Romania, Estonia and Portugal,
where maximum legal fines are lower than 50.000 Euros, financial penalties
are quite high in Spain, where an illegal shipment of hazardous waste can
result in a fine of up to 1.75 million Euros. Such discrepancies have the po-
tential to shift illegal activity from one country to another, where the con-
sequences are less severe.
Specialized prosecution offices are found only in couple of countries in-
cluding Belgium, Greece, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.
Some countries reported shortcomings in their legislation, where an illegal
waste shipment is completed only when it has crossed the border. For ex-
ample Norway has been working to address this issue, by making an at-
tempt to export´ an offence (Kristensen, 2012). The lack of corporate liabil-
ity in criminal law in Germany has been viewed as a weakness in the legis-
lative framework around WEEE. In Romania, the national framework does
not provide clear provision regarding who is held liable for prosecution in
case of an illegal export. There are no clear provisions on penalties for the
546 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
illegal collection and exports of WEEE, for regular checks of the enforce-
ment bodies (environmental guard, customs), and for compliance.
Countries including Denmark, Finland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden and the
UK have expressed concerns about proving guilt in WEEE cases. More spe-
cifically, they experience difficulty in proving the hazardous nature of the
shipment, such as finding appropriate documentation of the WEEE con-
tamination levels as defined in relevant national and international legisla-
tions. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that often the waste is not returned
to the country of origin, preventing the authorities from determining if the
composition is above or below established limits to be considered hazard-
ous. In Denmark the burden of proof is prohibitively high for authorities
when it comes to prosecuting other actors in the value chain of UEEE and
WEEE before the shipment takes place. Belgium faces a challenge to collect
evidence on who is responsible for the violation.
The recast WEEE directive has introduced a provision facilitating the pros-
ecutors’ activities by placing the responsibility of proving the functionality
of the equipment to the exporter. However, without proper guidelines for
the testing, recording of test results and packaging of EEE, exporters can
circumvent actual functionality testing and falsely declare equipment as
UEEE while it is actually non-functional and prosecutors lack evidence
against WEEE exporters. The Netherlands has referred to a lack of experi-
ence of the enforcement in implementing the new legislation. Romania
also considered that the awareness of the provisions of the recast WEEE Di-
rective should be improved.
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 547
As a consequence of the lack of means and human resources, prosecutions
happen only in the most serious cases. For example, while the Scottish leg-
islation requires prosecution of the transshipments of hazardous waste af-
ter only one administrative warning, in practice this applies only for “signif-
icant cases” - e.g. for more than 50 items in a container, falsified docu-
ments, or an attempt to conceal, and if there is evidence that the suspects
have generated a large profit, or are known to be systematic offenders.
4.3 Summary on Jurisdictional Loopholes
Several shortcomings in the national and international regulatory frame-
work can be noted from the above discussion. Despite the transposition
deadline of February 2014, some European countries have not transposed
all aspects of the Directive recast. Even among the countries that have
transposed the recast WEEE Directive, there are remaining concerns on the
clarity of the concepts. These ambiguities include the number of waste
classification systems in use, particularly European Waste codes versus Ba-
sel codes, differences among countries in classifying certain types of waste
(green vs amber), and in the accepted thresholds of contamination.
In addition, the lack of harmonization of the penalty systems and of the
classification of WEEE appear to be two major bottlenecks coming in the
way of enforcement activities. At the international level, particular need
was expressed to harmonize the minimum standard on offences and provi-
sions, such as the cash ban in metal scrap trade. This would simplify en-
forcement in transboundary cases, and reduce the number of criminals
from shifting their activities to lower-risk countries within the EU. Further,
548 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
a number of authorities reported difficulties in collecting evidence, such as
proving the liability of offenders or the hazardous nature of a waste.
A common challenge faced by some member states is the level of penalty
applied that is related to the classification of the crime. When a shipment is
intercepted before it has left national borders, authorities are only able to
classify the act as an “attempt to ship". In some countries, this means that
the penalty is much lower than for the actual act of illegally exporting
WEEE, and in others, it may not be considered an offense at all.
The above legislative challenges indicate the necessity of reviewing and re-
inforcing both national and international legislations, to provide a solid
foundation for an effective enforcement system.
5 Gaps in Law Enforcement Capacity, Knowledge and
Effective enforcement relies on a number of factors, including financial and
human resources of the authorities involved in WEEE related activities; the
level of expertise of the personnel; and coordination between the key ad-
5.1 Knowledge and Training
A common practice to illegally ship WEEE is to load containers with WEEE
and other goods for example second-hand cars, electronics, clothing, and
bikes- which makes detection of illicit WEEE more difficult. It is well known
that LEAs do not have the capacity to physically inspect all the containers
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 549
dispatched from Europe; just a minor sub-set. As an indication, one re-
spondent from a major European port estimated that about twenty con-
tainers of WEEE are packed each week (approximately 1000 containers per
year) in this port, and the authority inspect just about ten containers a year.
In fact, one of the main modus operandi used by offenders to circumvent
controls consists in the false declaration of WEEE containers as UEEE or
metal scrap.
Some countries in the EU specifically highlight the current gaps in their ca-
pacity building activities. In Belgium the prosecutors require additional
training on environmental law issues, whereas inspectors and police would
benefit from specific training on WEEE issues. A different issue reported in
Austria is the reliance of police and customs on external experts to deter-
mine if the loads are in fact waste. Because this consultation process is
time-consuming, it is often bypassed. In Greece, priority seems not to be
given to the WSR and the agencies involved are not equipped with the nec-
essary legal powers. Further, environmental inspectors lack equipment to
assess the hazardous nature of a WEEE shipment. In addition, the customs
facilities lack adequate storage capacity for seized waste shipments (EU-
ROSAI, 2013, pp.36-37). In Lithuania, the need is recognized to increase
number of inspectors involved in waste shipments control and to introduce
systematic trainings and workshops for inspectors. In Slovakia there is a
need for continuous awareness rising and training due to personnel
changes at relevant institutions - including the need for human, financial
and technical resources, as well as IT-systems for monitoring illegal traffic.
A number of countries including Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Por-
tugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK, provide
550 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
training programs on inspections, detections, investigations, and prosecu-
tions to various authorities - such trainings typically covering all types of
Guidance to LEAs and businesses is also provided in a number of countries
- including Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Slo-
vakia, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK - covering especially the issues of
distinction between UEEE and WEEE; detection of illegal trade in waste and
related offences; and waste classification or outlining the requirements of
the WEEE Regulation.
5.2 Interagency Collaboration
Once detected, a tendency for criminals is to move their activity from one
country or one specific sea port to another where control might be weaker
- a practice known as “port-hopping.” This demonstrates a lack of national
and international coordination and harmonization among authorities.
In Denmark a need for collaborative ties with the environmental authority
is recognized, due to the complexity of the legislation. In general terms, no
single agency has sufficient capacity or authority to control waste ship-
ments single-handedly.
The Dutch authorities have pointed out a lack of cooperation with other or-
ganizations - mostly at international level - and the lack of harmonization,
specifically related to national differences in the classification of certain
waste streams. Further, controls are not carried out by customs, but only
by the environmental inspectorate that has limited capacity and legal pow-
ers. An IMPEL report underlines a wide range of practicability and enforce-
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 551
ability issues arising in the application of the WSR in the Netherlands, in-
cluding differences in the frequency of the controls among the EU member
states; ambiguity in the legislation; a lack of cooperation in enforcement
activities; and difficulties on how to set-up cross-border agreements. These
enforcement difficulties are largely linked to the extensive scope and com-
plexity of the WSR; the strong challenges for authorities addressing waste
shipments; and the rapid development of new waste streams and mecha-
nisms of shipments (IMPEL, 2011).
France has recognized the necessity to improve collaboration between cus-
toms and police forces of various European countries, in coordination with
international organizations involved in the fight against organized crime,
e.g, via the exchange of information, cross-checking of databases and exe-
cuting joint operations.
According to a 2013 report, Greece shows deficiencies in the information
and communication systems, and issues with the existence of two different
code systems (EWSR/Basel codes and customs codes) (EUROSAI, 2013, pp.
The German police has noted difficulties in coordination among the com-
petent authorities, specifically because they do not have access to the cus-
toms databases. This is a strong barrier when it comes to targeted inspec-
tions. The police may put customs on alert for a particular container, but
often do not receive any updates on the inspection outcome.
In Northern Europe the level of cooperation is not uniform across all agen-
cies involved and there is room for improvement in coordinating actions
between some authorities. In fact, information exchange between police,
552 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
customs and the environmental agency is limited due to the existing legis-
lation and the differences in the mandates of the organizations. Moreover,
cooperation with the authorities in the e-waste recipient countries in Africa
and Asia poses even bigger challenges.
Because WEEE has not yet been a focus for authorities in the Czech Repub-
lic, they had little experience and demonstrate no cooperation in the area.
But some collaboration existed with the competent authorities in a neigh-
boring country.
Poland has noted the need to “improve direct, working contacts with com-
petent authorities from non-Annex VII countries in case of illegal trans-
boundary shipment of waste”.
Lithuania has acknowledged a need to improve the cooperation between
national and international competent authorities and a more effective sys-
tem of exchanging information on experiences and best practices between
In terms of coordination with destination countries, varying responses are
provided by the UK. A lack of communication among law enforcement au-
thorities across jurisdictions was considered a major obstacle and a most
necessary area of improvement. One additional problem is that in the event
of detection in the destination port, the shipments are generally not repat-
riated to the point of origin for further action.
Lastly, an improvement suggestion is made by the Dutch environmental in-
spectorate: introduce a real-time system allowing involved authorities to
engage in the timely exchange of intelligence, or one system accessible for
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 553
5.3 Summary on Law Enforcement Gaps
In terms of governmental capacity, limitations in human and monetary re-
sources are repeatedly reported by authorities in the entire enforcement
chain. These include the number of staff involved, in particular their skills
and knowledge on such a specialized issue, which is a major obstacle to
detect infringements. The lack of training on distinguishing between WEEE
and UEEE appears to be a common problem. Even though training pro-
grams and guidance documents on illegal shipments of waste or WEEE for
LEAs exist in many countries, the shortage of human capacity is a stumbling
block in proper inspection activities.
The gap analysis shows the involvement of a large range of authorities in
the countering of illegal WEEE trade but collaboration and exchange of in-
formation across these agencies appear to be missing, creating barriers for
effective controls, including targeted inspections.
Furthermore, due to the low penalties associated with WEEE violations, au-
thorities may only be granted limited investigative powers. LEAs’ action can
also be hindered by the burden of proof requested by the law. Proving the
hazardous nature of a shipment may require external assistance, a process
that is often long and costly. Without such proof, no action can be taken
against the individual(s) responsible for the shipment. Countries also face
difficulty in proving who exactly can be held responsible for the reported
With respect to prosecution, again limited resources and knowledge seem
to be major gaps. Only five countries reported having specialized environ-
mental prosecutors involved. Due to insufficient resources, only the most
554 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
serious WEEE cases - involving high profits, multiple shipments and/or re-
peat offenders - are pursued for prosecution. And, when a WEEE case is
brought to the court, sentences applied are too lenient, the prison terms
issued are too few, and the fines imposed are usually too low to create a
disincentive for offenders.
As can be seen from the discussion, many of the problems encountered by
law enforcement bodies are associated with insufficient financial means
and human resources. The resulting loopholes create enough leeway for
criminal operators to circumvent control, and in case of detection, to get
away with minimum penalties.
6 Supply Chain Weaknesses
Examining the weaknesses of the WEEE supply chain is necessary to better
understand the exit points from reported WEEE streams. WEEE has the po-
tential to enter illegal streams at any point, starting from the initial discard
by the consumer, to collection, consolidation, treatment and its final desti-
nation. Different type of actors and violations have been reported.
WEEE can exit legal treatment streams even before being collected from
households in countries where a street pick-up service is provided. Unau-
thorized street collection by informal actors facilitates illegal exports, in nu-
merous places across Europe. The offenders are aware of the scheduled vis-
its, picking the select e-waste before the council trucks can retrieve it.
Industry representatives mainly refer to the theft of WEEE and its compo-
nents, and informal buyers operating at collection points. The Spain re-
spondents specifically highlight the "cannibalization/ cherry picking" of
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 555
WEEE components, such as compressors, refrigerant tube circuits, and de-
flection coils from CRT televisions and monitors. Such thefts imply a lack of
security and oversight and a lack of police control over the waste collection
WEEE may also exit reported streams through dealers, brokers, distributors
or transport companies collecting waste and second-hand material, for ex-
port purposes to Eastern Europe, Asia and/or Africa. Enhanced regulation
of the activities of scrap dealers and greater transparency of all material
flows by all actors - not only the collection systems - have been suggested
as improvement measures.
The UK has spotted a weakness in the reporting method. When the compli-
ance schemes give the WEEE to recyclers for treatment, the recycler must
provide an “evidence note” stating the amount that has been treated; re-
ceiving remuneration based on this amount. Obviously, these documents
can falsely claim that a certain amount has been treated when it is in fact
being exported illegally. However, a different system has been recently in-
troduced, which adds greater visibility and has eliminated the involvement
of brokers in selling evidence notes.
Besides purely illegal actors, a number of legitimate businesses, such as
WEEE management organizations, WEEE treatment facilities, and street
pick-up services, directly circumvent WEEE regulations by exporting it to
non-OECD countries.
A good practice to improve WEEE supply chain security has been indicated
in a French study showing that tracking the WEEE flows restricts leakages
and increases the formal collection of WEEE. Among the retailers examined
in this study, only one initiated an IT system for tracking the flow of WEEE
556 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
collected in stores and during deliveries. The volume of WEEE collected in
the region trebled during the months that followed the setting up of the
tracking system (ADEME and OCAD3E, 2013, p. 28).
The above discussion indicates that WEEE has the potential to enter illegal
streams at multiple points in the supply chain. It could begin at the initial
discard by the consumer, at collection facilities, or through any of the legit-
imate or illegitimate actors involved in WEEE flows. In addition, some loop-
holes in WEEE management, as identified in the UK, facilitates its diversion
from licit to illicit streams. Thus enhanced monitoring at exit points, cou-
pled with the exchange of good practices, such as the French example,
would be appropriate preventive measures to secure the WEEE supply
7 Discussions and Conclusions
As with many other environmental offenses, the WEEE sector remains at-
tractive to criminals due to the current low risk of enforcement action, the
low level of applied sentences and the relatively high profits to be made.
This gap analysis has aimed at giving an overview of the common specific
weaknesses in the WEEE legal framework, enforcement, and supply chain
among European countries.
Three main shortcomings have been observed in the national and interna-
tional legislative frameworks. The full transposition of the EU Directive has
not taken place in all member states. There are considerable differences in
waste classification systems and there is a lack of harmonization of provi-
sions and penalties across the EU.
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 557
Effective enforcement relies on a number of successive steps to thwart un-
lawful activities. These include detection of the crime, arresting or taking
enforcement action against the offender, or prosecution to convict the of-
At the initial level of detection, countries face a number of challenges. A
shortage of human capacity is a strong barrier to carrying out inspection
activities. There is no unified information system among national and in-
ternational agencies that would enable targeted inspections, Adding to this
is the difficulty in distinguishing between UEEE and WEEE, when shipments
are being inspected.
When detection does take place, authorities face other challenges to take
action against the violator. Collecting evidence against the perpetrator is
not easy. Authorities are sometimes not granted sufficient investigative
powers as the crime is not considered severe in many EU member states.
Finally, the fines imposed are too low to act as a deterrent to non-compli-
Regarding prosecution, only the most severe cases are taken to this stage
due to limited means. For those handful of cases brought to court, the high
burden of proof is restrictively high to prove guilt.
As is evident, there are considerable obstacles encountered by authorities
in every step of the enforcement chain.
The strength and the consistency of the legislative framework have a huge
importance over the WEEE sector compliance as they are determining fac-
tors of the LEAs’ activity and capacity. The gaps identified on this level give
558 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
rise to ambiguities and create loopholes for criminals to circumvent con-
trols or escape punishment. Strengthening national and international
framework is, thus, the first and foremost step to facilitating enforcement.
It was observed that a lack of human and financial capacity creates many
barriers in key activities of the enforcement chain like detection and pros-
ecution. A general lack of awareness among governmental authorities of
this crime type appears to be an inhibiting factor in the allocation of re-
sources. Penalty levels are generally low, except in some countries.
Stronger penalties and punishments in some member states do not prove
to be very effective as illegal operators shift their activities to regions with
less severe consequences for violation.
It appears that a large number of national agencies are involved in coun-
tering in WEEE related infringements, due to the nature of this crime. This
situation results in a diffusion of relevant information with each admin-
istration holding partial information. Such a division of intelligence creates
barriers for effective controls, including targeted inspections.
Finally, the general lack of oversight in WEEE collection points leads to
many thefts of WEEE and its components strongly affecting the collection
rates and facilitating its diversion to illegal streams.
Criminals are aware of the existing vulnerabilities in each step of the WEEE
chain as well as the weakness in the enforcement system and continue be-
ing active. To deter such acts, better allocation of resources, stronger pen-
alties, greater harmonization of national systems, enhanced security
measures, and stronger cooperation among administrations are most nec-
essary improvement measures.
Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 559
In terms of future research, the authors make the following recommenda-
tions: (i) gather further information on the key issues identified in the gap
analysis through questionnaires and interviews; (ii) identify best practices
in the most problematic areas identified; and (iii) do further research on the
key area of inspection planning and strategy, and derive from it further ex-
amples of best practices to disrupt the illegal WEEE supply chains.
This paper results from the CWIT Project, which has received funding from
the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7;
SEC-2012.2.2-1) under Grant Agreement No. 312605. Ideas and opinions ex-
pressed by the authors do not necessarily represent those of all partners.
560 Sangeeta Mohanty et al.
ADEME and OCAD3E, 2013. Projet de quantification des déchetsd’équipementélec-
triquesetélectroniques (DEEE) en France Gisement et destinations des DEEE
ménagers et assimilés. Available at: <
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25 May 2015].
Algemene Rekenkamer, 2012. Enforcement of European Waste Shipment Regula-
Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012
on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
EC, 2011. Implementing EU waste legislation for green growth.
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EIA, 2011. System Failure: The UK's harmful trade in electronic waste. Available at: [Accessed 1 June 2015].
EUROSAI, 2013. Coordinated audit on the enforcement of the European Waste Ship-
ment Regulation.
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Geeraerts, K., Illes, A. and Schweizer, J.P., 2015. Illegal shipment of e-waste from
the EU: A case study on illegal e-waste export from the EU to China.
IMPEL, 2011. Practicability and enforceability of the Waste Shipment Regulation. Fi-
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Weaknesses in European e-Waste Management 561
Kristensen, M., 2012. Proposed Increase in Criminal Penalties for Illegal Export of
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List of Authors
Ahokas, Juha
Capacity Building and Training
Alfathi, Najlae
najlae.alfath[email protected]om
laboratory of innovative
Bahauddin, Achmad
University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Center for Transport
-System and
Blecker, Thorsten
University of
Technology (TUHH)
Institute of Business Logistics
and General Management
Bouallouche, Dalicia
University of Bourgogne Franche
Comté / LE2I UMR6306
Laboratory of electronics, image and
science (CNRS)
Brümmerstedt, Katrin
Fraunhofer Center for Maritime
Logistics and Services CML
Brunner, Uwe
Fh Joanneum University of Applied
Industrial Management
Busvelle, Eric
University of Toulon
Laboratory of information sci-
ences and systems (LSIS)
Ekawati, Ratna
University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Center for Transport
-System and
Flitsch, Verena
Fraunhofer Center for Maritime
Logistics and Services CML
Föhring, René
University of Duisburg
List of Authors 565
, Rosie
Capacity Building and Training
, Willibald A.
Technical University Munich
Gutierrez Quijano, Pedro David
pdgutierr[email protected]
National University of Colombia
Industrial Engineering
Hintsa, Juha
-border Research Association
Hoppenheit, Steffi
Technical University Munich
Institute of Materials Handling,
Material Flow,
, Eleftherios
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Laboratory of Quantitative Analysis,
Logistics and Supply Chain
Management, Department of
Mechanical Engineering
, Muhammad
University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Center for Transport
-System and
Jahn, Carlos
Fraunhofer Center for Maritime
Logistics and Services CML
Jażdżewska-Gutta, Magdalena
University of Gdansk
Institute of International Business
Keramydas, Christos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Laboratory of Quantitative Analysis,
Logistics and Supply Chain
Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Köhler, Timo
dbh Logistics IT AG
List of Authors 567
Kühn, Mathias
Technische Universität Dresden
Kersten, Wolfgang
Hamburg University of Technology
Institute of Business Logistics and
General Management
Lasch, Rainer
Technische Universität Dresden
Department of Business Management
and Economics
Lyhyaoui, Abdelouahid
of innovative technology
Männistö, Toni
-border Research Association
Männistö, Toni
-border Research Association
Martínez Flores, José Luis
Universidad Popular Autónoma del
Estado de Puebla
Director of Graduate Management
Logistics and Supply Chain,
Meyer-Larsen, Nils
ISL Institute of Shipping Economics
and Logistics
Information Logisti
Millot, Stéphane
Tedies Company
Müller, Rainer
ISL Institute of Shipping Economics
and Logistics
Information Logistics
Noche, Bernd
Universität Duisburg
-system and Logistic
Olivares Benítez
, Elías
Universidad Popular Autónoma del
Estado de Puebla
Interdisciplinary Center for Graduate
Studies and Research
List of Authors 569
, Andreas
Muenster University of Applied
Institute of Process Management and
Ramos Torres
, Isidro
Universidad de Sonora
Industrial Engineering
, Asep
Universität Duisburg
-system and Logistic
Romero Dessens, Luis Felipe
Universidad de Sonora
Industrial Engineering
Ringle, Christian M.
University of Technology
for Human Resource
Management and Organizations
Santoso, Muhammad Iman
Universität Duisburg
-system and Logistic
, Thorsten
Technische Universität Dresden
Sedqui, Abdelfettah
laboratory of innovative technology
, Dimitrios
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
of Quantitative Analysis,
Logistics and Supply Chain
Management, Department of
Mechanical Engineering
List of Authors 571
, Franz
Muenster University of Applied
Institute of Process Management and
, Jean-Baptiste
University of Bourgogne Franche
/ LE2I UMR6306
Laboratory of electronics, image and
computer science
, Dimitrios
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
of Quantitative Analysis,
Logistics and Supply Chain
Management, Department of
Mechanical Engineering
, Wolfgang
Technische Universität Dresden
Department of Business Management
and Economics
Völker, Michael
Technische Universität Dresden
, Regina
Hamburg University of Technology
Institute of Business Logistics and
General Management
, Martin
FH JOANNEUM University of Applied
Industrial Management
, Taiba
Technische Universität Dresden
, Stephan
University of
Zsifkovits, Helmut
University of Leoben /
Lehrstuhl für Industrielogistik
This volume contains research contributions by an international group of authors focusing on innovative models to
optimize logistics and supply chains at an operational level. They address process efficiency and data-related
aspects. Supply chain security insights are also given.
This volume, edited by Thorsten Blecker, Wolfgang Kersten and Christian Ringle, provides valuable insights into:
Optimized Logistics and Supply Chain Operations
Data-driven Approaches for Efficient Process Management
Supply Chain Security
ISBN (print) : 978-3-7375-4056-8
ISBN (online) : 978-3-7375-4058-2
ISSN (Print) : 2635-4430
ISSN (Online) : 2365-5070
About HICL
Since 2006 the annual conference Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) at Hamburg University of
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