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Federal and
State Loan
Financial Aid and Scholar-
A129 Murphy Hall, Box 951435
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Message Center
There are several types of
student loans available to
undergraduate students and
the parents of dependent
students. This guide will pro-
vide you with informaon on
the dierent loans available to
help fund your educaon at
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Types of Loans
There are several dierent types of loans avail-
able for undergraduate students and their
families to help cover college costs.
Federal Direct Loans
Federal direct loans consist of low-interest subsidized
(no interest while in school), unsubsidized loans
(interest accrues while in school) and parent PLUS
loans. All of these are nanced by the U.S Department
of Educaon.
Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans are borrowed by
the student. Parent PLUS loans are borrowed by the
California DREAM Loan
DREAM loans are available to California students who
meet the applicaon requirements for the California
DREAM Act Applicaon. Dream loan has the same
interest rate as Federal Direct Subsidized Loan.
Private Student Loans
Private loans are available for both students and par-
ents. These loans are oered by lenders independent-
ly of the Department of Educaon. Interest rates are
credit based and repayment opons will vary. Private
loans are best ulized only if eligibility for Federal Di-
rect Loans has already been exhausted. For detailed
You must complete the Free Applicaon for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each
academic year. (For Federal Loans)
You must Complete a CA DREAM Applicaon each year (for DREAM Loans)
You must be a US cizen or an eligible non-cizen. (For Federal Loans)
You must be enrolled at least half-me (6 units).
Eligibility for Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans, PLUS loans and Private loans is
not need based.
Loan Eligibility
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How To Apply
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
Students who submit a FAFSA will receive nocaon
of their loan eligibility via their Financial Aid
Nocaon (FAN) on MyUCLA.
Loans must be accepted via the students FAN. First
me borrowers must also complete a Master
Promissory Note and Loan Entrance Counseling. Direct
loans will not disburse unl these have been
Parent PLUS Loans
The PLUS loan must be accepted on the FAN, then one
of the students parents must complete addional
applicaon steps.
A Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan applicant is
considered to have an adverse credit history if he or
Is 90 or more days delinquent on any debt as of the
date of the credit report, or
Has been the subject of a default determinaon,
bankruptcy discharge, foreclosure, repossession,
tax lien, wage garnishment or write-o of debt
under Title IV of Higher Educaon Act during the 5
years preceding the date of the credit report.
Has unpaid collecon accounts and/or charge-os
as of the date of the credit report.
If the parent is denied a PLUS loan due to adverse
credit, and the family chooses not to appeal the
decision or proceed with an endorser, UCLA
Financial Aid and Scholarships will award the
student addional unsubsidized loan funds.
Approval on Appeal or with an Endorser:
Borrowers who have adverse credit but are approved
for a Direct Parent PLUS Loan as a result of appealing
the credit decision or applying with an endorser are
subject to a new counseling requirement. This new
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan
For First me Borrowers only.
1. Loan Entrance Counseling is completed
with the U.S. Department of Educaon at:
2. The Master Promissory Note is completed
Parent PLUS Loan Documents
The students parent must request a PLUS
Loan at: hps:// A new
request must be completed each year.
The parent must also complete a Master
Promissory Note on the same website.
hps:// This
requirement is for rst me borrowers
only, with the excepon of Loans
approved with an endorser.
Students who submit a California DREAM Applicaon
and meet AB540 Criteria will receive nocaon of
their loan eligibility on their FAN. Students must
accept the loan on their FAN and complete their loan
documents through the UCLA Loan Oce.
DREAM Loan Documents
Dream loan counseling is completed
through the UCLA Student Loan
Services website via hps://
The Promissory Note is completed on
paper, students will receive loan
documents from Student Loan
Services. A new Promissory Note
needs to be completed annually.
PLUS Loan Credit Requirements
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The total loan amount you accept on your FAN will be
divided equally among the terms for which you have
been awarded.
Your loan will be disbursed to your BruinBill
account at the start of each quarter. Any funds
remaining aer your Bruin Bill balance is paid will
be refunded to the student.
Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans enter repayment
six months aer a student graduates or drops below
half-me (grace period). Payments to the principal and
interest on Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans can be
deferred while the student is in school and during the
grace period (although interest will sll accrue).
Deferred interest will be capitalized (added to the
principal) at repayment or the borrower can pay
interest while in school.
A Parent PLUS loan will enter repayment 30 days aer
the nal disbursement. Parents have the opon to
defer payment unl aer their dependent student
graduates or drops below half me enrollment by
contacng their loan servicer.
The standard repayment period for all Federal loans is
10 years but can be extended. Please go to hps:// for informaon about dierent
repayment plan opons, deferments and forbearances
available through the Department of Educaon.
Loan Fees and Interest Rates
We recommend that students sign up for Bruin Direct
Via their BruinBill on MyUCLA. This will allow any
refund to be direct deposited to your bank account,
rather than being processed as a paper check. Paper
checks are processed once a week on Thursdays,
rather than daily.
Please note that UCLA Student Accounts is unable to
separate PLUS loan disbursements from other
nancial aid when refunds are processed. If the parent
borrower wishes to have any excess PLUS loan funds
refunded to them directly rather than to the student,
please contact Financial Aid and Scholarships directly
for instrucons on that process. Please be aware that
separang refunds in this way will take longer, as it
requires paper processing of the PLUS loan funds.
Addionally, PLUS disbursements will not be
automacally applied to the students BruinBill
Loan Type Interest
Interest Rate
Loan Period
3.73% July 1, 2021-
June 30, 2022
1.057% October 1, 2021-
September 30,
PLUS Loan 6.28% July 1, 2021-
June 30, 2022
4.228% October 1, 2021-
September 30,
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Loan limits for graduang seniors, who will not be enrolled for the enre academic year will be prorated,
resulng in lower than the annual maximum eligibility being awarded.
Grade Level
Federal Direct Subsidized
Loan Maximum
Federal Direct
Unsubsidized Loan
TOTAL Annual
Freshman $3,500
Dependent = $2,000
Independent = $6,000
Dependent = $5,500
Independent = $9,500
Sophomore $4,500
Dependent = $2,000
Independent = $6,000
Dependent = $6,500
Independent = $10,500
Junior/Senior $5,500
Dependent = $2,000
Independent = $7,000
Dependent = $7,500
Independent = $12,500
Undergrad Aggregate
Loan Limits
Dependent = $31,000
Independent = $57,500
Students whose parents do not qualify for a Parent PLUS Loan are eligible to receive unsubsidized loan at the
independent student maximum, not to exceed cost of aendance.
Students who do not qualify for a Federal Direct Subsidized Loan are eligible to receive Federal Direct Unsubsidized
Loans up to their respecve total annual maximum loan limits, not to exceed cost of aendance.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
A-129 Murphy Hall
(310) 206-0400
Message Center
Student Loan Services
A-227 Murphy Hall
(310) 825-9864
Student Financial Services
1125 Murphy Hall
(310) 825-9194
Federal Loan Processing Center
(800) 557-7394