Shipping & Mailing
Outbound and Inbound Package Management
SendPro® Online
Quick Reference Guide
Users Addresses Carriers Postage Printing Labels
Printing Stamps
Tracking & History
The Admin manages the SendPro account. By adding users, the Admin
can grant others permissions to ship and mail from the account. In
SendPro Online, users are added by "inviting" them.
Adding Users
You can add users in SendPro Online by "inviting" them. These users can
be used to sign in to the SendPro Tablet and the Trackable Label
application on SendPro C, SendPro+ meters.
Only users with the role of Admin can perform this procedure.
1. SelectSettings > User Management.
2. SelectInvite.
subscriptiontoonethatallowsformoreusers,selecttheClick to
see upgrade optionslinknexttotheWant to invite more users?
3. Enterthenewuser'semailaddressintotheemailaddressfield.To
4. Selectarole(AdminorUser)fromtheRolemenu.Theselected
5. Ifyouhaveamulti-locationsubscription,selectaLocationforthe
6. SelectInvite.Eachinviteduserreceivesanemailandappearsin
Once the invited user receives the email, they should follow these steps
to sign in within 7 days:
1. SelecttheSign Inlinkintheemail.
2. Enteranameandapasswordifprompted.
3. SignintoSendProOnline.
Resending expired invitations
User invitations expire after 7 days. If an invitation has expired,
the Admin can resend the invitation. For multi-location
invitations, the Admin can resend invitations for all
locations, while Location Admins can resend invitations for users at their
location only.
To resend an invitation:
1. SelectSettings > User Management.
2. Selecttheusersettingsicontotherightofthestatusfieldforthe
3. SelectResend invitation.
Managing Users
You can use SendPro Online to view users' status and change user roles.
Only users with the role of Admin can perform this procedure. For multi-
location subscriptions, only users with the role of Admin and Location
Admin can perform this procedure.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 2
1. SelectSettings > User Management.
2. OntheUsers tab,locatetheuseryouwishtoview:
l Tofilterthelistbystatus,selectthedownarrownexttoAll
l Tosearch,enterpartoftheuser'snameoremailaddressinthe
3. Selecttheusersettingsicontotherightofthestatusfieldforthe
l IftheuserstatusisActive,youcanedittheuser'sstatusor
l IftheuserstatusisInactive,youcanedittheuser'sstatusor
l IftheuserstatusisInvited,youcanresendtheinvitationor
Note: The user settings icon is disabled for the Admin user who originally
signed up for SendPro Online.
If you have a multi-location subscription, you can change the Location for
users with the role of User. The Location Admin's location cannot be
changed. To request a location change for an Account Admin or Location
Admin, contact your Pitney Bowes sales representative.
To view the permissions for each role:
1. SelectSettings > User Management.
2. SelecttheRoles & Permissionstab.
3. Ontheleftside,selecttheroleyouwishtoview.
4. Ontherightside,selectthepermissionscategorytoviewthe
The permissions for the roles cannot be changed.
Related topics
l Adding users in SendPro Online
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 3
You can easily add recipients to the SendPro address book, or import
your entire address book from another source.
Adding an Address to the Address Book
Addresses added in SendPro Online are also visible on other SendPro
The SendPro Online address book can hold an unlimited number of
addresses. However, on SendPro C, SendPro+, and SendPro P-Series
meters, only 1000 addresses are visible.
1. Fromthemenuatthetop,selectAddress Book.
2. Selectthe+(plus)icon.
3. Enterthecontactdetails.Whenenteringastreetaddress,
4. SelectSave.
Related topics
l Importing addresses into SendPro Online
Importing Addresses
You can import addresses from other sources into your SendPro Online
address book.
Addresses added in SendPro Online are also visible on other SendPro
The SendPro Online address book can hold an unlimited number of
addresses. However, on SendPro C, SendPro+, and SendPro P-Series
meters, only 1000 addresses are visible.
1. Ifyouareimportingaddressesfromanotherprogram,export/save
guidelines below.
2. Fromthemenuatthetop,selectAddress Book.
3. Selectthe+(plus)icon.
4. SelectImport multiple addresses.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 4
5. (Optional)TouseSendProOnline’stemplatetocreateyourimport
file,selectDownload a .csv template.Thefiletemplate.en-
Makesurethatyourfilemeetstheguidelines below.
6. OnceyouhavecreatedyourCSVfileofaddressestoimport,select
7. Ifyouwishtoremoveallexistingaddressesinyouraddressbook
selectReplace my current Address Book data with my
imported data.Ifthisisnotchecked,theaddressesintheimport
8. IfyouareimportingafilethatwasexportedfromyourUPSor
FedExaccount,selectAddresses are from my
UPS/FedEx address book.
9. SelectContinue.IfyouareimportingaUPSorFedExfile,youare
10. Themappingscreenappears.MatchyourCSVfilefieldsontheleft
ForanythatsayIgnore Field,choosethecorrectfield.Ifyou
chooseIgnore Field,thatfieldwillnotbeimported.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 5
11. SelectContinue.
SendPro address import guidelines
l Theorderofthecolumnsintheimportfiledoesnotmatter.
l SendProrequiresthefirstandlastnamestobeinasinglefield
l Youcanuseonlyfieldsthatcorrespondtothoseavailablein
l BecauseaddressesmustpassUSPSvalidationwhenusedin
l FullNameand/orCompanyName
l StreetAddress1
l City
l State/Province1
l ZIPCode
l Country2
thenumberforthedesiredcountry,thenfindtheCountry Codeon
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 6
Your SendPro Online account is automatically set up to work with USPS
from the moment you sign in.
For UPS and FedEx, your accounts must be added to SendPro before
you can use them.
Setting up a FedEx Account
In order to use your FedEx account in SendPro Online, you first need to
set it up in SendPro Online. After you set up your FedEx account, you can
use it for other SendPro products.
Only users with the role of Admin can perform this procedure. For multi-
location subscriptions, only users with the role of Admin or Location
admin can perform this procedure.
1. SelectSettings > Shipping Carriers.
2. IntheFedExsection,opentheAddFedExAccountscreen:
l IfyouhavenotyetsetupaFedExaccountinSendPro,select
Account Setup.
l IfyouhavealreadysetupaFedExaccountinSendProand
wishtoaddanotherone,selectAdd Account.
3. (Optional)IfyouhaveaFedExinvoiceinPDFformat,youcan
a. SelectImport a FedEx invoice.
b. ClicktheBrowsebuttonandselectyourFedExinvoicePDF
c. ClickNext.
d. Reviewtheformtomakesurethateverythingiscorrect.
e. Skiptostep10.
4. EnteryourFedExaccount:
l IfyoualreadyhaveaFedExaccount,selecttheEnter My
FedEx Accountbutton.
l IfyoudonothaveaFedExaccount,selecttheCreate New
FedEx Accountbutton.Thisprovidesyouwithalinktothe
5. Enteryour9-digitFedExaccountnumber.
6. (Optional)Enteranicknameforthisaccount.
7. Fillinyournameandaddressexactlyastheyappearonyour
l P.O.Boxaddressescannotbeused.
l Ifyouraddresscontainsasuite,unit,apartmentnumber,etc.,
l Touseacontactnameandaddressthatisdifferentfromyour
FedExbillingaddress,selectMy contact name or address....
8. IfyourFedExaccountincludesSmartPost,selectMy Account
includes SmartPostandselecttheHubIDthatwasassignedto
9. Ifyouhaveamulti-locationsubscription,selecttheLocation(s)that
willhaveaccesstothisFedExaccountintheLocations with
access to this FedEx accountfield.Ifalllocationsdonotshare
thesameFedExaccount,youcangotoSettings > Shipping
10. SelectI accept the FedEx End-User License Agreement.
11. SelecttheAdd Carrierbutton.WhenyourFedExaccounthas
beenadded,themessageSettings have been saved
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 7
12. (Optional)ToaddanotherFedExaccount,selecttheAdd Account
13. IfanySendPro-compatibledevicesareassociatedwiththe
Setting up a UPS Account
In order to use your UPS account in SendPro Online, you first need to set
it up in SendPro Online. After you set up your UPS account, you can use
it for other SendPro products.
Only users with the role of Admin can perform this procedure. For multi-
location subscriptions, only users with the role of Admin or Location
Admin can perform this procedure.
To create a SendPro UPS Rate account and receive pre-negotiated rate
1. SelectSettings > Shipping Carriers.
2. IntheUPSsection,opentheAddUPSAccountscreen:
l IfyouhavenotyetsetupaUPSaccountinSendPro,select
Account Setup.
l IfyouhavealreadysetupaUPSaccountinSendProandwish
toaddanotherone,selectAdd Account.
3. OntheCreate SendPro UPS Rate Accounttab,theUPS
Account Nicknamewillalreadybefilledin.Youcanchangethisif
4. YourSendProOnlinenameandaddresswillalreadybefilledin.
5. SelecttheI accept the UPS Technology Agreement and the
exclusive SendPro UPS Rate Agreementbox.
6. SelectAdd Carrier.
If for any reason you need to add an account that is
a SendPro UPS
Rate Account and does not receive SendPro's pre-negotiated rate
discounts, select the Enter My UPS Account tab and follow these steps:
1. SelectSettings > Shipping Carriers.
2. IntheUPSsection,opentheAddUPSAccountscreen:
l IfyouhavenotyetsetupaUPSaccountinSendPro,select
Account Setup.
l IfyouhavealreadysetupaUPSaccountinSendPro,andwish
toaddanotherone,selectAdd Account.
3. (Optional)IfyouhaveaUPSinvoiceinPDFformat,youcanimport
a. SelectImport a UPS invoice.
b. ClicktheBrowsebuttonandselectyourUPSinvoicePDFfile.
c. ClickNext.
d. Reviewtheformtomakesureeverythingiscorrect.
e. Skiptostep11.
4. IfyoualreadyhaveaUPSaccount,skiptostep5.Ifyoudonot
a. SelectCreate New UPS Accountatthetop.
b. ClicktheprovidedlinktogototheUPSwebsiteandcreatean
c. OnceyourUPSaccounthasbeencreated,returntoSendPro
andselectEnter My UPS Accountatthetop.
5. IntheUPS Account Numberfield,enteryour6-digitUPSaccount
6. (Optional)Enteranicknameforthisaccount.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 8
7. IfyourUPSaccountislessthan90daysold,selecttheUPS
account is newer than 90 daysboxandenteryourname,
8. IfyouhaveshippedwithUPSinthepast90days,getyourmost
a. IntheUPS Invoice Amountfield,enterthe"amountduethis
b. EntertheControl IDfromyourUPSinvoice.Thisiscase-
c. EntertheShipped Fromaddress,ifthereisoneonyourUPS
Important: All information is case-sensitive and must match your
UPS account information exactly. You get three attempts to enter
the information correctly before you are locked out of your
UPS account for 30 hours.
9. Ifyouhaveamulti-locationsubscription,selecttheLocation(s)that
willhaveaccesstothisUPSaccountintheLocations with
access to this UPS accountfield.Ifalllocationsdonotsharethe
sameUPSaccount,youcangotoSettings > Shipping
10. Tocontinue,selecttheI accept the UPS Technology Agreement
11. SelecttheAdd Carrierbuttonatthebottom.WhenyourUPS
accounthasbeenadded,themessage,Settings have been
saved successfullyappears.
12. (Optional)ToaddanotherUPSaccount,selecttheAdd Account
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 9
Comparing Carrier Rates
When creating a shipping label, you can compare rates from each carrier you use.
1. Createalabelasyounormallywould,selectingMy Box or Envelopeasyourpackagetype.
2. WhenyougettotheChooseYourServicescreen,usetheCarrier Accountsmenutochoosewhichcarriersyouwishtoviewservicesfrom.
3. Selectthedesiredserviceandprintthelabelasusual.
Related topics
l Creating and printing a domestic shipping label in SendPro Online
l Creating an international, military, or U.S. territory shipping label in SendPro Online
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 10
You can add postage to your USPS account through SendPro Online, and automatically add postage to your USPS account when your balance falls
below a certain threshold.
For UPS and FedEx, your shipping costs are billed directly to your UPS or FedEx account.
Refilling Postage
In order to print USPS labels and postage in SendPro Online, you must have enough funds in your USPS postage account. You are prompted to add
more postage to your account when needed, but you can add postage at any time using these steps.
Only users with the role of Admin can perform this procedure.
1. SelectyourUSPSpostagebalanceintheupperrightfromanyscreen,orintheUSPStileontheHomescreen.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 11
2. Selecttheamountyouwishtoadd,orselectCustomtoenteradifferentamount.Theminimumyoucanaddis$10.00.Yourpostagebalance
3. (Optional)Toassignthispostagepurchasetoacostaccount,selectthedesiredaccountfromthemenu.
4. SelectAdd Postage.
l ThisisforUSPSonly.UPSandFedExchargeyourshippingcostsdirectlytoyourUPSorFedExaccount.
l IfyouhaveaSendProMailstationdevice,a3.5%administrativefeeisaddedwhenyouuseacreditcardtopayforpostage.IfyouuseaReserve
l YoucanviewyourpostagerefillsonthePostagetabinyourHistory.
Related topics
l Paying for SendPro Online Postage and Shipping
l Automating postage refills in SendPro Online
l Viewing your history in SendPro Online
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 12
Automating Postage Refills
You can have SendPro automatically add postage to your USPS account when the balance falls below a certain threshold.
1. SelectSettings > Postage Refills.
2. SelectI want to automatically add postage.
3. IntheSet the minimum postage threshold amountfield,enterthethresholdamount.Whenyourpostagebalancegoesbelowthisamount,
4. IntheAdd this postage amountfield,entertheamountoffundsyouwishtohaveaddedtoyourpostagebalancewhenthethresholdis
5. Ifyouwishtoreceiveanemailnotificationwhenanautomaticpostagerefillissettooccur,entertheaddressinthePostage Refill Emailfield.
6. Ifyouusecostaccounts,youcanassociateacostaccountwithpostagerefills.SelecttheSearch for Cost Accountsfieldandselectthe
7. SelectSave.
Related topics
l Adding postage in SendPro Online
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 13
Printing Stamps
SendPro allows you to print postage stamps or print postage directly on envelopes.
Printing Stamp Sheets
Stamps can be printed either from the
SendPro Online software
or from the
web version of SendPro Online
. Stamps without a date can only be printed
from the SendPro Online software. Stamps must be printed on compatible SendPro postage sheets, which are available in our
online shop
(item #SL-
Each stamp sheet has a unique serial number and contains 25 blank stamp stickers. SendPro keeps track of how many stamps you print with each
serial number, so you do not have to use the entire sheet at once.
The postage value printed is as-is and is not a USPS Forever Stamp. If USPS postal rates change, you can
print a postage correction stamp
can be used with an already printed stamp to add additional postage.
1. FromtheSendProHomescreen,selectStamp Sheets & Rolls.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 14
2. SelectStamp Sheet.
3. EntertheserialnumberoftheSendProOnlinestampsheetyouwillprintandselectAccept.Ifyouhaveprintedstampsbefore,themostrecently
4. FromtheQuantitymenu,choosethenumberofstampsyouwishtoprint.Thestampsheetimageshowsapreviewofthestampsthatwillprint.
5. Performanyoftheoptionaltasksbelowtosetupthestampsasneeded.
6. SelectPrint.
l Ifprintingfromawebbrowser,aPDFofthestampsheetopensinanewbrowserwindowortab.Useyourbrowser'sprintfunctiontoprintthis
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 15
Optional tasks
1. Changing the mailing dateorPrinting stamps with no date
2. Changing the postage class or amount
3. Printing additional stamps with a different value on the same sheet
4. Changing the stamp sheet
5. Assigning the stamp cost to a cost account
6. Adding extra services
7. Entering notes for your transaction history
8. Changing the ZIP code the mail is being sent from
9. Marking cells as damaged
10. Starting over
11. Printing a test stamp sheet
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 16
Changing the mailing date
Select the desired date from the Mailing Date on Stamp menu [1].
Printing stamps with no date
To print stamps with no date on them, choose Print without a date from the Mailing Date on Stamp menu [1]. Stamps without a date can only be
printed from the
SendPro Online software
Changing the postage class or amount
From the Mailing Services / Stamp Value menu [2], choose the value of the stamps you wish to print.
l Tochooseamailclassthatisnotlisted,selectChoose another mail class,choosethedesiredTypeandWeight,andselectAccept.
l InternationalletterisfoundunderChoose another mail class.
l Themaximumweightforastampis13ounces.Tosendsomethingthatweighsmorethanthat,create a shipping label.
l IfyouhavetheattachedUSBscale,youcanselectthescaleicontoweightheitemonthescale.
Printing additional stamps with a different value on the same sheet
Select Add Another Stamp Value [3] and choose the number and stamp class.
Changing the stamp sheet
To use a different stamp sheet, select Switch sheet > Add a new stamp sheet [4].
Assigning the stamp cost to a cost account
Select Cost account at the bottom [5], then choose the desired account from the menu that appears.
Adding extra services
To add extra services such as certified mail:
1. SelectAdd extra services[6].
2. Selectthedesiredservices.
3. SelectAccept.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 17
Entering notes for your transaction history
Select Add memo / reference [7], enter the memo (up to 50 characters), and select Accept.
Changing the ZIP code the mail is being sent from
Enter the ZIP code in the Mail From This ZIP Code field [8].
Marking cells as damaged
To mark cells as damaged so that they will not be printed on (for example, if a stamp was accidentally pulled off):
1. SelectMark cells as damaged[9].
2. Clickonthecellsyouwishtomarkasdamaged.Tounmarkcellsthatwereincorrectlymarkedasdamaged,clickonthem.
3. SelectRemove.
Starting over
To clear the stamp selections and start over, select Remove all stamps [10].
Printing a test stamp sheet
Select Test Print [11]. Test prints are for testing alignment only and do not use postage. If your test sheet is not aligned properly, see
Stamp sheets
not aligned properly when printed in SendPro Online
Related topics
l Printing stamp rolls in SendPro Online
l Printing envelopes in SendPro Online
l Setting up default stamp and envelope printing options in SendPro Online
l Ordering supplies for SendPro Online
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 18
Printing Stamp Rolls
Stamps can be printed either from the
SendPro Online software
or from the
web version of SendPro Online
. Compatible postage stamp rolls for
SendPro are available in our
online shop.
The postage value printed is as-is and is not a USPS Forever Stamp. If USPS postal rates change, you can
print a postage correction stamp
can be used with an already printed stamp to add additional postage.
1. FromtheSendProHomescreen,selectStamp Sheets & Rolls.
2. SelectStamp Roll.
3. FromtheQuantitymenu,choosethenumberofstampsyouwishtoprint.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 19
4. Performanyoftheoptionaltasksbelowtosetupthestampsasneeded.
5. SelectPrint.
Optional tasks
1. Changing the postage class or amount
2. Printing additional stamps with a different value
3. Adding extra services
4. Assigning the stamp cost to a cost account
5. Entering notes for your transaction history
6. Changing the ZIP code the mail is being sent from
7. Starting over
8. Printing a test stamp sheet
Changing the postage class or amount
From the Mailing Services / Stamp Value menu [1], choose the value of the stamps you wish to print.
l Tochooseamailclassthatisnotlisted,selectChoose another mail class,choosethedesiredTypeandWeight,andselectAccept.
l InternationalletterisfoundunderChoose another mail class.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 20
l Themaximumweightforastampis13ounces.Tosendsomethingthatweighsmorethanthat,create a shipping label.
l IfyouhavetheattachedUSBscale,youcanselectthescaleicontoweightheitemonthescale.
Printing additional stamps with a different value
Select Add Another Stamp Value [2] and choose the number and stamp class.
Adding extra services
To add extra services such as certified mail:
1. SelectAdd extra services[3].
2. Selectthedesiredservices.
3. SelectAccept.
Assigning the stamp cost to a cost account
Select Cost account at the bottom [4], then choose the desired account from the menu that appears.
Entering notes for your transaction history
Select Add memo / reference [5], enter the memo (up to 50 characters), and select Accept.
Changing the ZIP code the mail is being sent from
Enter the ZIP code in the Mail From This ZIP Code [6] field.
Starting over
To clear the stamp selections and start over, select Remove all stamps [7].
Printing a test stamp sheet
Select Test Print [8]. Test Prints are for testing alignment only and do not use postage.
Related topics
l Printing stamp sheets in SendPro Online
l Printing envelopes in SendPro Online
l Setting up default stamp and envelope printing options in SendPro Online
l Ordering supplies for SendPro Online
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 21
Printing Envelopes
Envelopes can be printed on most inkjet or laser printers, but must be printed using the SendPro Online software. Envelopes cannot be printed from
the web version of SendPro Online.
Need the SendPro Online software?
1. Double-clickontheSendProdesktopshortcuticon,orselectWindowsStart > All Programs > SendProtolaunchtheSendProOnline
2. FromtheSendProHomescreen,selectStamp Sheets & Rolls.
3. SelectEnvelopes.
4. Performanyoftheoptionaltasksbelowtosetuptheenvelopeasneeded.
5. SelectPrint.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 22
Optional tasks
1. Changing the postage class or amount
2. Adding extra services
3. Printing addresses on the envelope
4. Printing more than one envelope with the same settings
5. Printing multiple envelopes with different addresses and the same postage amount
6. Changing the envelope size
7. Changing the mailing date
8. Assigning the envelope to a cost account
9. Entering notes for your transaction history
10. Changing the ZIP code the mail is being sent from
11. Seeing how the envelope will look when printed (print preview)
12. Printing a test envelope
13. Clearing the selections and starting over
14. Adding a QR code
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 23
Changing the postage class or amount
To print a postage amount other than First-Class Letter:
1. SelecttheFirst-Class Mail Lettermenu[1]andselectChoose another mail class.
2. EntertheWeight.
l IfyouhavetheattachedUSBscale,placetheitemonthescaleandselectthescaleicontoweighit.
3. SelecttheMail Classyouwishtouse.
4. SelectAccept.
Adding extra services
To add extra services such as certified mail:
1. SelectAdd extra services[2].
2. Selectthedesiredservices.
3. SelectAccept.
Printing addresses on the envelope
1. SelecttheAdd sender addressortheAdd recipient addressbox[3]ontheenvelope.
2. Entertheaddress,orselecttheChoose from Address Bookicontochooseanaddressfromtheaddressbook.
3. SelectAccept & Verify.Inorderfortheaddresstobeverified,thecity,state,andZIPCodemustmatch.
Printing more than one envelope with the same settings
Select the number of envelopes from the "1" drop-down menu [4].
Printing multiple envelopes with different addresses and the same postage amount
1. SelectPrint multiple envelopes with multiple addresses[5],thenselectAdd Addresses.
2. IntheAddRecipientAddresswindow,either:
l EntertheaddressmanuallyandselectAccept & Verify,or
l SelecttheChoose from Address Bookicontochooseaddressesfromyouraddressbook,checktheboxesnexttothedesiredaddresses,
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 24
Changing the envelope size
Select Change size [6] and choose the desired size. Only #9 and #10 envelopes are supported.
Changing the mailing date
Select the desired date from the Mailing Date on Stamp menu [7].
Assigning the envelope cost to a cost account
Select Cost account at the bottom [8], then choose the desired account from the menu that appears.
Entering notes for your transaction history
Select Add memo / reference [9], enter the memo (up to 50 characters), and select Accept.
Changing the ZIP code the mail is being sent from
Enter the ZIP code in the Mail From This ZIP Code [10] field.
Seeing how the envelope will look when printed (print preview)
To turn off the dotted lines so that you can see how the envelope will look when printed:
1. SelectPrint Preview[11].
2. Ifmultipleaddressesareselected,usethearrowstoscrollthroughtheenvelopepreviews.
3. Whenfinished,selectDesign Viewtoreturntoeditingtheenvelope.
Printing a test envelope
Select Test Print [12]. Test Prints are for testing alignment only and do not use postage.
Starting over
Select Clear envelope [13]. In the Confirm Clear Envelope window, select Clear.
Adding a QR code
Select the desired Add QR code [14] location on the envelope. Use the form to select the type of information you want the QR code to contain and fill
in the information. A QR code can be made to contain any one of the following items:
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 25
l Plaintext
l Telephonenumber
l Websiteaddress
l Emailaddress
Related topics
l Installing the SendPro Online Mobile App
l Printing stamp sheets in SendPro Online
l Printing stamp rolls in SendPro Online
l Setting up default stamp and envelope printing options in SendPro Online
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 26
Printing Labels
You can access rates and services from major carriers, and easily
compare rates from different carriers to save money and time when
Creating and Printing a Domestic Shipping Label
1. FromtheSendProOnlineHomescreenorthePrintmenu,selecta
2. IfyouuseCostAccounts,selectthedesiredaccountfromtheCost
3. Entertherecipientaddress,orselecttheChoose from Address
4. Ifpromptedtoverifytheaddress,selectUse Verified.
5. Toemailthetrackingnumberwhenyouprintthelabel,select
theEmail the tracking numberboxandentertheemailaddress.
6. SelectContinue.
7. OntheChooseYourPackagingscreen,selectthetypeofpackage
seetheCarrier Services and Packagingsectionbelow.
8. SelectContinue.
9. OntheChooseYourServicescreen,selecttheshippingdate,then
10. Oncetheservicehasbeenselected,chooseanyextraservicesyou
11. Whenyouarereadytoprintthelabel,selectPrint.
12. IntheSelect a print sizefield,selecteitherRoll - 4 x 6orPlain
Paper - 8.5 x 11.
13. Toaddanoteabouttheshipment,enteritintheMemofield.You
14. Toprintareceiptalongwiththelabel,selectthePrint receipt with
15. SelectPrint.ThelabelopensinPDFformatinanewwindowor
Carrier Services and Packaging
l *Ifyouselectacarrier-specificpackagetype,youwillonlyseerates
fromthatcarrier.Toseeratesfromallcarriers,selectMy Box or
l ForUSPSPriorityMailExpress,thedeliverydateshownisthe
l Tochargethecostsoftheshipmenttotherecipient'soranother
thirdparty'sFedExorUPSaccount,selectOther billing options
fromtheCarrier Accountmenuatthetop.
l RatesshowninSendProOnlinemaydifferfromratesshownonthe
l SendPro Online rate and FedEx or UPS rate differences
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 27
l FedExHomeDeliveryvs.FedExGround:Inordertoship
Online,youmustselectMy Box or Envelope.Ifyouchoose
l Whenusingyourownpackagingandshippingtoaresidential
l Whenusingyourownpackagingandshippingtoacommercial
For more information about carrier services, visit the carrier's website:
l FedEx
Related topics
l Creating an international, military, or U.S. territory shipping label in
SendPro Online
l Applying a cost account to shipping labels and stamps in SendPro
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 28
Creating a Return Label
You can create a return label for a shipment so that the recipient can send it back to you. Return label procedures vary by carrier.
l FedEx
l Default return address
USPS return labels may be created up to 7 days from the date of the original shipping label. USPS return labels are dated, so they are not intended to
be put into an outgoing package just in case the recipient may want to return the shipment. If the recipient requests a return label, you should create it
at that time and email them a PDF of it on the day of creation.
You can create a USPS return label from a shipping label you just printed, or from the shipping History screen.
To create a return label for a shipping label that you just printed:
1. AtthetopoftheHomescreen,undertheconfirmationofthelabelyoujustprinted,selectCreate Return Label.
2. Createandprintthelabelasusual.
To create a return label from the History screen:
1. FromtheHistory menu,selectShipping & Postage History.
2. Selectthedesiredshipment.
3. SelecttheCreate Return Labelbutton.
4. Createandprintthelabelasusual.
UPS labels do not expire.
1. Addyourcustomer'saddresstoyouraddressbookasasender.
2. Addyouraddresstoyouraddressbookasarecipient.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 29
3. Createandprintthelabelasusual,choosingMy Boxasyourpackaging.
4. Selectthedesiredclass.
5. SelectUPS Print Return Label.ThisoptionisonlyavailablewhenchoosingMy Boxasyourpackaging.UPSPrintReturnLabelisnot
6. Enterthedescription of merchandise.
FedEx labels do not expire.
1. Addyourcustomer'saddresstoyouraddressbookasasender.
2. Addyouraddresstoyouraddressbookasarecipient.
3. Createandprintthelabelasusual,choosingMy Boxasyourpackaging.
4. Selectthedesiredclass.
5. SelectFedEx print return label.ThisoptionisonlyavailablewhenchoosingMy Boxasyourpackaging.FedExprintreturnlabelisnot
Default return address
To set a default return address:
1. SelectSettings.
2. SelectReturn Labels.
3. SelectI want to use the same recipient address for all of my return shipping labels.
4. Enterthedefaultreturnaddressyouwishtouse.
5. SelectSave.
Related topics
l Creating and printing a domestic shipping label in SendPro Online
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 30
Creating a Same-day Delivery Label
Pitney Bowes Same-day Delivery is a service that will pick up packages and deliver them across town. Availability varies based on various factors,
including location and delivery window.
1. FromtheHomescreen,selectSame-day Delivery.
2. Entertherecipientaddress,orselecttheChoose from Address Bookicontoselectanaddressfromtheaddressbook.
3. Thepickuplocationdefaultstoyourdefaultsenderaddress.Tochangethepickuplocation,selecttheChangelinknexttothePickupLocation.
4. Toaddpickupinstructionsforthecarrier,clickintheAdd Pickup Instructionsfieldandentertheinstructions.
5. Tosendtextnotifications,selectSend mobile text notificationsandenterthephonenumber.
6. Toemailthetrackingnumberwhenyouprintthelabel,selecttheEmail the tracking numberboxandentertheemailaddress.
7. SelectContinue.
8. Selectthepackagetypeandsize.
9. EnterthevalueofthepackageinthePackage Valuefield.
10. SelectContinue.
11. InthePickup Time Windowsection,selectthestartandendtimesbetweenwhichyouwantthepackagetobepickedup.
12. IntheDelivery Time Windowsection,selectthestartandendtimesbetweenwhichyouwantthepackagetobedroppedoff.
13. IntheDelivery Instructionsfield,enteranydeliveryinstructionsforthecarrier.
14. SelectContinue.
15. OntheChooseYourServicescreen,selectthedesiredservice.
16. IntheExtra Servicessection,selectanydesiredservices.
17. SelectPrint.
You can track your same-day delivery live from the History screen.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 31
Tracking & History
You can track packages right from the Home screen, and the History screen allows you to see all the details of the shipments you've sent.
Viewing Your History
You can view the history of your parcels, shipping labels, stamp printing, postage purchases (refills), and refunds. SendPro history data is kept online
for 25 months.
1. Fromthemenuatthetop,selectHistory > Shipping & Postage History.
2. Bydefault,theShipmentstabisshown,showingthehistoryofyourpastshipments.
3. Selectthetabforthetypeofhistoryyouwishtoview:
l USPS Stamps:YourUSPSstampprintinghistory
l USPS Stamp Refunds:YourUSPSstamprefundhistory
l Postage:Yourpostagepurchase(refill)history
l USPS Label Refunds:YourUSPSlabelrefundhistory
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 32
4. Toviewthedetailsofaparticulariteminthelist,selectthearrowtoopenit.
5. (Optional)Tofilterthelistfurther,usethedateorotherfiltersatthetopofthelist.
6. (Optional)Toexportthecurrentlistasareport,selecttheExporticonatthetopofthelist.
Related topics
l Exporting a history report from SendPro Online
l Searching for a shipment in SendPro Online
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 33
Tracking a Shipment
You can view tracking information for packages sent through SendPro in your history, or look up tracking information for any package from the
SendPro Online Home screen.
To track a package from the Home screen:
1. IntheRecent PackagessectionontheSendProOnlineHomescreen,enteratrackingnumberintotheEnter tracking numberbox.
2. (Optional)Selectthecarrierfromthemenu.
3. SelectTrack.
To view tracking information on the History screen:
1. Fromthemenuatthetop,selectHistory > Shipping & Postage History.
2. Selectashipmenttoviewmoredetails,includingthetrackingnumber.
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 34
3. (Optional)Tocopyatrackingnumbertoyourclipboardsothatyoucanpasteitelsewhere,selecttheCopy tracking numbericon.
ForSame-daydeliveries,selectTrack live.
4. (Optional)Toviewamapshowingthepackage'smovement,selectMap.Onthemap,selectanyofthepointsformoreinformation.Select
Pitney Bowes Quick Reference Guide July 2021 35
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3001 Summer Street
Stamford, Connecticut 06926