Marquee University
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Identifying potential headings for Authority work
using III Sierra, MS Excel and OpenRe#ne
Lynn K. Whi$enberger
Marquee University&%)!!! $)$
October 23, 2015
Identifying potential headings for Authority work
using III Sierra, MS Excel and OpenRefine
Lynn Whittenberger, Metadata Librarian
Raynor Memorial Library, Marquette University
In order to participate in a newly established Wisconsin NACO funnel project, Marquette University’s
Raynor Library needed to identify author/corporate names currently in the Catalog
( or Institutional Repository ( that might
be good candidates for creating new Authority records.
Two collections immediately came to mind that would benefit from additional authority control:
Marquette Faculty authors (represented in the Institutional Repository and in our Faculty Publications
Collection), and Milwaukee musicians (represented in the Cujé Collection)
III Sierra: pulling lists & exporting records
Lists of names represented in the catalog were easy to pull. Faculty Publications and Cujé Collection
materials have unique location codes in our catalog, which made it easy to gather the relevant
bibliographic records using the create lists function in III Sierra. From those lists, I exported only the
author and added author fields (MARC fields 100/110 and 700/710). I stripped subfields e and t from the
export, as that made it easier to identify and remove duplicates in Excel and OpenRefine. The author
and added author fields were exported as a | (pipe) delimited file. Sierra offers the option of specifying
delimiters for repeated fields, and I used the same delimiter for both fields and repeated fields, which
made it easier to convert the resulting file into one long list in Excel.
MS Excel: consolidating the catalog data
Once the file exported, I used the Excel wizard to convert the delimited file into an Excel spreadsheet.
The initial conversion gave me many columns of data. To consolidate the columns of data down to one, I
sorted the last column, used the Excel “remove duplicates” function on that column, then copied the de-
duplicated cells and pasted them onto the bottom of the column to the left. I repeated the process of
sorting and deduplicating, then copying and pasting, moving left on the spreadsheet until I was left with
one column of data. A time consuming process, but not terrible.
Digital Commons data
Our Institutional Repository (IR) is built on the Digital Commons platform and the list of faculty names is
natively exported as an Excel spreadsheet. Here, the author name exports into three columns: last
name, first name, middle name/initial. Using the concatenate function in Excel, I was able to ‘glue’ the
pieces of the author name together into the same format as the data from the catalog (Last Name
(comma space) First Name (space) middle name/initial). To convert the column of built names from a
formula to text, I had to copy the column, and then paste as values into a new column.
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MS Excel: more data cleanup
I took the list of Faculty names from the IR and merged it with the list of Faculty names from the catalog.
I then cleaned up the list by running the Excel sort and “remove duplicates” functions on the merged
The end result was two spreadsheets: a Cujé sheet and a Marquette Faculty sheet. For the Cujé sheet, I
left all the headings in the list. For MU Faculty, I did a little more cleanup to remove corporate names. In
Excel, I used the Conditional Formatting”-“Highlight Cells Rules- “Text that contains” functionality.
Using a list of common corporate name stopwords (e.g. Association, Inc., University, etc..) I was able to
find corporate body names in the list and remove them. To identify obvious non-Marquette authors, I
cleaned the list by using the same “Conditional Formatting …” functionality and searching for “Text that
contains birthdates in the 1600s, 1700s, and early 1800s.
Open Refine: data cleanup
Once the data was in one column and the preliminary cleanup work done, I was ready to use Open
Refine (OR) to clean up the data more thoroughly. From there, I could reconcile the names against VIAF
(Virtual International Authority File:, and LCNAF (Library of Congress Name Authority
Each spreadsheet became a separate project in Open Refine.
I first used Open Refine to eliminate duplicates that Excel couldn’t: ending punctuation differences, the
presence or absence of middle initials, single letter typos in the name, etc.
To de-duplicate values in OR, I used the “Edit Cellsand “Cluster and Edit” functionality.
The default clustering algorithm is method = key collision and keying function = fingerprint. This
algorithm caught many variants of the same name. In my case, they were typically with punctuation
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For the key collision/fingerprint clustering, I would simply click “Select All, then Merge Selected & Re-
cluster” to merge the clusters and check for stragglers. Once OR stopped finding clusters with the
fingerprint method, I changed the keying function to ngram-fingerprint, with ngram size=2. This seemed
to catch headings where one had a middle initial and another didn’t. You might or might not want to
merge these, as an entry with/without a middle initial could match in VIAF/LCNAF.
In this example, there were only two headings I wanted to merge.
For my last de-duplication pass, I selected the “metaphone3” keying function. This caught bigger
variations: instances where there was a date present, where middle names spelled out, or there were
names with uniform titles.
This method casts a much broader net, so it is worth the time to scan through the list and select the
headings you want to merge.
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Once I had the cells clustered and edited to my satisfaction, I re-sorted the column first, just in case a
name changed enough to move it in the list.
After sorting, it was time to remove duplicates. In OR, this is done by Edit cells Blank down.”
The “Blank down function works by blanking every row that matches the value of the preceding one
based on the row ID. (
Once duplicate values were blanked out, I hid the blank rows by applying “Facet” – Customized facets
Facet by blank
October 23, 2015
Selecting “false” in the facet box on the left will result in a display of rows that have data. In my case,
this was 2875 rows out of 3248.
October 23, 2015
Open Refine: reconciliation
Once I had a fairly clean list of names, I wanted to check them against VIAF/LCNAF to see if possible
authority records already existed.
Luckily for me, Matt Carruthers (Metadata Projects Librarian at University of Michigan) has done a huge
amount of heavy lifting in creating JSON scripts to run in OpenRefine to accomplish this very task. The
scripts can be found on GitHub at
There are three different flavors of script: Personal Names, Corporate Names, and Generic Names. I
recommend reading through Matt’s instructions on using the scripts before proceeding.
I used the Personal Names script for the Marquette Faculty list, and the Generic Names script for the
Cujé list as that one was a mix of personal and corporate names.
The first thing I needed to do was to change the OR column name to “Name” (“Edit column” -- “Rename
this column”)
In this example, I was working with the Marquette Faculty list, so I copied the Personal Names script
from the GitHub .txt file, and then pasted it into the “Apply Operation History” window.
To get to the “Apply Operation History” window, click the “Undo/Redo” tab (next to the Facet/Filter
tab), and then click the “Apply” button
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Once the script is pasted, click the “Perform Operations” button and OR will be off and searching!
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OR will tell you what it is doing, and how far it has gotten in the yellow box at the top of the window.
Fetching the names by URL *does* take a little time. The list of almost 3000 names took about an hour
to process, as the script has OR fetch twice: once from VIAF to get a list of matches, and then again from
VIAF to build the LC link if the VIAF record(s) have LCNAF numbers. So if you have a large dataset, you
may want to break it into smaller chunks before running it through OR.
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The end result looks like this: a spreadsheet with the name from your database, the LCNAF heading, and
the LCNAF link nice! Thanks Matt!
Open Refine: creating a list of potential Authority names
For the purposes of an Authority record creation project though, I was interested in the names where
the process *didn’t* match anything.
As an aside, let’s not forget that just because OR/VIAF found a match, it doesn’t mean it was the right
match. These are only machines, after all. I’ve decided to focus first on things that aren’t matching
anything. After that project is complete, we can go back and check on names that matched to see if they
were matched correctly.
To find names in my list that didn’t match in VIAF/LCNAF, I used the column “Facet by blank” option,
faceting either on the LCNAF Heading column, or the LC Record link Column.
This time, I selected true” from the facet box
October 23, 2015
These remaining 1222 headings are where we will invest our initial work, first by verifying that no
authority record actually exists for the heading, and then, if there is no authority record, by creating the
new authority record.
Sources consulted
Open Refine (formerly Google Refine):
Software :
Free Your Metadata video tutorial (if you’re new to Open Refine, this is a good place to start): also at
Google Refine video tutorials :
Google group:!forum/openrefine
GitHub wiki:
Stephens, O. on behalf of the British Library. (2014, July 1). Introduction to OpenRefine.
Retrieved October 7, 2015, from
VIAF/LCNAF reconciliation: