Beverage Density Lab
Density Lab Activities
Nutritionists have recently raised concerns about the increasing popularity of sodas, fruit drinks, and other beverages due
to their high sugar content. Do you know how much sugar is in your favorite beverage?
• Density • Solution
• Concentration • Calibration curve
The density of a solution depends on its concentration, that is, how much solute (solid) is
dissolved in the solvent (liquid). If the density of a solution is plotted on a graph against
the concentration of solute, a regular pattern is evident—density is proportional to
concentration. The resulting graph, called a calibration curve, shows a straight-line
relationship between the density of a solution and the concentration of solute. A calibration curve can be used to determine
the concentration of solute in an unknown solution whose density has been measured.
The purpose of this cooperative class activity is to measure the densities of popular beverages and determine their sugar
contents using a calibration curve obtained by plotting the densities for a series of reference solutions versus percent sugar.
The experimentally determined percent sugar for the beverages will be compared against the information provided on their
nutritional labels to evaluate the accuracy of this method.
How well does the sweet taste of a beverage correlate with the amount of sugar it contains? Based on your memory of their
taste, predict the relative sugar content in the following beverages: cola, grape juice, and sports drink. (Rank the beverages
from 1, highest sugar content, to 3, lowest sugar content.)
Beverages (at room temperature)* Cups, clear plastic, 8, labeled 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%,
Balance, centigram (0.01-g precision)
20%, Cola, Grape Juice, Sport Drink
Beaker, 100-mL
Paper towels
Volumetric pipet with bulb
* Any carbonated beverages must be “flattened” to remove dissolved carbon dioxide before testing. This can
be accomplished by pouring the beverage back and forth from one container into another several times until it stops fizzing.
Safety Precautions
Although the materials in this activity are considered nonhazardous, follow all normal laboratory safety guidelines. Any food-grade
items that have been brought into the lab are considered laboratory chemicals and are for lab use only. Do not taste or ingest any
materials in the laboratory, and do not remove any food items from the lab after use. Wear safety glasses or chemical splash goggles
whenever working with chemicals, heat or glassware in the lab. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before leaving the lab.
1. Place a small (100-mL) beaker on the balance and hit the “tare” or “rezero” button. The scale should read 0.00 g.
2. Draw up a precisely measured 10.00 mL of 0% sugar solution into a pipet. Then empty it into the beaker, toughing
the tip of the pipet to the inside wall of the beaker to help get out most of the liquid in the tip. Do not try to shake out
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Publication No. 91607
Beverage Density Lab continued
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any liquid that remains there. The pipets are designed TD (“to deliver”) 10.00 mL and that remaining drop should not be
squeezed out. Since the beaker has already been zeroed out, the mass is that of the liquid alone.
3. Record this mass in the data table below.
4. Push the “tare” button to rezero the scale for the next reading.
5. Touch the pipet to a paper towel to clean out any residual solution.
6. Repeat steps 2–5 with each of the remaining sugar solutions, and then with each of the three beverages. Do not put any
of the solutions back into the cups from which they came, just leave then in the beaker. When the beaker get full, simple
empty it into the sink, set it back on the scale, and push the “tare” button.
7. Calculate and record the density of each beverage sample. Hint: Since the sample volume is always 10.0 mL, the calculation
should be easy—you don’t even need a calculator!
Data Table
Percent Sugar/
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Cola
Mass (g)
Density (g/mL)
Data Analysis
1. Plot the known density on the y-axis versus percent sugar on the x-axis for the following sugar reference solutions. Use a
ruler to draw a “best fit” straight line through the data points.
2. Use the graph to estimate the sugar concentration in the beverage: Locate the point on the y-axis that corresponds to the
beverage density. Follow that point on the y-axis across horizontally to where it meets the best-fit straight line through
the data points for the reference solutions. Draw a vertical line from this point on the best-fit line down to the x-axis. The
point where this vertical “line” meets the x-axis corresponds to the percent sugar in the beverage. Estimate and record the
percent sugar for the beverage.
3. Consult the nutritional label for the beverage—it should list the sugar content in grams of sugar per serving size. This value
can be converted to percent sugar in the beverage by dividing the grams of sugar per serving size by the volume of the
serving size (in mL), dividing this result by the measured density of the beverage, and multiplying by 100. Record the
nutrition label information and the calculated percent sugar for the beverage.
Sample calculation: Measured density = 1.038 g/mL
Nutritional label = 42 g of sugar per 355 mL
(42 g/355 mL) × (1 mL/1.038 g) = 0.114 g sugar per g of beverage
Percent sugar = 0.114 g sugar per g of beverage × 100% = 11.4%
4. Calculate the percent error in the experimental determination of the sugar content using the following equation.
| Calculated value − Experimental value |
Percent error = ————————————————–— × 100%
Calculated value
5. This lab examines the relationship between the density of a beverage and its sugar content. What assumption is made
concerning the other ingredients in the beverage and their effect on its density? Is this a valid assumption? Why or why
Beverage Density Lab continued
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In empty 1-L or 2-L soda bottles, place the following:
* 0% = 1000 g of water
* 5% = 950 g of water, 50 g of sugar, two drops yellow food coloring
* 10% = 900 g of water, 100 g of sugar, one drop blue, one drop yellow
* 15% = 850 g of water, 150 g of sugar, two blue drops
* 20% = 800 g of water, 200 g of sugar, one drop blue, one drop red
*The sugar concentrations are mass percent.
Then cap and shake well until sugar is all dissolved and solutions are homogeneous.
This makes up close to 1000 mL of each solution, more than enough for 5 sections of 24 students each, working in pairs.
The grape juice and powerade can be used as is from the bottles. The carbonated beverages should be “flattened” first. This
should be done by pouring them back and forth several times between two large beakers. If this is not done, the carbonation can
produce bubbles during pipetting and throw off the results. Certainly, any four (or more) beverages can be substituted in. It is
wise to pick ones with somewhat different sugar contents (see labels), and with somewhat different colors.
Please consult your current Flinn Scientific Catalog/Reference Manual for general guidelines and specific procedures governing
the disposal of laboratory waste. The beverage solutions may be rinsed down the drain with excess water according to Flinn
Suggested Disposal Method #26b.
• This experiment makes a great collaborative class activity. Make copies of pages 1 and 2 only for student use. Encourage
students to bring in their favorite beverages for testing—this gives them “ownership” of their experiment and promotes
friendly competition to determine the results of the testing. Try to obtain a variety of non-diet beverages.
• Fructose (“fruit sugar”) is the main sugar present in fruit juices, fruit drinks such as Snapple,
and most carbonated sodas.
For best results, the beverage samples should be at room temperature, as close to 20 °C as possible.
• Table sugar is sucrose, a disaccharide composed of one molecule of fructose joined with one molecule of glucose after
loss of water. Both fructose and sucrose reference solutions were tested in this activity and both gave similar results and
• Sports drinks such as Gatorade
are the “exception that proves the rule” in this study. The working assumption in this
experiment is that sugar is the main ingredient whose concentration determines the beverage density. This assumption
may be true for sodas and juices, but not for sports drinks, which contain large amounts of salts such as sodium and
potassium chloride to maintain electrolyte balance.
• Help students see (literally!) the amount of sugar in the beverage by weighing out the amount of sugar shown on the
nutritional label.
Beverage Density Lab continued
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Sample Calibration Curve
0 5 10 15 20 25
Percent Sugar, %
Density at 20
C, g/mL
Sample Results
Percent Sugar/
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% Cola
Mass (g)
9.98 10.18 10.38 10.59 10.81 10.4 10.6 10.3
Density (g/mL)
0.998 1.018 1.038 1.059 1.081 1.04 1.06 1.03
Percent Sugar
10.2 15.0 7.8
Nutrition Label
42 g/355
40 g/240
15 g/240
Percent Sugar
11.4 15.7 6.1
Percent Error
10.7% 4.5% 28%
Connecting to the National Standards
This laboratory activity relates to the following National Science Education Standards (1996):
Unifying Concepts and Processes: Grades K–12
Evidence, models, and explanation
Constancy, change, and measurement
Content Standards: Grades 9–12
Content Standard A: Science as Inquiry
Content Standard B: Physical Science, structure and properties of matter
Content Standard F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives; personal and community health
Beverage Density Lab continued
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Flinn Scientific—Teaching Chemistry
eLearning Video Series
A video of the Beverage Density Lab activity, presented by Bob Becker, is available in Density Lab Activities and in Chemistry of
Food, part of the Flinn Scientific—Teaching Chemistry eLearning Video Series.
Materials for Beverage Density Lab are available from Flinn Scientific, Inc.
Catalog No. Description
OB2141 Flinn Scientific Electronic Balance, 210 g × 0.01-g
GP1010 Beaker, Borosilicate Glass, 100-mL
AP7294 Cups, Clear Plastic, 10 oz., Pkg/50
GP7030 Volumetric Pipet, 10-mL
AP7082 Pipet Filler, Graduated, Pkg of 3
AP1887 Pipet Filler
Consult your Flinn Scientific Catalog/Reference Manual for current prices.