Axis Bank - Debit Card Airport Lounge Program
S. No.
Store Name
Terminal Type
080 Domestic Lounge
Primus Lounge
Travel Club Lounge A
Encalm Lounge
Paahun The Executive Lounge
Earth Lounge
Travel Club Lounge
The Lounge
Oasis Lounge
Travel Club Lounge
New Delhi
Encalm Lounge
Earth Lounge
List applicable for Liberty, Rewards Plus, Titanium, Wealth & Display Debit card variants
*List of parcipang lounges and its availability is subject to changes as per the Bank’s policy without
prior noce and / or basis the operaonal status of the lounge
Terms & Condions:
“Eligible Card” under the Program means debit card types issued by Axis Bank on Visa or Mastercard
Network Plaorms
“Eligible Cardholder” means a holder of an Eligible Debit Card
“Parcipang Airport Lounges” means the list of airport lounges that parcipate in the Program as
shown in above.
Rules of access under the program
1. The Program is available ll July 30, 2025
2. Eligible Cardholders will be allowed access to all Parcipang Airport Lounges under the Program,
based on one of the following entry types:
Entry Type 1: Free entry for eligible cardholder only, all eligible cards will be validated at point of
entry by swiping a transacon of a nominal fee (subject to authencaon of Rs. 2 for Visa and Rs.
25 for MasterCard (auto void)). The customer will be denied the free entry if the Card
authencaon fails upon this swipe.
Entry Type 2: Paid entry for the Eligible Cardholder according to the respecve prices of usage
displayed at the Parcipang Airport Lounges, for himself/herself only or for his/her
accompanying guests (payment will be made directly at the Parcipang Airport Lounge by the
Eligible Cardholder).
3. The oer is not transferable, non-negoable and cannot be encashed.
4. Without prejudice to the foregoing paragraphs, Entry Type 1 may be restricted or unavailable:
If Axis Bank withdraws the Entry Type 1 (either as a program or in relaon to any Eligible
Cardholder or at any Parcipang Airport Lounge) for any reason at its sole and absolute
discreon; or
If the maximum capacity for Axis Bank cardholders or an Eligible Card type or an Eligible Card type
issued by Axis Bank has been reached at the relevant Parcipang Airport
Lounge. In this regard it is to be noted that capacity limits at a Parcipang Airport Lounge may be
dierent for dierent Eligible Card types issued by Axis Bank. Axis Bank shall not be held
responsible under any circumstances for any such unavailability.
Axis Bank makes no guarantee that any privileges, benets, or facilies under the Program or
otherwise will be made available by the Parcipang Airport Lounge to an Eligible Cardholder and
Axis Bank cannot be held liable for the same. Specically, the free lounge access to customer(s)
may be suspended if the validaon system at the Parcipang Airport Lounge is unable to validate
and authorize the customers’ Card due to any system malfuncon or connecvity issues.
5. Usage of the Parcipang Airport Lounges under the Program (under entry Type 1) is subject to access
limits/quota every quarter that will be determined by Axis Bank in its absolute discreon and any
aempted usage beyond such access limits/quota will be rejected by the Parcipang Airport Lounge.
6. All accompanying children (where permied) will be subject to the full guest fee unless otherwise
7. Please note that addional charge may occur for meal/food/drink items (especially, Alcoholic Drinks)
as well as for services like Nap, Massage Service and Spa as per the discreon of the Parcipang
Airport Lounge.
8. Parcipang Airport Lounge sta are responsible for ensuring that all Eligible Cardholders who are
using the lounge under the Program swipe their Eligible Card (with a nominal authorizaon of Rs 2 for
Visa and Rs. 25 for Mastercard (auto void)) and will record the usage by swiping their Card and issuing
a charge-slip to the Eligible Cardholder.
9. Eligible Cardholders will be charged on their Eligible Card based on the amount stated on the charge-
slip presented by the Parcipang Airport Lounge operator. Whilst it is the responsibility of the
Parcipang Airport Lounge sta to ensure a valid charge-slip is processed and printed by swiping the
Eligible card, the Eligible Cardholder is responsible for ensuring, before using the lounge facilies, that
the charge-slip correctly reects the applicable usage charges for his/her entry. The Eligible Cardholder
must retain the 'Cardholder's' copy of the charge-slip for vericaon purposes, and no allegaons of
error in charges will be entertained without the charge-slip vericaon.
10. All usage of the Parcipang Airport Lounges under the Program is condional upon presentaon of
a valid Eligible Card, and Axis Bank, in its sole and absolute discreon, may alter, cancel, or amend
eligibility of any debit card, or Program benets, at any me without prior noce.
11. The privileges under this Program are to be construed as a standalone oer and cannot be clubbed
together and/or in any way be combined with any other oer of the Parcipang Airport Lounge in
any manner, or form. For the avoidance of doubt, privileges under the Program cannot be exchanged
or redeemed for cash.
12. All Parcipang Airport Lounges are not owned or operated by Axis Bank, but by third party
organizaons. Eligible Cardholders and relevant accompanying guests must abide by the rules and
policies of each respecve Parcipang Airport Lounge, which include, without limitaon:
Access being denied to the lounge where there are space constraints or if the maximum capacity
for cardholders or an Eligible Card type or an Eligible Card type issued by Axis Bank has been
reached at the relevant Parcipang Airport Lounge.
Admiance subject to users and their guests (including children) behaving and dressing in an
orderly and correct manner.
Any infants or children causing upset to other users' comfort may be asked to vacate the lounge
facilies. Eligible Cardholders agree and acknowledge that they may be refused entry and/or
asked to vacate for non-compliance with the rules and policies and, for the avoidance of doubt,
will not make any complaints against, or hold Axis Bank responsible.
13. For the avoidance of doubt, Axis Bank makes no guarantee that any privileges, benets or facilies
under the Program or otherwise will be made available by the Parcipang Airport Lounge to an
Eligible Cardholder and Axis Bank will not be liable in any circumstances whatsoever in relaon to the
provision or non-provision (whether in whole or in part) of any of the adversed benets and facilies
under the Program.
14. Parcipang Airport Lounges may reserve the right to enforce a maximum stay policy (usually 2 or 3
hours) to prevent overcrowding. This is at the discreon of the individual lounge operator who may
impose a charge for extended stays.
15. Parcipang Airport Lounges have no contractual obligaon to announce ights, nor to remind guests
of their ight boarding mes, and Eligible Cardholders are solely responsible for abiding by boarding
mes stated on their ight ckets. Accordingly, for the avoidance of doubt Axis Bank shall not be liable
under any circumstances in relaon to any failure to board ights (for any reason) by an Eligible
16. Axis Bank shall not be held responsible under any circumstances for any disputes that may occur in, or
in relaon to the usage of, a Parcipang Airport Lounge, including without limitaon, between the
Eligible Cardholder and another guest, airport user, or Parcipang Airport Lounge operator
17. By parcipang in or using, or aempng to use, the Parcipang Airport Lounge under the Program,
the Eligible Cardholder agrees to:
abide by the terms and condions set out herein and
to defend and indemnify Axis Bank for any loss or damage caused to, or injury to or death of any
person or damage to or destrucon of any property arising out of the use of any Parcipang
Airport Lounge by the Eligible Cardholder and/or his/her accompanying guests.
All disputes, if any, arising out of or in connecon with or as a result of above oers or otherwise
relang hereto shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdicon of the competent courts/tribunals in
Mumbai only, irrespecve of whether courts/tribunals in other areas have concurrent or similar